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[0:30 - 0:34] You guys see those hatchets on my back
[1:00 - 1:29] You guys see those hatchets
[1:29 - 1:35] that were on my back
[1:35 - 1:46] Let me tell you a little story about those
[1:46 - 1:54] You see when I went to North High School
[1:54 - 2:04] I made a promise
[2:04 - 2:12] Just like I got protected by my friends
[2:12 - 2:17] The day I became a North High Viking
[2:17 - 2:25] I took a very serious oath
[2:25 - 2:31] To protect those that are weaker than me
[2:31 - 2:34] Just like I got protected
[2:34 - 2:42] Just like I got defended
[2:42 - 2:49] And that's exactly what I'm here to fucking do
[2:49 - 3:00] So as of this moment I am calling out everyone who's ever bullied me, Rosie Wren or anyone
[3:00 - 3:03] like me
[3:03 - 3:08] And I mean I'm calling everyone you motherfuckers out
[3:08 - 3:23] Masshole reports, William Gloryhole, Rustic Angel, Shamrock, I'm calling everyone of you
[3:23 - 3:29] out
[3:29 - 3:35] And I do mean I'm calling everyone of you out
[3:35 - 3:43] You think that you can just bolt up on this platform and make fun of people?
[3:43 - 3:56] Alright come on, William Gloryhole, you pushed someone to suicide
[3:56 - 4:05] And unfortunately that person is no longer with us
[4:05 - 4:11] And Rustic
[4:11 - 4:18] You and Shamrock and your little friends pick on people like Rosie Wren who are special
[4:18 - 4:22] needs
[4:22 - 4:26] You know what I see when I look at you guys?
[4:26 - 4:30] I don't see a bunch of badasses
[4:30 - 4:36] I see a bunch of limp dick pussies who are afraid to fucking fight
[4:36 - 4:39] That's all I see
[4:39 - 4:43] You think running around the internet makes you a badass?
[4:43 - 4:48] It don't make you nothing but a punk ass bitch
[4:48 - 4:55] That's all it makes you is a fucking coward
[4:55 - 4:59] You think it's right to come up here and fuck with someone?
[4:59 - 5:09] You're wrong
[5:09 - 5:13] You think it's funny to push someone to fucking suicide?
[5:13 - 5:18] You're out of your goddamn mind
[5:18 - 5:21] You think you can just bolt up in and do whatever you want?
[5:21 - 5:24] Wrong answer, motherfuckers
[5:24 - 5:27] You can't do whatever the fuck you want to do
[5:27 - 5:35] Not in my neighborhood
[5:35 - 5:40] Cause let me tell you right now, my boy Matt right here will tell you
[5:40 - 5:46] I stand up for motherfuckers like me and him all the damn time
[5:46 - 5:52] You really think I'm afraid of you just cause you post info on me?
[5:52 - 5:55] You're losers
[5:55 - 6:00] You're a bunch of limp dick losers hiding behind a goddamn computer screen
[6:00 - 6:03] Like a little bitch
[6:03 - 6:04] That's all you do
[6:04 - 6:09] You hide like a bitch
[6:09 - 6:16] You think it's okay to come up in to my fucking neighborhood
[6:16 - 6:18] On YouTube
[6:18 - 6:23] Where I'm trying to help people and you start pushing motherfuckers around?
[6:23 - 6:28] Hell no
[6:28 - 6:32] See you can fuck with me all you want, I don't care
[6:32 - 6:43] Cause I can take every one of you pussy's on with my goddamn eyes shut
[6:43 - 6:50] The one thing I will not do is let you pick on someone like me
[6:50 - 6:54] Who needs protecting
[6:54 - 7:00] So Rosie Wren, I hope you're watching this
[7:00 - 7:03] Cause this first one's for you kid
[7:03 - 7:08] I want you to know that I got your motherfucking back
[7:08 - 7:12] And if you ever need someone to talk to you, I'm here for you
[7:12 - 7:17] You don't need these losers, you can do better than them
[7:17 - 7:22] Don't let these little pussy's push you around, cause you're better than that
[7:22 - 7:32] So Rosie Wren, this first song is going on to you
[7:32 - 7:52] She's like you, I know what it's like to be bullied
[7:52 - 7:56] I have nothing left to give
[7:56 - 7:59] I have found the perfect dad
[7:59 - 8:03] You weren't meant to make it hurt
[8:03 - 8:07] Disappearing to the dirt
[8:07 - 8:11] Carry me to heaven's arms
[8:11 - 8:15] Light the way and let me go
[8:15 - 8:19] I want time to take my breath
[8:19 - 8:23] I will then wear I began
[8:23 - 8:31] Then I will fight the enemy with it
[8:31 - 8:37] Cause I can feel a crowd beneath my skin
[8:37 - 8:44] Dear agony, just think of me
[8:44 - 8:52] Softly, slowly, is this the way it's gonna be
[8:52 - 9:04] Dear agony
[9:04 - 9:08] Suddenly the lights go out
[9:08 - 9:12] Then forever drag me down
[9:12 - 9:16] Till I will fight for one last breath
[9:16 - 9:21] I will fight until we get
[9:21 - 9:29] Then I will fight the enemy with it
[9:29 - 9:34] Cause I can feel a crowd beneath my skin
[9:34 - 9:41] Dear agony, just think of me
[9:41 - 9:49] Softly, slowly, is this the way it's gonna be
[9:49 - 9:57] Don't bury me, face less enemy
[9:57 - 10:05] I'm so sorry, is this the way it's gonna be
[10:05 - 10:14] Dear agony, leave me alone
[10:14 - 10:18] God, let me go
[10:18 - 10:22] Young, blue rain, cold
[10:22 - 10:25] Blue skies will burn
[10:25 - 10:29] Love, pull me down
[10:29 - 10:37] Hail to me, I'll just turn around
[10:37 - 10:43] There's nothing left
[10:43 - 10:50] Don't worry for me of this world
[10:50 - 10:55] I feel nothing anymore
[10:55 - 11:02] Dear agony, just think of me
[11:02 - 11:10] Softly, slowly, is this the way it's gonna be
[11:10 - 11:17] Don't bury me, face less enemy
[11:17 - 11:25] I'm so sorry, is this the way it's gonna be
[11:25 - 11:37] Dear agony, I feel nothing anymore
[11:40 - 11:56] So Shamrock, Rustic, instead of picking on Rosie Wren, why would you pick on someone
[11:56 - 12:04] like me, someone who can take your sorry ass and make you look like a fucking dumbass
[12:04 - 12:13] in front of all your little fucking fans And yes, Rustic, that includes you
[12:13 - 12:15] You know what's sad about you, Rustic?
[12:15 - 12:27] I used to look up to you
[12:27 - 12:30] Do you now remember that conversation we had?
[12:30 - 12:34] That day when you were on my live stream?
[12:34 - 12:39] Do you now remember that conversation that we had?
[12:39 - 12:48] Because I remember like it was fucking yesterday
[12:48 - 12:54] I straight out told you to your face I used to look up to you as an artist
[12:54 - 12:59] You had some amazing fucking artwork selling the best steampunk art that I've ever seen
[12:59 - 13:14] in my fucking life Shit that deserves me in art galleries
[13:14 - 13:21] But what I want to know is what happened to the Rustic that I used to look up to?
[13:21 - 13:27] The Rustic that didn't get involved with troll ass bullshit
[13:27 - 13:33] What happened to the Rustic that used to be kind of people, that used to help people?
[13:33 - 13:37] What happened to that side of you?
[13:37 - 13:48] Because all I see now is an empty shell of the person that you used to be
[13:48 - 13:56] That's all I see is an empty hollow shell of the person that I used to look up to
[13:57 - 14:05] Now all I see is a spineless pussy running her fucking mouth acting like she's a badass
[14:05 - 14:11] when really she's nothing more than a hollow shell of what she used to fucking be
[14:11 - 14:17] You used to be an amazing artist now look at you
[14:17 - 14:22] Washed up trolling people thinking you're a badass
[14:23 - 14:29] When really you're a shriveled up old ass bitch at this point
[14:31 - 14:36] You used to be respectable I used to respect the shit out of you
[14:38 - 14:41] And now look at you picking on those weaker than yourself
[14:44 - 14:46] What happened to you Rustic?
[14:48 - 14:50] What the fuck happened to you?
[14:53 - 14:57] You used to do amazing fucking artwork
[14:58 - 15:02] Some of the best goddamn artwork I've ever seen in my fucking entire life
[15:03 - 15:05] And I'm not just saying that either
[15:08 - 15:12] You actually had some of the best fucking artwork that I've honestly ever seen in my life
[15:12 - 15:25] Now look at you picking on those weaker than you joining in on fucking with people
[15:26 - 15:31] Being a little troll being a punk ass bully
[15:33 - 15:37] Is that what you really resorted to being a bully
[15:37 - 15:46] Because the rustic that me and all your original fans used to know never did this
[15:50 - 15:55] I don't know what the fuck got into you but you need to be fucking bitch slapped
[15:55 - 15:58] with a those reality and cut the crap
[15:58 - 16:05] Because the rustic angel I knew back in the day
[16:07 - 16:10] Would be embarrassed of who you are now
[16:13 - 16:17] I know I'm embarrassed to say that I used to look up to you right now
[16:18 - 16:23] I'm ashamed to sit there and say that I used to look up to you
[16:29 - 16:39] Because all I see now is a former empty shell of the artist of the great artist that you used to be
[16:42 - 16:48] Now look at you empty hollow being a bully just like every other person
[16:51 - 16:54] This ain't you and you know I'm right
[16:54 - 17:00] This ain't you rustic and you know I'm fucking right
[17:03 - 17:05] Jenny knows I'm right
[17:08 - 17:14] Everyone here that used to be your fan that walked away from you knows that I'm right
[17:15 - 17:20] And trust me I know a lot of your fans a lot of your fans are fans of my work now
[17:20 - 17:28] And guess what I respect the shit out of them the same way they respect the living shit out of me
[17:32 - 17:39] Now don't get me wrong I respect your artwork I respect what you do as an artist
[17:40 - 17:44] What I don't respect is you being a little bitch ass bully
[17:51 - 17:53] That's what I don't respect
[18:01 - 18:04] Now William Glory Hall Masshole reports
[18:05 - 18:09] You little punk ass bitches think that I'm the pedophile
[18:10 - 18:12] I have just one thing to say to your ass
[18:13 - 18:17] Masshole reports or should I say Kate Peters?
[18:17 - 18:25] Okay, the bitch who had her two of our kids taken away for doing what she's doing now
[18:28 - 18:33] You want the real pedophile masshole reports look at yourself
[18:35 - 18:39] I'm not the one that sent someone a picture of an underage kid
[18:40 - 18:42] Now am I?
[18:42 - 18:44] No, that was you
[18:45 - 18:53] So I said they're calling me a pedophile when you're the one looking on pictures of underage kids
[18:58 - 19:01] I'd love to see what's on your hard drive, bitch
[19:01 - 19:04] I bet you got loads of trial pornography on there
[19:05 - 19:07] I'd be wanting to put money on it
[19:08 - 19:10] You and your little fat ass husband
[19:12 - 19:14] Who do nothing but bully people
[19:15 - 19:17] Y'all should be bitch slapped
[19:20 - 19:24] Because let me tell you something and I know Matt knows I'm right on what I'm about to say
[19:25 - 19:28] When me and him were grown up when we were kids
[19:31 - 19:35] If somebody was bullying us and we confronted someone
[19:37 - 19:42] We didn't confront them with our words beyond a fucking computer screen
[19:43 - 19:48] No, we said whatever we had to say to their fucking face
[19:50 - 19:57] If we had a problem with someone we didn't hide behind the screen we said it to their goddamn face in person
[20:04 - 20:09] So what I don't get is why are you little pussy ass lip-dink motherfuckers
[20:09 - 20:13] Afraid to show up at my house and say what you gotta say to my fucking face
[20:27 - 20:35] Or is it because you're scared that a five foot three dude will knock your fake asses out quicker than you can say whoops
[20:40 - 20:49] What's the matter are you actually afraid that a five foot three dude will knock your fake asses out and affairs the shit out of you live
[20:51 - 20:56] Is that what you're afraid of are you afraid that short dude like me can knock your fake asses out
[21:01 - 21:08] All I see is a bunch of limp dick pussies hiding behind a goddamn computer screen like a coward
[21:10 - 21:22] Now some of you may be wondering why I have the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi as
[21:25 - 21:28] My cover right now as my thumbnail
[21:29 - 21:32] Well, there's a very legitimate reason for that
[21:33 - 21:34] Because see
[21:34 - 21:40] When the legendary Miyamoto Musashi was alive he stood for one thing
[21:42 - 21:44] Honor was his main thing
[21:46 - 21:48] Honor integrity respect
[21:50 - 21:57] Were the three main principles that he lived by all of which I lived by every fucking day
[21:58 - 22:08] So you can sit there say what you want about me laugh me all you want I don't give two fucks
[22:10 - 22:16] But I guarantee you any of you punk ass motherfuckers show your ass up to my neighborhood
[22:17 - 22:19] Why don't you knock on my fucking door?
[22:21 - 22:23] Stop driving by like a pussy
[22:24 - 22:26] Knock on my fucking door
[22:27 - 22:30] I'll come outside and I'll knock your fake ass out
[22:32 - 22:34] And I won't even think twice
[22:35 - 22:40] If anything once I knock your ass out, I'll stand over your body and fucking laugh at you
[22:42 - 22:46] Because all you are is a bunch of weak ass bullies with no respect
[22:47 - 23:00] Now how about you William glory hole you want to do the honors of being the first one to get knocked the fuck out
[23:01 - 23:07] Because after all you did push someone to suicide out of the Lego community
[23:10 - 23:15] There's a reason you got pushed out of that community because you pushed someone to suicide
[23:17 - 23:21] You pushed someone to kill themselves who is no longer with us because of you
[23:23 - 23:25] You're the one at fault
[23:27 - 23:30] You bullied someone until they killed themselves
[23:31 - 23:33] And I'm not okay with that
[23:34 - 23:39] I in good conscience cannot sit there and let this continue on
[23:42 - 23:45] So like I said William the bitch
[23:45 - 23:50] You want a war motherfucker ask my brother Matt
[23:52 - 23:54] Ask all my fans
[23:55 - 24:00] When you fuck with one of us you fuck with the entire fucking Cyrax nation
[24:01 - 24:03] You fuck with an entire family
[24:05 - 24:08] You fuck with one of us you fuck with all of us
[24:09 - 24:12] And that goes for you too
[24:12 - 24:15] Massal reports as well as you rustic
[24:16 - 24:18] As well as all your little friends
[24:21 - 24:23] So you want a war
[24:27 - 24:33] Come get me motherfuckers. I'm right here and I'm not hiding from none of your little pussies
[24:33 - 24:35] So say what you want about me
[24:36 - 24:38] Go ahead
[24:38 - 24:42] Say whatever the fuck you want about me
[24:45 - 24:49] And candle I know you got my fucking voicemail bitch
[24:50 - 24:56] Why don't you man up until the goddamn truth that I never fucking laid a goddamn hand on you?
[24:57 - 24:59] I never even met your ass
[25:02 - 25:06] So why the fuck you running around telling people that I raped you bitch
[25:06 - 25:08] I never fucking touched you
[25:09 - 25:12] I wouldn't touch you if my life depended on it
[25:13 - 25:19] If I had a choice between touching you or death or guess what bitch, I guess I'll meet the goddamn grim reaper
[25:25 - 25:30] I'd rather meet the goddamn grim reaper than touch your fucking fake ass
[25:36 - 25:38] So
[25:46 - 25:50] So you think you can just waltz around telling people that I raped you think again, bitch
[25:52 - 25:59] Because you think you're untouchable, but you're not you want the untouchable one you're looking at them right here
[26:01 - 26:03] Go ahead ask anyone
[26:04 - 26:07] They'll tell you bitch. I am the untouchable one
[26:10 - 26:12] Ask anyone go ahead
[26:15 - 26:19] Ask anyone and they will tell you the same thing i'm telling you
[26:21 - 26:24] You guys try to have me arrested didn't fucking work
[26:25 - 26:28] Tried to shut all my tails down that failed
[26:28 - 26:30] Guess guess what i'm back
[26:33 - 26:35] You
[26:54 - 26:56] So this one right here
[26:56 - 27:00] It's going out to the motherfucking nation and anybody out there
[27:01 - 27:05] That feels like they ain't got the strength of fight. I hope this gives you that strength of fight
[27:07 - 27:09] Fuck your bullies. They're pussy
[27:10 - 27:12] Get out get out
[27:12 - 27:14] Get out get out
[27:16 - 27:18] Get out
[27:20 - 27:22] Get out get out
[27:22 - 27:24] Get out get out
[27:25 - 27:27] Get out
[27:27 - 27:30] Where are you ranting now
[27:31 - 27:37] It's revolution in the long your power has been taken away been taken away
[27:37 - 27:40] Do you think they don't have anything now?
[27:40 - 27:48] Damn the revolution takes a net to shackle so it's on the way that country on your mind
[27:50 - 27:53] So let the vision leave you blind
[27:53 - 27:55] And
[27:57 - 27:59] Move in standing now
[27:59 - 28:06] It's revolution for too long your power has been taken away been taken away
[28:06 - 28:08] Do you think they know you but
[28:09 - 28:16] There's an education but they can't control you once you've broken away that dark control in your mind
[28:16 - 28:18] I
[28:19 - 28:21] Didn't want you they will find
[28:23 - 28:25] Before they aren't ready for
[28:27 - 28:31] Are you ready? They aren't ready for you to be strong
[28:32 - 28:36] Are you ready? They aren't ready for you to prove them wrong
[28:38 - 28:44] They aren't ready for you to be turned into someone who cannot be afraid of
[28:46 - 28:48] God
[28:54 - 28:56] That's enough ranting now
[28:57 - 28:59] You know the takings
[29:00 - 29:06] Desivations have been taken away been taken away. They think you're ranting now
[29:06 - 29:14] For the revolution on your game control you once you've broken away that's talking you're out of your mind
[29:15 - 29:19] When there's no one standing for you, they will find
[29:20 - 29:23] Of course they aren't ready for
[29:24 - 29:29] Are you ready? They aren't ready for you to be strong
[29:30 - 29:34] They aren't ready for you to prove them wrong
[29:35 - 29:42] They aren't ready for you to be turned into someone who cannot be afraid of
[29:44 - 29:46] God
[29:51 - 29:53] Are you ready?
[29:54 - 29:56] Let me see those hashtags
[29:56 - 30:01] Fuck bullying going in the comments right the fuck now. Let's go
[30:10 - 30:12] Getting them out of your mind
[30:14 - 30:17] But standing for you they will find
[30:18 - 30:20] Cause they aren't ready for
[30:22 - 30:26] Are you ready? They aren't ready for you to be strong
[30:28 - 30:32] They aren't ready for you to prove them wrong
[30:33 - 30:39] They aren't ready for you to be turned into someone who cannot be afraid of
[30:39 - 30:41] God
[30:42 - 30:45] Ready? They aren't ready for us to be strong
[30:47 - 30:51] They aren't ready for us to prove them wrong
[30:52 - 30:59] They aren't ready for you to be turned into people who cannot be afraid of
[31:01 - 31:03] God
[31:03 - 31:05] Are you ready?
[31:05 - 31:07] Are you ready?
[31:10 - 31:12] Are you ready?
[31:25 - 31:28] Now by the start of this next song
[31:29 - 31:33] I want to see every single one of you motherfuckers in the comments right now
[31:34 - 31:39] I want to see every single one of you by the time this next song starts up to put hashtag
[31:40 - 31:42] Fuck bullying
[31:45 - 31:48] Because these boys ain't nothing but a bunch of pussies
[31:59 - 32:03] And nobody banned this man. I want this man to stand before the nation
[32:09 - 32:12] You
[32:39 - 32:41] You
[33:02 - 33:04] And this one right here
[33:06 - 33:08] This going out to all those
[33:08 - 33:11] That came before us defending us
[33:13 - 33:18] This is to honor those that defended us when we needed it most
[33:21 - 33:24] This is inherit the crown
[33:25 - 33:28] We're all spending more time in our own space. So why not own it?
[33:29 - 33:33] Browse enterprise car sales selection of quality free-owned vehicles and start
[33:36 - 33:40] I said don't wear the mangy in my ampto
[33:42 - 33:45] I will inherit the crown
[33:47 - 33:50] Don't wear the mangy in my ampto
[33:50 - 33:55] I will inherit the crown
[33:57 - 33:59] You're gonna be like when you put your hands up
[34:01 - 34:03] You're gonna let me down
[34:03 - 34:05] You're gonna let me down
[34:05 - 34:07] You're gonna let me down
[34:07 - 34:11] Let me be your new foundation
[34:11 - 34:16] This is to honor those who are not fit for us
[34:16 - 34:21] Don't wear the mask in my ass, Joe!
[34:21 - 34:25] I will in the air in the crowd!
[34:25 - 34:31] I said, don't wear the mask in my ass, Joe!
[34:31 - 34:36] I will in the air in the crowd!
[34:36 - 34:38] Can't wait to get out of here, no fuckin' brain!
[34:38 - 34:41] Let me find another mother to beg!
[34:41 - 34:43] Let me find another mother to beg!
[34:43 - 34:46] I'm gonna be a man runnin' with the other man!
[34:46 - 34:50] Let me be your new man, Joe!
[34:50 - 34:57] Son of the Lord of Belongers, POTS!
[35:07 - 35:12] Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na!
[35:12 - 35:17] Come in my hand and meet the Lord!
[35:17 - 35:22] Either way, I'll take it away!
[35:22 - 35:27] Then on my shoulder, your presence is gone!
[35:27 - 35:33] Either way, I'll take it away!
[35:33 - 35:39] On my shoulder, your presence lives on!
[35:42 - 35:47] I know you are, Marcia!
[35:47 - 35:52] If you don't like it, take a hike, bitch!
[35:52 - 35:56] Go the fuck somewhere else!
[35:56 - 36:01] You pussy-ass coward!
[36:12 - 36:17] Let me be your new man, man!
[36:17 - 36:22] Let me be your new man, man!
[36:22 - 36:27] Let me be your new man, man!
[36:42 - 36:47] Marcia, I am going, nobody!
[36:47 - 36:52] You know what I'm doin'?
[36:52 - 36:57] Callin' your father, Marcia!
[36:57 - 37:02] Marcia, I am going, nobody!
[37:02 - 37:07] Marcia, I am going, nobody!
[37:07 - 37:10] Marcia, I am going, nobody!
[37:10 - 37:12] What I'm doin'?
[37:12 - 37:15] Callin' your fake ass out!
[37:15 - 37:19] You limp dick bully!
[37:19 - 37:21] You're a limp dick little bitch!
[37:21 - 37:24] Hiding behind your words!
[37:24 - 37:27] Kids, you ain't got the balls to make a fucking video
[37:27 - 37:32] Showin' your face, can't front me like a man!
[37:32 - 37:37] So fuck you!
[37:37 - 37:47] Bitch, no way to make me mine out!
[37:47 - 37:56] I will end up in the crowd!
[37:56 - 38:02] I will end up in the fucking crowd!
[38:07 - 38:21] I want to say this right the fuck now.
[38:21 - 38:35] Rest in peace to all those that came before us and died fighting a good fight.
[38:35 - 38:46] You guys may be gone, but your memory is here with us and always fucking will be.
[38:46 - 38:52] Chester, Mitch, all of our friends that we all lost.
[38:52 - 38:57] Everybody that stood up against bullying, even though you guys are gone.
[38:57 - 39:01] Your memory will forever live on through all of us.
[39:27 - 39:43] This is Aerogarden, for your own fast loads, heirloom veggies, and more, up to five times faster than with soil.
[39:43 - 39:44] It's easier and f-
[39:53 - 39:56] Shout out to all the nation that fucking rocks when we're man.
[39:56 - 39:58] I fucking love you guys.
[39:58 - 40:00] As much for y'all, dude.
[40:00 - 40:02] I fucking love the nation, you guys are dope.
[40:26 - 40:28] Nobody knows if it's over for me.
[40:28 - 40:29] I'm over the edge.
[40:29 - 40:30] I'm blowing up the signs.
[40:30 - 40:32] I'm not who I'm supposed to be.
[40:32 - 40:35] Nobody shows me to sit in the heavens.
[40:35 - 40:37] And yet I'm regretting the demons in my head.
[40:37 - 40:38] I'm the red light.
[40:38 - 40:42] I'm never gonna get another chance to enjoy with somebody else.
[40:42 - 40:43] Come to me, dude.
[40:43 - 40:44] To me, dude.
[40:44 - 40:45] To the penny.
[40:45 - 40:46] Yo, I'm out of health.
[40:46 - 40:50] If I hadn't read it to it so stupidly, it could be you and me in the future.
[40:50 - 40:52] Fucking I love my mutual aid.
[40:52 - 40:54] But it's never gonna be that way.
[40:54 - 40:55] I'm so down now.
[40:55 - 40:56] I'm giving you all my fame on the deck.
[40:56 - 40:57] With my hands on a chair.
[40:57 - 40:58] With your mic.
[40:58 - 40:59] I'm looking right out in the crowd.
[40:59 - 41:00] In my dreams.
[41:00 - 41:02] You really don't know what I mean.
[41:02 - 41:03] That's the thing.
[41:03 - 41:04] Cause I don't trust anyone anymore.
[41:04 - 41:05] You're an enemy.
[41:05 - 41:07] See, it's my last chance.
[41:07 - 41:09] I won't watch you in the name.
[41:09 - 41:12] Cause I'm just wrecking and heading for the key.
[41:12 - 41:15] See, I can't take it.
[41:15 - 41:18] I made myself to be someone that I'm not.
[41:18 - 41:19] It's crazy.
[41:19 - 41:22] So save all your goodbyes.
[41:22 - 41:25] I'm going to give it to you one last time.
[41:25 - 41:27] So you can feel me.
[41:27 - 41:29] Just do your best stuff.
[41:29 - 41:32] Do the best thing when I'm going to the keyboard.
[41:32 - 41:34] Take what I'm taking slow.
[41:34 - 41:36] Happiness can make you show.
[41:36 - 41:37] Cause I've been forgotten.
[41:37 - 41:39] There's no fixing or forsaking home.
[41:39 - 41:41] In the brain, I don't need my dough.
[41:41 - 41:43] Whatever it means to know hustle, crack.
[41:43 - 41:45] But whatever it takes, I'm gonna make my cake.
[41:45 - 41:46] And I might just bust the rap.
[41:46 - 41:48] But it green, I see no point.
[41:48 - 41:50] To do it, we need to bring my choice.
[41:50 - 41:52] It's Friday, so I'm gonna mark the rock.
[41:52 - 41:54] I'm bringing noise, but you can't do that.
[41:54 - 41:56] Cause I do rap for the fans where I need to vent.
[41:56 - 41:58] And if anybody believe me, this ain't easy.
[41:58 - 42:00] I cannot breathe a pat.
[42:00 - 42:02] Then if I collect and check for the words,
[42:02 - 42:03] well, I'm no bad.
[42:03 - 42:05] I'm doing it all the way to my family.
[42:05 - 42:06] And it's so sad.
[42:06 - 42:09] You're gonna have to come to this.
[42:09 - 42:11] And the pain that it came from life
[42:11 - 42:13] that women isn't gonna get covered.
[42:13 - 42:15] No, I just can't keep away from my music life.
[42:15 - 42:17] And my challenge is between being me
[42:17 - 42:19] and please you can't get bouncing.
[42:19 - 42:20] This made me laugh.
[42:20 - 42:22] Now, if you don't stop sleeping and playing with me,
[42:22 - 42:24] cause you wouldn't ever get to hear the motherfucking drop
[42:24 - 42:26] the shit in that David tree.
[42:31 - 42:34] Now, Marcia, let me ask you something.
[42:34 - 42:37] Not attacking you at all whatsoever.
[42:37 - 42:41] But have you ever stopped to ask yourself
[42:41 - 42:43] this one question?
[42:43 - 42:48] Who's the real bullies here?
[42:48 - 42:53] Have you ever stopped to ask who's attacking whom?
[42:53 - 42:56] I mean, seriously, take a look at my videos.
[42:56 - 42:59] Ask yourself.
[42:59 - 43:02] I mean, really ask yourself.
[43:02 - 43:04] Who's the real bullies?
[43:04 - 43:07] Myself, the one that's standing out to them
[43:07 - 43:09] are those that are going around
[43:09 - 43:13] accusing me of shit and making videos on me.
[43:13 - 43:17] Ask yourself that before you go judging someone next time.
[43:18 - 43:24] Just a little friendly advice for you, man.
[43:24 - 43:27] You can take my advice, not take my advice.
[43:27 - 43:30] But at the end of the day, I'm not the bully.
[43:30 - 43:36] And if anything, I'm trying to stop the bullies.
[43:36 - 43:40] So, there's that.
[43:47 - 43:50] Thank you.
[44:17 - 44:20] Thank you.
[44:47 - 44:54] Now, this right here,
[44:54 - 44:59] I want to give a huge shout out to Clinton Jennings on this one.
[44:59 - 45:03] But this one right here isn't a song,
[45:03 - 45:09] but a spoken word piece by my boy, Clinton Jennings.
[45:09 - 45:15] So pretty one out there that is truthfully on the brink of suicide.
[45:15 - 45:20] I'm begging you right now.
[45:20 - 45:26] Put down whatever is that you're planning to kill yourself with,
[45:26 - 45:29] whether it's a knife, rope, whatever that may be.
[45:29 - 45:36] Just please put that down for a few minutes and listen to this.
[45:36 - 45:39] I'm gonna let Clinton take it from here.
[45:45 - 45:58] Here it goes.
[45:58 - 46:05] I want to take that moment of silence to a hundred of those that have passed on from suicide.
[46:05 - 46:08] Please don't kill yourself when I'm talking to you.
[46:08 - 46:11] And I don't pretend to know everything that you've been through.
[46:11 - 46:13] But if it's shame, you feel just know that I've sinned to.
[46:13 - 46:16] And if it's pain, you're feeling just know that that's something I went through.
[46:16 - 46:19] I don't know your story, but I know you and me are a lot alike.
[46:19 - 46:22] So let me talk to you for a minute while I got this mic.
[46:22 - 46:24] I was 18 when I pulled a gun out.
[46:24 - 46:27] At the time, it felt like my options had run out.
[46:27 - 46:30] So I put that barrel to my chest and I pulled the trigger halfway.
[46:30 - 46:33] I tried to muster up the courage to put myself away that day.
[46:33 - 46:36] But halfway under that trigger pole, I stopped.
[46:36 - 46:38] Tears flooded my eyes and that pistol dropped.
[46:38 - 46:40] And I sat in my room and I sobbed for an hour.
[46:40 - 46:43] On the outside, I was fine on the inside of coward.
[46:43 - 46:46] The noise of my depression had gotten louder and louder.
[46:46 - 46:49] I had planned to lay out in a baptism shower of gunpowder.
[46:49 - 46:52] I've been lied to just like you're being lied to now.
[46:52 - 46:54] Other people can't help you, but I might know how.
[46:54 - 46:57] Because I've walked in your shoes and I've been at my lowest.
[46:57 - 46:59] And if you don't know anything, know this.
[46:59 - 47:02] You might tell me you're going to kill yourself and you're close to this.
[47:02 - 47:05] But God wants to meet you in the middle of your hopelessness.
[47:05 - 47:08] God wants to give you away out of these feelings of doubt.
[47:08 - 47:12] And the sounds of chaos might be reverberating around you like heavy metal.
[47:12 - 47:15] But confusion isn't from God, it's straight from the devil.
[47:15 - 47:18] And he wants to silence the noise and bring peace to you.
[47:18 - 47:20] And I promise if you just ask him, he'll see you through.
[47:20 - 47:23] You got to this place because you tried fighting your own fight.
[47:23 - 47:27] And where did that get to except contemplating about taking your own life?
[47:27 - 47:30] And if you got bullied at this point, I'm sorry you went through that.
[47:30 - 47:33] But God wants to take those words from your attackers and send them back.
[47:33 - 47:36] You don't have to be defined by what people said about you.
[47:36 - 47:38] Let me pick you up if you don't know how to.
[47:38 - 47:40] You're not alone, man. You got a friend in me.
[47:40 - 47:43] You got better days ahead of you. I just pray you begin to see.
[47:43 - 47:46] Know that everything the devil did to you, he wants you to replay.
[47:46 - 47:49] But everything the devil took from you, God wants to replace.
[47:49 - 47:52] Listen to me right now and you better look me right in the face.
[47:52 - 47:55] You were created for more than to die in this place.
[47:55 - 47:57] Don't do it, man. Please don't take your life.
[47:57 - 47:59] Just take my hand and we'll make this right.
[47:59 - 48:01] I promise if you do this, you'll regret it.
[48:01 - 48:04] You'll wake up in eternity and remember I said it.
[48:04 - 48:06] And you wish so bad, you can just go back.
[48:06 - 48:09] I'm here for you right now. Please just know that.
[48:09 - 48:11] And if you think you're alone in this fight, you've been lied to.
[48:11 - 48:14] That compression came after me and I nearly died too.
[48:14 - 48:17] I thought suicide was the only way and death was meant for me.
[48:17 - 48:20] The devil played his music and I sat front row through that symphony.
[48:20 - 48:23] I walked through the fire and I felt that heat.
[48:23 - 48:25] But I pushed past the clutter and I stood to my feet.
[48:25 - 48:28] I walked out and I refused to look back.
[48:28 - 48:31] I took my depression and threw it right back into that wood stack.
[48:31 - 48:33] That fire must have blazed 50 feet high.
[48:33 - 48:37] And now I plan on leaving a legacy to look back on some day when I died.
[48:37 - 48:39] And right now I'm telling you to stand up to.
[48:39 - 48:42] Deep down inside, you know it's the right thing to do.
[48:42 - 48:44] Think about your family. Think about you.
[48:44 - 48:46] Don't kill yourself. Please don't do it.
[48:46 - 48:49] Whatever you're facing, God will see you through it.
[48:49 - 48:52] I had a fan kill himself and his mom asked if I could come see her.
[48:52 - 48:55] She was depressed and asked if I could meet her.
[48:55 - 48:57] Two weeks later, the pressure beat her.
[48:57 - 49:00] She ran into a telephone pole without a seatbelt and a two-seater.
[49:00 - 49:03] I wish right now I could crawl through these speakers
[49:03 - 49:06] and somehow convince you not to go the same route sheeted.
[49:06 - 49:09] I wish I could change the fact that you feel defeated.
[49:09 - 49:12] I wish I could lock my arms around you and tell the devil to beat it.
[49:12 - 49:16] But I can't reach everyone even though I knew my best to try.
[49:16 - 49:19] Some people believe the lie that it's just best to die.
[49:19 - 49:21] And I think it's the simple way out.
[49:21 - 49:23] But they're not here to see the way things play out.
[49:23 - 49:26] They don't see the hurt they cause, the pain they leave.
[49:26 - 49:29] I take this seriously. This isn't a game to me.
[49:29 - 49:32] Even thinking about ending your life is living dangerously.
[49:32 - 49:34] So please just listen to my voice.
[49:34 - 49:36] Right now you have a choice.
[49:36 - 49:39] You can choose life or you can get drowned by the noise.
[49:39 - 49:40] Please don't do it.
[49:40 - 49:42] Please just ask for help.
[49:42 - 49:45] If not for your family, do it for yourself.
[50:00 - 50:06] I want to say a rest in peace to all those that took their lives.
[50:06 - 50:11] Because of people like Marcy and these people that are in the comments.
[50:11 - 50:13] They are bullies right now.
[50:15 - 50:20] And if you are on the edge, please don't fucking do it.
[50:20 - 50:23] I'm like, cause you're talking to somebody that's been there.
[50:23 - 50:26] I have been there at my lowest.
[50:26 - 50:29] Where you guys probably are right now.
[50:31 - 50:34] I was there just a mere short eight months ago.
[50:34 - 50:36] I was there.
[50:36 - 50:37] I was on the edge.
[50:37 - 50:40] You can ask my brother Matt who's in the chat right now.
[50:43 - 50:45] I've been at my lowest.
[50:45 - 50:47] I've been on the edge of the knife.
[50:49 - 50:51] You can ask Matt for yourselves.
[50:52 - 50:57] I'm a survivor of suicide twice over.
[51:00 - 51:03] And both times they were caused by bullies.
[51:06 - 51:09] Both times they were caused by people that wanted to see me die.
[51:09 - 51:11] And get a laugh out of it.
[51:17 - 51:19] Let me tell you.
[51:20 - 51:25] I'm glad that him and my friends and my family stuck around to stop me.
[51:25 - 51:29] Because if they didn't stop me, I wouldn't be here today.
[51:29 - 51:34] To be able to stand up to the fucking bullies and do what's right.
[51:45 - 51:47] What up blacks?
[51:49 - 51:51] What up blacks?
[52:21 - 52:46] I want to dedicate this from myself to everybody in the motherfucking Cyrax nation.
[52:46 - 52:48] I fucking love you guys.
[52:55 - 53:06] In the end, there's my soul's in the restless after my body, or am I just a child?
[53:07 - 53:17] I have fount in the flesh and blood I command in and on me, through it all.
[53:17 - 53:29] I can't give them a moment of glory, in the end there's a fade into the night.
[53:29 - 53:36] Who will tell the story of your life?
[53:36 - 53:43] And who will remember your last goodbye?
[53:43 - 53:51] Consisting in, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[53:51 - 53:58] Not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[53:58 - 54:04] On the site, on every scene, I still want to be home.
[54:04 - 54:09] I will live again.
[54:12 - 54:14] Who we are?
[54:14 - 54:19] Isn't how we live? We are molding on bodies.
[54:19 - 54:26] If I fall, y'all will rise back, y'all never live, market all right.
[54:26 - 54:32] In the end, there's a fade into the night.
[54:32 - 54:38] Who will tell the story of your life?
[54:38 - 54:45] And who will remember your last goodbye?
[54:45 - 54:53] Consisting in, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[55:00 - 55:04] What up to the Cyrax Nation? I fucking love you guys.
[55:08 - 55:19] Who will tell the story of your life?
[55:19 - 55:26] And who will remember your last goodbye?
[55:26 - 55:35] Consisting in, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[55:38 - 55:54] Who will remember this last goodbye?
[55:54 - 56:02] Consisting in, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[56:02 - 56:09] Not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[56:09 - 56:16] Not afraid, not afraid to die.
[56:16 - 56:30] You know what, Lex? This next one's for you, Lex.
[56:46 - 57:15] You know what, Lex? This next one's for you, Lex.
[57:15 - 57:22] Lex, this next one's for you.
[57:22 - 57:27] Like I told you last night, you know I'm always here for you.
[57:27 - 57:36] You got my number, you need anything, you fucking reach out to me.
[57:36 - 57:58] Because you know I got your back, no matter what.
[57:58 - 58:04] Like an unsung melody, the truth is waiting there for you to find it.
[58:04 - 58:10] It's not a blank, but a remedy, a clear matter of how it began.
[58:10 - 58:16] It's all in the memory, tears are lying in the struggle to find it.
[58:16 - 58:19] Early dawn, did it walk away?
[58:19 - 58:25] A voice will come from within the silence, 37th of eternity.
[58:25 - 58:28] You're waiting on the call out again.
[58:28 - 58:34] Many times don't recognize the reason they keep you blinded.
[58:34 - 58:38] Don't ever know that you walk away.
[58:38 - 58:48] When you become with what they can't listen to me now.
[58:48 - 58:53] You need never feel broken again.
[58:53 - 59:04] Sometimes darkness can show you the light.
[59:04 - 59:07] You know we're given more treasure day.
[59:07 - 59:10] You didn't really think you'd find it.
[59:10 - 59:13] But it's up for a reckoning.
[59:13 - 59:16] When the world seems to crumble again.
[59:16 - 59:19] Then the dark gets manned away.
[59:19 - 59:22] You're the one who can read and find it.
[59:22 - 59:25] Don't let hope become a memory.
[59:25 - 59:28] Let the shadow burn me in your mind then.
[59:28 - 59:31] We'll play the song till we talk the way.
[59:31 - 59:34] Don't be, don't be in the dead.
[59:34 - 59:37] Then the dark gets manned away.
[59:37 - 59:44] Don't let hope become a memory.
[59:44 - 59:54] When you become with what they can't listen to me now.
[59:54 - 59:59] You need never feel broken again.
[59:59 - 60:11] Sometimes darkness can show you the light.
[60:11 - 60:16] Matter of fact, this next one for you actually, Lex.
[60:16 - 60:19] Tickening, weakening.
[60:19 - 60:22] The fire consumes your soul.
[60:22 - 60:24] You need strength to ignite.
[60:24 - 60:28] Take the little dart to the kindle of fire.
[60:28 - 60:45] Then you ignite the fire within you.
[60:45 - 60:48] But here we go.
[60:48 - 60:55] There's one saying God listen to me now.
[60:55 - 60:59] You need never feel broken again.
[60:59 - 61:06] Sometimes darkness can show you the light.
[61:06 - 61:13] Don't ignore this sentiment now.
[61:13 - 61:17] You need never feel broken again.
[61:17 - 61:24] Sometimes darkness can show you the light.
[61:24 - 61:29] Show you the light.
[61:54 - 62:16] You need never feel broken again.
[62:16 - 62:39] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for for a very long time.
[62:39 - 62:43] And something that I'm proud to say and proud to do.
[63:39 - 64:05] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[64:05 - 64:29] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[64:29 - 64:56] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[64:56 - 65:25] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[65:25 - 65:54] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[65:54 - 66:23] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[66:23 - 66:52] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[66:52 - 67:21] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[67:22 - 67:51] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[67:51 - 68:18] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[68:18 - 68:47] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[68:48 - 69:17] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[69:18 - 69:47] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[69:48 - 70:17] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[70:18 - 70:47] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[70:48 - 71:17] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[71:17 - 71:46] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[71:47 - 72:07] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[72:07 - 72:28] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[72:28 - 72:50] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[72:50 - 73:19] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[73:19 - 73:46] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[73:46 - 74:15] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[74:16 - 74:45] I want to tell you man, this day is a day that I've been waiting for a very long time.
[74:46 - 74:58] And that's right guys, I am with the label family.
[75:17 - 75:34] This season is too big for just ran and bring. It's the holidays and we're bringing all of the colors.
[75:34 - 75:37] Hey Matt, you might remember this one.
[75:46 - 76:00] I see the things you've got to do, all the things I've got to do.
[76:00 - 76:29] I see the things you've got to do.
[76:30 - 76:52] I see the things you've got to do.
[76:52 - 77:12] I see the things you've got to do.
[77:12 - 77:41] I see the things you've got to do.
[77:42 - 77:54] I see the things you've got to do.
[77:54 - 78:23] I see the things you've got to do.
[78:24 - 78:53] I see the things you've got to do.
[78:54 - 79:18] I see the things you've got to do.
[79:24 - 79:35] You know this is where everybody out there that's on the weekend now, where all y'all got baby's weekend this weekend. This is for you guys.
[79:54 - 80:23] You know this is where everybody out there that's on the weekend now, where all y'all got baby's weekend this weekend. This is for you guys.
[80:24 - 80:53] I see the things you've got to do.
[80:54 - 81:23] I see the things you've got to do.
[81:24 - 81:53] I see the things you've got to do.
[81:54 - 82:23] I see the things you've got to do.
[82:24 - 82:53] I see the things you've got to do.
[82:54 - 83:23] I see the things you've got to do.
[83:24 - 83:53] I see the things you've got to do.
[83:54 - 84:23] I see the things you've got to do.
[84:24 - 84:51] I see the things you've got to do.
[84:51 - 85:20] I see the things you've got to do.
[85:21 - 85:50] I see the things you've got to do.
[85:51 - 86:20] I see the things you've got to do.
[86:21 - 86:50] I see the things you've got to do.
[86:51 - 87:20] I see the things you've got to do.
[87:21 - 87:50] I see the things you've got to do.
[87:51 - 88:11] I see the things you've got to do.
[88:11 - 88:40] I see the things you've got to do.
[88:41 - 89:04] I see the things you've got to do.
[89:04 - 89:33] I see the things you've got to do.
[89:34 - 90:01] I see the things you've got to do.
[90:01 - 90:28] I see the things you've got to do.
[90:28 - 90:57] I see the things you've got to do.
[90:58 - 91:27] I see the things you've got to do.
[91:28 - 91:57] I see the things you've got to do.
[91:58 - 92:27] I see the things you've got to do.
[92:28 - 92:55] I see the things you've got to do.
[92:55 - 93:24] I see the things you've got to do.
[93:25 - 93:51] I see the things you've got to do.
[93:51 - 94:20] I see the things you've got to do.
[94:21 - 94:50] I see the things you've got to do.
[94:51 - 95:20] I see the things you've got to do.
[95:21 - 95:50] I see the things you've got to do.
[95:51 - 96:20] I see the things you've got to do.
[96:21 - 96:43] I see the things you've got to do.
[96:43 - 97:09] I see the things you've got to do.
[97:09 - 97:36] I see the things you've got to do.
[97:36 - 98:03] I see the things you've got to do.
[98:03 - 98:32] I see the things you've got to do.
[98:33 - 99:02] I see the things you've got to do.
[99:03 - 99:30] I see the things you've got to do.
[99:30 - 99:57] I see the things you've got to do.
[99:57 - 100:26] I see the things you've got to do.
[100:27 - 100:56] I see the things you've got to do.
[100:57 - 101:24] I see the things you've got to do.
[101:24 - 101:53] I see the things you've got to do.
[101:54 - 102:23] I see the things you've got to do.
[102:24 - 102:53] I see the things you've got to do.
[102:54 - 103:23] I see the things you've got to do.
[103:24 - 103:52] I see the things you've got to do.
[103:52 - 104:21] I see the things you've got to do.
[104:22 - 104:34] I see the things you've got to do.
2021-12-5 FORZA HORIZON 5 with the crew

