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2021-10-5 trying to improve my time rally

2021-10-5 trying to improve my time rally

[0:00 - 0:13] what up what up everybody ya'll already know who it is
[0:13 - 0:19] try to improve my times and see what I walk away with
[0:19 - 0:33] and you know I couldn't have a rallycross event without sipping on some
[0:33 - 0:48] of that noise baby gotta hit up that noise man
[0:48 - 1:07] Let's go Hey babe why don't you get out of here man
[1:07 - 1:15] cause you're not welcome here babe but you know why
[1:15 - 1:42] I don't know who the fuck you son aren't banging but you are then
[1:42 - 1:49] sorry I'm not very talkive on stages but this shit requires 110% concentration
[1:49 - 2:18] okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay.
[2:18 - 2:39] Damn, I got a backwards on that. Hey sug thank you and the reason why he's
[2:39 - 2:45] not allowed is literally because of the fact that he's been shit talking behind my back
[2:45 - 3:03] so yeah if I catch you shit talking you're fucked, just saying.
[3:03 - 3:33] I'm sorry I'm still gonna get back up on the ground here.
[3:33 - 3:41] The last thing guys I'm sorry if I'm quiet during these rally stages but like I said
[3:41 - 4:04] these require 110% concentration all of that happens right there's a prime example of why
[4:04 - 4:14] I have to have 100% concentration, prime example right there.
[4:14 - 4:23] Oh they definitely have cause as the wheels coming around I'm not fricking snacking my
[4:23 - 4:30] fingers as the wheels coming back around which is good.
[4:30 - 4:42] Now I'm not fucking busting my hand now then.
[4:42 - 5:09] Oh yeah we're getting past my ghost stuff real quick here.
[5:09 - 5:25] Let's see if we can improve my times on some of these stages.
[5:25 - 5:46] Oh no oh we're good oh that was sketchy.
[5:46 - 6:14] Okay so I'm going to do a quick check. I'm going to do a quick check. I'm going to do a
[6:14 - 6:26] quick check, I'm going to do a quick check and I'm going to do a quick check and I'm
[6:26 - 6:50] going to do a quick check. Oh yeah we're just barely at him on my personal best but still
[6:50 - 7:05] that's not bad. We're good.
[7:05 - 7:31] Oh damn rolled it. Yeah we're going to have to restart that.
[7:31 - 7:39] That rollover fucked me up.
[7:39 - 7:56] Hey Marty what's going on?
[7:56 - 8:10] What's going on Marty how are you doing man?
[8:10 - 8:25] Oh beautiful slide through that corner.
[8:25 - 8:39] Oh now we're moving on let's go. Let's take it.
[8:39 - 9:01] Oh no nothing fuck we're going to keep restarting man I'm going to get this vape get out of
[9:01 - 9:24] here audio is vape like I said vape you're not welcome here so stay the fuck off my channel
[9:24 - 9:45] sorry you're not allowed on my channel especially as the way you did this Saren plus shit talk
[9:45 - 10:03] at me bro you're a creeper sorry no creepers or trolls allowed on this channel.
[10:03 - 10:33] Oh yeah we're going to get this vape. Oh yeah we're going to get this vape. Oh yeah we're
[10:33 - 11:01] going to get this vape. Oh yeah we're going to get this vape.
[11:01 - 11:18] Oh yeah we're going to get this vape, oh yeah we're going to get this vape.
[11:18 - 12:26] Oh yeah we're going to get this vape. Oh yeah we're going to get this vape.
[12:26 - 12:47] Oh yeah we're going to get this vape. Oh man I turned it, I always turn the wrong
[12:47 - 12:58] way on that one. I always take the wrong corner.
[12:58 - 13:01] I don't know why I should be going this way and not that way.
[13:01 - 13:25] I should be going right and not left. Let's go attempt number three or four.
[13:25 - 13:34] I'll tell you man you've got to have nerves of steel to do this shit.
[13:34 - 13:59] Like the late and great Colin McRae OS is. When in doubt, flat out.
[13:59 - 14:19] Oh we're good. Oh that was sketchy.
[14:19 - 14:39] I thought for sure I was fucked.
[14:39 - 14:56] I thought for sure I was screwed right there.
[14:56 - 15:25] Oh let's go. I just fucking slap trashed that shit.
[15:25 - 15:46] Oh frickin' send on the inside. That was some fucking slap trashed shit.
[15:46 - 15:57] Yo. Bro I just fucking slap trained the hell out
[15:57 - 16:05] of that corner man. That was actually some good shit.
[16:05 - 16:11] I don't even know how the hell I frickin' made that to be honest with you.
[16:11 - 16:39] That was sketchy. God dang.
[16:39 - 17:04] Oh one wheel tip off.
[17:04 - 17:33] Oh damn. Oh no. Oh no. Oh damn.
[17:33 - 18:00] Dude I'm just fucking flying. Alright here it comes.
[18:00 - 18:22] Damn nailed that bitch. Let's go.
[18:22 - 18:44] Man let me see I cannot wait to get that hand break tomorrow man that's going to fucking
[18:44 - 19:13] out shit. Shit. Hey now I got a right to punch you.
[19:13 - 19:27] I kind of figured that was going to happen. One of my snaps and my stick.
[19:27 - 19:34] I want to introduce you guys to slap training. After this run if I make the end of this shit
[19:34 - 19:42] I was going to introduce you guys to the homie slap train dude. I have to show you guys
[19:42 - 20:04] how quick that dude really is. Y'all thought I knew how to drift.
[20:04 - 20:25] I'm going to do a quick jump. I'm going to do a quick jump. I'm going to do a quick jump.
[20:25 - 23:47] I'm going to do a quick jump in here. I'm going to do a quick jump in here.
[23:47 - 23:59] Let's see how I stack up against the leaderboard. That actually was one of my better runs to be honest with you.
[23:59 - 24:27] We're in 600. That's not bad. I'll take that.
[24:27 - 24:53] I'm going to do a quick jump in here.
[24:53 - 25:03] How the hell do you keep getting unblocked?
[25:03 - 25:13] You need to keep going after my channel. Y'all need to quit.
[25:13 - 25:31] 600 is better than being way down here at the bottom.
[25:31 - 25:37] At least I'm not in the bottom 900.
[25:37 - 26:01] At least I'm on the fucking leaderboard.
[26:01 - 26:29] Oh well.
[26:29 - 26:35] Hey, that's actually a good question.
[26:35 - 26:39] I don't even know 900 even gets off the leaderboard.
[26:39 - 26:51] Dude, 14 minutes and 41 seconds. That's freaking child's play, bro.
[26:51 - 26:58] Let's watch the replay right quick. Let's see where I want to watch that downhill drop right here.
[26:58 - 27:25] Oh yeah, see I kind of lost it over there.
[27:25 - 27:54] Oh my god.
[27:54 - 28:10] Oh, I almost bought it right there.
[28:10 - 28:28] Rewind it a bit.
[28:29 - 29:10] Okay.
[29:10 - 29:13] See you glue dragons.
[29:13 - 29:21] Don't fuck it.
[29:21 - 29:32] All right, gladly. I will.
[29:32 - 30:01] I'm dude, I'm fucking shade comes that straight, bro. I fucking blew down that straight away. Holy fuck.
[30:01 - 30:15] God did I fucking flew down that thing.
[30:15 - 30:44] Jesus cry.
[30:44 - 31:13] I think this one's definitely become one of my new favorite courses for sure.
[31:13 - 31:29] Yeah, if you see right there, I took that corner way too quick.
[31:29 - 31:42] Not bad though. How about kiss my ass.
[31:42 - 31:54] Cuz I don't know nobody shit y'all are trying to start shit. You don't fuck pussies.
[31:54 - 32:23] No, it ain't low key you have zero idea what you're talking about you fucking retard.
[32:23 - 32:39] You know every time I see you know y'all may as well just give the fuck up because every time I see you I'm just gonna fucking block you.
[32:39 - 32:47] So y'all may as well just give the fuck up because what you're doing ain't working.
[32:47 - 33:08] Actually, no, I did not.
[33:08 - 33:26] Yo, BZ, what up? Oh, no, wacky Jackie. You got to go to bitch. I know who the fuck you are. You're gone.
[33:26 - 33:39] You think just because you think just because I'm practicing my rally stages or you think just because I'm concentrating on this and I'm not going to get you afterwards.
[33:39 - 33:56] Think again.
[33:56 - 34:04] You think just because I'm practicing rally stages you don't think that I'm not going to get your ass. Oh, I will trust me.
[34:04 - 34:33] Best boy then.
[34:33 - 35:02] One, two, three, four.
[35:02 - 35:31] Oh my God, I don't see shit.
[35:31 - 35:54] I'm pretty sure.
[35:54 - 35:57] Yeah, we got more trolls.
[35:57 - 36:21] You know, I'm busy. I'm gonna put you as a model. Now I'm gonna put you as a travel basis.
[36:21 - 36:33] Hey, BZ. You know what to do, man. Take that trash out, bro. You know what to do, my man.
[36:33 - 36:44] I trust you, man. You've shown that you can handle it.
[36:44 - 36:52] Take that trash out, homie.
[36:52 - 37:21] Hashtag taking out the trash.
[37:21 - 37:47] Oh, within this motherfucker.
[37:47 - 38:05] Just wondering, man, how many of you guys want to see me open up a merchandise shop?
[38:05 - 38:13] Actually, I have two questions for you guys. One, how many of you want me to open up a merchandise shop?
[38:13 - 38:20] How many of you want to open up a side racing merch shop?
[38:20 - 38:30] And two, if I opened up a merch shop, would you guys legitimately actually buy the merch?
[38:30 - 38:48] If I could find a way to get paid through cash app, would you guys be willing to buy the merch?
[38:48 - 39:13] Dude, these stages are unforgiving, man.
[39:13 - 39:38] They are. I think that was the first time I actually hit that car.
[39:38 - 39:48] No, no, no. Thank you.
[39:48 - 39:57] I know I might sound calm, but dude, on the inside, I'm going for a jit.
[39:57 - 40:02] Freaking out, and that's why.
[40:02 - 40:25] But while I'm at it, let me show you guys slap training who this man is.
[40:25 - 40:32] Let me show you who this man is. And yes, if y'all know, yes, I am a huge star,
[40:32 - 40:40] since I'm always keeping up with that kind of shit.
[40:40 - 40:58] Let me show you my man slap training, just how sideways this man can get.
[40:58 - 41:16] What's up?
[41:16 - 41:21] Welcome to my happy place. Come on, let's check out what's new at home.
[41:21 - 41:35] Oh, it does not get any closer to that right there, I'll tell you that.
[41:35 - 41:38] What's going on? We're going back to the two of each channel.
[41:38 - 41:45] We are back today. We're here on ABC clutch kickers for today, and I figured we'd do a little bit of drifting.
[41:45 - 41:50] I don't know what we're talking about for today. I really wanted to do some of the things today.
[41:50 - 41:55] But I had some life complications come down and hit me last night.
[41:55 - 41:58] I want to talk about it with you for today. A huge thanks for watching.
[41:58 - 42:06] I figured we'd just drift today. We left WTT cars out, and I managed to secure a four-board R34 for today's session.
[42:06 - 42:10] So I'm really excited to throw some doors today. We've got a Thrustmaster TSXWL once again.
[42:10 - 42:14] We have a Sparko handbrake, THNA shifter, TLCM pedals underneath.
[42:14 - 42:18] And of course, our next level racing rig, holding everything together.
[42:18 - 42:24] Actually, you're seeing the glare, dude. That's actually the glare off of my window back there.
[42:24 - 42:30] We've been here before. This track is actually really cool. If you guys missed last episode, I will leave it down.
[42:30 - 42:34] That's literally just the glare off of my window that you're seeing.
[42:34 - 42:39] Last night though, man, I could not believe this. It happened at the worst possible time.
[42:39 - 42:47] I was out and I came home on the wrong night at the car. I came back, I made a drink, put it into the deep freezer downstairs.
[42:47 - 42:55] And basically, I left it for about 30 minutes. I come back to find the floor just absolutely flooded.
[42:55 - 43:01] I could not believe it. I didn't believe what happened. It was just some pump. Just stop pumping.
[43:01 - 43:08] And as you guys can guess, the entire room was just one big part that I could not believe it.
[43:08 - 43:12] I went in there and absolutely panicked. I had no idea what to do.
[43:12 - 43:17] I started bailing water out into the sink. I was just in full panic.
[43:17 - 43:20] I couldn't believe I was using my back for every single one.
[43:20 - 43:23] I feel like I'm about 70 minutes old today, right?
[43:23 - 43:28] Just absolutely water back is dummy. It was just terrible.
[43:28 - 43:35] Thankfully, though, nothing really got damaged. All the water stayed within the room.
[43:35 - 43:38] I'll throw up some photos for you guys, but I walked in.
[43:38 - 43:45] It was absolutely insane, man. It was probably one of the scariest moments that I've had in a very long time.
[43:45 - 43:51] And right now, if you guys have a sun pump, make sure you guys are...
[43:51 - 43:53] Oh, there's a lot of cars. I think there's that many cars, so sorry.
[43:53 - 43:59] But there's more cars. What? Is it an end? My bad, my bad.
[43:59 - 44:04] I'll tell you, if you guys have a sun pump, though, make sure you're keeping it on top.
[44:04 - 44:08] What am I going to do? What am I going to do? Walk the boat down to that?
[44:08 - 44:10] Am I not on my 100?
[44:10 - 44:14] I may not, but I was talking to the left one the other day.
[44:14 - 44:17] It's a 500. I don't think I have to be on this one.
[44:17 - 44:23] Oh, yeah, there's a straight throw on it.
[44:23 - 44:27] Yeah, if you guys have a sun pump, though, if you guys have ever had issues with flooding in your basement,
[44:27 - 44:31] it is a scary, scary thing to have to deal with.
[44:31 - 44:35] I just went in there and I started bailing water.
[44:35 - 44:40] I probably bailed about 100 buckets of water, absolutely panicking at the same time,
[44:40 - 44:43] trying to stay calm, though, right? That was the big thing, trying to stay calm,
[44:43 - 44:45] well, around 360 degrees, not 1000.
[44:45 - 44:52] But I shut off all the water. I reached my hand down into the pit to just see what I could feel.
[44:52 - 44:57] Maybe there was something in there that maybe I could move around to stop it.
[44:57 - 45:03] And I guess I did, and I stopped it enough that the water stopped coming in.
[45:03 - 45:07] I was able to bail it out enough where it didn't come out anymore.
[45:07 - 45:11] So the pump, I guess, it was raining all day yesterday.
[45:11 - 45:13] I don't know if you guys were in the GTA area,
[45:13 - 45:18] but we got hit with probably one of the most record-breaking rainfalls in a long time.
[45:18 - 45:23] It was just constantly raining all day, and then at night it came down super hard,
[45:23 - 45:27] which was, ironically, when everything started to happen, right?
[45:27 - 45:33] So it was crazy, but that's what was definitely just thankful that they built houses the way that they do,
[45:33 - 45:37] because if they did not, probably would have had a lot of damage.
[45:37 - 45:38] And I got a lot of things down here.
[45:38 - 45:42] Thankfully, not on the floor, but whether it would have went down,
[45:42 - 45:45] I don't know how long it would have went for if it wasn't hard, right?
[45:45 - 45:48] That's my other question that I have is, you know, if I wasn't here to catch it,
[45:48 - 45:53] and you're only training, there's stop reference going on to fix the pump,
[45:53 - 45:58] you know, would it have been just a tectonic situation where my entire basement
[45:58 - 46:01] would just become fluffled over and over again, right?
[46:01 - 46:07] So, I mean, it was a 10 out of 10 on, you know, the standard factor, for sure.
[46:07 - 46:09] And I did not know what things happened.
[46:09 - 46:10] Damn.
[46:10 - 46:11] I just really wasn't looking at it.
[46:11 - 46:12] I hope you all don't have those folks.
[46:12 - 46:15] That's my other concern, but I mean, like I said,
[46:15 - 46:19] thankfully, there was really no damage.
[46:19 - 46:21] It doesn't really have anything planned today.
[46:21 - 46:23] My head was just a few upholing here, but today,
[46:23 - 46:26] just seeing if I could ever be in a very public place to pump,
[46:26 - 46:32] I stuck my hand back in there today just to see if I could feel around it.
[46:32 - 46:34] Maybe I've bought this little bunch of debris down here,
[46:34 - 46:36] so I reached my hand and then I started pulling out shit.
[46:36 - 46:39] And I got a full load of rocks.
[46:39 - 46:42] I found a bathtub looking for someone to do.
[46:42 - 46:44] So, I mean, it definitely could be the issue.
[46:44 - 46:46] I fell out of gear.
[46:46 - 46:49] I guess my rig shook enough that it popped it out of gear.
[46:49 - 46:50] Damn, okay.
[46:50 - 46:51] That's sad.
[46:51 - 46:54] I guess that's a short shifter that's not letting that kick in there.
[46:54 - 46:56] Yeah, it was a scary situation.
[46:56 - 46:59] It definitely did not want anyone to have to deal with water damage ever in their life,
[46:59 - 47:01] especially if you have valuables in the basement.
[47:01 - 47:05] I was talking with a couple of people the other day about it.
[47:05 - 47:07] People were not as fortunate as I was.
[47:07 - 47:10] I was in a stop in another people's basement.
[47:10 - 47:12] It did get serious damage.
[47:12 - 47:17] So, I mean, it's definitely a wake-up call for everybody that does have things in the basement
[47:17 - 47:19] and does have a self-harm.
[47:19 - 47:20] Make sure you guys clean it.
[47:20 - 47:23] Make sure you guys just make sure that there's nothing in the pit.
[47:23 - 47:25] And just make sure it's working properly.
[47:25 - 47:27] That's the biggest thing that everyone's doing.
[47:27 - 47:29] They're really good with that.
[47:29 - 47:33] And I'm just super thankful that it doesn't.
[47:33 - 47:36] And I was told to be able to deal with it at the time.
[47:36 - 47:38] It just kept going.
[47:38 - 47:39] That's my rig.
[47:39 - 47:41] It would have kept going, man.
[47:41 - 47:42] My mother would have stopped.
[47:42 - 47:44] It would have just right...
[47:44 - 47:45] Oh, I would have came downstairs.
[47:45 - 47:47] I would have been in the bottom step.
[47:47 - 47:50] And there just would have been water everywhere, guaranteed.
[47:50 - 47:52] It would have been a nightmare.
[47:52 - 47:54] So, thanks for the real insurance.
[47:54 - 47:56] It's going to be delicious.
[47:56 - 47:57] I just...
[47:57 - 47:58] Yeah, what am I doing?
[47:58 - 47:59] Thank you.
[47:59 - 48:00] Appreciate that.
[48:00 - 48:04] I'll see you at the catch line of these guys here.
[48:04 - 48:09] I'm just trying to get a little bit easier on my group of gas metal.
[48:09 - 48:11] These gears, though, they're the second gear.
[48:11 - 48:13] It's barely...
[48:13 - 48:14] Barely, but it's there, though.
[48:14 - 48:17] They're kind of a perfect world in this thing.
[48:17 - 48:20] I just wish I had a little more of it for you.
[48:20 - 48:24] Oh, Dan, door banging.
[48:24 - 48:26] That's it.
[48:26 - 48:29] I'm going to switch out views here in one second.
[48:29 - 48:31] You guys have a long heart of our story, so...
[48:31 - 48:33] I'll be able to go to the comment section down below.
[48:33 - 48:34] I can't just...
[48:34 - 48:35] I don't know what everybody's talking about.
[48:35 - 48:37] Everybody's got shit with this one.
[48:37 - 48:38] Oh, it's good.
[48:38 - 48:40] Oh, geez, man, definitely...
[48:40 - 48:43] Yeah, just, like I said, to make it funny.
[48:43 - 48:46] Just to make sure that everything gets fixed properly.
[48:46 - 48:48] We'll be servicing the pump this week.
[48:48 - 48:50] I tried to get something here to replace it, but...
[48:50 - 48:52] Oh, shh.
[48:52 - 48:53] Where is this?
[48:53 - 48:54] Where is this entry?
[48:54 - 48:57] Oh, my damn ankles were in water the other day.
[48:57 - 48:59] Oh, my...
[48:59 - 49:01] Sorry, I need car later on.
[49:01 - 49:03] That's exactly what I need.
[49:03 - 49:05] I forgot about that shit.
[49:06 - 49:08] At least I'm not that guy.
[49:08 - 49:09] Yep.
[49:09 - 49:10] Pump the car.
[49:10 - 49:11] Oh!
[49:11 - 49:12] Okay, okay, okay.
[49:12 - 49:13] Okay, okay.
[49:13 - 49:15] I do like his feet, though.
[49:15 - 49:19] Yeah, I just wanted to come out here today,
[49:19 - 49:21] drift a little bit, relax.
[49:21 - 49:22] Can I just bang this?
[49:22 - 49:24] That's great, thank you.
[49:24 - 49:27] But I figured a little bit inside of course I'll do the trick, but there's a...
[49:27 - 49:29] Oh!
[49:29 - 49:31] Drift that to me today, man.
[49:31 - 49:32] This is really cool.
[49:32 - 49:33] I'm glad I joined the server.
[49:33 - 49:35] I was about to join a Tandal Bunny server,
[49:35 - 49:37] and I was like, "Right then, you're better than this."
[49:37 - 49:39] And I'm going to be on Tandal Bikes.
[49:39 - 49:42] Well, here we are.
[49:42 - 49:44] Coming to you guys.
[49:44 - 49:48] And definitely having a lot more flight.
[49:48 - 49:51] And being perfect 100% of the time with these guys.
[49:51 - 49:58] This is the man's slouching right here, bro.
[49:58 - 50:00] I said, "Myself, what the hell?"
[50:04 - 50:06] Hi, everyone.
[50:06 - 50:10] I got him, I got him.
[50:10 - 50:15] Ooh, he's live.
[50:15 - 50:17] Oh, shit.
[50:17 - 50:19] Damn.
[50:19 - 50:21] We both...
[50:21 - 50:22] Get out of here.
[50:22 - 50:24] I got a four in the morning, bro.
[50:24 - 50:29] Hey, you're not wrong, dude.
[50:29 - 50:30] Whoa!
[50:33 - 50:34] Tab it.
[50:34 - 50:36] You're going to get that...
[50:36 - 50:38] One app down below so you guys can see.
[50:38 - 50:40] A panel close to this here in a second.
[50:40 - 50:41] Oh, shit.
[50:41 - 50:42] Okay, this guy's right behind me.
[50:42 - 50:43] Yeah.
[50:43 - 50:44] I ran out of gear again.
[50:44 - 50:45] What?
[50:45 - 50:46] A little 121 set up.
[50:46 - 50:47] Heck yeah.
[50:47 - 50:48] Sidekick.
[50:48 - 50:49] There it is.
[50:49 - 50:50] Okay, there we go.
[50:50 - 50:51] Perfect.
[50:51 - 50:52] And now I'm just nervous so that that shit's going to happen again.
[50:52 - 50:55] So I don't know if it's visible on the rocks and debris that's in there.
[50:55 - 50:57] So I definitely think I want to get a new pump.
[50:57 - 50:59] Maybe a bigger pump.
[50:59 - 51:02] But I think it just only happened because it was raining all day.
[51:02 - 51:07] Like, it did not stop raining at all until about 11 o'clock.
[51:07 - 51:08] What's happening?
[51:08 - 51:10] About 11 o'clock and it stopped raining.
[51:10 - 51:12] It was crazy.
[51:12 - 51:15] I don't know if you guys got any...
[51:15 - 51:18] That's my dude's slap train for you, man.
[51:18 - 51:21] Straight up beast behind the wheel, bro.
[51:21 - 51:25] You're a straight up freaking monster, bro.
[51:25 - 51:28] You know what?
[51:28 - 51:30] Let's see what's going on in Car X, man.
[51:30 - 51:32] Let's hit up some of the guys in Car X.
[51:32 - 51:33] See what they're doing.
[51:33 - 51:35] Throw down some tandies.
[51:35 - 51:48] Hey, talent.
[51:48 - 51:50] What's good, brother?
[51:50 - 51:51] Good seeing you around here, man.
[51:51 - 51:52] What's up?
[51:53 - 51:57] [SIGHS]
[51:58 - 52:00] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[52:25 - 52:27] Now, I did catch where you said talent,
[52:27 - 52:30] that you are a fan of muscle cars.
[52:30 - 52:31] So...
[52:31 - 52:39] We're going to do something a little special today, man.
[52:39 - 52:44] Since we have 800 salon in cash...
[52:44 - 52:49] Throw that on.
[52:49 - 52:52] And throw a body kit on it.
[52:52 - 52:54] Ah, damn, I can't throw the body kit on you.
[52:54 - 52:56] But...
[52:56 - 53:04] We can still rip this beautiful Pontiac Trans Am, dude.
[53:04 - 53:23] We can still shred this beautiful-ass Pontiac Trans Am.
[53:24 - 53:25] And...
[53:25 - 53:27] Fire Engine Road.
[53:27 - 53:37] But, man, I cannot wait to unbox the freaking handbrake tomorrow, man.
[53:37 - 53:39] It's going to be so sick.
[53:39 - 53:41] We're going to shred with that handbrake tomorrow.
[53:41 - 53:43] I'm super excited.
[53:43 - 53:45] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[53:45 - 53:59] Oh, okay, this thing wants to go.
[53:59 - 54:06] Oh, yeah, she wants to go.
[54:07 - 54:09] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[54:09 - 54:27] You going on a clutch kit?
[54:27 - 54:31] Yeah, this Trans Am's freaking dead, man, dude.
[54:31 - 54:33] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[54:33 - 54:48] Ooh, it's reverse entry, that shit.
[54:48 - 54:53] Oh, waltz out.
[54:53 - 54:55] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[54:55 - 55:09] Yo, this Pontiac Trans Am came straight and get it.
[55:09 - 55:14] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[55:14 - 55:27] Oh, damn.
[55:27 - 55:30] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[55:30 - 55:37] Hell, we went right back down like nothing happened.
[55:37 - 55:42] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[55:42 - 55:47] Fuck, let's switch her around.
[55:47 - 55:49] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[55:49 - 56:06] Excuse me.
[56:06 - 56:11] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[56:11 - 56:18] Yo, toggle out.
[56:18 - 56:20] Pink as hell, damn.
[56:20 - 56:22] I've been named that motherfucker, the pink panther,
[56:22 - 56:23] for real.
[56:23 - 56:25] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[56:25 - 56:28] Or bubblegum or something.
[56:28 - 56:32] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[56:32 - 56:57] Oh, damn.
[56:57 - 57:02] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[57:02 - 57:04] That dude got stuck.
[57:04 - 57:06] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[57:06 - 57:18] Oh, waltz out.
[57:18 - 57:23] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[57:48 - 57:50] Watch out now.
[57:50 - 57:53] Yo, this Trans Am is actually fire.
[57:53 - 57:55] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[57:55 - 58:06] Let's get the outside view.
[58:06 - 58:08] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[58:08 - 58:14] See how much angle we're actually getting on this thing.
[58:14 - 58:19] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[58:19 - 58:25] Again, some decent angle off the firebird.
[58:25 - 58:30] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[58:30 - 58:50] Oh, broke that hole.
[58:50 - 58:52] Whoa, dude, that was sick.
[58:52 - 58:57] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[58:57 - 59:15] Dude, we are practically sideways.
[59:15 - 59:37] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[60:03 - 60:06] Oh, wall tap.
[60:06 - 60:08] That was actually a nice wall tap, too.
[60:08 - 60:10] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[60:10 - 60:16] Dude, that was a full body scrape along the back.
[60:16 - 60:44] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[61:11 - 61:14] Let's see if we can get a reverse entry on this beast.
[61:14 - 61:15] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[61:15 - 61:16] Oh, damn door banging.
[61:16 - 61:17] What's good?
[61:17 - 61:19] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[61:19 - 61:30] Oh, shit.
[61:30 - 61:32] This is-- yep, we're good.
[61:32 - 61:43] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[61:43 - 62:08] Oh, god.
[62:08 - 62:10] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[62:10 - 62:26] Let's see if we can tame him with this guy.
[62:26 - 62:28] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[62:28 - 62:33] Oh.
[62:33 - 62:35] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[62:37 - 62:39] It's hard, dude.
[62:39 - 62:40] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[62:40 - 62:43] We're on that man's door.
[62:43 - 62:44] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[62:44 - 62:46] Damn, we were on his door.
[62:46 - 63:48] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[63:49 - 63:59] [MUSIC]
[63:59 - 64:09] And we've got flip choice, yes, thank you.
[64:09 - 64:47] [MUSIC]
[64:47 - 64:49] [SOUND]
[64:49 - 64:59] [MUSIC]
[64:59 - 65:13] >> See when you get a tanner with this guy?
[65:13 - 65:23] [MUSIC]
[65:38 - 65:48] [SOUND]
[66:03 - 66:13] [MUSIC]
[66:28 - 66:32] >> Let's see what we need on this man's door.
[66:32 - 66:42] [MUSIC]
[66:42 - 66:49] >> Door tap and a slide bar, what's good?
[66:49 - 67:19] [MUSIC]
[67:19 - 67:21] >> Let's go.
[67:21 - 67:31] [MUSIC]
[67:31 - 67:41] >> Does that dude seriously just back out?
[67:41 - 67:51] [MUSIC]
[68:06 - 68:11] >> All right, let's see how much you're walking away with.
[68:16 - 68:23] >> Okay, thread 12, okay, we got 687, not bad.
[68:29 - 68:36] >> And I know what you guys are thinking, dude, why do you always run West Coast Reno?
[68:36 - 68:39] Well, that's because that's the chart that I'm most familiar with.
[68:42 - 68:44] >> Let's see what we can upgrade this.
[68:47 - 68:48] >> Not quite yet.
[68:52 - 68:55] >> Well, I'm pretty sure we do have some cars that we can upgrade.
[69:02 - 69:07] >> Let's see what cars we have that we can actually do some upgrading to in a sense.
[69:16 - 69:21] >> Let's see, we've already upgraded the Mustang, and that Mustang looks sexy, too.
[69:21 - 69:25] That didn't mean a lot, that thing looks sick.
[69:27 - 69:30] >> Yo, did we upgrade the Warrior?
[69:30 - 69:32] Oh, yeah, we did, okay.
[69:36 - 69:38] >> Oh, that thing looks amazing.
[69:38 - 69:39] God damn.
[69:41 - 69:43] >> This thing looks like a freaking monster.
[70:02 - 70:06] >> I believe we did the upgrading.
[70:06 - 70:08] No, we didn't, okay.
[70:14 - 70:16] >> Oh, man, not quite.
[70:18 - 70:22] >> I'm just literally going through and seeing what cars I've upgraded and what ones I haven't.
[70:26 - 70:27] >> What about the Corona?
[70:29 - 70:34] >> Okay, this one I know for a fact I haven't done yet, so we are literally...
[70:42 - 70:44] >> Oh, yeah, we're doing the missile.
[70:57 - 71:00] >> Let's go get that drift missile, man.
[71:17 - 71:20] >> Yo, that engine is sick.
[71:32 - 71:35] >> Yo, gotta have a roll cage in there.
[71:57 - 71:59] >> Damn, bro.
[72:01 - 72:05] >> Yo, one of the custom Sharpnose ones, oh, that is, bro.
[72:07 - 72:09] >> We're totally doing...
[72:11 - 72:13] >> We're doing the lightning bolt, man.
[72:13 - 72:15] We gotta go big on it.
[72:20 - 72:23] >> And we're going for the Takata race seats.
[72:30 - 72:33] >> As you know, let's do R-Corp on this.
[72:33 - 72:35] That was R-Corp seats, so it was really good.
[73:04 - 73:06] >> Back into the shifters.
[73:24 - 73:35] >> Let's see, I have 380 cell. Let's see what kind of...
[73:41 - 73:43] >> Let's see what D-Spec rooms we got.
[73:43 - 73:45] Oh, hello.
[73:45 - 73:47] Those are some D-Dish boys.
[73:47 - 73:49] God.
[73:49 - 73:53] Those are some freaking fat boys.
[73:57 - 74:01] >> What the actual what?
[74:01 - 74:03] What even are those?
[74:21 - 74:27] >> All right, so I think we're gonna go with the BSPs on this one.
[74:33 - 74:35] >> Okay, we got some D-Dish stocks.
[76:27 - 76:29] Oh, there we go.
[76:29 - 76:31] Got that Mountain Dew popping off.
[76:33 - 76:35] That looks fire.
[78:02 - 78:05] >> Now I'm throwing some vinyls on this bad boy.
[78:07 - 78:09] Let's see if they got anything new.
[78:12 - 78:13] Hopefully they do.
[78:17 - 78:19] Okay, I'm sending them out.
[78:19 - 78:21] Okay, yeah, they definitely got new shit up in here.
[78:23 - 78:25] Some of these are definitely brand new.
[78:45 - 78:47] Yeah, they got some new shit.
[78:53 - 78:55] Hello.
[78:59 - 79:01] These are all definitely brand new.
[80:29 - 80:31] Okay, we got some new ones over here.
[80:31 - 80:33] Bro, these are sick.
[81:09 - 81:12] Dude, I had that, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[83:32 - 83:34] Every single one over there, man.
2021-10-8 Journey to the WRC championship

