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2021-1-18 FH4 2021  Rival Dag events

2021-1-18 FH4 2021 Rival Dag events

[0:00 - 0:16] What's up you guys it's ya boi I'm back and today well tonight we are doing some rival
[0:16 - 0:34] drag events, man. The first few drag events of 2021, man. Super Fire. I don't know what
[0:34 - 0:44] y'all man, but I'm definitely excited man. The first drag event set of 2021, so let's
[0:44 - 0:57] see what we can do here man. What car do I want to run? I do kind of want to run the
[0:57 - 1:18] double down. Now I am doing stick clutch for this race. I am doing manual with stick shift
[1:18 - 1:46] on this one. So we about to have some fun. Oof. Two cars. Let's go.
[1:46 - 1:53] Actually, first off, I do want to quit this event real quick because I do actually want
[1:53 - 2:02] to tune my hot rod for proper drag events because I do like this car for drift events
[2:02 - 2:13] but I like it more for drag style. So we are going to get this thing tuned up for
[2:13 - 2:26] a drag event here. Dude you think that's bad man? You should see what they did to my brother.
[2:26 - 2:36] Check out that site dude and tell me that ain't fucking bullshit bro. And they did
[2:36 - 2:43] that shit to my brother who has been passed away since 2015 bro. So yeah, he knows to
[2:43 - 3:04] say I'm pretty fucking heated right now. Where is my dragster? Ah here we go. Oh I
[3:04 - 3:24] was too bro. I was very angry dude. And I mean very angry bro like to disrespect someone
[3:24 - 3:29] in my family like that. Like that's just, you just don't do that you know? You don't
[3:29 - 3:39] stand there and go after somebody's family like that. Hell I wouldn't even do that to
[3:39 - 4:09] my worst enemy. Oh absolutely dude and I agree. As a matter
[4:09 - 4:16] of fact Tommy I will actually mod you up bro. Cause I know that Jenny spoke really
[4:16 - 4:43] highly of you and shit so I'll definitely mod you up Tommy. Hey lyrical what up bro.
[4:43 - 5:00] Yo this shit's about to fly. Hey Q man y'all this is actually the first drag event of 2021
[5:00 - 5:09] man. I have done nothing but drift events. I figured why not switch it up and do some
[5:09 - 5:15] dope ass freaking drag events and see what we can do to kick some ass and thank you
[5:15 - 5:26] Tommy that's fucking dope bro. And we are running manual with clutch so we are running
[5:26 - 5:52] stick on this. Damn. Alright dude was good dude was quick.
[5:52 - 6:21] Damn man dude was getting it. It's nothing I'm bad dude. It's nothing I'm
[6:21 - 6:27] bad. Just dude just happens to be a little bit quicker but I got something that might
[6:27 - 6:57] take care of that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[6:57 - 7:18] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. To be honest dude no. Reason being take a look
[7:18 - 7:42] at that site. It's gotten way worse dude I mean way worse bro.
[7:42 - 8:10] Ooh which car do I want to use. Do I want to use the bone shaker. That's all we know.
[8:10 - 8:27] You know let's go S2 and see what we can do with this sheet. Hey Kat what up. Where
[8:27 - 8:42] is my. Here we go the murder Nova boy we got the bust out the murder Nova on this bitch
[8:42 - 8:52] fucking love the murder Nova. Very sick minded bro. Y'all know I had to bust out the murder
[8:52 - 9:01] Nova. Now if y'all don't know the murder Nova what's wrong with you man have you ever
[9:01 - 9:19] seen Street Outlaws. You know I had to bust out the murder Nova on this one bro. Yeah
[9:19 - 9:35] what's going on this man. Murder Nova takes the win boy. I don't know shit trip. So you
[9:35 - 9:42] know about the show Street Outlaws. You know about the murder Nova man. Hell yeah that's
[9:42 - 9:52] what's up. Dude we've been trying but I can't find a report but nobody can find a way to
[9:52 - 10:17] record it. Yo judge it's all good bro. Like I said that person will get theirs in due
[10:17 - 10:46] time. I love those crash barriers man those things are good. Wait what. Do I have to
[10:46 - 11:10] do that. Am I not on the line again or some shit. There we go the drag round boy we about
[11:10 - 11:19] to get it. The first time I switch out to the murder Nova right quick. Actually I think
[11:19 - 11:24] I'm going to use them you know what. I got a car and a lot of people don't think this
[11:24 - 11:31] car is actually quick. I'm not the bust on my sleeper dragster man. Fuck it. I'm not
[11:31 - 12:00] the bust on my sleeper dude. Where the fuck is it. Or did I just straight out pass it
[12:00 - 12:30] up. Yeah I think I passed it up. Fuck. Yeah I definitely passed it up. Or did I. Or did
[12:30 - 12:58] I. Yeah I had to go pass it up. Oh yeah I definitely passed it up. I just found it.
[12:58 - 13:25] Yo thanks Tommy for real bro. I definitely appreciate it homie for real. And if y'all
[13:25 - 13:31] don't know Tommy Tommy actually came over from my friend Jenny's community so shout
[13:31 - 13:36] out to Jenny shots of the truth community fucking love you guys. Shout out to Tommy
[13:36 - 13:51] what's good man. Good to have you as part of the family brother for sure. Oh okay so
[13:51 - 14:05] we're running B class okay. Oh do I have any B class dragsters. Oh I might have something
[14:05 - 14:21] I don't know. Oh this is gonna be a toughy. You know what we're gonna do the Firebird.
[14:21 - 14:39] Oh you got Firebird man looking clean. Got that dark midnight purple. I'd like to be
[14:39 - 14:45] on the receiving end of this thing I'll tell you that much. All right dude's running a
[14:45 - 14:53] four and a cube. Hold on. I see you. I see you with that four and a cube bro. I see you
[14:53 - 15:21] down. Oh took it. Oh you got it. Oh you got it. Oh you got it. Oh you got it. Oh you got
[15:21 - 15:42] it. Oh just by a couple seconds too man. Right though it's nice though man. Looks like Sonic
[15:42 - 16:11] ain't so sonic is he. All right so it's a three round run. Okay.
[16:11 - 16:27] Stephen call me while drag racing boy don't get much better than that. Oh trust me. Trust
[16:27 - 16:49] me Junior. I have way sicker cars than this. Okay how the fuck. How the hell did dude just
[16:49 - 17:07] rip me apart like that. Dude just straight left my ass in the dust bro. God damn. Dude
[17:07 - 17:32] just straight left me I left my ass in the dust bro and I will man don't worry I've got
[17:32 - 18:01] to get out of here. Yeah he definitely beefed up his ride.
[18:01 - 18:30] I said fuck it man it's all just down shit. No you didn't man.
[18:30 - 18:53] I didn't wind up getting you know photos today but yeah we just leveled up. Oh cash your
[18:53 - 19:08] car cash your car. Cash 180 grand. Oh hell yeah I'll take that. Thank you. Yo shout out
[19:08 - 19:37] to Sidewiper what up dude. What up though man.
[19:37 - 19:57] You know let's try the Lamborghini Miura. Now this is the car I have not driven yet
[19:57 - 20:07] this is the first time running this. Hold on side I got you brother. After this three
[20:07 - 20:34] round run I will hit your ass up and we will throw the fuck down on here son. Alright yo
[20:34 - 21:00] dude definitely tune this shit. What are you even talking about shut up. Like what
[21:00 - 21:19] the fuck man like I'm confused. Hey yo mugs so I get this clown up out of here. So I get
[21:19 - 21:47] this fucking troll ass clown up out of here. What got troll ass. Should shut the fuck up
[21:47 - 22:13] facts dude. How the hell is dude that quick. I forgot how the hell is homie that fucking
[22:13 - 22:27] quick. Bro I think Sonic is getting my ass back because I whipped his ass that last
[22:27 - 22:42] run. He's coming back again my ass. I'm almost tempted to play dirty but I don't want to.
[22:42 - 22:48] You know what I mean. I'm almost tempted to try to slam into him maybe fucking love
[22:48 - 23:15] of it. Yeah I think so. He may have tuned his car up.
[23:15 - 23:44] Yeah he definitely tuned this stuff. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just
[23:44 - 24:02] kidding. Still not bad man. Sonic put on a good run. Good work Sonic man throwing it
[24:02 - 24:19] down. Oh dude a hundred percent I would bro. A hundred freaking percent dude. But first
[24:19 - 24:36] I wanna see what this message from. Yo lyrical what up bro. Yo lyrical if you got horizon
[24:36 - 24:43] format hop your ass on we'll throw down in a party bro. And yo lyrical there is something
[24:43 - 24:50] I wanna test out with you bro that Ken Block started. It's called the Hunicorn versus
[24:50 - 24:55] the world and I have a car that I wanna test out with you that thing might be able to
[24:55 - 25:20] beat the Hunicorn. So let me bust it out right quick. So yo lyrical if you're still there
[25:20 - 25:41] homie get your ass on. Yo definite bro but. Yo man if I let me mod you homie. But I said
[25:41 - 25:44] dude this car right here that I'm driving right now this is the one car that could
[25:44 - 26:00] probably beat the Hunicorn. The reason I say that you're about to find out. Wait did I
[26:00 - 26:07] do the drag tune on this? Oh yeah I did okay. If you're not seeing why I say this thing
[26:07 - 26:36] is probably gonna be the car that can smoke it. 207 miles per hour on a drag strip that
[26:36 - 27:03] literally just flew right through. Yo eggnomatic what's good dude? Ow. I don't know how I was
[27:03 - 27:16] gonna get around that damn tree. Fuck it let's go this way. Out here sliding the dragster
[27:16 - 27:45] what the fuck did I just hit it? Ow. Oh
[27:45 - 27:58] damn. Out here Kim blocking a fucking dragster. Now this is gonna be fun.
[27:58 - 28:24] I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna
[28:24 - 28:41] get out of here. Dude on stage let's go.
[28:41 - 29:10] And I went into the water. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm
[29:10 - 29:18] in the water. No I don't actually dude. I know a lot of people are telling me I shit
[29:18 - 29:40] because of the way I drive but I just never really had an interest. Alright so we're
[29:40 - 29:59] running really B class again. Are you fucking kidding me right now? What is it with y'all
[29:59 - 30:29] motherfucking B class cars dude? Oof. You know we're gonna try to load this to
[30:29 - 30:35] the police and see how we do with that because I'm not driven to the police yet. I do actually
[30:35 - 30:37] need to do something with that.
[30:37 - 31:01] I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna get out of here. I'm gonna
[31:01 - 31:13] get out of here. Alright here we go. Heh. Beaty guy. 34 train. Yo man I'm not a dirty
[31:13 - 31:43] guy man. Nice run on the end of these days. I'm gonna get out of here. Nice run on the
[31:43 - 31:55] end of using the Honda. Yeah I think next round I'm gonna use the Honda S2000. Not every
[31:55 - 32:02] car there's still some that I don't have that I do wanna get like the Mazda RX7 Spirit
[32:02 - 32:07] and a few others. So I do have a few cars that I do still wanna get my hands on that
[32:07 - 32:16] I do plan on purchasing. I do love the Barry Jackson pack though for sure which I did
[32:16 - 32:39] buy. I do plan on buying the Hoona truck. I do wanna purchase the Hoona truck. This
[32:39 - 33:03] is Lotus though bro. That Jaguar is fucking quick. Not even in the front. Here we go.
[33:03 - 33:33] Ah shit. Damn man that Jaguars not holding back. Lewis
[33:33 - 33:41] fucking Hamilton. Yo Lewis Hamilton is a good ass driver bro. I can't in front dude.
[33:41 - 33:47] I do fuck with Lewis Hamilton bro. I do fuck with my NASCAR now. I do rock with the Earn
[33:47 - 34:02] Hart family. Lewis Hamilton, Bobby Lavani, Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart, Kyle and Richard
[34:02 - 34:26] Petty, the Petty family. No I didn't wanna type a message you dickwads. Dude I'm about
[34:26 - 34:42] to go ken block on this shit after this man.
[34:42 - 35:05] Shit I'm getting sideways. Oh thank god I held it. Oh thank god. I was about to trip
[35:05 - 35:29] shit and buy it right there. I almost bought it. No this is actually a real person dude.
[35:29 - 35:44] To be honest still pissed off about what happened but I'm trying not to let it bother me. I'm
[35:44 - 35:51] still pissed off about it but I'm trying not to let it you know bother me that much
[35:51 - 36:20] even though it does piss me off and it does suck. No thank you. Dude there's a lot of
[36:20 - 36:35] this handles pretty well off road.
[36:35 - 37:05] You know what we're about to get rowdy up in this shit.
[37:05 - 37:10] We are about to straight up get rowdy.
[37:10 - 37:39] Cause we are about to bust out.
[37:39 - 37:45] Fuck you Slab. I'm not doing your friggin thing. You fucked me over. You don't fuck
[37:45 - 38:04] me over on that. We're about to get rowdy in this shit. We're doing a ken block run.
[38:04 - 38:21] We're doing a gym kana run. Or as I like to call this one the sand kana cause that's
[38:21 - 38:43] basically what it is. Y'all are about to see me get wild up in this shit.
[38:43 - 39:09] Fuck you Slab. You're not fucking kidding me. You're not fucking kidding me. You're not.
[39:09 - 39:34] You're not fucking kidding me. You're not fucking kidding me. You're not. You're not.
[39:34 - 40:03] You're not using the wheel. Not for this one cause this one is a bit tricky on wheel and
[40:03 - 40:09] I need to be able to actually see where I'm throwing the car for this. I only use the
[40:09 - 40:24] wheel for certain events but for stuff like this it's very hard for me to use the wheel.
[40:24 - 40:32] And the reason why is cause I don't have a mirror. There's no mirror for me to actually
[40:32 - 40:38] look in and kind of see where I'm putting the car to see where I'm like throwing it.
[40:38 - 40:48] So I have to do it this one. I'm not sure I'm using a proper setup cause I don't have
[40:48 - 40:55] a proper setup. I don't actually have a proper computer right now. Like I do have a computer
[40:55 - 41:01] but it's so slow that I wanted to run the proper programming. So I have to wait until
[41:01 - 41:09] I can buy a brand new computer and then go from there and do that. But don't worry though
[41:09 - 41:20] since I get a new computer I definitely will be streaming Twitch and shit. Not yet dude
[41:20 - 41:45] we're still working on that guy. Oh don't know how the hell I managed to miss that.
[41:45 - 42:11] So I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to
[42:11 - 42:38] do that. Ooh walta. Now keep in mind this is actually a course
[42:38 - 43:08] I've built myself. Alright not going to lie that barrel roll was sick. Don't mind me I'm
[43:08 - 43:20] comes out here ken blocking the fuck out of this fort escort. Yeah. If you look up sand
[43:20 - 43:31] kana on for the horizon four from super seven this is my course. Ow as I fuck up and I run
[43:31 - 43:59] into the frickin thing. Took the tail off but we're good.
[43:59 - 44:27] So I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I'm going to
[44:27 - 44:42] go ahead and do that. I'm not going to lie that was actually pretty gnarly.
[44:42 - 45:10] So I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I'm going to
[45:10 - 45:39] go ahead and do that. So I'm going to go ahead and do that. So I'm going to go ahead and do that.
[45:39 - 46:05] I know I'm a ballsy motherfucker when it comes to this shit.
[46:05 - 46:35] Oh I'm good it just been a minute since I've actually ran this course. I just need to get
[46:35 - 46:45] my groove back. Let's see if I can get my groove back. And yo toy games. Here's the
[46:45 - 46:48] point for the obituary. Oh.
[46:48 - 46:52] Oh.
[46:52 - 47:19] [silence]
[47:19 - 47:26] That's true. And I see your point. And a lot of people ask me, if I could own any car, what car would I own?
[47:26 - 47:36] It's actually a car I do have on here, which is the 86 Corolla. Also known as the AE86 Troina, or not, yeah.
[47:36 - 47:41] It's known as the AE86 Troina Sprinter. Like, that's literally my dream car.
[47:41 - 47:48] So I do have a fair, regular car that I'm allowed to drive.
[47:49 - 47:56] Well, like I said, once this whole pandemic stuff is over with, then I'm gonna go to try to get my license.
[47:56 - 47:59] But I have to wait until this pandemic shit's over with first.
[48:17 - 48:21] I always seem to mess up on that one spot right there.
[48:21 - 48:32] Oh, there we go. That's what I was looking for.
[48:32 - 49:21] [silence]
[49:21 - 49:30] I didn't put it through the, through there properly. There we go. Now I put it through there properly.
[49:30 - 49:55] [silence]
[49:55 - 49:59] Dude, it's always that one spot.
[50:00 - 50:44] [silence]
[50:44 - 50:46] Yeah, I know.
[50:46 - 51:39] [silence]
[51:39 - 51:43] The thing is though, I don't know if that actually is suplex, man.
[51:43 - 51:55] [silence]
[51:55 - 51:57] You know what? Fuck it.
[51:57 - 53:13] [silence]
[53:13 - 53:16] Hey, cat, what up?
[53:16 - 53:38] [silence]
[53:38 - 53:42] You know, I'm not just straight up freestyling. Hold up.
[53:42 - 53:47] I'm about to go straight up Jim Connor with this sheet.
[53:47 - 53:48] Hey, tinge.
[53:48 - 53:55] [silence]
[53:55 - 54:01] Oh, in case you guys don't know, if Barbara shows up in here, block her ass.
[54:01 - 54:09] [silence]
[54:09 - 54:11] Yeah, I got your messages.
[54:11 - 54:22] [silence]
[54:22 - 54:26] Like, you know, tinge is cool.
[54:26 - 54:29] Tinge is staying hands down.
[54:29 - 54:32] She's not getting a bander block. She's good.
[54:32 - 54:35] [silence]
[54:35 - 54:40] Barbara is somebody that pretended to be real, but is actually working with Marty.
[54:40 - 54:49] [silence]
[54:49 - 54:55] Hey, tinge. Are you talking about the messages that you just sent a little bit ago?
[54:55 - 55:00] Hey, tinge. Are you talking about the ones that you sent at, like, 936?
[55:00 - 55:28] [silence]
[55:28 - 55:34] Fuck it. We're just about to straight off-road rally cross Ken Block, this motherfucking shit.
[55:34 - 56:43] [silence]
[56:43 - 56:48] Ooh, yo, that was slick.
[56:48 - 56:53] How many of y'all think that I'm going to beat my score?
[56:53 - 56:59] Put in the comments if you think I'm actually going to top my score from earlier.
[57:00 - 57:34] [silence]
[57:34 - 57:37] Let's see if I can hit these rounds.
[57:37 - 57:55] [silence]
[57:55 - 57:58] Oh, dude, I definitely passed it up.
[57:58 - 58:11] [silence]
[58:11 - 58:16] I do want to hit that straight-up loop-style ramp right quick.
[58:16 - 58:59] [silence]
[58:59 - 59:03] Out here Ken Block and the shit like a burst.
[59:03 - 59:17] [silence]
[59:17 - 59:23] You know what, I'm not just sending it straight up.
[59:23 - 59:41] Hashtag send it.
[59:41 - 60:23] [silence]
[60:23 - 60:29] Yo guys, this is the motherfucker that's been running his mouth.
[60:29 - 60:40] Yo, I think this is the guy that fucking put that side out, Pinhead.
[60:40 - 60:45] Really, Pinhead?
[60:45 - 60:47] Guys, this is him.
[60:47 - 60:51] That's the motherfucker that put the page up.
[60:51 - 60:54] Don't block him.
[60:54 - 60:59] He ought to go after this guy.
[60:59 - 61:16] [silence]
[61:16 - 61:20] Pinhead, why'd you do it?
[61:20 - 61:24] And don't fucking hide it either, motherfucker.
[61:24 - 61:26] Don't fucking lie to me.
[61:26 - 61:36] Why'd you make that page, bitch?
[61:36 - 61:39] Why'd you do it, you bitch?
[61:39 - 61:55] You sick fuck.
[61:55 - 62:03] You shouldn't be, you sick freak.
[62:03 - 62:05] Then who did?
[62:05 - 62:08] And don't lie, I know you know who did.
[62:08 - 62:11] If it wasn't you, who wasn't?
[62:11 - 62:16] And don't lie to me, motherfucker, because I have your email,
[62:16 - 62:19] and I will fuck with your shit.
[62:19 - 62:25] So don't even fucking try me, bitch.
[62:25 - 62:40] If you didn't do it, then who did?
[62:40 - 62:47] Don't lie to me, motherfucker.
[62:47 - 62:56] Don't make me dux your goddamn email out, bitch, because I will do it, and I will have every person in here go after your ass.
[62:56 - 62:58] I've got your email, bitch.
[62:58 - 63:05] You seem to forget that.
[63:05 - 63:07] I have your email.
[63:07 - 63:20] You seem to forget that, pinhead.
[63:20 - 63:38] You know what? You said you wanted to play that again? I got you, fuckboy. I got you.
[63:39 - 63:45] Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[63:46 - 64:13] Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[64:13 - 64:21] I got you.
[64:22 - 64:50] Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[64:50 - 65:09] I want every motherfucker up in here to take this email, take this fucking email, and go after this bastard. That's his fucking email.
[65:09 - 65:34] I want every motherfucker that's willing to go after this fuckboy, go after this motherfucker after his friends.
[65:34 - 65:43] I want y'all to have a field day with this piece of shit.
[65:43 - 65:50] I want y'all to have a field day with this punk ass.
[65:50 - 66:05] Have a field day. Do whatever you want to him. I don't care.
[66:06 - 66:16] I don't care.
[66:16 - 66:42] As for me, I'm about to hop off here.
[66:42 - 66:52] Tange, I will personally message you on Discord.
[66:52 - 66:57] As for all the rest of y'all motherfuckers that I do have on Discord, I'll catch y'all over there.
[66:57 - 67:04] But as for the rest of you guys, in case you didn't catch it, there's this punk motherfucker's email.
[67:04 - 67:12] Have y'all's way with him. Go after him. Attack him. Do whatever you want. Get this motherfucker.
[67:13 - 67:17] [ sub by sk cn2 ]
2021-1-19 FH 4  Cruise & Photography session

2021-1-19 FH 4 Cruise & Photography session

[0:00 - 0:28] What's up guys, it's Yauboi. We are back live on the channel for today with a brand new Forza Horizon 4 photography series as well as a cruise series where you're going to cruise it out and chill, have some fun, relax, have a good time.
[0:28 - 0:48] So, before we do get started, I know a lot of you guys are wondering about pre-orders from my album Shadowborn. Pre-orders will be available here in just a couple weeks.
[0:48 - 0:56] So for those of you that are wanting to get your hands on pre-orders, they will be available literally within just a couple weeks.
[0:56 - 1:06] So y'all can definitely be registered that, you know, not all is going ahead full force.
[1:07 - 1:35] [Music]
[1:35 - 1:51] So like I said, for those of you that are wanting to get pre-orders from my album Shadowborn, that will legit be available here in just a couple weeks.
[1:51 - 2:12] The release date is still February 20th, that is still ahead of schedule. Like I said, you know, if you guys do want to do pre-orders, that will be available.
[2:12 - 2:25] Now, for those that do want to get pre-orders, you guys will be able to get them now. As far as like extra stuff goes, you guys will get extra if you do the pre-order.
[2:25 - 2:50] What will happen is you'll get an email from myself with a digitally signed album cover, some actual exclusive artwork, and some exclusive photos from various music videos that I've done in the past.
[2:50 - 2:59] So you guys will be getting that, you guys will get an exclusive DVD that will be with it as well.
[2:59 - 3:06] And for those of you that actually did the interviews, you guys will be featured in that DVD, which is going to be super fire.
[3:06 - 3:24] So you guys are, for those of you that do do the pre-orders, you guys will get extra stuff with it.
[3:24 - 3:41] Dude, we're just hauling ass in this thing right now. Sorry, I'm racing down to my location that I want to get a photo at down here.
[3:41 - 4:02] Ooh, what the hell did I smack into? Ooh, hold on, there's a little spot down here.
[4:02 - 4:25] Oh, thanks man. Out of the way, sir, damn.
[4:25 - 4:33] Okay, now like I said, pre-orders will be going up here in just a couple weeks.
[4:33 - 4:41] So you guys will be able to look forward to that because that is going down here in just a couple weeks.
[4:41 - 4:53] So like I said, those of you that want to order, you know, do the pre-orders, like I said, you guys will get some really cool stuff with it as well.
[4:53 - 5:07] Like I said, when you do the pre-orders, you guys will be able to get a digitally signed wallpaper by me, digitally signed artwork that I've done.
[5:07 - 5:22] Like you guys will get like three digital exclusive art pieces inspired by the album.
[5:22 - 5:29] You guys will actually be getting an exclusive DVD with it as well.
[5:29 - 5:31] So you guys will definitely get some really cool stuff with it.
[5:31 - 5:36] Like I said, pre-orders are going up in a couple weeks.
[5:36 - 5:41] The book is actually going to be dropping here sometime this week.
[5:41 - 5:46] So the day that I get my banking stuff set up is the day that it will be released.
[5:46 - 5:50] So I'm not sure exactly what day that will be.
[5:50 - 5:55] But I do know for a fact, it will be sometime this week, a hundred percent.
[5:55 - 6:00] So y'all can be ready for that shit.
[6:00 - 6:19] Dude, fucking TikTok, man. I like TikTok, but dude, come on.
[6:19 - 6:36] Working pre-order, the guy that's actually producing the album, he's going to have you guys email him your personal address or hit him up on Discord.
[6:36 - 6:39] You guys will be able to do that.
[6:39 - 6:47] Oh, I done did that. I done did the commentary that was all knocked out, that was blowing out the water.
[6:47 - 6:50] I literally did the commentary like literally like an hour ago.
[6:50 - 6:56] So the commentary is knocked out. Everything's full blown ahead of schedule, full blown.
[6:56 - 6:59] Well, not ahead of schedule, but everything's on schedule.
[6:59 - 7:02] I knocked out the commentary for that.
[7:02 - 7:04] So y'all get an inside look at what I'm doing.
[7:04 - 7:12] I'm not giving away any secrets, but I do kind of reveal some of my favorite films that inspired it.
[7:12 - 7:24] Not giving away any secrets, watch films. I know.
[7:24 - 7:30] Dude, I'm.
[7:30 - 7:34] What? How is that not a new car?
[7:34 - 7:46] Photo challenge within Mortimer Gardens and modern sports car.
[7:46 - 7:54] Now, if y'all don't know, this is actually my personal custom Subaru Impreza that I did myself.
[7:54 - 7:56] This paint job actually was done by me.
[7:56 - 8:02] And this one took like literally like three hours to do, but this is the paint job for my SUV.
[8:02 - 8:07] This is actually one of my personal favorite ones, honestly.
[8:07 - 8:15] Like it just got that vibe about it, man, just hmm, just beautiful, bro.
[8:15 - 8:23] Beautiful Subaru, man. Like this is actually my one of my personal road racers.
[8:23 - 8:29] I use this one for more or less like road racing, street racing.
[8:29 - 8:33] Oh, yo, we got to chase this.
[8:33 - 8:42] We are chasing down the strings. I want to get a photo.
[8:42 - 8:49] Chase is a motherfucker down. My name is Dominic Toretto.
[8:49 - 9:00] Don't mind me, I'm just doing a Dominic Toretto chasing down the freaking train here.
[9:00 - 9:10] Oh, that actually looks sick, bro.
[9:10 - 9:19] Yo, what does that say? Oh, no way the flying Scotsman train, bro. That is a legendary train right there.
[9:19 - 9:37] That is fire, dude. That's a legit the flying Scotsman. That is dope.
[9:37 - 9:45] That is actually cool shit to see the flying Scotsman. That is sick.
[9:45 - 9:49] Let's take the focus out.
[9:49 - 10:07] That is fucking lit, dude. I fucks with that.
[10:07 - 10:17] We are going to do an old school photo of this. Let's turn this up.
[10:17 - 10:27] Let's get that vignette up.
[10:27 - 10:45] Training sprint raises facts, dude. You are not wrong, dude. I do have a knack for doing shit.
[10:45 - 11:14] There actually is a race where you do race the train.
[11:14 - 11:29] Dude, this is some sketchy shit.
[11:29 - 11:35] I'm legit pulling a Dominic right now. Yo, Cynthia, what up?
[11:35 - 11:42] I'm literally pulling a Dominic Toretto right now, just chasing this damn thing down.
[11:42 - 12:03] I feel kind of like Ron Weasley, bro. I'm pulling a motherfucking Ronald Weasley, man, chasing down the goddamn train.
[12:03 - 12:22] Not really. I don't really spend that much time fixing up photos.
[12:22 - 12:31] Tell us to go with the fuck, man. Let's turn this up. Shit.
[12:31 - 12:40] That is actually some impressive detail, not even going to lie.
[12:40 - 12:46] Let's take the vignette off, take the selfie off.
[12:46 - 12:56] Dude, that is some wild detail.
[12:56 - 13:17] Ooh, that's actually a nice photo right there. Let's see what we can do with this.
[13:17 - 13:27] Let's turn up the exposure.
[13:27 - 13:36] Oh, no.
[13:36 - 13:48] Exactly. There you go. Like, as you guys know, right, there's the details right there.
[13:48 - 13:55] This thing is gone, bro.
[13:55 - 14:13] Dude, this is just out of here. Oh, then we almost Paul Walker that shit.
[14:13 - 14:33] I legit almost Paul Walker that bitch.
[14:33 - 14:45] Oh, someone was in a hurry.
[14:45 - 14:49] No, no, no. I'm handling the book.
[14:49 - 15:06] He's handling the pre-orders for the album.
[15:06 - 15:19] Ooh, got 100K. Thank you. 100K. Let's go, dude.
[15:19 - 15:27] So that's one class. That would be a question for Kale.
[15:27 - 15:37] But if I'm not mistaken, the price that me and him talked about was like $19, $20, some shit like that.
[15:37 - 15:44] Dude, somebody's in a fucking hurry.
[15:44 - 15:53] Damn, dude. If you're all wearing that big of a hurry, y'all should have left yesterday, dawg.
[15:53 - 16:03] That's the thing, dude. It won't be digital download. It'll be CD only.
[16:03 - 16:16] Maybe later on down the line, I might do a digital release later on down the line.
[16:16 - 16:30] But right now I'm doing an exclusive 50 album copy, so yeah.
[16:30 - 16:48] Yo, Natalie Forman Gamer. Yo, what's good? Happy Tuesday. How you doing?
[16:48 - 17:11] I'm not even going to try to correct you on that one, Matt.
[17:11 - 17:25] Are you sure you meant song and not the other one?
[17:25 - 17:54] Just saying. You might want to do a little auto crank.
[17:54 - 18:09] Oh, man, I see you done.
[18:09 - 18:21] Let's see if I can get a head to head going with this guy.
[18:21 - 18:26] Oh, man, dude, didn't accept my challenge. Damn, bruh.
[18:26 - 18:46] You're not going to accept my head to head. You afraid I'm going to outrun your ass?
[18:46 - 19:06] Oh, jeez, since I know what you're getting at.
[19:06 - 19:24] But, yo, how are you doing?
[19:24 - 19:36] Welcome to the stream. Welcome to my crazy ass corner of YouTube where shit is wild every fucking day and nothing makes sense half the time.
[19:36 - 19:45] So, yeah, welcome to the crazy corner of YouTube where nothing is ever normal.
[19:45 - 20:11] Just saying.
[20:11 - 20:18] Welcome to the Thunderdome.
[20:18 - 20:36] Hey, Cozy, what's up, bro?
[20:36 - 20:43] Don't let me tell you all. Thank God. I thought I was about to tap that, dude. I said, fuck, I just tap that tour bus, though.
[20:43 - 20:48] Sorry about your tour bus, sir. I'll pay for it.
[20:48 - 20:52] Yeah, there's a dude right here. Let's see if I can get him to take the challenge.
[20:52 - 21:12] I see you had a motherfucker.
[21:12 - 21:22] Oh, you suck, bro.
[21:22 - 21:31] Yeah, you want to know why? It's because I went all the fucking bullshit that jackass went through ago. So, yeah.
[21:31 - 21:35] Oh, got the 25K. Thank you.
[21:35 - 21:45] I smile here on camera. Oh, bro, I want that. That is funny. I'll be using the fuck out of that.
[21:45 - 21:56] What's good on the dark? Hey, Jules, what up?
[21:56 - 22:17] Nice.
[22:17 - 22:37] Dude, I feel like I'm playing like going down the highway. I feel like I'm playing one game midnight on one gone midnight, bro.
[22:37 - 22:46] Like legit, it feels like one gone midnight up in this bitch.
[22:46 - 22:56] It's like the second home up here.
[22:56 - 23:10] And yes, I own Edinburgh Castle.
[23:10 - 23:15] And I got my own little straightaway, too, coming down from the castle.
[23:15 - 23:20] Oh, yeah, just straight pure speed right off the gate coming down from the castle.
[23:20 - 23:32] I love it.
[23:32 - 23:41] And it's about to test your speed out, right? It does, man. It's got that Underground 2 vibe.
[23:41 - 24:04] I'm not fucks with it.
[24:04 - 24:11] Sorry about the vent.
[24:11 - 24:28] You know, you're actually giving me an idea to get a photo of that spot. Hold up.
[24:28 - 24:37] Damn, wasn't it a freaking turbo spool on this thing, man? It's crazy, dog.
[24:37 - 24:54] Like you can literally hear the turbo spool went up whenever you hit that guy.
[24:54 - 25:03] Well, we're about to test the brakes really quick.
[25:03 - 25:07] Damn.
[25:07 - 25:15] All I knocked over was a little freaking peg or two, and that's it.
[25:15 - 25:44] Dude, always I know the brakes work.
[25:44 - 26:13] Oh, damn.
[26:13 - 26:17] I feel bad for you, Jules.
[26:17 - 26:25] Fuck, man, that's got to suck, bro.
[26:25 - 26:32] That has got to freaking suck, man.
[26:32 - 26:45] Dude, always I know the parking brakes work and shit.
[26:45 - 26:56] Rip that e-brake, pump the brakes. We're good.
[26:56 - 27:09] I don't know, man. I'm going to work on this one and see what I can do.
[27:09 - 27:15] Ugh.
[27:15 - 27:18] Now, this is actually my work.
[27:18 - 27:27] Whereas I was getting rid of the vignette, turn the temp out, or do I want to go...
[27:27 - 27:32] You know what? Let's match the darkness here. Oh, shit.
[27:32 - 27:42] Let's go about 50%. 51%, let's see.
[27:42 - 27:47] Definitely get rid of the damn driver.
[27:47 - 28:16] I was trying to think you're right, dude. I think you might retch him. I think this might be a keeper.
[28:16 - 28:23] Oh, no. I am totally getting a road shot here.
[28:23 - 28:32] This will actually be my first scenery shot on here, too, because I do want to get a scenery shot going down that road.
[28:32 - 28:35] Hey, beast.
[28:35 - 28:44] Yo, the homie Adam LZ up in this bitch. What's good?
[28:44 - 28:49] Yo, got the homie Adam up in this shit. What's good, Adam LZ?
[28:49 - 28:52] Ah, damn, he gone, bro.
[28:52 - 28:58] That was sick, man. We just had Adam LZ up in this shit. What is good, bro?
[28:58 - 29:05] And if you don't know who Adam LZ is, go check out his YouTube channel.
[29:05 - 29:17] Super cool, dude. That was cool. I did not expect that.
[29:17 - 29:27] I did not expect the homie Adam to pop up in here, man. That was sick.
[29:27 - 29:38] And how he did pretty much what I would have done, bro, just rip it up and tear it up.
[29:38 - 30:07] Damn, he is gone, bro. You can see where this man took off.
[30:07 - 30:16] Hey, I can't hate on Adam, bro, man. Dude's a good guy, man, for sure.
[30:16 - 30:24] Definitely can't hate on Adam at all.
[30:24 - 30:38] That was super cool and eventful as fuck. Like, dude, we legit had the Adam LZ up in this shit. That was crazy, dude.
[30:38 - 30:49] Like, I never expected that.
[30:49 - 30:57] That was freaking cool. Let's see what shots we can get out of here.
[30:57 - 31:26] Oh, God, that Cathedral.
[31:26 - 31:50] I don't care. I'm definitely sharing this one. That one was cool as fuck.
[31:50 - 32:01] But, dude, the fact that we had a major YouTuber, Adam LZ, come in, rip up my driveway and take off, that was lit.
[32:01 - 32:06] I can't even hate on the guy because he pretty much did what I would have done.
[32:06 - 32:26] I would have fucking ripped it up as well. Just saying, bro, that was that was fire.
[32:26 - 32:46] Yo, corpse, what's up, bro?
[32:46 - 32:57] Yo, look at this guy over here chilling.
[32:57 - 33:22] Dude, just like it was good.
[33:22 - 33:30] They're just then they're chilling like a boss, man.
[33:30 - 33:34] Hell, yeah, corpse, I'll feed you, bro.
[33:34 - 33:41] Now, you know what? I am going to give you guys an exclusive inside look at some of the photos that are going to be in the book.
[33:41 - 33:44] So let's get into that right quick.
[33:44 - 33:58] I do want to show you all some of the photos that are going to be well, some of the ones that will be included in the book.
[33:58 - 34:17] I can't give away too many, man, but I do want to show you a few photos that I did take.
[34:17 - 34:30] Yo, I'm digging that infected Mustang around.
[34:30 - 34:35] Don't ask. I'm just being weird.
[34:35 - 34:42] But pretty much all the photos like this one right here are going to be included in the book.
[34:42 - 34:47] You got this one, which is legit. Like, honestly, I love this one.
[34:47 - 34:50] This is actually personally one of my favorites that I've taken.
[34:50 - 34:54] Not going to lie, I fucking love this one.
[34:54 - 34:56] I love that old school Mercedes, man.
[34:56 - 35:11] That thing is what now this one right here, I had a lot of fun getting this one was hard as shit to get because you literally have the fucking lightning back behind him.
[35:11 - 35:21] I look at that. Yeah, that lightning back behind man, that was a hard one to get.
[35:21 - 35:32] That was definitely a photo that I had a lot of trouble getting.
[35:32 - 35:42] I did get this one as well, which I like.
[35:42 - 35:47] Well, I have lightning in a bottle facts, bro, facts.
[35:47 - 35:57] You know, I have thought about setting up a Patreon, but I'm just not sure right now.
[35:57 - 36:02] This one right here, the unicorn, this will be featured in the book.
[36:02 - 36:10] That is one that is going to be featured in and got the unicorn.
[36:10 - 36:16] Just straight ripping it on the mountain on Fortune Island.
[36:16 - 36:24] Well, yeah, I got so many cool ass photos, bro, like.
[36:24 - 36:40] Oh, one of my personal favorites of Bugatti Chiron, one of my personal favorites right here, my Bugatti Chiron.
[36:40 - 36:48] And that one's fun, and I know a lot of y'all are asking me, yo, where's the G wagon?
[36:48 - 36:56] Even though it's not going to be in the book, but y'all know I had to rip the G wagon.
[36:56 - 37:18] I'm that motherfucker that'll rip a goddamn G wagon. Try me, bitch, I'll rip a G wagon sideways, homie.
[37:18 - 37:27] Hell, bro, I read the freaking Ferrari. Dude, I read the freaking Ferrari sideways.
[37:27 - 37:39] Look at that. A freaking Ferrari. What does that tell you?
[37:39 - 37:42] And that, I believe, wasn't on the mountain.
[37:42 - 37:47] No, that was going out by the festival. Yeah, that was right up by the festival.
[37:47 - 37:56] Pulling out all the sounds facts, bro.
[37:56 - 38:03] Yo, this one right here, I like. This is one of my favorite dragsters, The Rose Reaper.
[38:03 - 38:12] Definitely one of my favorites, man. Absolutely love The Rose Reaper. Definitely one of my favorite dragsters.
[38:12 - 38:27] Absolutely love this thing to the T, man. Joe Bass wrapped, Joe Bass car.
[38:27 - 38:39] Now, this car, one of my friends in the Seahawks group that I'm in on Facebook, actually nicknamed this one, The Drift Talk, which I love.
[38:39 - 38:44] That one I'm a huge fan of.
[38:44 - 38:55] So huge shout out to the dude that nicknamed this thing The Drift Talk, man. Absolutely love it, man.
[38:55 - 39:01] Now, this one right here is probably the most realistic photo I've ever taken in here.
[39:01 - 39:24] This will be featured in the book 100 percent, but y'all tell me that don't look real as fuck.
[39:24 - 39:31] And that was taken, I want to say in the spring or the summer.
[39:31 - 39:49] Yeah, I think this photo was taken in the summer, but that was back in where's the date on this damn thing.
[39:49 - 39:57] Dude, this is in the UK, like this is all like all these photos in Horizon 4 are from the UK.
[39:57 - 40:04] And y'all know I can't have a photo album without this.
[40:04 - 40:30] Popping that wheelie, boy. Popping that wheelie. Look at that thing, man, just straight off the ground, man.
[40:30 - 40:38] Hey, Morty, what up? Ouch.
[40:38 - 40:53] Need some dirt roads, turn off the mountain. I do plan it. Actually, that's not a bad idea.
[40:53 - 41:04] Actually, it's not a bad idea, man.
[41:04 - 41:13] Pump those brakes. Thank you for reminding me, dude. I actually do need to get some dirt shots.
[41:13 - 41:33] I actually am going to be doing a book next time around for sure. I am going to be doing a lot of JDM based cars and show at that, so that'll be fun.
[41:33 - 41:45] Is that right? Dude, I seen that. I was laughing at that shit. Not even gonna lie. Not even gonna lie, Kat. I actually saw so that I was actually laughing.
[41:45 - 41:51] I'm not even gonna joke. I actually peeped that shit. I was cracking up. I was like, what the fuck?
[41:51 - 41:59] This dude over here is sleeping on camera. What the shit?
[41:59 - 42:06] Yeah, he does that weekly. He does, man. It's fucking weird.
[42:06 - 42:18] Ooh, what car do I want to take off-roading?
[42:18 - 42:25] Sorry, I was trying to find a car that I want to take off-road that's not a dragster or anything.
[42:25 - 42:41] I kind of want to do a Nissan, but I kind of don't.
[42:41 - 42:47] Ooh, I got some ideas.
[42:47 - 42:53] You know, let's get some shots of this big bitch.
[42:53 - 42:59] Yeah, I tried that once a long time ago. It didn't pan out well.
[42:59 - 43:07] I literally got laughed at. I actually did that way, way, way back on one of my older channels.
[43:07 - 43:25] And I literally got so embarrassed that I had to take the video down. Like, I have done that. No, thanks. That shit was awkward as fuck.
[43:25 - 43:30] Sorry about your golf course, sir.
[43:30 - 43:44] Now, there is a stream that was on the original Bloodshot Records channel that I wish we still had up, which was where, and I know some of y'all will remember this stream if y'all have been with me that long.
[43:44 - 43:55] Y'all will remember this shit. There was a stream where me and Ian, AKA Bradley, we were doing a Chill with the Boys podcast.
[43:55 - 44:04] And literally him and Brendan, his cousin Brendan, AKA B-Man, passed out on the livestream.
[44:04 - 44:10] And me and the others were there trying for like four hours to wake him up.
[44:10 - 44:13] And they weren't waking up, so we went to sleep.
[44:13 - 44:25] Thinking the stream was going to end on its own, but no, it didn't. All you'd call was like freaking nine plus hours of him and his cousin just passed out and shit.
[44:25 - 44:32] And then at the very end, all you see is, "Yo, the stream's still up. We're still on a livestream."
[44:32 - 44:38] And all you hear is bringing Ian going, "Oh, crap."
[44:38 - 44:51] Like, it was good shit.
[44:51 - 44:59] Yo, no shit, Taco. That's dope.
[44:59 - 45:11] Like, I wish that channel hadn't gotten taken down because that footage was epic.
[45:11 - 45:22] Like, I wish to God that channel didn't get deleted, bro. I was pissed when I found out that channel got taken down. I was...
[45:22 - 45:28] Like, I was so pissed.
[45:28 - 45:35] Oh, like, dude, there was so much cool footage on that channel.
[45:35 - 45:46] Oh, damn. I would hear freaking wheelie in this shit.
[45:46 - 45:54] The channel was called Bloodshot Records, and it was around, believe it or not, it was like about two months before I had filmed the darkness.
[45:54 - 45:59] It was like legit like two months beforehand.
[45:59 - 46:06] It was like two or three months before I had filmed the film the darkness.
[46:06 - 46:10] God, this thing can take a beating.
[46:10 - 46:21] How the hell is my windshield not cracked?
[46:21 - 46:31] Bug it.
[46:31 - 46:49] All right, you know what? Let's head over to a good woodsy spot and I actually know one near the quarry.
[46:49 - 46:58] Well, it's warm, but I don't know where to the quarry.
[46:58 - 47:01] Nice.
[47:01 - 47:10] Yo, Taco, what kind of car are you running now, homie?
[47:10 - 47:30] Like, as far as trucks go, like, what do you run? Do you run, like, trophy trucks? Silverados? Like, what are you running?
[47:31 - 47:33] No, I'm not running.
[47:33 - 47:34] I'm not running.
[47:34 - 47:35] I'm running.
[47:36 - 47:59] No, I'm not running.
[48:25 - 48:29] Damn, dude, my freaking front tire is, like, actually off the ground.
[48:29 - 48:31] I just now have noticed that.
[48:31 - 48:33] That is wild.
[48:33 - 48:43] I just noticed that my two front tires are, like, off the freaking ground right now.
[48:43 - 48:44] I just noticed that.
[48:44 - 48:48] That is sick.
[48:48 - 49:16] Ooh, yo, let's go.
[49:16 - 49:17] Let's go.
[49:17 - 49:21] Let's get, like, them behind shut as well.
[49:21 - 49:33] Get a few angles of this.
[49:33 - 49:38] Dude, tundras are dope.
[49:38 - 49:41] This is actually Forza Horizon 4, man.
[49:41 - 49:55] Matter of fact, I actually do have a...
[49:55 - 49:59] Damn, bro.
[49:59 - 50:02] That's crazy.
[50:02 - 50:07] You know, let me bust out one of my daily driver trucks.
[50:07 - 50:08] Hold up.
[50:08 - 50:15] This is actually just my off-road racer.
[50:15 - 50:22] I actually do have a dope-ass off-road truck that I do like to use a lot.
[50:22 - 50:25] Let me see if I can find it here.
[50:25 - 50:29] Yes, I got a 1924 Austin 7.
[50:29 - 50:31] Fucking love that thing.
[50:31 - 50:33] I actually have a drip tune on that.
[50:33 - 50:34] It's fucking cool.
[50:36 - 50:39] 2012 EXRS Bowler.
[50:39 - 50:55] Old school club.
[50:55 - 50:59] Yes, I got a Charger Daytona.
[50:59 - 51:01] Fucking love that thing, bro.
[51:04 - 51:07] Ah, here we go. Now we're getting into the big boys.
[51:07 - 51:15] My Ford F-150 Raptor.
[51:15 - 51:20] I'm on console, bro.
[51:20 - 51:23] I'm on Xbox One X.
[51:23 - 51:30] And if you have Game Pass, Game Pass does have Forza Horizon 4 for free.
[51:32 - 51:35] This is my Ford F-150 Raptor.
[51:35 - 51:37] This is my daily driver.
[51:38 - 51:39] This thing is just so sick.
[51:39 - 51:41] This is actually one of my personal favorite things.
[51:41 - 51:43] I'm on a
[51:43 - 51:46] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[51:46 - 51:47] I'm on a
[51:47 - 51:48] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[51:48 - 51:49] I'm on a
[51:49 - 51:50] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[51:50 - 51:52] I'm on a
[51:52 - 51:53] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[51:53 - 51:55] I'm on a
[51:55 - 51:56] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[51:56 - 51:58] I'm on a
[51:58 - 51:59] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[51:59 - 52:01] I'm on a
[52:01 - 52:02] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:02 - 52:04] I'm on a
[52:04 - 52:05] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:05 - 52:06] I'm on a
[52:06 - 52:07] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:07 - 52:08] I'm on a
[52:08 - 52:09] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:09 - 52:10] I'm on a
[52:10 - 52:11] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:11 - 52:12] I'm on a
[52:12 - 52:13] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:13 - 52:14] I'm on a
[52:14 - 52:15] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:15 - 52:16] I'm on a
[52:16 - 52:17] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:17 - 52:18] I'm on a
[52:18 - 52:19] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:19 - 52:20] I'm on a
[52:20 - 52:21] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:21 - 52:22] I'm on a
[52:22 - 52:23] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:23 - 52:24] I'm on a
[52:24 - 52:25] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:25 - 52:26] I'm on a
[52:26 - 52:27] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:27 - 52:28] I'm on a
[52:28 - 52:29] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:29 - 52:30] I'm on a
[52:30 - 52:31] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:31 - 52:36] I'm on a
[52:36 - 52:39] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:39 - 52:44] I'm on a
[52:44 - 52:49] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:49 - 52:52] I'm on a
[52:52 - 52:55] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[52:55 - 53:00] I'm on a
[53:00 - 53:01] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:01 - 53:02] I'm on a
[53:02 - 53:03] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:03 - 53:04] I'm on a
[53:04 - 53:05] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:05 - 53:06] I'm on a
[53:06 - 53:07] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:07 - 53:08] I'm on a
[53:08 - 53:09] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:09 - 53:10] I'm on a
[53:10 - 53:11] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:11 - 53:12] I'm on a
[53:12 - 53:13] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:13 - 53:14] I'm on a
[53:14 - 53:15] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:15 - 53:16] I'm on a
[53:16 - 53:17] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:17 - 53:18] I'm on a
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[53:19 - 53:20] I'm on a
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[53:21 - 53:22] I'm on a
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[53:23 - 53:24] I'm on a
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[53:25 - 53:32] I'm on a
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[53:39 - 53:40] I'm on a
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[53:53 - 53:54] I'm on a
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[53:55 - 53:56] I'm on a
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[53:57 - 53:58] I'm on a
[53:58 - 53:59] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[53:59 - 54:00] I'm on a
[54:00 - 54:01] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:01 - 54:02] I'm on a
[54:02 - 54:03] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:03 - 54:04] I'm on a
[54:04 - 54:05] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:05 - 54:06] I'm on a
[54:06 - 54:07] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:07 - 54:08] I'm on a
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[54:09 - 54:10] I'm on a
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[54:11 - 54:12] I'm on a
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[54:13 - 54:14] I'm on a
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[54:17 - 54:18] I'm on a
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[54:19 - 54:20] I'm on a
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[54:21 - 54:22] I'm on a
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[54:23 - 54:24] I'm on a
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[54:25 - 54:26] I'm on a
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[54:27 - 54:28] I'm on a
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[54:29 - 54:30] I'm on a
[54:30 - 54:31] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:31 - 54:32] I'm on a
[54:32 - 54:33] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:33 - 54:34] I'm on a
[54:34 - 54:35] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:35 - 54:36] I'm on a
[54:36 - 54:37] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:37 - 54:38] I'm on a
[54:38 - 54:39] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[54:39 - 54:40] I'm on a
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[54:41 - 54:42] I'm on a
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[54:43 - 54:44] I'm on a
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[54:45 - 54:46] I'm on a
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[54:47 - 54:48] I'm on a
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[54:49 - 54:50] I'm on a
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[54:53 - 54:54] I'm on a
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[54:55 - 54:56] I'm on a
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[54:57 - 54:58] I'm on a
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[54:59 - 55:00] I'm on a
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[55:01 - 55:02] I'm on a
[55:02 - 55:03] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:03 - 55:04] I'm on a
[55:04 - 55:05] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:05 - 55:06] I'm on a
[55:06 - 55:07] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:07 - 55:08] I'm on a
[55:08 - 55:09] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:09 - 55:26] I'm on a
[55:26 - 55:27] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:27 - 55:28] I'm on a
[55:28 - 55:29] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:29 - 55:30] I'm on a
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[55:31 - 55:32] I'm on a
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[55:33 - 55:34] I'm on a
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[55:35 - 55:36] I'm on a
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[55:37 - 55:38] I'm on a
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[55:39 - 55:40] I'm on a
[55:40 - 55:41] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:41 - 55:42] I'm on a
[55:42 - 55:43] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:43 - 55:44] I'm on a
[55:44 - 55:45] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:45 - 55:46] I'm on a
[55:46 - 55:47] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:47 - 55:48] I'm on a
[55:48 - 55:49] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:49 - 55:50] I'm on a
[55:50 - 55:51] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:51 - 55:52] I'm on a
[55:52 - 55:53] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:53 - 55:54] I'm on a
[55:54 - 55:55] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:55 - 55:56] I'm on a
[55:56 - 55:57] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:57 - 55:58] I'm on a
[55:58 - 55:59] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[55:59 - 56:00] I'm on a
[56:00 - 56:01] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[56:01 - 56:02] I'm on a
[56:02 - 56:03] A-1 F-150 Raptor.
[56:03 - 56:09] I want to look up how much the Xbox One is for this man.
[56:09 - 56:10] Because even
[56:10 - 56:11] I'm wondering now.
[56:11 - 56:15] Because it's been out for
[56:15 - 56:16] So long that
[56:16 - 56:36] I'm going to try to get the contrast a bit.
[56:36 - 57:02] It'll send you a thing to say update now and literally all you got to do is let it run
[57:02 - 57:07] and sell date.
[57:07 - 57:11] But this right here is one of my daily drivers for trucks man.
[57:11 - 57:14] I fucking love this thing.
[57:14 - 57:15] And the thing I like
[57:15 - 57:19] I know a lot of people ask me what do you like about Horizon 4?
[57:19 - 57:27] Well to be honest with you I literally like everything about it.
[57:27 - 57:31] Because when it comes to Horizon 4 there's really something for everyone.
[57:31 - 57:34] And how the hell did I not know about this danger sign?
[57:34 - 57:42] Hold up.
[57:42 - 57:50] Like whether you're into street racing, off-roading, drifting.
[57:50 - 57:57] Like no matter your style like there's something for everyone which is really cool.
[57:57 - 58:00] And me I do all around style.
[58:00 - 58:04] Like I do drift drag everything bro.
[58:04 - 58:06] It's freaking cool.
[58:06 - 58:18] Oh damn.
[58:18 - 58:22] Dude I don't even have my hand on the gas.
[58:22 - 58:27] It's just cruising that's how much power I got in this thing.
[58:27 - 58:36] I'm literally just the wet knit cruise itself that is nuts.
[58:36 - 58:40] Like what it is I'm literally not even touching it.
[58:40 - 58:45] I'm just moving the stick.
[58:45 - 58:53] Oh damn that was a quick ass acceleration.
[58:53 - 59:01] Oh my god there's that, bro.
[59:01 - 59:04] Alright what's with the Japanese Marty?
[59:04 - 59:14] Come on now you know what I'm about to translate this shit.
[59:14 - 59:22] Marty Marty Marty.
[59:22 - 59:28] I know that's Japanese bro I'm not stupid.
[59:28 - 59:47] Tabaso what the fuck is Tabaso bro?
[59:47 - 59:54] Is that even real Japanese?
[59:54 - 60:04] Yanaka why are you typing in random letters and dude if you want to talk in Japanese I
[60:04 - 60:11] will fucking text you in Japanese on here mother bugger.
[60:11 - 60:26] I'm not a bridge, not a bridge, what the fuck.
[60:26 - 60:31] Yanaka, Yanaka, what the fuck.
[60:31 - 60:36] Okay then you know what I will freaking you know what hold up we're about to get you
[60:36 - 60:40] know I haven't done this yet hold up.
[60:40 - 60:54] Let's go Japanese switch.
[60:54 - 61:09] Dude you want to speak Japanese bro.
[61:09 - 61:13] I can show you true Japanese.
[61:13 - 61:20] Ooh favorite color.
[61:20 - 61:24] Favorite color depends on car.
[61:24 - 61:32] I do personally like red and black.
[61:32 - 61:37] You know red, black, white, sapphire blue.
[61:37 - 61:55] I actually do have a nice ass sapphire blue car that's old school but very cool.
[61:55 - 61:59] Before I do that though I actually do have a special treat for you guys but I did not
[61:59 - 62:01] know they just dropped in.
[62:01 - 62:12] I want to see if I can find it here hold up.
[62:12 - 62:20] I want to see if y'all recognize this but I don't like it bro I didn't get any friend
[62:20 - 62:21] requests.
[62:21 - 62:30] I'll have to check again I don't know if it's Facebook events enough or what but yeah.
[62:30 - 62:42] But how many of you guys recognize this car right here?
[62:42 - 63:09] How many of y'all recognize this beast?
[63:09 - 63:25] Now if y'all don't know let me give you a hint think Fast and Furious number one.
[63:25 - 63:33] Now if y'all don't know this car like I said think Fast and Furious number one.
[63:33 - 63:54] Like who like what character from the first Fast and Furious had a BMW Jetta.
[63:54 - 64:02] I true what character had the BMW like who had the BMW Jetta?
[64:02 - 64:04] Do you remember?
[64:04 - 64:18] Hey Marty what the fuck hey Anthony what's up bro?
[64:18 - 64:25] All right for real manga come on bro chill with the Japanese man don't get wrong I have
[64:25 - 64:30] nothing I have no problem speaking Japanese at all like I'm fucking lovely you know I
[64:30 - 64:35] got friends that live there so I have no problem speaking it or like you know speaking
[64:35 - 64:40] it via text.
[64:40 - 64:51] But uh y'all triple what character in the first Fast and Furious had the BMW Jetta?
[64:51 - 64:59] The remember is my question.
[64:59 - 65:01] Bingo.
[65:01 - 65:08] Bam man Garrison and both y'all motherfuckers got that shit.
[65:08 - 65:17] But I literally have every car from the Fast and Furious movie man.
[65:17 - 65:23] And this thing's just as quick as it is in the film too like this thing's stupid quick.
[65:23 - 65:47] Oh boy.
[65:47 - 65:56] Now this one I'm about to show y'all should be pretty damn freaking obvious.
[65:56 - 66:24] This one should be so goddamn obvious.
[66:24 - 66:35] Who do you know had this car this one should be obvious as fuck.
[66:35 - 67:01] What character had this car this one should be obvious as fuck.
[67:01 - 67:05] Hell yeah dude you know I had to do it man.
[67:05 - 67:17] Y'all know I had to do Brian O'Connor's Mitsubishi Eclipse man.
[67:17 - 67:22] And yes I do have a proper drag tune on this thing too man I do have a drag tune on it
[67:22 - 67:47] for sure whoo whoo whoo whoo.
[67:47 - 68:16] So yeah I think it's definitely I do have that one actually.
[68:16 - 68:24] I do have that I also have another one that y'all it's gonna be a little bit harder.
[68:24 - 68:28] This is gonna be a little trickier but I'm guess I'm pretty sure y'all be able to get
[68:28 - 68:30] it.
[68:30 - 68:47] So it is gonna be in the Mitsubishi family but it's gonna be a little bit trickier.
[68:47 - 68:54] Yo Brian Skyline from Too Fast to Furious was a shit dog.
[68:54 - 69:07] This one's a little trickier because not many people know this film as well.
[69:07 - 69:26] Who had this car?
[69:26 - 69:43] What character from the Fast to Furious series had this car right here?
[69:43 - 69:48] And no looking it up on Google either motherfuckers.
[69:48 - 69:51] And your close trip you're on the right track.
[69:51 - 69:52] What character?
[69:52 - 69:58] What was the character's name that had it?
[69:58 - 70:11] Dude I know y'all know it.
[70:11 - 70:15] And you're right you're right trip it is from Tokyo Drift if y'all don't know this
[70:15 - 70:22] is actually Sean Boswell's Evo from Tokyo Drift.
[70:22 - 70:34] Sean was the main dude along with Twink and Han and all that.
[70:34 - 70:39] I'm gonna text you guys this shit here in a minute hold up.
[70:39 - 71:04] I don't wanna get tricky hold up.
[71:04 - 71:20] Let's see if y'all can guess this one bro.
[71:20 - 71:31] This is going back to the original Fast and Furious the very first one.
[71:31 - 71:37] Who owned this skyline?
[71:37 - 71:47] I'll give y'all a minute to think about it.
[71:47 - 72:15] Who do you know that had a red skyline from the first Fast and Furious?
[72:15 - 72:26] Think about it.
[72:26 - 72:52] I'll give y'all a minute.
[72:52 - 73:04] And if y'all can't guess it I'll give y'all a hint all I gotta say is one word or two
[73:04 - 73:16] words and y'all will get it.
[73:16 - 73:24] Yeah they are actually but uh I actually did know that.
[73:24 - 73:27] Close lyrical you're very very close.
[73:27 - 73:32] That wasn't Dom's car but it was somebody close to him.
[73:32 - 73:36] It was somebody close to Dominic.
[73:36 - 73:46] Now think about this, who's the closest person in Dom's life?
[73:46 - 73:52] Who's the one person in Dom's life that's closest to him?
[73:52 - 74:00] Yup triple got it man Lettie's um this is actually Lettie's Nissan Skyline.
[74:00 - 74:07] No not even bro that was Lettie, Lettie is the one person closest to him.
[74:07 - 74:20] This was Lettie's Skyline.
[74:20 - 74:29] So yeah like I legit have every Fast and Furious car in the game on here like hands
[74:29 - 74:36] down and no I didn't want a photo mode.
[74:36 - 74:46] Now I do also have the Blackbird, the Skyline and the main car uh the Devil's Eve from
[74:46 - 74:55] long gone midnight as well which are actually three of my personal favorites.
[74:55 - 74:59] I actually don't have that one yet like I do have it I just don't have the wrap for
[74:59 - 75:03] it yet I do still need to go in and get that.
[75:03 - 75:13] I do have his RX-7 though and I do have Dom's RX-7 as well.
[75:13 - 75:35] I also do have Dom's charger right there, Dom's Plymouth as well as his charger.
[75:35 - 75:46] So yeah I got a few pretty dope ass cars from movies like I know I got another few
[75:46 - 76:00] film cars up in here I'm just trying to find them.
[76:00 - 76:12] Ah here we go this one should be pretty damn obvious and if y'all don't get this what
[76:12 - 76:23] the actual fuck is wrong with you?
[76:23 - 76:45] Y'all should know this right off that.
[76:45 - 76:55] And like I said too easy and you know what's ironic about this car is I actually do have
[76:55 - 77:21] a legit model car of this from a while back my brother actually bought it for me on my
[77:21 - 77:50] phone.
[77:50 - 78:04] Oh damn went right around those guys.
[78:04 - 78:09] Now you know I want to get a little bit tricky with it this is gonna be for all and if any
[78:09 - 78:18] of you guys are anime fans you guys should automatically know this famous ass car that
[78:18 - 78:20] I'm about to pull up.
[78:20 - 78:25] Y'all should know this hands down if you're an anime fan or a car fan or at least have
[78:25 - 78:40] heard of this car.
[78:40 - 78:59] I'm hoping one of y'all will know this at least one of y'all has got to know this.
[78:59 - 79:11] Yeah you're right on the car making a model.
[79:11 - 79:19] I want to see if lyrical or garrison or tribble can nail this before I say it.
[79:19 - 79:29] I want to see if somebody can nail this shit.
[79:29 - 79:38] Hey 86 seconds bro not even bro this thing can actually bolt quicker than that.
[79:38 - 79:47] No shit dope very nice but uh if y'all don't know I know this was a little bit trickier
[79:47 - 80:04] uh but this is actually from the anime series initial d this is Takumi Fujiwara's ADE 86
[80:04 - 80:17] and I also have um all the other cars from initial d as well like um Keisuke and Ryusuke
[80:17 - 80:25] Takahashi's um RX-7's they're also known as the rotary brothers I have all the different
[80:25 - 80:31] cars as well now if y'all don't you know what let me show you guys what initial d
[80:31 - 80:38] is like I'll show you guys a little bit from it.
[80:38 - 80:42] So youtube please don't demonetize me for this I'm actually educating these people on
[80:42 - 80:51] something so don't demonetize me please I'm gonna pull up youtube here and I'm gonna
[80:51 - 80:58] show you guys what initial d is and if you guys have not checked out initial d it's actually
[80:58 - 81:10] very much worth checking out for sure.
[81:10 - 81:16] Dude I did not know Jake actually had along hair that is insane bro.
[81:16 - 81:44] This will give you like a little bit of a brief back story on initial d.
[81:44 - 81:51] Let's see.
[81:51 - 82:11] We'll see.
[82:11 - 82:33] Oh oh oh oh right here.
[82:33 - 82:53] In terms of reality I'll see if y'all can hear.
[82:53 - 83:01] Wait this isn't the animated series alright hold on let me find the animated series ah
[83:01 - 83:21] here we go.
[83:21 - 83:25] Just ahead of time I did not own the music in this this is all done by drop logic in
[83:25 - 83:40] tokyo pop so yeah.
[83:40 - 83:56] I'm not a racer he's trying to make us all look like a bunch of horses I don't drive
[83:56 - 84:04] like I do because I'm like I only do it because I have to help my father I'm a tofu shop what
[84:04 - 84:11] is it delivery boy what's the big deal about street racing anyway.
[84:11 - 84:32] Can't stop thinking about racing the thing is an eight six is no longer good no one knows
[84:32 - 84:51] for sure until we actually race now y'all turn this don't look good there is no way
[84:51 - 85:02] the engine he's running cannot perform the b-16a you're not passing on the outside.
[85:02 - 85:29] I don't believe this how could he stay with me the monster is in the car it's the driver.
[85:29 - 85:34] Who knows in a few months I might become a better driver than you dad what do you think
[85:34 - 85:42] I think it's a bunch of garbage I'll always be better than you know why worry about what
[85:42 - 85:47] happens after the race there's a much bigger world out there if you love driving then you're
[85:47 - 85:55] a waste of period I don't care if you lose as long as you don't get hurt I just wish
[85:55 - 86:18] I had some kind of idea where I'm heading to I'll demonstrate my fastest racer.
[86:18 - 86:34] Don't you worry about it we'll even score I'll do it with my obscene I definitely did
[86:34 - 86:43] not come all the way out of the boot I've been waiting for you to show now y'all tell
[86:43 - 86:55] me that doesn't look good man but for real y'all can't sit there and say that shit don't
[86:55 - 87:01] look good if you've not checked it out man definitely check out initial D it's definitely
[87:01 - 87:11] a really good series it's actually very very good it's definitely worth checking out like
[87:11 - 87:24] a hundred percent
[87:24 - 87:30] and yes I do have the initial detune on this last night I have all the cars from initial
[87:30 - 87:44] day
[87:44 - 88:14] and this one's definitely a tricky one to lie not even gonna lie
[88:14 - 88:43] [engine noises]
[88:43 - 89:04] as you guys can tell this thing is definitely crazy tough cars why oh I don't know dude
[89:04 - 89:12] double wall tap making sure my car's okay now let's hit this drizzle and see what we
[89:12 - 89:13] can do.
[89:13 - 89:44] [engine noises]
[89:44 - 90:14] Ooh thank god I pulled off into the grass.
[90:14 - 90:34] Cause I almost ended up into that tree.
[90:34 - 90:45] You know what let's, let's treat you guys oh hold up we got super wheelspin oh shit
[90:45 - 90:59] how did I not see that oh I just probably had over two mil thank you
[90:59 - 91:08] well now let's treat you guys to some good old fashioned drift adventures
[91:08 - 92:20] [engine noises]
[92:20 - 92:31] how many you guys want to see me throw down for a drift run y'all ready to see
[92:31 - 92:55] your boy throw down
[92:55 - 93:08] Ooh S2 S1 S2 thank you now I can rip my best freaking cars hell yes
[93:08 - 93:22] let's go boy let's see can I use it can I use it can I
[93:22 - 93:52] use it where's my Pontiac fuck it we'll go with the Ferrari
[93:52 - 93:55] okay we're going Ferrari with this shit let's go
[93:55 - 94:03] you should put this on you're gonna use that car right
[94:03 - 94:08] okay this is gonna be wild we're about to freakin go berserk with this shit
[94:08 - 94:24] ain't what I just realized y'all this is legit my first time using the Ferrari
[94:24 - 94:32] in a drift adventure bro this is the fd Ferrari dog this is gonna be sick
[94:32 - 94:39] oh damn bro we got all fd cars out here pretty much got the 86 Trueno the formula
[94:39 - 95:08] d3 the 599 oh damn we got two friars on this shell guy
[95:08 - 96:46] (crickets chirping)
[96:46 - 96:56] Damn, I'm wall tapping all over the place here, man.
[96:57 - 97:00] (crickets chirping)
[97:00 - 97:14] Oh damn, I lifted, now I'm good.
[97:14 - 97:19] I just lost some major points right there.
[97:19 - 98:21] (crickets chirping)
[98:21 - 98:27] Dude, how am I in the wild?
[98:27 - 99:02] (crickets chirping)
[99:02 - 99:08] Damn, nice little reverse entry right there.
[99:08 - 100:10] (crickets chirping)
[100:10 - 100:12] Oh, damn.
[100:14 - 100:17] Major back end lift.
[100:17 - 100:58] (crickets chirping)
[100:58 - 101:01] Damn.
[101:01 - 102:26] (crickets chirping)
[102:26 - 102:27] Here we go, y'all.
[102:27 - 102:32] First drift event for 2021 using the wheel
[102:32 - 102:35] on horizon four, this would be cool.
[102:35 - 102:50] (crickets chirping)
[102:50 - 102:54] But now y'all see where I got the inspiration to drift, man.
[102:54 - 103:02] (crickets chirping)
[103:02 - 103:09] Yeah, shout out to Henny Girl, man.
[103:09 - 103:12] You're ripping it up in that Porsche 968, man.
[103:12 - 103:56] (crickets chirping)
[103:57 - 104:00] Oh, damn, Walter.
[104:00 - 104:04] (crickets chirping)
[104:04 - 104:07] And I was wrong, of course.
[104:07 - 104:19] (crickets chirping)
[104:19 - 104:20] Ouch.
[104:20 - 104:28] (crickets chirping)
[104:28 - 104:35] This is definitely not my best run,
[104:35 - 104:38] but I do want to get used to using the wheels
[104:38 - 104:39] so I can't get better,
[104:39 - 104:41] so I figure what better way to practice
[104:41 - 104:44] than just throwing me into the deep end.
[104:44 - 105:37] (crickets chirping)
[105:49 - 105:52] Ah, damn, I didn't rip the e-brakes fast, you know.
[105:52 - 106:32] (crickets chirping)
[106:32 - 106:35] Damn it.
[106:35 - 106:52] (crickets chirping)
[106:52 - 106:55] Definitely not my best run.
[106:55 - 106:59] (crickets chirping)
[106:59 - 107:01] You know what?
[107:01 - 107:04] Us men just went out.
[107:04 - 109:04] (crickets chirping)
[109:04 - 109:07] I didn't freaking slay in tires, man.
[109:08 - 109:28] (crickets chirping)
[109:28 - 109:31] Oh, damn wall screen.
[109:31 - 110:15] (crickets chirping)
[110:15 - 110:17] Wasn't bad, wasn't bad.
[110:17 - 110:22] Now I've died for my first time using the wheel
[110:22 - 110:25] a little bit, not too terribly bad.
[110:25 - 112:38] (crickets chirping)
[112:38 - 112:43] Ooh, damn, came in with a reverse entry on that shit.
[112:43 - 112:46] That was wild.
[112:46 - 112:58] (crickets chirping)
[112:58 - 113:02] Bro, just straight went full backwards.
[113:02 - 113:05] (crickets chirping)
[113:05 - 113:08] Not gonna lie, that was fire.
[113:08 - 113:11] Dude, just straight sent that shit.
[113:11 - 113:16] Full blown backwards entry, that was sick.
[113:16 - 113:39] (crickets chirping)
[113:39 - 113:41] Damn.
[113:41 - 113:49] (crickets chirping)
[113:49 - 113:51] Bro.
[113:52 - 113:55] I'm not gonna lie, that was sick.
[113:55 - 114:32] (crickets chirping)
[114:32 - 114:37] Yeah, that chick went straight slanted.
[114:37 - 116:06] (crickets chirping)
[116:06 - 116:09] What I need to learn is how the hell y'all do that shit
[116:09 - 116:11] just throwing it like that.
[116:11 - 116:12] That was wild.
[116:12 - 117:21] (crickets chirping)
[117:21 - 117:25] Y'all I need to find out what tune that chick has
[117:25 - 117:29] on her porch to make the shoot straight and slay it, bro.
[117:29 - 118:18] (crickets chirping)
[118:18 - 118:20] Shit.
[118:20 - 118:28] (crickets chirping)
[118:38 - 118:42] Damn, man. Chick was straight slayin' it, bro.
[118:42 - 118:43] That was nuts.
[118:43 - 118:49] Y'all that Henny girl though, man. She straight killed it, bro.
[118:49 - 119:10] (crickets chirping)
[119:10 - 119:15] That was crazy.
[119:15 - 119:35] (crickets chirping)
[119:36 - 119:39] Y'all, that chick, y'all, that chick straight killed it, bro.
[119:39 - 119:40] Not even alive, bro.
[119:40 - 119:47] (crickets chirping)
[119:47 - 119:56] Y'all, I'm not the fun person to add them up 'cause bro.
[119:56 - 120:00] (exhales)
[120:00 - 120:35] (crickets chirping)
[120:35 - 120:38] Hold on, guys.
2021-1-18 Super 7 Drift Zones

