2021-10-8 Journey to the WRC championship
[0:00 - 0:26] Good afternoon, good evening, whatever you want to call it everyone. Welcome to the brand
[0:26 - 0:46] new home of CyRacing. From this day forward this channel is going to become a full car
[0:46 - 1:10] enthusiast/racing channel. Now, every journey begins with one step. Every journey has to
[1:10 - 1:36] begin somewhere and this journey is the beginning of mine. Now with that being said, let's get
[1:36 - 1:46] this started. Because yes, I may not be that good now, but along the way you will see progress
[1:46 - 2:12] Marty and Marty you speak false words, my friend. You speak false words, my friend.
[2:12 - 2:38] So let's see you think that I'm delusional. What the truth is, I'm not.
[2:38 - 3:01] Because I'm racing not only for myself, I'm racing for those who like myself that get
[3:01 - 3:23] slowly to show them that you can do what you want to do. Let's a journey begin now.
[3:23 - 3:46] So, I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[3:46 - 4:15] I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[4:15 - 4:38] I want to say thank you to my friend. I've got my ass in gear. I want to say thank you
[4:38 - 4:55] to my friend. I've got my ass in gear. I'm back behind the wheel.
[4:55 - 8:23] I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[8:23 - 8:44] How did the car feel in that stage? Do you want to make any set of changes at the next service?
[8:44 - 9:05] Why don't you try that stage? Because I know I can do better.
[9:05 - 9:33] I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[9:33 - 9:46] I can still make up time.
[9:46 - 13:20] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[13:20 - 13:42] I'm going to start with the last journey.
[13:42 - 14:41] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[14:41 - 14:54] I'm going to start with the next journey.
[14:54 - 15:13] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[15:13 - 15:21] I'm going to start with the second journey.
[15:21 - 15:42] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[15:42 - 16:03] I'm going to start with the second journey.
[16:03 - 18:20] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[18:20 - 18:45] I'm going to start with the second journey.
[18:45 - 23:24] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[23:24 - 23:53] You can laugh all you want, Marty, but even you can't handle Glen Castle Farm.
[23:53 - 24:21] You already know what I'm about to do, bro.
[24:21 - 24:50] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[24:50 - 25:01] Marty, why don't you come to me when you actually get a real set up, my dude?
[25:01 - 25:03] I don't know.
[25:03 - 25:05] No wonder.
[25:05 - 25:12] Hey, Marty, why don't you come to me when you get a proper set up, my dude?
[25:12 - 25:19] When you get a proper set up, then come to me.
[25:19 - 25:24] When you can get a proper fucking wheel set up like I've got, Marty, and you can actually
[25:24 - 25:31] beat my time on Glen Castle Farm, then we'll talk.
[25:31 - 25:56] But until then, you got no room to talk because you can't even do it your damn self.
[25:56 - 26:03] So if I were you, I wouldn't run my mouth.
[26:03 - 26:15] Besides, you're the one that chickens out every time I challenge you to a race.
[26:15 - 26:19] Every time I challenge you to a race, you're chicken out.
[26:19 - 26:22] So that ain't my fault, bro, that's yours.
[26:22 - 26:28] Hey, yo, Scout, you ready to show me what this -- hey, Scout, you ready for me to show
[26:28 - 26:34] this guy what I can do?
[26:34 - 27:03] I tell you, Marty, you can't even beat me on your best day, kid.
[27:03 - 27:24] I'm going for that sponsor, baby.
[27:24 - 27:49] Oh, shit, we're going racing, baby.
[27:49 - 28:14] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[28:14 - 28:39] I'm going to be in the race, but I'm not going to be in the race.
[28:39 - 29:03] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[29:03 - 29:27] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[29:27 - 30:09] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[30:09 - 30:30] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[30:30 - 30:36] Guess what I'm taking a baby driving as well as meant to do it. That's what I'm giving to
[30:36 - 30:52] You ain't got shit
[30:52 - 31:04] Oh
[31:04 - 31:06] 30
[31:06 - 32:04] Oh
[32:04 - 32:27] Marty you ain't got the balls to be a driver
[32:29 - 32:32] I'll tell you right now Marty you ain't got the balls to be a racer
[32:32 - 32:37] You're too chicken shit to get behind the wheel and drive
[32:37 - 32:56] So until you get a wheel set up you could be my time motherfuckers I keep you not shut
[32:58 - 33:00] Cuz I'm a driver you're not
[33:00 - 33:04] Oh
[33:31 - 33:35] I always see you take the wrong way on this track. I don't know why
[33:35 - 33:39] That's all good
[33:39 - 34:01] Oh
[34:01 - 34:28] There we go
[34:28 - 34:32] Oh
[34:32 - 34:38] Let's take a look at where I stand on the leaderboard considering I did not be my personal best
[34:38 - 34:42] But let's take a look at my where I stand
[34:42 - 34:46] Six oh one not bad
[34:46 - 34:51] Later more options
[34:51 - 34:55] Three 23, all right
[34:55 - 35:01] Oh
[35:01 - 35:22] I'm going for that road energy sponsor, baby
[35:22 - 35:24] The three left
[35:24 - 35:42] I'm taking this dog. Oh
[35:42 - 35:47] Yeah, they even need the handbrake boy
[35:47 - 35:51] Anyway need the fucking handbrake on that what's good?
[35:51 - 35:53] Oh
[35:53 - 36:04] David feels good to be back baby. Hell. Yeah, let's go
[36:04 - 36:11] Your voice I racing is best
[36:11 - 37:35] Oh
[37:35 - 37:38] Well, I don't need the damn handbrake, let's go
[37:38 - 39:00] Oh
[39:00 - 39:02] (coughing)
[39:02 - 39:11] Woo!
[39:11 - 39:17] Hell yeah, let's go!
[39:17 - 39:28] (coughing)
[39:28 - 39:41] Now, run your mouth now, Marty!
[39:41 - 39:44] Run your motherfucking mouth now, kid!
[39:44 - 39:47] (coughing)
[39:47 - 39:59] I may not be the top 10, but at least it's the mid-400.
[39:59 - 40:02] Let me see, where am I supposed to be at?
[40:02 - 40:05] Hey, I'm in the top 400, dude.
[40:05 - 40:09] At least I'm not down in the thousands, bro.
[40:09 - 40:14] I'm at 424, man.
[40:14 - 40:16] That's not bad.
[40:16 - 40:19] That's better than the DM-1000.
[40:19 - 40:29] 'Cause at least I had the bottom, bitch.
[40:29 - 40:41] Let's go, man.
[40:41 - 40:43] (coughing)
[40:43 - 40:48] Now, let's watch the replay and see just how quick
[40:48 - 40:50] down the mountain that blew.
[40:50 - 40:55] Look at that, man.
[40:55 - 40:56] I freak out flying, son.
[40:56 - 41:02] Gone!
[41:02 - 41:08] Dude, I was gone on that straight, boy.
