2021-7-13 FH4 & chill
[0:00 - 0:25] Good morning everybody whats up? What's up? Now I know that I was supposed to upload some
[0:25 - 0:37] content yesterday, but due to there being a fucking storm I wasn't doing anything yesterday.
[0:37 - 0:52] So unfortunately I didn't get to do it yesterday. So today for sure you guys are going to get to see
[0:52 - 0:59] some new paying jobs that I've been working on or some brand new cards that you know I got.
[0:59 - 1:03] If you guys don't know I am on my LCW Customs account.
[1:03 - 1:13] Yesterday I created this account. I've been working on it all the way in there.
[1:13 - 1:21] Now my main account is my Legends account and what I mean by my Legends account is because
[1:22 - 1:29] it has like a bunch of you know legendary cards that you can't get anymore. So for me
[1:29 - 1:35] that's like my my many times like my Legends account and then this is my custom wraps,
[1:35 - 1:40] custom paying jobs terms all that all that fun stuff.
[1:47 - 1:51] Not a very well better way to start off than with a nice little dirt race man.
[1:51 - 1:54] Do a fun little dirt race, have some fun.
[1:54 - 1:58] See if we can take a dub.
[1:58 - 2:04] Oh damage boys are getting rowdy out here.
[2:04 - 2:12] This guy's getting a bit rowdy. I love it. I love a bit of a rowdy race.
[2:13 - 2:21] I love your challenge. Excuse me sir. Oh really you want to get rowdy sir? Oh man
[2:21 - 2:27] we can get rowdy. Let's go. There you go. How do you like that sir?
[2:27 - 2:41] All of them we got a massive jump going up. Now if you don't mind I've never really ran
[2:41 - 2:45] any of these courses so this one's actually at first for me.
[2:45 - 2:50] I have never really ran this course.
[2:50 - 3:01] So I don't really know what to expect. Oh sorry your portion sir. I do like it though. Oh shit
[3:01 - 3:08] we got a massive jump. All right wasn't as big as I thought it was. Forget it.
[3:08 - 3:14] Nope. Rewind that shit.
[3:14 - 3:27] Hey Serene good morning. Boogin what up man?
[3:34 - 3:41] Oh that was sketchy. We almost didn't make that. Oh man I like this course. This is interesting.
[3:41 - 3:55] Not today sir. You are not kidding. Stay your ass back there. I see you trying to creep up.
[3:55 - 4:11] Now you guys don't know dirt racing is one of my specialties on here.
[4:11 - 4:18] It's one of the ones that I definitely prefer. Like I do still love my classic street racing.
[4:19 - 4:27] Ain't none better than a classic street racer drag race man. But I know I do like the off-road
[4:27 - 4:31] sections on here because they're so intricate and so unique that it's crazy.
[4:31 - 4:38] Not a big fan of cross country though. Not a big fan of the cross country races.
[4:48 - 4:51] This Subaru STI is actually nice.
[4:51 - 5:00] Yeah that's a wall.
[5:11 - 5:17] So what do you guys got planned for dinner? What the hell are you? What the hell are you
[5:17 - 5:33] crazy motherfuckers got going on today? Not a big fan of the water splash either.
[5:33 - 5:44] That shit ain't that hard to see.
[5:44 - 5:55] Yo fool. No problem bro.
[5:55 - 6:11] I'm just glad to see things getting back to normal man. It feels really good to
[6:11 - 6:15] you know finally have these getting back to normal. I can start doing stuff like this.
[6:19 - 6:25] I can start doing the classic coffee and chill shrooms that everybody's been wanting me to bring back.
[6:25 - 6:32] Okay don't know how I made that.
[6:32 - 6:38] No you're not getting me. You're not getting me. Fuck you stay back there. Nope.
[6:41 - 6:50] Whoo just barely took that win. But hey that's like Dom says man it don't matter whether you
[6:50 - 6:59] win by an injury by a mile man. Winning is winning and we took that win. Well let's go.
[6:59 - 7:05] Oh yo can we get that G-Wagon?
[7:08 - 7:15] Love it one day. Oh let's go. Talk about asking you shall receive shit.
[7:15 - 7:20] I asked for the G-Wagon and look what happened. I got the G-Wagon.
[7:20 - 7:25] Four of the cops are listening man. Telling you.
[7:32 - 7:40] Come on we got a bunch of Bitcoin ready to go. Let's get it.
[7:40 - 7:51] But first let's pick up that wheel spin man.
[7:51 - 7:59] Oh yo can I get that Lancia Delta? Please and thank you. No.
[8:01 - 8:08] Oh I have 100k I'll take it. That's 100 grand. Fuck yeah let's go.
[8:08 - 8:21] Yo crown slick what up dude.
[8:26 - 8:33] Nah I'm lunch man. Sitting on some nice cold iced coffee. Sitting down and chilling. Working
[8:33 - 8:40] on some brand new rides on my LCW Customs from my LCW Customs channel. I'm just chilling man.
[8:40 - 8:45] Getting in some races and having a good time. Bro what about you? What are you up to?
[8:45 - 8:53] Oh got the Spitfire. Well as a native plain the Spitfire made up one of the war. But as a car
[8:53 - 8:58] it made it worth living in peace time. How are you man? I'll be right behind you.
[8:58 - 9:05] Okay that's definitely weird. I've never had that happen before.
[9:05 - 9:13] Yo that Spitfire does look good though.
[9:15 - 9:24] Not gonna lie man that Spitfire is looking clean.
[9:24 - 9:27] Australia huh?
[9:30 - 9:59] I don't know man I kinda wanna take the old school 9/11 out.
[9:59 - 10:18] Oh before I start these off I do wanna show you guys a super clean car that I did the other day
[10:18 - 10:21] that I think you guys are really gonna like.
[10:27 - 10:35] No shit.
[10:35 - 10:43] Yo is this thing really doing this right now?
[10:43 - 10:48] There we go.
[10:48 - 11:02] Now let me show you guys this beautiful ass car.
[11:10 - 11:18] Today we are gonna be revving around my constant evil that I made for my brother who actually
[11:18 - 11:24] unfortunately lost his life in 2015 due to cancer.
[11:24 - 11:30] Look at that thing man.
[11:35 - 11:42] You guys can't tell me that ain't hot dude. Yeah his last name was the custom gay prize flag.
[11:42 - 11:49] Got hungry and cancer which I will be doing here. Now I got the obviously his last name. We got the
[11:49 - 11:55] gay prize flag, the cancer ribbon, the fuck cancer. And keep in mind this is all custom done man.
[11:55 - 12:00] This is a custom wrap I did myself took about three hours to do the whole damn thing dude.
[12:00 - 12:06] It wasn't easy but it looks good though. It's definitely a personal favorite in the line.
[12:06 - 12:09] I absolutely love it man.
[12:21 - 12:32] Yo crown 100% bro. Oh damn.
[12:39 - 12:49] Whoa you're trying to just freakin tell them whatever man. Now it's gonna be like this and
[12:49 - 12:52] Paul trained it that doesn't happen again.