2021-10-8 Journey to the WRC championship

[0:00 - 0:26] Good afternoon, good evening, whatever you want to call it everyone. Welcome to the brand
[0:26 - 0:46] new home of CyRacing. From this day forward this channel is going to become a full car
[0:46 - 1:10] enthusiast/racing channel. Now, every journey begins with one step. Every journey has to
[1:10 - 1:36] begin somewhere and this journey is the beginning of mine. Now with that being said, let's get
[1:36 - 1:46] this started. Because yes, I may not be that good now, but along the way you will see progress
[1:46 - 2:12] Marty and Marty you speak false words, my friend. You speak false words, my friend.
[2:12 - 2:38] So let's see you think that I'm delusional. What the truth is, I'm not.
[2:38 - 3:01] Because I'm racing not only for myself, I'm racing for those who like myself that get
[3:01 - 3:23] slowly to show them that you can do what you want to do. Let's a journey begin now.
[3:23 - 3:46] So, I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[3:46 - 4:15] I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[4:15 - 4:38] I want to say thank you to my friend. I've got my ass in gear. I want to say thank you
[4:38 - 4:55] to my friend. I've got my ass in gear. I'm back behind the wheel.
[4:55 - 8:23] I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[8:23 - 8:44] How did the car feel in that stage? Do you want to make any set of changes at the next service?
[8:44 - 9:05] Why don't you try that stage? Because I know I can do better.
[9:05 - 9:33] I'm going to start with the first journey. I'm going to start with the first journey.
[9:33 - 9:46] I can still make up time.
[9:46 - 13:20] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[13:20 - 13:42] I'm going to start with the last journey.
[13:42 - 14:41] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[14:41 - 14:54] I'm going to start with the next journey.
[14:54 - 15:13] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[15:13 - 15:21] I'm going to start with the second journey.
[15:21 - 15:42] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[15:42 - 16:03] I'm going to start with the second journey.
[16:03 - 18:20] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[18:20 - 18:45] I'm going to start with the second journey.
[18:45 - 23:24] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[23:24 - 23:53] You can laugh all you want, Marty, but even you can't handle Glen Castle Farm.
[23:53 - 24:21] You already know what I'm about to do, bro.
[24:21 - 24:50] I'm going to start with the first journey.
[24:50 - 25:01] Marty, why don't you come to me when you actually get a real set up, my dude?
[25:01 - 25:03] I don't know.
[25:03 - 25:05] No wonder.
[25:05 - 25:12] Hey, Marty, why don't you come to me when you get a proper set up, my dude?
[25:12 - 25:19] When you get a proper set up, then come to me.
[25:19 - 25:24] When you can get a proper fucking wheel set up like I've got, Marty, and you can actually
[25:24 - 25:31] beat my time on Glen Castle Farm, then we'll talk.
[25:31 - 25:56] But until then, you got no room to talk because you can't even do it your damn self.
[25:56 - 26:03] So if I were you, I wouldn't run my mouth.
[26:03 - 26:15] Besides, you're the one that chickens out every time I challenge you to a race.
[26:15 - 26:19] Every time I challenge you to a race, you're chicken out.
[26:19 - 26:22] So that ain't my fault, bro, that's yours.
[26:22 - 26:28] Hey, yo, Scout, you ready to show me what this -- hey, Scout, you ready for me to show
[26:28 - 26:34] this guy what I can do?
[26:34 - 27:03] I tell you, Marty, you can't even beat me on your best day, kid.
[27:03 - 27:24] I'm going for that sponsor, baby.
[27:24 - 27:49] Oh, shit, we're going racing, baby.
[27:49 - 28:14] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[28:14 - 28:39] I'm going to be in the race, but I'm not going to be in the race.
[28:39 - 29:03] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[29:03 - 29:27] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[29:27 - 30:09] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[30:09 - 30:30] Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.
[30:30 - 30:36] Guess what I'm taking a baby driving as well as meant to do it. That's what I'm giving to
[30:36 - 30:52] You ain't got shit
[30:52 - 31:04] Oh
[31:04 - 31:06] 30
[31:06 - 32:04] Oh
[32:04 - 32:27] Marty you ain't got the balls to be a driver
[32:29 - 32:32] I'll tell you right now Marty you ain't got the balls to be a racer
[32:32 - 32:37] You're too chicken shit to get behind the wheel and drive
[32:37 - 32:56] So until you get a wheel set up you could be my time motherfuckers I keep you not shut
[32:58 - 33:00] Cuz I'm a driver you're not
[33:00 - 33:04] Oh
[33:31 - 33:35] I always see you take the wrong way on this track. I don't know why
[33:35 - 33:39] That's all good
[33:39 - 34:01] Oh
[34:01 - 34:28] There we go
[34:28 - 34:32] Oh
[34:32 - 34:38] Let's take a look at where I stand on the leaderboard considering I did not be my personal best
[34:38 - 34:42] But let's take a look at my where I stand
[34:42 - 34:46] Six oh one not bad
[34:46 - 34:51] Later more options
[34:51 - 34:55] Three 23, all right
[34:55 - 35:01] Oh
[35:01 - 35:22] I'm going for that road energy sponsor, baby
[35:22 - 35:24] The three left
[35:24 - 35:42] I'm taking this dog. Oh
[35:42 - 35:47] Yeah, they even need the handbrake boy
[35:47 - 35:51] Anyway need the fucking handbrake on that what's good?
[35:51 - 35:53] Oh
[35:53 - 36:04] David feels good to be back baby. Hell. Yeah, let's go
[36:04 - 36:11] Your voice I racing is best
[36:11 - 37:35] Oh
[37:35 - 37:38] Well, I don't need the damn handbrake, let's go
[37:38 - 39:00] Oh
[39:00 - 39:02] (coughing)
[39:02 - 39:11] Woo!
[39:11 - 39:17] Hell yeah, let's go!
[39:17 - 39:28] (coughing)
[39:28 - 39:41] Now, run your mouth now, Marty!
[39:41 - 39:44] Run your motherfucking mouth now, kid!
[39:44 - 39:47] (coughing)
[39:47 - 39:59] I may not be the top 10, but at least it's the mid-400.
[39:59 - 40:02] Let me see, where am I supposed to be at?
[40:02 - 40:05] Hey, I'm in the top 400, dude.
[40:05 - 40:09] At least I'm not down in the thousands, bro.
[40:09 - 40:14] I'm at 424, man.
[40:14 - 40:16] That's not bad.
[40:16 - 40:19] That's better than the DM-1000.
[40:19 - 40:29] 'Cause at least I had the bottom, bitch.
[40:29 - 40:41] Let's go, man.
[40:41 - 40:43] (coughing)
[40:43 - 40:48] Now, let's watch the replay and see just how quick
[40:48 - 40:50] down the mountain that blew.
[40:50 - 40:55] Look at that, man.
[40:55 - 40:56] I freak out flying, son.
[40:56 - 41:02] Gone!
[41:02 - 41:08] Dude, I was gone on that straight, boy.
[41:08 - 41:10] I was gone, bro.
[41:10 - 41:12] (coughing)
[41:12 - 41:14] Whoo!
[41:14 - 41:17] Look at that.
[41:17 - 41:19] What'd you know about that speed, Marty?
[41:19 - 41:30] What'd you know about that rally lights?
[41:30 - 41:32] (coughing)
[41:32 - 41:35] (whimsical music)
[41:35 - 41:52] I know I should've ripped the e-brake right there,
[41:52 - 41:54] but I was like, man, fuck it.
[41:54 - 41:55] Don't need it.
[41:55 - 42:02] I was going to hang him on that track, boy.
[42:02 - 42:05] (whimsical music)
[42:05 - 42:14] Marty, you wouldn't last five minutes on the fucking track.
[42:14 - 42:18] Guarantee your first two minutes on the track,
[42:18 - 42:19] you crash and burn.
[42:19 - 42:21] Can't fucking see you.
[42:21 - 42:24] You wouldn't last two, man.
[42:24 - 42:26] Look at how close I got to that wood pile.
[42:26 - 42:30] Marty, you wouldn't last two fucking seconds
[42:30 - 42:31] on a damn rally course.
[42:32 - 42:34] Two seconds, you'd crash and burn.
[42:34 - 42:41] (whimsical music)
[43:05 - 43:09] Dude, I was hauling ass on this track, bro.
[43:09 - 43:16] (whimsical music)
[43:16 - 43:20] Take a bit of a detour. (laughing)
[43:20 - 43:23] (whimsical music)
[43:23 - 43:30] Now, y'all want to see how Marty would be?
[43:30 - 43:34] Let me show you how Marty,
[43:34 - 43:36] this is what Marty would be right here.
[43:36 - 43:42] This would be Marty right here.
[43:42 - 43:53] Straight up, this would be Marty right here, bro.
[43:53 - 44:00] Get your protein.
[44:00 - 44:01] Hold up.
[44:01 - 44:04] (whimsical music)
[44:04 - 44:09] Oh, great, Ron.
[44:09 - 44:13] Y'all, that shit's good, though, for real.
[44:13 - 44:15] (whimsical music)
[44:15 - 44:17] Shout out there, fish.
[44:17 - 44:20] That'll do you right there, Marty.
[44:20 - 44:22] Flying on the goddamn track, boy.
[44:22 - 44:29] There's me, ripping down the track.
[44:29 - 44:32] Oh, look, there goes Marty again.
[44:32 - 44:34] Oh, I know, that's me, nevermind.
[44:34 - 44:36] (laughing)
[44:36 - 44:44] (whimsical music)
[44:44 - 44:49] You fucking Tokyo-drift that shit.
[44:49 - 44:54] Hey, there's me again.
[44:54 - 44:57] (whimsical music)
[44:59 - 45:01] Straight ripping it.
[45:01 - 45:03] (whimsical music)
[45:03 - 45:09] Oh, look, there goes Marty flipping again.
[45:09 - 45:13] Look, it's Marty again.
[45:13 - 45:19] (whimsical music)
[45:28 - 45:30] Hey, Charity, what up?
[45:30 - 45:33] (whimsical music)
[45:33 - 45:42] Oh, Marty, what'd you do?
[45:42 - 45:44] What'd you do, man?
[45:44 - 45:46] Why'd you spit out, bro?
[45:46 - 45:49] I thought you were supposed to be good at driving, homie.
[45:49 - 45:53] Why you wrecking, dawg?
[45:53 - 45:58] (whimsical music)
[45:58 - 46:12] Man, look at me, I'm straight 10 block in this shit.
[46:12 - 46:16] (laughing)
[46:22 - 46:26] (whimsical music)
[46:26 - 46:28] Oh, damn, Marty.
[46:28 - 46:32] God damn, Marty.
[46:32 - 46:34] You don't know how to drive, do ya?
[46:34 - 46:38] God damn.
[46:38 - 46:54] (whimsical music)
[46:54 - 46:56] Yo, speaking of Ken Block,
[46:56 - 46:58] I do have something to show you guys.
[46:58 - 47:04] I'm all right.
[47:04 - 47:07] What's that mean to you all?
[47:07 - 47:08] I'll be right back.
[47:08 - 47:10] Charity, you already know the drill.
[47:10 - 47:14] I'll be right back, y'all.
[47:14 - 47:20] Y'all sit down and hang out.
[47:20 - 47:22] You ought to watch yourselves, be right back.
[47:22 - 47:25] (whimsical music)
[47:25 - 47:27] (laughing)
[47:27 - 81:39] (whimsical music)
[81:39 - 81:44] - What's up, guys?
[81:44 - 81:47] I do apologize for taking so long.
[81:47 - 81:51] I'm back, though.
[81:51 - 81:54] Hopefully no shit went down.
[81:54 - 81:56] (chuckles)
[81:56 - 82:22] But, like I was saying earlier,
[82:22 - 82:25] I got a huge surprise for you guys.
[82:25 - 82:27] - Hello, America?
[82:27 - 82:29] I think we can all...
[82:29 - 82:31] (upbeat music)
[82:31 - 82:35] - I don't think I need to speak on this.
[82:35 - 82:37] I don't know why this video speaks for itself.
[82:37 - 82:48] (upbeat music)
[82:48 - 82:50] - It's really good, it's just dancing.
[82:50 - 82:53] (whimsical music)
[82:53 - 83:03] All right, well, this is real dream come true type stuff.
[83:03 - 83:06] I've been a fan of Eddie since I was a teenager,
[83:06 - 83:09] and there are big reasons why I'm actually a rally driver.
[83:09 - 83:14] So, I'm honored and humbled to be a part of the Audi team.
[83:14 - 83:16] I usually make the launch videos,
[83:16 - 83:19] but they've made a very nice welcome
[83:19 - 83:21] to the team video for me.
[83:21 - 83:23] So, let's check that out.
[83:23 - 83:26] And after that, I might get to try this thing.
[83:26 - 83:28] (dramatic music)
[83:28 - 83:29] - How are you?
[83:29 - 83:32] Where's all my motherfucking 10 block fans out, man?
[83:32 - 83:33] Where y'all at?
[83:33 - 83:36] (indistinct radio chatter)
[83:36 - 83:39] (upbeat music)
[83:39 - 83:43] (indistinct radio chatter)
[83:43 - 84:24] (upbeat music)
[84:24 - 84:37] - All right, so we are here in English job,
[84:37 - 84:40] which is the old Audi Pazan.
[84:40 - 84:44] - All I gotta say is welcome to Audi Ken Block, man.
[84:44 - 84:46] Hell yes.
[84:46 - 84:49] Now, let me say, oh man,
[84:49 - 84:53] Audi got a hell of a fucking driver for Audi, man.
[84:53 - 84:57] They got a hell of a driver on the team, bro.
[84:57 - 85:00] And if y'all ain't know who Ken Block is,
[85:00 - 85:02] well, let me show you.
[85:02 - 85:07] Let me show you how wild this man really is.
[85:07 - 85:09] (upbeat music)
[85:09 - 85:20] This man right here is the man that inspired me
[85:20 - 85:23] to do rallying and crazy stunts.
[85:23 - 85:27] This is the man right here responsible for me
[85:27 - 85:30] getting into doing the crazy shit that I do
[85:30 - 85:31] on all these games.
[85:32 - 85:35] (upbeat music)
[85:35 - 85:54] This video right here is the one that got me
[85:54 - 85:56] in spot to do the crazy fucking shit I do
[85:56 - 85:59] in rips again, let's start.
[85:59 - 86:02] This is the video right here that got me going.
[86:02 - 86:05] (upbeat music)
[86:05 - 86:26] Dude, wasn't that a freaking turbo wine, bro?
[86:26 - 86:28] Damn, look at that shit.
[86:29 - 86:33] Two wheel dip off the frickin' road.
[86:33 - 86:38] (engine revving)
[86:38 - 86:40] (upbeat music)
[86:40 - 86:43] (engine revving)
[86:43 - 87:03] Straight up fuckin' smoke show, man.
[87:03 - 87:06] Hee hee!
[87:06 - 87:09] (engine revving)
[87:09 - 87:20] Dude's freakin' chargin' it.
[87:20 - 87:26] And they're at Pike's food.
[87:26 - 87:33] (engine revving)
[87:33 - 87:55] I love this right here, how he just walks right
[87:55 - 87:56] through that shit.
[87:58 - 88:00] I love how he just stops right here and is like,
[88:00 - 88:02] "Don't, stop."
[88:02 - 88:06] (engine revving)
[88:06 - 88:11] Take off.
[88:11 - 88:18] Now this man is crazy for this shit.
[88:18 - 88:21] (engine revving)
[88:21 - 88:28] This man is fucking insane, dude.
[88:29 - 88:32] (engine revving)
[88:32 - 88:50] Aw, shit, here comes the scene
[88:50 - 88:53] where that actually got me doing it, man.
[88:53 - 88:58] Hey, you're not on, dude, that is talent, bro.
[88:59 - 89:01] Right here, this scene coming up,
[89:01 - 89:06] that scene coming up where he just rips it,
[89:06 - 89:09] coming up right here is the one that was like,
[89:09 - 89:11] "Bro, I have to do this."
[89:11 - 89:14] It's coming up to you real quick.
[89:14 - 89:23] (engine revving)
[89:23 - 89:32] Yeah, right here, it's coming up on this next,
[89:32 - 89:35] not this corner, but this one right here.
[89:35 - 89:40] It's coming up.
[89:40 - 89:45] Yeah, there's the dip coming up.
[89:45 - 89:48] This spot coming up is the one that got me
[89:48 - 89:51] fucking one, dude's in common, shit.
[89:51 - 89:55] Right fucking here, coming out, man.
[89:55 - 90:00] Like this scene is fucking a legend there.
[90:00 - 90:05] Now, take a look at that shooter drop.
[90:05 - 90:06] Take a look at his car.
[90:06 - 90:14] Yeah, he goes even higher, hold up.
[90:15 - 90:19] Watch how this man dips his two-back tires
[90:19 - 90:22] off the fucking ledge, right here.
[90:22 - 90:24] Boom.
[90:24 - 90:31] In case you missed that, let me rewind a little bit.
[90:31 - 90:38] Pay attention to this man's next scene coming up
[90:38 - 90:42] where he literally dips the car off the fucking ledge.
[90:42 - 90:45] (engine revving)
[90:45 - 90:46] Boom.
[90:46 - 90:51] (engine revving)
[90:51 - 90:54] Two-wheel dip off the fucking ledge.
[90:54 - 90:57] Come on, look at that shit.
[90:57 - 91:01] Boom.
[91:01 - 91:09] Continues the stretch drift, and that's yay, gone.
[91:09 - 91:10] Gone.
[91:10 - 91:17] (engine revving)
[91:17 - 91:18] Actually, he was, dude.
[91:18 - 91:22] Like if you look, like literally rewind a little bit,
[91:22 - 91:25] like pay attention to how close his car was.
[91:25 - 91:37] Now, look right there, dude.
[91:38 - 91:43] His back, and one wrong misstep, one inch backwards,
[91:43 - 91:45] you're going off that fucking ledge.
[91:45 - 91:54] All right, seriously, look at that, dude.
[91:54 - 91:57] That's right on the fucking edge.
[91:57 - 92:03] One wrong move, and you're going off that fucking ledge.
[92:03 - 92:09] (engine revving)
[92:09 - 92:24] All right, dude, look at how far his car is off.
[92:24 - 92:28] Like, dude, his car, the middle, right there.
[92:28 - 92:32] One wrong move, and you're gone.
[92:32 - 92:34] You're done skiing.
[92:34 - 92:37] (engine revving)
[92:37 - 92:38] Whoo!
[92:38 - 93:27] (engine revving)
[93:27 - 93:39] Now, speaking of smoke shows.
[93:39 - 93:49] Speaking of smoke show, and having some fun and ripping,
[93:49 - 93:53] what do y'all say we get into a little bit of street drifting
[93:53 - 93:54] and have some fun?
[93:54 - 94:27] (engine revving)
[94:27 - 94:41] Oh, dude, that was the one we're in.
[94:41 - 94:56] (engine revving)
[94:56 - 95:02] Now, if y'all are wondering what I'm simping on,
[95:02 - 95:05] shameless plug, tough to see, of course, shameless plug.
[95:05 - 95:19] Hey, at least I'm still in the 10%.
[95:19 - 95:21] That's all that matters.
[95:21 - 95:23] At least I'm still in the 10%.
[95:23 - 95:24] That's all I care about.
[95:24 - 95:31] 10%, it's 10% in my book.
[95:31 - 95:38] Courtney's right, though, I'm definitely not a sponsor,
[95:38 - 95:40] but y'all already know what I'm simping on.
[95:40 - 95:43] If I am simping on iced coffee or an energy drink,
[95:43 - 95:44] it's usually tough to see for me.
[95:44 - 95:46] Either that or Dr. Pepper.
[95:46 - 95:48] I want my Dr. Pepper, too.
[95:48 - 95:50] (upbeat music)
[95:50 - 95:55] (coughing)
[95:55 - 95:57] (upbeat music)
[95:57 - 96:00] (coughing)
[96:00 - 96:10] (scraping)
[96:10 - 96:26] Hey, y'all, Courtney,
[96:26 - 96:29] what'd you make of that psychotic bitch?
[96:29 - 96:34] Hey, Jamie, er, Courtney,
[96:34 - 96:39] what'd you make of frickin' Jasmine last night?
[96:39 - 96:42] What'd you make of that psychotic bitch, Jasmine?
[96:42 - 96:47] Tell me she was a fuckin' off-er rocker.
[96:47 - 96:49] (coughing)
[96:49 - 97:03] Let's see, let's go all the way over here.
[97:03 - 97:07] Yo, where's my hoona truck?
[97:07 - 97:11] I got the hoona truck somewhere here.
[97:11 - 97:12] I just gotta find the damn thing.
[97:12 - 97:17] Ooh, got that sexy-ass hot rod, man.
[97:17 - 97:25] Sexy-ass hot rod, God damn.
[97:25 - 97:37] I don't know when I was going to the rump,
[97:37 - 97:38] God damn what, duh.
[97:40 - 97:43] You know, there we go, there she is.
[97:43 - 97:46] There's the hoona truck.
[97:46 - 98:34] (drill whirring)
[98:34 - 98:40] Oh.
[98:40 - 99:19] (drill whirring)
[99:19 - 99:42] Oh, damn, I didn't even see that corner there.
[99:42 - 99:45] (drill whirring)
[99:45 - 99:48] Excuse me.
[99:48 - 99:56] (drill whirring)
[99:56 - 100:10] Fuck it, suicide drives.
[100:10 - 100:12] (drill whirring)
[100:12 - 100:19] Walter.
[100:40 - 100:42] Told you I can block this shit.
[100:42 - 100:53] We're running, slide, and we are, duh.
[100:53 - 100:54] Oh, no, we're not.
[100:54 - 101:08] Dude, what's with the lag?
[101:08 - 101:10] Hell, there we go.
[101:10 - 101:18] Hey, what's the way Klit and me calling Jasmine
[101:18 - 101:20] a second bitch, 'cause, hey, I'm just being honest.
[101:20 - 101:22] That's what she is.
[101:22 - 101:37] Out the way.
[101:38 - 101:40] You know what?
[101:40 - 101:42] I got a truck that suited for the,
[101:42 - 101:44] I got a car that suited for this set.
[101:44 - 101:51] I'm just saying, where's she at?
[102:06 - 102:09] Gotta rip the Chevy GT500, man.
[102:09 - 102:14] Gotta throw that GT500 one time, man.
[102:14 - 102:23] Oh, damn.
[102:23 - 102:26] We're good.
[102:26 - 102:31] No, how do I get out of here, and this is the question.
[102:31 - 102:44] Oh, they're here.
[102:44 - 102:47] (drill whirring)
[102:47 - 103:03] Here we go.
[103:03 - 103:39] (drill whirring)
[104:05 - 104:07] Ooh, one of my favorite spots to slide.
[104:07 - 104:24] (drill whirring)
[104:51 - 104:52] Oh, we're good.
[104:52 - 105:20] Is that seriously a fucking waffle house
[105:20 - 105:22] out there, hold up.
[105:22 - 105:25] Did I just see a freaking waffle house?
[105:25 - 105:39] I don't know, I thought that was a freaking waffle house
[105:39 - 105:43] where I was like, "Bro, a waffle house, hell yeah."
[105:43 - 105:44] It's my shit.
[105:44 - 105:48] I love me some waffle house now.
[105:48 - 105:50] Oh, and that was a car.
[105:50 - 105:53] (drill whirring)
[105:53 - 106:05] You know, I went way too fast into that one.
[106:05 - 106:08] (drill whirring)
[106:08 - 106:25] You know, is that a summoner then, or is that just,
[106:25 - 106:26] oh, I know it's not a summoner then.
[106:26 - 106:30] I thought it was a summoner, but it's all like, "Oh, man."
[106:30 - 106:32] Oh, no, that's HQ, okay.
[106:32 - 106:49] (drill whirring)
[107:15 - 107:16] Fucking spot.
[107:16 - 107:34] Don't tell me, I don't know how to slide.
[107:34 - 107:37] (drill whirring)
[107:37 - 107:50] I'll prove that ass wrong real quick, man.
[107:50 - 107:53] (drill whirring)
[107:53 - 108:11] Ooh, hit you with that 360 run, let's go.
[108:11 - 108:13] Oh, watch out, chick.
[108:13 - 108:15] Got out the way, thank God for that.
[108:15 - 108:18] (drill whirring)
[108:18 - 108:24] Whoo, let's go.
[108:24 - 108:38] (drill whirring)
[109:03 - 109:07] And Marty, what you know about that throttle control lights?
[109:07 - 109:12] Oh, and that's right, you don't 'cause you don't even drift
[109:12 - 109:15] or drive or do any forest sim racing.
[109:15 - 109:18] All you do is drive in real life.
[109:32 - 109:35] Nope, took out a bike, but we're good.
[109:35 - 109:45] Ooh, smoke showing that shit.
[109:45 - 109:58] Oh, wall tap to the front end, we're good though.
[109:58 - 110:01] (drill whirring)
[110:01 - 110:14] Damn, 360 entry, let's go, whoa.
[110:14 - 110:19] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[110:43 - 110:46] Don't forget to spot it, everybody.
[110:46 - 110:54] (drill whirring)
[111:21 - 111:25] Now we're talking my style, city drifting, boy.
[111:25 - 111:29] Yo, what's vanking here?
[111:29 - 111:35] I know, nothing, nothing matters, it's the glass window, okay.
[111:35 - 111:42] You want freestyle, boy?
[111:42 - 111:48] What's good on that Tokyo drift, shit, let's go.
[111:51 - 111:53] Where's all my drifters at?
[111:53 - 111:58] Yo.
[112:19 - 112:23] Yo, can I get inside that city and we'll rip around?
[112:23 - 112:26] Oh, that's casino, okay.
[112:26 - 112:47] Oh, I know where I'm hitting.
[112:47 - 112:50] (drill whirring)
[112:50 - 112:54] Full set.
[112:54 - 113:15] Whoo, around all that traffic, let's go, man.
[113:15 - 113:17] Let's go, man.
[113:44 - 113:48] Hey, Marty, let's see you deny my skill now, kid.
[113:48 - 114:22] (drill whirring)
[114:22 - 114:48] Yo, watch out.
[114:48 - 114:51] Come on through, yep, excuse me.
[114:51 - 114:58] Straight drifter, come on through, watch out.
[114:58 - 114:59] Excuse me, thank you.
[114:59 - 115:16] (drill whirring)
[115:43 - 115:47] Come on, the highway where I have the most fun.
[115:47 - 116:07] This is the highway where I usually have the most fun at.
[116:07 - 116:10] And clearly you can see why.
[116:10 - 116:13] There's just nothing by highway for days, man.
[116:13 - 116:20] Oh, damn, waltz app.
[116:20 - 116:28] Excuse me, sir.
[116:28 - 116:31] (drill whirring)
[116:31 - 116:43] Woo!
[116:43 - 116:48] That was skill, going around those,
[116:48 - 116:52] that semi-light down, bro, that was sketchy.
[116:52 - 116:54] I did not think I was gonna make that.
[116:54 - 116:56] That'd be all, shit, hello.
[116:56 - 116:58] Didn't even see there, sorry.
[116:58 - 117:15] (drill whirring)
[117:41 - 117:45] Even drivers like me gotta break loose once in a while, man.
[117:45 - 118:07] Yeah, that's a buss, we're going around, man.
[118:07 - 118:24] (drill whirring)
[118:51 - 118:53] Where are we going here?
[118:53 - 119:07] Oh, damn.
[119:07 - 119:11] Almost waltzed out that thing, too.
[119:11 - 119:13] Oh, hello, sir.
[119:13 - 119:16] Didn't see there, what's good?
[119:16 - 119:19] (drill whirring)
[119:19 - 119:31] This door tapped out, man.
[119:31 - 119:37] It's not in tapped, damn, but we're good.
[119:43 - 119:46] Oh, jump drift straight off, bro.
[119:46 - 119:51] What's good?
[119:51 - 119:57] Smash that jump drift like a boss, bro.
[119:57 - 120:11] Ooh, got that 360 jump drift on frickin' lock, boy.
[120:11 - 120:13] What's good?
[120:13 - 120:15] (drill whirring)
[120:15 - 120:25] Yo, can't block this house if you're watching this.
[120:25 - 120:27] KV, that was for you, homie.
[120:27 - 120:29] (drill whirring)
[120:29 - 120:52] Got that 360 jump drift on frickin' lock, dude.
[120:52 - 120:54] That was wild.
[120:54 - 120:56] (drill whirring)
[120:56 - 121:06] I don't even know how the hell we managed that.
[121:06 - 121:20] Dude, I wonder what state we're in.
[121:20 - 121:23] (drill whirring)
[121:23 - 121:31] Out of the way, sir.
[121:31 - 121:34] For real, dude, I wonder what state we're in right now,
[121:34 - 121:39] 'cause I know this game has the whole map of the U.S.,
[121:39 - 121:40] well, most of the U.S.
[121:40 - 121:43] Anyway, there's a few states for this, man, what the heck?
[121:43 - 121:48] Oh.
[121:48 - 121:50] (drill whirring)
[121:50 - 122:08] And Marty, eat your heart out.
[122:08 - 122:13] You wish you had these skills, son.
[122:13 - 122:16] (drill whirring)
[122:16 - 122:32] Oh, damn, Sully is whole ass.
[122:32 - 122:35] (drill whirring)
[122:35 - 122:43] (birds chirping)
[123:10 - 123:11] Boom.
[123:11 - 123:14] Almost backwards entered that shit.
[123:14 - 123:21] Man, I wanna say, dude, it feels good
[123:21 - 123:25] to just be back on here, riffing around full-time,
[123:25 - 123:28] going for that sponsorship again,
[123:28 - 123:31] doing what I should've been doing the entire time, bro.
[123:31 - 123:31] It feels good.
[123:31 - 123:39] Let's find a good parking spot here.
[123:40 - 123:42] (birds chirping)
[123:42 - 123:59] All right, now that was fucking skill.
[123:59 - 124:02] I literally went in freaking backwards.
[124:02 - 124:03] That was sick.
[124:03 - 124:14] (birds chirping)
[124:41 - 124:44] Phew, that was a fun run.
[124:44 - 124:52] Oh, shit, we got icon ones.
[124:52 - 124:54] Hell yeah, I'll take that.
[124:54 - 125:10] Yo, that icon's 500.
[125:10 - 125:12] (birds chirping)
[125:12 - 125:14] Dude, they got a lot of good answer.
[125:14 - 125:16] Oh, bro, that monster truck.
[125:16 - 125:21] Yo, icon 1000, the sheer own carbon.
[125:21 - 125:23] Oh, bro, I'm going for that carbon, boy.
[125:23 - 125:30] Jesus Christ.
[125:30 - 125:37] It just keeps going and going.
[125:37 - 125:37] God damn.
[125:37 - 125:40] (birds chirping)
[125:40 - 126:07] All right, so we got a few that I ain't done yet.
[126:07 - 126:10] (birds chirping)
[126:10 - 126:12] What's this circle to shit about?
[126:12 - 126:27] Yo, no, dude, I definitely do want to go to E3 next year.
[126:27 - 126:30] Like, if they're open up to the public next year,
[126:30 - 126:33] I definitely would like to go to E3 for sure.
[126:33 - 126:36] (birds chirping)
[126:36 - 126:47] Bustin' out Dom's Charger, hell yes.
[126:47 - 126:54] Got Dom's Charger Rally Edition, boy.
[126:54 - 126:57] Let's go.
[127:01 - 127:05] Holy shit, how the fuck do you see in this shit?
[127:05 - 127:08] (birds chirping)
[127:08 - 127:15] Fuck it, we're counting quarters here.
[127:15 - 127:21] Don't give a shit, we're doing what we gotta do to win.
[127:21 - 127:27] This kid's right there.
[127:27 - 127:28] What do you think you're doing?
[127:28 - 127:31] (birds chirping)
[127:31 - 127:36] Excuse me.
[127:36 - 127:46] Yo, what even happened?
[127:46 - 127:47] Oh, yeah, I'm telling you.
[127:47 - 127:50] Yeah, no shit.
[127:50 - 127:55] Oh, hello.
[127:55 - 127:58] (birds chirping)
[127:58 - 128:24] Yo, this track is tricky, man, holy crap.
[128:24 - 128:26] (birds chirping)
[128:26 - 128:30] I'll take some skinny tracks before we do this shit is,
[128:30 - 128:33] bananas, holy shit.
[128:33 - 128:35] (birds chirping)
[128:35 - 128:59] Damn, dude, they make this shit a tight ass squeeze,
[128:59 - 129:00] don't they?
[129:00 - 129:03] (birds chirping)
[129:03 - 129:16] Excuse me, I got you, motherfucker, see ya.
[129:16 - 129:17] See ya.
[129:17 - 129:37] It's like a little devil derby shit there.
[129:37 - 129:40] (birds chirping)
[129:40 - 129:56] Yeah, I don't think so, buddy.
[129:56 - 129:59] You ain't getting by me that easy.
[129:59 - 130:03] Nice try, though.
[130:03 - 130:05] (birds chirping)
[130:05 - 130:11] Yo, this shit is sketchy.
[130:11 - 130:14] Damn.
[130:14 - 130:16] (birds chirping)
[130:16 - 130:38] Oh, I got a little breathing on, at least.
[130:38 - 130:57] (birds chirping)
[130:57 - 131:23] Oof.
[131:23 - 131:26] (birds chirping)
[131:26 - 131:32] Bro, that was sketchy.
[131:32 - 131:39] That was frickin' intense, dude, not even gonna lie.
[131:39 - 131:49] Okay, I don't think I've ever been here before, holy shit.
[131:49 - 131:52] (birds chirping)
[131:52 - 131:57] Yeah, I've never been through here before, I don't think.
[131:57 - 132:01] And if I have, I don't remember.
[132:01 - 132:05] Wait, isn't this why I found that raccoon with sunglasses?
[132:05 - 132:13] And yes, believe it or not,
[132:13 - 132:17] I did actually find a raccoon with sunglasses on here.
[132:17 - 132:18] I got a picture of it somewhere,
[132:18 - 132:21] if I could find it, I'll have to post it on my Instagram.
[132:21 - 132:24] I am gonna be making a new Instagram, by the way,
[132:24 - 132:26] for my car shade on here.
[132:26 - 132:28] I will be making a new Instagram.
[132:28 - 132:30] I may have to post that.
[132:30 - 132:31] Oh, yep.
[132:31 - 132:33] That's a rock.
[132:46 - 132:49] (imitates car engine)
[132:49 - 132:52] (birds chirping)
[133:17 - 133:19] I'm always in the sink of rock crawl.
[133:19 - 133:34] Oh, hello.
[133:34 - 133:40] Yep.
[133:40 - 133:44] Yeah, I've never been down in here before.
[133:44 - 133:45] I can tell you that I already,
[133:45 - 133:47] goddamn, this is a little sketchy shit.
[133:47 - 133:49] I'll get the hell out of here,
[133:49 - 133:52] 'cause that is some sketchy shit.
[133:52 - 133:59] Oh, it's some Dominic Toretto shit here.
[133:59 - 134:01] (chuckles)
[134:01 - 134:26] I love that, I love that, right? (laughs)
[134:26 - 134:29] (birds chirping)
[134:29 - 134:44] Damn, man.
[134:44 - 134:47] Excuse me.
[134:47 - 134:52] Oh, I didn't tear up that dude's grass.
[134:52 - 134:53] Really?
[134:55 - 134:57] I would say, hopefully, I didn't tear up
[134:57 - 134:59] that dude's grass too much.
[134:59 - 135:03] Well, she had a frame long over her job.
[135:03 - 135:08] He ain't gotta worry about cutting it for a while.
[135:08 - 135:10] (birds chirping)
[135:10 - 135:33] You gave me a free grass cutting job.
[135:33 - 135:35] (birds chirping)
[135:35 - 135:46] Did I just have a stroke?
[135:46 - 135:48] No, I didn't have a stroke, dude.
[135:48 - 135:51] What makes you think I had a stroke?
[135:51 - 135:52] Like what?
[135:52 - 135:58] I am, T totally lost.
[135:58 - 136:01] (birds chirping)
[136:01 - 136:08] (sighs)
[136:09 - 136:12] (birds chirping)
[136:12 - 136:28] (sighs)
[136:28 - 136:33] (birds chirping)
[136:33 - 136:56] Oh, yeah, shit's about to get wild.
[136:56 - 137:16] (birds chirping)
[137:16 - 137:23] Stage three, U.S.Mates were used.
[137:23 - 137:26] Leading by elite, four, Dallas, Texas.
[137:26 - 137:32] (birds chirping)
[137:32 - 137:41] Whoa.
[137:41 - 138:00] (birds chirping)
[138:26 - 138:29] Dude, I'm literally doing 263 right now.
[138:29 - 138:30] God damn.
[138:30 - 138:33] This thing hauls us.
[138:33 - 138:38] Coming through.
[138:38 - 138:45] (birds chirping)
[138:45 - 139:11] You don't wanna say I can't drive.
[139:11 - 139:13] (laughs)
[139:13 - 139:14] Right.
[139:14 - 139:27] Let that boost.
[139:27 - 139:30] This is a quick boy.
[139:30 - 139:38] Excuse me, I'm on it.
[139:38 - 139:41] All right, well, that's how we'll hug that, we're good.
[139:41 - 139:44] (birds chirping)
[139:44 - 139:47] Bro, we're just hauling ass right now.
[139:47 - 139:49] Oh, damn.
[139:49 - 139:52] All right, now it's two damn calls.
[139:52 - 139:55] (birds chirping)
[139:55 - 140:07] Oh, yep.
[140:10 - 140:13] That's all right, we're a little bit behind the objective,
[140:13 - 140:16] but not for long it won't be.
[140:16 - 141:06] (birds chirping)
[141:33 - 141:36] And Mario, I see you handle a car at this speed.
[141:36 - 141:47] (birds chirping)
[142:13 - 142:18] 85% 86, there's a way to have our objective.
[142:18 - 142:24] I'm way ahead, I'm doing good.
[142:24 - 142:34] Yo, I can't detect that, what's good, man?
[142:34 - 142:35] I see one, bro.
[142:35 - 142:38] (birds chirping)
[142:38 - 143:02] Well, now boys, I'd like to tell you this.
[143:02 - 143:06] If it's Texas motorblasts, your speed will form.
[143:06 - 143:08] Who will win the stage?
[143:08 - 143:30] (birds chirping)
[143:30 - 143:32] Oh, no shit, that's cool.
[143:32 - 143:39] Holy shit, that was wild.
[143:39 - 143:52] Oh my god, that was crazy.
[143:52 - 144:02] (birds chirping)
[144:02 - 144:15] You know, let's hit an office in dirt five.
[144:15 - 144:24] No shit, that's sick.
[144:24 - 144:26] Dude, I collect myself.
[144:28 - 144:31] Yo, Yu-Gi-Oh's my shit, I actually do collect as well.
[144:31 - 144:43] My rarest ones that I have are,
[144:43 - 144:46] I have all the pieces of Exodia,
[144:46 - 144:50] blue-ass shining dragon, red-ass darkness,
[144:50 - 144:52] and all three god cards.
[144:55 - 144:58] (birds chirping)
[144:58 - 144:59] And those are just a few of my rarest.
[144:59 - 145:01] I got a whole bunch more.
[145:01 - 145:13] Does it smell like a dog?
[145:13 - 145:14] What the fuck?
[145:14 - 145:17] (laughs)
[145:17 - 145:32] The fuck?
[145:32 - 145:38] Yo, Negasonic, what's good, bro?
[145:42 - 145:44] Yeah, I heard about that.
[145:44 - 145:49] That was all over the fucking place.
[145:49 - 145:51] I heard about that shit, that was crazy.
[145:51 - 146:07] One of my friend's relatives was actually over there
[146:07 - 146:10] during that shit, it was insane, dude.
[146:10 - 146:15] I was like, "Dude, you gotta be fucking kidding me."
[146:15 - 146:25] That shit was insane.
[146:25 - 146:41] (
[146:41 - 146:46] You know what, speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh and anime shit, hold up.
[146:46 - 146:53] Let me switch over and show y'all something.
[146:53 - 146:55] 'Cause I don't think I showed you guys
[146:56 - 146:58] what I'm about to show y'all.
[146:58 - 147:01] And how the fuck did Twitch get over there, why not?
[147:01 - 147:08] Let me show y'all, and yes, I got Jump Force.
[147:08 - 147:10] Fucking love Jump Force.
[147:10 - 147:13] And yes, I have Scarlet Nexus.
[147:13 - 147:15] I fucking love that, man, it's stupid fun.
[147:15 - 147:23] And yes, I'm a fucking weed.
[147:24 - 147:28] I'm not gonna lie, I'm a fucking anime fan, straight up.
[147:28 - 147:40] Nigh, dude, I actually have a fucking Rosario vampire
[147:40 - 147:41] wall scroll.
[147:53 - 147:55] Dude, Rosario vampire is my shit.
[147:55 - 147:57] (dramatic music)
[148:24 - 148:27] Now, while this is low, now let me show you something, man.
[148:27 - 148:29] As y'all might know, I did pick these up
[148:29 - 148:33] from Walmart for a few weeks, y'all brought 15 bucks.
[148:33 - 148:43] Oh yeah, there's no right ones.
[148:43 - 148:45] These right here are two of my most prized shirts.
[148:45 - 148:48] I do plan on getting some other ones they had,
[148:48 - 148:53] but number one, I don't know if y'all can,
[148:53 - 148:55] you can see it right here.
[148:55 - 149:06] We got a motherfucking Demon Slayer up in there.
[149:06 - 149:09] Yes, I'm a Demon Slayer fan.
[149:09 - 149:20] And let me let this load up real quick,
[149:20 - 149:22] so there's like actual white.
[149:22 - 149:26] Oh, I know, this one I picked up at Walmart,
[149:26 - 149:29] the Demon Slayer one I picked up at Hot Topic.
[149:29 - 149:32] And yes, Hot Topic's still around, which is a shock.
[149:32 - 149:37] Ah, here we go. And, here we go.
[149:37 - 149:38] Shock.
[149:38 - 149:58] Ah, here we go.
[149:58 - 149:59] And,
[150:05 - 150:08] my Naruto Yaki Ramen Shop shirt.
[150:08 - 150:12] You know I got to rep that anime life.
[150:12 - 150:14] Got that Ichiraki Ramen Shop shirt.
[150:14 - 150:18] And you know I got to rep the Demon Slayer, man.
[150:18 - 150:19] You got to.
[150:33 - 150:36] So, yeah, I'm gonna do an anime nerd.
[150:36 - 150:38] I kind of always have them.
[150:38 - 150:43] Now, let me show you how far I've taken one of my cars, man.
[150:43 - 150:46] All right, let me show you my Natasha garage here.
[150:46 - 150:48] Let me show you my Natasha wrapped cars.
[150:48 - 150:51] 'Cause I don't think I haven't really
[150:51 - 150:53] showed anybody these yet.
[150:53 - 150:55] So, let me show you all my Natasha cars.
[150:55 - 151:00] Let me cut this off real quick.
[151:00 - 151:02] (sniffs)
[151:02 - 151:14] This one right here is probably my personal,
[151:14 - 151:16] one of my personal favorites.
[151:16 - 151:22] But,
[151:22 - 151:30] this is one of my many personal favorites.
[151:30 - 151:32] (birds chirping)
[151:32 - 151:43] Man, man, let me go in the photo mode real quick
[151:43 - 151:47] so I can actually show you guys the full thing.
[151:47 - 151:51] All day we did some stuff on the hood, too.
[151:51 - 151:56] But, one of my friends actually did this custom rep for me.
[151:56 - 151:59] (birds chirping)
[151:59 - 152:09] Y'all can't tell me that this G-Wagon ain't sick.
[152:09 - 152:19] Oh, yeah, I even got a Natasha senpai
[152:19 - 152:20] over there on the corner.
[152:26 - 152:26] Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[152:26 - 152:28] How do I think I'm going right, though?
[152:28 - 152:36] Dude, I got all kinds of freaking anime-wrapped shit.
[152:36 - 152:38] Like, I got an Integra Type R.
[152:38 - 152:42] I got a bunch of Miku Hachuni routes.
[152:42 - 152:48] Let's see, where's my one at?
[152:48 - 152:50] I got Jesse's,
[152:50 - 152:53] Rod, let's see.
[152:53 - 152:56] I'm trying to find my main one that I use.
[152:56 - 153:02] Trying to find my main drift car that I use.
[153:02 - 153:10] Oh, here's one of my favorites right here.
[153:10 - 153:12] I absolutely love this car.
[153:12 - 153:14] This one's actually one of my favorites.
[153:14 - 153:18] This one right here is actually one of my favorite
[153:18 - 153:21] Natasha-wrapped cars that I've got going on right now.
[153:21 - 153:24] (mellow music)
[153:24 - 153:32] Sexy ass Lambo.
[153:32 - 153:33] Whew!
[153:33 - 153:45] I believe it is.
[153:45 - 153:48] I don't know, Project Demos.
[153:48 - 153:50] (laughs)
[153:50 - 153:53] Yeah, Tatsu.
[153:53 - 153:56] Yeah, it's Takazuki Yogi.
[153:56 - 154:10] So you got Dollmaster.
[154:16 - 154:18] Oh yeah, even got the freaking Chewy hamburger
[154:18 - 154:20] over there in the corner, bruh.
[154:20 - 154:22] Got Manko.
[154:22 - 154:26] I don't think there's really anything on the back.
[154:26 - 154:28] Oh yeah, there is, there's the little...
[154:28 - 154:31] Oh yeah, hold on, how did I not see that on the back?
[154:31 - 154:35] Oh yeah, dude, that is sick.
[154:35 - 154:37] I just now noticed that, that is so sick.
[154:37 - 154:43] So obviously, as you can tell,
[154:43 - 154:45] yes, I'm a massive anime fan.
[154:45 - 154:49] Like, all my cars are on this account at least.
[154:49 - 154:53] Like, about 95 to 98% of my cars
[154:53 - 154:58] are done in, you know, Natasha-wrapped style.
[154:58 - 155:05] Got my custom for Fiesta.
[155:05 - 155:15] That's actually one that I did myself.
[155:15 - 155:17] 4PS is a wrap that I did myself.
[155:17 - 155:23] I got a few in here that I did on my own
[155:23 - 155:27] that I actually do, that I am very freaking proud of.
[155:27 - 155:42] This one I actually did for a personal friend of mine.
[155:42 - 155:47] My best friend's, my best friend Trisha K. Asara.
[155:47 - 155:56] This one is actually a custom one
[155:56 - 155:57] that she wanted me to do for her.
[155:57 - 156:01] So I wound up hooking her up with a Hinata.
[156:01 - 156:08] Hinata Mountain Dewy Tasha Wrap.
[156:08 - 156:13] Got a Juku, GTR, Falcon, Stance Nation.
[156:13 - 156:23] Got Blitz and all those other dudes up there.
[156:23 - 156:25] And then up here on there,
[156:25 - 156:28] you got Mountain Dew with Hinata right there.
[156:28 - 156:34] See, I got a few that I did that I actually enjoyed.
[156:34 - 156:39] And then obviously you got her SD, her formula drift,
[156:39 - 156:46] her SD man plate right there.
[156:46 - 157:02] Dude, you can't show that kind of shit on here, bro.
[157:03 - 157:05] There's no way to do that.
[157:05 - 157:07] Oh, yes, you can.
[157:07 - 157:10] Yes, you can.
[157:10 - 157:11] Hold on, let me go.
[157:11 - 157:13] Mine is the paints and the designs.
[157:13 - 157:19] My designs.
[157:19 - 157:26] Let's see, where's the,
[157:26 - 157:28] you got a whole fuck ton in here, goddamn.
[157:28 - 157:32] I got too many in here, that's a wrap to count, man.
[157:32 - 157:34] Fucking hell, where'd it go?
[157:34 - 157:42] Got my coffee manga one done by myself.
[157:42 - 157:45] Got my fiesta that I did.
[157:45 - 157:51] Where's the one that I'm driving right now?
[157:51 - 157:56] Dude, where's my frickin' four fiesta that I'm driving?
[157:56 - 157:58] (clock ticking)
[157:58 - 158:05] Well, as you can tell, I've literally got
[158:05 - 158:08] a slunk ton of Natasha wraps.
[158:08 - 158:10] That one I need to redo.
[158:10 - 158:11] That one I'm cute.
[158:11 - 158:14] I actually need to retouch that a little bit.
[158:14 - 158:17] I got a Haunter one.
[158:17 - 158:18] Ah, right here.
[158:18 - 158:24] And that one I actually did for my older brother.
[158:24 - 158:25] As you can tell, I've still got some
[158:25 - 158:27] that I need to work on.
[158:27 - 158:32] That one right, actually I think I'm gonna leave that.
[158:32 - 158:36] My Mercedes Benz.
[158:36 - 158:40] My Corvette.
[158:40 - 158:44] I got a few that I'm working on.
[158:44 - 158:46] So it sounds good.
[158:46 - 158:54] It sounds good.
[158:55 - 158:58] (clock ticking)
[158:58 - 159:06] This one right here is actually one of my personal favorites
[159:06 - 159:07] 'cause this right here is like,
[159:07 - 159:10] it's a coffee shop kinda thing.
[159:10 - 159:18] And yo, Jesse, if you got Discord or whatever,
[159:18 - 159:20] you're more than welcome to hit me up.
[159:20 - 159:23] (instrumental music)
[159:23 - 159:28] Got my coffee shop, Natasha wrap.
[159:28 - 159:31] Got anything for me?
[159:31 - 159:33] Cars and coffee right there.
[159:33 - 159:49] Got BC Racing.
[159:49 - 159:52] This part I like right here, hold my coffee.
[159:52 - 159:55] That's me, dude.
[159:55 - 159:57] Yo, hold my coffee.
[159:57 - 160:09] How is doing a freaking dope-ass Natasha wrap
[160:09 - 160:11] embarrassing, bro?
[160:11 - 160:16] Why, dude, I think every anime fan out there
[160:16 - 160:20] will agree with me that freaking anime is a lice.
[160:20 - 160:27] Like straight up, anime is motherfucking lice.
[160:27 - 160:31] Prove me wrong.
[160:31 - 160:36] Prove me motherfucking wrong, takes the joke.
[160:36 - 160:39] Prove me wrong, bro.
[160:39 - 160:49] (clock ticking)
[160:49 - 160:52] Now these right here, these are my
[160:52 - 160:55] twin 911 Turbo 3.3s.
[160:55 - 160:59] How many of you back in the day
[160:59 - 161:01] remember the game Jet Set Radio?
[161:01 - 161:09] How many of you guys back in the day
[161:09 - 161:11] remember the Jet Set Radio games?
[161:11 - 161:14] (clock ticking)
[161:14 - 161:19] Just check this out, one of my homies hooked me up
[161:19 - 161:20] with this beast right here.
[161:20 - 161:29] This is actually one of my two Jet Set Radio twins.
[161:29 - 161:39] I got this one and then I got the white one to match.
[161:40 - 161:43] And I got the RWB body kit.
[161:43 - 161:55] Let's go over here and pull out the white one.
[161:55 - 162:05] I went way, I don't know, I went way too far.
[162:05 - 162:08] (clock ticking)
[162:08 - 162:15] Bust out my white, beautiful 911 Porsche.
[162:15 - 162:21] And boom, there's the white twin.
[162:21 - 162:33] All right, bro, you say I'm embarrassing, bro.
[162:35 - 162:38] Oh, pardon me, bro.
[162:38 - 162:40] I'm a freaking anime nerd, bro, bro.
[162:40 - 162:44] You want to see how much I'm a nerd, I am, hold up.
[162:44 - 162:52] Hold the freaking phone.
[162:52 - 162:54] (clock ticking)
[162:54 - 163:11] (bell ringing)
[163:20 - 163:25] Let's go here and face y'all this way.
[163:25 - 163:29] First, I'm gonna turn on my ring light real quick.
[163:29 - 163:33] Is that thing even fucking plugged in?
[163:33 - 163:40] There we go.
[163:40 - 163:44] Let me show you just how much of an anime nerd I am, bro.
[163:44 - 163:47] (clock ticking)
[163:47 - 164:07] Make sure it turns on.
[164:07 - 164:09] (bell ringing)
[164:09 - 164:12] (clock ticking)
[164:12 - 164:24] Take the strap off.
[164:24 - 164:27] Oh, there it is.
[164:27 - 164:35] (clock ticking)
[164:35 - 164:38] (bell ringing)
[164:38 - 167:21] (upbeat music)
[167:21 - 167:40] Oh, that's hot.
[167:40 - 167:42] (upbeat music)
[167:42 - 167:43] Oh, that's hot.
[167:43 - 167:44] Oh, you're hot.
[167:44 - 167:49] (upbeat music)
[167:49 - 167:51] Yo, sorry guys.
[167:51 - 167:55] (phone ringing)
[167:55 - 167:59] Yeah.
[167:59 - 168:06] All right, yo.
[168:06 - 168:10] Sorry guys, didn't mean to make you fall.
[168:10 - 168:14] I'm fucking cold, but fell on me.
[168:14 - 168:15] My bad.
[168:16 - 168:19] (phone ringing)
[168:19 - 168:25] All right, guys, I'm gonna bounce around.
[168:25 - 168:26] I'm gonna start with drainage stream
[168:26 - 168:28] and I'll be right back.
[168:28 - 168:30] (phone ringing)
[168:30 - 168:36] So stick around.
[168:36 - 168:53] (phone ringing)
[168:53 - 168:55] (buzzing)