[41:08 - 41:10] I was gone, bro.
[41:10 - 41:12] (coughing)
[41:12 - 41:14] Whoo!
[41:14 - 41:17] Look at that.
[41:17 - 41:19] What'd you know about that speed, Marty?
[41:19 - 41:30] What'd you know about that rally lights?
[41:30 - 41:32] (coughing)
[41:32 - 41:35] (whimsical music)
[41:35 - 41:52] I know I should've ripped the e-brake right there,
[41:52 - 41:54] but I was like, man, fuck it.
[41:54 - 41:55] Don't need it.
[41:55 - 42:02] I was going to hang him on that track, boy.
[42:02 - 42:05] (whimsical music)
[42:05 - 42:14] Marty, you wouldn't last five minutes on the fucking track.
[42:14 - 42:18] Guarantee your first two minutes on the track,
[42:18 - 42:19] you crash and burn.
[42:19 - 42:21] Can't fucking see you.
[42:21 - 42:24] You wouldn't last two, man.
[42:24 - 42:26] Look at how close I got to that wood pile.
[42:26 - 42:30] Marty, you wouldn't last two fucking seconds
[42:30 - 42:31] on a damn rally course.
[42:32 - 42:34] Two seconds, you'd crash and burn.
[42:34 - 42:41] (whimsical music)
[43:05 - 43:09] Dude, I was hauling ass on this track, bro.
[43:09 - 43:16] (whimsical music)
[43:16 - 43:20] Take a bit of a detour. (laughing)
[43:20 - 43:23] (whimsical music)
[43:23 - 43:30] Now, y'all want to see how Marty would be?
[43:30 - 43:34] Let me show you how Marty,
[43:34 - 43:36] this is what Marty would be right here.
[43:36 - 43:42] This would be Marty right here.
[43:42 - 43:53] Straight up, this would be Marty right here, bro.
[43:53 - 44:00] Get your protein.
[44:00 - 44:01] Hold up.
[44:01 - 44:04] (whimsical music)
[44:04 - 44:09] Oh, great, Ron.
[44:09 - 44:13] Y'all, that shit's good, though, for real.
[44:13 - 44:15] (whimsical music)
[44:15 - 44:17] Shout out there, fish.
[44:17 - 44:20] That'll do you right there, Marty.
[44:20 - 44:22] Flying on the goddamn track, boy.
[44:22 - 44:29] There's me, ripping down the track.
[44:29 - 44:32] Oh, look, there goes Marty again.
[44:32 - 44:34] Oh, I know, that's me, nevermind.
[44:34 - 44:36] (laughing)
[44:36 - 44:44] (whimsical music)
[44:44 - 44:49] You fucking Tokyo-drift that shit.
[44:49 - 44:54] Hey, there's me again.
[44:54 - 44:57] (whimsical music)
[44:59 - 45:01] Straight ripping it.
[45:01 - 45:03] (whimsical music)
[45:03 - 45:09] Oh, look, there goes Marty flipping again.
[45:09 - 45:13] Look, it's Marty again.
[45:13 - 45:19] (whimsical music)
[45:28 - 45:30] Hey, Charity, what up?
[45:30 - 45:33] (whimsical music)
[45:33 - 45:42] Oh, Marty, what'd you do?
[45:42 - 45:44] What'd you do, man?
[45:44 - 45:46] Why'd you spit out, bro?
[45:46 - 45:49] I thought you were supposed to be good at driving, homie.
[45:49 - 45:53] Why you wrecking, dawg?
[45:53 - 45:58] (whimsical music)
[45:58 - 46:12] Man, look at me, I'm straight 10 block in this shit.
[46:12 - 46:16] (laughing)
[46:22 - 46:26] (whimsical music)
[46:26 - 46:28] Oh, damn, Marty.
[46:28 - 46:32] God damn, Marty.
[46:32 - 46:34] You don't know how to drive, do ya?
[46:34 - 46:38] God damn.
[46:38 - 46:54] (whimsical music)
[46:54 - 46:56] Yo, speaking of Ken Block,
[46:56 - 46:58] I do have something to show you guys.
[46:58 - 47:04] I'm all right.
[47:04 - 47:07] What's that mean to you all?
[47:07 - 47:08] I'll be right back.
[47:08 - 47:10] Charity, you already know the drill.
[47:10 - 47:14] I'll be right back, y'all.
[47:14 - 47:20] Y'all sit down and hang out.
[47:20 - 47:22] You ought to watch yourselves, be right back.
[47:22 - 47:25] (whimsical music)
[47:25 - 47:27] (laughing)
[47:27 - 81:39] (whimsical music)
[81:39 - 81:44] - What's up, guys?
[81:44 - 81:47] I do apologize for taking so long.
[81:47 - 81:51] I'm back, though.
[81:51 - 81:54] Hopefully no shit went down.
[81:54 - 81:56] (chuckles)
[81:56 - 82:22] But, like I was saying earlier,
[82:22 - 82:25] I got a huge surprise for you guys.
[82:25 - 82:27] - Hello, America?
[82:27 - 82:29] I think we can all...
[82:29 - 82:31] (upbeat music)
[82:31 - 82:35] - I don't think I need to speak on this.
[82:35 - 82:37] I don't know why this video speaks for itself.
[82:37 - 82:48] (upbeat music)
[82:48 - 82:50] - It's really good, it's just dancing.
[82:50 - 82:53] (whimsical music)
[82:53 - 83:03] All right, well, this is real dream come true type stuff.
[83:03 - 83:06] I've been a fan of Eddie since I was a teenager,
[83:06 - 83:09] and there are big reasons why I'm actually a rally driver.
[83:09 - 83:14] So, I'm honored and humbled to be a part of the Audi team.
[83:14 - 83:16] I usually make the launch videos,
[83:16 - 83:19] but they've made a very nice welcome
[83:19 - 83:21] to the team video for me.
[83:21 - 83:23] So, let's check that out.
[83:23 - 83:26] And after that, I might get to try this thing.
[83:26 - 83:28] (dramatic music)
[83:28 - 83:29] - How are you?
[83:29 - 83:32] Where's all my motherfucking 10 block fans out, man?
[83:32 - 83:33] Where y'all at?
[83:33 - 83:36] (indistinct radio chatter)
[83:36 - 83:39] (upbeat music)
[83:39 - 83:43] (indistinct radio chatter)
[83:43 - 84:24] (upbeat music)
[84:24 - 84:37] - All right, so we are here in English job,
[84:37 - 84:40] which is the old Audi Pazan.
[84:40 - 84:44] - All I gotta say is welcome to Audi Ken Block, man.
[84:44 - 84:46] Hell yes.
[84:46 - 84:49] Now, let me say, oh man,
[84:49 - 84:53] Audi got a hell of a fucking driver for Audi, man.
[84:53 - 84:57] They got a hell of a driver on the team, bro.