2021-12-5 FORZA HORIZON 5 with the crew

[0:00 - 0:04] and shit and alive so we'll be alive and it's all gonna be pretty fun dude
[0:06 - 0:13] yo what's good cuz it's your boy side racing and we are here on both the horizon file man
[0:13 - 0:19] with the crew today got the homie nitro out for this round man what's good bro how you doing man
[0:19 - 0:33] I'm just playing games on my ps5 and stuff so how you doing that
[0:33 - 0:38] hell yeah so it's new to you man what's going on with you
[0:38 - 0:50] I don't know shit
[0:50 - 0:53] yeah
[1:20 - 1:25] Alright, now Tron's down to something.
[1:30 - 1:32] Alright, can you already?
[1:32 - 1:33] Yeah, I can already.
[1:33 - 1:36] Alright, just making sure, dude.
[1:36 - 1:39] So what are you going to do, man?
[1:39 - 1:42] This is how it works, man. Like, what's new?
[1:42 - 1:49] I've been shown on this app called Reality, and it's just, I'm trying to get into B2B, if you know what that is.
[1:49 - 1:51] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what that is.
[1:51 - 1:57] Yeah, so I'm just trying to go to the follow base right now, while I'm trying to drop money on a PC.
[1:57 - 1:58] Hell yeah.
[1:58 - 2:11] And then, like, once I make my own, like, my own Abbey for B2B, I'm going to start putting that in, like, in my videos.
[2:11 - 2:13] Yeah, I would know.
[2:13 - 2:15] Yeah.
[2:15 - 2:24] So yeah, I've just been building, like, this follow, like, the followers base right now, showing on frickin' B2B and collabing with people and all that junk.
[2:24 - 2:26] Hell yeah.
[2:26 - 2:28] Welcome back.
[2:28 - 2:38] Well, it's a fun anime, but I don't feel like, I've gotten into, like, B2B and, like, long beforehand, but, like, I've never bumped into stuff like this, like, high tide before.
[2:38 - 2:42] Right, so you're still kind of near to it a little bit.
[2:42 - 2:44] Yep.
[2:44 - 2:48] Um, did you see one of my past videos?
[2:48 - 3:04] I was actually able to, like, um, I was able to pass, like, my B2Bing app to, like, frickin' to YouTube, but, like, using Streamlabs.
[3:04 - 3:07] Yeah, dude, I caught that, dude. That was sick.
[3:07 - 3:09] Mm-hmm.
[3:09 - 3:14] No, seriously, no, dude, that was cool as shit. I love how you did that. That was cool.
[3:14 - 3:16] Yep.
[3:16 - 3:25] I can animate that, so it's going to be, like, uh, my install is out, but I gotta, like, take money for it.
[3:25 - 3:27] Yeah.
[3:27 - 3:30] I couldn't really do it with this page, like, so I gotta work with it.
[3:31 - 3:34] Hey, I'm in, huh?
[3:39 - 3:43] How are we going here to the settings and changes that we got, and so on?
[3:43 - 3:48] I can't change the damn audio on this thing. This thing is like, stupid loud.
[3:54 - 3:56] Uh, there we go.
[3:57 - 3:59] Yep.
[4:06 - 4:10] Hey, y'all, dude, y'all, we're somewhere out of the five only?
[4:10 - 4:12] Yeah.
[4:15 - 4:18] Ah, so you're loading in?
[4:18 - 4:20] Oh, okay.
[4:20 - 4:24] I'm sure you're going to swine around on my skyline.
[4:24 - 4:26] Oh, there you go.
[4:33 - 4:36] Now, we got another key to this thing.
[4:41 - 4:45] All right, guys, I should be having a year right now.
[4:47 - 4:49] Yeah, there you go. I see it.
[4:50 - 4:56] And so far, dude, like, I've been messing with the drip tires so long, dude, and so far, I like them.
[4:56 - 4:59] I think they're a really good addition.
[4:59 - 5:01] Oh, yeah.
[5:01 - 5:06] Like, I've really been messing with them here, though. They're insanely fun, dude.
[5:06 - 5:08] You know what?
[5:10 - 5:12] Yeah.
[5:19 - 5:21] Yeah.
[5:36 - 5:39] Oh, hell yeah, dude. Hey, there you go.
[5:39 - 5:43] And, like, it doesn't drip anymore, but I just got that out of...
[5:47 - 5:52] So, what are we doing today, man? We're doing a race, and we're catching some slides. What are we doing?
[5:52 - 5:54] We're doing some racing.
[5:54 - 5:59] All right, let me switch up my stuff to race mode here.
[5:59 - 6:04] Now, if y'all remember my video from this morning, then y'all know I gotta do this, man.
[6:04 - 6:07] Throw the bitch back into race mode.
[6:08 - 6:16] Cause I got the drip mode where I turned all that gold in, some of the stuff off, and then I got my race mode, which led just everything on, just ready to go.
[6:18 - 6:20] What class are you running?
[6:20 - 6:24] Right now, I'm just running my Skyline, and I'm just sliding around the way over here.
[6:24 - 6:27] Right. What class is it, though?
[6:27 - 6:31] It is S1, but it's a drift one, though.
[6:31 - 6:33] Okay.
[6:33 - 6:36] I just called to my superman.
[6:36 - 6:39] But I was driving around him at 86.
[6:39 - 6:41] Oh, nice. Nice.
[6:41 - 6:43] Dude, I did a barn find yesterday.
[6:43 - 6:49] Bro, I got my hands on a $50 million freaking Ferrari, dude. I was like, holy shit.
[6:49 - 6:51] Yeah.
[6:55 - 6:57] Was it a barn find you said?
[6:57 - 6:59] Yeah.
[7:00 - 7:06] It's the competition version of the F40.
[7:06 - 7:09] No, this is a whole different one.
[7:09 - 7:12] Let me actually pull that one out real quick.
[7:12 - 7:18] If y'all know, you guys, if you guys do play around and find you guys can get this as a barn find.
[7:18 - 7:26] It's the Ferrari, it's the 1962 Ferrari 250 TTO.
[7:26 - 7:30] I don't know what you're talking about yet. It's a classic racer.
[7:30 - 7:33] Dude, that thing was, dude, I can't believe how much that thing is fucking worth.
[7:33 - 7:38] I was like, I tried to sell it at the auction, and it wouldn't let me, so I was like, fuck.
[7:38 - 7:43] Dude, it's funny, dude. Like, I tried buying it. Like, I tried buying the processor.
[7:43 - 7:52] It cost $25 million in order to skip the fucking, like, renew, like, the whole restoration process.
[7:52 - 7:54] Oh, wow.
[7:57 - 8:00] That's crazy.
[8:02 - 8:05] I'm gonna have to get my shoes on, then.
[8:05 - 8:10] If y'all don't know, yes, I'm running a manual with clutch, just like my boy here.
[8:10 - 8:14] And yes, we both are on wheel, so...
[8:14 - 8:16] Sweeney, what's your, what wheel are you running?
[8:16 - 8:18] Watch that G920 like I am?
[8:18 - 8:19] Yep.
[8:19 - 8:23] Hell yeah, man. The G920 gang out here, bro.
[8:24 - 8:31] So when I get that game, my, like, my wheel hop thing, it's on me buying, like, this wheel hop.
[8:31 - 8:37] It's like a, it's not like a, you know, it's just, it's like a little, like, monitor thing.
[8:37 - 8:44] It makes it so, it forces the, the wheel and the music to be accessible for, like, all my consoles,
[8:44 - 8:50] instead of having to buy a wheel for, like, essentially for every freaking console.
[8:50 - 8:52] Yeah.
[8:53 - 8:59] Oh, this thing's got some get-up-and-go to it, man. Holy shit.
[8:59 - 9:04] Yeah, this Ferrari's got some get-up-and-go and just pure stock mode, dude.
[9:04 - 9:05] Yeah.
[9:05 - 9:08] Like, this thing can help.
[9:08 - 9:13] That was it. Three, sit around. Thank you. We're good.
[9:13 - 9:17] All right, how the hell did I not shatter that thing?
[9:17 - 9:19] Oh, there we are.
[9:19 - 9:24] Hey, yeah, of course, I parked right in the fucking grass.
[9:24 - 9:29] Ooh, this is going to be a tough one. You know what?
[9:29 - 9:33] Fuck it, we're going on FairladyZ up in this bitch.
[9:42 - 9:45] Exactly, DT. I agree, man. Shout out to DT, man.
[9:45 - 9:48] Shout out to everybody in the chat watching that. What's good, y'all?
[9:48 - 9:54] Sorry, y'all can't see me. I got the lights off so y'all can, like, actually see the gameplay footage, so...
[9:54 - 9:57] Shout out to y'all, man.
[9:57 - 10:01] Ooh, we're doing a log on Belonco, okay?
[10:01 - 10:06] Dude, I remember, dude, this track was fucking crazy tough when I first tried it,
[10:06 - 10:08] and now I'm like, okay, yeah, I got this shit.
[10:08 - 10:13] Wait, dude, I did this with the Unimog.
[10:18 - 10:28] What? Is this a head-to-head or are we actually going a seasonal event?
[10:28 - 10:33] Oh shit, okay, I got a little friendly competition up in here.
[10:33 - 10:35] Oh shit!
[10:37 - 10:41] Alright, I took that corner way too quick. That was not bad.
[10:41 - 10:53] Oh, and also, I'm gonna be picking up NASCAR heat again, too. Again, for the Unimog.
[10:53 - 11:02] I tried to get it last. Dude, I had it last time, over some reason, and, like, it wouldn't work, so I had to fucking refund it.
[11:02 - 11:04] So now I gotta try to go in and buy it again.
[11:04 - 11:06] Shit.
[11:06 - 11:11] Yeah, I know I was pissed, but I was like, dude, I'm trying to get in some NASCAR events here.
[11:11 - 11:20] Hey, dude, you seen how quick I am on the fucking NASCAR circuit on the freaking motorsport?
[11:30 - 11:34] Hey, are you down for doing some seasonal events?
[11:34 - 11:38] I'm down. I mean, I grinded up a thing and got my 8-6, and I don't...
[11:38 - 11:42] See, that's the only car I really need right now is the 8-6.
[11:42 - 11:43] Yeah.
[11:43 - 11:47] Dude, the events for the 8-6 are not easy.
[11:47 - 11:52] That one, dude, that one with the Unimog was a bitch.
[11:52 - 11:57] Yeah, I mean, I got through pretty well. I just hit it and tried to leave the wheel.
[11:57 - 12:01] What's gotten me better at leaving the wheel in this game?
[12:01 - 12:07] It definitely knocked me out a lot, but I put on some good controls on the fucking cars.
[12:07 - 12:10] I'm just trying to take all of that meat out of my street too hard.
[12:10 - 12:12] All right.
[12:14 - 12:16] Not gonna beat that for a lot to ask, dude.
[12:16 - 12:19] I was just gonna come down to the right of the game, I don't know.
[12:19 - 12:21] It just turned out pretty good, man.
[12:21 - 12:23] Coming down towards feedback.
[12:25 - 12:26] Right.
[12:26 - 12:33] And that's what I do. I set all my stuff up to where the feedback is actually very, very good.
[12:33 - 12:42] I turned the feedback and everything all the way up so that you have that more realistic feel, you know?
[12:42 - 12:44] Right.
[12:44 - 12:49] The only reason why I'm not doing it right now is because obviously we're in the middle of a fucking race.
[12:49 - 12:51] Right.
[12:51 - 12:54] Obviously.
[12:55 - 13:00] Oh, yo. Sorry, my pizza boy.
[13:04 - 13:06] Hope you ain't late for work.
[13:09 - 13:14] Here we are. I apologize. I'll pay for it. I got like 4K.
[13:14 - 13:16] Okay.
[13:24 - 13:26] Yo, Wizard of God, what up?
[13:29 - 13:35] And so I did better in my first audition match.
[13:35 - 13:43] I carried my second one and then I fricked it up and then I sent a little message, bro.
[13:43 - 13:46] I was like worried to eat nothing.
[13:46 - 13:49] He was like trying to class shit about me going to one inside.
[13:49 - 13:52] I was like, I was gonna pick one mouse, bro.
[13:52 - 13:55] Wait, what game was this?
[13:55 - 13:57] Rainbow Six Beach.
[14:04 - 14:08] So homie tried to 1v1 you got smoked, huh?
[14:08 - 14:10] Yep.
[14:11 - 14:14] Oh, got the bell arrow. Let's go.
[14:14 - 14:16] Hell yeah, classic.
[14:31 - 14:35] Dude, how the hell are you going to get mad over one single fucking match?
[14:41 - 14:47] Oh, shit. We got a dust storm headed this way, bro.
[14:47 - 14:51] Oh, damn, bro. This is a dust storm, though.
[15:01 - 15:06] Good thing I got a car that guys would handle this shit.
[15:07 - 15:11] Are you back on the road here?
[15:18 - 15:23] Oh, damn, dude just jumped right over me. That was close.
[15:25 - 15:29] I'm coming, dude. I'll see you.
[15:36 - 15:39] I'm coming, dude.
[15:54 - 15:57] Oh, how are you starting? What's good?
[15:57 - 16:01] Not gonna lie. That was actually a pretty damn coin.
[16:01 - 16:03] Yeah.
[16:03 - 16:09] Dude, that jump I just did, I had to admit that was probably the cleanest jump I've done in a while.
[16:13 - 16:16] Where are you headed, dude, man?
[16:18 - 16:20] Oh, hell yeah.
[16:23 - 16:29] Right, hey. Ain't nothing wrong with taking a nice little cursor of the sandstorm down to an event, right?
[16:34 - 16:38] Alright, I'll just go to the typical day in Mexico.
[16:38 - 16:43] They sandstorms ain't shit. I was just taking a typical first.
[16:43 - 16:46] It's a typical good day in the office.
[16:50 - 16:52] Fuck it.
[16:54 - 16:57] I'm off, bro, this bitch. Fuck it.
[17:00 - 17:02] Hold on, dude.
[17:03 - 17:05] Hold on.
[17:09 - 17:12] Okay, I have no idea how I just made that shit.
[17:17 - 17:21] Dude, what? Sorry, I didn't hear you over that fucking loud ass dust storm.
[17:24 - 17:26] What were you saying?
[17:30 - 17:32] Oh.
[17:33 - 17:35] Yeah, we're stuck.
[17:37 - 17:39] Hey, what's up, man?
[17:41 - 17:43] Yo, can you hear me?
[17:43 - 17:45] Not hearing.
[17:45 - 17:47] I like it.
[17:47 - 17:49] I like it.
[17:49 - 17:51] I like it.
[17:51 - 17:53] I like it.
[17:53 - 17:55] I like it.
[17:55 - 17:57] I like it.
[17:57 - 17:59] I like it.
[17:59 - 18:01] Yo, can you hear me?
[18:01 - 18:03] Not hearing.
[18:03 - 18:05] I do apologize when I brought it in here.
[18:05 - 18:09] You were the damn loud ass fucking sandstorm.
[18:09 - 18:11] What were you saying?
[18:13 - 18:15] No, I just like...
[18:15 - 18:20] Like, you know, like, we only got six feet nearby, so I'm like, my shift is...
[18:20 - 18:22] Yeah.
[18:22 - 18:26] So, I always, like, because I got a 70 speed and a super.
[18:26 - 18:33] Like, once I get, like, entire PMs in six, I have to start using my power shift here, so I can tell last year.
[18:33 - 18:37] Alright, that's how it is with me, too, man, so I don't feel bad.
[18:37 - 18:39] Yeah.
[18:40 - 18:44] I am going to be modifying my shift here soon, though, so it's faster.
[18:44 - 18:48] I don't have to worry about the patterns on me buying a modified shift from this.
[18:48 - 18:51] And it's going to be a sequential shift, so it's only up and down.
[18:51 - 18:53] Yeah.
[18:53 - 18:56] Dude, I can't find you. Where the hell are you?
[18:58 - 19:00] I'll be...
[19:02 - 19:04] Oh, the highway?
[19:04 - 19:06] Yep.
[19:06 - 19:09] Oh, I only have both of them out here.
[19:10 - 19:13] You're only starting at the, uh...
[19:13 - 19:16] Dude, I seriously don't...
[19:16 - 19:19] I seriously don't want to see you.
[19:20 - 19:24] You're going to see me in the race, it's okay. It's going to, it's going to happen.
[19:24 - 19:26] Oh, wow.
[19:26 - 19:32] It's like, what is it? It's been a hot fix, like, a couple days ago, and I'm like, it wasn't too...
[19:32 - 19:35] Hot fix wasn't a fix to serve the issue.
[19:35 - 19:39] It was to fix the money budget that people were getting at the beginning of the game.
[19:39 - 19:41] Yeah.
[19:41 - 19:43] So...
[19:43 - 19:46] Ooh, okay, okay.
[19:47 - 19:50] Uh, not sure which one I want to run with, dude.
[19:52 - 19:55] You know, it's like, let's go up the Jaguar XJR.
[19:55 - 19:57] I ain't ran nothing yet, so...
[19:57 - 20:00] It's a good opportunity to run the Jag.
[20:00 - 20:02] Wait, let's stretch these legs a bit.
[20:09 - 20:12] So, what y'all in the shadow too, man?
[20:12 - 20:15] What you guys in the shadow too, dawg?
[20:16 - 20:19] What y'all doing, man?
[20:19 - 20:23] How you guys in the chat doing, bro? What's good with you guys?
[20:27 - 20:29] Hey, Mr. Red, what's good?
[20:29 - 20:32] Honeypot, what's good? How you guys doing, man?
[20:35 - 20:37] Ooh, okay.
[20:37 - 20:40] He's talking, right? Oh, yeah, I feel it.
[20:40 - 20:42] Dude, how you guys doing, man?
[20:45 - 20:47] Ooh, okay.
[20:47 - 20:49] Got a little highway where I'm going, hold on.
[20:55 - 20:58] He's talking, right? Oh, yeah, I feel it.
[21:11 - 21:14] Oh, damn.
[21:14 - 21:17] Don't mess, don't mess, thank you.
[21:17 - 21:21] It's always that first corner, it's always that first corner on the highway
[21:21 - 21:25] when you take it at a certain speed and you wind up clipping.
[21:27 - 21:30] Yo, nice, dude, nice fork.
[21:32 - 21:35] Dude, I think it's like, what is that?
[21:35 - 21:38] What fork should I run?
[21:38 - 21:40] Nice.
[21:50 - 21:52] Bro, that looks good.
[21:58 - 22:00] Yo, watch it.
[22:09 - 22:11] Wait, do I know what?
[22:11 - 22:13] The Young Man movies and Netflix.
[22:13 - 22:16] Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you're based off of that?
[22:16 - 22:18] Yeah.
[22:18 - 22:20] Oh, dude, sick.
[22:22 - 22:24] Yeah, yeah.
[22:24 - 22:27] Okay, how the hell I fit up underneath that sign, I wish I knew it.
[22:27 - 22:30] That was actually a slick as fuck.
[22:30 - 22:33] I know you've seen that, too, man.
[22:33 - 22:35] Most of them.
[22:35 - 22:37] That was crazy.
[22:39 - 22:41] Yeah.
[22:46 - 22:48] I know, same with this jacket.
[22:48 - 22:50] I ain't driven, I've not tuned this jacket at all.
[22:50 - 22:53] So I'm still running stock.
[22:53 - 22:57] No, it's like, you know, if I had this bad one,
[22:57 - 23:01] ah, just made a portrait of it, right?
[23:01 - 23:04] It's like, I'm like all the breath and everything else
[23:04 - 23:07] and the brakes focused on it here.
[23:09 - 23:12] Yeah, we're doing good though, man.
[23:16 - 23:19] Not doing so good as far as points go.
[23:19 - 23:21] It's still not bad.
[23:22 - 23:25] Oh, damn, this thing is quick.
[23:32 - 23:34] Oh, shit.
[23:34 - 23:36] I went way too low on here.
[23:37 - 23:39] That was my bad.
[23:45 - 23:47] I shifted.
[23:47 - 23:50] Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
[23:50 - 23:52] All right, we're good.
[23:54 - 23:57] I thought we were going to end up in that river.
[24:06 - 24:08] That's not going to be down.
[24:09 - 24:11] Yeah, I don't think we're going to get this one, dude.
[24:11 - 24:13] I looked at him, bro.
[24:37 - 24:39] Damn.
[24:39 - 24:41] We definitely didn't take that one.
[24:41 - 24:43] But it's all good though.
[24:44 - 24:46] It's all good.
[24:49 - 24:51] Damn, right?
[24:51 - 24:53] Straight up.
[24:53 - 24:56] Oh, God, this guy.
[24:57 - 24:59] Yeah, it's simple, dude.
[24:59 - 25:01] If you don't know, man, this is actually in my gaming channel
[25:01 - 25:03] that you're watching this on.
[25:03 - 25:06] So, yeah, I'm doing gaming all the time on this channel, bro.
[25:06 - 25:08] So, okay.
[25:09 - 25:12] But yeah, dude, I was sitting down, I was doing that,
[25:12 - 25:15] you know, that urban extraction situation on Siege.
[25:15 - 25:18] Dude, I wound up doing that over and over again.
[25:18 - 25:20] And dude, I was joking.
[25:20 - 25:21] I wound up sitting there doing it.
[25:21 - 25:27] I was doing it.
[25:27 - 25:29] So, that's what it was.
[25:29 - 25:31] I wasn't getting better than I thought.
[25:31 - 25:33] I was like, you know, you know, I'm so lucky.
[25:33 - 25:35] Yeah, you're doing that.
[25:35 - 25:37] You're getting really good.
[25:37 - 25:41] Well, I'm the same the quickest time for doing that one of it
[25:47 - 25:49] I'm like, I don't know I'm like
[25:51 - 25:57] Yeah, I was I was thinking about I've I've heard make your views about extraction so
[25:58 - 26:04] Like I'm the kind of person that like I had to play the game for myself to find out if it's trash or not
[26:08 - 26:11] It's hard to judge a game just on what people say, yeah
[26:20 - 26:23] That's like with that's like with Super Street
[26:23 - 26:30] Oh, I do a hate it on Super Street, but for me like for me kind of took me back to the old school underground two days
[26:30 - 26:38] Yeah, so it's really like it was interesting like it's not one that I play very much or what I do I have fun
[27:00 - 27:02] I
[27:06 - 27:12] Know and so right now I'm right behind advantage. Let's see if I can see this guy
[27:30 - 27:32] I
[27:43 - 27:45] See if I can catch these guys
[27:49 - 27:55] Damn this ain't popping man, you can hear that freaking backfire on this thing sounds good. Ah
[27:58 - 28:00] Shit, I missed it. I missed it
[28:01 - 28:03] All right, get that check one dude
[28:08 - 28:12] Dude, I came in that corner way too early, I see why I fucked up
[28:21 - 28:27] Yeah, I know it is it's that freaking glitch where I like it slows you down and it shoots you out
[28:27 - 28:29] That's what's screw me up
[28:31 - 28:33] I
[28:34 - 28:37] Stop rewinding already ain't I'm froze
[28:42 - 28:47] Dude, I'm with you don't always froze right now. I just keep on saying rewinding rewinding rewinding
[28:50 - 28:52] What the fuck oh
[28:56 - 28:59] Yeah, I'm not making this one do that down
[29:00 - 29:02] Freeze up
[29:04 - 29:06] Yeah, I'm not making it dude shit
[29:12 - 29:17] Dude, I think that was really only my first day and I'm so far
[29:21 - 29:26] Because the other two I got yeah, dude, we're not taking this one. Oh, okay, dude
[29:31 - 29:33] Yeah, next round we might be out there for sure
[29:46 - 29:48] Right
[30:01 - 30:04] See for me I can do both wheel and controller
[30:05 - 30:09] So for me, it's it varies like I'm good with rear-wheel drive cars
[30:09 - 30:13] But I do mostly rear-wheel shit for like drifting and stuff like that
[30:13 - 30:19] I don't really use it for racing as much as say like a front-wheel drive or a rear-wheel drive car
[30:22 - 30:26] For me a front-wheel and all-wheel are like my two millions
[30:31 - 30:38] Oh damn time I go at night time damn
[30:47 - 30:52] There's cruising around let's see how fast I can get this thing up to here
[31:00 - 31:02] Oh
[31:31 - 31:33] I
[31:37 - 31:42] Know I'm sure to hear I've never driven the TBR and also this will be at first
[31:42 - 31:44] But
[31:55 - 31:59] Man y'all trolls dude y'all trolls are funny, bro
[32:00 - 32:04] Not very good now. I'm not even gonna go to home sit down. What y'all laugh man
[32:04 - 32:09] All right, bro. Y'all trolls are dumb. I love it. Thanks for the previews though, by the way
[32:12 - 32:21] Hey, what's in the dead? What's up, man? How you doing?
[32:26 - 32:30] Look for out a man y'all bringing those free views man. It's funny any of them
[32:34 - 32:39] As I breath y'all think you're funny, but really here's bringing the previews man
[32:43 - 32:46] Oh shit, bro, what the fuck did you just do?
[32:49 - 32:51] Did you seriously just spin me out
[32:55 - 33:00] Ah, that's dude my shit's like what you don't really glitching right now like so then
[33:02 - 33:04] What the fuck?
[33:12 - 33:17] Oh, no wonder it's a fucking wet road
[33:23 - 33:26] I'm literally having the granny drive this bitch
[33:34 - 33:39] There we go now I got our speed now I can stop granny shifting on this thing
[33:43 - 33:49] Yo, I didn't know like this TV are I don't know why I chose this car
[34:00 - 34:02] Yeah, this TV are fucking sucks
[34:12 - 34:16] How long they turn this thing into a fucking drift car the way that is going
[34:23 - 34:27] Dude I'm so far behind I don't think there's any way I'm gonna finish this one
[34:27 - 34:43] It's like right when it gets up to a certain speed it wants to break traction
[34:57 - 34:59] Bro, I
[35:00 - 35:02] Want to do a nice little slide there
[35:06 - 35:14] Bro this this car is too crazy. No wonder people don't use this for races very much
[35:18 - 35:22] I'm literally out of the fucking granny drive this thing road sucks
[35:28 - 35:33] And when I'm a granny driver dude, we're talking like only like 70 so long miles an hour through this shit
[35:42 - 35:45] For real bro, I this shit is a
[35:47 - 35:49] Yo, we don't get this one, dude
[35:51 - 35:53] Bro
[35:57 - 36:06] Yeah, I'm not making this
[36:08 - 36:12] Yeah, there ain't no way this TV arch trash
[36:13 - 36:19] Now I see why people only use the TV are for drag racing dude. It's freaking back heavy
[36:19 - 36:28] Like every time I give and go at the back end wants to slide around cuz it's so back heavy
[36:32 - 36:34] Dude that was trash
[36:44 - 36:46] Now it's fucking trash, dude
[36:46 - 36:50] What the hell dude in the fucking space
[36:55 - 36:59] Oh, what's going at the Wilson are you gonna give me a hundred K
[37:01 - 37:05] Dude this thing has been teasing the fuck out of me the last few days
[37:06 - 37:11] Like it'll give me a wheel spin and I'll get real close to a good one and then I'll stop on some shitty one
[37:11 - 37:13] I'm like really
[37:13 - 37:15] Like why you gotta do me like that
[37:17 - 37:19] Dude, that's where we're sport seven is the only
[37:20 - 37:25] Fucking game that I've only mastered the wheel on like all the games I've been playing
[37:30 - 37:34] No, that's right making that portion staples possible, but
[37:34 - 37:36] Oh
[37:39 - 37:41] God
[37:43 - 37:49] Dude can you run dude Canyon runs actually one of my favorite tracks, but not with this car
[37:52 - 37:55] You see what I mean how it's trying to sway back and forth
[38:00 - 38:02] Fuck
[38:04 - 38:06] I
[38:24 - 38:29] Guarantee once I turn this thing all wheel though, bro, I guarantee you it's gonna drag a lot better
[38:34 - 38:38] Yeah, that's real nice run right into a freaking clip
[38:41 - 38:43] Come on take a minute take your breath
[38:48 - 38:50] Get it man
[38:57 - 39:00] Dude I barely put my foot on the throttle and this thing just wants to go
[39:04 - 39:06] I
[39:16 - 39:19] Did even the huna corners and this hard to fucking drive
[39:22 - 39:25] And then things a fucking violent ass beast
[39:34 - 39:36] I
[39:52 - 39:54] This car is barely drivable
[39:55 - 40:04] Did I've never had this much trouble with the car ever I don't know why I don't have shows this I
[40:11 - 40:13] Should have stuck on my Raven car
[40:17 - 40:19] Because I was down when you have control over
[40:24 - 40:26] I
[40:37 - 40:43] Well, fuck it fuck it I'm back sad dudes out of here why not
[40:54 - 40:57] Oh
[41:24 - 41:26] Oh
[41:41 - 41:45] Why can't they just let us change our fucking cars for one's dude
[41:51 - 41:53] Why is it gonna be fucking wet
[41:54 - 41:56] I
[41:59 - 42:03] Seriously, these are not ideal conditions for this TV or speak well
[42:07 - 42:09] This is not ideal conditions for the same
[42:17 - 42:23] I'm legit why almost something to back out of this shit and just grab a different car to wish it is
[42:24 - 42:27] So out of whack
[42:54 - 42:56] I
[43:07 - 43:10] Well, dude, how did I not get that checkpoint breath? Ah
[43:18 - 43:21] So it's one of these ones. I have to kind of feather the throat
[43:21 - 43:25] Oh God, I hate ones where I have to feather the damn throttle. No wonder I was spinning out
[43:29 - 43:32] Actually, I don't think I just made you make a good drift car
[43:51 - 44:00] Yeah, where are the others that man, what are they doing?
[44:13 - 44:15] Yeah, what's going
[44:15 - 44:18] Sure
[44:46 - 44:54] Yeah, I'm going to turn this in either a drag car or a fucking drift machine dude
[44:54 - 45:00] Because this thing doesn't it's one of those cars that you have to kind of feather the throttle to get the go
[45:00 - 45:05] And it's like, yeah, no, I want a car ready to plant my foot down and go
[45:15 - 45:17] I
[45:40 - 45:42] Was
[45:42 - 45:47] Yeah, I got you yeah, I got you
[45:57 - 46:02] Yeah, hey super wisdom, let's go. Yes
[46:07 - 46:09] Yeah, super wisdom each
[46:12 - 46:15] This one's
[46:18 - 46:20] That I can do
[46:20 - 46:22] Oh
[46:38 - 46:44] Okay, I got the juke I got the juke. Okay, I'll take it
[46:51 - 46:53] Garbage news
[47:00 - 47:02] Change car
[47:20 - 47:22] I
[47:30 - 47:32] I'm just showing a young
[47:42 - 47:48] Oh secret oh this is from will good good good good good. It's C class, but it works
[47:50 - 47:52] I
[48:01 - 48:04] Don't have a car I can actually drive with just front wheel
[48:14 - 48:16] Oh, you ain't wrong
[48:16 - 48:17] Oh
[48:17 - 48:25] Funny the is one C class my thing. I think it might do well. Oh, no never really drove this one. So this will be a first
[48:32 - 48:39] Oh, okay, I see what that dinner yep, I see what the be my
[48:46 - 48:48] Oh
[48:50 - 48:52] That BMW
[49:03 - 49:07] Oh trust me. Oh, I've got months dude. I've got months for sure
[49:16 - 49:18] Oh
[49:39 - 49:41] Yeah
[49:46 - 49:48] I
[49:51 - 49:53] Yeah, no, man, I'm here
[50:01 - 50:06] Now this is my style of racing if you only know I'm a huge rally cross fan
[50:07 - 50:11] I'm a huge fan of rally driving man. Shout out to Kim block dude
[50:11 - 50:16] Dude Ken actually did really well this season. I gotta give him credit. He did give it season. Oh
[50:32 - 50:35] I think they might throw it in at some point dude, I really do
[50:42 - 50:51] All right, oh damn this fucking hair thing for me
[50:56 - 50:58] Come on man, I know you can take these clowns
[50:58 - 51:13] That's why I need to start practicing your relative well man get used to dirt racing a little bit
[51:28 - 51:40] All right, fuck that if we don't make this man, I'll tell you just switch back in the dribble and start shredding
[51:41 - 51:43] No
[51:56 - 52:03] But I have something though man fours are horizon five like the fours again that actually come a real long way from where they started for sure
[52:10 - 52:12] Oh
[52:19 - 52:25] Well not just that but like you're able to modify your cars down all sorts of crazy shit
[52:26 - 52:30] Get back on number one. You can't do that. Which fucking sucks
[52:40 - 52:42] For like
[52:54 - 52:56] Right that was really all they
[53:01 - 53:04] And not just that and then when you did like your
[53:04 - 53:11] Your JDM cars they kill it this weird ass preset body kid. That's like dude. What the fuck?
[53:18 - 53:20] Yeah, this Volvo sucks
[53:24 - 53:26] Yeah
[53:26 - 53:28] But they're cheap us
[53:32 - 53:34] Yeah, yeah, thanks
[53:56 - 53:58] I
[54:17 - 54:19] Am not doing so well this round
[54:26 - 54:28] I
[54:41 - 54:45] Which I was back in the clown boy, what I was back in the hammer clown boy. What's good?
[54:48 - 54:50] You clowning off again, right?
[54:56 - 54:58] Oh
[54:58 - 55:00] You
[55:00 - 55:02] You
[55:25 - 55:28] Yeah, what's in that take it easy on the guy, bro
[55:30 - 55:32] Oh
[56:00 - 56:02] Oh
[56:11 - 56:13] Let's go oh
[56:17 - 56:19] Shit
[56:22 - 56:24] Use your ass a little bumper
[56:30 - 56:32] Oh
[56:35 - 56:44] Now this is my style of driving right here straight up dirt ass rally road is a must out right here. Let's go
[56:55 - 56:58] Oh, yeah boy got that rally girls life
[57:00 - 57:02] Oh
[57:17 - 57:20] Get on you thank you
[57:23 - 57:27] We're doing good man, let's take it
[57:31 - 57:38] Now see you give me on something like this like a dirt race, I'm all about it, bro. I can shred with the best of them
[57:44 - 57:53] I held that took the number five spot on while a premium on their rally 2.0 and you know that shit's hard
[58:00 - 58:02] Oh
[58:14 - 58:16] Let's go bro. Oh
[58:21 - 58:23] Shit right now come on
[58:25 - 58:28] No, you ain't getting by me fucker. I see you back there
[58:28 - 58:30] Oh
[58:58 - 59:01] Yeah, let's go
[59:08 - 59:13] Oh, what's the hardest track I've ever raced on ooh, that's a tough one bro
[59:14 - 59:20] It depends on what game we're talking. Are we talking horizon games or are we talking dirt rally 2.0?
[59:20 - 59:22] Cuz for me personally
[59:24 - 59:26] Scotland
[59:28 - 59:31] Now one form dude one of the toughest
[59:32 - 59:34] Hey, let's go
[59:38 - 59:40] Yo skillets my shit
[59:46 - 59:51] But for horizon 5, I don't know and that's a that's a tonsill dude. There's a few really tough tracks
[59:58 - 60:00] Oh
[60:03 - 60:07] That's it, yeah, yeah, I got you
[60:09 - 60:14] Hey, let's go get the Jag hell yeah, thank you
[60:15 - 60:17] But
[60:21 - 60:25] The hardest course I think I've ever driven
[60:26 - 60:34] Was the toge course that somebody made on here going from the volcano down the whole toge section dude, that shit was tough
[60:34 - 60:36] Oh
[60:42 - 60:44] Cuz I you know how people be doing like the whole
[60:47 - 60:50] Like the whole frickin custom races and shit
[60:53 - 61:00] This one dude literally made a fucking toge run out of the entire fucking volcano. I was like, bro, it's tough
[61:01 - 61:07] What's this why dude, I love seeing people utilize show at that dude is fucking dope
[61:13 - 61:15] They really should
[61:20 - 61:22] Right exactly dude
[61:23 - 61:28] Why dude, honestly, I feel like the mountain pass would be perfect for time attacks
[61:30 - 61:36] Yeah, no, and dude you can do that. There was one dude that did that
[61:37 - 61:42] He literally took like the whole fucking side of the mountain and turned into one road. I'm like, bro, that is dope
[61:44 - 61:51] Because what he did is he took started on the very bottom dirt and and then went in and
[61:52 - 61:54] circled it around to the road and and
[61:56 - 61:58] Then came back up. How's it do that? That's actually
[61:58 - 62:01] Not bad
[62:28 - 62:30] Yeah
[62:38 - 62:42] Right did the time tax on nearest feet on a way to work though I
[62:45 - 62:51] Do like the time attacks on the pro street as well, dude, I absolutely love the time attacks on pro street
[62:58 - 63:00] I
[63:28 - 63:30] I
[63:32 - 63:35] Says connect in the horizon wife, what's going on?
[63:35 - 63:37] Yeah
[63:54 - 64:01] Yeah, I love the main drag strip and not the main in the main area do that shit so long it's so fun
[64:06 - 64:10] All right, so what's your stuff out of all the drag shirts like what's your number one favorite one?
[64:18 - 64:22] I like the airfield dude that airfield with that jump in the ad is super lit
[64:26 - 64:28] Dude that air strip is fucking fun, dude
[64:28 - 64:37] What's the time speed that you hit down there
[64:44 - 64:47] Dude, I'm right above you. I got like 250 something. Oh
[64:50 - 64:52] Damn
[64:52 - 64:54] Hello
[64:58 - 65:00] You
[65:12 - 65:14] Do it literally will now let me do anything
[65:14 - 65:16] No
[65:26 - 65:30] Yeah, you want to frickin restart my game we can just start sliding around and shit
[65:44 - 65:46] Yeah
[66:01 - 66:03] Right
[66:03 - 66:08] I don't know I do like horizon for a lot because you know, that's where I initially got my start
[66:09 - 66:13] But for me like her as if I just like so much more fun
[66:14 - 66:16] I
[66:20 - 66:23] Well, I like this one because it's more open road
[66:39 - 66:41] Do some puzzles
[66:44 - 66:46] Oh
[66:51 - 66:53] Yeah only ten times worse
[66:58 - 67:01] Yeah, who's this guy who's this time I did y'all
[67:06 - 67:08] Yeah, you know
[67:14 - 67:16] I
[67:24 - 67:26] Yeah, you know this guy
[67:37 - 67:39] Hey, you know this guy
[67:39 - 67:41] Oh
[68:04 - 68:06] I don't know
[68:07 - 68:10] Yo time out what I'll do
[68:18 - 68:21] All right, I swear you got it and I see that tree there
[68:26 - 68:28] No
[68:36 - 68:38] I
[68:51 - 68:55] Did I'm just literally just cruising around off running the fuck out of this Volvo
[68:55 - 68:57] Oh
[69:25 - 69:27] I
[69:55 - 69:57] Alright
[70:17 - 70:19] Do was saying this thing so damn long
[70:26 - 70:34] Yo, what the fuck fuck not fucking flash all I just threw my ass way off
[70:42 - 70:44] Yeah, no shit
[70:55 - 70:57] Oh
[71:06 - 71:09] Okay, I'm not a bit down dangerous I'm doing
[71:13 - 71:15] You
[71:26 - 71:28] I don't know such a good question
[71:39 - 71:41] Yeah
[71:41 - 71:43] I
[71:54 - 71:58] Mean the thing you tried to jump into 50 million times over but fell that
[72:11 - 72:13] I
[72:17 - 72:20] How the hell I failed that oh, I see why I see my car fucking bounce
[72:41 - 72:43] I
[72:49 - 72:52] Do where the hell is everything
[73:11 - 73:13] Oh
[73:23 - 73:25] See what I can hit this job
[73:32 - 73:34] I don't find out back to where I can
[73:42 - 73:44] I
[73:49 - 73:51] Yeah, that was really good
[73:55 - 73:57] Yeah, that was gonna restart my shit
[74:41 - 74:46] What's up, what's up, what up, I got you
[75:12 - 75:14] You
[75:26 - 75:28] Hey, very boy, Merry Christmas y'all
[75:33 - 75:35] Do this fucking
[75:42 - 75:44] Oh damn
[75:54 - 75:57] Dude try doing the 2020 superman that shit's stupid
[76:06 - 76:08] And I own that big I got a little bugger day one
[76:08 - 76:10] I
[76:17 - 76:23] Got the F1 GT the 20 points to bread and I'm working on me the other cover car right now
[76:38 - 76:40] You
[77:08 - 77:10] You
[77:38 - 77:40] You
[78:02 - 78:04] Don't know what you guys up today, right?
[78:08 - 78:14] And I know you didn't you ain't lose your wrench dude get out of here
[78:38 - 78:40] I
[78:49 - 78:52] Want to drive a car to decide I don't have fun with
[79:09 - 79:13] Because I got a few cars I can drift around have some fun with
[79:20 - 79:23] You know, but let's do the Queen
[79:39 - 79:44] And also here the big guys it doesn't going on tonight
[79:44 - 79:50] I will be doing a last year on some situations over on rainbow six for y'all so
[79:59 - 80:01] Do it
[80:01 - 80:03] Later
[80:07 - 80:10] Yeah, did y'all do message me dude, I'm not sure what you're talking about
[80:12 - 80:14] Like terrorist on
[80:15 - 80:18] I don't know what that is. It's like
[80:21 - 80:23] Hmm I
[80:25 - 80:28] Don't call over terrorism. Yeah, I don't know
[80:32 - 80:36] Okay, man, I'm not just starting to sign around fuck it
[80:43 - 80:46] Does bitch in the drink money just catch the angle for a bit
[81:02 - 81:05] Now this I can do very well
[81:15 - 81:17] Do it
[81:24 - 81:28] I only get through this section right quick here and now switch back to race mode
[81:31 - 81:33] Now except the invite
[81:38 - 81:41] Now I'm really trying to break in this killer queen car
[82:01 - 82:03] I
[82:13 - 82:16] Y'all thought I was gonna leave it down some slides and y'all are crazy
[82:31 - 82:33] I
[83:01 - 83:03] And
[83:28 - 83:30] Yeah, this thing feels good
[83:32 - 83:34] Damn
[83:42 - 83:45] And y'all hopefully y'all didn't enjoy this if y'all did
[83:45 - 83:50] Don't forget to smack that like button that subscribe button and I know the kitchen bill down below to stay up to date
[83:51 - 83:54] for everything on this channel, man, I
[83:55 - 83:57] I
[83:58 - 84:03] Fuck you love you guys, and you guys are awesome. You guys are wonderful shot the martin shot sir
[84:03 - 84:07] It's shout out to all the trolls. I think y'all are badass. It's because really now you're just bringing me free views
[84:08 - 84:13] So thanks for the free views man. Fuck you love y'all. Thank y'all for the free views man for real
[84:13 - 84:26] Hey, that's hey, I just like it's still a free view so I appreciate it
[84:29 - 84:32] It's a literally a free view for me, so
[84:33 - 84:35] Thanks for the free views for real
[84:36 - 84:40] But fuck you love y'all man, I'll catch you guys on my discord y'all already know what to do
[84:40 - 84:44] Hit up staring for my discord man. I'll catch you guys over there, man
[84:44 - 84:47] I'd like to love y'all did hopefully you guys have a good rest your weekend night
[84:47 - 84:53] I love you guys, and I will catch you guys in the next video man
[84:53 - 84:58] Hopefully y'all did enjoy this and I'll see you guys on Monday with some with a brand new gameplay video man
[84:59 - 85:01] Sam will stay positive and remember
[85:02 - 85:04] Fuck the trolls like William Glorial
[85:04 - 85:06] Peace y'all
[85:10 - 85:12] You


[0:00 - 0:35] Okay.
[0:35 - 0:54] What's up, everyone?
[0:54 - 1:08] Today, the Cyraxxnation took a very heavy loss.
[1:08 - 1:21] Because some bullies on YouTube,
[1:21 - 1:28] we lost a very near and dear member of our community,
[1:28 - 1:37] who was a dear friend to all of us.
[1:37 - 1:52] I don't know what else to say.
[1:52 - 2:07] I don't know what else to say to Bianca's family except that I'm sorry.
[2:07 - 2:13] Now, I may not have known Bianca very well,
[2:13 - 2:20] but she was a very advocate listener of my music.
[2:20 - 2:31] She was very well loved in the community.
[2:31 - 2:36] She was loved by everyone.
[2:36 - 2:56] Always saying I want people checking in, having fun.
[2:56 - 3:13] Bianca was bullied by the very same people that bullied me every day.
[3:13 - 3:42] The very same people that bullied Bianca to her suicide
[3:42 - 3:49] are the very same people that bullied me every day.
[3:49 - 3:57] And on behalf of the Syracization, on behalf of my fan base,
[3:57 - 4:08] to Bianca's family, I'd like to say that I'm genuinely and truly sorry.
[4:08 - 4:15] No one deserves to bury their child.
[4:15 - 4:19] No parent should ever have to bully their child.
[4:19 - 4:25] No parent should ever have to be put through what you guys got put through.
[4:25 - 4:28] No parent should have to watch their child being bullied,
[4:28 - 4:33] and no parent should have to bury their child.
[4:33 - 4:37] Bianca had her whole life ahead of her.
[4:37 - 4:49] And then in a book, you and I always cut short.
[4:49 - 4:55] And to Bianca's family, I say this.
[4:55 - 5:00] I'm not just saying this as a musician and as a music artist.
[5:00 - 5:06] I'm saying this as a person that's been bullied as well.
[5:06 - 5:12] No matter what it takes, no matter how long it takes,
[5:12 - 5:22] I can promise you I will not stop and I will not rest until these people
[5:22 - 5:35] that took Bianca away from you guys are sitting behind bars where they belong.
[5:35 - 5:39] Bianca always had a bubbly personality.
[5:39 - 5:43] She was always helping people, always reaching out,
[5:43 - 6:04] always doing what she can to help others.
[6:04 - 6:12] Bianca was kind of like the little sister that I never had.
[6:12 - 6:18] Because I never had any younger siblings growing up as a kid.
[6:18 - 6:24] So for me, Bianca was kind of like my little sister.
[6:24 - 6:33] And when I found out what happened, I lost it.
[6:33 - 6:42] Because no one deserves to get put through that ever.
[6:42 - 6:48] No one ever deserves to be bullied the way that Bianca got bullied
[6:48 - 6:50] or the way that I get bullied.
[6:50 - 7:01] No one deserves that.
[7:01 - 7:09] No one deserves to get harassed or bullied.
[7:09 - 7:16] If you're here to troll me, shut the fuck up and go to fuck somewhere else.
[7:16 - 7:30] Dude, get the fuck out of here.
[7:30 - 7:42] But to mark this signal of my promise to your family, Bianca,
[7:42 - 7:47] to mark that I will never let this happen again.
[7:47 - 7:52] To mark that I will do everything in my power to not let this happen again.
[7:52 - 8:00] This whole show is for you.
[8:00 - 8:05] Go away and leave me alone.
[8:05 - 8:16] I'm going to turn my phone off.
[8:16 - 8:26] But I wanted to start this memorial off properly.
[8:26 - 8:32] To show that Bianca was very well loved in this community.
[8:32 - 8:40] She was very well respected by a lot of people.
[8:40 - 8:52] So to Bianca's family, this song is dedicated to you guys.
[9:10 - 9:26] Let's see what's RIP Bianca's going in the comments.
[9:26 - 9:32] They had to fight to run, die to run, genocide, no, no, no, no, no, family died.
[9:32 - 9:37] Yeah, well then, I'm taking on the world and denying this out of conformity.
[9:37 - 9:40] We came together, we were devastated by the peace.
[9:40 - 9:42] And now I'm bleeding for the captains full release.
[9:42 - 9:47] Learning to hunt them for the reason and all those darkened times of our history.
[9:47 - 9:56] All I have left inside is a soul that's found when the ride until you never again.
[9:56 - 10:07] Oh, it brings anxiety, then I know can't lay me, but with me never again.
[10:07 - 10:11] Not again!
[10:18 - 10:24] Pigeon's breaking in easily, the serenading body knocked the war machine.
[10:24 - 10:29] Then they told me realize how it lost humanity.
[10:29 - 10:32] You didn't tell me that I know what the Holocaust.
[10:32 - 10:34] You think the history will lead to memory loss.
[10:34 - 10:36] Another hit that you don't feel the control.
[10:36 - 10:40] You're gonna fail this time for the world to say.
[10:40 - 10:42] Oh, I am slanted inside.
[10:42 - 10:45] A soul that's filled with life.
[10:45 - 10:49] I tell you never again.
[10:49 - 10:59] Oh, it brings anxiety, then I know can't lay me, but with me never again.
[10:59 - 11:03] Not again!
[11:03 - 11:15] Let's say right now, if you're not going to respect this memorial show.
[11:15 - 11:19] Angie, anybody being disrespectful, get them out.
[11:19 - 11:25] Because we're here to honor a friend.
[11:33 - 11:42] Pigeon's breaking in easily, the serenading body knocked the war machine.
[11:42 - 11:45] I am slanted inside.
[11:45 - 11:48] A soul that's filled with life.
[11:48 - 11:51] I tell you never again.
[11:51 - 12:02] Oh, it brings anxiety, then I know can't lay me, but with me never again.
[12:02 - 12:06] Oh, but a countless souls have died.
[12:06 - 12:09] Their voices filled this night.
[12:09 - 12:12] Scream with me never again.
[12:12 - 12:16] Oh, they already lost you.
[12:16 - 12:19] See the son of a baby.
[12:19 - 12:23] Scream with me never again.
[12:24 - 12:36] And I promise you that, to Bianca's family, and to everybody in the Syracanation,
[12:36 - 12:44] I promise you guys, I will do everything I can to my power to stop this from happening again.
[12:44 - 12:52] So Skull Kid, William Glory Hall, Massal Reports, I hope you're fucking ready.
[12:53 - 12:56] Because I'm coming for you.
[12:56 - 13:00] Every one of you.
[13:00 - 13:06] You will pay for what you guys have done.
[13:06 - 13:12] I don't think I'm just going to sit by and watch it happen.
[13:12 - 13:19] Don't think you can fucking run.
[13:19 - 13:25] You can only run for so long before your past catches up to you.
[13:25 - 13:28] You can only run for so long, Skull Kid.
[13:28 - 13:31] So you and your little friends, keep on running.
[13:31 - 13:41] Eventually, the past will catch up to you.
[13:41 - 13:47] Matter of fact, Dan, why don't you get rid of these disrespectful little fucks?
[14:11 - 14:31] What if smartphones were more than just smart?
[14:31 - 14:33] They all knew Google...
[14:41 - 14:44] Bianca, this one's for you.
[15:11 - 15:26] They're never really gone as long as there's a memory in your mind.
[15:26 - 15:30] Don't do the best things in life.
[15:30 - 15:35] Take a bite of this world while you can.
[15:35 - 15:40] Not the most Everest of your life.
[15:40 - 15:45] Take a bite of this world while you can.
[15:45 - 15:47] The ones you love.
[15:47 - 15:54] Hold them close because there is little time.
[15:54 - 15:57] They never make your heart.
[15:57 - 16:03] They refuse broken sometimes.
[16:03 - 16:09] They're never really gone as long as there's a memory in your mind.
[16:10 - 16:17] Don't do the best things in life.
[16:17 - 16:22] Take a bite of this world while you can.
[16:22 - 16:27] Not the most Everest of your life.
[16:27 - 16:33] Take a bite of this world while you can.
[16:34 - 16:41] Now hold on to memories.
[16:41 - 16:54] Hold on to every moment to keep them alive.
[16:54 - 17:00] The world's greatest tragedy.
[17:00 - 17:05] So do I not remember.
[17:05 - 17:12] Cannot survive.
[17:30 - 17:40] Don't do the best things in life.
[17:40 - 17:44] Don't do the best things in life.
[17:44 - 17:49] Take a bite of this world while you can.
[17:49 - 17:54] Not the most Everest of your life.
[17:54 - 18:01] Turn the light on this world while you can.
[18:01 - 18:08] Now hold on to memories.
[18:08 - 18:21] Hold on to every moment to keep them alive.
[18:21 - 18:27] The world's greatest tragedy.
[18:27 - 18:32] So do I not remember.
[18:32 - 18:40] Cannot survive.
[18:40 - 18:45] Now hold on to memories.
[18:45 - 18:57] Hold on to every moment to keep them alive.
[18:57 - 19:04] The world's greatest tragedy.
[19:04 - 19:10] So do I not remember.
[19:10 - 19:16] Cannot survive.
[19:40 - 19:55] Tell me this is an Ohio thing.
[19:55 - 20:00] I published the start of the business in 1952.
[20:00 - 20:07] Let me tell you man, I don't know about you guys.
[20:07 - 20:19] I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm sick and tired of seeing all this fucking hatred going on on this fucking platform.
[20:19 - 20:26] I'm sick and tired of seeing good people take their lives because of bullies.
[20:26 - 20:39] I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the hatred and I'm sick of seeing people take their lives because of punk ass bullies that want to start shit.
[20:39 - 20:45] Too many good people take their lives every day because of people like you skull fag.
[20:45 - 20:48] And you, William Glory Hole.
[20:48 - 20:53] Too many good people take their lives every day because of people like you.
[20:53 - 21:09] And I don't know about the rest of the Cyrax Nation, but I know from fact that I'm sick and tired of seeing it.
[21:09 - 21:17] I'm sick and tired of seeing good people take their lives because of little bullies like you.
[21:17 - 21:20] I've had enough of it.
[21:20 - 21:24] Enough is enough.
[21:24 - 21:28] I'd say it's time to stop this bullying.
[21:28 - 21:32] Enough is enough.
[21:32 - 21:39] Stop killing off good people.
[21:39 - 21:45] No one deserves that.
[21:45 - 21:58] Good people take their lives every day because of scumbags like you.
[21:58 - 22:10] And I for one am tired of seeing it.
[22:10 - 22:30] I for one am tired of seeing good people take their lives because of fucking bullies that think they're bad asses when they're not.
[22:30 - 22:38] So if you want to bully someone, bully me, motherfuckers.
[22:38 - 22:40] Hey, back.
[22:40 - 22:42] Sculptage.
[22:42 - 22:45] You and your little friends.
[22:45 - 22:50] You want to bully someone, bully me.
[22:50 - 22:53] Size me up, motherfucker.
[22:53 - 23:07] Size me up.
[23:07 - 23:14] Hey, Lotus, stop fucking your mother.
[23:14 - 23:18] I'm proud to be crazy.
[23:18 - 23:20] I'm proud to be crazy in the head.
[23:20 - 23:22] You want to know why?
[23:22 - 23:27] Because at least I'm awake to the goddamn truth.
[23:27 - 23:32] At least I'm awake to you pussies.
[23:32 - 23:43] At least I'm awake to what the fuck you jackasses are doing.
[23:43 - 23:45] I'm not crazy at all.
[23:45 - 23:57] I'm awake to what you're doing.
[23:57 - 24:00] So really, who's the crazy one?
[24:00 - 24:06] Me, the one that's way to your fucking bullshit?
[24:06 - 24:14] Or is it you guys that bully people?
[24:14 - 24:16] I'm not crazy at all.
[24:16 - 24:19] I'm woke to what the fuck you're doing.
[24:19 - 24:21] And guess what?
[24:21 - 24:24] I'm taking a stand.
[24:24 - 24:27] And I'm fighting for people like me.
[24:27 - 24:30] I'm fighting for people like Bianca,
[24:30 - 24:35] who take their lives because of people like you.
[24:35 - 24:39] I'm tired of seeing suicide.
[24:39 - 24:44] I'm sick of seeing good, innocent natured people take their lives
[24:44 - 24:50] because of people like you that think it's a joke.
[24:50 - 24:53] Suicide ain't a joke.
[24:53 - 24:56] Bullion people ain't a joke.
[24:56 - 25:01] It's serious.
[25:01 - 25:05] I'm sick of seeing it.
[25:05 - 25:09] You dumb fucks need to get a clue.
[25:09 - 25:13] What you're doing hurts people.
[25:13 - 25:17] What you're doing affects good people every day.
[25:17 - 25:22] And I'm sick of seeing it.
[25:22 - 25:28] Why do you think I stand out to you little faggot ass bitches?
[25:28 - 25:31] Because no one deserves to get bullied.
[25:31 - 25:44] No one.
[25:44 - 25:50] No one deserves to get bullied like that.
[25:50 - 25:57] Let me tell you what you motherfuckers did to me at the poor Bianca.
[25:57 - 26:01] I would never wish that on my worst enemy.
[26:01 - 26:05] I would never wish that on my worst enemy.
[26:05 - 26:08] Ever.
[26:08 - 26:13] You guys are monsters.
[26:13 - 26:15] You say that I'm the monster.
[26:15 - 26:18] Who's the real monster?
[26:18 - 26:20] It ain't me.
[26:20 - 26:22] It's you.
[26:22 - 26:29] All of you that bully people are monsters.
[26:29 - 26:32] And honestly, none of you deserve to live.
[26:32 - 26:36] None of you deserve to breathe.
[26:36 - 26:41] If I had my way, I'd kill every one of you.
[26:41 - 26:48] I'd do to you what you did to me and so many others.
[26:48 - 26:53] No one deserves to get bullied.
[26:53 - 27:02] Enough is enough of the bullying.
[27:02 - 27:13] I don't know about the rest of this Iraq nation, but I'll stand enough to you fucking chokes.
[27:13 - 27:19] I'm tired of seeing innocent people get bullied and attacked.
[27:19 - 27:25] And taking their own lives every day because of scumbag like you.
[27:25 - 27:29] You think it's a joke, but it ain't.
[27:29 - 27:33] The real joke is you pussy ass bullies.
[27:33 - 27:37] You guys are the joke.
[27:37 - 27:42] None of you have a goddamn innocent bone in your body.
[27:42 - 27:51] You all are a joke.
[27:51 - 27:54] Yeah, I know you're hilarious.
[27:54 - 27:59] You're a real joke, skull bitch. You should have been a comedian.
[27:59 - 28:03] Hey, skull kid, why don't you take out comedy?
[28:03 - 28:07] Because you look like a fucking joke to me, motherfucker.
[28:07 - 28:10] You look like a goddamn joke to me.
[28:10 - 28:23] So why don't you take out comedy classes and do a stand-up, bitch?
[28:24 - 28:31] And I made this promise many years ago.
[28:31 - 28:35] I made this promise many, many times over.
[28:35 - 28:42] But this right here is my motherfucking promise to the nation that I'm not going anywhere.
[28:42 - 28:52] That I'm going to continue to fight the good fight for people like myself and people like Bianca who take their lives because of people like Skull Kid and William Glory Hole every day.
[28:53 - 28:59] I will continue to fight that good fight no matter what.
[28:59 - 29:09] And this song is my promise to the Cyrax nation that I will do whatever I can to help those out who truly fucking need it.
[29:22 - 29:35] And this song is my promise to the Cyrax nation that I will do whatever I can to help those who truly fucking need it.
[29:35 - 29:46] And this song is my promise to the Cyrax nation that I will do whatever I can to help those who truly fucking need it.
[29:46 - 29:56] the world of chaining or delinsperation. It's my obligation to never again allow this to happen.
[29:56 - 30:04] Where do I begin? The choices are endless. I'm going to sin. My heart's my redemption.
[30:04 - 30:15] I carry the torch on my father before. The things I treasure most in life cannot be taken away.
[30:16 - 30:26] There will never be a reason why. I will surrender to your advice to change myself.
[30:26 - 30:36] I'm bad at time. Though they will not understand. I will make the greatest sacrifice.
[30:36 - 30:52] You can't predict when they outcome lies. You'll never take me alive. I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive. Change again.
[30:52 - 31:02] Can I be considered? I rage again. Dispelling my anger. Where do I begin? The choices are endless.
[31:02 - 31:08] I'm done trying to redemption. My only salvation. I'm not ready to give.
[31:08 - 31:16] And I have been blessed with my soul as a truth. But those sins of madness revering the rift.
[31:16 - 31:26] My sins have been created. I am not alone but it's killing me. You're on the things I treasure most in life.
[31:26 - 31:40] Can I be taken away? There will never be a reason why. I will surrender to your advice to change myself.
[31:40 - 32:02] I'm bad at time. Though they will not understand. I will make the greatest sacrifice. You can't predict when they outcome lies. You'll never take me alive.
[32:02 - 32:14] You're no slave on your feeling. Praying for help you can't out in your mind.
[32:14 - 32:23] From real kings it won't feel the same if I hold my anger inside.
[32:24 - 32:26] Hold on guys.
[32:29 - 32:30] What?
[32:30 - 32:31] You already killed him.
[32:31 - 32:32] No.
[32:32 - 32:34] Yes, he just woke me up.
[32:34 - 32:40] Yeah, we know that these fucking bullies need to be fucking stopped. And I don't know any other way to get through the room.
[32:40 - 32:42] That's not gonna get through the room either.
[32:42 - 32:43] Oh yeah.
[32:43 - 32:44] Now to shut your door.
[32:44 - 32:46] My door is shut.
[32:53 - 33:11] While I've got this on pause, let me ask you something Skull Kid. What's your fucking issue with me, huh?
[33:11 - 33:20] And I don't want no bullshit answer. What's your real fucking issue with me? What do you got against me?
[33:20 - 33:37] What did I ever do to you? What the fuck did I ever do to you, huh? Last time I checked I ain't done shit to you.
[33:38 - 33:54] Well guess who brought that on? By bullying me you dumb fuck. That was you. So shut the fuck up. You came at me.
[33:54 - 34:01] So why don't you shut the fucking hole in your mouth you call, why don't you shut the fucking hole in your face you call god damn mouth.
[34:10 - 34:18] So fucking what? It don't matter. What I do ain't your business.
[34:24 - 34:33] What I do isn't your fucking business. It's mine. You need to get over it.
[34:33 - 34:58] You need to grow up and get over it. Seriously, why don't you grow up? Stop being a little bitch. Stop being a pussy.
[35:04 - 35:10] That's because you're a dick writer and you know I'm right.
[35:19 - 35:24] It's because you know I'm right. That's why you refuse.
[35:33 - 35:45] See, your issue is this. You want relevancy. That's all it is. You want to be relevant so bad that you feel like you got a fuck with me.
[35:46 - 35:56] I apologize to you for threatening your life you dumb fuck. I've been apologized to you several times over.
[35:57 - 36:05] So why don't you grow up and get the fuck over it.
[36:10 - 36:18] I've apologized many times over. And don't think I didn't because everyone here saw me.
[36:19 - 36:34] So don't play the fucking pity card bitch. Don't sit there and play the fucking pity card. You need to grow up. Get thick skin boy.
[36:35 - 36:40] Why don't you grow up and get thick skin and stop being a pussy.
[36:45 - 36:54] For real, stop being a pussy. Grow up and get thick skin and learn to ignore shit. Learn to ignore words.
[36:55 - 37:03] Stop being a pussy. That's all you are. You're a pussy hiding behind a screen.
[37:06 - 37:11] Because you know damn well you ain't got the words to back up what you say.
[37:12 - 37:28] You're a little bitch just like William Glory hole. You're a little punk ass bitch hiding behind a fucking screen thinking that you got the right to bully motherfuckers when you don't.
[37:31 - 37:36] That's why you're shook because you know I'm telling the truth about you.
[37:42 - 37:48] Exactly Courtney. Exactly.
[37:52 - 37:57] You want to be relevant so bad that you feel like you got to take from me.
[37:57 - 38:12] Well guess what skull bitch. Not happening. And William Glory hole, if I were you, I'd shut my motherfucking mouth because right now you're skating on very, very thin ice.
[38:14 - 38:23] No one likes you. No one respects you because you're a bully and a murderer.
[38:23 - 38:34] You cause two people to kill themselves within the last two years. You're a murderer.
[38:39 - 38:42] And honestly you deserve to be locked up.
[38:54 - 38:57] You're a fucking murderer William Glory hole.
[39:00 - 39:07] And guess what this just adds to your fucking charges to have you locked away from the rest of your miserable fucking life.
[39:09 - 39:11] And don't think it doesn't because it does.
[39:12 - 39:25] Right now William you're skating on very thin ice so if I were you I'd watch my fucking step and I'd watch what the fuck I say.
[39:28 - 39:35] Because right now you're very close to going to prison for the rest of your fucking miserable ass life.
[39:36 - 39:48] For the shit you did to me, to a treacherous family, to Bianca, to that person that you pushed their suicide from the Lego community.
[39:48 - 40:07] So trust me what I say William. You're skating on very thin ice because the charges against you are very real. And I mean very real.
[40:07 - 40:23] Hey simply I'm not simmering the fuck down. Little bitches like William Glory hole deserve to be knocked the fuck out.
[40:24 - 40:34] Because honestly I'm tired of seeing good people like Bianca take their lives because of people like Glory hole.
[40:34 - 40:55] Actually yes there are James P.M. quite a bit. There are quite a bit of charges against him. One violating the HIPAA Act against my ex Trisha.
[40:56 - 40:59] Harassment, cyber stalking.
[41:03 - 41:09] Or in case you didn't know violating the HIPAA Act is 10 plus years in federal prison.
[41:10 - 41:34] Not to mention two counts of suicide murder or murder suicide. Two counts of murder suicide. Bullying, harassment, defamation of character, slander.
[41:35 - 41:43] Copyright infringement. Do I need to keep going with the charges? Cause I can.
[41:43 - 42:12] So like I said William, right now you're skating on very thin ice boy. You are skating on very thin fucking ice right now. So if I were you I'd shut the fuck up. Cause you're in no position to bargain pal.
[42:13 - 42:15] None.
[42:22 - 42:29] And that's all reports. Same goes for you. I can easily get you for child pornography.
[42:30 - 42:35] And you want to know how that image of that underage child that you sent.
[42:36 - 42:48] Child porn bitch. Not to mention harassment, defamation of character, entrapment, slander, bullying, stalking, gang stalking.
[42:49 - 42:54] Don't think I didn't forget about you bitch.
[42:57 - 43:00] Don't think I didn't forget about you.
[43:01 - 43:12] Like I said William Glory Hole, you and your little friend, mass hall reports and all your little friends that are doing this shit to people like Bianca and myself.
[43:13 - 43:20] I guarantee you will end up behind fucking bars. That ain't no joke. This is real fucking life.
[43:21 - 43:32] What you do has real effects on people. Very real effects on people. So don't think you're getting away with it.
[43:32 - 43:45] Everything else you got to sit by and let this happen. You're out of your goddamn mind.
[43:50 - 43:55] There's no way in hell I'm going to let you motherfuckers get away with this shit.
[43:55 - 44:05] You affected my life, my friends' lives, my family's lives.
[44:08 - 44:17] You cost my biological father his job. You cost me my job with my best friend, made it so I can't get a regular job.
[44:18 - 44:21] Cost my ex's brother his job.
[44:34 - 44:38] Not to mention wasting police resources.
[44:38 - 44:50] All the fake ass pizzas and shit. Wasting time.
[44:52 - 45:03] So like I said, I'm not the one to fuck with. You think you guys are so fucking smart but you're not. You're a bunch of dumbasses.
[45:04 - 45:09] Every one of you, like alive and well, are a bunch of dumbasses.
[45:10 - 45:13] Because you don't know reality from a hole in the ground.
[45:17 - 45:20] Because you don't know how to quit bullying people.
[45:20 - 45:36] Oh really? Am I fake Gigi Allen or am I just a way to what you fucking pussies are doing?
[45:50 - 45:57] Yeah, why don't you look in the mirror Gigi Allen? The only fake one I see is your sorry fucking ass.
[45:58 - 46:03] You're the only fake one I see, motherfucker. You and your little friends are fake as fuck.
[46:04 - 46:10] You're so goddamn fake you belong next to Barbie and Ken in the goddamn little girl's toy aisle.
[46:11 - 46:15] That's where you belong because you're so fake that you're made of plastic.
[46:15 - 46:22] So why don't you go back to the fucking kid's aisle motherfucker?
[46:22 - 46:44] Why don't you take your fake ass back to the goddamn kid's aisle and stay there, you fake ass piece of shit.
[46:44 - 46:54] Oh Gigi Allen, by the way, how'd your sister like my dick last night? I heard she fucking loved it.
[46:55 - 47:02] I heard your sister loved my dick last night. I heard she couldn't stop talking about it because she loved it so much.
[47:02 - 47:19] So why don't you take your fucking fake ass back to fuck to the goddamn kid's aisle and go the fuck somewhere else and go screw off?
[47:20 - 47:27] You think you're such a billy badass? Why don't you ever show your face on camera you fake ass motherfucker?
[47:32 - 47:40] Why don't you show your motherfucking face on camera you pussy with little bitch?
[47:41 - 47:49] You're a fucking pussy. You hide behind your screen like a little bitch.
[47:50 - 47:57] That's all you guys do. You hide behind your fucking words like they mean something.
[47:57 - 48:03] But here's the thing, your words don't mean shit.
[48:10 - 48:13] Your words are just as fake as you.
[48:18 - 48:22] Your words are just as fake as you are Gigi Allen.
[48:22 - 48:25] And same with you and Glory Bitch.
[48:28 - 48:37] And Masshole reports, all you are fake. Your words don't carry any fucking weight at all.
[48:41 - 48:43] Your words don't mean shit.
[48:43 - 48:50] Because you're fake as fuck and you're a bunch of pussy ass posers.
[48:54 - 49:00] And you think I'm just gonna let you escape by and bully people? No. Fuck you.
[49:01 - 49:03] It ain't happening.
[49:03 - 49:28] Now to Bianca's family, on behalf of the Cyrax Nation, on behalf of my fan base, I want to say to Bianca's sister, mom, dad, her entire fucking family,
[49:28 - 49:33] I want to say that I am truly, truly sorry for your loss.
[49:34 - 49:37] No parent should have to bury their child the way that you guys had to.
[49:38 - 49:45] No parent deserves to bury their child, especially someone like Bianca who had her whole life ahead of her.
[49:49 - 49:52] Someone like Bianca doesn't deserve that.
[49:53 - 49:58] Now someone like William Glory Hole, on the other hand, definitely does deserve it.
[50:04 - 50:09] Someone like William Glory Hole does deserve what he did to Bianca.
[50:10 - 50:15] What he did to Bianca, he deserves to have done to him.
[50:15 - 50:25] Because he's a fucking pussy, a coward, a bully.
[50:26 - 50:30] And there's one thing I don't put up with is bullies.
[50:32 - 50:33] At all.
[50:37 - 50:40] Let him call me out. I don't give a fuck.
[50:45 - 50:48] Let him call me out. I don't give a shit.
[50:49 - 50:52] Let him call me out. I don't care.
[50:53 - 50:56] I'm not giving that a pussy with little bitch the time of fucking day.
[50:57 - 50:59] Because he don't deserve my time.
[51:00 - 51:02] He don't deserve shit.
[51:05 - 51:10] All he deserves is a goddamn ass beating. That's all he deserves.
[51:11 - 51:16] And trust me, if I could do it and I could have it my way.
[51:17 - 51:21] Oh, trust me, I'd be beating this fucking ass for the next fucking life.
[51:22 - 51:24] Because no one deserves to be bullied.
[51:27 - 51:30] No one deserves to be bullied.
[51:31 - 51:32] At all.
[51:33 - 51:39] Like I said, that little pussy motherfucker can sit there and call me out all he wants.
[51:40 - 51:41] I don't care.
[51:42 - 51:44] Let him call me out.
[51:46 - 51:48] I don't give a shit.
[51:49 - 51:50] Let him call me out.
[51:51 - 51:52] He's a pussy anyway.
[51:54 - 51:59] He's a coward that won't show his fucking face or show to my house like he says he would.
[52:00 - 52:03] This motherfucker talks how he's showing up to my house.
[52:04 - 52:06] Where the fuck are you pussy?
[52:07 - 52:08] You ain't ever showed up.
[52:09 - 52:11] Where the fuck are you pussy with little wittendick motherfucker?
[52:18 - 52:20] What's the matter, glory fag?
[52:21 - 52:23] You pussy with by your mommy?
[52:24 - 52:26] Or are you dick with by your dad?
[52:26 - 52:28] Or are you dick with by your dad?
[52:29 - 52:30] I can't tell.
[52:30 - 52:34] I can't tell whether you're pussy with by your mom or dick with by your fucking dad.
[52:35 - 52:36] I can't tell.
[52:37 - 52:38] Oh, I'm sorry.
[52:38 - 52:39] I forgot.
[52:39 - 52:41] Isn't your dad a dyke too, just like your mom's?
[52:42 - 52:43] That's right.
[52:43 - 52:44] He is.
[52:44 - 52:45] I forgot.
[52:50 - 52:51] I forgot.
[52:52 - 52:54] He's a dick with the little fucking faggot.
[52:54 - 52:59] He sucks his dad's dick every fucking night just to get his fucking rocks off.
[53:24 - 53:40] Like I said, William, I hope you're ready for a motherfucking war, boy, because I'm coming for your ass.
[53:44 - 53:50] I will avenge Bianca's death, and it might not be by my own hands that I do it.
[53:50 - 53:53] But believe me, her death will be avenged.
[53:55 - 54:03] I will make you pay for what you've done to not only me, to not only Bianca, but everyone before us.
[54:04 - 54:07] And if you don't think I won't, watch me.
[54:10 - 54:11] Watch me do something.
[54:12 - 54:19] Because you and I both know, William, the faggot ass little bitch, you're a pussy with a limp dick faggot.
[54:20 - 54:22] With no skill, no talent.
[54:24 - 54:29] You're so irrelevant that you feel like you got to bully people to get relevancy.
[54:30 - 54:33] Sorry, that's not how the YouTube game works, homie.
[54:34 - 54:35] You want relevancy?
[54:35 - 54:38] You earn that shit the same way I did.
[54:41 - 54:45] I earned every little bit of relevancy that I got.
[54:45 - 54:48] I earned that shit fair and square.
[54:49 - 54:58] You want to know how by being original, creating my own content, and not being a fucking pussy ass bully like you.
[55:02 - 55:10] Because unlike you, I'm not a fucking bully, and I'm not a fucking limp dick pussy that hides me on a computer screen and his fucking words.
[55:12 - 55:13] That's all you do.
[55:13 - 55:15] You hide like a fucking coward.
[55:20 - 55:25] You hide like a fucking coward, and then you make this video singing that it affects me?
[55:25 - 55:26] No, the fuck it don't.
[55:27 - 55:29] I'm not fazed by you.
[55:29 - 55:31] I'm not afraid of you.
[55:32 - 55:34] If anything, I laugh at you.
[55:35 - 55:40] Because you're so fucking ignorant that you can't see that no one fucking likes you.
[55:43 - 55:45] No one respects you, William.
[55:46 - 55:50] Because you're a bully, and no one respects a bully.
[55:51 - 55:54] But they do respect the shit out of me.
[55:55 - 55:56] And you want to know why?
[55:56 - 55:58] Because I'm not a fucking bully.
[55:58 - 56:00] I'm not a fucking bully.
[56:03 - 56:04] I'm not like you.
[56:04 - 56:06] I'm not a fucking bully.
[56:06 - 56:30] You think you're just waltzing and bullying people and pushing people around, huh?
[56:31 - 56:36] You think you're just waltzing and fucking bullying people all you want, right?
[56:36 - 56:37] Wrong answer.
[56:38 - 56:40] You ain't walking all over me.
[56:40 - 56:43] If anything, I'm walking all over you.
[56:45 - 56:48] Because you're a punk ass bitch.
[57:01 - 57:03] You're a chicken shit coward.
[57:04 - 57:08] That hides behind his words and his shitty ass little videos.
[57:09 - 57:11] Then have no effect on me.
[57:16 - 57:19] Yo, Angie, send it to my main account.
[57:25 - 57:29] Yo, Angie, send the stream yardling to my main account.
[57:31 - 57:33] Alright, I got you.
[57:41 - 57:46] Like I said, William, no one respects you because your content is trash.
[57:48 - 57:49] Your trash.
[57:50 - 57:51] Your garbage.
[57:55 - 57:57] Because you don't know how to be original.
[58:01 - 58:04] All you know how to do is bully motherfuckers.
[58:06 - 58:12] Now, without being said, I am going to hop off this stream and I am going to confront your fake ass.
[58:13 - 58:19] So to the fucking Syrax Nation, be ready to see me on Glory Bitch's fucking live stream.
[58:20 - 58:23] Here are just few minutes to shut his punk ass down.
[58:24 - 58:25] For good.
[58:25 - 58:42] And once again to Bianca's family, I'd like to say thank you for giving us a very well-respected member of the Syrax Nation who was loved by everyone.
[58:45 - 58:47] Bianca may be gone.
[58:48 - 58:56] She may no longer be with us, but her memory will always fucking live on in our hearts and souls throughout the Syrax Nation.
[58:56 - 58:57] I can promise you that.
[58:58 - 59:02] And her death will be a symbol of change.
[59:03 - 59:08] Her death will be a symbol of change on what we can do better.
[59:10 - 59:13] On how we can stop these fucking bullies.
[59:18 - 59:23] And I can promise you, I will do whatever I can to make that change fucking happen.
[59:24 - 59:25] I can promise you that.
[59:26 - 59:29] Because like I said, I don't stand up for bullies.
[59:30 - 59:31] I don't stand for bullying.
[59:32 - 59:33] I fight against it.
[59:47 - 60:15] So like I said, to Bianca's family, you have my word that no matter what, I'll do everything I can to fight these bullies and bring justice for your daughter and for your sister.
[60:16 - 60:17] I promise you that.
[60:21 - 60:22] I will avenge her death.
[60:24 - 60:27] And I will do everything in my power to stop these guys.
[60:28 - 60:29] Because no one deserves to be bullied.
[60:30 - 60:31] No one.
[60:31 - 60:53] Now with that being said, William Glory Hole, I hope you're ready to be embarrassed in front of your little fans and all your little friends because I'm coming for you right the fuck now.
[60:55 - 60:57] It's time we shut these bullies down guys.
[60:57 - 61:04] So everybody from the Cyrax Nation watching this, be sure to be over there in this fucking chat.
[61:07 - 61:10] And let everyone know to be on William Glory Hole's channel.
[61:13 - 61:16] Because it's going down right now.
2021-12-6 A Nation Reborn