[0:00 - 0:45] [crackling]
[0:45 - 0:54] There we go. Now, as you guys may or may not be aware, over the last few days I've been talking about
[0:54 - 1:04] revamping the channel, redoing everything, man. And today, the day CyRacing has officially
[1:04 - 1:29] come to YouTube, man. But, today isn't just about me. If you guys do know, I'm a massive,
[1:29 - 1:35] massive Kingdom Hearts fan, dude. Grew up playing the entire Kingdom Hearts series as
[1:35 - 1:44] a kid, played the newest one, absolutely loved the series, man. And as you guys know, I'm
[1:44 - 2:10] also a massive, massive Super Smash Bros fan. So, I figured to celebrate. Oh, what is it?
[2:10 - 2:25] Okay, we've got a song, but I'm glad. I figured to celebrate, man. Why not bring one of the
[2:25 - 2:51] most legendary video game characters of all time into the mix, man? I figured, why not
[2:51 - 2:59] bring in the man himself, the one and only Sora from Kingdom Hearts, who is now in Super
[2:59 - 3:05] Smash, man. Super excited to have Sora on board for Super Smash, dude. For freaking
[3:05 - 3:14] real, dude. Huge. Huge. I'm shy of the Sora, man. Super excited to have him on board, dude.
[3:14 - 3:21] A hundred percent, man. I'm excited, man.
[3:21 - 3:47] And you guys are super.
[3:48 - 4:00] And Super Crow. You want to show them what we do to trolls around these farts?
[4:00 - 4:29] Yeah, try the one, dude, but I'm sticking around, dude.
[4:29 - 4:35] All right, so they don't have too much.
[4:35 - 6:14] [SOUND]
[6:14 - 6:22] Yo, it's Adrian. What up, man? Dude, today must be trash today because there is a lot
[6:22 - 6:34] of trash today, man. Damn. I mean, I know I needed to take trash off, but goddamn, dude.
[6:34 - 6:59] I'm giving you a freaking landfill here, I swear to God.
[6:59 - 7:14] Man, let me tell you, it feels so good to be doing what I love for the first time in years, dude.
[7:14 - 7:19] It really does feel good to be back on that grind, on that hustle where I first began.
[7:19 - 7:43] It feels so damn good.
[7:43 - 7:53] [SOUND]
[7:53 - 8:21] You know we gotta do it by Kingdom Hearts piece, man.
[8:21 - 8:39] Let's see how this looks.
[8:39 - 8:56] [SOUND]
[8:56 - 9:25] Now this, this actually looks really cool.
[9:25 - 9:48] [SOUND]
[9:48 - 10:01] What? Ah, that dot in there, oh, hey, hold up.
[10:01 - 10:20] There we go.
[10:20 - 10:49] And it's actually almost perfect right where I was gonna have it anyway.
[10:49 - 11:02] [SOUND]
[11:02 - 11:18] Yeah, this thing is looking stupid clean right now.
[11:18 - 11:48] [SOUND]
[13:00 - 13:13] Man, let me tell you, as soon as I heard the news about Sora coming into Smash, bro, I was like, hell yeah, it's fine way, dude.
[13:13 - 13:30] That's actually going on the hood.
[20:10 - 20:26] >> We are going full on with this thing, holy shit.
[24:40 - 24:42] Oh yeah, we're going racing.
[25:02 - 25:03] Excuse me.
[25:10 - 25:11] Ah, damn.
[25:12 - 25:13] That's right.
[25:13 - 25:14] Luckily, we got rewind.
[25:14 - 25:16] That's what we got rewind for.
[25:39 - 25:41] Yeah, you guys seem to take them in now today.
[25:42 - 25:44] Oh, yeah, there we go.
[25:44 - 25:46] Take them in on the inside there.
[25:54 - 26:00] I honestly don't think I will need to tune this golf bar because this thing just feels so good as is.
[26:34 - 26:35] Are you serious?
[26:35 - 26:39] You're really giving a start up where all the kids in the damn rewind isn't working.
[26:40 - 26:42] That's all right.
[26:42 - 26:44] That's okay, we got this.
[26:55 - 27:00] Oh, yeah, if y'all ain't noticed, Marty's starving for content, which is funny.
[27:07 - 27:10] Hey, Marty, good luck with your content, dude.
[27:13 - 27:15] I've got a lot of people coming through.
[27:16 - 27:18] I'm not here to play nice, I'm here to win a race.
[28:10 - 28:13] I know it was a bit of a dirty tactic, but hey.
[28:14 - 28:18] When it comes to this kind of racing, you gotta get a little bit dirty every now and then.
[28:46 - 28:49] Dude, where did I freaking screw up at?
[28:52 - 28:56] Now, why the hell is this thing... oh, there we go.
[29:06 - 29:09] See if I can enter this corner properly.
[29:13 - 29:14] There we go.
[29:19 - 29:23] Oh, I attached you guys bonfire, you know I'm right behind you, don't you?
[29:24 - 29:26] Yeah, you see that here, don't you?
[29:41 - 29:44] And we're walking away with the dub.
[29:52 - 29:55] And we're walking away with the weather.
[29:57 - 29:58] Thank you.
[30:01 - 30:05] Oh, hello, and we got y'all, we got some wheels now, let's go.
[30:05 - 30:15] Yes!
[30:26 - 30:28] Got any gifts?
[30:30 - 30:32] No, just news.
[30:34 - 30:39] Alright, so for this super wheel spin, man, what do you guys think I'm gonna walk away with?
[30:41 - 30:47] Before I start this wheel spin, what do you guys think I'm gonna walk away with?
[30:47 - 30:50] Clothing, cars, or cash? Or one of each?
[30:53 - 30:56] Oh, well, let's find out.
[31:00 - 31:05] Oh, okay, I got a BMW Z411, hell yeah, I'll take that.
[31:07 - 31:11] 30 grand on a BMW Z411, hell yeah.
[31:11 - 31:13] Not bad.
[31:20 - 31:24] It's not bad if I do say so myself, that's way pretty good.
[31:24 - 31:26] I'll take it.
[31:37 - 31:40] Is there any more off-road events that I need to knock out here?
[31:40 - 31:50] Okay, yeah, we got like one over here.
[32:09 - 32:12] I don't know what I'm feeling right now, like.
[32:35 - 32:43] You know, let's take my, damn, it's hard to choose.
[32:43 - 32:47] You know, let's see the Conan Sega CCX over there.
[32:47 - 32:51] Let's try that Conan Sega up over there, man, have some fun.
[32:57 - 33:00] Yo, CGC, what up?
[33:06 - 33:08] Oh, we got wheelspin, hold up here.
[33:20 - 33:24] Ooh, hit that 100k, let's go.
[33:24 - 33:26] Yes.
[33:26 - 33:30] Give me that 100k, fool.
[33:45 - 33:47] Well, that's the hand bridge.
[34:13 - 34:20] Whoa, I forgot this one, I kind of have to be gentle on the throttle.
[34:32 - 34:34] Good thing everything here is made of Legos.
[34:46 - 34:51] Oh, come on, so are you seeing me driving?
[35:39 - 35:41] Oh, it's right there.
[36:02 - 36:05] You know what, let's go for a C class.
[36:12 - 36:15] Honestly dude, because this one has more subs.
[36:22 - 36:29] This one has a lot more subs and I kind of wanted to get this one built out through this.
[36:32 - 36:34] Besides, who knows?
[36:34 - 36:37] And due time, I may end up with a sponsored shit, dude.
[36:58 - 37:00] Yo, that'd be cool if I could get a hoonigan, bro.
[37:00 - 37:04] If I could get sponsored by a hoonigan, bro, that'd be the shit.
[37:04 - 37:08] Like, I would be super stoked if I could get sponsored by a hoonigan, not even joking.
[37:08 - 37:11] Like, that would be sick.
[37:11 - 37:16] Hell, even if it's a small time sponsor, man, I'm still game.
[37:16 - 37:31] Could have wasted something.
[37:31 - 37:34] Oh, look, we got another Debbie Downer.
[37:41 - 37:44] It's a Debbie Downer.
[37:44 - 37:46] It's a monkey monkey.
[38:02 - 38:08] Watch me pull that behind in victory, shit.
[38:08 - 38:14] All right, we do have three of ours.
[38:14 - 38:16] Yo, is that a four to score?
[38:16 - 38:18] Yo, it is.
[38:18 - 38:21] Nice S score, dude.
[38:21 - 38:24] Excuse me.
[38:43 - 38:49] Oh, it's hard to get away from me there for a minute.
[38:49 - 38:56] No, no, no.
[39:02 - 39:10] Don't think so, buddy.
[39:10 - 39:21] Ooh, yo, nice super, dude.
[39:21 - 39:24] Don't know where it's sitting in fourth.
[39:42 - 39:45] Let's go.
[39:53 - 39:56] And we're taking that first place spot, let's go.
[40:15 - 40:17] Well, it's out.
[40:22 - 40:25] You got a deer coming up behind me here.
[40:31 - 40:35] Dude, I don't even think I need to shift out of third, to be honest with you.
[40:37 - 40:40] Ah, damn.
[40:40 - 40:48] I really don't think that I need to shift out of third, like with the way this car is going.
[41:34 - 41:36] Damn, it feels good to be back.
[41:44 - 41:47] Also, I will be doing daily uploads here very soon as well.
[41:47 - 41:53] So y'all will be getting live streams on the weekends and daily uploads here in the week.
[42:09 - 42:15] So just a heads up, during the weekdays you guys will be getting daily uploads.
[42:15 - 42:18] And then on the weekends, I'll be live streaming like I'm doing now.
[42:18 - 42:22] So you guys will definitely get some content, man, for sure.
[42:26 - 42:32] And as soon as I need my banking stuff figured out, I am going to try, keyword try to open up a merch shop.
[42:32 - 42:35] Don't know how well it's going to go over, but.
[42:39 - 42:43] Yeah, it's something to work at.
[42:47 - 42:50] Alright, it's the top three, I'll take it.
[42:57 - 43:00] Yo, someone get rid of this guy.
[43:15 - 43:21] Yo, what happened to my camera changes?
[43:21 - 43:26] Alright, I'm going to check my camera changes here.
[43:26 - 43:30] You break.
[44:04 - 44:07] You know, let's do something I ain't done in a while.
[44:26 - 44:29] Let this switch over.
[44:29 - 44:33] We about to hit up the illuminator, dude.
[44:33 - 44:37] Dude, it's been a while since I've done the illuminator.
[44:37 - 44:41] And I mean a long while since I've done the illuminator, so I figured,
[44:41 - 44:44] why not hit it up, man, have some fun.
[44:52 - 44:53] Oh, God.
[45:02 - 45:07] Well, let's see, there's your mom who I messaged.
[45:07 - 45:10] Cuz I know she was holding my dick last night, so
[45:10 - 45:14] she wanted me to message her again, so, yeah.
[45:42 - 45:46] Hey, this is my team's good spot, hell yeah, let's go.
[45:48 - 45:51] Oh, yo, 27 players up in here, okay.
[45:57 - 45:59] See if I can toss it a bit.
[45:59 - 46:01] Nope, won't want to toss it, damn.
[46:03 - 46:04] Oh, yeah, now it will.
[46:11 - 46:14] But, dude, if I can get it on the real level, man, if I can get it,
[46:14 - 46:17] we'll get it sponsored by home again, bro, that'd be so sick.
[46:23 - 46:26] All right, think about that, man, getting sponsored by home again,
[46:26 - 46:27] how sick would that be?
[46:35 - 46:38] All right, we're going up against, I don't know how many other players.
[47:14 - 47:16] Damn right it is, bro.
[47:21 - 47:25] You know, I'm gonna just start right here, right where I'm at, man, fuck it.
[47:25 - 47:28] Start right where I'm at, man, see if we can do some shit.
[47:32 - 47:34] And now, bear in mind, I'm going up against,
[47:34 - 47:36] I don't know how many other drivers.
[47:52 - 47:55] All right, so I'm going up against 22 other drivers,
[47:55 - 47:57] and there's a car right off-riff.
[48:03 - 48:05] Ooh, Lancia Delta, okay.
[48:21 - 48:26] Let's go with that Lancia Delta, boy.
[48:26 - 48:31] Let's go on that Lancia, like 21 drivers, man.
[48:38 - 48:41] I wanna go for this dude up in here.
[48:41 - 48:42] Are you serious?
[48:44 - 48:46] Excuse me.
[48:46 - 48:49] Now bear in mind, I am actually going up against other drivers.
[48:49 - 48:52] Let's see if we can walk away from a win on this.
[49:06 - 49:08] I'm serious, he's right up over here.
[49:10 - 49:13] Yeah, let's do this hard ass away from me, okay.
[49:13 - 49:15] You wanna play cat and mouse?
[49:16 - 49:18] Let's play cat and mouse.
[49:22 - 49:24] I'm gonna get you.
[49:24 - 49:27] I'm gonna chase you down, we're gonna race, boy.
[49:41 - 49:45] This guy is literally running away from me right now, look at this shit.
[49:47 - 49:49] All right, where'd you go?
[49:58 - 50:01] Yeah, and guess what, I'm taking this dub, son.
[50:09 - 50:12] Oh, hell nah, this dude.
[50:16 - 50:20] Boy, I don't know how to wait through these woods better than you do, pal.
[50:22 - 50:24] See ya.
[50:38 - 50:40] Let's go.
[50:40 - 50:43] Almost there, let's go, come on.
[50:53 - 50:55] Damn it.
[50:55 - 50:58] Yep, I don't think I'm gonna get it, I don't know though.
[51:09 - 51:12] Yeah, this dude's stuck as hell.
[51:19 - 51:22] Yeah, this dude's going totally the wrong way.
[51:33 - 51:39] Or is he?
[51:39 - 51:42] Oh no, he's running fucking there, okay.
[51:51 - 51:54] Yeah, I'm not gonna make it, I don't think.
[52:09 - 52:13] Yeah, I'm not making it, he's gonna beat me too, I think.
[52:20 - 52:24] Yeah, hey, 17 out of 23 drivers, not bad.
[52:35 - 52:38] Usually there's one now, but that's still ain't too bad.
[52:45 - 52:49] Hey, it's better than being dead last, dude, I'll tell you that right now.
[52:57 - 53:02] Yo, give me that Supra, man, let's go.
[53:13 - 53:19] Yo, y'all ain't know I'm gonna do a rally tune with that Supra, or I might do a drift tune, I don't know.
[53:24 - 53:27] No, I'm not gonna come out of integrity, oh yeah, I am.
[53:38 - 53:43] I ain't know what I was, oh shit, 69 other players, oh fuck.
[53:43 - 53:46] Now it's really game on, dude.
[53:47 - 53:51] Told y'all there was a lot more drivers than that in the Eliminator.
[53:52 - 53:55] That was just a warm up.
[54:29 - 54:32] Yo, Shug, what up?
[54:32 - 54:35] I know a new car's been added.
[54:41 - 54:44] I think we're gonna stay right here in the quarry.
[54:49 - 54:52] [LAUGH]
[54:52 - 54:55] Supra, I know where you're going with that, man, you gotta remind me, motherfucker.
[54:55 - 54:58] I know exactly where you're going.
[54:58 - 54:59] [LAUGH]
[54:59 - 55:01] You fucking got her mind.
[55:02 - 55:03] [LAUGH]
[55:16 - 55:18] You got reminded, motherfucker.
[55:19 - 55:21] Oh shit.
[55:23 - 55:27] All down, 50 seconds fine right now, let's go, bro.
[55:33 - 55:36] Supra, you fucking got her mind.
[55:37 - 55:39] Oh, I see someone down here in the quarry.
[55:44 - 55:46] Are they pointing out racing each other?
[55:46 - 55:48] Hello, hello.
[55:48 - 55:50] Some Ken Block shit right there.
[55:53 - 55:58] 53, let's go, man, I'm doing good, I'm not lasting these guys.
[56:07 - 56:08] Oh.
[56:17 - 56:22] I do apologize about the glare, guys.
[56:27 - 56:30] What the fuck?
[56:30 - 56:33] Oh, it definitely is.
[56:33 - 56:40] This is literally the eliminator mode where you have to go up against so many other drivers
[56:40 - 56:47] and I'm just doing what I need to do, trying to survive this thing.
[56:47 - 56:52] I swear to God, if I walked away with at least the top 15,
[56:52 - 56:57] if I can hit like the top 20 or top 15, then I'll be happy.
[56:57 - 56:59] Or even top 20 would be good.
[57:05 - 57:07] Oh, damn.
[57:07 - 57:09] Straight Ken Block it.
[57:09 - 57:12] Oh, no, Colin McRan, that shit, nevermind.
[57:19 - 57:21] Don't you dare come this way.
[57:21 - 57:23] Don't you dare.
[57:25 - 57:26] See ya.
[57:30 - 57:32] I know that.
[57:34 - 57:39] I'm banging these dudes out, so I ain't gotta worry about driving them.
[57:44 - 57:45] Whoa.
[57:47 - 57:49] That was some last minute shit.
[58:19 - 58:21] 46, we're doing good.
[58:34 - 58:36] Yeah, that would suck.
[59:26 - 59:29] Shit, that's a light.
[59:39 - 59:42] Yeah, I know what he's gonna do, yeah.
[59:44 - 59:46] Take it over there.
[59:48 - 59:49] Fuck.
[59:57 - 60:02] Yeah, I see where it's at, but I can't get the fuck over there fast enough.
[60:02 - 60:03] Oh, I guess I can.
[60:08 - 60:10] Yeah, I know that.
[60:10 - 60:11] Damn.
[60:13 - 60:16] 40 out of 55 is not bad.
[60:21 - 60:23] That actually ain't bad.
[60:26 - 60:28] I'm happy with that, dude.
[60:29 - 60:32] That's 40 out of 55, that's not bad.
[60:42 - 60:44] No, you're not tripping, dude.
[60:58 - 61:00] You know what, let's head back to the fast record.
[61:00 - 61:02] Let's see what cheap cars we can pick up.
[61:04 - 61:06] Actually, you know what, let's redo the Supra.
[61:15 - 61:17] Don't care about that.
[61:18 - 61:20] I just want to turn on my Supra.
[61:26 - 61:29] All right, y'all, what kind of build do you think I should do on the Supra?
[61:35 - 61:37] Do y'all think I should go classic Fast and Furious,
[61:37 - 61:40] or what kind of build should I do on this bad boy?
[61:41 - 61:46] Should I go street, rally, drift, and what kind of route should I do?
[61:58 - 62:01] Come on, y'all, let's design this one.
[62:06 - 62:07] Come on.
[62:09 - 62:12] Which means I'd be going for more of any Tasha style, okay.
[62:13 - 62:15] I dig it, I dig it.
[62:25 - 62:26] Let's do the auto.
[62:26 - 62:29] I actually like the auto upgrade, that shit's freaking awesome.
[62:31 - 62:33] Let's go S1.
[62:57 - 63:01] All right, so we got that, now let's just change out the bumpers and shit.
[63:06 - 63:08] Do you have any with any cooler showing?
[63:17 - 63:27] Ooh, there we go.
[63:39 - 63:49] I'm killed, I actually look sick.
[63:59 - 64:06] Give it that drizzle, make it look stupid clean.
[64:06 - 64:10] Oh, not for my favorite part.
[64:11 - 64:13] Let's do street tires.
[64:19 - 64:22] Now what style of rims y'all think I should do?
[64:37 - 64:42] I don't know, dude, was that actually Fox?
[64:42 - 64:52] Was that actually motherfucking Fox?
[64:59 - 65:01] Hey, that he is.
[65:01 - 65:04] Oh, I'll just say, that's actually Fox, man.
[65:04 - 65:06] I'll just say, what up, man?
[65:06 - 65:08] It's been a minute.
[65:11 - 65:13] This is always the hard part, man.
[65:13 - 65:19] Choosing the right rims for this thing to make it look good.
[65:19 - 65:22] Ooh, y'all actually have a nice deep dish on 'em.
[65:47 - 65:50] Dude, those actually look not half bad.
[65:50 - 65:53] Ooh, okay, we got the Rocket Bunny rims.
[65:53 - 65:54] Hell yeah.
[65:56 - 66:00] Though we're not doing a Rocket Bunny car, so there wouldn't be any point in.
[66:10 - 66:14] All right, let's lengthen these bad boys out.
[66:22 - 66:27] Bring the diff out, or the track with us.
[66:29 - 66:32] All right, here's where the fun begins.
[66:38 - 66:40] Gotta throw a V12 in there, man.
[66:40 - 66:41] Gotta have that extra power.
[66:41 - 66:44] I'm not doing all wheel, I suck at all wheel.
[66:45 - 66:48] Hell yes, we gotta have that twin turbo up in there.
[66:51 - 66:53] Gotta have a 20 up in there, man.
[66:58 - 67:00] Drift springs.
[67:00 - 67:03] All right, so sway bars are already in.
[67:04 - 67:06] Those are already in, all right, we're good.
[67:08 - 67:12] You know, I've seen my boy virtual raps has anything new out.
[67:12 - 67:20] Cuz I know my buddy virtual raps was talking about doing some new super raps.
[67:23 - 67:25] We'll see if the dudes got anything new out.
[67:25 - 67:27] Shout out to virtual, man, what up?
[67:32 - 67:34] Yeah, right, charity?
[67:44 - 67:46] Find new designs.
[67:54 - 67:56] Hey, his rap has got some cool shit.
[67:58 - 68:00] Hey, car hub, hell yeah.
[68:01 - 68:03] Ooh, got the Paul Walker.
[68:03 - 68:05] Hell yes.
[68:05 - 68:08] Can anyone go wrong with the Paul Walker rap?
[68:20 - 68:23] Let's just type in raps and see what pops up.
[68:42 - 68:53] So apparently I have to type in virtual raps. That sucks.
[69:06 - 69:12] Is this thing seriously giving me trouble?
[69:30 - 69:34] Come on, virtual, you gotta have something, homie.
[69:41 - 69:45] You know, let's see what a Tasha raps we got in here.
[70:02 - 70:05] Ooh, okay, we got some cool ones.
[70:06 - 70:07] Current car.
[70:10 - 70:13] You know we're gonna have some dope-assy Tasha raps over here.
[70:14 - 70:16] Oh, yeah, we do.
[70:17 - 70:20] We got some dope-y Tasha raps.
[70:21 - 70:24] It's not gonna save her, nice.
[70:25 - 70:27] Do they have fucking knots in the oven there? That's sick.
[70:40 - 70:45] Yo, dude, that's motherfucking monkey D. Luffy, that is sick.
[70:48 - 70:51] Yo, they got Lucky Star, that is sick.
[70:52 - 70:56] Bro, I may just pick up that, dude, that is sick.
[70:57 - 71:00] Got the freaking Lucky Star raps looking sick.
[71:03 - 71:07] Yo, get out, bro.
[71:08 - 71:12] Bro, that's motherfucking Broly, dude, hold up.
[71:13 - 71:17] Hold up, hold up, yo, we gotta take out the Broly rap, man.
[71:20 - 71:23] Can't go wrong with motherfucking Broly, dude.
[71:26 - 71:29] All right, come on, dude, it's motherfucking Broly, bro.
[71:37 - 71:39] All right, here's a tough question for you guys.
[71:39 - 71:41] Who's stronger, Broly or the Hulk?
[71:46 - 71:50] Yo, this is lit.
[71:54 - 71:56] This is actually fire.
[71:58 - 71:59] Is that?
[72:00 - 72:02] Is that Goku up top?
[72:06 - 72:08] Yeah, Goku and Vegeta up top, that's sick.
[72:10 - 72:16] And then you got a Broly down here from the new movie, and then you got, yo,
[72:16 - 72:19] that thing looks wild.
[72:20 - 72:22] Yo, I'm glad I picked up.
[72:28 - 72:32] Yo, I am glad I picked up this Broly rap, dude, that is sick.
[72:40 - 72:43] You know, let's see what cards we can pick up, man.
[72:43 - 72:48] Let's do something here, let's go here, let's go to...
[72:52 - 72:56] Monster, monster, monster, monster, where you at?
[72:56 - 72:57] Thank you.
[72:59 - 73:02] Let's see how the monsters they got for sale, cuz dude,
[73:02 - 73:04] I wanna see if I can get Colette.
[73:05 - 73:11] Yeah, Colette, Sailor Moon, RX7.
[73:12 - 73:14] Ooh, damn.
[73:15 - 73:17] Good thing I got that on my other one.
[73:18 - 73:19] Fucking hell, dude.
[73:27 - 73:31] Okay, I am like seriously tempted to pick up that MX-5.
[73:31 - 73:33] That is actually cool.
[73:33 - 73:35] I am so tempted.
[73:38 - 73:40] That's the thing about the auction houses, dude,
[73:40 - 73:43] like you can actually find a lot.
[73:46 - 73:47] Ooh.
[73:50 - 73:52] 6-7 grand.
[73:55 - 73:57] The Madbull, nice.
[73:59 - 74:01] Yo, one of my favorite raps.
[74:01 - 74:03] I fucking love that car, the Spirit type RA.
[74:03 - 74:04] Hell yes.
[74:06 - 74:08] Yo, they got a new for sweet star.
[74:08 - 74:09] That's cool.
[74:10 - 74:11] Hams RX7.
[74:14 - 74:17] Ha, they did a rocking bunny kit on Dom's RX7.
[74:17 - 74:18] That is fire.
[74:27 - 74:29] Yo, that's actually cool.
[74:31 - 74:33] Dude, that's the thing about these RX7, man.
[74:33 - 74:35] These things are so good.
[74:37 - 74:40] You know, let's pick up this Savannah RX7.
[74:40 - 74:43] And let's do a nice rap on it, dude.
[74:44 - 74:46] Take that out for 54 grand.
[74:46 - 74:47] Thank you.
[74:47 - 74:50] That's what I love about the Auction House, dude.
[74:50 - 74:57] Most times you can pick up cars that are cheaper on the Auction House than they are on the Auto Show.
[74:59 - 75:07] Like on my Forza Legends account, the one where I have literally all the rare cars,
[75:07 - 75:12] I picked up a $10 million Ferrari for one million.
[75:21 - 75:27] You know, just for the sake of it, man, we're gonna pick up that Lucky Star.
[75:27 - 75:31] All right, so just to keep around, man, that thing is sick.
[75:31 - 75:37] We're definitely gonna pick up that Lucky Star Miata, man.
[75:40 - 75:44] Yeah, you can tell this thing's got a drift, though.
[75:44 - 75:46] Hell yeah.
[75:49 - 75:52] Bro, totally taking this up.
[75:52 - 75:54] That is lit.
[75:57 - 75:59] Yes.
[75:59 - 76:01] Thank you.
[76:05 - 76:07] Yes, I do.
[76:10 - 76:16] I'm not that good at it. I'm actually way better with the guitar, but yes, I do have one.
[76:16 - 76:22] Not the greatest at it, but I do have that, and I have like three different ocarinas.
[76:22 - 76:27] All the keyboard, well, piano/keyboard.
[76:33 - 76:38] Well, we have, what the fuck?
[76:38 - 76:40] This dude really did a black and red unicorn.
[76:40 - 76:44] That is actually, fuck, hold on, let me check this out.
[76:44 - 76:46] Dude, is that cheap enough, man?
[76:46 - 76:49] I'm gonna pick up that unicorn.
[76:49 - 76:54] Bro, if I had the cash, I would totally pick this up, because that is clean, dude.
[76:54 - 77:00] That tune tone red and black, that is actually fucking clean.
[77:00 - 77:04] Damn, that's clean.
[77:04 - 77:08] Props to the man that made that, dude. That is sick.
[77:20 - 77:24] All right, so let's do a little bit of tuning here.
[77:30 - 77:34] Align that, leave that as is.
[77:43 - 77:48] All right, so pretty much she's already ready, set to drift.
[77:48 - 77:53] Cool, makes my job easier.
[78:03 - 78:06] Yeah, this thing rips.
[78:17 - 78:27] This thing rips like a beast.
[78:47 - 78:50] Yeah, let's get it.
[79:10 - 79:13] Dude, this thing fucking rips.
[79:23 - 79:28] Wow, he doesn't do that.
[79:58 - 80:08] You know, speaking of classics, man, hold up.
[80:21 - 80:27] Yo, speaking of classics, man, I do need to see if they got the 86 available right quick.
[80:32 - 80:35] Cuz dude, if they got the 86 available, I am picking that shit.
[80:35 - 80:36] Oh, dude.
[80:46 - 80:51] Nope, that's all right.
[80:53 - 80:56] All right, let's set this in the drift tune right quick.
[81:20 - 81:27] Yo, this thing feels good.
[81:27 - 81:31] Yeah, when they talk shit, though, they need to ban.
[81:31 - 81:35] Sorry that all shit talkers get banned.
[81:35 - 81:39] I ain't trying to have no shit talking to assholes up in there, you know what I mean?
[81:43 - 81:53] I ain't about that shit talking, wife.
[82:20 - 82:24] Just saying, like, not trying to be an asshole, I'm just saying, man,
[82:24 - 82:29] if you're gonna talk shit and talk down on me and my people, you're gonna get banned.
[82:36 - 82:38] Oh, yeah, this thing rips.
[82:38 - 82:43] Hey, it's like riding up your chest, man, and never shit talk to my people.
[82:43 - 82:49] If shit talk to my people, well, you know what happens.
[83:03 - 83:21] Whoa, yo, is that a frickin, y'all need to see challenger, what the fuck?
[83:31 - 83:35] What, did that thing really just say Elgato?
[83:37 - 83:39] Or was that LT right?
[83:45 - 83:48] Oh, I read that wrong, I love this say.
[84:02 - 84:05] All right, now, let's set this thing to drift tune, man.
[84:06 - 84:09] Let's get a rhythm now, let's set this thing to a drift tune here.
[84:11 - 84:13] Do this thing right on the spot.
[84:18 - 84:20] Meaning the wheel, not the car.
[84:24 - 84:29] Advanced, turn vibration off.
[84:29 - 84:33] Steering linearity, turn that off.
[84:37 - 84:40] Force feedback, turn that off.
[84:48 - 84:52] All right, so let's go back, I'll redo this, can I reset that?
[84:52 - 84:57] Off, turn steering linearity off.
[85:03 - 85:06] Vibration, force feedback.
[85:16 - 85:19] And everything else is good to go.
[85:23 - 85:26] Now, let's have some fun with this Broadway Superman.
[85:35 - 85:36] Yeah.
[85:56 - 86:03] Okay, damn, this thing just wants to go.
[86:23 - 86:34] All right, you know what, let's reset it back to the default settings here.
[86:44 - 86:46] Cuz there is something I wanna do.
[86:48 - 86:50] Don't know if we'll be able to do it or not.
[86:50 - 86:53] But hopefully I can do this straight up fast travel there.
[87:00 - 87:02] Yes, I can, let's go.
[88:02 - 88:04] Take it to my testing grounds here.
[88:04 - 88:09] This is what I call my testing grounds here on Florida, on Florida.
[88:09 - 88:14] Dude, I must be wanting to go to Florida or something, yeah, bro.
[88:42 - 88:46] All right, I'm gonna have to wait till the summertime for this one, I think.
[88:53 - 88:57] Yeah, I'm gonna have to wait till the summertime for this one.
[88:57 - 89:00] Or at least when spring hits this next week.
[89:03 - 89:04] All right, maybe not.
[89:18 - 89:21] Oh yeah, dude, this thing slides like a drain, dude.
[89:41 - 89:42] Damn, that's ice.
[89:49 - 89:51] It's freaking ice.
[90:19 - 90:22] All right, I never have this much trouble with my FD cars.
[90:22 - 90:24] Why is this one giving me trouble?
[91:07 - 91:11] Now I say I cannot wait to hit that thousand and seven mark, man.
[91:11 - 91:13] So I can actually get paid, bro.
[91:13 - 91:14] It's really nice.
[91:15 - 91:17] You know what, let's hit up Derwent Farms.
[91:17 - 91:19] Let's hit up Derwent Water.
[91:19 - 91:21] Do some ice drifting.
[92:01 - 92:03] No shit.
[92:03 - 92:06] I agree with that one, charity, 100% girl.
[92:12 - 92:15] I agree wholeheartedly on that one, dude.
[92:17 - 92:20] All right, there's Derwent Water right there as a matter of fact, okay.
[92:29 - 92:31] #sendit.
[92:43 - 92:47] Oh, yo, charity, speaking of which, I'm going to have to show you guys
[92:47 - 92:50] one of my personal Grey's Still Plays videos.
[92:50 - 92:52] I know you're going to love that.
[92:57 - 93:01] Just what he does on the gameplay that I'm going to show here in a bit.
[93:01 - 93:04] It's basically what I'm going to do on Dirt 5.
[93:22 - 93:27] Oh, just barely missed that tree.
[93:27 - 93:28] Damn.
[93:33 - 93:34] That was sick.
[93:36 - 93:40] And yes, we are running a six liter V12 in this thing.
[93:40 - 93:42] So we've definitely got more than enough power.
[94:40 - 94:52] Obviously, there's not one slide on the ice.
[94:54 - 94:57] All right, so let's just do like this.
[95:52 - 95:54] No, where's the lake at?
[95:54 - 95:56] Oh, I'm going the wrong fucking way.
[95:56 - 95:57] Yes, I am.
[95:57 - 95:58] I'm going the wrong goddamn way.
[96:22 - 96:24] Always, you know, this thing can handle the snow.
[96:26 - 96:27] Ah, shit, y'all, here we go.
[96:27 - 96:30] We're about to be full of rolling tears up in this bitch.
[97:06 - 97:10] And I ain't even got a drift tune on this thing.
[97:11 - 97:14] I don't, I did not have a drift tune on this.
[97:18 - 97:19] Yeah.
[97:23 - 97:24] Hold on, guys.
[98:14 - 98:18] All right, guys, so I am going to have to end the right year for now.
[98:18 - 98:21] I will be back later on to do another stream with you guys.
[98:21 - 98:23] Hopefully you guys did enjoy this.
[98:23 - 98:25] If you did, be sure to slap that like button, that subscribe button,
[98:25 - 98:30] and that notification bell all down below to stay up to date with all the latest video content on your end.
[98:30 - 98:34] I'm your boy Cyrus, and hopefully you guys did enjoy this, man.
[98:34 - 98:36] If you did, you all know what to do.
[98:36 - 98:41] So be on the lookout for some brand new merch coming soon.
[98:41 - 98:42] Hopefully it's some new sponsors.
[98:42 - 98:44] Keyword, hopefully.
[98:44 - 98:47] And I will see you guys next time, man.
[98:47 - 98:51] To all my drifters out there, man, stay sideways, man.
[98:51 - 98:54] Keep the stars turning, and I'll catch you guys later, man.
[98:54 - 98:55] Peace.


