2021-3-7 DIRT 5
[0:00 - 0:19] What's up you guys, it's ya boi, CyRacing back from the dead baby what's good and welcome
[0:19 - 0:35] to the first ever live stream of Dirt 5 baby it's down a little bit for you guys how you
[0:35 - 0:45] guys doing man it feels great to be back dude like you guys want to know like how good it
[0:45 - 0:53] feels to be back slaying it doing what I need to do man now keep in mind I will also be
[0:53 - 0:58] doing artwork on this channel as well so keep that in mind but I kind of wanted to come
[0:58 - 1:07] back do something fun for you guys first off we're gonna check out some of the playground
[1:07 - 1:22] stuff and see what's going on man now like I said I will be doing artwork as well so
[1:22 - 1:27] like be ready for that but I kind of wanted to come back and do something fun for you
[1:27 - 1:34] guys until I can get my art shop up and going so I figured I'm gonna come back and do some
[1:34 - 1:45] Dirt 5 man now I have been playing this a little bit
[1:45 - 2:13] so let's go for a Gymkhana around here oh I was trying to cure a kana one man this one
[2:13 - 2:27] is fun cool 45k for that let's see if we can beat that 45k gentlemen
[2:27 - 2:36] we all know that you ain't the real one I guess so uh you gots to go son but without
[2:36 - 2:53] being said let's shred some tires now let's go oh yep that just happened real good way
[2:53 - 3:15] to start off the string my god oh damn out here shredding it get off the wall thank
[3:15 - 3:23] you ah man that corkscrew gets you if you're not careful with that corkscrew it'll screw
[3:23 - 3:24] you.
[3:24 - 4:03] (crickets chirping)
[4:05 - 4:08] Dude, this is wild.
[4:08 - 4:11] (crickets chirping)
[4:11 - 4:16] Dude, that is sick.
[4:16 - 4:22] (crickets chirping)
[4:22 - 4:28] Oh, we made 145, not bad.
[4:28 - 4:31] One of the top thousand, I believe.
[4:31 - 4:33] (crickets chirping)
[4:33 - 4:35] Dude, that was sick.
[4:35 - 4:38] (crickets chirping)
[4:38 - 4:41] Man, I gotta admit, y'all get creative with this shit, man.
[4:41 - 4:45] You guys get very creative with this track.
[4:45 - 4:46] I like to see that, man.
[4:46 - 4:49] I like to see the creativeness coming through.
[4:49 - 4:52] (crickets chirping)
[5:02 - 5:06] Let's do a proper Gymkhana run, shall we?
[5:06 - 5:09] I think we shall.
[5:09 - 5:12] (crickets chirping)
[5:12 - 5:16] Also, shout out to the Big Homie Slap Train
[5:16 - 5:20] who actually is featured in one of the podcasts on here,
[5:20 - 5:22] which is super lit.
[5:22 - 5:25] So shout out to the Big Homie Slap Train, bro.
[5:25 - 5:28] (crickets chirping)
[5:28 - 5:30] Let's go, man.
[5:30 - 5:32] (crickets chirping)
[5:32 - 5:34] Yo, is that a...
[5:34 - 5:36] Bro, that's a fucking fire tornado, bro.
[5:36 - 5:39] We gotta drip that fire tornado.
[5:39 - 5:42] We gotta drip that fire tornado, man.
[5:42 - 5:45] Let's go.
[5:45 - 5:48] (crickets chirping)
[5:56 - 6:01] We are literally dripping a tornado on fire right now.
[6:01 - 6:03] This is insane.
[6:03 - 6:06] What am I even doing?
[6:06 - 6:21] There's another one right over here.
[6:21 - 6:24] (crickets chirping)
[6:24 - 6:29] Oh, a little bit of reverse entry, kicking out.
[6:29 - 6:39] Oh, man, we rolled it.
[6:39 - 6:44] Dude, that is so much fun.
[6:49 - 6:51] Oh, no, we gotta restart that one.
[6:51 - 6:55] That one is too much fun to not do again.
[6:55 - 6:57] That is, that is, that's cool.
[6:57 - 7:00] I like, this is probably my favorite one so far
[7:00 - 7:02] that y'all have built.
[7:02 - 7:07] Oh, my God, a few Smash blocks going.
[7:07 - 7:09] Oh.
[7:09 - 7:18] Now, if you guys don't know, I will have an art shop.