2021-12-6 A Nation Reborn

[0:00 - 0:02] I
[0:18 - 0:20] What's up you guys
[0:30 - 0:32] You
[1:00 - 1:02] So
[1:03 - 1:10] Other guys talk to what some of my guys know that I'm alive shout to the nation fucking love you guys
[1:30 - 1:32] I
[1:37 - 1:43] Know how are you guys there man? What's good? Yo ghosts, what's up, man?
[1:56 - 1:58] I hope you guys are ready for a good show
[2:00 - 2:07] Because this first one is going out
[2:08 - 2:10] to a loom
[2:10 - 2:14] Shout the loom and everybody in the motherfucking nation. This was for y'all
[2:30 - 2:32] Oh
[3:00 - 3:02] I don't need
[3:30 - 3:32] I won't try away from
[4:00 - 4:02] Oh
[4:30 - 4:44] I'll bring the right you bring the dawn door
[4:56 - 4:58] You bring the dawn door
[5:00 - 5:02] You
[5:17 - 5:19] Turn the
[5:30 - 5:36] We are saying of my eyes
[5:37 - 5:39] That line the way
[5:41 - 5:46] And other lines but they blind us from the pain
[5:48 - 5:50] Pardon me, man. It's only
[5:51 - 5:53] Two warm darkest times
[5:54 - 5:56] So give me something to learn
[5:57 - 6:00] Then I'll pray the right
[6:10 - 6:13] It's that little bitch William glory home
[6:14 - 6:20] I'd love to see you do that with the nation around fucker. You ain't putting your hands on nobody
[6:21 - 6:28] You ain't touching nobody while I'm around
[6:30 - 6:32] Because I'm gonna tell you they're not only got me
[6:33 - 6:37] Tim Floyd ain't only got me. She's got the entire fucking nation
[6:38 - 6:41] So you ain't laying a hand on her so fuck you
[6:42 - 6:47] My head I can but no more inside my own skin
[6:50 - 6:52] Oh
[6:52 - 7:22] I know myself, but the evil remains, I'm not to the pleasure, but still feel the
[7:22 - 7:31] pain, but so do my soul, would you cover your eyes, but so do the truth, would you
[7:31 - 7:56] cover your eyes, but so do the truth, would you cover your eyes, but so do the truth,
[7:56 - 8:22] would you cover your eyes, but so do the truth, would you cover your eyes, but so do the truth,
[8:22 - 8:37] would you cover your eyes, but so do the truth, would you cover your eyes, but so is future
[8:37 - 8:41] The war I can win, I can hear them now
[8:41 - 8:45] But there's nothing left in my own skin
[8:45 - 8:50] And I don't know myself anymore
[8:50 - 8:54] They're pulling me under
[8:54 - 8:59] Boys, I don't want to live
[8:59 - 9:05] So careless and broken, ugly and hopeless
[9:05 - 9:11] I don't want to live forever
[9:11 - 9:15] I just wanna live right now
[9:15 - 9:22] You can take me from me
[9:26 - 9:30] Voices in my head and can't believe me
[9:30 - 9:34] The war I can win, I can hear them now
[9:34 - 9:38] But there's nothing left in my own skin
[9:38 - 9:43] And I don't know myself anymore
[9:43 - 9:47] They're pulling me under
[9:47 - 9:52] Voices
[9:52 - 9:54] Voices
[9:54 - 9:57] They're pulling me under
[9:57 - 10:02] Voices
[10:08 - 10:13] Voices
[10:18 - 10:21] Come on
[10:21 - 10:27] Give me one sec y'all, to get this bucket hoodie
[10:27 - 10:30] I'll make this hot as fuck up in here today
[10:30 - 10:33] I knew it was gonna be hot today, but god damn
[10:33 - 10:36] I didn't think it was gonna be this warm in the house
[10:52 - 10:57] Fucking hot as hell up in here man, shit
[11:17 - 11:20] You guys ready to take this over night for some fun?
[11:21 - 11:25] Yo Saren, what up?
[11:30 - 11:34] Yo, I wanna see those candles with Bianca's name going
[11:34 - 11:37] Because she wouldn't want us to just sit around
[11:37 - 11:40] She wouldn't want us to keep it going, so this one's for Bianca
[11:40 - 11:42] Yo Alex, let's go man
[11:44 - 11:46] Let's go
[11:50 - 11:52] Turn number one
[11:55 - 11:57] Number one
[12:05 - 12:07] Turn number one
[12:10 - 12:12] Turn number one
[12:20 - 12:22] Turn number one
[12:22 - 12:24] Turn number one
[12:48 - 12:50] Turn number one
[12:53 - 12:55] Number one
[12:58 - 13:00] Number one
[13:02 - 13:04] Turn number one
[13:07 - 13:09] Turn number one
[13:22 - 13:24] Turn number one
[13:24 - 13:26] Turn number one
[13:50 - 13:53] Shout out to homie Alex man, what's good bro
[13:53 - 13:55] I see you Alex
[13:55 - 13:58] Shout out to the heatheners man, what's good Alex, I see you brother
[14:01 - 14:03] Number one
[14:03 - 14:05] Number one
[14:05 - 14:07] Number one
[14:24 - 14:26] Oh
[14:33 - 14:35] Number one
[14:38 - 14:40] Number one
[14:41 - 14:44] Turn number one
[14:48 - 14:50] Number one
[14:51 - 14:53] I can't mother fucker
[14:57 - 14:59] Turn number one
[15:02 - 15:04] Turn number one
[15:06 - 15:08] Turn number one
[15:11 - 15:13] Turn number one
[15:14 - 15:18] It's a great time to get Domino's, because right now if you were
[15:18 - 15:22] Hey Crypt, I got more talent than you got fucker
[15:22 - 15:26] Cause you can't hold a candle to what I can do brother
[15:26 - 15:30] Just saying man, you can never hold a flame
[15:30 - 15:34] Or even a candle to what the fuck I can do pal
[15:43 - 15:45] Number one
[15:50 - 15:52] Number two
[15:54 - 15:56] Number three
[15:59 - 16:01] Number four
[16:05 - 16:07] Number five
[16:09 - 16:11] Number six
[16:13 - 16:15] Number seven
[16:37 - 16:40] Oh I saw it change, I got you on that one man
[16:40 - 16:42] But this song right here
[16:44 - 16:48] I think a lot of you know the situation
[16:50 - 16:54] And this song right here, I'd like to not only dedicate to Bianca
[16:54 - 16:56] But to anybody out there
[16:57 - 17:01] That's lost their life to suicide or is dealing with that same thing
[17:03 - 17:06] I want to see all those candles in the comments right now
[17:06 - 17:09] For anybody that you guys have lost to suicide right the fuck now
[17:10 - 17:13] Should have stayed
[17:13 - 17:16] Where the signs
[17:16 - 17:19] I ignored
[17:22 - 17:25] Can I help you
[17:25 - 17:28] Not to hurt
[17:28 - 17:30] Anymore
[17:33 - 17:36] With our brilliance
[17:36 - 17:39] When the world
[17:39 - 17:43] Was asleep
[17:44 - 17:50] There are things that we can't help
[17:50 - 17:53] But can't keep
[17:53 - 17:55] If they say
[17:55 - 17:59] Who cares if one more light goes out
[17:59 - 18:02] In the sky of love
[18:02 - 18:04] And thoughts
[18:04 - 18:07] It flickers, flickers
[18:07 - 18:11] Who cares if someone's time runs out
[18:11 - 18:15] If a moment is all we are
[18:15 - 18:18] We're flicker, quicker
[18:18 - 18:22] Who cares if one more light goes out
[18:22 - 18:27] Well I do
[18:27 - 18:32] The reminder
[18:32 - 18:35] On the floor
[18:35 - 18:38] From your feet
[18:41 - 18:44] In the kitchen
[18:44 - 18:47] One more chance
[18:47 - 18:51] Then you need
[18:51 - 18:55] When you're angry
[18:55 - 18:58] And you should be
[18:58 - 19:03] It's not fair
[19:03 - 19:07] Just cause you can't see
[19:07 - 19:10] Doesn't mean it
[19:10 - 19:13] It isn't fair
[19:13 - 19:15] If they say
[19:15 - 19:18] Who cares if one more light goes out
[19:18 - 19:23] In the sky of a million stars
[19:23 - 19:26] It flickers, flickers
[19:26 - 19:30] Who cares if someone's time runs out
[19:30 - 19:35] If a moment is all we are
[19:35 - 19:38] We're quicker, quicker
[19:38 - 19:42] Who cares if one more light goes out
[19:42 - 19:49] Well I do
[19:54 - 19:59] Let me see those candles going for Bianca in the comments man
[20:02 - 20:05] Matter of fact, let me see a candle
[20:05 - 20:07] For everybody that wins glory hole
[20:07 - 20:10] Is put in the ground and cause suicide
[20:11 - 20:15] Who cares if one more light goes out
[20:15 - 20:20] In the sky of a million stars
[20:20 - 20:23] It flickers, flickers
[20:23 - 20:26] Who cares if someone's time runs out
[20:26 - 20:31] If a moment is all we are
[20:31 - 20:34] We're quicker, quicker
[20:34 - 20:38] Who cares if one more light goes out
[20:38 - 20:43] Well I do
[20:43 - 20:50] Well I do
[20:50 - 21:14] What is smart boys more than just smart?
[21:14 - 21:16] The all new Google Pixel 6
[21:16 - 21:18] Truly sees you, not a blurry face
[21:18 - 21:21] With the most advanced and inclusive smartphone camera yet
[21:21 - 21:23] Google Pixel 6
[21:38 - 21:42] I was conditioned to finish my plate since childhood
[21:49 - 21:53] Hey bonky, I know I'm crazy
[21:53 - 21:55] And I'm proud to be crazy
[21:59 - 22:01] You guys already know this one
[22:05 - 22:07] Why am I so tight today?
[22:07 - 22:09] Something is not right today
[22:09 - 22:10] Why am I so tight today?
[22:10 - 22:12] Paranoid's all I got left
[22:12 - 22:14] I don't know what stressed me first
[22:14 - 22:15] How the Frenchman said
[22:15 - 22:17] But I know just what it feels like
[22:17 - 22:18] I put something back on my head
[22:18 - 22:20] Like a face that holds a sign
[22:20 - 22:21] Between two girls in my eyes
[22:21 - 22:23] We don't watch every time I lie
[22:23 - 22:25] Face laughs every time I fall
[22:25 - 22:28] Everything, till now it's time to sink or swim
[22:28 - 22:30] But the face started to hear me
[22:30 - 22:31] Right inside me
[22:31 - 22:34] Paranoid looking over my back
[22:34 - 22:37] It's like a blue wind inside of my head
[22:37 - 22:39] It's like I can't stop
[22:39 - 22:40] What I'm hearing within
[22:40 - 22:43] It's like a face inside is run
[22:43 - 22:45] But leave my shit
[22:47 - 22:49] You got a face on the inside too
[22:49 - 22:51] Your pain now is probably worse
[22:51 - 22:52] I don't know what set me up first
[22:52 - 22:53] But I know what I can't stand
[22:53 - 22:55] And running back and doing that
[22:55 - 22:57] And getting it out to what you can
[22:57 - 22:59] But the face that holds a sign
[22:59 - 23:01] In my eyes
[23:01 - 23:03] Lying
[23:06 - 23:08] The face that started watching too
[23:08 - 23:10] Right inside it's like
[23:10 - 23:12] Paranoid looking over my back
[23:12 - 23:15] It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
[23:15 - 23:18] It's like I can't stop
[23:18 - 23:21] It's like the face inside is run
[23:21 - 23:22] But leave the skin inside
[23:22 - 23:25] Paranoid looking over my back
[23:25 - 23:28] It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
[23:28 - 23:30] It's like I can't stop
[23:30 - 23:31] What I'm hearing within
[23:31 - 23:34] It's like the face inside is run
[23:34 - 23:36] But leave my shit
[23:42 - 23:44] The face that starts running
[23:44 - 23:46] But leave the skin inside
[23:49 - 23:52] Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up
[23:52 - 23:54] Y'all want to sit there and say I'm crazy
[23:54 - 23:57] You guys are off your fucking rocker, bro
[24:12 - 24:23] See, y'all say I'm crazy
[24:23 - 24:25] But here's the thing
[24:25 - 24:27] I'm actually not crazy
[24:29 - 24:32] Have you ever thought that maybe you guys are the psychos
[24:32 - 24:35] That you guys are the ones that are off your rockers
[24:42 - 24:57] Man, the answer is pretty clear to me
[25:12 - 25:19] The answer is pretty clear to me
[25:19 - 25:28] The answer is pretty clear to me
[25:28 - 25:36] The answer is pretty clear to me
[25:36 - 25:41] Crawling in my skin
[25:41 - 25:46] These words they will not heal
[25:46 - 25:50] Here is how I bow
[25:50 - 25:58] To be here in the water alone
[25:58 - 26:07] Little things are even in the boats
[26:07 - 26:09] With the disturbance
[26:09 - 26:13] Consumers, consumers
[26:13 - 26:16] The sound of yourself gets your life
[26:16 - 26:18] Here is never ending
[26:18 - 26:20] It's all over
[26:20 - 26:25] I can't seem to find myself again
[26:25 - 26:32] I can't find myself again
[26:32 - 26:35] You haven't felt this way before
[26:35 - 26:41] So is it your
[26:41 - 26:45] Crawling in my skin
[26:45 - 26:50] These words they will not heal
[26:50 - 26:54] Here is how I bow
[26:54 - 26:59] Consumers, consumers
[26:59 - 27:04] The sound of myself gets your life
[27:04 - 27:07] Here is how I bow
[27:07 - 27:14] To be here in the water alone
[27:14 - 27:21] Little things are even in the boats
[27:21 - 27:27] But walls are closing in
[27:27 - 27:30] I've felt this way before
[27:30 - 27:38] So is it your
[27:38 - 27:43] Crawling in my skin
[27:43 - 27:48] These words they will not heal
[27:48 - 27:52] Here is how I bow
[27:52 - 27:56] Consumers in the water alone
[27:56 - 28:01] Crawling in my skin
[28:01 - 28:06] These words they will not heal
[28:06 - 28:10] Here is how I bow
[28:10 - 28:18] Consumers in the water alone
[28:18 - 28:28] Consumers in the water alone
[28:28 - 28:36] Consumers in the water alone
[28:40 - 28:43] Hey, what's the matter, Rebecca?
[28:43 - 28:47] You pissed off because I told you a little bitch ass pussy boy friend
[28:47 - 28:51] William the glory hole faggot off last night
[28:51 - 28:53] In front of all his little friends
[28:53 - 28:57] And all his fucking little shitty ass fans
[28:57 - 28:59] Don't believe me?
[28:59 - 29:02] Ask anyone here, ask everyone here
[29:02 - 29:05] Ask everyone in the chat right now
[29:05 - 29:09] They watched me personally shut that motherfucker down
[29:09 - 29:20] Ask anyone, they'll tell you
[29:20 - 29:27] I shut that motherfucker down
[29:40 - 29:47] Ask anyone here that watched me on Williams live last night
[29:47 - 29:49] I shut his ass down
[29:49 - 29:52] And I put him in his fucking place
[30:01 - 30:04] So Rebecca, let me tell you right now
[30:04 - 30:06] You guys can shut me down
[30:06 - 30:08] Do whatever you want
[30:08 - 30:14] You guys can shut me down
[30:14 - 30:17] Attack me, shut down my channels
[30:17 - 30:18] Do whatever you want
[30:18 - 30:19] But at the end of the day
[30:19 - 30:21] I'm still gonna come back
[30:21 - 30:23] Over and over again
[30:23 - 30:25] You ain't getting rid of me
[30:25 - 30:26] Ever
[30:32 - 30:34] Yeah, I know I see his ass
[30:35 - 30:37] He ain't phasing me though
[30:48 - 30:51] Oh little punk ass saying phase of me
[30:51 - 30:52] Hey William
[30:52 - 30:54] Why don't you do like I told you to do last night
[30:54 - 30:56] And go back to sucking your daddy's dick
[30:56 - 30:58] Like a good man whore
[30:59 - 31:02] Oh wait, I'm sorry, I forgot
[31:02 - 31:04] You're the dyke Masshole reports
[31:04 - 31:06] Personal glory hole
[31:06 - 31:07] I forgot
[31:07 - 31:10] I forgot that she uses your mouth for a glory hole
[31:10 - 31:12] For her dick every fucking day
[31:12 - 31:14] I forgot about that
[31:25 - 31:27] So let me tell you William the bitch
[31:27 - 31:29] If you think you can just waltz up in here
[31:29 - 31:32] And fuck with my friends
[31:32 - 31:34] My family or my fan base
[31:34 - 31:36] You're out of your goddamn mind
[31:36 - 31:38] And you're out of your fucking league
[31:38 - 31:40] Cause let me tell you bro
[31:40 - 31:42] There's more of us
[31:42 - 31:44] Than there are of you
[31:44 - 31:46] So if I were you
[31:46 - 31:48] I would attest to water
[31:53 - 31:54] And love this
[31:54 - 31:56] Why don't you go suck a dick
[31:59 - 32:12] Like I said, Willy the bitch
[32:13 - 32:15] I don't do these shows
[32:15 - 32:17] For little fags like you
[32:17 - 32:20] I don't do it for pussy ass bullies like you
[32:22 - 32:24] I do these shows for my fan base
[32:24 - 32:26] For my friends
[32:26 - 32:28] For people that actually
[32:28 - 32:30] Need someone there like me
[32:30 - 32:32] Who knows why it's like to be bullied
[32:32 - 32:34] By a punk ass bitch like you
[32:53 - 32:55] Cause compared to us
[32:55 - 32:57] You're not shit
[32:58 - 33:00] Yo Ange, what's up?
[33:10 - 33:12] Let's see our hashtag
[33:12 - 33:14] Syrax Nation in the comments y'all
[33:14 - 33:16] Let's see our shit pop and all
[33:29 - 33:32] Sometimes I
[33:32 - 33:35] Need to remember just to breathe
[33:35 - 33:37] Sometimes I
[33:37 - 33:40] Need you to stay away from me
[33:40 - 33:42] Sometimes I
[33:42 - 33:44] Did this for me
[33:44 - 33:46] Five to know
[33:46 - 33:48] Somehow I
[33:48 - 33:50] Need you to go
[33:50 - 33:51] Tozzy
[33:51 - 33:53] Forget all memories
[33:53 - 33:56] Forget all possible days
[33:56 - 34:01] But you ain't changing me until
[34:01 - 34:02] Tozzy
[34:02 - 34:04] Forget all memories
[34:04 - 34:07] Forget all possibilities
[34:07 - 34:11] Take all your faithlessness with you
[34:11 - 34:13] Tozzy
[34:15 - 34:18] Hashtag f**king glorial
[34:18 - 34:20] Sometimes I
[34:20 - 34:23] Feel like I trusted you too well
[34:23 - 34:25] Sometimes I
[34:25 - 34:27] Just feel like
[34:27 - 34:29] Trying out myself
[34:29 - 34:31] Sometimes I
[34:31 - 34:33] Did this for me
[34:33 - 34:35] Five to know
[34:35 - 34:37] Somehow I
[34:37 - 34:39] Need to be alone
[34:39 - 34:41] Tozzy
[34:41 - 34:43] Forget all memories
[34:43 - 34:45] Forget all possibilities
[34:45 - 34:50] But you ain't changing me until
[34:50 - 34:53] Tozzy
[34:53 - 34:56] Forget all possibilities
[34:56 - 35:00] Take all your faithlessness with you
[35:00 - 35:02] Tozzy
[35:04 - 35:07] Hey Willy, this next part's for you bitch
[35:11 - 35:14] I don't need you anymore
[35:14 - 35:16] So want to be ignored
[35:16 - 35:19] It's only one more day
[35:19 - 35:21] Hope you're wasting me away
[35:21 - 35:24] I don't need you anymore
[35:24 - 35:26] So want to be ignored
[35:26 - 35:29] It's only one more day
[35:29 - 35:35] Hope you're wasting me away
[35:37 - 35:39] Forget all memories
[35:39 - 35:42] Forget all possibilities
[35:42 - 35:46] But you ain't changing me until
[35:46 - 35:48] Tozzy
[35:50 - 35:53] Forget all possibilities
[35:53 - 35:57] Take all your faithlessness with you
[35:57 - 35:59] Tozzy
[36:03 - 36:05] Tozzy
[36:08 - 36:10] Tozzy
[36:10 - 36:12] Hey
[36:18 - 36:20] Cause I tell you William
[36:20 - 36:22] You may be lurking in the chat
[36:22 - 36:24] But I tell you man
[36:24 - 36:28] There's more of us than there are of you
[36:28 - 36:30] There's more of the Cyrax nation
[36:30 - 36:33] Than there are of you and your little friends
[36:33 - 36:36] So you ain't stopping shit pal
[36:40 - 36:52] Hold on, hold on, hold on
[36:52 - 36:54] Before I start this next song
[36:54 - 36:56] I just want to say one thing
[36:59 - 37:02] That everybody out there that does
[37:02 - 37:04] Genuinely enjoy my work
[37:04 - 37:08] And has been a supporter of my shit since day one
[37:08 - 37:11] Whether you're like my homie track hero
[37:11 - 37:14] And have been around since fucking 2010
[37:14 - 37:17] Or whether you're a brand new fan
[37:17 - 37:21] And you're just now tuning into some of my newer stuff man
[37:21 - 37:24] You guys are fucking awesome
[37:24 - 37:26] Cause I tell you, if you were to tell me
[37:26 - 37:29] Three or four years ago
[37:29 - 37:32] That I would actually have a fucking fan base
[37:32 - 37:34] Of people that actually supports what I do
[37:34 - 37:37] And then I would actually be a household name
[37:37 - 37:42] I would have looked at you and told you you're fucking crazy
[37:42 - 37:44] But it's because of you guys
[37:44 - 37:46] The fans that I get to do what I love every fucking day
[37:46 - 37:48] And help people
[37:48 - 37:50] And I get to have fun doing it too
[37:50 - 37:52] I get to meet new people
[37:52 - 37:53] Have fun
[37:53 - 37:55] Do what I enjoy
[37:55 - 37:58] Put out awesome music that you guys love
[38:02 - 38:03] Hell
[38:03 - 38:06] I'm on the fucking break of a fucking record deal
[38:06 - 38:10] Because you guys were my friend Courtney
[38:10 - 38:12] And that ain't on me, that's on you guys
[38:12 - 38:15] You guys are responsible for that shit
[38:15 - 38:18] Because you guys kept on rocking my music
[38:18 - 38:20] Even when everybody told you not to
[38:20 - 38:22] You guys sat there and you fucking jammed that shit
[38:22 - 38:25] Like a bunch of badasses
[38:28 - 38:30] So I have nobody to thank
[38:30 - 38:31] But you guys
[38:31 - 38:35] For putting me in the awesome position that I'm in today
[38:37 - 38:38] So
[38:43 - 38:45] Yo, Jenny, what up
[39:06 - 39:07] Hmm
[39:36 - 39:38] I
[39:49 - 39:52] Oh my God, I knew when I was about to check it out
[40:06 - 40:08] I
[40:15 - 40:18] Y'all already know who this one's for, man
[40:30 - 40:31] Sometimes
[40:31 - 40:35] Sometimes you don't say goodbye once
[40:35 - 40:40] You say goodbye over and over and over again
[40:40 - 40:43] Over and over and over again
[40:43 - 40:45] Sometimes
[40:45 - 40:49] Sometimes you don't say goodbye once
[40:49 - 40:53] You say goodbye over and over and over again
[40:53 - 40:57] Over and over and over again
[40:57 - 40:59] It was a lot since you passed
[40:59 - 41:00] Maybe less
[41:00 - 41:02] No one would know what to do
[41:02 - 41:04] We were such a mess
[41:04 - 41:05] We were checking
[41:05 - 41:06] We were calling
[41:06 - 41:07] We were checking in
[41:07 - 41:09] We said we ought to play it short
[41:09 - 41:10] In honor of our friend
[41:10 - 41:12] And now the show's finally here
[41:12 - 41:14] So it's a deal
[41:14 - 41:15] It's a deal
[41:15 - 41:16] Tim the lights
[41:16 - 41:17] Tim the friends
[41:17 - 41:18] And the Spanish
[41:18 - 41:20] Tim the bridge
[41:20 - 41:23] And I can think of me doing back up on that stage
[41:23 - 41:26] I can't remember if I canceled any shows
[41:26 - 41:28] And I think about what I'm supposed to do
[41:28 - 41:29] And I'm not sure
[41:29 - 41:33] I better think about not doing it the same way as before
[41:33 - 41:36] And I do want to pick my fucking guts out on the floor
[41:36 - 41:38] We rehearsed for a month
[41:38 - 41:40] I'm not worried about the set
[41:40 - 41:41] Detected by the creepers
[41:41 - 41:43] And the time they need to spend
[41:43 - 41:45] They tell me they'll do me the one thing
[41:45 - 41:46] I'm saying in my head
[41:46 - 41:48] And they tell me they'll do me the song
[41:48 - 41:50] And we'll play it in my bed
[41:50 - 41:51] Sometimes
[41:51 - 41:55] Sometimes you don't say goodbye once
[41:55 - 41:59] You say goodbye over and over and over again
[41:59 - 42:02] Over and over and over again
[42:02 - 42:04] Sometimes
[42:04 - 42:08] Sometimes you don't say goodbye once
[42:08 - 42:12] You say goodbye over and over and over again
[42:12 - 42:16] Over and over and over again
[42:16 - 42:18] What's saying I'm not raw
[42:18 - 42:20] What the fuck you take me for
[42:20 - 42:21] That's how you hurt me
[42:21 - 42:23] That's how they're way too far
[42:23 - 42:24] I've been pushed
[42:24 - 42:25] I've been tracked
[42:25 - 42:26] Turned the other hand up back
[42:26 - 42:27] And handed it back
[42:27 - 42:28] Handed it back to the start again
[42:28 - 42:30] And again for scratch
[42:30 - 42:32] What the fuck you doing
[42:32 - 42:33] Now the show go
[42:33 - 42:34] Ain't my saying the same
[42:34 - 42:36] The truth is that I don't know
[42:36 - 42:38] But by the sayings
[42:38 - 42:39] This is all wrong
[42:39 - 42:41] I almost lost it in the middle
[42:41 - 42:43] Of a couple songs
[42:43 - 42:45] I was writing those track tunes
[42:45 - 42:46] Like wow
[42:46 - 42:49] Must be really hard to figure what to do now
[42:49 - 42:51] Thank you genius
[42:51 - 42:52] To think it'll be a challenge
[42:52 - 42:54] This is my life's work
[42:54 - 42:56] Hanging in the fucking balance
[42:56 - 42:57] None of the doings
[42:57 - 42:59] Get a little bit of closure
[42:59 - 43:01] Don't tell your neck and nose
[43:01 - 43:03] It wasn't any closer
[43:03 - 43:05] Never times when you say goodbye
[43:05 - 43:09] They say it over and over and over and over
[43:10 - 43:13] Sometimes you don't say goodbye once
[43:15 - 43:19] You goodbye over and over and over again
[43:19 - 43:22] Over and over and over again
[43:22 - 43:23] Sometimes
[43:23 - 43:26] Sometimes you don't say goodbye once
[43:27 - 43:31] You say goodbye over and over and over again
[43:31 - 43:34] Over and over and over again
[43:34 - 43:38] Over and over and over again
[43:38 - 43:41] Over and over and over again
[43:41 - 43:44] Over and over and over again
[43:44 - 43:48] Over and over and over again
[43:56 - 43:58] I
[44:21 - 44:23] Y'all one sec
[44:26 - 44:28] What
[44:56 - 44:58] You
[45:26 - 45:28] You
[45:56 - 45:58] You
[46:26 - 46:28] You
[46:56 - 46:58] You
[47:26 - 47:28] You
[47:56 - 47:58] You
[48:26 - 48:28] You
[48:56 - 48:58] You
[49:27 - 49:29] You
[49:43 - 49:45] Well, I wasn't expecting this
[49:47 - 49:51] But we got some good news guys I
[49:53 - 49:55] Figure now being opportune time
[49:56 - 49:58] Exposed Curtis
[50:01 - 50:05] Aka William glory hole alive
[50:10 - 50:17] That's right Curtis, I know who the fuck you are now boy, and I know what you look like I
[50:21 - 50:23] Got your picture and everything kid I
[50:24 - 50:29] Know who the fuck you are and where you fucking live
[50:31 - 50:37] So don't think you can run and hide cuz your ass is going to prison for everything you've done
[50:37 - 50:55] Basic glory hole, you're done
[50:59 - 51:04] I am what you want to get up on your panel and embarrass you in front of your little friends again
[51:08 - 51:13] What have I done dude, are you fucking stupid or retarded?
[51:14 - 51:20] Listen to them guys. What have I done motherfucker? What haven't you done? It's more of the question
[51:22 - 51:24] You push beyond good a suicide
[51:25 - 51:30] You push somebody from the Lego community to suicide you violated the HIPAA Act
[51:31 - 51:37] Committed all kinds of fucking internet crimes, so you tell me
[51:37 - 51:39] You
[51:42 - 51:44] Tell me motherfucker
[51:47 - 51:49] Now this next one right here
[51:51 - 51:56] This one right here is going on to my motherfucking fellow Creek squad fans, man
[52:08 - 52:10] You
[52:25 - 52:29] Where's all my fellow love church fans man, where the hell you guys at?
[52:38 - 52:40] I
[52:57 - 53:00] Didn't know I lived in a country song until I found my love for music
[53:08 - 53:12] When I started writing songs, I realized that my childhood memories
[53:12 - 53:16] Transition in the fully painted pictures of the country through the artist sound I
[53:18 - 53:23] Come from a place where marijuana leaves and American flags or spray painted on down near every underpass
[53:25 - 53:28] Where the longest straightaway in town is the midnight drag strip
[53:29 - 53:34] And where the cornfields still harvest the lust of two young guns in a truck bed listening to local radio stations
[53:35 - 53:37] These songs are for everybody
[53:38 - 53:40] They ain't got to be for anybody really
[53:41 - 53:48] But they're for the country to pay homage for a southern all-american upbringing that will hopefully live on forever
[53:48 - 53:50] So long live the South
[53:51 - 53:53] Long live your Nick of the woods to
[53:54 - 53:56] church
[53:58 - 54:02] This one's for all my fellow Creek squad enough church fans fucking love you guys
[54:02 - 54:04] Let's do this one for church, man
[54:09 - 54:12] You're the king of us on a one-way road
[54:12 - 54:18] This is a dozen and the radio and then I so young here's we all right now
[54:18 - 54:22] There's some time on the edge of town
[54:23 - 54:25] What I was in the same thing
[54:26 - 54:28] John the green with the same name
[54:29 - 54:32] They don't paint it, but it still looks good
[54:33 - 54:35] The my neck in the world
[54:35 - 54:37] negative words my negative words
[54:39 - 54:41] My neck in the woods
[54:42 - 54:44] Really a day toner
[54:50 - 54:52] This is the world we change from
[54:58 - 55:04] They didn't use in years and they've been going to the cold in guys cold in a day
[55:04 - 55:05] They didn't even take your time
[55:05 - 55:13] Never said a one-way road through to the truth around the radio and a night so young as we all right
[55:15 - 55:17] Time on the edge of
[55:18 - 55:20] A water tower says the same thing
[55:21 - 55:27] John the green with the same name a little baby, but it still looks good
[55:28 - 55:33] My negative words negative words my negative words
[55:34 - 55:36] My naked away
[55:36 - 55:39] Don't work on my skin. The name's a lot of with
[55:46 - 55:48] Across a couple of the states
[55:48 - 55:54] The dirty back and it's trying to try to try to run up a choice of fact
[55:54 - 55:58] They're gonna roll in a chair chair made of wood. It is what tell us a
[56:01 - 56:03] Bus on a one-way road
[56:03 - 56:09] To tell me not a radio and a night so young as we all right now
[56:10 - 56:12] Time on the edge of
[56:13 - 56:15] One house is the same thing
[56:16 - 56:22] John the green with the same name a little baby, but it still looks good
[56:23 - 56:28] My negative words negative words my negative words
[56:30 - 56:33] My negative words negative words my end of the road
[56:34 - 56:36] There's a lot of them little friends this song
[56:45 - 56:53] Negative words negative words my negative words
[57:16 - 57:20] Now this one right here y'all know I got to do this one for the haters I
[57:21 - 57:23] Got to I
[57:24 - 57:26] Got to do this one for the haters man
[57:34 - 57:39] And for all y'all that don't know and for all you guys that didn't know yes, I am a country boy heart
[57:40 - 57:42] All right, I was born in the fucking back was a Washington
[57:42 - 57:45] Well raised in the back was watching and saying so yeah
[57:45 - 57:47] Country boy heart, bro
[57:55 - 57:58] Now this one right here ain't just going on to all the haters
[57:58 - 58:03] This got to all the fucking doubters who thought I wouldn't do someone my life
[58:12 - 58:14] Let's go y'all
[58:16 - 58:18] Hey
[58:20 - 58:22] Punk and church
[58:37 - 58:43] Red white blue neck skin color red white blue neck skin color
[58:44 - 58:46] Red white blue neck skin color
[58:50 - 58:57] The same thing I got was got by me. I had a hand out. I was grabbing the back
[58:57 - 59:04] It turns everybody sink point laugh and I was running chasing shit down the job on the ground and looking like the
[59:04 - 59:06] Hey, bitch, I want my way from not having to thank
[59:06 - 59:08] I
[59:10 - 59:18] Don't wear mo I'm still getting trash talk the white trash. I am little pitch. I'm sitting white forever skin in this land
[59:29 - 59:31] Let's keep the country
[59:32 - 59:34] Red white blue neck skin color
[59:35 - 59:41] Red white blue neck skin color red white blue neck skin color
[59:41 - 59:43] I
[59:59 - 60:06] Clean the fit. No, you can't search my shit unless you get a war and don't wait. We're just ready to try skin
[60:06 - 60:09] But you know on the map like nobody is done before
[60:10 - 60:12] Fucked up with a school or two my phone
[60:25 - 60:27] Just give me country on loan
[60:28 - 60:30] Next game
[60:30 - 60:36] Red white blue neck skin color red white blue neck skin color
[60:39 - 60:41] Y'all know
[60:43 - 60:47] See y'all hate this thing you stop me homie y'all ain't stopping shit dog
[60:50 - 60:53] Y'all don't fucks ain't stopping a goddamn thing man
[61:06 - 61:08] I seen that's what I find so funny
[61:09 - 61:11] About you dumb ass trolls
[61:12 - 61:19] You guys really think that you're winning something and that you're stopping me but as history
[61:19 - 61:21] Clearly recalls
[61:22 - 61:24] You're not getting rid of me or shutting me down
[61:26 - 61:28] So basically
[61:28 - 61:33] What I'm getting out is this as history clearly clearly very clearly recalls
[61:33 - 61:36] Your guys the times to shut me down are futile
[61:37 - 61:39] They're stupid
[61:46 - 61:48] So
[61:51 - 61:55] Ten point land going nowhere now as long as the nation's around
[61:57 - 61:59] Matter of fact, yo
[61:59 - 62:01] Matter of fact, yo
[62:01 - 62:08] Persona sirex nation that's in the discord. I want some y'all to go check on temple and make sure she's alright man
[62:08 - 62:10] I want y'all to go check on her make sure she's good
[62:29 - 62:31] You
[62:59 - 63:01] You
[63:29 - 63:31] You
[63:44 - 63:48] And just case y'all wondering yes, I am dropping some brand new music very very soon
[63:53 - 63:56] Not telling you when but I am dropping some new music soon
[63:59 - 64:01] I
[64:01 - 64:03] I
[64:03 - 64:05] I
[64:05 - 64:07] I
[64:27 - 64:29] Think I'll fall down
[64:30 - 64:32] Do I walk away?
[64:32 - 64:38] Oh, do I stand my ground and it's
[64:43 - 64:45] The faceless cry
[64:45 - 64:48] That's with my every dream
[64:49 - 64:52] It's almost every night
[64:58 - 65:00] Why are we going on this way
[65:01 - 65:04] Why don't we play these games in vain
[65:05 - 65:10] Nothing's gone and break it down and build us back again
[65:12 - 65:15] So what is the path I believe this way?
[65:16 - 65:18] Black as a soul as well as strength
[65:19 - 65:24] You're leaning me to places. I can never fall off
[65:25 - 65:27] This is
[65:28 - 65:30] In the darkest
[65:31 - 65:33] And
[65:35 - 65:37] Me nothing but the same
[65:39 - 65:42] And there's no place which cries
[65:43 - 65:45] That's with my average
[65:46 - 65:49] And almost every night
[65:55 - 65:58] Why are we going on this way
[65:58 - 66:01] Why don't we play these games in vain
[66:03 - 66:07] Nothing's gonna break it down and build us back again
[66:09 - 66:12] What is the path I believe this way?
[66:13 - 66:16] Black as a soul as well as strength
[66:16 - 66:22] You're leaning me to places. I can never fall off
[66:28 - 66:35] When you scream you push it so much further. Yeah, when I leave I always rocker back again
[66:35 - 66:39] I'm gonna cry my twos and crows you've been in this
[66:58 - 67:04] Why are we going on this way? Why don't we play these games?
[67:06 - 67:08] No, I'm saying it's gonna break it
[67:10 - 67:14] I know I hold on hold on hold on since since this dude right here
[67:14 - 67:20] What's that there to say that I got a bitch voice? I got some for your fake ass. Hold up
[67:28 - 67:30] You
[67:49 - 67:55] Perfect song for this loser. Hey, yo, this is a perfect song for this loser right here, man
[67:58 - 68:00] I
[68:12 - 68:17] Dare you say that you hear this fucker I dare you
[68:28 - 68:30] You
[68:58 - 69:00] You
[69:28 - 69:30] Know
[69:58 - 70:00] You
[70:28 - 70:30] You
[70:58 - 71:00] You
[71:28 - 71:30] You
[71:33 - 71:36] You know what I got a personal song for you fucking morons
[71:38 - 71:42] And isn't right here's wrong my motherfucking metalheads, bro
[71:52 - 71:54] You're all slaves
[71:58 - 72:03] To the back bitch what the fuck are you gonna play?
[72:04 - 72:06] Are you living the mind?
[72:08 - 72:16] Hey, you're the bad nuts. You're all the innocence. He isn't really who you want in the pain
[72:23 - 72:25] But I mean you when you go
[72:28 - 72:38] You're going to be doing your job.
[72:38 - 72:47] Oh my god, you're going to be doing your job.
[72:47 - 72:53] to a slave to subside the arm.
[72:56 - 72:58] Slave.
[73:00 - 73:02] Your body went last.
[73:02 - 73:04] You're saying you're in the bottom.
[73:04 - 73:06] You're saying everything is wrong.
[73:06 - 73:08] You're saying you're in the bottom.
[73:08 - 73:09] Slave.
[73:09 - 73:11] They're juggles.
[73:11 - 73:13] You're saying you're in the bottom.
[73:13 - 73:15] Right now your mind is gone.
[73:15 - 73:17] You're saying you're in the bottom.
[73:17 - 73:18] Slave.
[73:18 - 73:21] They're juggles.
[73:25 - 73:27] Slave.
[73:29 - 73:31] To subside the arm.
[73:33 - 73:36] They need to escape.
[73:37 - 73:39] Your body went last.
[73:40 - 73:43] That was a bit with my shades on.
[73:43 - 73:48] You make all the same mistakes you've all been through.
[73:48 - 73:51] Everything that I've been through.
[73:51 - 73:52] That I regret.
[73:52 - 73:55] I'm watching you do now.
[73:55 - 73:57] That's what you meant.
[73:57 - 74:00] Everything I've been through.
[74:00 - 74:01] That I regret.
[74:01 - 74:04] I'm watching you do now.
[74:04 - 74:06] You're saying we meant.
[74:06 - 74:09] Everything I've been through.
[74:09 - 74:10] That I regret.
[74:10 - 74:12] I'm watching you do now.
[74:12 - 74:15] That's what you meant.
[74:23 - 74:25] Your body went last.
[74:25 - 74:27] Your body went last.
[74:28 - 74:31] You're saying you're in the bottom.
[74:31 - 74:34] You're saying you're in the bottom.
[74:34 - 74:36] You're saying you're in the bottom.
[74:36 - 74:38] You're saying things you've all been through.
[74:38 - 74:48] That is your ghost.
[74:48 - 74:51] Never told me, shut up.
[74:51 - 74:53] Freeze.
[74:53 - 74:57] Make your life.
[74:57 - 75:01] Make your life.
[75:01 - 75:06] Choose the path you are.
[75:06 - 75:10] I made you last time.
[75:10 - 75:22] You fucking worthless.
[75:22 - 75:24] And it's true, man.
[75:24 - 75:27] All you motherfucking trolls
[75:27 - 75:33] are just a worthless waste of motherfucking space, bro.
[75:33 - 75:35] That's all you fucking are.
[75:35 - 75:37] All you little trolls that run your mouths,
[75:37 - 75:42] you're worthless, a waste of fucking space on this planet.
[75:42 - 75:48] Because you make good people like me look like shit.
[75:48 - 75:54] You fuck around and do harm to innocent people.
[75:54 - 75:57] And for what reason?
[75:57 - 76:00] I mean, what's the point?
[76:06 - 76:11] I mean, what's the point of trolling somebody?
[76:11 - 76:17] All you're doing is fucking with people that don't deserve it.
[76:17 - 76:20] That's all you're fucking doing.
[76:20 - 76:22] You're being a bunch of lit dick pussies
[76:22 - 76:25] hiding behind a fucking computer screen
[76:25 - 76:30] bullying people that you got no business bullying it.
[76:30 - 76:37] Everyone of you trolls should be ashamed of yourselves.
[76:37 - 76:39] Everyone of you motherfucking trolls
[76:39 - 76:47] should be ashamed of yourselves.
[76:47 - 76:50] I mean, yeah, I'm my troll here and there.
[76:50 - 76:52] Ha, ha, ha.
[76:52 - 76:57] But at least I do it to where my friends know about it.
[76:57 - 76:59] I don't sit there and troll people to bully them.
[76:59 - 77:01] Like you guys do.
[77:01 - 77:06] I do it out of joking around with my fucking friends.
[77:06 - 77:11] There's a difference between doing what I do when I joke around
[77:11 - 77:15] and what you guys do as bully motherfuckers.
[77:15 - 77:19] There's a major difference.
[77:19 - 77:24] And I do mean a major difference.
[77:24 - 77:27] Nobody deserves what the fuck you do to them.
[77:27 - 77:31] Ever, at all, period.
[77:31 - 77:34] No one deserves to get bullied.
[77:34 - 77:36] Ever.
[77:36 - 77:38] Not me.
[77:38 - 77:40] Bianca didn't deserve to get bullied.
[77:40 - 77:42] Tim Boyle don't deserve it.
[77:42 - 77:46] No one deserves it.
[77:46 - 77:50] I mean, who the fuck died and made you motherfuckers God, huh?
[77:50 - 77:56] Who the fuck died and made you God?
[77:57 - 78:00] Because you guys ain't no gods.
[78:00 - 78:04] You're a bunch of limp dick pussies hiding behind a computer screen
[78:04 - 78:07] like a bunch of morons.
[78:07 - 78:11] Because we all know outside of those computer screens,
[78:11 - 78:17] we all know damn well you wouldn't do shit in real life.
[78:17 - 78:22] We all know damn well that none of you morons
[78:22 - 78:26] have got any balls to do a goddamn thing in real life.
[78:26 - 78:30] All you do is hide behind your screen like a bunch of pussies all goddamn day
[78:30 - 78:32] running your mouths.
[78:32 - 78:38] That's all you do.
[78:38 - 78:40] Because you're a bunch of pussies.
[78:40 - 78:48] A bunch of cowards.
[78:48 - 78:50] Every time I call you motherfuckers out,
[78:50 - 78:55] all you do is run and hide like a bitch.
[78:55 - 78:56] That's all you do.
[78:56 - 78:58] You hide behind your screens,
[78:58 - 79:00] and when I do confront your ass,
[79:00 - 79:02] you ain't got the balls to show your face
[79:02 - 79:09] just like William Glory Hole.
[79:09 - 79:15] I mean, seriously, Willie the bitch.
[79:15 - 79:16] I mean, what happened?
[79:16 - 79:17] I thought you were a badass.
[79:17 - 79:20] I thought you weren't afraid to show your face.
[79:20 - 79:23] Then why is it that when I confronted you last night,
[79:23 - 79:28] you hate your face like a fucking coward?
[79:28 - 79:30] I thought you were a badass.
[79:30 - 79:32] I thought you were a real man.
[79:32 - 79:36] Because all I saw last night was a punk ass little bitch
[79:36 - 79:39] hiding behind a fucking screen.
[79:39 - 79:45] That's all I saw was a little boy pretending to be a man.
[79:45 - 79:48] That's all I saw.
[79:48 - 79:50] I didn't see no man.
[79:50 - 79:52] I've seen a pussy ass little boy
[79:52 - 79:55] hiding behind a fucking screen like a coward
[79:55 - 79:59] who's afraid to show his face.
[79:59 - 80:02] Because you're a fucking pussy.
[80:02 - 80:05] Because you know damn well you ain't got the balls
[80:05 - 80:08] to face me outside of that damn computer.
[80:08 - 80:10] So you're running high behind your fucking words
[80:10 - 80:13] like a fucking pussy ass coward.
[80:13 - 80:17] Just like your mom and dad.
[80:17 - 80:18] But then they just said
[80:18 - 80:21] the apple don't fall too far from the tree, does it?
[80:21 - 80:22] What'd you do?
[80:22 - 80:25] Get your pussy and coward jeans from your mom and dad?
[80:25 - 80:28] Oh wait, no, Ron, you already confirmed that last night
[80:28 - 80:31] that you do get the cowardest jeans from your parents.
[80:31 - 80:34] Because your parents were pussies.
[80:34 - 80:41] So I guess you got the pussy jean, bro.
[80:41 - 80:42] Just saying, bro.
[80:42 - 80:44] And since we all know you got a pussy
[80:44 - 80:47] why don't you go down to the nearest gay bar
[80:47 - 80:51] find some lesbians to fuck, dude.
[80:51 - 80:53] And since you got a pussy
[80:53 - 80:56] why don't you go down to the nearest fucking bar, bro?
[80:56 - 80:59] Because we all know you're secretly a fucking dyke.
[80:59 - 81:03] We all know you're a fucking dyke, Willie.
[81:03 - 81:08] Or should I say Willow?
[81:08 - 81:10] So why don't you take your ass down
[81:10 - 81:12] to the nearest fucking lesbian bar
[81:12 - 81:15] and get you some pussy since we all know you got one?
[81:15 - 81:20] Because you ain't got the motherfucking balls to face me, bro.
[81:20 - 81:22] If you had the balls to fucking face me
[81:22 - 81:25] you would have showed your face live last night.
[81:25 - 81:27] But instead you hid like a coward
[81:27 - 81:30] because you ain't a man enough.
[81:30 - 81:31] You ain't a man.
[81:31 - 81:33] You're a pussy.
[81:33 - 81:34] A bully.
[81:34 - 81:36] A coward.
[81:36 - 81:40] A limp dick motherfucker that deserves to be bitch slapped.
[81:40 - 81:43] That's all you are.
[81:43 - 81:46] When I look at you, I don't see a badass.
[81:46 - 81:48] When I look at you, Willow.
[81:48 - 81:50] Willow, listen to me, little girl.
[81:50 - 81:54] When I look at you, I don't see a badass.
[81:54 - 81:58] I see a punk ass coward hiding behind his words
[81:58 - 82:01] and behind his screen because he's afraid of reality.
[82:01 - 82:05] Because you're a delusional little bitch
[82:05 - 82:09] who thinks that he's right when he's not.
[82:09 - 82:11] That's all you are.
[82:11 - 82:13] You're a delusional little fuckbag
[82:13 - 82:15] who thinks he's a badass when really
[82:15 - 82:17] all you are is a fucking pussy.
[82:17 - 82:25] That's all you are.
[82:25 - 82:27] You're a fucking pussy, man.
[82:27 - 82:29] You're bitch made.
[82:29 - 82:31] Just like Krip K.
[82:31 - 82:34] You're bitch made, bro.
[82:34 - 82:36] You ain't got the balls to face me on camera
[82:36 - 82:38] because you're a bitch.
[82:38 - 82:40] A coward.
[82:40 - 82:42] Because you know damn well,
[82:42 - 82:46] you ain't got the balls to face me like a man.
[82:46 - 82:49] I mean, hell, when I was growing up,
[82:49 - 82:51] if we had a problem with somebody,
[82:51 - 82:53] we faced them man to man.
[82:53 - 82:58] We didn't hide behind a computer screen like a bitch.
[82:58 - 83:00] I mean, seriously.
[83:00 - 83:03] What happened to the fucking world, man?
[83:04 - 83:06] What happened to y'all, man?
[83:06 - 83:09] I thought you guys were supposed to be bad asses.
[83:09 - 83:12] Since when did my generation
[83:12 - 83:15] become a bunch of pussies?
[83:15 - 83:19] Since when did the guys of my generation
[83:19 - 83:21] start becoming bend over pussies
[83:21 - 83:24] like William Goreal?
[83:24 - 83:27] I seriously, if you're a man,
[83:27 - 83:29] either share your face on camera
[83:29 - 83:30] or bring your ass up here
[83:30 - 83:34] and I'll stomp a hole in it for you.
[83:34 - 83:36] You do deserve an ass whooping
[83:36 - 83:39] after everything you fucking did to me.
[83:43 - 83:47] All you're doing is playing motherfucking kiss ass, bro.
[83:47 - 83:49] Don't be a bitch.
[83:49 - 83:53] Show your face on camera if you're a real man.
[83:54 - 83:57] Man, I'm not hiding.
[83:59 - 84:02] So, why you being a bitch?
[84:05 - 84:07] So Willow, like I said,
[84:07 - 84:09] do yourself a favor,
[84:09 - 84:12] go down to the nearest lesbian bar,
[84:12 - 84:14] get you some pussy because we all know
[84:14 - 84:17] you got a pussy, you ain't got a dick.
[84:17 - 84:20] So, why don't you take you and your pussy,
[84:20 - 84:22] put your big girl pennies on,
[84:22 - 84:24] get your makeup on, get your dress on,
[84:24 - 84:26] get all dolled up,
[84:26 - 84:28] and go down to the nearest lesbian bar
[84:28 - 84:32] and go get you some pussy, you fucking lesbo bitch.
[84:33 - 84:35] Seriously.
[84:37 - 84:39] It's sad, bro.
[84:39 - 84:41] My own nephew is more of a man than you
[84:41 - 84:43] and that's sad.
[84:43 - 84:46] And my nephew's only seven.
[84:46 - 84:48] My nephew's only seven.
[84:48 - 84:50] My nephew's only seven years old
[84:50 - 84:53] and he's more of a man than you'll ever be.
[84:53 - 84:55] And that's sad.
[84:57 - 85:00] I thought you were supposed to be a badass.
[85:00 - 85:03] But all I see is a bitch that needs to go
[85:03 - 85:06] the fuck back to Brokeback Mountain.
[85:08 - 85:10] Oh, sorry, I'm sorry, that's not Brokeback Mountain.
[85:10 - 85:12] That's Brokebitch Mountain.
[85:12 - 85:14] Oh, no, I'm sorry.
[85:14 - 85:16] No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[85:16 - 85:18] That's Brokebitch Mountain.
[85:18 - 85:20] That's where you need to go back to.
[85:20 - 85:22] Brokebitch Mountain.
[85:22 - 85:25] So why don't you and your little lesbian friends
[85:25 - 85:27] saddle up, put your dresses on,
[85:27 - 85:29] put your cowgirl boots on,
[85:29 - 85:32] put all y'all's makeup on and shit,
[85:32 - 85:34] you know, put your bra on and everything,
[85:34 - 85:36] you know, do whatever you gotta do
[85:36 - 85:38] to get all dolled up
[85:38 - 85:40] and go down to,
[85:40 - 85:43] go down to the mountain, man.
[85:44 - 85:46] Go down to the basic Brokebitch Mountain
[85:46 - 85:48] where you belong.
[85:48 - 85:51] Because no one wants you around here.
[85:51 - 85:53] You belong on basic Brokebitch Mountain.
[85:53 - 85:55] That's where your ass belongs.
[85:58 - 86:00] Just saying.
[86:04 - 86:07] I can always just embarrass you in front of your fans again
[86:07 - 86:09] just like I did last night,
[86:09 - 86:12] which we all know you won't admit it,
[86:12 - 86:14] you know, everybody here knows
[86:14 - 86:16] that I embarrassed the fuck out of you
[86:16 - 86:18] last night.
[86:18 - 86:20] We all know this.
[86:22 - 86:24] So basic bitch,
[86:24 - 86:26] take your ass back to Brokebitch Mountain
[86:28 - 86:30] and shut the fuck up
[86:30 - 86:32] and leave my community the fuck alone.
[86:34 - 86:36] Because like I told you,
[86:36 - 86:38] I told you I'd find you.
[86:38 - 86:40] I got your name
[86:40 - 86:42] and your address.
[86:45 - 86:48] So don't think I won't make a house visit to you.
[86:51 - 86:53] So shout out to Cyrax Nation.
[86:53 - 86:55] I'm out, guys. I love y'all. Peace.