[12:52 - 13:03] Yeah that was a result of yeah we're not gonna say what that was a result of.
[13:03 - 13:26] Yo crown zic you got it man.
[13:26 - 13:45] Excuse me.
[13:45 - 14:09] Mind the trees, mind the trees.
[14:09 - 14:17] Wait what dude that's crazy.
[14:17 - 14:26] Why the fuck would you get kicked for donating? That's dude that sucks. It's hard to hear that man.
[14:26 - 14:34] But yo crown zic you know I got you man.
[14:38 - 14:40] I'll definitely check this channel out dude 100%.
[14:40 - 14:50] Head down to one of our pair of drift spots.
[14:50 - 14:58] And of course it's raining.
[15:03 - 15:08] Yo get your thingy out of the way sir. Get in here.
[15:08 - 15:16] Dude what is with these minis today bro?
[15:16 - 15:23] It's like all minis hate frickin it's like all minis hate land evos.
[15:26 - 15:39] Ha this thing bitch.
[15:39 - 15:45] Dude this thing's definitely a speed demon for sure.
[15:45 - 15:49] And that's why I like this tune because I can not only race it
[15:49 - 15:54] but I can also swan it if I want.
[15:54 - 16:03] Oh I'll run.
[16:03 - 16:11] Oh nice little jump drift let's go.
[16:11 - 16:16] Now the track should be coming out here.
[16:16 - 16:20] Oh yeah the track's definitely coming out.
[16:20 - 16:41] This right here is probably one of my favorite drift spots on lego valley.
[16:41 - 16:47] Coming down.
[16:49 - 16:52] And you guys are about to see why right here in a minute man.
[16:52 - 17:00] Yo Hector what up man.
[17:00 - 17:13] You guys are about to see why this area right here is actually one of my top
[17:13 - 17:20] five favorite drift spots in Florida man. This thing's absolutely insane.
[17:20 - 17:26] And if you guys are a fan of fd you guys will know exactly what I'm getting at dude.
[17:26 - 17:36] This is literally like a drift course. This is literally like an fd course.
[17:36 - 18:00] Oh I don't got a drag or anything like that let's go.
[18:00 - 18:17] All right here we go here's the fd spot coming out.
[18:17 - 18:25] Not right there it ain't.
[18:25 - 18:28] Good thing everything's made out of legos here.
[18:28 - 18:53] Hey I had to do like the sticker said man how long did we need cancer.
[18:53 - 19:02] Oh man that would have been beautiful if I just would have held that.
[19:02 - 19:19] All right here we go here's the fd course right here.
[19:19 - 19:38] You can't tell me that course is that sick.
[19:38 - 19:44] Congratulations you're ready to begin the first construction of your lego.
[19:44 - 19:46] Don't care right now.
[19:46 - 19:56] Oh hold on man we got a wheelspin.
[19:56 - 20:03] Oh we got two, hold on.
[20:03 - 20:15] All right GT cars too. That's wrong because I actually have a GT on here.
[20:16 - 20:23] I actually have a um a Nissan GT-R ironically.
[20:23 - 20:32] Dude wasn't all these wheelspins.
[20:32 - 20:42] Guys you can see definitely a fun course to drive man.
[20:42 - 20:45] I definitely love, I love running this course.
[20:45 - 20:49] Just for the fact that it's so different and so unique.
[20:49 - 20:52] It's definitely a proper fd course which I like.
[20:57 - 21:15] That one sucks.
[21:15 - 21:32] Now I do have different race types.
[21:32 - 21:40] And also if you guys, I'm going to start this on my other channel.
[21:40 - 21:47] If you guys would like a custom wrap with your name on it let me know and I will sit down
[21:47 - 21:55] make out the form for you guys so you guys can you know do it out you know so I can create it.
[21:55 - 22:00] And basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to let you guys like this on the LCW channel.
[22:00 - 22:06] What I'm going to do is I'm going to let you guys pick from whatever car you want in the game.
[22:07 - 22:13] I'm going to let you guys choose the same event, all you guys got to do is send me the info
[22:13 - 22:17] you know in the form send it to the channel and from there we'll go.
[22:17 - 22:20] And if it does go well who knows.
[22:20 - 22:33] If you guys want to pay me for a dope ass wrap let me know man.
[22:33 - 22:47] Oh man I forgot how good this Evo feels.
[22:47 - 22:52] This Evo actually feels really really good.
[22:52 - 22:59] Get this corner right here.
[22:59 - 23:25] Now I do also have the crown thing on the account too which I do plan on trying to get on here.
[23:25 - 23:33] So
[23:33 - 24:03] now there are the drive strips I am going to hit out
[24:03 - 24:05] on here real quick so that I hit this next.
[24:05 - 24:17] Oh trying to catch the corner there we want to find.
[24:17 - 24:39] Nope. Where's that strap right there?
[24:39 - 24:58] There we go.
[24:58 - 25:17] Whatever soon.
[25:17 - 25:24] I'm about to be on a hypercar like here in a minute.
[25:26 - 25:29] Oh you got to go with the chimp and aria on there.
[25:29 - 25:46] Oh definitely bro. Yeah the crown mix definitely one of my favorites to run.
[25:54 - 25:59] And I can honestly say that the crown victoria is definitely a very underrated car it's definitely
[25:59 - 26:07] very good. Oh damn we're going to get the speed out of shit.
[26:21 - 26:34] Damn beat out by a bugatti man damn damn I'll put two bugattis and a ventador wp damn dude.
[26:34 - 26:49] Damn man beat out by a bugatti man that sucks we gotta beat out by an eventador bro that sucks.
[26:49 - 27:06] And we sweat through there.
[27:17 - 27:20] We're about to do the speed challenge right quick.
[27:20 - 27:26] I'm gonna go up here and whip it around.
[27:26 - 27:38] Knocked out the speed challenge right quick.
[27:44 - 27:49] Hey burger what up bro. Yo what's up.
[27:59 - 28:14] Oh no wonder we totally missed it.
[28:14 - 28:18] All right here we go guys speed challenge let's get it.
[28:18 - 28:28] And keep in mind this is all stock dude this is not upgraded at all whatsoever.
[28:28 - 28:47] There's like a racing dance car man.
[28:48 - 28:50] Or is it on stage on a two piece.
[28:50 - 29:10] See you guys I do need to see if I can pick up a crown victor.
[29:10 - 29:28] Yeah
[29:28 - 29:40] All right that was fun.
[29:41 - 29:53] Oh do I want to go for the reguera the CCX the wire up.
[29:53 - 30:07] You know I always try the Pagani wire man can never go wrong with the Pagani wire dude.
[30:08 - 30:12] Damn look at that beautiful Pagani right.
[30:12 - 30:15] That is sick.
[30:15 - 30:21] Got the Forza anniversary livery popping off on there let's go.
[30:21 - 30:33] Oh yo I'm digging that bronze ish I'm digging that goldish silver Pagani over there man let's go.
[30:33 - 30:41] Oh
[30:41 - 30:48] Running around all tiered style Pagani out of the way sir.
[30:48 - 30:55] Is that an Aventador chain? Oh shit that is that's an Aventador chain.