[0:00 - 0:46] What's up everybody?
[0:46 - 1:14] What's up guys?
[1:14 - 1:29] Now, as you guys may or may not know, over the last several years I've been screwed
[1:29 - 1:41] over by labels, screwed over by people like Eric Scrobolo, as well as the Bender Boys.
[1:41 - 1:48] And I'm not only calling out those people, I'm calling out the fucking labels that
[1:48 - 2:00] want to pay fucking money to sign to your fucking label.
[2:00 - 2:09] Let me tell you right now, all y'all little scammers, you ain't fucking me over.
[2:09 - 2:15] As a matter of fact, all you little labels that think that I'm going to stand by and
[2:15 - 2:25] let y'all like Eric Scrobolo fuck me over, not happening.
[2:25 - 2:27] I'll take them back what I love.
[2:27 - 2:31] Now, I do have a very important question for all of you.
[2:31 - 2:35] I do have a very important question for everyone here.
[2:35 - 2:43] If I released one single album for free and put it on this channel for free in my own
[2:43 - 2:51] style, how many of you guys would actually listen to it and share it around?
[2:51 - 2:56] Like how many of you guys would actually take the album, like if I close it up, how many
[2:56 - 3:11] of you guys would share it around like crazy and listen to it and rock that shit?
[3:11 - 3:34] Oh yeah, it's not hard to see.
[3:34 - 3:44] But this show, this is me taking back my fucking life.
[3:44 - 31:12] [MUSIC]
[31:12 - 31:14] How do you guys remember this song?
[31:14 - 34:10] [MUSIC]
[34:10 - 34:12] You know what?
[34:12 - 34:16] I'll play you guys one of my favorite artists that actually is a gay dude.
[34:16 - 34:20] [MUSIC]
[34:20 - 34:22] This guy I'm about to do actually is gay.
[34:22 - 34:24] And I think you guys actually like this.
[34:24 - 38:08] [MUSIC]
[38:08 - 38:10] I'm gonna say it all right now, man.
[38:10 - 38:16] If any of you all have been here, got a problem with gay people, then get the fuck out right now.
[38:16 - 38:21] Because something a lot of you all might not realize is that my older brother was gay.
[38:21 - 38:26] You know, the one that passed away that everybody wants to talk shit on, yeah, he was gay.
[38:26 - 38:29] So, yeah, I fuck with the gay community, man.
[38:29 - 38:30] I rock with those guys.
[38:30 - 38:32] I stand up for those guys.
[38:32 - 38:35] Because I have my best friend here.
[38:35 - 38:41] They're buying gay trends and basically all spectrum of the LGBTQ community, man.
[38:41 - 38:46] So, if you got a problem with somebody being gay, then, dude, get the fuck out.
[38:46 - 42:33] [MUSIC]
[42:33 - 42:35] All right, hold on, I got something for you.
[42:35 - 46:51] [MUSIC]
[46:51 - 46:56] Man, all of y'all suckers out there that say I can't play, try me.
[46:56 - 47:00] That one, I actually don't know, dude.
[47:00 - 47:06] I honestly, I know the words but I've never actually done it on instrument before.
[47:06 - 47:09] But that is something to work on.
[47:09 - 64:20] [MUSIC]
2021-10-11 warface  n chill

