2022-10-31 Selling my art work
Cash App $dustsmokinghippies
[0:00 - 0:20] This is - Okay, what is up? What is up? What is up? What is up YouTube? So, I know it's like 3 a.m. going on 4 in the morning.
[0:20 - 0:35] But I do have a serious question for everybody here. And this is something that was brought up yesterday that I really kind of like the idea of and I wanted to know about.
[0:35 - 0:54] And this is something that I am taking seriously. I am not, you know, fucking around about this. I'm not, you know, trying to scam anybody or anything. Like, I am being dead, honest, serious.
[0:54 - 1:14] If I were to put up my original artwork for sale, both original paintings and drawings,
[1:14 - 1:37] like straight up, honestly, like straight up, you know, no gimmicky bullshit straight up. So, my original hand-done pieces, how many of you guys would honestly like and I want you guys to be honest with me here.
[1:37 - 1:50] I don't want no fucking bullshit of "Oh, I do it" and then not follow through, no. Like, how many of you guys would actually buy the artwork that I create?
[1:50 - 2:10] Like, legitimately, you know, you send them away to my cash out or my PayPal and I send you guys the art pieces once you guys send me your address, because here's how it's going to work.
[2:10 - 2:30] If you guys are genuinely willing to do this, I'm willing to go through with it. All you guys have to do is DM me on Discord, which I will post my Discord whenever it goes down.
[2:30 - 2:47] Like, and I'm not joking around about this. Like, you guys can buy them for, it's literally going to be an option. So, whoever bids the highest on each art piece is going to get that piece.
[2:47 - 3:02] And all you have to do is, once I say, like, hey, you know, like, for a prime example, let's just put out a pure example here. Like, this is not legit, this is, you know, a pure example here for this.
[3:02 - 3:18] Like, let's say that there was a bid going on between Rochelle 143 and Game Over. Let's say that Rochelle bid 50, but Game Over bid 100.
[3:18 - 3:29] And, you know, Game Over would, you know, obviously be the one to get the painting.
[3:29 - 3:40] And honestly, John, that's another thing I was planning on doing, too. But right now, dude, I have so many drawings and stuff that I'm literally, I'm running out of room.
[3:40 - 3:53] I'm literally running out of room in places to stick my artwork. Like, my show is very freaking filled of artwork.
[3:53 - 4:07] The other side of my bed is, like, completely full. So, like, I need to make room and get rid of the old stuff so I can make room for the new stuff.
[4:07 - 4:21] On the other side of my bed, dude, I literally have a box that's, like, that, about that deep and about that wide, filled of just artwork.
[4:21 - 4:33] And, like, I really need to, you know, I'm willing to sell it if you guys are actually willing to purchase it.
[4:33 - 4:39] Now, I wouldn't necessarily say million's worth, but there's a lot of artwork there.
[4:39 - 4:51] Now, there are a couple pieces that I'm not going to be selling that are, you know, personal.
[4:51 - 4:59] Hey, I'm thinking about them. What up, dude? Hey, welcome to the stream, dude. Interesting name, by the way. Very interesting name.
[4:59 - 5:13] But, you know, like I said, I'm honestly willing to do this if you guys are honestly willing to follow through with it.
[5:13 - 5:23] Would you tattoo me for money? I don't have my tattooing license, and I don't know how to tattoo, so sorry about your, like, 36 years.
[5:23 - 5:35] No offense, dude, but I'm the wrong guy to ask for tattooing. Now, I have friends that do it that I can ask for you and shit, but me, personally, I don't tattoo.
[5:35 - 5:45] I've been told that I need to get into that, but around here, it's kind of hard to get into tattooing because every tattoo shop is family owned.
[5:45 - 6:04] And if any of you guys that do tattooing or have tattoos, you guys know firsthand that, you know, if a tattoo shop is family owned, it's very hard to get in with them because they want people that are blood and are family, basically born into it.
[6:04 - 6:24] So yeah, sorry about your luck there, dude. I don't know, dude, believe it or not, dude, from my understanding, Chilly Dicastro is going after him, so I'm good.
[6:24 - 6:42] Okay, I've never heard of the E-tattooing, so I'll have to check it out.
[6:42 - 6:52] I did, but like I said, unfortunately, I wasn't able to do it due to them being so backed up with work after COVID ended.
[6:52 - 7:17] So unfortunately, that was kind of a no-go for me, unfortunately. But I did try, though, I did try to get in, but like I said, unfortunately, due to one of the shops that was willing to bring me on, they were so backed up with clientele and show it that they literally had no time to take on apprentices and shit.
[7:17 - 7:23] So yeah.
[7:23 - 7:32] Which sucks because, you know, I really do love, you know, tattoo work. My cousin, Jason, he owns his own tattoo shop up in Alaska.
[7:32 - 7:38] Shout out to my cousin, Jason. What's up, guys? It's okay. Love you, man.
[7:38 - 7:43] So yeah.
[7:43 - 7:52] So unfortunately, we kind of got slapped in the face when it comes to tattoo shit.
[7:52 - 8:09] Now, like I was saying, though, do I ever go on vacation, man? I would have loved to go on vacations. You have no idea, man. There are so many friends that live in other countries that I would have loved to fucking go visit.
[8:09 - 8:23] Like, y'all have no idea. There are tons of friends that I have in other countries that I would have loved to go fucking visit, like for real.
[8:23 - 8:43] And those are my works, bro. One sec. Let me grab a couple pieces of watch or let me grab a piece of one of my paintings and then I'll grab all my artwork from over on the other side of the bed.
[8:43 - 8:47] So one second.
[8:47 - 8:53] Can you DM me an art quest? Yeah, sure.
[8:53 - 9:04] Matter of fact, I will actually post my Discord so you can get it up.
[9:04 - 9:22] Let me just suck here. Let me post my Discord so you guys can hit me up. And then what I'll do is I'll post my Discord and then I will pin it that way if you guys would like to DM me on Discord.
[9:22 - 9:29] Boom. There you go. You guys get my Discord. So one sec. I'll be right back when we gather up my artwork.
[9:29 - 9:41] But first, let me tear down my eraser because I was doing a little bit of practicing earlier. So, oh yeah, that thing needs to cool down anyway.
[9:41 - 9:50] So it's four in the morning. Go and say, yeah, whatever, dude.
[9:50 - 10:07] Everybody here knows that I don't steal my artwork, bro. Hell, these guys saw me do a piece earlier alive, bro.
[10:07 - 10:18] Like these guys actually watch me do some of my artwork live on screen. So can't always say my shit stolen.
[10:18 - 10:26] I literally sat down and did a piece on livestream. Did I not, everyone? Hang on, guys.
[10:26 - 10:44] Yo. Yo, who is this? This is Chance. Who's this?
[10:44 - 10:54] Oh, yeah. There are some people there and I can already say what's going on. There are some people that are probably smoking your number and shit and whatnot.
[10:54 - 11:02] There are a bunch of trolls on the Internet. So I do apologize if you got caught up in that stuff.
[11:02 - 11:10] No, no, no, no, no, no. These guys love to mess with me and stuff. They love to spook numbers and start shit.