[30:55 - 31:12] Oh damn I got up on that wall.
[31:12 - 31:19] This dude right here beside me down underneath me is a pain in the ass bro.
[31:19 - 31:28] Excuse me.
[31:28 - 31:42] 11 races sir get out the way.
[31:46 - 31:54] Oh that was clean.
[31:54 - 32:00] Dude this is insane.
[32:00 - 32:10] I was not trying to drip that.
[32:15 - 32:17] I think I know what I need to do I need to get down underneath.
[32:17 - 32:25] Yeah there we go.
[32:25 - 32:35] Yeah.
[32:35 - 32:54] Definitely not where I want to be but that wasn't bad.
[32:54 - 33:04] I've never heard of the ID's of Reno.
[33:04 - 33:20] Oh hey that's the end okay I know what the ID's of Reno is man oh shit this guy's gonna be tough.
[33:20 - 33:43] I see him over there sir see ya.
[33:46 - 33:52] Oh I was not trying to do that.
[33:52 - 33:57] That's the thing about these curves man you gotta be careful.
[33:57 - 34:05] Excuse me.
[34:09 - 34:26] Oh that thing I got that car on my license account nothing is quick too.
[34:26 - 34:34] Yeah I may need to go a little upgrading with this thing.
[34:34 - 34:47] Oh no.
[34:47 - 35:01] Oh yeah started dripping that we still got back on track.
[35:03 - 35:05] Yeah I'm gonna have to switch out cars here.
[35:05 - 35:14] Yeah I'm definitely gonna have to switch out cars man that thing is.
[35:14 - 35:23] So this time I got beat out by Zenbo ST1 and the ID's of Reno.
[35:23 - 35:28] Not a band though the Pagani's actually really quick.
[35:30 - 35:34] And I forgot how quick this Zenbo is man that Zenbo is stupid fast.
[35:34 - 35:37] Oh is that why we're getting a Huracan?
[35:37 - 35:47] Tell me that's the way we're getting a Huracan.
[35:47 - 36:12] And I'm definitely gonna see if I can figure out a Crown Vic for sure.
[36:12 - 36:20] So
[36:20 - 36:31] dude Tyreese needs a fucking.
[36:31 - 36:36] Yeah Tyreese needs a fucking Vic dude no joke.
[36:36 - 36:39] The dude's a fucking asshole.
[36:40 - 36:43] You might be playing with Lego but this is a horizon event.
[36:43 - 36:44] Oh let's go.
[36:44 - 36:47] God she didn't dress for cars oh man.
[36:47 - 36:56] Oh no joke dude Tyreese needs a good place.
[36:56 - 37:02] Now I was doing some work for Lego and I found instructions for a full scale Lego Ferrari F40.
[37:05 - 37:09] Like I'm not even gonna hide it dude Tyreese needs a fucking dickface man.
[37:09 - 37:14] Special after what he did to my friend Jenny bro I don't play that shit.
[37:14 - 37:20] Like dude you abused one of my friends it's game on dude.
[37:20 - 37:25] You physically abuse and assault them dude that's not fucking cool.
[37:25 - 37:30] I don't like that's not funny in any way.
[37:30 - 37:35] Oh yo give me that devil's Z man I'll take that devil's Z.
[37:35 - 37:40] Oh okay got the camel car pants I like that.
[37:40 - 37:47] Camel car pants at 150 okay shit yeah.
[37:47 - 37:59] Oh I did Jenny knows what's up.
[37:59 - 38:01] Like Jenny got rid of his ass.
[38:01 - 38:12] The guy's actually got a warrant out for his arrest down in Texas.
[38:12 - 38:19] Not a fan of the tan pico no thank you.
[38:19 - 38:28] Only thing I like tan on his car ah damn don't know.
[38:28 - 38:39] Now let's head over to me champion get me some bricks these new brick challenges should help.
[38:39 - 38:44] I've been playing around with this Lego tech myself so I built these bonus
[38:44 - 38:50] and if you find and smash them it should give you a skills influence boost.
[38:50 - 38:52] Hey only one way to find out.
[38:55 - 38:58] Alright let's go for the four crown back here.
[38:58 - 39:04] Four F-150 GT4 let's score.
[39:04 - 39:06] Convictoria here we go.
[39:06 - 39:11] Oh let's go they actually have some.
[39:11 - 39:17] Dude they actually got some crown bags up in here hell yeah.
[39:17 - 39:23] So I need to gain at least a million which won't be too hard.
[39:24 - 39:35] Now for the normally I do a custom wrap myself.
[39:35 - 39:41] Which for this one I think I might or I might just do a voice one.
[39:41 - 39:46] Question is today how did the crown bake in the auto show?
[39:46 - 39:49] Oh we're about to find out.
[39:49 - 39:56] Oh nice on the r8 shit you haven't.
[39:56 - 40:06] Oh let's see you guys have the crown of the big cup in here you got the Mustang
[40:06 - 40:11] that birdie edition which is a good car half these cars are already driven.
[40:11 - 40:16] Come on man you guys gotta have a crown of the big cup in here somewhere.
[40:18 - 40:20] No I guess I'll say open the middle.
[40:20 - 40:25] But first we gotta pick up Ryan O'Connor's sport S score man.
[40:25 - 40:37] Oh hold up we got two in here we got the F-Score RS8 RS1600 or the F-Score RS8 1800.
[40:37 - 40:43] That's a tough one dude.
[40:45 - 40:50] Depending on how much they are might as well. That one's 88k that one's 73.
[40:50 - 41:01] Now let's go for the let's go for the O'Connor one man.
[41:01 - 41:06] Gotta go Ryan O'Connor's car man gotta do it.
[41:06 - 41:13] Gotta go for Paul Walker's car man.
[41:14 - 41:21] Oh I'm not gonna lie I like that Toho Creno one that one's sick.
[41:21 - 41:26] Yo don't buy the man himself Don Juwan's song let's go.
[41:26 - 41:33] You know any rap don't buy the man Don Juwan's song man gotta pick it up 100%.
[41:33 - 41:37] Shout out to Don dude dude's incredible man.
[41:37 - 41:39] If y'all ain't checked out Don Juwan's song.
[41:40 - 41:44] Bro check out his channel the dude's a fucking maniac behind the wheel.
[41:44 - 41:54] And we got the Paul Walker Ford S-Score man working super clean dude.
[41:54 - 41:57] Hell yeah let's go dude.
[41:57 - 42:02] You know we gotta have at least one one.
[42:02 - 42:05] You know we gotta have a couple legendary cars in here.
[42:05 - 42:09] Alright so we picked up that one.
[42:09 - 42:12] Next up is going to be the Mitsubishi Eclipse man.
[42:12 - 42:19] You know we gotta pick up you know we gotta pick up Paul Walker's Eclipse man.
[42:19 - 42:29] Got all the homeless cars which I don't have but they just on my legends account.
[42:29 - 42:38] Go to Mitsubishi.
[42:38 - 42:44] All the way over here.
[42:44 - 42:58] Now I do like these cars right here the Minis those are actually a lot of fun.