2021-10-11 warface n chill

[0:00 - 0:25] What up guys it's your boy. Now I do apologize for the mistitling earlier. I was going to
[0:25 - 0:32] make some Apex with the homies and one of my teammates their power went out so I kinda
[0:32 - 0:58] can't so I figure why not do some Warface and chill with y'all man.
[0:58 - 1:21] Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,
[1:21 - 1:43] cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,
[1:43 - 2:25] cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,
[2:25 - 2:57] cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,
[2:57 - 3:13] cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,
[3:13 - 3:31] cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,
[3:31 - 3:49] the situation before you pull the trigger okay well I guess somebody's saying something
[3:49 - 3:56] analyze what they're saying before you ban them because that um yeah one guy that was
[3:56 - 4:02] caught an M&M in there and he's a supporter bro and y'all pulled the trigger on him for
[4:02 - 4:32] it. Yo demon rats what up man. Yo demon rats what up man. Yo demon rats what up man. Yo,
[4:32 - 4:58] oh damn dude guys slayed all man damn.
[4:58 - 5:27] Oh damn I seen him. Oh god that dirty guy's back. Okay dude's back for round two. Get
[5:27 - 5:41] back you're back. Yo I can't even get a freaking shot in. God damn what is wrong with me today.
[5:41 - 6:01] That shit. You really have to fucking dominate this shit. Dude I literally have gotten nothing
[6:01 - 6:20] but shot the entire time. Alright that dude should have been dead.
[6:20 - 6:38] Hey simple what up. Yo that dude should have been dead.
[6:38 - 7:00] There we go now I'm finding my groove.
[7:00 - 7:13] Come on guys take them. I got one guy y'all can take the rest.
[7:13 - 7:42] Oh hell yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh
[7:42 - 7:58] yeah maybe give down some dogs. Who's kidding I'm with dogs. Yo that dude is fucking on
[7:58 - 8:21] time brother. Hey dude what's up man. What's up man. What up man. What's up man. What's
[8:21 - 8:41] up man. Oh that dirty germs guy. Yo that guy okay dirty germs is back alright. Okay
[8:41 - 8:49] this is the dude that had it for me out last time. That dirty germs guy is the same motherfucker
[8:49 - 9:13] that had it out for me last round. Okay I got you motherfucker I know how you operate.
[9:13 - 9:41] Oh two kills in one let's go. I guarantee you my KD ratio is going to be shit. Oh thanks
[9:41 - 9:57] bro. You know what we're going sniper mode on this guy. We are straight going sniper
[9:57 - 10:11] mode on this dude. We are winning though so y'all seen how lethal I can kill the damn
[10:11 - 10:36] sniper. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude.
[10:36 - 11:02] Oh yeah dude dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude dude.
[11:02 - 11:29] Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh
[11:29 - 11:57] yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh yeah dude. Oh bro
[11:57 - 12:16] five kills and 15 deaths god damn. Dude that is my worst KD ratio ever. Oh my god that's
[12:16 - 12:30] embarrassing. That is straight and actually no that is embarrassing dude. That is fucking
[12:30 - 12:38] embarrassing dude. Usually I'm in like the top five or the top three or number one. Dude
[12:38 - 13:06] that was fucking embarrassing. God damn. Oh that was nasty. Oh copra santa. That was
[13:06 - 13:24] a copra santa. Oh next roaring rank is Lance Corporal. Hell yeah. Oh god muzzle. Nice. Why
[13:24 - 13:49] that one going to fucking grenade. Oh where am I. How long am I now buddy. Oh let's go.
[13:49 - 14:00] Whoa whoa whoa. Y'all see how I did the other night on this map. On the worldview film map.
[14:00 - 14:12] Y'all see me wreck shit. Whoa whoa whoa. Looks like some heads are getting popped in a. Hey
[14:12 - 14:16] everybody always ask how many biceps to take to get in the center of a Tootsie Bob. I'll
[14:16 - 14:23] tell you just one because I'm a sniper bitch and I'll make that bullet go to the center.
[14:23 - 14:50] Hey everyone know how long it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Bob.
[14:50 - 15:05] (metal clanking)
[15:21 - 15:24] Now you know why I think that dude's wolf mass.
[15:24 - 15:26] (metal clanking)
[15:26 - 15:30] Damn it, mother fucker.
[15:30 - 15:32] (metal clanking)
[15:32 - 15:32] Ah, shit.
[15:32 - 15:37] That Tamerakuri dude's fast.
[15:37 - 15:56] (metal clanking)
[15:56 - 15:59] Yo, how did he not die?
[15:59 - 16:03] I put that bullet square in his fucking face.
[16:03 - 16:04] Earned his neck.
[16:04 - 16:05] Oh, hell no.
[16:18 - 16:21] (metal clanking)
[16:21 - 16:31] No, you see how I analyze.
[16:31 - 16:34] Each thing before I shoot.
[16:34 - 16:37] Like, you see how I analyze going in?
[16:37 - 16:40] Think about it like that.
[16:40 - 16:43] Like, before you mod somebody, analyze.
[16:43 - 16:52] (metal clanking)
[16:52 - 16:53] No, no, no.
[16:53 - 17:00] (metal clanking)
[17:00 - 17:04] Get it out, get it out.
[17:04 - 17:05] (metal clanking)
[17:05 - 17:05] Get it out.
[17:05 - 17:18] (metal clanking)
[17:18 - 17:36] Oh, I shot somebody as I got shot, that was sick.
[17:36 - 17:56] (metal clanking)
[17:56 - 18:03] Oh, dude, I didn't even see how I got sitting there.
[18:03 - 18:29] (metal clanking)
[18:36 - 18:38] Now, would anyone else like to fuckin' text me?
[18:38 - 18:42] Come here.
[18:42 - 18:44] Oh, dude, that dirty guy got me.
[18:44 - 18:48] I snuck like, what, five guys in a row?
[18:48 - 19:08] (metal clanking)
[19:08 - 19:20] What I need is, I need to place my shots.
[19:20 - 19:23] (metal clanking)
[19:23 - 19:26] - Good night, good night.
[19:26 - 19:39] (metal clanking)
[19:39 - 19:41] - Oh, double kill, I went out two kills.
[19:41 - 19:43] (metal clanking)
[19:43 - 19:52] On that double kill life.
[19:52 - 20:03] (metal clanking)
[20:03 - 20:09] - We're nearly out.
[20:09 - 20:24] (metal clanking)
[20:25 - 20:27] - Damn, thanks for movin' him out.
[20:27 - 20:51] (metal clanking)
[20:51 - 20:53] - Fire in the hole.
[20:53 - 20:55] (metal clanking)
[20:55 - 21:08] - Dude, I shot the guy right in the face,
[21:08 - 21:09] how did he not die?
[21:09 - 21:24] (metal clanking)
[21:24 - 21:37] - How did that dude stand in straight up?
[21:37 - 22:01] (metal clanking)
[22:01 - 22:05] - Crap.
[22:05 - 22:07] (metal clanking)
[22:07 - 22:08] - Thank you.
[22:08 - 22:10] Goodnight.
[22:10 - 22:21] (metal clanking)
[22:21 - 22:38] - Yo, how the fuck?
[22:47 - 22:49] - Oh, C shot.
[22:49 - 23:08] (metal clanking)
[23:17 - 23:19] - Hey, Charity, what up?
[23:19 - 23:22] Tom, what's good, buddy?
[23:22 - 23:27] I am legit doing fucking brain surgery on these guys.
[23:27 - 23:30] (metal clanking)
[23:30 - 23:32] That dirty guy, man.
[23:32 - 23:44] Aw, I didn't even see him there.
[23:44 - 23:47] (metal clanking)
[23:47 - 24:01] Oh, I took your boy with me, though.
[24:01 - 24:12] Whoa.
[24:12 - 24:15] (metal clanking)
[24:15 - 24:32] Hey, there we go, 24 to 20, hell yeah.
[24:32 - 24:33] That's what I'm talking about.
[24:33 - 24:39] (dramatic music)
[24:39 - 24:41] (metal clanking)
[24:41 - 24:53] 23 kills, 17 deaths, six headshot.
[24:53 - 24:54] That's what I'm talking about, man.
[24:54 - 24:56] All right, now.
[24:56 - 25:01] 24 deaths and 20, all right, 24 kills and 20 deaths.
[25:01 - 25:03] That's what I'm talking about, man.
[25:03 - 25:08] That is, that's my typical KD ratio.
[25:09 - 25:09] Yes.
[25:09 - 25:16] (dramatic music)
[25:16 - 25:25] (metal clanking)
[25:25 - 25:31] Testicles.
[25:31 - 25:34] (dramatic music)
[25:34 - 25:44] Ah, that's the testicular cancer, 24 eyes.
[25:44 - 25:48] Take care of you, myself, boy.
[25:48 - 25:58] (mumbling)
[25:58 - 26:01] (dramatic music)
[26:01 - 26:18] Nah, no, I did.
[26:18 - 26:20] That was me.
[26:20 - 26:24] What is it, dude?
[26:24 - 26:27] (metal clanking)
[26:27 - 26:49] Here we go, Blankenship.
[26:49 - 26:52] (metal clanking)
[26:52 - 27:13] Is that actually Israel, name's Saren.
[27:13 - 27:16] I need you to do some research.
[27:16 - 27:17] Find out that's actually him.
[27:17 - 27:19] Talent, you as well.
[27:19 - 27:21] (metal clanking)
[27:21 - 27:27] You oughta cook the goose.
[27:27 - 27:29] You oughta cook the goose, man.
[27:29 - 27:34] (mumbling)
[27:34 - 27:37] Hey, Rodrigo, you oughta cook goose, man.
[27:37 - 27:41] Bloody fucking hell, Rodrigo.
[27:41 - 27:43] You oughta cook the goose.
[27:43 - 27:45] You oughta dead, man.
[27:45 - 27:47] (metal clanking)
[27:47 - 28:08] (mumbling)
[28:08 - 28:11] (metal clanking)
[28:11 - 28:22] Sounds good.
[28:22 - 28:25] (metal clanking)
[28:25 - 28:29] That's true, does have you involved?
[28:29 - 28:37] (metal clanking)
[28:37 - 28:41] You wanna play throw the grenade?
[28:41 - 28:42] Okay.
[28:42 - 28:43] (metal clanking)
[28:43 - 28:44] Bye-bye.
[28:44 - 28:47] Hey, that was a headshot.
[28:47 - 28:49] A clean one, if that doesn't matter.
[28:49 - 28:53] Hey, anybody need free brain surgery?
[28:53 - 28:54] I'll give it to ya.
[28:54 - 29:00] Instant Lobotomy, coming right up.
[29:00 - 29:02] Anybody want free brain surgery?
[29:03 - 29:05] (metal clanking)
[29:05 - 29:22] Oh, nope.
[29:22 - 29:26] Chop 'em back down here.
[29:26 - 29:34] (metal clanking)
[29:34 - 29:47] Huh, he wasn't like that on our live team, huh?
[29:47 - 29:48] Mm-hmm.
[29:48 - 29:53] I just called free heart surgery right there, man.
[29:53 - 30:02] (metal clanking)
[30:02 - 30:07] Free smoke, sure.
[30:07 - 30:27] (metal clanking)
[30:27 - 30:28] Oh!
[30:28 - 30:31] (metal clanking)
[30:31 - 30:42] Oh, damn, Franken!
[30:42 - 30:44] Damn!
[30:44 - 30:47] (metal clanking)
[30:47 - 30:47] Ouch!
[30:47 - 30:51] Hey, anybody wanna get run, give run.
[30:51 - 30:54] There you go, some free brain surgery.
[30:54 - 31:04] (metal clanking)
[31:04 - 31:22] Hey, Franken, what's up, man?
[31:22 - 31:23] How you doing, buddy?
[31:24 - 31:25] (metal clanking)
[31:25 - 31:27] Good to see you, dude, how you doing?
[31:27 - 31:30] (metal clanking)
[31:30 - 31:39] No!
[31:39 - 31:44] (metal clanking)
[31:44 - 31:51] And I got that triple kill.
[31:52 - 31:55] (metal clanking)
[31:55 - 31:59] Hey, anybody wanna give, hey, anybody wanna,
[31:59 - 32:00] blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[32:00 - 32:02] Anybody wanna help me give Robert Rio
[32:02 - 32:04] some free brain surgery through war things?
[32:04 - 32:21] (metal clanking)
[32:21 - 32:25] God, there's a lot of people
[32:25 - 32:28] getting free brain surgery today.
[32:28 - 32:29] Shit!
[32:29 - 32:34] They must be handing out free brain,
[32:34 - 32:35] they must be handing out brain surgery
[32:35 - 32:37] like it's freaking Halloween, bro.
[32:37 - 32:46] (metal clanking)
[32:46 - 32:48] They handing out brain surgery like it's freakin'
[32:48 - 32:49] Halloween candy.
[32:49 - 33:09] (metal clanking)
[33:09 - 33:34] Oh, and I got that one, Robert.
[33:34 - 33:37] (metal clanking)
[33:37 - 33:56] Yeah, no shit.
[33:56 - 33:59] (metal clanking)
[33:59 - 34:09] That was a mis-throw.
[34:09 - 34:14] (metal clanking)
[34:14 - 34:22] Dude, how can I not kill?
[34:22 - 34:25] There you go, thank you.
[34:25 - 34:27] Finally, somebody wiped it.
[34:27 - 34:31] That's a lot of brain surgery going on today.
[34:31 - 34:37] (metal clanking)
[34:37 - 34:47] Sit down, take it down now.
[34:47 - 34:49] Oh!
[34:49 - 34:57] (metal clanking)
[34:57 - 35:01] Sights wipe.
[35:01 - 35:04] Heart surgery.
[35:04 - 35:09] Let's see what kind of surgery.
[35:09 - 35:14] That would be stomach surgery.
[35:14 - 35:17] (metal clanking)
[35:17 - 35:21] He ain't having kids.
[35:21 - 35:24] (metal clanking)
[35:25 - 35:28] That's what it is, you got a shot in the balls.
[35:28 - 35:30] No kids for you.
[35:30 - 35:33] (metal clanking)
[35:33 - 35:40] No, not for you.
[35:40 - 35:42] No heart for you.
[35:42 - 35:49] (metal clanking)
[35:49 - 36:07] Give them a little smoke, show 'em for that road.
[36:07 - 36:09] Good job, team, mission complete.
[36:14 - 36:16] (dramatic music)
[36:16 - 36:38] All right, y'all talent.
[36:38 - 36:40] Seren, both of you, message me.
[36:40 - 36:42] What the fuck's going on?
[36:42 - 36:45] DM me on Discord.
[36:45 - 36:48] Fill me in on what the fuck's going on
[36:48 - 36:50] 'cause I am, T, totally lost.
[36:50 - 36:56] (dramatic music)
[36:56 - 36:59] (metal clanking)
[36:59 - 37:02] (dramatic music)
[37:02 - 37:04] (metal clanking)
[37:04 - 37:07] (dramatic music)
[37:07 - 37:10] (metal clanking)
[37:36 - 37:39] Hey, let's go, it's Corporal, let's get it.
[37:39 - 37:53] Oh, beautiful shotgun.
[37:53 - 38:04] Let's see how that goes.
[38:04 - 38:06] Oh, yeah, dude, it's gonna be so much fun.
[38:06 - 38:10] Oh, it's gonna be fun.
[38:10 - 38:20] It's gonna be so much fun, I'm playing some Titanfall 2.
[38:20 - 38:23] (metal clanking)
[38:23 - 38:49] Unlimited, the enemy team.
[38:49 - 38:52] I think next round, I wanna go with this.
[38:52 - 38:59] Damn, right off rip, it's a fucking war zone out here.
[38:59 - 39:08] (metal clanking)
[39:08 - 39:13] Goddamn.
[39:13 - 39:16] Hey, my dude's just sitting there like,
[39:16 - 39:20] "Duh, I'm just gonna sit right here."
[39:20 - 39:46] (metal clanking)
[39:46 - 40:00] Oh, I took one guy out, at least.
[40:00 - 40:06] (metal clanking)
[40:06 - 40:17] How the fuck?
[40:17 - 40:33] (metal clanking)
[40:33 - 40:50] All right, I got you.
[41:00 - 41:02] (laughing)
[41:02 - 41:03] I'm sorry, the way that dude fell over,
[41:03 - 41:05] he just kinda waddled and fell.
[41:05 - 41:08] He felt like he was drunk.
[41:08 - 41:12] You ever have that one friend that gets so drunk
[41:12 - 41:15] that when they fall, they legit fall?
[41:15 - 41:27] Like, y'all ever have that one drunk friend
[41:27 - 41:31] that like when they fall over, they fall like that,
[41:31 - 41:33] they just like stay in there and then just like,
[41:33 - 41:35] and then fall?
[41:35 - 41:37] And you don't even know how the hell
[41:37 - 41:38] they're keeping their balance?
[41:38 - 41:54] Yeah, they're drunk.
[41:54 - 41:56] (metal clanking)
[41:56 - 42:06] All right, so these guys wanna play Snipes series.
[42:06 - 42:09] All right, we can play Snipes.
[42:09 - 42:11] We can play Snipes series.
[42:11 - 42:14] (metal clanking)
[42:23 - 42:26] We can play Snipes series.
[42:26 - 42:31] (metal clanking)
[42:31 - 42:41] These guys all wanna use Snipers and shoot long range?
[42:41 - 42:45] Well, yeah, you're looking at a sniper here.
[42:45 - 42:48] (metal clanking)
[42:48 - 42:53] Don't even think about it, that shit, motherfucker.
[42:53 - 42:55] (metal clanking)
[42:55 - 43:10] Oh, send that dude airborne.
[43:10 - 43:15] (metal clanking)
[43:15 - 43:30] It's called, I play tactical.
[43:30 - 43:43] (metal clanking)
[43:43 - 43:50] It's called, I know how to play tactically.
[43:50 - 43:55] I'm the strategic, tactical kind of guy.
[43:55 - 43:59] (metal clanking)
[43:59 - 44:01] Well, dude, I shot you right in the fucking head.
[44:01 - 44:03] How did you not die?
[44:08 - 44:10] (metal clanking)
[44:10 - 44:20] - You're dead.
[44:20 - 44:23] (metal clanking)
[44:23 - 44:35] - I go in, I analyze, and I execute.
[44:35 - 45:07] (metal clanking)
[45:07 - 45:18] These guys are scrambling for kills.
[45:18 - 45:21] (metal clanking)
[45:21 - 45:33] These guys are straight scrambling for kills now,
[45:33 - 45:35] which is 101 to 102.
[45:35 - 45:47] (metal clanking)
[46:14 - 46:16] And, dude, these guys are tough.
[46:16 - 46:19] (metal clanking)
[46:19 - 46:27] Oh, double kill, let's go.
[46:27 - 46:36] (metal clanking)
[46:36 - 47:00] Hey, Saren, what's up?
[47:02 - 47:04] So what are you guys doing for Halloween, man?
[47:04 - 47:07] This one, are y'all going out to go trick-or-treating,
[47:07 - 47:08] or what are you guys doing?
[47:08 - 47:11] (metal clanking)
[47:11 - 47:17] Yeah, you see me hiding there.
[47:17 - 47:19] You see me hiding there, don't you, motherfucker?
[47:19 - 47:21] That's why you don't wanna peep your head.
[47:21 - 47:24] 'Cause you know I'll pop that head.
[47:24 - 47:30] (metal clanking)
[47:30 - 47:41] I'll pop that head right off your body.
[47:41 - 47:47] This is a straight fucking...
[47:47 - 47:53] Yeah, this ain't just a fucking battle,
[47:53 - 47:55] it's a fucking war.
[47:57 - 47:59] It's like fucking World War III out here.
[47:59 - 48:07] Thank god, dang, I'm World War III out here.
[48:07 - 48:10] (dramatic music)
[48:10 - 49:04] (metal clanking)
[49:30 - 49:31] Ooh, let's go.
[49:31 - 49:35] Where did I get this time round?
[49:35 - 49:47] What's this?
[49:47 - 49:52] Oh, I hate this map.
[49:52 - 49:54] This one I was switching out to.
[49:54 - 49:57] (metal clanking)
[49:57 - 50:05] I'm right here.
[50:05 - 50:12] Hey, granola bars are good.
[50:12 - 50:13] I like granola bars.
[50:13 - 50:23] I know a lot of people think I'm weird for that shit,
[50:23 - 50:25] but hey, granola bars are good.
[50:25 - 50:28] Not gonna lie.
[50:28 - 50:31] So, especially the oatmeal ones,
[50:31 - 50:33] I like the oatmeal ones, those ones are good.
[50:33 - 50:46] Last round and then I'm going to hop on some racing
[50:46 - 50:48] and do some more of the roll ball.
[50:48 - 50:51] (metal clanking)
[50:51 - 51:04] Yeah, I saw your deal, Marty,
[51:04 - 51:07] and no thanks, you're not getting my sick.
[51:07 - 51:10] Sorry, man, you're not getting my signature.
[51:10 - 51:12] I ain't signing shit.
[51:12 - 51:17] 'Cause I know what you're gonna do.
[51:17 - 51:18] You're gonna sit there
[51:18 - 51:20] and you're gonna try to put it on something.
[51:20 - 51:23] So, ha, nice try, dumb shit.
[51:23 - 51:28] Nice try.
[51:28 - 51:33] Ain't gonna happen.
[51:33 - 51:39] (metal clanking)
[51:39 - 52:05] (sighing)
[52:05 - 52:07] (metal clanking)
[52:07 - 52:33] - Oh, really, I'd be too afraid.
[52:33 - 52:35] All right, tell me your deal.
[52:36 - 52:38] What's this supposed deal?
[52:38 - 52:51] Yo, that actually looks cool.
[52:51 - 53:04] All right, what's that?
[53:05 - 53:09] - The enemy is capturing our strategic position.
[53:09 - 53:12] (metal clanking)
[53:12 - 53:37] - What's the deal?
[53:37 - 53:40] - The enemy is capturing our strategic position.
[53:40 - 53:50] - Yeah, no, not gonna happen.
[53:50 - 53:53] Sorry, bro, it ain't happening, dawg.
[53:53 - 53:59] Forget it, dude, I'm not doing any deals with you.
[53:59 - 54:03] - You're at the block, blow out.
[54:03 - 54:08] (metal clanking)
[54:08 - 54:13] - Retreat to the second position.
[54:13 - 54:14] You must protect it.
[54:14 - 54:19] (metal clanking)
[54:19 - 54:35] - And I ain't afraid, but yeah, no, no deal, bro.
[54:35 - 54:38] - Ain't happening, 'cause God only knows
[54:38 - 54:40] what the fuck you're gonna try to do.
[54:40 - 54:44] I am not stupid.
[54:44 - 55:00] Come on, come on.
[55:00 - 55:02] (metal clanking)
[55:02 - 55:18] (coughing)
[55:18 - 55:23] - Sorry, Marty, I don't do deals with scumbags.
[55:23 - 55:26] - I'm just saying, dude.
[55:26 - 55:29] (metal clanking)
[55:29 - 55:41] - I don't do deals with devils.
[55:41 - 55:48] (metal clanking)
[55:48 - 55:55] - Just saying, Marty, I do not do deals with devils.
[55:56 - 55:58] - Never have, never will.
[55:58 - 56:39] (metal clanking)
[56:39 - 56:56] - Hey!
[56:56 - 56:58] (metal clanking)
[56:58 - 57:04] - Shit, where's these chomps from now?
[57:04 - 57:05] Fuck.
[57:05 - 57:17] (metal clanking)
[57:17 - 57:38] - I don't know.
[57:38 - 57:41] (metal clanking)
[57:41 - 57:55] - Now, this right here is more my line of work.
[57:55 - 58:00] (metal clanking)
[58:00 - 58:11] - Like I said, Marty, no matter what you do,
[58:11 - 58:13] you're not gonna get to me again.
[58:13 - 58:14] 'Cause like I told you, man,
[58:14 - 58:16] I don't do deals with fucking devils.
[58:16 - 58:18] Get it through your head.
[58:18 - 58:20] (metal clanking)
[58:20 - 58:25] So forget about it, Marty.
[58:25 - 58:27] I'm not doing any deals with you.
[58:28 - 58:30] No matter what you do, you're not getting shit out of me.
[58:30 - 58:32] So you may as well just kill it up.
[58:32 - 58:36] Watch out, watch out, watch out.
[58:36 - 59:00] (metal clanking)
[59:26 - 59:28] - Oh, I know where they're headed.
[59:28 - 59:41] (metal clanking)
[59:41 - 59:41] - Oh!
[59:41 - 60:13] (metal clanking)
[60:13 - 60:16] - Kill by.
[60:16 - 60:21] You die, and you're to die.
[60:21 - 60:40] (metal clanking)
[60:40 - 60:46] - Oh, they're on that car.
[60:46 - 60:57] Nice try.
[60:57 - 61:02] There's two things I'm gonna get out of driving and shooting.
[61:02 - 61:08] (metal clanking)
[61:08 - 61:13] - There's two good things I'm gonna get out of driving
[61:13 - 61:14] and shooting, man.
[61:14 - 61:27] (metal clanking)
[61:27 - 61:28] - Oh!
[61:28 - 61:46] (metal clanking)
[61:46 - 61:52] - We need to get a top side.
[61:52 - 61:58] It's gotta be a way up.
[61:58 - 62:01] Aha!
[62:01 - 62:04] (metal clanking)
[62:04 - 62:31] - Hey, let's go.
[62:31 - 63:30] (metal clanking)
[63:30 - 63:37] - Hey, y'all, I'm out there right here, man.
[63:37 - 63:49] I'm out there right here, y'all.
[63:49 - 63:51] Marty, goodbye.
[63:51 - 63:53] I'm done with you.
[63:55 - 63:59] I told you once already, I don't do deals with devils.
[63:59 - 64:05] So you can go a goodbye.
[64:05 - 64:23] Hey, Seren.
[64:25 - 64:27] Wanna say bye-bye to Marty right quick?
[64:27 - 64:33] Because I hear in a minute.
[64:33 - 64:49] Marty is going adios the next time you show.
[64:49 - 64:52] Actually, you know what, I'll do it now.
[64:52 - 64:54] Bye, Marty.
[64:54 - 64:55] Adios.
[64:56 - 64:57] See you again.
[64:57 - 64:58] Never.
[64:58 - 65:06] And as far as sports, man, I fucking love you guys.
[65:06 - 65:07] You guys are awesome.
[65:07 - 65:08] You guys are wonderful.
[65:08 - 65:09] I love everything.
[65:09 - 65:09] One of you guys.
[65:09 - 65:13] And yeah, I'll catch you guys in next year, y'all.
[65:13 - 65:14] Peace.


[0:00 - 0:25] [no audio]
[0:25 - 0:32] What's up everybody. So we need to have a little chitchat Marty.
[0:32 - 0:41] Alright, now I'm not going to yell at you, I'm not going to pitch you out or anything.
[0:41 - 0:52] But I am not only a solution to all this bullshit that's going on, but I have a deal for you.
[0:52 - 0:57] Something that I think you might enjoy.
[0:57 - 1:04] Marty, you and I both know that you're a good guy, alright?
[1:04 - 1:10] When you stood up for me, you did stand up for me. I will give you that 110% my guy.
[1:10 - 1:21] You did stand up for me with all the Kate bullshit.
[1:21 - 1:29] I will give you that.
[1:29 - 1:38] But Marty, something that you need to do man, and you and I both know that our mutual friend,
[1:38 - 1:44] you and I both know that she wants what's best for you and so do I.
[1:44 - 1:51] Alright, everybody wants what's best for you.
[1:51 - 1:58] Now Marty, let me ask you something. Something very serious.
[1:58 - 2:09] How is you trolling me, benefiting you?
[2:09 - 2:16] How is any of this benefiting you Marty?
[2:16 - 2:20] I mean you just do the same thing over and over and over and over again.
[2:20 - 2:28] You troll me, we fight, we get mad, we become friends and that cycle just, it continues.
[2:28 - 2:41] Now Marty, I'm here to not only put a truce and an end to all this, but I'm here to make you a business proposal.
[2:41 - 2:46] Because Marty, you're a very smart guy when it comes to business. You really are, you can make bank.
[2:46 - 3:01] I will give you that, you know how to make money. You're very smart with that.
[3:01 - 3:07] And you also know that I'm very good behind the wheel when it comes to drifting.
[3:07 - 3:14] Because you know when it comes to drifting, bar none, I'm very good at what I do.
[3:14 - 3:19] Even you know Marty, and you know damn well that this is true.
[3:19 - 3:27] You and I both know that I can drift with the best of them.
[3:27 - 3:35] So my business proposal is you to this, or to you as this, okay?
[3:35 - 3:42] You quit the troll shit. You quit going after me, you quit listening to these motherfuckers.
[3:42 - 3:48] You quit listening to these fucking assholes that want you to do this and want you to do that.
[3:48 - 3:56] I know that's why you do it. You do it because these people fucking pressure you.
[3:56 - 4:03] You want forgiveness Marty? This is your chance for forgiveness.
[4:03 - 4:08] This is your chance for forgiveness.
[4:08 - 4:14] And Marty, the way I see it, you're good with business. You know how to market things.
[4:14 - 4:18] I know how to shoot in game footage of drifting and all kinds of shit.
[4:18 - 4:30] I know how to shoot very good, very clean footage through Horizon 4.
[4:30 - 4:41] Why don't we fucking start making bank, dude?
[4:41 - 4:47] Why don't we start making motherfucking bank, dude? Because Marty, think about it.
[4:47 - 4:55] With your marketing skills and my ability to drift and shoot good footage, we can make bank, dude.
[4:55 - 5:00] We can make serious fucking money, real good fucking money.
[5:00 - 5:05] Who knows? In the long run, we may be able to get Hoonigan to sponsor us.
[5:05 - 5:18] We may be able to get fucking NOS Energy, Monster Energy, fucking Ford, Audi, the big companies to fucking look at us, man.
[5:18 - 5:26] So my offer to you is this, all right? You quit hanging around these trolls.
[5:26 - 5:30] You get your ass back in gear. We make that fucking bank, dude.
[5:30 - 5:36] And I'll give you, say, 30 or 40 percent of sales.
[5:36 - 5:42] Because Marty, you're good when it comes to business. I'm good behind the wheel.
[5:42 - 6:02] Why are we making fucking bank?
[6:02 - 6:07] Because Marty, you and I both know that I'm damn good behind the wheel. You cannot deny that.
[6:07 - 6:16] You cannot deny that when it comes to drifting and it comes to doing Gymkhana stuff, Marty, you cannot deny that I'm one of the best.
[6:16 - 6:21] You cannot deny that. I am very good at what I do. And you've seen that firsthand.
[6:21 - 6:27] Hell, take what I did with the Hoonicorn. What was it, last night?
[6:27 - 6:34] And then you take a couple of weeks ago when I was shredding fucking tires on the crew, too, going hog wild.
[6:34 - 6:42] In the middle of fucking traffic.
[6:42 - 6:55] So, Marty, why not set aside our fucking differences? Let's set our fucking differences aside and let's fucking do something, man.
[6:55 - 7:05] Because you want to work alongside me. You want to do something with me that fucking badly.
[7:05 - 7:18] Then help me take what I love to do and turn that shit in the bank.
[7:18 - 7:26] Because, Marty, you and I both know I'm one of the best drifters that there is when it comes to drifting in game. You know this.
[7:26 - 7:32] You've seen what I'm capable of. You've seen what I can do.
[7:32 - 7:39] So, Marty, why not help me take my passion for drifting and turn that into motherfucking bank?
[7:39 - 7:48] Think about it.
[7:48 - 7:55] Think about it, Marty. With your marketing and my genius with drifting behind the wheel and shooting film.
[7:55 - 8:14] Dude, we can do shit, man. It doesn't have to fucking be like this, Marty. It does not have to fucking be like this.
[8:14 - 8:21] Because I know there's a good you in there somewhere, Marty.
[8:21 - 8:27] That Marty that hangs around our mutual friend, that isn't a fucking dick.
[8:27 - 8:38] That's the Marty you need to be. Not this vindictive asshole that you're being all the time.
[8:38 - 8:44] I'm offering you a chance at redemption, Marty. Take it or leave it. It's your call.
[8:44 - 9:03] But honestly, Marty, I would love to make peace with you and I would love to fucking start a business with you doing what I do best behind the wheel of shredding fucking tires with you marketing this shit.
[9:03 - 9:07] Because, Marty, you're good with business.
[9:07 - 9:13] Oh, hey, you're damn good with marketing. You know how to pull in a crowd.
[9:13 - 9:25] Me, I'm good behind the motherfucking wheel. I know how to shoot film work behind the wheel.
[9:25 - 9:32] So, Marty, why don't we set aside our fucking differences, man?
[9:32 - 9:43] Seriously, you need to quit doing what you're doing, Marty, because this person that you are right now on the Internet ain't you.
[9:43 - 9:49] I've spoken to the real you multiple times and this ain't you, dude.
[9:49 - 10:01] You're way better than this. So why are you falling for this vindictive bullshit? I don't get it.
[10:01 - 10:09] Marty, I'm offering you a chance to make real fucking money.
[10:09 - 10:16] I'm offering you a chance to be my partner as a business.
[10:16 - 10:36] I shoot the film work. You let me do what I gotta do. You market that shit and I'll help you make bank.
[10:36 - 10:51] Good morning. I can pull some gym kind of shit. I can pull some fucking drifts like no one else.
[10:51 - 11:00] So what do you say, Marty? You want to leave your old life behind for good?
[11:00 - 11:08] You want to leave this? You want to make shit right? Leave these fucking trolls behind. Get rid of them.
[11:08 - 11:37] I'm sorry.
[11:37 - 12:03] All right, sounds good, sir.
[12:03 - 12:21] Like I said, Marty, between me and you, we can make serious bank.
[12:21 - 12:31] All right. And yeah, Sharon, if you can, I'm Dan Marty, please.
[12:31 - 12:47] Or file or talk to him or something.
[12:47 - 12:57] Marty, like I said, man, there's no denying my natural gift for drifting on a sim rig. There's no denying it.
[12:57 - 13:17] There's really not. And with your business workings and how smart you are and my ability to catch angle and slide like fucking Ken Block and my ability to pull some good shit
[13:17 - 13:32] and my ability to film good footage via Horizon 4 and soon to be Horizon 5. Dude, do you not realize the potential?
[13:32 - 13:38] Do you not realize how fucking big of a company can we do? We can get fucking sponsored by goddamn Hoonigan.
[13:38 - 13:48] Hoonigan is literally one of the top fucking motor brands in the fucking company.
[13:48 - 14:03] Ask anyone on the street. Ask anyone that's in the cars at all period. You ask him what Hoonigan is, you know what the first words come out of their mouth is Ken Block, the Hoonicorn, the Hoona truck.
[14:03 - 14:09] One of the biggest companies in the world and we could get sponsored by them.
[14:09 - 14:17] But it's going to require you to stop falling for this bullshit, bro.
[14:17 - 14:31] It's going to require you stopping this fucking idiotic bullshit. Do I forgive you for what you did? Yes, I do. Now let it go.
[14:31 - 14:40] Let's set aside our fucking differences, bro. Let's make fucking bank, man. Think about it.
[14:40 - 14:49] I mean, really fucking think about it, dude.
[14:49 - 15:01] Yeah, it's like wildebeest. Hey, wildebeest. It's like they always say, man. "Hoon" in any crime.
[15:01 - 15:10] Oh, and my number one favorite sticker. Eat, sleep, hoon. Or no. Eat, sleep, drift, repeat.
[15:10 - 15:35] Like Marty, you're good with marketing. Very good.
[15:35 - 16:04] You're very good with marketing, man. So what I don't get is why are you wasting your fucking time with this troll shit?
[16:04 - 16:15] Was I upset about the Twitch stuff? Yes, I was. And understandably so.
[16:15 - 16:31] But Marty, you are so much better than this. I see what you can do. I see what you're fucking capable of.
[16:31 - 16:47] I see what you're capable of, Marty. I see what you can fucking do.
[16:47 - 17:07] And dude, let me tell you, Marty, you're damn good at what you do.
[17:07 - 17:32] Because Marty, you're damn good at what you do.
[17:32 - 17:51] Oh, shit.
[17:51 - 18:00] So my question to you, Marty, is why aren't you leaving this child this shit behind?
[18:00 - 18:09] I mean, you see what I can do. I know what you're capable of.
[18:09 - 18:38] Let's set the bullshit aside.
[18:38 - 19:07] Okay.
[19:07 - 19:15] Like seriously, think about it, Marty.
[19:15 - 19:21] Like dead ass, like seriously fucking think about it, man.
[19:21 - 19:27] Think about what I told you and the money that we can make.
[19:27 - 19:56] Truly think about that shit.
[19:56 - 20:25] Okay.
[20:25 - 20:46] I held Marty with your skill, bro.
[20:46 - 20:51] Imagine getting these guys right here
[20:51 - 20:58] to make music for our shit. Think about this.
[20:58 - 21:06] And I want you to take a very good listen to that shit.
[21:06 - 21:11] I want you to listen to this and think about this.
[21:11 - 21:19] Imagine me sliding to a song like this.
[21:19 - 21:30] I just want you to sit down and just vibe out and listen to this.
[21:30 - 21:59] And I'm going to let you watch the video.
[21:59 - 22:20] Now I want you to listen to, now Marty, before I play this next part,
[22:20 - 22:28] I want you to really listen to what this song says and how it relates to me as a whole.
[22:28 - 22:37] Yo biscuits, I got you.
[22:37 - 22:55] I don't know how the fuck you got in a modded, bro.
[22:55 - 22:58] I want you to think about these next lines coming up.
[22:58 - 23:00] I'm hated by many, but loved by a few.
[23:00 - 23:07] I want you to listen to how that plays into this next part.
[23:07 - 23:10] I'm running down nothing left to keep me silent.
[23:10 - 23:13] Hey Joe, I've been smoked.
[23:13 - 23:16] Everything you fear, coming near, loving you, coming near.
[23:16 - 23:19] I was counting my losses, but now I'm counting my profits.
[23:19 - 23:22] I know you bitches are profits. You play this game and you've lost it.
[23:22 - 23:25] I'm so sick of the bullshit you keep on making me nauseous.
[23:25 - 23:28] I bring the back of my vomit because I'm sick of your cock.
[23:28 - 23:32] So fuck you. This is what I'm about to fucking do.
[23:32 - 23:36] Get a face full in this, raise the hell to the blood moon is so true.
[23:36 - 23:38] I'm hated by many, but loved by a few.
[23:38 - 23:40] I set the fuse, your time is coming close.
[23:40 - 23:44] Black Rose, gonna build, gonna move in all of you.
[23:44 - 23:48] To my deep dark zone, the only place upon this earth where I can call my home.
[23:48 - 23:51] I'll look at the sun, the darkest bright, the sun will be growing.
[23:51 - 23:53] They knew I'm not within the boundary.
[23:53 - 23:55] You to judge, I'm alive.
[23:55 - 23:59] The solution of the embrace, the solution of the embrace, leave 'em dedicated.
[23:59 - 24:01] Welcome you to our deep dark zone.
[24:01 - 24:05] The solution of the embrace, the solution of the embrace, leave 'em dedicated.
[24:05 - 24:07] Welcome you to our deep dark zone.
[24:07 - 24:13] Our hell, imagine the fuck, imagine, let's say we do get big enough, okay?
[24:13 - 24:16] Let's say that we do get big enough, Marty.
[24:16 - 24:21] Like, I truly want you to think about this.
[24:21 - 24:25] Like, think about if we do get big enough.
[24:34 - 24:38] Imagine being able to use this song.
[24:38 - 24:55] As a fucking track.
[25:02 - 41:55] I want you to think about this.
[41:55 - 42:01] Surveillance video captures the actions of a heartless killer.
[42:01 - 42:05] He or possibly she waves a gun inside New York style pizza demanding money from 21-year-old Zach Usain.
[42:05 - 42:09] He gives up the money without a fight but still gets shot in the chest.
[42:09 - 42:11] Someone just got shot.
[42:11 - 42:13] 380 youth limits?
[42:13 - 42:15] Yeah, we just got robbed and someone got shot.
[42:15 - 42:17] You need to hurry up, please.
[42:17 - 42:19] Zach died a few hours later.
[42:19 - 42:24] He was a junior at the University of Akron studying international business and active in the Muslim Student Association.
[42:24 - 42:26] You can't ask for a better kid than that.
[42:26 - 42:28] Like a golden boy.
[42:28 - 42:30] You want your son to grow up to be like that.
[42:30 - 42:32] If you want to find somebody with a better heart, you let me know.
[42:32 - 42:34] You let me know.
[42:34 - 42:36] And ultimately you know what?
[42:36 - 42:42] He was loved and he loved and he did everything from the heart.
[42:42 - 42:48] Zach's brother, Amar, owns the pizza shop and was there when the killer walked in just before 11, Monday night.
[42:48 - 42:51] Black masks, black jacket, black everything.
[42:51 - 42:52] Just fully covered.
[42:52 - 42:57] Amar can't understand how anyone could pull the trigger after Zach gave up the cash.
[42:57 - 42:59] Just pointed, received money and shot.
[42:59 - 43:01] This is probably one of the...
[43:01 - 43:11] Now, there is a thing of memorial that I was at.
[43:11 - 43:16] Because if you all don't know, Zach was actually my best friend from high school.
[43:16 - 43:20] That was one of my closest friends.
[43:20 - 43:29] So for Matt to, you know, put that in there was fucking awesome.
[43:29 - 43:41] Let's see if I can find the memorial here.
[43:42 - 43:43] We can find the memorial here.
[43:43 - 44:01] Bro, are you serious?
[44:01 - 44:05] It's not even fucking in here.
[44:06 - 44:57] It's not even in here.
[44:58 - 45:20] Now, that right there, that is right down the fucking street from my house.
[45:20 - 45:23] I actually do not live far from there.
[45:23 - 45:28] I know exactly where the fuck that place is.
[45:28 - 45:30] And yes, I did visit their family.
[45:30 - 45:35] And for those of you wondering, they are actually doing very good.
[45:35 - 45:41] On an update for Zach's brother, Omar, congratulations on the new baby girl, man.
[45:41 - 45:43] Super fucking happy for you, bro.
[45:43 - 45:45] A hundred percent happy for you, homie.
[45:45 - 45:48] A hundred percent, bro.
[45:48 - 45:49] Super stoked for you, bro.
[45:49 - 45:50] I already know, man.
[45:50 - 45:57] Let me tell you right now, Omar, if you are watching this, bro, I just want to say, man,
[45:57 - 46:00] I wish Zach could be here to see it.
[46:00 - 46:01] I really do.
[46:01 - 46:06] And I wish that could be here to see you raise that baby girl.
[46:06 - 46:08] Like straight up, dude.
[46:08 - 46:11] Like you're going to be an awesome fucking father, man.
[46:11 - 46:28] A hundred percent.
[46:28 - 46:36] And then all this is, there's like no sound.
[46:36 - 46:50] What the fuck?
[46:50 - 47:17] Today, a grand jury indicted the man of police say he shot and killed a college student in
[47:17 - 47:19] his family business several years ago.
[47:19 - 47:24] Shaquille Anderson cases several charges including aggravated murder and aggravated robbery.
[47:24 - 47:28] It was back in 2015 when police say Anderson went into premium New York style pizza here
[47:28 - 47:33] in Akron and demanded money, then shot and killed 21 year old Zach Hussein.
[47:33 - 47:36] They didn't charge him with the crime until 2017.
[47:36 - 47:41] He was already in jail serving time for other crimes that happened after the pizza shop
[47:41 - 48:06] was.
[48:06 - 48:11] So y'all see that's why Matt threw that in there.
[48:11 - 48:13] That's exactly why Matt threw that in there.
[48:13 - 48:22] Because that was like his way of saying nice and peace to our good friend Zach who we were
[48:22 - 48:28] all good friends with.
[48:28 - 48:34] But Marty, I want you to seriously think about what I say.
[48:34 - 48:42] Like honestly, think about it, dude.
[48:42 - 48:45] Oh, that actually is a good one.
[48:45 - 48:46] There's that too.
[48:46 - 48:52] I need to find the Wild Boy remix that Bradley did.
[48:52 - 49:00] I do need to find out the, uh, the Bradley re the remix that Bradley did is fucking
[49:00 - 49:01] fire.
[49:01 - 49:09] Let's see if I can find it.
[49:09 - 49:18] I'm hoping he still has it.
[49:18 - 49:21] Fuck.
[49:21 - 49:47] Oh, someone B would still have it up, but nope, damn, yo, ice nine kills has some good
[49:47 - 49:48] shit.
[49:48 - 49:53] I'd say, oh, and if you guys have not heard ice nine kills, bro, y'all need to check
[49:53 - 49:57] them the fuck out.
[49:57 - 50:00] They have some seriously good music.
[50:00 - 50:08] Now, guys, Sarah, let me play one of these ice nine kills tracks for these guys right
[50:08 - 50:30] quick.
[50:30 - 50:34] All right, Marty, what do I gotta do to change your mind?
[50:34 - 50:53] What do I have to do to change your mind, Marty?
[50:53 - 50:56] What do I gotta do to change your mind, Marty?
[50:56 - 51:06] Cause Marty, you and I both know that, you know, you and I both know that you want to
[51:06 - 51:09] work with me.
[51:09 - 51:18] Dude, I don't need to beg.
[51:18 - 51:20] I'm not getting on my knees and fucking begging.
[51:20 - 51:31] I'm offering you a way out of this fucking bullshit, bro.
[51:31 - 51:37] I'm offering you a way out, Marty.
[51:37 - 51:45] I'm offering you a very fair deal.
[51:45 - 51:49] You want to work with me.
[51:49 - 51:56] I'm offering you a deal.
[51:56 - 52:11] All right, let me represent the offer to you, Marty.
[52:11 - 52:15] And I want you to think about this.
[52:15 - 52:18] I want you to think about this, Marty.
[52:18 - 52:24] Like, set aside the fact that you hate me right now.
[52:24 - 52:31] Set all that aside for a moment, okay?
[52:31 - 52:36] Like truthfully and honestly, bro, set that aside for one minute.
[52:36 - 52:41] Truthfully set that aside for one minute and actually use your business brain for
[52:41 - 52:44] a minute.
[52:44 - 52:49] Actually, yes I am.
[52:49 - 52:52] Actually I very much am, Marty.
[52:52 - 52:58] I am very much in a position to make an offer to you.
[52:58 - 53:06] Because Marty, you and I both know that this is not how you are.
[53:06 - 53:10] You and I both know that this is not how you are, Marty.
[53:10 - 53:13] I see the good side of you.
[53:13 - 53:15] I see what you can do.
[53:15 - 53:18] I see what you can be.
[53:18 - 53:22] I see what you're capable of.
[53:22 - 53:25] I see what you're able to fucking do.
[53:25 - 53:29] Okay, you're good with marketing.
[53:29 - 53:33] I'm good with sliding behind the wheel.
[53:33 - 53:38] I'm good with doing film work through Horizon 4.
[53:38 - 53:43] Do you not see the money we can make from that shit?
[53:43 - 53:51] We can work with big businesses doing that shit, marketing that shit, partnering up
[53:51 - 53:56] and teaming up and becoming actually rich as fuck.
[53:56 - 54:01] Oh really, I'm not good at anything.
[54:01 - 54:03] I'm not good at anything.
[54:03 - 54:10] Let me show you, let me show you just what I'm good at, Marty.
[54:10 - 54:19] Let me sit down and let me show you.
[54:19 - 54:26] Let me prove to you my skills.
[54:26 - 54:28] And no, it's not a dream world, Marty.
[54:28 - 54:29] It's reality.
[54:29 - 54:31] Let me show you.
[54:31 - 54:53] Let me show you what I can do behind the wheel, bro.
[54:53 - 54:59] Well that too, but that's besides the point, but Marty, listen to these guys, man.
[54:59 - 55:08] Listen to everybody that's saying something.
[55:08 - 55:10] Think about it, Marty.
[55:10 - 55:12] Marty, Marty, Marty.
[55:12 - 55:13] That's not what I'm getting at.
[55:13 - 55:17] I'm not talking about racing, bro.
[55:17 - 55:23] I'm not talking about racing, all right?
[55:23 - 55:30] I'm not talking about doing pro racing like that.
[55:30 - 55:32] Marty listen to these people.
[55:32 - 55:45] Seriously, Marty, listen to these people.
[55:45 - 55:49] I'll do you one even better, Marty.
[55:49 - 55:54] I'll do you one even fucking better.
[55:54 - 56:10] I'll show you what the fuck I can do behind the wheel, doing what I do best.
[56:10 - 56:12] Let me show you what I can do behind the wheel.
[56:12 - 56:16] Let me show you what I do best, Marty.
[56:16 - 56:19] All right, forget the one lap race shit.
[56:19 - 56:24] Let me show you what the fuck I can do for you.
[56:24 - 56:47] Just let me let this shit load up.
[56:47 - 56:57] Let me show you what I have to offer you.
[56:57 - 57:10] Instead of doing one lap, Marty, let me show you what I can fucking offer you.
[57:10 - 57:30] Let me give you an example of what I can do for you.
[57:30 - 57:56] I'm not talking about racing, man.
[57:56 - 58:50] Let me show you what I can do for you.
[58:50 - 59:18] Seriously, Marty, let me get down here and show you what I can truly do.
[59:18 - 59:40] Let me show you what I can do for you.
[59:40 - 60:07] Now pay attention to the screen.
[60:07 - 60:25] Still going, ain't stopping.
[60:25 - 60:28] Bust a few balls up.
[60:28 - 60:36] One thing about it, Marty, better yet, let me show you what I can do best in a small
[60:36 - 60:37] tight area.
[60:37 - 60:55] Shall we?
[60:55 - 61:05] And yes, I did that on purpose because I'm going to show you what I can truly do.
[61:05 - 61:08] Let's go here.
[61:08 - 61:12] Let's pull out the Hoonicorn.
[61:12 - 61:16] Let's pull out the Hoonicorn and let's fucking shred and I'll show you what I can do behind
[61:16 - 61:19] the wheel in a tight closed area.
[61:19 - 61:27] Whoa, I went way too fucking far, guys.
[61:27 - 61:52] I can't blame.
[61:52 - 61:57] Just sit tight.
[61:57 - 62:01] Well, just sit tight, Marty.
[62:01 - 62:04] Just sit pretty, all right?
[62:04 - 62:13] Just sit tight and sit pretty and let me show you what I can do.
[62:13 - 62:23] All right, just sit tight.
[62:23 - 62:30] I got something for you.
[62:30 - 62:32] I just had to break in the wheel for a minute.
[62:32 - 62:50] That's all.
[62:50 - 63:00] Actually I stopped for one moment, Marty, because I had to do something, all right?
[63:00 - 63:25] So let's scratch that.
[63:25 - 64:40] All right.
[64:40 - 65:07] Pull some Hoonicorn shit.
[65:07 - 65:27] All right.
[65:27 - 65:53] As far as thinking about this, Marty, imagine this on ice.
[65:53 - 66:20] I'm thinking about this being on ice, Marty.
[66:20 - 66:48] Oh, I only got two wheels here.
[66:48 - 67:18] Let me show you what I can do on ice, Marty.
[67:18 - 67:25] Because let me tell you, ain't nobody able to do what I'm about to show you.
[67:25 - 67:33] What I'm about to show you, nobody else can really do.
[67:33 - 67:52] Now you see this ice out here, Marty?
[67:52 - 68:03] Sit back, sit tight and sit pretty and watch what the fuck I can do.
[68:03 - 68:23] And this is on pure ice with no grip, Marty.
[68:23 - 68:47] Oh, yeah, ain't nobody doing this like me.
[68:47 - 69:13] Oh, I'm going to spin it 360 for you.
[69:13 - 69:43] Take it about it, Marty, I'm damn good behind this shit.
[69:43 - 70:11] I didn't even know what it was.
[70:11 - 70:39] Oh, I'm going to spin it 360 for you.
[70:39 - 70:48] I think I'm going to spit that 360 out.
[70:48 - 71:14] Hell, I'll even do it with a freewheel peel.
[71:14 - 71:34] I'm not going to show you what the freewheel peel looks like.
[71:34 - 71:49] I'm going to get up on this embankment here.
[71:49 - 72:18] Oh, yeah, it's still holding it too.
[72:18 - 72:21] Let me show you a two-wheel drift with the freewheel peel.
[72:21 - 72:27] Let me show you what I can do with the freewheel peel.
[72:27 - 72:29] And it does live up to its name.
[72:29 - 72:32] It literally is a three-wheeled vehicle.
[72:32 - 72:46] Let's see if I can find it, ah, right here.
[72:46 - 72:49] The Peel P50.
[72:49 - 72:57] You must see the two-wheel peel drift being pulled off, and you cannot deny it, Marty.
[72:57 - 73:18] You're going to love it.
[73:18 - 73:36] Let's see if I can hit the right spot.
[73:36 - 74:00] You can't deny this, doesn't take skill, Marty.
[74:00 - 74:19] You can't deny it, doesn't take skill to do this.
[74:19 - 74:45] You can't deny it, doesn't take skill to do this, doesn't take skill to do this.
[74:45 - 75:01] You can't deny this, doesn't take skill to do this, doesn't take skill to do this, doesn't
[75:01 - 75:05] take skill to do this.
[75:05 - 75:28] You can't deny this, doesn't take skill to do this.
[75:28 - 76:25] You can't deny this, doesn't take skill to do this, doesn't take skill to do this.
[76:25 - 76:48] Come on, Marty, you can't deny that you're loving this shit.
[76:48 - 76:57] You can't deny it, bro.
[76:57 - 77:21] Alright, who else in the hell has this kind of control over a car on ice, Marty?
[77:21 - 77:45] Hey, nobody got control over a car on the ice like I did, Marty.
[77:45 - 77:46] Think about it, man, for real.
[77:46 - 77:48] I'm gonna keep going until you say yes.
[77:48 - 77:51] I'm gonna keep fucking shredding until you say yes.
[77:51 - 78:17] Man, bro, let me hear you all on an inside view here.
[78:17 - 78:42] Hell, I'm gonna slide this thing in motherfucking traffic.
[78:42 - 79:06] Oh, let's go, oh, two wheel view, again.
[79:06 - 79:23] What do you say now, Marty?
[79:23 - 79:48] You cannot deny that that was that big, you cannot deny that you're enjoying this.
[79:48 - 80:13] Hell, I'll even go backwards for you.
[80:13 - 80:40] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[80:40 - 81:07] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[81:07 - 81:32] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[81:32 - 82:01] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[82:01 - 82:26] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[82:26 - 82:37] I'm gonna go backwards, and a fucking three wheel car, one more than you want.
[82:37 - 82:58] And dude, that takes fucking skill.
[82:58 - 83:25] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[83:25 - 83:51] Come on, Marty, you can't deny it, you're loving it, you know you are.
[83:51 - 84:16] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[84:16 - 84:45] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[84:45 - 85:14] Oh, two wheel field drift, two wheel slide on the ice, let's go.
[85:14 - 85:33] Hell, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[85:33 - 85:52] And yes, there is a major, major market for drifting.
[85:52 - 86:05] Dude, there's a massive market for drifting.
[86:05 - 86:11] There's a massive, massive market for drifting, Marty.
[86:11 - 86:17] And I mean, major.
[86:17 - 86:47] All right, guys, so, I'm just for now, because I need to talk to the real Marty.
[86:47 - 86:52] And I will catch you guys in the next one.
[86:52 - 86:54] So I'll catch y'all later.
[86:54 - 87:02] Yo, wildebeest, give back to me about those designs, bro, let me know.
[87:02 - 87:04] And I'll catch y'all later, man, fucking love you guys.
[87:04 - 87:07] Hopefully you guys enjoyed this little preview of some ice drifting.
[87:07 - 87:11] Had a lot of fun hooning out.
[87:11 - 87:12] I'll catch y'all later.
[87:12 - 87:17] And that's not the real Marty, by the way, Aaron, that's really not the real Marty.
[87:17 - 87:20] So I fucking love you guys.
[87:20 - 87:27] So all my drifters out there, man, stay sideways, keep those tires turning.
[87:27 - 87:32] And remember, man, and this is something that I learned early on, man, from all my drag
[87:32 - 87:38] racers out there, remember, from all my drag racers out there, man, remember one thing,
[87:38 - 87:41] burn a rubber, not your soul.
[87:41 - 87:48] I'll catch you guys later, man, peace.
2021-10-12 Live Recording  Production session