[7:18 - 7:19] Very, very soon.
[7:19 - 7:22] I'm probably working on getting the artwork uploaded
[7:22 - 7:27] onto my art shop, so once that happens,
[7:27 - 7:30] it will be available for digital download for you guys.
[7:30 - 7:40] Ooh, almost perfectly into that.
[7:40 - 7:43] Shit, yeah.
[7:45 - 7:48] Yo, is that a, bro, is that a fucking mini ramp?
[7:48 - 7:50] Bro, that's a fucking ramp.
[7:50 - 7:53] Ooh, hold up.
[8:13 - 8:15] Oh, damn.
[8:15 - 8:17] Yep.
[8:17 - 8:19] Oh, we're good, we're good.
[8:19 - 8:33] Oh, dude.
[8:33 - 8:36] That was a lot of fun.
[8:36 - 8:41] (birds chirping)
[8:41 - 8:55] Bro, dude, that was a lot of fun.
[8:55 - 8:59] I actually like that challenge.
[9:04 - 9:06] That was super lit.
[9:06 - 9:27] Let's do another crazy contraption you guys have come out with.
[9:28 - 9:30] (clicking)
[9:30 - 9:47] Damn.
[9:47 - 9:53] Bro, y'all are freaking killing it with these drift attacks, man.
[9:53 - 9:56] Like, try this longer, I'm going.
[9:56 - 9:59] (birds chirping)
[9:59 - 10:03] 20 seconds is the time to be, let's go.
[10:03 - 10:09] And, Marty, you're not welcome here.
[10:09 - 10:10] You know why.
[10:10 - 10:14] Sorry, negative free zone this time around.
[10:14 - 10:20] Sorry, broski, no negative missile out here.
[10:20 - 10:23] Let's go.
[10:24 - 10:27] (birds chirping)
[10:27 - 10:44] Wait, how did I get a time panel, dude?
[10:44 - 10:47] (birds chirping)
[11:09 - 11:14] Oh, God. Oh, no, what? Sorry, how did I check my own blade all that?
[11:14 - 11:16] What the shit?
[11:16 - 11:20] Oh, yeah, smash block here.
[11:20 - 11:23] Tell me I didn't miss it. Yeah, I did.
[11:23 - 11:32] How the heck do they expect me to freaking do that, man?
[11:37 - 11:40] For real, how do they expect me to get through this
[11:40 - 11:45] without hitting those freaking penalty blocks?
[11:45 - 11:51] Ooh, I'm okay.
[11:51 - 12:05] Oh, shit, that was fun.
[12:06 - 12:09] But, ouch, from my car.
[12:09 - 12:17] That was fun, but, dude, that fucking stung my car, man.
[12:17 - 12:26] Ooh, ooh.
[12:26 - 12:30] I know we can get this.
[12:31 - 12:33] (birds chirping)
[12:33 - 12:41] Ooh, now let's see if we can hit this corkscrew.
[12:41 - 12:51] Hood came off, but we are good.
[12:52 - 12:54] (birds chirping)
[12:54 - 13:04] How did I not see that ramp right there?
[13:04 - 13:19] No, no, no.
[13:20 - 13:25] And that's why I wasn't coming at that thing fast enough, okay?
[13:25 - 13:32] All right, now I know what I need to do.
[13:32 - 13:37] I need to just gun it and force feed it and wreck shit.
[13:37 - 13:46] Ooh.
[13:46 - 13:48] (birds chirping)
[13:48 - 13:55] So, our tail went to midair. We're good.
[13:55 - 14:00] Oh, shit.
[14:00 - 14:12] Then we literally just, bro, we just legit wall rode that bus.
[14:12 - 14:14] That was sick.
[14:15 - 14:18] Now, you know what, that was pretty crazy.
[14:18 - 14:36] Oh.
[14:36 - 14:38] (birds chirping)
[14:38 - 14:50] And like I said, I'm not going to have any negativity on this channel this time around, man.
[14:50 - 14:53] Anybody gives, let's see how it's going to be, man.
[14:53 - 14:57] Anybody decides to be negative, you're getting banned.
[14:57 - 15:03] Already had enough negativity before. Don't eat it again.
[15:03 - 15:05] Thanks, anyways.
[15:06 - 15:08] (birds chirping)
[15:08 - 15:18] Oh, we've ended it. We're good.