2021-1-18 Super 7 Drift Zones

[0:00 - 0:17] What's going on y'all? It's ya boi, I'm back. I actually am going to be ripping it up on
[0:17 - 0:40] some Forza Horizon 4 doing some Super 7 drift zone attempts as well as other drift zone deals that they got going on, so uh, yo let's get it!
[0:40 - 1:03] First let me make sure I got everything set. Alright first I need to purchase these two perks right here. Well actually three.
[1:03 - 1:20] Yo junior what's good man? I'm doing good dude. I'm doing good man.
[1:20 - 1:34] And I know it might sound weird but I am actually going to attempt my one that I did real quick just to see if I can do it.
[1:34 - 2:00] Just push it dude. I know mine's in here. It better be. Fuck you Nick. I like you Nick but uh yeah.
[2:00 - 2:14] I would say we were gonna go initial B first but I do kind of want to try it out on this and see how it works.
[2:14 - 2:38] Are you guys ready for some fun? Are you guys ready to catch this angle man? Let's go.
[2:38 - 3:07] Boy or not it's actually one that I did so it won't be too hard. It's just a simple run.
[3:07 - 3:36] The only hard part that would happen is the part where I have to rip the e-brake and go around this one hairpin spot.
[3:36 - 3:58] This is definitely tricky. Let me move my coffee down here before I fucking spill it all over the frickin place.
[3:58 - 4:08] Like this course is I actually do kind of enjoy doing this course and I've always kind of wanted to turn this spot into a drip zone anyway.
[4:08 - 4:14] Something else kind of cool to get to be able to do that finally.
[4:14 - 4:37] Oh damn reverse entry.
[4:37 - 4:47] Alright so here comes the zone. It's coming out quick. I've got to keep the damn car on the road.
[4:47 - 5:01] Yo see I'm on the fucking road.
[5:01 - 5:08] Ah shit. That was a fuck up.
[5:08 - 5:25] It really is dude like this zone is definitely tough bro.
[5:25 - 5:35] I didn't want to do a quick run through with it using the controller real quick though just kind of show y'all what I'm up against.
[5:35 - 5:42] So let's switch over here to the controller. Let's retry that.
[5:42 - 6:11] I'm not sure y'all just how crazy you can get.
[6:11 - 6:14] Ah crap.
[6:14 - 6:17] Took the wrong one right there.
[6:17 - 6:40] That's one thing with this course man you gotta be careful with the lines you take.
[6:40 - 7:09] Mm hmm.
[7:09 - 7:20] Here we go.
[7:20 - 7:47] Oh damn.
[7:47 - 7:57] Yeah that was wild.
[7:57 - 8:18] So yeah there's that crazy insane freaking course.
[8:18 - 8:31] Yeah but also I do need to practice with it though too a lot like and I know that like once I get used to tossing the wheel around a bit more I know I'll actually be able to throw it.
[8:31 - 8:55] I just gotta get used to tossing it around.
[8:55 - 9:03] Oh god dude. Are you serious man they're seriously doing.
[9:03 - 9:29] So what are you saying that Marty may have had something to do with that site.
[9:29 - 9:41] Right like I'm not going on there dude I just want to know I do think that he may have had something to do with that obituary site that's up.
[9:41 - 9:58] Why did he like admit it in any way that he had something to do with it.
[9:58 - 10:02] Are you serious so he actually admitted on a while.
[10:02 - 10:06] Wait dude.
[10:06 - 10:12] All right after I'm done with this string I'm going to go in and check it out because.
[10:12 - 10:20] Oh I swear Marty has something to do with that his ass is done.
[10:20 - 10:33] His ass is fucked.
[10:33 - 10:50] But obviously he knows who did.
[10:50 - 11:08] Well obviously he knows he either knows who did or he has something to do with it obviously.
[11:08 - 11:14] Man fuck Tony man.
[11:14 - 11:27] Tony is a little bitch.
[11:27 - 11:41] Tony can sit there and call me out all he fucking wants I give no fucks.
[11:41 - 11:54] You know what.
[11:54 - 12:09] Yo Leisha what's he saying.
[12:09 - 12:23] What exactly is he saying like posting a check because I want to know.
[12:23 - 12:26] Tony beat me in a race.
[12:26 - 12:34] Do they guy couldn't even hold fucking angle on him in a fucking driveway let alone ripping it on the mountain course.
[12:34 - 12:50] Come on bro.
[12:50 - 12:57] Tony I'll make this challenge to you right now you pussy ass motherfucker.
[12:57 - 13:01] I guarantee you there's no way you'll be able to handle it.
[13:01 - 13:07] You ain't got the balls to fucking rip it sideways homie.
[13:07 - 13:22] You got the fucking balls to face me in a drift road. The fuck.
[13:22 - 13:31] Right that's what I want to know. Yo Tony you got an Xbox man. You want to face the DK you got to go through my homie right here man.
[13:31 - 13:45] Face me in a DK you got to go against my boy Cam time straight the fuck up.
[13:45 - 14:13] I'll straight body your ass boy.
[14:13 - 14:17] Tony you're a fucking pussy.
[14:17 - 14:46] You got the balls to step up to a DK like me Sonny if you want to motherfucker come and get it.
[14:46 - 15:10] You know what I got something to bring a little punk ass.
[15:10 - 15:18] I was hoping you won't make me bust this thing out but I gotta do it.
[15:18 - 15:47] I gotta destroy you.
[15:47 - 15:56] How shall I destroy this punk ass.
[15:56 - 16:05] Shall I go F1. Yes I think I shall.
[16:05 - 16:17] Actually now you know what custom double down.
[16:17 - 16:43] Bro yo D BAM 360 BAM 360 180 red background.
[16:43 - 16:57] Walt out that house.
[16:57 - 17:04] Walt out another house.
[17:04 - 17:18] Do it off roading. Come on Tony you can't handle a car like that bro. You ain't got the balls to handle a car when it's out of control.
[17:18 - 17:22] Even when I spit out I know how to control that motherfucker.
[17:22 - 17:51] You can't even do that bro. I guarantee you can even do a fucking donut in your own fucking driveway bitch.
[17:51 - 18:11] Really told dog are you looking to get smacked up bitch you fucking fag.
[18:11 - 18:27] What's the matter told dog ain't got the balls to face somebody like me your punk ass want to be.
[18:27 - 18:39] You say I'm mentally challenged says the one who's running his mouth and a child like a fucking pussy.
[18:39 - 18:50] Enter these damn trees.
[18:50 - 18:55] And you know rustic I know that some of your people bitch.
[18:55 - 19:03] Hey rustic watch take your fucking bitch ass pussy dogs and go the fuck home.
[19:03 - 19:32] Fuck out punk ass cunt.
[19:32 - 20:01] Hey TGL.
[20:01 - 20:04] Watch you don't get some you dumb bitch.
[20:04 - 20:09] You ain't got the balls to step up to me you fucking bitch.
[20:09 - 20:14] I'm fucking body your ass in three seconds flat.
[20:14 - 20:24] You don't want this.
[20:24 - 20:35] I promise you you don't want this.
[20:35 - 21:04] Because I'll probably end up putting your fake ass in the fucking hospital.
[21:04 - 21:21] I trust me you do not want to fuck me TGL because I will fuck your ass up.
[21:21 - 21:28] I have no problem putting a bitch like you in the fucking hospital zero.
[21:28 - 21:37] I have zero issue fucking your ass up.
[21:37 - 21:41] So TGL why don't you get fucking lost you dumb pussy.
[21:41 - 21:54] Because you're all bark and no bite bitch.
[21:54 - 21:58] I'm for real you're literally all bark and no bite.
[21:58 - 22:06] So take your puppy and so take your puppy dog ass and sit on the fucking porch you dumb bitch.
[22:06 - 22:13] Bark bark motherfucker.
[22:13 - 22:26] Keep yapping away you fucking chihuahua ugly rat asshole motherfucker.
[22:26 - 22:33] You fucking retard get the fuck out of here.
[22:33 - 22:51] You fucking reject.
[22:51 - 22:53] Bark bark motherfucker.
[22:53 - 22:59] Go take your puppy ass back to the fucking porch dude.
[22:59 - 23:18] For real you want to act like a big dog but you ain't nothing but a puppy dog you little bitch.
[23:18 - 23:22] I already know you're one of rustics people you fucking lame ass.
[23:22 - 23:30] And hey toe rustic hey yo TGL by the way toe rustic just suck my dick.
[23:30 - 23:44] And if she's got something to say say to my fucking face and stop being a little bitch.
[23:44 - 23:59] Tell a little cunt bag to fucking run her mouth to me.
[23:59 - 24:04] Look at this y'all this is funny this is a comedy right here.
[24:04 - 24:10] This motherfucker over here pretending to be a fucking hard ass.
[24:10 - 24:13] Bark bark you puppy dog little bitch.
[24:13 - 24:31] You gonna bark for us some more you puppy dog little bitch.
[24:31 - 24:42] Hey toe rustic she can suck a fucking dick.
[24:42 - 24:45] For real TGL toe rustic just suck my fucking dick.
[24:45 - 25:05] And if she's got something to say say to my face and quit being a bitch ass coward.
[25:05 - 25:17] Woof woof go back to your little punk ass bitch master rustic who's a fucking cunt man coward.
[25:17 - 25:23] Bark bark puppy dog little bitch.
[25:23 - 25:29] Oh look little puppy dog thinks he's tough shit.
[25:29 - 25:36] Y'all see this this old puppy dog thinks he's tough shit.
[25:36 - 25:40] Hey rustic your little puppy dog ass minion over here.
[25:40 - 25:50] You better put him back on the least you got a muzzle on his ass before I put him in the fucking grave.
[25:50 - 26:19] Just saying.
[26:19 - 26:25] Ha ha ha back speed.
[26:25 - 26:31] But y'all rustic why don't you get your little punk ass puppy dog little minion bitch.
[26:31 - 26:40] Over here and shut the fuck up.
[26:40 - 26:47] Because rustic you and I both know that you ain't nothing but a punk ass bitch who attacks people with special needs.
[26:47 - 26:56] You're a fucking coward.
[26:56 - 27:13] Your punk ass lame bitch.
[27:13 - 27:42] Yo where is my favorites at.
[27:42 - 27:58] I said TGL keep on yapping like the fucking puppy dog you are your little bitch.
[27:58 - 28:12] You're chihuahua rat ass motherfucker. You look like a fucking you're like a naked moron had sex with a fucking chihuahua and came out with your ugly ass.
[28:12 - 28:22] Just saying.
[28:22 - 28:36] Yo yo motherfucker yo yo.
[28:36 - 28:59] Fucking deformed looking little rat.
[28:59 - 29:09] Oh damn he's calling you out homie.
[29:09 - 29:32] Oh damn jump drew.
[29:32 - 29:44] Hey rustic she can suck my fucking dick. Actually no she can suck my left nut and make my right one jealous bitch.
[29:44 - 29:53] Actually no I wouldn't want to get herpes so yeah.
[29:53 - 30:05] Now it's tell rustic she can suck a fucking dick and go the fuck to hell.
[30:05 - 30:30] Oh damn Walter.
[30:30 - 30:45] Long story short rustic likes to attack people with special needs run her mouth about myself Jenny basically my entire community over here and people that have special needs.
[30:45 - 30:51] She likes to use people and manipulate people with special needs for her own self gain.
[30:51 - 31:03] Yeah rustic I know you're watching this bitch. How about you suck my fucking left nut make my right one jealous you fucking come back a little bitch.
[31:03 - 31:14] You want to be a fucking bad ass you dumb bitch. Like I said, suck my fucking dick.
[31:14 - 31:43] Because I'll always be better than you bitch always because I don't like you I don't attack people special needs like a bitch ass coward.
[31:43 - 31:55] Exactly exactly.
[31:55 - 32:02] Like bro mean you both have a basic knowledge of racing. We taught each other everything we know.
[32:02 - 32:27] I taught you a little bit on drifting and you taught me a little bit on road racing.
[32:27 - 32:39] I'm not gonna lie that oh scrape the wall I actually like this woman this is fire.
[32:39 - 32:46] I don't see how anybody can get over a thousand.
[32:46 - 33:03] I don't see how anybody can get over a hundred with this same bro.
[33:03 - 33:11] Wow, that was a fuck up and a half.
[33:11 - 33:15] I meant to freaking.
[33:15 - 33:32] I meant to scrape the wall or at least wall to have it now frickin go right into the fucking thing.
[33:32 - 33:43] I think what they want to do is they want to scrape the wall going around.
[33:43 - 34:04] It really is definitely tricky.
[34:04 - 34:31] Oh yeah, I like that one.
[34:31 - 35:00] But we're gonna try another one man that shit is that's out there man.
[35:00 - 35:24] Let's see if we got any super. Let's see what super seven runs we got here.
[35:24 - 35:36] Not really big on the run that concept too so.
[35:36 - 35:44] All right.
[35:44 - 35:52] Oh, okay.
[35:52 - 35:58] Oh my god, yo, I gotta check this one out Nicole running scores I gotta check that out.
[35:58 - 36:09] I do plan on checking out the homie dungeon one songs course as well shout out to the homie Dom man.
[36:09 - 36:29] If y'all ain't know who don't want song is man. Check out YouTube dudes a major major YouTuber super cool dude too.
[36:29 - 36:36] But we about to get this shit.
[36:36 - 36:41] Why do I get the feeling this is gonna be some fun that I knew it.
[36:41 - 36:43] I knew it.
[36:43 - 37:03] It's gonna be a fucking bobsled type course, bro, that's gonna be fired.
[37:03 - 37:15] Oh, bro, that is a way.
[37:15 - 37:20] I hold up, I'm out to restart this hold up.
[37:20 - 37:23] That shit's fire though.
[37:23 - 37:30] That's gonna be a tricky one man.
[37:30 - 37:44] And I've seen cool running is the movie man it's a good movie.
[37:44 - 38:04] Yo, it's a legit bobsled course this is what
[38:04 - 38:30] Oh, hold it.
[38:30 - 38:37] Fuck working straight for it. This is actually a dope course.
[38:37 - 38:48] Oh, yes.
[38:48 - 38:54] Yo, that is a fun ass course.
[38:54 - 39:06] All right, bro. Yo, this course is actually yo I actually like this course.
[39:06 - 39:34] This is actually a lot of fun.
[39:34 - 39:52] Oh, rippin it.
[39:52 - 39:56] Yo, for all y'all that have horizon for man.
[39:56 - 40:02] Definitely check out the bobsled run man. Check out the cool running scores man.
[40:02 - 40:29] Definitely worth a check out.
[40:29 - 40:48] Oh, why don't I get this feeling what
[40:48 - 41:17] Yo Kat, correct me if I'm wrong but why do I feel like this dude's over here mocking me.
[41:17 - 41:54] Let's see what we got.
[41:54 - 42:52] Okay.
[42:52 - 43:00] Oh, that wouldn't want to go then.
[43:00 - 43:03] For real.
[43:03 - 43:14] And sorry junior man it just seemed like you were that's why I was like yo what the fuck.
[43:14 - 43:27] All right, let's go boy. Oh, I love this course. We've got to do one of our favorite courses that don't want song did. Yo, let's go man.
[43:27 - 43:46] Let's get it.
[43:46 - 44:15] Oh, sketchy shit.
[44:15 - 44:26] Oh,
[44:26 - 44:44] what you know about that June kind of life.
[44:44 - 45:13] I know what I did is I didn't speed up fast enough.
[45:13 - 45:23] You know what we're about to do something crazy here hold up.
[45:23 - 45:26] We're gonna go full steering mode on this.
[45:26 - 45:35] Yeah for focus and I know for escort I believe it's either focused or escort.
[45:35 - 45:50] I believe it's a focus though.
[45:50 - 45:59] This is all the real gym con experience here boy.
[45:59 - 46:28] Not like that though.
[46:28 - 46:55] All right, let's start over on that way.
[46:55 - 46:59] Oh yeah, that's the honey in focus. Yeah.
[46:59 - 47:09] Because I've seen the focus will go down up underneath the grill.
[47:09 - 47:21] Yo, I yell time I know the same you bro.
[47:21 - 47:25] Y'all tell me what up dog.
[47:25 - 47:27] Different Tommy bro my bad.
[47:27 - 47:39] What's good.
[47:39 - 47:46] There's another Tommy those up in here and shit talking crap a few days ago or not.
[47:46 - 47:49] Oh, come on.
[47:49 - 47:53] Why does this focus giving me trouble dude it's never giving me this trouble.
[47:53 - 48:04] Fuck.
[48:04 - 48:09] I'm wrong dude but I hope you have a good night bro.
[48:09 - 48:28] Sleep well.
[48:28 - 48:43] Rolled over and shit. I figured maybe I'd be able to toss it.
[48:43 - 49:11] Well I did it. I'll take that I'll chalk that up as a win on that one.
[49:11 - 49:40] How did I miss that ran.
[49:40 - 50:20] Oh.
[50:20 - 50:25] Shit.
[50:25 - 50:41] This is actually good practice.
[50:41 - 51:00] Wow man I threw out the back end too hard.
[51:00 - 51:27] Let me show you what I can really do hold up.
[51:27 - 51:56] Oh dude.
[51:56 - 52:19] How did I not get points for that.
[52:19 - 52:26] Hold up hold up. How did I not get points for that sick run.
[52:26 - 52:55] Wow I straight launched it hard not gonna lie that was sick.
[52:55 - 53:14] I mean y'all saw that I straight freakin tossed it man how the did I not get any points.
[53:14 - 53:30] The fuck.
[53:30 - 53:59] Oh.
[53:59 - 54:28] Oh okay.
[54:28 - 54:51] Oh.
[54:51 - 54:57] Sorry I'm like I'm really trying to get this perfect as wrong because I do want to film this.
[54:57 - 55:01] I do want to upload this footage to YouTube.
[55:01 - 55:30] That's like a Jim Conner run.
[55:30 - 55:43] Oh I know I did.
[55:43 - 55:59] I came around wrong when I went throughout I should have spun it and then came back around that cone right there that barrel.
[55:59 - 56:28] Wow.
[56:28 - 57:09] Oh.
[57:09 - 57:38] Hopefully it's the one that takes it.
[57:38 - 58:07] That ain't it.
[58:07 - 58:23] How did I not know about that.
[58:23 - 58:25] All right. Hold up.
[58:25 - 58:27] I just figured something out.
[58:27 - 58:56] We're about to get it.
[58:56 - 59:35] Oh.
[59:35 - 59:40] Whatever.
[59:40 - 59:45] Get out of here with that negative shit man.
[59:45 - 60:07] Marty's a little bitch.
[60:07 - 60:27] Marty can go the fuck to hell.
[60:27 - 60:39] How is it that I'm not getting out there with him on his feet.
[60:39 - 61:08] Whoa now is crazy.
[61:08 - 61:37] Oh.
[61:37 - 61:49] And Marty I know you're watching this bitch so why don't you go fuck yourself you fucking freak.
[61:49 - 62:09] You sick fuck your pussy ass coward you want to be.
[62:09 - 62:26] What up dude.
[62:26 - 62:34] I think what I need to do is I need to like.
[62:34 - 63:01] Knock you I don't think I could ever do that again if I tried that was sick.
[63:01 - 63:23] Oh that was close.
[63:23 - 63:26] And Marty can stream whenever he wants.
[63:26 - 63:43] I give zero fucks because Marty is a bitch ass loser who has nothing better to do than to re stream other people streams like a bitch.
[63:43 - 64:12] Because he ain't got nothing better to do this time than to run his little fucking mouth.
[64:12 - 64:32] Marty's obsessed with me bro that's his problem.
[64:32 - 65:01] He's obsessed only for no fucking reason and it's honestly cringy.
[65:01 - 65:10] Oh yeah Devin I do have a challenge for you here man.
[65:10 - 65:39] I don't know this course I'm going to do my course and I want to see if we can actually beat the score that I got on it.
[65:39 - 65:59] Actually you know what hold up I'm about to do that right quick hold up.
[65:59 - 66:06] And not just that but a lot of people don't know this but Marty is actually gay.
[66:06 - 66:17] He's admitted many times over on the top so he does have a thing for me and when I rejected him he can't handle rejection because I'm not gay.
[66:17 - 66:44] I'm straight as fuck motherfuckers.
[66:44 - 66:53] Why does that not surprise me.
[66:53 - 67:17] Now y'all can't I like I was saying bro I want to see if he can beat this shit right here this this course I built I want to see what kind of score you can get on it.
[67:17 - 67:46] Keep in mind it ain't going to be easy because I'm saying but I want to see if we can get this shit.
[67:46 - 68:14] I want to see how wild you can get man.
[68:14 - 68:43] Yeah.
[68:43 - 69:12] No I don't actually do that I don't do either one of those.
[69:12 - 70:10] Yeah.
[70:10 - 70:14] Facts man.
[70:14 - 70:24] Y'all not the pin that comment bro that is straight back telling.
[70:24 - 70:39] Oh no let me get a restart on that because I just seen that shit that was facts bro straight facts.
[70:39 - 70:46] I like that bro dude I might just throw that on something for merch man straight up.
[70:46 - 71:01] I like that man I like that a lot.
[71:01 - 71:14] If coffee's a drug that I'm guilty man.
[71:14 - 71:43] If two drugs a choice my coffee to wake my ass up in the morning and entertain y'all with good shit.
[71:43 - 71:50] Facts.
[71:50 - 72:12] Yeah I'm going to start out a little bit different here I want to try some there.
[72:12 - 72:24] Ah damn I didn't hit you.
[72:24 - 72:34] That's the thing with this one right here you kind of got to hit it at the right angle like that.
[72:34 - 73:03] See don't hit it at the right angle you're going to get fucked.
[73:03 - 73:32] Damn I keep on going way too hard on that job.
[73:32 - 73:36] And I'm stuck.
[73:36 - 73:43] Doug.
[73:43 - 74:12] Oh okay that was weird.
[74:12 - 74:41] Yeah.
[74:41 - 74:53] All right let's see you do this pal.
[74:53 - 75:05] Yo Gris you got xbox on me throw your gamertag and then you'll throw down right the fuck now.
[75:05 - 75:06] And that is true.
[75:06 - 75:08] That is true Noodle.
[75:08 - 75:11] Man if I knew you know you don't know I'm going to fucking mind your ass bro.
[75:11 - 76:06] You're a good ass dude.
[76:06 - 76:35] Okay.
[76:35 - 76:39] Let's see people I follow.
[76:39 - 77:01] Go on don't join I know you gotta have something in your breath.
[77:01 - 77:05] Yeah that's what you think.
[77:05 - 77:18] That's what you think bro.
[77:18 - 77:24] Gris that's the thing man you don't know me bro.
[77:24 - 77:53] You always think you know me.
[77:53 - 78:22] Yo this thing's got a sick tune on this man.
[78:22 - 78:26] I'm watching your game content that's all.
[78:26 - 78:51] Dude if you're watching my gaming content bro you would actually see how skilled I am with some of the shit that I do.
[78:51 - 79:20] Yeah.
[79:20 - 79:49] And Gris if I sucked then why did I take home a victory last week at Suzuka boy.
[79:49 - 80:01] And why did I take fourth in the last race I did literally just yesterday son.
[80:01 - 80:07] Against 30 other fucking drivers man like come on bro.
[80:07 - 80:13] You say I suck but you ain't got nothing homie.
[80:13 - 80:17] Oh okay.
[80:17 - 80:42] I don't know how I did that bro I'm not complaining.
[80:42 - 80:53] Yo it's actually fun.
[80:53 - 81:01] I fuck with this eight six.
[81:01 - 81:05] Hey yo Dev should I throw down on some.
[81:05 - 81:16] Hey yo Dev should I throw down on some grit 2019 on his ass.
[81:16 - 81:34] Get that skill pointed.
[81:34 - 81:40] You know I hold up you know what.
[81:40 - 81:45] You know what Papa Gris I got something for your fucking ass son.
[81:45 - 81:49] I got something for you.
[81:49 - 82:18] You think your hot shit when your hot shit about to get taken down a notch kid.
[82:18 - 82:43] Hey yo Dev should I show them why they call me one of the fastest on grid or should I
[82:43 - 82:50] straight and destroy his ass with a drift run on the toge.
[82:50 - 83:00] Take your pick.
[83:00 - 83:04] What is it gonna be Papa Gris I have to destroy your ass with a solid ass drift run on the
[83:04 - 83:11] toge or I have to show you why I'm one of the best drivers on grid.
[83:11 - 83:13] Take.
[83:13 - 83:17] I ain't I got you.
[83:17 - 83:19] But did I say night down.
[83:19 - 83:24] Night crowns modified.
[83:24 - 83:50] For this one I'm thinking that you go.
[83:50 - 83:54] Hey yo Dev tear his ass apart bro.
[83:54 - 84:23] Take his punk ass apart son.
[84:23 - 85:13] Take.
[85:13 - 85:16] Actually you know what hold up Dev.
[85:16 - 85:18] Hold up bro I'm about to.
[85:18 - 85:25] I'm about to show this guy why I'm one of the quickest man fuck the toge run bro.
[85:25 - 85:54] I'm about to show this punk ass why I'm one of the fastest in the world.
[85:54 - 86:13] He is talking for real bro.
[86:13 - 86:25] Hey yo Gris I thought he was a badass you punk ass.
[86:25 - 86:34] Why are you ducking like a bitch.
[86:34 - 89:05] Why are you ducking like a bitch Gris.
[89:05 - 89:06] Why are you ducking like a bitch.
[89:06 - 91:21] Why are you ducking like a bitch Gris.
[91:21 - 91:45] Motherfucker quack quack bitch.
[91:45 - 91:46] Oh wow.
[91:46 - 91:50] You're that much of a pussy that you gotta get your little fucking friends up in here
[91:50 - 91:55] to defend your ass really damn you're a coward bro.
[91:55 - 92:04] You can't even fight your own battles like a real man like what.
[92:04 - 92:22] That's just sad bro.
[92:22 - 92:46] That's just sad.
[92:46 - 93:16] Fax D I agree homie like if you're gonna talk shit behind a keyboard at least be
[93:16 - 93:37] able to fucking back it up.
[93:37 - 94:00] Fucking keyboard where ass pussies.
[94:00 - 94:25] Starting to get my groove back man.
[94:25 - 94:50] Whatever dude it's a fucking toga you dumb bitch.
[94:50 - 95:04] You motherfuckers are all bark and no bite bitch.
[95:04 - 95:22] It is a bunch of no name coward ass keyboard warriors.
[95:22 - 95:39] Seriously that's all you are man you're a bunch of keyboard warriors talking shit.
[95:39 - 95:43] That's all you are man you're a bunch of pussy ass cowards running your fucking mouth
[95:43 - 95:50] like a bitch.
[95:50 - 96:01] I'm gonna tell you like I told Rustic suck my dick ya fucking bitch ya bitch.
[96:01 - 96:18] You want to talk smack to me boy you better be able to fucking back it up.
[96:18 - 96:24] Why just stop being a little puppy dog bitch get your ass to fucking Xbox get your ass
[96:24 - 96:38] on it I'll show you the fuck up kid.
[96:38 - 96:41] You're all bark and no bite ya fucking bitch.
[96:41 - 96:49] You're all like a fucking annoying ass chihuahua that doesn't know how to shut the fuck up.
[96:49 - 96:55] You're like a fucking ankle bite nippy dog bro.
[96:55 - 97:02] For real you want to talk all that smack but you can't fucking back it up cause you're
[97:02 - 97:20] a fucking pussy you know what I can't fucking put your ass yip yip motherfucker yip yip.
[97:20 - 97:23] Dude I highly doubt you race in real life.
[97:23 - 97:36] I highly doubt that.
[97:36 - 97:52] Hey yo Dev you believe these clowns dog?
[97:52 - 97:58] Y'all a bunch of yippy little bitches dude.
[97:58 - 98:03] Yeah bullshit where's the proof of that shit nigga.
[98:03 - 98:31] I want to see the proof of that shit.
[98:31 - 98:36] For real bro I want to see the fucking proof of you being this so called pro rally cross
[98:36 - 99:01] racing nigga.
[99:01 - 99:30] I'm not a fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking.
[99:30 - 99:38] You know what hold up you know what fuck this fucking great shit bro.
[99:38 - 99:54] Watch this dude let me see if there's something in here.
[99:54 - 100:01] How I doubt that Gris where's your proof bitch where's your fucking proof.
[100:01 - 100:07] I don't want to see you talking about it I want to see you sending links of you on
[100:07 - 100:21] your fucking channel running your shit.
[100:21 - 100:26] For real dog I want to see the proof of your shit bro for real.
[100:26 - 100:31] Send me a link to your channel so I can check your shit out.
[100:31 - 100:38] That way I know if you're legit or not because if you ain't legit you a pussy.
[100:38 - 101:07] See I'm actually legit motherfucker.
[101:07 - 101:12] Yeah for real dude.
[101:12 - 101:38] That's what I'm saying dude.
[101:38 - 101:46] Alright bro Devin sat right in my void camp down here watch me on here take first place
[101:46 - 101:53] at Suzuka circuit last week and then fourth place against 30 other drivers this week.
[101:53 - 101:59] So who's the bitch now kid.
[101:59 - 102:05] And they weren't some AI drivers either man I can't in time can vouch for that shit
[102:05 - 102:13] both times both times.
[102:13 - 102:29] Hey yo can time sounds to me like these guys are just talking out they ass bro.
[102:29 - 102:40] Hey Papa Gris do I can time said homie if we're gonna talk shit at least be able to
[102:40 - 103:05] back it up bitch.
[103:05 - 103:31] Shit I got a little bit loose.
[103:31 - 104:02] Shit.
[104:02 - 104:17] Hey yo D I'd love to see this guy try to run an F1 car like me and you do dawg.
[104:17 - 104:31] I would love to see this Gris guy try to run an F1 car.
[104:31 - 104:54] This dude probably can't even do donuts in his own fucking driveway.
[104:54 - 105:03] Hey sick Gris you're just out to the cloud homeboy.
[105:03 - 105:09] That's all it is bro you a cloud chasing little bitch.
[105:09 - 105:28] You're a pun sir a shit starter.
[105:28 - 105:43] Shit.
[105:43 - 106:12] I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm
[106:12 - 107:03] sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm
[107:03 - 107:19] sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I've been talking to
[107:19 - 107:47] you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm
[107:47 - 108:41] sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm
[108:41 - 109:02] sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
[109:02 - 109:26] I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm
[109:26 - 110:44] sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm
[110:44 - 110:57] sorry it is man who do you think it is dog that was literally the easiest qualifying
[110:57 - 111:20] round ever what do you think it could have been bro
[111:20 - 111:33] what the fuck yo ghost man I'm gonna send you my discord I want you to add me and send
[111:33 - 111:49] me all the evidence you got bro here is yo ghost man that's my discord hit me up on
[111:49 - 111:55] there send me the fuck evidence bro I want to see this shit before I do anything before
[111:55 - 112:00] I take any action I want you to send me all the evidence you got man so if you ain't got
[112:00 - 112:08] this cord sign up for it seven the info I'm actually got the balance cuz yeah my batteries
[112:08 - 112:15] almost then I kind of need to let this shit charge for a bit so yeah ghost mate hit me
[112:15 - 112:18] up on discord D I'll catch you over on Facebook are we
2021-1-20 answering the question Why its hard for me to stay in a Relationship