[11:10 - 11:20] So I do apologize that you got mixed up in this, sir.
[11:20 - 11:32] Because they spooked your number to make it look like you were somebody else and shit.
[11:32 - 11:37] Oh, I got to say, dude, you're talking to the wrong guy on that one, dude. You don't have to go to the trolls for that one, dude.
[11:37 - 11:53] I can't help you. So that was weird. Oh, well, cow, Pito. Bye, bitch. Adios, motherfucker.
[11:53 - 12:00] Sorry. Just see you more or less. Dude, I already done proved that you don't fuck.
[12:00 - 12:10] Guys, for all y'all here, how many of you guys sat here earlier during my last livestream?
[12:10 - 12:16] Like, how many of you guys here during my last livestream watched me do an art piece?
[12:16 - 12:24] How many of you guys were here when I did that art piece live? Which I still have in the book that I did it in.
[12:24 - 12:31] Like, how many of you guys were actually here watching me during that? Both in the comments. How many of you guys were here?
[12:31 - 12:34] Because if...
[12:34 - 12:42] Can we see the end? Yeah, absolutely. Just give me a second to grab one of my paintings. If I can find it.
[12:42 - 12:55] I'm going to tell you guys from the man dealing with ancient motherfucking socks. Oh, and apparently it's fucking berry.
[12:55 - 13:10] Don't panic. Oh, it's fucking berry, dar. What is it? Oh, no, it's right here. Ow. That was my foot.
[13:10 - 13:26] I'm good, though. Oh, that fucking hurt like a bitch, bro.
[13:26 - 13:39] No, no, no, no. There. You can just sit down there.
[13:39 - 13:55] Now, this is where I'm going to show you guys this right now before I grab my other shit, but this right here is actually a stained glass.
[13:55 - 14:05] But this piece right here is actually a stained glass style painting that I did about three, four months ago.
[14:05 - 14:15] A little circular stained glass style piece, though. Yeah, bro, my floor is clean, dude.
[14:15 - 14:28] Man, you got that piece that I did. Which this was fun to do. I actually had a lot of fun doing this. Hold on, what's that, guys?
[14:28 - 14:47] Hello? Fuck you, Johnny.
[14:47 - 14:57] I'm just going to grab out the artwork that is finished.
[14:57 - 15:03] Not on that one, not on that one.
[15:03 - 15:15] Those are my, this one I'm starving in.
[15:15 - 15:29] Okay, so I drug out all of this shit that I have here. This isn't all of it, but this is a pretty good majority of it right here.
[15:29 - 15:33] Hold that right there.
[15:33 - 15:36] What is that? What's that?
[15:36 - 15:43] Oh, right here. Here we go. Right here is the piece that I did this morning.
[15:43 - 15:46] This is the piece that I've already watched me do, man.
[15:46 - 15:56] Oh, fucking Frankenstein graffiti spray can.
[15:56 - 16:03] Dude, e-tattooing isn't even real, Lewis.
[16:03 - 16:17] Hey, dude, come on, man. e-tattooing isn't a thing, bro.
[16:17 - 16:26] But here's a few of the pieces that I've done over the years, starting off with
[16:26 - 16:36] that.
[16:36 - 16:43] Dude, do you know what painful that would be as a tattoo, though?
[16:43 - 16:52] You have this right here.
[16:52 - 17:01] You have this piece right here.
[17:01 - 17:12] And bear in mind, these are all the ones that I did fucking years and years ago.
[17:12 - 17:21] This is a cartoon sound. That's what I wanted. What is e-tattooing?
[17:21 - 17:35] So you got a something cartoon character.
[17:35 - 17:40] And this one I did showcase before.
[17:40 - 17:43] I did showcase this one a while back.
[17:43 - 17:49] Some of you guys might remember this one.
[17:49 - 17:54] Some of you all might remember this from like a while ago, bro.
[17:54 - 18:15] So you got that.
[18:15 - 18:31] All right, then you got this.
[18:31 - 18:37] The Power Rangers fan art piece.
[18:37 - 18:44] Kind of fucked up on the one arm, but hey, it looks good, though.
[18:44 - 19:01] For the most part.
[19:01 - 19:18] Yeah, this mushroom wizard person thingy.
[19:18 - 19:37] From I feel that, you know, do acid and dishrooms and shit. Got this one.
[19:37 - 19:41] I don't do it myself personally, but I do know a lot of people that do.
[19:41 - 19:44] And I'm totally cool with it.
[19:44 - 19:49] Now, I do have two variations of this.
[19:49 - 19:53] Here is the.
[19:53 - 19:56] No, it wasn't actually. That was actually a mushroom.
[19:56 - 20:01] You don't have the one for the mushroom. No, that was actually a Power Rangers.
[20:01 - 20:04] Now, I do have two variations of this one.
[20:04 - 20:09] You got this spray can right here.
[20:09 - 20:24] I have skeleton house break in dude.
[20:24 - 20:29] Now, here is the variant of that.
[20:29 - 20:55] Which is a Five Nights at Freddy's style.
[20:55 - 21:02] And yes, I have played Five Nights at Freddy's. Well, that series fucking awesome shit.
[21:02 - 21:08] And then you have this one that is up for grabs.
[21:08 - 21:14] A Gothic version of Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
[21:14 - 21:24] You know, I can say doing a Gothic version of Alice, bro.
[21:24 - 21:27] And then you have this one, which I did actually very recently.
[21:27 - 21:35] I did this one about three weeks ago.
[21:35 - 21:49] I did this one about two, three weeks ago, maybe a little more.
[21:49 - 21:56] I don't know.
[21:56 - 22:03] It's called I got time on my hands, dude. But yeah, you got that one.
[22:03 - 22:17] It's called I know how to make shit work.
[22:17 - 22:23] Now this one, I know a lot of y'all remember. This is the one that everybody.
[22:23 - 22:27] This is the one that everybody fucking says is the guy from the Gorillaz.
[22:27 - 22:33] And I am telling you right now, this is not the dude from the Gorillaz.
[22:33 - 22:38] This is my own design, my own creation. I know it looks like him.
[22:38 - 22:42] I know people say that it doesn't and I get it. I see it.
[22:42 - 22:57] I'm telling you, this is not him. It's my own design, but.
[22:57 - 23:01] Yeah, that one.
[23:01 - 23:20] No, it's not. It's one of my own designs and I just kind of based it off of that if that makes any sense.
[23:20 - 23:26] And then you have this one that took me literally two and a half weeks to do the whole thing.
[23:26 - 23:36] I got this one right there.
[23:36 - 23:40] And like I said, this one I hate to me like fucking two and a half weeks to do.
[23:40 - 23:45] I'm not even joking like this shit took for fucking ever.
[23:45 - 23:48] This shit literally took for fucking ever, dude.
[23:48 - 23:52] And I hope and pray to God, I don't ever have to do a piece like this again.
[23:52 - 24:03] Because this shit took forever to do.
[24:03 - 24:08] And then on the back you have a.
[24:08 - 24:14] There's nothing that I do that.