[15:19 - 15:21] (birds chirping)
[15:21 - 15:41] And right into the penalties.
[15:47 - 15:49] That wasn't bad.
[15:49 - 15:58] Let's hit up the career mode a bit, man.
[15:58 - 16:04] Let's see what we can do with the career mode here.
[16:04 - 16:07] Like I said, also, a huge shout out to the Big Only Slap Train.
[16:07 - 16:14] If you guys don't know, Slap Train actually did get featured on here in a podcast, which was super dope.
[16:16 - 16:21] So, major, major props to the Big Only Slap Train, man, for sure.
[16:43 - 16:47] Ooh, what do I want to use? Do I want to use the Subi or the Puget?
[16:47 - 16:49] Or the Purgent.
[16:49 - 16:51] You know, let's go Subi.
[16:51 - 16:55] Can't go wrong with the Subaru, man.
[16:55 - 17:01] Also, I did download Wreckfest as well, so I will be doing a lot of Wreckfest on here as well.
[17:01 - 17:04] So that'll be super lit.
[17:04 - 17:06] (birds chirping)
[17:06 - 17:24] But also, if you guys don't know, I am working on an art channel as well.
[17:24 - 17:29] That's strictly giving me nothing but artwork streams and whatnot and stuff like that.
[17:29 - 17:32] So be ready for that. That is coming out very, very soon.
[17:32 - 17:34] Probably within the next few days or so.
[17:34 - 17:42] Ooh, we get to do some jerking. All right.
[17:42 - 17:47] Ooh, the Subi sounds, man.
[17:47 - 17:58] Yo, we're sliding out here. What's good?
[17:59 - 18:01] (birds chirping)
[18:01 - 18:09] Or straight initial D in the funk out of this thing right now.
[18:09 - 18:13] Ooh, damn.
[18:13 - 18:19] It kind of feels like I'm playing Car X Drift right now. No joke.
[18:19 - 18:26] (chuckles)
[18:26 - 18:28] (birds chirping)
[18:28 - 18:33] Probably in a second, so I've got it first.
[18:33 - 18:43] And that fucking buck. Really?
[18:43 - 18:49] All right, I got you. I got your number, sir.
[18:49 - 18:55] I got you.
[18:56 - 18:58] (birds chirping)
[18:58 - 19:09] Yeah, you didn't think I was going to come back, did you?
[19:09 - 19:12] Oh, surprise.
[19:12 - 19:16] I'm back. Excuse me.
[19:16 - 19:22] Coming through, hold it, all damn out of bank run. Let's go.
[19:22 - 19:24] (birds chirping)
[19:24 - 19:26] Excuse me.
[19:26 - 19:34] This is wall time, but we're good.
[19:34 - 19:38] We are literally sliding this thing.
[19:38 - 19:44] Like at the freaking mountain course right now. This is insane.
[19:44 - 19:46] This car should not be able to do this.
[19:46 - 19:49] This is sick.
[19:50 - 19:52] (birds chirping)
[19:52 - 20:00] Little bit of reverse entry coming in, but we're good.
[20:18 - 20:19] Busted there.
[20:19 - 20:29] Oh, damn. This kind of feels like
[20:29 - 20:35] a street cross from the scene underground.
[20:35 - 20:37] It's got that street cross vibe.
[20:46 - 20:48] Oh, damn, just the time, but we're good.
[20:48 - 21:00] Hey, babe. What's up? How you doing?
[21:00 - 21:05] Wait, hold on.
[21:05 - 21:07] (birds chirping)
[21:07 - 21:20] Oh, yeah, I got a feeling that might not even be the real tang.
[21:20 - 21:30] Ooh, we took the birds. Let's go.
[21:31 - 21:42] (birds chirping)
[22:09 - 22:14] Not gonna lie, that track is probably one of my favorite ones.
[22:14 - 22:19] Not even gonna lie, that track is probably my favorite track
[22:19 - 22:22] I've actually raced on. That is actually sick.
[22:22 - 22:30] We have Pathfinder. Oh, God. I hate Pathfinder's.
[22:30 - 22:36] We are gonna do some online books. I have not checked it out yet.
[22:36 - 22:40] So let's hit up online books. See what we got going on with that.
[22:40 - 22:48] I'm not a match.
[22:48 - 22:54] Racist. Let's see what we got here. Hopefully we all, damn, okay,
[22:54 - 22:56] it looks like we might have something here.