2021-1-20 answering the question Why its hard for me to stay in a Relationship

[0:00 - 0:29] What's up guys. I'm here to ask my answer.
[0:29 - 0:39] Some questions that some of you have been having over the course of time that I've been on YouTube.
[0:39 - 0:51] I know a lot of you guys have been wondering, you know, why is it that I bounce around from?
[0:51 - 1:03] Yeah, I can see your comments, dude. But people have been wondering, you know, why am I bouncing around from, you know, girl to girl?
[1:03 - 1:13] You know, what's going on? What's the deal? Yada, yada, yada. Like you're starting to seem like a player and that's not the case at all.
[1:13 - 1:25] Like I know people like Marty have made me look like a player in the past and made me look like shit and made me look like just complete garbage.
[1:25 - 1:51] And you know, I know that it seems like I'm being a player because I'm bouncing around from girl to girl, but that's not the case at all. It's really not.
[1:51 - 1:59] Yo, KJ. Yo, KJ, what the fuck has been going on with you? You know, me? I see your ass in here in a while. What's good?
[1:59 - 2:20] But as you guys know, 11 years ago, this whole downward spiral of, you know, mental, emotional and verbal abuse began.
[2:20 - 2:50] You know, and then in 2015, well, early 2014, well, late to mid 2014, early 2015 is when it really got bad with my ex Heather sending my ex Kayla's brother some nude photos.
[2:50 - 3:03] He let me know I wound up leaving her and then I ended up with the Rebecca chick that everybody knows about by now.
[3:03 - 3:20] And, you know, that's when the abuse really got bad, you know, both emotionally and verbally, you know, like I said in many streams before, I know it's a bit embarrassing.
[3:20 - 3:32] Even now, even though I've spoken about it before, I like the stuff she's made me do in the past was very disgusting, very degrading.
[3:32 - 3:44] So, you know, that happened. I got out of that relationship. And as you guys know, over the past few months, shit has not been the best.
[3:44 - 3:57] And the reason for that is honestly, because of people like Marty, as you guys know, I was with Megan for a little over two years.
[3:57 - 4:04] We were actually due to get married actually last year.
[4:04 - 4:18] She wound up going back home and wound up ghosting me. Ultimately, she had come up here last year to visit for like the hundredth time.
[4:18 - 4:26] And she had ultimately, you know, ghosted me when she got back home. She literally ghosted me.
[4:26 - 4:31] And at first I was like, all right, you know, maybe your phone's off, whatever.
[4:31 - 4:40] But it turned out that she had actually ghosted me and started talking to an ex of hers, burned just out of nowhere.
[4:40 - 4:56] And then as you guys know, after her, that's when I got with Caitlin, who Marty got inside the head of and blackmailed.
[4:56 - 5:05] Like literally blackmailed. He basically told her that if she didn't attack me on the live, she would that he was going to attack her family.
[5:05 - 5:12] And he did just that because she refused to attack me.
[5:12 - 5:25] You know, it's not that I'm not loyal because when I was someone.
[5:25 - 5:31] I'll be the first to admit when I'm with somebody, I am loyal to that person.
[5:31 - 5:39] I am not a cheater. I don't do that kind of shit because I've been hurt in the past so many times.
[5:39 - 5:49] I don't fucking cheat like Marty makes me out to be doing.
[5:49 - 6:03] Like the reason why I'm not with anyone really isn't just because of the shit that Marty has done to me and continues to do to me, regardless of whether I leave him alone or not.
[6:03 - 6:21] It's not just because of that, it's because the girls I get with everything starts off good, everything starts off great.
[6:21 - 6:27] Like everything usually starts off really, really well and really good.
[6:27 - 6:34] You know, they're usually very understanding about my situation.
[6:34 - 6:46] They're usually very understanding about what's going on because they understand that because of my brother's passing, there's still a lot going on with that.
[6:46 - 6:59] You know, and they're very understanding of the fact that I have to take care of my family because my family can't do very much right now.
[6:59 - 7:07] More specifically, my mom, she's not in the best of conditions to be doing very much.
[7:07 - 7:16] Like she can still do stuff but like it's a very, very short span time period.
[7:16 - 7:23] Like she can only stand at the counter for like maybe five or ten minutes before getting sore.
[7:23 - 7:39] So, you know, like, you know, I do help out with that.
[7:39 - 7:47] But what gets me is why the abuse starts.
[7:47 - 7:57] Prime example, pure prime example, Tangerine cat.
[7:57 - 8:11] Prime example.
[8:11 - 8:15] And this is actually a prime example of what I deal with.
[8:15 - 8:23] Tangerine cat is a perfect example actually of what I deal with.
[8:23 - 8:31] Yo, tiny dancer, what's up?
[8:31 - 8:39] Um, but one thing that not a lot of people understand
[8:39 - 8:46] and like and wonder like and I know a lot of people wonder of why didn't me and Tangerine cat split.
[8:46 - 8:58] Um, what happened between me and her is actually a prime example of something that I do deal with.
[8:58 - 9:03] Like that is a legitimate example of what I deal with.
[9:03 - 9:09] Everything starts out great. You know, everything's good, everything's solid.
[9:09 - 9:12] You know, I'm usually happy with the person.
[9:12 - 9:20] And then like I said with Tangerine cat, she started to show her true colors.
[9:20 - 9:28] Because last night, when everything went down, she showed her true colors.
[9:28 - 9:32] And she started off in the worst way possible.
[9:32 - 9:36] If you guys know one of my favorite YouTubers that I watch,
[9:36 - 9:42] and then I follow and you know that I've gotten to,
[9:42 - 9:51] you know, hang out on live streams with via YouTube, Twitch, all that stuff.
[9:51 - 10:01] Um, she had judged him based on his looks before getting to know him as a person.
[10:01 - 10:07] Like she literally sat there
[10:07 - 10:15] and judged his appearance before even watching his videos.
[10:15 - 10:18] Before even giving the guy's video a chance,
[10:18 - 10:23] which spoke on not giving a crap about what people think about you
[10:23 - 10:29] and how to deal with that kind of, you know, issue of,
[10:29 - 10:34] you know, this is what you can do to not, you know, to make sure that, you know,
[10:34 - 10:45] you stay in a positive mindset and, you know, things you can do.
[10:45 - 10:52] Like, you know, like when you first look at Jake Monroe,
[10:52 - 10:56] which I'll actually pull up a video of his here in a moment,
[10:56 - 11:03] but like when you take a look at him, he looks very odd.
[11:03 - 11:18] He looks very, very weird.
[11:19 - 11:28] Like I'll actually pull up a video of his about not caring.
[11:28 - 11:34] I'll actually pull that video up, but like when you look at this guy,
[11:34 - 11:54] like you don't think that he, you know, is a really cool down the earth kind of guy.
[11:54 - 11:59] Gigi Allen, I don't care who dates her at this point, I really don't.
[11:59 - 12:17] Well, let me show you guys what Jake looks like and you guys will see where I'm coming from.
[12:17 - 12:19] Airplane.
[12:19 - 12:21] This interruption is brought to you by Flybee.
[12:21 - 12:23] Thank you, Flybee.
[12:23 - 12:25] Me and Kai have only 12 months left in this country
[12:25 - 12:28] and you guys have already been incredible support.
[12:28 - 12:32] And I want to help to see more of your names and more of you sign up to get those audio books
[12:32 - 12:35] and have your name at the end of these videos.
[12:35 - 12:39] And I will be recording the audio books in the next few days.
[12:39 - 12:45] So you can expect your audio books sent to Patreon really shortly.
[12:45 - 12:49] I'm actually going to have to make a new goal now just because of the amount.
[12:49 - 12:51] Now you take it so amazing.
[12:51 - 12:55] Now you take that guy's video right there.
[12:55 - 13:08] You wouldn't guess that he actually does some really cool music.
[13:08 - 13:17] I'll actually show you guys a cover that you did.
[13:17 - 13:18] Hello, friends.
[13:18 - 13:19] I'm a sin for you.
[13:19 - 13:22] Yes, today is another vocal cover and today I'm going to be doing a cover of a song
[13:22 - 13:26] I've always wanted to do a cover of and that is In The End by Lincoln Park.
[13:26 - 13:31] The Hybrid Theory album, the Reanimation album, and also the Meteor album
[13:31 - 13:35] were such important albums for me in my formative teen years.
[13:35 - 13:39] I went through a lot while I was listening to those albums.
[13:39 - 13:42] So every time I hear a song off one of those albums,
[13:42 - 13:45] I go right back to where I was when I was a teenager
[13:45 - 13:48] and I remember what I was going through and the games I was playing,
[13:48 - 13:51] the friends that I had and the things I was doing at the time.
[13:51 - 13:55] I have a very emotional connection to not only the song but also this album.
[13:55 - 13:56] And whenever we lost Chester,
[13:56 - 14:01] that was probably one of the most shocking losses I can actually think of.
[14:01 - 14:08] I've lost close friends before and whenever I received the news that Chester had left us,
[14:08 - 14:09] it was devastating.
[14:09 - 14:13] It was almost to the same level of losing a close friend
[14:13 - 14:19] and much like those close friends that I've lost, I still always think about them.
[14:19 - 14:23] Now this video will be copyrighted, I won't get a strike for it,
[14:23 - 14:26] but it will be claimed, but I don't care.
[14:26 - 14:29] Now I've recorded this in a way where it is like the single.
[14:29 - 14:32] There's a lot of vocal layers and there's not just one vocal track.
[14:32 - 14:34] So I'm going to be singing on camera,
[14:34 - 14:38] but just know not everything I'm singing will be in the song.
[14:38 - 14:40] So this is purely just for visual representation.
[14:40 - 14:41] So without further ado,
[14:41 - 14:47] here is another tribute to one of the best vocalists that metal and rock ever had.
[14:47 - 15:03] ???
[15:03 - 15:06] ? It starts with one thing ?
[15:06 - 15:07] ? I don't know why ?
[15:07 - 15:09] ? It doesn't even matter how hard you try ?
[15:09 - 15:13] ? Keep that in mind, the design is run out to explore you through time ?
[15:13 - 15:14] ? All by your own ?
[15:14 - 15:16] ? Time is a valuable thing ?
[15:16 - 15:18] ? What you fly by as the engine swings ?
[15:18 - 15:20] ? What you count down to the end of the day ?
[15:20 - 15:22] ? The clock gets light away ?
[15:22 - 15:23] ? It's so on me ?
[15:23 - 15:25] ? You didn't look out below ?
[15:25 - 15:27] ? You watched your time go right out the window ?
[15:27 - 15:29] ? Trying to hold on ?
[15:29 - 15:30] ? Didn't even know I'm wasted ?
[15:30 - 15:32] ? And all just watched you go ?
[15:32 - 15:34] ? You kept it laying inside ?
[15:34 - 15:37] ? And even though I tried, it all fell apart ?
[15:37 - 15:39] ? What it meant to me will eventually be a memory ?
[15:39 - 15:42] ? Every time I tried so hard ?
[15:42 - 15:45] ? You did that so far ?
[15:45 - 15:47] ? You leave your head ?
[15:47 - 15:49] ? You touch me right now ?
[15:49 - 15:51] ? I had to fall ?
[15:51 - 15:54] ? Do you see ?
[15:54 - 15:56] ? You leave your head ?
[15:56 - 16:00] ? You touch me right now ?
[16:00 - 16:02] ? One thing I don't know why ?
[16:02 - 16:04] ? It doesn't even matter how hard you try ?
[16:04 - 16:07] ? Keep that in mind, the design is run out to explore you through time ?
[16:07 - 16:09] ? How I tried so hard ?
[16:09 - 16:11] ? Inside of the way you were walking me ?
[16:11 - 16:14] ? Acting like I was part of your property ?
[16:14 - 16:16] ? Remember waiting all the time to follow me ?
[16:16 - 16:18] ? I'm surprised ain't got so a face ?
[16:18 - 16:20] ? On your way to work or more ?
[16:20 - 16:23] ? You wouldn't even recognize me anymore ?
[16:23 - 16:24] ? Not that you knew me back then ?
[16:24 - 16:27] ? But it all comes back to me in the end ?
[16:27 - 16:30] ? You kept it laying inside of you though I tried ?
[16:30 - 16:31] ? It all fell apart ?
[16:31 - 16:34] ? What it meant to me will eventually be a memory ?
[16:34 - 16:37] ? Every time I tried so hard ?
[16:37 - 16:40] ? You did that so far ?
[16:40 - 16:41] ? You leave your head ?
[16:41 - 16:44] ? You're definitely right now ?
[16:44 - 16:49] ? I had to go to the museum ?
[16:49 - 16:51] ? Leave your head ?
[16:51 - 16:56] ? You're definitely right now ?
[16:56 - 17:00] ? With my trust in you ?
[17:00 - 17:05] ? Rush down as far as I can go ?
[17:05 - 17:13] ? For all this there's only one thing you should know ?
[17:13 - 17:18] ? I put my trust in you ?
[17:18 - 17:23] ? Rush down as far as I can go ?
[17:23 - 17:25] ? For all of this ?
[17:25 - 17:32] ? There's only one thing you should know ?
[17:32 - 17:34] ? I tried so hard ?
[17:34 - 17:37] ? With my trust in you ?
[17:37 - 17:39] ? Leave your head ?
[17:39 - 17:41] ? You're definitely right now ?
[17:41 - 17:46] ? I had to go to the museum ?
[17:46 - 17:48] ? Leave your head ?
[17:48 - 17:52] ? You're definitely right now ?
[17:52 - 18:14] ??
[18:14 - 18:16] Thank you.
[18:16 - 18:17] I'd also like to thank Connor
[18:17 - 18:21] for providing the electronic drum kit
[18:21 - 18:22] that features in the song.
[18:22 - 18:23] I had a bit of trouble doing it, so did he.
[18:23 - 18:26] We didn't really know the original samples for it,
[18:26 - 18:27] but thanks a lot.
[18:27 - 18:28] It sounds dope.
[18:28 - 18:29] If you want to get any of the MP3s,
[18:29 - 18:31] I think that Wi-Fi is actually--
[18:31 - 18:32] If you want to get any of the audio,
[18:32 - 18:34] like just the song itself,
[18:34 - 18:36] of any of the covers that I do,
[18:36 - 18:38] then you can sign up to my Patreon.
[18:38 - 18:39] And as well as the audio books each month,
[18:39 - 18:42] you'll also be getting the vocal covers as well.
[18:42 - 18:45] This song has been completely recreated.
[18:45 - 18:46] I started from scratch.
[18:46 - 18:48] I replayed-- I did the guitars.
[18:48 - 18:51] I did all the piano parts, all the synths,
[18:51 - 18:52] except the electronic drums.
[18:52 - 18:53] I built it from scratch.
[18:53 - 18:56] Not that that matters to the record label, though.
[18:56 - 18:57] So I'll see you guys in the next video.
[18:57 - 19:00] I had a great day today because I made it a great day.
[19:00 - 19:01] Okay. Goodbye, everyone.
[19:01 - 19:10] Now, you tell me that dude is not good.
[19:10 - 19:16] Like, for real though,
[19:16 - 19:19] the guy looks different, but he's so good.
[19:19 - 19:31] Like, and for her to go and judge based off how he looks,
[19:31 - 19:37] like, for real,
[19:37 - 19:41] like, that's the thing.
[19:41 - 19:45] That's the one thing I don't do is judge my appearances.
[19:45 - 19:47] 'Cause let me tell you something.
[19:48 - 19:50] Some of my best friends in the world
[19:50 - 19:55] that I've known for years and years are covered.
[19:55 - 19:59] And I mean covered in tattoos.
[19:59 - 20:03] Some of them you guys might even know.
[20:03 - 20:07] People like P.F.V., also known as Postcard.
[20:07 - 20:10] Crypt K.
[20:12 - 20:18] My own cousin, Jason, who owns his own tattoo shop up in Haines, Alaska,
[20:18 - 20:20] is covered in tattoos.
[20:20 - 20:24] So to judge somebody based on their appearance,
[20:24 - 20:30] like, that's just not okay.
[20:30 - 20:33] And then just sit there and say that I was acting childish
[20:33 - 20:39] after I came forward, spoke with Marty, and did what I did.
[20:39 - 20:51] Like, you know, I don't see where the right to judge is.
[20:51 - 20:55] And that's actually a very big thing that I do struggle with
[20:55 - 20:59] is that when I get into these relationships, they start out good.
[20:59 - 21:07] And then they eventually become these things where they start judging me
[21:08 - 21:14] based on how I am, what I have and don't have, or what I'm able to do.
[21:14 - 21:19] Like, it's not right.
[21:19 - 21:29] Like, you know, just 'cause I didn't stay on a livestream for an hour
[21:29 - 21:35] and talk to somebody that is literally my worst enemy.
[21:37 - 21:39] And I tried to let shit go.
[21:39 - 21:43] I tried to be the bigger person and I tried to move on from it.
[21:43 - 21:50] So I don't see what the fuck.
[21:50 - 22:00] Like, for people to judge others like that,
[22:00 - 22:04] like, that's something that I do deal with and it's fucked up.
[22:04 - 22:08] Like, my whole thing is, if you're gonna deal with somebody,
[22:08 - 22:11] be with them because you actually want to be with them,
[22:11 - 22:18] because you actually enjoy their company, because you, you know,
[22:18 - 22:21] you enjoy being with that person because you love that person
[22:21 - 22:23] and you want to make them happy.
[22:23 - 22:30] You know, when your relationship shouldn't consist on how much you have
[22:31 - 22:36] or how little of something you have.
[22:36 - 22:41] Like, when I'm with somebody, I'm with them right or die.
[22:41 - 22:53] Like, you know, I'm that kind of guy that, like,
[22:53 - 22:57] I don't care how much you have or how much you don't have.
[22:59 - 23:02] Like, that doesn't matter to me.
[23:02 - 23:07] Like, I don't judge based on, you know, your situation,
[23:07 - 23:10] how much you have, how much you don't have, your looks,
[23:10 - 23:13] the amount of tattoos you have.
[23:13 - 23:15] That doesn't fucking matter to me.
[23:15 - 23:19] What matters to me is that person and who they are.
[23:19 - 23:25] And I think that's something that a lot of people fail to realize,
[23:25 - 23:28] is that when it comes to being with someone,
[23:29 - 23:32] you shouldn't treat them like shit just because, you know,
[23:32 - 23:37] they didn't do what you wanted them to do or they're not,
[23:37 - 23:44] you know, they don't have like a ton of money or they look different.
[23:44 - 23:46] Like, that shouldn't matter.
[23:46 - 23:50] What should matter is who you are as a person.
[23:50 - 23:55] That's what should matter is when you're with that person,
[23:55 - 23:59] be with that person because you care about them,
[23:59 - 24:03] be open with them, be honest with them 100%.
[24:03 - 24:07] And that's how I am.
[24:07 - 24:11] Like, when I'm with somebody, I don't hide anything.
[24:11 - 24:14] Like, I don't hide my Facebook.
[24:14 - 24:15] I don't hide messages.
[24:15 - 24:16] I don't hide any of that.
[24:16 - 24:24] Like, I don't hide any of that stuff.
[24:24 - 24:28] When I'm with somebody, I'm with them because I care about them.
[24:28 - 24:33] I don't care about, you know, what they've done in the past.
[24:33 - 24:40] I don't care about, you know, whether they're overweight, skinny, whatever.
[24:40 - 24:41] That doesn't matter.
[24:41 - 24:43] What matters is the person that they are.
[24:43 - 24:53] Like, and that's how I've always been.
[24:53 - 24:58] And I know a lot of people ask me, how did I get to be like that?
[24:58 - 25:00] It's because I've been judged my whole life.
[25:00 - 25:03] I've been torn down.
[25:03 - 25:07] I've been, you know, bullied my whole life growing up.
[25:07 - 25:09] I've been judged because of my size.
[25:09 - 25:13] I've been judged because of the things that I do.
[25:13 - 25:18] And I will admit, some of the things I do are outlandish.
[25:18 - 25:23] I will admit, there are some things that I've done
[25:23 - 25:27] that are very outlandish that I will admit I do regret video-wise.
[25:27 - 25:30] There are some things I have done that I do regret.
[25:30 - 25:35] But because of those things, I got judged.
[25:35 - 25:38] Some of those things were out of my control.
[25:38 - 25:43] Such as when I flipped out all those times on livestreams last year
[25:43 - 25:48] when I was with Heather and, you know, all that stuff.
[25:50 - 25:54] Like, that was a very hard point in my life.
[25:54 - 25:59] That was a very toxic time in my life that I can't say I'm glad to be away from.
[25:59 - 26:05] No one deserves to be treated like shit, lied to,
[26:05 - 26:15] belittled, put down, or told that, you know, they're not worthy of this.
[26:15 - 26:22] They, you know, shouldn't be allowed to do that, like, why judge someone
[26:22 - 26:24] or lie to someone?
[26:24 - 26:30] Hell, another prime example of somebody lying to me is my ex, Megan.
[26:30 - 26:32] She lied straight to my face.
[26:32 - 26:42] And, all right, let me explain something to you with that.
[26:42 - 26:44] I know exactly where you're going with that.
[26:44 - 26:46] And let me explain something to you.
[26:46 - 26:49] Let me explain something to you, bro.
[26:49 - 26:54] And not a lot of people are seeing this or getting this.
[26:54 - 26:56] So I am going to put this out there.
[26:56 - 26:59] And I am going to speak on this subject.
[26:59 - 27:04] Because a lot of people have this subject misconstrued and twisted.
[27:04 - 27:07] And, you know, it's a messed up thing.
[27:07 - 27:11] Because people have made me out to be the bad guy in this situation.
[27:11 - 27:20] Um, when I was with Heather last year.
[27:20 - 27:25] God, I know my fucking British side is going out of it.
[27:25 - 27:38] But when I was with Heather last year, um, you know, things were very toxic.
[27:40 - 27:44] But pertaining to that particular situation, we were on a live stream.
[27:44 - 27:49] And someone had said something very messed up.
[27:49 - 27:57] That really got under my skin and really just, you know, made me angry and pissed off.
[27:57 - 28:04] So I got up and calmly went to go to walk out of the room.
[28:07 - 28:10] Heather would not let me leave my room.
[28:10 - 28:15] I grabbed my phone and asked her if I could please, you know, leave.
[28:15 - 28:16] Just let me go.
[28:16 - 28:17] Calm down.
[28:17 - 28:18] Let me go for a walk.
[28:18 - 28:21] You know, let me go.
[28:21 - 28:22] Calm down.
[28:22 - 28:28] You know, let me go.
[28:28 - 28:32] You know, go for a walk and go.
[28:32 - 28:40] Calm down and, you know, clear my head so that I can come back in a more positive manner
[28:40 - 28:42] and address the situation that was going on.
[28:42 - 28:47] She literally refused to let me leave.
[28:47 - 28:49] Literally stood.
[28:49 - 28:54] She literally stood in front of the door and would not let me leave.
[28:54 - 29:01] She actually had taken my phone, put it in her pocket and told me
[29:01 - 29:03] I'm not leaving the room until we talk.
[29:03 - 29:07] And I asked her like, look, let me go.
[29:07 - 29:15] Calm down and go clear my head and then we can talk.
[29:15 - 29:19] I sat there for an hour.
[29:19 - 29:25] I literally sat there for an hour, begging her to let me out.
[29:29 - 29:34] Literally an hour, begging her to let me out.
[29:34 - 29:37] She would not do it.
[29:37 - 29:43] And because these comments kept coming in on the livestream,
[29:43 - 29:46] they kept on just rolling in and they were really fucked up.
[29:46 - 29:55] So she had stopped the livestream and those comments that I saw were so screwed up.
[29:55 - 30:02] And I mean, we're talking the worst things you could ever say to anyone.
[30:02 - 30:11] Like literally the worst, like take the worst thing that you can imagine saying to someone
[30:11 - 30:18] in the world, the most fucked up things you can say to someone that would break them.
[30:18 - 30:21] That's what was being said to me.
[30:23 - 30:26] Those are the kinds of things that was said to me in those comments.
[30:26 - 30:33] And I started to get so angry that I started to black out because I was so angry.
[30:33 - 30:34] I was so hurt.
[30:34 - 30:47] And when she would not let me go,
[30:47 - 30:51] I screamed at her to please let me out before I black out.
[30:52 - 30:54] Because I could feel a blackout coming on.
[30:54 - 31:01] And when I begged her to let me out and she still persisted and said no,
[31:01 - 31:11] like I literally blacked out and I didn't know what had happened
[31:11 - 31:16] between the time that I blacked out and the time that I came to.
[31:16 - 31:28] Like, I don't know what happened.
[31:28 - 31:35] I never fully got the story of what happened between the time that I blacked out and the
[31:35 - 31:41] time that I came to and was conscious and aware of what was going on.
[31:42 - 31:47] But when I came to, all I could hear myself do
[31:47 - 31:53] was screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs.
[31:53 - 31:55] Let me out.
[31:55 - 31:57] Let me go.
[31:57 - 32:05] Like, please let me out of this room.
[32:08 - 32:12] Like, I literally had tears coming down my face.
[32:12 - 32:14] Like, my eyes were bloodshot red.
[32:14 - 32:21] I had tears coming down my face screaming, let me out.
[32:21 - 32:35] And like, when I looked up, all I could see was me having her pinned against the door.
[32:35 - 32:39] Like, I wasn't like, you know, choking her, like trying to kill her.
[32:39 - 32:44] I had her, you know, you know how, like, whenever you hold somebody like this, like,
[32:44 - 32:49] up against something like by their neck, like, you're not exactly, you know, going like that
[32:49 - 32:52] and trying to kill, but you're kind of just holding on that.
[32:52 - 32:56] That's what I had done, apparently.
[32:57 - 33:06] Apparently, when I blacked out, I had went like this and held her against the door.
[33:06 - 33:20] And people haven't misconstrued saying that, you know, oh, I tried choking her out.
[33:20 - 33:21] I tried doing this.
[33:21 - 33:26] I tried doing that, but that's not the case.
[33:26 - 33:30] While people fail to realize that she would not let me out,
[33:30 - 33:36] she was literally holding me hostage in my own bedroom.
[33:36 - 33:40] My own bedroom, she was holding me hostage.
[33:40 - 33:48] Even after the many times I begged her to let me out.
[33:50 - 33:58] So how is what I did wrong when she literally took my phone from me,
[33:58 - 34:03] would not let me go for a walk, stood in front of the door so I couldn't get out?
[34:03 - 34:09] Like, how is that not being held prisoner?
[34:09 - 34:17] Like, clearly, that was me being held hostage.
[34:17 - 34:23] Because the definition of being held hostage is being held up in a certain location
[34:23 - 34:35] without, you know, being able to go anywhere.
[34:35 - 34:39] Basically, you're being held there against your will, and that's what she did.
[34:40 - 34:47] She literally kept me in that room, by myself, against my will.
[34:47 - 34:49] I was not able to get out.
[35:00 - 35:13] Like, you know, like, what I did was pure self-defense.
[35:13 - 35:16] And not a lot of people, you know, agree with what I did.
[35:16 - 35:21] I can honestly say, I don't very much agree with what I did.
[35:21 - 35:25] But you have to look at it from a logical standpoint.
[35:25 - 35:28] She held me hostage.
[35:28 - 35:40] Like, she held me up in my own room and would not let me leave no matter what.
[35:40 - 35:46] She would not let me out.
[35:46 - 35:55] Every time I would try to leave, she would push me back and keep the door shut, every time.
[35:55 - 36:05] And a lot of people think that she's this saint, but really, she's not.
[36:05 - 36:13] Like I said, I know what, you know, putting my hands on someone is wrong.
[36:13 - 36:13] I know that.
[36:13 - 36:17] But when you're being held hostage, what are you going to do?
[36:17 - 36:32] What the fuck?
[36:32 - 36:37] Yo, somebody find Marty, now.
[36:37 - 36:41] You know, I'm going to see if I can unmod him.
[36:41 - 36:43] Somebody get him.
[36:43 - 36:51] Yo, somebody get Marty to comment, now.
[36:51 - 37:01] And Marty, I know you're there.
[37:01 - 37:02] Comment, bitch.
[37:02 - 37:07] I can't, I don't see him.
[37:07 - 37:20] Who is it?
[37:20 - 37:26] Guys, I'm ending the stream right now.
2021-1-23 F1 2020 Weekly event  MEXICO AUTODROMO

2021-1-23 F1 2020 Weekly event MEXICO AUTODROMO

[0:00 - 0:23] What's up guys, I'm back. I do apologize for that. My internet's been happening really really weird lately but if you guys don't know, I'm actually going into this race a hundred and ten percent line.
[0:23 - 0:28] I've not had any practice on this track at all.
[0:29 - 0:49] Like, I can honestly say I've not had any practice on autodronal and I've not done any qualifying runs so like literally this is like legit me probably starting at the back of a pack.
[0:49 - 1:09] But, if you guys don't know, today is my older brother's birthday so obviously you know I'm wearing the last shirt they gave me which is the Seattle Bears Oleroot shirt when John Oleroot was on the team.
[1:09 - 1:21] And this race is definitely going to be dedicated to him 100% and so I'm hyped up, I'm excited. Even though we're going into this unprepared, it's still going to be fun.
[1:35 - 1:41] You know, I am hoping to bring home a victory for him obviously.
[1:41 - 1:50] Also today I actually get to do my first tandem event on Car X. It's going to be super fun.
[1:50 - 1:56] I'm super stoked about that.
[1:56 - 2:05] I will be ripping it up online on Car X later on today so that'll be fun as fuck.
[2:05 - 2:09] But I got Rick, what's good man? How you doing bro?
[2:09 - 2:19] I don't know about you guys but I'm super excited for this one man. I can't wait dude.
[2:19 - 2:26] We got a little under half an hour man. Till jail time. I'm stoked.
[2:48 - 3:00] And also today I will be releasing a tribute video for my brother and that some of my friends helped me record on Horizon 4.
[3:00 - 3:02] So that'll be sick.
[3:02 - 3:31] And for those of you that heard that pop sound, no I'm not drinking alcohol, I play drinking.
[3:31 - 3:35] Vanilla cream soda Fayo.
[3:35 - 3:44] Vanilla cream soda Fayo. That's one of my favorite things. Straight up.
[4:00 - 4:04] But are you guys ready to get it in?
[4:04 - 4:12] Nice. Yo I'm an ultra explosive shit bro. Not even gonna lie.
[4:12 - 4:18] I'm going to go ahead and turn the fucking zone here.
[4:21 - 4:30] I'm thinking we got a half hour to kill. Why don't I? I'll turn the zone here.
[4:30 - 4:37] Yes I've been watching one of my favorite anime's Orange. Like I started watching it earlier. Really good anime.
[4:37 - 4:50] And if you guys have not seen the anime Orange, you're definitely watching. If you guys are anime fans I know you guys will definitely enjoy it.
[4:50 - 5:06] I'm actually racing a car. The smooth is fast.
[5:06 - 5:17] I want the car to remain balanced. Everything is more delicate.
[5:17 - 5:27] I wish you could just say that 4 cars would be enough but in my experience it isn't.
[5:27 - 5:36] It's a different car for almost everything. It depends what mood you're in.
[5:42 - 5:47] You can't have too many.
[5:47 - 6:00] I gotta collect cars, that's what I do. I think it's one of the sounds though.
[6:00 - 6:05] My problem is I appreciate it. Alright, how's that Spaz? Can you hear me?
[6:10 - 6:16] It's a big part of my lifestyle. And I'll always have hope for both of you.
[6:16 - 6:20] Yes Spaz, how's that sound now?
[6:38 - 6:47] Yeah I think it's because of the sound bro. When the sound is at a certain point it likes to sound like it's messed up but it's actually not.
[6:47 - 6:53] Hang on, let me try taking the cover off.
[6:53 - 7:01] Alright, might check one too. How's that sound man? Are we clear?
[7:01 - 7:24] Hey Dana, what is up, what is up, what is up?
[7:24 - 7:35] Now I should just get my mind right into the race man. Just get my mind set up.
[7:35 - 7:47] That's the McLaren that's in this video right here. I do plan on doing a wrap later on today for sure.
[7:47 - 34:43] [Music]
[34:43 - 34:45] Yo, Jimmy, what's up, man?
[34:45 - 34:51] [Music]
[34:51 - 34:53] Welcome, welcome, welcome.
[34:53 - 34:59] Also, I do have a huge announcement later on today that I will get to on here.
[35:00 - 35:05] [Music]
[35:05 - 35:18] Not in this stream, but after this race, I will be making another stream to talk about that during my next music production session.
[35:18 - 36:06] [Music]
[36:06 - 36:14] Hey, you know, I may even play a little bit of Fortnite on here, because I know you guys really enjoyed it when me and Greg got it in.
[36:15 - 36:23] When I was playing Fortnite with him, I know you all like really fucked with that shit, so I may do some more of that. I may play some more Fortnite for you guys as well.
[36:23 - 36:34] [Music]
[36:35 - 36:44] That's why I can't wait to get this shit popping off so I can actually go in and purchase the stuff that I need.
[36:44 - 36:49] [Music]
[36:49 - 36:55] I do still have my wishlist though, but if anybody does want to take a look at it up on Amazon, I will.
[36:55 - 36:59] [Music]
[37:00 - 37:05] That's not it.
[37:05 - 37:48] [Music]
[37:48 - 37:53] Now, as you guys can see, real people.
[37:54 - 37:59] [Music]
[38:00 - 38:07] Yeah, because some motherfuckers are sitting there saying, "Oh, you're not really some real people." Obviously I am.
[38:07 - 38:22] [Music]
[38:22 - 38:28] Yo, Nitro, you're just in time, bro. Literally. Just in time.
[38:29 - 39:05] [Music]
[39:05 - 39:11] Always do. Man, you know how I do, man. Come on now, bro.
[39:12 - 39:15] [Music]
[39:15 - 39:20] That fucking steam racer shit. What about gas?
[39:20 - 40:05] [Music]
[40:06 - 40:14] Now, this win, this is going to be for my older brother. I am dedicating this race to my older brother, man. 100%.
[40:14 - 40:21] [Music]
[40:21 - 40:24] Some brothers for you, man.
[40:25 - 40:38] [Music]
[40:38 - 40:41] I'm bringing home my dog today, boy.
[40:41 - 40:50] [Music]
[40:51 - 40:56] Come on, man. I have not raced this track at all. Some brothers going in here with zero experience.
[40:57 - 41:55] [Music]
[41:55 - 41:59] I think I raced this track like maybe once in the past.
[42:00 - 42:44] [Music]
[42:45 - 42:53] Hey, pass this line, babies. You. Leap.
[42:53 - 43:50] [Music]
[43:50 - 43:52] I think I broke away from those guys.
[43:52 - 43:56] [Music]
[43:56 - 43:58] Yeah, I think I broke away from the cat.
[43:58 - 44:04] Oh, shit. Yeah, there's like one dude and he's like way back there.
[44:05 - 44:08] Oh, we're good, man. We got this.
[44:08 - 44:19] [Music]
[44:19 - 44:21] Yeah, son.
[44:22 - 44:47] [Music]
[44:48 - 44:52] Ah, uniformers have got D2. That's for you, bro.
[44:52 - 44:56] I wonder what he got D2 for.
[44:56 - 45:12] [Music]
[45:12 - 45:14] I wonder what he got disqualified for.
[45:15 - 45:21] [Music]
[45:21 - 45:23] I'm sure I'll find out after the race, though.
[45:23 - 45:43] [Music]
[45:44 - 45:46] He got a dude D2 and got down.
[45:46 - 46:06] [Music]
[46:06 - 46:10] You guys need to learn how to race and start smacking with each other, man.
[46:11 - 47:01] [Music]
[47:02 - 47:08] I'm taking that dog, bro. I'm bringing home that one from my brother today, man.
[47:08 - 47:21] [Music]
[47:21 - 47:24] Man, these guys are so as shit.
[47:25 - 47:44] [Music]
[47:45 - 47:55] This is a park I run at this point, man, for real.
[47:55 - 47:59] [Music]
[47:59 - 48:02] Yeah, finally, somebody catches up.
[48:02 - 48:06] [Music]
[48:06 - 48:09] Two guys finally caught up, shit.
[48:10 - 48:17] [Music]
[48:17 - 48:20] They're so aways back, man, though.
[48:20 - 48:30] [Music]
[48:30 - 48:33] Can't do any breathing room, though.
[48:33 - 48:38] Can anybody get out of here as good as that?
[48:39 - 48:43] So, sorry, no breathing room for your leg, buddy.
[48:43 - 48:47] [Music]
[48:47 - 48:49] So, that's your for career, man.
[48:49 - 48:56] [Music]
[48:56 - 49:00] No breathing room for you today, and fit myself.
[49:01 - 49:29] [Music]
[49:30 - 49:34] I swear to God, if I laugh, any of these motherfuckers, I'm going to laugh.
[49:34 - 49:45] [Music]
[49:45 - 49:47] Oops.
[49:47 - 49:50] [Music]
[49:50 - 49:52] That was an accident.
[49:52 - 49:54] [Music]
[49:54 - 49:56] Sorry, man.
[49:57 - 51:07] [Music]
[51:08 - 51:10] Yo, Mac, what up? Oh, shit.
[51:10 - 51:12] That's all that is in grass.
[51:12 - 51:15] Yo, Mac, what up, dude?
[51:15 - 51:22] [Music]
[51:22 - 51:26] [inaudible]
[51:26 - 51:39] [Music]
[51:39 - 51:41] We're good, though. We're good.
[51:42 - 55:02] [Music]
[55:02 - 55:08] [inaudible]
[55:09 - 55:14] Some more laughs, man. Let's go. Let's bring her in that way.
[55:14 - 55:29] [Music]
[55:29 - 55:31] Eighteen, my man.
[55:32 - 57:02] [Music]
[57:02 - 57:04] I got this.
[57:04 - 57:10] [Music]
[57:10 - 57:13] I'm bringing home that trophy today, boy.
[57:15 - 57:17] I checked the files coming on me, son.
[57:17 - 57:26] [Music]
[57:26 - 57:29] That was an accident. This is what it was, dude. We're good, though.
[57:30 - 57:52] [Music]
[57:53 - 58:03] Well, now I'm home.
[58:03 - 58:17] [Music]
[58:18 - 58:22] Last lap was eight, one minute, thirty-one, eight, seven.
[58:23 - 58:52] [Music]
[58:52 - 58:55] Hey, I'm on the shot, man. Chill out.
[58:55 - 59:08] [Music]
[59:08 - 59:13] All right, y'all never know. It's not a new night, bro, man. Look who it's from, bro.
[59:14 - 60:08] [Music]
[60:09 - 60:12] It is eighteen, I think, four seconds.
[60:12 - 60:31] [Music]
[60:31 - 60:34] I'm not going to be on it until I finish this.
[60:35 - 62:02] [Music]
[62:02 - 62:03] I got this.
[62:03 - 62:37] [Music]
[62:37 - 62:39] There's three ducks, if you're waiting.
[62:39 - 64:09] [Music]
[64:09 - 64:16] We did a one at a time penalty. We will go against our finishing time at the end of the race.
[64:16 - 64:27] [Music]
[64:27 - 64:29] Release, release.
[64:30 - 66:04] [Music]
[66:05 - 66:08] Final out, boys. Let's go.
[66:08 - 66:10] Let's put it to the end.
[66:10 - 66:32] [Music]
[66:33 - 66:35] Let's move you. Let's go.
[66:35 - 67:12] [Music]
[67:12 - 67:14] Last few corners.
[67:14 - 67:26] [Music]
[67:26 - 67:28] Long stretch, baby. Let's go.
[67:29 - 67:34] [Music]
[67:34 - 67:36] Yeah.
[67:36 - 67:45] [Music]
[67:45 - 67:50] I don't care who that baby is. I took on the ram, boys.
[67:51 - 68:13] [Music]
[68:13 - 68:15] Yeah.
[68:16 - 68:42] [Music]
[68:42 - 68:44] Then I'll take the win.
[68:45 - 69:05] [Music]
[69:05 - 69:10] I'll get you guys in the next race. Peace.
[69:11 - 69:13] [ Music ]
2021-1-19 How am i to far gone

2021-1-19 How am i to far gone

[0:00 - 0:22] What's up guys, it's your boy, so some of you may have noticed that tangerine cat is no longer a model on the channel and there's a very good reason as to why.
[0:22 - 0:35] See, she asked me to go on the Marty's panel, talked to him, and I did just that.
[0:35 - 0:45] I went on there, I explained myself, and I apologized for literally the fifth time, fifth fucking time.
[0:45 - 0:57] And she sat there and basically threw it in my face.
[0:57 - 1:17] Now in fact, let me read off the last message that she had sent. Let's see, right here.
[1:17 - 1:29] "Yet, when Marty brought up your past, criminal record, you didn't like it."
[1:29 - 1:45] "Wait, this tit for tat is juvenile. Go to bed and get some sleep and we can talk tomorrow. Stop trying to justify your actions. Ask yourself, what could I have done better?"
[1:45 - 1:54] Like, that's not attacking me?
[1:54 - 2:10] How is that not attacking me? Like, bro, I apologized five different fucking times. Count 'em. One, two, three, four, five different times.
[2:10 - 2:32] In total, three times in private chats between me and friends and me and Marty and then twice on livestreams, including this last one.
[2:32 - 2:48] So, who's the real bad guy here, huh? Let's be honest. Now I'm not trying to start beef with Marty or anything like that. I'm really not.
[2:48 - 3:07] But Tangerine, something you gotta understand, you ain't always right about everything. You ain't always right. Your whole logic doesn't always fucking work in every situation. You have to look at it from the standpoint of certain people.
[3:07 - 3:23] You have to look at it from another person's point of view. You can't just look at it from one side and be like, "Oh, you could've done this better." Or, "You could've done that. Quit justifying this when you did this." No, it doesn't work like that.
[3:23 - 3:44] It don't work like that, see? When you do that, you just make yourself look stupid. You really do. You make yourself look dumb as fuck when you do that.
[3:44 - 4:08] You know what you get when you assume shit? You make an ass out of you and me. That's an age-old saying. Never assume shit. Never sit there and tell me to quit justifying my actions. My actions are actually very much justifiable. My actions are justifiable.
[4:08 - 4:29] 'Cause see, when this shit went, Marty started. And it's something that no one really fucking seems to understand. When this shit first started, the day after Jamie's passing, I was doing a livestream. I was doing a memorial show for her.
[4:29 - 4:41] To show my condolences and pay my respects.
[4:41 - 4:53] Well, some of the people that I don't get friends with from Jamie's community started posting out videos and whatnot. After the stream, I decided to check them out.
[4:53 - 5:10] I started going down this rabbit hole with all these different people showing their thanks and paying tribute. And then I started coming across people like CPN, aka Child's Play Ninja, who were attacking her, bashing on her.
[5:10 - 5:24] So instead of going at their throats right off the shelf, I pulled guys like CPN aside of them and was like, "Yo, why the fuck are you doing this? Like, let the woman rest in peace. What the fuck's going on?"
[5:24 - 5:43] They started showing me all this evidence that Marty had something to do with her death because not only were they bashing on Jamie and her past, and they weren't really bashing on her being dead, they were more or less bashing on her past, which to a certain degree is understandable.
[5:43 - 5:58] But they started showing me all this evidence that Marty had something to do with it.
[5:58 - 6:17] Now, my question to y'all is, how are you going to sit there and ignore video after video after video things shown to you by dozens and dozens of fucking people?
[6:17 - 6:36] Like literally, there was literally videos on top of videos of them literally explaining shit, literally explaining in full detail about how Marty had something to do with her death.
[6:36 - 6:50] They literally went into full detail with this shit. And it wasn't just, you know, one story here, another story here. No, they were all the exact same story.
[6:50 - 7:08] Now, you got to think in the mind of somebody that doesn't know what the real truth is. You got to think about it from the mindset of somebody that, like, say one of y'all did something and I didn't know the full story.
[7:08 - 7:26] I didn't know what was going on. Like, let's say I'm just a random stranger and I hear something from so many people, you're liable to believe it because you're being told this over and over and over by so many different people.
[7:26 - 7:39] And that's what I was being told was the same story in detail by different people from different perspectives.
[7:39 - 7:59] Now, when you hear that so many times, you're going to believe it.
[7:59 - 8:12] And I did, I tried explaining this to him, but he doesn't fucking get it.
[8:12 - 8:21] Like, he wants to sit there and justify what he did based on what I did.
[8:21 - 8:49] Marty, I'm not trying to come and use style as men, but you got to understand something. When you did what you did to me by going after Caitlyn, going after her family, blackmailing her, attacking me the way you did with fucking rope, and then telling me to kill myself, how is that justifiable?
[8:49 - 9:01] That is in no way justifiable.
[9:01 - 9:10] Like, what I did to you is nothing compared to what you did to me.
[9:10 - 9:29] And Tangerine, that's something I know you're watching, I'm pretty sure you're probably watching this. You need to grow the fuck up and realize that your logic that you got going through your head ain't always fucking working.
[9:29 - 9:45] That logic you have going on doesn't always work. You don't think I haven't tried to walk away? Ask any motherfucker up in here that actually knows me, that has seen me go from the small channel I was to now.
[9:45 - 9:55] Ask anybody in here that has followed me. I have tried to walk away.
[9:55 - 10:06] I have tried so many times to walk away.
[10:06 - 10:20] But when you get people like Marty that bash you in such horrific ways, such horrific ways that are unignorable, how are you going to let that slide?
[10:20 - 10:37] How is me saying that he killed Jamie and then I go back and apologize to him like a man? I go back to him and apologize to him like a man. Five different times.
[10:37 - 10:47] Out of my own free will, I go back to him, I apologize to him. That livestream that I did, nobody told me to do that. I did that on my own accord.
[10:47 - 10:57] All the times I apologize to him on my own accord, by my own doing.
[10:57 - 11:02] So how is what I did not justifiable?
[11:02 - 11:16] I was wrong, I admitted it, and I moved on from it. Marty is the one that you should be bitchin' at, not me. You want to bitch at someone tangerine? Bitch at Marty.
[11:16 - 11:31] This dude sent me fucking rope and told me to kill myself on a livestream. How is that justifiable by any means? How is sitting there blackmailing my ex Caitlyn's family justifiable?
[11:31 - 11:44] How is him taking videos, private videos mind you, and private photos and posting them on porn sites justifiable?
[11:44 - 11:55] How is attacking my family, more specifically my now past brother who has been deceased for many years, justifiable?
[11:55 - 12:02] What I did is nothing compared to what he has done to me.
[12:02 - 12:12] As I said, I have tried apologizing to him. I tried walking away. Many times over I tried to walk away.
[12:12 - 12:19] Many times I tried to walk away and be the bigger person and let it go.
[12:19 - 12:31] But what does he do? He turns around and does something way worse than before.
[12:31 - 12:41] So how is that justifiable by any fucking means at all whatsoever?
[12:41 - 12:48] So tangerine, you say I'm too far gone? Bitch you're the one that's too far gone.
[12:48 - 13:00] You don't know the whole goddamn story and I hope now you do. And I hope you realize that you insulting me like that just cost us being together.
[13:00 - 13:09] I hope you're happy about that because that shit you did, I didn't deserve that.
[13:09 - 13:13] I didn't deserve the way you fucking treated me.
[13:13 - 13:20] And the way you treated me just now on Discord, that showed me what kind of person you really fucking are.
[13:20 - 13:26] And let me tell you right now, I don't deserve that. I deserve 100 times better.
[13:26 - 13:35] I deserve way better.
[13:35 - 13:43] The way you treated me and disrespected me and came at me.
[13:43 - 13:49] I acted like an adult. You, however, did not.
[13:49 - 13:57] So say what you want. As I said, I hope you have a nice life without me.
[13:57 - 14:12] I really do.
[14:12 - 14:20] You know, yeah, I've been disrespected. I've been abused by exes before. I've gone through that whole shebang.
[14:20 - 14:27] But let me tell you, nobody's ever come at me the way that you came at me.
[14:27 - 14:34] As I said, I didn't deserve that.
[14:34 - 15:03] Sometimes you need to put yourself in someone else's shoes and look at the situation from their point of view, from their aspect, from their stuff.
[15:03 - 15:17] Like when you told me about your situation, I pulled myself in your shoes. I pulled myself in your position.
[15:17 - 15:23] Oh, no, it wasn't abuse, a spouse. It wasn't abused by any means.
[15:23 - 15:32] It was a very, very big level of disrespect that showed me how she really is.
[15:32 - 15:41] In those last few words that she said to me, she showed her true colors.
[15:41 - 15:52] And I don't deserve that. I deserve way, way, way better than that.
[15:52 - 15:59] Yo, big score. What up, dude?
[15:59 - 16:05] Oh, yeah, I'm damn sure, dude.
[16:05 - 16:10] And even if she was.
[16:10 - 16:28] Even if she was trying to help me, she should have put herself in my shoes and my position and be like, hey, you know, I understand what you're going through. I get it.
[16:28 - 16:48] See, when somebody comes to me with a situation and they aren't sure what to do or they're telling me about something that's going on, I try to put myself in that person's shoes, in that person's position.
[16:48 - 17:01] And I ask myself, OK, what would I do in this person's situation? You know, what would I do if I were this person?
[17:01 - 17:13] She didn't do that. She just went off of, oh, I'm 36. I'm logical. I have a degree. Bitch, it don't fucking matter if you got a fucking degree in psychology.
[17:13 - 17:19] Psychology don't have an degree in psychology don't mean a goddamn thing in the real world.
[17:19 - 17:25] All that means is that you know how is that you know how certain people work?
[17:25 - 17:31] That's all that means. You know how certain people fucking work.
[17:31 - 17:40] That's all that is.
[17:40 - 17:45] Yo, Kat, what up?
[17:45 - 18:04] Like, so fucking what? You've got a degree in psychology. So fucking what? No one cares.
[18:04 - 18:13] Like, just because you got a degree in psychology, so what? You think you're always right all the time about every situation?
[18:13 - 18:19] You don't know every situation. Every person is different.
[18:19 - 18:26] All right. You don't know Marty the way that I do. You think you know Marty? You don't know Marty.
[18:26 - 18:36] I've dealt with that motherfucker since 2017, okay? I've dealt with that motherfucker longer than anyone, and I can honestly say longer than I care to count.
[18:36 - 18:47] Longer than I care to have dealt with him. I've had to deal with that motherfucker longer than I care to, okay?
[18:47 - 18:53] I've had to deal with that son of a bitch way longer than I've even wanted to.
[18:53 - 18:59] So I know how his fucking mind works. You do not.
[18:59 - 19:09] So therefore, what right do you have to speak on it when you don't know the way that I do?
[19:09 - 19:15] You don't know how he operates. You don't know how his mind works.
[19:15 - 19:27] That's why I went on there and I did what I did. I went on there. I said my piece. I apologized that I left because I knew exactly what he was going to do.
[19:27 - 19:38] He was ultimately setting me up for a trap with all that troll shit about a fucking book that doesn't even fucking matter anymore.
[19:38 - 19:46] So I got smart. I went in there, and I did mean what I said when I said I was letting this shit go.
[19:46 - 19:53] So I went on there. I apologized, said what I had to say, and then left.
[19:53 - 20:00] Nothing wrong with that. I was not disrespectful. I was not mean. I kept a cool head.
[20:00 - 20:06] I held a conversation with him. Granted, it may have been only like 10 minutes, but so fucking what?
[20:06 - 20:18] It was still a conversation nonetheless. Plain and simple. It was still a conversation.
[20:18 - 20:29] Like I said, I held up my end of the deal. I did what I said I was going to do.
[20:29 - 20:41] Now to Tangerine, I do apologize for your loss. I am sorry for your loss. You have my condolences.
[20:41 - 20:50] Now if you guys don't know, just the other day, and I'm pretty sure she didn't want to talk about it, I figured y'all deserve to know the truth.
[20:50 - 21:02] That Tangerine's father had passed away the other day, and I sent her my condolences, and I do apologize that you lost your dad.
[21:02 - 21:17] And for those of you that don't know, we weren't going to go public with it yet, but the day of her dad's passing, or the day before her dad passed,
[21:17 - 21:24] like that morning, she wanted to, you know, keep us secret until everything was done over with.
[21:24 - 21:30] So yeah, we were together. I will admit that we were together.
[21:30 - 21:38] And I understand why she didn't want to say anything just yet, because she was dealing with a lot, and she didn't want that stress.
[21:38 - 21:51] I get it. She didn't want the stress of everyone attacking her and bombarding her with 50 million questions and stuff.
[21:51 - 22:01] I get it. But to sit there and blatantly treat me the way that she treated me just a few minutes ago, that's uncalled for.
[22:01 - 22:25] Like I said, I deserve better than that. I didn't deserve the fucking hell that I walked into.
[22:25 - 22:35] Like, to sit there and tell me that I'm too far gone if I believe the gossip.
[22:35 - 22:43] Like, what? Like, do you hear how stupid that sounds?
[22:43 - 22:54] I'm not going to play something bad for y'all, man. And this video I'm about to show you guys, this describes Marty to the tee.
[22:54 - 23:14] This describes a legit Marty to the fucking tee.
[23:14 - 23:26] See if I can find it here.
[23:26 - 23:45] So they reflect the fucking internal battle that they got with the smell of their own shit onto somebody else or onto you and make you question if you're actually the perpetrator or the victim.
[23:45 - 23:58] My nigga, how you fuck up and cheat on someone and then say you made me do this? I made you do what? I at no point held you prisoner had you shackled up in chains against some fucking wall in the dungeon.
[23:58 - 24:07] And never did I fucking said you're going to cheat on me and fuck him in the name of House Targaryen or face death by dragon fire.
[24:07 - 24:18] I ain't never say that fucking shit. You ain't shit. You know you ain't shit, but you can't accept that you ain't shit. So now you got to go make somebody else feel like they ain't shit, because you ain't shit.
[24:18 - 24:26] That's like me riding my bike down a big ass hill, shoving a stick into the spokes and going flying off my bike 50 fucking feet into the air or some shit.
[24:26 - 24:29] And while I'm in the air, I'm like, I hate bitches.
[24:29 - 24:41] What? Bitches ain't do shit to me. You just stupid. Then when I get angry and respond to you shitting on me, you hit me with the motherfucking remix, and now I'm the bad guy.
[24:41 - 24:53] What? You cheat on someone, say it's their fault. They call you a bitch or a fuckboy and you get offended? Excuse the fuck out of me, my nigga. You feel that?
[24:53 - 25:08] We respond to your bullshit and you decide to go, Doc, it's the motherfucking remix. Wow, I'm really a bitch, though. You really gonna talk down to me? Wow, you fucked up, you disrespectful, you petty, hahaha, blase blah, oopty motherfucking whoop.
[25:08 - 25:17] Uh, yeah, yeah, you did some shitty shit. You're shitty. You shat on me. Your shit stinks. Smell your shit. Smell your shit.
[25:17 - 25:22] Don't paint somebody else as the villain when they retaliate to the crimes that you committed against them, nigga.
[25:22 - 25:30] And if you really feel like you should be able to shit on anybody that you want to, any way that you want to, and not receive something in return, you're fucking full of yourself.
[25:30 - 25:34] Fuck out of here, nigga. Nonetheless, this shit's gonna happen, though.
[25:34 - 25:42] I'm the villain in somebody's story when I shouldn't be. You probably are, too, and you don't even know it, nigga. Fuck it. If you gotta be a villain, at least be fly.
[25:42 - 25:50] Just don't accept the blame that they give you. You ain't do shit. Don't apologize to someone who fucked you over for them fucking you over.
[25:50 - 25:55] Do you hear how stupid that sounds? You're apologizing to someone because their shit stinks.
[25:55 - 26:01] Yo, real shit, my nigga. Yo, real shit, bro. I'm sorry, bro. Like, nah, all some dead ass shit, though, my nigga.
[26:01 - 26:07] Like, I'm sorry you stole my wallet, my nigga. Like, for real? Like, I really shouldn't have left my wallet there, B.
[26:07 - 26:11] Knowing that you still dealing with your condition. Yo, I be robbing niggas, I just...
[26:11 - 26:15] That was real insensitive of me, my nigga. It won't happen again. Yo, keep the money. Keep the wallet, my nigga.
[26:15 - 26:20] It won't happen again. I'm sorry. I'm insensitive, my nigga. I'm insensitive. Fuck out of here, nigga.
[26:20 - 26:29] Shitty people are shitty people, and sometimes they can't handle the smell of their own aroma.
[26:29 - 26:33] Fuck it. Fuck out of here, nigga.
[26:33 - 26:41] God, oh, man, man, he's right.
[26:41 - 27:10] I mean, he is dead ass right, though. Like, for real. Like, straight up. Like, how are you gonna sit there and attack me?
[27:10 - 27:20] After I apologize to you, and then you get pissed at me for defending myself against your attack.
[27:20 - 27:27] Which was way worse than what I ever did to you. It don't make no damn sense.
[27:27 - 27:44] Point being, Marty's gonna do what he's gonna do at the end of the day. Yeah.
[27:44 - 27:58] What the fuck? Are you fucking serious?
[27:58 - 28:03] No, that's not what I thought.
[28:03 - 28:09] Next time somebody does that? No. No, next time they do it, I want you to marry Sally Agnes.
[28:09 - 28:37] Why don't we get to see on those, Marty?
[28:37 - 28:43] Wow.
[28:43 - 28:52] Nice try, Marty.
[28:52 - 29:00] Nice troll, bitch.
[29:00 - 29:11] You ruined, you ruined me. Wow. So, after I just got that apologizing to Marty, get to this little punk ass one and did.
[29:11 - 29:22] Sat there and had somebody come to my motherfucking house looking for a fucking PS5.
[29:22 - 29:26] Nice try, Marty.
[29:26 - 29:31] Bro, I don't even own a PS5, nigga. I own a fucking Xbox.
[29:31 - 29:35] Actually, to be more specific, I own an Xbox One X.
[29:35 - 29:40] But that sides the point. I don't have a PS5, dude.
[29:40 - 29:48] Like I said, do what you do. Do what you fucking do, man.
[29:48 - 29:54] You want to sit there and be a fuckboy and do this dumb shit and continue to be childish?
[29:54 - 30:00] That's on you, dude. That is on you.
[30:00 - 30:07] But like I said, I got a show to get ready for, to do for you guys.
[30:07 - 30:17] So, I will catch you guys in just a little bit, man. Peace.
2021-1-18 Late nght night  COffee & CHil

2021-1-18 Late nght night COffee & CHil

[0:00 - 0:01] [sighs]
[0:01 - 0:02] [claps]
[0:02 - 0:04] What's up guys? It's your boy.
[0:04 - 0:11] Um, I don't know if y'all have caught it or not, but I was just on Marty's stream.
[0:11 - 0:14] Now, like I said, you know...
[0:14 - 0:22] Marty can do what he's gonna do.
[0:22 - 0:28] Like I said, I'm walking away, I'm throwing my hands up and moving all my life.
[0:28 - 0:32] I've got better things to do than to...
[0:32 - 0:40] No, not fuck Marty, like let the guy go, you know, he's gonna do what he's gonna do.
[0:40 - 0:45] You know, what he does, that's his business. That's none of my business.
[0:45 - 0:53] Like if he wants to sit there and still continue on, that's on him.
[0:53 - 1:03] You know, I did the right thing by coming forward and, you know, saying, "Hey, I'm done with this crap. I'm not dealing with it."
[1:03 - 1:20] Like, I'm not here to, you know, rip or talk shit on him or anything like that, like I want to move on with my life.
[1:20 - 1:27] You know...
[1:27 - 1:31] I want to say that I went in there, I had a conversation with them.
[1:31 - 1:43] It might not have been a long conversation, but, you know, it was still a conversation, you know.
[1:43 - 1:48] I said my piece and I said what I had to.
[1:48 - 1:56] Now, like I said, I'm letting it go.
[1:56 - 2:02] And I know a lot of y'all are gonna come in here and attack me and say, "Oh, you didn't stay on there one up." Yes, I did.
[2:02 - 2:18] [silence]
[2:18 - 2:28] Hey, Jenny, what's up?
[2:28 - 2:39] Well, Tripp, after what I heard about you, dude, and how you came out, one of my friends personally rudely, like, that's just like, what the hell, dude?
[2:39 - 2:47] And the one thing I personally want to know, why did they all get mad over wrenches?
[2:47 - 2:55] Like, dude, Jessica, that take your wrench, that doesn't mean you're not part of the community. Everybody's part of the community here, bro.
[2:55 - 3:07] And that's the point I'm trying to make here, like, you know, whether you have a wrench or don't have a wrench, a wrench is just a wrench.
[3:07 - 3:17] Like...
[3:17 - 3:33] And that's the thing, dude, I did apologize to him, bro. Go there and watch the last one back. Watch from the very beginning when I was on there. I did apologize to him.
[3:33 - 3:42] Like I said, you know, I did what the one thing that was hardest for me to do, okay?
[3:42 - 3:54] I manned up. I had a conversation with them.
[3:54 - 4:05] And I even went on there, and Jenny, you can even watch back at my last video, my last live stream.
[4:05 - 4:16] You can even watch back at my last live stream. And Marty, as I said, I'm not talking down on you. I'm not doing any of that.
[4:16 - 4:20] Like, I'm not here to do that, bro.
[4:20 - 4:30] Like, you say that I'm a criminal in some sense, but you have no evidence to back it up.
[4:30 - 4:38] And the only evidence that you do have is from a freaking troll that likes to talk shit.
[4:38 - 4:54] But you, Marty, you associate with a legitimate known criminal. Somebody who has literally almost killed someone. Quite literally.
[4:54 - 5:05] Like, you talk about me associating with criminals and that I'm a criminal. I am not a criminal.
[5:05 - 5:11] Like, you don't know the full story of what happened. So really, you got no room to talk, bro.
[5:11 - 5:29] Like, you know, I said what I had to say. I said my part, you know, and I didn't rage quit either.
[5:29 - 5:41] I told you ahead of time that, hey, after I say what I'm done saying, you know, I'm up and I'm leaving.
[5:41 - 5:48] And I did just that. I told you that I was throwing my hands up and walking away.
[5:48 - 5:58] And then I am done with this fighting, essentially, dude.
[5:58 - 6:04] Like, like I said, you know, I can't control what you do.
[6:04 - 6:13] All right. And I know I know I can't control what you do. I get that.
[6:13 - 6:21] But like I said, at the end of the day, you do you, Marty, you do what you're going to do.
[6:21 - 6:30] All I know is that I'm done with the fighting. I'm done with the bullshit.
[6:30 - 6:36] Like, I want a fresh start for myself.
[6:36 - 6:49] Like, I want a way better start for myself. And the only way I can do that is to disassociate myself from you.
[6:49 - 7:03] Which is, like I said, what I'm doing.
[7:03 - 7:14] Like, that's ultimately what I'm doing is I'm disassociating myself from.
[7:14 - 7:22] You know. What you're doing.
[7:22 - 7:26] Like, and granted, yeah, you may not have attacked me.
[7:26 - 7:39] And I'll admit that you didn't attack me when we had our conversation.
[7:39 - 7:56] You know, and like I said, you know, and that's the thing with Marty, you know, he was trying to go off track.
[7:56 - 8:15] I was there for one thing and one thing only, to speak to him about what happened.
[8:15 - 8:20] You know, I was there to speak to him about what had happened. Okay.
[8:20 - 8:27] I was there to speak to him and apologize to him and I did just that.
[8:27 - 8:42] You know, and if you want my honest opinion, I said what I needed to say.
[8:42 - 8:55] In that video, so I don't understand why I should have even had a conversation with him to begin with, but I did it out of respect.
[8:55 - 9:13] It didn't have to be a full blown long ass conversation.
[9:13 - 9:28] You know, I went over there and said what I needed to say. I said nothing wrong. He kept trying to go off base.
[9:28 - 9:46] He kept on doing what he did. You know, like I said, I said what I needed to say and I'm believing in it that plain and simple.
[9:46 - 10:08] I'm believing in it that reason being, I want to do better for myself.
[10:08 - 10:22] You know, and it's true. I did keep my cool the entire time.
[10:22 - 10:42] I did keep my cool as promised and you know, and I did say what I needed to say, you know, I came on there.
[10:42 - 10:57] I spoke to him like, and here's the thing, to have a conversation, you don't have to have a full blown drug out three hour long live stream.
[10:57 - 11:13] It doesn't need to work like that all the time with certain things. Yes, but with this situation, it doesn't need to be like that.
[11:13 - 11:18] It really does not need to be like that.
[11:18 - 11:32] You know, I went in, I spoke to him in a calm manner. I explained myself and I even apologized to him.
[11:32 - 11:50] I said exactly what I said in that video, you know, I verbatim said what I said in that video, which was the fact that I am done with the bullshit.
[11:50 - 12:00] I'm done with the negativity in my life.
[12:00 - 12:05] You know, because I have some pretty good energy going on in my life right now.
[12:05 - 12:13] I have some pretty damn good energy going on right now that I don't want to mess up.
[12:13 - 12:36] You know, I got a lot of things that I'm looking forward to.
[12:36 - 12:59] Like literally, I got my fucking photography book dropping this week. Hell, I got not only my first freaking photography book dropping this week, but I also have my debut album Shadowborn dropping next month.
[12:59 - 13:14] Like, you know, like literally, dude, I have a lot going for me right now that I'm trying not to mess up.
[13:14 - 13:19] I don't have time for negativity in my life.
[13:19 - 13:26] I'm here to be positive and have a good time.
[13:26 - 13:34] I'm done with the negativity. I'm done with the bullshit.
[13:34 - 13:45] And yes, I did. I actually did triple A. I did admit my wrongdoings on that livestream. I admitted that what I did to him was wrong.
[13:45 - 13:53] I sat right there and admitted my wrongs to him and told him I apologize for it and explained why I did it.
[13:53 - 13:58] It doesn't need to go any further than that.
[13:58 - 14:06] I explained to him why I did what I did.
[14:06 - 14:17] You know, I apologize to him for it and I told him, hey, from here on out, I'm letting it go.
[14:17 - 14:25] Like, there's not much else that needs to be said.
[14:25 - 14:32] There's not much else that needs to be said after that.
[14:32 - 14:43] Like, I don't understand why everybody's coming to my throat when I did the right thing.
[14:43 - 15:00] I came forward and I did exactly what I said I was going to do.
[15:00 - 15:15] Like, straight up, I did what I said I was going to do. I went on there. I spoke with him. I explained myself in depth even. I explained myself.
[15:15 - 15:33] And then he wants to hit me with the remix of, oh, but you're a criminal too. Like, dude, that has nothing to do with what we're talking about at all.
[15:33 - 15:40] Like, I came onto that panel to talk to him and to apologize to him, which I did do.
[15:40 - 16:01] Straight up, I did go on there and I apologize to him.
[16:01 - 16:07] You know, and if you want to sit there and hate on me, that's fine because guess what?
[16:07 - 16:29] I don't give a shit if you hate on me. At the end of the day, I'm still going to rock it with my true fans, the ones that actually rock with me.
[16:29 - 16:43] You know, for those that do rock with me, you know, I fuck with you guys. And for those of y'all that don't, just because, you know, y'all didn't get what you wanted.
[16:43 - 16:54] Oh, I'm sorry, man. Like, you know, I did what I said I was going to do.
[16:54 - 17:05] I held up my end of the deal. I sat down. I went on his livestream. I spoke to him and I apologized.
[17:05 - 17:26] So what else is there to say on this? Like, I apologize. I did what I said I was going to do. If he doesn't want to let it go and continue what he's going to do, that's on him.
[17:26 - 17:31] That's on him. I'm here to do me.
[17:31 - 17:41] So with that being said.
[17:41 - 17:45] I've got a show to get set up for. Okay.
[17:45 - 17:51] I have a cover show to do for you guys and I need to get set up for.
[17:51 - 17:59] With that being said, I'll catch you guys in just a little bit. Well, not just a few minutes.
[17:59 - 18:05] And like I said, Marty, you can do what you're going to do.
[18:05 - 18:09] Literally just a few minutes.
[18:09 - 18:13] Literally just a few minutes, kid.
[18:13 - 18:19] But like I said, Marty, you do what you do.
[18:19 - 18:25] Like I told you in my video, I'm throwing my hands up and walking away, bro.
[18:25 - 18:33] If you want to continue to attack me, because of the fact that you didn't get a full blown three hour conversation, I'm sorry.
[18:33 - 18:37] Okay, I kept good to my word.
[18:37 - 18:41] I went on there. I said what I needed to say.
[18:41 - 18:52] Like a grown ass man. I went on there and said what I needed to say. I spoke with you, explained myself, said what I needed to say.
[18:52 - 18:58] And then I let myself out. I showed myself to the door and I let myself out.
[18:58 - 19:01] Nothing wrong with that.
[19:01 - 19:06] If you feel otherwise, I'm sorry that you feel that way.
[19:06 - 19:11] But as for me, I'm being the bigger person and walking away.
[19:11 - 19:17] So I'm not mentioning you anymore.
[19:17 - 19:21] And this is a fresh start, triple.
[19:21 - 19:25] This is a fresh start for me, dude.
[19:25 - 19:28] This is a very fresh start for me, bro.
[19:28 - 19:31] Straight up.
[19:31 - 19:38] Like I said, Marty, I'm not mentioning you anymore. I'm not coming out of your throat.
[19:38 - 19:45] Okay.
[19:45 - 19:51] I'm not coming after you. I'm not going to have my people come after you.
[19:51 - 19:58] All right. So to anybody in the chat that's thinking about going after him, don't let it go.
[19:58 - 20:07] Let him do him. If he wants to sit there and continue to be childish and attack me, let him do it.
[20:07 - 20:15] I'm moving on and doing shit that I enjoy, putting out content that I enjoy and that y'all enjoy for you guys.
[20:15 - 20:19] As I said, I kept true to my word.
[20:19 - 20:29] And now it's time for me to move on and make a better start for myself, starting with a piano cover show, starting with a piano style cover show for you guys.
[20:29 - 20:39] Peace.
2021-1-19 Recording 1st  Metalstep song in  5 years