[24:14 - 24:21] And then you have this one, which this one I like a lot because this is like for me, this is like Mickey kind of living in the shadow of himself.
[24:21 - 24:49] So.
[24:49 - 24:54] And, you know, definitely give me a second here to move these.
[24:54 - 25:01] Let me show you this last one right quick and then I will start getting everything set up.
[25:01 - 25:09] So give me just one moment. Here is the last one right here, which is honestly one of my personal favorite pieces.
[25:09 - 25:38] So this is literally the final one. So yeah.
[25:38 - 25:44] Dude, I already did a lot of drawing last year, dude.
[25:44 - 25:51] It actually is. It was actually very much loosely based off of cybercon.
[25:51 - 26:07] So yeah, let me post my cash out for you guys.
[26:07 - 26:21] And I'm done in here.
[26:21 - 26:34] All right, so there's my cash out.
[26:34 - 26:49] And then my paypal is.
[26:49 - 27:03] And there you guys go. There is my cash out and my paypal for you guys.
[27:03 - 27:10] Yes, I am, dude. And that's why I just posted up my cash out.
[27:10 - 27:17] Matter of fact, what I will do is I will.
[27:17 - 27:26] Let me do something here. I'm going to copy all these.
[27:26 - 27:31] I'm going to copy all three of these.
[27:31 - 27:39] Or not. All right, so I just pin it up here with my pin message.
[27:39 - 27:52] And there you guys go.
[27:52 - 28:00] Okay, so all right, so here's how it's going to go down, guys.
[28:00 - 28:03] It's actually going to work.
[28:03 - 28:05] So what's going to happen is this.
[28:05 - 28:14] And if you guys don't know, I will re-explain it.
[28:14 - 28:23] Basically what's going to happen is you guys are going to bid on each of these one at a time.
[28:23 - 28:26] It's going to be a one at a time thing.
[28:26 - 28:31] And I am going to be paying attention, so let's say somebody wants to buy this one.
[28:31 - 28:38] I'll have this one up.
[28:38 - 28:42] How am I going to do that?
[28:42 - 28:45] All right, so basically what's going to happen is this, okay?
[28:45 - 28:47] I had to think about it for a second.
[28:47 - 28:51] But basically what's going to happen is you guys are going to.
[28:51 - 28:54] It's going to be like a regular auction.
[28:54 - 29:03] And whoever bids the highest on each piece, DM me on Discord.
[29:03 - 29:07] Send me your address.
[29:07 - 29:17] And then once you send me your address, I will ship out the artwork to you guys as soon as possible.
[29:17 - 29:19] It's going to be nice and neat.
[29:19 - 29:22] It's not going to be all crinkled up or anything.
[29:22 - 29:27] It's going to be nice, neat, ready to go.
[29:27 - 29:35] So what's going to happen is basically you guys are going to send the money to my cash app.
[29:35 - 29:40] And then once you guys.
[29:40 - 29:44] Yeah, I will send you my Discord right now, brother.
[29:44 - 29:56] I got you, broski.
[29:56 - 29:57] Thank you, dude.
[29:57 - 30:01] Appreciate that, man.
[30:01 - 30:26] I appreciate that, brother.
[30:26 - 30:33] And I already finished accepting all of these.
[30:33 - 30:37] I like the Pepsi pimple and that's really cool.
[30:37 - 30:41] All right, so you guys are now added.
[30:41 - 30:55] So you guys are good to go.
[30:55 - 31:06] That's for the journey project.
[31:06 - 31:09] All right, so everybody wanted me on this.
[31:09 - 31:12] Holy fucking shit.
[31:12 - 31:13] I'll come back on the chat.
[31:13 - 31:14] You're starting to get what?
[31:14 - 31:16] What the fuck?
[31:16 - 31:17] Yo, lazy.
[31:17 - 31:24] What up, man?
[31:24 - 31:25] Hang on, guys.
[31:25 - 31:29] Pause the chat for a second.
[31:29 - 31:32] I'll answer this question here.
[31:32 - 31:53] Do I take any questions?
[31:53 - 32:22] Okay.
[32:22 - 32:28] All right.
[32:28 - 32:30] All right, back to the stream.
[32:30 - 32:31] Here we go.
[32:31 - 32:33] Yo, Lou, what up, man?
[32:33 - 32:35] Yo, Lou, did you get my thing on?
[32:35 - 32:47] Did you get my Discord, bro?
[32:47 - 32:48] That's easy, man.
[32:48 - 32:49] Drift king, bro.
[32:49 - 32:51] What else does DK stand for?
[32:51 - 32:52] Besides Donkey Kong.
[32:52 - 32:55] Donkey Kong don't count because that's the oldest fuck.
[32:55 - 32:59] All right, hey, I'll let everybody send you my Discord, Lou.
[32:59 - 33:01] Hold on one second, man.
[33:01 - 33:08] I got you, dude.
[33:08 - 33:10] And there you go, bro.
[33:10 - 33:19] There's my Discord for you, Lou.
[33:19 - 33:22] Yeah, you got me, son of a bitch.
[33:23 - 33:50] Hmm.
[33:50 - 34:15] Hey, dude, my birthday literally just passed on the 20th of last month.
[34:15 - 34:19] Yo, guys, I'm not here to talk about music on this stream.
[34:19 - 34:25] I'm not here to talk about music on this stream.
[34:25 - 38:29] I'm here to talk about music on this stream.
[38:29 - 38:54] Now y'all literally got me a thousand megabord between fucking Discord and here like crazy.
[38:54 - 39:01] Dude, I don't even play RuneScape anymore.
[39:01 - 39:09] I used to though.
[39:09 - 39:11] I don't know if it is or not.
[39:11 - 39:12] That's actually a good question.
[39:12 - 39:15] That is actually a very good question Swann.
[39:15 - 39:29] I don't know.
[39:29 - 39:30] Yo, hold on.
[39:30 - 39:31] Let me look at this e-tattoo.
[39:31 - 39:32] Since everybody is talking about this shit.
[39:32 - 39:35] Let me look at this e-tattoo shit real quick.
[39:35 - 39:53] Alright, so it's not even like really up there yet.
[39:53 - 40:22] Oh yeah, so see I'm looking right now and it's not actually a thing but there are people
[40:22 - 40:24] in South Korea that are actually working on that.
[40:24 - 40:25] So that's cool.
[40:25 - 40:30] Yeah, that means they're probably down.
[40:30 - 40:42] Yeah, dude, just for that shit yo, I'm just getting banned.
[40:42 - 40:44] One penny on every fucking piece.
[40:44 - 40:46] Are you fucking kidding me, dude?
[40:46 - 40:47] Get out of here with that crap.
[40:47 - 40:56] See, that's the kind of crap that I don't need.
[40:56 - 41:10] That right there is the kind of garbage that I don't fucking need.
[41:10 - 41:18] Yeah, basically what's going to happen guys, like I said, for those that are serious about purchasing my artwork,
[41:18 - 41:26] as I said, once whoever gets the highest bid on the art piece,
[41:26 - 41:31] all you guys got to do is send the money over to my cash app or PayPal,
[41:31 - 41:32] which is right there.