[22:57 - 22:59] (birds chirping)
[22:59 - 23:17] When is 30 average by time?
[23:17 - 23:21] Yeah, we're doubling way over.
[23:21 - 23:23] (birds chirping)
[23:23 - 23:33] Oh, wait, hold up. We got something.
[23:33 - 23:35] Aw, shit, let's go.
[23:35 - 23:41] We got an online match starting up right now, so let's go, man.
[23:41 - 23:48] Ooh, we could use one of my favorite cars, too. I fucking love this car.
[23:48 - 23:53] Oh, hold up, hold up. Oh, you know, we're going for it, man.
[23:53 - 23:57] We pulled the trigger on this Volkswagen, man. That is sick.
[23:57 - 24:00] We got to do this one, man. That is too damn cool to pass up.
[24:00 - 24:04] That is way too cool to pass up. Let's go.
[24:04 - 24:16] Let's get it.
[24:17 - 24:19] (birds chirping)
[24:19 - 24:40] Yo, triple, what up?
[24:45 - 24:49] Good that a homie trip was good, dawg. How you doing, brother?
[24:49 - 24:54] How you doing, bro?
[24:54 - 25:02] Aw, shit, let's go. First race of the year, online, under five, man. Let's go.
[25:02 - 25:13] Let's see if we can take our first dub ever. Let's go.
[25:14 - 25:16] Coming through.
[25:16 - 25:20] Man, it feels good to be back behind the wheel, bro.
[25:20 - 25:29] Let's go.
[25:29 - 25:41] Yo, these guys play hardball, man. You don't want to let me by? That's fine, sir.
[25:41 - 25:44] I'll just make my way by. Excuse me.
[25:44 - 25:51] Coming through.
[25:51 - 25:56] All right, dude wants to try to cut me out. That's okay.
[25:56 - 26:03] I'll do the same thing to you, sir. Oh, we took that man out.
[26:03 - 26:05] We took dude out.
[26:05 - 26:07] (birds chirping)
[26:07 - 26:20] Not today, sir.
[26:20 - 26:22] (birds chirping)
[26:22 - 26:37] You got anything to get him by now?
[26:37 - 26:43] Dude can't even drive.
[26:44 - 26:46] (birds chirping)
[26:46 - 26:52] Whoo!
[26:52 - 26:59] Out here freaking Dominic Torettoing the shit out of this thing right now.
[26:59 - 27:05] We're holding dirt pretty damn good, though.
[27:12 - 27:16] We are holding third pretty freaking well right now.
[27:16 - 27:22] Which I am very happy with. If we can hold third, then we are good.
[27:41 - 27:44] Let's go. Come on, third. Excuse me.
[27:44 - 27:53] Let's see if we can pass dude up here.
[27:53 - 28:02] Whoo!
[28:03 - 28:05] (birds chirping)
[28:05 - 28:15] I can honestly say I have missed being on here with you guys.
[28:15 - 28:20] Just tearing it up on the track. Having fun, man. I've missed it.
[28:20 - 28:28] Oh, shit. All right, we're good. We're good.
[28:28 - 28:34] We're not good. Oh, no, we're good. All right, yeah, we're good.
[28:34 - 28:41] I thought for a minute we'd bottom there. I was going to say, "Oh, shit."
[28:41 - 28:45] I thought we bottomed out there for a minute.
[28:46 - 28:48] (birds chirping)
[29:13 - 29:23] Hey, we took third. That's not bad.
[29:23 - 29:34] That's not bad, man. We took third in our first ever run on here, man. That was good.
[29:34 - 29:40] That was actually not bad, man. Let's see what we can do again.
[29:40 - 29:42] (birds chirping)
[29:42 - 29:47] Yo, Neon Zombie. What's good, man? How you doing?
[29:47 - 30:07] Oh, dude, definite, man. I do plan on streaming all sorts of games, dude.
[30:08 - 30:11] It is going to be more geared toward racing,
[30:11 - 30:15] but I will do some other games in the process, like some GTA 5,
[30:15 - 30:22] some old-school Battlefield type games, like I got Battlefield,
[30:22 - 30:29] Airborne, maybe a little Fortnite here and there. Who knows?
[30:34 - 30:40] But, man, oh, man, does it feel good to be bent behind the wheel shredding shit, man?
[30:40 - 30:49] It feels great to be back, man, just straight killing it on the track.