2021-1-19 Recording 1st Metalstep song in 5 years

[0:00 - 0:25] [Silence]
[0:25 - 0:46] What's up you guys it's ya boi. I'm back and today I wanted to do something a little bit different for y'all. Today I wanted to do something I have not done in like 5 years. Like literally 5 years.
[0:46 - 1:06] Which is record a metal stub. You guys don't know what a metal stub is. It's essentially a dubstep mixed with heavy metal or metal core or whatever you want to call it.
[1:06 - 1:26] But first off I do have my track right here. I'm just going in and routing it to where it needs to be.
[1:26 - 1:31] [Silence]
[1:31 - 1:36] Let's put it in number 4.
[1:36 - 1:39] [Silence]
[1:39 - 2:06] Right there.
[2:06 - 2:31] [Silence]
[2:31 - 2:41] Hey what's going on I'm doing good. Alright so I got the instrumental.
[2:41 - 2:53] [Silence]
[2:53 - 3:04] Alright so let's rub this too.
[3:04 - 3:12] [Silence]
[3:12 - 3:14] Let's get in number 6.
[3:14 - 3:22] [Silence]
[3:22 - 3:28] Alright so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to kind of cheat here since it doesn't want to work.
[3:28 - 3:40] I'm going to take and I'm going to open the same thing that I used to record my hip hop music and stuff like that.
[3:40 - 4:00] But I'm going to kind of mess with it a bit.
[4:00 - 4:10] I'm going to go with this to load. And dude you're not going to get blocked man.
[4:10 - 4:20] Hey I know how man. What's good bro?
[4:20 - 4:33] I know I know how dog was good.
[4:33 - 4:40] You know I know you're the real dog man. I know how brother.
[4:40 - 4:49] I'm doing good man. I like yourself. Alright so let's take this. Run this in here.
[4:49 - 5:00] And now I'm literally going to take everything off but the echo.
[5:00 - 5:08] So let's run that into beat.
[5:08 - 5:17] Track 2. Name the vocals. Now I'm going to mess with the name the vocals.
[5:17 - 5:22] I'm going to keep the fruity distance and all that.
[5:22 - 5:43] Excuse me. I don't care what they'll get to you. You know I don't have them but I'll go back to those that do have them.
[5:43 - 5:55] Alright so let's go up in here.
[5:55 - 6:05] Alright so let's turn the picture off. Let's turn. Let's leave the panoramic EQ on.
[6:05 - 6:30] A limiter stays, sound goodizer, chorus. Let's get rid of sound goodizer, limiter, and maximist. As well as just one fruity EQ because really all we need for the echo effect is the reverb.
[6:30 - 6:59] Now, no, no, no, no, it ain't covered.
[6:59 - 7:05] Shut up, Courtney. Ow my head.
[7:05 - 7:15] That was my shinking head.
[7:15 - 7:28] Alright so here's my question. How am I going to catch COVID if I don't go anywhere?
[7:28 - 7:51] Ah, ah, we are good.
[7:51 - 8:09] So among the glasses, take one.
[8:10 - 8:38] Okay.
[8:38 - 8:48] Let the discharge of the show.
[8:48 - 8:53] Look at the hell that surrounds you.
[8:53 - 9:07] Everything that you do is given to your home well, paying your fee and your room to mind your brainache.
[9:07 - 9:11] You can't.
[9:11 - 9:30] See that you're out there.
[9:30 - 9:38] You try to bring yourself down to everyone that you are.
[9:38 - 10:07] You're the one that's on your own mind.
[10:07 - 10:25] You can't see them in your own count.
[10:25 - 10:34] All you see is a broad range and that's getting your hands on.
[10:34 - 10:38] Why are you?
[10:38 - 10:46] See that you're out there skies.
[10:46 - 11:23] Wow.
[11:23 - 11:27] You're out.
[11:27 - 11:56] Now, now, now you see what you're doing.
[11:56 - 12:14] Yeah, Richie, what the fuck is up.
[12:14 - 12:18] Rich, how the fuck did you get blocked, dog?
[12:18 - 12:47] How the fuck did your hands get on the monitor, don't we?
[12:47 - 13:07] Alright, so you guys ready to hear some crazy shit.
[13:07 - 13:18] Oh, sorry, let me reach around here, turn off the headphones for a moment.
[13:18 - 13:24] Set the headphones right here.
[13:24 - 13:42] So I can draw it right there.
[13:42 - 14:00] Oh, yeah.
[14:00 - 14:21] See that you're out there skies.
[14:21 - 14:39] You got to bring yourself down to everyone that you are.
[14:39 - 15:01] Oh, yeah.
[15:01 - 15:23] See that you're out there skies.
[15:23 - 16:10] Oh, yeah.
[16:10 - 16:22] See that you're out there skies.
[16:22 - 16:33] There we go.
[16:33 - 16:42] Oh, yeah.
[16:42 - 16:54] Bro, that sounds wicked like not even gonna lie bro.
[16:54 - 17:10] Yeah, check it.
[17:10 - 17:35] Oh, ready for some heavy shit.
[17:35 - 18:35] Oh, yeah.
[18:35 - 18:55] What are you talking about, dude?
[18:55 - 19:21] Because I'm lost.
[19:21 - 20:17] Oh, yeah.
[20:17 - 20:28] Wow, really, let me ask you this, do you really think you deserve another shot after what you said to me last night?
[20:28 - 20:37] Like, for real, why should I give you another chance when you completely fucked me over last night?
[20:37 - 20:43] I tried to sit down and explain to you that you should have looked at things from my point of view instead of just yours.
[20:43 - 21:11] And you said some shit that literally was uncalled for.
[21:11 - 21:48] Oh, yeah.
[21:48 - 22:01] Dude, that sounds so fucking wicked.
[22:01 - 22:06] Now here's the thing, though, it says this is what you don't realize, bro.
[22:06 - 22:19] Like this is something that you don't realize, man, whether you have a wrench or don't have a wrench, it doesn't fucking matter.
[22:19 - 22:27] Like having a wrench is just a fucking status.
[22:27 - 22:33] Like hashtags and wrenches don't determine your fucking fate, bro.
[22:33 - 22:40] Like I said, I got rid of tangerine for a fucking reason, dude.
[22:40 - 22:50] Like she literally refused to listen to reason, dude, literally refused to listen to goddamn reason.
[22:50 - 22:56] I saw things from her point of view, but she refuses to do the same in return.
[22:56 - 22:57] That's not on me.
[22:57 - 22:58] That's on her.
[22:58 - 23:07] So don't be coming at me with that shit.
[23:07 - 23:10] She wants to talk about me being too far gone.
[23:10 - 23:13] And what I'm doing was badly yet.
[23:13 - 23:19] She doesn't want to see things from my point of view or put herself in my shoes.
[23:19 - 23:23] She would rather just be right all the time and do this and do that.
[23:23 - 23:26] No, it doesn't work like that.
[23:26 - 23:39] If you're going to, you know, bring something else to somebody, you need to put yourself in their shoes, in their position.
[23:39 - 24:08] Like whenever y'all are going through something, I put myself in y'all's position in your shoes and I then go from there.
[24:08 - 24:11] So, you know, guys, I need to end this live here.
[24:11 - 24:12] I got shit to do.
[24:12 - 24:19] I have real friends to hang out with.
[24:19 - 24:25] And if y'all are going to take her side and defend Marty, then y'all are getting banned.
[24:25 - 24:26] I do not.
[24:26 - 24:27] Hold on.
[24:27 - 24:32] Before I end this stream, I just want to say this.
[24:32 - 24:38] If y'all are going to take her side and take out from Marty, y'all can get the fuck out.
[24:38 - 24:45] Because she's literally sitting there justifying what Marty did.
[24:45 - 24:51] Plain as, plain as that.
[24:51 - 24:58] Like she literally sat there and said that I was too far gone.
[24:58 - 25:06] When really she's the one that is too far gone.
[25:06 - 25:09] She literally refuses to listen to reason, bro.
[25:09 - 25:12] Literally refuses to listen to reason.
[25:12 - 25:13] So, you know what?
[25:13 - 25:14] It is what it is.
[25:14 - 25:19] Let her do her.
[25:19 - 25:22] Well, I gotta say, guys, I'm hopping off here.
[25:22 - 25:29] I'm going to stop a song to record.
[25:29 - 25:34] Y'all need to let the bullshit go and just enjoy the channel whenever I do a fucking livestream or a video.
[25:34 - 25:36] I'm not here to bitch and argue.
[25:36 - 25:39] I'm here to create fucking content.
[25:39 - 25:48] Plain and simple.
[25:48 - 25:53] I'm here to create fucking content for you guys that y'all enjoy.
[25:53 - 25:55] That's all I'm here to do.
[25:55 - 26:03] I'm not here to bitch and argue and fight and whine and cry like a fucking pussy.
[26:03 - 26:06] If Tange wants to get mad, let her get mad.
[26:06 - 26:12] She knows what she did.
[26:12 - 26:18] Plain and simple, I said that I was going to do what I did last night and I did just that.
[26:18 - 26:24] So let it the fuck go, grow the fuck up, and fucking drop it.
2021-1-20 Rock Goes Emo Rap

2021-1-20 Rock Goes Emo Rap

[0:00 - 0:26] I'm actually doing something pretty dope. I'm actually doing something a little different
[0:26 - 0:42] for you guys and I wanted y'all to hear that is something new. I'm sleeping on some grape
[0:42 - 0:48] Gatorade cuz we don't have anything else right now. Coffee's out for the moment so I'll have
[0:48 - 1:01] to wait till tomorrow but it's all good. We gotta back up so it's all good but uh if you guys don't
[1:01 - 1:08] know I sat down and I listened to Emotionless in White recently and I actually came across
[1:08 - 1:14] their song called Voices in my Head which I hadn't known anyone did a TikTok for a while back
[1:15 - 1:23] and yes I do TikTok y'all saw it on Discord and people fucking loved it but I actually did a
[1:23 - 1:34] my own rendition of their song Voices and I actually want y'all to hear it like it's not
[1:34 - 1:41] mixed down it's doesn't have any effects to it or anything yet this is just flat out the raw vocal
[1:42 - 1:49] recording that I want you guys to you know hear and check out so
[1:49 - 2:00] I hope you guys are ready now let's play this shit back
[2:04 - 2:13] but first I want you guys to get a good sense of what it is like let me play it back for you
[2:13 - 2:22] guys so y'all can get a good sense of the song like I know people like Ace Faz have heard it
[2:22 - 2:29] and shot that but like I really want you guys to get a good you know solid feel
[2:30 - 2:40] you know for the track for those that haven't heard of that it is like
[2:40 - 2:45] smash you heard the track you heard the original track you heard the Emotional in White version
[2:45 - 2:55] but let me see if it'll play back on this end
[2:55 - 3:09] alright so this is motionless and white voices in my head or their song Voices
[3:09 - 3:13] so yeah
[3:13 - 3:16] I don't know
[3:16 - 3:26] Boy's sad in my head again Trapped in a war inside my own skin They're calling me on time
[3:41 - 3:43] nah I don't know why y'all hear the whole thing
[3:43 - 3:45] I can't hear the whole thing
[4:12 - 4:14] but dude I'm dropping an album next month
[4:14 - 4:16] come on
[4:16 - 4:25] I've been lying on the cat baby in a war again I can't hear the house left and it came inside my house
[4:25 - 4:27] ? I'm scared of the sides ?
[4:27 - 4:30] ? Oh, now all my stars ?
[4:30 - 4:32] ? Standing by ?
[4:32 - 4:36] ? And crawling beyond the stars ?
[4:36 - 4:39] ? Boys out of the house ?
[4:39 - 4:44] ? Boys, boys out of the house ?
[4:44 - 4:49] ? Boys out of the house ?
[4:49 - 4:52] ? And shallows in town ?
[4:52 - 5:02] ? Boys out of the house ?
[5:02 - 5:05] ? And shallows in town ?
[5:05 - 5:08] ? Boys out of the house ?
[5:08 - 5:10] ? And shallows in town ?
[5:10 - 5:13] ? Boys out of the house ?
[5:13 - 5:15] ? And shallows in town ?
[5:15 - 5:17] ? Boys out of the house ?
[5:17 - 5:19] ? And shallows in town ?
[5:19 - 5:21] ? Boys out of the house ?
[5:21 - 5:26] ? And shallows in town ?
[5:26 - 5:34] ? Boys out of the house ?
[5:34 - 5:36] - All right, so that's just a little sample
[5:36 - 5:41] of that version, but here's my version of it.
[5:41 - 5:51] (piano music)
[5:51 - 5:59] ? Voices in my head again ?
[5:59 - 6:01] ? Trapped in a poem ?
[6:01 - 6:03] ? Saw my young skin ?
[6:03 - 6:05] ? Put it beyond ?
[6:05 - 6:08] ? Will we join K? ?
[6:08 - 6:12] ? I've swallowed myself ?
[6:12 - 6:16] ? But the people still remain ?
[6:16 - 6:18] ? Long to the touch of fun ?
[6:18 - 6:21] ? Still feels okay ?
[6:21 - 6:23] ? If I showed you that ?
[6:23 - 6:26] ? So I want you to cover your eyes ?
[6:26 - 6:28] (piano music)
[6:28 - 6:35] ? Rise if I told you the truth ?
[6:35 - 6:40] ? Won't you tell me why ?
[6:40 - 6:44] ? I keep it all inside ?
[6:44 - 6:45] ? Me in college ?
[6:45 - 6:47] - And dude, this is the same instrumental
[6:47 - 6:48] that I made the other day.
[6:48 - 6:50] I'm basically using that same instrumental
[6:50 - 6:52] that I made the last for this.
[6:52 - 6:53] ? Voices in my head again ?
[6:53 - 6:55] ? Feeding me in ?
[6:55 - 6:59] ? To a wall where I cannot win ?
[6:59 - 7:01] ? 30 years of now ?
[7:01 - 7:04] ? Trapped in a game ?
[7:04 - 7:06] ? That my young skin ?
[7:06 - 7:07] - Yeah, I actually am.
[7:07 - 7:11] ? Won't tell myself anymore ?
[7:11 - 7:12] ? Put it beyond ?
[7:12 - 7:14] ? Once again ?
[7:14 - 7:17] ? Voices in my head ?
[7:17 - 7:20] ? So rather me than I did I ?
[7:20 - 7:24] ? Can't even get a grip on my life ?
[7:24 - 7:28] ? As I walk through this valley of ?
[7:28 - 7:31] ? Shadows and death I curse ?
[7:31 - 7:34] ? Not a big kid on place ?
[7:34 - 7:36] ? Not a plus ?
[7:36 - 7:39] ? If I told you the truth ?
[7:39 - 7:44] ? You'd beg me to change ?
[7:44 - 7:45] - Oh!
[7:45 - 7:48] ? To fear more of a curse ?
[7:48 - 7:50] - Definitely not a shower video,
[7:50 - 7:54] but definitely a music video might be possible.
[7:54 - 7:59] ? Feeding me into a wall where I cannot win ?
[7:59 - 8:01] ? I can't hear them now ?
[8:01 - 8:04] ? Trapped in a game ?
[8:04 - 8:06] ? That my young skin ?
[8:06 - 8:10] ? And I don't know myself anymore ?
[8:10 - 8:11] - Amazing video, it is possible.
[8:11 - 8:14] (upbeat music)
[8:14 - 8:20] ? Stuck a lost head ?
[8:20 - 8:24] ? Frozen, ugly, and no pets ?
[8:24 - 8:26] ? I don't wanna live forever ?
[8:26 - 8:29] ? I just wanna live right now ?
[8:29 - 8:34] ? You can't take this away from me ?
[8:34 - 8:37] ? Once again ?
[8:37 - 8:40] ? Caught surrounding me ?
[8:40 - 8:42] ? Puts in my head again ?
[8:42 - 8:46] ? Feeding me into a wall where I cannot win ?
[8:46 - 8:47] ? I can hear them now ?
[8:47 - 8:49] ? Trapped in a game ?
[8:49 - 8:51] ? Stuck my young skin ?
[8:51 - 8:54] ? I don't know myself anymore ?
[8:54 - 8:56] ? Then put the other pusses in my head ?
[8:56 - 8:59] ? Then put them beyond them more and more ?
[8:59 - 9:02] ? Frozen's all put a million more ?
[9:02 - 9:07] ? I can't take the pain anymore ?
[9:07 - 9:10] ? Keep it honest, how we could not know the pain ?
[9:10 - 9:12] ? It's everything but kind ?
[9:12 - 9:15] ? Pusses in my head ?
[9:15 - 9:17] ? Trapped in a room ?
[9:17 - 9:21] ? Turn my young skin beyond the young skin ?
[9:21 - 9:24] ? Put them beyond them ?
[9:24 - 9:27] ? Once again ?
[9:27 - 9:29] (upbeat music)
[9:34 - 9:38] Now I do still need to work on this.
[9:38 - 9:50] Now what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna mix down
[9:50 - 9:54] the instrumental first so that that is separate
[9:54 - 9:58] from the vocals and then I'm gonna go in
[9:58 - 10:01] and do like I usually do.
[10:03 - 10:07] So let's go in here to this,
[10:07 - 10:13] entitled, let that mix down.
[10:13 - 10:16] (clears throat)
[10:16 - 10:36] And the cool thing is with this,
[10:36 - 10:40] like the tracks don't usually take that long to mix down
[10:40 - 10:43] and if you guys are wondering what I'm using,
[10:43 - 10:44] NFL studios.
[10:44 - 10:51] Exactly, and that's what I'm doing.
[10:51 - 10:53] That's how I always do my process
[10:53 - 10:58] is I record the vocals in NFL studios
[10:58 - 11:02] then I take a layer room in band lab
[11:02 - 11:06] and then I throw them back into NFL studios
[11:06 - 11:09] to get that mix, make sure they're solid,
[11:09 - 11:12] make sure everything lines up
[11:12 - 11:15] and then from there I take and I throw them
[11:15 - 11:20] into a sound trap where I do all the effects
[11:20 - 11:24] and I get that style that you guys enjoy
[11:24 - 11:27] and why the fuck is this shit doing this?
[11:27 - 11:28] There we go, damn.
[11:28 - 11:32] Hey, when does that man, shit.
[11:32 - 11:37] Like I know it's a long process to work on music,
[11:37 - 11:53] but it's worth it.
[11:53 - 12:00] Now let's just do the same thing to this.
[12:00 - 12:02] Now I want you guys to hear something real quick.
[12:02 - 12:05] This is just the vocals by themselves.
[12:05 - 12:08] ? Voices in my head again ?
[12:08 - 12:12] ? Trapped in a war and saw my young skin ?
[12:12 - 12:17] ? Pulling me under, here we go again ?
[12:17 - 12:21] ? I've swallowed myself ?
[12:21 - 12:25] ? But don't be, but still remains ?
[12:25 - 12:27] ? I'm numb to the pressure ?
[12:27 - 12:30] ? But still feels a pain ?
[12:30 - 12:35] ? If I showed you my soul, would you cover your eyes ?
[12:35 - 12:40] ? If I told you the truth, would you tear me to life ?
[12:40 - 12:49] And that's literally just raw vocal work right there.
[12:49 - 12:53] Like that's legit on the spot, raw vocals.
[12:53 - 12:56] So ain't none of y'all can say,
[12:56 - 12:58] so none of y'all haters can sit there and say
[12:58 - 13:00] that I don't do my own shit.
[13:00 - 13:02] Like these motherfuckers in the chat
[13:02 - 13:06] sat down and watched me make this instrumental
[13:06 - 13:09] that you guys hear right here.
[13:09 - 13:12] (upbeat music)
[13:12 - 13:25] And hell, even Ace Faz was in here
[13:25 - 13:27] watching when I made this track.
[13:27 - 13:29] (upbeat music)
[13:29 - 13:38] But yo, for Duane, I'm gonna let you sit down
[13:38 - 13:39] and vibe to this one, homie.
[13:39 - 13:44] (upbeat music)
[13:44 - 14:02] So yeah, there is that.
[14:02 - 14:07] All right, so now let's just
[14:10 - 14:14] export the vocals and then we will take them over
[14:14 - 14:18] and choose Soundtrap where we do all the mixing
[14:18 - 14:20] and mastering.
[14:20 - 14:23] 'Cause I suck at mastering on here.
[14:23 - 14:27] It's very, dude, mastering on FL Studios for vocal work
[14:27 - 14:29] is very just weird.
[14:29 - 14:36] Plus I kind of like how the effects work on Soundtrap
[14:36 - 14:40] a lot more because you have more control
[14:40 - 14:45] over the effect value and you can literally like,
[14:45 - 14:49] I don't know, you just do a lot more and add to it.
[14:49 - 14:55] Now I am gonna be doing something interesting with this.
[14:55 - 14:59] I actually am going to be running this through
[15:05 - 15:07] Adobe After Effects 'cause I am gonna do
[15:07 - 15:12] an audio spectrum for this with a video,
[15:12 - 15:16] or not a video, but like a thing behind it,
[15:16 - 15:18] or like a photo and shit.
[15:18 - 15:21] I am gonna be doing a thing for that.
[15:21 - 15:31] So I can honestly say I'm definitely hyped for that.
[15:31 - 15:32] That's gonna be dope.
[15:32 - 15:35] And hold on, hold on, hold on, last minute.
[15:35 - 15:45] Here's the group chat.
[15:45 - 15:51] But like I said, as soon as I'm done mixing this down,
[15:51 - 15:56] I am going to take and work on the stuff in After Effects.
[15:56 - 16:01] I'm gonna have an audio spectrum logo,
[16:01 - 16:04] effects, the whole nine.
[16:04 - 16:07] Then from there, I'm gonna take running through
[16:07 - 16:11] Adobe Premiere and from there,
[16:11 - 16:15] it's off to the races on YouTube.
[16:15 - 16:22] But for now, we're gonna focus on mixing this down
[16:22 - 16:23] and making this sound dope.
[16:23 - 16:28] Now I am gonna be doing a lot more music on the channel
[16:28 - 16:30] now that I have this running properly.
[16:31 - 16:33] We were running like very low mega net
[16:33 - 16:35] and now we're up to like 200.
[16:35 - 16:39] So like we're running very smooth now.
[16:39 - 16:40] Things are doing a lot better.
[16:40 - 16:48] All right, so let's get rid of this.
[16:48 - 16:54] Get rid of that.
[16:54 - 17:01] And I know, I actually got asked a very interesting question
[17:01 - 17:01] the other day.
[17:01 - 17:04] What's my wallpaper for my PC?
[17:04 - 17:09] Dude, actually really good.
[17:09 - 17:13] Dude, I've actually been drinking on Gator.
[17:13 - 17:15] This right here is actually great Gatorade.
[17:15 - 17:18] I've been sipping on tea every night.
[17:18 - 17:19] So like my vocals are getting back
[17:19 - 17:21] to where they need to be.
[17:21 - 17:24] But a lot of people I've asked this
[17:24 - 17:26] and I got asked this question several times
[17:26 - 17:28] on Facebook on here.
[17:29 - 17:34] What does the wallpaper of my studio PC look like?
[17:34 - 17:37] Like, is it a Scarface logo?
[17:37 - 17:39] Like, what is it?
[17:39 - 17:43] Y'all already know.
[17:43 - 17:44] It's ya boy.
[17:44 - 17:50] It's the one and only, the charismatic enigma, baby.
[17:56 - 17:59] Tell me the name of the sick ass wallpaper, man.
[17:59 - 18:13] You know I had to do it, man.
[18:13 - 18:15] My good friend through Instagram
[18:15 - 18:19] who's actually good friends with my family now,
[18:19 - 18:21] Jeff Hardy, man.
[18:21 - 18:22] Shout out to Jeff and Matt.
[18:22 - 18:25] Shout out to the Hardy Brothers, the Hardy family.
[18:25 - 18:26] Fuck, I love you guys.
[18:27 - 18:32] But like, you know I had to rent my boy Jeff, dude.
[18:32 - 18:33] Like, that's my dude right there.
[18:33 - 18:34] That's my boy.
[18:34 - 18:37] That's my dog.
[18:37 - 18:48] And like, when I seen that, I was like, bro, yes.
[18:48 - 18:50] And that's something that not a lot of people understand
[18:50 - 18:52] about the wrestling communities.
[18:52 - 18:56] It's not just, you know, famous people doing this
[18:56 - 18:58] and doing that and making money and making millions.
[18:58 - 19:01] No, like, the wrestling community
[19:01 - 19:03] is actually a tight knit community.
[19:03 - 19:06] Like, we're a very tight knit community.
[19:06 - 19:07] We all hang out with each other.
[19:07 - 19:09] We talk to each other.
[19:09 - 19:11] Like, it's a really cool ass community.
[19:11 - 19:12] I'm not gonna lie.
[19:12 - 19:16] Like, you know, I've gotten to talk to wrestlers
[19:16 - 19:18] through Instagram that I grew up watching.
[19:18 - 19:22] Like, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy,
[19:22 - 19:24] Ray Mysterio, Johnny's life, that sign.
[19:24 - 19:26] It's definitely really cool.
[19:26 - 19:35] Huge R.I.P. to Brody Lee too, man.
[19:35 - 19:38] Massive R.I.P. to the big man, Brody Lee.
[19:38 - 19:43] Massive R.I.P. to his family, man, for sure.
[19:43 - 19:48] All right, let's go, folks.
[19:48 - 19:51] And I'm tight, oh.
[19:51 - 19:55] I know, there's no doubt with the big man.
[19:55 - 19:56] Oh, boom.
[19:56 - 20:01] Dude, Undertaker's still alive, dude.
[20:01 - 20:05] He just, what it is is he's still alive.
[20:05 - 20:07] He just retired his all, man.
[20:07 - 20:17] But massive R.I.P. to the Undertaker, man, 100%.
[20:17 - 20:19] Fucking love the Dev, man, for sure.
[20:19 - 20:20] Yeah.
[20:20 - 20:27] Make sure everything's set up and proper.
[20:27 - 20:46] About to say, "Taker can't die fast, bro."
[20:48 - 20:51] But yeah, dude, Mark Aiden, Mark Holloway,
[20:51 - 20:53] AKA Undertaker, he just retired, bro.
[20:53 - 20:54] That's all that is.
[20:54 - 20:58] ? Stand up for me, I'm not ?
[20:58 - 21:01] ? What's up, girls ?
[21:01 - 21:04] (upbeat music)
[21:04 - 21:28] Now, I do wanna do a fade in and fade out
[21:28 - 21:30] on the instrumental.
[21:30 - 21:35] And do a nice, solid fade out.
[21:35 - 21:53] And then do a nice, do a short little thing.
[21:53 - 21:55] Yeah, right, that works.
[21:55 - 21:59] Okay, now comes the fun part.
[21:59 - 22:01] (chuckling)
[22:01 - 22:04] This is where the magic begins.
[22:04 - 22:18] (upbeat music)
[22:18 - 22:22] ? Can you see, trapped in the void ?
[22:22 - 22:25] ? The time I ask him and the part of me ?
[22:25 - 22:29] ? I know that we can't change ?
[22:29 - 22:33] ? I'm so proud of myself ?
[22:33 - 22:35] ? But don't be my self ?
[22:35 - 22:38] ? I'm made to become the treasure ?
[22:38 - 22:42] ? But still, it feels like day ?
[22:42 - 22:44] ? And I'm charging my soul ?
[22:44 - 22:47] ? Won't you tell me ?
[22:47 - 22:50] (upbeat music)
[22:50 - 22:51] Why is he doing it?
[22:51 - 22:54] ? You won't tell me why ?
[22:54 - 22:57] ? I'm telling you I'm charging my soul ?
[22:57 - 23:00] ? Won't you tell me ?
[23:00 - 23:02] (upbeat music)
[23:02 - 23:05] Yo, what the fuck?
[23:14 - 23:19] Okay, so I may have to go in and re-record the vocals.
[23:19 - 23:23] I don't know.
[23:42 - 23:45] Well, to see, hopefully I don't have to.
[23:45 - 23:47] That'd be nice if I don't have to.
[23:47 - 24:01] Well, if I have to, I have to.
[24:01 - 24:03] You know, it's just all part of the thing.
[24:03 - 24:05] Yup, I'm gonna have to, fuck.
[24:09 - 24:12] That's right, I'll just go in and do it on here.
[24:12 - 24:48] (upbeat music)
[24:48 - 25:04] All right, so I got the full lyrics right here.
[25:04 - 25:07] Let me make sure these are all flipped on.
[25:07 - 25:12] There's my headphones.
[25:12 - 25:14] (upbeat music)
[25:14 - 25:23] Take that cover off.
[25:23 - 25:26] (upbeat music)
[25:26 - 25:52] ? Voices in my head again ?
[25:52 - 25:55] ? Trapped in a war and saw my young skin ?
[25:55 - 25:57] ? That pulled me under ?
[25:57 - 25:59] ? Here we go again ?
[25:59 - 26:00] ? I've swallowed myself ?
[26:00 - 26:03] ? But the fever still remains ?
[26:03 - 26:06] ? I'm numb to the pleasure ?
[26:06 - 26:10] ? But I still feel the pain ?
[26:10 - 26:12] ? If I showed you my soul ?
[26:12 - 26:14] ? Would you cover your eyes ?
[26:14 - 26:17] ? If I told you the truth ?
[26:17 - 26:21] ? Would you tell me the lie ?
[26:22 - 26:26] ? I keep it on the side ?
[26:26 - 26:31] ? Because I know the man is everything but kind ?
[26:31 - 26:33] ? Voices in my head again ?
[26:33 - 26:38] ? Faded me in to a war I cannot win ?
[26:38 - 26:42] ? I can hear them now trapped in a game ?
[26:42 - 26:45] ? Inside my young skin ?
[26:45 - 26:49] ? And I don't know myself anymore ?
[26:49 - 26:53] ? They're pulling me under the ?
[26:53 - 26:57] ? Voices are running around and around in my head ?
[26:57 - 27:02] ? As I walk through this valley of shadows and doubt ?
[27:02 - 27:07] ? I curse not the wicked ?
[27:07 - 27:10] ? I'm friends not the blessed ?
[27:10 - 27:13] ? If I told you the truth ?
[27:13 - 27:18] ? You'd beg me to change if there was a currency ?
[27:18 - 27:21] ? You'd own the bank ?
[27:21 - 27:23] ? Voices in my head again ?
[27:23 - 27:27] ? Faded me into a war I cannot win ?
[27:27 - 27:31] ? I can hear them now trapped in a game ?
[27:31 - 27:33] ? Inside my young skin ?
[27:33 - 27:38] ? And I don't know myself anymore ?
[27:38 - 27:40] ? They're pulling me under the ?
[27:40 - 27:43] ? Voices in my head are running around and around ?
[27:43 - 27:44] ? In my head again ?
[27:44 - 27:47] ? And I just don't know what to do ?
[27:47 - 27:50] ? Voices in my head again ?
[27:50 - 27:54] ? Faded me into a war I cannot win ?
[27:54 - 27:59] ? And I can hear them now trapped inside my own skin ?
[27:59 - 28:03] ? Trapped in a game that I can never win ?
[28:03 - 28:06] ? And I don't know myself anymore ?
[28:06 - 28:08] ? They're pulling me under every night and day ?
[28:08 - 28:12] ? And I just don't know how to make it go away ?
[28:12 - 28:15] ? Voices in my head are pulling me under the ?
[28:15 - 28:17] ? Once again ?
[28:17 - 28:20] ? I keep it all inside me ?
[28:20 - 28:23] ? 'Cause I know the man is everything but kind ?
[28:23 - 28:28] ? Voices in my head trapped in my own skin ?
[28:28 - 28:32] ? They're pulling me under here we go again ?
[28:32 - 28:34] ? I keep it all inside me ?
[28:34 - 28:38] ? 'Cause I know the man inside my head ?
[28:38 - 28:42] ? Is everything but kind ?
[28:42 - 28:46] ? Faded me into a war I cannot win ?
[28:46 - 28:47] Let's see if that went through.
[28:47 - 29:02] Ah, shit.
[29:02 - 29:05] (upbeat music)
[29:05 - 29:19] ? I keep it all inside me ?
[29:19 - 29:24] ? 'Cause I know the man is everything but kind ?
[29:24 - 29:29] ? I keep it all inside me ?
[29:29 - 29:31] ? 'Cause I know the man inside my head ?
[29:31 - 29:34] ? Is everything but kind ?
[29:34 - 29:37] (upbeat music)
[29:37 - 29:40] ? I keep it all inside me ?
[29:40 - 29:49] ? 'Cause I know the man is everything but kind ?
[29:49 - 29:55] ? 'Cause I know the man inside my head ?
[29:55 - 29:58] ? Is everything but kind ?
[29:58 - 30:09] ? 'Cause I know the man inside my head ?
[30:09 - 30:12] ? Is everything but kind ?
[30:12 - 30:52] ? 'Cause I know the man is everything but kind ?
[30:52 - 34:04] ? 'Cause I know the man inside my head ?
[34:04 - 34:06] Now I'm gonna take, I'm gonna do a nice,
[34:06 - 34:09] I'm gonna do a little trick I wanna do thanks to Ian.
[34:09 - 34:13] AKA Bradley, I'm gonna use the little trick that he uses.
[34:13 - 34:16] So B, if you're watching this, bruh,
[34:16 - 34:19] you know I gotta use the trick you taught me, homie.
[34:19 - 34:35] ? ?
[34:35 - 34:38] All right, now let's head on over to Band Lab.
[34:38 - 34:42] Ooh, that was my neck.
[34:42 - 34:56] ? ?
[34:56 - 35:00] This is a fucking mission and a half, dude, I swear.
[35:00 - 35:03] But first, I'm gonna take on that fucking sketch pen.
[35:07 - 35:12] 'Cause this thing frickin' fell.
[35:12 - 35:21] All right, Band Lab load up.
[35:21 - 35:29] And then from there, all I gotta do is go in,
[35:29 - 35:33] do the effects on the shit that I need to do,
[35:33 - 35:37] and from there, good to go.
[35:37 - 35:47] Also, a huge shout out to Krita
[35:47 - 35:49] for the brand new brushes they dropped me, man.
[35:49 - 35:51] Those are frickin' cool, I love 'em.
[35:51 - 36:03] ? ?
[36:03 - 36:05] I mean, don't know what Krita is.
[36:05 - 36:15] Krita is basically a free-to-use art program that I use
[36:15 - 36:18] that I go through for all my artwork.
[36:18 - 36:21] And they got, like, thousands of brushes.
[36:21 - 36:24] I've gotten sponsored by a couple streamers
[36:24 - 36:27] and YouTubers in the past, which I'm very grateful for.
[36:27 - 36:30] I absolutely love the brushes, they're dope.
[36:30 - 36:37] Yeah, that's the one that I use to do all my crazy dark--
[36:37 - 36:40] Krita's the one that I use to do all my dark artwork.
[36:44 - 36:49] All right, so let's go here, let's duplicate this.
[37:02 - 37:16] ? ?
[37:16 - 37:18] Ooh, that sounds good.
[37:18 - 37:27] God, that sounds sick, bro.
[37:28 - 37:36] ? ?
[37:36 - 37:38] Dude, it's actually really cool.
[37:38 - 37:41] Like, I use different ones depending.
[37:41 - 37:47] Sometimes I'll use Photoshop, sometimes I'll use Krita.
[37:47 - 37:49] It all depends on the project.
[37:49 - 37:52] But most of the time for, like, my darker artwork
[37:52 - 37:55] that you guys see on my Instagram,
[37:55 - 37:58] I actually do that with Krita.
[37:58 - 38:13] Yo, Mitch, what's up, dude?
[38:24 - 38:27] Let this save right quick,
[38:27 - 38:30] and then from there,
[38:30 - 38:33] it's download time, and then...
[38:33 - 38:38] Hey, thanks, dude.
[38:38 - 38:42] Like I said, dude, and a lot of people are back on me for this,
[38:42 - 38:44] but, like, literally...
[38:44 - 38:50] Not much, man, I feel your pain, bro.
[38:50 - 38:53] But like I said, a lot of people are back on me for this,
[38:53 - 38:56] but I love doing the artwork that's weird and different.
[38:56 - 39:02] Like I said, I'm able to do it in a way that no one else does,
[39:02 - 39:04] which is like I've explained before.
[39:04 - 39:09] When I see an image, I don't just see an image.
[39:09 - 39:12] I see something dark within that image,
[39:12 - 39:17] and it's basically my duty to bring that--
[39:17 - 39:23] Yeah, it's basically my obligation to bring that dark image out,
[39:23 - 39:25] utilizing that piece.
[39:25 - 39:29] Yo, Hiyo, what up, dude?
[39:29 - 39:31] Hey, Cynthia, what's good?
[39:31 - 39:36] What's good? What's good? What's good?
[39:36 - 39:45] All right, this song is almost done, guys.
[39:45 - 39:47] It's almost done.
[39:47 - 39:57] It's duplicated, running back.
[39:58 - 45:18] [???]
[45:18 - 45:26] [????]
[45:26 - 45:35] Yo, CT. What up, bro? Welcome to the fam, bro.
[45:35 - 45:39] Welcome, welcome, welcome. You just caught me at a perfect time.
[45:39 - 45:47] I actually just finished up my version of this song by Motionless
[45:47 - 45:49] and my voice is in my head.
[45:49 - 45:55] So you literally just caught me at the perfect time, dude.
[45:55 - 45:57] I just finished it up.
[45:57 - 46:01] I'm waiting for it to render down.
[46:01 - 46:04] But I'll actually play my version back for you,
[46:04 - 46:09] and then I will go in and play the original.
[46:09 - 46:11] [????]
[46:11 - 46:22] Yeah, I remember that one. I remember that fucking bill.
[46:22 - 46:25] I remember that fucking song.
[46:25 - 46:27] [????]
[46:27 - 46:31] So here's my version. I'll let you listen to my version
[46:31 - 46:33] and then I'll play the original back.
[46:33 - 47:20] [????]
[47:46 - 47:51] Yo Kat, this is the same beat that I made the other day on March 3.
[47:51 - 47:59] [????]
[48:00 - 49:07] [?????]
[49:08 - 49:10] [??????]
[49:11 - 49:31] [?????]
[49:31 - 49:33] [??????]
[49:33 - 49:46] I'm gonna just let it fade out.
[49:46 - 49:49] Now, here's the original.
[49:49 - 49:57] Let's see if it'll let me play the original version without being a bitch.
[49:57 - 50:16] [MUSIC]
[50:16 - 50:18] >> This is the original.
[50:18 - 50:28] [MUSIC]
[50:28 - 50:31] So I literally did my own take on it.
[50:31 - 51:49] [MUSIC]
[51:49 - 52:04] >> A lot of plans there.
[52:04 - 52:10] I do plan on releasing Shadowborn as well as this single.
[52:10 - 52:12] This isn't mine right here, this is the original.
[52:12 - 53:01] [MUSIC]
[53:14 - 53:18] >> Exactly, dude.
[53:18 - 53:28] [MUSIC]
[53:43 - 53:50] That's the original, I can honestly say I absolutely fucked with the original.
[53:50 - 53:56] It was definitely one of my personal friends, why the fuck did they not save?
[53:56 - 54:01] All right, there we go, now it's saving, I hate when it does that.
[54:01 - 54:04] Yo, Cozy, what up?
[54:22 - 54:32] I don't know, man, I have to really think on that one.
[54:32 - 54:39] That one would be one that would definitely be weird, but I'll see what I can do.
[54:39 - 54:42] I know I know the promises, but I'll see what I can do with that.
[54:42 - 54:44] That'll be a tricky one.
[54:54 - 55:00] But I do actually want to comprise and
[55:13 - 55:32] That is definitely something I am planning on doing.
[55:32 - 55:36] This one right here is actually gonna be a standalone.
[55:46 - 55:58] My God, dude, some of my frickin tracks.
[56:01 - 56:06] Dude, holy shit, I actually got some of my old tracks.
[56:06 - 56:08] Holy fuck.
[56:15 - 56:18] Out of the shadows, life and death.
[56:20 - 56:24] Yo, all right, hold up, I gotta do this one for you.
[56:24 - 56:26] Hold up, let's see what's here.
[56:29 - 56:35] This is actually one that I collaborated with a YouTuber on.
[56:35 - 56:40] I actually collabed with somebody on this one, which I had a lot of fun doing.
[56:40 - 56:47] I actually did a metal vocal style in this.
[56:47 - 56:50] It was super fun to collaborate with these two.
[56:53 - 56:55] I'm gonna play this back like y'all here.
[56:58 - 56:59] Can you feel that?
[57:09 - 57:10] Shit.
[57:16 - 57:17] That is true, he did.
[60:30 - 60:32] Oh, here we go.
[60:32 - 60:35] This one I know y'all are gonna fuck with.
[60:52 - 61:12] I am great, man.
[63:34 - 63:38] I don't know why I haven't, I don't know why I haven't.
[63:38 - 63:42] I actually got how good this one was.
[64:10 - 64:14] I don't know why I haven't dropped that one yet.
[64:14 - 64:22] Dude, I've got so many songs that I'm fucking sitting on.
[64:22 - 64:23] It's crazy.
[64:23 - 64:30] I got so many songs that I've been sitting on for God knows how long.
[64:35 - 64:40] That one's been released already.
[64:40 - 64:44] Let's see, what's another one I haven't released yet?
[64:48 - 64:51] This one, I do need to release this one.
2021-1-19 let the past stay in the past

2021-1-19 let the past stay in the past

[0:00 - 0:29] (Coughing)
[0:29 - 0:37] Alright, if y'all want to fucking bring this shit up, we're fucking talking about it since y'all don't fucking want to let shit go.
[0:37 - 0:42] I'll be straight up honest, I'm pissed the fuck off.
[0:52 - 1:03] It ain't time to try to destroy y'all. Look at the hell that's around y'all.
[1:04 - 1:27] Now we're gonna have a fucking talk here.
[1:30 - 1:40] Alright, first off, I did what I did for a reason to Tangerine last night. There's a reason I did what I fucking did.
[1:40 - 1:49] I explained it in the fucking video right after she fucking left and I explained what happened.
[1:54 - 2:05] It ain't time to try to destroy y'all. Look at the hell that's around y'all.
[2:05 - 2:19] You think that you sound better than you thought. Don't bow me in your reach and you'll rot down my day of training.
[2:22 - 2:25] Dude, that turned out so dope.
[2:42 - 2:58] Dude, that's saying perfectly, isn't it? Like I said, you know, last night, as you guys know, I went onto Marty's panel and I apologized to him.
[2:59 - 3:15] Which I did do, multiple times. I shouldn't have to fucking apologize after apologizing five times over. Five times.
[3:15 - 3:26] Including yesterday when I made that fucking video, telling him that I was done and I was throwing my hands off and walking away from the bullshit.
[3:27 - 3:32] Marty, I'm not apologizing to you anymore, man. I apologized a no.
[3:32 - 3:39] I apologized five times, nigga. Five times. I'm not doing it anymore.
[3:39 - 3:54] Like I told you, I'm not here to bash you or attack you. I'm throwing my hands off and I'm walking the fuck away.
[3:55 - 3:58] Hey, Kat.
[3:58 - 4:08] Now, for all y'all that were sitting there defending tangerine last night, y'all are fucking dumb for doing that.
[4:18 - 4:29] Y'all are dumb as fuck for defending something like tangerine earlier, just literally a little bit ago when I was recording a new song.
[4:37 - 4:50] Like, y'all don't understand. When she asked me to see things through her point of view, I saw things from her point of view. I saw them. But she refused to do the same in return.
[4:58 - 5:19] She refused to see things from my point of view. It's always, oh, but if you're not, you know, you quit justifying your actions and, oh, if you really believe that shit you're doing, then you're too far gone. Like, really, nigga? Really?
[5:20 - 5:35] Like, are you kidding me? Like, bro, I sit there and I see things from your point of view, but yeah, you don't want to return the favor and see things from my point of view on where I'm coming from. Are you fucking serious?
[5:41 - 5:58] And let me tell you right now, she basically defended Marty and basically showed her true colors last night and basically showed that she would rather side with Marty than to see my point of view and understand where I'm coming from.
[6:03 - 6:25] So for all y'all that are there defending her, by defending her, you're also defending Marty. Plain and simple. By defending Tangerine Cat, you're also defending Marty as well because she's defending him. And when you defend her, you defend him. Plain and simple.
[6:26 - 6:54] And plus, some of you guys were attacking friends of mine, like Jasmine, not to mention my boy, Devin, not only on Discord, but whenever Jasmine was in the chat on here, some of y'all motherfuckers were sitting there attacking her, which is why I yanked y'all's motherfucking wrenches.
[6:55 - 7:13] I'm tired of the fucking bullshit of people getting mad just because you ain't got a fucking wrench. Dude, a wrench is a fucking wrench. It's a fucking status. You can't let a status determine your fucking fate.
[7:13 - 7:38] But later on out, Ryan, we were actually together. We were actually a couple until she fucked up last night and decided to defend Marty with her fuck shit.
[7:38 - 7:59] Like, dude, I'm a fucking YouTuber. I create content for you guys to enjoy.
[8:00 - 8:28] Like, I'm not here to fucking play football.
[8:28 - 8:56] Play fucking Tiddlywinds bullshit.
[8:56 - 9:25] And that's that verse right there actually does speak to a lot of y'all motherfuckers. By following Marty, you're basically following your own demise.
[9:25 - 9:41] Like, literally, by following Marty, you're ultimately creating your own fucking demise. Literally. Y'all think this blackmail shit fazes me? Go ahead and release them. I don't give a fuck.
[9:41 - 10:00] That's not like my shit hasn't been put out there before, dude. Hell, ask Katrina. My photos have been put out there. Videos have been put out there. You really think new photos of me are gonna fucking phase me?
[10:00 - 10:24] Like, come on. Like, bro, I've had way fucking worse, dude. Way worse. Go ahead, put my address out there. It's been out there. You're just basically giving fans my address, so for all my fans that want my address, there it is.
[10:24 - 10:36] Write my address down. Send me some fan mail, dude. Thanks for the free promo. Like, for real, dawg.
[10:36 - 10:54] Like, for all my fans that want my address, here you go. That is legitimately my address. Like, that is legit my fucking address right there, so if y'all want to send me fan mail, I ain't even gotta put it in the chat. It's right there.
[10:54 - 11:20] Like, it's right the fuck there, dude. Like, having my address in my photos leak doesn't phase me. When I first started out, yeah, it fucked me up. It bothered me. But, like I said, I'm not changing who the fuck I am for nobody. I'm wising the fuck up.
[11:20 - 11:33] Yo, dude, post your, uh, link.
[11:33 - 11:58] But yeah, dude, but yeah, dude with the rent rent, send me your YouTube link, man. I'll check your stuff out and see what you got, homie.
[11:58 - 12:12] And, dude, I don't give a, here's my thing, bro. I don't give a fuck whether I got 15 viewers at a time. I don't give a fuck whether I got 30, 40, 100 viewers at a time. I don't give a fuck.
[12:12 - 12:28] You wanna know why? You wanna know why I don't give a fuck? Because at the end of the day, I'm still gonna do me. And I know damn well, somewhere down the line, those numbers are gonna shoot up.
[12:28 - 12:43] Like, y'all can have your opinions about me or whatever, but I'm here to stay fucking fast, bro.
[12:43 - 13:01] Like, for real. Go ahead, send the rope. I'll just send it right back to ya. Hell, actually, no, you know what? No, you know what? Go ahead and send the rope. You know what?
[13:01 - 13:17] We could actually use some rope around here. We could actually use that for tying shit down during real bad storms. So please, by all means, send the rope. Hell, I could use it to tie down my fucking GoPro camera rig.
[13:17 - 13:39] I could use it to fucking hold shit in place that needs to be held in place. So, go ahead and send it. Because we don't give a fuck. We laugh at you, trolls. We laugh at you.
[13:39 - 13:52] I laugh at you fucking idiots. Y'all are a bunch of pussies, man. Like, for real.
[13:52 - 14:04] Yo, tough to go. What's up, man? But yo, Kat, I actually do have a brand new song that I just recorded last stream that I want you to keep.
[14:05 - 14:30] Oh, dude, we have to, man. We have to, because the storms around here can get pretty bad. Especially during a windstorm. Yeah.
[14:30 - 14:35] Alright, I'm doing good. Yo, tough to go. I'm actually not done lying to you, bro.
[14:56 - 15:01] Yo, what's popping, man?
[15:01 - 15:11] Yo, tough to go. But yo, tough to go. Yeah, you're crazy. Yeah, yo, you're crazy. Yeah, yo, you're crazy.
[15:11 - 15:19] Yo, tough to go. Yeah, yo, you're crazy. Yeah, yo, you're crazy. Yeah, you're crazy.
[15:19 - 15:39] See that you're on the line. Yo! You try to bring us out now. Tell everyone to catch you.
[15:39 - 16:02] Alright, yeah, I do need to undo a few region modifies here.
[16:02 - 16:22] Make sure everything is on up.
[16:22 - 16:28] Well, what effect did I have?
[16:28 - 16:32] Redo just effect.
[16:32 - 16:35] Alright, there we go.
[16:36 - 16:41] And I'm trying to destroy you.
[16:41 - 16:47] Look at the hell that surrounds you.
[16:47 - 17:13] Yeah.
[17:13 - 17:42] Believe it or not, these are just all old boxes. This is mostly Christmas.
[17:42 - 17:54] Oh, no shit, dude, bro. I actually have FL Studios. I have pretty much everything I need, bro. Like, literally, I got FL Studios, I got Soundtrap.
[17:54 - 18:08] I'm good. Plus, dude, I have fucking Photoshop, After Effects, Adobe Premiere, I have fucking Krita for doing artwork, Commipo for doing manga.
[18:08 - 18:18] So, dude, I've got literally everything I need. I just need to get a newer computer so I can do more because this computer is legit old.
[18:18 - 18:30] Like, no cap, dude. Like, this shit's old. Matter of fact, let me show you the beat that I did. Matter of fact, yo, Ryan, or the dude with the wrench, let me actually show you, dog.
[18:30 - 18:37] Let me actually show you an instrumental I did last night on here live. Like, let me show you this instrumental.
[18:37 - 18:47] I actually have been working on some shit with this. I have been popping off a few ideas with this.
[18:47 - 19:16] So, I'm going to let this beat play through. I'm going to go down, grab something to drink. I'm going to grab that, yo.
[19:16 - 24:05] [music]
[24:05 - 24:23] [silence]
[24:23 - 24:49] What rubbermaid shit, bro? There are no fucking rubbermaid containers, dawg. Those are fucking plastic boxes with shoes, fucking paperwork, Christmas shit, Christmas shit, coin jar shit, so yeah.
[24:49 - 24:54] [silence]
[24:54 - 25:06] Like I said, dude, like, y'all said there's say that I'm not trying, but really, dude, here's one that let me teach y'all a little something about music production.
[25:06 - 25:16] [silence]
[25:16 - 25:22] And this is one thing that I see a lot of artists and a lot of producers do.
[25:22 - 25:37] And this isn't just coming from somebody that's done music for 11 years. This is coming from something that actually has studied how a lot of artists are. A lot of artists don't work their basics.
[25:37 - 25:43] [silence]
[25:43 - 25:52] Shit, everybody knows where I sleep all night. Straight up fucking ice coffee. This flavor is actually Reese's. Shot in Starbucks.
[25:52 - 26:04] But, you know, like I said, I'm not trying to, you know, explain how I'm a better artist because I know there's people out there that are better artists than me.
[26:04 - 26:18] And I'm fine with that, but a lot of artists don't work their basics. And that's just sad, like a lot of people don't, like a lot of people overdo sounds.
[26:18 - 26:25] Like if you take a listen to my work, I don't overdo shit. I don't put 50 million different sounds in.
[26:25 - 26:33] [silence]
[26:33 - 26:43] [music]
[26:43 - 26:52] Well, I take this for example. Here's an instrumental loop that I got from Sematics Instrumentals. Shout out to Sematics.
[26:52 - 26:59] [music]
[26:59 - 27:02] As you can tell, there's not much to it.
[27:02 - 27:31] [music]
[27:31 - 27:37] See, just something simple, something basic.
[27:37 - 27:43] [music]
[27:43 - 27:47] See, it sounds like there's a lot to it, but it's actually very basic.
[27:47 - 28:01] [music]
[28:01 - 28:23] Like there's not like 50 million, like, you know, there's not 50 million freaking instruments going on at one time. It's all just calm, clean, basic shit.
[28:23 - 28:32] And that's one thing that irritates me to know fucking that is when these artists come in and they throw all these different sounds and...
[28:32 - 28:37] [music]
[28:37 - 28:47] Like they throw in all these different sounds and thinking that it's gonna be hot, but really it ain't shit.
[28:47 - 30:24] [music]
[30:24 - 30:28] See, it's just super simple, you know?
[30:28 - 30:30] [music]
[30:30 - 30:34] How am I gonna even spit something over this? I don't know.
[30:34 - 31:28] [music]
[31:28 - 31:42] Now just to run the rest of this across and we are done.
[31:42 - 32:10] All right, now let's listen to this back here. Oh, damn.
[32:10 - 32:22] [music]
[32:22 - 32:26] Okay, so stop playing the damn hit.
[32:26 - 32:58] [music]
[32:58 - 33:10] Dude, where is it at?
[33:10 - 33:38] Stop playing the-- Okay, so anyway, what is the password again? Too much energy.
[33:38 - 33:44] Okay, but that's-- Oh, come. That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[33:44 - 34:02] [music]
[34:02 - 34:08] Oh, come.
[34:08 - 34:16] [music]
[34:16 - 34:20] That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[34:20 - 34:26] Oh, I ain't ignoring the trash.
[34:26 - 34:36] Oh, come. That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[34:36 - 34:38] What? I don't believe it.
[34:38 - 34:44] You see what I mean though? It's not too much overdoing it.
[34:44 - 34:57] No, I'm not overdoing it. It's just there within the mix.
[34:57 - 35:08] Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take and I'm going to do that for each fill spot.
[35:08 - 35:33] You know, each blank spot where the beat cuts out, I'm going to throw it in.
[35:33 - 35:39] Perfect. All right, now let's take a listen back.
[35:39 - 35:56] What? What next? Oh, come. That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[35:56 - 36:13] What? Who the hell is Cunyster? I'm honestly not sure who that is.
[36:13 - 36:21] I honestly don't know who that is, so somebody can fill me in.
[36:21 - 36:31] [music]
[36:31 - 36:45] What? Oh, come. That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[36:45 - 36:53] Like I am deadass, who the hell is Cunyster or Cunystar?
[36:53 - 36:55] Like, I'm not sure who that is, to be honest with you.
[36:55 - 37:00] Like, you know this was, I just, I don't know who that is.
[37:00 - 37:05] Like, should I know who that is?
[37:05 - 37:09] And if so, like, how do I find him? How do I look him up?
[37:09 - 37:26] [music]
[37:26 - 37:38] Oh, Viaki. Yo, I got to throw the Viaki down in there. Hold up.
[37:38 - 38:03] Let's go, Viaki down.
[38:03 - 38:12] Let's go, Viaki down and shatting down.
[38:12 - 38:19] What? What next? Oh, come. That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[38:19 - 38:41] Oh, wow. Oh, yes.
[38:41 - 39:07] Yo, it's not overdoing it, it's just right there, like...
[39:07 - 39:22] Oh, come. That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[39:22 - 39:51] Yo, I might just spit something over there, for real.
[39:51 - 40:18] What? What next? Oh, come. That mother of a guy possesses renegade eyes.
[40:18 - 40:47] Oh, that sounds so good. That sounds so fucking good, man.
[40:47 - 40:55] [silence]
[40:55 - 41:03] I'm, like, legit about to download that.
[41:03 - 41:30] Okay, so I don't have anything named "Ranenian" locked away and tearing up. Alright, so...
[41:30 - 41:42] [silence]
[41:42 - 41:49] Alright, so while that's doing that, I'm going to save this.
[41:49 - 42:18] Yo, Blazin', didn't I mod you, bro? Oh, I guess not.
[42:18 - 42:36] [silence]
[42:36 - 42:48] Well, that's telling me I actually do have one other recording thing set up.
[42:48 - 43:00] You know what, I think for this one, I'm actually going to do an Eddie Rath song cover to drop.
[43:00 - 43:08] And I know y'all motherfuckers know who Eddie Rath is, and if you don't know, man, look him up.
[43:08 - 43:33] [silence]
[43:33 - 43:39] No, no, no. I'm actually going to be going in and doing a legit cover.
[43:39 - 44:08] [silence]
[44:08 - 44:12] So I need your metal.
[44:12 - 44:31] [silence]
[44:31 - 44:35] Alright, here we go.
[44:35 - 44:44] Like I said, not only do I do rock and metal, I also do crazy shit like this.
[44:44 - 44:58] So yeah, y'all are about to witness your boy ripping it up. I'm actually going to do one of my personal favorites.
[44:58 - 45:23] [silence]
[45:23 - 45:44] No, no, no. No, no, no. What's up?
[45:44 - 46:13] [silence]
[46:13 - 46:18] So I set two teams on a mission to watch catch five hits and pick stuff.
[46:18 - 46:23] I smell the fear in the chakra, but don't get scared now me running gotcha.
[46:23 - 46:29] All these dogs want a kid and each kid gets paid a price even that my brother likes.
[46:29 - 46:35] Why can't they pay each other leave? The sound goes down, they can know, huh?
[46:35 - 46:49] And when it's more time, when the enemy is running, when it's scared, when they see it, don't be rama, don't be rama, don't be rama, don't be rama, don't be rama, don't be rama, don't be rama.
[46:49 - 46:51] [silence]
[46:51 - 46:58] We are not similar, can't appeal your horses, can't deal the big forces.
[46:58 - 47:03] The honor war boat says you can't prevent it prepared for war at the same time.
[47:03 - 47:09] Yes, me the prince of the liquid element, a vice-size-size of the vice president.
[47:09 - 47:14] Not every hero can be rich, hotheads can't solve serums in this bitch.
[47:14 - 47:20] Land the ticks of the ninja, land the sickening, like really like the block you sickening.
[47:20 - 47:26] Hits me off and the water starts trickling down my thumbs and the heart starts quittling.
[47:26 - 47:31] Sacrifices myself for a protector on my shelf.
[47:31 - 47:37] So I said two teams ought to make shit, throw a pitch five hits and pick some.
[47:37 - 47:42] Smell the kid in the jacket, don't be scared of me running that shit.
[47:42 - 47:48] All these dogs want a kid and each kid gets paid a price even that my brother likes.
[47:48 - 47:55] like walking through the village of the leaf. The sound goes down the canoa, everyone is
[47:55 - 48:02] water on the enemies on the whiskey, when they say topirama, topirama, topirama, topirama,
[48:02 - 48:14] topirama, topirama, topirama, topirama, topirama, where do the bitches of the leaf? The sound
[48:14 - 48:21] goes down the canoa, everyone is water on the enemies on the whiskey, when they say topirama,
[48:21 - 48:34] topirama, topirama, topirama, topirama, topirama, topirama, where does that sound like? Can
[48:34 - 48:41] you feel the big forces, they are the world but sage came prepared to prepare for war
[48:41 - 48:58] at the same time. Alright make sure that one is mixing down. Dude I love the auto mix
[48:58 - 49:12] down on the fucking soundtrack dude, it's fucking dope. Why don't you let me jump right
[49:12 - 49:41] in. I'm going to get a little bit of a break. I'm going to get a little bit of a break.
[49:41 - 50:10] Let's go. Oh yes, it's godly, so godly. Shout out to Matt, we got something real. Yes,
[50:10 - 51:08] we got a little bit of a break, we got a little bit of a break, we got a little bit of a break,
2021-1-19 late night Piano originals covers

2021-1-19 late night Piano originals covers

[0:00 - 0:10] Ahhh! *tongue click click* *clears throat*
[0:10 - 0:48] *silence*
[0:48 - 3:56] *intro music*
[3:56 - 3:58] Oh, I will for sure.
[3:59 - 4:39] *intro music*
[4:39 - 4:57] Alright, what the f*ck is going on with music?
[4:57 - 6:47] *intro music*
[6:47 - 6:49] Man, what do you mean, dude?
[6:49 - 6:53] Like, hold up, so Marty actually admitted to being...
[6:53 - 6:56] Wow, that's crazy, dude.
[6:56 - 42:49] *intro music*
[42:49 - 42:51] Alright, did you not listen, man?
[42:51 - 43:00] I said sometime this week when I get my card, I'll be launching the clothing line.
[43:00 - 43:09] And as for what you said earlier, did you not read the description?
[43:09 - 43:12] Did you not read the title?
[43:12 - 43:18] It says Originals and Covers.
[43:18 - 43:38] Some of the shit I've been doing is some of my original shit.
[43:38 - 43:52] So chill out, dude.
[43:52 - 47:37] *intro music*
[47:37 - 47:43] That's all good, man. No worries.
[47:43 - 47:55] You know, she just proved that she's a royal bitch and doesn't know how to look at shit from someone else's perspective.
[47:55 - 47:59] Because, you know, it is what it is.
[47:59 - 48:06] That's just sad when you can't look at a situation from another person's perspective.
[48:06 - 48:14] That just really shows how childish you really are, honestly.
[48:14 - 48:21] Like, that really shows that a hundred percent.
[48:21 - 48:39] Yeah, she just happened to be too childish, though, and that's on her.
[48:39 - 76:01] *intro music*