[84:57 - 85:00] And if y'all ain't know who Ken Block is,
[85:00 - 85:02] well, let me show you.
[85:02 - 85:07] Let me show you how wild this man really is.
[85:07 - 85:09] (upbeat music)
[85:09 - 85:20] This man right here is the man that inspired me
[85:20 - 85:23] to do rallying and crazy stunts.
[85:23 - 85:27] This is the man right here responsible for me
[85:27 - 85:30] getting into doing the crazy shit that I do
[85:30 - 85:31] on all these games.
[85:32 - 85:35] (upbeat music)
[85:35 - 85:54] This video right here is the one that got me
[85:54 - 85:56] in spot to do the crazy fucking shit I do
[85:56 - 85:59] in rips again, let's start.
[85:59 - 86:02] This is the video right here that got me going.
[86:02 - 86:05] (upbeat music)
[86:05 - 86:26] Dude, wasn't that a freaking turbo wine, bro?
[86:26 - 86:28] Damn, look at that shit.
[86:29 - 86:33] Two wheel dip off the frickin' road.
[86:33 - 86:38] (engine revving)
[86:38 - 86:40] (upbeat music)
[86:40 - 86:43] (engine revving)
[86:43 - 87:03] Straight up fuckin' smoke show, man.
[87:03 - 87:06] Hee hee!
[87:06 - 87:09] (engine revving)
[87:09 - 87:20] Dude's freakin' chargin' it.
[87:20 - 87:26] And they're at Pike's food.
[87:26 - 87:33] (engine revving)
[87:33 - 87:55] I love this right here, how he just walks right
[87:55 - 87:56] through that shit.
[87:58 - 88:00] I love how he just stops right here and is like,
[88:00 - 88:02] "Don't, stop."
[88:02 - 88:06] (engine revving)
[88:06 - 88:11] Take off.
[88:11 - 88:18] Now this man is crazy for this shit.
[88:18 - 88:21] (engine revving)
[88:21 - 88:28] This man is fucking insane, dude.
[88:29 - 88:32] (engine revving)
[88:32 - 88:50] Aw, shit, here comes the scene
[88:50 - 88:53] where that actually got me doing it, man.
[88:53 - 88:58] Hey, you're not on, dude, that is talent, bro.
[88:59 - 89:01] Right here, this scene coming up,
[89:01 - 89:06] that scene coming up where he just rips it,
[89:06 - 89:09] coming up right here is the one that was like,
[89:09 - 89:11] "Bro, I have to do this."
[89:11 - 89:14] It's coming up to you real quick.
[89:14 - 89:23] (engine revving)
[89:23 - 89:32] Yeah, right here, it's coming up on this next,
[89:32 - 89:35] not this corner, but this one right here.
[89:35 - 89:40] It's coming up.
[89:40 - 89:45] Yeah, there's the dip coming up.
[89:45 - 89:48] This spot coming up is the one that got me
[89:48 - 89:51] fucking one, dude's in common, shit.
[89:51 - 89:55] Right fucking here, coming out, man.
[89:55 - 90:00] Like this scene is fucking a legend there.
[90:00 - 90:05] Now, take a look at that shooter drop.
[90:05 - 90:06] Take a look at his car.
[90:06 - 90:14] Yeah, he goes even higher, hold up.
[90:15 - 90:19] Watch how this man dips his two-back tires
[90:19 - 90:22] off the fucking ledge, right here.
[90:22 - 90:24] Boom.
[90:24 - 90:31] In case you missed that, let me rewind a little bit.
[90:31 - 90:38] Pay attention to this man's next scene coming up
[90:38 - 90:42] where he literally dips the car off the fucking ledge.
[90:42 - 90:45] (engine revving)
[90:45 - 90:46] Boom.
[90:46 - 90:51] (engine revving)
[90:51 - 90:54] Two-wheel dip off the fucking ledge.
[90:54 - 90:57] Come on, look at that shit.
[90:57 - 91:01] Boom.
[91:01 - 91:09] Continues the stretch drift, and that's yay, gone.
[91:09 - 91:10] Gone.
[91:10 - 91:17] (engine revving)
[91:17 - 91:18] Actually, he was, dude.
[91:18 - 91:22] Like if you look, like literally rewind a little bit,
[91:22 - 91:25] like pay attention to how close his car was.
[91:25 - 91:37] Now, look right there, dude.
[91:38 - 91:43] His back, and one wrong misstep, one inch backwards,
[91:43 - 91:45] you're going off that fucking ledge.
[91:45 - 91:54] All right, seriously, look at that, dude.
[91:54 - 91:57] That's right on the fucking edge.
[91:57 - 92:03] One wrong move, and you're going off that fucking ledge.
[92:03 - 92:09] (engine revving)
[92:09 - 92:24] All right, dude, look at how far his car is off.
[92:24 - 92:28] Like, dude, his car, the middle, right there.
[92:28 - 92:32] One wrong move, and you're gone.
[92:32 - 92:34] You're done skiing.
[92:34 - 92:37] (engine revving)
[92:37 - 92:38] Whoo!
[92:38 - 93:27] (engine revving)
[93:27 - 93:39] Now, speaking of smoke shows.
[93:39 - 93:49] Speaking of smoke show, and having some fun and ripping,
[93:49 - 93:53] what do y'all say we get into a little bit of street drifting
[93:53 - 93:54] and have some fun?
[93:54 - 94:27] (engine revving)
[94:27 - 94:41] Oh, dude, that was the one we're in.
[94:41 - 94:56] (engine revving)
[94:56 - 95:02] Now, if y'all are wondering what I'm simping on,
[95:02 - 95:05] shameless plug, tough to see, of course, shameless plug.
[95:05 - 95:19] Hey, at least I'm still in the 10%.
[95:19 - 95:21] That's all that matters.
[95:21 - 95:23] At least I'm still in the 10%.
[95:23 - 95:24] That's all I care about.
[95:24 - 95:31] 10%, it's 10% in my book.
[95:31 - 95:38] Courtney's right, though, I'm definitely not a sponsor,
[95:38 - 95:40] but y'all already know what I'm simping on.
[95:40 - 95:43] If I am simping on iced coffee or an energy drink,
[95:43 - 95:44] it's usually tough to see for me.
[95:44 - 95:46] Either that or Dr. Pepper.
[95:46 - 95:48] I want my Dr. Pepper, too.
[95:48 - 95:50] (upbeat music)
[95:50 - 95:55] (coughing)
[95:55 - 95:57] (upbeat music)
[95:57 - 96:00] (coughing)
[96:00 - 96:10] (scraping)
[96:10 - 96:26] Hey, y'all, Courtney,
[96:26 - 96:29] what'd you make of that psychotic bitch?
[96:29 - 96:34] Hey, Jamie, er, Courtney,
[96:34 - 96:39] what'd you make of frickin' Jasmine last night?