[31:03 - 31:08] And if you are new to the channel, don't forget to hit that like button,
[31:08 - 31:11] that subscribe button, and the notification bell all found down below
[31:11 - 31:14] to keep updated on everything with my channel.
[31:14 - 31:19] Now, I will be opening up a side racing merch shop here very, very soon.
[31:19 - 31:26] I got some really dope designs dropping that I've been working on over the last week,
[31:26 - 31:30] so I do have some super sick designs dropping,
[31:30 - 31:33] which I'm super excited to share with you guys.
[31:33 - 31:38] Oh, now we're talking, man.
[31:38 - 31:46] Oh, yes, my Porsche. Oh, hold up, hold up.
[31:46 - 31:50] Oh, got to go with that, man. That is sick.
[31:50 - 31:53] I like that black and yellow and white, man. That is lit.
[31:57 - 32:01] Oh, man. Unfortunately, not right now, dude.
[32:01 - 32:03] I will when I get the money, though.
[32:03 - 32:05] As soon as I can get the money together,
[32:05 - 32:09] I do plan on dropping some dope-ass side racing gear, for sure.
[32:09 - 32:14] I definitely do want to do that in the future, for sure.
[32:14 - 32:21] Now, I will be partnering with Rogue Energy, for sure, again.
[32:21 - 32:25] Yeah. Hold on, I got to do it right there.
[32:26 - 32:28] Yeah.
[32:29 - 32:31] Hold on.
[32:31 - 32:37] All right.
[32:37 - 33:01] Crap, man.
[33:01 - 33:05] Now I got to start over. Hopefully, I can catch up.
[33:05 - 33:11] Hopefully, I can catch up because I do have a four-wheel drive, for sure.
[33:11 - 33:22] Oh, yeah, I can easily catch up.
[33:22 - 33:26] Until that happens.
[33:26 - 33:29] Ah, damn.
[33:30 - 33:33] That's good. We can find another sesh. It's all good.
[33:33 - 33:36] We good, man.
[33:36 - 33:48] All right. I do, too, man. The colors, they're fun.
[33:48 - 33:51] The colors are super fun. It's super dope.
[33:51 - 33:57] And I like the nice, even combo, the controls.
[33:58 - 34:00] The controls aren't too...
[34:00 - 34:04] They're not too arcadey, but they're not too sim, either.
[34:04 - 34:08] They're like a nice mixture of the two, and I really like that.
[34:08 - 34:18] I definitely do like the combination of the two, man.
[34:18 - 34:27] That's super cool to see a nice combination of sim racing and arcade style.
[34:27 - 34:29] I love that.
[34:29 - 34:33] Let's try some party games and see what we can do here.
[34:33 - 34:43] Yes, I do plan on doing some Resident Evil 7, for sure.
[34:43 - 34:50] I do plan on doing some Resident Evil 7, 110%, dude.
[34:50 - 34:55] But, yo, let's give back up to that thousand subs, man.
[34:55 - 34:58] Let's give back up there. Let's kill it.
[34:58 - 35:09] Let's hit that mark. I mean, come on, man.
[35:09 - 35:17] Because of you guys, I broke a record before my channel got, you know, smashed up.
[35:17 - 35:22] Now, if you guys don't know what I mean, I did a little bit of research
[35:22 - 35:29] and found out that I think the normal average YouTuber, 22 months, 22 months,
[35:29 - 35:36] a year and a few months, like almost two years, a year and a half, to get a thousand subs.
[35:36 - 35:42] I did it in less than two, man. In less than two months, I hit that mark.
[35:42 - 35:47] And if you don't believe me, man, look it up.
[35:47 - 35:51] Like, you can literally Google it. Like, go on to Google right now and you'll see what I mean.
[35:51 - 35:56] Type in, "How long does it take the average YouTuber to get a thousand subscribers?"
[35:56 - 36:02] And it will literally say 22 months.
[36:02 - 36:16] So, I literally did it in record time, pretty much, which is insane to me.
[36:16 - 36:18] So, I don't think it's worth it.
[36:18 - 36:41] Yo, doing good, doing good.
[36:41 - 36:48] Now, I will be doing all kinds of stuff.
[36:48 - 36:53] I do want to give a huge shout out to the homie, Jacob, that helped me up with Game Pass for a month.
[36:53 - 36:58] So, shout out to the homie, Jacob, man, he was able to help me up with Game Pass for a month.