[0:00 - 0:07] So, I'm going to go ahead and do a little bit of the same thing, and then I'm going to
[0:30 - 0:33] Yeah, junior, what up, man?
[1:00 - 1:10] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[1:10 - 1:14] He had faith, power, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.
[1:14 - 1:18] Before they hung him from the gallows, these final words he said.
[1:18 - 1:23] My fortune is yours for taking, but you'll have to find it first.
[1:23 - 1:26] I left everything I own in one piece.
[1:26 - 1:31] Ever since, clearance from all over the world set sail for the grand line.
[1:31 - 1:36] Searching for one piece, the treasure that would make their dreams come true.
[1:36 - 1:37] Yeah!
[2:26 - 2:50] This is why I love Pandora, because I discovered you want Pandora.
[2:50 - 2:51] Yes.
[2:51 - 2:52] Yes.
[2:52 - 2:54] I got shuttle station vibes that I love.
[2:55 - 2:56] That's right.
[2:59 - 3:00] There once...
[3:24 - 3:34] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[3:34 - 3:59] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[4:29 - 4:58] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[4:58 - 5:08] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[5:08 - 5:17] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[5:17 - 5:46] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[5:47 - 6:16] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[6:16 - 6:45] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[6:45 - 7:12] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[7:12 - 7:41] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[7:41 - 8:10] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[8:11 - 8:29] Ever wondered about search? Like how auto-complete works? Or why you see the attitude? Or want to know how we protect against a span? Or how real people will make search better? Visit YouTube to learn more about how search works.
[8:41 - 9:02] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[9:02 - 9:18] There once was a man named Golden Roger, who was king of the pirates.
[9:18 - 9:32] Hold up, hold up, y'all. Stop the record, man. We got a legend up in the building, man. Come on, boy. Ignomatic, man. What's good, Iggy?
[9:32 - 9:40] What is good, Iggy? Hold up. We got to take that one back for the homie, man. We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[9:40 - 9:50] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[10:10 - 10:20] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[10:20 - 10:30] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[10:30 - 10:40] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[10:40 - 10:50] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[10:50 - 11:10] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[11:10 - 11:20] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[11:20 - 11:40] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[11:40 - 11:50] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[11:50 - 12:10] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[12:10 - 12:24] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[12:24 - 12:44] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[12:44 - 13:04] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[13:04 - 13:24] We got to take that one back for the homie, Iggy.
[13:24 - 13:34] Hold on, guys. Hold on, I was trying to call.
[13:54 - 14:10] Welcome, intern. Let's introduce ourselves.
[14:10 - 14:22] Y'all, it's not up to homie Alex here.
[14:22 - 14:42] We got to take that one back.
[14:42 - 15:02] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[15:02 - 15:22] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[15:22 - 15:32] We got to take that one back.
[15:32 - 15:52] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[15:52 - 16:12] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[16:12 - 16:32] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[16:32 - 16:52] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[16:52 - 17:12] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[17:12 - 17:40] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[17:40 - 18:08] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[18:08 - 18:28] We got to take that one back.
[18:28 - 18:56] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[18:56 - 19:24] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[19:24 - 19:52] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[19:52 - 20:20] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[20:20 - 20:46] We got to take that one back.
[20:46 - 21:14] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[21:14 - 21:32] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[21:32 - 22:00] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[22:00 - 22:28] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[22:30 - 22:58] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[22:58 - 23:26] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[23:26 - 23:54] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[23:54 - 24:22] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[24:22 - 24:44] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[24:44 - 25:10] We got to take that one back.
[25:10 - 25:38] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[25:38 - 26:06] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[26:06 - 26:28] We got to take that one back.
[26:28 - 26:56] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[26:56 - 27:20] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[27:20 - 27:46] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[27:46 - 28:14] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[28:14 - 28:42] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[28:42 - 28:58] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[28:58 - 29:26] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[29:26 - 29:48] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[29:48 - 30:10] We got to take that one back.
[30:18 - 30:46] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[30:46 - 31:08] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[31:08 - 31:30] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[31:30 - 31:58] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[31:58 - 32:26] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[32:28 - 32:56] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[32:56 - 33:12] We got to take that one back for the homie.
[33:12 - 33:20] Now I do want to ask a very valid question here.
[33:20 - 33:24] Nobody else seems to have the balls to ask.
[33:24 - 33:32] So I'm going to be the motherfucker to ask it.
[33:32 - 33:36] To Daryl's aftertaste or whoever you are.
[33:36 - 33:44] As a matter of fact, this isn't just going to do this to every fucking troll out there.
[33:44 - 33:48] This is actually standard tuning.
[33:48 - 34:00] So for all y'all trolls, where the hell do you get all thinking that it's okay to bully people?
[34:00 - 34:12] Where the hell do you get all thinking it's alright to bully people like you do?
[34:12 - 34:18] Like for real, where do you get all thinking that it's okay to bully people the way that you do?
[34:18 - 34:21] And what's your real reason for coming after me?
[34:21 - 34:25] I know it ain't just because of the supposed pedo bullshit.
[34:25 - 34:30] I know there's a bigger reason than that and I want to know what the fuck it is.
[34:30 - 34:36] Because y'all got your head so far off you can't see the light and goddamn day.
[34:36 - 34:38] Hello?
[34:38 - 34:40] Hello? Is this Trot?
[34:40 - 34:45] No, you're a little pussy ass troll. Get out of here.
[34:45 - 35:03] My frill, what's the fucking point?
[35:03 - 35:08] Actually, yes it is trolling, dude.
[35:08 - 35:14] My frill, you guys really think that you...
[35:14 - 35:16] No, I'm not.
[35:16 - 35:21] Bro, if I was a danger to my community, I would have been arrested a long time ago, bro.
[35:21 - 35:26] I would have been arrested a while ago.
[35:26 - 35:34] Hey, dumb fuck troll, glad to suck on your dad's dick, you pedo little bitch.
[35:34 - 35:38] My frill, you guys can't even get in your own fucking lives.
[35:38 - 35:49] So you gotta fuck with other people's in the process.
[35:49 - 35:54] Here's the thing, man, y'all are so fixated on that fucking garbage, bro.
[35:54 - 35:59] I'm gonna tell y'all exactly like I told that little dunk fuck last night.
[35:59 - 36:05] Y'all need to grow the fuck up and get the fuck over it.
[36:05 - 36:10] Seriously, bro, grow the fuck up. I'm not a pedo and I approved it.
[36:10 - 36:13] So fuck y'all.
[36:13 - 36:17] What do you want, dumb ass troll?
[36:17 - 36:24] Well, you are, and your mom sucked my dick last night and she loved it, so fuck you.
[36:24 - 36:28] For real.
[36:28 - 36:36] Why can't y'all grow the fuck up and quit y'all's bullshit, bro?
[36:36 - 36:39] Well, you guys got no right doing what you do.
[36:39 - 36:43] I don't approve my motherfucking innocence.
[36:43 - 36:47] I don't approve my motherfucking innocence the night that the cops showed up, bro.
[36:47 - 36:53] So get the fuck over, you pussy-wintin' dick little fags.
[36:53 - 36:57] Hey, tell your mom to come back to my house and suck my dick
[36:57 - 36:59] because she knows she wants that dick.
[36:59 - 37:02] Better yet, tell your sister to come suck my dick.
[37:02 - 37:06] Hey, well, why don't you tell your sister to get in her car?
[37:06 - 37:12] Come over here and suck my dick.
[37:13 - 37:19] Matter of fact, I'll show you exactly how we deal with trolls.
[37:19 - 37:24] I'll show you exactly how we deal with trolls in this, in my neck of the woods.
[37:24 - 37:27] Like this.
[37:42 - 38:10] Hey, go suck your dad's dick, pedo.
[38:10 - 38:28] Alright, let me check my Texas right quick.
[38:28 - 38:34] Haha, your trolls can't do shit.
[38:34 - 38:37] Try calling me now, motherfuckers.
[38:37 - 38:39] Hey, thank you, Randy. I know I'm crazy.
[38:39 - 38:42] I'm crazy when it comes to music. I love what I do.
[38:42 - 39:05] So thanks for the compliment. I appreciate that.
[39:05 - 39:08] No, seriously, I appreciate the compliment, dude.
[39:08 - 39:12] I know I'm crazy. I'm crazy about my fans. I'm crazy about my music.
[39:12 - 39:16] So thanks for the compliment, honey.
[39:16 - 39:20] I mean, you're not really doing anything other than telling me something I already know.
[39:20 - 39:45] So just saying, man.
[39:45 - 39:51] Alright, let me go here and grab another amp here.
[39:51 - 39:55] Now let's go to the store chain. Let's go.
[39:55 - 39:58] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[40:25 - 40:35] All right, I'll just turn this off right there.
[40:35 - 40:46] Damn, there wasn't just some non-rock type of stuff where I just wanted to switch it up
[40:46 - 40:49] but it's being a bit of a dick.
[40:49 - 40:50] That's right.
[40:51 - 40:54] I'm just going here to plug and pick out and pick the shit up.
[41:08 - 41:10] Let's try that zone.
[41:20 - 41:28] I want...
[41:40 - 41:42] All right, I'll just turn this off.
[41:50 - 42:01] All right, so let's get rid of the distortion here.
[42:09 - 42:11] It doesn't want to fucking work.
[42:12 - 42:19] That's right, I will just replace that with this.
[42:21 - 42:25] Super single and just replace the structure with this.
[42:41 - 42:42] Oh, there we go.
[42:50 - 42:53] There we go.
[43:20 - 43:22] That's what it's all for.
[43:29 - 43:31] Can we load it up a bit?
[43:31 - 43:33] Almost, BG.
[43:40 - 43:42] You want me to get it, BG?
[43:42 - 43:44] Yeah, I'll raise it there.
[43:50 - 43:52] There we go.
[44:20 - 44:22] All right, I'll just turn this off.
[44:50 - 44:53] All right.
[45:20 - 45:22] There we go.
[45:50 - 45:55] Yeah, we don't want to do this.
[45:55 - 46:07] I think it's best you go home tonight.
[46:20 - 46:22] All right, let's go.
[46:50 - 46:52] All right, let's go.
[47:20 - 47:22] All right, let's go.
[47:50 - 48:11] Ah, now here's the thing with your trolls, man.
[48:11 - 48:14] I know exactly where you guys come from.
[48:14 - 48:19] See, you guys think that I'm the pedophile.
[48:19 - 48:21] Like I said, if I really was a pedo,
[48:21 - 48:25] I would have been in jail the night that the cops showed up.
[48:25 - 48:29] All right, so why can't y'all don't fucks and get over it?
[48:29 - 48:33] I know whose fucking community y'all are coming from,
[48:33 - 48:36] and y'all are just like her.
[48:36 - 48:42] Y'all are a bunch of lick dick pussies that call everyone pedos.
[48:42 - 48:48] When you, you got, let's see the skeletons in your closet, motherfuckers.
[48:48 - 48:52] Let's see your skeletons in your motherfucking closet.
[48:52 - 48:56] Let's see the fucked up shit that you guys have done.
[48:56 - 49:10] Let's see the skeletons in your closet, motherfuckers.
[49:10 - 49:15] Because y'all can't sit there and say that y'all ain't done some real fucked up shit.
[49:15 - 49:20] So let's see the skeletons in your closet, you dumb, limp, dick little bitches.
[49:20 - 49:21] Come on.
[49:21 - 49:25] Well, let's see the skeletons in your closet, faggots.
[49:25 - 49:26] Come on, dumb fucks.
[49:26 - 49:36] Let's see, let's hear out the skeletons in your motherfucking closet.
[49:36 - 49:40] Y'all ain't shit.
[49:40 - 49:54] Y'all are deflective as fuck, and it's funny.
[49:54 - 50:02] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[50:02 - 50:31] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[50:31 - 50:41] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[50:41 - 50:51] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[50:51 - 51:01] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[51:01 - 51:11] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[51:11 - 51:21] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[51:21 - 51:31] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[51:31 - 51:41] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[51:41 - 51:51] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[51:51 - 52:01] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[52:01 - 52:11] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[52:11 - 52:21] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[52:21 - 52:31] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[52:31 - 52:41] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[52:41 - 52:51] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[52:51 - 53:01] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[53:01 - 53:11] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[53:11 - 53:21] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[53:21 - 53:31] Y'all are so fucking deflective that it's funny.
[53:31 - 53:37] Now here's a little quench for you guys and I know you fucking retards won't be able to answer.
[53:37 - 53:47] But guys, none of you got the balls to tell the motherfucking truth.
[53:47 - 53:53] I seriously, none of you motherfuckers have the god damn balls to tell the truth on this next question.
[53:53 - 53:58] Why is it that you motherfuckers targeted me right from the jump?
[53:58 - 54:00] Why target the weird guy?
[54:00 - 54:02] Is it because you know I got more talent than you?
[54:02 - 54:09] Is it because you know that I have more of a fan base than you fucking retards?
[54:09 - 54:15] So you gotta target motherfuckers like me who are bigger than you fucking dumbasses?
[54:15 - 54:19] Like seriously bro, why you gotta target the little guy?
[54:19 - 54:21] Is it because I fucking look weird?
[54:21 - 54:24] Like what's the real fucking reason?
[54:24 - 54:28] Why target the weird looking guy, huh?
[54:28 - 54:32] Why target the weird guy?
[54:32 - 54:37] Why target the motherfucking that actually knows what the fuck he's doing when it comes to shit?
[54:37 - 54:47] Or is it because you're mad at the fact that a weird looking motherfucker like me has the balls to call you fake asses out?
[54:47 - 54:50] I don't approve that I'll call you dumb fucks out.
[54:50 - 54:52] I did it the way I'm going to hold.
[54:52 - 54:55] I did it to that cunt bag shamrock.
[54:55 - 55:04] So I have no problem calling a motherfucker out on their shit.
[55:04 - 55:10] I have no problem calling you the fuck out.
[55:10 - 55:17] See many of you dumb fucks would start judging people and start judging yourselves and start respecting other people.
[55:17 - 55:34] You might get somewhere.
[55:34 - 55:41] But instead you want to sit there and run in your mouth, run in your mouth, run in your mouth like a fucking pussy.
[55:41 - 55:45] Because none of you got a goddamn single honest bone in your body.
[55:45 - 55:47] All you do is judge motherfuckers.
[55:47 - 55:49] That's all you fucking do.
[55:49 - 55:53] You judge and act like you ain't got skeletons in your closet.
[55:53 - 55:56] Motherfucker we all got skeletons in our closet.
[55:56 - 56:01] But that doesn't give us the right to judge each other like that man.
[56:01 - 56:06] I seriously when are you going to grow the fuck out of Quinn doing this bullshit?
[56:06 - 56:24] I come on bro this is high school garbage.
[56:24 - 56:27] For real bro see like right here.
[56:27 - 56:30] The left handed acting like a fucking robot.
[56:30 - 56:41] Saying the same thing over and over again like a fucking robot.
[56:41 - 56:43] You're like a goddamn robot dude.
[56:43 - 56:47] You're like a broken record that doesn't know how to stop.
[56:47 - 56:59] Just going over and over and over and over dude shut the fuck up bro.
[56:59 - 57:20] You're like a fucking robot dude.
[57:20 - 57:22] Thank you. I know I'm crazy.
[57:22 - 57:24] I'm crazy about my music.
[57:24 - 57:26] I'm crazy about my fans.
[57:26 - 57:28] Thanks for the compliment.
[57:56 - 58:25] You're like a fucking robot dude.
[58:55 - 58:57] Oh
[59:15 - 59:17] Yeah, Jenny what up
[59:25 - 59:27] Oh
[59:55 - 59:57] Oh
[60:26 - 60:28] Oh
[60:42 - 60:48] Yo Jenny I am gonna call you after this for sure. I got the streams done. I am gonna call you 100%
[60:55 - 60:57] Oh
[61:25 - 61:27] She's
[61:55 - 61:57] Oh
[62:25 - 62:27] Oh
[62:55 - 62:57] Oh
[63:25 - 63:45] Oh
[63:55 - 63:57] Oh
[64:25 - 64:45] Oh
[64:55 - 64:57] Oh
[65:25 - 65:45] Oh
[65:55 - 65:57] Oh
[66:25 - 66:45] Oh
[66:45 - 67:05] Oh
[67:05 - 67:25] Oh
[67:25 - 67:27] Oh
[67:35 - 67:37] Oh
[68:05 - 68:12] Now this one right here this one right here this role the motherfucking Sonic fans, bro
[68:35 - 68:37] Yeah
[69:05 - 69:25] Oh
[69:35 - 69:55] Oh
[69:55 - 70:15] Oh
[70:15 - 70:17] Oh
[70:17 - 70:29] Oh
[70:29 - 70:31] Oh
[70:31 - 70:33] Oh
[70:33 - 70:35] Oh
[70:35 - 70:37] Oh
[70:37 - 70:39] Oh
[70:39 - 70:41] Oh
[70:41 - 70:43] Oh
[70:43 - 70:45] Oh
[70:45 - 70:47] Oh
[70:47 - 70:49] Oh
[70:49 - 70:51] Oh
[70:51 - 70:53] Oh
[70:53 - 70:55] Oh
[70:55 - 70:57] Oh
[70:57 - 70:59] Oh
[70:59 - 71:01] Oh
[71:01 - 71:03] Oh
[71:03 - 71:05] Oh
[71:05 - 71:07] Oh
[71:07 - 71:09] Oh
[71:09 - 71:11] Oh
[71:11 - 71:13] Oh
[72:43 - 72:45] Oh
[73:07 - 73:09] Lucky lucky
[73:09 - 73:14] And actually it's called picking dude, it's not strong it's called picking like
[73:39 - 73:41] I
[73:55 - 74:01] Actually, no, it's not I have an imp on a pearl in fact see
[74:09 - 74:11] Oh
[74:39 - 74:41] Oh
[74:55 - 75:03] So yeah, not a tombbuckers, so Kenny when you can come back and actually show me something try it
[75:09 - 75:11] I
[75:24 - 75:31] Watch you can play better than me motherfucker if you can play better than me then why don't you get on a video and show
[75:31 - 75:33] Me how it's done
[75:33 - 75:40] If you can play better than me why don't you get up on a video and show me how it's really done that?
[75:58 - 76:02] Now I am gonna end it off with this one right here coming up
[76:03 - 76:05] You
[76:29 - 76:31] And then Johnny I'm gonna hit you as a
[76:33 - 76:35] Oh
[76:38 - 76:40] You're from my generation you might remember
[77:03 - 77:05] I
[77:33 - 77:35] Oh
[78:03 - 78:05] Oh
[78:33 - 78:35] You
[79:03 - 79:05] You
[79:33 - 79:35] You
[79:38 - 79:44] Now if y'all know what song which other songs from post session becomes the little let me know which one you guys think it's wrong
[79:47 - 79:51] And now without being said I'm about to bounce Jenny I'm about to give you a ring on
[79:54 - 79:56] Facebook and see what's going on with you
[80:03 - 80:05] And
[80:12 - 80:19] You're a grown grown grumpkin, I will hit you up on this court. So yeah
[80:20 - 80:23] Without me I said y'all. I love you guys. Hope you guys enjoy this video
[80:23 - 80:26] It's meant that I like one that's crumbling and I know the kitchen bill
[80:26 - 80:31] Also be on the lookout for the brand new music drop more than the next few days. I got some old stuff that
[80:32 - 80:34] May not be
[80:34 - 80:39] Old to you guys. It's old to me, but it'll be brand new for some of you guys. So that will be dropping
[80:42 - 80:45] Which I'm super excited for and yeah
[80:46 - 80:48] Also here and probably later today
[80:48 - 80:51] I am actually going to be doing a gaming live stream for you guys
[80:51 - 80:54] I know a lot of my gamers out there have been wanting to see some gaming lives
[80:55 - 81:01] So I will be doing that for sure and yeah, I love you guys and I will catch you guys
[81:02 - 81:07] Whenever I do my gaming stream man, what can I say? I love you guys, man
[81:07 - 81:09] Stay humble stay positive
[81:10 - 81:15] Fuck the trolls like Kenny and I'll catch you guys later man. Peace
2021-12-8 dirt  rally 2.0

2021-12-8 dirt rally 2.0

[1:00 - 1:07] What is that?
[1:07 - 1:14] What is that?
[1:14 - 1:21] What is that?
[1:21 - 1:28] What is that?
[1:28 - 1:35] What is that?
[1:35 - 1:41] What is that?
[1:41 - 1:44] What is that?
[1:44 - 1:48] Welcome back to Psy Racing.
[1:48 - 1:50] Today we are playing some dirt rally 2.0.
[1:50 - 1:56] I did have some Forza Horizon 5 playing out for a new rally course I made
[1:56 - 2:01] in the track creator mode.
[2:01 - 2:05] Or what's now known as the event lab.
[2:05 - 2:09] But unfortunately that didn't go through due to my game console being out.
[2:09 - 2:16] So, what am I making do, man?
[2:16 - 2:29] We're about to head on some time trials here, see what we can do.
[2:29 - 2:37] We're about to head on Glencastle Farm with one of the fastest front wheel drive cars
[2:37 - 2:42] in dirt rally 2.0.
[2:42 - 2:45] What's the Ibiza kit car?
[2:45 - 2:58] We're on a 278 BHP, 2116 pounds, with a 1984 CC engine with 4 cylinders,
[2:58 - 3:04] a 16 manual sequential, so we're about to get it going.
[3:04 - 3:11] We're about to see what we can do.
[3:11 - 3:19] We're about to see what we can do, man.
[3:19 - 3:23] We're throwing the custom race harness.
[3:23 - 3:30] I should have made sure of the race harness.
[3:30 - 3:35] No, I'm not flying around all over the place because the last time I did anything on this car
[3:35 - 3:38] I fucking flew out of my seat.
[3:38 - 3:47] And I'm not trying to have that happen again.
[3:47 - 3:52] I'm nervous, man.
[3:52 - 4:16] Now we are running manual clutch.
[4:16 - 4:21] Wait, are we running manual clutch?
[4:21 - 4:23] Hold on, let me just start this.
[4:23 - 4:26] Something's not sitting right here.
[4:26 - 4:30] Hold on.
[4:30 - 4:33] All right.
[5:00 - 5:05] All right, there we are.
[5:30 - 5:52] Hold on.
[5:52 - 5:55] What the hell is going on with this thing?
[5:55 - 5:58] I'm just aiming to revamp the fricking...
[5:58 - 6:04] Hold on, let me revamp the stuff here.
[6:25 - 6:52] Are you kidding me?
[6:52 - 6:56] Are you kidding me?
[6:56 - 6:58] Why is this doing this?
[6:58 - 6:59] I do apologize.
[6:59 - 7:01] This thing is giving me so much crap today.
[7:01 - 7:03] I don't know what's going on.
[7:52 - 8:14] There we go.
[8:14 - 8:24] There we go.
[8:24 - 8:26] All right, fuck it.
[8:26 - 8:51] Let's see why this time.
[8:51 - 9:01] There we go.
[9:01 - 9:11] There we go.
[9:11 - 9:40] There we go.
[9:40 - 9:42] There we go.
[9:42 - 9:47] There we go.
[9:47 - 9:56] There we go.
[9:56 - 10:15] There we go.
[10:15 - 10:22] And that's why.
[10:22 - 10:29] This is exactly why this shit is sketching.
[10:29 - 10:51] Holy shit.
[10:51 - 11:12] There we go.
[11:12 - 11:22] All right, now that this thing is just sketching, that's not right.
[11:22 - 11:51] All right, now that this thing is just sketching.
[11:51 - 12:18] There we go.
[12:18 - 12:29] All right, now that this thing is just sketching, that's not right.
[12:29 - 12:52] Holy shit.
[12:52 - 13:17] Oh, I'll see what is going on right there.
[13:17 - 13:46] I don't know how sketchy this shit is.
[13:46 - 14:15] All right, now that this thing is just sketching.
[14:15 - 14:44] All right, now that this thing is just sketching.
[14:44 - 15:13] All right, now that this thing is just sketching.
[15:13 - 15:17] Trust me, there's people that do way better than what I do.
[15:17 - 15:22] And I mean way better.
[15:22 - 15:40] That shit was rough.
[15:40 - 16:05] Dude, that car is sketchy as hell, dude.
[16:05 - 16:18] I said I'm not that good, I mean I'm good, but I'm not that good.
[16:18 - 16:47] Dude, that's like an actual race contract.
[16:47 - 17:03] All right, apparently it's raining out, okay.
[17:03 - 17:22] My elbow tore in the gear.
[17:22 - 17:44] Now this one is sketchy.
[17:44 - 18:10] Right there.
[18:10 - 18:39] I'm literally out of the way of this thing in second gear all the way down.
[18:39 - 19:03] This slide top will work it.
[19:03 - 19:06] Let's go.
[19:33 - 20:02] Bro, this shit is sketchy and it's in the rain and it's a night.
[20:02 - 20:16] And we just can't block that shit.
[20:16 - 20:20] Get a straight fucking two wheel bed sheet.
[20:20 - 20:47] That was cool.
[20:47 - 21:03] Yo, we gotta watch that back on the replay, that was sick.
[21:03 - 21:32] That was actually how a fucking two wheel bed sheet works.
[22:02 - 22:18] All right, right here coming up to me right here, boy.
[22:18 - 22:26] Oh, bro, that was sick.
[22:27 - 22:30] Dude, we fucking two wheeled that shit.
[22:30 - 22:34] I cannot, bro, I cannot make this shit up.
[22:34 - 22:48] This is why.
[22:48 - 22:50] Straight two wheel.
[22:50 - 23:04] I cannot make this up.
[23:04 - 23:06] That was dope.
[23:06 - 23:08] I cannot make that shit up, you guys.
[23:08 - 23:11] That really just fucking happened.
[23:11 - 23:15] I just fucking two wheeled that thing.
[23:15 - 23:22] I cannot make this up.
[23:22 - 23:24] That was sick.
[23:52 - 24:18] Dude, Bianca was fake, bro.
[24:18 - 24:21] Think about it.
[24:21 - 24:28] But whole, nice, whole, they were all fake the whole time.
[24:51 - 25:03] All right, that's real good.
[25:21 - 25:50] There's a little wall top going there.
[25:50 - 25:57] Oh, man, it's stalled out.
[25:57 - 25:59] You know what?
[25:59 - 26:02] Let's switch it up here a bit.
[26:02 - 26:15] We're gonna switch it up a bit.
[26:15 - 26:44] I'm about to do some crazy shit.
[26:45 - 27:01] True, but something you all gotta realize.
[27:01 - 27:06] I said all that to put on an act.
[27:06 - 27:14] Because I knew she was fake.
[27:14 - 27:16] And I wanted to see what I could do with it.
[27:16 - 27:26] I wanted to play around a bit of it.
[27:26 - 27:55] I know it's been on your hand, but I have to do what I have to do to get rid of her ass.
[27:55 - 27:58] You know what?
[27:58 - 28:11] I'm never gonna go with a little bit of a cult classic here and go with the 86 Troy now.
[28:11 - 28:16] Do a bit of a cult classic here.
[28:16 - 28:24] Ah, shit.
[28:24 - 28:52] You know, let's see if we can beat our score on Connie Road, which is 28,030.
[28:52 - 29:17] Let's see if we can beat that.
[29:17 - 29:46] Oh, man.
[29:46 - 30:11] Oh, man.
[30:11 - 30:31] There's something I've got to realize with Joel.
[30:31 - 30:37] Sometimes you gotta play a little bit dirty to get what you need.
[30:37 - 31:06] Yeah, I'm not gonna admit that it's fun.
[31:06 - 31:35] I'm not gonna admit that it's fun.
[31:35 - 32:04] I'm not gonna admit that it's fun.
[32:04 - 32:33] I'm not gonna admit that it's fun.
[32:33 - 32:59] Yeah, that was not my best run.
[32:59 - 33:26] That was literally my shitiest run ever.
[33:26 - 33:55] I know what I hear.
[33:55 - 34:13] It's not even that stupid anyway, just it is what it is.
[34:13 - 34:19] Now I do want to hop over to a different game just really fast.
[34:19 - 34:31] Now as many of you may not know, I actually am a huge fan of motocross.
[34:31 - 34:41] So what I'm gonna do is I take my wheel and shit off and we let's set up for some motocross, see if we can't break a record or something.
[34:41 - 34:43] Who knows?
[34:43 - 34:52] We about to find out though, I'll tell you that much.
[34:52 - 34:54] See, that's what I like about setup, dude.
[34:54 - 35:02] I like to set up the hunt now because I can really just pop everything off within seconds.
[35:02 - 35:11] Put everything down there.
[35:11 - 35:15] Throw my rings back on and put my controller on.
[35:15 - 35:18] Now we about to get into some motocross, huh?
[35:18 - 35:29] Well, more specifically supercross, but same thing.
[35:30 - 35:36] You all don't know, this is what I had to do back in the day.
[35:36 - 35:49] When I first started, this is what I did.
[35:49 - 35:58] This is exactly what I did back in the day.
[36:00 - 36:06] I had to do this shit when I first started.
[36:06 - 36:10] And it feels good to do this again because it's different.
[36:10 - 36:25] It's not a style that you don't see very often of filming footage as far as gameplay goes.
[36:25 - 36:29] Yo, Paladin, go ahead, bro.
[36:29 - 36:37] Job free gamers, bro, and I'll add you out, bro.
[36:56 - 37:04] It's been a minute since I've played this shit.
[37:12 - 37:14] Ooh, I like that.
[37:14 - 37:16] I like that game with that, bro.
[37:16 - 37:18] Hold on, let me add you up here.
[37:25 - 37:27] Okay.
[37:47 - 37:49] Thank you.
[37:55 - 37:58] Gotcha, bro, I added you up, only.
[38:02 - 38:07] Nice strong profile picture, dude, that's cool.
[38:07 - 38:09] That's great.
[38:09 - 38:12] I love that meme, dude, that's sick.
[38:25 - 38:41] Yo, Paladin, if you got anything you want to play, dude, there's anything that you play that I have.
[38:41 - 38:43] Fuck, bro, I'm down.
[38:43 - 38:47] I don't like kicking on a few games with you, bro.
[38:47 - 38:49] I got no problem with that, only.
[38:55 - 39:11] Yo, the soundtrack for this game is fucking cool as shit.
[39:11 - 39:17] Yo, Supercross 3 has got a go-back soundtrack.
[39:25 - 39:27] The crowd is into it tonight.
[39:27 - 39:33] That will definitely get these riders pumped up.
[39:33 - 39:35] Here we go, y'all.
[39:35 - 39:37] First career race of the season.
[39:37 - 39:39] Hopefully I can take the win.
[39:39 - 39:44] There's not a time trial or something.
[39:44 - 39:45] Let's go.
[39:45 - 39:47] Let's do my...
[39:47 - 39:49] Actually, do I still have a...
[39:49 - 39:50] Oh, yeah, I do.
[39:50 - 40:01] Okay, I got the bike set up, but they don't...
[40:01 - 40:02] Get ready.
[40:02 - 40:04] The gate is about to drop.
[40:04 - 40:07] Here we go.
[40:07 - 40:09] I feel you, dude.
[40:09 - 40:11] I feel you on that.
[40:11 - 40:19] And I don't know what that did.
[40:19 - 40:26] Hell, I still play Neighbor's Speed Underground, too, man.
[40:26 - 40:35] Let's go.
[40:35 - 40:37] Oh, bro.
[40:37 - 40:59] Let's go on.
[40:59 - 41:04] Let's go, man.
[41:04 - 41:09] Time for a tight squeeze.
[41:09 - 41:29] Oh.
[41:29 - 41:32] Oh, you got that tail whip.
[41:32 - 41:34] You got that Pikachu tail whip going on.
[41:34 - 41:42] That's good.
[41:42 - 41:44] Open over.
[41:44 - 41:45] Kind of like your mother.
[41:45 - 41:48] Open over your dad.
[41:48 - 41:55] You know what I'm saying?
[41:55 - 41:58] Ouch.
[41:58 - 42:04] I'm talking about a hard landing.
[42:04 - 42:10] Oh, shit.
[42:10 - 42:12] Hey, talk with what you are.
[42:12 - 42:16] Eat your heart out.
[42:16 - 42:36] Oh, send it.
[42:36 - 42:40] Oh, boom.
[42:40 - 42:45] That had to hurt.
[42:45 - 42:47] Really?
[42:47 - 42:51] You let me use you like a freaking Super Mario bounce pad,
[42:51 - 42:53] and then you throw me off, really?
[42:53 - 43:08] Oh, fuck you and your bouncy Mario open-hauman ass.
[43:08 - 43:13] But your friend just gave me a nice Mario bouncing Mario helmet.
[43:13 - 43:14] Thank you to your friend.
[43:14 - 43:27] Let's screw you.
[43:27 - 43:31] Screw you, the leady and your green bouncy Mario helmet.
[43:31 - 43:36] Fuck you.
[43:36 - 43:54] Yes, I'm cracking jokes.
[43:54 - 44:10] Oh, talk about stomping on a darn.
[44:10 - 44:12] I know, I just need to get a little fresh air,
[44:12 - 44:39] so I have to go airborne to get some fresh air.
[44:39 - 44:44] Who says humans can't fly?
[44:44 - 44:46] I'm flying right now, all right?
[44:46 - 45:15] Landing you down.
[45:16 - 45:31] Okay, the air's direct.
[45:31 - 46:00] Next stop, the ground.
[46:00 - 46:05] I'm not even close to that.
[46:05 - 46:07] I don't have time for that.
[46:07 - 46:17] I'm not even close to that.
[46:17 - 46:27] I'm not even close to that.
[46:27 - 46:37] I'm not even close to that.
[46:37 - 46:47] I'm not even close to that.
[46:47 - 46:57] I'm not even close to that.
[46:57 - 47:26] Oh, crash landing.
[47:26 - 47:38] Air's direct, coming through, next stop, the ground.
[47:38 - 48:07] Air the a-
[48:07 - 48:09] Air the official results of the main event.
[48:09 - 48:13] Let's take a look to see how your favorite writer did tonight.
[48:13 - 48:38] Let's go.
[48:38 - 49:03] Let's go.
[49:03 - 49:32] Let's see how I combine in gear.
[49:32 - 49:57] 85K, looks like.
[49:57 - 50:13] Lighter body.
[50:13 - 50:22] Oh, Michelin, let's go Michelin, dude.
[50:22 - 50:34] Michelin tires, boy.
[50:34 - 50:37] There's some dope brems here.
[50:37 - 50:40] Looks like 29's.
[50:40 - 51:03] Oh, yes.
[51:03 - 51:32] So those are really carbon black.
[51:32 - 51:52] So I have 55K I can spend, so let's go with exhaust.
[51:52 - 52:12] Oh, Yoshi Mura, nice.
[52:12 - 52:29] Yoshi Mura going on hell, yeah.
[52:29 - 52:45] Yo, the other Brembo brakes, dude, that's dope, man.
[52:45 - 52:47] Okay, I like that rear sprocket.
[52:47 - 52:50] Those rear sprockets are dope.
[52:50 - 53:04] Let's see what seats we got.
[53:05 - 53:29] That's all right.
[53:29 - 53:42] Man, next race is shit.
[53:42 - 53:51] Let's go.
[53:51 - 53:54] Hey, Cruella, what's good?
[53:54 - 53:57] Welcome to the stream, finally.
[53:57 - 54:22] Welcome to one of the most spectacular stadiums in the world, AT&T stadium in Arlington, Texas.
[54:22 - 54:32] Oh, shit.
[54:32 - 54:42] Shot of the Ricky Carmichael, bro, hell yeah.
[54:42 - 54:50] Yo, shots of Supercross legend Ricky Carmichael, bro.
[54:50 - 54:54] Major shots of the homie Ricky Carmichael, bro.
[54:54 - 55:13] Straight legend on the track.
[55:13 - 55:15] The riders are in the gates.
[55:15 - 55:18] The roar of the engines is deafening.
[55:18 - 55:22] Time for the gate drop.
[55:22 - 55:30] Yo, one thing I want to know, why is it that every freaking video game or anime chick is fucking hot?
[55:53 - 55:56] The world's already starting.
[56:14 - 56:16] Going down.
[56:22 - 56:24] The next is your hunger and pure rage.
[56:24 - 56:26] I'm going to have to get you by three shots.
[56:26 - 56:30] Now I'm feeling a little less great today than I am talking about today.
[56:30 - 56:32] I'm trying to set up.
[56:32 - 56:34] You know how you do it.
[56:34 - 56:36] I'm trying to get a hunt.
[56:36 - 56:38] Even if you push through it, they say the hunger reigns.
[56:38 - 56:40] Fishing for a way.
[56:40 - 56:42] I need to run this way.
[56:42 - 56:44] I can do this all day.
[56:44 - 56:52] They're actually going pretty decent right now.
[57:10 - 57:12] Out the way, boys.
[57:14 - 57:34] I got two sideways on that shit.
[57:34 - 57:36] Oh man, I came out of that tail wave.
[57:36 - 57:38] No anywhere I need to go.
[58:06 - 58:20] Okay, I don't know how the hell I landed that.
[58:20 - 58:22] Oh, a Tokyo drift slide through there.
[58:22 - 58:42] Hell yeah.
[58:42 - 58:46] Oh, perfect.
[58:46 - 59:14] Wow, all roads perfect.
[59:14 - 59:26] Don't worry guys, I'll check the counter and set.
[59:26 - 59:28] Oh, wheelie bitch.
[59:28 - 59:30] What's good?
[59:30 - 59:50] What do you know what that wheelie like?
[59:50 - 59:56] Woo, that was close.
[59:56 - 60:22] I'll take my spot back.
[60:22 - 60:50] I'm not doing so hard this round.
[60:50 - 60:54] Alright, I know I'll already start that round.
[60:54 - 60:58] Can we read the comments here?
[60:58 - 61:10] Yo, Jen, what's good?
[61:10 - 61:12] Can I play multiplayer?
[61:12 - 61:20] And here, unfortunately, I know because my game pass ran out, so sorry.
[61:20 - 61:24] Oh, what did I get in my family for Christmas?
[61:24 - 61:34] That is a surprise, my dude.
[61:34 - 61:36] The riders are lined up.
[61:36 - 61:38] The gate is about to drop.
[61:38 - 61:48] Yo, Corolla, what's good?
[61:48 - 61:50] Oh, and I got the head start.
[61:50 - 62:00] Let's go.
[62:00 - 62:02] Oh, landed that.
[62:02 - 62:04] Thank you.
[62:04 - 62:06] Let's go.
[62:06 - 62:08] Let the Ricky Carmichael this shit.
[62:08 - 62:10] I swear to God.
[62:10 - 62:34] Oh, shit, he got in the right of my ass.
[62:34 - 62:52] You guys really think you're getting away?
[62:52 - 62:56] I don't think so.
[62:56 - 63:12] Hey, sorry, I was going through.
[63:12 - 63:14] Oh, that was good.
[63:14 - 63:18] What the fuck?
[63:18 - 63:34] That was a glitch.
[63:34 - 63:54] Alright, I'm in second.
[63:54 - 63:56] Let's go, dude.
[63:56 - 64:02] If I can catch this guy on one of these corners or on one of these jumps.
[64:02 - 64:12] Oh, that ride caught him early.
[64:12 - 64:22] Probably better than I was expecting anyway.
[64:42 - 65:10] Hopefully I can walk away with the wind on this.
[65:10 - 65:18] Oh, nice little tail whip through that rhythm section.
[65:18 - 65:30] No, no, no, no, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
[65:30 - 65:58] That's all right.
[65:58 - 66:10] Thank you.
[66:10 - 66:26] Oh, no.
[66:26 - 66:54] Oh, no.
[66:54 - 67:22] Shit.
[67:22 - 67:42] Oh, see ya.
[67:42 - 68:10] Oh, shit.
[68:10 - 68:38] Out the way, fucker.
[68:38 - 68:48] Let's go.
[68:48 - 69:00] This is better than last time.
[69:00 - 69:20] Yeah, for sure, Jenny.
[69:20 - 69:40] Oh, shit.
[69:40 - 69:50] Oh, this is giving me a pain.
[69:50 - 69:52] That takes 15 out of 20 something.
[69:52 - 69:54] Much of them bad.
[69:54 - 70:06] That's about the middle of the pack.
[70:06 - 70:08] Hey, by the way.
[70:08 - 70:18] The riders are picking their slots and locking into the game ready for their first native.
[70:18 - 70:32] He has the speed and is definitely the one to beat, but can he handle being in the spotlight.
[70:32 - 70:34] Yes, I'm good, Jenny.
[70:34 - 70:38] It's time to go racing.
[70:38 - 70:52] Eyes focused on the gate.
[70:52 - 70:56] Don't fall over now.
[70:56 - 71:00] Damn, dead bodies everywhere, bro.
[71:00 - 71:16] Talking about letting the bodies at the floor, huh?
[71:16 - 71:44] And my body just at the floor, shit.
[71:44 - 72:12] Oh, shit.
[72:12 - 72:36] Out the way.
[72:36 - 73:04] Out the way.
[73:04 - 73:30] Oh, shit.
[73:30 - 73:50] Yo, did I really just grind those boxes, dude?
[73:50 - 73:58] That was sick.
[73:58 - 74:02] You know, let me restart that, man.
[74:02 - 74:06] Let me restart that right here, because that was a good run.
[74:06 - 74:08] But I know I can do better.
[74:08 - 74:30] The 32nd board is up.
[74:30 - 74:54] Wellie.
[74:54 - 75:22] Oh, shit.
[75:22 - 75:50] Oh, shit.
[75:50 - 76:04] Oh, shit.
[76:04 - 76:08] All right, you know what?
[76:08 - 76:18] Since I do have my bike upgraded a bit, I do want to try to do a trial real quick on Daytona, which is actually one of the hardest tracks to do.
[76:18 - 76:22] So we're about to see if we can break the world record on there, hopefully.
[76:22 - 76:26] Now, saying I will, but hopefully we can come close.
[76:26 - 76:30] Hopefully we can come close.
[76:30 - 76:32] So let's go.
[76:32 - 76:38] Time attack for Finney.
[76:38 - 76:44] I want to start this beach.
[76:44 - 76:46] You guys ready for a time trial run?
[76:46 - 77:14] Oh, shit.
[77:14 - 77:24] Oh, shit.
[77:24 - 77:34] Oh, shit.
[77:34 - 77:44] Oh, shit.
[77:44 - 77:54] Oh, shit.
[77:54 - 78:14] Oh, shit.
[78:14 - 78:16] Wait, this isn't the right one.
[78:16 - 78:18] I don't know.
[78:18 - 78:44] Whatever, though.
[78:44 - 78:54] Oh, shit.
[78:54 - 79:04] Oh, shit.
[79:04 - 79:14] Oh, shit.
[79:14 - 79:24] Oh, shit.
[79:24 - 79:34] Oh, shit.
[79:34 - 79:44] Oh, shit.
[79:44 - 79:54] Oh, shit.
[79:54 - 80:04] Oh, shit.
[80:04 - 80:20] Oh, shit.
[80:20 - 80:28] I know. Let me return to the pits and grab up my actual person here.
[80:28 - 80:32] Let's return to the menu.
[80:32 - 80:38] As you guys tell, that track is definitely soft.
[80:38 - 80:48] It's definitely fun, though.
[80:48 - 80:58] Oh, shit.
[80:58 - 81:08] Oh, shit.
[81:08 - 81:18] Oh, shit.
[81:18 - 81:28] Oh, shit.
[81:28 - 81:38] Oh, shit.
[81:38 - 81:48] Oh, shit.
[81:48 - 81:58] Oh, shit.
[81:58 - 82:08] Oh, shit.
[82:08 - 82:26] Oh, shit.
[82:26 - 82:36] Oh, shit.
[82:36 - 82:46] Oh, shit.
[82:46 - 82:56] Oh, shit.
[82:56 - 83:06] Oh, shit.
[83:06 - 83:26] Oh, shit.
[83:26 - 83:30] Yeah, see, that part right there is the hard part. It's getting over this.
[83:30 - 83:50] If I can, like, jump all this shit right here.
[83:50 - 84:10] Yeah, I went way outside the track.
[84:10 - 84:20] Oh, shit.
[84:20 - 84:30] Oh, shit.
[84:30 - 84:40] Oh, shit.
[84:40 - 84:50] Oh, shit.
[84:50 - 85:12] Oh, shit.
[85:12 - 85:32] I'm getting close to my time.
[85:32 - 85:42] Oh, shit.
[85:42 - 85:52] Oh, shit.
[85:52 - 86:02] Oh, shit.
[86:02 - 86:14] Dude, there's the world record right there.
[86:14 - 86:24] Oh, shit.
[86:24 - 86:34] Oh, shit.
[86:34 - 86:54] Oh, shit.
[86:54 - 87:14] This charge is definitely a tricky one, dude, for real.
[87:14 - 87:24] Oh, shit.
[87:24 - 87:34] Oh, shit.
[87:34 - 87:54] Oh, shit.
[87:54 - 88:04] Alright, let me try tightening up my...
[88:04 - 88:20] Oh, that's why, okay.
[88:20 - 88:40] Why, alright.
[88:40 - 88:50] Oh, shit.
[88:50 - 89:00] Oh, shit.
[89:00 - 89:10] Oh, shit.
[89:10 - 89:20] Oh, shit.
[89:20 - 89:30] Oh, shit.
[89:30 - 89:40] Oh, shit.
[89:40 - 89:50] Oh, shit.
[89:50 - 90:00] Oh, shit.
[90:00 - 90:10] Oh, shit.
[90:10 - 90:20] Oh, shit.
[90:20 - 90:30] Oh, shit.
[90:30 - 90:40] Oh, shit.
[90:40 - 90:50] Oh, shit.
[90:50 - 91:00] Oh, shit.
[91:00 - 91:20] Oh, shit.
[91:20 - 91:28] Oh, shit.
[91:28 - 91:38] Oh, shit.
[91:38 - 91:48] Oh, shit.
[91:48 - 91:58] Oh, shit.
[91:58 - 92:08] Oh, shit.
[92:08 - 92:18] Oh, shit.
[92:18 - 92:28] Oh, shit.
[92:28 - 92:38] Oh, shit.
[92:38 - 92:48] Oh, shit.
[92:48 - 92:58] Oh, shit.
[92:58 - 93:08] Oh, shit.
[93:08 - 93:18] Oh, shit.
[93:18 - 93:28] Oh, shit.
[93:28 - 93:38] Oh, shit.
[93:38 - 93:48] Oh, shit.
[93:48 - 93:58] Oh, shit.
[93:58 - 94:08] Oh, shit.
[94:08 - 94:18] Oh, shit.
[94:18 - 94:28] Oh, shit.
[94:28 - 94:38] Oh, shit.
[94:38 - 94:48] Oh, shit.
[94:48 - 94:58] Oh, shit.
[94:58 - 95:08] Oh, shit.
[95:08 - 95:18] Oh, shit.
[95:18 - 95:28] Oh, shit.
[95:28 - 95:38] Oh, shit.
[95:38 - 95:48] Oh, shit.
[95:48 - 95:58] Oh, shit.
[95:58 - 96:08] Oh, shit.
[96:08 - 96:18] Oh, shit.
[96:18 - 96:28] Oh, shit.
[96:28 - 96:38] Oh, shit.
[96:38 - 96:48] Oh, shit.
[96:48 - 96:58] Oh, shit.
[96:58 - 97:08] Oh, shit.
[97:08 - 97:16] Oh, shit.
[97:16 - 97:26] Oh, shit.
[97:26 - 97:36] Oh, shit.
[97:36 - 97:44] Oh, shit.
[97:44 - 97:54] Oh, shit.
[97:54 - 98:04] Oh, shit.
[98:04 - 98:12] Oh, shit.
[98:12 - 98:22] Oh, shit.
[98:22 - 98:32] Oh, shit.
[98:32 - 98:42] Oh, shit.
[98:42 - 98:52] Oh, shit.
[98:52 - 99:00] Oh, shit.
[99:00 - 99:10] Oh, shit.
[99:10 - 99:20] Oh, shit.
[99:20 - 99:28] Oh, shit.
[99:28 - 99:38] Oh, shit.
[99:38 - 99:48] Oh, shit.
[99:48 - 99:58] Oh, shit.
[99:58 - 100:08] Oh, shit.
[100:08 - 100:16] Oh, shit.
[100:16 - 100:26] Oh, shit.
[100:26 - 100:36] Oh, shit.
[100:36 - 100:46] Oh, shit.
[100:46 - 100:56] Oh, shit.
[100:56 - 101:04] Oh, shit.
[101:04 - 101:14] Oh, shit.
[101:14 - 101:24] Oh, shit.
[101:24 - 101:32] Oh, shit.
[101:32 - 101:42] Oh, shit.
[101:42 - 101:52] Oh, shit.
[101:52 - 102:00] Oh, shit.
[102:00 - 102:10] Oh, shit.
[102:10 - 102:20] Oh, shit.
[102:20 - 102:28] Oh, shit.
[102:28 - 102:40] Oh, shit.


[0:00 - 0:29] Now, I'm not going to fully go full-blown rage mug pissed.
[0:30 - 0:32] But I am fucking pissed.
[0:34 - 0:37] I step away for one motherfucking day.
[0:38 - 0:40] One fucking day.
[0:41 - 0:43] To take to myself.
[0:44 - 0:45] To relax.
[0:46 - 0:47] Work on some fucking artwork.
[0:48 - 0:50] Get the Chromebook downstream off of right now.
[0:51 - 0:52] Set up.
[0:52 - 0:53] To do art streams.
[0:54 - 0:55] To do gaming streams.
[0:56 - 0:57] And to relax.
[0:58 - 1:00] But I can't even do that, can I?
[1:04 - 1:08] I make one server that a friend asked me to make.
[1:09 - 1:10] And what do I see?
[1:11 - 1:13] William the little fucking bitch.
[1:14 - 1:15] Glory host friends.
[1:16 - 1:17] Like Weegee Locke.
[1:18 - 1:20] Going into my motherfucking server on Discord.
[1:22 - 1:24] And posting private photos and videos.
[1:24 - 1:28] That you jackasses have no right fucking posting.
[1:30 - 1:31] And not just that.
[1:32 - 1:36] You fucking assholes are going after my fucking personal best friend.
[1:39 - 1:40] In real life.
[1:41 - 1:42] And for what?
[1:43 - 1:46] Because you think you're a billy bitch badass?
[1:47 - 1:51] You dumb retards are nothing more than scum in the earth.
[1:51 - 1:54] That need fucking bitch slapped in the next week.
[1:56 - 2:00] I have had enough of being bullied by you fucktards.
[2:02 - 2:05] I have had enough of this troll garbage.
[2:06 - 2:07] It's ignorant.
[2:08 - 2:10] You need to grow the fuck up.
[2:11 - 2:14] This is not motherfucking high school, okay?
[2:17 - 2:18] I am 31 years old.
[2:18 - 2:20] I should not have to deal with this.
[2:21 - 2:22] This is garbage.
[2:24 - 2:27] You fucking ignorant incels.
[2:28 - 2:33] You ignorant no brain having little bitches need to get a fucking life.
[2:34 - 2:36] And leave people the fuck alone.
[2:38 - 2:41] I have not done anything to any of you.
[2:43 - 2:45] You need to shut the fuck up.
[2:45 - 2:49] You need to shut the fuck up and quit your bullshit.
[2:52 - 2:59] Take your schoolyard fucking bullshit troll crap the fuck somewhere else.
[3:03 - 3:04] Okay.
[3:05 - 3:09] Take your high school drama bullshit the fuck somewhere else.
[3:10 - 3:13] Because it is not welcome on my channel on here on YouTube.
[3:13 - 3:15] It is not welcome in my life.
[3:16 - 3:18] It is not welcome in my discord.
[3:19 - 3:26] You fucking ignorant motherfuckers need to get a goddamn life and leave people the fuck alone.
[3:33 - 3:35] You need to leave people the fuck alone.
[3:36 - 3:41] And quit doing what you're doing.
[3:42 - 3:44] Because what you're doing is garbage.
[3:45 - 3:46] It's stupid.
[3:47 - 3:48] It's pathetic.
[3:51 - 3:53] If you're here to start shit.
[3:54 - 3:55] If you're here to start shit.
[3:56 - 3:58] You can take your high school bullshit the fuck somewhere else.
[3:59 - 4:00] So get out of here.
[4:01 - 4:02] No I did not bitch.
[4:03 - 4:04] That was you and your friends.
[4:04 - 4:05] You and your friends did that shit.
[4:06 - 4:07] So why don't you grow up?
[4:08 - 4:09] Hey Cade.
[4:10 - 4:11] Hey Cade.
[4:12 - 4:13] Why are you being a little bitch?
[4:14 - 4:15] Why are you being a little cry baby?
[4:16 - 4:17] Why are you being a cry baby little pedophile?
[4:18 - 4:19] Why are you being a cry baby?
[4:20 - 4:21] Cry baby pedo.
[4:22 - 4:23] Cry baby pedo.
[4:24 - 4:25] Cry baby pedo.
[4:26 - 4:29] Y'all need to fuck off and leave people the fuck alone.
[4:30 - 4:31] Seriously.
[4:31 - 4:33] You need to fuck off and grow up.
[4:34 - 4:35] Massel.
[4:36 - 4:37] That goes for you.
[4:38 - 4:39] William Gloria.
[4:40 - 4:41] That goes for you.
[4:42 - 4:43] That goes for all of you.
[4:44 - 4:45] Cause one.
[4:46 - 4:47] I did not ask to be trolled.
[4:49 - 4:50] Two.
[4:51 - 4:52] William Gloria.
[4:53 - 4:54] I didn't ask for you to do the shit that you do.
[4:55 - 4:56] And Massel.
[4:57 - 4:58] I'm not the fucking pedo.
[4:59 - 5:00] You are.
[5:01 - 5:02] On your computer bitch.
[5:03 - 5:06] You're the one that sent me the photo of a fucking naked little kid.
[5:07 - 5:08] That was on you.
[5:09 - 5:10] Not on me.
[5:11 - 5:13] I am not a fucking pedo.
[5:14 - 5:17] So you need to get the fuck over that shit.
[5:18 - 5:19] Grow up.
[5:22 - 5:23] Hey Cade.
[5:24 - 5:26] Why don't you grow the fuck up and leave people the fuck alone.
[5:27 - 5:28] You dumb bimbo little bitch.
[5:29 - 5:30] Seriously.
[5:32 - 5:37] You dumb ass trolls need to get a fucking life.
[5:43 - 5:45] You seriously need to grow up.
[5:46 - 5:48] And get a motherfucking life.
[5:49 - 5:52] Cause these private numbers, this is what I'm doing to them.
[5:53 - 5:54] Goodbye.
[5:55 - 5:57] Don't bother calling me if you're fucking troll.
[5:58 - 5:59] Cause I'm not answering.
[6:01 - 6:03] I know your hilarious count.
[6:04 - 6:08] So why don't you stick your dick up your own ass and go fuck yourself.
[6:09 - 6:10] Bye bye bitch.
[6:16 - 6:17] Seriously.
[6:17 - 6:20] This troll shit is getting out of hand.
[6:25 - 6:26] Hey David.
[6:26 - 6:27] Why is your mama dyke?
[6:28 - 6:29] Bye bitch.
[6:30 - 6:33] I'm not playing these fucking childish games.
[6:35 - 6:38] I'm not your little fucking puppet.
[6:39 - 6:42] I'm not your little fucking video game character.
[6:43 - 6:48] I'm not someone that you can micromanage or control.
[6:49 - 6:51] I am my own motherfucking person.
[6:52 - 6:58] And I'm not gonna sit here and let a bunch of spineless bitches that have you on the screen
[6:59 - 7:03] that want to accuse me of shit that I didn't motherfucking do that's fake as fuck.
[7:05 - 7:09] Come after me or my friends or my family.
[7:10 - 7:14] Cause one, those people killing themselves never even happened.
[7:15 - 7:17] That was all set up by you dumb fuck trolls.
[7:17 - 7:19] Like you Masshole reports.
[7:19 - 7:21] I'm pretty sure you had something to do with that.
[7:22 - 7:25] I'm pretty sure you had something to do with that shit.
[7:26 - 7:29] And stay with you glory hole boy.
[7:30 - 7:33] We all know you like to suck your dad's fucking dick every night.
[7:34 - 7:35] We all know this.
[7:36 - 7:38] You're a fucking dick writer.
[7:39 - 7:41] You're a dick sucker and ass kisser.
[7:42 - 7:46] A mindless fucking imbecilic zombie with no brains.
[7:48 - 7:50] You want to sit there and say I'm a joke?
[7:51 - 7:53] Who's the fucking joke?
[7:54 - 7:58] The one like myself who's actually trying to do something with their life?
[7:59 - 8:05] Or you dumb fuck morons that keep on thinking that this troll shit is a game when it's not.
[8:06 - 8:08] This isn't fucking funny.
[8:09 - 8:14] You guys need to fucking shut the hell up and go the fuck somewhere else.
[8:15 - 8:17] Go fuck some other community.
[8:18 - 8:24] Leave my community and my fan base and my friends and my family the fuck alone.
[8:25 - 8:27] Cause I am not a fucking pedophile.
[8:28 - 8:29] The police showed up here.
[8:30 - 8:32] They cleared my motherfucking name.
[8:33 - 8:35] Which I have shown proof of.
[8:36 - 8:38] I have shown proof of this twice.
[8:39 - 8:41] Both on music biz marty's live streams.
[8:42 - 8:43] Both fucking times.
[8:45 - 8:49] So you dumb fucks need to get over that pedo shit.
[8:50 - 8:56] If I was really a fucking pedophile I'd be going out looking for little kids.
[8:57 - 8:59] Cause that's what fucking pedophiles do.
[9:00 - 9:02] They go looking for little kids.
[9:03 - 9:06] I do not go out looking for little kids.
[9:08 - 9:10] If anything I sit here.
[9:11 - 9:12] I work on my content.
[9:12 - 9:13] I work on my artwork.
[9:14 - 9:15] I work on my music.
[9:16 - 9:18] I do live streams every fucking day.
[9:19 - 9:22] And when I'm not fucking live streaming or doing my content.
[9:23 - 9:25] I'm helping my motherfucking family.
[9:26 - 9:28] I am helping my motherfucking family.
[9:29 - 9:31] Cause I can't you ain't got a clue.
[9:32 - 9:35] My moms and my stepdad just had a fucking surgery.
[9:36 - 9:37] Not that long ago.
[9:37 - 9:42] So I am always doing something.
[9:43 - 9:44] I have no time for pedo shit.
[9:45 - 9:46] I don't do that.
[9:52 - 9:53] So yo.
[9:54 - 9:55] My Lisa Minnie.
[9:56 - 10:00] Why don't you go shove those words down your fucking throat and go fuck yourself motherfucker.
[10:01 - 10:02] Cause I ain't no goddamn pedo.
[10:03 - 10:04] I done proved it.
[10:04 - 10:07] And quite honestly I'm sick of being called one.
[10:08 - 10:09] When I'm not one.
[10:10 - 10:12] I have proven my innocence.
[10:13 - 10:14] Many times over.
[10:15 - 10:19] So you dumb fucks need to get the fuck over yourselves.
[10:20 - 10:21] Seriously.
[10:22 - 10:23] You need to stop going after me.
[10:24 - 10:25] You need to stop going after my friends.
[10:26 - 10:29] And you sure as fuck need to stop going after my family.
[10:30 - 10:37] You dumb fucks cause my biological father to get fired from his job to where he had to get a new one.
[10:38 - 10:41] My ex's brother got fired from his job.
[10:42 - 10:46] When honestly you dumb fucks deserve to get threatened.
[10:47 - 10:48] After everything you've done to me.
[10:49 - 10:52] And to their family y'all deserve what you fucking get.
[10:53 - 10:54] You deserve the death threats.
[10:54 - 11:01] Especially after you put my life in danger and tried to kill me three different times.
[11:02 - 11:07] You guys have tried to have me assassinated three different times and failed.
[11:08 - 11:13] So yeah I think you do deserve fucking death threats just the way y'all do me.
[11:15 - 11:20] You retards are using the fucking legal system to get away with what you're doing.
[11:21 - 11:23] Well guess what you ain't hiding no more.
[11:25 - 11:28] You are not motherfucking hiding anymore.
[11:29 - 11:31] Oh that's where you're wrong Freddy.
[11:32 - 11:35] Sometimes you gotta do the right things for the right reasons.
[11:36 - 11:40] Sometimes you have to do wrong things for right reasons.
[11:41 - 11:45] And this incident is a very good fucking right reason.
[11:47 - 11:48] Okay.
[11:49 - 11:54] The only reason why I threaten you guys with fucking death.
[11:55 - 11:59] Is because of the fact that you guys tried to kill me three different fucking times.
[12:00 - 12:01] Three times.
[12:03 - 12:04] You tried to have me killed.
[12:06 - 12:08] Three different fucking times.
[12:09 - 12:10] You tried to have me murdered.
[12:11 - 12:13] And guess what you failed.
[12:18 - 12:19] You failed.
[12:21 - 12:22] Yeah.
[12:24 - 12:25] Alright.
[12:30 - 12:35] Seriously you guys need to shut the fuck up and get over yourselves.
[12:36 - 12:39] Go find something to do with their fucking lives.
[12:40 - 12:45] Cause all you dumb ass trolls do is sit on the fucking internet.
2021-12-9 Music FOr the Trolls