[43:06 - 43:09] Y'all fucking definitely thank you brother 100% man.
[43:09 - 43:13] F and F fuck away.
[43:13 - 43:17] Let's go man yes.
[43:17 - 43:22] Oh I'm digging the X-80 one that one's sick.
[43:22 - 43:28] Does that dude's oh my god this dude took an eclipse and made a Zola life one.
[43:28 - 43:35] You know we gotta grab up all of the legendary cars man.
[43:36 - 43:40] We gotta pick up all the faster various cars man.
[43:40 - 43:45] Wow.
[43:45 - 43:53] One I ain't a child molester that's for damn sure.
[44:04 - 44:08] Oh there it is man the classic fast and serious.
[44:08 - 44:14] Eclipse man you know we had to pick up Paul Walker's Eclipse.
[44:14 - 44:16] Now this one I am going to do it just really quick.
[44:16 - 44:23] I am just going to do it like the body work on it but that's about it and then later on I'll tune it.
[44:23 - 44:53] Okay.
[44:53 - 45:20] And that I believe has something out there.
[45:20 - 45:26] Now it's gotta do with the tires and work good there.
[45:39 - 45:51] Do you want the race tire coming down.
[45:51 - 46:11] Okay.
[46:11 - 46:23] There we are.
[46:24 - 46:33] Okay.
[46:33 - 46:37] There we go man.
[46:44 - 46:53] Yo Blake what up.
[46:53 - 46:57] In case you guys are wondering yes I have my turntable right up over here next to me.
[46:57 - 46:59] Don't know why but hey.
[46:59 - 47:04] Look at that man.
[47:06 - 47:17] God Brian O'Connor's Mitsubishi Eclipse man had to represent dude.
[47:17 - 47:19] Beautiful.
[47:19 - 47:29] Hey thanks for being a fan dude.
[47:33 - 47:36] And you know we gotta do it man.
[47:36 - 47:42] Since we do have Brian's Eclipse man we gotta take it up a notch.
[47:42 - 47:51] And you know we gotta pick up Dom's RX-7 man.
[47:59 - 48:04] You know we gotta pick up the RX-7 man. You know we gotta pick up Dominique Toretto's RX.
[48:04 - 48:10] Oh yo hold up.
[48:10 - 48:17] Bro we got a bunch of oh dude that boy samurai is sick.
[48:17 - 48:20] Got the initial T look.
[48:20 - 48:26] Oh do I want to go hard or do I want to go fast and furious man.
[48:27 - 48:39] Ah.
[48:39 - 48:49] Okay and we got you bro Kenji from Niever's Feed that's sick.
[48:49 - 49:06] Dude a lot of Han RX-7's up in here man holy shit.
[49:06 - 49:10] What is it with people in Han's RX-7 dude?
[49:16 - 49:21] Got the mad mic. Yo got the mad bullet in here by mad mic that's sick.
[49:21 - 49:28] Aki Kimura very nice.
[49:28 - 49:38] Oh.
[49:53 - 50:09] Let's go. Yo I like that Emmy wolf one. That Emmy wolf
[50:09 - 50:15] okay that FF1 black edition's fire. I actually like that.
[50:15 - 50:21] This one seems to be the most
[50:21 - 50:31] lost.
[50:31 - 50:53] Oh yes bro that's gonna work so sick when we pick that up.
[50:53 - 50:59] Hell yes. Let's go dude.
[51:00 - 51:06] Now I do plan on picking up every car from the fastest various series.
[51:06 - 51:12] I mean just like the you know the iconic ones.
[51:12 - 51:22] Like Don's RX-7, Han's RX-7, Brian's Evo, Shawn's Evo.
[51:22 - 51:28] I would say Twinkies car because I love the whole car but unfortunately they don't have
[51:28 - 51:48] that which sucks. And no I'm not doing a rocket bunny kit on Dom's RX-7 although that would be sick.
[51:48 - 51:52] Okay.
[52:14 - 52:22] My old car.
[52:22 - 52:49] Damn dude that thing is sick.
[52:49 - 52:59] And now just to do with the tires and we are good to go.
[52:59 - 53:15] Now I don't remember Don had like the six spoke on his cars.
[53:16 - 53:25] Mmm so sick.
[53:25 - 53:45] Yeah, what did he do to you?
[53:45 - 53:56] Yeah, no shit.
[53:56 - 54:21] Besides the dude isn't even a millionaire, the dude's fucking homeless.
[54:21 - 54:24] The guy is actually homeless which is sad.
[54:24 - 54:45] Alright so we got Don, we got Brian,
[54:47 - 54:54] we got the car from number five or six, camera which.
[54:54 - 55:10] And you know we gotta take out Jesse's M3 dude.
[55:16 - 55:23] He really is man, no doubt. He really is. Yo bro, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up.
[55:23 - 55:32] We're gonna have to pick up this rap. I'll pick up Jesse's rap later on but dude we gotta pick up
[55:32 - 55:42] this Daft Punk rap. That is too sick, that is too good to pass up man. Man it's Daft Punk dude,
[55:42 - 55:49] look at that. It's freaking Daft Punk man. How you gonna think of a BMW and not have a dope ass
[55:49 - 55:58] Daft Punk rap like that? Like that is super sick. Let's go dude, yes.
[55:58 - 56:06] Like dude I grew up listening to Daft Punk as a kid which is one of the biggest influences
[56:06 - 56:13] behind a lot of my electronic music dude. So hell yes dude, gotta pick up the DP rap.
[56:13 - 56:23] Oh that's so beautiful dude, I love it. Yes.
[56:33 - 56:37] Yo, I like how they did that too man. They did Daft Punk, I just now noticed that Carrie.
[56:37 - 56:45] I literally just noticed that. They did a Daft Punk rap with the gay pride flag ingrained into the
[56:45 - 56:48] deal. That is so sick.
[56:48 - 56:54] That is actually cool as hell. Fuck yeah dude.
[56:54 - 57:00] See Carrie, that's why I keep you around. You pick up all the small details I don't even pick
[57:00 - 57:04] up on. You legit picked up on that. That is so sick.
[57:04 - 57:12] That is so sick.
[57:12 - 57:18] Oh yo, let's go.
[57:25 - 57:33] But yo, that Daft Punk, yo that is sick man. That is for real sick. I like that a lot man.
[57:33 - 57:39] And we are gonna pick up a double man. We gotta pick up another M3.
[57:39 - 57:44] That way we can get Jessie's rap from Fast and Furious on here.
[57:44 - 57:50] But dude that Daft Punk one man, that is so sick.
[57:50 - 58:18] There we are. Got the VW Jada. Yes.
[58:18 - 58:26] Now I know it's not the actual VW Jada, but it's got the look of it man.
[58:26 - 58:36] And you can't pass up a VW Jada looking car man. Like that's just too damn good.
[58:36 - 58:45] I mean I know it's an M3 BMW, but dude it looks like Jessie's Jada and it's so sick.
[58:45 - 58:58] All right, so next up is Letty, then
[58:58 - 59:08] then Leon, and yeah.