[36:58 - 37:06] So, I will be doing a lot of Forza, some Motorsport 7 shit, Horizon 4, you guys made it.
[37:08 - 37:13] Ooh, I'm not too big on that, so I am going to go with, let's go with the Ariel Atom.
[37:13 - 37:19] Just because I'm more familiar with this car, I'm more familiar with the Ariel Atom.
[37:19 - 37:27] Because I've actually driven this car before on Horizon 4, as well as on Motorsport 7, so I'm very familiar with it.
[37:27 - 37:46] Hell yeah, it feels good to be back, man.
[37:46 - 37:53] Wait, so I've got to take the crown for this guy?
[37:53 - 37:58] Yeah, fuck that dude, we're doing this view.
[37:58 - 38:01] Fuck that outer view, bro.
[38:01 - 38:04] Oh, I see him.
[38:04 - 38:07] Where you going, sir?
[38:07 - 38:19] Oh, only thing I hit about real real real, got it.
[38:19 - 38:23] See ya.
[38:23 - 38:26] We out of this mode, let's go.
[38:26 - 38:28] Woo!
[38:28 - 38:46] Fucking Mario Kart in this shit right now, man, let's go.
[38:46 - 38:54] I guess all those Horizon 4 playground games came in handy, oh yes.
[38:54 - 39:00] We're still good, though.
[39:00 - 39:04] Oh, bro.
[39:04 - 39:09] Dude, why do I never driven this?
[39:09 - 39:24] The Ariel Atom is so much fun.
[39:24 - 39:31] Thank you.
[39:31 - 39:44] Ooh, let's see how long I can keep the crown up for.
[39:44 - 39:46] Waltz out.
[39:46 - 39:50] Yo, we would just freakin' Waltz out in the Ariel Atom.
[39:50 - 39:54] Come on, you can't know that ain't crazy.
[39:54 - 40:01] All right, crown's been reset, and we are currently in the lead with 78 hundo.
[40:01 - 40:05] Man, we are killing it right now.
[40:05 - 40:15] I see the man to take the crown from.
[40:15 - 40:24] First time wrecking, but we're good.
[40:24 - 40:27] I hear a freakin' Tokyo drift in this shit right now.
[40:27 - 40:33] Oh, yo, did we really just steal that man's crown?
[40:33 - 40:35] Oh, no, damn, man.
[40:35 - 40:37] I thought we stole it for sure.
[40:37 - 40:43] I was about to say, bro, that was slick.
[40:43 - 40:50] I was about to say how wild that is.
[40:50 - 41:00] No, no.
[41:00 - 41:01] Yeah, not today, sir.
[41:01 - 41:04] You missed a goodbye.
[41:04 - 41:25] Check out the calendar.
[41:25 - 41:33] I see him.
[41:33 - 41:42] Let's go after this man right here.
[41:42 - 41:48] Yeah, you chase him down.
[41:48 - 41:50] Yo, this man is straight.
[41:50 - 41:52] Plug it right now.
[41:52 - 41:53] He's running.
[41:53 - 41:59] I got this guy running scared, man.
[41:59 - 42:06] Oh, dude thought he was being slick.
[42:06 - 42:08] Oh, man, I got you, sir.
[42:08 - 42:21] I got you.
[42:21 - 42:32] Oh, one.
[42:32 - 42:48] Usually, I'll take that.
[42:48 - 42:56] Hey.
[42:56 - 42:57] Yo, black cat.
[42:57 - 43:01] What's good, man?
[43:01 - 43:02] Yo, it took second.
[43:02 - 43:03] That's actually not bad.
[43:03 - 43:05] I hear you, Adam runs pretty well.
[43:05 - 43:09] I like it.
[43:09 - 43:10] That was fun, man.
[43:10 - 43:11] Not gonna lie.
[43:11 - 43:13] That was sick.
[43:13 - 43:21] Boy, give me that XP and that level up.
[43:21 - 43:39] Do not move there.
[43:39 - 43:40] But dude, I got on there, man.
[43:40 - 43:43] It feels good to be back racing again, bro.
[43:43 - 43:46] It really does feel good to be back behind the wheel,
[43:46 - 43:50] doing this shit, having some fun, man.
[43:50 - 43:51] Doing big things, man.
[43:51 - 44:01] Big things are planned for the channel.
[44:01 - 44:03] Check out the arcade mode right there.