[96:39 - 96:42] What'd you make of that psychotic bitch, Jasmine?
[96:42 - 96:47] Tell me she was a fuckin' off-er rocker.
[96:47 - 96:49] (coughing)
[96:49 - 97:03] Let's see, let's go all the way over here.
[97:03 - 97:07] Yo, where's my hoona truck?
[97:07 - 97:11] I got the hoona truck somewhere here.
[97:11 - 97:12] I just gotta find the damn thing.
[97:12 - 97:17] Ooh, got that sexy-ass hot rod, man.
[97:17 - 97:25] Sexy-ass hot rod, God damn.
[97:25 - 97:37] I don't know when I was going to the rump,
[97:37 - 97:38] God damn what, duh.
[97:40 - 97:43] You know, there we go, there she is.
[97:43 - 97:46] There's the hoona truck.
[97:46 - 98:34] (drill whirring)
[98:34 - 98:40] Oh.
[98:40 - 99:19] (drill whirring)
[99:19 - 99:42] Oh, damn, I didn't even see that corner there.
[99:42 - 99:45] (drill whirring)
[99:45 - 99:48] Excuse me.
[99:48 - 99:56] (drill whirring)
[99:56 - 100:10] Fuck it, suicide drives.
[100:10 - 100:12] (drill whirring)
[100:12 - 100:19] Walter.
[100:40 - 100:42] Told you I can block this shit.
[100:42 - 100:53] We're running, slide, and we are, duh.
[100:53 - 100:54] Oh, no, we're not.
[100:54 - 101:08] Dude, what's with the lag?
[101:08 - 101:10] Hell, there we go.
[101:10 - 101:18] Hey, what's the way Klit and me calling Jasmine
[101:18 - 101:20] a second bitch, 'cause, hey, I'm just being honest.
[101:20 - 101:22] That's what she is.
[101:22 - 101:37] Out the way.
[101:38 - 101:40] You know what?
[101:40 - 101:42] I got a truck that suited for the,
[101:42 - 101:44] I got a car that suited for this set.
[101:44 - 101:51] I'm just saying, where's she at?
[102:06 - 102:09] Gotta rip the Chevy GT500, man.
[102:09 - 102:14] Gotta throw that GT500 one time, man.
[102:14 - 102:23] Oh, damn.
[102:23 - 102:26] We're good.
[102:26 - 102:31] No, how do I get out of here, and this is the question.
[102:31 - 102:44] Oh, they're here.
[102:44 - 102:47] (drill whirring)
[102:47 - 103:03] Here we go.
[103:03 - 103:39] (drill whirring)
[104:05 - 104:07] Ooh, one of my favorite spots to slide.
[104:07 - 104:24] (drill whirring)
[104:51 - 104:52] Oh, we're good.
[104:52 - 105:20] Is that seriously a fucking waffle house
[105:20 - 105:22] out there, hold up.
[105:22 - 105:25] Did I just see a freaking waffle house?
[105:25 - 105:39] I don't know, I thought that was a freaking waffle house
[105:39 - 105:43] where I was like, "Bro, a waffle house, hell yeah."
[105:43 - 105:44] It's my shit.
[105:44 - 105:48] I love me some waffle house now.
[105:48 - 105:50] Oh, and that was a car.
[105:50 - 105:53] (drill whirring)
[105:53 - 106:05] You know, I went way too fast into that one.
[106:05 - 106:08] (drill whirring)
[106:08 - 106:25] You know, is that a summoner then, or is that just,
[106:25 - 106:26] oh, I know it's not a summoner then.
[106:26 - 106:30] I thought it was a summoner, but it's all like, "Oh, man."
[106:30 - 106:32] Oh, no, that's HQ, okay.
[106:32 - 106:49] (drill whirring)
[107:15 - 107:16] Fucking spot.
[107:16 - 107:34] Don't tell me, I don't know how to slide.
[107:34 - 107:37] (drill whirring)
[107:37 - 107:50] I'll prove that ass wrong real quick, man.
[107:50 - 107:53] (drill whirring)
[107:53 - 108:11] Ooh, hit you with that 360 run, let's go.
[108:11 - 108:13] Oh, watch out, chick.
[108:13 - 108:15] Got out the way, thank God for that.
[108:15 - 108:18] (drill whirring)
[108:18 - 108:24] Whoo, let's go.
[108:24 - 108:38] (drill whirring)
[109:03 - 109:07] And Marty, what you know about that throttle control lights?
[109:07 - 109:12] Oh, and that's right, you don't 'cause you don't even drift
[109:12 - 109:15] or drive or do any forest sim racing.
[109:15 - 109:18] All you do is drive in real life.
[109:32 - 109:35] Nope, took out a bike, but we're good.
[109:35 - 109:45] Ooh, smoke showing that shit.
[109:45 - 109:58] Oh, wall tap to the front end, we're good though.
[109:58 - 110:01] (drill whirring)
[110:01 - 110:14] Damn, 360 entry, let's go, whoa.
[110:14 - 110:19] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[110:43 - 110:46] Don't forget to spot it, everybody.
[110:46 - 110:54] (drill whirring)
[111:21 - 111:25] Now we're talking my style, city drifting, boy.
[111:25 - 111:29] Yo, what's vanking here?
[111:29 - 111:35] I know, nothing, nothing matters, it's the glass window, okay.
[111:35 - 111:42] You want freestyle, boy?
[111:42 - 111:48] What's good on that Tokyo drift, shit, let's go.
[111:51 - 111:53] Where's all my drifters at?
[111:53 - 111:58] Yo.
[112:19 - 112:23] Yo, can I get inside that city and we'll rip around?
[112:23 - 112:26] Oh, that's casino, okay.
[112:26 - 112:47] Oh, I know where I'm hitting.
[112:47 - 112:50] (drill whirring)
[112:50 - 112:54] Full set.
[112:54 - 113:15] Whoo, around all that traffic, let's go, man.
[113:15 - 113:17] Let's go, man.
[113:44 - 113:48] Hey, Marty, let's see you deny my skill now, kid.
[113:48 - 114:22] (drill whirring)
[114:22 - 114:48] Yo, watch out.
[114:48 - 114:51] Come on through, yep, excuse me.
[114:51 - 114:58] Straight drifter, come on through, watch out.
[114:58 - 114:59] Excuse me, thank you.
[114:59 - 115:16] (drill whirring)
[115:43 - 115:47] Come on, the highway where I have the most fun.
[115:47 - 116:07] This is the highway where I usually have the most fun at.
[116:07 - 116:10] And clearly you can see why.
[116:10 - 116:13] There's just nothing by highway for days, man.
[116:13 - 116:20] Oh, damn, waltz app.
[116:20 - 116:28] Excuse me, sir.
[116:28 - 116:31] (drill whirring)
[116:31 - 116:43] Woo!
[116:43 - 116:48] That was skill, going around those,
[116:48 - 116:52] that semi-light down, bro, that was sketchy.