[41:32 - 41:34] It's pinned up in the comments.
[41:34 - 41:37] So if I were you guys, I would write that shit down right now.
[41:37 - 41:39] I would seriously write that down.
[41:39 - 41:42] So you guys have it on hand just in case.
[41:42 - 41:47] Or if you don't, I will pin it during the auction.
[41:47 - 41:56] But if I was you all, man, I'd write that shit down just to be on the safe side.
[41:56 - 42:06] The art auction is happening here on YouTube.
[42:06 - 42:13] But basically what's going to happen is whoever bids the highest on each piece,
[42:13 - 42:20] all you guys got to do is send the money that you are offering.
[42:20 - 42:26] And then once I see that I have the money in my cash app or my PayPal,
[42:26 - 42:31] which I will have both open, they will both be open.
[42:31 - 42:36] Once I see that I have the money in my cash app or my PayPal,
[42:36 - 42:44] I will let you know and be like, hey, DM me your address on Discord.
[42:44 - 42:53] And then from there, I will ship out the pieces as soon as and as quickly as I possibly can.
[42:53 - 43:11] Dude, honestly, I haven't been to the doctors in like a fucking minute, bro.
[43:11 - 43:15] Literally the last time I was at the doctors was like a while ago.
[43:15 - 43:19] So I don't even know how much I weigh right now.
[43:19 - 43:27] I know for a fact, though, I do know that's well under the 100%.
[43:27 - 43:30] That is actually going to be included.
[43:30 - 43:32] I'm not going to do separate shit.
[43:32 - 43:47] The shipping is going to be included with however much you bid.
[43:47 - 43:53] Do I ship to Australia that I didn't think about that shit.
[43:53 - 43:58] All right. So yeah, shipping is definitely going to be included for overseas type shit.
[43:58 - 44:06] Like I said, just send the address and it'll be shipped out as soon as possible.
[44:06 - 44:14] Yeah, I know, dude, Australia is expensive.
[44:14 - 44:17] Oh, that's right. You are. Fuck.
[44:17 - 44:22] OK, Lou, me and you will have to have a talk after the stream and set something up.
[44:22 - 44:36] Because maybe you can come up with an idea that I don't have.
[44:36 - 44:39] Yeah, this dude's seriously getting annoying.
[44:39 - 44:44] A dollar free cheese. A penny free cheese now. What the fuck?
[44:44 - 45:04] Dude, if you paid literally $1 for every piece, dude, you may as well hand me over 100 bucks right now, dude, because I got tons.
[45:04 - 45:08] Hey, I'm glad you like it, dude.
[45:08 - 45:13] By the way, Lou, proud to see you for picking up that hoodie, bro. That shit was sick.
[45:13 - 45:20] I like the color you chose for the vintage hoodie, man. For real, I actually dig that.
[45:20 - 45:27] All kinds of paper, dude. I use fucking, I'll be honest, dude, I use any kind of paper I can get my hands on.
[45:27 - 45:31] For drawing, I use any kind of paper I can get my hands on.
[45:31 - 45:53] Even if it means the back of a fucking napkin, I don't care.
[45:53 - 46:18] Hell yeah.
[46:18 - 46:25] Now, that fact about Picasso, I don't know about that. I'll have to look that up.
[46:25 - 46:36] Yes, it will be signed. Each piece is actually going to be personally signed and dated personally.
[46:36 - 46:47] Like, each piece is going to be personally signed and dated with my actual signature and date on the stuff.
[46:47 - 46:53] So you guys are going to be actually getting...
[46:53 - 46:58] Yeah.
[46:58 - 47:11] It depends on which piece, dude. I have all kinds, and I have fucking ten work, I have fucking marker work, I got paint work, dude.
[47:11 - 47:20] I got all kinds of shit, bro. And I mean all kinds of shit.
[47:20 - 47:28] I'll be honest, dude, you don't even want me to pull out my box of art supplies, dude.
[47:28 - 47:40] Because I literally have so many art supplies that...
[47:40 - 47:46] Exactly. And that's what I'm saying, dude. Exactly. And that's why after the stream, I was going to call you up.
[47:46 - 48:06] And that way, you know, we can work on some more of the details.
[48:06 - 48:16] Find the map. Be safe, dude. Don't worry too hard, man.
[48:16 - 48:29] Like I said, now you guys have the basic outline of the idea.
[48:29 - 48:36] And you know what's funny about that, Grog? You know what's actually funny about that, bro?
[48:36 - 48:40] Like, I know that I haven't named me, but I don't even feel famous at all.
[48:40 - 48:46] Like, I don't feel any different now than I did seven years ago before I blew up.
[48:46 - 48:49] Like, I don't feel any different at all whatsoever.
[48:49 - 49:17] Like I said, Andy, the fucking bidding hasn't even started yet, bro.
[49:17 - 49:21] I'm probably not going to start it for a couple days, but I did want to give you guys a heads-up
[49:21 - 49:44] and let you know that there is going to be some sort of auction or buyout of the artwork. So, yeah.
[49:44 - 49:50] Well, you know, Grog, you know, fuck shit, cause they say that same changes a person.
[49:50 - 50:01] And for a lot of people, it does. But for me, I don't feel any different now than I did fucking five, six years ago, dude.
[50:01 - 50:08] I still feel me. I still feel normal, you know? I still go to the fucking store.
[50:08 - 50:24] I still hang out with my friends and family. I still do regular ass, red shit.
[50:24 - 50:28] And if you want to see the artwork, scroll back in the stream, dude.
[50:28 - 50:38] If you do want to see the artwork, scroll back to the timestamp where I started showing the art.
[50:38 - 50:41] Well, if you scroll back to the timestamp, I'm not sure you'll find it.
[50:41 - 50:47] It was like literally a few minutes ago. If you scroll back, you'll find it.
[50:47 - 50:58] So, dude, honestly, bro, I would love to do a tour in Australia.
[50:58 - 51:07] Like music wise, I would love to do a tour over there because one of my best friends, Clint, actually lives over there.
[51:07 - 51:23] So that'd be fun as fuck, dude. I would love to do a fucking tour over in Australia one day, dude. That'd be fucking dope.
[51:23 - 51:43] Damn. That's crazy swan. Yeah, swan. Speaking of which, do you have Discord or Facebook or a way to reach out to you?
[51:43 - 51:56] Oh, yeah, you are, aren't you? I forgot about that. I actually forgot that you were in the server.
[51:56 - 52:17] Shows how much I know. Shows how much I remember shit. I can't even remember who's in my fucking server, man.
[52:17 - 52:27] That shows how much I fucking know.
[52:27 - 52:33] Ooh.
[52:33 - 52:46] But, uh, yeah, like I said, when it comes to doing tours for music, like I said, I do want to get a full album put together first before I start doing tours.
[52:46 - 52:54] 'Cause I want to at least get a full album set and release before I even think about doing shows.
[52:54 - 53:01] And even if I do think about doing shows, that probably won't be till next year due to how cold it's getting outside.