[44:03 - 44:05] I never really checked out arcade mode.
[44:05 - 44:10] All right, so we got time trials.
[44:10 - 44:11] Oh, man, it's not so bad.
[44:11 - 44:13] Okay.
[44:13 - 44:18] Oh, weird.
[44:18 - 44:21] All right, so let's see what cars we do and don't have,
[44:21 - 44:24] which ones we can actually buy.
[44:24 - 44:30] See if we have any that we can get our hands on.
[44:30 - 44:33] Ooh, we can buy some of these.
[44:33 - 44:36] I'm tempted because we have some dope, bro.
[44:36 - 44:37] My favorite one.
[44:37 - 44:39] Dude, I actually drive this.
[44:39 - 44:42] Dude, this is my go-to car in Horizon 4, bro.
[44:42 - 44:44] This is my go-to off-road car.
[44:44 - 44:46] It's like a little buggy.
[44:46 - 45:02] It's fucking dope.
[45:02 - 45:08] All right, so we don't have any that we can really buy from this car.
[45:08 - 45:12] We can buy that if we want.
[45:12 - 45:13] Let's try classic rally.
[45:13 - 45:16] I already own all those.
[45:16 - 45:17] Maybe 90s rally?
[45:17 - 45:23] Okay, yeah, we can definitely buy both of these.
[45:23 - 45:25] Ah, no, I have to wait for the other one.
[45:25 - 45:26] Let's get it.
[45:26 - 45:28] We got the Renault Sport, which is --
[45:28 - 45:31] we got the Renault Sport, which is good.
[45:31 - 45:38] I do like the Renault Sport.
[45:38 - 45:40] Let's head into career mode, man.
[45:40 - 45:42] Do another campaign, bud.
[45:42 - 45:54] You guys are about to see why I fucking hate these events.
[45:54 - 45:57] You guys are about to see why I hate Pathfinder events, man.
[45:57 - 46:01] They're a pain in the ass, dude.
[46:01 - 46:06] But they got to be done to progress.
[46:06 - 46:14] And sometimes you got to do runs that you just don't really want to do.
[46:14 - 46:16] And we're racing a date-scorged Morocco.
[46:16 - 46:22] Sweet.
[46:22 - 46:25] Oh, this is going to require a lot of handbraking.
[46:25 - 46:29] I can believe that.
[46:29 - 46:43] A lot of footbraking, a lot of gas, and maybe some handbrake.
[46:43 - 46:52] And that's why.
[46:52 - 47:01] Because you get stuck rock crawling shit.
[47:01 - 47:10] And you get steep ass hills like this.
[47:10 - 47:14] I don't know why they just didn't name this event rock crawl.
[47:14 - 47:22] Like, for real.
[47:22 - 47:24] I mean, you guys are seeing that.
[47:24 - 47:31] Oh, shit, hello.
[47:31 - 47:51] Uh, Steve, drop anyone?
[47:51 - 48:09] We're good.
[48:09 - 48:20] Thankfully we didn't worth anything to shreds.
[48:20 - 48:24] Oh, I hate these ones, man.
[48:24 - 48:25] These suck.
[48:25 - 48:27] I hate these kinds of ramps.
[48:27 - 48:31] Oh, come on, come on.
[48:31 - 48:34] I hate stairs.
[48:34 - 48:36] This is why I hate these events, man.
[48:36 - 48:38] It's these freaking stairs.
[48:38 - 48:53] Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
[48:53 - 49:02] And we just freaking monster truck this shit out of that.
[49:02 - 49:17] Boom, boom, go, go, go, go, go.
[49:17 - 49:25] Now y'all see why I don't like doing those events that much.
[49:25 - 49:28] Oh, got that smart and DBX delivery.
[49:28 - 49:30] Hell yeah, bro, we got a lot.
[49:30 - 49:59] Hell yeah, let's go.
[49:59 - 50:06] But, dude, they did really good with their five, man.
[50:06 - 50:13] When the guys made this, man, they did them good.
[50:13 - 50:16] Oh, another Gymkhana, man, let's go.
[50:16 - 50:20] Ooh, do I want to do Roosevelt Run?
[50:20 - 50:23] Or do I want to do Gymkhana?
[50:23 - 50:27] I'm thinking Gymkhana.
[50:27 - 50:29] Do I have any other cars besides this?
[50:29 - 50:33] No, damn.