[0:00 - 0:28] What's up guys, it's your boy.
[0:28 - 0:39] Now Marty, I saw your livestream bro, and honestly you're a joke, like you look for any excuse
[0:39 - 0:54] to get out of a race, which I find that shit funny, it's like you look for any excuse to
[0:54 - 1:03] get out of a fucking face with me, alright me having to have a license to face your ass
[1:03 - 1:15] on a video game, dude you're stupid, like dude why sit here and train tireless lady
[1:15 - 1:24] to be one of the best, what do you do, you sit there running high like a bitch ass coward,
[1:24 - 1:44] like bro you want to talk shit, but you never back it up because you're a fucking coward,
[1:44 - 1:58] like for real, like you never want to back that shit up, like dude why am I here saying
[1:58 - 2:08] record breaking times, on the toge everyday, every night, proving myself, what are you
[2:08 - 2:33] doing, man what are you doing that's so great, Marty, nothing.
[2:33 - 2:49] Like for real dude, you do nothing but run your mouth like a bitch ass coward, it's
[2:49 - 3:04] cause you ain't got the balls to face me, nigga, you know which I find funny, you talk
[3:04 - 3:13] to all this mad shit, and talk about how, oh I'll face you in one condition, and then
[3:13 - 3:18] you turn around and say oh you got that license, nigga fuck having a license to race your ass
[3:18 - 3:30] on a video game bitch, fuck that, you're just scared cause you know you'll fucking lose,
[3:30 - 3:45] enough of the hiding Marty, for real, stop poking out like a bitch, cause honestly I'm
[3:45 - 3:54] fucking tired of it nigga, you're a little bitch made fuck boy, more importantly you're
[3:54 - 4:02] a fake ass youtuber, you ain't even a real fucking driver homie, you talk about how you
[4:02 - 4:15] can feed my ass, on any racing game in the world, yet all you do is run and hide, me
[4:15 - 4:39] I actually prove what I can do, alright why do you think they call me the king of the
[4:39 - 4:47] toga for grit 2019 bro, it's cause I earned that top spot, I'll beat that record, I earned
[4:47 - 4:58] that spot motherfucker, meanwhile what did you ever do that's so great huh, you ain't
[4:58 - 5:26] done jack shit, all you've done is run and hide like a coward, and I'm honestly tired
[5:26 - 5:33] of it Marty, you claim to be a standup guy but yet all I see is a coward, running and
[5:33 - 5:53] hiding behind his little French smacko bitch, that's all I see, you're an excuse maker motherfucker,
[5:53 - 6:19] that's all you do is run your mouth Marty, like for real you want to talk about being
[6:19 - 6:25] a standup guy, then why don't you do like you say and fucking face me, no conditions
[6:25 - 6:42] this, no conditions that, me and you, grit 2019, one race, winner take all bitch, now
[6:42 - 6:47] dude the harness is literally just to keep me in this, to keep me from sliding like this
[6:47 - 6:57] but I got into the points where I can actually slide around and not, you don't need it, but
[6:57 - 7:07] Marty, why is it that every time I challenge you, you punk out like a bitch, like what's
[7:07 - 7:24] up with that dude, I thought you were supposed to be a better driver than me, because like
[7:24 - 7:32] I said Marty, all I see is a weak ass driving bitch, that's all I see man, you're a weak
[7:32 - 7:39] ass bitch, who likes to make excuses, because you know damn well, I'll beat your ass on
[7:39 - 7:52] the togue, I'll smoke your ass nigga, and you can't handle that fact, so you try to
[7:52 - 8:17] come up with an excuse and get out of it, and it's bullshit bro, why dude if I wasn't
[8:17 - 8:24] a world class driver, why isn't it that I took first today at Mexico's Autodromo, without
[8:24 - 8:42] any fucking practice?
[8:42 - 8:50] I didn't do qualifying runs, I literally started at the back of the pack and straight
[8:50 - 9:14] killed it, and I took the win, so that right there should tell you something Marty, that
[9:14 - 9:26] should tell you that I got the balls to fucking smoke your little bitch ass, and everybody
[9:26 - 9:54] saw for themselves, it was indeed against real freaking people, and you know, I don't
[9:54 - 10:13] know, I don't know.
[10:13 - 10:21] See why they drift at night, and do my thing at night and have fun, I take my racing very
[10:21 - 10:34] seriously bro, dude I race the live bro, go back and watch the stream, I race against
[10:34 - 10:54] the live people, like actual people.
[10:54 - 11:02] See Marty while I compete on a daily basis, on a weekly basis on F1 2020, proving my skill,
[11:02 - 11:11] proving myself, what are you doing, running and cowering like a fucking bitch, you hide
[11:11 - 11:18] behind your little fuckboy slack jaw lackey, shmek okay, because you no damn gonna well,
[11:18 - 11:47] then if I catch your ass, you're fucked.
[11:47 - 11:53] Like dude you act like this hard ass guy but really you're not, you're a pussy ass coward
[11:53 - 12:02] who's afraid to fight his own battles, alright what's the matter, I proved that I'm actually
[12:02 - 12:09] a top notch world class racer, and all of a sudden you punk out like a bitch, cuz you're
[12:09 - 12:23] afraid that I'll beat you, I'm like c'mon dude, see when I started out erasing Marty
[12:23 - 12:35] I'll admit I wasn't the fastest, if anything I was like you, I was trash, but then I started
[12:35 - 12:53] practicing more and more, and guess what I got, I got to where I'm at now, and I got
[12:53 - 13:08] the opportunity to race on a world class level, and now I'm winning races almost every other,
[13:08 - 13:18] almost literally every other week, every week or so, like dude if I was a top notch driver
[13:18 - 13:25] why did I take first at auto drumming today against 30 other drivers without any prep
[13:25 - 13:42] at all, why did I take the top spot on grit 2019, and now hold the title as king of the
[13:42 - 14:11] toge on grit 2019 bro, why do you think I was so well respected in the car community,
[14:11 - 14:19] and in the racing community man, it's cuz I know how to fight my own fucking battles,
[14:19 - 14:33] win or lose, I still compete, and guess where all that shit's gotten me dude, it's gotten
[14:33 - 14:59] me subscribers, it's actually gotten me content that people enjoy watching, wait dude you're
[14:59 - 15:06] a fucking joke Marty, you claimed that you could beat me on the track, but yet you ain't
[15:06 - 15:13] got the balls to go against me, you fucking hide them in one, and run like a little bitch,
[15:13 - 15:21] what kind of driver are you, cuz all I see is a pussy, a coward little fuck boy, who
[15:21 - 15:30] ain't got the balls to face somebody, who can't put him in his goddamn place, oh wait
[15:30 - 15:34] that's right I already did put you in your place on Courtney's livestream the one night,
[15:34 - 15:57] I forgot about that, or did you forget that I put you in your little fucking place where
[15:57 - 16:03] you belong, like the fuck boy that you are, on Courtney's livestream in front of hundreds
[16:03 - 16:16] of other people, or did you forget that, cuz it seems to me that you forgot that fact
[16:16 - 16:28] that every time you go against me I put you in your place every time, see unlike you Marty
[16:28 - 16:34] I don't have my friends fighting my battles for me, I fight them myself and I overcome
[16:34 - 16:50] them because I'm not like you, I'm not a punk ass bitch, I'm not a little fuck boy
[16:50 - 16:58] running around talking all this mad shit, and then doesn't back it up, everything I
[16:58 - 17:11] say I do I have done, cuz see unlike you Marty, I have proof of everything that I've
[17:11 - 17:28] done, yo burrito what's up man, I mean I find it funny Marty that you really think that
[17:28 - 17:39] you can fucking beat me, when all you do is puss out and run like the little scared
[17:39 - 17:53] fucking bitch that you are, man that's irrelevant to what I'm talking about, that AJ shit that's
[17:53 - 18:10] old news man, that's irrelevant, that ain't what I'm on about, that's not what I'm talking
[18:10 - 18:15] about, point being Marty ain't got the balls to face me cuz he's a fucking coward, a snake
[18:15 - 18:27] ass fuckboy, who's a coward ass little bitch, he'll look for any excuse to get out of race
[18:27 - 18:38] here cuz he knows he's gonna fucking lose, cuz he knows that when I beat him, his ass
[18:38 - 18:57] will be off to YouTube for good and never allowed to make the channel ever again.
[18:57 - 19:17] Alright c'mon Marty stop hiding like a bitch, you say you can beat me at racing, step up
[19:17 - 19:28] and show it nigga, stop being a pussy, show the man that you are, and stop hiding like
[19:28 - 19:35] a coward, you fucking bitch, or do I need to bring out the fact that you did indeed
[19:35 - 19:50] murder Jamie, do I need to bring out the fact too that you actually did have something
[19:50 - 19:58] to do with her death, yes the race book is still, yes the force of photography book
[19:58 - 20:08] is dropping soon, I shouldn't get everything set up, and ghost man, tell Marty if he wants
[20:08 - 20:29] to face me, face me on the track, alright tell Marty this right here, hey ghost man,
[20:29 - 20:39] tell Marty this, if he wants answers about AJ, beat me on the track, face me on the
[20:39 - 21:00] toe game and beat me and maybe, maybe he'll get some answers, but not until he faces me,
[21:00 - 21:10] I'm tired of this fuckboy hiding, and Marty you remember the original deal and I'm still
[21:10 - 21:20] sticking to it, I'll give you your quote on quote answers that you want, but when I beat
[21:20 - 21:27] you on the toe game, on grade 2019 you're not gonna make a channel ever again, you're
[21:27 - 21:46] gonna stay out the internet bitch, that's none of his fucking business, see that's
[21:46 - 21:52] the thing, having a license doesn't mean dick when it comes to doing this shit nigga, that
[21:52 - 22:13] don't mean jack shit, see having a license don't mean dick, when it comes to in game
[22:13 - 22:19] racing he's just looking for an excuse to punk out like the bitch that he is, because
[22:19 - 22:31] he knows damn well I will destroy him, and when I destroy him on the track, when I destroy
[22:31 - 22:44] him on the track he'll have no choice but to leave social media, it doesn't mean shit,
[22:44 - 22:59] it's a video game, it starts with a freaking video game, and he wants to talk about licenses,
[22:59 - 23:11] bro having a license don't do dick on a video game you fucking moron, you're just looking
[23:11 - 23:16] for any means you can to punk out like a bitch and I'm not letting you get out of it marty,
[23:16 - 23:23] you either face me tonight, right now, or I tell the whole world about how you murdered
[23:23 - 23:31] Jamie and I take that shit to national news, how about that, or maybe I'll release the
[23:31 - 23:40] clip where you admitted to paying off the police, I can do that shit you know, I can
[23:40 - 23:45] easily take that clip and all the proof and all that shit and put it out there how you
[23:45 - 23:52] are a murderer, so I suggest if you want to shut me up you face me and stop posting out
[23:52 - 23:59] like a bitch, straight the fuck up, stop posting out like a bitch and I won't take the shit
[23:59 - 24:18] to the news and expose your ass for the murderer that you really are, cuz honestly marty you're
[24:18 - 24:25] lucky that I don't take that audio footage that I captured of you that I have played
[24:25 - 24:34] back on top of the screenshots that I received and to you admitting all this to the police
[24:34 - 24:40] and having your ass arrested and hold off for the rest of your miserable fucking life,
[24:40 - 25:00] well I guess that marty pushed me, I want you to, I want you to keep it going because
[25:00 - 25:07] guess what, if you're pushing anymore guess what your ass is being hauled off marty, you're
[25:07 - 25:16] not getting out of this one dude, either face me right now or within the next few days
[25:16 - 25:29] I will be contacting the police and sending them evidence
[25:29 - 25:37] of you being a murderer and a fucking idiot who pays off the police to stay the fuck out
[25:37 - 25:48] of jail, face it marty you either face me or I take this shit to the police, what's
[25:48 - 26:00] it gonna be bitch, are you gonna face me right here right now and shut me up or am I taking
[26:00 - 26:08] this shit to the cops and having your ass hauled off, cuz I have more than enough evidence
[26:08 - 26:16] to throw you away for the rest of your fucking life bitch, I have more than enough, so like
[26:16 - 26:30] I said marty, either face me right now or I'll just straight up go to the police tomorrow
[26:30 - 26:39] morning down to the station, fill out a report, have you investigated and have you arrested,
[26:39 - 26:44] so what's it gonna be marty, are you gonna face me and shut me up or do I get to take
[26:44 - 27:00] all this wonderful evidence that you've given me to the police, what's it gonna be, cuz
[27:00 - 27:15] if I were you I'd be thinking long and hard, actually no I wouldn't be thinking long and
[27:15 - 27:32] hard, now I'll make it for you, and you already know what my resolution to this is gonna
[27:32 - 27:40] be, it's gonna end up with you going to prison, so like I said marty, make your choice fuck
[27:40 - 27:50] bag, make your motherfucking choice, are you gonna run like a bitch or are you gonna face
[27:50 - 28:12] me right here right now for a chance to shut me up, what's it gonna be punk ass, cuz marty
[28:12 - 28:23] you and I both know I have more than enough evidence to have you locked up, and if I were
[28:23 - 28:40] you I'd be making a choice very quick, and it's not a false statement, I have actual
[28:40 - 28:57] evidence of him bullion me bitch, I have legit evidence of him cyberbullion monkey bitch,
[28:57 - 29:14] so keep your little punk ass mouth shut fuck boy, cuz let's see I got him on blackmail,
[29:14 - 29:21] I've got him on cyberbullying, the rope that he sent, conversing with a known criminal
[29:21 - 29:28] named Kano Smith, who is currently on the run, and is one of the in several states,
[29:28 - 29:37] let's see what else, oh yeah disrespecting the dead, that actually is a crime you can't
[29:37 - 29:49] get in trouble for that, falsifying a document, forgery on a falsified document, on a falsified
[29:49 - 30:05] legal document, and not to mention copyright infringement, cuz he's basically stealing
[30:05 - 30:15] my videos and restraining them, which it's got my face in it, it's got my content therefore
[30:15 - 30:24] I can get him on copyright infringement, so yeah who's got the upper hand now Marty,
[30:24 - 30:45] it ain't you bitch, cuz Marty I'm not gonna leave you alone until you're in jail, or
[30:45 - 30:54] you're behind bars bitch, I will attack you over and over and over, I will harass you
[30:54 - 30:59] for as long as it takes until you get put behind bars like you belong bitch, I will
[30:59 - 31:13] make sure you get put behind bars, I don't give a fuck, maybe I should do to you like
[31:13 - 31:21] you do to me, maybe I should send you something to tell you to go kill yourself, fuck that,
[31:21 - 31:46] maybe I should start attacking you the way that you attacked me, it's always fair Marty,
[31:46 - 31:58] or should I say Nicholas Beagler, should I say Nicholas C. Beagler, come on Nick let's
[31:58 - 32:07] be honest here man, let's be honest here Nick, you and I both know that I know your
[32:07 - 32:14] real name, I know your address, and it wouldn't be hard for me to come out there and fuck
[32:14 - 32:36] you up royally, it really wouldn't be that hard, you wanna know why I want, because he
[32:36 - 32:50] has nothing to do with this conversation fuck bag, actually try 5 foot 3 and 150 bitch,
[32:50 - 32:55] try again, and here's a little bit of shit for you Marty, here's something you don't
[32:55 - 33:09] realize bitch, here's what you fail to realize Marty, size and weight don't mean dick in
[33:09 - 33:18] a fucking fight, see you may be taller and heavier yes, but it doesn't take long for
[33:18 - 33:23] me to bring your fake ass down, all you gotta do is take out your fucking knees and bash
[33:23 - 33:30] your skull into the ground, which I'll have zero issue down because you're fat as fuck,
[33:30 - 33:38] you're overweight, you're slow, you're slow as shit boy, you can't even handle a real
[33:38 - 33:47] fucking fight bitch, this is all you do Marty blah blah blah yada yada yada blah blah blah
[33:47 - 33:54] that's all you do fuck bag, that's all you do is you run your mouth like a punk ass,
[33:54 - 34:01] see unlike you, I know how to hold my own in a fight, I know how to handle my shit,
[34:01 - 34:20] unlike you, unlike you Marty, I'm not a fucking faggot ass motherfucker who needs a sweaty
[34:20 - 34:30] dumb throat, unlike you Marty, I'm not a murderer, I don't kill people like you do bitch, I don't
[34:30 - 34:37] pay off cops to get away with murder bitch, I don't attack families like you do you're
[34:37 - 34:45] a faggot, I don't attack people and harass people and go after them the way that you
[34:45 - 34:53] do, you're a fucking sick freak ass little bitch who needs to be put in the grave six
[34:53 - 35:04] feet deep, I'm fucking tired of you running like a bitch, you fucking faggot, you overweight
[35:04 - 35:16] oompa loompa little bitch, like what happened, did Umaga and his wife have, what's the matter
[35:16 - 35:24] man, did Umaga and Donald Trump have can it come out your reject looking ass, oh I'm
[35:24 - 35:28] sorry I'm sorry I forgot, your mommy and daddy didn't want you so they gave me the
[35:28 - 35:39] Donald Trump who also is a reject, I forgot, I'm sorry or did you have to suck Donald
[35:39 - 35:47] Trump's dick to get fucking money, oh no I'm sorry I forgot, I forgot you didn't suck
[35:47 - 35:51] Donald Trump's dick, you sucked your own daddy's dick to get money, because we all know you
[35:51 - 35:57] like that insect shit bitch, we all know you're an incest, that's why you sucked your
[35:57 - 36:24] own daddy's dick to get money, did your mommy and daddy teach you to be a little bitch ass
[36:24 - 36:36] coward and to attack people too, cause obviously you aint got no respect for anyone cause you're
[36:36 - 36:45] a fucking loser ass bitch, and see unlike you I don't go after the dead bitch, unlike
[36:45 - 36:57] you I don't attack the dead, like I said Marty, if you want to shut me up I would do it right
[36:57 - 37:04] the fuck now, I don't even think about having anybody send here to my house to attack me
[37:04 - 37:09] because guess what the man they do, their necks are getting broke and their necks are
[37:09 - 37:19] getting slit and their asses are getting six feet deep right along with you, so test
[37:19 - 37:38] me motherfucker see if I don't fucking murder your little bitch ass, I'm not answering jack
[37:38 - 37:48] shit about that fuckbag AJ, I'm worried about Marty, like I said Marty you aint got the
[37:48 - 38:00] balls to face me, because you're a punk ass bitch, you know you're a murderer, you killed
[38:00 - 38:18] Jamie you killed that prostitute and got away with it, so like I said fuckbag if you want
[38:18 - 38:23] to shut me up I'd do it right the fuck now because I have more than enough evidence
[38:23 - 38:36] to incriminate your ass, more than enough, or perhaps I should take hook on my studio
[38:36 - 38:49] PC again and play that footage back where you admitted to paying off the police, which
[38:49 - 39:01] will lead people to wonder did you actually get away with murder, I'm done playing Marty,
[39:01 - 39:28] I played your game this whole time bitch, now it's time to play mine, oh I've got my
[39:28 - 39:35] ways of making the police do shit, I have my ways and I now know what they're doing
[39:35 - 39:46] is illegal, so all it takes is one word to the head down here, one word to the chief
[39:46 - 40:06] of police down here, that's all it takes, and Marty if you don't do like I say within
[40:06 - 40:13] the next 10 minutes by this time tonight I can assure you I will have called the police
[40:13 - 40:18] and I will have filed a report on your ass, and I will be speaking with the chief of
[40:18 - 40:27] police about how your police don't do shit and how you're paying them off, and not only
[40:27 - 40:33] will those police officers lose their job, you'll end up going to prison bitch, so test
[40:33 - 40:58] me fuckbag, oh yes I do, oh yes I do have leverage on him, for starters this rope that
[40:58 - 41:10] he sent, the fact that he sat there blackmailed my ex, attacked her family, oh let's see what
[41:10 - 41:37] else, oh yeah cyberbullying, harassment, disrespecting the dead, so try again Marty please try again,
[41:37 - 41:44] try again Marty, I have leverage on your ass you just don't want to admit it cause
[41:44 - 42:11] you're a bitch, oh yeah look it up, matter of fact I'll look it up right now, okay,
[42:11 - 42:30] yep desecration of a human corpse, offenses concerning dead bodies, true to the dead,
[42:30 - 42:38] so technically what he's doing he could go to prison for, because my brother is deceased,
[42:38 - 42:49] I could technically have him all the way, for all the shit that he's done, the fucked
[42:49 - 43:02] up photos, oh yeah not to mention I could also get on another thing too, posting videos
[43:02 - 43:08] without my knowledge or consent, he hacked my facebook and stole videos and posted them
[43:08 - 43:24] the pornhub twice, not once but twice, so yeah I ain't got leverage on you nigga, bitch
[43:24 - 43:35] please I got more leverage on you than you'll ever have on me punk ass, you whiny ass overweight
[43:35 - 43:47] fuckbag of a bitch, you're overweight you can't fight, you run like a coward, every
[43:47 - 44:01] time I confront you, like I said Marty face me right now, on grid 2019, or guess what
[44:01 - 44:07] Marty I'm taking all the shit you've done, all the people that you've killed, all the
[44:07 - 44:26] shit that you've done to me and I'm taking it to the national news
[44:26 - 44:38] and ghost man, I don't need to elaborate on shit, because the footage speaks for itself,
[44:38 - 44:49] the footage clearly speaks for itself, go back and watch serious talk with crypt k,
[44:49 - 44:57] go back and watch it, he openly admitted to sending the rope and then told me to go kill
[44:57 - 45:15] myself right there on the livestream, so yeah I think the evidence speaks for itself, technically
[45:15 - 45:24] it's not illegal but for the manner that he was doing it in is a crime, he sat there
[45:24 - 45:33] on a livestream and told me to go kill myself in front of hundreds of people, so the sending
[45:33 - 45:42] of the rope is irrelevant, like him initially sending it, that part is irrelevant, what
[45:42 - 45:52] is relevant is him telling me to go kill myself with that rope that he sent on the
[45:52 - 46:04] livestream, that could technically be considered attempted murder, or assisting in someone's
[46:04 - 46:15] suicide which is a crime, look it up, and ghost man how do I know that you're not one
[46:15 - 46:21] of his little lackeys, how do I know that you're not working for him, matter of fact
[46:21 - 46:35] you know what I got a feeling that you are working for him, so you know what you're gone.
[46:35 - 46:41] Now would anybody else like to fucking test me, I'm not in a plain mood, these attacks
[46:41 - 46:48] need to stop, Marty you need to shut your fat fucking overweight punk ass up before
[46:48 - 47:03] I put you in your place, I'm better yet, why don't I do you a solid favor and bring my
[47:03 - 47:15] ass up there and put your ass in the ground where it belongs, for real why don't I do
[47:15 - 47:23] that, why don't I put your ass in the fucking ground where it belongs you little bitch,
[47:23 - 47:32] you oompa loompa bald ass reject looking motherfucker, you got the body type of a sumo wrestler
[47:32 - 47:48] nigga I can run circles around you, easily, dude I can run circles around you for days
[47:48 - 47:57] bitch, days I can run circles around your ass, you're overweight and fat as fuck, you
[47:57 - 48:03] don't take care of yourself, all you do is sit on the internet like a fucking freak and
[48:03 - 48:17] attack me, enough is enough bitch, oh I'll definitely, if it comes down to me beating
[48:17 - 48:24] his ass, oh I will live stream it, I will live that shit, I will live stream that shit
[48:24 - 48:50] to youtube for sure, so come on Marty, what's it gonna be, hey Katrina what up, like I said
[48:50 - 48:59] Marty you think I don't have leverage on you, oh I got a lot of fucking leverage on
[48:59 - 49:09] your ass, a lot of leverage, the fact that you killed a prostitute and got away with
[49:09 - 49:16] it, you killed one of my good friends who was a major youtuber Jamie Nicole and got
[49:16 - 49:23] away with it, you proceeded to send rope to my house and told me to kill myself on a
[49:23 - 49:32] live stream mind you and admitted to sending the rope, you admitted to paying off the police
[49:32 - 49:53] to stay out of prison, so like I said Marty, you think I don't have leverage on you, try
[49:53 - 50:13] again bitch, the shit you're doing is borderline stalker shit and it needs to quit, and as
[50:13 - 50:20] for me calling her landlord, I did not call her fucking landlord, I did not call that
[50:20 - 50:44] skanks fucking landlord, yo Jon what up dude, well like I said Marty, you think you got
[50:44 - 51:03] leverage on me, you ain't got dick, you ain't got jack shit, if anything I got more than
[51:03 - 51:23] enough leverage on you to put your ass down, where it belongs.
[51:23 - 51:41] So Marty if I were you, I'd shove my mouth and quit running it like the bitch that you
[51:41 - 51:48] are, like I said Marty you want to shut me up, you know what to do, get your ass on right
[51:48 - 51:59] the fuck now and face me, or are you too much of a coward to face me, oh wait that's right
[51:59 - 52:14] I forgot you're a punk ass coward, I forgot, yo Jimmy is there legitimately a twitter
[52:14 - 52:22] if there is send me the link I want to see this, I want to see this twitter, I want to
[52:22 - 52:38] see this twitter page, where is it at, somebody get the fucking link for this dude, oh he
[52:38 - 52:44] does have a sick and twisted obsession with me dude, he really does and it's honestly
[52:44 - 53:03] sickening, alright if fans are talking about it there's got to be a page somewhere, there's
[53:03 - 53:11] got to be a page, if fans are talking about it on twitter there has to be a page, there's
[53:11 - 53:23] got to be a page somewhere made about me on something, because you can't just sit there
[53:23 - 53:30] and talk about a twitter page and there not be a twitter page that doesn't make any sense,
[53:30 - 53:48] so there's got to be a page.
[53:48 - 54:16] Whoa, where's the proof of it?
[54:16 - 54:36] I want to see these posts, send me the link, do something, I want to see these posts.
[54:36 - 54:56] I'm not stupid dude, I know how social media works, I can't just talk about having a twitter
[54:56 - 55:12] page and there not be a page for it, it don't work like that, yo of course, what up ninja,
[55:12 - 56:33] what up ninja, what up ninja, what up ninja, what up ninja, what up ninja, what up ninja,
[56:33 - 56:52] like if you have a twitter page, that comment is going to link back to a twitter page obviously.
[56:52 - 57:17] There's going to be a twitter page linked back to that comment, yo, yo what up dog,
[57:17 - 57:28] my bro, that would literally be like me, dude that would legit, dude that would be like
[57:28 - 57:42] me saying I'm a music artist but not putting any music out, which clearly isn't the case
[57:42 - 58:10] but, like you see where that's fucked up at, what's up ninja, what's up ninja, what's up
[58:10 - 58:37] ninja, what's up ninja, what up ninja, what's up ninja, what's up ninja, what's up ninja,
[58:37 - 58:45] like it don't make no sense, matter of fact my boy Ryan here, now I'm going to let this
[58:45 - 58:51] whole video play out, this whole thing I'm going to let it play out because I feel like
[58:51 - 59:07] Marty needs to fucking hear this shit, if someone posing as me, if they are I'll deal
[59:07 - 59:21] with it because I am going to be creating a twitter under my name and it will actually
[59:21 - 59:41] be me, not progressive, now Marty this advice and what Ryan is saying this applies to you
[59:41 - 59:53] and what you do
[59:53 - 60:13] and what you clearly need to stop doing, now I hope you're watching this Marty because
[60:13 - 60:35] it should scare the fuck out of me but Marty I hope you're paying attention because this
[60:35 - 60:47] video applies 110% to you and yes this is me calling you out on your bullshit, so shut
[60:47 - 60:53] the fuck up, set the fuck down and listen up little bitch, maybe you'll learn something.
[60:53 - 61:05] Alright look, there's a few things I'm going to talk about in this video, I'm a tad bit
[61:05 - 61:11] agitated but I'm also going to give you some advice as well, it might be some harsh advice
[61:11 - 61:17] but it's still some advice, I could get out here and be an asshole and out some of these
[61:17 - 61:20] people and say a bunch of shit and make a lot of people come to your page and fuck
[61:20 - 61:25] it and do that to you and put some negative energy in my life which I don't want because
[61:25 - 61:28] I have some pretty good energy in my life right now, not only that it takes away from
[61:28 - 61:33] my personal goals, my personal time for writing music, for making videos and this that and
[61:33 - 61:38] the other but I've been seeing some shit lately that is kinda weird and it's really
[61:38 - 61:41] starting to annoy me, I don't know if it's because my numbers are going up, I don't
[61:41 - 61:45] know if it's because I have an album about to come out, I don't know if it's because
[61:45 - 61:50] I just dropped said fuck it and it's got almost 3 million views, I don't know why but we're
[61:50 - 61:51] having a talk right now.
[61:51 - 61:56] Number one, if you're getting into the music industry here's what not to do Ralph Dribb,
[61:56 - 62:02] what you don't do is make a YouTube name called Ryan Upchurch with the same exact
[62:02 - 62:08] picture as me Ryan Upchurch and then get into my comments and repeatedly over and
[62:08 - 62:14] over put, hey do you like country rap tunes, if you do check out my new music, check out
[62:14 - 62:19] who's fucking new music, what's your name, what do you look like, how do we look you
[62:19 - 62:25] up on iTunes, it's not my music you're posting, it's definitely not my music you're posting.
[62:25 - 62:28] Now that right there, that applies to that whole Twitter thing.
[62:28 - 62:36] There's no beneficial factor to acting like another artist and then making it the same
[62:36 - 62:43] profile picture, same name and everything, claiming to be us and then posting beginner
[62:43 - 62:44] music.
[62:44 - 62:49] It's okay that it's beginner music, I have beginner music, my album Cheatham Counties
[62:49 - 62:54] beginner music but I didn't say oh look at me, I'm fucking slim shady, check out my new
[62:54 - 62:59] country rap tunes, it would be better for you to have your own name and your own picture
[62:59 - 63:04] and your own music and go into other artists comments and be like hey check out my music
[63:04 - 63:05] if you have a chance.
[63:05 - 63:10] I mean people act like we don't see it, like we don't read comments, we do and I block
[63:10 - 63:15] them every time, if I block for one, nobody's gonna listen to it because they know you're
[63:15 - 63:16] lying first off.
[63:16 - 63:21] Second off, people are gonna get angry and not even give it a chance when you're following
[63:21 - 63:25] somebody that they like and they see you acting like them to promote your shit, that's just
[63:25 - 63:26] not how you do things.
[63:26 - 63:30] So to get this part of the video on the way, don't do that, make up your own name, post
[63:30 - 63:36] a picture of yourself, if you want to promote other artists shit fine do it, if people click
[63:36 - 63:40] on it, good, if they don't, well, I mean if you want to follow your music you have to
[63:40 - 63:45] make stuff they want to listen to, if this is not a job where it's like oh I could just
[63:45 - 63:50] sit back and fucking be lazy all day and eat ho ho cakes and drink fruitopia and just
[63:50 - 63:53] fucking spit some shit on a drag, people will buy it, I know some people might think
[63:53 - 63:59] it's that easy but it's not, it's just not, there's a lot of work that goes into this,
[63:59 - 64:02] there's a lot of days you're gonna have fucking headaches, there's a lot of times you're
[64:02 - 64:06] gonna have writer's block, there's a lot of times you're gonna have to brainstorm to
[64:06 - 64:09] figure out what to write about, not only that you can't just sit in a fucking room and
[64:09 - 64:13] write songs, you gotta go out and live, you gotta fuck shit up, you gotta fuck up, you
[64:13 - 64:18] gotta win, you gotta do good shit, you gotta go through sketchy situations, you gotta
[64:18 - 64:21] put yourself out there to write these songs, these songs don't write themselves, especially
[64:21 - 64:26] as an independent artist, you have no health as an independent artist, the only person
[64:26 - 64:31] that has your back is you as an independent artist, you don't have people handing you
[64:31 - 64:37] stuff, sing this, sing this, but this wouldn't be a good win to fool the heartstrings, nah.
[64:37 - 64:41] As an independent artist, if you wanna write songs that fool heartstrings, you have to
[64:41 - 64:44] have your heartstrings pulled, if you wanna write a depressing song, you gotta go through
[64:44 - 64:49] a time where you're fucking depressed, which is why my personal philosophy on writing music
[64:49 - 64:55] is you can't sing a song, you don't live, you can't sing a song, but your lifespan's
[64:55 - 65:02] gonna be this fucking long, in this day and age, if you're not connected with the people
[65:02 - 65:06] who watch you, if you're not singing songs about certain stuff that you're going through
[65:06 - 65:11] in your personal life, how about people gonna consistently attach their stuff to you or
[65:11 - 65:17] relate to you, they're not, every single emotion you go through, whether it doesn't matter
[65:17 - 65:22] if they're sporadic and you go through a bunch of weird shit in a month, you think
[65:22 - 65:26] there's not people out there that go through a bunch of weird shit in a month, there is,
[65:26 - 65:31] I mean dude, times are different, we live in a life now where everything is fake, the
[65:31 - 65:37] person you're meeting on Tinder is fake, the person you watch on whatever is fake, the
[65:37 - 65:43] song that this guy's singing on this show is, it's not, hang on, he's singing someone
[65:43 - 65:47] else's fucking song, the person you thank your father when you meet him in real life
[65:47 - 65:51] and they're nothing like they seem to be in real life, I mean dude, we're living in a
[65:51 - 65:58] time where independent artists are striving, they're striving, but here is the issue,
[65:58 - 66:05] we have independent artists now, they have mainstream attributes, things they were preaching
[66:05 - 66:10] about in the beginning, it's three or four years past, they're not so much preaching
[66:10 - 66:15] about the same things they are anymore, which is fine, but you still have to preach about
[66:15 - 66:20] the things that you're actually going through and the things that you, you have to draw
[66:20 - 66:25] a picture that is actually you, because here's the thing, because if you're not being you,
[66:25 - 66:30] you don't know what to write about, if you're sitting here brainstorming to be someone you're
[66:30 - 66:35] not, then the ideas are not going to flow out of your brain, you're not going to walk
[66:35 - 66:40] in the studio and execute fucking ten songs and be like dude, I just did ten fucking songs,
[66:40 - 66:44] no, you're going to be like oh wait, who's I trying to be if anything, I've got to write
[66:44 - 66:49] like that person so they think this, and do you see how that becomes a big fucking
[66:49 - 66:55] problem, it's like a big fucking tingly chord, you have to fucking undo, if you just be yourself
[66:55 - 67:02] you can just free your own, you can wing it, people like seeing people wing it, I've been
[67:02 - 67:07] winging it since the fucking beginning, but winging it has gotten me to this point, winging
[67:07 - 67:12] it has gotten Hobson to his point, winging it has gotten Tom McDonald to his point, there
[67:12 - 67:21] is no blueprint, there is no yes, we're going to do this on September 4 at 3.30am, nah dude,
[67:21 - 67:26] if it's there, if it's there, if it's not, it's not, what is the excitement behind knowing
[67:26 - 67:30] what's going to happen, what is the excitement about knowing what someone's going to talk
[67:30 - 67:35] about, what is the excitement about knowing if this person's going to be on the show
[67:35 - 67:38] or be on the show or if they're going to put out this music, there's no excitement
[67:38 - 67:43] if you already know what the fuck's going to happen, which brings me to my next point,
[67:43 - 67:46] you have to be sharp minded, if you want to keep growing you got to be sharp minded,
[67:46 - 67:51] because when fucking problems come to you, you have to be the motherfucker that executes
[67:51 - 67:55] some son's bitches, you don't have, as it end up in ours, you don't have a PR team
[67:55 - 67:59] that's like oh well, you should say this and oh don't comment on that and hey, steer
[67:59 - 68:02] clear from this diet, don't go hanging out with them because he's bad news, you know
[68:02 - 68:08] what my PR team is? My gut and my fucking brain, nobody can drive your career car like
[68:08 - 68:14] you can, I call it your career car because I really love cars, you're the motherfucker
[68:14 - 68:17] that's supposed to know when you're let out on the clutch, you're the motherfucker that's
[68:17 - 68:22] supposed to know where to perfectly shift it when the RPMs go to that perfect point,
[68:22 - 68:25] with your career, you're supposed to be the one that knows how to drive with your knee
[68:25 - 68:28] when you need to, you're the person that's supposed to know when your tires are about
[68:28 - 68:33] to break loose, if they're bald, if they got tread, if you have gas, if you have clean
[68:33 - 68:39] oil, that's all on you as an independent artist, it's not on nobody else, if anybody else
[68:39 - 68:42] hops into your career car, they're gonna stall that motherfucker, they're gonna blow
[68:42 - 68:46] the head gasket, they're gonna grind that transmission gears, they're gonna fuck it
[68:46 - 68:49] all up for you, what are you gonna say, oh well it's his fault, he's the one that drove
[68:49 - 68:53] my car, nah motherfucker, you're the one that let him drive it, which brands get to my
[68:53 - 68:58] next point, coattail riding, coattail riding gets you nowhere, you know what it does,
[68:58 - 69:03] it gets you someone else's coat, it doesn't get you anywhere, because eventually, once
[69:03 - 69:07] you coattail ride so much, that person's gonna be like, they're gonna slip that coat
[69:07 - 69:12] off like, bro you can have it, just fucking leave me alone, they're gonna go get a new
[69:12 - 69:18] coat, they're gonna have your old coat, they're gonna sit there and be like, man I got a
[69:18 - 69:25] new coat, while they're walking away, going to get a new coat, upgrading their self,
[69:25 - 69:30] while you're still hanging on, you know, the coat you were riding on them with, now listen,
[69:30 - 69:45] it's okay to do features, but, and that's the point I was trying to get to, like for
[69:45 - 70:00] real, like Marty, you are literally coattail riding, dude, stop it, stop the coattail
[70:00 - 70:10] riding bro, like dude you are literally trying to use me to get views, that's all you're
[70:10 - 70:21] doing, while I'm over here everyday making music, getting ready to release my debut album
[70:21 - 70:32] Shadowborn, while working on another one ahead of time, while working on another project
[70:32 - 70:42] already, getting ready to release that one sometime soon, after this one drops, meanwhile
[70:42 - 70:48] what are you doing, that's so great, ask yourself this, hey what am I doing that's
[70:48 - 71:00] so great, like what can I do, like what can I do to get my channel growing, all you're
[71:00 - 71:06] doing is coattail riding me motherfucker, you're so obsessed with me, with coattail
[71:06 - 71:29] riding me, that you're ultimately fucking yourself over, like come on bro, like dude
[71:29 - 71:39] the shit you're doing is not beneficial to you, like Ryan said, create content that
[71:39 - 71:47] relates to people, what you're doing does not relate to anybody, the shit that I do
[71:47 - 71:55] when I talk about suicide prevention, when I talk about my songs, when I break down
[71:55 - 72:04] my songs so that people understand where I'm coming from, they connect to it, they connect,
[72:04 - 72:10] people like my music because they connect to it, people like when I do these cover shows
[72:10 - 72:18] because the songs that I do covers of, they connect to, see unlike you, I'm a voice for
[72:18 - 72:28] people alright, I'm a voice for those that deal with suicide, I'm a voice for the outcasts,
[72:28 - 72:44] but you, you ain't shit, you know you ain't shit, so you try to make me feel worse, because
[72:44 - 72:57] you ain't shit, like grow the fuck up Marty and leave me the fuck alone, plain and simple,
[72:57 - 73:06] leave me the fuck alone, quit streaming my shit, quit being a fuckboy, quit being a
[73:06 - 73:16] creeper, quit being a stalker, and grow up, like if you want to create like say like
[73:16 - 73:26] a news video on me, I don't care, go ahead, like if you want to say like oh you know this
[73:26 - 73:36] person you know Scarface gets ready to roll, it's brand new or you know Scarface does this
[73:36 - 73:49] or does that, that's fine, but when you do the shit that you're doing now, that makes
[73:49 - 74:06] you just an ugly person bro, like the shit you're doing now makes people not want to
[74:06 - 74:14] watch your shit, so what, you have more subs than I do, I can guarantee you, I can almost
[74:14 - 74:19] guarantee you 100% that all those subs that you gained are probably alternate accounts
[74:19 - 74:25] of yours, more than likely, more than likely they're alternate accounts that you made
[74:25 - 74:35] under several other emails, just to prove a point, but the truth is all your videos
[74:35 - 74:47] are garbage, like you, you're a trashy person, your videos are trash, your videos are garbage,
[74:47 - 74:53] everything that you do is garbage, it is toxic, it is nasty, it is gross, it's the
[74:53 - 75:00] kind of shit that doesn't need to be on YouTube, the kind of shit that does need to be on
[75:00 - 75:09] YouTube is the kind of shit that I do, where I sit down and I hang out with people, I talk
[75:09 - 75:14] to people about their problems, hell just the other day Lava Girl was going through
[75:14 - 75:23] a very serious situation, I stopped my livestream, I sat down, I talked to her, asked her what
[75:23 - 75:41] was going on, made sure she was okay, see that's the kind of shit that I do, I don't
[75:41 - 75:50] sit there and run around and troll people and go, oh this person's doing that or this
[75:50 - 75:56] person supposedly stole this, oh this person's accused of me of this, this person's doing
[75:56 - 76:10] that, this person this, this person this, this person this, no, like come on man, I'm
[76:10 - 76:19] actually doing shit with my life, with my channel, and I can tell you right now Marty,
[76:19 - 76:29] I'm going to be damned if I let some fuckbag little bitch like you stand in my way, I'm
[76:29 - 76:35] not going to sit here and let you walk all over me like I did last year, that ain't
[76:35 - 76:48] happening bro, you walking all over me, not happening, now me getting somewhere and making
[76:48 - 76:58] money off my music and actually doing what I need to do, that is going to happen, me
[76:58 - 77:08] making money off my music is going to happen, I promise you that, it is going to happen
[77:08 - 77:22] and you know what's going to happen with you, your ass is going to be left in the dust and
[77:22 - 77:31] you want to know why, because I will be up here doing tours, doing shows, having fun
[77:31 - 77:38] with my friends and my family, working with artists that I enjoy working with, getting
[77:38 - 77:47] my music out there, doing good shows, having fun on these tours, while you're down here
[77:47 - 78:00] still talking shit, see while you're down here talking shit, I'm going to be up here
[78:00 - 78:07] working with major artists, once I get my shit out there I'm going to be working with
[78:07 - 78:16] major artists, artists that you wish you knew, people that I've looked up to for years,
[78:16 - 78:27] people that I grew up with, who knows, maybe sometime in the near future I'll be able
[78:27 - 78:39] to get a freaking feature with Tom McDonald who's a favorite artist of mine, so like
[78:39 - 78:47] I said Marty, either stay the fuck out of my way or get run the fuck over, plain and
[78:47 - 78:55] simple, either you stay out of my way or aha, my god damn career car, I'll run your
[78:55 - 79:02] ass the fuck over, treat your ass like a god damn speed bump, see ya, what's it going
[79:02 - 79:08] to be, stay the fuck out of my way or do I have to run over your ass just to get rid
[79:08 - 79:15] of you, treat your ass like a zombie of a Resident Evil extinction, run your ass over,
[79:15 - 79:26] take your head off with it, so like I said I'm not stopping for you, I'm not slowing
[79:26 - 79:34] down for you, if anything I'm trying to leave your ass in the dust for good, so Marty if
[79:34 - 79:43] I were you I'd take this opportunity to reflect on what I've done and I'd quit the bullshit
[79:43 - 79:53] because like I said I'm hopping in my career car doing what I need to do, I'm doing shit
[79:53 - 79:58] that I need to do to get to where I want to be over my life, while you're down here
[79:58 - 80:05] talking shit man I'm gonna be up here kicking it, I promise you that, it might not be next
[80:05 - 80:12] month, it might not be this year right away but I promise you, after my album drops next
[80:12 - 80:20] month I promise you I will be getting somewhere and I'm not going to let some little fuckbag
[80:20 - 80:29] bitch who's obsessed with me in the most toxic way fuck me over any longer, so like I said
[80:29 - 80:38] Marty try again, see if I don't run your ass over and keep going bro, I'm done, you're
[80:38 - 80:45] old news man, get the fuck to stepping, get off of YouTube and do something with your
[80:45 - 80:52] fucking life instead of talking shit, get off of YouTube, get a fucking job, quit sitting
[80:52 - 81:01] on your fat fucking lazy ass on goddamn day talking shit, for real get off your fat fucking
[81:01 - 81:10] ass, get a real job, cause we all know you're never going to make it as a YouTuber or anything
[81:10 - 81:19] at all to do with shit like this, so like I said bro, get off your fat fucking lazy
[81:19 - 81:27] ass, get off of YouTube, click that, you see that, go to your little settings and somewhere
[81:27 - 81:33] in the settings, this is what you need to do, you need to go to your settings, you did
[81:33 - 81:41] that, cool, alright, now you see that little cog wheel, click that, go down on the thing
[81:41 - 81:48] until you see delete my channel, go down, click that delete my channel button, delete
[81:48 - 81:54] your channel, get off your fat fucking lazy ass in the morning, go the fuck down to McDonald's
[81:54 - 82:01] cause I'm pretty sure McDonald's is hiring, go down there, ask for an application, fill
[82:01 - 82:08] that application out, turn that application in, and then I'm pretty sure right there
[82:08 - 82:18] on the spot you'll have a fucking job, I'm pretty fucking sure of it, or hell, you can
[82:18 - 82:21] even do like my friend Brittany did and walked in there, they might give you the job right
[82:21 - 82:34] fucking there, without even filling anything out or an interview, like I said Marty, leave
[82:34 - 82:42] this YouTube and music shit to the professionals like me who know what we're doing, you need
[82:42 - 82:49] to go out, get off your fat fucking ass and get a real fucking job cause you're never
[82:49 - 83:06] gonna make it on YouTube with that fucking attitude, and especially not with that content,
[83:06 - 83:11] for real dude, the content you're doing is garbage, if you want people that actually
[83:11 - 83:31] like you, you need to put shit out that they themselves would want to watch.
[83:31 - 83:39] And here's the thing Mac, I don't need to get a job, cause my album Shadowborn drops
[83:39 - 83:46] next month, I'm actually working with a label that my good friend Kale who you guys know
[83:46 - 83:53] runs and owns, so I'm getting my start, I don't need to get a job to make money off
[83:53 - 84:03] my shit, I'm at that point to where I'm dropping my first album next month, on the 20th I'm
[84:03 - 84:10] dropping my first album, so I've got a way to make money, and hell if that don't go
[84:10 - 84:17] over, I've always got a clothing line I can fucking watch, I got my artwork I can do,
[84:17 - 84:22] I got books that I can fall back on, hell I got a fucking novel in the works right
[84:22 - 84:33] now, based around the Kisudagi station, Urban Legend that originated in Japan, for the deluxe
[84:33 - 84:43] edition with the DVD and the fan interviews and what not, that's going to be 20 bucks,
[84:43 - 84:51] I sat down, I talked it over with my manager Kale, who is also the executive producer,
[84:51 - 85:01] and the album is going to include not only the album itself, with an exclusive remix
[85:01 - 85:10] of my mentor and friend Koda Oda, who passed away in 2018 from an accidental drug overdose,
[85:10 - 85:20] it's not only going to feature my remix of his song A-OK, it's going to feature my film
[85:20 - 85:27] that I did, it's called The Darkness, it's a creepy movie, it's a horror film, it's
[85:27 - 85:32] going to feature that, it's going to have both the regular film and the director's
[85:32 - 85:37] cut, and the director's cut is basically going to have my commentary about what inspired
[85:37 - 85:45] the film, so it's going to have all kinds of cool shit.
[85:45 - 85:53] That part, I'll be actually working out with Kale, so I do have to talk to him about that,
[85:53 - 86:07] we're still working that part out, but, like everything's finally going somewhere, pre-orders
[86:07 - 86:13] we're not sure about, we're still working that out, because I know a lot of you guys
[86:13 - 86:18] wanted pre-orders and shit, and we did take that into account, and we're working, we're
[86:18 - 86:25] working on shit, don't worry, we are legitimately working on ways to get you guys to pre-orders,
[86:25 - 86:32] how to sort out, getting the album to you guys with the bonus, DVD, and all that shit
[86:32 - 86:56] that will be happening, so yeah, like that stuff is being worked on.
[86:56 - 87:01] And I am also currently working on putting together a legitimate street team that can
[87:01 - 87:07] help come up with ideas to get my shit out there, to promote my shit, to get stuff rolling,
[87:07 - 87:17] I am working on an exclusive street team comprised of myself, Kale, Lava Girl, and whoever else
[87:17 - 87:27] we feel can be beneficial to that select few, we are working on that, Kale's reached out
[87:27 - 87:45] to a few people, Lava's done that, I've done that, so, you know a lot of people are saying
[87:45 - 87:50] that I need to be in a band, because I got that John, I got that Jonathan Davis vibe,
[87:50 - 87:59] because I can actually nail corn music like it's nothing, like, you know, people are
[87:59 - 88:06] always asking me, are you related to Jonathan Davis, not that I'm aware of, because I know
[88:06 - 88:12] I have his voice, but I don't know if I'm related to him or not, and if I am, why the
[88:12 - 88:21] fuck did I not know about this sooner, and if I do end up being related to the guy, don't
[88:21 - 88:50] ask me for autographs, cause that's on him, that's on his end of shit, yeah, so, I'm
[88:50 - 89:17] gonna do that, now that, I want you guys to be the judge of this, where's that, where's
[89:17 - 89:41] that, where is that, I didn't even see it, I did not even see it bro, I did not even
[89:41 - 90:08] see it, where's that, where's that, where's that, where's that, where's that, where's
[90:08 - 90:23] that, where's that, but I want you guys to be the judge on this one that I'm about to
[90:23 - 90:52] do, and tell me how close I actually sound to this man, but it's not where I'm so related
[90:52 - 91:13] to him, and I'm not even sure what to do, I'm not even sure what to do, I'm not even
[91:13 - 91:38] sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and
[91:38 - 91:45] I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure
[91:45 - 91:49] what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm
[91:49 - 92:01] not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, I'm not even sure what to
[92:01 - 92:14] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[92:14 - 92:23] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[92:23 - 92:43] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[92:43 - 92:54] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[92:54 - 93:04] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[93:04 - 93:20] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[93:20 - 93:30] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[93:30 - 93:39] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[93:39 - 93:45] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[93:45 - 93:52] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[93:52 - 94:07] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[94:07 - 94:29] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[94:29 - 94:36] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[94:36 - 94:46] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[94:46 - 94:53] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[94:53 - 95:00] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[95:00 - 95:10] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[95:10 - 95:16] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[95:16 - 95:22] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[95:22 - 95:35] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[95:35 - 95:56] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[95:56 - 96:08] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[96:08 - 96:17] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[96:17 - 96:28] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[96:28 - 96:42] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[96:42 - 96:58] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[96:58 - 97:07] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[97:07 - 97:32] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[97:32 - 98:00] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[98:00 - 98:14] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[98:14 - 98:36] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[98:36 - 98:50] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[98:50 - 99:05] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[99:05 - 99:23] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[99:23 - 99:43] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[99:43 - 100:09] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[100:09 - 100:21] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[100:21 - 100:31] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[100:31 - 100:55] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[100:55 - 101:05] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[101:05 - 101:15] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[101:15 - 101:35] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[101:35 - 101:45] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[101:45 - 102:01] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[102:01 - 102:29] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[102:29 - 102:39] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[102:39 - 102:47] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[102:47 - 103:05] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[103:05 - 103:33] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[103:33 - 103:41] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[103:41 - 103:55] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[103:55 - 104:05] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[104:05 - 104:17] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[104:17 - 104:25] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[104:25 - 104:31] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even
[104:31 - 104:39] sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and
[104:39 - 104:47] I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure
[104:47 - 104:53] what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm
[104:53 - 105:01] not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[105:01 - 105:11] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even
[105:11 - 105:23] sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and
[105:23 - 105:35] I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what
[105:35 - 105:53] to do. Let's see you do that, Marty. Straight up. No, I haven't actually, dude. That's actually
[105:53 - 105:59] a good one. I haven't heard that in a while, actually, man. Let me see if I can mail that.
[105:59 - 106:21] It's been a minute since I've heard that one. Let's see if I can remember it.
[106:21 - 106:35] It's been a minute since I've heard that one, and I'm not even sure what to do, and
[106:35 - 107:00] I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what
[107:00 - 107:20] to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[107:20 - 107:42] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[107:42 - 108:10] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[108:10 - 108:21] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[108:21 - 108:30] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[108:30 - 108:55] even sure what to do, but I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[108:55 - 109:20] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[109:20 - 109:29] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[109:29 - 109:45] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[109:45 - 109:55] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[109:55 - 110:03] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[110:03 - 110:15] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[110:15 - 110:28] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[110:28 - 110:38] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[110:38 - 110:57] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[110:57 - 111:08] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[111:08 - 111:22] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[111:22 - 111:35] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[111:35 - 111:47] do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not
[111:47 - 112:15] even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to do, and I'm not even sure what to
[112:15 - 112:20] do, just by that little bit right there, I want to see if you can guess the name of
[112:20 - 112:37] the band and the song, and I want to see if you can nail that one, and if not, I can
[112:37 - 112:50] do an older one. Alright, this one might give you, I swear to god, this one will actually
[112:50 - 113:15] give you, bro, this should be a definite obvious answer. This one ought to be a dead giveaway
[113:15 - 113:22] to you


[0:27 - 0:31] Marty, Marty, Marty.
[0:35 - 0:40] What am I going to do with you?
[0:47 - 0:55] I come to you peacefully to drop the bad blood.
[1:01 - 1:07] I come to you thinking that you would be man enough and smart enough.
[1:13 - 1:14] To let things go.
[1:21 - 1:29] But instead, the day after I tell you that I am done walking away.
[1:29 - 1:31] What do you do?
[1:34 - 1:41] Stand me in the back, betray my trust in you.
[1:44 - 1:51] Cuz see where you don't realize is when you attack camp time racing.
[1:51 - 1:54] You stepped over your boundaries.
[1:59 - 2:04] Cuz see by attacking my friends, you attack me.
[2:11 - 2:14] Now you claim that can time racing can't beat you.
[2:20 - 2:24] You claim that can time cannot beat you.
[2:26 - 2:31] That he is trash, but in fact, he's not.
[2:33 - 2:39] Can time is one of the best drivers that I've ever met in my life.
[2:43 - 2:50] He's one of the most talented, one of the most gifted drivers in the world.
[2:50 - 2:55] This man has the potential to be a world class champion for
[2:55 - 3:03] e-sports and I will see to it that he becomes such along with myself.
[3:05 - 3:12] And I know why you're doing this Marty, I know why you're doing this.
[3:20 - 3:25] You're doing this to draw me out, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[3:25 - 3:31] But the truth is, I'm done hiding from you Marty.
[3:31 - 3:35] You want me in a race?
[3:35 - 3:39] Come get me bitch, I'm right here.
[3:39 - 3:45] Cuz you and I both know I'm the one you're really after.
[3:45 - 3:48] And you're using my friend's deal, guess what bitch?
[3:48 - 3:51] I'm right here.
[3:51 - 3:57] If you wanna race me that badly, then let's do it.
[4:00 - 4:04] Only this time, you won't survive.
[4:09 - 4:14] I tell you what Marty, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[4:14 - 4:17] Why don't you get yourself an Xbox One?
[4:23 - 4:29] Get yourself an Xbox One, get yourself grid 2019, and
[4:29 - 4:31] we'll throw down on the toge.
[4:34 - 4:38] Me and you, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[4:38 - 4:45] Once and for all, no tricks, no bullshit, winners hate call.
[4:45 - 4:50] Matter of fact, I'll raise the stakes Marty.
[4:54 - 4:57] If you win, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[4:57 - 5:00] I'll race for you, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[5:00 - 5:05] If you win, I'll race under your banner, whatever you want.
[5:05 - 5:10] As far as racing goes, I'll do it, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[5:10 - 5:15] I'll race under your stupid ass company, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[5:15 - 5:18] I'll race under your brand, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[5:18 - 5:26] Under your banter, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[5:26 - 5:29] But if I win, [BLANK_AUDIO]
[5:29 - 5:32] You leave YouTube for good.
[5:32 - 5:38] You delete your channel, and you never show your face ever again.
[5:43 - 5:45] So what's it gonna be Marty?
[5:45 - 5:52] Are you gonna step up and be a man, and face a driver better than you?
[5:52 - 5:57] In a one shot opportunity, a one shot opportunity to get what you always wanted,
[5:57 - 6:00] which is me to drive for you.
[6:02 - 6:05] Or are you gonna chicken out like a bitch?
[6:13 - 6:18] Cuz like I said Marty, this your one shot to get everything you've ever wanted,
[6:18 - 6:19] which is me.
[6:24 - 6:31] Like I said Marty, I'm challenging you right here, right now.
[6:31 - 6:35] Me and you winner take all.
[6:35 - 6:44] As I said, get yourself an Xbox One, get Grinch 2019.
[6:47 - 6:53] And we'll throw down on the fucking togue, me and you, once and for all.
[6:55 - 7:00] I'm the one you're really after, so come get me.
[7:00 - 7:06] Cuz Marty, let me tell you kid, you're looking at the king of the togue.
[7:06 - 7:10] And I don't intend to lose.
[7:10 - 7:14] So enough of the excuses Marty, it's time to man up.
[7:18 - 7:20] It's time to put your money where your mouth is.
[7:23 - 7:26] You want me, come get me.
[7:26 - 7:32] Cuz you and I both know I can destroy you on the togue.
[7:32 - 7:34] And leave your ass in the dust.
[7:39 - 7:46] Ask Cam time himself, he knows for a fact, and I have a full fledged proof of this too.
[7:48 - 7:56] He knows damn well that I am one of the fastest on the togue.
[7:59 - 8:07] Why do you think I take the second top spot in the world as the fastest driver on the togue?
[8:11 - 8:15] Cuz you can't hold a candle to what I can do.
[8:21 - 8:23] So what's it gonna be Marty?
[8:25 - 8:29] Are you gonna stand up and face me once and for all and
[8:29 - 8:34] take that shot that you've always wanted at me racing for you?
[8:36 - 8:41] Or are you gonna back down and make more excuses and run your mouth like a bitch?
[8:43 - 8:48] Cuz let me tell you Marty, when I look at you, I don't see a man.
[8:48 - 8:51] I don't see a hero.
[8:51 - 8:53] I don't see someone that's truthful.
[8:53 - 8:56] I see a weak bitch.
[8:56 - 9:02] I see a weak ass sniveling cry baby of a bitch.
[9:09 - 9:15] You ain't no real driver Marty, no excuses.
[9:17 - 9:23] Either take the challenge or delete your channel, plain and simple.
[9:25 - 9:29] Me and you, grade 2019.
[9:34 - 9:37] Okuritama Pass, toge.
[9:39 - 9:43] Once and for all, winner, take all.
[9:46 - 9:51] You want me, come and get me bitch.
[9:51 - 9:53] I'm right here.
[9:53 - 9:57] And I'm not afraid to smoke your ass on the damn toge.
[9:57 - 9:59] Your fucking pussy.
[10:02 - 10:06] So like I said Marty, take your pick.
[10:06 - 10:08] What's it gonna be?
[10:08 - 10:11] But you are, you fucking coward.
[10:15 - 10:19] So come on Marty, don't be a bitch.
[10:19 - 10:22] Man up, stop making excuses.
[10:24 - 10:30] You want me, come and get me, I'm right here.
[10:33 - 10:40] Me and you, Okuritama Pass, once and for all.
[10:44 - 10:45] I'll be waiting.
2021-1-21 Coffee and Chill and  Covers