[116:52 - 116:54] I did not think I was gonna make that.
[116:54 - 116:56] That'd be all, shit, hello.
[116:56 - 116:58] Didn't even see there, sorry.
[116:58 - 117:15] (drill whirring)
[117:41 - 117:45] Even drivers like me gotta break loose once in a while, man.
[117:45 - 118:07] Yeah, that's a buss, we're going around, man.
[118:07 - 118:24] (drill whirring)
[118:51 - 118:53] Where are we going here?
[118:53 - 119:07] Oh, damn.
[119:07 - 119:11] Almost waltzed out that thing, too.
[119:11 - 119:13] Oh, hello, sir.
[119:13 - 119:16] Didn't see there, what's good?
[119:16 - 119:19] (drill whirring)
[119:19 - 119:31] This door tapped out, man.
[119:31 - 119:37] It's not in tapped, damn, but we're good.
[119:43 - 119:46] Oh, jump drift straight off, bro.
[119:46 - 119:51] What's good?
[119:51 - 119:57] Smash that jump drift like a boss, bro.
[119:57 - 120:11] Ooh, got that 360 jump drift on frickin' lock, boy.
[120:11 - 120:13] What's good?
[120:13 - 120:15] (drill whirring)
[120:15 - 120:25] Yo, can't block this house if you're watching this.
[120:25 - 120:27] KV, that was for you, homie.
[120:27 - 120:29] (drill whirring)
[120:29 - 120:52] Got that 360 jump drift on frickin' lock, dude.
[120:52 - 120:54] That was wild.
[120:54 - 120:56] (drill whirring)
[120:56 - 121:06] I don't even know how the hell we managed that.
[121:06 - 121:20] Dude, I wonder what state we're in.
[121:20 - 121:23] (drill whirring)
[121:23 - 121:31] Out of the way, sir.
[121:31 - 121:34] For real, dude, I wonder what state we're in right now,
[121:34 - 121:39] 'cause I know this game has the whole map of the U.S.,
[121:39 - 121:40] well, most of the U.S.
[121:40 - 121:43] Anyway, there's a few states for this, man, what the heck?
[121:43 - 121:48] Oh.
[121:48 - 121:50] (drill whirring)
[121:50 - 122:08] And Marty, eat your heart out.
[122:08 - 122:13] You wish you had these skills, son.
[122:13 - 122:16] (drill whirring)
[122:16 - 122:32] Oh, damn, Sully is whole ass.
[122:32 - 122:35] (drill whirring)
[122:35 - 122:43] (birds chirping)
[123:10 - 123:11] Boom.
[123:11 - 123:14] Almost backwards entered that shit.
[123:14 - 123:21] Man, I wanna say, dude, it feels good
[123:21 - 123:25] to just be back on here, riffing around full-time,
[123:25 - 123:28] going for that sponsorship again,
[123:28 - 123:31] doing what I should've been doing the entire time, bro.
[123:31 - 123:31] It feels good.
[123:31 - 123:39] Let's find a good parking spot here.
[123:40 - 123:42] (birds chirping)
[123:42 - 123:59] All right, now that was fucking skill.
[123:59 - 124:02] I literally went in freaking backwards.
[124:02 - 124:03] That was sick.
[124:03 - 124:14] (birds chirping)
[124:41 - 124:44] Phew, that was a fun run.
[124:44 - 124:52] Oh, shit, we got icon ones.
[124:52 - 124:54] Hell yeah, I'll take that.
[124:54 - 125:10] Yo, that icon's 500.
[125:10 - 125:12] (birds chirping)
[125:12 - 125:14] Dude, they got a lot of good answer.
[125:14 - 125:16] Oh, bro, that monster truck.
[125:16 - 125:21] Yo, icon 1000, the sheer own carbon.
[125:21 - 125:23] Oh, bro, I'm going for that carbon, boy.
[125:23 - 125:30] Jesus Christ.
[125:30 - 125:37] It just keeps going and going.
[125:37 - 125:37] God damn.
[125:37 - 125:40] (birds chirping)
[125:40 - 126:07] All right, so we got a few that I ain't done yet.
[126:07 - 126:10] (birds chirping)
[126:10 - 126:12] What's this circle to shit about?
[126:12 - 126:27] Yo, no, dude, I definitely do want to go to E3 next year.
[126:27 - 126:30] Like, if they're open up to the public next year,
[126:30 - 126:33] I definitely would like to go to E3 for sure.
[126:33 - 126:36] (birds chirping)
[126:36 - 126:47] Bustin' out Dom's Charger, hell yes.
[126:47 - 126:54] Got Dom's Charger Rally Edition, boy.
[126:54 - 126:57] Let's go.
[127:01 - 127:05] Holy shit, how the fuck do you see in this shit?
[127:05 - 127:08] (birds chirping)
[127:08 - 127:15] Fuck it, we're counting quarters here.
[127:15 - 127:21] Don't give a shit, we're doing what we gotta do to win.
[127:21 - 127:27] This kid's right there.
[127:27 - 127:28] What do you think you're doing?
[127:28 - 127:31] (birds chirping)
[127:31 - 127:36] Excuse me.
[127:36 - 127:46] Yo, what even happened?
[127:46 - 127:47] Oh, yeah, I'm telling you.
[127:47 - 127:50] Yeah, no shit.
[127:50 - 127:55] Oh, hello.
[127:55 - 127:58] (birds chirping)
[127:58 - 128:24] Yo, this track is tricky, man, holy crap.
[128:24 - 128:26] (birds chirping)
[128:26 - 128:30] I'll take some skinny tracks before we do this shit is,
[128:30 - 128:33] bananas, holy shit.
[128:33 - 128:35] (birds chirping)
[128:35 - 128:59] Damn, dude, they make this shit a tight ass squeeze,
[128:59 - 129:00] don't they?
[129:00 - 129:03] (birds chirping)
[129:03 - 129:16] Excuse me, I got you, motherfucker, see ya.
[129:16 - 129:17] See ya.
[129:17 - 129:37] It's like a little devil derby shit there.
[129:37 - 129:40] (birds chirping)
[129:40 - 129:56] Yeah, I don't think so, buddy.
[129:56 - 129:59] You ain't getting by me that easy.
[129:59 - 130:03] Nice try, though.
[130:03 - 130:05] (birds chirping)
[130:05 - 130:11] Yo, this shit is sketchy.
[130:11 - 130:14] Damn.
[130:14 - 130:16] (birds chirping)
[130:16 - 130:38] Oh, I got a little breathing on, at least.
[130:38 - 130:57] (birds chirping)
[130:57 - 131:23] Oof.
[131:23 - 131:26] (birds chirping)
[131:26 - 131:32] Bro, that was sketchy.
[131:32 - 131:39] That was frickin' intense, dude, not even gonna lie.
[131:39 - 131:49] Okay, I don't think I've ever been here before, holy shit.