[59:08 - 59:27] Yeah, I know and see that's what I love about this. I can literally
[59:27 - 59:30] sit here and modify like all the cars I want.
[59:36 - 59:47] I've got the Integra Type R. Let's go, dude.
[59:47 - 59:54] Spoons were doing it. Yo Toho, one of my favorite.
[59:54 - 60:01] Yo, this dude right here pesky sprint car. He's got some sick ass raps.
[60:02 - 60:10] I'm not going to follow pesky right quick.
[60:10 - 60:14] Because pesky has done some really cool raps for me in the past.
[60:14 - 60:24] Which I absolutely love, dude.
[60:25 - 60:36] I know I didn't want to share code.
[60:36 - 60:51] Let's go, man. Got Mia's Integra, man. Looking so sick.
[60:51 - 61:12] I know I remember Edwin having an Integra.
[61:12 - 61:33] Pick out Mia's Integra and then pick out the Letty's RS.
[61:33 - 61:38] Oh, there she is now looking stupid clean, bro.
[61:38 - 61:59] Now, I do plan on ripping these around too, by the way.
[61:59 - 62:05] Like, I do plan on doing mods to these and, you know, doing a lot for car meets and such.
[62:06 - 62:13] That is going to be a thing, for sure.
[62:13 - 62:31] All right, so we got Mia's Integra. Next up is Letty's Nissan 240.
[62:32 - 62:37] And then Leon's Skyline, I believe it is.
[62:48 - 63:03] Too bad I'm done, I'm going to run out of cash.
[63:03 - 63:09] Oh, we got the R31. Bro, I didn't know that, dude, since when they bring the R31 in, that's sick.
[63:09 - 63:16] Bro, I'm going to have to pick up an R31. That's the law. Dude, that's fire.
[63:16 - 63:27] Laffia, nice.
[63:27 - 63:31] Yo, Adam LZ. Can never go wrong with an Adam LZ wrap.
[63:31 - 63:37] Also, I do want to say congrats to Adam LZ on his newest win
[63:37 - 63:42] that he took this weekend. That was super fire, so congrats to him.
[63:42 - 63:55] Massive congrats to Adam LZ on his win at his latest drift race. That was super sick.
[63:55 - 64:02] And shout out to Colette, too, man. Their whole garage team is just absolutely killing it this
[64:02 - 64:09] year. The LZ team is actually doing really good this year. So shout out to Colette and Adam for
[64:09 - 64:12] taking the dub, man. That's super fire, man. Congrats, you guys.
[64:12 - 64:20] Let's go.
[64:20 - 64:27] Yo, that is so nice, man.
[64:31 - 64:40] And then last but not least for the original car pack is Leon Skyline,
[64:40 - 64:42] and then we're going to move into the other sets.
[64:42 - 64:49] Nope, don't need any forces.
[64:49 - 65:07] Ooh, bro. Holy shit.
[65:07 - 65:11] You guys are killing it.
[65:11 - 65:29] Yes, Leon Skyline, man. Let's go, dude. Beautiful, too, man.
[65:29 - 65:41] Make sure there's proper on it. Oh, hell yeah, dude. Everything is freaking proper as hell on
[65:41 - 65:52] this thing. Let's go, dude.
[65:52 - 66:01] Yeah, no shit.
[66:01 - 66:09] Tyree needs is a freaking dick, dude. I don't like the guy.
[66:10 - 66:13] I can't stand him. The dude's a freaking asshole.
[66:13 - 66:28] That's why I don't talk to the guy. That's why I avoid him at all costs.
[66:28 - 66:55] Ooh, damn. Oh, it says when did we get the Mitsubishi? Yo, when did we get
[66:58 - 67:05] the 1990 Benz Evo? That's sick. Hell yeah.
[67:27 - 67:32] He really is a prick, dude, for real. Like, can't stand the man.
[67:32 - 67:44] That is beautiful, dude. I was going to turn this into the Blackbird from the anime series
[67:44 - 67:51] Wongan Midnight, but dude, I think I'm going to leave this right here. This actually looks really
[67:51 - 68:06] good. Like I said, I wasn't going to turn that into the car from Wongan Midnight at the Blackbird,
[68:07 - 68:23] but dude, this thing feels really good.
[68:23 - 68:39] I may end up picking up another one.
[68:39 - 68:47] I may end up picking up another Porsche 911 just to turn that one into the Blackbird.
[68:47 - 69:03] Oh yeah, I was actually not expecting that thing to hold. That was actually sick.
[69:16 - 69:28] Oh, thankfully that's the way it goes.
[69:28 - 69:41] But dude, whoever did the tune on this Porsche actually did a really good job.
[69:42 - 69:46] It's actually very balanced.
[69:46 - 69:56] Oh boy.
[70:07 - 70:20] There's actually a, you know, let's head back to the main line real quick.
[70:20 - 70:30] So,
[70:30 - 70:54] let's head back to the main line real quick.
[70:54 - 71:21] Right, and I do know the guy that runs the Cyrax Archives, the dude that ironically,
[71:22 - 71:27] and it's actually on Classic Games Canada that runs it, which is super cool.
[71:27 - 71:34] Like Classic's actually a very good buddy one. I actually know Classic Games Canada,
[71:34 - 71:38] he's super cool. And if you ain't checked out Classic Games Canada, man,
[71:39 - 71:54] too, check his videos out, he's super funny.
[71:54 - 71:58] Like, dude, Classic Games Canada has been around for freaking ever.
[72:04 - 72:10] And hey, that's a compliment, dude. Thanks for the compliment, man. Because my mom
[72:10 - 72:13] cooks pretty damn well. So thanks for the compliment, dude.
[72:13 - 72:19] Hell, I know my mom's will appreciate that.
[72:19 - 72:28] Alright, it's time. I have a supposedly impassable money spring road,
[72:28 - 72:33] a team of motocross riders, and an urgent need to see what you make of this. Make me a start line.
[72:33 - 72:45] No problem.
[72:46 - 72:57] Turn around when it is safe to do so.
[72:57 - 73:07] 400 yards.
[73:08 - 73:17] Turn left.
[73:17 - 73:21] 200 yards.
[73:21 - 73:29] Turn left.
[73:29 - 73:31] Dang, this floor.
[73:31 - 73:36] Dude, this floor transfer is going out really well.
[73:36 - 73:59] Turn around when it is safe to do so.
[73:59 - 74:01] Thank you.
[74:01 - 74:21] But dude, I'm glad I picked up this portion. This thing actually feels really good.
[74:30 - 74:42] It's low in power, but it feels so good.
[74:42 - 75:09] Oh.
[75:09 - 75:27] Dude, this thing is definitely going to be fun for some highway fools.
[75:27 - 75:47] Yeah, well, I'm not going into that trace for that. Nope.
[75:47 - 76:06] Okay, dude, I hear ripping into his diaper real bad. I'll see you with that diaper.
[76:06 - 76:15] God, dude, I just can't get over that color on the porch, man. It's so sick.
[76:15 - 76:27] Yeah, right in facts, dude.