2021-1-21 Coffee and Chill and Covers

[0:00 - 0:23] What's up guys, I do apologize about that. I don't know what happened but my fucking
[0:23 - 0:41] internet decided to cut out so I had to switch over to the 5G one. Yeah, I had to cuz my freakin
[0:41 - 0:59] internet decided to be a little pain in the ass.
[0:59 - 1:28] What's up guys, I'm going to be doing a video on the next video. I'm going to be doing a
[1:28 - 1:52] video on the next video, so I'm going to be doing a video on the next video, so I'm
[1:52 - 2:04] going to be doing a video on the next video. Okay, yeah, this RX8 is definitely under a
[2:04 - 2:08] nose. It's definitely ready for the competition. So I'm just going to limit it down and let
[2:08 - 2:17] those points rack in. Oh, what games do I suggest for Xbox One? I don't actually have
[2:17 - 2:29] a PS4, but I can't speak on that. But for Xbox One, if you get a Game Pass Ultimate
[2:29 - 2:36] for 15 bucks a month, which is very worth it because you get over a thousand games.
[2:36 - 2:44] With Xbox Ultimate, you actually get a lot. You get 100 plus games with Xbox Game Pass,
[2:44 - 2:54] a lot of games with, um, yeah. Hold on, y'all, I'll be right back in just one moment. And
[2:54 - 3:12] I'll tell y'all some games here tonight. What's up? I'm gonna, obviously, if you got a Game
[3:12 - 3:21] Pass, definitely get Forza Horizon 4. That's free with Game Pass. Like I said, with Ultimate,
[3:21 - 3:27] you get a lot. I actually just picked up Gears 5 Game of the Year edition last night.
[3:27 - 3:37] I'm waiting for it to finish downloading as such a fucking large-ass file. But definitely
[3:37 - 3:45] Forza Horizon 4. And yo, Manic, what is your gamertag on Xbox? I'll fucking add your ass
[3:45 - 3:51] and we can throw it out. We can have some fun. Now, let me read off some of the games
[3:51 - 4:00] that I have, so it'll give you an idea on a few games that I enjoy. Um, Burnout Paradise,
[4:00 - 4:11] which I like. Call of Duty Warzone, Car X, Strip Racing Online, F1 2020, obvious. Fortnite,
[4:11 - 4:23] Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, GTA 5 Grid, MotoGP 20, Titanfall 2, Streets of Rage 4, fucking
[4:23 - 4:32] Love the Streets of Rage games, Soul Calibur VI, Skate 3, NFS-E. Now, other games that
[4:32 - 4:37] I don't have on here that I have played are the Life is Strange series. Absolutely love
[4:37 - 5:03] the Life is Strange games. Nice. Yo, Manic, if you ever want to hop on Gears or whatever,
[5:03 - 5:12] that is actually my gamertag on Xbox. Add me up. We'll have some fun. Yeah, no, I heard
[5:12 - 5:16] the new Call of Duty Warzone is a lot of fun, but I don't have the money to get it right
[5:16 - 5:24] now. I do plan on buying it. I do plan on buying the new Call of War. I do plan on
[5:24 - 5:33] getting that. But the Xbox I have is actually Xbox One X, not Series X, One X, which is
[5:33 - 5:47] like the tier right below Series X. But I do have Game Pass Ultimate, so literally
[5:47 - 5:56] I can play pretty much anything really. I have played the Star Wars Battlefront games.
[5:56 - 6:03] I literally just got done the other day playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Absolutely love
[6:03 - 6:08] that game. They did really well with that. A lot of people have been telling me, hey,
[6:08 - 6:16] play Fallen Order when you have a chance. Definitely check out. It's worth playing for sure.
[6:16 - 6:22] I checked it out and they were right, dude. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, definitely a
[6:22 - 6:29] must play if you're any kind of Star Wars fan. Fallen Order is definitely a must play.
[6:29 - 6:37] I absolutely love Jedi Star Wars Fallen Order. Fucking love it. Good ass shit. But I am
[6:37 - 6:51] more partial to the Star Wars Battlefront II. Love that. Nice. No shit. I do still
[6:51 - 6:56] play every once in a while. I'll do it whenever I'm bored or whatever. So if you catch me
[6:56 - 7:05] on, definitely we can get some matches in. For sure, I do still play. Matter of fact,
[7:05 - 7:13] the other day I actually played a match with my boy Anthony Burns on Facebook, who's a
[7:13 - 7:20] motivational speaker. He was doing a live stream and I got to hop on with him and play
[7:20 - 7:26] a few rounds on him. Super fun, super cool, dude. If you've not checked out Anthony Burns,
[7:26 - 7:33] do it. Go on Facebook, look up Anthony Burns. That's literally Anthony, B-U-R-N-S. Super
[7:33 - 7:41] cool dude. Fun streams all the time. Super cool guy. Definitely one of my closest friends
[7:41 - 7:47] for sure. The dudes, they're informing me through a lot actually. But he's definitely
[7:47 - 7:51] helped me out through a lot. Definitely cool dude. He actually does have a channel which
[7:51 - 7:57] I actually bring up when I do his videos. So y'all can kind of get a good idea of
[7:57 - 8:14] what Anthony is all about. Put my coffee up out the way. I know some of you were asking
[8:14 - 8:35] about my digital artwork. Am I going to do seal prints? Yes, I am.
[8:35 - 8:51] All right, so let's go in here.
[8:51 - 9:16] All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[9:16 - 9:40] Here we go. Make sure I enjoy a little bit of motivation.
[9:40 - 9:53] I need people to realize whether you're 15 years old or 500 years old, that you can still
[9:53 - 9:58] be happy. You can still do things you really want to do because you're not limited. You
[9:58 - 10:02] have your legs. You have your eyes. You have your arms. You're breathing. You're living,
[10:02 - 10:06] baby. Can you realize that? I can't believe it. There's people in the house right now
[10:06 - 10:11] dying, fighting for their lives. But you, my friend, are breathing. You just click
[10:11 - 10:16] play. You have fingers up in the arm. You just click play. Can you realize how many
[10:16 - 10:21] things we take for granted, guys? We got put on this earth by the people we love.
[10:21 - 10:25] And they might have bashed. They may have criticized you. They might have not said
[10:25 - 10:28] the most wonderful things to you over the course of the years, but let's realize one
[10:28 - 10:32] thing, guys. We all want the same things. We all want to be happy. We all want to be
[10:32 - 10:37] wealthy. We all want to succeed. What really matters, what really, really, really
[10:37 - 10:41] matters is your breathing. And the people that love you are breathing. And the people
[10:41 - 10:45] around you are breathing. So there's no reason beyond that. There's no reason to
[10:45 - 10:50] think that you can't achieve your dreams, your goals, your missions. Listen, I understand
[10:50 - 10:55] you want to get a great job one day, but a job is somebody else's dream. You have
[10:55 - 10:59] a dream and it's inside of here. I don't care if you're as loud as me. I don't care
[10:59 - 11:02] if you don't like me. I don't care if you've never met me. You aren't near for me.
[11:02 - 11:06] I'm your friend. I believe you. I believe in every single one of you. Because if you
[11:06 - 11:10] took the time to click away on this video, I believe in you. Because if you can click
[11:10 - 11:13] away on a video, you most certainly don't have anything you want to because you're
[11:13 - 11:17] watching it, you're breathing, you're living with your eyes. You might not have the
[11:17 - 11:20] best relationship right now. You might not have all the money you want right now.
[11:20 - 11:23] Your family may not be going the way you want it to go right now, but you just
[11:23 - 11:27] know that you can live the life you want to live. And it's inside of here. When you're
[11:27 - 11:31] at home doing the things that you like to do, that people don't really notice or
[11:31 - 11:35] people don't see because you're not being the real you, just know that's what you
[11:35 - 11:39] need to be. And if you want to be happy, you have to start loving yourself because
[11:39 - 11:42] you are a real person. And God didn't just create you for that, but you have a
[11:42 - 11:46] purpose and it's inside of here. The visions you have, the dreams you have,
[11:46 - 11:53] the goals you have are real. They are real. They are real. Guys, you know different
[11:53 - 11:56] than Warren Buffet, you know, different than Bill Gates, you know, you know,
[11:56 - 11:59] different than Obama. You guys are special. You're important. You're beautiful
[11:59 - 12:03] people. You have a heartbeat because that's what really matters. A relationship
[12:03 - 12:07] doesn't work off of attraction. That thing leads away. Have you ever bought
[12:07 - 12:12] something new more than a couple of months? A heart beat goes on, the pedal
[12:12 - 12:17] only dies, never knows that. Just realize you can always go out and get a job.
[12:17 - 12:21] You can always go out and find somebody to hang out with. You can always go meet
[12:21 - 12:26] new people. You can always go find more money. You can always go find more
[12:26 - 12:30] items, cars, clothes, but you can never replace a life and you can never replace
[12:30 - 12:34] anybody than the ones you hear in this world because they are the reasons why
[12:34 - 12:37] your mom can talk and live in agreement. Your ownership, your parents, your
[12:37 - 12:40] friends, your family, the ones that are there for you when you're broke, the
[12:40 - 12:43] ones that are there for you when you're down, the ones that are there for you
[12:43 - 12:46] when it really matters that you need to be surrounding yourself around because
[12:46 - 12:50] life is too fucking short. Don't worry about what people think about you guys.
[12:50 - 12:53] It's hard for my language, but it's the truth. It's the truth that somebody's
[12:53 - 12:56] being mean to you. If somebody's hurting your feelings, if somebody's
[12:56 - 12:59] controlling you, just know they're miserable guys. Please just know they're
[12:59 - 13:02] miserable. I don't care if they have a million dollars and they're being a
[13:02 - 13:07] real person to a stranger or equal. There's no difference. They have more money
[13:07 - 13:10] than you, but they're not living any longer than you. They're still going to
[13:10 - 13:13] die, and guess what? When they die, they're going to die the same way you
[13:13 - 13:16] die with nothing. They came into this world with nothing, so don't let people
[13:16 - 13:19] think they're better than you. All the people think they're greater than you.
[13:19 - 13:22] You are, right? You are intelligent. You have everything you need to succeed.
[13:22 - 13:25] And if you don't believe it, you're never going to achieve it, guys.
[13:25 - 13:28] If you can vision it, it takes one vision. It takes one goal.
[13:28 - 13:34] It takes one dream to be at the end of the night before you go to sleep.
[13:34 - 13:37] When you're thinking about all the different, all the things running around your brain,
[13:37 - 13:41] like, "Where am I at? What am I doing? How do I do this?" Just know.
[13:41 - 13:45] You know where to go. Just know. You know what to do.
[13:45 - 13:49] You need the direction. I'm here. It's exciting.
[13:49 - 13:53] I don't know what you're waiting for, and I'm talking to every single one of you.
[13:53 - 13:57] The direction, the guidance, is that you need to get involved.
[13:57 - 14:01] And when you follow it, you're starting to feel like you're failing, and it's okay.
[14:01 - 14:05] Because how do these people in the world go through a lot of failures, a lot of
[14:05 - 14:08] battles, and you will forever deal with tough situations, guys?
[14:08 - 14:11] But there's light at the end of the tunnel, because you're no different than any
[14:11 - 14:14] one of us, and I'm no different than you do.
[14:15 - 14:17] I don't know.
[14:17 - 14:25] That right there is my dude, Anthony Burns, man.
[14:25 - 14:33] That's my dude right there, man. That's my boy.
[14:33 - 14:39] He's definitely one of my driving forces behind stuff that I want to do.
[14:39 - 14:41] And yes, I do artwork.
[14:41 - 14:45] I have one of my pieces. Man, I don't think I ever showed you any of my artwork.
[14:45 - 14:49] Hold up. Hold up.
[14:49 - 14:58] Now, keep in mind, this is just my hand-done shit.
[14:58 - 15:01] Like, I've got a lot of digital stuff as well.
[15:01 - 15:07] But what I'm about to show you is actually one of my hand-drawn pieces
[15:07 - 15:11] that I did very recently, actually, on the live stream.
[15:11 - 15:30] You know what, I'll actually dig out some of my hand-drawn stuff as well.
[15:30 - 15:34] Because I do need to kind of go through and pick some of that out.
[15:35 - 15:37] Oh, no, they're already all in here. Okay.
[15:37 - 15:53] I do definitely have some very dark and very weird pieces.
[15:53 - 15:57] So, fair warning.
[15:57 - 16:02] You just say no, fair warning.
[16:02 - 16:05] Some of the pieces I'm about to show are very dark.
[16:05 - 16:09] Some of them, not all of them. Some of them are normal.
[16:09 - 16:15] Like, this one right here is one of my latest pieces I did by hand on a live stream.
[16:15 - 16:18] I actually did this...
[16:18 - 16:23] If anybody can tell me, like, how long ago I did this.
[16:23 - 16:26] Like, about two, three weeks ago I did this piece.
[16:26 - 16:31] I actually did this with acrylic and watercolor.
[16:31 - 16:32] Paint.
[16:32 - 16:40] And this one's more of a darker Halloween kind of vibe.
[16:40 - 16:44] This one I actually did with straight up watercolor.
[16:44 - 16:47] It's definitely one of my darker paintings, but...
[16:47 - 16:52] Definitely one of my creepier ones, for sure.
[16:52 - 16:57] Definitely one of my darker pieces.
[16:58 - 17:08] And I got another weird piece that I did.
[17:08 - 17:11] This one's, like, really weird, honestly.
[17:11 - 17:13] Like, I don't even know, like, what you call it.
[17:13 - 17:17] It's not creepy, but it's not light either, just...
[17:17 - 17:21] A really weird abstract face piece that I did.
[17:26 - 17:29] And then I got this little dude which I painted.
[17:29 - 17:32] I got this little chibi anime character that I painted with watercolor.
[17:32 - 17:42] And those are just my paintings.
[17:42 - 17:45] These are just, like, my hand-done paint work.
[17:45 - 17:48] Let me show you some of my hand-drawn, like, actual...
[17:51 - 17:56] Like, some of my actual hand-drawn shit, like, actual pencil work.
[17:56 - 18:02] Starting off, I got one of my personal favorites, which is this.
[18:02 - 18:07] This one took me about six months to do, but I have that.
[18:07 - 18:20] And like I said, this piece right here literally took me, like, six months to do,
[18:20 - 18:25] because if you look very closely, like, there's lines and lines and lines in there.
[18:25 - 18:29] And that took me months to get that, but...
[18:29 - 18:32] Yeah, you got that piece.
[18:32 - 18:36] Which, this one right here is actually one of my personal favorites, to be honest with you.
[18:47 - 18:57] And I also am a huge fan of graffiti art, so I did a little graffiti-looking character at random.
[18:57 - 18:59] Still haven't finished them, though.
[18:59 - 19:02] Still need to do that.
[19:02 - 19:05] What else do I have?
[19:05 - 19:06] Oh, yeah.
[19:06 - 19:16] You know I couldn't have a drawing portfolio without the world-famous Jack and Sally.
[19:16 - 19:20] You know you're gonna have Jack, Skellington, and Sally open your shit somewhere.
[19:20 - 19:22] Got to. That's a must.
[19:22 - 19:24] Like, that is a must, man.
[19:24 - 19:28] Who doesn't know Jack, Skellington, and Sally from Nightmare of Four Christmas, bro?
[19:28 - 19:29] Come on.
[19:29 - 19:38] We got this...
[19:38 - 19:42] Right here, which I did not that long ago.
[19:45 - 19:47] Dude in a graffiti mask.
[19:47 - 19:53] Facts.
[19:53 - 19:59] Skipping these, skipping these...
[19:59 - 20:06] Ah, one of my personal favorites that I'm actually not done with yet.
[20:06 - 20:10] This one I am still working on, but...
[20:13 - 20:17] Still working on it, but this is what I got so far for this one.
[20:17 - 20:32] Like I said, I'm not quite done with it yet, but I'm still working on it.
[20:32 - 20:37] But yeah, that's just some of my hand-drawn stuff.
[20:38 - 20:43] And I'm thinking with the hood, I'm thinking I want to go with like either a carbon fiber look,
[20:43 - 20:46] or like a glossy orange kind of look.
[20:46 - 20:48] I'm not sure yet though, but...
[20:48 - 20:55] You know, that's just a few of my, you know, hand-drawn stuff.
[20:55 - 21:00] And this one I did literally in my last stream.
[21:00 - 21:04] Definitely weird, but I did forget about this one, but...
[21:04 - 21:07] This one's definitely strange, but definitely cool.
[21:07 - 21:10] I got this one right here, which I did actually in the last...
[21:10 - 21:13] This is actually done in my last art stream.
[21:13 - 21:20] Like I said, definitely weird, very strange, but very cool.
[21:20 - 21:26] So yeah.
[21:29 - 21:36] But hands down, my favorite art piece I've done so far would have to be this one right here.
[21:36 - 21:41] Because this one right here definitely does speak volumes in itself.
[21:41 - 21:46] Like it definitely does speak major volumes for itself.
[21:46 - 21:48] Like what else can I say?
[21:48 - 21:55] Like it definitely does speak major volumes, you know, on many different levels,
[21:55 - 22:01] especially with everything going on right now with, you know,
[22:01 - 22:04] everyone judging everyone and whatnot.
[22:04 - 22:05] So yeah.
[22:05 - 22:10] Exactly.
[22:10 - 22:13] Honestly, dude, I love strange artwork.
[22:13 - 22:14] I really do.
[22:14 - 22:23] Get rid of that person.
[22:23 - 22:40] See, like I said, that's just a little bit of my artwork that I've done over the years.
[22:40 - 22:42] Oh.
[22:42 - 23:05] But yeah, I do artwork.
[23:05 - 23:06] I do music.
[23:06 - 23:08] I do literally everything, really.
[23:09 - 23:13] Like anything creative, I usually have a knack for doing like,
[23:13 - 23:18] whether it's music, whether it's artwork, you know, what have you.
[23:18 - 23:26] Yeah, exactly.
[23:26 - 23:27] Exactly.
[23:27 - 23:33] You see, Manic, I can already tell you, if me and your work on something together,
[23:33 - 23:35] like we have come out with something badass.
[23:36 - 23:39] Straight up, because that's the motivation that I have.
[23:39 - 23:41] That's the kind of stuff that I do.
[23:41 - 23:45] So I'm in that same boat that you're in straight up.
[23:45 - 23:56] That's like when it comes to playing instruments, you know,
[23:56 - 24:00] like I learned to play way differently than most.
[24:00 - 24:08] Oh, no shit.
[24:08 - 24:13] Yo, you'll have to send me some of your artwork in this court.
[24:13 - 24:15] If you got a discord, hit me up.
[24:15 - 24:21] I'll actually give you my discord so you can hit me up.
[24:21 - 24:24] I'm definitely interested in seeing.
[24:24 - 24:25] Yeah.
[24:25 - 24:27] Oh.
[24:29 - 24:30] Yeah.
[24:30 - 24:43] Like, I've always been that kind of person that's been into the weird,
[24:43 - 24:46] odd, macabre, strange art.
[24:46 - 24:48] Like, I've always been that way.
[24:48 - 24:50] Like hell.
[24:50 - 24:52] This is how crazy I am with artwork.
[24:52 - 24:57] Like, keep in mind, this wasn't done by me or requested by me,
[24:57 - 24:59] but my best friend Jake.
[24:59 - 25:02] He was an auto body shop with me.
[25:02 - 25:05] You guys know my brother who's like literally my best friend Jake.
[25:05 - 25:10] He actually did this dope ass skull on the back of my acoustic guitar.
[25:10 - 25:24] Like, tell me that ain't badass.
[25:24 - 25:32] And look at that beautiful skull, man.
[25:32 - 25:33] That is sick.
[25:33 - 25:41] Right.
[25:41 - 25:42] Exactly.
[25:42 - 25:45] I see.
[25:45 - 25:47] And that's how I am with music.
[25:47 - 25:53] Like, to me, if you're not constantly creating or doing something,
[25:54 - 25:56] and what are you doing?
[25:56 - 26:14] Man, but you know what?
[26:14 - 26:15] I'll actually play you guys a little something.
[26:15 - 26:18] Something I've been meaning to play for you guys for a while now that I just
[26:18 - 26:20] haven't gotten the chance to do.
[26:21 - 26:24] Alright, let's dish up.
[26:25 - 26:26] Let's dish up.
[26:27 - 26:33] [music]
[26:33 - 26:53] ???
[26:53 - 26:55] ? Watch out the moon, shine through the sky, and the dark eyes ?
[26:55 - 26:58] ? Try and make the light, the sun, the sun, to forgive the life ?
[26:58 - 27:00] ? The moon is something, the moon's gonna hold me warm ?
[27:00 - 29:20] ? It makes me think of the acronym, and the way it works ?
[29:20 - 29:30] So I say, like, I'm constantly doing shit music-wise.
[29:30 - 29:34] I wouldn't say better than Hendrix, dude.
[29:34 - 29:36] Doing Hendrix is a fucking boss.
[29:37 - 29:40] Like, the homie, Jimmy Hendrix, man.
[29:40 - 29:44] He's a fucking -- that's a fucking god right there, dude.
[29:44 - 29:46] Like, no cat.
[29:46 - 29:50] Like, that is a fucking god in music.
[29:50 - 30:04] And we only got one hour left before that song is uploaded.
[30:04 - 30:08] Now, I do kind of want to do this song for you guys.
[30:08 - 30:10] I've never done this before.
[30:10 - 30:20] Ooh, I actually don't know that one.
[30:20 - 30:22] I'll have to learn that one.
[30:22 - 30:24] I actually don't know that one.
[30:27 - 30:29] ? Voices in my hand again ?
[30:29 - 30:33] ? Translators inside my long skin ?
[30:33 - 30:37] ? They're pulling me on time ?
[30:37 - 30:43] You know what I'm talking about? Let's stand up.
[30:43 - 30:45] Hold on.
[30:45 - 30:59] ??
[30:59 - 31:01] ? What's my, what's my, what's my ?
[31:01 - 31:04] ? Life and fear of the bad ?
[31:04 - 31:07] ? I'm from the state of the national ?
[31:07 - 31:09] ? But still feel the pain ?
[31:09 - 31:11] ? And feel the pain ?
[31:11 - 31:13] ? I'm not sure what's in my soul ?
[31:13 - 31:15] ? But all of your lies ?
[31:15 - 31:17] ? The cells you're not sure ?
[31:17 - 31:21] ? It should send me to life ?
[31:21 - 31:29] ? I had a campaign made of war ?
[31:29 - 31:31] ? I can't win it ?
[31:31 - 31:33] ? I can't hear them now ?
[31:33 - 31:35] ? But today came inside my night ?
[31:35 - 31:38] ? I'm scared of something down there ?
[31:38 - 31:41] ? My self anymore ?
[31:41 - 31:44] ? You're pulling me on time ?
[31:44 - 31:55] ? I'm from the state of the national ?
[31:55 - 31:58] ? But I can walk through this valley ?
[31:58 - 32:00] ? Of shadows and death ?
[32:00 - 32:03] ? I trust not the wicked ?
[32:03 - 32:06] ? I'm traced not the blessed ?
[32:06 - 32:08] ? But I'm still to the truth ?
[32:08 - 32:11] ? You've prepared me to change ?
[32:11 - 32:15] ? If you want to come and see me now ?
[32:15 - 32:19] ? I'm thankful I sat in my head again ?
[32:19 - 32:21] ? Pitting me in the wall ?
[32:21 - 32:23] ? I can't win it ?
[32:23 - 32:25] ? I can't hear them now ?
[32:25 - 32:27] ? But today came inside my night ?
[32:27 - 32:30] ? I'm scared of something down there ?
[32:30 - 32:33] ? My self anymore ?
[32:33 - 32:37] ? You're pulling me on time ?
[32:37 - 32:40] ? I'm watching my side ?
[32:40 - 32:43] ? I'm going to the world ?
[32:43 - 32:45] ? I'm so proud of you ?
[32:45 - 32:47] ? I'm so happy ?
[32:47 - 32:50] ? I'm waiting all my life ?
[32:50 - 32:55] ? I don't want to live for you ?
[32:55 - 32:59] ? I just want to live my life ?
[32:59 - 33:01] ? I'm going to the world ?
[33:01 - 33:03] ? I can't win it ?
[33:03 - 33:06] ? I'm going to the world ?
[33:06 - 33:10] ? In my head again and again and again ?
[33:10 - 33:13] ? For I stand in my head again ?
[33:13 - 33:17] ? Getting me more accurate ?
[33:17 - 33:19] ? I can't hear them now ?
[33:19 - 33:21] ? When did it get inside my arms ?
[33:21 - 33:26] ? Can't decide to know myself anymore ?
[33:26 - 33:31] ? They're pulling me on top ?
[33:31 - 33:38] ? For I stand in my head again ?
[33:38 - 33:41] ? They're pulling me on top ?
[33:41 - 33:46] ? For I stand in my head again ?
[33:46 - 33:49] ? I stand in my head again ?
[33:49 - 33:56] ? For I stand in my head again ?
[33:56 - 34:09] ? 'Cause I'm not the man, it's everything but the time ?
[34:09 - 34:24] Believe it or not, I actually do,
[34:24 - 34:26] a lot of my, as a matter of fact,
[34:26 - 34:30] matter of fact, Manic,
[34:30 - 34:33] if you actually listen to some of my songs,
[34:34 - 34:37] my album "Shadowborn" actually speaks on a lot
[34:37 - 34:40] about mental illness and depression.
[34:40 - 34:45] And that's kind of why I like really relate
[34:45 - 34:47] to this song right here.
[34:47 - 34:51] - Has schizophrenia caused someone you care about
[34:51 - 34:53] to lose their desire to do anything?
[34:53 - 34:54] If so.
[34:54 - 34:59] - And man, I gotta get really fucked with this one.
[34:59 - 35:01] This is my phone in reverse.
[35:01 - 35:04] (car engine revving)
[35:04 - 35:08] Yeah.
[35:08 - 35:15] ? I wake up every morning with my head up in the days ?
[35:15 - 35:18] ? I'm not sure if I should say this, fuck I'll say it anyway ?
[35:18 - 35:21] ? Everybody tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase ?
[35:21 - 35:22] ? I don't know if it's a phase ?
[35:22 - 35:24] ? I just wanna feel a good sound ?
[35:24 - 35:27] ? Damn, damn, depression like a clash of zero names ?
[35:27 - 35:28] ? This is most dramatic stress ?
[35:28 - 35:30] ? And nor am I suppressed in rage ?
[35:30 - 35:32] ? If a doctor tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase ?
[35:32 - 35:34] ? Yeah, it's not a fucking phase ?
[35:34 - 35:36] ? I just wanna feel okay, okay ?
[35:36 - 35:38] ? Yeah, I'm struggling with this bullshit every day ?
[35:38 - 35:41] ? Yeah, it's probably 'cause I do it simultaneously ?
[35:41 - 35:42] ? Gave me the pain, all right ?
[35:42 - 35:44] ? Makes a sense, so crazy ?
[35:44 - 35:46] ? And I don't have anything ?
[35:46 - 35:48] ? That I'm about to break ?
[35:48 - 35:53] ? Down to the way out ?
[35:53 - 35:57] ? I'm cheering nobody for your fucking life ?
[35:57 - 36:19] ? I'm going nowhere like a rat trapped in a maze ?
[36:19 - 36:22] ? Every woman that I knock down is just a world that I replace ?
[36:22 - 36:23] ? I'm gonna race against myself ?
[36:23 - 36:25] ? I try to keep a steady pace ?
[36:25 - 36:26] ? How the fuck would I escape ?
[36:26 - 36:28] ? If I never close my gaze ?
[36:28 - 36:29] ? Oh my god, I choose to dress ?
[36:29 - 36:30] ? And every second that I waste ?
[36:30 - 36:33] ? Is another second to a blessing ?
[36:33 - 36:34] ? I want to say it to my therapist ?
[36:34 - 36:36] ? Don't tell me that I'm going through a stage ?
[36:36 - 36:38] ? Yeah, it's not a fucking phase ?
[36:38 - 36:41] ? I just wanna feel okay, okay ?
[36:41 - 36:42] ? You fucker, now you got my attention ?
[36:42 - 36:44] ? I need a chance ?
[36:44 - 36:45] ? I'm gonna tell you something ?
[36:45 - 36:46] ? It's not fair, boy ?
[36:46 - 36:48] ? It's not fair ?
[36:48 - 36:49] ? I'll tell you what things are ?
[36:49 - 36:51] ? Let me say it's not fair ?
[36:51 - 36:53] ? I get closer to the grave ?
[36:53 - 36:56] ? I'm gonna say goodbye again ?
[36:56 - 36:57] ? Just one more time ?
[36:57 - 36:59] ? I'm gonna do it again ?
[36:59 - 37:01] ? I'll raise the seeds up from the sky ?
[37:01 - 37:03] ? I have my land ?
[37:03 - 37:06] ? To break down ?
[37:06 - 37:09] ? To jump all the way out ?
[37:09 - 37:12] ? I know that you are the only one ?
[37:12 - 37:15] ? I'm the only one ?
[37:15 - 37:22] ? I'm sorry ?
[37:22 - 37:51] We can't hide our fathers Praying to the fact that you don't belong here This is for the truth and I'm not that bad I'm from this mess and I am a scammer I'm gonna fuck this for God, now!
[37:51 - 38:17] We can't hide our fathers Praying to the fact that you don't belong here This is for the truth and I am not that bad
[38:17 - 38:23] And yo man do you think that was good? I think you'll actually be impressed when you hear this
[38:23 - 38:48] [Music]
[38:48 - 39:44] We can't hide our fathers Praying to the fact that you don't belong here This is for the truth and I am not that bad
[39:44 - 40:01] I'm hyperventilate No key for help somehow somewhere Then no one cares I'm my own worst enemy I give in life
[40:01 - 40:19] No sick of failing Is there nothing you can't say Take this apart away Let's help obtain it Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me
[40:19 - 40:35] [Music]
[40:35 - 40:52] Put me out of my misery Put me out of my misery Put me out of my fucking misery
[40:52 - 41:08] [Music]
[41:08 - 41:32] I give in life No sick of failing Is there nothing you can't say Take this apart away Let's help obtain it Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me
[41:32 - 41:38] [Music]
[41:38 - 42:07] And heck, how many people you know can pull that shit off?
[42:07 - 42:36] [Music]
[42:36 - 43:31] There's just so much goddamn weight on my shoulders All I'm trying to do is live my motherfuckin' life Supposed to be happy but I'm only typical to wear a smile on my face
[43:31 - 43:44] There's just so much goddamn weight on your shoulders All I'm trying to do is live my motherfuckin' life Supposed to be happy but I'm only typical to wear a smile on my face
[43:44 - 43:53] There's just so much goddamn weight on my shoulders All I'm trying to do is live my motherfuckin' life Supposed to be happy but I'm only typical to wear a smile on my face
[43:53 - 44:03] All I'm trying to do is live my motherfuckin' life Supposed to be happy but I'm only typical to wear a smile on my face
[44:03 - 44:15] There's just so much goddamn weight on my shoulders All I'm trying to do is live my motherfuckin' life Supposed to be happy but I'm only typical to wear a smile on my face
[44:15 - 45:17] All I'm trying to do is live my motherfuckin' life Supposed to be happy but I'm only typical to wear a smile on my face
[45:17 - 45:27] Yo, Neon, what's good, bro?
[45:27 - 45:40] Oh, I said, dude, I know I'm not really supposed to be pushing it but I actually figured out that if I actually drink something warm, I'm good, bro
[45:40 - 46:05] I am straight up good
[46:05 - 46:15] Hello, Thomas. I see that you're depressed. What's the problem? Is it the skeletons you're hiding deep inside your closet? Have you been reading all the names that call you in the comments?
[46:15 - 46:25] Have you been worried your haters will put you in the coffin? Are you distraught that you promised vodka was not an option? Now you haven't thought so do what shots come, you're an alcoholic
[46:25 - 46:31] Is that true? You accept that you can't have boobs? What's the matter, Thomas? Something's got you in a bad mood
[46:31 - 46:38] Yeah, it does. I'm anxious. Nothing comes to me down like 10X does but I can't even relapse as the internet will laugh at us
[46:38 - 46:45] I just need a beer tube but it's been like a year or two. I thought you disappeared. I can't believe that I'm still here with you
[46:45 - 46:53] My therapist said me and you can speak again. I locked the devil out but it was you who let the demons in
[46:53 - 46:58] You're a comedian. I'm only going to tell you once you really need to be my friend
[46:58 - 47:01] Shut up, I'm walking alone in the dark, your sharps in the water, I stand through the vultures
[47:01 - 47:04] I've never been giving you pills for the pressure, I've never been giving you ulcers
[47:04 - 47:08] Your body reminds you I'm independent because I'm the guy who does anything that I want, it's a Bible
[47:08 - 47:10] You're independent because no one will sign you
[47:10 - 47:13] You gotta use it if no one subscribes and you gotta spot if I know what he finds you
[47:13 - 47:17] I'm not another person, you can lie to me, I'll be the greatest as long as this guy who is fired
[47:17 - 47:19] Come on, Thomas, keep it real
[47:19 - 47:22] You're the liar, I can tell you exactly how I feel
[47:47 - 47:50] Thomas, I'm still here, I practically smell the fear
[47:50 - 47:53] I know all the reasons why you feel so insecure
[47:53 - 47:56] I've seen you panic backstage here in your big buddy chair
[47:56 - 48:00] You're famous now, Thomas, tell me what's with all the tears
[48:00 - 48:01] Shut up
[48:01 - 48:06] Do you regret that your face is covered with tattoos, mad that your beats wack, all your raps trash too
[48:06 - 48:07] Shut up
[48:07 - 48:12] Do you resent that you need meds again, neglected friends, and now you just pretend you're not pathetic
[48:12 - 48:13] You're not having that
[48:13 - 48:16] Just one of those days, don't know why, I don't feel okay
[48:16 - 48:19] Close both eyes, focus on pain, close my mind alone in my brain
[48:19 - 48:22] I smell smoke from all of those flames, smelly and hoes and hoes from my grave
[48:22 - 48:25] They told me smell the roses but I burned the whole bouquet
[48:25 - 48:29] Tom, you'll never win the fight against your haters as long as I listen
[48:29 - 48:32] 'Cause I read every single comment that you try missing
[48:32 - 48:35] Then recite them in your mind and memorize this one
[48:35 - 48:39] I'm a giant, Thomas, why are you trying to fight with me?
[48:39 - 48:41] Don't care about the height difference, I might get it
[48:41 - 48:43] Show the good ones, I swing it
[48:43 - 48:44] And I'm the darkness
[48:44 - 48:45] Yeah, I got night vision
[48:45 - 48:46] I've been fighting my tongue and the blood from my tongue
[48:46 - 48:47] I've been feeling my stomach, I suffer
[48:47 - 48:49] 'Cause they don't show love in my problems
[48:49 - 48:51] So now I just do this with all of my family and all of my brothers
[48:51 - 48:52] Liar!
[48:52 - 48:54] You're rapping for yourself and answer that
[48:54 - 48:57] Your selfish motivations are for reasons you're depressed
[48:57 - 48:59] I knew it's why, you need to chill
[48:59 - 49:01] You need to take care of all of those nails
[49:01 - 49:04] Take a break and tell us all just exactly how you feel
[49:04 - 49:07] I'm the best rapper ever, I don't wanna be great
[49:07 - 49:10] They're the best and I'm better, don't you make 'em mistake
[49:10 - 49:13] 'Cause I'm the goal, you let in, I'm the type to love the doors
[49:13 - 49:16] I'm the one who pulls the stuff out of the store
[49:16 - 49:19] I'm the best rapper ever, I don't care what you say
[49:19 - 49:22] I'm the best rapper ever, I'm the type to love the doors
[49:22 - 49:25] I'm the one who pulls the stuff out of the store
[49:25 - 49:28] I'm the best rapper ever, I don't care what you say
[49:28 - 49:31] I'm the best rapper ever, I'm the type to love the play
[49:31 - 49:34] 'Cause I'm the goal, if I get it wrong
[49:34 - 49:37] Everybody knows I'm the one who says I'm hearing them all
[49:37 - 49:39] Thomas, work together, you know how good we can be
[49:39 - 49:41] I'm the best rapper ever, I don't wanna be great
[49:41 - 49:43] They're the best and I'm better, don't you make 'em mistake
[49:43 - 49:46] 'Cause I'm the goal, you let in, I'm the type to love the doors
[49:46 - 49:48] I'm the one who pulls the stuff out of the store
[49:48 - 49:50] I'm the best rapper ever, I'm the type to love the play
[49:50 - 50:12] I'm the best rapper ever, I don't care what you say
[50:12 - 50:14] I'm the best rapper ever, I'm the type to love the play
[50:14 - 50:16] 'Cause I'm the goal, you let in, I'm the type to love the play
[50:16 - 50:18] Everybody knows I'm the best rapper ever, I don't care what you say
[50:18 - 50:32] I'm the best rapper ever, I don't care what you say
[50:32 - 50:37] If you have one that I do wanna do for you, it's actually an original piece
[50:37 - 50:42] that I actually am dropping, I actually am dropping this song
[50:42 - 50:45] Not that long from now actually
[50:45 - 79:01] Let's see if I can find it
[79:02 - 79:04] Yo Urban Fox, what's up man?
[79:04 - 79:15] Now this one right here is going out to all the brand new subscribers out there
[79:15 - 79:17] This is for all the newbies out there
[79:18 - 97:04] Let's see if I can find it
[97:05 - 97:06] Dude, I'm not saying God, man
[97:06 - 97:08] I'm not saying David, I'm not
[97:08 - 97:14] I get it
[97:14 - 97:15] 100% I get it
[97:15 - 97:28] Wow, nice
[97:29 - 97:32] But that doesn't always mean
[97:32 - 97:35] That I wouldn't say goodbye
[97:35 - 97:40] Hold on for the coast of no consistency
[97:40 - 97:43] Nothing if I won't go down
[97:43 - 97:46] Nothing if I'm just me
[97:46 - 97:52] And it says that the strongness always ends with me
[97:52 - 97:57] And I wouldn't be here right now
[97:57 - 97:59] Nothing if I'm just me
[97:59 - 98:02] And it says that the strongness always ends with me
[98:02 - 98:05] And I wouldn't be here right now
[98:05 - 98:07] Nothing if I won't go down
[98:07 - 98:08] Nothing if I'm just me
[98:08 - 98:09] And it says that the strongness always ends with me
[98:09 - 98:10] Nothing if I'm just me
[98:10 - 103:51] And it says that the strongness always ends with me
2021-1-22 Recording session

2021-1-22 Recording session

[0:00 - 0:26] What's up you guys it's your boy Sam actually doing something very interesting. I'm actually
[0:26 - 0:37] taking and doing that same song I did in my style in the original style but with my own
[0:37 - 1:05] voice. And so are you guys ready to do this?
[1:05 - 1:22] Ah, let me add an effect here.
[1:22 - 1:46] Ah, all right. You guys ready for this?
[1:46 - 1:57] Ah, it says in my head they can't chapter the war inside my own skin and put it beyond
[1:57 - 2:24] the dark zone. That's what I do myself. That's what I do myself. That's what I do myself.
[2:24 - 2:35] Don't feel the pain. Don't feel the pain. Don't feel the truth. Would you come find
[2:35 - 2:43] your eyes? If I told you the truth, would you tell me the lie? There is a lot of signs
[2:43 - 2:57] in my head I can't chapter the war I can't win. Don't feel it now. Don't think it's
[2:57 - 3:14] done my own skin though I don't know myself anymore. Don't let me out of my eyes with
[3:14 - 3:27] my senses. I'll look back to the valley of shadows and death. I'm praised not the wicked.
[3:27 - 3:35] I'm praised not the blessed. Don't you feel the truth? Would you tell me the change of
[3:35 - 3:46] my confidence since you know the pain? Says in my head again, can't be the war I can't
[3:46 - 3:58] win. Don't feel it now. Don't think it's done my own skin. Don't feel it now. Don't
[3:58 - 4:17] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[4:17 - 4:43] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[4:43 - 4:59] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[4:59 - 5:19] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[5:19 - 5:33] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[5:33 - 5:50] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[5:50 - 6:15] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[6:15 - 6:33] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[6:33 - 6:58] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[6:58 - 7:13] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[7:14 - 7:33] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[7:33 - 7:59] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[7:59 - 8:19] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[8:19 - 8:37] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[8:37 - 9:03] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[9:03 - 9:28] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[9:28 - 9:40] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[9:40 - 10:03] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[10:03 - 10:23] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[10:23 - 10:35] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[10:35 - 10:55] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it
[10:55 - 11:07] now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[11:07 - 11:19] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[11:19 - 11:41] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[11:41 - 12:01] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[12:01 - 12:13] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[12:13 - 12:33] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[12:33 - 12:45] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[12:45 - 13:11] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[13:11 - 13:31] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[13:31 - 13:43] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[13:43 - 14:03] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it
[14:03 - 14:15] now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[14:15 - 14:39] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[14:39 - 14:53] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[14:53 - 15:16] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[15:16 - 15:34] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[15:34 - 16:03] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[16:03 - 16:15] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[16:15 - 16:44] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[16:44 - 17:09] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[17:09 - 17:21] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[17:21 - 17:49] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[17:49 - 18:00] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[18:00 - 18:23] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[18:23 - 18:41] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[18:41 - 19:01] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel
[19:01 - 19:24] it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't
[19:24 - 19:35] feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now.
[19:35 - 20:00] Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it now. Don't feel it
[20:00 - 20:16] now. Silence like a cancer grows. Hear my words and I might lead you. Take my heart
[20:16 - 20:35] and I might lead you. Hear my words like silent rangers fair. Let's turn to the west of
[20:35 - 20:52] Los Alleus and the people bowed and prayed to the near God they made. The one in them
[20:52 - 21:04] is for me. Hear my words and they will rush for me. They will rise and the words on the
[21:04 - 21:22] top is written on the subway walls. And the town had halls and was further than the south.
[21:22 - 21:47] Oh silence.
[21:47 - 21:53] Next up is let's see what song is on next. I know there's like a Lincoln Park when I
[21:53 - 22:22] came in there. So let's look that up and see.
[22:22 - 22:51] I actually don't know that one were you.
[22:51 - 23:19] Yeah.
[23:19 - 23:43] Yeah what's up.
[23:43 - 24:12] You know I got to honor the living legend on this one.
[24:12 - 24:18] You already know what to put in the comments with this one.
[24:18 - 24:37] I want to see those RFP Chester's going in the comments right now in 3 2 1 go.
[24:37 - 24:49] I cannot take this anymore saying everything I said before all this was they make no sense.
[24:49 - 25:01] My family sending the rest. Yes I hear them as you say you'll find that out in the way.
[25:01 - 25:05] Everything you say to me.
[25:05 - 25:20] Don't let the break. I need new room to break. Don't let the break. I thought the answers are so clear.
[25:20 - 25:49] Oh guys that's right. Hold on.
[25:49 - 26:18] Okay.
[26:18 - 26:30] What's up guys.
[26:30 - 26:54] So I got good news for you everyone. Even though we have to restart the books dropping to day. Your boy got his car.
[26:54 - 27:08] Actually now let's switch it up to crawling.
[27:08 - 27:13] You already know what to put man.
[27:13 - 27:16] When I say the word.
[27:16 - 27:28] I see those RFP Chester's going in the motherfucking comments but not yet.
[27:28 - 27:42] As you wait for this to load.
[27:42 - 27:45] Are you ready.
[27:45 - 27:50] A mark.
[27:50 - 27:52] Three.
[27:52 - 27:57] Two.
[27:57 - 28:04] One go.
[28:04 - 28:32] Oh.
[28:32 - 28:36] It's only the post I made the surface.
[28:36 - 28:38] Consuming.
[28:38 - 28:45] Confusing this lack of self control and fear is never ending.
[28:45 - 28:47] It's only.
[28:47 - 28:52] I can't see to find myself again.
[28:52 - 28:54] My walls are closing in.
[28:54 - 28:56] That's it competence.
[28:56 - 28:59] I'm convinced that the judge too much pressure to take.
[28:59 - 29:02] I've got this way before.
[29:02 - 29:08] So is a car.
[29:08 - 29:13] Crawling in my skin.
[29:13 - 29:17] They were.
[29:17 - 29:26] Here is all I've all confusing wall is real.
[29:26 - 29:31] This government and the hands from the server for me.
[29:31 - 29:34] The show.
[29:34 - 29:40] I guess my will I stand beside my own reflection.
[29:40 - 29:42] This whole thing.
[29:42 - 29:47] I can't see to find myself again.
[29:47 - 29:54] My walls are closing in.
[29:54 - 29:56] I felt this way before.
[29:56 - 30:14] So is a car.
[30:14 - 30:23] Here is all I've all confusing wall is real.
[30:23 - 30:27] Crawling in my skin.
[30:27 - 30:38] These words they will not heal fear is all confusing.
[30:38 - 31:50] Confusing what is real.
[31:50 - 31:56] You already know what to put.
[31:56 - 32:02] Sometimes I feel like the number just to breathe.
[32:02 - 32:07] Sometimes I need you to stay away from me.
[32:07 - 32:11] Sometimes I'm in disbelief.
[32:11 - 32:13] I didn't know.
[32:13 - 32:17] Somehow I need you to go.
[32:17 - 32:44] Sometimes I need you to stay away from me.
[32:44 - 32:49] Sometimes I feel like I trusted you too well.
[32:49 - 32:54] Sometimes I just feel like screaming at myself.
[32:54 - 32:58] Sometimes I'm in disbelief.
[32:58 - 33:00] I didn't know.
[33:00 - 33:05] Somehow I need to be alone.
[33:05 - 33:08] Toaster the ghetto memories.
[33:08 - 33:11] The ghetto possibilities.
[33:11 - 33:16] But you are changing me and too.
[33:16 - 33:19] Toaster the ghetto memories.
[33:19 - 33:22] The ghetto possibilities.
[33:22 - 33:26] Take all your faithlessness with you.
[33:26 - 33:33] Toaster.
[33:33 - 33:37] What up?
[33:37 - 33:40] Yeah, I don't need you anymore.
[33:40 - 33:43] Don't want to be ignored.
[33:43 - 33:48] That's only one more day of you wasting me away.
[33:48 - 33:51] I don't need you anymore.
[33:51 - 33:53] Don't want to be ignored.
[33:53 - 34:03] That's only one more day of you wasting me away.
[34:03 - 34:06] Don't take my ghetto memories.
[34:06 - 34:09] The ghetto possibilities.
[34:09 - 34:13] But you are changing me and too.
[34:13 - 34:16] Toaster.
[34:16 - 34:19] The ghetto possibilities.
[34:19 - 34:24] Take all your faithlessness with you.
[34:24 - 34:34] Toaster.
[34:34 - 34:57] Don't stay.
[34:57 - 35:00] That's the last one for you guys.
[35:00 - 35:04] If you're gonna fuck with this.
[35:04 - 35:20] Then smash that like button like a fucking boss.
[35:20 - 35:22] When is it, Jan?
[35:22 - 35:24] I had nothing to say.
[35:24 - 35:27] Now you're lost and the nothing is inside of me.
[35:27 - 35:32] It can be a zen in that law allowed to find that I'm not gonna leave a person with these scenes in mind.
[35:32 - 35:33] Signing me.
[35:33 - 35:34] Thought I could see this.
[35:34 - 35:35] The words are real.
[35:35 - 35:38] It's the old real thing that I've got left to fear.
[35:38 - 35:41] Nothing is just a hollow and alone.
[35:41 - 35:44] The fault is my own.
[35:44 - 35:45] I wanna heal.
[35:45 - 35:47] I wanna feel.
[35:47 - 35:50] But I thought it was never real.
[35:50 - 35:56] I wanna let go of the pain I found so long.
[35:56 - 35:57] I wanna heal.
[35:57 - 35:59] I wanna feel.
[35:59 - 36:02] Now you got something real.
[36:02 - 36:06] I wanna learn something I wanted all along.
[36:06 - 36:10] Somewhere around me long.
[36:10 - 36:14] I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face.
[36:14 - 36:16] I once could be a zook and everywhere.
[36:16 - 36:18] I only defined that it's not the way I did.
[36:18 - 36:20] I imagined it all in my mind.
[36:20 - 36:23] So what do I have with this negativity?
[36:23 - 36:26] Could I get justified the way everyone is talking to me?
[36:26 - 36:27] Nothing's in there.
[36:27 - 36:28] It's just a game.
[36:28 - 36:29] Hollow and alone.
[36:29 - 36:32] The fault is my own.
[36:32 - 36:33] I wanna heal.
[36:33 - 36:34] I wanna feel.
[36:34 - 36:37] But I thought it was never real.
[36:37 - 36:43] I wanna let go of the pain I found so long.
[36:43 - 36:45] I wanna heal.
[36:45 - 36:46] I wanna feel.
[36:46 - 36:49] But I felt something real.
[36:49 - 36:54] I wanna find something I wanted all along.
[36:54 - 36:56] Somewhere around me long.
[36:56 - 37:02] Yeah, I would never know myself until I do this on my own.
[37:02 - 37:08] Until I would never feel anything else until mine was in hand.
[37:08 - 37:11] Yeah, I would never bend.
[37:11 - 37:16] And since I break away from me, I will break away.
[37:16 - 37:24] I find myself today.
[37:24 - 37:26] I wanna heal.
[37:26 - 37:28] I wanna feel.
[37:28 - 37:31] But I thought it was never real.
[37:31 - 37:37] I wanna let go of the pain I found so long.
[37:37 - 37:38] I wanna heal.
[37:38 - 37:40] I wanna feel.
[37:40 - 37:43] But I felt something real.
[37:43 - 37:45] I wanna find something I wanted all along.
[37:45 - 37:50] Somewhere around me long.
[37:50 - 37:51] I wanna heal.
[37:51 - 37:58] I wanna feel like I'm somewhere around me long.
[37:58 - 38:03] I'm somewhere around me long.
[38:03 - 38:10] Somewhere around me long.
[38:10 - 38:35] And safe.
[38:35 - 38:38] Well, with that being said guys,
[38:38 - 38:42] it's time to get out the bounce of love here because I have some phone calls to make.
[38:42 - 38:46] And I got a book to drop today, y'all.
[38:46 - 38:50] So I'll catch you guys in a little bit.
[38:50 - 38:54] I do hope that you guys did enjoy this because I know I enjoyed it.
[38:54 - 38:58] And I hope you guys did as well because I know I had fun doing it.
[38:58 - 39:01] And I hope you guys did.
[39:01 - 39:06] But with that being said, I fucking love you guys.
[39:06 - 39:11] And I'll see y'all in the next recording session.
[39:11 - 39:14] Peace.
[39:14 - 39:18] Also, don't forget, next month,
[39:18 - 39:24] my album Shadowborn Traveling at pre-orders start in a couple weeks.
[39:24 - 39:26] So be ready for that. Peace.
2021-1-21 Mental  Health Awareness and abuse abd bullying has impacted me