[131:49 - 131:52] (birds chirping)
[131:52 - 131:57] Yeah, I've never been through here before, I don't think.
[131:57 - 132:01] And if I have, I don't remember.
[132:01 - 132:05] Wait, isn't this why I found that raccoon with sunglasses?
[132:05 - 132:13] And yes, believe it or not,
[132:13 - 132:17] I did actually find a raccoon with sunglasses on here.
[132:17 - 132:18] I got a picture of it somewhere,
[132:18 - 132:21] if I could find it, I'll have to post it on my Instagram.
[132:21 - 132:24] I am gonna be making a new Instagram, by the way,
[132:24 - 132:26] for my car shade on here.
[132:26 - 132:28] I will be making a new Instagram.
[132:28 - 132:30] I may have to post that.
[132:30 - 132:31] Oh, yep.
[132:31 - 132:33] That's a rock.
[132:46 - 132:49] (imitates car engine)
[132:49 - 132:52] (birds chirping)
[133:17 - 133:19] I'm always in the sink of rock crawl.
[133:19 - 133:34] Oh, hello.
[133:34 - 133:40] Yep.
[133:40 - 133:44] Yeah, I've never been down in here before.
[133:44 - 133:45] I can tell you that I already,
[133:45 - 133:47] goddamn, this is a little sketchy shit.
[133:47 - 133:49] I'll get the hell out of here,
[133:49 - 133:52] 'cause that is some sketchy shit.
[133:52 - 133:59] Oh, it's some Dominic Toretto shit here.
[133:59 - 134:01] (chuckles)
[134:01 - 134:26] I love that, I love that, right? (laughs)
[134:26 - 134:29] (birds chirping)
[134:29 - 134:44] Damn, man.
[134:44 - 134:47] Excuse me.
[134:47 - 134:52] Oh, I didn't tear up that dude's grass.
[134:52 - 134:53] Really?
[134:55 - 134:57] I would say, hopefully, I didn't tear up
[134:57 - 134:59] that dude's grass too much.
[134:59 - 135:03] Well, she had a frame long over her job.
[135:03 - 135:08] He ain't gotta worry about cutting it for a while.
[135:08 - 135:10] (birds chirping)
[135:10 - 135:33] You gave me a free grass cutting job.
[135:33 - 135:35] (birds chirping)
[135:35 - 135:46] Did I just have a stroke?
[135:46 - 135:48] No, I didn't have a stroke, dude.
[135:48 - 135:51] What makes you think I had a stroke?
[135:51 - 135:52] Like what?
[135:52 - 135:58] I am, T totally lost.
[135:58 - 136:01] (birds chirping)
[136:01 - 136:08] (sighs)
[136:09 - 136:12] (birds chirping)
[136:12 - 136:28] (sighs)
[136:28 - 136:33] (birds chirping)
[136:33 - 136:56] Oh, yeah, shit's about to get wild.
[136:56 - 137:16] (birds chirping)
[137:16 - 137:23] Stage three, U.S.Mates were used.
[137:23 - 137:26] Leading by elite, four, Dallas, Texas.
[137:26 - 137:32] (birds chirping)
[137:32 - 137:41] Whoa.
[137:41 - 138:00] (birds chirping)
[138:26 - 138:29] Dude, I'm literally doing 263 right now.
[138:29 - 138:30] God damn.
[138:30 - 138:33] This thing hauls us.
[138:33 - 138:38] Coming through.
[138:38 - 138:45] (birds chirping)
[138:45 - 139:11] You don't wanna say I can't drive.
[139:11 - 139:13] (laughs)
[139:13 - 139:14] Right.
[139:14 - 139:27] Let that boost.
[139:27 - 139:30] This is a quick boy.
[139:30 - 139:38] Excuse me, I'm on it.
[139:38 - 139:41] All right, well, that's how we'll hug that, we're good.
[139:41 - 139:44] (birds chirping)
[139:44 - 139:47] Bro, we're just hauling ass right now.
[139:47 - 139:49] Oh, damn.
[139:49 - 139:52] All right, now it's two damn calls.
[139:52 - 139:55] (birds chirping)
[139:55 - 140:07] Oh, yep.
[140:10 - 140:13] That's all right, we're a little bit behind the objective,
[140:13 - 140:16] but not for long it won't be.
[140:16 - 141:06] (birds chirping)
[141:33 - 141:36] And Mario, I see you handle a car at this speed.
[141:36 - 141:47] (birds chirping)
[142:13 - 142:18] 85% 86, there's a way to have our objective.
[142:18 - 142:24] I'm way ahead, I'm doing good.
[142:24 - 142:34] Yo, I can't detect that, what's good, man?
[142:34 - 142:35] I see one, bro.
[142:35 - 142:38] (birds chirping)
[142:38 - 143:02] Well, now boys, I'd like to tell you this.
[143:02 - 143:06] If it's Texas motorblasts, your speed will form.
[143:06 - 143:08] Who will win the stage?
[143:08 - 143:30] (birds chirping)
[143:30 - 143:32] Oh, no shit, that's cool.
[143:32 - 143:39] Holy shit, that was wild.
[143:39 - 143:52] Oh my god, that was crazy.
[143:52 - 144:02] (birds chirping)
[144:02 - 144:15] You know, let's hit an office in dirt five.
[144:15 - 144:24] No shit, that's sick.
[144:24 - 144:26] Dude, I collect myself.
[144:28 - 144:31] Yo, Yu-Gi-Oh's my shit, I actually do collect as well.
[144:31 - 144:43] My rarest ones that I have are,
[144:43 - 144:46] I have all the pieces of Exodia,
[144:46 - 144:50] blue-ass shining dragon, red-ass darkness,
[144:50 - 144:52] and all three god cards.
[144:55 - 144:58] (birds chirping)
[144:58 - 144:59] And those are just a few of my rarest.
[144:59 - 145:01] I got a whole bunch more.
[145:01 - 145:13] Does it smell like a dog?
[145:13 - 145:14] What the fuck?
[145:14 - 145:17] (laughs)
[145:17 - 145:32] The fuck?
[145:32 - 145:38] Yo, Negasonic, what's good, bro?
[145:42 - 145:44] Yeah, I heard about that.
[145:44 - 145:49] That was all over the fucking place.
[145:49 - 145:51] I heard about that shit, that was crazy.
[145:51 - 146:07] One of my friend's relatives was actually over there
[146:07 - 146:10] during that shit, it was insane, dude.
[146:10 - 146:15] I was like, "Dude, you gotta be fucking kidding me."
[146:15 - 146:25] That shit was insane.
[146:25 - 146:41] (
[146:41 - 146:46] You know what, speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh and anime shit, hold up.
[146:46 - 146:53] Let me switch over and show y'all something.
[146:53 - 146:55] 'Cause I don't think I showed you guys
[146:56 - 146:58] what I'm about to show y'all.