2021-12-9 Music FOr the Trolls

[0:00 - 0:17] Dude, that is so cool.
[0:17 - 0:42] All right, so it's X for that, that was T1.
[0:47 - 0:57] Yo, this is fucking dope.
[0:57 - 1:10] Like y'all chose coming with the coolest fucking sounds, I swear to God, bro.
[1:10 - 1:14] Like for real, y'all chose coming with the dopest fucking sounds when y'all call.
[1:14 - 1:16] I think it's cool, man.
[1:16 - 1:28] Let's just seriously consider doing music like I do, man, for real.
[1:28 - 1:33] Like how many of you guys considered doing music, bro, cause then some of these vocals
[1:33 - 1:35] sponsor y'all, come out with their sick.
[3:03 - 3:18] It's all about refining that sound, dude.
[3:18 - 3:21] It's all about refining that tiny sound.
[3:22 - 3:28] Let's see, that was T1.
[3:36 - 3:38] Oh, you'll see.
[3:44 - 3:46] Now let's go to new.
[3:52 - 3:54] Let's bring this up.
[3:59 - 4:02] Let's put this on number five.
[4:04 - 4:08] Piano roll this shit, and...
[4:14 - 4:16] Oh, that sounds cool.
[4:51 - 4:55] Dude, that is terrible.
[5:21 - 5:25] Now the national piano roll out to the beat.
[5:51 - 5:53] Yeah.
[6:21 - 6:23] Yeah.
[6:43 - 6:45] Oh, that's so cool.
[6:46 - 6:51] Dude, that sounds so sick.
[6:54 - 6:56] Bro, this is dope.
[6:56 - 6:58] I like that I can't hear things in the back.
[6:58 - 7:00] That is so sick.
[7:15 - 7:17] Yo, devil, what up?
[7:45 - 7:47] Oh.
[8:47 - 9:03] All right, now let's go to the master rack here like where the everything happens that
[9:03 - 9:10] Let's go over to the master rack here. Let's take off the fruity winner cuz I can I'll stay in the fruity winner
[9:11 - 9:17] Let's see a plug-in picker. Do-do-do-do-do-do. What do we got here?
[9:23 - 9:30] What does I want to use ah here we go grocery this is what I need this right here is exactly what I need
[12:10 - 12:12] Oh
[14:10 - 14:21] Oh, there we go
[14:40 - 14:42] Oh
[15:10 - 15:12] Oh
[15:41 - 15:45] All right, so we got that let's hit out snares
[16:02 - 16:04] Oh, I like that Titan snare
[16:10 - 16:12] Oh
[16:40 - 16:48] And now let's cause these up cause those up and then go to class
[17:10 - 17:12] Oh
[17:40 - 17:42] Oh
[18:10 - 18:12] Oh
[18:40 - 18:42] Oh
[18:47 - 18:49] Dude as you turn out though
[19:10 - 19:12] Oh
[19:40 - 19:42] Oh
[20:10 - 20:30] Oh
[20:30 - 20:33] So let's save that just really quickly because I do like that sound
[20:40 - 20:44] Let's do that under untitled
[21:10 - 21:12] Oh
[21:40 - 21:42] Oh
[22:00 - 22:04] Let's say there's a city at 87 so I wanted to be in that range
[22:10 - 22:12] Oh
[22:40 - 22:42] Oh
[23:10 - 23:12] Oh
[23:40 - 23:42] Oh
[24:10 - 24:12] Oh
[24:40 - 24:42] Oh
[25:10 - 25:12] Oh
[25:40 - 25:42] Oh
[25:47 - 25:49] And there we go
[26:10 - 26:12] Yeah
[26:40 - 26:42] Oh
[26:42 - 26:44] Oh
[26:44 - 26:46] Oh
[27:09 - 27:11] Dude that turned out so sick
[27:14 - 27:16] Oh
[27:44 - 27:46] Oh
[28:14 - 28:16] Oh
[28:44 - 28:46] Oh
[29:14 - 29:16] Oh
[29:16 - 29:18] Oh
[29:18 - 29:20] Oh
[29:42 - 29:44] Oh
[29:49 - 29:51] I see somebody's got jokes
[29:55 - 29:58] Hey, I'm not the only one that's always got jokes on me
[30:18 - 30:20] Oh
[30:48 - 30:50] Oh
[30:56 - 30:58] All right now it's on for this
[31:00 - 31:04] Actually, no, I'm interested in how I'm going to use this bucket
[31:18 - 31:20] Oh
[31:48 - 31:50] Oh
[32:19 - 32:21] Oh
[32:26 - 32:30] All right, so now let's go here in a paradox sound
[32:37 - 32:41] All right, so can't hear it is now going into the paradox sound pack
[32:41 - 32:43] So shot into the shows for the free
[32:44 - 32:48] Vocal work that I'm throwing into the paradox sound pack you guys are fucking dope
[32:51 - 32:54] Oh, that's a toughie dude, I don't know man
[32:56 - 32:58] I mean really there's not much that I want
[33:00 - 33:02] necessarily
[33:02 - 33:04] But
[33:11 - 33:15] If you guys can think of like any music gear that I could use or need
[33:16 - 33:18] Like, you know, hit me up and let me know
[33:19 - 33:25] Because I definitely do need a new midi keyboard controller because that the one I had is shot
[33:33 - 33:35] I
[33:39 - 33:44] But yeah, thanks to the trolls for the free vocal set dude, that was dope
[33:49 - 33:53] And y'all just literally gave me a brand new sound to work with I was fucking love it
[34:02 - 34:04] You
[34:32 - 34:39] Now let's go new now, let's see if we can layer anything into that
[34:48 - 34:51] Yeah, I doubt we can but you don't know
[34:53 - 34:55] Oh, I like yes, this is my background
[34:56 - 34:58] Yeah
[34:59 - 35:02] Got dope ass and the art background
[35:03 - 35:09] Because then you guys are probably already aware. I'm a huge I'm a huge on artwork. So yeah
[35:14 - 35:17] Actually, I wouldn't throw all three of these into the paradox sound pack
[35:26 - 35:39] Now let's dig into our arsenal of things here
[35:41 - 35:43] Actually, let me copy this into the kids
[35:56 - 36:03] We got about 52 different sounds here. So we're gonna dig in and see what dope sounds we can come out with
[36:07 - 36:10] Let's dig into my creative custom sounds here. So we got
[36:25 - 36:28] You
[36:55 - 36:57] You
[37:25 - 37:27] You
[37:34 - 37:38] All right, there we go now it should come up
[37:43 - 37:45] And it's still not coming out
[37:49 - 37:51] Oh, what the fuck
[37:56 - 37:58] I
[38:02 - 38:09] So I guess I'll just have to dig into the crate the old fashioned way. Oh, that is fine. I mean
[38:13 - 38:16] Let's dig into my crate of sounds here see what I can dig out
[38:25 - 38:27] So
[38:55 - 38:57] So
[39:25 - 39:27] So
[39:27 - 39:29] So
[39:29 - 39:31] So
[39:51 - 39:53] Yes
[39:59 - 40:01] Oh
[40:27 - 40:29] Again there
[40:29 - 40:31] So
[41:00 - 41:02] So
[41:18 - 41:20] Oh, yeah
[41:29 - 41:31] So
[41:46 - 41:48] Oh, the Samurai Warriors beat, okay
[42:00 - 42:02] Oh
[42:06 - 42:09] Oh, let's see. Let's build a beat around the Samurai Warriors intro
[42:12 - 42:14] Let's actually build an instrumental around that
[42:29 - 42:32] Oh
[42:59 - 43:01] Oh
[43:29 - 43:31] Oh
[43:59 - 44:01] Oh
[44:29 - 44:31] Oh
[44:59 - 45:01] Oh
[45:29 - 45:31] Oh
[45:59 - 46:01] Oh
[46:29 - 46:31] Oh
[46:59 - 47:01] Oh
[47:29 - 47:31] Oh
[47:48 - 47:50] Oh, that's a good idea
[47:59 - 48:01] Oh
[48:09 - 48:11] Oh, I like that
[48:29 - 48:31] Oh
[48:59 - 49:01] Oh
[49:29 - 49:32] Yeah
[49:59 - 50:02] Oh
[50:29 - 50:31] Oh
[50:59 - 51:01] Oh
[51:29 - 51:31] Oh
[51:59 - 52:01] Oh
[52:29 - 52:31] Oh
[52:59 - 53:01] Oh
[53:29 - 53:31] Oh
[53:59 - 54:01] Oh
[54:29 - 54:31] Oh
[54:59 - 55:01] Oh
[55:29 - 55:31] Oh
[55:59 - 56:01] Oh
[56:13 - 56:15] There we go
[56:15 - 56:17] Oh
[56:27 - 56:29] Now I do want a filler
[56:45 - 56:47] Oh
[57:15 - 57:17] Oh
[57:45 - 57:47] Oh
[58:15 - 58:18] Yeah
[58:45 - 58:47] Oh
[59:15 - 59:17] Oh
[59:45 - 59:47] Oh
[60:15 - 60:17] Oh
[60:45 - 60:47] Oh
[61:15 - 61:17] Oh
[61:45 - 61:47] Oh
[62:15 - 62:17] Oh
[62:45 - 62:47] Oh
[63:15 - 63:17] Oh
[63:45 - 63:47] Oh
[64:15 - 64:17] Oh
[64:45 - 64:47] Oh
[65:15 - 65:17] Oh
[65:45 - 65:47] Oh
[66:15 - 66:17] Oh
[66:33 - 66:35] Kill yeah, yeah, yeah
[66:41 - 66:43] Yeah
[66:45 - 66:47] Yeah
[66:49 - 66:51] Yeah
[66:51 - 66:53] Yeah
[66:53 - 66:55] Yeah
[66:55 - 66:57] Yeah
[66:59 - 67:01] Yeah
[67:01 - 67:03] Yeah
[67:15 - 67:17] Yeah
[67:25 - 67:28] I know that's not really good as this
[67:45 - 68:08] All right, that is channel is done. Oh, and by the way, I've seen this dude pepperoni
[68:09 - 68:18] So see you pepperoni nice running you now, dude fucking idiot you didn't think I'd catch on did you
[68:28 - 68:37] I've really y'all y'all didn't think I would catch on at the end of my last stream did you well I did so doses
[68:38 - 68:40] now
[68:50 - 68:52] Let's run this beat back
[68:56 - 68:59] And here that sounds like you know in full
[68:59 - 69:08] All right under the cheese
[69:19 - 69:26] And I can't fucking find it great that's nice
[69:30 - 69:32] You
[69:43 - 69:49] That's Kevin cuz I am gonna do something for you guys there's only eggs out of this
[70:00 - 70:06] To get rid of that let's pull out the virtual DJ where the fuck that's a
[70:16 - 70:18] Was unplugged my mic here
[70:22 - 70:25] Do not go do a lot of DJ accessories guys
[70:30 - 70:32] Are you getting us in
[70:47 - 70:54] Yo secular what up man, yo how corny message me on Facebook on me
[70:59 - 71:01] I
[71:21 - 71:23] Now let's go here
[71:29 - 71:31] You
[71:59 - 72:01] You
[72:20 - 72:22] Here we go
[72:25 - 72:28] Let's not really tell my own song shaking
[72:30 - 72:33] We're about to do a remix of my own song is it gonna be fun
[72:42 - 72:44] Well, what the hell
[72:59 - 73:01] Oh
[73:29 - 73:31] Oh
[73:59 - 74:01] Oh
[74:29 - 74:31] Oh
[74:59 - 75:01] Oh
[75:12 - 75:14] Let's switch it up right quick hold up
[75:17 - 75:20] This one right here is for all our ghosts in the show fans
[75:20 - 75:22] And
[75:28 - 75:33] Yes, I really dropped it dropping that song just not sure when but I will be dropping it
[75:37 - 75:39] Here we go
[75:50 - 75:52] Oh
[76:10 - 76:12] Yeah, I got you
[76:20 - 76:22] Oh
[76:50 - 76:52] Oh
[77:20 - 77:22] Oh
[77:50 - 77:52] Oh
[77:52 - 77:54] Oh
[78:18 - 78:20] There's a little something pretty house
[78:23 - 78:28] Let's go all the way down to why is he was he was he yeah, what the fuck is it?
[78:34 - 78:36] Actually, you know what let's do
[78:52 - 78:54] Oh
[79:22 - 79:24] Oh
[79:52 - 79:54] Oh
[80:22 - 80:24] Oh
[80:52 - 80:54] Oh
[81:22 - 81:24] Oh
[81:52 - 81:54] Oh
[82:22 - 82:24] Oh
[82:52 - 82:54] Oh
[83:22 - 83:24] Oh
[83:52 - 83:54] Oh
[84:22 - 84:24] Oh
[84:52 - 84:54] Oh
[85:22 - 85:24] Oh
[85:52 - 85:54] Oh
[86:22 - 86:24] Oh
[86:52 - 86:54] Oh
[87:22 - 87:24] Oh
[87:35 - 87:37] Run in the middle of fucking track every day on time
[87:45 - 87:48] Brash in here such an idiot get out of here
[87:49 - 87:51] This is dumb shit
[87:54 - 87:57] You might be I'm gonna blow up just watch just watch
[88:18 - 88:20] I
[88:28 - 88:30] Have no choice, but to kill as a baby
[88:32 - 88:36] Because my voice was dead as a baby dead as a baby dead as a baby
[88:36 - 88:41] Why does it take to train it should know that train it should know that train it should know that it's like
[88:41 - 88:44] From a date
[89:11 - 89:18] Can even murder your best friend, murder your best friend, drink, to receive your dreams in the very end, dreams in the very end.
[89:18 - 89:23] In real life, there is always a recess, always a recess, always a reason.
[89:23 - 89:28] Life's hard if you wanna get even, wanna get even, wanna get even.
[89:28 - 89:33] Follow me when you hear the thunder, hear the thunder, fire the, fire the thunder.
[90:04 - 90:15] Life's hard if you wanna get even, wanna get even, wanna get even, wanna get even.
[90:15 - 90:23] Go, go, go, just go, just go, go, go, go, just go.
[90:23 - 90:53] Fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the, fire the
[91:23 - 91:29] again? again? again?
[91:29 - 91:35] welcome to the time for the ninja time for the ninja time for the ninja I forgot
[91:35 - 91:39] but now I remember now I remember what does it take to train a shinobi
[91:39 - 91:44] trainer shinobi it's like taking candy from a baby there for me baby many
[91:44 - 91:50] don't understand ma sour many go and many go understand ma sour damn ma
[93:50 - 93:57] What?
[93:58 - 94:01] Where?
[94:01 - 94:04] Where?
[94:04 - 94:08] What?
[94:08 - 94:13] Where?
[94:13 - 94:15] Why?
[94:15 - 94:16] Why?
[94:16 - 94:18] What ever it is.
[94:18 - 94:28] nice now let's see any of you trolls try to do that let's see any of you
[94:28 - 94:34] try to do that I've been not a one of you guys can do that
[94:48 - 94:55] all right now let's go here
[95:18 - 95:20] you
[95:48 - 95:50] Pop me, touch me with the lights off
[95:50 - 95:54] Feel my chains on me
[95:54 - 95:59] You should wait on, wait on, wait on
[95:59 - 96:04] But she'll freak little bad-ho
[96:04 - 96:05] Kiss me till we killin' us
[96:05 - 96:16] And let me come a dead-no
[96:16 - 96:25] She couldn't be in like a lie, so I was saying that she know me, I don't even know that
[96:25 - 96:29] Ain't no daddy, yeah, she's there, ain't no daddy, yeah, she's there, ain't no daddy, yeah, she's there
[96:29 - 96:31] And I won't even bother, and I won't even bother
[96:31 - 96:37] She said, kill a guy like I'm looking at Magnada, I'm looking at Magnada, I'm looking at Magnada
[96:37 - 96:42] Real bad bitch, pussy, but like Zatama, they pussy, but like Zatama, they used to hate me
[96:42 - 96:46] Now they want me bitch, I feel like I'm Kara, I feel like I'm Kara, I feel like I'm Kara
[96:46 - 96:50] Uh, I feel like I'm Kara, uh, I feel like I'm Kara, uh, uh...
[96:50 - 96:54] I don't even fucking wear a wrong one, I don't even fucking wear a wrong one
[96:54 - 96:58] focus, keep moving, fucking click, bitch, I'm on one, click, bitch, I'm on one
[96:58 - 97:02] fucking straight, fucking click, bitch, I'm on one, fucking click, bitch, I'm on one
[97:02 - 97:04] fake bitch, am I dick?
[97:04 - 97:08] Take like she bought one. Take like she bought one. Take like she bought one.
[97:08 - 97:34] Look at she got it. Look at she got it.
[98:04 - 98:29] Look at she got it. Look at she got it.
[98:29 - 98:53] Look at she got it. Look at she got it.
[98:53 - 99:17] Look at she got it. Look at she got it.
[99:17 - 99:41] Look at she got it. Look at she got it.
[99:41 - 99:50] Look at she got it. Look at she got it.
[99:50 - 100:10] My imaginary friend likes to play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play.
[100:20 - 100:50] Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play
[100:50 - 100:54] We have everything that people try.
[100:54 - 100:57] We want that to happen.
[100:57 - 101:00] Exactly, sir.
[101:20 - 101:49] Don't take your hat off the necklace.
[101:49 - 101:59] I call you.
[101:59 - 102:01] I call you.
[102:01 - 102:27] I call you.
[102:27 - 102:37] I call you.
[102:37 - 102:47] I call you.
[102:47 - 102:57] I call you.
[102:57 - 103:07] I call you.
[103:07 - 103:27] I call you.
[103:27 - 103:55] I call you.
[103:55 - 103:59] I call you.
[103:59 - 104:05] I call you.
[104:05 - 104:15] I call you.
[104:15 - 104:35] I call you.
[104:35 - 104:59] I call you.
[104:59 - 105:09] I call you.
[105:09 - 105:19] I call you.
[105:19 - 105:29] I call you.
[105:29 - 105:39] I call you.
[105:39 - 105:49] I call you.
[105:49 - 105:59] I call you.
[105:59 - 106:09] I call you.
[106:09 - 106:19] I call you.
[106:19 - 106:39] I call you.
[106:39 - 106:59] I call you.
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[0:00 - 0:24] What's good guys? I am back. What is up? What is up? What is up? Now, I'm only a few minutes.
[0:24 - 0:27] Wait till some people get up in here and start talking.
[0:28 - 0:34] Remember, I'm going to do something real quick and then I'll start talking as soon as I see y'all coming up in here.
[0:34 - 0:37] So, give me just a minute, man. I'll be right back.
[0:40 - 0:44] So, y'all come on in, hang out and chill. I'll be right back.
[2:27 - 2:29] So, I'll be right back.
[2:57 - 2:59] So, I'll be right back.
[3:27 - 3:29] So, I'll be right back.
[3:57 - 3:59] So, I'll be right back.
[4:27 - 4:29] So, I'll be right back.
[4:57 - 4:59] So, I'll be right back.
[5:27 - 5:29] So, I'll be right back.
[5:57 - 6:21] Hey, what's up, guys? I'm doing well, guys. I literally had a little dog. You guys don't know. We just got a very new puppy.
[6:21 - 6:23] And I have to let him out every so often.
[6:25 - 6:29] I have to check on like every hour. So, he's only nine weeks old.
[6:29 - 6:36] So, like, literally I have to check on him like every hour. So, make sure he's all right.
[6:42 - 6:49] Now, get a live loser.
[6:52 - 6:58] Now, before I start talking here,
[7:07 - 7:09] let me just do something real quick.
[7:12 - 7:14] This is one tiny thing that's real quick.
[7:21 - 7:23] Power off.
[7:23 - 7:25] Now,
[7:31 - 7:39] to the people that have been running their mouths about me over the last few years.
[7:39 - 7:41] Let me ask you something.
[7:41 - 7:43] What do you do?
[7:45 - 7:47] What do you trolls do?
[7:48 - 7:54] Besides, sit on your fucking keyboards all day and run your mouths.
[7:54 - 7:59] I do seven different ways of music.
[7:59 - 8:16] All right? Well, that's a great aid, but I do classical, hip hop, pop rock, metalcore, dubstep, EDM, and techno,
[8:16 - 8:18] as well as emo rap.
[8:18 - 8:23] And remixes, which is nine different lanes of music.
[8:23 - 8:29] All right? I do my own fucking music.
[8:29 - 8:34] Meanwhile, what do you don't fucks do?
[8:34 - 8:38] Like Skull Kid, you don't even do music, bro.
[8:38 - 8:42] You say you do music, but you don't, bro.
[8:42 - 8:47] So quit your fucking line. You don't even do music, homie.
[8:47 - 8:52] So get the fuck out of here with your lies.
[8:52 - 9:00] You know, all these, like a lot of my fans have been,
[9:00 - 9:05] like a lot of my fans have been asking me lately, dude, why haven't you been putting any new music out?
[9:05 - 9:08] Dude, when are you going to drop your new albums?
[9:08 - 9:14] Well, let me tell y'all something.
[9:14 - 9:20] The whole reason why I haven't been putting out new albums like I should have been doing this all time is because of these fucking trolls.
[9:20 - 9:25] So to my fans, I do apologize to y'all for that.
[9:25 - 9:36] All right? I apologize that these morons have been doing what they've been doing at fucking with my real life.
[9:36 - 9:44] Y'all trolls sit there and say, like, oh, whoa, you don't work, so you don't get to write the same thing.
[9:44 - 9:46] Motherfucker, yes, I do.
[9:46 - 9:47] All right?
[9:47 - 9:53] I was on one of the most legendary record labels in the fucking world, which is Machiavelli Records,
[9:53 - 9:56] which in case you haven't, if you're not out to date on your music,
[9:56 - 10:02] is a record label that Tupac Shakur, before he died, started.
[10:02 - 10:08] And the guy that owns it is K. Lon, the artist who was a good friend of mine.
[10:08 - 10:10] He was a good friend of mine.
[10:10 - 10:11] All right?
[10:11 - 10:22] I can genuinely say I was on that fucking label and I actually put out some music with those people and enjoyed the fuck out of it.
[10:22 - 10:29] Now, yes, I left on my own accord through the shitty management, but that's all me.
[10:29 - 10:33] I left through the shitty fucking management.
[10:33 - 10:37] And y'all sit there and say that I'm a liar or whatever.
[10:37 - 10:44] Y'all, like, your guy's opinion don't mean shit to me.
[10:44 - 10:47] Though, like, what do you fucking trolls do all fucking day,
[10:47 - 10:54] aside sitting on your fucking keyboards and talking shit?
[10:54 - 11:00] Like, you guys are so fixated on me that it's played out.
[11:00 - 11:02] You guys troll me is overrated.
[11:02 - 11:09] It's stupid.
[11:09 - 11:11] It's honestly ignorant.
[11:11 - 11:13] It's dumb.
[11:13 - 11:14] All right?
[11:14 - 11:19] Since 2018, I have put out a let's scene.
[11:19 - 11:22] Blackout Evolution.
[11:22 - 11:25] My first hip hop album.
[11:25 - 11:31] Well, emo rap album this year.
[11:31 - 11:35] I started working on another album that went to shit right when all this started.
[11:35 - 11:42] So since 2018, I've put out four different fucking albums.
[11:42 - 11:45] Meanwhile, what do you guys do?
[11:45 - 11:46] Run your mouth, talk shit.
[11:46 - 11:51] I'd love to see any one of you trolls do what I fucking do.
[11:51 - 11:55] I would love to see you do what I do and make music like I do.
[11:55 - 11:59] I would love to see you guys do that shit.
[11:59 - 12:04] I would love to see y'all put in the hard work that I put in every day.
[12:04 - 12:06] Doing my music, doing what I need to do.
[12:06 - 12:11] I would love to see y'all put in the work that I put in.
[12:11 - 12:13] I would love to see it.
[12:13 - 12:17] No, I seriously would love to see you guys do what I fucking do.
[12:17 - 12:18] I really would.
[12:18 - 12:26] I would love to see you morons try to do even a single thing of what I do.
[12:26 - 12:27] I would love to.
[12:27 - 12:30] I would pay you to do this shit.
[12:30 - 12:41] I would pay to see you guys try to do what I do.
[12:41 - 12:46] I would pay to see y'all try to do this shit that I fucking do.
[12:46 - 12:53] I would love to see y'all sit there, the honey computer all day, racking your fucking brain,
[12:53 - 13:01] trying to do the music that I fucking do, trying to create the genre of music that I created back in 2018.
[13:01 - 13:06] That was a fucking success for me.
[13:06 - 13:07] I would.
[13:07 - 13:12] I would love to see y'all do that shit.
[13:12 - 13:18] I would love to see y'all try to come up with a genre of music like what I made.
[13:18 - 13:19] I made it.
[13:19 - 13:41] I came up with an entirely new genre of fucking music that did really well that people actually fucking enjoyed.
[13:41 - 13:45] Like for real, I would love to see y'all do what I fucking do.
[13:45 - 13:46] And they answer your question.
[13:46 - 13:47] Yes, I did.
[13:47 - 13:49] And I actually do still have one too.
[13:49 - 13:52] I just don't know where it's at right now.
[13:52 - 13:56] But for real, what do you fucking do?
[13:56 - 14:02] What do you chose to all day except run your mouths like a bunch of idiots?
[14:02 - 14:06] I like what the fuck do you do?
[14:06 - 14:09] I create music to help people.
[14:09 - 14:16] I create music to help myself and to help others like myself.
[14:16 - 14:22] I have my fun shit like my EDM music and my dubstep music.
[14:22 - 14:24] I have my club bangers like that.
[14:24 - 14:37] But then I also have my more serious shit like my emo hip hop that touches on very real shit like suicide, depression.
[14:37 - 14:38] What is it like to be bullied?
[14:38 - 14:43] What is it like to go through wanting to kill yourself and go through suicide?
[14:43 - 14:51] What is it like being depressed every fucking day?
[14:51 - 15:01] That's the kind of shit that I fucking do.
[15:01 - 15:05] And y'all want to sit there and judge me on what I do?
[15:05 - 15:11] Why don't y'all take a look in the fucking mirror and judge yourselves before judging other people?
[15:11 - 15:15] Like seriously, my music game for anybody.
[15:15 - 15:17] Dude, my music game for everybody.
[15:17 - 15:21] Alright?
[15:21 - 15:26] My music is for people like myself or for those that enjoy my music.
[15:26 - 15:30] I have some people that enjoy my metalcore music.
[15:30 - 15:33] I have some people that enjoy my new metal music.
[15:33 - 15:36] I have some people that enjoy my remixes.
[15:36 - 15:41] There are some people that enjoy my heavy hip hop stuff, my emo hip hop stuff.
[15:41 - 15:45] Then you got those that enjoy my classical compositions.
[15:45 - 15:50] Some people enjoy my techno style EDM work.
[15:50 - 15:53] Some people enjoy my dubstep work.
[15:53 - 16:03] Look at at least the un-fucking original and not trying to be a carbon copy of someone else's trolling escapades.
[16:03 - 16:08] A lot of y'all trolls are just trying to be another version of Music Biz Marty.
[16:08 - 16:10] That's all you're trying to do.
[16:10 - 16:13] Y'all are just trying to be another Music Biz Marty.
[16:13 - 16:14] That's all it is.
[16:14 - 16:22] And it's stupid.
[16:22 - 16:30] That's all y'all are trying to do is be a fucking carbon copy of what Music Biz Marty used to do.
[16:30 - 16:35] Because y'all are so bored with your fucking lives and ain't got nothing else to do.
[16:35 - 16:40] So you feel like you gotta go out to the dude who's actually trying to do something with his life.
[16:40 - 16:46] Who's trying to accomplish something in his life.
[16:46 - 16:54] And everybody out there are wondering why I didn't make as much as I should have made off of my albums Blackout and Evolution.
[16:54 - 16:56] The answer is very simple.
[16:56 - 16:57] The trolls.
[16:57 - 17:01] See you trolls ask me over and over again.
[17:01 - 17:07] You trolls ask me why have I not made that much money off of Blackout and Evolution.
[17:07 - 17:10] The answer is very simple.
[17:10 - 17:15] It's because when I released those albums that's when the trolling shit started to enter my real life.
[17:15 - 17:21] And I had to put promoting both my albums off to fucking fight this shit.
[17:21 - 17:23] And I shouldn't have to do it.
[17:23 - 17:30] I spent more time defending my fucking content.
[17:30 - 17:37] I spent more time defending my content than actually creating it.
[17:37 - 17:42] I spent more time defending my music than creating music.
[17:42 - 17:49] And that's not how it should be.
[17:49 - 17:54] Do you know how many fucking people I've had hit me up on my personal discord.
[17:54 - 17:57] Tell me how much they actually enjoy my work.
[17:57 - 17:59] Quite a few people.
[17:59 - 18:01] You can ask people like Saren.
[18:01 - 18:06] You can ask people like fucking charity.
[18:06 - 18:08] Ask people like Scully.
[18:08 - 18:10] Ask people like Crypt K.
[18:10 - 18:12] They've all seen my shit.
[18:12 - 18:17] I've had legitimately over a hundred different people telling me they like my shit.
[18:17 - 18:20] That weren't actual trolls.
[18:20 - 18:25] That were genuine people that actually enjoyed my work.
[18:25 - 18:28] So for all y'all that sit there and say I don't do nothing.
[18:28 - 18:31] You're fucking full of shit.
[18:31 - 18:34] You don't see what I do outside of YouTube.
[18:34 - 18:39] You know what I do all day when I'm not fucking on here live streaming
[18:39 - 18:42] and gaming out with my fans and my friends
[18:42 - 18:45] and having a good time putting on gaming content.
[18:45 - 18:48] I'm usually watching anime and working on my music
[18:48 - 18:50] or helping out my family.
[18:50 - 18:53] Helping out around the house.
[18:53 - 19:01] Working on ideas for music.
[19:01 - 19:08] Like I'm actually trying to do shit.
[19:08 - 19:12] I see what I find funny about y'all trolls is y'all trolls sit there and say that
[19:12 - 19:16] you want to make it yet
[19:16 - 19:21] you won't leave me alone enough to fucking do this shit.
[19:21 - 19:25] It's like you're basically counter you're being counterproductive.
[19:25 - 19:29] You sit there and say oh I'd love to see you making the music
[19:29 - 19:32] and then you turn around and fucking me so much
[19:32 - 19:36] that I'm not able to get anything done.
[19:36 - 19:39] Maybe if you left me the fuck alone and let me do what I need to do
[19:39 - 19:41] I can actually get somewhere.
[19:41 - 19:44] I can actually do something.
[19:44 - 19:46] But y'all don't like that do you?
[19:46 - 19:47] No.
[19:47 - 19:49] Because y'all are jealous.
[19:49 - 19:52] You're jealous of what I can fucking do.
[19:52 - 19:55] That you can't do.
[19:55 - 19:58] Y'all wish you could do the shit that I do.
[19:58 - 20:03] You wish you had the talent that I have with music that I fucking have.
[20:03 - 20:08] You wish that you could do the things that I am able to do
[20:08 - 20:12] and have proven that I can do.
[20:12 - 20:16] But yet y'all want to sit here and run your mouths
[20:16 - 20:18] saying you're shitty.
[20:18 - 20:19] You're this.
[20:19 - 20:20] You're that.
[20:20 - 20:21] Really?
[20:21 - 20:24] Am I shitty?
[20:24 - 20:26] Because I rock out my music.
[20:26 - 20:30] They don't think I'm shit.
[20:30 - 20:33] The random people that come from other fucking communities
[20:33 - 20:37] that listen to my music don't think I'm shit.
[20:37 - 20:42] Whales that have wanted to sign me in the past
[20:42 - 20:48] but didn't because you morons don't think I'm shit obviously.
[20:48 - 20:53] So what are you doing trolling?
[20:53 - 21:02] The shit y'all do is overrated.
[21:02 - 21:03] Y'all listening dead?
[21:03 - 21:13] What's up man?
[21:13 - 21:22] Like for real.
[21:22 - 21:28] Maybe if y'all left me alone long enough to do my shit
[21:28 - 21:30] I could actually get somewhere.
[21:30 - 21:31] And no I didn't dude.
[21:31 - 21:34] I was planning on watching that here in a bit though for sure.
[21:34 - 21:36] I was definitely planning on watching it for sure
[21:36 - 21:37] because I do watch the channel.
[21:37 - 21:38] I just didn't catch your latest stream.
[21:38 - 21:49] I'm definitely gonna watch it though for sure.
[21:49 - 21:57] But like maybe if you dumb fucks would quit acting like high school sissies
[21:57 - 22:06] and quit this troll shit.
[22:06 - 22:08] Like maybe if y'all would quit this troll shit
[22:08 - 22:10] and quit trying to be a music biz marty.
[22:10 - 22:14] Because that's all you try to do.
[22:14 - 22:17] All y'all trolls are trying to do is be another music biz marty.
[22:17 - 22:20] That's all it is.
[22:20 - 22:25] But maybe if y'all would stop focusing on trying to be another music biz marty
[22:25 - 22:30] and attacking my real life and actually get a hobby.
[22:30 - 22:35] Hell if you guys want to do music take out do a music.
[22:35 - 22:41] I can send you guys links to people that I learned from.
[22:41 - 22:46] I can send you videos of music producers that I took tips from
[22:46 - 22:48] that I learned from.
[22:48 - 22:59] Vocal coaches that I learned from.
[22:59 - 23:02] Like I can send you that shit.
[23:02 - 23:05] Like if you want to do music go out and do fucking music.
[23:05 - 23:07] Create your own music.
[23:07 - 23:08] Be original.
[23:08 - 23:10] Do something with your voice.
[23:10 - 23:17] Make your own shit.
[23:17 - 23:22] But don't be sitting there fucking ripping my shit off
[23:22 - 23:26] saying that you're stealing my shit because you sure ain't stealing my shit.
[23:26 - 23:28] Skull kid.
[23:28 - 23:31] You sure as fuck ain't stealing my shit.
[23:31 - 23:34] I don't prove that already.
[23:35 - 23:38] You ain't getting away with stealing my shit and re-releasing that.
[23:38 - 23:44] Fuck that.
[23:44 - 23:46] Yo Inard what up man.
[23:46 - 23:49] Yo Inard what up dude.
[23:49 - 23:52] I actually don't have my phone on right now.
[23:52 - 24:02] But as soon as the stream's over dude you're more than welcome to call me.
[24:02 - 24:03] It's a thing bro.
[24:03 - 24:04] None of it's stolen bro.
[24:04 - 24:05] That's what's so funny.
[24:05 - 24:09] A lot of these dumb fucks say like oh it's stolen.
[24:09 - 24:11] Truth is it's not stolen.
[24:11 - 24:13] Y'all are just dick riding skull kid.
[24:13 - 24:16] That's all it is.
[24:16 - 24:21] Y'all are just dick riding skull kid because y'all want to be like him.
[24:21 - 24:24] Y'all want to be another music biz morning.
[24:24 - 24:27] That's all it is.
[24:27 - 24:29] Like bro.
[24:29 - 24:32] Going after me is fucking dumb.
[24:32 - 24:40] It's played out and it's stupid bro.
[24:40 - 24:45] Like it's fucking dumb dude.
[24:45 - 24:48] Like dude I can do fucking songs and Stitch's voice.
[24:48 - 24:53] Shout out to Kurt Kay for that idea.
[24:53 - 24:59] How many motherfuckers you know that I can do a disturbed song and fucking Stitch's voice.
[24:59 - 25:22] For real.
[25:22 - 25:36] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[25:36 - 25:51] Let me show y'all.
[25:51 - 26:13] Let me show y'all.
[26:13 - 26:39] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[26:39 - 27:08] For real.
[27:08 - 27:37] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[27:37 - 28:06] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[28:06 - 28:26] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[28:26 - 28:55] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[28:55 - 29:22] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[29:22 - 29:51] Now how many of y'all can do that.
[29:52 - 30:00] Or how many of y'all do you know that can actually do something like this.
[30:00 - 30:29] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[30:29 - 30:52] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[30:52 - 31:20] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[31:22 - 31:47] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[31:47 - 32:16] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[32:17 - 32:41] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[32:41 - 33:06] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[33:06 - 33:32] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[33:32 - 34:01] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[34:02 - 34:14] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[34:14 - 34:25] Now how many of y'all do you know that can cover a female vocalist song with that caliber of metalcore vocals.
[34:25 - 34:42] Name one person. Name anyone that can do it in that style. I guarantee you can't name one fucking person.
[34:42 - 35:07] Name one person that can fucking do that shit. I bet you trolls would fucking crumble. Your voices would crack and break trying to do that shit.
[35:07 - 35:19] Sneaky Jim. The Sneakster.
[35:19 - 35:44] I can go from doing that to this.
[35:44 - 36:13] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[36:13 - 36:39] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[36:39 - 37:04] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[37:04 - 37:33] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[37:33 - 38:02] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[38:02 - 38:31] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[38:31 - 39:00] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[39:01 - 39:24] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[39:24 - 39:51] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[39:51 - 40:20] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[40:21 - 40:50] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[40:51 - 41:13] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[41:13 - 41:40] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[41:40 - 42:09] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[42:10 - 42:39] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[42:40 - 43:09] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[43:10 - 43:39] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[43:40 - 44:06] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[44:06 - 44:15] How I can do motionless and white.
[44:15 - 44:17] Let's see.
[44:45 - 45:09] Try and think of what song I want to do for you all.
[45:09 - 45:38] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[45:39 - 46:08] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[46:09 - 46:36] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[46:36 - 47:05] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[47:06 - 47:35] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[47:36 - 48:05] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[48:06 - 48:35] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[48:36 - 49:05] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[49:05 - 49:34] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[49:35 - 50:04] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[50:05 - 50:32] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[50:32 - 51:01] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[51:02 - 51:24] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[51:24 - 51:53] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[51:54 - 52:23] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[52:24 - 52:53] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[52:54 - 53:23] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[53:24 - 53:53] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[53:54 - 54:23] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[54:24 - 54:48] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[54:48 - 55:17] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[55:18 - 55:47] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[55:48 - 56:17] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[56:17 - 56:46] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[56:47 - 57:16] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[57:17 - 57:46] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[57:47 - 58:16] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[58:16 - 58:45] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[58:46 - 59:09] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[59:09 - 59:38] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[59:39 - 60:06] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[60:06 - 60:35] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[60:36 - 61:03] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[61:03 - 61:32] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[61:33 - 62:00] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[62:00 - 62:25] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[62:25 - 62:54] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[62:55 - 63:22] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[63:22 - 63:49] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[63:49 - 64:16] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[64:16 - 64:41] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[64:41 - 65:04] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[65:04 - 65:33] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[65:34 - 66:03] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[66:04 - 66:32] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[66:34 - 67:03] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[67:04 - 67:33] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[67:34 - 68:03] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[68:04 - 68:33] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[68:34 - 69:03] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[69:04 - 69:29] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[69:29 - 69:58] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[69:59 - 70:23] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[70:23 - 70:52] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[70:53 - 71:22] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[71:23 - 71:52] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[71:53 - 72:20] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[72:20 - 72:49] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[72:50 - 73:14] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[73:14 - 73:43] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[73:44 - 74:09] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[74:09 - 74:36] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[74:36 - 75:05] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[75:06 - 75:33] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[75:33 - 75:58] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[75:58 - 76:23] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[76:23 - 76:48] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[76:48 - 77:15] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[77:15 - 77:41] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.
[77:41 - 77:57] How I can do motionless and white and Stitch's voice.