2021-1-21 Mental Health Awareness and abuse abd bullying has impacted me

[0:00 - 0:28] [Music]
[0:28 - 0:57] What's up guys, it's your boy. I wanted to talk about something here. Something that not a lot of people understand about, especially people like Marty, who don't understand about mental health.
[0:57 - 1:26] How bullying has impacted my life. How being in abusive relationships has affected my life. Not just as a content creator, not just as a YouTuber, as a music artist, but personally on a very personal level.
[1:26 - 1:47] As you guys know, Marty is a very big cause of a lot of the mental issues that I do have on top of being in many abusive relationships, whether it was mental, verbal, emotional.
[1:47 - 2:00] You know, all those things, you know, has really affected me on a major level.
[2:00 - 2:15] And like what people don't realize when I talk about, you know, hey, you know, I've been there.
[2:15 - 2:29] You know, when I talk about, you know, hey, I've been in abusive relationships, when I talk about, you know, being a survivor of suicide, I'm not just saying it.
[2:29 - 2:51] It's because I've actually gone through it to the fullest extent. There were times in my life where, you know, I felt like, you know, that, you know, maybe me not being here on this earth is what's best for everyone.
[2:51 - 3:13] You know, maybe people like Marty and Shinako Kat and all of them are right that, you know, I don't deserve to be here. Maybe they're right about everything, you know, because like that on top of what I've been through, you know, with abusive relationships.
[3:13 - 3:34] Like, it's really bad. And a lot of people don't understand that when you're in an abusive relationship, or you're getting bullied, like I get bullied by Marty and his guys and his community, that has a lasting impact.
[3:34 - 4:03] Okay, like, people don't, you know, understand that, you know, that stuff that you get put through, that puts you in a point of depression, being, you know, pushed to that point for so long.
[4:03 - 4:10] That puts you in almost a permanent state of depression.
[4:10 - 4:22] Like, I can honestly say that yes, I do enjoy doing music. I am happy when I get to put out content.
[4:22 - 4:33] But a lot of people don't understand that when I'm off camera, you guys don't see what I deal with.
[4:33 - 4:45] Like, I literally will be sitting there reading through the comments, and I'll start breaking down because of this shit that Marty does because of all these attacks.
[4:45 - 4:59] And it just doesn't spawn from that. Like, people don't understand like the in depth details of abuse that I got put through in the past.
[4:59 - 5:08] One of the relationships I was in, I was constantly put down on a daily basis, almost.
[5:08 - 5:34] Like, it was an almost daily occurrence. Like, I started dating this chick named Rebecca. And, you know, it started out like any other relationship, you know, it started off really, really good and very, very, you know, good, like, in, you know, the best way possible.
[5:34 - 5:44] Like, it literally started out great, we were happy, you know, everything was going good.
[5:44 - 5:55] And then literally one day she just out of nowhere started belittling me and putting me down.
[5:55 - 6:08] And at first I thought like, okay, maybe she's in a bad mood, you know, whatever, you know, I'll let her calm down and, you know, and let it be.
[6:08 - 6:12] And at first that's how she made it seem.
[6:12 - 6:20] And then she was just in a bad mood that she really didn't mean any of it.
[6:20 - 6:26] Literally the level of abuse of abuse that she put me through was insane.
[6:26 - 6:31] Like, it really was bad.
[6:31 - 6:49] Like, one day everything will be good, everything will be fine, we were happy. And then next day she would literally start, you know, bashing me, attacking me, you know, calling me names, saying that I was worthless, that I was a piece of shit.
[6:49 - 6:54] That I was trash, that I could never find anyone better than her.
[6:54 - 7:06] And every time I would try to leave, she would literally be like, go ahead because you're never going to find anyone better than, you know, than I am.
[7:06 - 7:24] Like, you're always going to come back to me. And I tried to walk away from it at first, but it continued so much that it got to the point to where I had lost friends.
[7:24 - 7:41] You know, like, some of my friends had, you know, abandoned me and stopped talking to me. I had family members stopped talking to me over the years.
[7:41 - 7:45] Everything I wanted to do, I gave up on.
[7:45 - 7:50] I didn't want to do anything. I was always depressed.
[7:50 - 8:07] There were nights where when she would put me down, I would literally lay there and ball my eyes out, wondering if she maybe was right about everything.
[8:07 - 8:15] Now, imagine getting put through that situation for four and a half years.
[8:15 - 8:40] And literally, the last time she abused me, I literally tried to end my life because she had said some, like, I don't remember exactly what it was that she said, but she had said some shit that literally put me at that point to where I was like, you know, maybe, maybe me being dead is the solution to all this.
[8:40 - 8:55] Maybe me taking my own life and doing away with the misery is literally, you know, what's best.
[8:55 - 9:12] And a lot of people, a lot of people, especially people like Marty, don't understand that when you go through that so many years for so long of being abused, that shit sticks with you.
[9:12 - 9:28] And to go through all of that and then to get bullied on the one platform that, you know, I have a voice is fucked up.
[9:28 - 9:46] Like, you know, people don't realize matter of fact, let me, let me show you guys in depth here exactly what it is that.
[9:46 - 9:57] Let me give you guys an insider book at what, you know, it is that I deal with and it's not just me.
[9:57 - 10:04] It's not just me that deals with this. This is literally something that happens to a lot of people.
[10:04 - 10:18] I think these two videos will actually give you a good idea as to what not only I deal with, but what many others deal with as well.
[10:18 - 10:47] I kill mine I know these guys personally they're actually their friends and this music did actually help me in a big way.
[10:47 - 10:55] I'm going to sleep and be like no one know this is like I ain't even here.
[10:55 - 10:59] If I step in like you're going to drink a little bit.
[10:59 - 11:05] Take notice that I'm no longer living in battle sports couldn't be like a mental decision.
[11:05 - 11:08] From the sweat that's trickling down my face.
[11:08 - 11:16] On my chest as I feel my heart rate, I'm reading so fast trying to catch my breath, body weak from anxiety, I got nothing left.
[11:16 - 11:22] I'm paralyzed as a lie in this prison I created in my mind I'm starting to find I feel more and more sedated and I sweat again.
[11:22 - 11:29] I hate it but tell me what should I do if I confess to my distress will someone help me push through all these obstacles I'm facing every day of my life.
[11:29 - 11:32] Be a better way cuz I'm living it right now.
[11:32 - 12:01] You're not like green lights it won't stop you pissed off you so hot.
[12:01 - 12:05] Like you twenty two o'clock school boom is that robots and teeth made like two rocks.
[12:05 - 12:08] We feeling the right for telly burn up in a blind spot.
[12:08 - 12:12] The place ain't no me I'm gonna fight you like I'm tired trying to help you not.
[12:12 - 12:16] I'm only thinking one shot fits to the face like a fist boo and she rocks.
[12:16 - 12:19] Some won't be crazy up to see that's a weak spot.
[12:19 - 12:24] And some wouldn't pity me seeing me in this trap but nah y'all do not a role boom I've got.
[12:24 - 12:29] Trying to understand me there's something that you came out of the press like a one shot.
[12:29 - 12:34] Step like a blood clot because of all the wars in the past that I fought and I fought.
[12:34 - 12:36] I guess I'm slipping like a slipknot.
[12:36 - 12:38] So I pass and so I'm still swooping and step.
[12:38 - 12:40] I get numb from these nightmares.
[12:40 - 12:43] Every night still feels like I'm right there.
[12:43 - 12:49] In the fight hear the green shots ringing the bullets flying around my bg till the love everybody get down.
[12:49 - 12:51] I get numb from these nightmares.
[12:51 - 12:54] Every night still feels like I'm right there.
[12:54 - 12:56] In the fight waking up to a cold sweat.
[12:56 - 13:01] I get numb from these nightmares.
[13:01 - 13:12] In the fight hear the green shots ringing the bullets flying around my bg till the love everybody get down.
[13:12 - 13:16] Every night still feels like I'm right there.
[13:16 - 13:18] Waking up to a cold sweat.
[13:18 - 13:20] I get numb from these nightmares.
[13:20 - 13:22] In the fight hear the green shots ringing the love everybody get down.
[13:22 - 13:27] In the fight hear the green shots ringing the bullets flying around my bg till the love everybody get down.
[13:27 - 13:29] I get numb from these nightmares.
[13:29 - 13:31] Every night still feels like I'm right there.
[13:31 - 13:35] In the fight hear the green shots ringing the bullets flying around my bg till the love everybody get down.
[13:35 - 13:37] I get numb from these nightmares.
[13:37 - 13:39] Every night still feels like I'm right there.
[13:39 - 13:41] In the fight hear the green shots ringing the bullets flying around my bg till the love everybody get down.
[13:41 - 13:43] I get numb from these nightmares.
[13:43 - 13:45] Every night still feels like I'm right there.
[13:45 - 19:39] In the fight hear the green shots ringing the bullets flying around my bg till the love everybody get down.
[19:39 - 19:45] Many of you guys are going through anything like that.
[19:45 - 33:51] This is a site and a number that you guys can call or text anytime day or night like at all.
[33:51 - 34:09] Let me put this to rest really fast.
[34:09 - 34:23] Hmmm, what song shall I do?
[34:23 - 34:31] Aha, I know.
[34:31 - 34:39] Who's it at?
[34:39 - 34:53] I know it's something I want to do, I just have to find it.
[34:53 - 37:59] This is a site and a number that you guys can call or text anytime day or night like at all.
[37:59 - 38:07] This is actually for the person that actually wanted me to do this song a few minutes ago so this is also for y'all as well.
[38:07 - 38:16] That is true man.
[38:16 - 57:09] This is a site and a number that you guys can call or text anytime day or night like at all.
[57:09 - 57:31] So like I said Marty, maybe if you would get your head out of your fucking ass and realize the fucked up shit that you're doing, maybe you could actually do something worthwhile instead of attacking people like me like a fucking psychopath.
[57:38 - 57:55] The only thing right now, Marty, is people like you that drive people like me into depression, that drive people like me to want to end our lives because of the bullying, because of the shit that you do.
[57:55 - 58:06] People like you and Rustic are the reason why so many teens and young adults take their own lives because they feel like they don't have a way out.
[58:06 - 58:09] They feel like they're trapped.
[58:09 - 58:13] And that's the kind of shit that you need to quit, dude.
[58:13 - 58:15] For real.
[58:15 - 58:17] Grow up, Marty.
[58:17 - 58:19] Get a life.
[58:19 - 58:24] And quit your fuck shit.
[58:24 - 58:50] But I just want to say that I hope you guys, so many guys that didn't know about what I dealt with, I hope that you guys do realize, you know, what it is that I deal with on an almost daily basis, and how, you know, music's become a very good outlet for me.
[58:50 - 59:02] And not only expressing myself but being able to talk about what I'm going through and what I've dealt with, like, you know, that shit.
[59:02 - 59:18] Like, my music, I can honestly say you guys have supported me on 100% and I can honestly say I'm grateful for that. Because by supporting my music, you're not just supporting me as an artist.
[59:18 - 59:33] You guys are literally supporting a movement that I can honestly say that I'm proud to be part of, which is going against suicide being that voice for, you know, depression, mental health.
[59:33 - 59:42] Like you guys are literally part of a movement that I'm part of, and that's, that's huge to me.
[59:42 - 59:57] So literally by supporting my music and the shit that I do with my music, you guys are literally supporting a massive movement that I feel like needs to be shared more often.
[59:57 - 60:14] Because like I said right now, especially with this pandemic, mental health is a really big deal, especially with this pandemic, because we're in the middle of a pandemic and a lot of places are on lockdown.
[60:14 - 60:37] A lot of that is fueling the fire of people being bullied and attacked on the internet because there's no one there, sitting on YouTube saying hey, we're noticing this problem, how can we stop it.
[60:37 - 60:48] Like there's nobody there at the YouTube headquarters saying hey, we're noticing this situation going on, we need to put a stop to this.
[60:48 - 61:09] Instead it's literally flipped around. People like me who create good content are the ones that are being shut down. And the ones like Marty and Rustic Angel, they're the ones that are literally being attacked.
[61:09 - 61:22] They're the ones that are literally being attacked on the YouTube and saying hey, we're gonna let you guys run rampant and attack all these people.
[61:22 - 61:27] And that's the kind of shit that I'm trying to prevent.
[61:27 - 61:46] To create a good community where people can come in, hang out, have a good time, be themselves, and just be able to talk about anything that they want.
[61:46 - 61:58] With that being said, I am going to hop off here because I actually do have a few things that I need to knock out as well as talking to somebody on Discord that needs to speak with me right away.
[61:58 - 62:05] So, I hope you guys did enjoy this stream and if you did, spread this around man.
[62:05 - 62:11] Let's start a change. Share it to your favorite YouTubers that you guys watch.
[62:11 - 62:17] Share it to everybody that you guys watch. Share it on Facebook, to friends, family.
[62:17 - 62:21] Share it to everybody that you can.
[62:21 - 62:31] Because by you guys sharing this stream, you guys are supporting a movement that needs to happen.
[62:31 - 62:40] You guys are the change. We need to make that change happen and it needs to happen right now.
[62:40 - 62:51] So like I said, share this stream around with everybody that you know.
[62:51 - 63:08] Whether it be on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Patreon, what's that one?
[63:08 - 63:19] Point being, share it on Tumblr if you have to. I don't care. Just share it to everywhere that you can.
[63:19 - 63:39] With that being said, yes I am on TikTok. I'll actually send you guys my TikTok. Hold up.
[63:39 - 63:47] I don't do TikTok that much that I do every once in a while.
[63:47 - 63:51] That is actually my TikTok where you guys can check a lot of my stuff out.
[63:51 - 63:56] I do have some really cool TikToks on there and I know I've been slacking.
[63:56 - 64:05] I haven't done one in a while and I definitely will be doing one.
[64:05 - 64:10] I actually do plan on doing that. Like I don't have that many social media.
[64:10 - 64:17] I don't have that much but I do plan on doing more. Especially with my music and my album dropping next month.
[64:17 - 64:21] I am going to be doing a lot more social media based stuff.
[64:21 - 64:31] I am going to be creating a Twitter and all that.
[64:31 - 64:40] I do have an Instagram that's for my artwork mostly. You guys can follow that if you want to.
[64:40 - 64:45] I haven't posted anything on there in a while and I kind of need to.
[64:45 - 65:05] But I am going to be starting up an Instagram for a different shape. But like I said, I am going to try to get a street team together and get stuff going.
[65:05 - 65:17] That being said, I do hope that you guys enjoyed this stream. Remember if you guys are going through depression or if you are being bullied,
[65:17 - 65:25] just know that you are not alone and that there actually is very real help out there.
[65:25 - 65:31] You are not doing one that is going through it. There is legit help out there.
[65:31 - 65:38] Peace.
[65:38 - 65:48] Love you guys. Stay strong.
2021-1-21 Just got freaked out

2021-1-21 Just got freaked out

[0:00 - 0:25] [Silence]
[0:25 - 0:30] What's up you guys?
[0:30 - 0:50] [Silence]
[0:50 - 1:01] So long story short, like I don't know how many of you guys are into the paranormal,
[1:01 - 1:12] but like if you guys are, you guys will know exactly where I'm going with this one.
[1:12 - 1:20] So as you guys know, I was working on the song Voices.
[1:20 - 1:37] I was working on my rendition of the song Voices.
[1:37 - 1:43] [Silence]
[1:43 - 1:47] Some people are saying things, guys. Do you guys see something?
[1:47 - 1:50] [Silence]
[1:50 - 1:53] Do you guys see something in the shadows there?
[1:53 - 2:15] [Silence]
[2:15 - 2:17] Hello?
[2:17 - 2:34] [Silence]
[2:34 - 2:43] How many of you guys heard that?
[2:43 - 2:48] That was, that noise, that was my spirit, that was my computer.
[2:48 - 2:56] But that just happened.
[2:56 - 3:02] I've been dealing with this all fucking night.
[3:02 - 3:10] Like literally all night I've been dealing with this kind of shit.
[3:10 - 3:21] Like I'll be sitting here working on something on my studio computer and something will happen.
[3:21 - 3:41] Like literally earlier I had these headphones right here, these headphones up here like this hanging right here like this.
[3:41 - 3:49] I went downstairs to grab this, some ice coffee.
[3:49 - 4:10] Literally I come back, these were on my bed like that.
[4:10 - 4:24] And then I was just sitting here a few minutes ago waiting for this video to render and my fucking door got popped open.
[4:24 - 4:38] And that was shut all the fucking way.
[4:38 - 4:44] Somehow I don't buy it.
[4:44 - 4:49] Sorry Sarah, I'm not buying it.
[4:49 - 4:52] And no I don't, I don't use Ouija boards.
[4:52 - 4:59] The last time I used one was many years ago when I was in Florida and last time I did that.
[4:59 - 5:09] Big mistake, real big mistake.
[5:09 - 5:11] That was weird.
[5:11 - 5:18] God there goes my fucking British accent again, fuck.
[5:18 - 5:28] But literally, that was weird alright.
[5:28 - 5:38] So literally earlier this morning I go downstairs, grab some coffee, headphones are on the bed which I just went ahead and left them there because that's whatever.
[5:38 - 5:44] They were kind of out of the way anyway.
[5:44 - 5:54] But then fucking my door was literally shut all the way, literally shut all the way.
[5:54 - 6:04] Like you would literally have to turn the door knob to open it.
[6:04 - 6:09] Tell me you guys are seeing this right now.
[6:09 - 6:15] Oh that was weird. Like literally one of my hand I was doing that little flash and I was kind of cool.
[6:15 - 6:31] But like literally I was sitting here, like I said, working on the After Effects before I run the video through Adobe Premiere.
[6:31 - 6:39] Which is my video editor that I go through Adobe Premiere for all my video editing on my studio computer.
[6:39 - 6:48] And like literally the door literally, I wish I had my camera out filming this.
[6:48 - 6:54] Like I cannot make this up for shit.
[6:54 - 7:03] Like I was literally sitting here watching a Jake Monroe video because he had just posted a new TikTok reaction video.
[7:03 - 7:11] So I was sitting here watching that while this video right here rendered.
[7:11 - 7:21] And literally, no literally my window is locked shut.
[7:21 - 7:35] Like you guys can see for yourselves, there's literally a reflection of light right there.
[7:35 - 7:53] I've got a fan but it's off. Like this fan doesn't even work.
[7:53 - 8:03] But literally I was sitting here, like I said, watching a Jake Monroe video on my Chromebook which I'm currently talking to you guys on.
[8:03 - 8:12] Waiting for this film to finish rendering so I can run it through Adobe Premiere and get the proper format.
[8:12 - 8:22] And literally it no sooner than the video ends on YouTube.
[8:22 - 8:39] I literally watched the door knob turn and pop open.
[8:39 - 8:52] My guess, probably my brother fucking with me.
[8:52 - 9:05] Because I can honestly say, I can honestly say this genuinely, my brother did have a knack for cranking me.
[9:05 - 9:21] So my guess is it's either he's fucking with me or something weird is going on because you guys seem to forget I'm actually by Summit Lake.
[9:21 - 9:34] Now if you guys don't know, literally outside that window, right across the street from that window, you can look out and right past the trees is Summit Lake.
[9:34 - 9:43] Now if you guys don't know, you guys can actually look this up. Summit Lake is literally the most haunted place in Akron, Ohio.
[9:43 - 10:00] So I'm literally surrounded by paranormal shit all the time.
[10:00 - 10:13] Like it's really weird, because like, I'll go out to the woods and like I'll just get this calling feeling and then when I go to leave I'll just get this freaky what the fuck.
[10:13 - 10:21] I'm going to kill you kind of vibe it's like what the fuck.
[10:21 - 10:29] Like it's really weird like I love the woods down my summit lake. Absolutely enjoy them.
[10:29 - 10:32] But dude, freaky.
[10:32 - 10:43] Like literally the woods down here by Summit Lake are pretty much like suicide forest in Japan.
[10:43 - 10:46] Insanely haunted insanely weird.
[10:46 - 11:02] Very creepy. Like, I've gone in there, like, once or twice towards Nightfall and it just, no, just no.
[11:02 - 11:06] Last time I did that, I literally ran.
[11:06 - 11:15] Like, I literally ran out of these fucking woods.
[11:15 - 11:27] Like literally because what I was doing down there is me and some friends were actually going to shoot a music video down there for one of my songs.
[11:27 - 11:38] As a matter of fact, it was actually for Edge of Sanity. We were going to go down there, film the music, because it was supposed to be like a nighttime scene.
[11:38 - 11:47] And we figured what better way to get a nighttime scene because we wanted something woodsy. We wanted something really weird and odd.
[11:47 - 11:53] So we literally go down there to the woods.
[11:53 - 12:00] Now, keep in mind there was three of us. Literally, there was only three of us there.
[12:00 - 12:07] There was me, Jake, and I'm trying to think who else there was.
[12:07 - 12:13] It was either my friend Tibor or Brett, I think.
[12:13 - 12:17] Yeah, it was me, Jake, and Brett.
[12:17 - 12:25] We were all down there getting ready to film. We had our cameras. They had everything they needed. I had everything I needed.
[12:25 - 12:34] I was literally getting everything set up to play the music back so that we could start filming. We had everything set up.
[12:34 - 12:40] Literally, we kept hearing this subtle voice.
[12:40 - 12:51] Literally, just like that little subtle, like you think somebody is walking down the towpath or down the boardwalk, and you hear people.
[12:51 - 13:02] But we automatically knew that nobody goes down to the boardwalk past 8 o'clock at night, so we blew it off first.
[13:02 - 13:09] Or maybe it's nothing.
[13:09 - 13:19] Literally, we started to get freaked out because the sound started getting heavier and heavier.
[13:19 - 13:28] We were like, "Yo, let's just pack up and get the fuck out. We'll come back tomorrow."
[13:28 - 13:36] "Well, do a shot during the daytime and edit it on the computer to make it like night." Whatever.
[13:36 - 13:42] I didn't care that much. I just wanted to get the fuck out of there.
[13:42 - 13:52] No sooner than we leave the woods, I feel this just crazy.
[13:52 - 13:58] I know something's watching you, kind of vibe.
[13:58 - 14:15] Literally, I literally turn around and I cannot make this up. I wish to God this day I had it on fucking film.
[14:15 - 14:27] There was literally like, "Alright, you remember that movie The Grudge? Or The Ring? That girl with the black hair in front of her face?"
[14:27 - 14:35] I literally turn around and see that staring at me.
[14:35 - 14:51] I literally screamed like a bitch. I literally freaked out. I literally ran.
[14:51 - 15:03] Now, keep in mind, Jake and Brett, they were already a quarter of the way back here.
[15:03 - 15:09] Like, they were already a quarter of the way back to the house. They were almost to the very end here.
[15:09 - 15:19] Because when you go down this road here, like when you walk the towpath from the woods, there's like a little entry there.
[15:19 - 15:30] You go this way and whatnot and then you come back to the house.
[15:30 - 15:40] Literally, I ran as fast as I fucking could.
[15:40 - 15:51] And I kid you not, like I need to get Jake over here one of these days to have him talk about this because he literally saw the same thing I saw.
[15:51 - 16:05] Literally, I spin Jake the fuck around. This girl was literally standing in the dark staring at us.
[16:05 - 16:21] Like, I cannot make this up. And he literally, like he asked it because he didn't know if it was somebody playing a prank or what.
[16:21 - 16:26] I didn't know if it was somebody playing a prank.
[16:26 - 16:39] So literally, like he asked this girl, now keep in mind, I'm dead freaked out at this point. I'm like, yo, forget asking this thing anything.
[16:39 - 16:49] Let's just go the fuck back to the house. Like, we'll come back tomorrow in the daytime, shoot a film, we'll render it down to where it looks like it's nighttime, whatever.
[16:49 - 17:03] I don't care, let's just get the fuck out of here. Let's just get the fuck out of here. Because I got freaked out. Let's just get our shit and get home.
[17:03 - 17:21] Literally, he stopped and says like, I think he said something along the lines of like, what's up, you know, who are you or hi or whatever. This thing literally snarled at him.
[17:21 - 17:34] Like, and when I mean snarled, I don't mean like, you know, like an angry pissed off like personal stuff. I mean, this thing sounded demonic.
[17:34 - 17:53] Like, imagine the most demonic creature or possession you could think of. And imagine that just creepy snarl.
[17:53 - 18:16] This thing literally was white as a ghost, staring at him, snarling, like literally just the most demonic thing ever.
[18:16 - 18:25] He literally backs up behind me.
[18:25 - 18:42] Now keep in mind, Jake is six foot one. This motherfucker is taller than I am. This motherfucker literally ducked down behind me.
[18:42 - 18:53] He literally dug down behind me, freaking out.
[18:53 - 19:07] I literally turn around. I fucking grab him up. I'm like, yo, we need to get the fuck out of here now. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck what that thing is.
[19:07 - 19:21] Let's get out of here. So I literally yank his ass up. I'm like, go, let's fucking go. Brett's waiting by the fucking entrance. Let's go now.
[19:21 - 19:38] I literally yank him up. And we literally get to the entrance right here. Oh, as back this way.
[19:38 - 19:44] And by the time we get to like when you get up here past the entrance, there's like a couple of houses right here.
[19:44 - 19:52] There's like an apartment complex on that side. And then one of our neighbors down. Good friends is like right there on the corner.
[19:52 - 20:05] I kid you not, as they're walking this way towards the house, I literally look back and see this thing staring at me.
[20:05 - 20:16] Literally just give me this creepy look.
[20:16 - 20:28] Like this thing was a literally, I don't know if it was a ghost. I don't know if it was a demon. I don't know what this thing was.
[20:28 - 20:38] But literally, I have not been back to those woods since then. I have not gone back.
[20:38 - 20:58] I later did research and actually found out that there was an actual suicide in those woods back in the late 80s or early 80s or something. It was somewhere in the 80s. This girl literally hung herself from one of the trees.
[20:58 - 21:10] And literally the cops did not find her until two days later. And the way she hung herself wasn't even on purpose.
[21:10 - 21:28] She was climbing a tree with some rope because she wanted to build something, I guess. I don't fucking know. She was doing shit that kids did back then, I guess, with climbing shit or wanting to make a rope swing.
[21:28 - 21:37] And what happened, I guess, because I read up on the story. I'll see if I can find a link to the story so you guys can read it.
[21:37 - 21:47] But this girl literally, I guess one of the branches wasn't strong enough to hold her weight, and it snapped.
[21:47 - 22:07] And as it snapped, I guess she had the rope around her body or whatever. And I guess when she fell, the rope started to come off of her and it literally hung her.
[22:07 - 22:25] It literally hung this girl. It was fucking weird. And literally, it was fucking weird.
[22:25 - 22:39] This little girl, I would say, if I had to guess an age, I'd say maybe no more than say 13, maybe 14, somewhere in there.
[22:39 - 22:58] But literally, what made this shit so creepy, she kept pointing in the direction of the lake, like something was there, which made it even creepier.
[22:58 - 23:09] Like, we were just there to shoot a fucking music video and get home. We weren't even going to be out there that long. We were maybe going to be out there for like an hour.
[23:09 - 23:27] And literally, all you've seen was this, just her pointing at the lake like this, just pointing. And we're like, what the fuck?
[23:27 - 23:45] And I noticed that she was pointing at the lake as we got back to the entrance to Summit Lake. So I literally was like, okay, fuck this, let me see something here.
[23:45 - 23:59] Like, and what this girl, to this day, fucks with my mind. Every time I go down there, it literally fucks with me, every time.
[23:59 - 24:13] As I ask her what she wanted, and I kid you not, this is like literally the scariest place I've ever heard in my life. This shit still gives me nightmares.
[24:13 - 24:18] Literally, this shit legit gives me fucking nightmares.
[24:18 - 24:39] This little girl, as she was pointing to the lake, and I asked her what she wanted, this little girl literally said, die.
[24:39 - 24:57] I kid you not, my skin went legit white as a fucking ghost. Like we're talking, we're talking this kind of white.
[24:57 - 25:16] Like straight out, blood out of my fucking body, pale fucking ghost white.
[25:16 - 25:32] Like I was freaked, I was like, we need to go now. I legitimately turn around, push Jake, I literally pushed this motherfucker.
[25:32 - 25:43] Now keep in mind, like I said, Jake is literally six foot one and 208 pounds. This motherfucker's a big dude.
[25:43 - 25:48] You guys have seen how big this motherfucker is compared to me.
[25:48 - 26:03] I literally shoved this dude, I was like, fucking go, like I literally pushed this man, I was like, go. Let's get the fuck out of here, just go.
[26:03 - 26:16] Because he kept on trying to stop and I was like, motherfucker, you don't go.
[26:16 - 26:25] Like literally, since then, like since that incident, I have not been able to go back to those woods.
[26:25 - 26:50] Like I literally, every time I step foot near those woods, I freak out every time, hands fucking down. It is freaky.
[26:50 - 27:00] In the corner, there's nothing there, dude.
[27:00 - 27:06] It's literally just a bunch of boxes.
[27:06 - 27:21] Like I legit to this day, like, and I know it sounds stupid, but I literally to this day cannot go near those fucking woods.
[27:21 - 27:30] Especially after doing my research and finding out that girl killed, like got killed in those woods.
[27:30 - 27:44] I have not been able to go back since like that shit to this day, you ain't getting me to go back to those woods.
[27:44 - 27:58] Like, dude, like I know my brother was just messing with me with the door and shit. Like I said, my older brother was a prankster. He loved to pull pranks on me all the time and fuck with me.
[27:58 - 28:02] So I'm pretty sure that was him.
[28:02 - 28:15] But literally, ever since that incident two years ago, I have not been able to go back.
[28:15 - 28:23] I literally was like, fuck that. I'm not going back to those woods.
[28:23 - 28:37] I'm not doing it like that shit not happening, dude, like not fucking happening.
[28:37 - 28:48] And what makes Summit Lake even creepier as size that incident that I dealt with, if you look right across the lake,
[28:48 - 29:04] like if you look like this direction over here, the way that I'm pointing my catty corner this way, there's literally an abandoned hospital or like what used to be an insane asylum right across the lake.
[29:04 - 29:17] And almost daily, you can literally hear screams coming from that shit.
[29:17 - 29:21] It's legit the freakiest thing ever.
[29:21 - 29:30] Now don't get it wrong. I love going down to the lake, getting photos, having a nice time, having fun.
[29:30 - 29:37] But those woods, you ain't ever getting me to step butt back into that shit.
[29:37 - 29:58] Now keep in mind, I used to be skeptical of the paranormal. I used to be skeptical as fuck, didn't believe in it, didn't, you know, care to.
[29:58 - 30:24] I kid you not, ever since that incident, when we went to shoot that music video, I literally, like, I can't explain it.
[30:24 - 30:32] Like, I kid you not.
[30:32 - 30:51] Like, ever since that night when we saw that creepy ass little girl, like, my whole perspective has literally changed.
[30:51 - 31:06] Like, this is literally like two years ago, back in like March or April, like it was like mid summer we were getting ready to record a music video for my song.
[31:06 - 31:20] And just sanity. When all this shit went down, because we wanted to do a nighttime shot and we're not like we wanted to do something at night, something fun.
[31:20 - 31:31] Yo Deegan, what up, man? Yo Deegan, what up, man?
[31:31 - 31:54] Welcome to the fam, dawg.
[31:54 - 32:07] That actually has crossed my mind and believe it or not, my film The Darkness is actually based a little bit around that incident.
[32:07 - 32:23] Like the whole wood scene that's basically based around that whole ordeal.
[32:23 - 32:42] Like, damn. Dude, it literally, like, no offense to my mom's boyfriend but god damn he snores loud. Literally my door's like, not even all the way open and I can hear his ass.
[32:42 - 32:57] That actually is TIA, like if you look up Hauntings in Ohio, Summit Lake is actually one of those places.
[32:57 - 33:13] Like it literally, like everybody's been wanting me to do, you know, like a, what do you call it, like a ghost investigation down there in the woods.
[33:13 - 33:27] I ain't going back in them woods with that demonic little bitch. You can set me up with a crucifix, holy water to the Bible. You can hook me up with all the fixings to battle a fucking demon.
[33:27 - 33:39] Ain't no way I'm going back in them woods with that demonic little bitch.
[33:39 - 33:44] Ain't no way that's happening.
[33:44 - 33:54] Now there is something that I did actually speak about in the, what you call it, in the commentary for my film The Darkness.
[33:54 - 34:17] Now you guys, I'm gonna spoil this for you guys a little bit. So hashtag warning spoiler alert on this. But if you guys have ever seen my film The Darkness, that spirit box section that's in the very beginning where I freak out, that literally, that actually happened.
[34:17 - 34:32] That was a legit thing that actually happened. So that whole reaction from the spirit box, that was all, that was legit.
[34:32 - 34:40] That was a legit thing, like that actually happened.
[34:40 - 34:53] Like that right there, like to this day, like I watched that film back the other day, because I had to watch it back and I was doing commentary over it and whatnot for the DVD.
[34:53 - 35:17] And literally, like I watched that and I watched my reaction, like if you guys pay attention, like my eyes go from normal to like, freaked out big. Like I literally got spooked.
[35:17 - 35:32] And do I normally do what kind of things like paranormal videos, not really, this is actually my first one ever like actually talking about these situations.
[35:32 - 36:01] More specifically the, you know, the summit like woods situation.
[36:01 - 36:11] Now the guys I would actually like to do a, an investigation with our on the guys from ghost hunters.
[36:11 - 36:23] Like I would definitely team up with the guys from ghost hunters and rock with them because like those guys are super cool.
[36:23 - 36:41] Like I said, dude, yeah, TTR, my guess is bro, it's probably my brother.
[36:41 - 36:51] Like I said, dude, my brother loves to fuck me like literally a couple days after like a couple months after his passing.
[36:51 - 37:06] I was actually in the shower and literally we had like these paint buckets like I'm about to tell you guys how much of a prankster my brother is, even though he's gone like even though he's dead this how much of a prankster he really is.
[37:06 - 37:10] So y'all have a good sense of the kind of shit that my brother pulled when he was alive.
[37:10 - 37:13] I was in the shower taking a shower the one day.
[37:13 - 37:19] This is like literally like a month or two after his passing in 2015.
[37:19 - 37:30] We had like a bunch of paint buckets because mom and Ed, you know painted apartments, Ed did roofing on those apartments and then mom did the painting.
[37:30 - 37:40] They had the paint buckets in there because he had to help her paint that day. So he had the paint buckets in there drying out because we had, you know, we just got done washing them out.
[37:40 - 37:53] So they were in there and literally the handles are the kind of handles that are like really hard to budge because they're so old and they're rusted so they're very, you know, hard to move.
[37:53 - 37:59] So like when they sat down the handle was still sticking straight up.
[37:59 - 38:06] I kid you now, this still to this day, I laugh, it's freaky but I actually laugh at it now.
[38:06 - 38:13] Like I still get a kick out of it.
[38:13 - 38:31] Like I said, you know, I was there taking a shower and whatnot and literally I heard the handle go like this just like that creaking sound and then slam down against the bucket and go back up.
[38:31 - 38:46] And literally like I didn't know what to make it is so I just kind of like wrote it off as like okay maybe the handle of the buck, the handle to the buck itself, whatever, ignored it.
[38:46 - 39:01] It would generally happen two more times before I literally open the curtain at that point I was almost done anyway.
[39:01 - 39:08] So as I'm getting out of the shower I'm drying off getting my clothes on everything.
[39:08 - 39:16] And I go to turn around to grab my, I turn around to go to grab this off the counter.
[39:16 - 39:45] I kid you not. I was freaked out but I was laughing my ass off afterwards. Literally, my brother, like, his face literally appeared in the mirror in the bathroom with him sticking his fucking tongue out laughing.
[39:45 - 39:55] I literally was just like, on one hand I was kind of spooked. But on the other hand, I'm just like, what the fuck.
[39:55 - 40:11] Like, really, like you can't even believe you like you still gotta pull pranks, even though you're dead, like
[40:11 - 40:20] when I was in the shower that was him fucking with me because like I said he loved to screw with me.
[40:20 - 40:36] Like he legit loved to fuck with me to the fullest extent. Like when he was alive, he would literally pull some of the most fucked up pranks just to get a rise or a laugh at me.
[40:36 - 40:52] Like literally this dude would fuck with me to no end. Like it was funny. Like this motherfucker would literally pull some of the craziest pranks ever.
[40:52 - 40:59] I got screwed in the shower, not even, tank. What the fuck.
[40:59 - 41:15] But no, like literally like he would do like those little pranks that would really fuck with your head.
[41:15 - 41:21] Like that's how he was. He was a straight up prankster. He loved to pull jokes.
[41:21 - 41:42] And that's why I'm saying like, I'm pretty sure that if there is a shadow person in the room, I'm pretty sure it's just him fucking with me because he has a tendency to do that even though he's dead.
[41:42 - 41:52] What the fuck, tank? Yo, shot the tank. Also shot the Keanu. What's up, Keanu?
[41:52 - 41:54] Where at?
[41:54 - 41:56] Yo, Kat, where was the orb at?
[41:56 - 42:23] Well, literally, man, I just wanted to hop on here and, you know, fill you guys in on what happened.
[42:23 - 42:45] And like, if you guys do have any, you know, paranormal experiences of your own, like if you guys do have any paranormal experiences, you know, post them in the comments or make videos about them.
[42:45 - 42:55] Like, I would definitely love to see, you know, your guys' ghost experience. I'd love to hear about what you guys got as well.
[42:55 - 43:06] Yeah, I know, Keanu. That's why I'm always careful. That's actually why I've got to cross.
[43:06 - 43:17] That's actually why I've got to cross necklace that I actually need to put on.
[43:17 - 43:45] I actually should try to get it. But, yo, if you guys are new, man, don't forget to hit that like and that subscribe button. Like I said, if you guys do have any paranormal, you know, videos, you know, like if you guys like have any stories of your own stuff that you guys have gone through, you know, definitely put them in the comments, make videos about them.
[43:45 - 43:51] I definitely want to see them, man, for sure.
[43:51 - 44:01] Like, I would definitely love to see them and like watch and see what some of your guys' experiences are, because like if you guys have gone through it, like, I definitely want to hear about it.
[44:01 - 44:14] Like, ever since that experience that I've gone through, I've kind of been drawn into that stuff.
[44:14 - 44:26] Yes, I do, Maniac. I actually, yo, Maniac, I actually do have a Discord, bro.
[44:26 - 44:35] Oh, by the way, guys, I did fix the issue with that video. Just so you guys know, I did manage to fix the issue with that.
[44:35 - 44:46] Because I know some of you were saying, you know, the, you know, the blah, blah, blah, the videos, only 30 seconds going, I actually managed to figure out what I did wrong.
[44:46 - 45:07] So I got that fixed. The video is going to be up. Don't worry.
[45:07 - 45:20] Discord wrote up. And I did actually fix the audio with it, too, because there was a lot of audio issue with it as well.
[45:20 - 45:31] So I did also fix the audio with the song.
[45:31 - 45:59] But, yo, to anybody that does want to add me on Discord, here is my Discord, and you guys can add me up, talk to me.
[46:00 - 46:12] Dude, the shadows are casting in the background. I know what you guys are thinking. This is why.
[46:12 - 46:32] You'll see, if you look at my lights, these shadows are from that, and then the shadows are there are from the boxes because of the light reflecting, because we got an angle ceiling right there.
[46:32 - 46:35] So you guys see there's like an angle ceiling.
[46:35 - 46:46] So literally the light is bouncing down, shining on that whole thing and then going down into the corner.
[46:46 - 46:54] So I know a lot of people think that there's ghosts and shit back there, and I'm pretty sure there have been a few ghosts back in there.
[46:54 - 47:13] It wouldn't surprise me. But, like, literally, like, it's just, you know, the boxes and shit.
[47:13 - 47:29] Also, I did pick up, in case you guys are wondering, yes, I did pick up Gears 5 game of the year edition.
[47:29 - 47:35] I did actually pick that up, and I actually do plan on playing that probably later tonight.
[47:35 - 47:42] I'll probably end up watching a good, like, an anime or something and playing the new Gears game of the year edition.
[47:42 - 47:48] I've not played the game of the year edition, you know, I'm super psyched for it, though.
[47:48 - 47:53] I'm definitely super psyched for it because, as you guys know, I'm a huge Gears of War fan.
[47:53 - 47:56] I actually have Gears of War 3.
[47:56 - 48:01] As a matter of fact, is it done here or is it still?
[48:01 - 48:10] As a matter of fact, I actually have Gears of War 3 right there.
[48:10 - 48:15] So I'm definitely a huge Gears of War fan. I absolutely love this series.
[48:15 - 48:36] It's actually one of my personal favorites.
[48:36 - 48:41] Dude, that is weird.
[48:41 - 48:51] Dude, I need to try that out because I actually do have TikTok.
[48:51 - 48:56] Yo, Triple, I didn't know you played Gears, man. Fuck yeah.
[48:56 - 49:08] All right, Triple, let me ask you this, bro. Favorite Gears character. Who is it?
[49:08 - 49:12] Oh, yeah, I definitely do.
[49:12 - 49:17] I've not tried Fall Guys yet. Everybody's telling me that that's really good.
[49:17 - 49:24] The only reason I don't play it yet is because my PC can't handle it.
[49:24 - 49:30] Oh, nice, nice. I'm actually more partial to Lieutenant Baird.
[49:30 - 49:39] I like Lieutenant Baird and a fucking what's-his-name fucking Carlos.
[49:39 - 49:45] But I'm more of a Lieutenant Baird kind of guy. I love how Baird is, man. He's like that.
[49:45 - 49:49] He's the smart ass of the group. Fucking love that dude.
[49:50 - 50:13] Dude, Kat, you're one of the chills, motherfuckers, I know. Straight up.
[50:13 - 50:23] Straight up.
[50:23 - 50:27] Oh, come on.
[50:27 - 50:47] Oh, there we are.
[50:47 - 50:57] Ah, Triff, what the fuck? You crazy motherfucker.
[50:57 - 51:23] Ah.
[51:23 - 51:37] Hey, Dares. Yo, Dares, what's good, man?
[51:37 - 51:43] Oh, also, on a side note, you guys are wondering what kind of camera I use.
[51:43 - 51:51] Because this is actually asked to me in Discord several times over, actually.
[51:51 - 51:59] I don't think you guys are wondering about my camera setup, microphone setup, all that shit.
[51:59 - 52:03] Let me actually show you guys what I use.
[52:03 - 52:23] A lot of people have asked me recently about my photography work, but I actually use this.
[52:23 - 52:28] It's actually a Canon Rebel EOS T6.
[52:28 - 52:35] And I actually do have the microphone attachment, I just haven't used it yet.
[52:35 - 52:42] Let me test it out right quick because I do have the attachment for it somewhere in here.
[52:42 - 52:47] Where the fuck is it? Better charger.
[52:47 - 52:54] Funny story about this lens right here, I actually almost threw this away at one point.
[52:54 - 52:59] Oh, here it is right here.
[52:59 - 53:03] Dude, it's like a thousand dollar camera.
[53:03 - 53:10] The funny thing about this lens though, when I was actually unpacking this out of the box,
[53:10 - 53:16] when I was taking it out, I thought that I had gotten all the lenses out.
[53:16 - 53:20] I kid you not, I almost threw this zoom lens out.
[53:20 - 53:24] I almost threw this bitch out.
[53:24 - 53:30] I was like, yo, how the fuck did I almost throw that out?
[53:30 - 53:46] So yeah, you're going almost fucked up and throw away a hundred dollar lens.
[53:46 - 53:56] I'm good at the worst.
[53:56 - 54:01] What's wrong with the lens? Not in the middle.
[54:01 - 54:04] Oh, God.
[54:04 - 54:15] Here we go with the perv jokes.
[54:15 - 54:18] All right, Kiana, I hear those.
[54:18 - 54:21] I know your jokes, Kiana. I've heard this one before.
[54:21 - 54:44] I'm going to let them see if they can figure it out.
[54:44 - 54:58] How is there no card in the camera?
[54:58 - 55:07] Oh, I think I know why. Hold on.
[55:07 - 55:13] Oh, God. Oh, yeah, I thought you were thinking something else because I know there's two different variations of that joke.
[55:13 - 55:25] I thought you were going for the dirty-minded variation of the joke.
[55:25 - 55:31] Yo, old school. Whoa, whoa, what up, homie?
[55:31 - 55:35] Much motherfucker would come out of homes. How you doing?
[55:35 - 55:39] Yo, CIA, take it easy, brother.
[55:39 - 55:51] Satan, what up, dog?
[55:51 - 55:59] Hey, it's our favorite fucking demon. What's up, Satan?
[55:59 - 56:08] It's my favorite fucking hell spawn on YouTube. What's up, you crazy motherfucker?
[56:08 - 56:18] Flash is off.
[56:18 - 56:28] I just want to try doing something real quick. I want to see if I can actually get this to work.
[56:28 - 56:42] Yo, take it easy, Satan. And in case you don't know, I actually have the camera hooked up properly.
[56:42 - 56:59] Let me try filming this. Hold up. And we are testing.
[56:59 - 57:12] Testing, one, two, three. All right, now let's play it back, see how it sounds.
[57:12 - 57:21] What the fuck, there's literally no volume.
[57:21 - 57:40] Why is there no volume?
[57:40 - 57:48] That is literally like the weirdest thing ever.
[57:48 - 57:53] I wonder if I saw the footage from... Nope.
[57:53 - 57:58] Aw, damn, I lost the footage.
[57:58 - 58:06] That sucks, man. I had some cool footage of my brother, Jake, I was going to turn into a music video. Crap.
[58:06 - 58:14] Oh well. But yeah, this is my super expensive camera that...
[58:14 - 58:25] Actually, I'm not able to take a selfie with this. It doesn't have the pop-up screen, it's just got the flat back.
[58:25 - 58:37] And of course, the frickin' back pops off again. Hold on.
[58:37 - 58:52] Hey, extra mouse. Actually, I'm going to try to, you know what, notice if I can get this mouse to work.
[58:52 - 58:57] There's the back into that.
[58:57 - 59:05] Now, if you guys don't know, I actually did get this mouse off my exceller.
[59:05 - 59:17] If you guys don't know, Heather actually left it here, which is pretty damn funny.
[59:17 - 59:29] Like the fact she was actually dumb enough to leave this dope ass camera here, or this dope ass mouse, like it feels good in the hands.
[59:29 - 59:34] I just need to figure out which thing it goes to.
[59:34 - 59:45] Hey, doing old school selfie, I might, I might.
[59:45 - 60:14] That was an easy fix. I'm going to dig around my bag here because I know I got like a, another USB, battery chargers, more crap, more crap, I don't know.
[60:14 - 60:21] That's not kind of, I actually need those, those are my lenses and filters.
[60:21 - 60:42] Cats, batteries, batteries for days, parts to my camera, don't know what that's, I think it goes to like my camera or something.
[60:42 - 60:47] Batteries, batteries, all kinds of shit.
[60:47 - 60:54] Extra USB, just in case.
[60:54 - 60:57] Parts to my tripod are in here.
[60:57 - 61:05] Like literally when I say parts to my tripod are in here, I literally mean,
[61:05 - 61:14] I legit mean parts to my fucking tripod are in here, or what was my old tripod.
[61:14 - 61:22] Cleaning lenses, literally, I got a bunch of shit.
[61:22 - 61:29] Let me see if this one is the right one, hopefully it is.
[61:29 - 61:45] Yes it is, thank you.
[61:45 - 61:54] Alright so I got the right one, I actually need to get a battery for this.
[61:54 - 62:01] Oh yeah, absolutely, like I definitely do have some really good music videos here.
[62:01 - 62:05] I just haven't filmed in a while due to the pandemic.
[62:05 - 62:12] Like that's literally the only reason why I fucking signed doing other shit.
[62:12 - 62:36] So yeah it sucked.
[62:36 - 62:42] Look at that, you got a nice little silk bag that they're going to, which is freaking cool.
[62:42 - 62:54] I don't know, we gotta see, but it's actually a silk bag, for the lenses.
[62:54 - 63:04] Let me take something out here, see if there's any better ways in here.
[63:04 - 63:17] I'm pretty sure I got at least one double, triple, triple, or is that a double, yeah, triple.
[63:17 - 63:24] Another triple, God damn, how many triple A batteries do I freaking have?
[63:24 - 63:32] Nothing but triple A batteries, yeah.
[63:32 - 63:52] Like I literally have triple A batteries for days.
[63:52 - 64:04] Anybody need triple A batteries for days? I got plenty.
[64:04 - 64:13] Quite literally, more than I care to have.
[64:13 - 64:20] Let me see, are these doubles or are they triples?
[64:20 - 64:33] Are some of these batteries or dubs?
[64:33 - 64:41] Damn.
[64:41 - 64:53] Sorry guys, I'm really trying to find some double A batteries for this mouse.
[64:53 - 64:58] Yeah, it literally takes just one single double A battery.
[64:58 - 65:15] I'm trying to remember why I have some, because I know I got at least one somewhere, I just gotta find it.
[65:15 - 65:29] I'll find out later, but I now have a proper, this actually goes to my wireless game controller,
[65:29 - 65:56] but I have a working, actually good mouse and not the crappy flat one.
[65:56 - 66:03] But yo, I am about to end the stream right here because I am going to be premiering the music video in just a little bit,
[66:03 - 66:06] so I have to get that ready, get that set up.
[66:06 - 66:10] And then after that, I am chilling for the rest of the night.
[66:10 - 66:16] So I'll catch you guys either late at tonight.
[66:16 - 66:26] So be on the lookout for the premiere of my brand new video, Voices, so be looking out for that.
[66:26 - 66:30] I'll catch you guys later on, yo.
[66:31 - 66:34] [no audio]
2021-1-21 rock goes rap voices motionless  in white (Song)

2021-1-21 rock goes rap voices motionless in white (Song)

[0:00 - 0:10] [Music]
[0:10 - 0:15] Voices in my head again, trapped in a warring.
[0:15 - 0:24] Some of your skin that's putting me under. Here we go again, I'll swallow myself, but the
[0:24 - 0:33] fever still remains, I'll numb to the pleasure, but I still feel the pain, if I showed you
[0:33 - 0:39] my soul, would you cover your eyes if I told you the truth?
[0:39 - 0:52] Would you dare me to lie? I keep it on the side, because I know the man is everything
[0:52 - 1:01] but kind. Voices in my head again, get me in to a war I can't overwhelm, I can hear
[1:01 - 1:12] the mouth trapped in a game inside my own skin, and I don't know myself anymore, they're
[1:12 - 1:20] pulling me under. The voices are running around and around in my head, and I walk through
[1:20 - 1:31] this valley of shadows and dust. I curse not the wicked, I'm praised not the
[1:31 - 1:40] gross, if I told you the truth, would you dare me to change if there was a convincing
[1:40 - 1:49] good loan of fame? Voices in my head again, get me into a war I cannot overwhelm, I can
[1:49 - 1:58] hear the mouth trapped in a game inside my own skin, and I don't know myself anymore,
[1:58 - 2:06] they're pulling me under. Voices in my head are running around in my head, and I don't
[2:06 - 2:17] know what to do. Voices in my head again, get me in to a war I cannot win, I can hear
[2:17 - 2:26] the mouth trapped inside my own skin, trapped in a game that I can never win, and I don't
[2:26 - 2:31] know myself anymore, they're pulling me under every other day, and I just don't know how
[2:31 - 2:37] to make it go away. Voices in my head are pulling me under, they're pulling me under
[2:37 - 2:45] once again, I keep it on the side because I know the man is everything but kind. Voices
[2:45 - 2:54] in my head trapped in my own skin, they're pulling me under here with no one can I keep
[2:54 - 3:03] it on the side because I know the man inside my head is everything but kind.
[3:03 - 3:25] [Music]
2021-1-22 why m  Mental health i going down hill

2021-1-22 why m Mental health i going down hill

[0:00 - 0:43] [Silence]
[0:43 - 0:45] What's up guys?
[0:45 - 0:53] [Silence]
[0:53 - 0:59] I don't really want you guys to see me like this.
[0:59 - 1:05] [Silence]
[1:05 - 1:10] But what else can I do?
[1:10 - 1:30] [Silence]
[1:30 - 1:39] Let me tell you right now, because of Marty and everything he's done to me,
[1:39 - 1:48] I'm not gonna lie.
[1:48 - 1:55] I can't hide it anymore.
[1:55 - 2:02] Because of Marty and what he's been doing to me,
[2:02 - 2:09] I'll make sure to be honest, my mental health is not doing so good guys.
[2:09 - 2:17] [Silence]
[2:17 - 2:24] You guys really know him.
[2:24 - 2:28] I'm constantly stressed out.
[2:28 - 2:35] Constantly sleeping, barely eating.
[2:35 - 2:48] And for the first time today, I hit my breaking point and literally had a mental breakdown.
[2:48 - 2:58] I literally, I lost it today because I don't know what to do.
[2:58 - 3:04] I really and truly just don't know what to do anymore.
[3:04 - 3:09] It doesn't matter if I go to the police.
[3:09 - 3:17] It doesn't matter if I fill out a report.
[3:17 - 3:20] It doesn't matter what I do.
[3:20 - 3:26] Marty will not stop.
[3:26 - 3:33] I don't know what else to do.
[3:33 - 3:40] After I did those recordings this morning live,
[3:40 - 3:48] I literally sat down and lost it.
[3:48 - 3:57] I literally just sat down with tears running down my face
[3:57 - 4:03] and just squirted with tongue and my lungs.
[4:03 - 4:13] I've been in so much pain because of what Marty's done.
[4:13 - 4:18] And what's sad is nobody will help.
[4:18 - 4:24] I've reached out to so many different people.
[4:24 - 4:31] So many people in the law enforcement.
[4:31 - 4:36] And nobody's lifting a finger.
[4:36 - 4:46] And I don't understand why.
[4:46 - 4:57] I literally am at my rope sign with this guy.
[4:57 - 5:01] I literally don't know what to do anymore.
[5:01 - 5:07] I don't know how he can be stopped unless we reach out to big major YouTubers
[5:07 - 5:10] that have a voice.
[5:10 - 5:20] Because right now I don't have a thousand plus subs so I don't have that voice.
[5:20 - 5:30] And what's fucked up is major YouTubers that do have a voice.
[5:30 - 5:53] People like Rustic, they egg this shit on.
[5:53 - 5:59] I can honestly say that today was the very first time in years
[5:59 - 6:11] that I literally sat down and just broke down entirely.
[6:11 - 6:24] And when I really broke down, I don't mean just a little bit like I had a full blowout.
[6:24 - 6:30] Like I literally, I snapped.
[6:30 - 6:40] All I could do was sit here and just blow my eyes out all fucking day
[6:40 - 6:46] after those recordings that I did this morning.
[6:46 - 7:07] That's all I can do.
[7:07 - 7:18] You know, and it's not fair because Marty is over here bullying me
[7:18 - 7:27] and others so bad to no end with no repercussions.
[7:27 - 7:43] This man has attacked my family, caused by now like a girlfriend to go into a group home,
[7:43 - 7:49] desecrated my brother who had passed away,
[7:49 - 7:58] and then proceeds to attack me and belittle me and bully me.
[7:58 - 8:14] And even goes as far to send this.
[8:14 - 8:35] What I want to know is why the fucking police aren't doing anything about this guy.
[8:35 - 8:44] I don't understand what it's going to take to get Marty fucking stopped.
[8:44 - 8:49] I don't, I don't get it.
[8:49 - 8:55] Like this man has literally been ruining my life for years.
[8:55 - 9:04] Fucking years. This man has been attacking me, belittling me,
[9:04 - 9:13] and destroying me to the fullest extent.
[9:13 - 9:23] It's like he has no remorse.
[9:23 - 9:30] You know, all I'm trying to do is live my life and do what I enjoy,
[9:30 - 9:34] which is my music and have a happy life,
[9:34 - 9:42] creating what I love, doing what I love to do.
[9:42 - 9:48] But every time it seems like every time I take a step forward
[9:48 - 9:53] to finally make that start to being on the right track to making money
[9:53 - 9:56] and doing what I want to do with my life,
[9:56 - 10:00] Marty comes in and throws a wrench into the gears,
[10:00 - 10:05] setting me back quite a ways.
[10:05 - 10:09] Because I'm already no record label wants anything to do with me,
[10:09 - 10:13] I've lost friends because of him.
[10:13 - 10:24] I've lost family members that won't even talk to me anymore.
[10:24 - 10:36] What I want to know is when is enough going to be enough?
[10:36 - 10:50] Marty, I hope you're watching this, man.
[10:50 - 11:02] I really do hope you're watching this, Marty.
[11:02 - 11:08] And I'm telling you right now, Marty, you need to quit.
[11:08 - 11:18] Quit what you're doing.
[11:18 - 11:31] I have been begging you for months to stop.
[11:31 - 11:38] I have been begging, pleading, screaming for you to stop.
[11:38 - 11:51] And all you can do is sit there and laugh and continue to egg it on.
[11:51 - 11:56] And you think the shit that I've done is bad.
[11:56 - 12:03] The shit that I've done is nothing compared to what you've done to me.
[12:03 - 12:08] You say that I accused you of Jamie's death.
[12:08 - 12:11] That's because you did it.
[12:11 - 12:15] That's because you had a hand in it.
[12:15 - 12:27] Whether you realize it or not, you had a hand in her death.
[12:27 - 12:48] Instead of owning up to it, you'd rather sweep it under the rug and hide like a coward.
[12:48 - 12:50] I don't understand, Marty.
[12:50 - 12:54] What's it going to take for you to fuck off and leave me alone for good?
[12:54 - 12:57] Get it.
[12:57 - 13:03] What is it going to take for you to fuck off?
[13:03 - 13:09] Because what you're doing to me is not fair.
[13:09 - 13:18] Because the way you're doing me right now, Marty, the way you're holding me back,
[13:18 - 13:22] you're not just stealing from me.
[13:22 - 13:26] You're not just draining my mental health.
[13:26 - 13:33] You're not just making me more depressed than I already was.
[13:33 - 13:44] But you're literally stealing from my fan base.
[13:44 - 13:52] By holding me back like you do, Marty, by causing these labels to not want anything to do with me,
[13:52 - 14:03] you're literally robbing my fans of something they enjoy.
[14:03 - 14:09] You're robbing my fans, my friends, my family.
[14:09 - 14:14] I have gone to the police several times about you and knew what to do.
[14:14 - 14:30] They turn around and say that they won't do anything every time.
[14:30 - 14:40] You know, Marty, it's people like you that I fight against every day.
[14:40 - 14:45] It's people like you that I can't stand.
[14:45 - 14:54] Because it's people like you that drive teens and young adults to suicide every day.
[14:54 - 15:05] Every day, people like myself take their lives because of people like you.
[15:05 - 15:11] And where is that fair to them? Where is that fair to their families?
[15:11 - 15:17] Where is anything you're doing okay?
[15:17 - 15:23] I don't get it.
[15:23 - 15:33] Like, I don't understand what makes you think that what you're doing is justifiable.
[15:33 - 15:36] Because it's really not.
[15:36 - 15:42] What you're doing cannot be justified.
[15:42 - 16:02] What you're doing is sick, disgusting, vile, and wrong.
[16:02 - 16:28] You know, Marty?
[16:28 - 16:31] You really are a sick bastard.
[16:31 - 16:33] You really are.
[16:33 - 16:38] And believe me, I've tried ignoring you.
[16:38 - 16:40] I've tried walking away.
[16:40 - 16:43] I've tried sweeping it under the rug.
[16:43 - 16:55] But every time I do so, you literally come back and make things a hundred times worse for me.
[16:55 - 16:59] You make it hard to walk away.
[16:59 - 17:13] What I don't understand is why is it that you can't quit and back off and walk the fuck away and leave everything alone and quit attacking me?
[17:13 - 17:16] I don't get it.
[17:16 - 17:20] Wait, when is it going to be enough for you?
[17:20 - 17:34] What, do I have to be in the ground dead for you to fucking stop? Is that what it's going to take?
[17:34 - 17:41] I don't understand why you can't back off and quit bullying me.
[17:41 - 17:45] Why is it that you feel like you have to attack me?
[17:45 - 17:49] I don't understand.
[17:49 - 18:04] All I'm trying to do is live my life and make a good, honest, decent living off of my music for those that need it.
[18:04 - 18:12] I'm trying to do something good with my life and be the voice for those that don't have one.
[18:12 - 18:26] I'm trying to be the voice for mental health, for anti-suicide, for bullying, because I was in those situations my entire life.
[18:27 - 47:14] Why do you think I relate to this song?
[47:14 - 47:18] I'm not in the music scene, but for my artwork, I used to look up to you.
[47:18 - 47:22] But you changed.
[47:22 - 47:26] What happened to that rustic that used to not do that shit?
[47:26 - 47:30] What happened to the rustic that used to stick to doing your artwork
[47:30 - 47:34] and did it fuck with people?
[47:34 - 47:38] And did it bully people?
[47:38 - 47:42] What happened to that?
[47:42 - 47:46] What happened to that, bitch?
[47:46 - 47:50] What happened to that?
[47:50 - 47:54] What happened to the rustic that didn't let that ego go to her fucking head?
[47:54 - 47:58] You know, it's fucking sad.
[47:58 - 48:02] I used to look up to you.
[48:02 - 48:06] I used to follow your work.
[48:06 - 48:10] You used to be one of my biggest fucking inspirations.
[48:10 - 48:14] You used to be one of my biggest influences
[48:14 - 48:18] in a lot of my artwork that I've done over the years.
[48:18 - 48:22] Hell, I even had you up on a panel
[48:22 - 48:26] and got to interview you.
[48:26 - 48:30] You used to be one of my favorite artists of all time.
[48:30 - 48:34] Now look at you. You're nothing more than a fucking selfish
[48:34 - 48:38] pissed off waste of space on YouTube.
[48:38 - 48:42] Now look at you.
[48:42 - 48:46] You're picking on people with mental issues.
[48:46 - 48:50] People that are mentally handicapped.
[48:50 - 48:54] And that's not cool.
[48:54 - 48:58] People like Rosie Ren who are mentally disabled.
[48:58 - 49:02] You pick on people like that and you manipulate them.
[49:06 - 49:10] And then you turn around and come after people like me
[49:10 - 49:14] who are smaller channels.
[49:14 - 49:18] So rustic.
[49:18 - 49:22] All I gotta say to you
[49:22 - 49:26] is that you are nothing more than a piece of shit
[49:26 - 49:30] that doesn't deserve to be on this platform.
[49:30 - 49:34] Honestly, you're a waste
[49:34 - 49:38] of space on this planet.
[49:38 - 49:42] With the way you're being, that's not cool.
[49:42 - 49:46] Like I said, I want to know
[49:46 - 49:50] what happened to the rustic that first started out on YouTube.
[49:50 - 49:54] The rustic that I followed three years ago.
[49:54 - 49:58] Whose artwork I enjoyed.
[49:58 - 50:02] The rustic that didn't attack people.
[50:02 - 50:06] That didn't go after anyone.
[50:06 - 50:10] The rustic that stayed in her own lane
[50:10 - 50:14] and didn't go after people with mental
[50:14 - 50:18] issues or are mentally handicapped.
[50:18 - 50:22] What happened to that rustic?
[50:22 - 50:26] Because all I see now is a worthless piece of shit, empty shell
[50:26 - 50:30] of what you used to be.
[50:30 - 50:34] All I see is a fucking empty shell of the rustic
[50:34 - 50:38] that I used to follow, that I used to know.
[50:38 - 50:42] The rustic that I used to look up to.
[50:42 - 50:46] The rustic that inspired about 95%
[50:46 - 50:50] of my artwork that I've done over the years.
[50:50 - 50:54] What happened to that rustic?
[50:54 - 50:58] Because this rustic I see now is nothing more
[50:58 - 51:02] than a self-centered, egotistical little bitch.
[51:02 - 51:06] And you think you're a hard ass by the bullying
[51:06 - 51:10] people, you're not your dumb bitch.
[51:10 - 51:14] You're not a hard ass. If anything,
[51:14 - 51:18] you're a sad, sad waste of space.
[51:18 - 51:22] Because all you do is attack
[51:22 - 51:26] people like me and think that it's okay.
[51:26 - 51:30] You think that it's funny, but really, it's not rustic.
[51:30 - 51:34] If anything, Rustic Angel,
[51:34 - 51:38] you're a waste of space on this goddamn platform.
[51:38 - 51:42] You need to get that ego in check.
[51:42 - 51:46] Because people like you and Marty
[51:46 - 51:50] that I can't stand.
[51:50 - 51:54] People like you and Marty that don't deserve to be
[51:54 - 51:58] on this goddamn platform. It's people like you and Marty
[51:58 - 52:02] that push people similar to myself
[52:02 - 52:06] to want to end their lives every day.
[52:06 - 52:18] How about we don't have a conversation, Rustic?
[52:18 - 52:22] How about you go back to being the way that you used to be?
[52:22 - 52:26] How about that? How about instead of talking,
[52:26 - 52:30] you go back to the way that you used to be three years ago
[52:30 - 52:34] before you started attacking people? How about that?
[52:34 - 52:38] Because you know what they say, Rustic?
[52:38 - 52:42] Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder
[52:42 - 52:46] than words.
[52:46 - 52:50] Actions speak much louder than fucking words.
[52:50 - 52:54] Prove me wrong, Rustic.
[52:54 - 52:58] Prove me motherfucking wrong
[52:58 - 53:02] that actions don't speak louder than words.
[53:02 - 53:06] Because, see, unlike you,
[53:06 - 53:20] I don't change who I am for nobody.
[53:20 - 53:24] You can ask every subscriber here that I had
[53:24 - 53:28] on my old channel that had 900+ subs.
[53:28 - 53:32] Let me tell you, Rustic, I was almost to a thousand subs.
[53:32 - 53:36] I was right fucking there.
[53:36 - 53:40] And you want to know something? I never changed who I was.
[53:40 - 53:44] Because how I am on here, how I'm calm,
[53:44 - 53:48] how I'm a nice person, how I'm a good, kind, caring person,
[53:48 - 53:52] that's how I am in real life. Unlike you,
[53:52 - 53:56] I don't pretend to be a nice person and then turn around
[53:56 - 54:00] and attack people for the fun of it. I don't do that.
[54:00 - 54:04] How I am on here
[54:04 - 54:08] is how I am in real life.
[54:08 - 54:12] I don't sit there and go after disabled people like your fake ass.
[54:12 - 54:16] You know, and it's sad, Rustic.
[54:16 - 54:20] It's sad to think that you let that fucking oversized eagle of yours
[54:20 - 54:24] get to your fucking head.
[54:24 - 54:28] It's pretty sad. You let that fucking bitch ass eagle of yours
[54:28 - 54:32] get to your fucking head. Now look at you.
[54:32 - 54:36] You're nothing more than a fucking wannabe.
[54:36 - 54:40] You're nothing more than another version
[54:40 - 54:44] of music biz Marty. That's all you are.
[54:44 - 54:48] You're a sad waste of fucking space
[54:48 - 54:52] just like Marty.
[54:52 - 54:56] Hell, some may even say that you're worse.
[54:56 - 55:00] And honestly,
[55:00 - 55:04] I'm inclined to agree.
[55:04 - 55:08] I'm very inclined to agree with them.
[55:08 - 55:12] You are a waste of space. You are another wannabe Marty.
[55:12 - 55:20] You want to see the proof? Look on your own channel.
[55:20 - 55:24] Look on your livestreams.
[55:24 - 55:34] Awesome!
[55:36 - 55:40] Dude, it's in
[55:40 - 55:44] your livestreams, in the chat,
[55:44 - 55:48] words that come out of your own mouth.
[55:48 - 55:52] There have been a lot of people that have come forward about you, Rustic.
[55:52 - 55:56] And I don't need to say no names because
[55:56 - 56:00] you already know who they are.
[56:00 - 56:04] And like I said, it's sad that I used to, I still can't
[56:04 - 56:08] believe I used to look up to you as a fucking artist.
[56:08 - 56:12] I can't believe I used to look up to you as an inspiration.
[56:12 - 56:26] And it's sad, Rustic. I used to go to you
[56:26 - 56:30] as an inspiration. That now all you do
[56:30 - 56:34] is attack people. For fun and for gain.
[56:34 - 56:38] And no, I'm not gonna stop, Rustic.
[56:38 - 56:42] What's the matter, Rustic?
[56:42 - 56:46] Can't handle the fucking guilt. Can't handle
[56:46 - 56:50] the fact that I'm actually the one putting you in your fucking place.
[56:50 - 56:54] You pissed off that smaller channel than you is putting
[56:54 - 56:58] you in your fucking place where it belongs.
[56:58 - 57:02] Is that what you're pissed off about?
[57:02 - 57:08] Are you pissed off that somebody smarter than you
[57:08 - 57:12] has a better attitude than you?
[57:12 - 57:16] Doesn't attack people like you do
[57:16 - 57:20] is actually putting you in your bitch ass place.
[57:26 - 57:30] Because Rustic, let me tell you something.
[57:30 - 57:34] Ask anyone here. Anyone here.
[57:34 - 57:42] Ask Katrina. Ask Courtney.
[57:42 - 57:46] Ask Cynthia. Ask anyone here.
[57:46 - 57:50] That knows how I am. Hell, ask El Jibrido.
[57:50 - 57:54] Ask Devin.
[57:54 - 57:58] They will all tell you the same damn thing that I'm telling you, Rustic.
[57:58 - 58:02] How I am on here, the nice person that I am on here
[58:02 - 58:06] is how I am in real life.
[58:06 - 58:10] I don't change who I am for no fucking body.
[58:10 - 58:18] Hell, you keep asking Anthony. Anthony will even tell you that.
[58:18 - 58:22] I don't change who I am for nobody.
[58:22 - 58:26] How I am on here is how I am in real life. Even Tonic can tell you this.
[58:26 - 58:30] AAA can tell you this.
[58:30 - 58:42] Unlike you Rustic, I don't go around attacking people
[58:42 - 58:46] for no goddamn reason.
[58:46 - 58:58] Hell, you keep asking my boy Kayla right here.
[58:58 - 59:02] I talk to Kayla on an almost daily fucking basis.
[59:02 - 59:06] Even he can tell you I don't change myself for nobody.
[59:06 - 59:10] How I am on here is how I am in real fucking life.
[59:10 - 59:14] Ask Kayla for yourself, he'll tell you.
[59:14 - 59:18] He's talked to me many a times.
[59:18 - 59:22] He knows. Ask my boy Bradley.
[59:22 - 59:26] Ask Brittany. Ask Ted.
[59:26 - 59:30] They'll tell you. Ask my boy Eric Scrubbo.
[59:30 - 59:38] Like I said Rustic,
[59:38 - 59:42] you got a lot to fucking learn. You need to get that fucking
[59:42 - 59:46] ego in check and quit going after people like a bitch.
[59:46 - 60:00] What I don't understand is what makes you think that it's okay
[60:00 - 60:04] to go after somebody like Rosie who is mentally handicapped.
[60:04 - 60:08] What gives you that right?
[60:08 - 60:12] What makes you think
[60:12 - 60:16] you have that right to go after somebody who is mentally disabled?
[60:16 - 60:20] You don't see me go after somebody like Tony
[60:20 - 60:24] who is in a fucking wheelchair, do you?
[60:24 - 60:28] You don't see me attacking him or manipulating him.
[60:28 - 60:32] The only reason I even took a shot at that dude is because
[60:32 - 60:36] Marty put him in that position to attack me.
[60:36 - 60:40] And he gave me no choice but to fire back.
[60:40 - 60:49] No, she's not. Rosie is not your friend.
[60:49 - 60:53] You're using her.
[60:53 - 60:56] You're manipulating her
[60:56 - 61:00] because you know she's mentally handicapped.
[61:00 - 61:04] You're using her to your advantage.
[61:04 - 61:12] Oh, and for those in Rustic's
[61:12 - 61:16] channel and her little community that think
[61:16 - 61:20] that actually think
[61:20 - 61:24] that my friend Jenny
[61:24 - 61:28] paid me to be her friend, she didn't pay me
[61:28 - 61:32] a goddamn dime to be her friend.
[61:32 - 61:34] At all.
[61:34 - 61:38] So I don't know where y'all motherfuckers are sitting there getting all thinking
[61:38 - 61:42] that she paid me to be her friend. She didn't pay me to be her friend.
[61:42 - 61:46] I became her friend because unlike you Rustic and your little
[61:46 - 61:50] bitch-ass community, she's actually real.
[61:50 - 61:54] She's actually a nice person.
[61:54 - 61:58] Unlike you.
[61:58 - 62:02] She's actually stuck up for me, defending me
[62:02 - 62:06] several times.
[62:06 - 62:10] Hell, she's one of the main ones that's helped me take down Marty.
[62:10 - 62:16] You can ask anyone here.
[62:16 - 62:44] [silence]
[62:44 - 62:48] Like I said Rustic, I'm not here to attack you.
[62:48 - 62:52] I'm not here to be an asshole towards you
[62:52 - 62:56] but what I am saying is you need to get your
[62:56 - 63:00] fucking head out of your ass and quit letting that ego of yours
[63:00 - 63:04] go to your head and you need to quit attacking people for no reason.
[63:04 - 63:08] Whatever you're angry about, don't be taking it out on other people.
[63:08 - 63:24] [silence]
[63:24 - 63:28] Don't be a going out. Let me tell you Rustic,
[63:28 - 63:32] there's enough bullies on YouTube as it is.
[63:32 - 63:36] There is more than enough
[63:36 - 63:40] bullies on YouTube as it is. We don't need
[63:40 - 63:44] anymore.
[63:44 - 63:48] [silence]
[63:48 - 63:52] And Rustic, I'm more than disappointed in you.
[63:52 - 63:56] If anything, I'm pissed. I'm
[63:56 - 64:00] livid at the fact that you can sit there and
[64:00 - 64:04] go after somebody that's mentally disabled.
[64:04 - 64:08] Somebody who doesn't know right from wrong.
[64:08 - 64:12] And then turn that person
[64:12 - 64:16] into a bully themselves. What kind of
[64:16 - 64:20] sick person does that?
[64:20 - 64:32] [silence]
[64:32 - 64:36] What the fuck, classic?
[64:36 - 64:40] But for real though, what kind of person goes after somebody
[64:40 - 64:44] that's disabled and then turns around
[64:44 - 64:48] and turns that person into a bully themselves? That's what
[64:48 - 64:52] I don't understand. It's people like you Rustic
[64:52 - 64:56] that I fight against. It's people like you
[64:56 - 65:00] that I can't stand. People like you and Marty are
[65:00 - 65:04] the ones that I can't fucking stand.
[65:04 - 65:08] Because let me tell you, let me give you some facts here Rustic.
[65:08 - 65:12] Almost every day, thirty plus teens and young adults
[65:12 - 65:16] take their lives due to cyberbullying.
[65:16 - 65:20] Every day.
[65:20 - 65:24] Think about that. Think about
[65:24 - 65:28] how many teens and young adults that is in a year. Almost
[65:28 - 65:32] thirty plus a day. All over the world.
[65:32 - 65:36] Take their lives due to bullying.
[65:36 - 65:40] Due to shit that people like you and Marty do.
[65:40 - 66:00] [silence]
[66:00 - 66:04] That's a lot of people Rustic.
[66:04 - 66:39] [silence]
[66:39 - 66:43] Now, I do have something special for you guys.
[66:43 - 66:47] [silence]
[66:47 - 66:51] No, but I do have something very special for you guys.
[66:51 - 66:56] That is going to be on, it's not going to be right away.
[66:56 - 67:00] But you guys are going to get a super early, and I mean
[67:00 - 67:05] super early look, months ahead look.
[67:05 - 67:08] [silence]
[67:08 - 67:12] And a remix that I did of Lincoln Park and M&M
[67:12 - 67:16] for an upcoming mashup album that I've been in the process
[67:16 - 67:20] of currently working on.
[67:20 - 67:24] Now, with that being said,
[67:24 - 67:26] I want the show.
[67:26 - 67:39] [music]
[67:39 - 67:42] I don't have enough on this.
[67:42 - 71:17] [music]
[71:17 - 71:21] All right, so the deal with the book is going to drop.
[71:21 - 71:24] Like I said, I just got my card today.
[71:24 - 71:27] I just got to get money on the card.
[71:27 - 71:32] And then from there, I can activate it and get it set up.
[71:32 - 71:33] Like I said, I got the card.
[71:33 - 71:36] I just got to get everything set up on it and whatnot.
[71:36 - 71:39] And then after that, it's came off.
[71:39 - 71:42] So yes, the book is still dropping.
[71:42 - 71:46] I just got to get more photos together and all that shit.
[71:46 - 71:50] But once I get all that done, it is going to release.
[71:50 - 71:52] So it's getting to that point.
[71:52 - 71:54] Don't worry.
[71:55 - 72:19] [typing]
[72:19 - 72:24] Now, I do want to play something for you guys.
[72:24 - 72:27] I think you guys will really, really like.
[72:27 - 72:32] I actually collaborated with a good friend of mine on this one.
[72:32 - 72:36] And I want to know what you guys think.
[72:36 - 72:43] [music]
[72:43 - 72:46] I'm not sure yet. I haven't decided on a price yet.
[72:46 - 72:49] But I will see if they get that one.
[72:49 - 72:57] Yo Lava, what's up?
[72:57 - 73:57] [music]
[73:57 - 74:00] I can't let you hear it too much, but.
[74:00 - 74:10] [music]
[74:10 - 74:15] I can't let you guys hear too much of that one because that one gets heavier.
[74:15 - 74:19] And it is literally just a bunch of different junk.
[74:19 - 74:23] [typing]
[74:23 - 74:28] [music]
[74:28 - 74:32] [typing]
[74:32 - 74:39] Now, there is one that I can let you hear all the way through that I am going to let you guys peek.
[74:39 - 74:43] [music]
[74:43 - 74:45] There it goes, there it is.
[74:45 - 74:50] Dude, I love being able to freaking go in and access my Google Drive office.
[74:50 - 74:52] I fucking love it.
[74:52 - 74:56] [music]
[74:56 - 74:59] Yeah.
[74:59 - 75:02] This is some old ones, but yeah.
[75:02 - 75:07] [music]
[75:07 - 75:12] And shout out to our boy Nick for actually designing the cover for this.
[75:12 - 75:15] Which, it is actually going to be on the cover.
[75:15 - 75:20] [music]
[75:20 - 75:22] I am not sure.
[75:22 - 77:02] [music]
[77:02 - 77:05] Then it is right on that.
[77:05 - 77:09] But yeah.
[77:09 - 77:24] [music]
[77:24 - 77:27] Let's see if my boy Max got anything new out.
[77:27 - 87:38] [music]
[87:38 - 93:53] [silence]
2021-1-22 Gears of War 5 and Chill

