2018-2-1 Please save me (Song)
[0:00 - 0:08] [Intro plays]
[0:08 - 0:19] It's time I scream so loud, yet I have never heard it, signs are falling down, yet, though I can't see it.
[0:24 - 0:36] For some it's needed to read the signs, I am giving out my thoughts and messages, they are written for a reason.
[0:36 - 0:51] They scream and shout, crying out loud, but nothing ever changes, I'm still screaming, I am still falling down, but no one can hear me.
[0:52 - 1:00] No one catches me, everything is the same, signs of me and it's not fair.
[1:00 - 1:22] Now I'm slowing inside, my tears fall down, trying to lead to the floor, on the outside, how cool, how collected, on the inside, how talented,
[1:22 - 1:41] kicking and sobbing, crying out for help, I'm falling into darkness, and just like before, I'm left to fall, I'm screaming inside, no one hears me, my phone won't say,
[1:41 - 2:04] all messages, my eyes have no emotion, everything is written for a reason, yet, no one understands, no one sees them dying inside, nothing ever changes.
[2:04 - 2:33] Nothing's there, nobody's here, when I die you saw your body, cause you had a chance, a chance to save my life, you ignored my screams, I went off with someone else because, on the inside, I screamed so loud, and no one hears me.
[2:33 - 3:00] For some it's easier to read the signs, I am giving out, yet, people ignore them, leave me be, I have been dying for so long, behind these strange smiles, you can see it in my eyes, they are harder than steel.
[3:00 - 3:30] No longer showing their mouth shut, I am screaming so loud, I can see them high behind these strange smiles,
[3:30 - 4:00] I watched some people try to figure me out, but my eyes, they show no emotion, and my smiles mean nothing, I quit screaming, I would know before my voice has given out, 4 days to say goodbye, 3 words that can change,
[4:00 - 4:22] 2 hours to find myself, one person to save my life, I'm dead, hoping they save me, but my screams have silenced, each time I went to jail, they crossed my mind, can I stop, dying, giving up on hope and life.
[4:22 - 4:51] I want to jump to the end of pain and misery, what screams on heart anymore, and they have someone else, so I wonder what's keeping me on the edge, inches from the net, far from death,
[4:51 - 5:13] that kills all the doors in my mind, and knocks all the windows into my heart, the only one person who's the key, yes, they don't know else, so why can't I jump, why can't I let it go?
[5:13 - 5:40] Time's killing no scream, ain't killing no fun, life, so what's causing me from the ledge, on the message, is in my phone, once they got hurt, neither of my screams, dreams, can become these fucked up nightmares, and my eyes, have become so, once they can, because no one can hear me.
[5:40 - 6:08] My smiles all fall in line, mine is pink, time quit screaming, because it does sound good, no one ever hears me anyway, my messages in my phone don't get through,
[6:08 - 6:38] time quit crying and screaming, my brain just taking over, so now I sit on the ledge, wondering why I can't jump, just in no pain, than the hurt of any day, but I can't jump, I don't know why, not that it really matters too,
[6:38 - 7:07] don't make, cause no one bothers to listen to me anyways, so I sit on the ledge, it's true that I'm able to jump, 'cause I'm able to fall, till I put on a faint smile,
[7:07 - 7:37] and walk for a few more days, waiting for the one day, that will push me, all of these days, that make me jump, because I've given up, and my voice has given out, so with my sad breath, I say my prayer will take one step, and jump, till my death, people ask why, and I say,
[7:37 - 7:50] why not, no longer scream, and no longer shout, and be, 'cause there's no one out, there, there will never hear me out,
[7:50 - 8:50] ???