[76:27 - 76:33] Yo, matter of fact, crown dick, I'm letting mod you, brother, that way.
[76:33 - 76:36] Because you're cool, dude. You're cool as fuck.
[76:43 - 76:47] And you think this is cool, man. Wait till you see me do a
[76:47 - 76:52] do my DJ section later on today. You're going to fucking love that shit. I guarantee you that
[76:52 - 77:12] right now, man. Dude, I played dirt rally 2.0 and compete on the weekends. What do you think?
[77:12 - 77:32] Come on, man. I played dirt rally 2.0 and I do race comps on dirt rally on the weekend.
[77:32 - 77:46] So what do you think, bitch? That was my man.
[77:54 - 78:05] Dude, why is this thing spinning out so much? Oh, I see. All right.
[78:05 - 78:12] I see where I live on stage. I have to set up. Straight out and set up. There we go.
[78:12 - 78:36] We just moved here. I'm coming up on the quarry. Let's go.
[78:36 - 78:49] Oh, dude. Yeah, that was a fuck up, man. I should've just held it through, though.
[78:49 - 78:58] There we go. I keep forgetting I can't slide in massive puddles like that.
[78:58 - 79:22] Okay, Blue, throw the needle at me.
[79:22 - 79:46] Right now. Right now.
[79:46 - 80:08] Yeah, I got it. We got to watch that replay, man. That replay, dude, that run was so sick.
[80:08 - 80:32] Yeah, that was sick. Yeah, that was sick. Yeah, that was sick. Yeah, that was sick.
[80:32 - 80:46] Yeah, that was sick.
[80:46 - 81:10] Okay, not gone. That's actually pretty dope. I never used that one before.
[81:10 - 81:32] I'm having no problem, dude.
[81:32 - 81:58] Dude, that was a sick run.
[81:58 - 82:19] Yeah, that was a sick run.
[82:19 - 82:43] Oh, we got the rally monsters here.
[82:43 - 83:09] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[83:09 - 83:37] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[83:37 - 83:59] Trying to decide what car I want to run.
[83:59 - 84:06] I definitely don't want to use any of my drift specs because that'll just end up all bad.
[84:06 - 84:25] You know, let's go from number 37 to 82, my Lancia Stradale, man.
[84:25 - 84:36] Hey, what can I say, man? I'm a car guy. It's in my DNA to play stuff like this, bro.
[84:36 - 84:45] And don't like it, there's other stuff you can watch, man.
[84:45 - 85:02] No sayin'.
[85:02 - 85:07] Yeah, this one's gonna be a little bit trickier because rear wheel and not all wheel.
[85:07 - 85:36] So that's gonna be interesting.
[85:36 - 86:02] Yeah, I see you in that Audi Sportwatch, oh boy.
[86:02 - 86:22] Yeah, what the hell, am I really gonna have to restart, oh well.
[86:22 - 86:29] Now I do plan on playing some Crew 2 as well for you guys because I know they got the
[86:29 - 86:34] new update on the Crew 2 so I do plan on doing that.
[86:34 - 86:42] Man, get that Supra outta here, man.
[86:42 - 87:03] Man, I don't know, I love Supras but when it's a race, I'm takin' the win, sir.
[87:03 - 87:28] Oh, you're saying it's the dirt, Rancher, where's the dirt?
[87:28 - 87:56] Oh, nevermind, I found it.
[87:56 - 88:25] Oh, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
[88:25 - 88:26] Go down.
[88:26 - 88:35] Yo, what happened to the rewind on this?
[88:35 - 88:48] Is there seriously no rewind on here or is it just messin' up?
[88:48 - 88:56] Yeah, rewind's off, I don't know what's going on.
[88:56 - 89:09] You know, let's try Sims, yeah, let's see how the sim run works.
[89:09 - 89:29] Ah, Rocket Raccoon, Zoe is the guardian of the galaxy, guardian of the galaxy fan.
[89:29 - 89:54] Okay, Dan, this thing actually handles well on Simba.
[89:54 - 90:15] Yo, why is my freakin' rewind not workin'?
[90:15 - 90:23] That is seriously weird, like my rewind's not workin' at all.
[90:23 - 90:31] Oh, I just got another anonymous call about an abandoned classic, so apparently this is
[90:31 - 90:35] a thing now, I'm into it, if you will.
[90:35 - 91:00] Alright, so we got a few barn barns.
[91:00 - 91:17] Market's fine, buddy, oh, riding someone's driveway too, imagine that, man, imagine you
[91:17 - 91:21] just freakin' have somebody racin' down your road and they just like rain away parking
[91:21 - 91:26] your driveway, that'd be freakin' weird.
[91:26 - 91:33] That would legit probably be the coolest but weirdest thing ever, dude, to have somebody
[91:33 - 91:49] freakin' race images and somehow or other end up in your driveway parked, oh, the mountain
[91:49 - 92:15] is just a little bit of a thing there, cool.
[92:15 - 92:41] Now, there should be a new drag race nearby.
[92:41 - 92:58] You know, let's do the Horizon Super Stings.
[92:58 - 93:14] Oh, damn.
[93:14 - 93:39] Let's get it, oh, wow, I like that Ferrari double XK, that is sick.
[93:39 - 93:59] Watch Ferrari ethics, ethics, XK as far as you can under a minute, bruh.
[93:59 - 94:24] Well, this game is just getting started.
[94:24 - 94:38] Not a bad idea, I'll double do that as I can, dude, for sure.
[94:38 - 95:06] I like the color of that other Ferrari, dude, I like that, dude, that blue vibe.
[95:06 - 95:11] I'm not gonna lie, the dude sounds drunk, isn't it just me or does that announcer guy
[95:11 - 95:40] sound drunk as shit?
[95:40 - 96:10] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[96:10 - 96:31] Wait, how did I fail that?
[96:31 - 96:47] Oh, that's because I came off of it wrong.
[96:47 - 96:56] That's why I came off of that jump wrong.
[96:56 - 97:16] That's why I started the role.
[97:16 - 97:40] Oh, God, I'm pretty bad at playing, hell yeah.
[97:40 - 97:54] They must've just added this in, I freaking love, I love the band after that, man, it's
[97:54 - 98:12] my favorite band, hell yeah.
[98:12 - 98:22] I was in here fucking headbanging to this shit.
[98:22 - 98:40] I almost stopped headbanging before I freaking backed my head on my steering wheel.
[98:40 - 98:53] Watch this, guys, hey, what is this?
[98:53 - 99:02] Get out of here troll, freaking trolls, man, what the hell?
[99:02 - 99:28] Hey, 1064MPH and the monster MT900S and what's that, man, oh shit.
[99:28 - 99:55] Come on, let's go, okay, not gonna lie, I like that outfit, most of the pants, the pants
[99:55 - 100:11] are beautiful, I like those, oh, damn.