2021-1-22 Gears of War 5 and Chill

[0:00 - 0:21] Yo what is going on everybody it is ya boi. Ya'll want me only ya know who it is. But
[0:21 - 0:27] today we are playing some Gears 5, chowing on some chips, drinking a brand new drink
[0:27 - 0:34] then I literally have not tried it out yet which is not trying it yet so
[0:34 - 0:43] and we're gonna test it out man we're gonna get a good taste of this man
[0:43 - 0:52] playing some Gears 5 man super stoked I've not actually played this in a while so yeah it's been
[0:52 - 1:06] a hot man
[1:06 - 1:15] oh so we have to do 30 rank matches okay
[1:19 - 1:24] hey Bob what up dude what up jay Bob how you doing man
[1:24 - 1:28] oh we can do guardian king of the hill
[1:28 - 1:37] y'all they got new arcade mode hold up man we gotta check this out this must be brand new
[1:37 - 1:42] they just dropped this in I guess so we're gonna check out the brand new arcade mode bro let's
[1:43 - 1:57] let's select a character man now I did get the day one Batista which I fucking love
[2:06 - 2:16] oh we can get some new skin hold up yo yo yo hold up classic bared oh yeah classic baby
[2:16 - 2:26] equip that bitch now man give me that classic lieutenant bared man
[2:28 - 2:38] my dude right there man hell yeah where's bared at I know his ass is in here where the
[2:38 - 2:56] fuck is he or is he not in this pack ah damn he's not in this pack yeah Kate Del JD I like JD he's cool
[2:56 - 3:06] but uh before we get started now let's take a sip of this man I just literally opened this
[3:07 - 3:10] so this is brand new I just popped open this right here
[3:10 - 3:14] if you don't know what I'm sipping on it is bang it's a brand new one
[3:14 - 3:17] it's actually cotton candy so we're about to test this out
[3:17 - 3:35] oh dude that's good
[3:35 - 3:42] you know let's go with classic bared after this man
[3:42 - 3:48] but yeah I got a minute I feel it's good to be back on some Gears 5 dude it really does
[3:48 - 3:53] cuz like I said it's been a minute since I've played this shit
[4:01 - 4:05] oh bitch get back here
[4:12 - 4:33] oh damn I got knocked skip kill cam change character
[4:33 - 4:57] but dude it feels good to be back on some classic Gears 5 man damn
[4:57 - 5:16] I got knocked man fuck y'all kill cam
[5:18 - 5:33] oh there's no hella rich cat nice
[5:33 - 6:15] oh
[6:15 - 6:29] it is currently 4 54 pm here dude
[6:29 - 6:41] boy get your ass back here
[6:54 - 7:04] second win
[7:04 - 7:12] oh damn I took one dude out he took me out fuck
[7:12 - 7:20] yeah motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker
[7:20 - 7:31] uh
[7:31 - 7:49] hey you're the one living that I'm not gonna lie bro
[7:50 - 8:00] you are a day ahead of us so yeah
[8:00 - 8:02] oh how the fuck
[8:02 - 8:18] oh man the swarm took that round damn bro
[8:18 - 8:28] oh
[8:28 - 8:42] I haven't placed third on the leaderboard for my team though
[8:42 - 9:03] dude that's one thing I've noticed a lot of my fans and subs are literally from the UK
[9:03 - 9:09] I've actually noticed that yo ghost man what's up bro I'm doing good dog
[9:09 - 9:23] but like I've actually noticed that like half my freaking fans and subs are from the UK it's
[9:23 - 9:39] fucking cool
[9:39 - 9:43] oh this must be a new mode
[9:45 - 9:55] let's do a classic tdm when character select go classic bared
[9:55 - 10:07] check my stats
[10:07 - 10:26] yo straight up man anybody from the UK man put it in the comments where y'all are from
[10:26 - 10:35] ah shit three on two really
[10:36 - 10:45] oh as I got the terminator
[10:45 - 10:49] all right that's pretty cool I got terminator on my side
[10:58 - 11:06] uh
[11:06 - 11:14] and now
[11:14 - 11:32] I'm chasing dude down
[11:35 - 11:46] got him
[11:46 - 12:01] hey fuck what's up dude
[12:03 - 12:07] you know I'm gonna mod spatter fox man he's a cool ass motherfucker
[12:07 - 12:25] yeah he said now wait till I eliminate your fucking ass boy I'm coming for you
[12:26 - 12:38] ah dude he got me with that trick
[12:38 - 12:47] dude got me man that was good that was clean
[12:47 - 12:52] got him
[13:15 - 13:18] ah shit I didn't stand a chance in hell on that one
[13:18 - 13:22] fuck they fucking tagged my ass
[13:22 - 13:29] but dude the deers games are like some of my favorites in the world dude I straight up
[13:29 - 13:38] I'll take that one answer
[13:38 - 13:57] oh you bit of face shot really man come on now fuck that kill can
[13:57 - 14:02] come on man eight to twelve we can fucking do this
[14:02 - 14:25] uh
[14:25 - 14:43] picking that smoke grenade
[14:43 - 14:48] target
[14:48 - 15:01] ah I see what they're doing they're getting that tag in man they're getting that tag team in bro
[15:01 - 15:06] because they know I'm good man that's why they're doing it because they know I can get them I got
[15:06 - 15:14] that aim I'm actually really good with aiming on here and they're trying to take advantage
[15:14 - 15:20] of that one
[15:20 - 15:25] yes
[15:42 - 15:53] ah damn oh dude he used the explosive bow you little shithead you little bitch
[15:53 - 15:56] that's all right
[16:05 - 16:19] really three on two houses even fair man
[16:19 - 16:38] uh
[16:38 - 16:50] two definitely
[16:56 - 17:02] really are you sure he accepted it or did he duck it like always
[17:02 - 17:17] oh damn scare the fuck out of me dude
[17:22 - 17:27] I'm literally ducking behind this wall because I don't know when I'm gonna get fucked up again
[17:35 - 17:51] fire in the hole
[17:51 - 17:58] oh you bitch oh the cog got the bitch
[18:03 - 18:10] damn dude yeah see three on two how is that even fair
[18:10 - 18:47] uh
[18:47 - 19:05] yeah motherfucker motherfucker where you at
[19:07 - 19:13] ah damn
[19:13 - 19:20] nah they aren't snappas they're basically they're called snapped
[19:20 - 19:29] they're basically like um they're like crackers but they're more of a chip style it's actually
[19:29 - 19:44] really good
[19:44 - 19:57] damn man come on bro
[19:58 - 20:07] yo this fight is legit unfair as fuck
[20:07 - 20:21] all right I know that motherfucker was just popping off a sniper shot
[20:21 - 20:29] oh
[20:29 - 20:49] oh shit dog
[20:49 - 21:04] damn man I got smacked up that's right 10 to 11 not that not that we're doing good
[21:04 - 21:15] we can get this
[21:15 - 21:22] uh learning up that way
[21:22 - 21:36] fire in the hole
[21:36 - 21:46] ah damn I also want to get tricky
[21:46 - 21:56] yo score what's up dude just playing some gears five homie
[22:06 - 22:09] man I got fucked up yo that was a straight up spawn kill
[22:09 - 22:14] that was a straight fucking spawn kill dude
[22:14 - 22:26] hate spawn killers dude they're annoying as shit
[22:26 - 22:30] oh
[22:30 - 22:48] oh good night kate
[22:48 - 22:56] kate
[22:56 - 23:02] she's dead that was brutal as fuck
[23:02 - 23:10] why straight up that was brutal
[23:17 - 23:18] how the hell
[23:18 - 23:32] oh I tell not motels thanks facts bro that was a brutal kill man that was straight brutal
[23:32 - 23:43] I love it though that was sick
[23:43 - 23:47] oh
[24:06 - 24:17] and again oh you and that was brutal dog I killed her and then he killed me that was sick
[24:17 - 24:23] that was cool though
[24:31 - 24:38] how the hell are these guys getting all these kills bro you know I'm literally I'm a legit
[24:38 - 24:44] thinking about just switching out to the fucking gashner that way I can fucking you know what
[24:44 - 25:03] fucking let's go these dudes are about to get fucking capped
[25:12 - 25:17] yeah I'm playing some gears five dude I figured I haven't played gears five in a long ass time
[25:17 - 25:30] why not come back and have some fun and rip it up on the leaderboard man
[25:36 - 25:43] oh dude I was about to come up and slaughter him
[25:43 - 25:57] shit
[26:04 - 26:09] damn dude these guys are good even though we're getting our asses kicked these guys
[26:09 - 26:24] I'm having fun with this man
[26:28 - 26:36] oh I think we might yeah we're about to level up hell yeah dude 19 let's go 20 god damn
[26:36 - 26:42] how much level and effort are we gonna do it one time man shit we just jumped out two freaking
[26:42 - 26:58] levels
[26:58 - 27:10] so
[27:10 - 27:26] as far as I know yeah but I'm not entirely sure
[27:26 - 27:34] oh I see now it's fair now it's three on two bitch let's go
[27:34 - 27:43] y'all ain't surviving this one boy this time we're the cog I think
[27:45 - 27:59] I think we're the cog or hoard I believe we're the cog this time round
[28:01 - 28:16] oh yeah we're cog let's go about to rip it up and tear it oh boy
[28:16 - 28:25] let's go and yes I'm using classic bared man got to you know you can't go wrong with classic bared
[28:25 - 28:44] man oh my god the bull talk
[28:44 - 29:03] oh
[29:03 - 29:19] dude that's a fucking war out here man for real
[29:19 - 29:34] oh
[29:34 - 29:47] right
[29:47 - 30:03] yeah I do actually I'll send you my facebook here after this match
[30:03 - 30:19] come on out motherfucker see you sitting there bitch
[30:19 - 30:30] oh
[30:30 - 30:44] oh you motherfucker he was right behind me too
[30:47 - 31:02] as soon as I've seen him man as soon as I've seen his ass come on
[31:02 - 31:16] ah
[31:16 - 31:29] when I have these stairs
[31:29 - 31:47] but man it just I don't care if I win or lose it just feels good to play gears again dude
[31:58 - 32:14] he's coming right he's coming right he's coming around
[32:14 - 32:22] oh
[32:22 - 32:38] oh got that long shot
[32:38 - 32:41] oh
[32:41 - 32:53] shit they're about to store in the building
[32:53 - 32:57] come on motherfuckers
[33:07 - 33:10] oh man they fucking stormed the building fuck
[33:10 - 33:17] these guys are on it man shit
[33:17 - 33:31] why they kicked our asses what we're what we're gonna do huh
[33:31 - 33:37] they're starting to take me off
[33:37 - 34:00] oh
[34:00 - 34:23] oh I almost had him do
[34:23 - 34:26] one more shot he probably would have been done
[34:26 - 34:46] he did
[34:49 - 34:55] that's dumb before the horizon for love and that is late how the fuck that is cool
[34:55 - 35:13] yeah I'm just gonna sit right here
[35:13 - 35:19] yeah
[35:19 - 35:40] got him sorry about the brains
[35:40 - 36:03] I'm not sure about ps4 I know ps5 is good
[36:09 - 36:14] you know what I'm following this dude he seems to be able to stay alive the longest
[36:14 - 36:48] oh
[36:48 - 36:52] somebody get the fuck off
[36:52 - 37:01] I got my ass beat dude shit I was telling somebody would get over here and heal me but
[37:01 - 37:02] yeah I just got fucked
[37:02 - 37:11] it's not small dude it's actually regular size bro and this is actually a computer monitor that
[37:11 - 37:19] I'm using as a tv
[37:36 - 37:47] fuck man oh he fucking bro he just dropped me
[37:47 - 37:53] damn dude I got rocked
[37:53 - 38:00] I just got fucking worked
[38:00 - 38:13] but yeah if anybody wants to send me anything to work with that is my facebook where y'all
[38:13 - 38:39] can at me dude I got my ass worked man fuck
[38:39 - 38:52] let's do escape
[38:52 - 39:00] start match
[39:00 - 39:05] character select
[39:06 - 40:09] um
[40:09 - 40:30] but dude it feels good to be playing some gears again bro like for real
[40:30 - 40:47] uh
[41:02 - 41:10] oh
[41:10 - 41:26] supply
[41:26 - 42:24] uh
[42:24 - 42:32] recycle
[42:33 - 42:41] um
[42:41 - 42:49] oh
[42:49 - 43:05] uh
[43:05 - 43:26] he's right dude marty's a phone marty's one sick twisted fuck
[43:26 - 43:42] uh
[44:02 - 44:22] marty is a very fucked up dude man like no joke he's he's definitely not somebody to trust
[44:22 - 44:30] uh
[44:30 - 44:36] i know now we're talking got it
[44:36 - 44:43] that's not
[44:43 - 44:51] uh
[45:07 - 45:15] oh he did
[45:15 - 45:27] we probably do
[45:28 - 45:35] uh
[45:35 - 45:43] take it down
[45:43 - 45:52] uh
[45:53 - 46:00] hello
[46:00 - 46:39] uh
[46:39 - 46:47] all right
[46:48 - 46:55] me
[46:55 - 47:16] got it
[47:16 - 47:22] all right people that was too goddamn easy
[47:22 - 47:32] this is xbox one x
[47:35 - 47:42] hey we took the zig we took the dub nine five nine
[47:42 - 47:53] i'm gonna mod you bro that way you don't get fucked over
[48:03 - 48:14] damn i got four headshots goddamn
[48:14 - 48:26] anyway y'all i'm about to bounce from now because i know some of you guys are wanting
[48:26 - 48:34] to collab with me on some shit i do have some to get done but it was definitely fun coming back
[48:34 - 48:40] and you know playing some gears having a good time having some fun man i'm just a huge fan
[48:40 - 48:48] of the gear series man fucking love it like absolutely i'm a huge gears of war fan absolutely
[48:48 - 48:55] it's one of my favorite series but um i hope you guys did enjoy this uh next game
[48:55 - 49:01] um i'll probably do is maybe some horizon four maybe do some drifting
[49:01 - 49:07] do some street fun getting some tandems or some shit i don't know i'll figure something out but
[49:07 - 49:13] uh until next time i'll catch you guys in the next live stream man much love to you guys you
[49:13 - 49:18] are new do not forget to hit that like that sub button and that notification bell all down below
[49:18 - 49:26] i'll catch you guys in the next live stream man i'm invoice scarface aka star x and i'm out man
[49:26 - 49:30] peace


[0:00 - 0:11] What's up y'all, it's ya boi. I know it's early in the morning, but uh, I have something for y'all, man.
[0:11 - 0:19] I don't know why I'm here, I'm doing a little bit of drifting practice on car accident and chillin'.
[0:19 - 0:24] But there is something that we do need to talk about.
[0:24 - 0:38] And that is Marty's confession to me on a livestream admitting that he's been paying the place off to stay out in jail.
[0:38 - 1:04] And now Marty, even though you're hitting the video,
[1:04 - 1:18] even though you hit or deleted your livestream,
[1:18 - 1:32] I want the world to hear this confession that came directly from you.
[1:32 - 1:38] Now I want you guys to listen very carefully to this.
[1:38 - 1:57] I've been paying off the place for a while, sir. Why is that? Because I can't.
[2:05 - 2:29] I think the evidence speaks for itself. Marty, you and I both already know that you're a douchebag and that you're a cyberbully.
[2:29 - 2:39] And I'm sorry to say Marty, but you're not getting out of this one. There's nothing you can say that's going to get you out of this.
[2:39 - 2:45] Yo vamp, let's get homey.
[2:45 - 3:00] But in case you guys missed the livestream where Marty admitted to paying off the police, let's play back that clip for you that I got recorded of his full confession.
[3:00 - 3:09] Even though it's only a few seconds, this is legitimately his confession admitting that he's been paying off the police.
[3:09 - 3:21] Now if you mind when he was on the livestream, you can tell he was drunk, but you know what they say, a drunk mind speaks a sober tongue.
[3:21 - 3:39] I've been paying off the police for a while, sir. Why is that? Because I can't. I've been paying off the police for a while, sir. Why is that? Because I can't.
[3:39 - 3:54] I've been paying off the police for a while, sir. Why is that? Because I can't.
[3:54 - 4:16] Now, Marty, with that confession plus screenshot evidence of your confession, this can go one of two ways.
[4:16 - 4:42] Either A, I could have somebody help me find the lawyer, take all the evidence I have on you, on your channel, on my channel, The Rope,
[4:42 - 4:49] and everything like that, and take it to the police.
[4:49 - 5:09] And then we can drag him to the court. I can haul your ass in there. You can get arrested and go to jail for 30 plus years, on top of everything else that you've done to everyone else, including blackmail,
[5:09 - 5:25] including posting my photos and videos to porno, which I have screenshot evidence of.
[5:25 - 5:46] Which, if I'm not mistaken, oh, yeah.
[5:46 - 6:00] See this little SD card, Marty? All the evidence of everything you've ever done to me is on this little 32 gig SD card right here.
[6:00 - 6:16] And believe me when I say I plan to put that audio confession and the screenshots of you admitting to this stuff on this SD card.
[6:16 - 6:35] Now, this can go one of two ways. I can take this SD card down to the station. They can have you arrested and, you know, you can get in trouble and, you know,
[6:35 - 7:02] ultimately you can go to prison for pretty much the rest of your life or you can listen to what I'm about to say and save yourself a whole lot of trouble and I'll act like this never even happened.
[7:02 - 7:17] Here's how it is going to go down, Marty. No ifs, no ands, no buts, no excuses, nothing you can say is going to get you out of this.
[7:17 - 7:40] Now, if you don't want this SD card with all this evidence right here, you don't want this to go down to the police station and have them come to your house and arrest you and have you locked away for the rest of your life,
[7:40 - 8:05] you are going to leave me alone. You are going to take down your channel and you are going to back off because if I see that if you have taken down your channel and you've made another one,
[8:05 - 8:30] I promise you this SD card is going to go down to the police station and I will get a lawyer and I will haul you into court and needless to say, I'm pretty damn sure
[8:30 - 8:46] that your ass is going to be behind bars for several things, cyber bullying, blackmail my ex, Kaitlyn.
[8:46 - 9:07] Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, recording somebody without their permission or their knowledge. Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, posting private videos and photos to porno without my knowledge or my consent.
[9:07 - 9:27] And last but not least, which I do have the video evidence of on my channel, which I do plan on downloading and putting on the SD card.
[9:27 - 9:39] You telling me to go kill myself after you set me this rope.
[9:39 - 9:50] So right now you're looking at close to 30, 40, maybe 50 years behind bars.
[9:50 - 10:03] So Marty, things aren't looking too good for you, buddy.
[10:03 - 10:10] Now, as I said, this can go one in two ways.
[10:10 - 10:26] You can either delete your channel and leave social media and YouTube for good and do something with your life other than attack people and bully people.
[10:26 - 10:55] Or I could take this SD card, this rope that you sent, the video evidence of you admitting to sending the rope on top of telling me to kill myself on a live stream on top of the audio footage of you paying off the corrupt police.
[10:55 - 11:02] On top of everything else you've done and have you locked up.
[11:02 - 11:08] And I'm not playing Marty.
[11:08 - 11:12] I am done with you.
[11:12 - 11:24] Now, as I said, if you do not leave me alone and you do not, and I mean, do not delete your channel and leave YouTube forever.
[11:24 - 11:29] You are not allowed to make a channel ever again.
[11:29 - 11:45] If you do not leave YouTube, all of this evidence will go down to the police.
[11:45 - 11:59] And you will be holding the court and you will be arrested for your crimes that you've committed against me, Caitlin, Tony.
[11:59 - 12:06] Let's see, pretty much a whole lot of people.
[12:06 - 12:26] So believe me when I say Marty, you don't want to fuck with me.
[12:26 - 12:34] So what's it going to be, Marty?
[12:34 - 12:51] Are you going to delete your channel and leave YouTube for good, or do I get to take all this evidence down to the courthouse, present it to a judge, and you go to prison for a pretty good 30 plus years.
[12:51 - 13:04] For cyberbullying, having your accomplice, Tyler, and why hack my Facebook, my Discord,
[13:04 - 13:14] threatening my life with rope, admitting to sending me the rope,
[13:14 - 13:20] and telling me to kill myself on top of everything else.
[13:20 - 13:24] So what's it going to be, Marty?
[13:24 - 13:36] Are you going to leave YouTube, or do I get to take all this stuff down to the judge, create a case, and have you thrown behind bars?
[13:36 - 13:41] Take your pick.
[13:41 - 13:45] What's it going to be?
[13:45 - 13:49] You have 24 hours to decide.
[13:49 - 13:52] Actually, no, not even 24 hours.
[13:52 - 14:14] You have from now, which is 6 22 a.m., I'll give you until, say, noon to decide.
[14:14 - 14:16] That's it.
[14:16 - 14:20] You got until noon to make your choice, Marty.
[14:20 - 14:25] Either you leave YouTube for good,
[14:25 - 14:31] or all this evidence is going to go down to the police station,
[14:31 - 14:37] and they will get in contact with your police department down there,
[14:37 - 14:49] and they will then come to your house and arrest you, and I will have a case which will throw you behind bars for 30-plus years.
[14:49 - 15:04] I have more than enough evidence, including an audio confession of you paying off the police.
[15:04 - 15:09] And just in case you guys missed that little playback,
[15:09 - 15:19] when you played back this confession for you, that was taken just a mere 2-3 hours ago live on his live stream.
[15:19 - 15:22] I've been paying off the police for a while, sir.
[15:22 - 15:26] Why is that?
[15:26 - 15:28] Because I can't...
[15:28 - 15:32] I've been paying off the police for a while, sir.
[15:32 - 15:36] Why is that?
[15:36 - 15:40] Because I can't...
[15:40 - 15:47] Need I say anything else?
[15:47 - 15:50] You know what they say, Marty?
[15:50 - 15:54] A drunk mind speaks of sober Tom.
[15:54 - 15:59] And you let the cat out of the bag, Marty.
[15:59 - 16:22] You let the cat out of the bag.
[16:22 - 16:26] So what's it going to be, Marty?
[16:26 - 16:40] What is it going to be?
[16:40 - 16:44] Because me, personally,
[16:44 - 16:50] I'd like to just lock you up and throw away the key.
[16:50 - 16:53] But that's just me.
[16:53 - 16:58] But unlike you, I'm better than that.
[16:58 - 17:04] I'm giving you a choice.
[17:04 - 17:09] I'm giving you a chance to keep your freedom.
[17:09 - 17:13] This is your only chance to keep your freedom, Marty.
[17:13 - 17:32] No negotiations, no apologies can ever make up for the shit that you've done to me, no matter what.
[17:32 - 17:43] You want to know, Jimmy? You walked into somebody that's been bullying me on YouTube and attacking me for years.
[17:43 - 17:49] And it's all finally coming down around him.
[17:49 - 17:58] Somebody that has been bullying me for over five years.
[17:58 - 18:08] And like I said, Marty, if I had my way right off the rip, I'd just throw your ass in prison.
[18:08 - 18:20] I'd just rather take the evidence down to the PlayStation, create a case, go before a judge, have you locked in prison.
[18:20 - 18:26] But I'm better than that.
[18:26 - 18:33] I'm giving you a chance to keep your freedom.
[18:33 - 18:42] So as I said, you have 24 hours to make your choice.
[18:42 - 18:45] Otherwise, I'm making it for you.
[18:45 - 18:54] And this evidence is going down to the PlayStation, along with the evidence that Caitlin has sent me
[18:54 - 18:59] and all the other people that you have attacked have sent me.
[18:59 - 19:07] And all that evidence, it will be in front of a judge.
[19:07 - 19:35] And you will then be charged with all the stuff you've done, including slander, posting videos without permission, without my knowledge that were private, hacking, which can be in terms of breaking and entering.
[19:35 - 19:40] Deformation of character.
[19:40 - 19:59] Paying corrupt police.
[19:59 - 20:05] Cyberbullying.
[20:05 - 20:10] Not to mention what you did to my older brother.
[20:10 - 20:14] And how you desecrated the deceased.
[20:14 - 20:18] And how you belittled the deceased.
[20:18 - 20:33] Not to mention, I could get you on attempted murder.
[20:33 - 20:43] Because I'm going to say this one, Marty.
[20:43 - 20:58] If I were like, let's say for pure example, that I were to take that rope and kill myself.
[20:58 - 21:09] If I were to take that rope and kill myself, guess who would be held responsible.
[21:09 - 21:19] That's right, Marty. It would be you who would be held responsible because you're the one that sent it.
[21:19 - 21:30] You admitted it in front of me, in front of crypt K, and several other people that were watching the live stream that night.
[21:30 - 21:41] And you sat right there and told me, why don't I just go kill myself.
[21:41 - 21:48] And if I were to do that, what do you think what would have what do you think would have happened.
[21:48 - 21:57] I would have seen the footage and your ass would have been arrested and behind bars.
[21:57 - 22:09] So like I said, Marty, I'm giving you a chance to keep your freedom.
[22:09 - 22:23] And like I said, after everything that you've done to me, you think you deserve a chance at freedom.
[22:23 - 22:37] You don't deserve shit. But right now, your freedom is in the palm of my hands.
[22:37 - 22:43] So believe me when I say, I'm not the one you want to fuck with, Marty.
[22:43 - 22:56] Yeah, you might have a few things on me, but that ain't shit compared to what I have on you.
[22:56 - 23:14] So like I said, Marty, what's it going to be? Are you going to leave YouTube?
[23:14 - 23:31] Are you going to leave this platform? Are you going to leave social media and actually live your life outside of social media?
[23:31 - 23:54] Or as I said, do I get to take this evidence down to the police? And this time, Marty, there is no negotiating negotiations are done.
[23:54 - 24:11] Like I said, you have 24 hours to decide. And I don't want you making a response video right away.
[24:11 - 24:16] I don't want you making a response video right away. I really want you to think about it.
[24:16 - 24:28] Don't just sit there and make a response video thinking that everything's all good. No, I want you to take down that response video that you just posted.
[24:28 - 24:35] And I really want you to think about your decision.
[24:35 - 24:59] I want you to think long and hard about what your next move is because, Marty, your next move could very well be the last.
[24:59 - 25:15] You got 24 hours. And if I were you, I'd take that time to think very, very carefully on what I'm doing.
[25:15 - 25:26] Oh, Marty, if you do decide that you don't want to leave,
[25:26 - 25:33] I hope you make peace with whatever demons you got left.
[25:33 - 25:48] And I hope you enjoy the little time that you have.
[25:48 - 26:03] Because that last little bit of freedom, that last little bit of freedom can very well be your last.
[26:03 - 26:13] So if I were you, I'd either enjoy what time I have left or I'd make my decision.
[26:13 - 26:25] Think about it, Marty. The ball is in your court.
[26:25 - 26:33] All I have to say, Marty, good luck. You're going to need it.


[0:00 - 0:26] What's up you guys? It's ya boi. I'm Boi. I know it's like super early in the morning, but I really don't have anything to do today, so I figured I would do some drift practice for you guys, have a little fun on the wheel, rip some gears, and see what we can do with drift
[0:26 - 0:40] Now, if you guys don't know, I have been studying the playlist by the Drift King S.O, Kichy Sichiya, the playlist is called Drift Bible, I've been really studying that a lot
[0:40 - 0:45] So yeah, we're just going to jump right into this and see what we can do man
[0:46 - 1:10] [Music]
[1:10 - 1:15] Oh yeah, I think that one of the trends in town would go up
[1:15 - 1:18] That's what it is about right now
[1:18 - 1:41] [Music]
[1:41 - 1:49] Oh, that was actually beautiful
[1:49 - 2:12] [Music]
[2:12 - 2:16] Oh, that was cool dude, that drift was beautiful
[2:16 - 2:24] [Music]
[2:24 - 2:45] Yes, I do, I love the crew man, the crew and the crew too are the shit homie, that's my shit right there bro, I fucking love the crew and the crew too
[2:45 - 2:57] [Music]
[2:57 - 3:14] Yeah, that was cool, not enough power, I didn't have enough power going into that corner man, that was shit
[3:14 - 3:42] [Music]
[3:42 - 3:53] This is definitely a lot of fun, now that I've studied how to properly do it, I'm starting to get really used to it at the summit stand on my damn face
[3:53 - 4:11] [Music]
[4:11 - 4:17] Yeah, that was a long, I should not have tried to throw that
[4:17 - 4:35] [Music]
[4:35 - 4:43] So as you can see I'm definitely starting to get more and more used to how the weight transition works on this
[4:43 - 5:04] [Music]
[5:04 - 5:08] Oh, we got completely sideways on that one, that was nice
[5:08 - 5:19] [Music]
[5:19 - 5:33] All right, stand track, stand track, all right, we have smooth
[5:33 - 5:53] [Music]
[5:53 - 6:04] Ah, that's funny right there, shit, that's all right though
[6:04 - 6:11] [Music]
[6:11 - 6:22] Yeah, I know, well this track you kind of always have to keep it in second, kill the fact that it's such a short course
[6:22 - 6:24] [Music]
[6:24 - 6:29] Wait, I literally have this thing in second the whole time
[6:29 - 6:37] [Music]
[6:37 - 6:41] Wait, as you can tell I've got this thing in second
[6:41 - 6:51] 9,155, that's actually not bad, that is actually not a bad first run with the wheel
[6:51 - 6:58] [Music]
[6:58 - 7:04] Hang on, let me see if I can adjust this so y'all can like actually get a good
[7:04 - 7:07] [Music]
[7:07 - 7:12] Hold on, oh there we go
[7:12 - 7:28] [Music]
[7:28 - 7:35] I had a lot of, I don't care
[7:35 - 8:27] [Music]
[8:27 - 8:36] So as you can tell I kind of have to leave it in second gear the whole time
[8:36 - 8:39] Oh, that was a fail
[8:39 - 8:47] [Music]
[8:47 - 8:52] This car is definitely weird, this one I kind of like legit have to throw
[8:52 - 8:57] Like I almost had to do an inertia here
[8:57 - 9:00] Just to throw it in
[9:00 - 9:06] [Music]
[9:06 - 9:10] And that's a mountainside
[9:10 - 9:14] Yeah, that's good
[9:14 - 9:19] Yeah, that's real good, that was a freaking mountainside
[9:19 - 9:29] [Music]
[9:29 - 9:35] There we go, that's what I was looking for
[9:35 - 9:42] [Music]
[9:42 - 9:51] That was probably one of the nicest slides I think I've done so far
[9:51 - 10:10] [Music]
[10:10 - 10:13] I do still need to do a little bit of tuning on this
[10:13 - 10:21] If you guys are wondering what I'm running, I'm actually running the Mercedes Benz
[10:21 - 10:24] Let's see if it gives me the car as well
[10:24 - 10:34] Nope, shit
[10:34 - 10:40] What the car running is a Mercedes Benz rear wheel drive, let's see what car it is
[10:40 - 10:45] It's a Mercedes Benz 190E Evo 2
[10:45 - 10:58] [Music]
[10:58 - 11:08] Awesome time
[11:08 - 11:13] So as you guys can tell, this course is definitely very small
[11:13 - 11:19] So you kind of have to keep it between second, third and first
[11:19 - 11:23] But I mostly leave it at first, that way I can just like take
[11:23 - 11:31] Every time I go into a corner, I can just take and throw it
[11:31 - 11:35] Like as you can see right there, I started to throw it a bit
[11:35 - 11:41] You see, as you can tell right there, I was able to kind of throw it out of the pit
[11:41 - 11:55] [Music]
[11:55 - 12:12] Ah, crap, I fucked that one up
[12:12 - 12:20] Is there traction on this?
[12:20 - 12:37] It feels like traction is on, but I don't think it is
[12:37 - 12:43] Yeah, if I'm able to ride the grass like that, it's definitely not on
[12:43 - 12:52] I wonder why it's dripping out so much
[12:52 - 12:59] That's weird that it's like completely dripping out, I mean
[12:59 - 13:23] I can literally feel like the back tires wanting to drip up, as well as the front
[13:23 - 13:35] Or maybe it's just me, I'm just being terrible
[13:35 - 13:52] Maybe I need to change the tire pressure
[13:52 - 14:52] [Music]
[14:52 - 15:15] There we go
[15:15 - 15:22] Alright, how I made that, I don't even know
[15:22 - 15:31] 9-4-9-10, not bad, could be way better, but still
[15:31 - 15:37] Not bad first run for a setup
[15:37 - 15:45] Let me check my stuff here
[15:45 - 15:50] Those are all fine
[15:50 - 15:54] Oh, no wonder
[15:54 - 16:09] Shit, no wonder I had them on fucking mediums, but I need them on salt
[16:09 - 16:22] Oh, there we go, oh, much better
[16:22 - 16:28] Now we got some wreckage, fucking them in there
[16:28 - 16:54] [Music]
[16:54 - 17:02] I'm trying not to get under this corner
[17:02 - 17:36] [Music]
[17:36 - 17:44] I almost threw it too early
[17:44 - 18:37] [Music]
[18:37 - 18:47] I'm doing way too many power over this
[18:47 - 19:35] [Music]
[19:35 - 19:45] Alright, this car definitely needs more content, but still, it's a fun car
[19:45 - 19:50] Eh, that wasn't bad
[19:50 - 19:53] Then we can just sit on the road more, so let's try a different car, man
[19:53 - 20:00] We're about to hop into a different ride here and see what we can do
[20:00 - 20:07] Now it's definitely a lot of fun, I do like the Mercedes-Benz 190 EVO 2, and that's actually a good car
[20:07 - 20:17] [Music]
[20:17 - 20:21] I want something with a little more horsepower, though
[20:21 - 20:32] [Music]
[20:32 - 20:39] Ooh, ah man, you gotta be kidding me, the Ford Mustang
[20:39 - 20:43] Bro, oh, can I get this for free, please tell me I can
[20:43 - 20:51] Fuck, dude
[20:51 - 20:55] So I literally need to buy all these packs
[20:55 - 21:02] Oh, that is fucked
[21:02 - 21:14] I definitely don't want to rip the Ford GT, man, no, I'm all young, let's see what we got for BMWs
[21:14 - 21:21] Oh, we got a few good BMWs, like the M3 and the M2 and shit
[21:21 - 21:27] Alright, I'm liking some of these, I'm liking some of their choices
[21:27 - 21:35] [Music]
[21:35 - 21:39] Yo, is that a drift spec?
[21:39 - 21:48] [Music]
[21:48 - 21:52] Yo, I think that's a drift spec, hold up
[21:52 - 22:03] [Music]
[22:03 - 22:06] Yo, Tobin Arrow, what up?
[22:06 - 22:11] Just getting a little practicing on a set of Corsa, man
[22:11 - 22:18] Now I said I'm never actually driving a set of Corsa really, I never really practiced with a set up
[22:18 - 22:24] Up until now, so I just, like everything you're seeing me do is just legit stock
[22:24 - 22:29] You know, training for drifts
[22:29 - 22:36] Oh yeah, she rips
[22:36 - 22:49] [Music]
[22:49 - 22:51] I need to get used to this
[22:51 - 23:05] [Music]
[23:05 - 23:09] Does this thing even have any drift specs to it or no?
[23:09 - 23:33] [Music]
[23:33 - 23:43] Yeah, I need to pull in the pits and I can completely redo this set up here
[23:43 - 23:48] Let's see if I can change the camera
[23:48 - 23:52] Oh, I can, thank you
[23:52 - 23:57] [Music]
[23:57 - 24:03] Oh good, I can go negative five all the way around, that's good
[24:03 - 24:12] [Music]
[24:12 - 24:18] I can go negative five in the front
[24:18 - 24:34] And then negative three in the rear, which is good
[24:34 - 24:53] Let's lower this thing, fuck it, let's bring it up to about a three
[24:53 - 25:07] Reason I'm bringing it up to about a three is that way when I throw it in, I'm not, you know, being all balanced
[25:07 - 25:34] So apparently they want to do it up to like, say, let's do ten all the way around
[25:34 - 25:50] Are you serious? So it won't let me do a drift hit on that? Oh, that is bull
[25:50 - 25:59] That is some serious bullshit
[25:59 - 26:10] Oh, do they have any Toyotas I can use? Fuck, no, I need to buy these, goddamn
[26:10 - 26:14] That sucks, dude
[26:14 - 26:23] I'll see if I can buy one of those
[26:23 - 26:27] Oh, okay
[26:27 - 26:29] Another one
[26:29 - 26:33] Sweet
[26:33 - 26:39] They have Jaguar though, that's what I want to know
[26:39 - 26:47] Oh yeah, hello
[26:47 - 26:57] We got a few outies we can rip here
[26:57 - 27:13] Oh, they got the Stradale, nice
[27:13 - 27:22] That's all we got for Kenio, got the Kenio board, let's see how Lamborghini is without you
[27:22 - 27:34] Okay, now we're talking, now we're talking to my horse power
[27:34 - 27:43] Don't want to use the Miura, don't want to use the Gallardo or the Cuntage
[27:43 - 27:55] Ooh, they got the Perfomante, the Huragon
[27:55 - 28:07] Gallardo, Aventador
[28:07 - 28:13] I'm thinking about maybe going with the Perfomante, doing a drift build on the Perf
[28:13 - 28:26] Let's see what we can do
[28:26 - 28:34] Okay, they got some nice colors on here, I'm thinking that purple
[28:34 - 28:45] Ooh, I actually like that color on that, that looks wicked
[28:45 - 29:03] That looks dope
[29:03 - 29:18] Damn, that thing looks cool
[29:18 - 29:26] I think the only thing I'm going to really try to change on this is the camber
[29:26 - 29:38] Because the ride height is already lowered as low as it can go
[29:38 - 29:55] So we're just going to do 2.5 in the rear and negative 3 in the back
[29:55 - 30:19] I don't know what's ripped, oh damn, scared the shit out of me man
[30:19 - 30:32] Yeah, there's no way this thing is going to drift
[30:32 - 30:52] Yeah, this thing is not drifting for shit, oh wait, there we go
[30:52 - 31:21] I'm just going to have to chuck it into the corner as hard as I can, like this
[31:21 - 31:28] Shut up, you know what, let's try out the Shelby Cobra
[31:28 - 31:32] Because the Shelby Cobra can fucking rip
[31:32 - 31:47] I definitely do like that car, but you know, I'm for drifting
[31:47 - 32:12] What are you guys up to today man?
[32:12 - 32:35] Damn, I don't even know, I almost don't even need to get out of first gear bro
[32:35 - 32:41] Yeah, I don't need to get out of first gear with this Cobra man, god damn
[32:41 - 32:47] This thing is intense
[32:47 - 33:16] Fuck it, we're going in third person, we're going in this shit
[33:16 - 33:44] Damn, this thing is just killing it in first gear
[33:44 - 33:56] Yo, this thing is legit shredding
[33:56 - 34:21] Dude, this thing is legit shredding it in first gear right now, I'm actually impressed
[34:21 - 34:50] I'm actually very impressed with this car
[34:50 - 35:19] Dude, this thing is shredding it right now, this actually may just be my main drift car
[35:19 - 35:39] Honestly, when it comes to drifting, I hate to say it, but yeah
[35:39 - 36:05] Granted, it might not have as many cars, but dude, the way this thing rips
[36:05 - 36:11] Oh yeah, they could have more of a car selection choice
[36:11 - 36:40] But dude, overall the realism is there
[36:40 - 37:08] Oh ho ho, I just realized those
[37:08 - 37:37] cars are really good at driving, so I'm going to go in first gear, and then I'm going to go in first gear
[37:37 - 38:35] I'm going to go in first gear, and then I'm going to go in first gear
[38:35 - 38:53] That actually was not bad for the first time with the Cobra
[38:53 - 39:13] That was actually really good
[39:13 - 39:27] Oh damn
[39:27 - 39:56] I'm going to go in first gear
[39:56 - 40:17] Boom
[40:17 - 41:13] What the hell
[41:13 - 41:42] Alright, how is it that I'm getting such a low score
[41:42 - 42:40] Alright, I'm going to go in first gear
[42:40 - 43:09] Why don't you wall tap it now, one spot
[43:09 - 43:37] I almost want to take this car to another track and work it
[43:37 - 44:06] Alright, I'm going to go in first gear
[44:06 - 44:35] Yeah, this Cobra is definitely a lot of fun dude
[44:35 - 45:33] Alright, I'm going to go in first gear
[45:33 - 45:47] Oh, I'm struggling to get the wall
[45:47 - 45:58] That actually was not bad
[45:58 - 46:13] I do want to do a quick race and see what tracks we can use
[46:13 - 46:33] I want to see if we can use the drift track because I think that would be really cool
[46:33 - 46:44] Ah, now we want to do a shit
[46:44 - 47:10] What the fuck is a race weekend
[47:10 - 47:27] Alright, we got special events baby
[47:27 - 47:30] Ooh, got the E30 drift
[47:30 - 47:37] Yo, let's get it
[47:37 - 47:44] This shit is about to be a win
[47:44 - 48:04] Y'all ready to get sideways
[48:04 - 48:15] How many of you guys are ready to get sideways in this shit
[48:15 - 48:20] Ooh, I like that, I like it, I like it, I like it
[48:20 - 48:38] I'm doing that paint job, I fucks with that, I like that
[48:38 - 49:07] Oh, fuck
[49:07 - 49:13] Dude, I know you're a fucking troll
[49:13 - 49:42] Get the fuck out of here man, damn, all you fucking trolls need to back off
[49:42 - 49:53] Yo Jose, what up bro
[49:53 - 50:20] Trying to rip some gears on this event, I may just switch up the controller with this because this shit is
[50:20 - 50:48] Yeah, that one is fine
[50:48 - 51:56] Yo Jose, what's up man
[51:56 - 52:06] Yo, this shit is wild
[52:06 - 52:13] I've never been outside of the country, no I haven't
[52:13 - 52:39] I've been all across the US though, I've been all across the world
[52:39 - 53:06] Dude, I'm actually liking some of these events, these are lit
[53:06 - 53:23] Oh, this will be easy, let's go dude
[53:23 - 53:41] No, I haven't actually dude
[53:41 - 54:09] I actually know it wasn't, dude really, really he gets in there and troll me like that dog
[54:09 - 54:19] Hey Marty, nice try bitch
[54:19 - 54:32] If you think you're trying to prove a point, don't even bother dude because it's not gonna work
[54:32 - 54:57] You know every troll you bring up in here, I'm just gonna block, so dude just quit
[54:57 - 55:11] Bro, quit with all y'all fucking trolls dude, for real dude
[55:11 - 55:27] That troll one shit is dumb dude, grow up you high school bitch
[55:27 - 55:56] Alright Marty, if you think that you're trolls of factory, think again dude
[55:56 - 56:24] You know what, if you think that you're trolls of factory, think again dude
[56:24 - 56:43] Alright big one, you wanna know why I do that? That's cause Marty is breaking the law
[56:43 - 57:08] And no one is doing a damn thing about it
[57:08 - 57:20] Like you don't get it dude, Marty is breaking the fucking law, and the cops are being lazy
[57:20 - 57:35] See the trolling don't mess with me, it's the fact that he's breaking the law that does
[57:35 - 57:57] it, because his breaking the law affects my personal life
[57:57 - 58:25] This man has literally sent me rope and told me to kill myself on a live stream
[58:25 - 58:54] I'm gonna kill myself, I'm gonna kill myself, I'm gonna kill myself
[58:54 - 59:22] I threw that shit way too hard
[59:22 - 59:51] Here's the thing dude, yes I have done that stuff, but the reason why it's getting
[59:51 - 59:57] the reason why is cause he pushed me to that point of saying that stuff
[59:57 - 60:03] Yeah think about it this way, when somebody is pushed so far and they get bullied so long
[60:03 - 60:14] they are going to snap, and he has pushed me to that point, several times over
[60:14 - 60:29] This channel proves it, plus I have proof of him telling me to kill myself on a live stream
[60:29 - 60:47] How are you going to deny that?
[60:47 - 61:05] Ooh yo, tell me I can do this event, aww are you serious, I have to have the Japan pack
[61:05 - 61:34] that blows
[61:34 - 62:02] up
[62:02 - 62:24] Come on, there's gotta be more direct events than that
[62:24 - 62:34] Now I'm playing on Xbox dude
[62:34 - 63:02] You know what, go ahead and send the link
[63:02 - 63:27] Go ahead and do it, as a matter of fact what I'll do is I'll send you my discord, I want you to send it to my discord
[63:27 - 63:39] No man, send it to my discord, it's easier that way, I'm going to hop off here, I'm going to start doing some research on these fuckbags
[63:39 - 64:03] Inside of mine I can actually tell you, just give me one moment here
[64:03 - 64:12] I'm doing more really cool direct events here
[64:12 - 64:18] Damn they really don't have that many direct events do they, that fucking blows
[64:18 - 64:23] I mean they got a bunch of cool races that I can do but I'm not looking for that, I'm looking for some
[64:23 - 64:29] I want to knock out all the direct events just to get them out of the way
[64:29 - 64:51] Plus I enjoy doing drifting, that's fun
[64:51 - 65:17] Alright, let's go here
[65:17 - 65:25] It was recorded two years ago
[65:25 - 65:32] Let me see if I can peg the exact date here
[65:32 - 65:41] Because it was inside my mind
[65:41 - 66:10] This song was recorded and uploaded on December 11th of 2018, so technically three years ago
[66:10 - 66:22] Literally that same year bro, like all my songs were recorded within that year time frame
[66:22 - 66:26] Another day it was over
[66:26 - 66:45] That was recorded literally a couple days after, or no a couple days before, this one was done on December 11th of that same year
[66:45 - 66:53] Literally all my songs that I recorded for this new album
[66:53 - 67:01] No
[67:01 - 67:07] Nobody helped me with any of the lyrics at all whatsoever
[67:07 - 67:15] But like I said, I'm going to hop off here Wayne, I'm going to start doing some research on these guys
[67:15 - 67:22] I do appreciate the heads up man, peace
[67:22 - 67:24] [MUSIC PLAYING]