[53:01 - 53:08] Guys, me and my buddy, we don't agree with the cold weather. The cold weather fucking hates my ass.
[53:08 - 53:13] I could throw on six layers right now and that show would go through me like a fucking butter knife.
[53:13 - 53:18] So, yeah, the colds can do this and kiss my ass.
[53:18 - 53:34] Let's see what I'd play first. Probably do locally here, and then from there, I'm not sure.
[53:34 - 53:40] Oh, it's just sitting here. Is there one each?
[53:40 - 53:50] Not yet. Like I said, I will talk to you after the stream so we can kind of get something set up.
[53:50 - 53:56] 'Cause I know that you seem to have a little bit more knowledge in that.
[53:56 - 54:11] Like I said, I've tried setting things up before and it just didn't work due to certain individuals, music bismarney, getting involved and this and that and the others.
[54:11 - 54:18] So, yeah, you'd be a better hand at that shit than I would, man. You'd be a better hand at that than anybody else would, bro.
[54:18 - 54:25] 'Cause you're very knowledge in that stuff, clearly, and yeah. And I trust your work too, man.
[54:25 - 54:35] You're one of my good friends. I trust what you say, so I'm definitely trusting you above anybody else.
[54:35 - 54:44] Actually, that is not a, you know what? That's actually not a bad idea.
[54:44 - 54:55] I may end up, if I can do that, I don't know. I mean, going to eBay route may be an interesting idea.
[54:55 - 54:59] That may be an interesting idea.
[54:59 - 55:10] And Lou, we'll have to talk about that idea. So if somebody just brought up doing eBay, that actually would not be a bad idea, honestly.
[55:10 - 55:16] Like, that would actually be really, that's actually not a bad idea. I didn't even think about that.
[55:16 - 55:22] I was just going to run it right here on YouTube, but I didn't even know that eBay had shit like that.
[55:22 - 55:24] That's actually fucking cool.
[55:24 - 55:52] Here's the thing, though, dude. And I do do commissions here and there.
[55:52 - 56:03] But with me, like, what's weird is this. Like, and this is why I would never,
[56:03 - 56:08] this is why I would never make it in the tattoo industry, unfortunately.
[56:08 - 56:12] Because I would need to be drawing the same thing over and over again.
[56:12 - 56:21] And with me, I can never seem, I don't know why, I just have this weird thing where I can never draw the same thing twice.
[56:21 - 56:33] Like, literally, I can sit down right now and do two different spray can characters and both of them will come out looking completely different from the other.
[56:33 - 56:40] I don't know what it is or I can never seem to draw the same thing twice. I don't know why.
[56:40 - 56:50] I don't know if it's something in my brain or what. I don't fucking know, but I suck at duplicating shit twice.
[56:50 - 57:09] I don't know why.
[57:09 - 57:22] Yeah, that's what I'm saying, dude.
[57:22 - 57:28] Oh, that fucking hurt. I know a fucking neck.
[57:28 - 57:43] That is true. Most tattoos are done on stencil.
[57:43 - 58:02] Dude, if you have a reference image, Julius, if you have a reference image for me to go off of, you can send the reference image over to me and I can bounce ideas off of that super easily.
[58:02 - 58:20] Like, where is it at? Like, this one right here, I've based this off of a chibi anime reference that I found on Google and I just ran with it.
[58:20 - 58:35] I literally took and did a chibi anime reference and instead of doing like the little cutesy thing, I added the X's and all this other shit.
[58:35 - 58:49] So, yeah.
[58:49 - 58:53] Alright, sounds good, dude.
[58:53 - 59:00] Yo, game over. Shout out to you, man. Shout out to anybody out there that does fucking tattooing, bro. Straight up.
[59:00 - 59:15] Anybody out there that does tattooing, piercing, body modifications, man. Shout out to fucking you guys, man. You guys are the shit, bro.
[59:15 - 59:28] Actually, that wasn't traced, bro. That was hand done, you dimwits. So, see ya. No haters allowed, bitch. Peace, bitch.
[59:28 - 59:39] Do I draw a fortress? Yes, I do. Matter of fact, this is one of the ones that is not...
[59:39 - 59:58] The one I'm going to show you guys is one that is not...the keyword is not for sale, but here is a fortress that I did for the charity that I've been a volunteer with for as long as I can remember, which is Operation Smile.
[59:58 - 60:18] This one I actually did after going on a local mission around here in Akron, but I did that as a thank you to Operation Smile.
[60:18 - 60:35] There you go. That's a few better. So, yeah, I definitely do portraits.
[60:35 - 60:57] And no, this one is not for sale. I said this one is actually getting...this one, I actually need to get ahold of Operation Smile and see how I can send this stuff in because I need to actually do that.
[60:57 - 61:09] Alright, I actually forgot about that. When did I do this one anyway? Damn, bro, this is bad.
[61:09 - 61:19] Dude, June 13th of 2011, goddamn, it's been that fucking long? Holy shit, dude.
[61:19 - 61:33] That's fucking nuts that it's been that long. Holy crap. I actually forgot about that.
[61:33 - 61:51] Sorry, I was looking to see when I did that. That's crazy. That actually is an idea.
[61:51 - 62:00] That's not a question for me, dude. That would be more of a question for somebody that actually does body modifications.
[62:00 - 62:05] All right, Don, I got you, bro. Hold up.
[62:05 - 62:29] This is it to me. Get to do my face battle.
[62:29 - 62:34] Try to log in with that one time. Code.
[62:34 - 62:47] Where did I send my fucking phone? Oh, yeah, I don't know where it's at. Very underneath all my fucking artwork. That's where.
[62:47 - 63:01] I'm going to keep it.
[63:01 - 63:30] It's a bit bad.
[63:30 - 63:55] Wow, one second.
[63:55 - 64:06] They say what it's for.
[64:06 - 64:14] Really, one cent. Really, Riley. One fucking cent, bro.
[64:14 - 64:19] Oh, well.
[64:19 - 64:25] It's money, I guess.
[64:25 - 64:40] Let me scroll back up here in the chat and see how that. Yeah, that actually is a good idea.
[64:40 - 64:44] Yes, I have, dude. He's actually got a YouTube channel as far as I know.
[64:44 - 64:52] I don't know if he actually has like a YouTube channel, YouTube channel, but I have seen some of his work around YouTube and he's actually got some really good stuff.
[64:52 - 65:02] I actually dig his shit. I love what he does. He's got some cool shit.
[65:02 - 65:17] I mean, really cool shit. And for anybody that's wondering, and I know I forget who asked this a while ago, but so many like a while ago asked in my chat.
[65:17 - 65:28] I can't remember. It was on here on Facebook. I think it was on here, though, but somebody asked what my wallpaper from my phone is.
[65:28 - 65:32] And there you go.
[65:32 - 65:42] Fucking cyberpunk edge runners, baby.
[65:42 - 65:52] Get the whole crew of cyberpunk edge runners open that book. So yeah, so the first thing that asked about my phone's background. There you go. That's what I have as my background.
[65:52 - 66:01] Fucking cyberpunk edge runners.