[146:58 - 147:01] And how the fuck did Twitch get over there, why not?
[147:01 - 147:08] Let me show y'all, and yes, I got Jump Force.
[147:08 - 147:10] Fucking love Jump Force.
[147:10 - 147:13] And yes, I have Scarlet Nexus.
[147:13 - 147:15] I fucking love that, man, it's stupid fun.
[147:15 - 147:23] And yes, I'm a fucking weed.
[147:24 - 147:28] I'm not gonna lie, I'm a fucking anime fan, straight up.
[147:28 - 147:40] Nigh, dude, I actually have a fucking Rosario vampire
[147:40 - 147:41] wall scroll.
[147:53 - 147:55] Dude, Rosario vampire is my shit.
[147:55 - 147:57] (dramatic music)
[148:24 - 148:27] Now, while this is low, now let me show you something, man.
[148:27 - 148:29] As y'all might know, I did pick these up
[148:29 - 148:33] from Walmart for a few weeks, y'all brought 15 bucks.
[148:33 - 148:43] Oh yeah, there's no right ones.
[148:43 - 148:45] These right here are two of my most prized shirts.
[148:45 - 148:48] I do plan on getting some other ones they had,
[148:48 - 148:53] but number one, I don't know if y'all can,
[148:53 - 148:55] you can see it right here.
[148:55 - 149:06] We got a motherfucking Demon Slayer up in there.
[149:06 - 149:09] Yes, I'm a Demon Slayer fan.
[149:09 - 149:20] And let me let this load up real quick,
[149:20 - 149:22] so there's like actual white.
[149:22 - 149:26] Oh, I know, this one I picked up at Walmart,
[149:26 - 149:29] the Demon Slayer one I picked up at Hot Topic.
[149:29 - 149:32] And yes, Hot Topic's still around, which is a shock.
[149:32 - 149:37] Ah, here we go. And, here we go.
[149:37 - 149:38] Shock.
[149:38 - 149:58] Ah, here we go.
[149:58 - 149:59] And,
[150:05 - 150:08] my Naruto Yaki Ramen Shop shirt.
[150:08 - 150:12] You know I got to rep that anime life.
[150:12 - 150:14] Got that Ichiraki Ramen Shop shirt.
[150:14 - 150:18] And you know I got to rep the Demon Slayer, man.
[150:18 - 150:19] You got to.
[150:33 - 150:36] So, yeah, I'm gonna do an anime nerd.
[150:36 - 150:38] I kind of always have them.
[150:38 - 150:43] Now, let me show you how far I've taken one of my cars, man.
[150:43 - 150:46] All right, let me show you my Natasha garage here.
[150:46 - 150:48] Let me show you my Natasha wrapped cars.
[150:48 - 150:51] 'Cause I don't think I haven't really
[150:51 - 150:53] showed anybody these yet.
[150:53 - 150:55] So, let me show you all my Natasha cars.
[150:55 - 151:00] Let me cut this off real quick.
[151:00 - 151:02] (sniffs)
[151:02 - 151:14] This one right here is probably my personal,
[151:14 - 151:16] one of my personal favorites.
[151:16 - 151:22] But,
[151:22 - 151:30] this is one of my many personal favorites.
[151:30 - 151:32] (birds chirping)
[151:32 - 151:43] Man, man, let me go in the photo mode real quick
[151:43 - 151:47] so I can actually show you guys the full thing.
[151:47 - 151:51] All day we did some stuff on the hood, too.
[151:51 - 151:56] But, one of my friends actually did this custom rep for me.
[151:56 - 151:59] (birds chirping)
[151:59 - 152:09] Y'all can't tell me that this G-Wagon ain't sick.
[152:09 - 152:19] Oh, yeah, I even got a Natasha senpai
[152:19 - 152:20] over there on the corner.
[152:26 - 152:26] Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[152:26 - 152:28] How do I think I'm going right, though?
[152:28 - 152:36] Dude, I got all kinds of freaking anime-wrapped shit.
[152:36 - 152:38] Like, I got an Integra Type R.
[152:38 - 152:42] I got a bunch of Miku Hachuni routes.
[152:42 - 152:48] Let's see, where's my one at?
[152:48 - 152:50] I got Jesse's,
[152:50 - 152:53] Rod, let's see.
[152:53 - 152:56] I'm trying to find my main one that I use.
[152:56 - 153:02] Trying to find my main drift car that I use.
[153:02 - 153:10] Oh, here's one of my favorites right here.
[153:10 - 153:12] I absolutely love this car.
[153:12 - 153:14] This one's actually one of my favorites.
[153:14 - 153:18] This one right here is actually one of my favorite
[153:18 - 153:21] Natasha-wrapped cars that I've got going on right now.
[153:21 - 153:24] (mellow music)
[153:24 - 153:32] Sexy ass Lambo.
[153:32 - 153:33] Whew!
[153:33 - 153:45] I believe it is.
[153:45 - 153:48] I don't know, Project Demos.
[153:48 - 153:50] (laughs)
[153:50 - 153:53] Yeah, Tatsu.
[153:53 - 153:56] Yeah, it's Takazuki Yogi.
[153:56 - 154:10] So you got Dollmaster.
[154:16 - 154:18] Oh yeah, even got the freaking Chewy hamburger
[154:18 - 154:20] over there in the corner, bruh.
[154:20 - 154:22] Got Manko.
[154:22 - 154:26] I don't think there's really anything on the back.
[154:26 - 154:28] Oh yeah, there is, there's the little...
[154:28 - 154:31] Oh yeah, hold on, how did I not see that on the back?
[154:31 - 154:35] Oh yeah, dude, that is sick.
[154:35 - 154:37] I just now noticed that, that is so sick.
[154:37 - 154:43] So obviously, as you can tell,
[154:43 - 154:45] yes, I'm a massive anime fan.
[154:45 - 154:49] Like, all my cars are on this account at least.
[154:49 - 154:53] Like, about 95 to 98% of my cars
[154:53 - 154:58] are done in, you know, Natasha-wrapped style.
[154:58 - 155:05] Got my custom for Fiesta.
[155:05 - 155:15] That's actually one that I did myself.
[155:15 - 155:17] 4PS is a wrap that I did myself.
[155:17 - 155:23] I got a few in here that I did on my own
[155:23 - 155:27] that I actually do, that I am very freaking proud of.
[155:27 - 155:42] This one I actually did for a personal friend of mine.
[155:42 - 155:47] My best friend's, my best friend Trisha K. Asara.
[155:47 - 155:56] This one is actually a custom one
[155:56 - 155:57] that she wanted me to do for her.
[155:57 - 156:01] So I wound up hooking her up with a Hinata.
[156:01 - 156:08] Hinata Mountain Dewy Tasha Wrap.
[156:08 - 156:13] Got a Juku, GTR, Falcon, Stance Nation.
[156:13 - 156:23] Got Blitz and all those other dudes up there.