[100:11 - 100:40] Oh, holy shit, now this, it's fast, now we're moving, no, it's fast, no, it's fast, oh man,
[100:40 - 100:48] no, I'm definitely not making that, I knew as soon as it started to go out of control
[100:48 - 101:17] that way we're done, come on, hit that 264 mark, let's go, 266, man, let's go, let's
[101:17 - 101:38] go, dude, that was actually a fun run, oh, I'm right there, bro, if they're all this
[101:38 - 101:54] easy, that would be no problem, dude, hey, Chan, you've made it onto the horizon roster,
[101:54 - 102:01] how could you not given all that you've done here in the last year, meet me at the festival
[102:01 - 102:19] hunt, hold on, let me complete these real quick and then I'll do that, I am burning
[102:19 - 102:32] that one and 173 in the VW Tatiana, dude, too easy, 173 in the VW van, that's like literally
[102:32 - 102:41] one of my favorite frickin', like classic van time cars to drive, so hitting 102, I
[102:41 - 102:49] can hit, I can hit, and bro, I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and that's a single seater,
[102:49 - 103:15] and I can pretty much sit the thing in my bedroom, literally, I can hit 250, I can hit
[103:15 - 103:27] 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50
[103:27 - 103:43] Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can
[103:43 - 103:58] hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50
[103:58 - 104:11] Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit
[104:11 - 104:25] 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50
[104:25 - 104:37] Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can
[104:37 - 104:52] hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50
[104:52 - 105:02] Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can
[105:02 - 105:05] hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50
[105:05 - 105:06] Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can hit 250 in the P50 Peel, and I can
[105:06 - 105:26] This is because Tonic can't face reality bro.
[105:26 - 105:37] Tonic doesn't want to face the real fricky world.
[105:37 - 106:02] That's all it is dude, Tonic just doesn't want to face the real world and the fact that
[106:02 - 106:06] no one actually likes them.
[106:06 - 106:12] That's all it is and he's wiping out anybody that says anything against him.
[106:12 - 106:31] Trust me I know he's hitting me before with some shit too so don't feel bad bro.
[106:31 - 106:45] I'm sorry.
[106:45 - 107:04] Oh well, welcome to troll.
[107:04 - 107:14] You can always try again unless you wait to ask your dealer if you get challenge cards.
[107:14 - 107:21] One late down, two to go on this challenge or you can burn a redraw, what will it be?
[107:21 - 107:22] I'm burning.
[107:22 - 107:23] Let's try.
[107:23 - 107:24] Lose this and it's all over.
[107:24 - 107:27] Hey, we didn't call the high stakes for nothing.
[107:27 - 107:47] Now guess what, I'm burning a redraw on dude.
[107:47 - 108:00] Yeah 160 miles an hour and then I want you to keep your RS-16.
[108:00 - 108:10] Hey Serene, what up?
[108:10 - 108:13] Oh absolutely burger, absolutely man.
[108:13 - 108:17] And yo burger, you already know if you ever want to send a burger.
[108:17 - 108:21] Just so you know man, if you need my address to send me anything, hit me up and let me
[108:21 - 108:49] know dude and I'll send you my address.
[108:49 - 109:09] Got it.
[109:09 - 109:14] I do plan on doing that and this actually isn't that old dude, I just got this blast
[109:14 - 109:23] on October, this is not that old.
[109:23 - 109:29] But I do plan on upgrading.
[109:29 - 109:34] I do plan on upgrading my wheel as soon as I get the chance.
[109:34 - 109:39] But this wheel is not that old, it's a PXN 3100, I got it last October bro.
[109:39 - 109:46] So it's not really that old.
[109:46 - 109:54] It's definitely seen as fair a share of you, so I'll tell you that much.
[109:54 - 110:10] Straight flush, five challenges down and you're not even breaking a sweat are you?
[110:10 - 110:23] Dude that GTR is a rare ass car, I don't think really anyone has that car.
[110:23 - 110:32] So we're going to try and grab this mode.
[110:32 - 110:37] And just so you guys know, I do plan on doing an art shoot here sometime very, very soon.
[110:37 - 111:04] Cause I do need to finish up the face on the one.
[111:04 - 111:18] Oh damn.
[111:18 - 111:46] Dude what kind of tune is this, this thing is a monster.
[111:46 - 111:55] Dude I want to know who did that tune, that was fired.
[111:55 - 111:58] I like that tune on that mazwear.
[111:58 - 112:07] I like that tune, that is a badass tune.
[112:07 - 112:12] Bro that was sick.
[112:12 - 112:21] Oh my god the windows XP shut down, but I'm going to have to bank on this.
[112:21 - 112:36] Oh wait I got three lives left, I got one burning three lives, should I go for it?
[112:36 - 112:37] Fuck it let's do it.
[112:37 - 112:45] I got three lives, I got three lives and I'm burnt so if I use up two of my lives
[112:45 - 112:50] I can just go in and burn the car and get one more shot.
[112:50 - 113:13] Nice, something I've always wanted to do, sure it's a business but I like to think it's
[113:13 - 113:18] a way for anyone to experience the horizon light and it's an excuse for you to drive
[113:18 - 113:19] some incredible hypercars.
[113:19 - 113:20] Let's run.
[113:20 - 113:28] It all comes down to this final challenge of the super seven high stakes and it doesn't
[113:28 - 113:33] get any bigger, the stakes don't get any, well it speaks for itself doesn't it?
[113:33 - 113:34] Good luck.
[113:34 - 113:46] Oh dude I love this car, I actually know this car quite well, was a Volkswagen, nice,
[113:46 - 113:55] Volkswagen car and GS are actually really nice, one of my friends actually has one,
[113:55 - 114:20] they're very underrated, they're very big cars.
[114:20 - 114:48] Got it, congratulations to our new high roar which will make a very large bag for all the
[114:48 - 114:49] shorts.
[114:49 - 115:01] And ironically this is my first time ever beating this, that right there was actually
[115:01 - 115:12] my first time ever beating the high stakes version so that was dope.
[115:12 - 115:32] And the best part is you can run it all over again, that's right the horizon super seven
[115:32 - 115:39] never sleeps.
[115:39 - 115:45] Let's go dude, alright y'all we're gonna end it off with a wheel spin and I'm gonna
[115:45 - 116:09] chill and get a DJ set set up so, oh man I got the common trucks team, oh the California
[116:09 - 116:33] GTR black, let's get it, yes thank you and 200k, hell yeah dude, bro that was a nice
[116:33 - 116:46] pull, not gonna lie man that pull was a very good pull dude, holy shit, that was probably
[116:46 - 116:58] one of the best pulls I think I've done ever, hell we pulled a firebird, oh yeah I remember
[116:58 - 117:11] picking up the floors of Volkswagen, hell yeah let's go, got the Fiesta RX2, the RX2
[117:11 - 117:31] is a good car, I actually like the Fiesta RX2.
[117:31 - 117:57] Got the G-Wagon, got the dope ass Nismo GTRL man, oh yeah GTRL man that's cool, got the
[117:57 - 118:25] Seraco, hell yeah, lower that Volkswagen man, here's the thing man, there's a lot of
[118:25 - 118:36] difference between me and Tony, see Tony actually went out and did illegal stuff, I
[118:36 - 118:47] got tricked into it, there's a difference, there's a major difference there dude, not
[118:47 - 118:50] trying to start you I'm just saying like there's a difference between what I did and
[118:50 - 118:58] what Tony did, what Tony did was he actually went out and committed pedophile accounts,
[118:58 - 119:23] I didn't, I got tricked into it, yeah you're not wrong there.