[66:01 - 66:03] So there you go.
[66:03 - 66:13] I don't know why they asked that page. Now you know what I got.
[66:13 - 66:34] The doggy if you go back just a couple minutes, you'll see where I showed the picture, just scroll back in the live stream, like one or two minutes, and you should be good.
[66:34 - 66:52] Well, I'm the only really getting blown the fuck up here. Oh shit.
[66:52 - 66:58] Yeah, I feel dumb as fuck now.
[66:58 - 67:04] Okay, yeah, I definitely feel stupid now. I know who's one song is. I got you.
[67:04 - 67:06] I got you, homie.
[67:06 - 67:08] My bad dude.
[67:08 - 67:12] I didn't realize it was you, man. My bad.
[67:12 - 67:14] Sorry, bro.
[67:14 - 67:16] Didn't realize it was you, man.
[67:16 - 67:23] I thought that you were somebody else, bro. My bad. I forgot.
[67:23 - 67:33] I don't like to commission a full color collection.
[67:33 - 67:41] Dude, send away to my cash app, dude, and I got you.
[67:41 - 67:43] One second.
[67:43 - 67:48] Hello.
[67:48 - 68:00] I love these. I love these guys. I come on with these fucking fake ass.
[68:00 - 68:07] I love these guys. I try to do these fake accents.
[68:07 - 68:17] Y'all ready to see a funny one.
[68:17 - 68:21] Welcome to Death's Diner. You kill him, we revile him and cook him.
[68:21 - 68:39] How can I help you today?
[68:39 - 68:43] Yeah, I know it's not. You're a fucking troll. Get out of here.
[68:43 - 68:52] Yeah, I do hope that you know that I know that you're a fucking troll
[68:52 - 69:00] and that you're a scam artist. So, fuck you. Fuck you, scammer boy.
[69:00 - 69:06] Bruck, I love these scammers. I love these scammers, dude.
[69:06 - 69:11] They think they're fucking smart asses, but they're not.
[69:11 - 69:13] Oh, I love it. I love it.
[69:13 - 69:22] Hey, either way, man. Either spelling works. Either spelling fucking works.
[69:22 - 69:51] Hey, Boozer, what up? I love it. What up, Boozer? How you doing, brother?
[69:51 - 69:54] Oh, God, I love these fucking trolls, man.
[69:54 - 69:56] They think that there's this, they think that there's that,
[69:56 - 70:02] and it's like, "Bro, get out of here."
[70:02 - 70:12] Nice try to have a jab at me. Nice try at the jabbing, but not going to work.
[70:12 - 70:20] Have I tried eye-racing? No, I haven't, but I have heard good things about it.
[70:20 - 70:29] I deal more, like, when it comes to sim racing, I prefer more of, like, a set of Corsa.
[70:29 - 70:40] Like, I'm more into, like, you know, a set of Corsa, Forza Motorsport 7, the F1 Series.
[70:40 - 70:44] So, yeah. But I have heard a lot of good things about eye-racing, though.
[70:44 - 70:49] I just haven't tried it yet.
[70:49 - 71:10] Like I said, though, I have heard very good things about it. Very good things.
[71:10 - 71:23] Hold on, y'all, let me flip this shit around. There we go.
[71:23 - 71:28] Bro, it's straight-up ice coffee. What are we going to be doing for Halloween?
[71:28 - 71:35] Hey, what up? Danger, what up?
[71:35 - 71:43] When am I going to be for Halloween? I don't know. I may end up doing...
[71:43 - 71:58] I may end up either doing dressing up as Trevor, or I'll probably end up dressing up as probably my music character,
[71:58 - 72:07] which is social error. I don't really have much I can do with constant ones,
[72:07 - 72:21] so I'll probably end up doing Trevor from GTA, or I'll probably end up doing my character from my music, which is social error.
[72:21 - 72:33] Hey, Scouts are badass, so... Scouts are badasses from AOT.
[72:34 - 73:32] [Silence]
[73:32 - 73:37] Whoever says I don't know how to multitask, you're full of shit.
[73:37 - 73:52] I'm literally bouncing between here, Facebook, and Discord, and Paypal and Cash App. So I'm literally bouncing between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, literally 6 different things.
[73:52 - 74:02] [Silence]
[74:02 - 74:19] Oh my god, that would be fucking dude. Doing my character's social error with Trevor's voice would just... that would just not work. No, that would not fucking work. That would just be weird.
[74:19 - 74:34] [Silence]
[74:34 - 74:53] Yo, Dom. Oh Dom, I did get the payment, dude. Bro, are you kidding me? Lou's a fucking guy. Swan is a guy.
[74:53 - 75:05] I don't have just email mods, bro. No, I got my buddy Lou here, I got Swan who's another good guy, friend of mine, so yeah. I have both. I don't discriminate, dog.
[75:05 - 75:13] And just because you're being a little dicked, and I'm getting kind of annoyed with you asking the same thing over and over. See you later.
[75:13 - 75:30] [Silence]
[75:30 - 75:57] And just on a side note, just on a side note here.
[75:57 - 76:18] If there is anybody here that is in Ohio, like if there is anybody here in Ohio, I'm not saying anybody is, but if there are anybody here that's in Ohio that is actually real fans of my music and shit,
[76:18 - 76:35] starting next year, once I can start doing actual live shows, how many of you guys would actually like to see me perform live?
[76:35 - 76:41] [Silence]
[76:41 - 77:02] Uh, thanks, I guess. I mean, I appreciate it, but yeah.
[77:02 - 77:18] Like I said, I do want to start getting my music out there. Like I do actually want to start getting my music out there, which is why when I'm not working on getting rid of all this fucking art work that I have backed up for 50 million years.
[77:18 - 77:43] Like don't get it wrong, I love my artwork. I do. I enjoy what I do. So like I said, I am literally running out of room to stick it all, which is why I'm trying to get on so I can have room for new shit.
[77:43 - 77:49] Like I'm not even kidding, dude. Like selling this artwork spans back to fucking 2010, bro.
[77:49 - 78:02] That's how old a lot of this artwork is, bro. It's just been piling up and piling up and piling up and it's like, I need to get rid of it.
[78:02 - 78:38] [Silence]
[78:38 - 78:47] And I did see something about, I did see somebody asking a question about do I do erotic art? No, I don't.
[78:47 - 79:12] [Silence]
[79:12 - 79:19] I didn't get anything, dude.
[79:19 - 79:36] Alright, so the whole thing with Chilly is Chilly is trying to, um, Chilly wants to try to take down William Glory Hole and Master Troll Mafia for some fucked up shit that they did.
[79:36 - 79:45] And he wanted to get me on board because he knows that I have a lot of stuff on them that could help really bring them down.
[79:45 - 79:58] Like how Kate did the whole child porn thing and how William Glory Hole literally committed four counts of copyright infringement and lied on a legal document to YouTube.
[79:58 - 80:09] So, yeah, he's been trying to get in contact with me, and I've been trying to get in contact with him. It's just, I can't seem to get ahold of the guy directly, which is what I need to do.