[0:30 - 0:33] Everything you say will come in me and let me come in you
[0:33 - 0:36] I'm just out of my life, but now I'm counting my profits
[0:36 - 0:39] And all your bitches are profit, you play this game and you've lost it
[0:39 - 0:42] I'm so sick of the bullshit you keep on making me nauseous
[0:42 - 0:46] I bring the bag of my vomit because I'm sick of your pockets
[0:46 - 0:49] So fuck you, this is what I'm about to fucking do
[0:49 - 0:52] Got a face full of mails raised in hell to the blood moon
[0:52 - 0:55] It's so true, I made it by many li'l buy food
[0:55 - 0:58] I set the fuse, your promise coming
[0:58 - 1:00] Those black roads gonna blow
[1:00 - 1:05] I'm all of you, I did die selling the only piece upon the sex worth
[1:05 - 1:09] To call my home, all alone and set the target's rivals out with the problems
[1:09 - 1:13] And you don't know a thing about me, you just judge on my laws
[1:18 - 1:20] What's up, guys?
[1:20 - 1:30] Yes, major RIP to Mitch, man, a hundred percent
[1:30 - 1:33] I ain't nobody like that man out there at all
[1:33 - 1:38] Rest in peace to the motherfucking god of metalcore, man, straight up
[1:38 - 1:40] Mad respect for saying that, man
[1:40 - 1:43] Mad respect for you for saying that shit, bro
[1:43 - 1:57] Now, as many of you may or may not be aware of Tony
[1:57 - 2:06] AKA the dude that claims that he's the real black dragon
[2:06 - 2:12] Tony, I'm here to tell you right now
[2:12 - 2:15] First off, you ain't no dragon
[2:15 - 2:24] You're a delusional little bitch, is what you are
[2:24 - 2:31] And you know the other night when you came on asking if we were all good?
[2:31 - 2:34] I thought about it
[2:34 - 2:38] And honestly, Tony
[2:38 - 2:40] We ain't ever gonna be good, man
[2:40 - 2:47] See, there was between me and you is one very, watch it, two very simple things
[2:47 - 2:51] See, I got tricked into making the mistake I made
[2:51 - 2:54] I got tricked into it
[2:54 - 2:58] But you, my friend, went out of your way and did it
[2:58 - 3:01] You saw little kids out
[3:01 - 3:04] You knew what you were doing
[3:04 - 3:07] And you did that shit on purpose
[3:07 - 3:09] I got tricked
[3:09 - 3:15] You fucking did that shit on purpose
[3:15 - 3:17] And not only that
[3:17 - 3:22] But me, I had the balls to come out
[3:22 - 3:28] I had the balls to come out and admit my wrong
[3:28 - 3:31] I came out and admitted my wrongs
[3:31 - 3:33] I didn't hide behind religion
[3:33 - 3:36] I didn't hide behind anything
[3:36 - 3:40] I came out and said, hey, what I did I shouldn't have felt for
[3:40 - 3:42] What I did was fucked up
[3:42 - 3:45] I felt for that trick, that's my bad
[3:45 - 3:48] That's all me
[3:48 - 3:54] But you, you sat there behind fucking religion
[3:54 - 3:58] And hid like a bitch
[3:58 - 4:05] You hid behind Christianity like a bitch
[4:05 - 4:09] I'm saying that just because you got baptized and makes what you did okay
[4:09 - 4:11] Wrong answer, fucker
[4:11 - 4:14] Wrong answer, bro
[4:14 - 4:19] That is the way, that is the wrongest answer ever
[4:19 - 4:25] See, I've got proof of being bullied and trolled
[4:25 - 4:28] You, however, do not
[4:28 - 4:34] See, you willingly go into this shit because you're desperate
[4:34 - 4:40] You go into this shit because you're so desperate to find that friend group that you'll do anything
[4:40 - 4:44] But me, I don't do that
[4:44 - 4:48] So to answer your question from the other night, Tony
[4:48 - 4:53] No, we will never be cool, ever
[4:53 - 5:02] Because see, I don't support pedophiles like you
[5:02 - 5:09] I don't support pedophilia, I don't support people like you
[5:09 - 5:15] What I do support are people like myself that are looked down upon differently
[5:15 - 5:19] That get treated different
[5:19 - 5:25] That get harassed, that get bullied, that get attacked
[5:25 - 5:29] People like me that are stand out, that are proud to stand out
[5:29 - 5:33] People like me are the ones that I stand out for
[5:33 - 5:39] The weird-looking motherfuckers, the people that society deems unworthy
[5:39 - 5:46] Those are the people that I stand out for
[5:46 - 5:53] And you think that it's okay to do what you do? No, motherfucker, it ain't
[5:53 - 6:00] Which is why when I was sitting down talking to the Homie Ghost and Crypt K
[6:00 - 6:03] Also, shout out to the Homie Crypt K, what's good, bro?
[6:03 - 6:12] Yo, Crypt, if you're watching right now, bro, type in the chat, man, I know I can mod you up, dog
[6:12 - 6:16] And when you don't act like me and you're cool because we ain't cool, bro
[6:16 - 6:20] I see what you say in the Discord
[6:20 - 6:24] I ain't dumb, I pay attention, bro
[6:24 - 6:31] I ain't stupid
[6:31 - 6:37] Is that all you know how to say? Blah, blah, blah, like what is that? Your mother's name, your dad's name?
[6:37 - 6:40] Oh, wait, maybe it's your sister's name
[6:40 - 6:45] Oh, I know that's right because your sister was screaming my name last night when I was banging her
[6:45 - 6:49] I forgot
[6:49 - 6:54] But no, for real, y'all
[6:54 - 6:58] Like
[6:58 - 7:05] Tony, you act like you're a badass
[7:05 - 7:10] But really, you ain't
[7:10 - 7:14] Why, bro, you ain't no black dragon, Homie
[7:14 - 7:23] And besides, aren't people that follow the dragon code, the code of the dragon
[7:23 - 7:34] Supposed to have honor, integrity, and respect?
[7:34 - 7:46] I mean, seriously, aren't dragons, are people that follow the code of the dragon, which is a code that the legendary, and I might add
[7:46 - 7:58] The father of martial arts created, Bruce Lee, the code of the dragon, honor, integrity, discipline, respect
[7:58 - 8:03] None of those things of which you follow, ever
[8:03 - 8:11] So how can you sit there and call yourself a dragon when you don't follow the code, when you don't follow those ethics?
[8:11 - 8:26] Because if you had honor, integrity, and respect, you wouldn't be doing the shit that you did with those little girls by going to the mall and taking photos of them like you do, bro
[8:26 - 8:30] Hello, if you're here to start shit, I can easily fuck your world up
[8:30 - 8:34] Hey, James, it's John Campbell, John Campbell, social
[8:34 - 8:37] No, it ain't, bro, get out of here, Troy
[8:37 - 8:38] What is the law?
[8:38 - 8:39] Whatever, bro
[8:39 - 8:41] Dude, you're a joke
[8:41 - 8:43] What?
[8:43 - 8:45] What a joke
[8:47 - 8:50] What a joke
[8:50 - 8:59] Yo, dude, to that dude that just called, try being more original, bro
[8:59 - 9:04] Try being more, watch this, yo, watch this shit
[9:04 - 9:07] Hey, yo, dumbass, if you're gonna troll me, try
[9:07 - 9:11] I'm a fan, bro, I'm a fan, I'm a fan, show up, show up, what's up, bro?
[9:11 - 9:13] Whatever, dude, hold on, man
[9:13 - 9:14] What's up?
[9:14 - 9:18] Hold on
[9:18 - 9:21] Yo
[9:21 - 9:23] Hello?
[9:23 - 9:28] I know you are, this is your mother
[9:28 - 9:32] Why, bro, come on
[9:32 - 9:36] To the dude that called in, a little bit of go
[9:36 - 9:42] Pretending to be an attorney, dude, try harder
[9:42 - 9:47] Try harder, bro, for real
[9:47 - 9:53] Yo, this is it, this is it, this is that same dude that called in earlier
[9:53 - 9:57] Bro, you dude, try harder
[9:57 - 9:59] Hey, why don't you try?
[10:08 - 10:13] Yeah, well, yeah, well, so are you, bro
[10:13 - 10:16] Bro, try harder, man
[10:16 - 10:19] Is that all you got, bro? Is that all you got?
[10:23 - 10:28] Bro, you're, bro, is that all you got, homie?
[10:28 - 10:31] Is that all you got, bro? Come on, try harder, bro
[10:31 - 10:34] Try harder, try harder
[10:34 - 10:38] Bro, hey, I know like you, I'm not a dumbass robot, bro
[10:38 - 10:41] You're a fucking robot, you just say something over and over
[10:41 - 10:43] Like that, try harder, bro
[10:43 - 10:49] Hey, when you come back, bro, when you can hit me up with something
[10:49 - 10:54] Hey, when you come back, bro, when you can hit me up with something original
[10:54 - 10:58] Bro, let me tell you something, bro
[10:58 - 10:59] Hold on, let me tell you something, bro
[10:59 - 11:03] When you can come up with something original, then hit me up
[11:03 - 11:06] Until then, have a good day
[11:06 - 11:11] Bro, is that all you got?
[11:11 - 11:15] Right, bro, is that all you fucking got, dude?
[11:15 - 11:18] That's all you got
[11:18 - 11:22] That's all you idiot's got, really
[11:22 - 11:27] That's it
[11:27 - 11:31] Like, come on, dude, that's all you got
[11:31 - 11:35] Oh, you're up 43
[11:35 - 11:42] Oh, you're this
[11:42 - 11:44] Here we go again, y'all
[11:44 - 11:45] Same shit as before
[11:45 - 11:49] Same thing as the other night
[11:49 - 11:52] Same exact thing as the other night
[11:52 - 12:01] Matter of fact, hold up, I got something for you, hold up
[12:01 - 12:13] I don't want to do this anyway, so hold on, y'all
[12:13 - 12:16] Let's see if I can find it
[12:16 - 12:19] Damn, where's that shirt on?
[12:19 - 12:22] Yo, where's that number 43 shirt on, man?
[12:22 - 12:34] What is it?
[12:34 - 12:36] Oh, this is it, right?
[12:36 - 12:37] Here we go
[12:37 - 12:42] So, since everybody wants to call me at number 43, right?
[12:42 - 12:45] Everybody wants to call me at 43, right?
[12:45 - 13:02] Hold on
[13:02 - 13:07] Since everybody so desperately wants to call me at 43
[13:07 - 13:11] I figure, since everybody wants to call me crazy anyway
[13:11 - 13:15] I figure, why not wreck that shit, bro?
[13:15 - 13:21] Because, bro, I know I'm crazy
[13:21 - 13:23] I know I'm nuts, dude
[13:23 - 13:27] I know I'm off my rocker when it comes to my fucking music, bro
[13:27 - 13:30] Because, bro, in order to make it in this world
[13:30 - 13:32] You've got to be a little bit crazy
[13:32 - 13:34] You've got to be a little bit off your rocker
[13:34 - 13:37] To make it in this industry and what I do
[13:37 - 13:41] So, yeah, I'm proud to say I'm crazy, dude
[13:41 - 13:44] I'm proud to say that I'm off my rocker
[13:44 - 13:46] Because, maybe, being off my rocker
[13:46 - 13:55] Is what creates the bombast music that I put out, bro
[13:55 - 13:59] And, bro, I did call Tony out
[13:59 - 14:03] Tony's a little bitch
[14:03 - 14:06] Like, Tony
[14:06 - 14:09] That I'm crazy, bro
[14:09 - 14:14] I take that being crazy as a fucking compliment, clearly
[14:14 - 14:19] Like, dude, I know I'm off my rocker, Tony
[14:19 - 14:22] I know that I'm crazy
[14:22 - 14:25] And you know what? I'd rather be off my rocker
[14:25 - 14:29] And bang out good-ass songs that people enjoy
[14:29 - 14:32] Rather than to be a pedophile like you
[14:32 - 14:35] I'd rather be off my rocker and do good music
[14:35 - 14:42] Than to be a crazy fucking weird old pedophile like you, bro
[14:42 - 14:44] Oh, really weird you are
[14:44 - 14:52] Well, let's see you get up on the mic then, homie
[14:52 - 14:54] Yo, there he is
[14:54 - 14:57] Yo, shout out to the homie, Krip K, bro
[14:57 - 15:03] What up, Krip? How you doing, brother?
[15:03 - 15:08] Like, bro, you're saying that I'm off my rocker
[15:08 - 15:11] So what if I am?
[15:11 - 15:15] In order to end, Krip K can actually attest to this
[15:15 - 15:18] The homie Krip K can attest to this, bro
[15:18 - 15:21] In order to make it in the music industry
[15:21 - 15:24] And be successful
[15:24 - 15:27] You kinda gotta be off your rocker a little bit
[15:27 - 15:29] You gotta be a little bit crazy
[15:29 - 15:35] So I take this 43 shit as a fucking compliment, bro
[15:35 - 15:38] I don't see this as, you know, offensive, bro
[15:38 - 15:46] I see this shit as a motherfucking compliment, dawg
[15:46 - 15:50] Like, bro, I know I'm crazy
[15:50 - 15:53] I'm proud to be crazy
[15:53 - 15:55] I'm proud to be off my rocker
[15:55 - 15:59] Cause me being off my rocker is what puts out banging fucking hits
[15:59 - 16:01] Every fucking time
[16:01 - 16:08] Every fucking time, bro
[16:08 - 16:12] As a matter of fact, watch this, y'all
[16:12 - 16:14] Hello?
[16:14 - 16:15] I can't
[16:15 - 16:16] I was
[16:16 - 16:18] You're a career earner
[16:18 - 16:19] Hey
[16:19 - 16:21] I don't know how much you earn over your career
[16:21 - 16:22] Well, let me tell you this
[16:22 - 16:24] It wasn't for you dumb ass trolls
[16:24 - 16:26] I've been making a lot more of you dumb shit
[16:26 - 16:29] So if you're gonna sit here and run your mouth
[16:29 - 16:32] I earn more money in one minute
[16:32 - 16:35] Then show me your proof
[16:35 - 16:37] Make a video, post it up
[16:37 - 16:40] Send me the link and show me the proof then, bro
[16:40 - 16:42] If you really do make more than me, then show me
[16:42 - 16:45] Until then, just stop running your mouth
[16:45 - 16:47] Cause dude, you ain't got nothing
[16:47 - 16:49] I know you are
[16:52 - 16:54] Bro, bro, let me tell you
[16:54 - 16:56] Let me tell you something, bro
[16:56 - 16:58] Yeah, I'm not
[16:58 - 17:00] Dude, I've been doing this
[17:00 - 17:02] Bro, if I were you
[17:02 - 17:04] I'd be embarrassed too, bro
[17:04 - 17:06] Dude, if I were you
[17:06 - 17:08] I'd be embarrassed too, man
[17:08 - 17:11] Cause clearly you ain't got nothing better to do with your life
[17:11 - 17:13] Yeah, you do
[17:13 - 17:14] You got everything
[17:14 - 17:17] Dude, your own mother is embarrassed to me, bro
[17:17 - 17:19] Man, whatever, bro
[17:19 - 17:21] Whatever
[17:21 - 17:23] Oh, well
[17:23 - 17:25] Well, guess what? I ain't cheating
[17:25 - 17:27] Oh, well, guess what, bro?
[17:27 - 17:30] Matter of fact, I'm glad that you're on here
[17:30 - 17:32] Because I do have an announcement
[17:32 - 17:34] For the homie group, okay?
[17:34 - 17:36] And for all my fans out there
[17:36 - 17:38] Your boy, Kee, and me
[17:38 - 17:40] Oh, yeah, I do
[17:40 - 17:42] Matter of fact, to all the rest
[17:42 - 17:44] I got more than you got, fuck yourself
[17:44 - 17:46] So why don't you just put a little bit on it?
[17:46 - 17:48] Cause I didn't get turned off
[17:49 - 17:51] Hey, yo, guys
[17:51 - 17:52] This guy, this guy
[17:52 - 17:54] But, yo, as a little shout out to the fans
[17:54 - 17:56] And to this guy who thinks he's a lawyer over here
[17:56 - 17:58] Mr. wannabe lawyer over here
[17:58 - 18:00] I wanted to make this announcement
[18:02 - 18:03] Well, like I said
[18:03 - 18:05] I got a little announcement for you guys
[18:05 - 18:07] As well as for this dude over here
[18:07 - 18:09] That is apparently running his mouth
[18:09 - 18:10] Your boy, Syrax
[18:10 - 18:11] Me
[18:11 - 18:12] Has opened it up
[18:12 - 18:14] Studio 43 Records
[18:14 - 18:16] Releasing music
[18:16 - 18:19] Under Studio 43
[18:19 - 18:20] Bitch
[18:20 - 18:22] So don't ask
[18:22 - 18:24] Yeah, well guess what
[18:24 - 18:26] I'd rather be off my rockin'
[18:26 - 18:28] I'd rather...
[18:28 - 18:29] Oh well
[18:29 - 18:30] Oh well
[18:30 - 18:32] Ask me if I can
[18:32 - 18:34] Dude, ask me if I can
[18:34 - 18:36] Dude, ask me if I can
[18:36 - 18:38] Let me tell you something, bro
[18:38 - 18:40] I'd rather be myself
[18:40 - 18:42] And be a number 43
[18:42 - 18:44] Than to be a mainstream number one
[18:44 - 18:46] Like you robotic loses any day
[18:46 - 18:48] So you can take your money
[18:48 - 18:49] And your contract
[18:49 - 18:51] And show it up your ass
[18:51 - 18:52] Oh wait, you ain't got one
[18:52 - 18:53] So bye
[18:54 - 18:55] Bye
[18:59 - 19:01] Is that all you fucking got, dude?
[19:06 - 19:08] Hey, I'm proud to say it, man
[19:08 - 19:11] Studio 43 all day, every fucking day
[19:11 - 19:13] I'm proud to say that I'm crazy
[19:14 - 19:17] Yo, shout out to the motherfucking homie
[19:17 - 19:19] Alex, what's good, man?
[19:21 - 19:23] Yo, Alex, what's up, bro?
[19:23 - 19:24] How you doing?
[19:25 - 19:27] By the way, Alex, I did catch the latest video, man
[19:27 - 19:28] That was dope shit
[19:28 - 19:30] I fucking loved it
[19:30 - 19:32] Keep the good work up, man, for real
[19:32 - 19:34] I fucking loved the new video
[19:34 - 19:36] Keep that shit up, bro
[19:45 - 19:46] You know what, I'm gonna
[19:46 - 19:48] Turn my phone off right away, bruh
[20:05 - 20:07] Track on and now, dumbasses
[20:07 - 20:10] For real, track on and now, dawg
[20:11 - 20:13] Track on and now, homie
[20:14 - 20:17] Ah, the legendary skull fag
[20:24 - 20:27] AKA the pussy boy that can't rap
[20:28 - 20:31] Or sing to save his life
[20:31 - 20:34] Yet I can do both
[20:34 - 20:36] Yet I can do both
[20:47 - 20:49] But yo, mad props to the dude
[20:49 - 20:52] That said RIP to Mitch Lucker earlier, man
[20:52 - 20:54] To that dude that said RIP
[20:54 - 20:56] To the homie Mitch Lucker, man
[20:56 - 20:59] Mad fucking props to you, bro, 100%
[21:00 - 21:02] Mad fucking props to that, man
[21:02 - 21:04] Mad fucking respect
[21:05 - 21:08] Mad fucking respect for that legend, dude
[21:08 - 21:11] Mitch Lucker was a fucking legend
[21:11 - 21:13] In the metal core scene, man
[21:13 - 21:16] 100% mad respect to you for saying that, bro
[21:16 - 21:19] Straight up, I respect that
[21:19 - 21:22] But what I don't respect
[21:22 - 21:25] Are little pussies like Tony
[21:26 - 21:28] That
[21:28 - 21:30] Are pedophiles
[21:30 - 21:32] I don't respect that
[21:32 - 21:34] I can't
[21:34 - 21:37] As a person, I cannot respect
[21:37 - 21:40] So many that does that shit that he does
[21:40 - 21:42] I just, I can't do it
[21:42 - 21:45] That's why I make the music that I make
[21:45 - 21:48] For people like myself
[21:48 - 21:50] That get bullied
[21:50 - 21:53] That are victims to people like Tony
[21:53 - 21:56] And William Glory Hole
[21:56 - 22:00] People like Massel reports that bully people
[22:00 - 22:03] Those are the people that I go against with my music
[22:03 - 22:07] And those are the people that I will continue to go against
[22:07 - 22:11] Utilizing what I know how to do
[22:11 - 22:14] And if you got a problem with it
[22:14 - 22:17] You know where the door's at
[22:17 - 22:20] Hit the fucking road, bro
[22:26 - 22:29] There's my Shuttle
[22:29 - 22:31] No
[22:31 - 22:34] I got it
[22:34 - 22:37] I'm not a fan
[22:41 - 22:44] I'm not a fan
[22:44 - 22:47] I'm not a fan
[22:47 - 22:50] I'm not a fan
[22:50 - 22:53] I'm not a fan
[22:53 - 23:09] Not bad, I got a little something for those that are feeling kind of down in dumps because
[23:09 - 23:13] there is a friend that is feeling down in dumps and I hope that this song does help
[23:13 - 23:24] you kids.
[23:24 - 23:30] So to that person that is feeling down and out that's in my discord, this song helped
[23:30 - 23:34] to pick me up when I was down in Mauva was fun in my life.
[23:34 - 23:41] So hopefully it doesn't send to you.
[24:04 - 24:13] I gripped this motel stage, you don't have a right to use your face, and I'm gonna let
[24:13 - 24:20] these dreams take me anywhere.
[24:20 - 24:28] I gripped this bro time line, this music right here is mine.
[24:28 - 24:39] The first time that I picked up a microphone, was it fair that that time I'd be alone?
[24:39 - 24:41] Like a breath of life, what was it like?
[24:41 - 24:43] Would it pay to take like how I'm getting mine?
[24:43 - 24:46] It was similar with an independent baby, I'm falling into the water with a rhythm that
[24:46 - 24:47] many days.
[24:47 - 24:49] I could talk but I couldn't even do the n-track list.
[24:49 - 24:51] Even now I'm trying to talk like that.
[24:51 - 24:53] It was full of drunk people in a cold song.
[24:53 - 24:55] It really was coming out of the stick and then I was wrong.
[24:55 - 24:59] But the on the ground, when I woke up, opened my mind and now I know what I spoke up.
[24:59 - 25:01] Took pictures and I never remember what I called.
[25:01 - 25:03] Now I'm gonna get off and dig it in the front door.
[25:03 - 25:07] Now I'm just starting out and try to quit this and let's stay here and get a witness.
[25:07 - 25:11] This track, this song, you don't take the motives of the things that have been wrong.
[25:11 - 25:15] This moment, my time, I'm looking for my money, my days tomorrow night.
[25:15 - 25:19] This n-track called like, in a needy, deep, deep cut like a knife.
[25:19 - 25:23] This n-track called like, in a needy, deep, deep cut like a knife.
[25:49 - 25:51] This music got me living.
[25:51 - 25:53] I'm feeling bad and I'm having a little mind.
[25:53 - 25:55] Now I'm drowning in never going to have a time.
[25:57 - 25:59] I just can't stop this feeling.
[25:59 - 26:01] This music's got me living.
[26:01 - 26:03] Keep in my soul to speak.
[26:03 - 26:05] I just can't stop believing.
[26:05 - 26:07] The underground, I'm holding me down.
[26:07 - 26:09] I don't play no leadin'.
[26:09 - 26:13] This n-track, whoop me in the ground till I'm no longer breathing.
[26:13 - 26:15] Through all the sweat and tears,
[26:15 - 26:17] through all the blood and fears.
[26:17 - 26:19] This music never left me.
[26:19 - 26:21] It's in my back for years.
[26:21 - 26:23] Going nights till I was lost inside my son.
[26:23 - 26:25] Inking wheel.
[26:25 - 26:29] I took my hands up off the wheel and left the music still.
[26:29 - 26:33] It took me to a place where I feel now that one can hurt me.
[26:33 - 26:37] Even if my homies turn around, my girl will serve me.
[26:37 - 26:39] This music's part of me.
[26:39 - 26:41] Honestly, I don't feel worthy.
[26:41 - 26:43] Since then, my life has gone this big.
[26:43 - 26:45] And nights while I'm on this journey.
[26:45 - 26:49] Don't stop believing.
[26:49 - 26:51] As soon as dude that's laughing,
[26:51 - 26:53] I got something for you.
[26:53 - 26:57] Don't stop believing.
[26:57 - 26:59] Hold on, to this dude that's here laughing
[26:59 - 27:03] in the comments right now, I got something for you, bro.
[27:03 - 27:07] I got something for your ass, homie.
[27:15 - 27:29] I know the homie Krip K is going to get behind this one, bro.
[27:29 - 27:33] At Krip, I think you know where I'm about to go with this one.
[27:33 - 27:35] Because you and I, matter of fact,
[27:35 - 27:39] mean you discussed this video game last night, actually.
[27:39 - 27:43] And no, it ain't Fortnite.
[27:43 - 27:49] I think you know where I'm about to go with this one, bro.
[27:49 - 27:53] Taco Bell's $5 cheesing go to get a crunch cravings box.
[27:53 - 27:55] Built for every craving.
[27:55 - 28:01] Wait a minute.
[28:02 - 28:07] Hey, y'all, Krip, you ready to party?
[28:07 - 28:15] You ready to give it to him, bro?
[28:15 - 28:19] Oh, yes.
[28:19 - 28:22] This is godly.
[28:22 - 28:27] So godly.
[28:27 - 28:30] Shout out to Matt.
[28:30 - 28:33] He cooked us something real.
[28:33 - 28:35] Yes.
[28:35 - 28:36] Sissy be that.
[28:36 - 28:37] Who am I?
[28:37 - 28:39] Give me a little picture of the sound file
[28:39 - 28:41] with bones on a stone's face.
[28:41 - 28:42] I'm suicide.
[28:42 - 28:44] I'll play it clean and stuff on both sides.
[28:44 - 28:47] I'm gonna be gone in a yellow flash like Monado.
[28:47 - 28:49] I go part of it in two boys' fix.
[28:49 - 28:52] It's been grand-fire both, but you know this.
[28:52 - 28:53] You know six of the tales.
[28:53 - 28:55] It's a little piece, but I'm not you.
[28:55 - 28:57] Bring them friends out of day-to-night,
[28:57 - 28:58] and it's a ride, super-poor.
[28:58 - 29:00] I close gates and you say you hate niggas.
[29:00 - 29:01] Coming from my angles.
[29:01 - 29:03] Give them crystal-white niggas.
[29:03 - 29:04] Biggin' niggas.
[29:04 - 29:05] Who tried to knock me back?
[29:05 - 29:07] Cause I'm lucky they don't have to see.
[29:07 - 29:08] Like I'm underneath the car.
[29:08 - 29:09] She's mad for proper acts.
[29:09 - 29:11] I'm making sure you hate six,
[29:11 - 29:12] but still watch me moon black.
[29:12 - 29:13] So now they stick.
[29:13 - 29:15] Cause I do it big as choji.
[29:15 - 29:16] That I'm brother Rockley.
[29:16 - 29:18] Acting like my coggy-goochies,
[29:18 - 29:19] but you still alive.
[29:19 - 29:20] Me alive, see?
[29:20 - 29:22] Genocidal's not a child first.
[29:22 - 29:24] It ain't miles from niggas like I was birthed.
[29:24 - 29:26] Better recognize them fucking 6,000 business.
[29:26 - 29:27] Poor shit.
[29:27 - 29:28] I'm chopping down a plane.
[29:28 - 29:30] So they're hitting this swordsman.
[29:30 - 29:31] Village is mean, huh?
[29:31 - 29:32] This match, this round.
[29:32 - 29:34] Why you think they call me the same?
[29:34 - 29:36] To the six-pads with six-pads of pain.
[29:36 - 29:37] Me and all money shook.
[29:37 - 29:40] Rotting niggas away with an all-money fuss.
[29:40 - 29:42] Just to tell these bombies,
[29:42 - 29:43] we still a hot girl.
[29:43 - 29:44] I've already had a piece of shit.
[29:44 - 29:45] Now we like a doctor.
[29:45 - 29:47] More slinging than a killer bee.
[29:47 - 29:48] More raspy than a killer bee.
[29:48 - 29:49] A fucking chinchurini.
[29:49 - 29:51] Do you really think that you're killing me?
[29:51 - 29:52] An angle.
[29:52 - 29:53] See my job's a slave.
[29:53 - 29:54] You and ten pay.
[29:54 - 29:55] Ain't no way with you when they come back.
[29:55 - 29:56] We ain't no ten to take.
[29:56 - 29:58] Not that I've already been in niggas off all of them.
[29:58 - 30:00] Pretty many been a ten ton of motherfuckers.
[30:00 - 30:01] They don't last a bottle of them.
[30:01 - 30:02] I'm a fucking billy.
[30:02 - 30:04] Although you know me who does not pay
[30:04 - 30:05] to stand deep in a chance.
[30:05 - 30:06] Get them pads, five-o-cage.
[30:06 - 30:07] He's a miso-cage.
[30:07 - 30:08] The right-cage.
[30:08 - 30:09] The cousin-cage.
[30:09 - 30:11] And remember of a cat.
[30:11 - 30:12] See the stop man.
[30:12 - 30:13] He's a story.
[30:13 - 30:14] She'll bore me.
[30:14 - 30:15] That'll mean he's gonna be boring.
[30:15 - 30:16] I know.
[30:16 - 30:17] Supposed to win some cock-a-lo.
[30:17 - 30:18] It's a story.
[30:18 - 30:19] Ask Nino.
[30:19 - 30:20] Chino.
[30:20 - 30:21] I ain't a hero.
[30:21 - 30:22] I'm fresh face to rap.
[30:22 - 30:23] Yours got O.G.O.
[30:25 - 30:26] Be gone, but get your eyes taken.
[30:26 - 30:27] I exist.
[30:27 - 30:28] We will cheat our best.
[30:28 - 30:30] I used to stand and call me as a fly.
[30:30 - 30:32] It's why I kind of ride riding.
[30:32 - 30:33] Cause I'm where I've been.
[30:33 - 30:34] Died all of us.
[30:34 - 30:35] I'm a top-sheet.
[30:35 - 30:36] More hot than cock-a-zee.
[30:36 - 30:37] And put your hands in God.
[30:37 - 30:38] You didn't even want me a box.
[30:38 - 30:39] What you find?
[30:39 - 30:41] I'll transform and make sure you see my stuff.
[30:41 - 30:43] Throw in more palms than N.G.U.
[30:43 - 30:44] Cause they hatein' eyes.
[30:44 - 30:46] You need a slingshot in your ass.
[30:46 - 30:47] A roti model.
[30:47 - 30:48] That I can body from the shadows.
[30:48 - 30:49] Let's check the model.
[30:49 - 30:50] Get that.
[30:50 - 30:52] I got more force and then ten.
[30:52 - 30:54] And more weapons ready than motherfucking ten.
[30:54 - 30:55] Ten.
[30:55 - 30:56] Ten.
[30:56 - 30:57] Neon and goose-tooth.
[30:57 - 30:58] Squads ready to shoot you.
[30:58 - 30:59] You couldn't escape.
[30:59 - 31:00] Put a substitute.
[31:00 - 31:01] Chew, chew.
[31:01 - 31:02] Stick and check.
[31:02 - 31:03] You're not a man.
[31:03 - 31:04] I'm not.
[31:04 - 31:05] Chew.
[31:05 - 31:06] A finger flick.
[31:06 - 31:07] My name is Red.
[31:07 - 31:08] Droom.
[31:08 - 31:09] I'm suicidal.
[31:09 - 31:10] Tensage mode to ashes.
[31:10 - 31:11] To feed on to nothing, bitch.
[31:11 - 31:12] I'm the biggest creature that isn't down for summoning it.
[31:12 - 31:13] Bitch, boy.
[31:13 - 31:14] Cease claiming that you're nicer.
[31:14 - 31:16] The end will be way more dramatic than Jariah's.
[31:16 - 31:18] I'll talk to you when I try to.
[31:18 - 31:19] On your moves, boy.
[31:19 - 31:20] I y'all are weak.
[31:20 - 31:21] Cause this girl blowin' this water.
[31:21 - 31:22] My mind's to be king.
[31:22 - 31:23] You're a mean as a lion.
[31:23 - 31:24] Gettin' in that ass like a thousand years of pain.
[31:24 - 31:25] We ain't gettin' king cocky.
[31:25 - 31:26] We ball from the same.
[31:26 - 31:27] Cause my chakras are the same.
[31:27 - 31:28] Now they come brought my ass case.
[31:28 - 31:29] Which teams don't want to change?
[31:29 - 31:30] I'm the second to walk that brain thing.
[31:30 - 31:31] We're gonna finish you.
[31:31 - 31:32] Get right out.
[31:32 - 31:33] I'm gonna take my breath.
[31:33 - 31:34] I'm gonna say your name.
[31:34 - 31:35] That's big and tough.
[31:35 - 31:36] Bring me your name.
[31:36 - 31:37] I'm gonna take your mother.
[31:37 - 31:38] I'll be tellin' you the years.
[31:38 - 31:39] When the big loader lay them low.
[31:39 - 31:40] Ouch.
[31:40 - 31:41] Ouch.
[31:41 - 31:42] Two of these in my pouch.
[31:42 - 31:43] Wanna go?
[31:43 - 31:44] Keep up.
[31:44 - 31:45] Keep up.
[31:45 - 31:46] Keep up.
[31:46 - 31:47] Keep up.
[31:47 - 31:48] This is the way down here.
[31:48 - 31:49] Just stay here.
[31:49 - 31:50] Fuckin' with the camera.
[31:50 - 31:51] Keep up.
[31:51 - 31:52] Need sweats.
[31:52 - 31:53] You ain't got nothin'.
[31:53 - 31:54] What is that, too?
[31:54 - 31:55] Once I say cool tone, you'll know I'm gonna get you.
[31:55 - 31:56] No time for you scumbags.
[31:56 - 31:57] I call the talk.
[31:57 - 31:58] Cause I'm the star of this show.
[31:58 - 31:59] No talk.
[31:59 - 32:00] I'm a fool for this one that I know.
[32:00 - 32:01] But you can do it better.
[32:01 - 32:02] Push me.
[32:02 - 32:03] Got that bio.
[32:03 - 32:04] A wise man once said.
[32:04 - 32:05] I'm gonna take my breath.
[32:05 - 32:06] I'm gonna take my breath.
[32:06 - 32:07] I'm gonna take my breath.
[32:07 - 32:08] I'm gonna take my breath.
[32:08 - 32:09] I'm gonna take my breath.
[32:09 - 32:10] I'm gonna take my breath.
[32:10 - 32:20] I'm gonna take my breath.
[32:20 - 32:27] See all you little dumbfucks that want to talk shit,
[32:27 - 32:32] you underestimate me, way too fuckin' much.
[32:32 - 32:41] I'm not a fan, I'm about to take it up a notch for him.
[32:41 - 32:52] I'm about to take it up to part two for y'all.
[32:52 - 32:58] I don't even know what is real.
[32:58 - 33:03] I don't even know what that sound means.
[33:03 - 33:08] I'm back.
[33:08 - 33:16] If y'all haven't seen part one, feel free to go watch it.
[33:16 - 33:21] Feel free to download my debut free album too.
[33:21 - 33:25] It'll be in the description.
[33:25 - 33:28] Let me prove myself.
[33:28 - 33:30] Y'all ready?
[33:55 - 34:01] Y'all ready?
[34:25 - 34:27] But that's going on, yeah
[34:27 - 34:29] Like I'm pushing, throwin' like Nagano
[34:29 - 34:32] To be in verge, you know that you be this feeling no motto
[34:32 - 34:34] Oh, you better get it checked
[34:34 - 34:36] You boy drippin' that, you open back with awesome ups
[34:36 - 34:38] And smoke your grind, this legal act
[34:38 - 34:40] Shake a model, put it in Spanish, I'm from here to stop, bro
[34:40 - 34:43] Come on, get it, shit, but I'm not like Hanzo
[34:43 - 34:46] Pumping out, pullin' your strings like Chiyo
[34:46 - 34:49] He know what it means, which my brain's more fuckin' chino
[34:49 - 34:52] It's up to my mind, this is the end of the long, you got me
[34:52 - 34:54] It's why I'm going right through every move I carry
[34:54 - 34:57] From the seal on hand side, I'm strictly gonna do your cuts
[34:57 - 34:59] What I bring is rockin' that, everything for cool
[34:59 - 35:02] And some of these anymore, they need different people
[35:02 - 35:03] That know me, cause I hold a dig
[35:03 - 35:05] You had a lot fuckin' to roll with
[35:05 - 35:07] I'm cornin' at you, Gigi, for all three
[35:07 - 35:09] I'm puttin' on you, we buy me this and Gucci
[35:09 - 35:11] Now we're fuckin' in to join your bodies
[35:11 - 35:13] Come and play, challenge me, you a waltz
[35:13 - 35:16] I'm changein' that, so now that you tellin' how you're doin'
[35:16 - 35:19] So, this shit ain't feelin' so, this harm
[35:19 - 35:22] So, hell, we're fighting, we gotta unfold this harm
[35:22 - 35:24] Shockin' that number, we just like these storms
[35:24 - 35:27] That's a four times a sharp, like the sword on me
[35:27 - 35:29] Fooling, anybody lookin' here like me
[35:29 - 35:31] I'll bring you new pants, six-way pants
[35:31 - 35:34] So be it, the tailpiece, nigga
[35:34 - 35:35] In ring, no, body hotter
[35:35 - 35:37] I'm higher than I'm on gold
[35:37 - 35:39] With a stand out of dollars, five to third
[35:39 - 35:41] Right, I ain't gonna give it a speed of me
[35:41 - 35:44] Sackin' your bum, I'm gonna run up Gigi's
[35:44 - 35:46] I suggest you don't show face, but I'm cool
[35:46 - 35:48] Bet it, every rep, we just let it come
[35:48 - 35:51] I'm not a fool, cause a second that I spot you
[35:51 - 35:53] Shit's gonna be me, first, second, Mr. Taki
[35:53 - 35:55] When I'm lettin' off steam train
[35:55 - 35:57] Oh, I'm the hardest in my section
[35:57 - 36:00] I take orders from no one, I'm not on my resurrection
[36:00 - 36:03] I'm the legend that they said, what strikes you for tryin' to
[36:03 - 36:06] Salamander, black blood, set to the moderate
[36:06 - 36:09] I've been killin' jakes, tits and days of the old scheme
[36:09 - 36:11] My best drug is candy, yes, yes, shit isn't new to me
[36:11 - 36:13] And I don't care to be in the best
[36:13 - 36:16] It's what means a lot to ya, I'm brilliant, superior
[36:16 - 36:17] Me ain't gonna die, I shoulda be real
[36:17 - 36:19] So if anyone dares, they gon' be phony
[36:19 - 36:21] They gonna dream forever, that's it, nigga
[36:21 - 36:24] So be on me, be any more kind
[36:24 - 36:25] One through four, I teach you nothing
[36:25 - 36:28] Like a second in the end, to the floor
[36:28 - 36:31] And I know that you ain't mentionin' that reason
[36:31 - 36:32] I think you watch all of my success
[36:32 - 36:35] It is a 90, that's over and over
[36:35 - 36:36] And you make it a look for something
[36:36 - 36:39] You stand there and realize that that's it, it's true
[36:39 - 36:41] You despise what I am, it's not much
[36:41 - 36:43] You wanna stack to a billion more
[36:43 - 36:45] Money than the Jesus that you
[36:45 - 36:47] I'm the man, you're brought upon a smoothie
[36:47 - 36:50] Cause I take it to dimension, you can't get to the Camui
[36:50 - 36:53] Slayin' off, you know we's pumpin' pounds of shame
[36:53 - 36:56] I'm still getting in that ass like a thousand years of pain
[36:56 - 36:57] So now these things are still huge
[36:57 - 36:58] At times I wanna box it up
[36:58 - 37:00] And it's like a pan to spark
[37:00 - 37:02] Like soccer or something, when they come to Chakra
[37:02 - 37:04] Mines more, they're broken, they're powerful
[37:04 - 37:07] The guys we call, they jake's open
[37:07 - 37:09] It's eight to six times after eating the fruit
[37:09 - 37:12] Right over the tree of life, the very moment that improves
[37:12 - 37:14] All of the wicked conscience, I know
[37:14 - 37:15] Shining eyes, we're all bein' to a garret
[37:15 - 37:18] See, I'm bigger than one, I do tour, come and tell
[37:18 - 37:19] Some truckin' shit, now
[37:19 - 37:22] This very moment's my best day, so I'm stoned cold
[37:22 - 37:24] That's T-Baki Sensei
[37:24 - 37:26] Raw, the perfect result of evolution
[37:26 - 37:29] Re-save from the very world, this is revolution
[37:29 - 37:32] I'm pleased and I show it to all I know
[37:32 - 37:34] And you'll never do this shit better
[37:34 - 37:37] Dive dead, buy your, buy your, buy your
[37:38 - 37:41] See, y'all seem to think that
[37:41 - 37:45] I'm one that y'all can just walk all over, right?
[37:45 - 37:48] Well, hate to say it, but
[37:49 - 37:53] See, I'm a fuckin' silence, man, bro
[37:53 - 37:56] See, I'm a fuckin' god to this underground music scene
[37:56 - 37:58] But yet y'all still wanna try me
[37:58 - 38:00] And I find it funny
[38:00 - 38:03] This holiday season, give the gift of Grubhub
[38:03 - 38:06] Specially, matter of fact, Tony, this one's for you, bro
[38:06 - 38:08] The anime rap god
[38:09 - 38:12] Matter of fact, Tony, this one's for you, bro
[38:12 - 38:15] Because we all know you ain't got the balls to face me
[38:15 - 38:18] So, this is going out to your pedophile ass
[38:18 - 38:20] I'm about to destroy you in less than...
[38:22 - 38:25] Let's see, in less than three minutes and 35 seconds
[38:25 - 38:27] I'm about to destroy your ass
[38:27 - 38:29] The anime rap god
[38:30 - 38:34] Red, download the animated below
[38:34 - 38:36] This is what y'all wanted
[38:36 - 38:38] This is what y'all demanded
[38:38 - 38:40] Let me give it to you, ready?
[38:42 - 38:43] The strongest of shitty dummies
[38:43 - 38:45] Ain't gonna know I'm livin' stop me
[38:45 - 38:46] I'm red-headed, let's hand you
[38:46 - 38:47] But in battle, I can patch you
[38:47 - 38:50] Letting zombie-mongered boys like the red-red red-red
[38:50 - 38:52] You try it, but if I'm to kill you, don't escape
[38:52 - 38:54] But time to move my eyes, thatch
[38:54 - 38:56] This is a pressure that stops my foes
[38:56 - 38:58] All this without using my soft motto
[38:58 - 39:00] One try, you need the size with spike
[39:00 - 39:02] And I tighten it with a blink
[39:02 - 39:04] I can negate any key, no Verizon
[39:04 - 39:06] I am rising to give me warmth
[39:06 - 39:08] This is not enough for me after you
[39:08 - 39:10] I scattered you that same zone as I put a bonkite
[39:10 - 39:12] Now watch as I leave you with nada
[39:12 - 39:14] As I take this up a notch and show my surprise
[39:14 - 39:17] I'm just by the silver, when it's all around me
[39:17 - 39:19] I'll buy this real hockey, when I'm in this world
[39:19 - 39:21] I'm in this world, my blood doesn't stop
[39:21 - 39:22] What do you think is the song that tracks between us
[39:22 - 39:24] I'm up with music, I'm pretty trustin' it
[39:24 - 39:25] When they like notes, just give me a moment
[39:25 - 39:26] I'll just stick it in
[39:26 - 39:29] A coyote, son of a hundred, son of a million
[39:29 - 39:31] Black, white, ancient boy, I ain't even gonna get it
[39:31 - 39:33] Genshin, fuck, soon we'll get that red gun
[39:33 - 39:35] I let go of a shot from my barrel
[39:35 - 39:37] I was in dancing school, you goin' around
[39:37 - 39:38] 32, that's the end of y'all
[39:38 - 39:40] And I love it when you toss shit
[39:40 - 39:41] I won't be shot, but tear them all
[39:41 - 39:43] And cause you'll make me vomit
[39:43 - 39:45] I'm just in the lake, the water's like hammer bell
[39:45 - 39:47] Shaking with the bullets, blast the shells
[39:47 - 39:48] This ain't your ass to hell
[39:48 - 39:50] Before you move me over
[39:50 - 39:51] Move me around, just move me over
[39:51 - 39:52] Move me through disorder, move me through disorder
[39:52 - 39:53] Anybody's gonna hate me, I'm movin' over
[39:53 - 39:55] I'm gonna prove it, and I'm gonna see it live
[39:55 - 39:56] On that game, to prove that it's hot
[39:56 - 39:58] But truth on me, truth is fair
[39:58 - 39:59] Anybody can't test, get down, where you from
[39:59 - 40:01] But I'm fine, you know you're on your face
[40:01 - 40:02] All of you have the heart, see my heart
[40:02 - 40:04] See what's the euro, somethin' that you can't call
[40:04 - 40:06] The six, now we ain't gonna ride that
[40:06 - 40:08] My number, that's it, where y'all bring it on
[40:08 - 40:10] To I, there is no other
[40:10 - 40:11] The man, the king, himself, the cook
[40:12 - 40:13] With the choppers, the crocs, your in gran
[40:13 - 40:16] Race, heroin, whatever you like, it's all off
[40:16 - 40:17] It's a talk, talk, now
[40:17 - 40:19] While I witness how I'm gonna stand
[40:19 - 40:21] Chances, ties and jails, go full hollow
[40:21 - 40:23] Otherwise, I'll beat you with me
[40:23 - 40:25] Drag me, shoot me, cut me, pull me
[40:25 - 40:28] Stab me, abuse me, there's no way to remove me
[40:28 - 40:30] I'm a walking legend, bitch
[40:30 - 40:32] Bitch, bitch, you can't refuse me
[40:32 - 40:34] Seven, seven, somebody, there's no way
[40:34 - 40:36] That you can go me and send them with it
[40:36 - 40:38] You can't even play until you know me
[40:38 - 40:40] You understand that scientifically speaking
[40:40 - 40:42] I'm some blouse, you don't get nasty
[40:42 - 40:43] It's a spot of number nine
[40:43 - 40:45] I ain't even act like my mood is on top
[40:45 - 40:46] But if I have no overhover
[40:46 - 40:47] Look at the darkness out of the guy
[40:47 - 40:49] Get on that fire right out of my guy
[40:49 - 40:50] Got my sound, got my motto
[40:50 - 40:51] But when you put it in the face of the wise
[40:51 - 40:53] Tryna get a man and get some of this
[40:53 - 40:54] Man, she just wanna run over and reach my eyes
[40:54 - 40:57] There ain't no laundry from people thinkin' they see me
[40:57 - 40:58] Bro, theoretically, I don't have a get-to
[40:58 - 41:00] God said, so what do you do, we'll get you
[41:00 - 41:03] And all of them in your hometown backflip
[41:03 - 41:04] Don't go hard as any of them
[41:04 - 41:06] I'm a trans business, pickets in the redeeming
[41:06 - 41:08] But we can live in the more dangerous
[41:08 - 41:11] Bitch, when you hold a hot, open jean, could it see me?
[41:11 - 41:13] Bro, I have a headstand in tall as any long
[41:13 - 41:16] You'll make a softest, heartless, safety game
[41:16 - 41:17] And play all this cold as you got
[41:17 - 41:19] Yeah, if I'm got your face, I don't get you
[41:19 - 41:21] It's a dead sentence, I'm proofy as you
[41:21 - 41:23] When I'm telling you I hit my mama through
[41:23 - 41:25] You when release in the sky, I'm sweating
[41:25 - 41:27] But it's Kikaraku cutting through your marrow
[41:27 - 41:29] Top changing every sense of the virtue
[41:29 - 41:31] I see you, I rock you, I'm runnin' every religion
[41:31 - 41:33] I don't advise you, but I do
[41:33 - 41:35] Cause if she can come in, it's kill
[41:35 - 41:37] You do speech, I mean, take my position
[41:37 - 41:38] It's the hits man and bleach
[41:38 - 41:40] I'm a muthafuckin' elite
[41:40 - 41:41] Know what rock car is in peace
[41:41 - 41:44] So one gets sold, I freeze my blades out of your reach
[41:45 - 41:47] Now watch me as I eat
[41:48 - 41:49] Bow to my feet
[41:55 - 41:57] See Tony, that's the difference between me and you, bro
[42:01 - 42:03] That's the difference between me and you, Tony
[42:03 - 42:10] When it comes to YouTube, when it comes to YouTube homie
[42:10 - 42:11] I got you beat, bro
[42:12 - 42:15] By a long shot, I got your ass fucking beat
[42:17 - 42:20] See, no one respects you because of what you fucking did, bro
[42:21 - 42:24] No one respects you because of what you fucking did
[42:27 - 42:31] Bro, you went out and took pictures of little kids at a fucking mall
[42:32 - 42:37] Literally, you took pictures of underage kids at a fucking mall, bro
[42:38 - 42:40] No one can respect you for that
[42:45 - 42:47] No one can respect you for that
[42:47 - 42:49] And besides, what do you do?
[42:49 - 42:51] Hide behind religion like a bitch?
[42:52 - 42:54] That's all you do, bro
[42:54 - 42:55] You hide
[42:55 - 42:56] Like a bitch
[42:57 - 43:00] See, you use religion to hide behind what you did
[43:00 - 43:05] But me, I came out as a man and admitted my wrongs, dawg
[43:06 - 43:08] I came out and admitted my wrongs
[43:09 - 43:10] And I moved on
[43:14 - 43:17] I admitted my fucking wrongs, I didn't fucking hide
[43:17 - 43:20] I came out like a fucking man and admitted what I did
[43:22 - 43:25] But you, you hid like a fucking pussy out of me
[43:25 - 43:27] You hid like a fucking pussy ass coward
[43:28 - 43:33] That's why you never had the fucking balls to bring up what you did
[43:33 - 43:35] Somebody else always has to bring it up
[43:37 - 43:38] Why can't you bring it up?
[43:40 - 43:42] Oh wait, I know why
[43:43 - 43:46] I know exactly why, it's because you know what you did was fucked up, bro
[43:47 - 43:49] You know damn well what you did was fucked
[43:51 - 43:53] Yeah, I admit what I did was fucked up
[43:53 - 43:57] But the difference between me and you, bro, I was tricked into what I did
[43:57 - 43:59] Your ass went out and flat out did it
[44:02 - 44:04] And I cannot respect that
[44:09 - 44:11] I can't respect a pedophile like you
[44:13 - 44:16] Overtime, what I did will be forgotten
[44:18 - 44:22] But what you did, bro, can never be forgotten or erased
[44:24 - 44:33] Now don't don't take it the wrong way, I'm not bullying you when I say what I'm about to say
[44:35 - 44:39] All right, so don't take it as bullying because it's not bullying, bro
[44:39 - 44:40] I'm just stating facts
[44:41 - 44:43] I'm just stating the facts of what I see
[44:44 - 44:46] You think just because you're in a wheelchair
[44:47 - 44:50] Which like I said, I'm not judging you for being in a wheelchair
[44:50 - 44:52] So I said don't take it that way
[44:53 - 44:58] If you do, that's on you, but you think that you being in a wheelchair
[44:58 - 45:00] Gives you the right to get away with what you do?
[45:00 - 45:01] No, motherfucker
[45:03 - 45:04] That don't give me the right
[45:05 - 45:08] That's just like me being weird looking and looking different
[45:09 - 45:14] That you doing that would be like me saying, oh, I look different, so I can do this
[45:14 - 45:17] I'm allowed to, I get leeway, no
[45:19 - 45:20] I'm made up to what I did
[45:24 - 45:28] All right, I'm made the fuck up to what I did and I learned from my mistake
[45:29 - 45:31] All right, I learned from my mistakes
[45:32 - 45:34] But you apparently have it
[45:36 - 45:40] All right, what about all that little what about that kidney porn that you're probably hiding on your computer, Tony?
[45:41 - 45:43] What about all that child porn, bro?
[45:44 - 45:46] What about that?
[45:46 - 45:47] Let's bring that up
[45:47 - 45:50] You know you got caught with kidney porn on your computer, bro
[45:51 - 45:52] We all know it
[45:53 - 45:54] So why are you hiding it?
[45:55 - 45:59] Why not come out and tell the fucking trinkets to say, hey, yeah, I did do this
[45:59 - 46:03] I fucked up, I apologized, and never should have happened
[46:04 - 46:12] But instead you say, oh, I'm a Christian now, I got baptized, so it's okay
[46:12 - 46:14] No, the fucking ain't okay, bro
[46:16 - 46:19] Dude, you took pictures of little fucking kids
[46:22 - 46:25] You took pictures of little fucking kids
[46:31 - 46:32] In a fucking mall
[46:34 - 46:41] And you think that just because you did what you did, you should be allowed to get away with that
[46:41 - 46:43] No, motherfucker, you ain't getting away with it
[46:45 - 46:51] See, I came out and wrote my wrongs by admitting to what I did on my own accord
[46:52 - 46:54] See, when I did what I did
[46:59 - 47:02] When I came out and did what I fucking did
[47:05 - 47:08] All right, when I did what I did, I admitted my wrongs
[47:09 - 47:14] I came out and said, hey, this is what I did, I fucked up, I'm sorry
[47:14 - 47:18] It ain't ever gonna happen again because I'm gonna be more careful about the people that I fucking talked to
[47:19 - 47:24] So, who's the bigger man now, Tony?
[47:25 - 47:28] Hmm, who's the bigger man now, bro?
[47:33 - 47:36] See, I came out and admitted my wrongs
[47:37 - 47:44] But you, however, ain't got a single goddamn honest bone in your goddamn pitiful body
[47:44 - 47:49] And that's sad, bro, that's sad
[47:50 - 47:53] I mean, you let these people walk all over you
[48:02 - 48:06] And that's sad, dude, like, you let these people walk all over you
[48:08 - 48:11] Hmm, why you letting these motherfuckers walk all over you like a bitch?
[48:12 - 48:15] Like this Yoda, I am, dude
[48:15 - 48:19] Bro, you can call me a liar all you want, but that still don't change the facts
[48:23 - 48:28] I mean, you can call me a liar all you want, but the facts still remain that I proved my innocence
[48:29 - 48:35] I got clear to that shit, so call me a liar all you want, the facts still remain that I got cleared
[48:35 - 48:41] So, but Tony, let me ask you something for real, bro
[48:43 - 48:48] Why do you let these motherfuckers walk all over you like a bitch?
[48:49 - 48:52] Hmm, why are you such a fucking pussy?
[48:53 - 48:56] Like, bro, you let these trolls walk all over you
[48:57 - 49:00] But you see what I'm doing? I'm standing up to these chokes
[49:01 - 49:04] I ain't salty about shit, homie
[49:06 - 49:10] I ain't salty about shit, but y'all apparently are
[49:11 - 49:17] See, Tony, if you stop being a little bitch, like you are, if you stop being a little bitch
[49:17 - 49:21] and start standing up to these motherfuckers, you'll stop being a little bitch
[49:22 - 49:26] You can call me a liar all you want, the facts still remain that I proved my innocence
[49:26 - 49:31] stop being a little bitch and start standing up to these motherfuckers, you might actually
[49:31 - 49:34] get somewhere bro.
[49:34 - 49:40] I seriously, why you let these trolls walk over you like a fucking bitch.
[49:40 - 49:49] I look at me, I stood up here and I shut down William Gordill, I shut down his little
[49:49 - 49:55] fucking bitch friend Kate, their little redneck friend.
[49:55 - 50:01] I shut down Shamrock and her little friends, right there on her own streams.
[50:01 - 50:06] I told every one of those motherfuckers off on their own streams.
[50:06 - 50:11] I stood up to my bullies and I still stand up to them even while they're in the chat
[50:11 - 50:16] running their mouths because they know I'm right, that's why they hate me.
[50:16 - 50:20] I don't think I don't see you trolls man, I know y'all are hating.
[50:20 - 50:30] See y'all are hating because y'all know I'm right, that's why y'all hate.
[50:30 - 50:34] That's why y'all hate man because y'all are jealous.
[50:34 - 50:38] You're jealous and you know for a fact that I'm right about what I say.
[50:38 - 50:43] And all you guys are doing, and let's speak it on the trolls.
[50:43 - 50:49] Tony let me put you on the back burner for a moment, I'll come back to you.
[50:49 - 50:55] As for you little trolls, dude, all you guys are trying to do is be another try hard version
[50:55 - 50:57] of Music Biz Marty.
[50:57 - 51:02] That's all you're trying to do, you're trying to be another Music Biz Marty and quite honestly
[51:02 - 51:10] every one of you trolls that are commenting right now and making videos, bro, you're failing.
[51:10 - 51:15] You're failing to be the next Music Biz Marty, cause none of you can ever do like Music Biz
[51:15 - 51:16] Marty did.
[51:16 - 51:20] Hell, you guys couldn't even do what Bloated Kiki did.
[51:20 - 51:24] And Bloated Kiki was a fucking god of trolling.
[51:24 - 51:30] Right along with Marty, Marty and Bloated Kiki are the gods of fucking trolling.
[51:30 - 51:35] All you lambs are just another fucking carbon copy try hard.
[51:35 - 51:41] As all you guys are, you're carbon copies of what, you know, you guys want to feel like
[51:41 - 51:47] them so bad that you feel like you have to be a try hard at it.
[51:47 - 51:51] But really you're not doing jack shit.
[51:51 - 52:05] All you're doing is failing.
[52:05 - 52:10] You guys are failing at being the next Music Biz Marty.
[52:10 - 52:11] You guys are failing.
[52:11 - 52:12] You're terrible.
[52:12 - 52:19] Like you guys think that your negative comments faze me, but really I just laugh at them.
[52:19 - 52:25] Like bro, young five, like what are you some, why does young five sound like a shitty SoundCloud
[52:25 - 52:26] rapper?
[52:26 - 52:28] It sounded like the Island Boys.
[52:28 - 52:33] Like what are you trying to be like the Island Boys from SoundCloud trying to be another
[52:33 - 52:35] shitty SoundCloud rapper?
[52:35 - 52:40] I know that all SoundCloud rappers are shitty.
[52:40 - 52:43] I mean, Krim K is a fucking bomb ass dude.
[52:43 - 52:45] My boy, Bradley is dope as fuck.
[52:45 - 52:48] I know a few dudes like my homie know what you are actually good at what they do.
[52:48 - 52:53] So like is that all you're trying to be is another SoundCloud rapper?
[52:53 - 52:54] Young five?
[52:54 - 53:01] Like bro, you sound like one of those wannabe SoundCloud rappers who like sounds like total
[53:01 - 53:04] fucking shit when they get on the mic.
[53:04 - 53:07] That's what you sound like probably.
[53:07 - 53:11] I'm just saying, I'm just, hey, I'm just calling it how I see it.
[53:11 - 53:14] Why don't you the messenger man?
[53:14 - 53:17] I'll just call it how I fucking see it bro.
[53:17 - 53:24] That's all I'm doing.
[53:24 - 53:25] And Red Dragon, what are you?
[53:25 - 53:26] A pissed off lizard?
[53:26 - 53:30] Like is that why you're typing it all cast cuz you're angry?
[53:31 - 53:36] I think that's how he got the nickname Red Dragon, y'all, cuz this dude's always pissed
[53:36 - 53:37] off all the time.
[53:37 - 53:42] I think that, no, seriously, I think that's how Red Dragon got his nickname cuz he's pissed
[53:42 - 53:45] off all the time.
[53:45 - 53:48] Seriously.
[53:48 - 53:52] I think that's how he got his nickname, y'all, is Red Dragon cuz he's always pissed.
[54:01 - 54:10] I can't read, hey, Ouija Lock, what are you, a locked up Ouija board, is that how you got
[54:10 - 54:11] the nickname?
[54:11 - 54:17] Cuz you fucked with the other side and like you fucked with the Ouija board and you know
[54:17 - 54:23] you weren't supposed to and you literally had to lock that shit away or did you have
[54:23 - 54:26] to lock yourself in the bedroom cuz you pissed off a fucking demon that wants to kill your
[54:26 - 54:27] ass?
[54:28 - 54:34] Wait, I tried to tell you not to fuck with the other side, bro, I tried to tell you not
[54:34 - 54:40] to fuck with the Ouija board, man, I told you, don't fuck with the fucking Ouija board.
[54:40 - 54:45] But you didn't listen.
[54:45 - 54:48] And look what happened.
[54:49 - 55:02] Ah, Chucky, aka the gay wannabe goth, dude, hey guys, look, it's Chucky Stegel, the gay
[55:02 - 55:15] wannabe goth guy, like, bro, you cross-dress, bro, like, you're a wannabe goth, dude, you're
[55:15 - 55:26] not even gothic, you want gothic look of Jake Munro?
[55:26 - 55:42] I seriously, he is full-fledged gothic, like, straight up, Chucky, like, come on, dude.
[55:43 - 55:56] Life for real, bro, go on YouTube and look up Jake Munro, alright, watch his videos,
[55:56 - 56:02] pay attention to his fashion style, and you might actually gain a sense of fashion.
[56:02 - 56:08] Like me, dude, I got fashion, bro, alright, dude, I'm rocking out a fucking corn bracelet
[56:08 - 56:14] with a bracelet that my brother Jake made me, well, with a bracelet and a matching bracelet
[56:14 - 56:20] on that because I'm a brother Jake made me for my birthday, plus, so now one of my fans
[56:20 - 56:29] sent over with my ring, with my typical silver rings and my Celtic knot ring and a fucking
[56:29 - 56:37] beanie and a fucking shirt to match, like, dude, I've got a fucking fashion sense, but
[56:37 - 56:45] you, dude, you look like you got your fashion sense from a five-year-old, alright, what happened?
[56:45 - 56:49] Did a five-year-old dress you up, dude?
[56:49 - 56:54] Life for real, did a five-year-old teach you how to dress, Chucky?
[56:54 - 57:04] Because, apparently, they did, yeah, says the pissed-off dragon, hey, guys, looks like
[57:04 - 57:11] the pissed-off dragon's pissed off again, but do I care?
[57:11 - 57:12] Nope.
[57:12 - 57:18] Hey, red dragon, why don't you go take a shower or something, I mean, cool that head of yours
[57:18 - 57:22] off, maybe you'll stop being the red dragon and stop being the chill dragon.
[57:22 - 57:29] And, honestly, I know y'all, if y'all I know, I do have a brand new server for the misfits,
[57:29 - 57:35] so if y'all want to hit up the misfits, I'll have my homie Skully over here, who's speaking
[57:35 - 57:41] of a shot that I'm with Skully, I'll have my homie Skully here, actually post the link
[57:41 - 57:49] in the Outcast Hangouts Discord, so y'all can hop on over and chill, man.
[57:49 - 57:56] So if y'all want the Discord link, man, hit the homie Skully up over in the Outcast Hangouts
[57:56 - 57:57] Discord, bro.
[57:58 - 58:01] Head on over there, hang out, get the link from him, and join up.
[58:09 - 58:16] Hey, at least I take a shower, bro, I'm just saying, at least I take one, but you, bro,
[58:16 - 58:22] huh, dude, I can practically smell you through the damn screen, dawg.
[58:22 - 58:26] For real, dude, like, what's that fucking smell, bro, like?
[58:27 - 58:33] Yo, dude, somebody hit Red Dragon with a bar of soap, for real.
[58:33 - 58:38] Somebody hit that dude Red Dragon with a bar of soap and a shower, man, please.
[58:38 - 58:42] Dude, fucking reach, man, I can practically smell him from over here, and I'm not even
[58:42 - 58:47] in the same, close to even being in the same vicinity as he is.
[58:47 - 58:54] All right, bro, somebody hit this man with a fucking bar of soap and a shower, please.
[58:54 - 58:55] Goddamn, bro.
[58:57 - 59:05] For real, bro, like, you need to be hit with a bar of soap and a fucking shower and a
[59:05 - 59:06] razor.
[59:12 - 59:15] You know, at least I take one, dude, damn.
[59:18 - 59:24] Whew, yo ass needs to be fucking, yo ass needs to be fucking hit with a bar of soap, for real.
[59:27 - 59:32] Goddamn, bro.
[59:32 - 59:57] That's fun.
[59:58 - 60:03] Anyway, y'all, I'm about to bounce around.
[60:03 - 60:08] I'm actually about to kick it with a homemade crepe cake for a bit.
[60:08 - 60:14] If y'all do want to listen to the brand new Discord, Y'all My Skull is gonna post that
[60:14 - 60:19] shit, and Tony, fuck you, you fucking pedophile.
[60:19 - 60:24] Dude, I bet you ain't even got the fucking balls to respond to me.
[60:24 - 60:27] I bet you ain't got the balls to respond.
[60:29 - 60:32] Bet you ain't got the balls to respond.
[60:33 - 60:38] Because if you had any fucking balls or you were any kind of man, you'd actually respond.
[60:38 - 60:44] So balls in your court, bro, like, I don't blame you.
[60:44 - 60:46] Like, I don't blame you if you don't respond.
[60:46 - 60:51] I mean, I'd be afraid to respond to somebody that was right, too, bro.
[60:51 - 60:54] Like, I'd be afraid to respond if I were you.
[60:54 - 60:57] Like, I'd be afraid to respond to me, too.
[60:57 - 61:00] I mean, unless you're a chicken shit.
[61:00 - 61:03] Like, if you got the balls, then fucking do it.
[61:03 - 61:05] But I mean, I wouldn't blame you.
[61:05 - 61:08] Like, if I was in your position, I wouldn't blame you.
[61:08 - 61:11] I wouldn't want to respond to me, either, because I'd be scared.
[61:15 - 61:18] I'd be scared to respond to me if I was you.
[61:18 - 61:23] You're saying, but hey, if you want to fucking man,
[61:23 - 61:29] I would show me what kind of balls you got, then make a video.
[61:29 - 61:31] Show me what you got.
[61:33 - 61:39] But until then, I was going to see you as a spineless coward, a fucking pedophile,
[61:39 - 61:46] and a little bitch who, quite honestly, needs to have his fucking dick chopped off.
[61:46 - 61:52] But that's just my opinion. That's how I fucking feel.
[61:57 - 61:59] I don't know, I might.
[62:02 - 62:09] So, yeah, Tony, like I said, Tony the pedo, or I'd say Tony the black dragon pedo.
[62:11 - 62:13] Ball's in your court, bro.
[62:14 - 62:16] What are you going to do?
[62:17 - 62:23] Are you going to sit there and post out like a bitch and rage out?
[62:23 - 62:27] Or are you going to man up and fucking say something?
[62:27 - 62:31] Ball's in your court, bro. Ball's in your court, man.
[62:32 - 62:37] And all I got to say to you, bro, if I was you, I wouldn't be no bitch.
[62:38 - 62:40] But that's just me.
[62:40 - 62:45] And all I got to say to you, bro, don't be a bitch.
[62:46 - 62:53] Because if you don't respond to this and you don't address this issue fully,
[62:54 - 62:58] then the whole world's going to know that you're a bitch and a pedophile.
[62:59 - 63:02] And trust me, I got the power to make it known.
[63:03 - 63:08] So, if I were you, I'd address the situation.
[63:09 - 63:13] Because otherwise, all of YouTube's going to know that you're a pedophile.
[63:14 - 63:20] So, your term, pedo dragon, what's it going to be?
[63:21 - 63:26] Are you going to respond or are you going to post out like a bitch?
2021-12-12 A light in the Darkness