[119:23 - 119:45] I'm definitely going classic on this one dude, throwing that bumper back on man, that bumper
[119:45 - 119:57] looks good, now let's go here, now I do want to change out the wheels and make this kind
[119:57 - 120:24] of like a crazy low rider kind of car, let's go dude, that looks sick, turn this into a
[120:24 - 120:32] riser, dude we are freaking ricing out in an old school Volkswagen van, how crazy is
[120:32 - 120:46] that, alright bro we're literally ricing out a Volkswagen van right now bro, you can't
[120:46 - 120:55] tell me that ain't crazy, got the OZ deep dish rims on there, you know we're ricing
[120:55 - 121:25] this thing out, and then we're going to slam this gun boy.
[121:25 - 121:30] My dude you can't tell me this isn't crazy dude, we're literally about to slam a fucking
[121:30 - 121:40] super van.
[121:40 - 122:10] Dude we just slammed a super van, like literally look at this man we freaking slammed it dude,
[122:10 - 122:30] that thing is riced out to all hell bro, looking good though, let's see if we can
[122:30 - 122:50] think of a crown Vic yet, and we got a 431, there's a million, alright so we need about
[122:50 - 123:19] two million for the crown Vic, that's not bad.
[123:19 - 123:34] Yo Serene that's dope, I'm glad you made it.
[123:34 - 124:03] Now just who gets a gold wristband is up to me, and all those patties are up to you,
[124:03 - 124:16] all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[124:16 - 124:27] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to
[124:27 - 124:48] you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all
[124:48 - 124:55] those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[124:55 - 125:08] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[125:08 - 125:17] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[125:17 - 125:24] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are
[125:24 - 125:41] up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[125:41 - 125:52] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[125:52 - 126:07] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up
[126:07 - 126:35] to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all
[126:35 - 126:54] those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[126:54 - 127:03] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[127:03 - 127:18] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[127:18 - 127:44] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up
[127:44 - 128:09] to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all
[128:09 - 128:29] those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[128:29 - 128:59] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[128:59 - 129:28] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[129:28 - 129:29] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up
[129:29 - 129:48] to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all
[129:48 - 130:11] those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[130:11 - 130:39] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[130:39 - 130:57] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[130:57 - 131:17] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up
[131:17 - 131:26] to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all
[131:26 - 131:53] those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[131:53 - 131:54] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[131:54 - 131:55] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[131:55 - 131:56] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up
[131:56 - 132:01] to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all
[132:01 - 132:02] those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[132:02 - 132:02] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[132:02 - 132:23] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[132:23 - 132:30] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up
[132:30 - 132:44] to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all
[132:44 - 133:09] those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties
[133:09 - 133:34] are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you,
[133:34 - 133:37] and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those
[133:37 - 133:38] patties are up to you, and all those patties are up to you, and all those patties are up
[133:38 - 134:02] Now I do want to do a proper tune on the S15 really quick.
[134:02 - 134:09] I do want to do a proper FD tune on the S15 really quick and then we're going to run
[134:09 - 134:14] that and hopefully we can get into a drift adventure for the final run.
[134:14 - 134:37] Let's go.
[134:37 - 134:44] Very much the wrong way.
[134:44 - 134:49] Let's give it a rip real quick and see how it handles and then go through there as far
[134:49 - 134:50] as tuning it.
[134:50 - 135:09] So that taxi driver you got mentioned, the one with the super car taxi, I've got it
[135:09 - 135:10] sawed.
[135:10 - 135:22] That's how long I'm going to go there anyway.
[135:22 - 135:51] That's how long I'm going to go there.
[135:51 - 136:12] Okay, yeah, I think I see the problem here with the S15.
[136:12 - 136:33] Now just to confirm my suspicions, I'm going to take it down to the drift spot.
[136:33 - 136:51] Yeah, I see it's not.
[136:51 - 137:08] Yeah, see it's not swinging back around.
[137:08 - 137:14] I know what the problem is, it's not swinging back around like it should.
[137:14 - 137:28] Alright, so I'm going to go up here, go off to the side right here and then re-tune this
[137:28 - 137:29] thing.
[137:29 - 137:37] Like it runs, for some reason it's not, like when I slide it, it's not coming back around
[137:37 - 137:54] like it should.
[137:54 - 138:18] Alright, now let's try this FV tune.
[138:18 - 138:45] Oh yeah, that's way better.
[138:45 - 139:12] And just for the record, I do have a job.
[139:12 - 139:17] It's called being a caretaker, idiot.
[139:17 - 139:45] I don't think you would know anything about that.
[139:45 - 140:06] Okay, dang, a 360 coming out of that.
[140:06 - 140:36] Okay, so I'm going to go up here.
[140:36 - 140:46] Alright, this thing actually feels really good.
[140:46 - 141:14] I'm going to go up here, and I think I saw something, something we need to think as a
[141:14 - 141:17] whole.
[141:17 - 141:28] Alright, let's take this S15 back up the mountain, and now we are done for the day.
[141:28 - 141:38] Jesus, how many wheelchairs do I have?
[141:38 - 142:00] Ooh, can I have that McLaren please?
[142:00 - 142:18] I might wear that sweatshirt depending.
[142:18 - 142:42] Whoa, I did not see that curve going up.
[142:42 - 143:12] Okay, I'm going to go up here.
[143:12 - 143:38] Dang, let's see, take that corner like a beast, bro.
[143:38 - 144:08] Okay, I'm going to go up here.
[144:08 - 144:36] Dude, this S15 feels so good, dude.
[144:36 - 145:02] Yo, who can for sure, man, I got you.
[145:02 - 145:16] Anyways, y'all, that was good for this round of Forza Horizon 4's drift sets.
[145:16 - 145:23] Like I said, if you guys would like to have your own custom car wrap, I will be making
[145:23 - 145:30] a video about that later today on my LCW Customs channel, so be sure to stay tuned for that
[145:30 - 145:33] for all the info.
[145:33 - 145:37] And with that being said, guys, I will catch you guys later.
[145:37 - 145:42] I'm about to go down, make some hot coffee, chill, maybe catch up on some YouTube because
[145:42 - 145:50] I haven't checked out any YouTube recently and I'm trying to catch up on a few things.
[145:50 - 146:01] So I'm going to sit down, chill, make some coffee, relax, and I'll catch you guys at
[146:01 - 146:05] my DJ session here in a couple hours, man.
[146:05 - 146:09] What y'all do to you guys, stay humble, stay positive.
[146:09 - 146:12] For all my drivers out there, man, keep going what you're doing.
[146:12 - 146:18] For all my drifters, man, keep going sideways, man, stay sideways and keep those tires turning,
[146:18 - 146:19] man.
[146:19 - 146:22] I don't like a beast.
[146:22 - 146:25] And with that being said, I'll catch you guys later, man, peace.