[50:33 - 50:39] All right, let's see what other cars we can do for the Ultra Cross.
[50:39 - 50:41] Ooh, let's go.
[50:41 - 50:43] Yes.
[50:43 - 50:44] You know what?
[50:44 - 50:47] Let's drive the BMW because I have not driven that yet.
[50:47 - 51:13] And I kind of need to.
[51:13 - 51:17] And for those of you that do play Horizon 4 and are wondering, yes,
[51:17 - 51:20] I did get the brand new Shelby GT 1000.
[51:20 - 51:24] Dude, that thing is a freaking beast.
[51:24 - 51:26] Y'all want the fastest drag car in the game.
[51:26 - 51:32] Don't get the Ferrari X999 Evo.
[51:32 - 51:36] Go for the Shelby, go for the Shelby 1000, man.
[51:36 - 51:46] That thing is a freaking rocket on wheels, I swear to God.
[51:46 - 51:58] If you don't believe me, try it for yourselves.
[51:58 - 52:03] Oh, I forgot this car was rear wheel.
[52:03 - 52:12] And I do not like rear wheel cars much.
[52:12 - 52:22] Oh, why didn't I just do the Gymkhana run?
[52:22 - 52:34] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[52:34 - 52:36] Excuse me.
[52:36 - 52:37] Sorry, sir.
[52:37 - 52:40] I kind of had to use you as a bumper pad there.
[52:40 - 52:46] I didn't mean to use you as a bumper pad, but given the fact that we're on ice,
[52:46 - 53:15] we're on ice.
[53:15 - 53:19] This is definitely nerve wracking.
[53:19 - 53:22] Driving a rear wheel drive car.
[53:22 - 53:29] No traction in the snow.
[53:29 - 53:33] Fucking initial being the fuck out of this.
[53:33 - 53:41] I'm practically pulling out talking with Fujiwara in this shit.
[53:41 - 53:42] I'm getting lucky.
[53:42 - 53:58] I'm literally skating this shit and getting by by the skin of my freaking teeth right now.
[53:58 - 54:06] Oh, shit.
[54:06 - 54:13] Let's go, go, go, go, go.
[54:13 - 54:16] Hey, shotgun's crystal is on right now.
[54:16 - 54:26] What's good, sis?
[54:26 - 54:28] Yeah, this is straight madness, man.
[54:28 - 54:31] They made these tracks.
[54:31 - 54:32] Oh, they all go the same.
[54:32 - 54:36] I better not walk out that freaking truck.
[54:36 - 54:45] That would suck.
[54:45 - 54:46] I know you're wrong.
[54:46 - 54:52] I don't mind drifting, but when the car's got like no handling to it
[54:52 - 55:01] and it doesn't have the proper setup, it's very hard to slide.
[55:01 - 55:13] I'm constantly having to hand break it.
[55:13 - 55:20] Which is why you all know that normally I use the regular shifter.
[55:20 - 55:24] That's why I'm using the paddle shifter.
[55:24 - 55:37] Because I literally have to have both hands on the wheel right now.
[55:37 - 55:58] Yeah, not this time.
[55:58 - 56:14] Oh, not today, buddy.
[56:14 - 56:17] Oh, just relative first, but we took it.
[56:17 - 56:26] We're good.
[56:26 - 56:30] That car, not fun.
[56:30 - 56:38] I'm not a big fan of that one.
[56:38 - 56:48] Dude, we've very much lost our bumper, our passenger windshield, probably the back bumper and the freaking spoiler.
[56:48 - 57:12] Who knows what we lost.
[57:12 - 57:29] That was crazy.
[57:29 - 57:30] Dude, how many more are you doing?
[57:30 - 57:34] Oh, shit.
[57:34 - 57:43] Anyways, guys, I will do it for this episode. A third five on the channel. Next episode I will be doing is going to be some F1 2020.
[57:43 - 57:46] I will be jumping back behind the wheel to compete.
[57:46 - 57:54] I hope you guys did enjoy this, man. If you guys did, don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe button, and then notification bell down below.
[57:54 - 58:03] I mean, boys, I race and from what you're just out there, man. Give the stars turn. Keep going sideways at all for all my races out there, man.
[58:03 - 58:06] Keep going as fast as you can, man. And don't look back, y'all.
[58:06 - 58:08] Peace.
[58:08 - 58:11] (audience laughing)