[156:23 - 156:25] And then up here on there,
[156:25 - 156:28] you got Mountain Dew with Hinata right there.
[156:28 - 156:34] See, I got a few that I did that I actually enjoyed.
[156:34 - 156:39] And then obviously you got her SD, her formula drift,
[156:39 - 156:46] her SD man plate right there.
[156:46 - 157:02] Dude, you can't show that kind of shit on here, bro.
[157:03 - 157:05] There's no way to do that.
[157:05 - 157:07] Oh, yes, you can.
[157:07 - 157:10] Yes, you can.
[157:10 - 157:11] Hold on, let me go.
[157:11 - 157:13] Mine is the paints and the designs.
[157:13 - 157:19] My designs.
[157:19 - 157:26] Let's see, where's the,
[157:26 - 157:28] you got a whole fuck ton in here, goddamn.
[157:28 - 157:32] I got too many in here, that's a wrap to count, man.
[157:32 - 157:34] Fucking hell, where'd it go?
[157:34 - 157:42] Got my coffee manga one done by myself.
[157:42 - 157:45] Got my fiesta that I did.
[157:45 - 157:51] Where's the one that I'm driving right now?
[157:51 - 157:56] Dude, where's my frickin' four fiesta that I'm driving?
[157:56 - 157:58] (clock ticking)
[157:58 - 158:05] Well, as you can tell, I've literally got
[158:05 - 158:08] a slunk ton of Natasha wraps.
[158:08 - 158:10] That one I need to redo.
[158:10 - 158:11] That one I'm cute.
[158:11 - 158:14] I actually need to retouch that a little bit.
[158:14 - 158:17] I got a Haunter one.
[158:17 - 158:18] Ah, right here.
[158:18 - 158:24] And that one I actually did for my older brother.
[158:24 - 158:25] As you can tell, I've still got some
[158:25 - 158:27] that I need to work on.
[158:27 - 158:32] That one right, actually I think I'm gonna leave that.
[158:32 - 158:36] My Mercedes Benz.
[158:36 - 158:40] My Corvette.
[158:40 - 158:44] I got a few that I'm working on.
[158:44 - 158:46] So it sounds good.
[158:46 - 158:54] It sounds good.
[158:55 - 158:58] (clock ticking)
[158:58 - 159:06] This one right here is actually one of my personal favorites
[159:06 - 159:07] 'cause this right here is like,
[159:07 - 159:10] it's a coffee shop kinda thing.
[159:10 - 159:18] And yo, Jesse, if you got Discord or whatever,
[159:18 - 159:20] you're more than welcome to hit me up.
[159:20 - 159:23] (instrumental music)
[159:23 - 159:28] Got my coffee shop, Natasha wrap.
[159:28 - 159:31] Got anything for me?
[159:31 - 159:33] Cars and coffee right there.
[159:33 - 159:49] Got BC Racing.
[159:49 - 159:52] This part I like right here, hold my coffee.
[159:52 - 159:55] That's me, dude.
[159:55 - 159:57] Yo, hold my coffee.
[159:57 - 160:09] How is doing a freaking dope-ass Natasha wrap
[160:09 - 160:11] embarrassing, bro?
[160:11 - 160:16] Why, dude, I think every anime fan out there
[160:16 - 160:20] will agree with me that freaking anime is a lice.
[160:20 - 160:27] Like straight up, anime is motherfucking lice.
[160:27 - 160:31] Prove me wrong.
[160:31 - 160:36] Prove me motherfucking wrong, takes the joke.
[160:36 - 160:39] Prove me wrong, bro.
[160:39 - 160:49] (clock ticking)
[160:49 - 160:52] Now these right here, these are my
[160:52 - 160:55] twin 911 Turbo 3.3s.
[160:55 - 160:59] How many of you back in the day
[160:59 - 161:01] remember the game Jet Set Radio?
[161:01 - 161:09] How many of you guys back in the day
[161:09 - 161:11] remember the Jet Set Radio games?
[161:11 - 161:14] (clock ticking)
[161:14 - 161:19] Just check this out, one of my homies hooked me up
[161:19 - 161:20] with this beast right here.
[161:20 - 161:29] This is actually one of my two Jet Set Radio twins.
[161:29 - 161:39] I got this one and then I got the white one to match.
[161:40 - 161:43] And I got the RWB body kit.
[161:43 - 161:55] Let's go over here and pull out the white one.
[161:55 - 162:05] I went way, I don't know, I went way too far.
[162:05 - 162:08] (clock ticking)
[162:08 - 162:15] Bust out my white, beautiful 911 Porsche.
[162:15 - 162:21] And boom, there's the white twin.
[162:21 - 162:33] All right, bro, you say I'm embarrassing, bro.
[162:35 - 162:38] Oh, pardon me, bro.
[162:38 - 162:40] I'm a freaking anime nerd, bro, bro.
[162:40 - 162:44] You want to see how much I'm a nerd, I am, hold up.
[162:44 - 162:52] Hold the freaking phone.
[162:52 - 162:54] (clock ticking)
[162:54 - 163:11] (bell ringing)
[163:20 - 163:25] Let's go here and face y'all this way.
[163:25 - 163:29] First, I'm gonna turn on my ring light real quick.
[163:29 - 163:33] Is that thing even fucking plugged in?
[163:33 - 163:40] There we go.
[163:40 - 163:44] Let me show you just how much of an anime nerd I am, bro.
[163:44 - 163:47] (clock ticking)
[163:47 - 164:07] Make sure it turns on.
[164:07 - 164:09] (bell ringing)
[164:09 - 164:12] (clock ticking)
[164:12 - 164:24] Take the strap off.
[164:24 - 164:27] Oh, there it is.
[164:27 - 164:35] (clock ticking)
[164:35 - 164:38] (bell ringing)
[164:38 - 167:21] (upbeat music)
[167:21 - 167:40] Oh, that's hot.
[167:40 - 167:42] (upbeat music)
[167:42 - 167:43] Oh, that's hot.
[167:43 - 167:44] Oh, you're hot.
[167:44 - 167:49] (upbeat music)
[167:49 - 167:51] Yo, sorry guys.
[167:51 - 167:55] (phone ringing)
[167:55 - 167:59] Yeah.
[167:59 - 168:06] All right, yo.
[168:06 - 168:10] Sorry guys, didn't mean to make you fall.
[168:10 - 168:14] I'm fucking cold, but fell on me.
[168:14 - 168:15] My bad.
[168:16 - 168:19] (phone ringing)
[168:19 - 168:25] All right, guys, I'm gonna bounce around.
[168:25 - 168:26] I'm gonna start with drainage stream
[168:26 - 168:28] and I'll be right back.
[168:28 - 168:30] (phone ringing)
[168:30 - 168:36] So stick around.
[168:36 - 168:53] (phone ringing)
[168:53 - 168:55] (buzzing)