2021-10-12 Live Recording Production session

[0:40 - 0:55] Hey, what's up guys?
[1:01 - 1:05] Here in a second, I throw my hoodie on 'cause it kind of,
[1:05 - 1:09] you ain't got a chili, you ain't got a chili.
[1:17 - 1:24] 'Cause if I can't find my beanie, and then throw my hoodie on.
[1:28 - 1:31] There we go, you guys ready to kill some shit?
[1:36 - 1:38] I know I ain't, I don't know that job, but I know I ain't.
[1:58 - 2:02] Clicked on wishing list.
[2:17 - 2:19] You know what it is, capture color.
[2:29 - 2:43] I mean, I already got that beta back, okay.
[3:15 - 3:19] I've opened a nice, black cherry vega.
[3:25 - 3:30] Mm, so good, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm.
[3:41 - 3:44] No, no, that's Paul of FL Studios.
[3:46 - 3:50] Dude, somebody fucking reported my shit.
[3:50 - 3:55] Like somebody went in and reported the damn stream for no reason.
[3:55 - 3:56] Don't know why either.
[4:17 - 4:27] Now I do have.
[4:42 - 4:46] Some new stuff like cymatics here that we're gonna check out.
[6:20 - 6:23] Oh, Jesse, I would come back with some new artwork.
[84:55 - 84:59] So, prove me wrong, motherfucker.
[84:59 - 85:04] Prove me fucking wrong, dude.
[85:14 - 85:17] Now, let me prove you even further wrong.
[85:17 - 85:19] Let me set that over there.
[85:19 - 85:27] I undo this.
[85:27 - 85:40] I'm about to do something that I know y'all motherfuckers can't do.
[85:40 - 85:43] That I have an act for.
[89:27 - 89:29] And that's on the spot.
[89:33 - 89:36] That is on the fucking spot, dude.
[89:43 - 89:45] And you want to know.
[89:45 - 89:47] All right, so you want me to do no cathedral.
[89:47 - 89:48] Okay.
[89:48 - 89:50] I got you on that.
[91:16 - 91:22] I think it was Crystal.
[91:30 - 91:31] There he is.
[94:18 - 94:22] It's called I know what I'm doing when it comes to classical stuff.
[94:22 - 94:26] Like, it's not that hard for me to do, like...
[100:29 - 100:38] And that's the thing, dude. Music is subjective, all right? Just like art, music is subjective.
[100:38 - 100:51] Some people like myself are geniuses when it comes to what we do. And some people judge that genius.
[101:17 - 101:25] You give me any beat and I can pretty much play a track to it like it's super easy. Like, come on.
[101:25 - 101:32] How many people do you know that can literally keep up with a drum track doing what I fucking do?
[108:09 - 108:11] You
[108:11 - 108:33] Then why is it you don't know
[108:33 - 108:48] Oh
[108:48 - 109:20] You
[109:20 - 109:46] I'll tell you what y'all I'm about to bounce
[109:46 - 109:48] And
[109:48 - 109:57] Yeah, litter stick around for the next last year. I think you might enjoy it
[109:57 - 110:01] You
[110:01 - 110:04] [TAPPING]


[0:00 - 0:24] *sigh* *clap* *crack* What's up everyone? First off, before I say what I have to say,
[0:24 - 0:31] First off, I would like to apologize to Charity. I want to say that I'm genuinely and truly
[0:31 - 0:40] sorry about me not listening to you and I'm truly sorry about letting these people get
[0:40 - 0:51] to me. I really am. I can't say how sorry I am enough. I'm sorry about all that and
[0:51 - 1:01] I hope that you can forgive me for that, but I was talking to my good friend Devin this
[1:01 - 1:12] morning and him and Charity make some very very very good points on my life that I need
[1:12 - 1:28] to do. I need to start worrying about me and stop worrying about other people. Now Marty
[1:28 - 1:39] you can sit there and you can say that you're selling CDs off of you know whatever doing
[1:39 - 1:45] whatever I don't give a fuck. Go ahead and do whatever the fuck you want to do cuz you
[1:45 - 1:51] know deep down that you don't own me. I own me. So you can do whatever the fuck you want
[1:51 - 1:58] to do with that shit. And Saren to be honest with you, you say that you're not about drama
[1:58 - 2:13] but are you really not about drama? I'm not trying to you know bash you or anything because
[2:13 - 2:18] I mean I'm not gonna lie you have helped me. I'm not gonna take that away from you.
[2:18 - 2:24] You have helped me in the past. I will give that to you. You have helped me and I thank
[2:24 - 2:41] you for that. But honestly to be honest with you Saren I'm tired of being drug into fucking
[2:41 - 2:48] drama. It's always oh this person's saying this this person's doing that. Oh Marty's
[2:48 - 2:54] doing this and I'm fucking tired of it. Okay I'm trying to make a living off of what I
[2:54 - 3:05] truly love to do. Okay and how am I supposed to invest time into doing what I need to
[3:05 - 3:13] do to make that money to do what I love so I can have a living doing what I enjoy if
[3:13 - 3:24] I'm always caught up in the drama. So all you little trolls like Jasmine Monique and
[3:24 - 3:32] Marty and the vendor boys and fucking William Gloria and all these people that want to
[3:32 - 3:40] talk shit on me behind my back go ahead and continue to do so because your words have
[3:40 - 3:49] no effect. See there's something I learned a long time ago that's very very true. It's
[3:49 - 4:05] called talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Okay I do nothing but show action.
[4:05 - 4:19] Okay everything I've done I have shown proof of. I have made money in 2018. Alright in
[4:19 - 4:29] 2018 I sold two albums. Two music albums back to back digitally released by me. In
[4:29 - 4:38] 2018 between June and December and guess what I made bank. I sold an album this year.
[4:38 - 4:49] Guess what I made bank. It don't matter how much money I made I still made money. See
[4:49 - 4:58] y'all got it in your heads that living comfortably is okay but how can you grow as a person
[4:58 - 5:03] if you're living comfortably. How can you get better at what you want to do if you're
[5:03 - 5:10] living comfortably. Me I enjoy not living comfortably. I enjoy putting in the hard
[5:10 - 5:18] work of what I love to do because at the end of the day in the long run the fruits
[5:18 - 5:24] of my labor will show. At the end of the day that hard work in the long run is going
[5:24 - 5:34] to pay off and that's what you fucking trolls don't get. I don't have time for your ignorant
[5:34 - 5:44] troll bullshit. I'm honestly tired of worrying about oh this person said that. Oh this person
[5:44 - 5:55] did this. Like I'm tired of it. Okay I'm trying to do what I need to do to be successful
[5:55 - 6:00] and in order to do that I need to trust people like Devin. I need to trust people I charity
[6:00 - 6:05] because those are the motherfuckers that have my best interests at heart. Those motherfuckers
[6:05 - 6:15] have my best interests and you can sit there and say well oh you don't have a real job.
[6:15 - 6:23] Well neither do you motherfuckers. I am few too. What are you really doing? Waking up,
[6:23 - 6:31] going to work, getting shit pay that you're barely that you're where you're broke is
[6:31 - 6:43] fucked by the end of the month. Like that's all you're doing. Like think about it all
[6:43 - 6:52] the most successful people in the world, all the most successful people in the world never
[6:52 - 7:02] graduated high school. They started out the same way I did. Okay. Let me give you a prime
[7:02 - 7:12] example. Elon Musk, most genius guy in the world. Never finished high school. He didn't
[7:12 - 7:17] even get past I think like he stopped at like the 11th grade or 10th grade. Now look
[7:17 - 7:31] at him. He's one of the most well-known geniuses in the fucking world. Take Ryan Upchurch,
[7:31 - 7:43] the biggest country rap artist in the world. Started out in a fucking tiny ass shed that
[7:43 - 7:53] was like maybe a hundred feet by so many hundred feet. Behind his mom's trailer started out
[7:53 - 8:00] with nothing. Worked his ass off. Now look at him. He runs Hollerboy Records. One of
[8:00 - 8:10] the biggest, one of the biggest, if not the biggest country rap record label in the world.
[8:10 - 8:16] And guess what? Record labels don't tell him what to do. He tells record labels what
[8:16 - 8:38] to do. Me, I never finished high school, but yet look at me. I've got the brains and the
[8:38 - 8:46] smarts to do what I want. Okay. I've got the ability to be successful, but what I need
[8:46 - 8:53] are the same like-minded people that have my best interest because honestly, I'm tired
[8:53 - 9:11] of sitting here being a broke-ass bitch, not being able to do anything. Like let Marty
[9:11 - 9:14] do what he's going to do. Let people say what they're going to say because at the end of
[9:14 - 9:29] the day in the long run, that shit ain't going to fucking matter. Oh, and alive and well.
[9:29 - 9:43] Nice try on spelling, dude. Actually, no, he did not. He did not graduate. I know he
[9:43 - 9:51] did graduate high school, but he didn't graduate college. He dropped out of college. So check
[9:51 - 10:03] your facts first classic and alive and well, your words don't mean anything. So have fun.
[10:03 - 10:16] Have fun with your non-spelling ass. Like, what are you in third grade? Learn how to
[10:16 - 10:27] spell dummy. But honestly, I'm tired of being held back from my true potential. I'm trying
[10:27 - 10:55] to unlock that shit. Oh, Marty. Bye bye. That's one troll gone. And classic. You're another
[10:55 - 11:13] troll doses. Adios amigo. Exactly, dude. It's all about the fucking hustle. And one thing
[11:13 - 11:25] that rings very true, one thing that rings very, very true is this to be successful and
[11:25 - 11:31] nobody going to help you. You got to be willing to work 10 times harder than everyone else.
[11:31 - 11:43] You got to be willing to put in more work. You got to be willing to work 10 times harder
[11:43 - 11:51] than the average person. The average person works nine to five generally. Okay, the average
[11:51 - 11:58] person works nine to five. But when you're in my position and you're trying to make
[11:58 - 12:05] a living doing what you do, you got to be willing to work like fucking six to 12 every
[12:05 - 12:14] day of the week. You got to be willing to put in that fucking work. Which is why from
[12:14 - 12:22] here on out, I'm trusting people like talent scout. I'm trusting people like charity.
[12:22 - 12:30] I'm trusting people like the homie Devin Marlow, aka camp time racing. Because honestly, I'm
[12:30 - 12:36] tired of worrying about all the drama that drama that drama that like, dude, no one gives
[12:36 - 12:46] a fuck about the drama. Seriously, no one gives a flying shit about drama. It's redundant.
[12:46 - 12:59] It's stupid. And eventually, it gets old. Just saying. But if I want to be successful,
[12:59 - 13:07] I need to start thinking about myself. I can't be worried about what frickin person
[13:07 - 13:13] A said about person B because person C is over here talking shit about person B because
[13:13 - 13:21] person B is talking shit about me. I can't be worried about that. Because the less time
[13:21 - 13:28] I take out of doing what I love, the less chances I have of being successful. And if
[13:28 - 13:54] I'm gonna have a shot at securing that shit, I need to put in time, effort, hard work.
[13:54 - 14:07] Like I can't be worrying about the fucking dumbasses in the world. So if you're a troll,
[14:07 - 14:13] you can forget about the negativity on the stream because I'm not about negativity.
[14:13 - 14:22] I'm about positivity. I'm about success. I'm about results. I'm about building my brain
[14:22 - 14:31] and my business doing what I gotta do to be successful for my fucking family. So all
[14:31 - 14:55] I got to say to you fucking haters is good fucking luck. Ah, another troll, a farewell
[14:55 - 15:04] player, come up and ask me what team I'm with. I'm with team success, with charity,
[15:04 - 15:23] with Devin, with people like me that are like minded. So that's the team that I roll with.
[15:23 - 15:41] Because honestly, I like the uncomfortableness. You want to know why I like being uncomfortable?
[15:41 - 15:55] You know why I like being uncomfortable? Because I enjoy the hard work. I enjoy the
[15:55 - 16:10] hard work. Yo, charity, if that's actually you, charity, if that's actually you, message
[16:10 - 16:20] me on Facebook right now so that I know that it's you so I can mod you. Like message me
[16:20 - 16:43] on Facebook so I know that it's you.
[16:43 - 17:08] Matter of fact, I got a little something for y'all.
[17:08 - 17:24] This is the team that I rock, hold up.
[17:24 - 17:50] Not this. That's even good neighborhood. You get the masses. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
[17:50 - 20:02] [MUSIC]
[20:02 - 20:05] Matter of fact, hold on, I got something for y'all, man.
[20:05 - 20:07] This actually suits it even better.
[20:07 - 20:08] Hold up.
[20:19 - 20:22] Oh, shit, that's what I was gonna do.
[20:22 - 20:24] But you know, fuck yeah.
[20:49 - 20:59] [MUSIC]
[24:42 - 24:46] They had label after label, turning them down.
[24:46 - 24:53] They had labels that wanted to sign them, but changed who they wanted to change who they were.
[24:53 - 24:55] But yet, look at them.
[24:55 - 25:05] Linkin Park became one of the most important bands in music history.
[25:05 - 25:10] They revolutionized a whole fucking genre of music.
[25:27 - 25:30] And if you don't believe me, the proof is right fucking here.
[25:55 - 26:00] The proof of their success is right here.
[26:05 - 26:09] Which just sounds to be one of my favorite songs of a meteor.
2021-10-13 THE CREW 2  CHILL