[80:09 - 80:16] I need to get ahold of Homeboy directly so I can be like, yo, here's all the stuff, here's all the info, here you go.
[80:16 - 80:27] [Silence]
[80:27 - 80:36] Yo, Snake, uh, do you have, yo, Snake, do you have Discord? If so, hit me with this fucking number and I'll call in person tomorrow morning.
[80:36 - 80:42] Well, here around like 10 o'clock this morning because it's 5.15 right now.
[80:42 - 80:54] [Silence]
[80:54 - 81:02] Yeah, you're not wrong, dude, but like I said, I'm not worried about Bayshawn. Bayshawn hasn't really done anything directly to me.
[81:02 - 81:09] See, Bayshawn, he only comments and reacts. So, he's good.
[81:09 - 81:28] But, Kate and William Gloryhole, they have directly affected my real life. They have actually done things to, you know, damage my reputation and this and that and the others, so, yeah.
[81:28 - 81:36] [Silence]
[81:36 - 81:46] Hey, Joey, thanks for the shout out, bro. Dude, anybody that knows me knows that this shit is classic.
[81:46 - 81:55] Bayshawn is a user-funded thing. But, yeah, you're not wrong. You're not wrong there, Lou. See, Lou nails it on the head. Lou fucking knows.
[81:55 - 82:04] [Silence]
[82:04 - 82:17] Lou, Lou, he knows, man. I've watched Bayshawn stuff and he's not wrong, dude. Bayshawn is literally a user-funded pay-to-play channel, which is pretty fucked up.
[82:17 - 82:37] [Silence]
[82:37 - 82:49] I've never thought about putting a live drummer or guitar player or DJ on the next record. I actually have. I actually have a few friends that do guitar work. I have a couple friends that play Baysh.
[82:49 - 83:12] I have a buddy of mine that does some guitar work. I'm really good friends with his family. As a matter of fact, it's actually the guy I'm talking about is actually the cousin of my now past best friend, David, his cousin, Brett.
[83:12 - 83:24] And then also Brett's younger brother, Jesse, plays bass. So I may end up talking to them and seeing what I can do. So I haven't actually thought about that, though.
[83:24 - 83:28] That actually I think that would be fun as fuck to do.
[83:28 - 83:41] [Silence]
[83:41 - 83:55] LA, it is what it is. We all, you know, it is what it is, bro. It is what it is, man.
[83:55 - 83:57] It is what it is.
[83:57 - 84:17] [Silence]
[84:17 - 84:27] Have I ever seen or hung out with LeBron James? No, I have not. But here's a fun little fact that a lot of people don't know about where I'm at.
[84:27 - 84:39] The community center where LeBron James very first got discovered is literally the community center that's right down here, right down the road. It's like five minutes from my house.
[84:39 - 84:51] So I literally live right, literally dead ass, five minutes away from the community center where LeBron James got discovered by the NBA and got brought on.
[84:51 - 84:56] Son, that's pretty fucking cool.
[84:56 - 85:04] I can't lie. That's literally like, for around here in Akron, that's probably like the coolest thing.
[85:04 - 85:26] Aside from Andy Beersack from Black Veil Brass doing part of his music video, Ghost of Ohio, down on the railroad tracks down here where I live, aside from that, the whole thing of LeBron James getting his start here in Akron, down here at the center, pretty cool.
[85:26 - 85:35] What's one favorite band? Ooh, top favorite band of all time. Anybody that knows me knows this.
[85:35 - 85:40] I don't even think I need to fucking say it. Everybody fucking knows.
[85:40 - 85:44] [Silence]
[85:44 - 85:48] Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah.
[85:48 - 85:52] Yo, Coldplay is good. Coldplay is definitely good.
[85:52 - 85:56] And for those of you all that don't know, let me show you.
[85:56 - 86:07] Anybody that knows me knows that these guys are my fucking go-to band. These are the guys that I can genuinely and honestly say.
[86:07 - 86:26] These guys right here are the ones that actually saved my life when I was in high school and I was being bullied, which are these guys right here.
[86:26 - 86:29] [Silence]
[86:29 - 86:39] These guys right here, this band right here is the band that saved my fucking life.
[86:39 - 86:44] So if you want to know what my favorite band is, right there, straight up.
[86:44 - 86:49] [Silence]
[86:49 - 87:01] And by the way, on a side note, if you guys haven't read this yet, I wasn't just picking this up. I read it like 50 times already since then, and it's actually really good.
[87:01 - 87:05] And shout out to the band that got this. Fucking love this.
[87:05 - 87:17] [Silence]
[87:17 - 87:21] Call this Tinkin Park. I love it, I love it.
[87:21 - 87:29] I've never actually listened to Soulfly. Yo, early corn was the shit, bro.
[87:29 - 87:32] [Silence]
[87:32 - 87:39] Early corn was really fucking good. I actually dig the early days of corn. I love their new stuff.
[87:39 - 87:50] [Silence]
[87:50 - 87:55] Do I make TikTok? I used to, but not so much anymore.
[87:55 - 88:03] I used to. I just don't do it anymore because for me, it got kind of boring.
[88:03 - 88:09] I'm not hating on anybody that doesn't because I have quite a few friends that do.
[88:09 - 88:16] I do have quite a few friends that do TikTok that are doing very well for themselves.
[88:16 - 88:20] So not hating, but for me, it's just not my thing.
[88:20 - 88:26] [Silence]
[88:26 - 88:37] No, she's not, and she's doing good.
[88:37 - 90:02] [Silence]
[90:02 - 90:08] God damn, man. All this shit going down.
[90:08 - 90:16] There's a sense saying that with favorite arrows. Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
[90:16 - 90:33] Matter of fact, matter of fact, another little fun fact for you.
[90:33 - 90:39] The band Evanescence is what got me into alternative rock.
[90:39 - 90:46] The band Evanescence is what introduced me.
[90:46 - 90:55] The band Evanescence is what introduced me into bands like Disturbed, Corn, 3 Days Grace,
[90:55 - 91:10] Stone Sour, Slipknot, Freaking Red Hot Chili Teppers, basically all the bands that came from that era.
[91:10 - 91:16] Evanescence was the band that introduced me into that genre.
[91:16 - 91:32] I absolutely love alternative rock, new metal, heavy metal, metalcore, fucking guys like Peyton Parrish that do Viking music.
[91:32 - 91:49] Yeah, I know. Though, like I said, dude, I didn't get into them until like the early to mid 2000s. So for me, it was like, you know, I know I was waiting on the ball, but I'm caught up now. Enjoy their music.
[91:49 - 91:57] [Silence]
[91:57 - 92:08] Yeah, I know the Red Hot Chili Peppers have been around for like fucking ever now. Like I said, I didn't get into them until like the late 2000s, like the mid to early 2000s.
[92:08 - 92:28] [Silence]
[92:28 - 92:42] So yeah, I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna wait, tardy ass on fucking, on Chili Peppers. I'm waiting to fuck on their shit, but hey, I love their stuff, caught up.