2021-12-12 A light in the Darkness

[1:00 - 1:02] I
[1:19 - 1:21] Know
[1:51 - 2:07] Tear the glue around the dildo, my lord, to the brood, just run this morn, for the animal soul is morn.
[2:07 - 2:16] Will there be any bleeding around me for your arse? I have no control this time.
[2:16 - 2:27] But no, we both shall die any other night.
[2:27 - 2:35] Hey, I can hear you calling again.
[2:35 - 2:40] Change is about to begin.
[2:40 - 2:42] The devil is violent.
[2:42 - 2:45] I can see the fear in your arse.
[2:45 - 2:47] But you can bring yourself to scream.
[2:47 - 2:50] Tarnishing of all the disguise.
[2:50 - 2:54] But if it is going to learn.
[2:54 - 3:09] Tear the glue around the dildo, my lord, to the brood, just run this morn, for the animal soul is morn.
[3:09 - 3:17] Will there be any bleeding around me for your arse? I have no control this time.
[3:17 - 3:41] But no, we both shall die any other night.
[3:41 - 4:03] Tear the glue around the dildo, my lord, to the brood, just run this morn, for the animal soul is morn.
[4:03 - 4:12] Will there be any bleeding around me for your arse? I have no control this time.
[4:12 - 4:18] But no, we both shall die any other night.
[4:18 - 4:43] Tear the glue around the dildo, my lord, to the brood, just run this morn, for the animal soul is morn.
[4:43 - 5:08] Tear the glue around the dildo, my lord, to the brood, just run this morn, for the animal soul is morn.
[5:09 - 5:35] How the fuck are you guys tonight, man? What is good, what is good, what is good?
[5:35 - 5:45] So, let me say something to you trolls like, well let me take this down to a fucking personal level for y'all fuckers right quick.
[5:45 - 6:03] See, I noticed over the last few days, since y'all trolls have been getting weeded out, y'all have been getting scared, y'all have been getting pissed off, because y'all motherfuckers are getting weeded out.
[6:03 - 6:12] See, the funny thing about you trolls is all you got going for you, is that, oh, he's this, he's that.
[6:12 - 6:16] Oh, your music's this, your music's that.
[6:16 - 6:29] Well, I gotta tell everybody, man, my music game for everybody, my music is for those like myself, those that get bullied and attacked every day.
[6:29 - 6:32] Those are the people that I do music for.
[6:32 - 6:48] You wanna tell yourself, man, when I started doing music, I made a promise to myself, and to those like myself, that I would be the voice for those people that are like me, that you trolls bully every day.
[6:48 - 6:53] I swore that I would be the voice for those people, and I've stuck to that promise.
[6:53 - 7:00] I've kept that promise. I've become the voice for the people like myself.
[7:00 - 7:05] But what I wanna ask you trolls is this one thing.
[7:05 - 7:10] What do you do besides sit there and troll all day?
[7:10 - 7:13] What do you do for a living to help people?
[7:13 - 7:20] What do you do?
[7:20 - 7:25] What do you do to help people out?
[7:25 - 7:33] Well, yeah, I don't see you guys getting up on the mic and creating songs to help people.
[7:33 - 7:44] I don't see you guys making a discord and reaching out your hand to people like myself that could use the help, that could use somebody to defend them.
[7:44 - 7:51] I don't see you guys putting out any fucking hard work doing anything.
[7:51 - 8:01] All you guys do is sit there and work your shitty nine to five jobs, and then you come home and troll people.
[8:01 - 8:03] That's all you do.
[8:03 - 8:13] All the while, I'm sitting here up in discord, behind my mic, putting out music, being there for people.
[8:13 - 8:27] Actually, being there for people like myself, that could use somebody to talk to, that could use somebody to vent to, that could use somebody that's a friend.
[8:27 - 8:32] Why do you think nobody respects you trolls?
[8:32 - 8:38] Because all you are is a wannabe carbon copy of music biz Marty. That's all you are.
[8:38 - 8:40] That's all you little trolls are.
[8:40 - 8:42] You're trying so hard to be Marty.
[8:42 - 8:47] Well, sorry, ain't nobody gonna troll me the way that Marty did.
[8:47 - 8:54] Because see, while I'm out here actually helping people, you can ask Krim Kay.
[8:54 - 9:01] Matter of fact, you can ask anybody that's a true fan from my old discord.
[9:01 - 9:05] See, I actually take the time out of my day to help people.
[9:05 - 9:14] I take time out of my day to listen, to be there for people that are like myself.
[9:14 - 9:26] I give people a platform to be able to come in and speak their truth and tell their story about how they got bullied, what they went through.
[9:26 - 9:37] Because what y'all don't realize is that I was once in their position and you trolls are the ones that put me there.
[9:37 - 9:42] I was on the edge of suicide at one point.
[9:42 - 9:52] I have been bullied. I have been attacked. I have had a lot taken away from me.
[9:52 - 9:57] And y'all can sit there and say that it's a joke, whatever, ha ha ha.
[9:57 - 10:04] But the truth is, the real joke is you guys. You guys are the joke.
[10:04 - 10:13] Because you think you're doing something. You think that you're being a badass.
[10:13 - 10:25] But when in all reality, in all actuality, all you're being is a little bitch who's not getting their way.
[10:25 - 10:29] See, I don't react to your garbage anymore the way that I used to.
[10:29 - 10:35] So y'all feel like, oh, I'm gonna take it up a notch and I'm gonna fuck with this guy.
[10:44 - 10:52] See, unlike you trolls, I don't sit there and run around and attack people all day.
[10:52 - 10:55] That's not what I'm about. That's not what I do.
[10:55 - 11:00] Ask anybody that knows me on a personal fucking level.
[11:00 - 11:07] Ask anyone that knows me on a personal level. I don't run around attacking motherfuckers like that.
[11:07 - 11:13] Because y'all attacking people like that shows your insecurities.
[11:13 - 11:20] Y'all are so fucking insecure with your own lives that you feel like you gotta fuck someone else's life up.
[11:20 - 11:25] Like, dude, if your life is shitty, do something about it.
[11:25 - 11:29] Don't sit there and attack other people just because your life is shit.
[11:29 - 11:36] Just because your life is shit doesn't mean you gotta make someone else's life shit.
[11:38 - 11:41] Like, for real.
[11:45 - 11:52] And y'all wonder why people take their lives, why so many people and so many good YouTubers,
[11:52 - 11:58] some of which I have known in the past, have actually taken their lives.
[11:58 - 12:03] A lot of it's due to y'all motherfucking trolls bullying them all day, bro.
[12:03 - 12:11] Yes, I've had smaller YouTubers that were good friends that have taken their lives because you fucking trolls.
[12:14 - 12:21] I've had a lot of fucking good people that I've known that were smaller YouTubers, smaller than me,
[12:21 - 12:26] take their own lives because of people like you guys.
[12:26 - 12:33] And I feel bad for their families because y'all called, y'all caused them to do this shit, bro.
[12:35 - 12:42] Like, you guys sit there and you attack these people, these good people that work hard,
[12:42 - 12:47] that have a family, that are working hard at their dream.
[12:47 - 12:54] You come and control them and take that away from them and then you sit there and laugh at them
[12:54 - 12:58] because you took away the very thing that they had going for them.
[13:13 - 13:15] And that's just fucking sad, bro.
[13:15 - 13:19] Like, what kind of a sick fuck do you have to be to do something that fucking low?
[13:24 - 13:27] Hey troll, fuck off and get a life.
[13:50 - 13:53] Matter of fact, this one right here,
[13:53 - 13:59] it's for all those that took their lives because of people like you trolls.
[14:00 - 14:02] This one's for them.
[14:09 - 14:14] I want to see a candle for those that we lost due to bullying.
[14:16 - 14:21] I want to see a candle in the comments for those that we lost suicide due to bullying.
[14:21 - 14:24] Let's go. This is for them.
[14:51 - 14:53] I came to take my breath.
[15:22 - 15:26] This is the way it's gotta be.
[15:39 - 15:43] Suddenly the lights go out.
[15:43 - 15:47] Let forever drag me down.
[15:47 - 15:51] Then we'll fight for one last breath.
[15:51 - 15:55] I will fight until the end.
[15:55 - 16:01] Then I will fight the enemy within.
[16:03 - 16:09] Cause I can feel it crawl beneath my skin.
[16:09 - 16:16] Terakini, just echo of me.
[16:16 - 16:19] Suffer slowly.
[16:19 - 16:24] This is the way it's gotta be.
[16:24 - 16:27] Don't bury me.
[16:27 - 16:31] Faceless enemy.
[16:31 - 16:35] I'm so sorry.
[16:35 - 16:39] This is the way it's gotta be.
[16:39 - 16:43] Terakini.
[16:44 - 16:48] Leave me alone.
[16:48 - 16:52] God, let me go.
[16:52 - 16:56] On blue and cold.
[16:56 - 17:00] Black skies will burn.
[17:00 - 17:04] Look for me down.
[17:04 - 17:07] Hey, leave me alone.
[17:07 - 17:11] Just turn around.
[17:11 - 17:17] There's nothing left.
[17:17 - 17:24] So if I'm beyond this world.
[17:24 - 17:29] I feel nothing anymore.
[17:29 - 17:36] Terakini, just echo of me.
[17:36 - 17:40] Suffer slowly.
[17:40 - 17:45] This is the way it's gotta be.
[17:45 - 17:48] Terakini.
[17:48 - 17:52] Faceless enemy.
[17:52 - 17:56] I'm so sorry.
[17:56 - 18:00] This is the way it's gotta be.
[18:00 - 18:04] Terakini.
[18:05 - 18:12] I feel nothing anymore.
[18:12 - 18:22] I went back to.
[18:22 - 18:34] Yo dumbass, quit calling because I'm not going to fall for your crap.
[19:05 - 19:10] You guys ready to take the sub a notch? Where's all my fans at? You guys ready to take the sub a notch?
[19:10 - 19:21] Because this one's for you guys. This one's for the motherfucking nation, bro. This is for you guys.
[19:21 - 19:31] I'm the one you betrayed. Self-acclaimed on the plane. Life's eternal spin. Conjuring your ghosts.
[19:31 - 19:40] Hearing death, I agree with the selfish and free. Trust is nothing but a knife across the throat.
[19:40 - 19:47] The end is coming for us. We're running off. Get your hands off.
[19:47 - 19:56] Pray for the holy ones. Your words are more than enough to break the walls of the blood.
[19:56 - 20:08] Pray to the skies above. Your fear is death in the dust. We are the saints of the blood.
[20:08 - 20:18] Hearing death, I agree with the selfish and free. Trust is nothing but a knife across the throat.
[20:18 - 20:23] The end is coming for us. We're running off. Get your hands off.
[20:23 - 20:32] Pray for the holy ones. Your words are more than enough to break the walls of the blood.
[20:32 - 20:42] Pray for the holy ones. Your words are more than enough to break the walls of the blood.
[20:42 - 20:51] Pray to the skies above. Your fear is death in the dust. We are the saints of the blood.
[20:51 - 21:00] We are the saints of the blood.
[21:07 - 21:11] We are the saints of the blood.
[21:12 - 21:19] We are the saints of the blood.
[21:26 - 21:36] Shanks of the blood.
[21:41 - 21:48] Shanks of the blood.
[21:57 - 22:04] The end is coming for us. We're running off. Get your hands off.
[22:04 - 22:12] Pray to the holy ones. Your words are more than enough to break the walls of the blood.
[22:12 - 22:23] Pray to the skies above. Your fear is death in the dust. We are the saints of the blood.
[22:23 - 22:30] We are the saints of the blood.
[22:31 - 22:40] We are the saints of the blood.
[22:50 - 22:56] And that's facts man. All you guys that fucking show support for me and love for me man.
[22:56 - 23:01] You guys are the ones that I fucking care about. You guys are fucking awesome.
[23:01 - 23:05] All y'all that actually do show real support. You guys are fucking awesome.
[23:05 - 23:10] Because you guys being okay helps me to be okay.
[23:10 - 23:15] So I need every one of you to be okay so that I'm okay.
[23:15 - 23:19] Because if you're okay, I know I got a shot at this shit.
[23:26 - 23:41] And if all you fucking trolls have a problem with that, then that's on me. That's on you.
[23:41 - 23:47] If you got a fucking problem with it, go to fuck somewhere else.
[23:47 - 24:05] This one is from me directly to all the real fucking fans that have shown nothing but love.
[24:05 - 24:07] This is for you guys.
[24:07 - 24:22] My mind remains my pain. I'm tied down to vicious chains and spirals as I yank to find holy embrace.
[24:22 - 24:30] Stay with me. I'm afraid of my soul. Backing down with sin control.
[24:30 - 24:38] Hold on, be free and you can deny the game is coming.
[24:40 - 24:51] Will we live? Will we die? Just keep on saving your girl but the fear isn't cause.
[24:51 - 24:57] The world will stain us with the scarlet cross.
[25:01 - 25:16] The symbol for my shame, the color of your name is how they see you break.
[25:16 - 25:21] Live with my mistakes. Stay with me.
[25:21 - 25:27] Get away from it all. Watching every little form.
[25:27 - 25:34] Hold on to me and I can let go. The end is coming.
[25:35 - 25:45] Will we live? Will we die? Just keep on saving our good boys.
[25:45 - 25:54] The fear isn't cause. The world will stain us with the scarlet cross.
[25:54 - 26:09] The fear isn't cause. The world will stain us with the scarlet cross.
[26:24 - 26:46] Will we live? Will we die? Just keep on saving our good boys.
[26:46 - 26:55] The fear isn't cause. The world will stain us with the scarlet cross.
[27:01 - 27:12] The fear isn't cause. The world will stain us with the scarlet cross.
[27:13 - 27:18] With the scarlet cross.
[27:22 - 27:25] With the scarlet cross.
[27:25 - 27:53] You see all you sniveling little trolls are just that pathetic sniveling whiny bitchy fucking trolls
[27:53 - 27:59] that are miserable with their lives.
[27:59 - 28:10] That's all you are. You're sniveling little cry babies that are so miserable with your lives
[28:10 - 28:17] that you feel like you have to attack other people.
[28:17 - 28:24] Seriously, that's fucking shitty. What kind of shitty person do you have to be to do that?
[28:24 - 28:29] For real, what kind of shitty person goes around doing that shit?
[28:29 - 28:37] What kind of person goes out of their way to attack somebody and drag them down?
[28:37 - 28:43] All because your life is shit. That don't mean you gotta go out of your way to make someone else's life shit.
[28:44 - 28:48] Who the fuck died and made you God?
[28:48 - 28:54] Seriously, who the fuck died and made you God where you feel like you have that right?
[28:54 - 28:57] Cause you don't have that right.
[28:57 - 29:01] Oh, that's for you little fucking trolls.
[29:01 - 29:05] That's for you little fucking trolls. Let me say this.
[29:05 - 29:09] For all y'all that said that I need to be in wrong turn and this and that and the other
[29:09 - 29:14] and then I look like this dude from that movie. You know what I had to say to that?
[29:14 - 29:19] You know what I had to say to that? It's this.
[29:19 - 29:22] When's the remake, fuckers?
[29:22 - 29:25] Give him a call. Throw him my name in the hat.
[29:25 - 29:31] I'll do the fucking role of a weird creature or a fucking monster. I'll play a fucking zombie.
[29:31 - 29:34] I'll play a weird looking motherfucker from wrong turn.
[29:34 - 29:38] I don't give a shit. I'll play a creature from Hill's Have Eyes.
[29:38 - 29:43] I don't give a fuck. Throw my hat in the fucking name, bro. Let's fucking go.
[29:47 - 29:50] Seriously, throw my name in the hat, man.
[29:50 - 29:54] I'll play a character from wrong turn. I'll play a character from Hill's Have Eyes.
[29:54 - 29:59] Hell, I'd love to do that because I love the Hill's Have Eyes films, man. Those are fucking good.
[29:59 - 30:05] For real, like, I'll play one of those weird looking creatures for a remake. I don't fucking mind.
[30:06 - 30:10] In case y'all haven't noticed by now, I fucking love horror films, dude.
[30:10 - 30:15] Me playing a role of that cowboy would be fucking dope, dude.
[30:15 - 30:21] Seriously, that would be fucking dope. Sign me the fuck on. Let's fucking go.
[31:05 - 31:07] I don't give a fuck.
[31:16 - 31:24] Matter of fact, to show my love for the horror genre, let's go.
[31:24 - 31:30] How'd that life, that life at all? Praying that it passes.
[31:30 - 31:35] Attention of the Indian. I didn't bring the backwood. Motherfucking boy, that's how to do shit.
[31:35 - 31:38] Mama never loved me, never paid me no attention.
[31:38 - 31:42] Dating was right, but 30 days old, state-born and kind of prison.
[31:42 - 31:48] And I was raised by my own will. Surviving off of scraps of bones, being trapped in roadkill.
[31:48 - 31:52] Spending my days and my nights and alone. And my mind is gone.
[31:53 - 31:56] They shoot it for me in the tomb. I didn't ask for the sign.
[31:56 - 31:59] When they cut me out of the womb with a tall fucking knife.
[31:59 - 32:02] Now walk with a sight in a murderous ability.
[32:02 - 32:05] A cold-billed motherfucker, feel where I feel it in.
[32:05 - 32:08] Cracked out, and I'm gone off my moonshine.
[32:08 - 32:11] A hundred days drive me from a musket down.
[32:11 - 32:14] And in these cold fields, willing all these wicked skills.
[32:14 - 32:17] Swinging sights, choppin' dice, and cut your bull a bone to kill.
[32:17 - 32:20] They respond to childhood about a son.
[32:20 - 32:23] Seven-water, seven-and-a-seven, child, bottom one.
[32:23 - 32:25] So black for the pain.
[32:25 - 32:29] Bodies in the field blown, pouring like rain.
[32:29 - 32:32] They respond to childhood about a son.
[32:32 - 32:35] Seven-water, seven-and-a-seven, child, bottom one.
[32:35 - 32:37] So black for the pain.
[32:37 - 32:40] Bodies in the field blown, pouring like rain.
[32:40 - 32:45] Lost in the woods, in the blankets with dishes on the dark, dark roads of suspicious.
[32:45 - 32:47] To screeching ditches, headnuts rickering.
[32:47 - 32:52] It's got your turning switches, now you're so damn scared about the shit in your fridges.
[32:52 - 32:53] You can't be straight.
[32:53 - 32:55] All you hear is every breathing on your eyes.
[32:55 - 32:57] Just see what it is that you're seeing.
[32:57 - 32:59] Didn't throw up on the 8-4.
[32:59 - 33:01] Pissing me off the road.
[33:01 - 33:02] Fast as your back.
[33:02 - 33:03] That's got your screaming.
[33:03 - 33:04] No, no.
[33:04 - 33:10] You're thinking of the reason that you're about to find out what it is to suffer with a rusty blade in your mouth.
[33:10 - 33:11] No way to run.
[33:11 - 33:12] No way to hide.
[33:12 - 33:15] Being stopped by the scarecrow, the bloodline of Malachi.
[33:15 - 33:17] I hear this voice talking.
[33:17 - 33:18] That won't leave me alone.
[33:18 - 33:20] Telling stretch this bitch about her hair.
[33:20 - 33:21] And drag her home.
[33:21 - 33:24] Over my shoulder, in the back of a picture truck.
[33:24 - 33:25] And we don't dare to hold her.
[33:25 - 33:27] We don't dare to chop her up.
[33:27 - 33:33] Seven-water, seven-and-a-seven, child, bottom one.
[33:33 - 33:35] So black for the pain.
[33:35 - 33:39] Bodies in the field blown, pouring like rain.
[33:39 - 33:44] Pissing out the sedan.
[33:44 - 33:49] The scarecrow's hat is casket.
[33:49 - 33:52] Turn out the lights and knock the doors.
[33:52 - 34:07] Paying
[34:07 - 34:11] Turn off the lights and lock the doors
[34:23 - 34:26] Prayin' that he's never chomped by the wand
[34:31 - 34:32] By the wand
[34:32 - 34:38] Prayin' that he's never chomped by the wand
[35:02 - 35:07] By the wand
[35:07 - 35:20] Prayin' that he's never chomped by the wand
[35:20 - 35:31] Prayin' that he's never chomped by the wand
[35:31 - 35:42] Prayin' that he's never chomped by the wand
[35:42 - 35:49] I got something special for you trolls
[35:49 - 35:52] This one's going out to the trolls man
[35:52 - 35:55] I ain't done a song for the trolls in a while man
[35:55 - 35:57] So this one's for the trolls
[36:00 - 36:03] This song describes every one of you fucking trolls
[36:13 - 36:16] Not all by the king
[36:18 - 36:22] Telling everybody they know nothing
[36:23 - 36:27] And only what you thought you were
[36:28 - 36:32] Time is on your side anymore
[36:32 - 36:34] anymore
[36:35 - 36:37] It's so
[36:37 - 36:39] You tell me
[36:39 - 36:42] Can't take my chances
[36:42 - 36:45] But I told you one too many times
[36:45 - 36:47] That you were cryin' like a bitch
[36:55 - 36:57] Down top of the nails
[36:57 - 36:59] I promise you that
[37:01 - 37:03] Still down the line
[37:03 - 37:05] And you'll get bitched and back
[37:05 - 37:07] And you can run
[37:07 - 37:10] Oh, you don't mouth all day
[37:10 - 37:14] But the hand of God just meant you back
[37:14 - 37:17] Into yesterday and soon
[37:17 - 37:19] You tell me
[37:19 - 37:22] I can't take my chances
[37:22 - 37:25] But I told you one too many times
[37:25 - 37:27] That you were cryin' like a bitch
[37:27 - 37:30] And you wonder why
[37:30 - 37:33] No one can stand you
[37:33 - 37:35] There's no denying
[37:35 - 37:38] And you were cryin' like a bitch
[37:38 - 37:40] You were cryin' like a bitch
[37:49 - 37:54] Blinded by your sacred faded past
[37:54 - 37:57] Only time is your riddable
[37:59 - 38:02] Created a second chance to prove
[38:02 - 38:07] That your arrogance is stronger than you'll ever be
[38:07 - 38:10] Stronger than you can be
[38:17 - 38:20] Oh, stronger than you can be
[38:27 - 38:30] Oh, stronger than you can be
[38:33 - 38:35] Hey
[38:39 - 38:41] And so
[38:41 - 38:43] You tell me
[38:43 - 38:46] I can't take my chances
[38:46 - 38:49] But I told you one too many times
[38:49 - 38:51] That you were cryin' like a bitch
[38:51 - 38:54] And you wonder why
[38:54 - 38:56] No one can stand you
[38:56 - 38:58] There's no denying
[38:58 - 39:01] And you were cryin' like a bitch
[39:01 - 39:04] You were cryin' like a bitch
[39:04 - 39:07] You were cryin' like a bitch
[39:07 - 39:09] You were cryin' like a bitch
[39:09 - 39:12] Hello, bitch
[39:19 - 39:21] And that's facts, man
[39:21 - 39:23] That's all you trolls do, man
[39:23 - 39:26] You wanna cry like a fuckin' bitch
[39:26 - 39:28] That's all you do
[39:28 - 39:30] You wanna cry like a bitch
[39:30 - 39:34] Cuz you're not gettin' your way
[39:34 - 39:36] That's all it is
[39:36 - 39:38] You're wantin' and cryin'
[39:38 - 39:40] Cuz I'm seein' the truth
[39:40 - 39:42] And you can't stand it
[39:42 - 39:44] Because my homie Scully over here
[39:44 - 39:46] As well as my brother Krip K
[39:50 - 39:53] Is getting rid of you fuckin' trolls
[39:53 - 39:55] And help me to achieve my goal
[39:55 - 39:57] To hit that thousand sub mark
[39:57 - 40:00] To get paid to do what I fuckin' love
[40:05 - 40:07] Which is to do my music
[40:07 - 40:09] To do my gameplay videos
[40:09 - 40:11] And to do my artwork and sell my merch
[40:11 - 40:14] And ultimately get paid to help people
[40:22 - 40:24] So Scully, shout out to you, my man
[40:24 - 40:26] Shout out to my brother Krip K
[40:26 - 40:28] See ya'll, man
[40:28 - 40:30] Fuck, I love you guys, you guys are awesome
[41:26 - 41:28] This next one is going out to the charity
[41:28 - 41:30] That I helped out with a lot
[41:33 - 41:35] Yo, bass, what up?
[41:35 - 41:37] Now, this next song right here
[41:37 - 41:39] Before I start this, there's a little bit
[41:39 - 41:41] Of a backstory to this one
[41:42 - 41:45] And the reason why this song is personal
[41:46 - 41:48] This song right here actually
[41:48 - 41:50] Has to do with
[41:50 - 41:54] A charity that I'm actually a volunteer for
[41:54 - 41:57] It's a nonprofit organization
[41:57 - 41:59] Known as Operation Smile
[41:59 - 42:02] Now, if you don't know what Operation Smile is
[42:03 - 42:05] They actually go around the world
[42:05 - 42:07] They travel the world
[42:07 - 42:09] Giving free surgeries to kids
[42:09 - 42:11] With cleft palate, cleft lip
[42:11 - 42:14] And they do it for some adults as well
[42:14 - 42:16] Now, I got started
[42:16 - 42:19] Back in like 2000
[42:19 - 42:22] Like 2005, 2006
[42:22 - 42:24] That's when I first heard about it
[42:24 - 42:26] I was 16 when I first heard about it
[42:27 - 42:29] And honestly, I've been doing it ever since
[42:29 - 42:31] Doing local missions
[42:31 - 42:33] Traveling around Akron
[42:33 - 42:36] I've actually got a fucking certified volunteer card
[42:36 - 42:38] Somewhere around, you don't have to find it
[42:38 - 42:40] But as soon as I find it, I'll show you guys
[42:40 - 42:43] But I actually help volunteer for these guys
[42:43 - 42:45] Every day, I've done
[42:45 - 42:47] Matter of fact, you can look on
[42:47 - 42:49] Unofficial Cyrax archives
[42:49 - 42:51] I've done videos for them
[42:51 - 42:54] I've done put together little video clips
[42:54 - 42:56] Other stuff on YouTube
[42:56 - 42:58] And actually shared it with them
[42:58 - 43:00] And they loved it
[43:01 - 43:04] And I could proudly say
[43:04 - 43:06] That I'm a volunteer for Operation Smile
[43:06 - 43:09] Because I know what those kids are going through
[43:09 - 43:10] When they get gawked at
[43:10 - 43:11] When they get cheered at
[43:11 - 43:13] When they get laughed at
[43:13 - 43:15] When they get made fun of
[43:15 - 43:16] I know what that's like
[43:16 - 43:18] Because I'm in that same boat all the time
[43:18 - 43:21] I grew up the same way they did
[43:21 - 43:23] So for me
[43:23 - 43:25] I felt at home doing that
[43:25 - 43:28] And I'm proud to say that I do that when I can
[43:29 - 43:31] I'm proud to say
[43:31 - 43:33] That I'm a volunteer for these guys
[43:40 - 43:43] And matter of fact, this next song that I'm about to do
[43:43 - 43:45] Was actually the theme song
[43:46 - 43:48] For the documentary that
[43:48 - 43:50] Operation Smile had me help out with
[43:51 - 43:54] So this song is actually for them
[43:54 - 43:56] This is actually their theme song that they did
[43:56 - 43:58] And I want to give a huge shout to Solierna
[43:58 - 44:00] For dedicating this song to them
[44:00 - 44:02] Or, you know, more or less
[44:02 - 44:05] Letting Operation Smile use it for the film
[44:05 - 44:07] So Matt from Solierna
[44:07 - 44:09] If you guys don't know who he is
[44:09 - 44:10] Dude, look up Godsmack
[44:10 - 44:12] You'll find out who he is
[44:13 - 44:15] But this song right here
[44:15 - 44:18] Is going out to all the fellow volunteers
[44:18 - 44:20] Of Operation Smile
[44:20 - 44:22] As well as Operation Smile themselves, man
[44:22 - 44:23] I fucking love you guys
[44:23 - 44:25] I'm proud to be part of the OS family, man
[44:25 - 44:27] I fucking love you guys
[44:30 - 44:32] This is Through the Eyes of a Child
[44:44 - 44:47] And the flames
[44:50 - 44:52] Has not turned in
[44:52 - 44:54] Away
[44:54 - 44:56] Restless souls
[44:57 - 44:59] Crying to
[44:59 - 45:02] Release them from the pain
[45:08 - 45:11] They can't take the pain
[45:13 - 45:15] No
[45:19 - 45:21] I'm so wasted
[45:21 - 45:23] Away, so where
[45:23 - 45:25] Is our recognition
[45:25 - 45:27] That's Christ
[45:27 - 45:29] I'm so lonely
[45:29 - 45:31] For you
[45:35 - 45:37] And the children
[45:37 - 45:38] Cry
[45:38 - 45:40] The one by one
[45:40 - 45:43] Can you help them
[45:43 - 45:48] Look what we've done to ourselves
[45:53 - 45:58] The eyes of a fallen child
[46:01 - 46:07] Taking away the innocence of life
[46:08 - 46:11] To live with me
[46:11 - 46:15] To live with me out from this pain
[46:17 - 46:23] And I will live through you again
[46:28 - 46:31] Through the eyes of a child
[46:37 - 46:40] Down for it rain
[46:40 - 46:43] But death comes with the shame
[46:43 - 46:45] We look away, yeah
[46:45 - 46:48] Feel the stains
[46:48 - 46:50] Of blood, so tears
[46:50 - 46:53] Made from their fears
[46:53 - 46:55] Helpless ones
[46:55 - 46:57] All alone
[46:57 - 47:02] Why don't we stand by their side
[47:03 - 47:08] For the inside, yeah
[47:11 - 47:15] The eyes of a fallen child
[47:19 - 47:25] Taking away the innocence of life
[47:26 - 47:28] To live with me
[47:29 - 47:33] To live with me out from this pain
[47:35 - 47:41] And I will live through you again
[47:42 - 47:44] Again
[47:45 - 47:48] Through the eyes of a child
[47:49 - 47:51] Yeah
[47:51 - 47:53] Oh, yeah
[47:57 - 48:00] Yeah, yeah, yeah
[48:16 - 48:18] Well, Scotty, bro
[48:21 - 48:23] You
[48:38 - 48:41] Through the eyes of a child
[48:46 - 48:50] Through the eyes of a child
[48:51 - 48:54] Through the eyes of a child
[49:09 - 49:11] Shout out to fucking offers to smile, man
[49:11 - 49:13] I fucking love you guys
[49:13 - 49:15] And I want to say to offers to smile, man
[49:15 - 49:17] Thank you for the fucking opportunity
[49:17 - 49:20] To be able to help people like myself, man
[49:20 - 49:22] I can appreciate that shit
[49:23 - 49:25] And I can honestly say I'm proud
[49:25 - 49:27] To say that I work with you guys
[49:27 - 49:29] You guys are fucking awesome
[49:29 - 49:31] Keep on doing what you guys are doing, man
[49:31 - 49:33] Keep on saving fucking lives
[49:33 - 49:35] You guys are fucking awesome
[49:50 - 49:52] Thank you
[50:20 - 50:22] Thank you
[50:39 - 50:41] Now this one right here
[50:41 - 50:43] This one's from my old school
[50:43 - 50:47] And I do mean my OG old school fans
[50:47 - 50:49] We're talking back in
[50:49 - 50:52] Oh, nine old school fans
[50:52 - 50:54] So for my old school fans
[50:54 - 50:56] You guys might remember this
[50:58 - 51:01] For the new ones, this one might be new to you
[51:01 - 51:03] If you haven't heard it
[51:08 - 51:11] This is Feeding on Darkness
[51:17 - 51:22] The world discreet
[51:22 - 51:24] The world discreet
[51:27 - 51:30] The world is dark
[51:38 - 51:42] yahhhhhhh
[51:47 - 51:50] This is a darkness
[51:50 - 51:51] You would never hear
[51:51 - 51:55] All meeting and believing there is a nightmare
[51:55 - 51:56] This is a darkness
[51:56 - 51:58] This is all that
[51:58 - 52:01] Be the other reason you go inside
[52:01 - 52:03] Why are you fucking with me?
[52:03 - 52:05] You're not a dead and no free
[52:05 - 52:07] You're not a solid
[52:07 - 52:08] There will be great
[52:08 - 52:12] This is my result
[52:12 - 52:13] Yeah
[52:13 - 52:22] This is the darkness, we believe in the darkness.
[52:22 - 52:25] Fending the darkness.
[52:25 - 52:36] Yeah, we run from the day, now and for, we see it every day in the battle zone.
[52:36 - 52:43] Yeah, I don't need your mother's sickness inside you, not a creature in the world inside me.
[52:43 - 52:46] You will never know another Lord.
[52:46 - 52:53] There's other things in the darkness, oh, do you wanna be like me, then come with me?
[52:53 - 52:57] What?
[52:59 - 53:01] Darkness.
[53:04 - 53:07] Darkness.
[53:07 - 53:11] Darkness.
[53:12 - 53:17] Be with us.
[53:18 - 53:27] Take my soul away.
[53:28 - 53:31] You're a pity on the darkness now.
[53:32 - 53:34] You're a pity on the darkness now.
[53:34 - 53:38] You're salt and diamond, diamond, bottom, diamond, bottom to the earth.
[53:38 - 53:43] Summer is down, the dawn is down, the dawn is down.
[53:43 - 53:47] We get up on the ground, we sing it all day.
[53:48 - 53:56] Now fall away.
[53:56 - 54:08] Don't listen to me. Don't listen to me.
[54:08 - 54:14] See all the daughters that we are making fun of us.
[54:15 - 54:19] This is the daughters now we are on us.
[54:19 - 54:26] Don't listen to me.
[54:30 - 54:40] Don't listen to me. Don't listen to me.
[54:41 - 54:47] Don't listen to me.
[54:47 - 54:56] Don't listen to me.
[54:56 - 55:07] Don't listen to me.
[55:07 - 55:31] I don't know what I'm doing right now.
[55:31 - 55:33] I
[55:37 - 55:39] Shot to the homie enigma for this track
[56:01 - 56:03] Ah
[56:14 - 56:18] What is it that I've made of my mind?
[56:20 - 56:23] I'm just trying to find a way out
[56:23 - 56:27] So I can get my mind out of the dark
[56:27 - 56:34] Everything that you put me through I feel right now. It's a wonder that I'm so
[56:36 - 56:38] Motherfuckin' ass and confused
[56:41 - 56:44] Called to the rubble of the tank
[56:47 - 56:49] Wondering what it's like to
[56:52 - 56:56] Live without a soul or even a
[56:57 - 56:59] I
[57:09 - 57:11] Will not run through my mind
[57:13 - 57:20] I feel like the queen of hearts. Yeah, you're always running out of time
[57:20 - 57:28] I'm going down the rabbit hole from which I will never come back
[57:29 - 57:31] This is my world now
[57:32 - 57:42] Standing around me cause I feel like my life is turning to the dark and the black
[57:43 - 57:45] Fucking a piece that I
[57:45 - 57:53] I can see that you're real out of my your fucking life
[57:57 - 58:02] Lost in time can't decide my mind with no way out like
[58:03 - 58:05] Till I come
[58:07 - 58:09] Dead on the inside running out of time
[58:10 - 58:17] Yeah, so I'm dead on the inside
[58:25 - 58:31] Dead on the inside solid blank and on life as
[58:32 - 58:34] Plank is fucking
[58:45 - 58:47] I
[58:47 - 58:49] Now no
[59:01 - 59:03] Because I'm like glass
[59:06 - 59:13] My soul is my godless. It's made of glass
[59:14 - 59:19] And I don't want it to shatter anymore
[59:19 - 59:23] So I'm on I'm all around it
[59:23 - 59:28] I'm pretending from the dark and evil wicked ways
[59:28 - 59:34] That reside in the back of my brain
[59:42 - 59:45] Can't I just run and die?
[59:46 - 59:48] I
[59:56 - 59:58] Feel like I'm running out of time we know where to go
[59:59 - 60:03] I'm so lost in my own soul my own mind that I just don't know where to go
[60:03 - 60:09] I don't even know what to do anymore. I'm so lost so confused going down this rabbit hole the darkness over and over again every day
[60:10 - 60:14] It's like my soul trapped in a dark abyss and these demons this darkness
[60:15 - 60:17] It just won't fade away
[60:19 - 60:25] Is anyone out there can anyone hear me can anyone hear me?
[60:29 - 60:31] Can anyone hear
[60:44 - 60:46] You
[61:05 - 61:12] What is your name stay at the parlor can you read minds? Yes, I can if you just sleep
[61:14 - 61:16] You
[61:45 - 61:47] You
[62:12 - 62:14] Where's all my fucking corn fans at
[62:14 - 62:16] Oh
[62:26 - 62:30] Are you ready for the scene in the news so that you can believe that
[62:30 - 62:32] I
[62:45 - 62:51] Should have been good. I should have been down. I couldn't let go. What could I do?
[62:51 - 62:53] Oh
[63:16 - 63:18] Like a razor
[63:21 - 63:23] We all see your haters
[63:24 - 63:30] They know what they're making way back here. That was something but you need to give down
[63:30 - 63:36] Do they want to make believe try to achieve a little break from the anger?
[63:37 - 63:42] I should have been good. I should have been down. I couldn't let go. What could I do?
[63:43 - 63:46] Now I don't want to wait the feeling
[63:46 - 63:49] Bring up on the feet and stop me like
[63:51 - 63:55] I shouldn't bow down. I couldn't get through. What could I do?
[63:57 - 64:02] Get all the way the feeling bring up on the feet and stop me like
[64:09 - 64:13] And the song's broken and
[64:16 - 64:19] Night of the wishes always the same
[64:22 - 64:26] Keep on hoping that I don't go insane
[64:28 - 64:33] Can you feel right the the more it starts to stick
[64:34 - 64:36] The more you fall for it
[64:37 - 64:39] The more it starts to stick
[64:41 - 64:43] Will you fall for it?
[64:44 - 64:46] The more it starts to stick
[64:47 - 64:49] The more you fall for it
[64:50 - 64:52] The more it doesn't
[64:54 - 64:59] It has been good. I should have been down. I couldn't let go. What could I do?
[65:00 - 65:05] To think it all away the feeling take the pain and start the time
[65:07 - 65:12] Children with stood I shoot them down down. I couldn't get through. What should I do?
[65:13 - 65:19] I should take it all away the feeling bring up on the feet and stop me like
[65:22 - 65:25] Come on the beat and stop me like
[65:27 - 65:32] Frank bring up on the beat and stop me like
[65:42 - 65:44] You
[66:05 - 66:09] Why don't we stuff we just take my money as you got something
[66:12 - 66:14] Interesting
[66:19 - 66:21] Let me ask you guys something
[66:23 - 66:25] All right, and this isn't just
[66:25 - 66:28] For scully this for everyone out there
[66:29 - 66:31] How many of you guys out there?
[66:31 - 66:35] Are sick and tired of seeing these trolls walk around?
[66:36 - 66:39] At the light they can do whatever the fuck they want to do
[66:39 - 66:45] How many of you guys are sick of being pushed around by these fucking assholes like I am?
[66:51 - 66:55] Because I know for starters, I know the fact that I am I'm sick of this shit
[66:56 - 66:58] You
[67:09 - 67:15] Now when I start this next song, I want you guys to put in the comments hashtag sick of bullion
[67:20 - 67:22] Are we clear on that
[67:25 - 67:27] You
[67:33 - 67:35] All right, let's go
[67:35 - 67:37] Every
[67:53 - 67:55] With everything you do
[67:56 - 68:00] Your company's no use the world's candy blocker
[68:00 - 68:07] With everything you feel and the answers everything they promise made that's a reminder
[68:08 - 68:11] Go watch him make this better
[68:12 - 68:16] Take your trollies now. I'm never racing your bed
[68:17 - 68:20] Raise your hands get rid of it
[68:20 - 68:28] But if the fine inches go you over red put it then have you had enough regret take it then please your
[68:28 - 68:30] All right
[68:42 - 68:47] Every single day I change my own tail like around the side of it
[68:47 - 68:49] Can I get can I get get away?
[68:49 - 68:56] I'm running out of time for me to break this I'm tired of feeling like I'll never gonna make it
[68:57 - 69:00] No one can make this better
[69:01 - 69:05] Take your trollies now. I'm never running sick of it
[69:06 - 69:09] Raise your hands get rid of it
[69:09 - 69:17] But if the fine inches go you over red put it then have you had enough regret take it then please your
[69:17 - 69:20] All right, if you're sick of it
[69:22 - 69:24] Sick of it sick of it
[69:25 - 69:27] Sick of it
[69:34 - 69:39] I'm tired of it the whole world the borderland
[69:43 - 69:46] Gotta fix this the un-sick of it
[69:46 - 69:57] If you're sick if you're sick of it raise your hands if you're sick if you're sick of it
[69:59 - 70:02] Raise your hands get rid of it
[70:02 - 70:11] But if the fine inches go you over red put it then have you had enough regret take it then raise your hands
[70:12 - 70:17] If you're sick of it sick if you're sick oh you sick of it get rid of it
[70:19 - 70:28] Are you over red put it then have you had enough regret take it then raise your hands if you're sick of it
[70:30 - 70:35] I'm sick of it it's rid of it sick if you're sick of it
[70:36 - 70:39] If you're sick if you're sick of it
[70:41 - 70:43] If you're sick of it
[70:55 - 70:59] I don't know about you guys man, but I'm sick of seeing this bullying going on
[71:00 - 71:05] And I do want to give a huge motherfucking shout out to my voice scully man
[71:06 - 71:12] Scully crepe k everybody that's actually been doing good shit to help me the fuck out you guys are fucking awesome, dude
[71:19 - 71:25] That's the dude that was asking on my last channel that got taken down by the by the fucking dirtbags
[71:27 - 71:30] to the dude that was asking about that and about um
[71:31 - 71:35] Me actually doing a in-game car photography book
[71:35 - 71:40] It will take some time, but yes, I am working on a 3d car photography book for you guys
[71:40 - 71:43] I know I've been saying I've been working on it for a long time, but
[71:45 - 71:47] A lot of shit's been getting in the way dude the way I couldn't do it
[71:48 - 71:51] And now that I'm actually able to sit down and do shit again
[71:52 - 71:56] You know I can actually sit down and start to work on it and actually do shit
[71:56 - 72:04] So yes, that will be coming. I don't know if it's going to be out by the end of this year or for 2022. I don't know
[72:09 - 72:15] But to answer your question, yes, I am working on it very slowly and methodically, but I am working on it
[72:26 - 72:28] You
[72:57 - 72:59] You
[73:03 - 73:05] Now this one right here is to honor
[73:07 - 73:10] If you guys don't know on the 8th of december
[73:12 - 73:14] Back in 2015
[73:15 - 73:17] I lost somebody very important to me
[73:26 - 73:28] Oh
[73:41 - 73:45] The back in 2015 on december 8th
[73:49 - 73:51] I lost
[73:51 - 73:54] My best friend who was like my little brother
[73:55 - 73:57] To murder in his family's pizza shop
[74:00 - 74:02] That night
[74:03 - 74:05] I lost my best friend brother Zach Hussain
[74:07 - 74:13] To a murder in his family's pizza shop and if you guys don't know about it look up Zach Hussain
[74:14 - 74:16] accurate pizza shop murders
[74:19 - 74:21] That night
[74:22 - 74:24] I lost my best friend
[74:26 - 74:30] That night I lost the way that was family to me
[74:32 - 74:34] And his family not only lost a son
[74:36 - 74:38] Not only lost a brother
[74:38 - 74:44] But an uncle a friend our community lost somebody very important to them who was a good friend to them
[74:45 - 74:49] Who did everything he could to help other people when they needed it?
[74:50 - 74:55] He was the kind of person that he didn't care if it was three in the morning or two in the afternoon
[74:56 - 74:59] If somebody needed his help he was there for them
[75:00 - 75:02] That's how he was
[75:04 - 75:10] And he didn't just do that for me he did that for all of Akron he did that for the entire community
[75:11 - 75:12] So that night
[75:12 - 75:15] I not only lost a brother and a best friend
[75:15 - 75:20] But the community lost someone near and dear to them that was a leader
[75:26 - 75:29] And to honor him that song is for him
[75:45 - 75:47] I'm so tired of being here
[75:51 - 75:58] That's why all my childhood feels when you have to leave
[76:00 - 76:06] I wish that you would just leave your presence to lingers here
[76:07 - 76:10] And it won't leave me alone
[76:11 - 76:13] His wounds won't save the hill
[76:13 - 76:16] This pain is just so real
[76:17 - 76:22] This shows too much that time cannot erase
[76:23 - 76:29] When you cried I'd fight for way all of your fears
[76:29 - 76:35] When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears
[76:36 - 76:42] And I held your hand through all of his years
[76:42 - 76:46] But you still have
[76:49 - 76:54] All of me
[77:04 - 77:10] You used to cultivate me by your resonating lights
[77:11 - 77:16] And now I'm bound by the life you left behind
[77:17 - 77:19] You're facing us
[77:20 - 77:23] My words, prayers, and dreams
[77:23 - 77:26] Your voice is chasing away
[77:27 - 77:30] All the sadness in me
[77:31 - 77:33] These wounds won't seem to heal
[77:34 - 77:36] This pain is just so real
[77:37 - 77:42] This shows too much that time cannot erase
[77:43 - 77:49] When you cried I'd fight for way all of your fears
[77:49 - 77:55] When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears
[77:56 - 78:02] But I held your hand through all of his years
[78:02 - 78:06] But you still have
[78:09 - 78:11] All of me
[78:12 - 78:22] I so hard to tell myself and your God
[78:23 - 78:28] But though you're still with me
[78:29 - 78:39] I've been alone all along
[78:50 - 78:56] When you cried I'd fight for way all of your tears
[78:57 - 79:03] When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears
[79:03 - 79:09] And I held your hand through all of his years
[79:09 - 79:13] But you still have
[79:17 - 79:21] All of me
[79:26 - 79:29] All of me
[79:57 - 80:03] And I know that I keep going back to this song a lot
[80:05 - 80:07] But
[80:10 - 80:14] If you guys don't remember me telling you about my ex-girlfriend Lexie
[80:15 - 80:19] This is a song that me and her used to do all the time
[80:20 - 80:28] And this is like her number one favorite song to do so
[80:30 - 80:37] I figured I'd only write it to honor her by doing this song for her
[80:37 - 80:44] So Lex, if you're looking down and watching I think you know what I'm about to do
[80:50 - 80:56] How many of you guys are fans of Evanescence up in here, man?
[81:00 - 81:06] Because if you guys are you guys will definitely recognize this
[81:08 - 81:12] You ready, Lex? Let's go
[81:19 - 81:22] Of course
[81:28 - 81:32] You've become so numb
[81:34 - 81:38] You're so...
[81:50 - 81:52] I can't wake up
[82:00 - 82:02] I can't wake up
[82:02 - 82:04] Save me
[82:08 - 82:10] I can't wake up
[82:10 - 82:12] I can't wake up
[82:12 - 82:14] Save me
[82:15 - 82:19] There's nothing I become
[82:23 - 82:27] No, no, no, what I'm without
[82:29 - 82:31] Save me
[82:33 - 82:35] Save me
[82:35 - 82:37] Save me
[82:39 - 82:41] Save me
[82:44 - 82:53] Put me up. I can't wake up. Save me.
[82:54 - 83:03] Put me up. I can't wake up. Save me.
[83:03 - 83:13] Put me up. I can't wake up. Save me.
[83:14 - 83:24] Put me up. I can't wake up. Save me.
[83:25 - 83:33] Prove any time without your touch, without your love.
[83:45 - 83:50] Don't disturb me if you can't see. Get to the door. Put you in there in front of me.
[83:54 - 83:59] With that thought, with that voice, with that soul. So let me try here.
[83:59 - 84:04] And my face, not my mind.
[84:05 - 84:12] Wake me up. I can't wake up. Save me.
[84:15 - 84:22] Wake me up. I can't wake up. Save me.
[84:24 - 84:33] There are bigger places in the world of eternal life.
[84:34 - 84:37] Turn on me inside.
[84:40 - 84:50] Love.
[84:54 - 85:04] you know I had to do that one for you girl
[85:24 - 85:26] You
[85:54 - 85:56] You
[86:14 - 86:18] Now this last one is going out to anybody out there that
[86:19 - 86:26] If any of you guys in the comments right now have lost anyone but in the last couple of years
[86:28 - 86:32] And you never got the chance to say goodbye to that person
[86:36 - 86:40] Hopefully this song helps you to finally to be able to say goodbye
[86:48 - 86:50] Yes
[87:00 - 87:04] It's just like I never got to say goodbye to Lex before her passing
[87:04 - 87:08] I want you guys to be able to have that opportunity that I never had
[87:12 - 87:17] Once you guys feel to have that opportunity to say goodbye to the ones that you love that you guys have lost
[87:18 - 87:23] I never got that chance and hopefully this gives you guys that chance to say that
[87:28 - 87:30] Now before I start this
[87:30 - 87:37] When this shit kicks in I want you guys to drop the names of everybody that you fucking lost in your life
[87:38 - 87:44] With a candle next to their name to make sure that their memory stays alive and that they are never forgotten
[87:49 - 87:51] You
[87:57 - 88:02] Let's go three two one go
[88:18 - 88:21] Oh
[88:48 - 88:50] Hey
[89:10 - 89:12] What made my head is broken
[89:12 - 89:16] Oh, kid, did I question everything?
[89:16 - 89:21] No chance of doubt being able to penetrate my heart
[89:21 - 89:26] There's never a way to end our world within everything I say
[89:26 - 89:31] The shadows of your loss are tearing me apart
[89:31 - 89:34] Sky
[89:34 - 89:40] Too cold and black as night
[89:40 - 89:46] No, you're cold, it just isn't right
[89:46 - 89:51] Save our last goodbye
[89:51 - 89:57] If anybody near my mind, your face will never leave me
[89:57 - 90:01] Save our last goodbye
[90:02 - 90:06] If anybody near my mind, your face will never leave me
[90:06 - 90:11] Save our last goodbye
[90:11 - 90:36] I welcome the challenge, Jimmy. Hey, Jeremy, I welcome the challenge.
[90:36 - 90:47] My world is shattered, it is so right
[90:47 - 90:52] Save our last goodbye
[90:52 - 90:57] Save our last goodbye
[90:57 - 91:02] If anybody near my mind, your face will never leave me
[91:02 - 91:07] Save our last goodbye
[91:07 - 91:12] Save our last goodbye
[91:12 - 91:15] Save our last goodbye
[91:15 - 91:21] If anybody near my mind, your face will never leave me
[91:21 - 91:25] Save our last goodbye
[91:25 - 91:32] It is gonna be the light broken in the hall of doors
[91:32 - 91:36] Save our last goodbye
[91:36 - 91:41] If anybody near my mind, your face will never leave me
[91:41 - 91:46] Save our last goodbye
[91:46 - 91:53] It is gonna be the light broken in the hall of doors
[91:53 - 91:59] Save our last goodbye
[92:11 - 92:19] If anybody near my mind, your face will never leave me
[92:19 - 92:23] Save our last goodbye
[92:23 - 92:31] If anybody near my mind, your face will never leave me
[92:31 - 92:35] Save our last goodbye
[92:35 - 92:44] And to that dude, Jeremy, they'll sit there saying that things are going to get interesting. Interesting how?
[92:44 - 92:55] Because whatever it is, I welcome the challenge. I mean, I always did love a good challenge, so bring it on.
[92:55 - 93:07] Because I guarantee you, not only will I rise up to that challenge, but I'll blow that challenge out of the fucking water and I'll surpass it with flying colors.
[93:07 - 93:12] Garen, fucking tea it.
[93:12 - 93:20] Garen, fucking tea it. So bring on your little challenge.
[93:20 - 93:27] Because I'm not backing down and I'm not running. So bring on your little bullshit challenge, Jeremy.
[93:27 - 93:34] I'm here and I'm ready for you.
[93:34 - 93:49] Because by the end of it, you're gonna end up like every other fucking troll. You're gonna be negated, defeated, goodbye.
[93:50 - 94:03] Garen, fucking tea it.
[94:03 - 94:11] And to this dude right here, that...
[94:11 - 94:19] To this f-backs, dude. Well, it's hey man. You're right, dude. I do have decency.
[94:19 - 94:30] I do have morals. But apparently some people don't.
[94:30 - 94:40] Yeah, I've seen that shit and I'm just laughing at him. I've seen that he was in chat and I was laughing my ass off at him.
[94:40 - 94:49] I'm seriously laughing my ass at him. I'm laughing my ass off at him so badly right now, bro. This shit's funny.
[94:49 - 94:55] Oh, really, master. What can you do better than me?
[94:55 - 94:59] Name all the things that you can do better than me.
[94:59 - 95:02] I'll wait.
[95:02 - 95:06] I'll show right up here against my wheel rig.
[95:06 - 95:12] So go ahead. Start naming all the things that you can do better than me, master shredder.
[95:12 - 95:18] Because the only thing I see you're good at is running your mouth.
[95:18 - 95:24] Go ahead. I'll wait.
[95:24 - 95:31] Go ahead. Start naming all the things that you're supposedly better at than I am. Go ahead.
[95:32 - 95:42] Well, obviously, it's got to be something. Otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting there running your mouth like you do, bro.
[95:42 - 95:58] Obviously, you're better than, obviously, you're supposedly better than me at something because if you weren't better than me at something, then you wouldn't be running your mouth in the chat like you are right now.
[95:58 - 96:08] Just saying, bro.
[96:08 - 96:10] Just saying, man.
[96:10 - 96:27] Oh, and to Angie, to Little Miss Angela, I hope you know that you're a fucking joke.
[96:27 - 96:38] To Angela, my ex-mod and ex-friend, I hope you know that I find what you do hilarious.
[96:38 - 96:47] I seriously, you're up in William Glory Hole's Discord. You're up in Masshole's Discord and doing what?
[96:47 - 96:52] Oh, gee. That's right. I forgot. I know exactly what you're doing.
[96:52 - 96:56] You're talking shit on me, but on my back thinking I'm not going to see it.
[96:56 - 97:08] But the truth is, dumbass, I see everything.
[97:08 - 97:13] Like, seriously, I see everything that you say and do.
[97:14 - 97:21] You trolls act like you fazed me, but really? You're just free fucking views from me, bro.
[97:21 - 97:25] You trolls literally do three things.
[97:25 - 97:35] Watch my content. Well, click on like content, watch my content, leave a dislike or a like or whatever, and then comment.
[97:35 - 97:38] That's literally four levels of engagement.
[97:38 - 97:44] So essentially, you're just going to see more of me and you're recommended.
[97:44 - 97:51] So pretty much all you trolls do is bring in the free views, and I love it. It's free fucking views.
[97:51 - 97:57] Why do you think I love the haters? Because you guys bring in free fucking views from me.
[97:57 - 98:07] Which, in turn, brings me one step closer to that thousandth sub-mark.
[98:07 - 98:18] So essentially, I'm winning and you trolls are losing.
[98:18 - 98:36] And seriously, you trolls are essentially bringing me one step closer to my goal of the thousandth sub-mark.
[98:37 - 98:48] So if anything, you're just defeating yourselves.
[98:48 - 98:55] You're ultimately just defeating yourselves.
[98:55 - 99:00] You're not defeating me. You're not doing anything to me.
[99:00 - 99:13] All you're doing is bringing in free views from me, which puts me one step closer to my goal.
[99:13 - 99:17] And that is the legit question. You want to know why?
[99:17 - 99:21] And I'll admit, sometimes I do get mad and I have a legit reason.
[99:21 - 99:29] And you know what that reason is? It's because sometimes they overstep boundaries that they have no right overstepping.
[99:29 - 99:35] Like when they attack my personal life. Like when they attack my friends and my family.
[99:35 - 99:54] That's my personal life and you don't fuck with someone's personal life like that. That's just something that you don't do.
[99:54 - 100:00] Like it's one thing to fuck with me. You control me, whatever.
[100:00 - 100:04] But you bring my friends or my family into the mix.
[100:04 - 100:10] Bro, you're asking for trouble at that point.
[100:10 - 100:14] Like it's one thing to troll somebody.
[100:14 - 100:18] Like, dude, take the memes that are made about me.
[100:18 - 100:21] We all know that there are memes out there that are made of me and shit.
[100:21 - 100:29] And I laugh at them. I love the memes. I personally love the memes. I laugh at them all.
[100:29 - 100:37] I laugh at all the memes that get made about me because to me they're funny.
[100:37 - 100:48] But when you start going out of your way to cause people like my biological father,
[100:48 - 100:57] my ex-girlfriend's brother, and even me included to lose their actual jobs that they had.
[100:57 - 101:03] That's taking it too far. Way too far.
[101:03 - 101:08] Don't get wrong. I don't mind a good troll. I don't mind a good trolling.
[101:08 - 101:14] Hell, I'll admit it. I trolled people. I trolled Tyler and why. I trolled Marty.
[101:14 - 101:20] I trolled Massile Reports. I trolled...actually, I've even trolled Schmechelcat.
[101:20 - 101:27] I've trolled...hell, I've even trolled Crypt K. I've trolled Tonic and Sales.
[101:27 - 101:33] I trolled a lot of motherfuckers. But I knew my limits.
[101:33 - 101:38] I didn't go over the limit. I didn't do anything fucked up.
[101:38 - 101:41] I didn't bring their personal life into it.
[101:41 - 101:48] Now yeah, I gave Tonic some shit about the whole furry community thing. I gave him shit about it.
[101:48 - 101:52] But that's all that was was just me giving him shit. That's all it was.
[101:52 - 101:59] It was just me giving him shit and that's it. That's all it was. I was just giving him a hard time.
[101:59 - 102:03] I was trolling the guy. That's all I was.
[102:03 - 102:15] But the one thing I've never done is attack someone's personal life.
[102:15 - 102:21] Now, even when it came to people like Crypt K, well, me and Crypt K were beefing.
[102:21 - 102:28] Yeah, there was a lot more that went into that. We both brought each other's personal lives into it.
[102:28 - 102:35] So that was on the both of us. He didn't just do it to me. I didn't just do it to him. It was a mutual thing.
[102:35 - 102:40] We both did it to each other.
[102:40 - 102:46] But at the same time, we never overstepped certain boundaries.
[102:46 - 102:51] We never actually went out and tried to attack that person's family.
[102:51 - 102:58] Like he never tried to get my family fired from their job. I never tried to get his girlfriend fired from her job or whatever.
[102:58 - 103:16] Like I don't do that shit. That's not me because I have way more class than that way more class.
[103:16 - 103:28] So I have a reason to go off on some of these trolls when they overstepped those boundaries.
[103:28 - 103:37] But as for the trolls that want to sit there and talk shit, I want to say thank you.
[103:37 - 103:42] I want to say thank you to the trolls for the free views.
[103:42 - 103:49] For the free subs and the views that come in every single day.
[103:49 - 104:03] You guys are fucking awesome. And I appreciate the shit out of it.
[104:03 - 104:16] Because by you trolls viewing my content, that just brings in more legitimate fans that want to see my shit.
[104:16 - 104:24] I never even saw it, dude, so I wouldn't know anything about it.
[104:24 - 104:30] I never saw that diss, so I wouldn't know anything about it.
[104:30 - 104:35] And besides, why would I even care anyway?
[104:35 - 104:49] Like seriously, why would I even give a shit about somebody like Schmechelkat who can't even pay money back to the person that was supposed to be his best friend?
[104:49 - 104:59] Like seriously, Schmechelkat stabbed his best friend music biz Marty in the back and then turned around and refused to pay him the money that he owes him.
[104:59 - 105:05] So why would I give attention to somebody like that?
[105:05 - 105:14] Now, if you're on my level and you're up to my self count, then yeah, I'll give you the attention that you rightfully deserve.
[105:14 - 105:27] But unless you're on my fucking level, unless you've got the same amount of subs as me or more, and you want to sit there and talk shit on me, I'm not going to pay any attention to you.
[105:27 - 105:35] Now, if you're somebody like a smaller channel, like let's say you're a brand new channel, just starting out.
[105:35 - 105:45] Anyway, let's say you're a brand new channel and you like my content and you come over to my channel and say, hey, you know, I like your content.
[105:45 - 105:50] I'm a new YouTuber. Maybe you can check my stuff out and tell me what you think.
[105:50 - 105:53] Then I'll check your stuff out.
[105:53 - 106:04] Like if you're a new YouTuber doing genuine stuff, if you're genuine to people and I see that you're a good person, I'll definitely check your shit out.
[106:05 - 106:08] For real, like I'll definitely check your shit out.
[106:08 - 106:23] But if you're a shitty fucking person doing stuff like what Snackle Cat does, I'm not going to give you any fucking attention because that's not how I roll. That's not who I am.
[106:36 - 106:43] Like I'm not a shitty person to people. Hell, ask Krip K. He can tell you personally, bro.
[106:43 - 106:52] My dude Krip K can fucking tell you that I'm not the shitty person that people lead me on to be.
[106:52 - 106:57] Which I find funny, but it is what it is.
[106:57 - 107:02] But anyways, y'all, I'm about to set up for some split gate for you guys.
[107:02 - 107:09] I know I promised that I was going to do some split gate, but some shit went down earlier to where I wasn't able to.
[107:09 - 107:18] It wasn't anything serious or anything like that, though I just some family stuff came out that I had to take care of that I had to handle.
[107:18 - 107:24] It was nothing bad or serious or anything, but that's why I wasn't able to do split gate earlier.
[107:24 - 107:32] So I'm about to end the stream right here, set up for some split gate for you guys, and just chill and relax and have a fun stream.
[107:32 - 107:38] And who knows? Maybe there'll be a vlog coming again with me and my brother.
[107:38 - 107:42] And by my brother, I mean Hillbilly Jake.
[107:42 - 107:46] So yes, you guys might get to see a vlog with me and your boy Hillbilly Jake tomorrow.
[107:46 - 107:53] You know, y'all's favorite funny dude that I always hang out with, my best friend of 15 years.
[107:53 - 108:01] You know, the dude that makes all the funny Arnold Schwarzenegger voices, that funny guy.
[108:01 - 108:08] So you never know, your boy might be doing a vlog tomorrow with Hillbilly Jake. Who knows?
[108:08 - 108:16] But yeah, I fucking love you guys. I'm about to set up for some split gate, man.
[108:16 - 108:21] I fucking love you guys, and I'll catch you on split gate, man.
[108:21 - 108:30] I'll fucking love you guys. And also, whenever I do start up split gate, I am gonna put the guys stuff in.
[108:30 - 108:33] The one that I did that ToeGate run of earlier.
[108:33 - 108:37] Like that ToeGate run that I did at the end of my gaming stream last stream.
[108:37 - 108:42] I am gonna set, I am gonna put that guys gamer tag in there.
[108:42 - 108:47] So if you guys have Horizon 5, go over there and check his tracks out, man.
[108:47 - 108:53] If you guys have Horizon 5 and you have Xbox One, go check the dudes tracks out, man.
[108:53 - 108:58] I am gonna post the guys gamer tag and stuff.
[108:58 - 109:03] So you guys can go in there and check all his tracks out, man. They're super fun.
[109:03 - 109:07] I tried them all after the stream, dude. I'm a huge fan of the guy.
[109:07 - 109:11] The dudes got some amazing road courses. Absolutely love them, man.
[109:11 - 109:15] So, I'll be posting that up.
[109:15 - 109:20] And if you guys would like to donate as well, I will be posting up my cash out for you guys.
[109:20 - 109:25] If you guys would like to donate or whatever, I will be posting my cash out next stream for you guys.
[109:25 - 109:27] So, yeah.
[109:27 - 109:33] Well, that would be it, guys. I love you all, and I'll catch you guys in the next stream, man.
[109:33 - 109:38] And remember, man, stay humble, stay positive, fuck the haters, dude.
[109:38 - 109:41] To all my supporters, man, you guys are fucking awesome.
[109:41 - 109:44] I've never seen one of you guys. You guys are awesome. You guys are amazing.
[109:44 - 109:46] You guys are one of a kind.
[109:46 - 109:48] Keep being you, man.
[109:48 - 109:51] Keep doing you and keep being you, man.
[109:51 - 109:55] Fuck these trolls. Keep being your awesome, wonderful, amazing self.
[109:55 - 109:57] And keep doing what you do, man.
[109:57 - 110:00] I fucking love you guys, dude. Peace.
[110:09 - 110:14] Well, before I end this stream, I want to get rid of this dude.
[110:14 - 110:17] Actually, nah. I'll keep him.
[110:17 - 110:20] He's funny. He makes me laugh.
2021-12-12 Split gate & Chill

2021-12-12 Split gate & Chill

[0:00 - 0:07] So, that's it for this video, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one.
[0:30 - 0:37] Let's have y'all give me just a second here.
[1:00 - 1:29] Hold on, give me just a minute man, what I'm about to post isn't my gamer tag, but
[1:29 - 1:36] I am posting this up for that way in case anybody would like to donate, they can.
[1:36 - 1:43] So, give me just a minute to attend this comment.
[1:43 - 1:56] And then here's my gamer tag, man.
[1:56 - 2:01] Now if anybody wants to have me on some split gate and get it in man, right there's my gamer
[2:01 - 2:02] tag bro.
[2:02 - 2:12] Or if you guys want to donate, right there in the pinned comment is my cash out, so yes,
[2:12 - 2:19] now I'm more than welcome to donate.
[2:19 - 2:47] Oh, give me that reward boy.
[2:47 - 2:57] Let's jump into a quick play and have some fun.
[2:57 - 2:59] Yo secular, what up?
[2:59 - 3:28] Yeah, what up?
[3:30 - 3:35] I searched for a match, you suck.
[3:35 - 3:44] Oh, there we go.
[3:44 - 3:47] Let's go random.
[3:47 - 4:00] Hey team on ball, hey team on ball, let's go.
[4:00 - 4:15] Oh yeah, catch body sent, oh I know, and that's a good one, catch body sent, that's fucking cool.
[4:15 - 4:34] Five, four, three, two, one, team on ball.
[4:34 - 4:36] Oh damn.
[4:36 - 5:02] Oh man, these guys are all out of the night man, holy shit, I thought this was going to be a TDM.
[5:02 - 5:17] Oh, there we go.
[5:17 - 5:37] Ball dropped, the ball stolen.
[5:37 - 5:59] Yeah, I worked out my ways on this one.
[5:59 - 6:10] Ball dropped, ball secured.
[6:10 - 6:23] Ball dropped, the ball stolen.
[6:23 - 6:32] Oh, got that head shot though.
[6:32 - 7:01] Hey man, that's what I got, that fucking head shot.
[7:02 - 7:14] Oh, what even happened bro?
[7:14 - 7:43] It's actually a game called split game, it's super dope actually, imagine if Hale, imagine if Hale, oh shit.
[7:43 - 8:12] I don't know, not doing so well this man, god damn, these guys are on it.
[8:12 - 8:27] Game over.
[8:27 - 8:31] Yeah, we definitely lost that one.
[8:31 - 8:36] Hey, I got that kill cam though.
[8:36 - 9:05] Well we may have lost an edge, but I still got the kill cam.
[9:05 - 9:17] Oh, thank you.
[9:17 - 9:46] Yo, give me that fucking battle right here.
[9:48 - 9:58] How did that guy not die, I just shot him in the head, that should have been an insta kill.
[9:58 - 10:25] Oh, there we go, got a TDM, let's go, now we're talking man, tune deathmatch, this is where I'm best.
[10:25 - 10:46] Game starts in, five, four, three, two, one, team deathmatch.
[10:46 - 11:08] Four, five, four, three, two, one, team deathmatch.
[11:08 - 11:15] Whoa, hold up, bitch sit down, got that head shot, boy what's good.
[11:15 - 11:22] You guys want to get shot in the head today?
[11:22 - 11:37] Damn, another head shot.
[11:37 - 12:02] Two, three, three, two, one, team deathmatch.
[12:02 - 12:29] Yo, what's good.
[12:29 - 12:42] Dude, I am on this shit tonight, let's go.
[12:42 - 12:49] Oh, first time dying.
[12:49 - 13:03] Bro, that was clean dude.
[13:03 - 13:14] Lost the lead.
[13:14 - 13:31] Tied the leader, lost the lead, tied the leader.
[13:31 - 13:47] Game the lead, five minutes remaining.
[13:47 - 14:12] Lost the lead.
[14:12 - 14:14] Ah, we killed each other.
[14:14 - 14:32] Come on guys, get back in it, let's go.
[14:32 - 14:40] Tied the leader.
[14:40 - 14:58] Game the lead.
[14:58 - 15:08] I just seen him, where did he run off to?
[15:08 - 15:34] Ah, he was right there.
[15:34 - 15:41] Oh, shot him through the portal, boy.
[15:41 - 15:49] I shot the man through the portal and got him.
[15:49 - 15:53] Oh, got the assist.
[15:53 - 16:02] This is why you never give me a split gate, I'll start fucking shit up.
[16:02 - 16:16] Lost the lead.
[16:16 - 16:29] I know he's getting back.
[16:29 - 16:37] Team Slayer.
[16:37 - 16:58] Tied the leader, lost the lead.
[16:58 - 17:26] I didn't take up any battle rifle.
[17:26 - 17:34] Tied the leader.
[17:34 - 17:45] One minute remaining.
[17:45 - 17:51] Yeah, let's go, boy.
[17:51 - 17:56] Oh, damn.
[17:56 - 18:08] Lost the lead.
[18:08 - 18:20] Tied the leader.
[18:20 - 18:35] Game the lead.
[18:35 - 18:36] Game over.
[18:36 - 18:40] And we got the dog.
[18:40 - 19:08] Let's go.
[19:08 - 19:14] Let's go, dude.
[19:14 - 19:32] I'm saving that replay.
[19:32 - 19:53] Get out of here, dog.
[19:53 - 20:04] Y'all trolls are great.
[20:04 - 20:10] Y'all trolls are great, dude.
[20:10 - 20:18] Game starts in five, four, three, two, one.
[20:18 - 20:27] Team on-fall.
[20:27 - 20:29] All secure.
[20:29 - 20:37] Game over.
[20:37 - 20:42] The ball dropped.
[20:42 - 20:53] The ball stole it.
[20:53 - 21:17] Lost the lead.
[21:17 - 21:26] Damn, that was my bad.
[21:26 - 21:37] I know exactly where he's going.
[21:37 - 22:06] Oh, came in from behind and got me.
[22:06 - 22:16] Got him.
[22:16 - 22:26] Got him.
[22:26 - 22:55] Got him.
[22:55 - 22:59] The ball dropped.
[22:59 - 23:00] Oh, damn.
[23:00 - 23:01] I went for the ball.
[23:01 - 23:18] I got a fucking mark.
[23:18 - 23:20] Five minutes remaining.
[23:20 - 23:22] The ball dropped.
[23:22 - 23:27] The ball stole it.
[23:27 - 23:37] Team Slayer.
[23:37 - 23:40] The ball dropped.
[23:40 - 23:42] Double kill.
[23:42 - 23:54] The ball secure.
[23:54 - 23:55] Team Slayer.
[23:55 - 24:09] Killing spree.
[24:09 - 24:14] The ball dropped.
[24:14 - 24:20] The ball stole it.
[24:20 - 24:22] The ball dropped.
[24:22 - 24:28] Double kill.
[24:28 - 24:37] The ball secure.
[24:37 - 24:39] The ball dropped.
[24:39 - 24:44] The ball stole it.
[24:44 - 24:51] The ball dropped.
[24:51 - 24:56] The ball stole it.
[24:56 - 25:13] Okay, I'm switching on to the fucking battle rifle, dude.
[25:13 - 25:38] The game's over.
[25:38 - 25:40] Oh, let's go.
[25:40 - 25:59] Hell yeah.
[25:59 - 26:24] What the fuck y'all doing?
[26:24 - 26:44] That was a double area.
[26:44 - 27:13] What the fuck y'all doing?
[27:13 - 27:23] What the fuck y'all doing?
[27:23 - 27:33] What the fuck y'all doing?
[27:33 - 28:00] What the fuck y'all doing?
[28:00 - 28:27] What the fuck y'all doing?
[28:27 - 28:56] What the fuck are we out of space?
[28:56 - 29:19] What the fuck y'all doing?
[29:19 - 29:27] Man, we keep on tying these guys, man.
[29:27 - 29:56] We keep on tying these guys.
[29:56 - 30:25] Well, we're not in our space. We're on somewhere in the fucking planet.
[30:25 - 30:46] What the fuck y'all doing?
[30:46 - 31:08] Where does the light in these guys go right now?
[31:08 - 31:19] Dude, there's two of us in one room.
[31:19 - 31:27] Ah, damn. Okay, I got you.
[31:27 - 31:37] We're lighting them up today, boys.
[31:37 - 31:45] That's the way out of that day.
[31:45 - 32:06] And I got the assist. What's good?
[32:06 - 32:35] What the fuck y'all doing?
[32:35 - 33:02] What the fuck y'all doing?
[33:02 - 33:31] What the fuck y'all doing?
[33:31 - 33:57] What the fuck y'all doing?
[33:57 - 34:24] Let's go, dude.
[34:24 - 34:46] And we got the dog.
[34:46 - 35:10] Boom, headshot.
[35:10 - 35:31] Let's see if I can do anything in the item shop right quick.
[35:31 - 36:00] Damn, okay.
[36:01 - 36:30] What the fuck y'all doing?
[36:30 - 36:59] Yeah, this is dope.
[36:59 - 37:21] Now it's your turn, Dion.
[37:29 - 37:58] Okay, let's go.
[37:58 - 38:14] Come on, guys. Grab that shit. Let's go. Grab it up.
[38:14 - 38:19] Ball dropped.
[38:19 - 38:36] Ball secured.
[38:36 - 38:41] Ah, we killed each other at the same time.
[38:41 - 38:48] That was a legit kill on each other.
[38:48 - 38:52] Ball secured.
[38:52 - 39:17] Yeah, bro. You got a lot of permission in there if you want, bro.
[39:17 - 39:32] Hey, we're winning this one, bro. Let's go, dude.
[39:32 - 39:56] Uh-uh.
[39:56 - 40:25] Yeah, we're getting them, bro. Come on, guys. Let's get it. Come on.
[40:25 - 40:28] Stay in the way. Stay in the way.
[40:28 - 40:30] Lost the lead.
[40:30 - 40:37] Not wrong, man.
[41:00 - 41:25] Tie the leader. Gain the lead.
[41:25 - 41:28] Ball dropped.
[41:28 - 41:37] Ball stolen.
[41:37 - 41:40] Ball dropped.
[41:40 - 41:57] Ball secured.
[41:57 - 42:05] Yeah, boy, we on that dog life. Let's go.
[42:05 - 42:09] Dude, we're taking this win, man. 112 to 8.
[42:09 - 42:16] God, 130 almost.
[42:16 - 42:22] Oh, give me that sniper. Let's go, boy.
[42:22 - 42:34] Yeah, one-shot kill, sniper. Let's go, dude.
[42:34 - 42:41] Ball dropped.
[42:41 - 42:55] Ball stolen.
[42:55 - 42:57] Ball dropped.
[42:57 - 43:01] Ball secured.
[43:01 - 43:04] Ball dropped.
[43:04 - 43:13] Ball secured.
[43:13 - 43:15] Ball dropped.
[43:15 - 43:17] Ball stolen.
[43:17 - 43:28] King Slayer.
[43:28 - 43:39] Ball dropped.
[43:39 - 43:41] King Slayer.
[43:41 - 43:43] King Slayer is free.
[43:43 - 43:51] Ball reset.
[43:51 - 43:56] Ball secured.
[43:56 - 44:14] Dude, we're just destroying these guys.
[44:14 - 44:19] Ouch, someone had a bad day.
[44:19 - 44:31] Oh, headshot.
[44:31 - 44:38] Hey, took that dog. Boy, took that victory. What's good?
[44:38 - 44:41] That headshot, though. Man, that was sick.
[44:41 - 44:45] Boom, headshot.
[44:45 - 44:56] Right.
[44:56 - 45:01] Exactly, Scully.
[45:01 - 45:08] Bro, 18 nests and six kills. That's pretty damn good.
[45:08 - 45:16] Thank you.
[45:16 - 45:28] Save that replay.
[45:28 - 45:41] But, y'all, if anybody does want to hop on some spade game, man, hit me up or let me know. I'm always down. Shit.
[45:41 - 45:53] Yo, is that the buster rifle that I like to use? Ooh, yes it is. Thank you.
[45:53 - 46:13] Oh, even though that was practice, I don't think I could do that game. I fucking tried. That was good.
[46:13 - 46:29] Play exit the natural quick and actually do my weapons up. Dude, that headshot was nice. I cannot lie.
[46:29 - 46:35] Ooh, I got some new rewards.
[46:35 - 46:45] Oh.
[47:05 - 47:34] Well, I decided one year.
[47:34 - 48:03] Ah.
[48:03 - 48:26] Well, well, well, well.
[48:26 - 48:55] Oh, damn, oh, well, well, well.
[48:55 - 49:24] Oh, well, well, well, well.
[49:24 - 49:38] I don't know if that does give us deathmatch, dude, because honestly, I love TDMs, man. TDMs are like one of my favorites.
[49:38 - 50:07] TDMs, yes, I don't know what that is.
[50:07 - 50:27] Oh, pinata.
[50:27 - 50:51] Oh, I don't understand the point of this.
[50:51 - 51:09] I do understand the point of this, though. I understand how to use a rifle, but I bet.
[51:09 - 51:24] I understand how to use.
[51:24 - 51:39] I can do that all fricking day long, dude.
[51:39 - 51:41] Oh.
[51:41 - 51:47] Ow, he got snagged. Oh, now we're talking.
[51:47 - 51:49] Grenade launcher.
[51:49 - 51:56] I definitely know how to use one of these. Let's go.
[51:56 - 52:13] Anybody want to blow up today?
[52:13 - 52:16] Who wants their channel to blow up today?
[52:16 - 52:19] Oh, yeah.
[52:19 - 52:35] Giving a sniper beach. Let's go.
[52:35 - 52:42] Go ahead. Counter that door. Come on.
[52:42 - 52:50] Oh, shit.
[52:50 - 52:56] Yes, I do. I have GTA 5. Yes, I do.
[52:56 - 53:07] Oh.
[53:07 - 53:13] And I may even play a little bit of GTA 5.
[53:13 - 53:42] Oh, I like this rifle.
[53:42 - 53:51] I like that rifle.
[53:51 - 53:57] Yo, for sure, man. How long is time to do a heist?
[53:57 - 54:25] Oh, you get to imagine how long it's been with you, bro.
[54:25 - 54:31] Oh, great. I'm gonna do it with the bat again.
[54:31 - 54:38] Oh, fuck you.
[54:38 - 54:44] Oh, damn. Nice shot, bro.
[54:44 - 54:52] Dude, that was fucking clean, bro.
[54:52 - 55:02] Thank you, thank you.
[55:22 - 55:36] All right, man. Let's have lots of GTA.
[55:36 - 55:39] Let's go.
[55:39 - 55:44] Sorry, this has been a lot of stuff on GTA, anyway.
[55:44 - 55:53] Hey, Wayne, what's your gamertag, dude?
[55:53 - 55:58] You know what I have to say, Black Dragon?
[55:58 - 56:08] This is what I have to say to your ass.
[56:08 - 56:18] Bye, Black Dragon. That's all I got to say to you.
[56:38 - 56:42] All right, all right, you're good, you're good.
[56:42 - 56:44] Now, I do want to finish it all.
[56:44 - 56:52] Well, I do first of all want to check this, and then I am going to hop back over and do some shit.
[56:52 - 57:05] Don't fall on it, little man.
[57:05 - 57:15] Bye, Phony Tony. Hey, y'all, scoey. Hashtag Phony Tony.
[57:15 - 57:34] There's one for you, bro. Hashtag Phony Tony.
[57:34 - 57:39] I didn't think you were actually going to do it. I was just fucking around.
[57:39 - 57:44] Oh, that's great.
[57:44 - 58:02] Yo, bro, dude, scoey, you totally got to put Hashtag Phony whatever in all the different discords, bro.
[58:02 - 58:14] I'm going to check my shirt.
[58:14 - 58:20] I'm going to check my sheet, and then hop off.
[58:20 - 58:31] I wonder what I might do with that. I don't know.
[58:31 - 58:38] Oh, it's apparently there's a gun running about going on. Oh, man.
[59:01 - 59:11] Oh, man.
[59:11 - 59:21] Oh, man.
[59:21 - 59:43] Dude, definitely.
[59:43 - 60:09] Dude, yo, scoey, you know we got to fuck with the trolls in the chats on Discord, bro. We got to.
[60:09 - 60:24] I think I might do a look and clean with the Japanese skyline shirt. What's good?
[60:24 - 60:32] I didn't even pick up a new jacket, though. Let's see if I can get that wheel spin.
[60:32 - 60:42] Let's see if we can get that wheel. Let's see if we can get the car. Let's see if we can get the podium vehicle.
[60:42 - 60:57] I just hope it ain't that fucking military truck again.
[60:58 - 61:07] Yeah, this is a military truck. Yeah, I know.
[61:07 - 61:17] Yeah, it's pretty cool.
[61:38 - 61:47] I got some clothes, alright. Turn my shit in.
[61:47 - 62:06] Welcome to Yorkships. Size is an everything.
[62:06 - 62:16] You know what? I was going to do some Horizon 4 or Horizon 5, but I fell in the mood to piss some people off.
[62:16 - 62:45] I'm in the mood to piss some people off.
[62:45 - 62:55] I'm in the mood to piss some people off.
[62:55 - 63:02] Fuck that dude. I'm jacking a fucking ride, bro.
[63:02 - 63:09] Yo, tell me how I can steal this. Ah, shit.
[63:09 - 63:25] I'm just gonna fucking live in that thing because no monologue dude's gonna come along and fuck me up for it.
[63:25 - 63:30] Dude, this lot is empty as fuck tonight, man.
[63:30 - 63:45] Dude, this lot is like stupid empty tonight, man.
[63:45 - 64:11] Nah, not all that stuff. Man, you only got in muscle cars over here, you suck.
[64:11 - 64:18] Nah, I lost a car ahead, so fuck him.
[64:18 - 64:22] Bro, what?
[64:22 - 64:30] That was some bullshit.
[64:30 - 64:36] Dude, let's go.
[65:00 - 65:29] Yo, let's head over to the spray shop because I do want to see what this thing can do.
[65:29 - 65:35] Ah!
[65:59 - 66:09] Yeah!
[66:40 - 67:07] Oh, this is worth it, dude. Let's go.
[67:07 - 67:27] Dude, you're insane.
[67:27 - 67:47] I know that.
[67:47 - 67:54] Nah, I kinda like that open girl. That show looks cool.
[67:54 - 68:04] Ooh, that thing looks mean.
[68:24 - 68:45] Ooh, I kinda want to do like a...
[68:45 - 69:12] You know, let's do frost white.
[69:12 - 69:41] Let's do frost white with like a midnight purple drop.
[69:41 - 70:00] Yo, that looks clean, dude.
[70:00 - 70:15] Uh, got that T-bird look? Okay. Yeah, let's do it.
[70:15 - 70:20] Yo, that is a big ass wing.
[70:20 - 70:35] You know, let's do street tires.
[70:35 - 71:04] Yeah, let's do it.
[71:04 - 71:31] Yeah, let's do it.
[71:31 - 71:53] Let's see how much this thing will sell for, just to be funny.
[71:53 - 72:04] Holy shit.
[72:04 - 72:11] Uh, a little under 400.
[72:11 - 72:18] Ooh, damn.
[72:18 - 72:31] Oh, damn, really.
[72:31 - 72:37] Y'all taking this thing to my frickin'.
[72:37 - 72:45] I'm hurrying the fuck up, and I'm taking this back to my base a lot, right quick.
[72:45 - 73:14] And now we're gonna switch up to some horizon fork as the controller's about to die.
[73:14 - 73:37] Yo, that thing is sexy, dude. Damn. That is beautiful, bro.
[73:37 - 73:42] I'm dead first floor.
[73:42 - 73:46] Ooh, damn.
[73:46 - 74:09] Bro, that thing is fire. Thank you.
[74:09 - 74:18] I'm actually gonna replace that charger over there.
[74:18 - 74:26] I wanna replace the sprung buffalo with...
[74:26 - 74:31] Let's see if I can get any cars up top that I can use.
[74:31 - 74:33] There's this one down here.
[74:33 - 74:52] I'm clearing my electric car.
[74:52 - 74:57] Bro, that thing is beautiful, dude.
[74:57 - 75:07] Now, let's just hurry up and do the last one here.
[75:27 - 75:56] Oh, you fucking dick.
[75:56 - 76:15] What brings you in today?
[76:15 - 76:19] Eh, kinda didn't get my 86 a bit.
[76:19 - 76:31] 100% guarantee.
[76:31 - 76:47] Now that's a custom job.
[76:47 - 76:55] Is that street legal? Ah, who cares?
[76:55 - 76:57] Look, it's sharp.
[77:55 - 78:05] Wow.
[78:05 - 78:15] Wow.
[78:35 - 78:45] Man, that should give you a boost.
[79:05 - 79:23] I'm sure you would, you fucking creeper.
[79:23 - 79:33] I do wanna match the rims, though.
[79:53 - 80:03] I don't know.
[80:03 - 80:13] I don't know.
[80:13 - 80:29] I do wanna change the entire color, though, to white.
[80:29 - 80:42] That just doesn't look as good.
[80:42 - 80:49] Let's go, man. Got this thing looking beautiful, though.
[80:49 - 81:04] Oh, damn, she rips.
[81:04 - 81:18] Yo, this thing slides like a beast, bro. Damn.
[81:18 - 81:21] Yo, I definitely gotta do some drifting with this thing,
[81:21 - 81:29] as soon as I get the chance.
[81:30 - 81:55] Let's go.
[81:55 - 82:00] Alright, bro, you wanna hold on. Hold on. This man wants me to do a first-person race.
[82:00 - 82:06] Alright, I got you. Hold up.
[82:06 - 82:09] I got you.
[82:09 - 82:15] And we're matching.
[82:15 - 82:24] Alright, so let me put this down.
[82:26 - 82:31] Move this, man. This dude wants to call me a poser. I got you, bro.
[82:31 - 82:48] I got you.
[82:48 - 82:51] This fool wants to call me a poser.
[82:51 - 82:58] Yo, nobody get rid of this Dante24.
[82:58 - 83:08] I got you, homie. I got you, broski.
[83:08 - 83:15] Let's go.
[83:38 - 83:47] Hey, bruh, you wanna see rifting in action? I got you, bruh.
[83:47 - 83:52] You wanna see drifting? I'll give you drifting, though.
[83:52 - 83:58] I'll give you drifting, homie.
[84:08 - 84:18] You wanna see drifting? I'll give you drifting, homie.
[84:18 - 84:31] You wanna see drifting? I'll give you drifting, homie.
[84:31 - 84:54] I got you, bruh.
[84:54 - 85:18] Besides, I've been itching to do a tailgate run anyway, so perfect opportunity.
[85:18 - 85:33] Yo, what the fuck?
[85:33 - 85:42] Guys, if you can still hear me, I need to reset shit, so hold on.
[85:42 - 85:48] What the fuck just happened?
[85:48 - 85:53] Alright, guys, I'm gonna end it right here. Dante, be ready for my next stream, dude,
[85:53 - 85:58] because I'm about to show your ass up. Let me figure out what the fuck just happened.
[85:58 - 86:04] And then I'll show you what a true drifter can do. Peace.
2021-12-12 touge Drift runs