2021-10-13 THE CREW 2 CHILL

[0:00 - 0:05] (birds chirping)
[0:05 - 0:40] (rattling)
[0:40 - 0:47] - What up, y'all?
[0:47 - 0:52] Welcome, welcome, welcome to The Crew 2 and Chill, man.
[0:52 - 0:57] We're starting off our day in the,
[0:57 - 1:03] one of the touring cars that we have, where is this going?
[1:03 - 1:06] All right, so we do have a bunch of touring cars,
[1:06 - 1:11] but today I'm not feeling that well, man.
[1:11 - 1:16] I'm feeling kinda classy, and I kinda wanna go,
[1:17 - 1:22] for a spin and, well, a classic car, man.
[1:22 - 1:37] So for this one, I think we're gonna use the Ferrari FX,
[1:37 - 1:40] FXXK, man.
[1:40 - 1:44] It's got a little bit of Natasha to it, you know.
[1:44 - 1:46] It's got that little bit of Natasha wrapped to it,
[1:46 - 1:49] but it's not, it's not overdoing it,
[1:49 - 1:50] you know what I mean?
[1:50 - 1:57] I'm feeling kinda classy, you know,
[1:57 - 2:00] there's some days where you just feel classy as fuck.
[2:00 - 2:10] - We're back for the US Speed Tool,
[2:10 - 2:14] Best Special Number 6, The Hills of Nevada.
[2:14 - 2:18] Discover the Aired Outdoors of the Sagebrush State.
[2:18 - 2:26] (upbeat music)
[2:26 - 2:52] - Wait, so it's not really all this,
[2:52 - 2:54] this is a frickin...
[2:54 - 3:01] (upbeat music)
[3:01 - 3:26] - No.
[3:26 - 3:29] (upbeat music)
[3:29 - 3:36] - Look at that, man, too damn easy, bro.
[3:36 - 3:43] (upbeat music)
[4:10 - 4:12] - This is too frickin' easy, man.
[4:12 - 4:20] (upbeat music)
[4:20 - 4:47] - Dude, we're just straight smoking
[4:47 - 4:48] in the sky right now.
[4:48 - 4:57] This is too damn easy, bro.
[4:57 - 5:07] Ooh.
[5:07 - 5:12] Ooh, that was beautiful.
[5:12 - 5:15] (upbeat music)
[5:15 - 5:22] - Dude, that slide was sexy as hell, man.
[5:22 - 5:27] - That's a checkpoint, there you go.
[5:27 - 5:30] Close to finishing, boom, we'll leave their mark.
[5:30 - 5:35] (upbeat music)
[5:35 - 5:53] - Oh, that was easy.
[5:53 - 5:58] (upbeat music)
[5:58 - 6:06] - That was too easy, man, come on.
[6:06 - 6:19] (upbeat music)
[6:19 - 6:46] - It's like they say, man.
[6:46 - 6:49] When you love what you do, and it's never a job.
[6:49 - 6:55] When you love what you do so much,
[6:55 - 6:58] and it's never a job.
[7:13 - 7:16] - Ooh, rockin' that fourth fiesta.
[7:16 - 7:33] Rockin' that Jim Conner fiesta, boy.
[7:41 - 7:44] Rockin' that Kim Blach fiesta.
[7:44 - 7:59] - Golden Hills to Los Angeles, Nevada to California.
[7:59 - 8:03] It's stage number six, the U.S. Speed to the West.
[8:03 - 8:06] (upbeat music)
[8:06 - 8:23] - Yeah, I know, we're on the play at 10, babe.
[8:23 - 8:25] Can't jump, but that's all right.
[8:25 - 9:13] (upbeat music)
[9:13 - 9:40] - Dude, I wish I was the way
[9:40 - 9:42] that I could like courses on here,
[9:42 - 9:44] 'cause I actually like this one, it's a challenge.
[9:44 - 9:47] (upbeat music)
[9:47 - 10:08] No, seriously, dude, I actually like this course,
[10:08 - 10:09] it feels good.
[10:09 - 10:12] (upbeat music)
[10:12 - 10:16] It's definitely something different, for sure.
[10:16 - 10:27] (upbeat music)
[10:27 - 10:54] - Dude, we're just ripping right now.
[10:54 - 11:17] (upbeat music)
[11:34 - 11:37] - Thankfully, we're not overcooking the tires here.
[11:37 - 11:43] (upbeat music)
[11:43 - 12:10] - Dude, you can hear the frickin' turbo line in this thing.
[12:11 - 12:13] (upbeat music)
[12:13 - 12:17] Why, that thing is just whining like a bat out of hell, bro.
[12:17 - 13:06] (upbeat music)
[13:33 - 13:34] - Damn.
[13:34 - 13:41] That was a massive jump.
[13:41 - 13:53] Right after this run, I am gonna take away the colors.
[13:53 - 14:06] (upbeat music)
[14:31 - 14:34] - Last check point before Los Angeles.
[14:34 - 14:38] The competitors are about to discover the Pacific Ocean.
[14:38 - 14:41] (upbeat music)
[14:41 - 14:48] - All right, y'all, be right back.
[14:48 - 14:51] (upbeat music)
[14:51 - 14:53] All right.
[14:54 - 15:04] (upbeat music)
[15:04 - 15:40] (birds chirping)
[15:40 - 15:58] - Oh.
[15:58 - 19:10] (birds chirping)
[19:10 - 19:36] (indistinct)
[19:36 - 19:39] (birds chirping)
[19:39 - 19:44] (indistinct)
[19:44 - 21:03] (birds chirping)
[21:03 - 21:21] - Hey, sorry about that, everybody.
[21:21 - 21:25] I literally had to wait until, sorry about that, everybody.
[21:25 - 21:30] I literally had to take trash out and shit,
[21:30 - 21:32] but we give, man.
[21:32 - 21:36] Yo, troll swear, what's up, buddy?
[21:36 - 21:38] Don't even mind you up, big dog.
[21:38 - 21:45] Hey, el jamrito, damn it.
[21:45 - 21:57] Mm-hmm, Hot Pockets on.
[21:57 - 22:00] What is what y'all fucking Hot Pockets on?
[22:00 - 22:01] What is, bro?
[22:01 - 22:04] All right, seriously, what's up with y'all
[22:04 - 22:06] with motherfucking Hot Pockets?
[22:06 - 22:07] (bell dings)
[22:07 - 22:08] What's up with that?
[22:08 - 22:13] Ooh, let's go, okay.
[22:13 - 22:17] Dude, that looks sick.
[22:17 - 22:20] (birds chirping)
[22:20 - 22:38] But for real though, man, like.
[22:38 - 22:46] Oh, man.
[22:46 - 22:50] Oh, man, y'all, big pay for it.
[22:50 - 22:59] Hey, can I answer?
[22:59 - 23:06] All right, Hot Pockets, my favorite meal.
[23:06 - 23:09] Oh, shit, no, man.
[23:09 - 23:12] Honestly, dude, no, my favorite meal, honestly,
[23:12 - 23:16] in all seriousness, my favorite would have to be
[23:16 - 23:17] homemade pizza.
[23:17 - 23:20] Like, her homemade pizza is so fucking bomb.
[23:20 - 23:22] Like, you don't even know, dude.
[23:22 - 23:28] Like, that shit is so fucking good.
[23:28 - 23:38] But I'm not gonna lie, man, whatever.
[23:38 - 23:40] I'm feeling a lot of munching, man.
[23:40 - 23:43] I do like to go for a Hot Pockets first snack.
[23:43 - 23:47] Not gonna lie, but for favorite meals,
[23:47 - 23:50] hands down, homemade pizza, for sure.
[23:50 - 23:52] Like, straight up.
[23:52 - 23:54] That shit is so fucking good, bro.
[23:54 - 24:01] Oh, that's my direct addiction.
[24:01 - 24:03] I was like, what the fuck?
[24:03 - 24:05] (chuckles)
[24:05 - 24:17] Leo Talon, how you doing, bro?
[24:17 - 24:27] I'm not looking for a soon-drifted addition card.
[24:27 - 24:29] Don't get me wrong, I love my drift cards.
[24:29 - 24:32] Hands down, I do like my drifters.
[24:32 - 24:36] But I'm just not feeling the drift card by the day, man.
[24:36 - 24:38] I'm feeling more of a classy,
[24:38 - 24:41] kinda chill vibe.
[24:41 - 24:51] Ooh, that Audi RS Coupe's pretty cool.
[24:51 - 24:55] You know, I'm force carrying GT
[24:55 - 25:00] with the Tokyo Ghoul Wrap going on.
[25:00 - 25:01] Got the Tokyo Ghoul Wrap.
[25:01 - 25:02] Yeah.
[25:02 - 25:12] You know what, I'm seriously thinking about,
[25:12 - 25:13] and you know what, fuck, man,
[25:13 - 25:16] let's cruise around in the Spiker, dude.
[25:16 - 25:18] I have not driven the Spiker that much, bro.
[25:18 - 25:19] Let's fucking get it.
[25:19 - 25:31] 'Cause, bro, this Spiker's from what I've seen, honestly.
[25:31 - 25:33] The Spiker's pretty damn sick.
[25:33 - 25:46] Now, I am gonna test it out here in a bit.
[25:46 - 25:49] I just gotta see if I can do these events,
[25:49 - 25:51] and then if I can, we're gonna do those,
[25:51 - 25:53] and then we're gonna cruise in the Spiker.
[25:53 - 25:54] But if we can't do 'em,
[25:54 - 25:56] then we're just gonna cruise around.
[25:56 - 25:57] See what we can do.
[25:57 - 26:02] All right, two, yeah, two soon, Junior.
[26:02 - 26:15] Dude, what is with this shit?
[26:15 - 26:20] Like, I'm not even able to collect my Summit rewards.
[26:20 - 26:26] What the, do I seriously need to go over to Summit events?
[26:26 - 26:28] Summit events.
[26:28 - 26:38] Let's see, we got the Chase, we got the Agency.
[26:38 - 26:51] Did I do all of these?
[26:51 - 26:54] All right, no, that's the current one, okay.
[26:55 - 26:57] Oh, I know there's still more, okay.
[26:57 - 27:05] Like, Harlem, Detroit, Mississippi.
[27:05 - 27:11] Yo, dude, hold up, can we do Pikes Peak in this car?
[27:11 - 27:14] Dude, if we can do Pikes Peak in the Spiker,
[27:14 - 27:16] dude, that'd be so sick.
[27:23 - 27:26] Dude, bro, in real life, Pikes Peak ain't no joke.
[27:26 - 27:42] Ooh, we can, let's go.
[27:42 - 27:47] About to do Pikes Peak in the Spiker, man,
[27:47 - 27:48] it's gonna be sick.
[27:48 - 27:53] One, two, three, two, three, two, three, two, one.
[27:53 - 28:04] Prepare for the U.S. Speed Tour East Pikes Peak,
[28:04 - 28:09] Colorado, up the Rocky Mountains, the race to the clouds.
[28:18 - 28:20] Got a little bit of a sideways there.
[28:20 - 28:24] Dude, why is the Spiker not in Horizon 4, dude?
[28:24 - 28:26] Like, I would totally rock this.
[28:26 - 28:48] (tape rewinding)
[29:15 - 29:18] Dude, bro, this shit is so sketchy.
[29:18 - 29:31] (tape rewinding)
[29:58 - 30:01] All right, Dan, this thing grew to like high speed.
[30:01 - 30:15] Dude, I may just have to come here
[30:15 - 30:18] and do a drift montage up here, man.
[30:18 - 30:22] Like, for real, I may just have to do that
[30:22 - 30:24] because this is so sick.
[30:25 - 30:27] (tape rewinding)
[30:27 - 30:44] No, that's all right.
[30:44 - 30:47] We're not too far behind, all right?
[30:47 - 30:53] Ooh, chirpy, boys.
[30:53 - 30:56] (tape rewinding)
[30:56 - 31:00] Got those chirpy boys.
[31:00 - 31:15] See what I mean, man?
[31:15 - 31:17] If you ain't careful, you're fucked.
[31:17 - 31:19] (tape rewinding)
[31:19 - 31:30] Dude, I'm totally doing a drift video up here.
[31:30 - 31:33] This is so fun.
[31:33 - 31:35] (tape rewinding)
[31:35 - 31:37] Damn, man.
[31:37 - 31:45] (tape rewinding)
[31:45 - 31:54] Dude, that shit is sketch.
[31:54 - 32:00] Actually, no, I'm not.
[32:00 - 32:04] I'm not afraid to play all mine.
[32:04 - 32:07] Matter of fact, dude, this is all mine.
[32:07 - 32:08] There are other players,
[32:08 - 32:11] and my objective is actually the ghost
[32:11 - 32:12] of a real driver.
[32:12 - 32:13] So if you think about it,
[32:13 - 32:16] technically, I am going up against a real person.
[32:16 - 32:18] I think about it.
[32:18 - 32:23] That ghost, the objective, is actually a real person.
[32:23 - 32:28] It's the ghost of a previous driver that set the record.
[32:28 - 32:32] So, yeah, if you think about it,
[32:32 - 32:35] technically, I am actually going up against,
[32:35 - 32:40] you know, a real person.
[32:40 - 32:42] All right, if you're telling me a great thing about it.
[32:42 - 32:44] (tape rewinding)
[32:44 - 33:03] Oh, yeah, oh, dude, that was sick.
[33:03 - 33:28] (tape rewinding)
[33:55 - 33:58] Well, we're somewhat behind, but not too bad.
[33:58 - 34:11] (tape rewinding)
[34:11 - 34:34] All right, there we go, we've kind of started on the objectives.
[34:34 - 34:37] (tape rewinding)
[34:37 - 34:55] Dude, this one's definitely a battle,
[34:55 - 34:58] like 100%, this is a fucking battle.
[34:58 - 35:12] (tape rewinding)
[35:12 - 35:39] Coming up to the arrival line soon now,
[35:39 - 35:41] which driver will master the record?
[35:41 - 35:42] Got it.
[35:42 - 35:55] (tape rewinding)
[36:19 - 36:23] Hey Marty, how about you piss, I don't quit tryin' to start shit.
[36:23 - 36:32] I ain't here for you.
[36:32 - 36:36] I ain't here for the trolls.
[36:36 - 36:39] I'm here for the fans who enjoy my content.
[36:39 - 36:43] So, yeah, have fun being a loser.
[36:43 - 36:49] Let's see if I can upgrade this thing at all.
[36:49 - 36:52] (tape rewinding)
[36:52 - 36:53] No, damn, what the hell?
[36:53 - 36:57] I figured I'd at least be able to do something to it.
[36:57 - 37:02] (clears throat)
[37:02 - 37:08] Ooh, got that DeLorean DMC 12, hell yeah,
[37:08 - 37:12] it's got the DeLorean from Back to the Future.
[37:12 - 37:16] Ooh, my heart, yo, this right here is my baby, man.
[37:16 - 37:21] Out of all my cars or vehicles on the Crew 2,
[37:21 - 37:25] this one's my baby, it's my Harley Davidson Street Glide 2017.
[37:25 - 37:31] Fuckin' love that thing, dude, that's, hmm, yes.
[37:31 - 37:40] Got my rat rod, my Proto H2P1.
[37:40 - 37:46] (tape rewinding)
[37:46 - 37:48] Got the Fair Lady Z.
[37:48 - 37:56] And got Brian Zeego, his Eclipse.
[37:56 - 38:02] You know what, I think I'm gonna take a drift car
[38:02 - 38:03] down on the mountain.
[38:03 - 38:06] (tape rewinding)
[38:06 - 38:22] Hello.
[38:22 - 38:28] I feel like I'm taking Sean's Mustang down the mountain.
[38:28 - 38:32] If it'll let me do it, oh, it will, let's go.
[38:32 - 38:34] (tape rewinding)
[38:34 - 39:02] Whoa, not what I wanted to have then.
[39:03 - 39:06] Dude, why do you keep doin' that?
[39:06 - 39:08] (tape rewinding)
[39:08 - 39:19] Oh, this is gonna be sketchy, yeah, that's a rock.
[39:19 - 39:25] Dude, Pike's Peak is definitely a sketchy one, for sure.
[39:25 - 39:31] (tape rewinding)
[39:31 - 39:51] Yeah, I may have to just stay down in a second,
[39:51 - 39:53] 'cause this thing, hmm.
[39:54 - 39:55] Hm.
[39:55 - 40:06] And somehow or other, I ended up.
[40:06 - 40:15] All right, so I should try staying in first.
[40:15 - 40:18] (tape rewinding)
[40:18 - 40:38] Yo, this thing does not like this mountain at all, bro.
[40:38 - 40:44] (tape rewinding)
[40:44 - 40:54] Yeah, I think staying in first gear is where it's at.
[40:54 - 40:57] (tape rewinding)
[40:57 - 41:03] Oh yeah, first gear is definitely where it's at.
[41:03 - 41:09] (tape rewinding)
[41:09 - 41:19] Why is there a helicopter above me?
[41:19 - 41:31] Oh yeah, I guess this dude wants to frickin'
[41:31 - 41:35] watch me slide down the mountain, okay.
[41:35 - 41:37] (tape rewinding)
[41:37 - 41:56] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, thank you.
[41:56 - 42:01] (tape rewinding)
[42:01 - 42:21] Oh, let's go, I got a tree, you know, oh, watch out.
[42:21 - 42:26] (tape rewinding)
[42:26 - 42:37] Yeah, first gear is definitely where it's at
[42:37 - 42:39] for this Mustang.
[42:39 - 43:08] (tape rewinding)
[43:08 - 43:31] I don't party right in front of a tree, we're good.
[43:31 - 43:35] Nah, you want good, let me show you
[43:35 - 43:39] how I'm going to hand drift and hold up.
[43:39 - 43:43] Let's go here, go to my favorite one, change the difficulty.
[44:04 - 44:07] Besides, there's been some slitting on this course anyway,
[44:07 - 44:11] so this is actually one of my favorite courses, by the way.
[44:11 - 45:31] (tape rewinding)
[45:31 - 45:33] What's up, we're good now.
[45:33 - 45:53] (tape rewinding)
[45:53 - 45:57] What?
[45:57 - 45:59] (tape rewinding)
[45:59 - 46:23] Oh, hit you with that 360 drift.
[46:23 - 46:58] (tape rewinding)
[46:58 - 47:10] Definitely not my best runt,
[47:10 - 47:12] you're definitely doing better.
[47:12 - 47:14] (tape rewinding)
[47:14 - 47:21] Well, for what I do, that's not bad.
[47:24 - 47:25] Alright, I know I can do better,
[47:25 - 47:29] but for the first time doing that with this,
[47:29 - 47:33] with the Mustang, that's actually not bad.
[47:33 - 47:37] Dude, nothing happened to Ed, he's still alive, dude.
[47:37 - 47:51] Ooh, let's go.
[47:53 - 47:56] Oh, I'm not Tokyo Drift Life.
[47:56 - 48:12] Ain't nothing happened to Ed, he's still alive.
[48:12 - 48:14] He's still alive and kicking.
[48:14 - 48:18] No, no, no, no, oh, thank God.
[48:18 - 48:33] (tape rewinding)
[48:33 - 48:53] I just think, guys, eventually doing this
[48:53 - 48:55] is gonna be a big thank you, Ian.
[48:59 - 49:02] Oh, didn't go wadded up on that.
[49:02 - 49:13] Dude, I can't wait to get to where I need to be, man.
[49:13 - 49:14] I am super excited.
[49:14 - 49:44] (tape rewinding)
[50:09 - 50:12] Now you're shredding tires, man.
[50:12 - 50:27] Now I'm just in here just shredding around like a boss, dude.
[50:27 - 51:35] (tape rewinding)
[51:35 - 51:55] Yo, Biz, what up, man?
[51:55 - 51:58] (tape rewinding)
[51:58 - 52:23] Now if I have Biz, let me mind you up, brother.
[52:23 - 52:26] Let me mind you the fuck up.
[52:26 - 52:33] No, he's not, he is alive.
[52:33 - 52:35] I don't know who the fuck's telling y'all
[52:35 - 52:37] that he's dead, but he ain't.
[52:37 - 52:40] The man's still alive and kicking.
[52:40 - 52:42] Matter of fact, he's down the stairs
[52:42 - 52:46] smoking a cigarette right now and watching TV.
[52:46 - 52:49] So, yeah.
[52:49 - 52:53] But yo, Biz, what you been up to, homie?
[52:53 - 52:54] (tape rewinding)
[52:54 - 52:57] Yo, Devin, what up, bro?
[52:57 - 53:03] What up, D?
[53:03 - 53:06] How you doing, man?
[53:06 - 53:09] (tape rewinding)
[53:09 - 53:33] I'm thinking about busting out the 370Z for this shit.
[53:33 - 53:36] (tape rewinding)
[53:36 - 53:43] I'm thinking either the 370Z or the Evo.
[53:43 - 53:54] You know what, let's go for the 370, man,
[53:54 - 53:57] 'cause that thing's got a lot of power behind it.
[53:57 - 54:01] So we about to shred the 370Z, we about to get it.
[54:01 - 54:04] (tape rewinding)
[54:04 - 54:22] And we rocking a beautiful Itasha rap.
[54:22 - 54:24] Oh, yeah, boy.
[54:24 - 54:30] And we rocking that beautiful, beautiful Asitasha rap, dude.
[54:31 - 54:33] Yeah, Devin knows what I'm talking about, man.
[54:33 - 54:35] Devin knows about that shit.
[54:35 - 54:54] Oh, damn.
[54:54 - 55:00] Yeah, I just mona Lisa that shit, ignore that.
[55:01 - 55:04] That did not happen, I just mona Lisa that shit,
[55:04 - 55:05] that's fake news.
[55:05 - 55:09] I didn't wreck, I just mona Lisa'd it, I wall tapped it.
[55:10 - 55:13] (chuckles)
[55:13 - 55:35] (tape rewinding)
[56:01 - 56:03] And just saying, man, here real soon
[56:03 - 56:07] when I hit that thousandth sub mark, bro, it's game on, dog.
[56:07 - 56:16] Fuck that negative life shit.
[56:16 - 56:19] (tape rewinding)
[56:19 - 56:36] Dude, this one's definitely a tough one to score, huh?
[56:36 - 56:40] To score on in hardwood, like, no joke.
[56:40 - 56:42] (tape rewinding)
[56:42 - 57:07] Oh, damn, jungers coming through, oh.
[57:07 - 57:48] (tape rewinding)
[57:55 - 57:59] 'Cause I say something, 'cause it feels so good.
[57:59 - 58:10] Damn, y'all seen how close I got to that shit.
[58:10 - 58:23] I got stupid close to that crate, man, that was insane.
[58:24 - 58:25] Oh, hello.
[58:25 - 58:35] I got stupid close to that crate coming down that ram, dude.
[58:35 - 58:37] Holy shit.
[58:37 - 58:40] (tape rewinding)
[58:40 - 59:04] Now, sometimes I bet y'all ain't know that
[59:04 - 59:07] and I don't even like it with that shit, but,
[59:08 - 59:10] let me grab my control and show y'all what else I'm doing.
[59:10 - 59:11] Hold up.
[59:11 - 59:17] Make sure it's in the green, yeah, it wasn't in the green.
[59:17 - 59:27] (tape rewinding)
[59:27 - 59:53] Y'all want some crazy stunts?
[59:53 - 59:56] I got you on some crazy stunts, boy.
[59:56 - 60:04] I seriously got you on some crazy stunts, hold up.
[60:04 - 60:07] (tape rewinding)
[60:31 - 60:36] I don't know, only time I close off for this one.
[60:36 - 60:44] Throwing my rams out real quick.
[60:44 - 60:49] (tape rewinding)
[60:49 - 61:10] I know I'm not gonna try to put it through
[61:10 - 61:14] one of those buildings, but I am gonna do this.
[61:14 - 61:15] Ah.
[61:16 - 61:18] Not how I planned it.
[61:18 - 62:08] (tape rewinding)
[62:08 - 62:14] Ah, I need to get a lower is what I need to do.
[62:33 - 62:36] I need to turn quick like...
[62:36 - 62:43] I see why I'm going wrong.
[62:43 - 62:46] I just need to do something about it,
[62:46 - 62:50] but that's all right though, 'cause check this out.
[62:50 - 62:52] I'm about to do something that a lot of people
[62:52 - 62:54] are afraid to do on here.
[62:55 - 63:25] (tape rewinding)
[63:25 - 63:38] Got it, me on track.
[63:38 - 63:45] Let's head towards the water here.
[63:45 - 63:51] (tape rewinding)
[63:51 - 64:08] Whatcha know about doing something like that?
[64:08 - 65:36] (tape rewinding)
[65:38 - 65:42] - All right, there should be some water.
[65:42 - 66:11] (tape rewinding)
[66:13 - 66:17] - Oh, there's some water right there, I see it now.
[66:17 - 66:39] Yes, I'm not doing what you guys are thinking I'm not doing.
[66:39 - 68:02] (tape rewinding)
[68:02 - 68:08] No, I didn't do it, I just,
[68:08 - 68:10] honestly, I just kinda picked up being able to do
[68:10 - 68:12] stuff like this, just on my own.
[68:12 - 68:53] (tape rewinding)
[68:53 - 68:56] Dude!
[68:56 - 68:59] Oh well.
[68:59 - 69:14] Thank you, I'll rub it over there.
[69:14 - 69:17] (tape rewinding)
[69:17 - 69:26] I know I can get under that bridge.
[69:26 - 69:31] You know what?
[69:31 - 69:36] I'm gonna go straight up right here
[69:36 - 69:40] and show y'all what I can really do with this thing.
[69:40 - 70:08] (tape rewinding)
[70:08 - 70:26] Go as I'll be as high as I can here.
[70:26 - 71:25] (tape rewinding)
[71:25 - 71:50] Dude, we are approaching land fast.
[71:50 - 72:33] (tape rewinding)
[72:33 - 72:46] No, you don't give up.
[72:46 - 72:49] You keep trying to get back the fuck up.
[72:49 - 72:58] Hey, yo, Dad, we got another downer up in here, dawg.
[72:58 - 73:01] (tape rewinding)
[73:01 - 73:06] Facts, bro.
[73:06 - 73:08] Facts, dude.
[73:08 - 73:20] It's called,
[73:20 - 73:27] if your first formula for your plan doesn't work,
[73:27 - 73:31] try another formula until it does work.
[73:31 - 73:56] I wonder if I can get a plan for going a one-winged it.
[73:56 - 73:57] Whoa.
[73:57 - 74:06] That one's gonna be a hard one to clear.
[74:06 - 74:22] Yeah, that one's gonna be a tough one to clear.
[74:22 - 74:25] (tape rewinding)
[74:25 - 74:38] See, that was just me flying around
[74:38 - 74:41] through some shit, having some fun.
[74:41 - 75:05] (tape rewinding)
[75:30 - 75:34] Oh, and that's what I was telling me, not to crash.
[75:34 - 75:36] Everything about it, all the best drivers in the world
[75:36 - 75:38] had to crash at some point.
[75:59 - 76:04] Every good driver has had their fair share of crashes.
[76:04 - 76:09] As Deb, he can tell you, that man's watched me spin off,
[76:09 - 76:13] flip over, and wreck more times than I can count.
[76:13 - 76:16] (tape rewinding)
[76:16 - 76:41] Hell, this man's watched me send a frickin' Skyline
[76:41 - 76:43] to a wall of doing 180.
[76:43 - 76:58] Oh.
[76:58 - 77:06] (tape rewinding)
[77:32 - 77:34] Look at that shit.
[77:34 - 77:39] How many of you of y'all know that are crazy enough
[77:39 - 77:41] to do this shit?
[77:41 - 77:44] Son, they're trafficked like this, man.
[77:44 - 78:34] (tape rewinding)
[79:00 - 79:03] Yo, can I go over there here?
[79:03 - 79:08] Yo, I can, let's go.
[79:28 - 79:32] Listen to my Tokyo Drippin' and Damn Hugger Crafts.
[79:32 - 79:33] I like this.
[79:33 - 79:38] In a freaking parking garage, dude.
[79:38 - 81:11] (tape rewinding)
[81:11 - 81:26] How do I know you're not in a troll, dude?
[81:26 - 81:32] Show me some sort of proof that you're not in a troll
[81:32 - 81:34] and then we'll talk.
[81:34 - 81:42] (tape rewinding)
[81:42 - 81:58] Like I said, Big Pei, show me, show,
[81:58 - 82:02] show what you've proved that you're not full of shit.
[82:02 - 82:04] And then we'll talk.
[82:04 - 82:09] If you can show some sort of proof that you're not
[82:09 - 82:10] full of shit,
[82:10 - 82:16] then we'll talk.
[82:16 - 82:22] Like show me some sort of proof of your success.
[82:22 - 82:26] Like I want to see legitimate success that you've garnered.
[82:26 - 82:30] Like I actually want to see that shit.
[82:30 - 82:33] (tape rewinding)
[82:33 - 82:37] Wait a minute, sign that form.
[82:37 - 82:42] Bro, that's Marty, y'all.
[82:42 - 82:44] That's motherfucking Marty.
[82:44 - 82:58] Yeah, I know you guys, that's motherfucking Marty, bro.
[82:58 - 82:58] Yo.
[83:00 - 83:04] Y'all, it's that guy that's out of here, fellas.
[83:04 - 83:17] - Did you push you to eat breakfast, so?
[83:17 - 83:20] (tape rewinding)
[83:20 - 83:25] - Yo, sweetheart, let me show you all my intro.
[83:25 - 83:28] Now, I think you guys might like it.
[83:29 - 83:32] (upbeat music)
[83:32 - 83:46] Y'all can't tell me that it's hot.
[83:46 - 83:49] Let me find out back for ya.
[83:50 - 83:52] ? This is what I'm about to fucking do ?
[83:52 - 83:55] ? Gonna fix all the memories I held to the blood moon ?
[83:55 - 83:58] ? It's so true, I made it by manual ?
[83:58 - 84:02] ? But by a fool, I set the fuse ?
[84:02 - 84:06] - No, and it's not dead.
[84:06 - 84:10] He's very much alive.
[84:10 - 84:13] (tape rewinding)
[84:13 - 84:32] That man's very much alive in a kitchen.
[84:32 - 84:35] (tape rewinding)
[84:35 - 84:48] That is very much alive.
[84:48 - 84:51] Matter of fact, he's downstairs.
[84:51 - 84:53] Fucking idiots.
[84:53 - 85:00] (tape rewinding)
[85:26 - 85:28] All right, y'all, hopefully y'all did enjoy this, man.
[85:28 - 85:29] I know I did.
[85:29 - 85:30] I'm about to chill for now.
[85:30 - 85:32] I'm about to kick it with some friends.
[85:32 - 85:36] I'm probably gonna wind up kicking it with death.
[85:36 - 85:42] Oh, so, yeah, I might be back on to do some guitar stuff
[85:42 - 85:45] here in a bit, I don't know.
[85:45 - 85:47] But I fucking love you guys,
[85:47 - 85:51] and I'll catch you guys in the next stream, y'all.
[85:51 - 85:54] Fucking love you guys, stay homeless, stay positive.
[85:54 - 85:55] Fuck the haters.
[85:55 - 85:59] Y'all controls are stupid.
[85:59 - 86:16] Yeah, someone even bounced this Sally the Enabler
[86:16 - 86:17] up out of here.
[86:17 - 86:21] Someone even bounced that fool up out of here.
[86:21 - 86:24] (tape rewinding)
[86:24 - 86:28] You know what, I got 'em.
[86:28 - 86:35] Peace.
[86:35 - 86:37] In the out of town.
[86:37 - 86:41] You already know I'm gonna reach out to you 100%, brother.
[86:41 - 86:43] But I fucking love you guys.
[86:43 - 86:46] (tape rewinding)
[86:46 - 86:51] I'm about to chill for a bit and relax.
[86:51 - 86:55] And yeah, I'll catch y'all in the next stream, man.
[86:55 - 86:58] Told you I'd reach us out there and stay sideways.
[86:58 - 87:00] Deb, I would do that through your town.
[87:00 - 87:03] I would do that through charity.
[87:03 - 87:04] If you're watching this,
[87:04 - 87:05] you already know I'm gonna get ahold of you.
[87:05 - 87:08] So yeah, I fucking love you guys.
[87:08 - 87:11] And I will see you guys in the next video, man.
[87:11 - 87:13] Stay sideways, y'all.
[87:13 - 87:14] Peace.
[87:14 - 87:20] And just for the record, fuck the haters.
[87:20 - 87:23] (tape rewinding)
[87:23 - 87:24] Peace.
[87:24 - 87:29] (tape rewinding)
[87:29 - 87:36] Okay.
2021-10-19 RIP TO HOMIeS brothER