[92:42 - 92:48] [Silence]
[92:48 - 93:02] Yeah, here's the thing, Heatzeaker. That song, Drift King, is actually my song, Street Racing, seeing that he stole. So yeah, you're welcome, by the way, for Street Racing.
[93:02 - 93:08] Not trying to sound cocky or anything, but...
[93:08 - 93:14] How old are you? I am thirty- I actually just turned thirty-two last month, dude.
[93:14 - 93:20] I actually just turned thirty-two on the 20th of last month. I was born in 1990.
[93:20 - 93:23] [Silence]
[93:23 - 93:28] So I was still a kid when all these bands were coming out.
[93:28 - 93:32] [Silence]
[93:32 - 93:37] So yeah, I got lucky. I got very lucky.
[93:37 - 94:42] [Silence]
[94:42 - 94:44] Goddamn.
[94:44 - 94:47] [Silence]
[94:47 - 94:56] Hey, the '70s had some okay music. '60s definitely had good music, man. Fucking the King of Rock doing Elvis, man.
[94:56 - 95:00] Fucking King of Rock and Roll, bro. Fucking Elvis.
[95:00 - 95:08] The '80s, definitely good bands coming out of there, man. Straight. I love good bands coming out of the '80s, bro.
[95:08 - 95:12] [Silence]
[95:12 - 95:16] Yes, Youth of the Nation by T.L.D. Fuck yes.
[95:16 - 95:29] [Silence]
[95:29 - 95:49] How did he steal it? Do you not have the rights to it? No, I don't because he basically stole the song and he basically stole four of my songs and re-released them under my name that was rearranged because my real name is Chance Wilkin.
[95:49 - 96:01] So he took that name and made Wanchokens and released the music through TuneCore, giving him the rights to my songs.
[96:01 - 96:06] [Silence]
[96:06 - 96:09] Dude, the Beatles are the shit, bro.
[96:09 - 96:12] [Silence]
[96:12 - 96:20] Hey, Storros. Morning, man. How you doing?
[96:20 - 97:23] [Silence]
[97:23 - 97:35] Hey, I grew up with the Beatles. So then he has the rights just letting you know if he owns the rights of others.
[97:35 - 97:44] And here's the thing about that, though, dude, I'm going to be straight up honest with the Heatzeker. I'm going to be straight up honest with you, bro.
[97:44 - 97:59] When it comes to my music, even though he has the rights to my music, everybody here knows that those songs that he stole are my songs.
[97:59 - 98:06] Therefore, I don't give a fuck about some copyright thing that he has over me.
[98:06 - 98:15] When it comes to my music, I will still perform those songs live no matter what. I don't give a fuck.
[98:15 - 98:27] Because I know once this shit's all said and done, those songs are going to be taken down from iTunes and all these other places, and I'm going to be re-releasing them on my own.
[98:27 - 98:35] [Silence]
[98:35 - 98:51] When it comes to my music, I don't give a fuck about copyright. When somebody steals my music and re-releases it knowing that it's mine, well, guess what?
[98:51 - 99:03] I'm going to still perform those songs. I'm still going to do shit with it. So those copyrights can literally, those copyrights can kiss my ass, basically is what I'm saying.
[99:03 - 99:07] Those copyrights that he has to my shit, those can kiss my ass.
[99:07 - 99:22] [Silence]
[99:22 - 99:24] No, I'm not, and I don't know who that is.
[99:24 - 99:28] [Silence]
[99:28 - 99:38] And you know what, dude? I say this to the legal part of it. Fuck the legal part of it, dude. Those songs are mine. I'm still doing them. I'm going to still perform them.
[99:38 - 99:47] I'm still going to do my shit with them, and there ain't nobody else going to fuck his songs because I have proof that I own all these songs legitimately.
[99:47 - 100:04] Hell, half of them, I still have on my fucking computer. So plus one of them, I uploaded to Facebook last year on January 1st, and it's still up there, and I can easily prove that very simply.
[100:04 - 100:16] So yeah. So yeah, really think I can give a fuck about legalities. No.
[100:16 - 100:38] [Silence]
[100:38 - 100:56] Matter of fact, just to prove a point here, just to prove a bit of a point here, just to be a fucking smart ass.
[100:56 - 101:25] [Silence]
[101:25 - 101:30] No, I don't want the actual one.
[101:30 - 101:49] [Silence]
[101:49 - 101:55] Because this is such a requested one.
[101:55 - 102:00] [Silence]
[102:00 - 102:03] And just to prove a point.
[102:03 - 102:09] [Silence]
[102:09 - 102:23] Oh, by the way, William Gloryhole.
[102:23 - 102:30] This one's for the fans.
[102:30 - 102:42] Hey, y'all. Here we go. Light 'em up, boys. Revolution. Let's go.
[102:42 - 102:55] Do the edges, here we go. Cruising around down the window, let it go. Cruising around town, just me and my homies.
[102:55 - 103:05] Getting up the trip seat, getting up the track seat. Doing everything that we try to do to get our names on.
[103:05 - 103:23] Getting ready to 9th Street, race and see. Going back to Sweet King, got that F-16. Looking real low down with that nice A-string thing.
[103:23 - 103:34] Going down the window with the motherfucking other dog. Looking real me, got that cherry towel with that motherfucking lid.
[103:34 - 103:44] Getting ready to go on a base, we are three in my crew. Doing what we try to do here on the street, race and see.
[103:44 - 103:59] Who the fuck do you think you are? Yeah, better than me. See you on the trip track, we fucking do a ravioli.
[103:59 - 104:16] Call me the motherfucking DJ of the trip seat. You can even catch me, ain't no street, I'm not stopping the almighty in my homies.
[104:16 - 104:32] Keep it on the ground where we should be though, but the crowd racing is where we are, we run the scene, I've been running the seats since I was 18.
[104:32 - 104:45] Ain't nobody stopping me whenever I see, waiting through lights in my rear view, it done all said, never looked back.
[104:45 - 104:56] Live by the street cold, die by the wheel, and I'm gone.
[104:56 - 105:06] I was born by the legendary wheel, die by the wheel, and it's all I know.
[105:06 - 105:31] All right, I want that. Yeah.
[105:31 - 105:43] So yeah, to win, Gloria, I have to say to you motherfucker is, fuck you, and your stupid bitch ass copyright shit, motherfucker.
[105:43 - 105:50] But all the people out there that actually fucking enjoy my shit, I fucking love you guys, you guys are awesome.
[105:50 - 105:56] I actually got the shit out to take care of, so, Lou, I will hit you up here in a bit, brother.
[105:56 - 106:09] Everybody else, I will catch you guys in the next stream, man, I fucking love you guys.
[106:09 - 106:17] And I will catch you guys later on for the auction, whenever it goes down, I just got to get the details set up with my boy Lou.
[106:17 - 106:24] And I will catch you guys later. Happy Halloween, guys, hope you guys stay safe. Don't do anything stupid, stay safe out there.
[106:24 - 106:30] And as always, man, stay positive, stay humble, fuck the trolls, keep being yourself, man.
[106:30 - 106:35] And I'll catch you guys later, man. Love you guys, y'all. I'm out, man. Peace.