2021-10-19 RIP TO HOMIeS brothER

[0:00 - 0:28] I need a minute or one. I do apologize for not uh straying it all today. I was like stupid
[0:28 - 0:36] sick so I was sleeping all day and yes I'm fine no I don't have COVID I'm pretty fine
[0:36 - 0:56] I was just overworked and but um this morning when I woke up as you guys know I actually
[0:56 - 1:03] am part of one of the biggest drift teams in the world right now. They haven't been
[1:03 - 1:08] drifting off yet as you guys know I'm part of their team and have been for the last four
[1:08 - 1:18] months now and I can honestly say to those guys you know seeing them and being inspired
[1:18 - 1:28] by them in the very beginning and then myself to become part of that same team that inspired
[1:28 - 1:35] me like that's huge for me but I was hanging out with Virtual and TJ and some of the guys
[1:35 - 1:43] today when we got a call from one of our team members that his little brother had
[1:43 - 1:59] passed away um what he passed away from I'm not sure um but I can honestly say to you
[1:59 - 2:05] guys that are fans of the drift mafia and myself and virtual raps and everybody that
[2:05 - 2:14] we rock with um we will have information for you guys um about that as soon as possible
[2:14 - 2:21] but tonight I want to dedicate this show to his younger brother man his younger brother
[2:21 - 2:26] who passed away man I want to dedicate this to that man because the dude's younger brother
[2:26 - 2:38] was good he had a lot of talent a lot of heart and a lot of passion and the kid had
[2:38 - 2:58] a future he for sure had a future with our team and I figured it'd only be fair that
[2:58 - 3:12] to do the right thing and to put on a show for the man's younger brother man cuz this
[3:12 - 3:25] kid was a lot like myself he was a fucking rocker so I do have on hand some of the songs
[3:25 - 3:47] that he enjoyed that I enjoyed and now we all enjoy it and to start off to start off
[3:47 - 4:08] I want to I want to take a moment of silence for this man let me see the letters I want
[4:08 - 4:18] everyone of you right now to put the letters EDM with a candle right beside it I want everyone
[4:18 - 4:44] of you to put EDM with a candle right beside it for homie's brother
[4:44 - 4:55] I see you again when I see you again yeah who knew all the plans we blew the things
[4:55 - 5:00] we've been through then I'll be standing right here talking to you found another path
[5:00 - 5:04] I know we love to hit the broken glass but something taught me how to play and laugh
[5:04 - 5:10] had to switch up look at things never see the bigger picture those were the days hard
[5:10 - 5:21] to work forever pays not see you in a better place we got to talk about everything I would
[5:21 - 5:25] do you were standing there by my side and now you put me there before the last night
[5:25 - 5:41] I found you my friend and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again the wrong way
[5:41 - 6:07] I tell you all about it when I see you again when I see you again
[6:07 - 6:35] now you put me there before the last night I tell you all about it when I see you again
[6:35 - 6:39] everything I would do you were standing there by my side and now you put me there before
[6:39 - 7:04] the last night I thought I had gone to wait for every memory as you go and every happy
[7:04 - 7:24] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[7:24 - 7:40] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[7:40 - 8:07] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[8:07 - 8:23] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[8:23 - 8:47] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[8:47 - 9:07] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[9:07 - 9:30] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[9:30 - 9:43] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[9:43 - 10:09] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
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[10:54 - 11:15] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[11:15 - 11:42] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[11:42 - 11:58] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[11:58 - 12:20] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[12:20 - 12:41] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[12:41 - 13:01] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[13:01 - 13:21] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[13:21 - 13:43] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[13:43 - 14:05] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[14:05 - 14:25] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[14:25 - 14:48] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[14:48 - 15:09] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[15:09 - 15:32] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
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[16:01 - 16:17] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[16:17 - 16:39] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
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[16:59 - 17:26] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[17:26 - 17:46] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[17:46 - 18:11] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[18:11 - 18:37] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[18:37 - 19:00] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[19:00 - 19:21] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[19:21 - 19:45] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[19:45 - 20:01] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[20:01 - 20:26] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[20:26 - 20:47] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[20:47 - 21:09] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[21:09 - 21:27] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[21:27 - 21:49] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[21:49 - 22:10] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
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[22:27 - 22:50] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[22:50 - 23:06] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
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[26:59 - 27:26] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[27:26 - 27:53] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
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[28:21 - 28:49] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
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[29:46 - 30:14] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[30:14 - 30:40] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[30:40 - 31:08] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[31:08 - 31:36] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[31:36 - 32:04] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[32:04 - 32:32] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[32:32 - 32:58] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[32:58 - 33:24] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[33:24 - 33:52] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[33:52 - 34:20] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[34:20 - 34:36] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[34:36 - 34:58] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[34:58 - 35:16] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[35:16 - 35:40] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[35:40 - 36:06] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[36:06 - 36:34] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[36:34 - 37:00] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[37:00 - 37:26] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[37:26 - 37:52] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
[37:52 - 38:18] you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy
[38:18 - 38:46] memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and
[38:46 - 39:00] every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as you go and every happy memory as
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[0:00 - 0:12] Well isn't this a pleasant surprise people. I'm sitting here working on some brand new
[0:12 - 0:19] music hanging out with my soon to be girlfriend and her family and I say soon to be girlfriend
[0:19 - 0:32] because we're not together yet, keyword yet, but I'm sitting down hanging out with them,
[0:32 - 0:42] hanging out with my friends and my family and Marty thinks that he can beat my fucking
[0:42 - 0:53] ass. That's cute bro. That's real fucking cute that you think you can beat my ass. That's
[0:53 - 1:01] real cute that you think you can fucking beat my ass. Take a look at what happened with
[1:01 - 1:15] Juggalo John. Juggalo John post out like a bitch. He did, he post out like a bitch. And
[1:15 - 1:22] if you don't think I can fight Marty, that's sad that you think you can't fucking fight,
[1:22 - 1:29] that you think I can't fight. I know you can't fight, but you think that I can't fight.
[1:29 - 1:36] Bro ask people that know me in real life that went to school with me bro. Ask my brother
[1:36 - 1:43] Jake, he'll tell ya he's watched me get into fights with guys bigger than you Marty on
[1:43 - 1:49] your what, six, six, six, seven. Dude, I always try with the guys in high school that were
[1:49 - 1:57] seven foot because there's one thing that you must, that you literally are fooling yourself
[1:57 - 2:05] on and that's the fact that you think that size fucking matters. You think that size
[2:05 - 2:10] matters. You think that size and weight means everything. Well Marty, I'm here to tell you
[2:10 - 2:19] for a fact, for a fucking fact bro. That size, it don't mean anything in a fight and really
[2:19 - 2:29] don't. Cause see, you might have weight on your side and that's true. You may have weight
[2:29 - 2:37] on your side, but Marty, I'm smaller. I'm a harder target to hit. You ain't getting
[2:37 - 2:46] me so easily kid. You ain't getting me so motherfucking easy. And while we're speaking
[2:46 - 2:55] on it, let's speak on how you think that you own Saren. Nigga, you don't own shit.
[2:55 - 3:04] You don't own her. You don't even own me, bro. So who the fuck do you think you kidding?
[3:04 - 3:09] You really think you own people Marty? Like this, yo, this guy really thinks that he
[3:09 - 3:15] owns people. He thinks that he owns me. He thinks he owns Saren. Hell, he thinks that
[3:15 - 3:24] he even, he even goes so far as to believe that that contract is fake. Like he believes
[3:24 - 3:33] that fake ass contract is real, yo. Like he genuinely believes that that fake ass
[3:33 - 3:42] contract is real. I mean, bro, I showed that to my cousin Misty who's a paralegal and you
[3:42 - 3:50] know what she did? She laughed her fucking ass off. She literally laughed her fucking
[3:50 - 4:03] ass off at the contract. Like, dude, that shit's fake as fuck, Marty. You ain't beating
[4:03 - 4:11] nobody's ass. I mean, come on, bro. You can barely take two steps to the fridge without
[4:11 - 4:16] getting worn out. You can barely take two steps to the goddamn fridge without getting
[4:16 - 4:36] worn the fuck out, bro. I mean, for real, you can barely get to the fridge without being
[4:36 - 4:47] fine. You're overweight. You're out of shape. Like, do you really think that you have the
[4:47 - 4:56] stamina to go up against somebody like me? Who is lighter and faster? Who can actually
[4:56 - 5:02] hold their own? I mean, I'm just speaking facts here, bro. I'm just telling you the
[5:02 - 5:08] facts as they are. I really am. I'm just telling you the fucking facts, Marty. Like, you think
[5:08 - 5:17] that you can beat my ass? You're welcome to try. You are more than welcome to try, Marty,
[5:17 - 5:23] because you ain't going to beat my ass, kid. You think that you can, but, Marty, look
[5:23 - 5:32] at you. I mean, no, seriously, I mean, look at you, bro. You're out of shape. You're overweight
[5:32 - 5:56] as fuck. You're slow as hell. Watch this, y'all. Hello? Hello? Man, whatever, though.
[5:56 - 6:09] Stop that dog from getting from goddamn New York, man. Get out of here. Yo, Gasoline,
[6:09 - 6:20] what up, bro? What up, Gas? Hey, speak of the devil. What up, sir? How you doing? Hey,
[6:20 - 6:28] sir, am I or am I not correct that Marty thinks that he owns everything? Does he not literally
[6:28 - 6:52] believe that he owns you and me? Does he not actually believe that shit? Oh, that's stupid.
[6:52 - 7:01] And it's true. He does. He does believe it. And it's funny. Like Marty, look at me. I
[7:01 - 7:09] seriously, bro. Look at me. Something that is actually in good shape. I mean, look,
[7:09 - 7:17] I'm in better shape than you, bro. Way better shape than you. You got a gut out of here.
[7:17 - 7:30] I'm skinny as fuck. What are you going to do? Watch this, yo. Hello? I know you are.
[7:30 - 7:40] So is your mother. That's why. I mean, Marty, do you really think that you stand a shot
[7:40 - 7:47] at beating me? Do you really believe that you stand that shot? Because if you do, you're
[7:47 - 7:52] delusional. You're more delusional than I thought, bro. You are way more delusional
[7:52 - 7:57] than I thought because I might not look. Let me tell you something. That's where you
[7:57 - 8:01] underestimate. This is where a lot of people, and I don't blame you for underestimating
[8:01 - 8:07] me. I really don't. I mean, a lot of people have underestimated me and found out the
[8:07 - 8:15] hard way. But Marty, you underestimate my strength. See, you might think that because
[8:15 - 8:28] I look weak means I can't hold my own. Bro, I'm a lot stronger than I fucking look.
[8:28 - 8:37] I am way stronger than I look, Marty. So if we're going to face me, then just show
[8:37 - 8:42] up already so I can kick your ass and get on my goddamn day, bro. But you really think
[8:42 - 8:51] that you're going to show up here and beat my ass and walk away? I'd love to see you
[8:51 - 8:59] try. I'd love to see you try to beat my ass. I would love to see you try to beat my ass.
[8:59 - 9:08] Yeah, you're just like all the other trolls. You're so desperate for attention. He's so
[9:08 - 9:17] desperate for attention, y'all. And here's the thing, Leroy, here's the thing, bro. You
[9:17 - 9:25] can ask Aaron, ask anybody. I didn't know he showed up until I saw the video. I had
[9:25 - 9:30] no idea. I wasn't ready. I didn't know that he showed up until I saw that video that
[9:30 - 9:40] he showed up. That ain't on me. That ain't on me. I didn't know he showed up. I had no
[9:40 - 10:05] idea. Hold on, y'all. I'll be right back. Hold on, y'all. I'll be right back. I'm going
[10:05 - 10:34] to go. Yeah. You're not home? You really want to be home? No. What are we doing? I'm
[10:34 - 10:52] sorry about that, guys. Mom's had a question for her about Crown Jewel last night. But
[10:52 - 11:04] I like... Marty. What up, Biggie? Hey, Iggy. Hey, Nevada. What up, Biggie? How you doing,
[11:04 - 11:12] bro? How you doing, Iggy? What's up, man? How you doing, Iggy? What's up, man? Good
[11:12 - 11:35] to see you, bro. But wait for real, though. That's one thing that a lot of people underestimate
[11:35 - 11:45] about me. Is that they see my size, right? They see my size and they don't think I can
[11:45 - 11:53] fight. I mean, yeah, I'm maybe short. That may be true, but Marty, you know what they
[11:53 - 12:04] say about small packages. Little package, explosive boom. Little package, explosive
[12:04 - 12:11] power. Which is me. That actually describes me. I'm maybe short, but Marty, I can hold
[12:11 - 12:17] my own in a fight. Don't think that I can, bro, because I actually can fight. Unlike
[12:17 - 12:25] you. I mean, you think that just because I'm short, that you can beat my ass? Dude, look
[12:25 - 12:36] at you. You're delusional as fuck. Like, I almost would feel bad beating your ass.
[12:36 - 12:43] Because clearly, you're mentally and chemically imbalanced. Clearly, you got something wrong
[12:43 - 12:49] with your head to where you're chemically imbalanced. You have this fantasy in your
[12:49 - 12:57] head that you own me, you own Saren, you own this, you own that. Dude, you don't own anything.
[12:57 - 13:02] You really don't. I'm going to tell you right now, you don't own jack shit. You really
[13:02 - 13:22] don't. You really don't like, like, how stupid would you look if somebody like me who has
[13:22 - 13:27] legitimate disabilities, like how dumb would you look if somebody with a disability like
[13:27 - 13:38] me beat your ass? I mean, that'd be embarrassing. I mean, that would be very embarrassing for
[13:38 - 13:43] you, Marty. That really would. I mean, how do you think the internet is going to look
[13:43 - 13:50] at you when someone like me actually beats your ass? Like, how do you think everyone's
[13:50 - 13:59] going to view you, bro? How do you think anyone's going to look at you? Yo, Brooklyn, what
[13:59 - 14:05] the fuck is up, my guy? Hold out. Yo, we got a legend in the building, y'all. Motherfucking
[14:05 - 14:11] Brooklyn, man, it's something that you have, Brooklyn. What is good, bro? How you doing,
[14:11 - 14:15] Brooklyn? Good to see you, man. It's been a while, bro. I'm meaning to hit you up on
[14:15 - 14:19] Facebook. I'll have to do that after the stream. I'll have to hit you up. It's been
[14:19 - 14:35] a while, bro. It's been a long fucking while. But Marty, you think that you can just come
[14:35 - 14:57] in, show up, be my ass always? Dude, that ain't how it's going to work, son. That ain't
[14:57 - 15:08] how this shit's going to happen. Oh, and honest, I know I do know how everybody has been getting
[15:08 - 15:19] into my stuff. Like, I do know how everyone's been getting into my stuff, which is through
[15:19 - 15:28] a keystroke program on that computer that I got sent, which I will be wiping. I will
[15:28 - 15:44] be wiping that Chromebook clean and getting rid of that shit. So, uh, yeah. Oh, look,
[15:44 - 15:59] somebody breaking into my shit again or pretending to be me, I should say. Oh, look, we got
[15:59 - 16:08] an imposter. We have an imposter, everyone. Somebody wants to be me so that they are literally
[16:08 - 16:16] going under my name and pretending to be me. That's cute. There's only one me, and I'm
[16:16 - 16:36] it. That is very true. That is very true, sir. See, Marty, what you don't realize, you
[16:36 - 16:44] think that you're untouchable. You think that you're invincible when you're not invincible
[16:44 - 16:53] and you sure as fuck ain't untouchable. You sure as fuck ain't invincible either. Like
[16:53 - 17:02] dude, all it takes is one good kick to the back of your knee and you're done. That's
[17:02 - 17:09] it. Or one get kicked into your fucking balls and guess what? You're fucked. You're done
[17:09 - 17:36] ski. Yeah, according to what up.
[17:36 - 17:53] Now that being said, since I am dropping some brand new instrumentals for artists and people
[17:53 - 18:18] to use, under my name is Shadow Nexus, under my Shadow Nexus brand. Those people want to
[18:18 - 18:30] sit there and threaten me about my music and saying that I'm no good. Let's just play
[18:30 - 18:54] one of the beats back, right? Let's play one of those beats back. Oh no.
[18:54 - 19:18] Let's play one of my beats back right quick.
[19:18 - 19:43] You say I can't do this? What does this say?
[19:43 - 20:09] I think this beats right so.
[20:09 - 20:38] Got that RX-7 rotary riffing. Got that RX-7 rotary riffing behind that beat.
[20:38 - 21:02] And a more chill one. So, don't sit there and tell me I don't know what the fuck I'm
[21:02 - 21:27] doing. I'll put your ass on real fucking where. Yo, C.I.N. What up? Oh, and as for
[21:27 - 21:33] C.I.N. I know what you're thinking. Why'd you get rid of me? Well, it's because I heard
[21:33 - 21:39] through the grapevine and saw from myself that you started sharing my shit around. So,
[21:39 - 21:48] uh, yeah, nice try, brother. Nice fucking try, dude. You didn't think I was gonna catch
[21:48 - 22:12] on, did you? Right, like I wouldn't catch on to you. Matter of fact, I know what you
[22:12 - 22:29] guys are wanting. I know what you guys want. What, did you think I was gonna show up here
[22:29 - 22:47] and talk about Marnie's fucking challenge and not do shit for you guys? Did you guys
[22:47 - 22:53] really think that I was gonna show up and talk about Marnie's challenge and leave without
[22:53 - 23:17] giving you guys something? Did you guys really think that was gonna happen? Did y'all really
[23:17 - 23:23] think I was gonna do that to you guys? Come on, man. Y'all should know me better than
[23:23 - 23:30] that by now. I always give my supporters and fans what they want, man. I always give my
[23:30 - 23:50] true supporters and fans what they enjoy. I always give my real fans and supporters what
[23:50 - 24:04] they want and enjoy. Did you really think I was gonna walk out of here and not do something
[24:04 - 24:33] for you guys? Come on, man. Y'all should know me better than that by now. Let's go.
[24:33 - 42:12] [MUSIC]
[42:12 - 42:15] I know you guys are ready to take something out, man.
[42:15 - 42:16] You guys ready?
[42:16 - 43:26] [MUSIC]
[43:26 - 43:29] All right, you know what, hold up, hold up.
[43:29 - 43:32] All right, let me get rid of this little bitch kid right here.
[43:32 - 43:36] [MUSIC]
[43:36 - 43:38] You know what, hold up.
[43:38 - 45:30] [MUSIC]
[45:46 - 45:50] Hey, Sarah, I know you know this one.
[45:50 - 80:47] [MUSIC]
[80:47 - 80:57] I find it funny how you trolls try to be relevant and it's sad.
[80:57 - 81:01] You guys seriously fail at being relevant.
[81:01 - 81:11] [MUSIC]
[81:11 - 81:17] You guys literally fail at being relevant.
[81:17 - 81:19] You're like, you're like massive reports.
[81:19 - 81:21] You fail at being relevant.
[81:21 - 81:24] [MUSIC]
[81:24 - 81:26] But me, I'm full relevant.
[81:26 - 84:31] [MUSIC]
[84:31 - 84:37] And that's facts, man.
[84:37 - 84:40] That song speaks so much goddamn truth, man.
[84:40 - 84:44] For all y'all that think that you're stopping me, you're really not.
[84:44 - 84:50] Like I'm busting my ass doing what I need to do with my music and my shit.
[84:50 - 84:56] While y'all are over here spending and wasting your time being negative and talking trash,
[84:56 - 85:02] I'm over here working on beats, getting my life together, getting my music back to where it needs to be,
[85:02 - 85:05] to where I never should have left in the first place.
[85:05 - 85:08] So all y'all can sit there and think that you run shit.
[85:08 - 85:14] Y'all can sit there and say that you run me and that you micromanage me and let me know the fuck you don't.
[85:14 - 85:17] You're just wasting your motherfucking time, that's all it is.
[85:17 - 85:22] You're wasting your goddamn time being a fucking idiot talking shit.
[85:22 - 85:26] And it ain't doing you any good, so why bother?
[85:26 - 85:35] Like y'all are sitting there talking shit and not doing anything.
[85:35 - 85:37] That's all you're doing, talking shit.
[85:37 - 85:42] So I don't see how you talking shit is helping anything.
[85:42 - 85:45] If anything, it ain't affecting me, it's affecting you.
[85:46 - 85:50] Like y'all talk shit and it brings me into goddamn views.
[85:50 - 85:52] Do you not realize that?
[85:52 - 85:56] Do you not realize that your guys is shit talking?
[85:56 - 86:00] Doesn't do anything but bring in motherfucking views from me?
[86:00 - 86:02] Do you not realize that?
[86:02 - 86:08] Like you click on my shit, you watch my shit, you comment shitty stuff,
[86:08 - 86:12] and you probably dislike it, that's literally four levels of engagement right there.
[86:12 - 86:17] So ultimately you're not doing anything except bringing me in motherfucking views.
[86:17 - 86:19] That's all you're doing.
[86:19 - 86:23] You're not being a badass, you're not being a hard ass,
[86:23 - 86:27] you're not being smart or funny, you're just bringing in free views from me.
[86:27 - 86:29] That's all it is.
[86:29 - 86:32] So all y'all trolls are fucking dumb.
[86:38 - 86:43] All right, y'all can talk all this negative bullshit all you want.
[86:43 - 86:47] All right, y'all can sit there and run your mouths all you want
[86:47 - 86:50] and talk all this and that and blah, blah, blah.
[86:50 - 86:55] But at the end of the day, the real supporters, the real ones, know what the fuck is up.
[86:55 - 86:59] They see right through it just like I see right through it.
[86:59 - 87:03] That's all it is, man.
[87:03 - 87:06] I see right through the fucking bullshit.
[87:06 - 87:09] And love me or hate me, I don't give a fuck.
[87:09 - 87:11] I really don't care.
[87:11 - 87:13] If you love me, hey, that's cool.
[87:13 - 87:15] If you hate me, that's cool.
[87:15 - 87:17] I don't give a shit.
[87:17 - 87:19] I'm doing me.
[87:19 - 87:23] I don't give a fuck about you dumb idiotic trolls, man.
[87:23 - 87:26] I'm out here doing me and doing what I gotta do.
[87:26 - 87:27] That's all I'm doing.
[87:27 - 87:31] I'm living my motherfucking life and doing me.
[87:31 - 87:37] So all y'all trolls can do this and take a hike and go fuck yourselves, for real.
[87:57 - 88:01] So all y'all trolls can kick fucking rocks, man.
[88:01 - 88:04] If you're a supporter, I fucking rock with you.
[88:04 - 88:08] If not, hey, it's all good.
[88:08 - 88:10] But I do know one thing.
[88:10 - 88:14] I ain't stopping what the fuck I'm doing for no motherfucking body
[88:14 - 88:19] because this past week has been the best motherfucking week of my goddamn life.
[88:23 - 88:27] I'm gaining real supporters and real followers.
[88:27 - 88:30] I'm actually doing shit.
[88:30 - 88:36] I'm back on board with my homies working on shit.
[88:36 - 88:40] Me and Grim the Rap Reaper are doing shit again.
[88:40 - 88:47] Arlene Vocalist Tyler just looking for a way to record shit so we can get stuff going.
[88:47 - 88:49] So he's doing good.
[88:52 - 88:57] My friend that I'm talking to, whose family likes me,
[88:57 - 88:59] I'm eating good with them.
[88:59 - 89:01] Things are going good.
[89:01 - 89:05] I got my normal fucking life back, man.
[89:05 - 89:12] I got my fucking life back and I am about to let some punk-ass bitches come in and fuck all that up.
[89:12 - 89:17] I've got my normalcy back and I ain't giving that up for no motherfucking body.
[89:17 - 89:25] So if you think you can fucking body me and take away my shit when I'm doing,
[89:25 - 89:28] you're fucking fooling yourself.
[89:28 - 89:33] You really are. You're fucking fooling yourself if you think you're doing anything.
[89:33 - 89:39] All you're doing is yammering and yammering and yammering and running your motherfucking mouth like a bitch.
[89:39 - 89:43] Y'all are all bark and no motherfucking bite.
[89:43 - 89:47] Your bark's worse than your fucking bite.
[89:47 - 89:51] For real, y'all's bark is worse than your bite.
[89:51 - 89:59] Because all you do is talk shit, spread rumors, talk more shit, spread more rumors.
[89:59 - 90:02] That's all you do.
[90:02 - 90:08] And honestly, you're just wasting your goddamn time doing it.
[90:08 - 90:14] So my question is this. Why waste time talking shit?
[90:14 - 90:24] Why not try to be creative in your own way?
[90:24 - 90:27] Try doing something for yourself.
[90:27 - 90:31] If you want to create something, create something.
[90:31 - 90:33] For real.
[90:33 - 90:41] And if you want to be a YouTube content creator, stop using me as your content and be motherfucking original.
[90:41 - 90:48] Like, stop being trying to be me and be the first you.
[90:48 - 90:50] Be original, man.
[90:50 - 90:55] Don't be trying to come up in here and re-stream my shit thinking you're going to get views.
[90:55 - 90:58] Bro, that's dumb.
[90:58 - 91:02] And honestly, it's played out, man.
[91:02 - 91:06] It really is. This motherfucking played out.
[91:06 - 91:17] But to all the real fans, man, that are supporting my journey into me doing my music full-time,
[91:17 - 91:20] I definitely thank you guys. It feels good to be back.
[91:20 - 91:25] I can honestly say, man, it feels great to be back doing my music again full-time.
[91:25 - 91:29] I truly am really enjoying myself having a good time.
[91:29 - 91:33] It feels good to be back.
[91:33 - 91:39] But like I said to you, Marty,
[91:39 - 91:43] if I were you, I wouldn't even bother showing up because when you do,
[91:43 - 91:47] you're just going to get your ass handed to you.
[91:47 - 91:51] That's all it's going to be. You're just going to get your ass handed to you.
[91:51 - 91:55] And everybody's going to look at you like you're a joke.
[91:55 - 91:59] So if I were you, I wouldn't even bother showing up.
[91:59 - 92:03] Yes, here's how it's going to go down. You're going to show up.
[92:03 - 92:07] I'm going to already be at the park. I'm already having my phone recording.
[92:07 - 92:14] But at a point, when I go over to grab my phone,
[92:14 - 92:17] your ass is going to be on the ground looking up at the goddamn sky
[92:17 - 92:22] because I just whipped your goddamn ass in less than 10 seconds.
[92:22 - 92:26] So Marty, unless you want your fucking ass handed to you
[92:26 - 92:30] by a fucking dude that's five foot three,
[92:30 - 92:36] and if you don't want to be embarrassed in front of the whole world,
[92:36 - 92:40] I wouldn't challenge you because like I told you,
[92:40 - 92:44] I'm a lot stronger than you seem to think, Marty. I really am.
[92:44 - 92:47] I'm a lot stronger than you fucking realize, kid.
[92:47 - 92:55] I'm a lot stronger. So I wouldn't push it.
[92:55 - 92:58] Just saying, just a bit of advice for you.
[92:58 - 93:01] If you want to save yourself the embarrassment, don't show up.
[93:01 - 93:05] But if you want to get embarrassed, well, that's on you
[93:05 - 93:08] and that's your stupidity at that point.
[93:08 - 93:11] I'm just saying, I'm trying to be a nice guy and help you out.
[93:11 - 93:16] If you want to get embarrassed by me, then go ahead, show up.
[93:16 - 93:22] I'll kick your ass and that'll be that and everybody will see it.
[93:22 - 93:28] But if you don't want to get embarrassed, then I suggest not showing up to you
[93:28 - 93:31] because I would hate to embarrass the fuck out of you.
[93:31 - 93:35] I really would. I would hate to embarrass the fuck out of you, for real.
[93:35 - 93:43] But, hey, it's your call. You want to be stupid? Be stupid.
[93:43 - 93:49] Just saying. It's your call, man. You want to be dumb? That's on you.
[93:49 - 93:54] But while you're over there trying to decide on whether to be stupid or not,
[93:54 - 93:58] I'm going to be over here working on my music and hanging with my friends and my people.
[93:58 - 94:05] So, yeah, good luck with life, Marty. Good fucking luck with life.
[94:05 - 94:12] I'll catch you guys later, man. I'll see you guys whenever I see you.
[94:12 - 94:17] I don't know when I'm going to stream again, but I will see you guys whenever I see you guys, man.
[94:17 - 94:20] I fucking love you guys. If you guys are real supporters,
[94:20 - 94:23] be on the lookout for some brand new beats dropping tonight and tomorrow,
[94:23 - 94:26] as well as some classical shit dropping.
[94:26 - 94:34] So, yeah, I fucking love you guys. I'll catch you guys whenever I see you, man. Peace.
[94:35 - 94:36] Thank you.


[0:00 - 0:26] Thank you.
[0:26 - 0:36] What's up, guys?
[0:36 - 0:49] On the stream, I'm actually coming out tonight by the name of Deadbeat Valentine.
[0:49 - 1:05] Now Deadbeat, I don't know if this is some sort of troll or what.
[1:05 - 1:10] I don't know if this is some sort of troll or what.
[1:10 - 1:15] But honestly, bro, this suicide shit ain't a joke.
[1:15 - 1:20] I don't know if this is a scam or a setup.
[1:20 - 1:29] Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to post this man's Discord in the chat.
[1:29 - 1:33] And I need everyone to reach out to this man.
[1:33 - 1:54] I'm going to make sure I spell it right.
[1:54 - 2:03] Hashtag 2132.
[2:03 - 2:07] This is the man's Discord right here.
[2:07 - 2:15] I'm actually going to pin this message for you guys to see.
[2:15 - 2:21] I need everyone of you to reach out to this man because this man is talking about suicide
[2:21 - 2:30] and talking about how he is going to kill himself if he does not get $25 to his PayPal
[2:30 - 2:32] for his meds.
[2:32 - 2:36] Because I will admit, he does take anxiety meds.
[2:36 - 2:47] I will give him that.
[2:47 - 2:51] But, Deadbeat, this ain't fucking funny, bro.
[2:51 - 2:56] This ain't a fucking joke, dog.
[2:56 - 3:00] Oh, I know it is, and that's why I'm calling him out on it.
[3:00 - 3:05] Like, bro, this shit ain't no goddamn joke.
[3:05 - 3:08] This is real life, bro.
[3:08 - 3:10] Hold on, man, y'all.
[3:10 - 3:15] Hello?
[3:15 - 3:17] Dude, that's fucked, man.
[3:17 - 3:19] You don't need to be doing that shit, dog.
[3:19 - 3:21] Nah, man, you need to stop.
[3:21 - 3:23] Serious, bro, knock it the fuck off.
[3:23 - 3:24] This ain't a joke, man.
[3:24 - 3:26] So knock your bullshit off, dude.
[3:26 - 3:31] Seriously.
[3:31 - 3:35] What I'm saying right now, motherfuckers, for all y'all that are joining in on this shit,
[3:35 - 3:44] you need to fucking stop.
[3:44 - 3:50] Y'all need to fucking knock it off.
[3:50 - 3:53] This shit ain't no goddamn joke.
[3:53 - 4:02] Lex Key, Lava, Saren, Marty, everybody has actually seen me on the edge of suicide.
[4:02 - 4:09] I've actually been on the edge, live.
[4:09 - 4:15] Ask anyone that knows me.
[4:15 - 4:17] Ask anyone that motherfucking knows me.
[4:17 - 4:21] I have actually been on the edge of suicide.
[4:21 - 4:26] People have actually witnessed me on livestream on the edge before.
[4:26 - 4:31] So I know very well what it's like to be on the motherfucking edge.
[4:31 - 4:35] And let me tell you, Debbie, this shit ain't no fucking joke.
[4:35 - 4:42] Saying you're going to kill yourself if you don't get 25 bucks, bro, you're a fucking scammer.
[4:42 - 4:47] It's a scam.
[4:47 - 4:54] Now, there is one other thing that I do want to touch face on very fucking briefly.
[4:54 - 5:02] One, the chick that was in my chat earlier supposedly pretended to be my friend
[5:02 - 5:05] that I'm going to be getting with soon.
[5:05 - 5:06] Get the fuck out of here.
[5:06 - 5:07] That wasn't her.
[5:07 - 5:09] You ain't her.
[5:09 - 5:14] Now, for those of you wondering why I'm not saying anything,
[5:14 - 5:17] I got a lot of people saying, "Oh, is she underage?"
[5:17 - 5:20] But no, she's not underage.
[5:20 - 5:23] Saren has actually talked to her and seen her.
[5:23 - 5:26] She is 27 years old.
[5:26 - 5:29] She's going to be 27 here in April.
[5:29 - 5:34] She's 26 right now, and she's going to be 27 in April.
[5:34 - 5:39] Saren has actually seen her face and spoken to her.
[5:39 - 5:41] She is of age.
[5:41 - 5:46] I am not saying her fucking name because I don't want motherfuckers going after her
[5:46 - 5:49] because I know what y'all niggas are going to do.
[5:49 - 5:52] You're going to sit there and warn her family and this and that and the other dude.
[5:52 - 5:54] Her family knows what's going on.
[5:54 - 5:59] And Nino's saying she's pissed at you motherfucking trolls.
[5:59 - 6:03] She's fucking pissed at you goddamn trolls, bro.
[6:03 - 6:05] She's pissed as fuck at y'all.
[6:05 - 6:07] They know what's going on.
[6:07 - 6:08] She's pissed at you.
[6:08 - 6:14] Her family's fucking furious with you guys.
[6:14 - 6:21] So seriously, man, y'all need to get the fuck off it.
[6:22 - 6:26] Now, back to Deadbeat.
[6:26 - 6:30] Bro, you need to not get the fuck off.
[6:30 - 6:34] Suicide ain't no goddamn joke.
[6:34 - 6:38] Okay, I'm actually then on the edge.
[6:38 - 6:42] I'm actually fucking then there.
[6:42 - 6:44] Okay.
[6:45 - 6:52] I'm actually then on the fucking edge.
[6:52 - 6:58] I know what it's like to be there.
[6:58 - 7:08] No, no, no, no, no.
[7:08 - 7:14] I'm actually spoken to Deadbeat on the phone and it's not Tony.
[7:14 - 7:15] Okay.
[7:15 - 7:21] I've spoken to Deadbeat on the phone and I know for a fact that it is not Tony.
[7:21 - 7:22] I'm not stupid.
[7:22 - 7:24] I know Tony's voice.
[7:24 - 7:26] This guy was totally different.
[7:26 - 7:35] But let me tell you, Deadbeat, this shit ain't no motherfucking joke, bro.
[7:36 - 7:41] Suicide is not anything to fucking joke around about.
[7:41 - 7:49] Suicide ain't a damn thing to joke around about, bro.
[7:49 - 7:51] That shit ain't funny.
[7:51 - 7:56] Saying you're going to fucking kill yourself if it don't get $25 to your fucking paypal.
[7:56 - 7:59] Nigga, that's a goddamn scam, bro.
[7:59 - 8:05] That's a scam, Deadbeat.
[8:05 - 8:16] You're using suicide as a way to try to fuck with my head.
[8:16 - 8:20] Well, I'm sorry that I'm not falling for your goddamn prank, dude.
[8:20 - 8:22] It's not a goddamn joke.
[8:22 - 8:23] It's bullshit.
[8:23 - 8:25] It's a scam.
[8:29 - 8:33] Because let me tell you, bro, I've been on the edge.
[8:33 - 8:38] People have seen me almost kill myself twice live.
[8:38 - 8:43] I have actually been on the edge of suicide.
[8:43 - 8:52] I have actually been there twice on a livestream where people have actually witnessed me about to fucking kill myself.
[8:52 - 8:58] And people have actually stepped in to help out. My family stepped in to help out.
[8:58 - 9:01] My friends stepped in to help out.
[9:01 - 9:08] And you think this is a fucking joke?
[9:08 - 9:10] You think this is a fucking game?
[9:10 - 9:14] This is very fucking serious, dude.
[9:14 - 9:17] That shit ain't something to joke around about.
[9:17 - 9:20] That's fucked up if you're doing that.
[9:20 - 9:22] Fuck.
[9:22 - 9:41] Why do you think I relate to songs like this when I'm about to do?
[9:41 - 9:45] Why do you think I relate to shit like this?
[9:47 - 9:51] People will tell you, why don't you go get some help?
[9:51 - 9:53] Take some meds.
[9:53 - 9:56] Go see a counselor.
[9:56 - 9:58] This shit ain't funny, dawg.
[9:58 - 10:02] Some people can never understand.
[10:02 - 10:05] It's a war inside your head.
[10:05 - 10:09] Lately, I been dissing from the world in a quiet place.
[10:09 - 10:12] 'Cause I'ma run me wide differently, I can't embrace.
[10:12 - 10:15] From all the hurt and all the pain, can you feel my rage?
[10:15 - 10:18] Growing up was poorly, they consider me a best case.
[10:18 - 10:21] If things are changed, the past doesn't know a way.
[10:21 - 10:23] Why I keep on dwelling on it?
[10:23 - 10:24] Why my thoughts so canceric?
[10:24 - 10:26] My Lord, let's ring out to die.
[10:26 - 10:27] Got you, baby.
[10:27 - 10:30] Why am I so nagging now that I'm on my last relationship?
[10:30 - 10:33] Maybe I'm a drummer, take a shot in C&W.
[10:33 - 10:36] You can hear my stomach, one more reason I can never stand.
[10:36 - 10:39] I'm a drummer from the store and I can promise staying home.
[10:39 - 10:42] It's on for the joke, dawg, it's out of my fucking throat.
[10:42 - 10:45] My thoughts can really kill, best believe I will be dead.
[10:45 - 10:48] I am out here saving lives, yeah, and sometimes I forget.
[10:48 - 10:51] That my demons came to play, I'm barely hanging by a threat.
[10:51 - 10:54] Maybe I should pull this trigger, and just lay my mind to rest.
[10:54 - 10:58] Yeah, I'm lost in the music, 'cause they don't feel that pain.
[10:58 - 11:01] And I don't know if I can do this.
[11:01 - 11:04] But I rise, well I fall, but when I rise, well I fall.
[11:04 - 11:07] I don't know anymore.
[11:08 - 11:11] But I rise, well I fall, but when I rise, well I fall.
[11:11 - 11:13] I don't know anymore.
[11:13 - 11:15] I know you're not even glamorous.
[11:15 - 11:17] I can see it in your eyes.
[11:17 - 11:19] You can't even stay yourself.
[11:19 - 11:20] Your pants on you.
[11:20 - 11:22] So you go around a little tough.
[11:22 - 11:24] So turn in every night, they'll fade in if it even helps.
[11:24 - 11:27] You quit the party, quit the drugs, quit the reefer.
[11:27 - 11:29] And now you think it's problem solved,
[11:29 - 11:31] 'cause you change your people.
[11:31 - 11:32] You break from his reports.
[11:32 - 11:34] It's all about you.
[11:34 - 11:37] And now you think it's problem solved, 'cause you change your people.
[11:37 - 11:38] You break from his reports.
[11:38 - 11:40] Clear your feet and all for evil.
[11:40 - 11:42] In your head, deny it and knock the promise.
[11:42 - 11:43] You'll be always peaceful.
[11:43 - 11:46] Put 'em by my family, I can leave 'em in a disarray.
[11:46 - 11:47] Give 'em time and they'll move on.
[11:47 - 11:49] Forget about you anyway.
[11:49 - 11:52] Put 'em by my fans, in the event I admit 'em.
[11:52 - 11:53] Find another source.
[11:53 - 11:55] Do not worry, they want all of 'em, man.
[11:55 - 11:56] It's better if you go.
[11:56 - 11:57] Do not act like you invent it.
[11:57 - 11:59] First you take me, don't exist.
[11:59 - 12:00] This is it.
[12:00 - 12:01] Boy, you take my hand.
[12:01 - 12:02] Boy, it's getting louder.
[12:02 - 12:04] Hey, if I ain't busy signing with you,
[12:04 - 12:06] join me on the darker side through the jury desert.
[12:06 - 12:08] Yeah, I said no music.
[12:08 - 12:09] It's a fair field.
[12:09 - 12:11] It's banging on.
[12:11 - 12:13] I don't know if I can do this.
[12:13 - 12:17] Well, I rise when I fall.
[12:17 - 12:19] I don't know anymore.
[12:19 - 12:21] Look at my affection.
[12:21 - 12:23] Ain't it worth this game, man?
[12:23 - 12:25] Wish that I was dreaming.
[12:25 - 12:29] Well, I rise when I fall.
[12:29 - 12:31] I don't know anymore.
[12:31 - 12:34] I feel like giving up, though.
[12:34 - 12:37] Some things I can't explain, though.
[12:37 - 12:40] I feel like giving up, though.
[12:40 - 12:43] Some things I can't explain, though.
[12:43 - 12:46] Well, I rise when I fall.
[12:46 - 12:49] Well, I don't know anymore.
[12:49 - 12:51] Well, I rise when I fall.
[12:51 - 12:53] Well, I rise when I--
[12:53 - 12:57] Now, Debbie, let me show you what it's fucking really like.
[12:58 - 13:12] Let me show you what it's really like to be in a dark fucking place.
[13:12 - 13:22] Hold on, y'all.
[13:22 - 13:23] Let me answer this real quick.
[13:23 - 13:24] I'm putting it into this shit.
[13:24 - 13:26] Hold on, y'all.
[13:26 - 13:28] [PHONE RINGING]
[13:28 - 13:32] Hello?
[13:32 - 13:36] Goodbye.
[13:36 - 13:38] [PHONE RINGING]
[13:38 - 13:39] Fuck.
[13:54 - 13:57] [PHONE RINGING]
[13:57 - 13:59] You know, hold on, guys.
[13:59 - 14:01] Let me turn my phone off real quick.
[14:01 - 14:02] Hold on.
[14:02 - 14:09] Here we go.
[14:09 - 14:58] [PHONE RINGING]
[14:58 - 15:05] I'm going to make a beat in 15 seconds,
[15:05 - 15:07] and my time started three seconds ago.
[15:07 - 15:09] We're going to go to and use the--
[15:09 - 45:32] [MUSIC PLAYING]