2021-12-12 touge Drift runs

[1:30 - 1:40] what's up you guys now so you guys have been wanting me to do some toge runs and
[1:40 - 1:46] it's not in the other so we're about to get it on some toge shit boy
[2:00 - 2:09] the first let's grab up my drift car right say my personal favorite drift
[2:09 - 2:11] car
[2:23 - 2:30] let's see if I have any here besides the 240
[2:39 - 2:50] all right you guys ready to see just how it was back in the day Japan bro
[3:09 - 3:31] I'm gonna try to see it out
[3:39 - 3:47] I'm gonna try to get it in shred
[4:39 - 4:53] hey new personal best let's go boy
[4:53 - 5:11] all right now we have the tires broken let's head to a Japanese road course
[5:23 - 5:43] now this shit's gonna be fun yes human the dude that made this course literally
[5:43 - 5:52] made it from an actual fucking road course in Japan like what you guys are
[5:52 - 5:57] about to see is actually my heart now over in Japan this dude who literally took
[5:57 - 6:11] my heart now and actually made it on here now you guys don't know what my heart
[6:12 - 6:16] is if you guys have ever seen the anime series initial D it's essentially not
[6:16 - 6:29] Akira and we rocked in the dope Acetacea rap
[6:29 - 6:31] I
[6:35 - 6:38] What the big labeling on there
[6:48 - 6:52] What's the big country labeling on there looking clean as fuck
[6:59 - 7:01] I
[7:12 - 7:17] Know it's gonna take a few minutes, but hey, it's all good
[7:17 - 7:33] Now if you're gonna ask me like what kind of racing is my favorite between formula one racing NASCAR
[7:35 - 7:38] You know street style whatever and honestly did for me
[7:39 - 7:46] Just pure street style racing like not like you know for you know pro street
[7:46 - 7:53] Or anything like that like I mean like what shit of an old-school down and dirty street style race
[7:58 - 8:04] Now for me doing toga battles is like where it's after me as far as street racing goes
[8:04 - 8:07] I love my toga battles. They're so much fun
[8:16 - 8:19] And they really do test even the best drivers in the world
[8:46 - 8:48] You
[9:16 - 9:18] You
[9:23 - 9:26] Now if you're to ask me what game
[9:26 - 9:32] Between four to horizon four or four to rather five you're asking which one's better out of the two
[9:33 - 9:34] personally for me
[9:34 - 9:37] So far horizon five takes it
[9:38 - 9:43] Like don't get wrong. I love horizon for the crates were fun to drift around they had
[9:44 - 9:46] A
[9:48 - 9:50] Fortune island which is basically storm mountain
[9:52 - 9:55] They had the toga on there, which is a lot of fun
[9:56 - 10:01] But dude ain't nothing beating horizon five man. I'm sorry. I just can't beat
[10:08 - 10:12] Like horizon five is really taking it to that next level
[10:13 - 10:15] I
[10:44 - 10:46] Know
[10:49 - 10:52] Man y'all are killing it with the horizon five content, bro
[10:54 - 10:56] Yo jokes what up?
[11:07 - 11:10] All right now for a long as black screen
[11:13 - 11:15] I
[11:26 - 11:31] Wonder if I can slide it all I can hold up when I move back and slide this up
[11:43 - 11:45] I
[11:56 - 12:00] There we go now we're set
[12:13 - 12:19] About to get a front-seat ride the fucking toga run dude, and I don't just mean a toga
[12:19 - 12:21] I'm talking about fucking
[12:21 - 12:23] well first off one a fucking
[12:25 - 12:29] When put the same photo motor of looks like a fix this shit
[12:43 - 12:45] There I am
[13:13 - 13:31] This is literally what it's like on a Japanese mountain road straight up
[13:33 - 13:35] They're literally this freaking small
[13:43 - 13:45] I
[14:04 - 14:06] Do this sketchy
[14:13 - 14:15] I
[14:43 - 14:45] Do
[15:13 - 15:15] I
[15:43 - 15:45] Do
[16:13 - 16:15] I
[16:43 - 16:45] Do
[17:06 - 17:08] There we are now we're moving
[17:13 - 17:15] I
[17:43 - 17:45] Do
[17:45 - 17:47] Oh
[18:12 - 18:14] Now I see that in third person
[18:15 - 18:17] Oh
[18:27 - 18:29] Yo, Cruella what up?
[18:45 - 18:48] Let's have this guy get over the head side room to slide
[19:15 - 19:17] Oh
[19:45 - 19:47] Oh
[20:15 - 20:17] I went way too wide on that
[20:25 - 20:27] Let's go that was nice
[20:41 - 20:43] Do that three that's your odd
[20:45 - 20:47] And
[20:50 - 20:54] If you guys ever do go to Japan and you do decide to go drifting
[20:55 - 20:59] Be careful. I don't do what I just did and run into the wall like that
[21:15 - 21:17] Oh
[21:45 - 21:47] Oh
[22:15 - 22:20] And that's really don't do that
[22:45 - 22:47] Oh
[23:15 - 23:17] Oh
[23:45 - 23:47] I
[24:06 - 24:11] Think I was gonna go back to my roots and do some tailgate runs. It really does feel good
[24:11 - 24:16] Like for real it does feel good to just go back to my roots
[24:20 - 24:23] How do we get time to do some tailgate runs and just chill with you guys
[24:23 - 24:25] I fucking love it
[24:39 - 24:41] Let's go
[24:53 - 24:55] Oh
[25:14 - 25:16] Nice that's what's up
[25:17 - 25:23] Yeah, we gotta watch that replay back man, that was so sick
[25:24 - 25:29] Yeah, we gotta watch that replay back. That was that's too good to not watch back
[25:46 - 25:48] Oh
[25:59 - 26:01] Let's go
[26:16 - 26:18] Oh
[26:22 - 26:24] That was beautiful
[26:26 - 26:28] Damn
[26:30 - 26:32] Let's go dude
[26:37 - 26:39] That was sketchy
[26:47 - 26:51] Yo, I am so behind the eight six as soon as I get the chance
[26:56 - 27:02] Ho-ho bro, let's go dude
[27:12 - 27:14] Let's go man, this is sick
[27:16 - 27:18] Oh
[27:21 - 27:24] And who says Americans can't drift oh
[27:27 - 27:29] Oh, okay, that was crazy
[27:42 - 27:44] Hashtag drift life
[27:46 - 27:48] Oh
[28:16 - 28:18] Oh
[28:19 - 28:24] Dude that was dude that line on that hairpin was sexy dude. That was nice
[28:46 - 29:01] Yeah, I didn't swing the back end out for now, but still they went back
[29:16 - 29:18] Oh
[29:28 - 29:30] Really shimmy
[29:32 - 29:35] Yeah, I tell you the truth is one of my favorites not gonna lie
[29:47 - 29:50] Tokyo drip is definitely a favorite for sure
[29:59 - 30:04] Dude that was that was actually probably one of my cleanest runs I've ever done on
[30:07 - 30:10] You know drifting that was actually clean
[30:16 - 30:19] That was actually very very clean I
[30:23 - 30:27] Definitely want to do want to take and get some photos there too though eventually I
[30:28 - 30:33] Definitely do want to take and get some photos on the toga like for sure
[30:41 - 30:45] Hey, she means nice try to take a stab at me don't fuck me you failed at that
[30:47 - 30:50] Like seriously failed
[30:57 - 31:04] Like it obviously I did why would I not like a fucking toga it's like come on now
[31:16 - 31:18] Oh
[31:29 - 31:34] 175k let's go I'll take that 175 grand for sure
[31:46 - 31:48] Oh
[32:16 - 32:21] Yeah squishy, what's good what a fucking event
[32:38 - 32:40] Give it a click beach
[32:46 - 32:48] I
[32:59 - 33:02] Around around where fucker
[33:04 - 33:08] You've been hiding on me you've been hiding on my as breath
[33:13 - 33:15] Because the whole event program is
[33:16 - 33:18] I
[33:34 - 33:37] Know it's gonna sound crazy, but I'm gonna throw this back in the race mode just really quickly
[33:38 - 33:40] Because I want to take this thing
[33:46 - 33:48] Running the YouTube streams
[34:03 - 34:09] I wonder if we can slide this thing. Oh shit we can
[34:16 - 34:18] I
[34:41 - 34:45] Y'all how are you sliding basically a miniature F1 car right now?
[34:46 - 34:48] Oh
[34:58 - 35:05] This thing is essentially a fucking F1 car and we're fucking sliding this thing what the fuck
[35:17 - 35:19] I
[35:25 - 35:27] This is crazy
[35:46 - 35:48] I
[36:06 - 36:10] Y'all I actually should I how well this thing slides
[36:17 - 36:20] Bro, we gotta take this thing home. We gotta suit this up
[36:33 - 36:36] Right I don't know I don't blame your koala
[36:38 - 36:40] Shit, I'm gonna need a lot as well so don't feel bad
[36:42 - 36:45] But first let's let's fit a dope design on this thing
[36:46 - 36:49] Let's get a nice design on this bad ass
[37:01 - 37:04] What bro, they got he called you up in here
[37:09 - 37:11] Yeah, Rico Pokemon Hikari
[37:11 - 37:17] Bro, we gotta go Pokemon man. We got you
[37:32 - 37:35] Cuz I did not have a single Pokemon ride up in here yet
[37:42 - 37:44] Let's see what this thing looks like
[37:45 - 37:47] Bro that was badass
[37:52 - 37:59] Not gonna lie to you that was fucking badass dude, you have fucking Pikachu Charmander
[38:00 - 38:02] Squirtle Volsor
[38:03 - 38:05] Eevee
[38:05 - 38:07] Another Eevee
[38:08 - 38:10] Oh
[38:10 - 38:12] Bro that was badass
[38:38 - 38:40] I
[38:40 - 38:43] Brought us in about this stupid fans
[39:07 - 39:09] Oh
[39:15 - 39:17] Let's do slick race tires
[39:22 - 39:24] We've got houses
[39:24 - 39:26] Oh
[39:33 - 39:40] Yeah, Cubone is badass me personally I have a few mew mew two and
[39:41 - 39:43] Umbreon and
[39:43 - 39:45] Sylveon as well as
[39:47 - 39:49] Fucking
[39:50 - 39:54] Oh that one crystal Pokemon fucking
[40:02 - 40:05] It was from Pokemon crystal version I'm trying to remember which one it was
[40:11 - 40:13] Yeah, those are just a few of the ones that I like
[40:19 - 40:21] I
[40:30 - 40:32] Let's start singing the race mode right quick
[40:38 - 40:44] Yeah, I keep going the wrong freaking way I'm so used to horizon force
[40:44 - 40:47] Since we have to go like all the way over you go to settings
[41:14 - 41:16] Oh
[41:24 - 41:27] Yeah, this is how that would make it on the tailgate
[41:44 - 41:46] Yeah, I see what they might do very well on the toga
[41:57 - 42:00] Yeah, I got feel nothing's gonna do very well on the toga
[42:00 - 42:02] Okay
[42:12 - 42:17] Let's do midnight battle three in the rain
[42:30 - 42:32] I
[42:40 - 42:45] Did you want me to do bro that was one of my favorite fucking car you suck
[42:50 - 42:52] Fucking suck
[43:00 - 43:02] You know, let's do a time attack rf7
[43:22 - 43:24] Bro the fucking lag
[43:30 - 43:32] There we go
[43:49 - 43:52] God that time attack are so much dope
[44:00 - 44:02] Oh
[44:30 - 44:32] Oh
[45:00 - 45:02] Oh
[45:30 - 45:32] Oh
[46:00 - 46:02] Oh
[46:05 - 46:07] Yeah, they broke you what up
[46:30 - 46:32] Oh
[47:00 - 47:02] Oh
[47:30 - 47:32] Oh
[47:52 - 47:55] Dude the shit is taking so fucking long to love that come on
[48:00 - 48:02] Oh
[48:07 - 48:12] Thank you god damn it should take forever to hold
[48:30 - 48:32] I
[48:50 - 48:53] They I will unban you if
[48:54 - 49:01] My mods that I do talk to on a daily basis say that you're not trolled then I will unban you
[49:03 - 49:09] But I need to clear first cuz I'm trying not to have any trolls on here or on my discord
[49:12 - 49:15] Like nothing personal, but I'm trying to look out for my brand, you know, I mean
[49:23 - 49:25] I
[49:38 - 49:40] Here we go guys
[49:53 - 49:55] You
[50:23 - 50:25] You
[50:54 - 50:57] Bro, this shit is a fucking challenge
[51:04 - 51:09] Dude, why is my steering wheel not turning for a while
[51:23 - 51:25] Shit
[51:25 - 51:27] I
[51:51 - 51:54] Did you get that way down this shit is tough bro
[51:55 - 51:57] Oh
[52:17 - 52:19] So I can squeeze through there, but nope
[52:25 - 52:27] I
[52:31 - 52:34] Need to be like down in first gear almost as soon as I
[52:42 - 52:44] Yeah
[52:55 - 52:57] I
[53:25 - 53:27] I
[53:55 - 53:57] I
[54:11 - 54:16] Fun that's always fun to deal with a
[54:19 - 54:23] All that's helping having to help people with bringing computers fucking sucks
[54:26 - 54:29] Especially when it's simple shit, it's like dude
[54:49 - 54:52] I think I may have to pull the handbrake right through there
[54:55 - 54:58] Yeah
[55:25 - 55:27] I
[55:39 - 55:41] Can I tell you I took way too much speed on that
[55:55 - 55:57] I
[56:25 - 56:27] I
[56:52 - 56:54] Yeah exactly
[56:56 - 57:02] I know the feeling I had to deal with that shit and I don't even get paid for it
[57:10 - 57:13] See you're lucky you get paid for it, I know you're lucky
[57:25 - 57:27] I
[57:27 - 57:29] I
[57:51 - 57:53] Yo, that shit was tough
[57:57 - 58:10] You know, let's see if we can beat this guy
[58:10 - 58:12] Oh
[58:27 - 58:33] It's on on people no fucking wonder let's start out with tourists and see what we do
[58:41 - 58:46] So I want to work my way up because this is definitely a tough course
[58:47 - 58:50] So let's let's work our way up from the bottom here and see how well we do
[59:10 - 59:12] Oh
[59:40 - 59:42] Oh
[60:04 - 60:06] In there
[60:10 - 60:12] Oh
[60:34 - 60:36] That was close
[60:36 - 60:42] And there I go into a fucking building in the son's house
[60:47 - 60:49] These babe
[61:06 - 61:08] Oh
[61:36 - 61:38] Oh
[62:06 - 62:08] Oh
[62:16 - 62:19] Really you want to do you want to go that right? Okay
[62:36 - 62:38] Yeah
[63:06 - 63:08] Oh
[63:37 - 63:42] Yeah, I see exactly where I lost it
[63:42 - 63:44] Okay
[64:02 - 64:05] Ah dude freaking rocking shit
[64:12 - 64:14] Oh
[64:32 - 64:37] So I just need to get in behind him and stay there I guess is I can't pull along on the inside
[64:42 - 64:45] Oh
[65:12 - 65:14] Let's go
[65:25 - 65:27] Ah
[65:28 - 65:30] So let me show you who Mitch is
[65:30 - 65:33] Let me show you guys who this legend is
[65:43 - 65:45] Oh
[65:54 - 65:58] All right, I'm gonna get through this loading screen up there and I'll show you
[66:01 - 66:03] Take it easy squishy. They say brother
[66:13 - 66:15] Oh
[66:19 - 66:28] Let's take a break for just a hot second right quick and let me show y'all who the legendary Mitchell Adam Walker is hold up
[66:33 - 66:39] Yeah, I'm about to open you open your mind a whole new genre of stuff
[66:43 - 66:49] Yo, the real truck the real time. What up, dude?
[66:56 - 67:01] Hold on wait, hold on before I show y'all who Mitch is I gotta watch this right quick
[67:03 - 67:05] Hold up
[67:12 - 67:14] Oh
[67:25 - 67:28] Oh, that's fucked that's fucked up
[67:43 - 67:45] You
[67:55 - 67:59] First let me introduce you to who he is and then I introduce you to the music
[68:12 - 68:14] At
[68:15 - 68:20] Thanks to a man named Jesper that bought my shirt from the you'll only live once video on hebay
[68:21 - 68:24] We're assuming was going to go for like 20 30 bucks. We're going for $80
[68:25 - 68:28] And we put all that money into buying toys for kids merry christmas
[68:28 - 68:31] We didn't want to go out of our way but oh to the show that we're being
[68:31 - 68:33] Trying to work to do this
[68:33 - 68:35] There's more so the facts that hey, we can't
[68:35 - 68:41] We can go out of our way and make other people happy and hey if we're doing this might as well put it in the public eye
[68:41 - 68:45] Why why why wouldn't let's like show let's show most every types down the train and
[68:46 - 68:50] The idea came between us just literally talking on a group email
[68:50 - 68:51] What can we do?
[68:51 - 68:57] You guys like to give the money as opposed to like, oh, we're gonna just drop it off and sharing that's that's like this
[68:57 - 69:02] Well, that's go actually shopping for people and then actually go and deliver your hand to
[69:03 - 69:08] To anybody to kill see anything that you was talking about really seeing the reaction. So it's basically good
[69:09 - 69:13] It gave me everything not only worth it, but I would have gone out of my way
[69:13 - 69:18] And that won't mess up to the other reaction. So you want to give her all like it's just like
[69:18 - 69:20] Yeah
[69:22 - 69:26] Yeah, I feel like that was I think actually everyone was more nervous
[69:26 - 69:32] To do that and we weren't prior to going on the stage and show it was a little help to this
[69:33 - 69:35] Just awesome
[69:36 - 69:38] I was like
[69:50 - 69:54] I like picking out good gifts. Yeah, it's why like birthdays too though
[69:54 - 70:00] It's kind of like it's kind of like a game almost where you if you can give somebody a gift or when they open it they go
[70:03 - 70:05] Oh
[70:06 - 70:08] I still think that there's the cost
[70:11 - 70:14] Like some actually goes out of the way like make something or
[70:15 - 70:17] About the first star
[70:18 - 70:22] But yeah, I see that's an amazing gift. She bought some of the stars and is that our opinion tackle box?
[70:25 - 70:27] There was the first one to actually be in the phone
[70:28 - 70:33] Yeah, we call we're trying to find because I mentioned they're called suicide signs. They must have given things to kids
[70:33 - 70:35] Uh
[70:37 - 70:39] You want to kill your children?
[70:39 - 70:41] No
[70:51 - 70:56] And you would never know that I have a daughter or anything like that, but it's it's it's what you do on stage
[70:57 - 71:02] None of these fans actually did wrong. We're out to benefit other people and support other people and have people
[71:02 - 71:04] Want to see the band not just because of what
[71:05 - 71:09] Soon we got what it sounds like, but just all on the composite vibe
[71:09 - 71:15] This year we're going to do a benefit show we'll play a show for free and the admission is going to be a toy that
[71:15 - 71:16] D
[71:16 - 71:18] One of the not some of this is going to come through
[71:19 - 71:20] 25
[71:20 - 71:26] You can't you can't get one of the can of soup and a bar of soap or you don't have a video call chain reaction in any hand
[71:26 - 71:29] It's a good call show. It's probably do the same thing that same time
[71:30 - 71:32] We're not gonna run and say all this toy has to be over this amount of money
[71:32 - 71:39] We have to be a toy or not a toy. It's something that would benefit the child or anything anybody that could possibly
[71:40 - 71:46] Last year we had four big shopping carts completely full of the top overflowing if we can outdo ourselves and do eight
[71:46 - 71:48] by the time the show's over when those eight
[71:49 - 71:51] shopping carts are full of
[71:51 - 71:56] Not to necessarily be toys with three school books and these things that kids need even older kids that need for
[71:57 - 72:00] Their education of things that you need for
[72:01 - 72:04] Or somebody has like a like a guitar that they don't play anymore
[72:04 - 72:09] Old guitar like anything that they have that they don't use something that there was to have to go out and buy something
[72:09 - 72:11] That would be something something that would be
[72:12 - 72:15] Given and beneficial to anybody else that might not be as fortunate
[72:17 - 72:20] One one last question. What do you think is the best thing about Christmas?
[72:21 - 72:22] For giving
[72:22 - 72:25] Honestly, I've learned this now like out of five year old daughter
[72:26 - 72:27] She's about five and a half now
[72:27 - 72:28] But the actual
[72:28 - 72:34] Giving aspect that you're giving to someone that might be or someone that might need something or you're giving
[72:35 - 72:39] A gift and the gift of anything it matter be life matter be
[72:40 - 72:43] A sprinkle on a cupcake you're giving something. It's a positive
[72:45 - 72:50] Worse than no size size, we're in South California. Better refunding Christmas
[72:56 - 72:58] Oh
[73:11 - 73:14] Now let me introduce you to this man's music
[73:15 - 73:19] Now this song right here. I actually am going to be getting some of the lyrics
[73:20 - 73:23] From this song actually tattooed on me at some point
[73:26 - 73:28] So I'm gonna let you guys listen for yourselves
[73:46 - 73:51] Key actually, you know what? All right, hold on before I do that
[73:53 - 73:55] Let me um
[73:56 - 73:58] Show you guys the news clip
[74:02 - 74:06] So you got some guys, it's not what y'all can get like a better understanding
[74:08 - 74:09] Of
[74:09 - 74:15] The lead singer in the heavy metal band has been killed living a huge local fan base in shock tonight
[74:15 - 74:20] NBC forest Vicki Vargas is live for us in Huntington Beach with this story Vicki
[74:20 - 74:23] You know Chuck at one point tonight the crowd was so large
[74:23 - 74:27] But he's actually had to put their cars out here on main street so that no one would get hurt
[74:27 - 74:34] It is dwindling now, but this is the light pole where mitch lucker wrapped his motorcycle around last night
[74:35 - 74:40] He spent about eight hours in surgery and then he died at six o'clock this morning
[74:42 - 74:46] His mother says he was born screaming and it became his trademark
[74:47 - 74:51] Mitch lucker parlayed that talent over a decade of fans initially in Riverside
[74:52 - 74:56] But he made a name and a success out of suicide silence
[74:58 - 75:02] The heavy metal band produced three albums and became a staple of the warped tour
[75:02 - 75:08] Their facebook page has over two million likes band member chris garza says lucker was always trying to improve
[75:09 - 75:12] She says that guy that wants to improve all the time, you know
[75:12 - 75:16] He he likes to master his craft, you know
[75:16 - 75:22] That is, you know, anyone would according to his wife lucker made a choice hollowing night to drink and ride
[75:23 - 75:25] He had a passion for motorcycles and told friends
[75:25 - 75:32] It was the same adrenaline rush as being on stage friends say he was soft-spoken and kind but also battled anxiety
[75:33 - 75:39] They said music was how he got his emotions out. He leaves behind a five-year-old daughter. Just make the right choice
[75:40 - 75:42] Don't hurt your family. Don't drink and drive
[75:44 - 75:49] Lucker's wife says she doesn't know why he left last night doesn't know where he was headed
[75:49 - 75:56] She did find some empty containers at home. She says he was angry and now she says she is the one who fills the anger
[75:56 - 76:00] Live in Huntington Beach. I'm Vicki Vargas NBC4 news
[76:09 - 76:11] You
[76:11 - 76:13] You
[76:13 - 76:15] You
[76:39 - 76:43] Now this is the song that actually gained some of the lyrics tattooed on you know
[76:43 - 76:45] Here as soon as I get the wine
[77:13 - 77:15] Yeah
[77:21 - 77:25] This first one up right here is actually the the wine I'm getting tattooed
[77:43 - 77:45] I
[77:52 - 77:54] Actually did a lyrics video for you hold up
[78:09 - 78:11] Let's see if I can find the lyrics video
[78:13 - 78:15] I
[78:15 - 78:19] Won't give her like an actual good video
[78:21 - 78:23] Here we go
[78:32 - 78:34] Let's get to the
[78:34 - 78:47] Right here the this right here is the one that I'm actually gonna get tattooed on me first chance that I get
[78:51 - 78:53] Because like this verse right here for me
[78:55 - 79:00] It's basically saying you know live every like like every minute that you came because you only have
[79:01 - 79:07] Such a short lifespan so you really have to make the most of every single moment that you have
[79:14 - 79:21] So for me like that line is definitely you know, it's definitely important
[79:21 - 79:23] But
[79:29 - 79:35] This song right here, I really think a lot of people can actually benefit from
[79:45 - 79:49] And I really feel like if people listen to this song more
[79:51 - 79:55] Like I truly feel like things of the ten times better
[80:16 - 80:20] Like in this song is kind of what I live and what I speak about a lot
[80:21 - 80:23] I
[81:21 - 81:25] I need to learn a little more dance so that you can die
[81:25 - 81:28] Together we stand at the end
[81:28 - 81:32] With the same heart, with the same vision
[81:32 - 81:34] With the same power, yes
[81:34 - 81:37] We're a daily part of a way to make a difference
[81:37 - 81:41] The after that, everybody is out
[81:41 - 81:44] I'll take a step forward, never die
[81:45 - 81:48] Together we stand at the end
[82:00 - 82:02] Right here this line is coming up
[82:02 - 82:04] I feel like a lot of people may get hurt
[82:04 - 82:06] but don't want to hear
[83:36 - 83:53] like that song right there and that song right there speaks so much truth and
[83:53 - 84:00] power that it's it's crazy it's like if people would listen to that more like I
[84:00 - 84:08] truly feel like things would be 10 times better and that's why I'm not at that
[84:08 - 84:16] let me let me take a break from the tailgate runs real quick I know a lot
[84:16 - 84:20] of people don't pay attention to this song and honestly I don't care if the
[84:20 - 84:29] YouTube fucking like mutes this video or not but there's one video I want you
[84:29 - 84:35] gun that I want everybody to see that I want passed around then I feel like a
[84:35 - 84:39] lot of motherfuckers need to see
[84:59 - 85:12] and I feel like if more people saw this fucking music video maybe a lot of the
[85:12 - 85:18] fucking bullying that goes on in the world would fucking stop and this video
[85:18 - 85:25] addresses that so well and what it does to people
[85:48 - 86:03] I can't say this is the song that says my fucking life this is the song that
[86:03 - 86:06] says my fucking life
[86:33 - 86:35] I
[87:03 - 87:20] Now once you guys let me rewind it a little bit hold on
[87:33 - 87:38] You see that shit right there
[87:51 - 87:57] That shit right there is what pushes people to want to end their fucking lives
[87:59 - 88:03] Fucked up shit like that that doesn't need to be going on
[88:03 - 88:13] And shit like this
[89:03 - 89:10] I'm so wrong to do you call me under, I call you under
[90:03 - 90:19] You will never see what inside your head I could wonder just to say bye now
[90:33 - 90:42] Now like I said, I don't care if YouTube blocks this or whatever. I don't care
[90:44 - 90:47] More people need to see that fucking video
[90:52 - 90:58] And maybe you motherfucking trolls that do the shit that you do to people like me and
[90:58 - 91:00] To people like my friends
[91:01 - 91:06] Maybe now you'll fucking see what it is exactly that you fucking do
[91:12 - 91:19] Y'all trolls doing this shit you fucking do that's the fucking result. That's the reality of everything
[91:25 - 91:29] You guys in the shit you fucking do that's the reality of what really happens
[91:31 - 91:33] You
[91:41 - 91:44] Why do you think I stand up for people like that?
[91:49 - 91:52] Why do you think I stand up people like myself to get bullied?
[91:53 - 91:57] Because I can't stand pussy-ass bullies that push people to suicide
[91:59 - 92:03] Because what you guys just saw that's really what happens to people
[92:10 - 92:13] That's the fucking harsh reality of it
[92:22 - 92:24] And
[92:30 - 92:35] What do you trolls do other than sit there and run your fucking mouth all goddamn day
[92:35 - 92:37] I
[92:46 - 92:53] Y'all trolls don't even fucking care what happens to people as long as you get your laughs. That's all you give a fuck about
[92:59 - 93:01] And that's not right
[93:05 - 93:07] You
[93:28 - 93:32] Why do you think I've become an advocate for anti-boying and anti-suicide?
[93:33 - 93:39] Because I've lived that life. I've gone through and I'm a survivor of suicide twice over
[93:45 - 93:47] And yes you trolls are the ones that caused it
[93:53 - 93:58] And I will continue to defend people like myself for as long as I fucking can
[94:02 - 94:04] I
[94:22 - 94:30] Do I was just showing people the reality of like what really happens when people give bully the way they do
[94:33 - 94:37] Trust me. I ain't in a negative. I come from a negative place at all
[94:38 - 94:43] I'm really not like I'm coming from a place of positivity and ultimately
[94:43 - 94:45] reality
[94:49 - 94:56] And I'm kind of trying to show these guys like hey you guys being negative and being shit towards people is
[94:56 - 94:58] What causes this?
[95:02 - 95:06] Like I'm not coming from a negative headspace at all. I'm coming from a good one
[95:23 - 95:25] But y'all do me this second guys
[95:25 - 95:31] I'm not to go grabbing some nice hot coffee instead of this cold ass shit. So give me this second. I'll be right back
[95:32 - 95:37] Well first let me switch this up to drift mode
[96:02 - 96:04] Yeah, I know I'll get away your same shit
[96:04 - 96:11] But like I said, dude, you know, like I said, I'm not coming from a place of negativity. I'm coming from a positive mindset
[96:12 - 96:20] Because ultimately what I want for this channel and for my brand is for everybody to just get along and cut the crap
[96:21 - 96:23] Like I enjoy hanging out with people like you guys
[96:25 - 96:28] Like I enjoy hanging out with my boy Crip K and
[96:29 - 96:38] Fucking scully and everybody man. I have I hold no hatred towards nobody. I love hanging out like this and chilling like yo
[96:39 - 96:41] Fucking
[96:41 - 96:43] Let's see if he's still in here
[96:44 - 96:47] Like I know squishy remembers the old days of the coffee and show streams
[96:49 - 96:53] Like those are the days that I fucking miss and I don't want to get back to
[96:54 - 96:57] So, yeah, give it a sec guys. I'll be right back. I'm not the heat of the gun right quick
[96:57 - 97:02] So you're just sick. So sit down chill out. Hang on. What's stills man? I'll be right back
[97:05 - 97:08] Also shot to the new fans what's good
[97:23 - 97:25] You
[97:53 - 97:55] You
[98:23 - 98:25] You
[98:53 - 98:55] You
[99:23 - 99:25] You
[99:28 - 99:30] What's up guys I'm back
[99:33 - 99:35] Yeah, you guys ready for some fun
[99:48 - 99:50] So who's ready for some fun slides
[99:53 - 99:55] You
[100:07 - 100:09] But yeah, dude the real
[100:11 - 100:13] Yeah, talk if you ever
[100:15 - 100:20] Like if you ever get the time dude, definitely check out suicide sounds for sure brother
[100:21 - 100:25] Like definitely check those guys out. They definitely have helped me a lot
[100:26 - 100:28] Through a lot of crazy shit
[100:30 - 100:33] They're definitely my top favorite heavy metal bands for sure
[100:37 - 100:44] Like and I'm like their music definitely has a really good message behind it like for sure as you can tell
[100:45 - 100:47] And
[100:49 - 100:51] It's not too far off from what I talk about either
[100:53 - 100:59] Because like I talk about a lot of the same stuff, you know with bullying being depressed what it's like to you know
[100:59 - 101:03] Wake up with that feeling and kind of you know put the shock factor into everything, you know
[101:14 - 101:22] Let's do a time attack run
[101:35 - 101:39] Now I said I don't care if this stream gets whatever you know
[101:40 - 101:45] Well, I don't care if this string gets muted by YouTube at all because
[101:47 - 101:52] You know, like I said, I wanted to bring you know adults reality to
[101:54 - 102:00] You know what really goes on in the world and what it is exactly that I fight against which is you know bullying
[102:01 - 102:07] Suicide and you know how I do try to do like Mitch did and you know and promote positivity
[102:07 - 102:10] And you know be there for people that actually need it
[102:11 - 102:14] And that's kind of what I want to gear this channel towards is you know
[102:14 - 102:19] How people give people a fun place to come in hang out have fun and relax
[102:23 - 102:26] Like I want to be able to build a community on this channel where
[102:27 - 102:29] You know, I can get paid to do what I love
[102:29 - 102:35] But at the same time I can come in with you guys hang out bring in new people and
[102:35 - 102:37] Whatever and just have fun
[102:37 - 103:07] Well, yeah, I know you weren't around for this arrow, but there was a time where I was
[103:07 - 103:14] doing a lot of a lot of streams called the coffee and chill streams where I would do like
[103:16 - 103:18] Stream yard
[103:18 - 103:24] Streams and I'd have friends on and we all be hanging out and stuff. We'd all be relaxing and everything
[103:25 - 103:27] fucking
[103:29 - 103:36] You know, I do streams on my own and we just hang out have fun like that's kind of something I'm getting back to
[103:37 - 103:39] Yeah
[103:47 - 103:49] Yo, so right that one will for sure
[103:49 - 103:51] Oh
[104:05 - 104:10] Hopefully doesn't kick me so it kicks you guys I do apologize. All right, we're good
[104:19 - 104:21] Oh
[104:50 - 104:52] And yeah, so that's my discord for you
[104:52 - 104:54] Oh
[105:16 - 105:20] Yeah, sure also sure when you get a chance, bro
[105:22 - 105:27] Go check out my Jamaican talking dog video and you see how just how funny I can actually be
[105:34 - 105:38] Y'all shiver be same man and y'all shiver like I said, bro
[105:38 - 105:43] If you get the chance man, check out my Jamaican talking dog video that I post man. I think we'll get a kick out of it
[105:52 - 105:54] I
[106:20 - 106:22] All right back to tailgate runs
[106:23 - 106:25] Now we have that few minutes of
[106:28 - 106:30] Introducing you to suicide silence, bro
[106:35 - 106:42] So good ain't nothing better in the morning than a nice hot cup of coffee some good music good people good friends and
[106:43 - 106:45] Ice grip from man can't beat it
[106:46 - 106:50] Good drip runs good coffee good friends good people man. You can't beat it
[106:52 - 106:54] You
[107:22 - 107:24] You
[107:53 - 107:55] Dude, I totally blew that corner
[108:01 - 108:03] Oh crap
[108:22 - 108:24] Oh
[108:52 - 108:54] Oh
[109:10 - 109:18] Damn I said reverse entry we did a reverse exiting
[109:22 - 109:24] Oh
[109:40 - 109:43] No, no, we gotta have a wing man. We gotta stay looking clean
[109:52 - 109:56] I talked me food you water eat your heart out brother
[110:22 - 110:24] Oh
[110:43 - 110:45] That was close
[110:52 - 110:54] I
[111:08 - 111:10] Got you I got you talk
[111:22 - 111:24] I
[111:24 - 111:26] I
[111:45 - 111:47] All the way
[111:51 - 111:53] Yes, sir
[111:54 - 111:56] Oh
[111:57 - 111:59] My god, you're just a color right back. Hold on
[112:05 - 112:07] Well guys you're that good
[112:24 - 112:26] You
[112:54 - 112:56] You
[113:11 - 113:15] Sir, I think yes, let's take care of some record anything I'll give
[113:24 - 113:26] You
[113:26 - 113:28] You
[113:28 - 113:30] You
[113:53 - 113:55] That's your one of it
[113:58 - 114:00] You
[114:28 - 114:30] You
[114:44 - 114:46] When full send backwards on that
[114:49 - 114:54] Not gonna lie that was a fun run that was actually fun
[114:58 - 115:00] I
[115:13 - 115:17] Took just sad you brother. I just got your friend across that is accepted it
[115:28 - 115:30] You
[115:58 - 116:00] You
[116:06 - 116:11] Bro, it was a time attack. I wasn't going against anybody bro. It was just a straight-out time attack
[116:12 - 116:15] But for me, it was more or less an extra and then it was a time attack
[116:17 - 116:19] So
[116:28 - 116:30] So
[116:58 - 117:00] So
[117:28 - 117:30] So
[117:58 - 118:02] Yeah, this is so slow
[118:28 - 118:30] So
[118:41 - 118:44] This is so slow I swear to God this
[118:58 - 119:00] I
[119:28 - 119:30] I
[119:45 - 119:51] Do this is so slow, yeah, hold on what up
[119:51 - 119:53] I
[119:56 - 120:00] Yeah, I'm double gonna have to exit out and re-enter back, you know, thank you
[120:02 - 120:05] Yeah, we're gonna have to go stuck on that loading screen
[120:06 - 120:24] Now first thing is first I am gonna pick up they um an
[120:26 - 120:30] 8086 Trueno first I am gonna buy that from the auction house. I am saving up for that
[120:35 - 120:37] I
[120:45 - 120:47] Bye Timmy Turner
[120:51 - 120:53] And you didn't think I wouldn't catch you
[120:56 - 120:59] Hey, we some building on my fan base Timmy
[121:00 - 121:02] I
[121:03 - 121:06] At least I'm building on my fan base
[121:18 - 121:22] I'm the same there we some building on my fan base, bro
[121:29 - 121:31] You
[121:41 - 121:46] That is true that is very true for a lot of people it is a Saturday
[121:56 - 121:58] That is very very true man
[121:59 - 122:01] I
[122:29 - 122:31] I
[122:59 - 123:01] I
[123:10 - 123:16] Know before I go drifting or anything I check mine. Yeah, what's up?
[123:22 - 123:24] Well
[123:30 - 123:32] I
[123:50 - 123:54] Now let's check the option house real quick see if either of my cars sold
[124:00 - 124:02] Oh
[124:16 - 124:18] Let's see when we get on this
[124:22 - 124:24] Oh
[124:29 - 124:31] Oh
[124:59 - 125:01] Oh
[125:29 - 125:31] Oh
[125:59 - 126:01] Oh
[126:29 - 126:31] Oh
[126:39 - 126:45] All right guys, so unfortunately I am gonna have them right here cuz I do have some stuff I take care of around the house real quick
[126:46 - 126:50] But first chance I get I'm gonna come up where I sit down
[126:50 - 126:52] redo the stream for scratch and
[126:52 - 126:54] Just have fun
[126:54 - 126:57] Hang out and I'll catch you guys in a bit
[126:57 - 127:03] Also, I will be starting up a merchandise shop for suicide racing merch very very soon
[127:03 - 127:05] So beyond the lookout for that
[127:07 - 127:09] Also, I will be posting up
[127:09 - 127:17] My cash after you guys would like to donate, you know being the about section of my channel you guys will be able to donate
[127:18 - 127:22] I will be posting up an email where you guys can reach out to me and stuff as well. So
[127:23 - 127:24] Yeah
[127:24 - 127:29] Without me to say guys, I hope you guys have a good rest of the morning if you guys are going to work be safe
[127:30 - 127:33] Be careful out there look out for yourselves
[127:35 - 127:39] Yeah, we got three families and more important man look out for each other man
[127:41 - 127:48] I'll catch you guys later. Yo stay humble stay positive. Keep being awesome and keep being yourself guys. Look you love you. Oh man. Peace
[127:52 - 127:55] You
2021-12-13 FH5 FD EVENTS/ Film session

2021-12-13 FH5 FD EVENTS/ Film session

[0:00 - 0:09] bro this is insane
[0:30 - 0:34] Oh damn
[0:44 - 0:48] Dude we're like insanely close to the wall of the ring right now
[1:00 - 1:02] Oh
[1:05 - 1:09] Then she offered a jump drift. Yes
[1:22 - 1:24] That was fire
[1:30 - 1:35] Now let's see we can find a way out of here
[2:00 - 2:02] Oh
[2:21 - 2:23] Watch out we're flying teleports people. Oh
[2:28 - 2:29] Shit
[2:29 - 2:31] Oh
[2:59 - 3:01] Oh
[3:15 - 3:23] Dude this thing actually slides like a boss, okay, I was not expecting that
[3:29 - 3:31] Oh
[3:59 - 4:01] Oh
[4:29 - 4:31] Oh
[4:45 - 4:47] Bro that was wild
[5:00 - 5:02] Oh
[5:06 - 5:08] Thank you
[5:17 - 5:19] I'll see we can get into a drift event
[5:30 - 5:32] Oh
[5:38 - 5:42] Dude that's your 50 when I put us up at 4 mil damn
[5:45 - 5:47] Ah shit
[5:47 - 5:49] I
[6:09 - 6:15] So it's horizon Mexico circuit rear wheel, okay
[6:17 - 6:19] God knows I got plenty of drift cars
[6:25 - 6:33] I just gotta wait for the other players to hop in and then we can do our second drift event of the year on here
[6:33 - 6:48] All right, let's go here. Let's bust out my
[6:52 - 6:54] What kind do I want to break out
[6:54 - 7:07] Yeah, let's bust out my Nissan 180
[7:24 - 7:26] Oh
[7:54 - 7:56] Oh
[8:25 - 8:27] Oh
[8:36 - 8:41] Hey, thank you, bro. Everybody has their own style
[8:54 - 8:56] Oh
[9:18 - 9:21] Everybody has your own style of driving dude, I've got mine
[9:22 - 9:25] And what I'm doing is called drifting
[9:27 - 9:31] Which is a little bit different from regular driving
[9:39 - 9:41] Think of it like driving sideways
[9:51 - 9:53] Oh
[10:09 - 10:11] Damn
[10:21 - 10:23] Oh
[10:32 - 10:35] Shit we're ten we just take a look at it. That was sick
[10:51 - 10:56] Well, it's actually a fun track. I like this
[11:21 - 11:23] I
[11:23 - 11:25] I
[11:49 - 11:51] Now I really need to throw it into this next corner
[11:53 - 11:55] Oh
[12:23 - 12:25] Oh
[12:35 - 12:37] First time spinning out
[12:54 - 12:57] Yo, sure that ain't cam, bro
[13:05 - 13:10] Trust me, I know cam 90 him I can tell you that already
[13:17 - 13:22] Not bad for our second event and we play six. It's actually not that bad for our second event
[13:23 - 13:25] Yeah
[13:35 - 13:39] Yo, dude always got the box cut crew for that was fired
[13:54 - 14:03] Yes hashtag drift city. Yes, I love it. I love it
[14:03 - 14:05] And
[14:21 - 14:24] We rockin the sick ass he talked your rap man. What's good
[14:33 - 14:35] I
[14:48 - 14:51] You know, I couldn't do a drift event with a dope ass
[14:52 - 14:56] Anime livery which we're actually rocking the love live
[14:56 - 15:01] You touch your rap man. If you only seen the anime series of love live bro. Check that shit out. It's super dope
[15:01 - 15:04] Not even alive bruh. It's super good
[15:32 - 15:34] And
[15:34 - 15:38] I know a lot of people are always telling me oh you need to get a capture card for yourself, bro
[15:38 - 15:41] I love doing it like this because it's more raw
[15:41 - 15:49] It's not a style of filming that you see very much with live streams. I actually enjoy live streaming like this because
[15:50 - 15:52] For me, it's more raw
[15:53 - 15:55] It's more basic, you know
[16:02 - 16:04] I
[16:05 - 16:08] It's more raw it's more down the earth
[16:15 - 16:22] Oh god trip really bro really man you had to go there didn't you
[16:25 - 16:27] You had to bust out the dirty jokes didn't you man?
[16:31 - 16:34] Oh, shit
[17:02 - 17:08] And do that smoke down my fucking way for real oh shit branch. Hello branch
[17:24 - 17:27] Oh, let's go we just say go on ass with the wall
[17:32 - 17:34] Oh
[17:34 - 17:36] Oh
[17:59 - 18:02] Bro don't even get it started on the hot dog video that
[18:03 - 18:06] William glory home made bro that shows hysterical
[18:07 - 18:10] I'm not gonna count bro. That show was funny as shit
[18:12 - 18:14] That video was funny as fuck
[18:25 - 18:27] Oh nice transition
[18:28 - 18:35] Dude that transition was probably like that's what I've done today. That was so sick
[18:43 - 18:47] Ah damn hit the walls only what you do that but we're good though
[18:57 - 19:03] We're currently in fifth. Oh shit
[19:27 - 19:29] Oh
[19:57 - 19:59] Oh
[20:13 - 20:15] Damn walls water out
[20:27 - 20:29] So
[20:48 - 20:50] Yo sure what up
[20:50 - 20:52] Oh
[20:55 - 21:03] Yeah, tough look up syringe. I'm a hot dog by William glory home. I promise you you're going to laugh your fucking ass off
[21:04 - 21:06] I promise you
[21:13 - 21:17] Hey, we took fifth let's go we top five up in this bitch
[21:20 - 21:22] So
[21:34 - 21:39] I'm actually using a lot to take g920 so you're not far up bro. I'm using a g920
[21:39 - 21:41] Hey
[21:49 - 21:51] Yo, okay, what's good, brother
[21:53 - 21:56] Yo, you're literally just in time there. I'm actually doing some drift events
[22:09 - 22:14] But yo Kenny, you're not far off bro. I'm actually using the uh logitech g920
[22:40 - 22:42] Oh
[22:50 - 22:57] Yes, I have dude that shit's fun. I actually have played that on pc in the past that shit is fun
[23:10 - 23:12] Hell yeah, dude
[23:31 - 23:33] Oh
[23:40 - 23:42] Oh
[23:53 - 23:57] Shit it's like a fucking toe gate right up in this bitch. Okay
[23:58 - 24:00] And
[24:08 - 24:10] And we got a hair pin right here
[24:13 - 24:17] You break that bitch ah damn didn't hit the
[24:19 - 24:21] You know, I got one of but that's cool
[24:27 - 24:29] So
[24:37 - 24:39] Oh shit got that wall top
[24:46 - 24:50] Dude this is definitely the weirdest drift track I've ever done not gonna lie
[24:57 - 24:59] I
[24:59 - 25:27] this is definitely the weirdest drift track ever but it's super cool though I like it
[25:27 - 25:42] oh damn I should not try oh shit
[25:57 - 26:24] this is definitely a weird track I like it but it's not when I would like jump on
[26:24 - 26:26] right away
[26:54 - 27:05] did I have the fucking ebrake a lot I'm gonna use my handbrake quite a bit
[27:24 - 27:42] I want six that's not bad
[27:55 - 28:08] not bad not bad took six now cuz to you guys the glare might be on there but
[28:08 - 28:14] for me it's like way off to the side so it doesn't really bother me much
[28:14 - 28:20] dude they actually are shut
[28:20 - 28:29] yeah I got an idea y'all hold up
[28:29 - 28:40] yeah shout out to airbrush man airbrush took it
[28:48 - 28:53] congrats the airbrush man that was good shit
[29:00 - 29:09] all right I always throw my initial d hoodie up here to lock it out a bit
[29:20 - 29:23] shit
[29:29 - 29:49] all right there's no way I'm gonna be able to do it guys sorry
[29:59 - 30:05] shit
[30:22 - 30:28] yeah I'm far too I'm not gonna go to cuz my things are literally not the fall so
[30:28 - 30:40] yeah I can't do anything sorry guys like literally my things like what shit
[30:40 - 30:46] about the fall I just tried putting my hoodie up there and it was like nope
[30:58 - 31:12] now let's see some real quick
[32:29 - 32:32] yeah
[32:47 - 32:48] jack tag
[32:48 - 32:50] I
[32:57 - 32:59] FD horizon noise
[33:04 - 33:06] Pro
[33:18 - 33:29] to ruined bro rode Atlanta what bro yes
[33:31 - 33:35] hey we'll do
[33:39 - 33:45] bruh since we're doing road Atlanta we gotta honor the big man dog
[33:49 - 33:57] you know we gotta honor him dude we gotta honor the homie Adam LZ for road
[33:57 - 34:05] Atlanta let's go and if y'all don't know who Adam LZ is I'm gonna introduce you
[34:05 - 34:08] doing right after this
[34:19 - 34:26] you got the LZ MFG S15 out man let's go
[34:30 - 34:41] I'm that's a pretty good question all the check and see that's actually a very
[34:41 - 34:44] good question though
[34:48 - 35:00] I think I'm very good question all the check and see bro I can't believe they
[35:00 - 35:06] actually made road Atlanta that is dope and it just happens to be one of my
[35:06 - 35:12] favorite courses I'm actually driven rode Atlanta before on racing games and
[35:12 - 35:20] they're super fun oh shit wrong way y'all this is definitely road Atlanta turf
[35:20 - 35:23] right here
[35:42 - 36:05] really dude you can at least make the road
[36:12 - 36:25] dude that wasn't even a proper road Atlanta I'm driven rode Atlanta that is
[36:25 - 36:29] not proper road Atlanta motherfuckers
[36:29 - 36:44] dude I did rode Atlanta for the outrun open drift events a couple years back
[36:44 - 36:51] that is not proper road Atlanta the fuck's wrong with you man you should we
[36:51 - 36:56] at least if you're gonna do road Atlanta I'm not saying that wasn't a good attempt
[36:56 - 37:05] but bro if you're gonna have a proper drift track at least have the frickin road
[37:26 - 37:41] I'm just saying bruh now let me show y'all who Adam LZ is
[37:47 - 37:51] oh shit
[37:56 - 38:11] oh that's brutal
[38:11 - 38:28] What bruh get out
[38:28 - 38:29] Wow!
[38:58 - 39:04] I originally built the Dupy Racing, and it was just supposed to be a fun demo car that
[39:04 - 39:09] quickly escalated once I learned that high strung cars really only get driven together
[39:09 - 39:12] at the highest level of drifting, which is one-wheel drift.
[39:12 - 39:18] This car has treated me well for three seasons, and coming to this next season I decided it
[39:18 - 39:21] was time to do something a little bit different, and in this video we're going to talk all
[39:21 - 39:22] about that.
[39:23 - 39:27] Much excitement, and I want to tell you guys, I will be driving an S-Tessi next year.
[39:27 - 39:29] Are you ready for it?
[39:29 - 39:31] What?
[39:33 - 39:35] Hold up!
[39:37 - 39:39] Okay!
[39:39 - 39:46] I didn't say it was an e-sum, but technically it is an S-Tessi, an S-550 Mustang to be exact.
[39:46 - 39:52] And I am excited to finally officially announce to you guys that I will be joining Team RTR
[39:52 - 39:54] for next year of Formula Drift.
[39:54 - 39:55] Yo!
[39:55 - 39:56] Yo!
[39:56 - 39:57] Vaughn Gettin Jr.
[39:57 - 39:58] What's good?
[39:58 - 39:59] My homie Vaughn.
[39:59 - 40:00] What's good, bro?
[40:00 - 40:01] Yes!
[40:01 - 40:04] Some people start putting two things together, and throw some curveballs.
[40:04 - 40:06] They certainly did, but you guys are sharp.
[40:06 - 40:08] You guys are sharp peeps for sure.
[40:08 - 40:14] If you guys don't already know Vaughn, Vaughn Gettin Jr., the owner of RTR, Formula Drift
[40:14 - 40:19] Champion, my mentor, and now, I guess, are you technically the team manager?
[40:19 - 40:20] I'm a team owner.
[40:20 - 40:21] I'm a team owner.
[40:21 - 40:28] My job is to support you and Chelsea and make sure that you and the team have what you need
[40:28 - 40:30] to achieve the goals.
[40:30 - 40:34] And obviously, one of your goals is to become an FD Champion.
[40:34 - 40:37] And so, the process begins now.
[40:37 - 40:40] There's a lot of stuff we've got to talk about, and that's what this video is for.
[40:40 - 40:43] And we're going to bring you guys behind the scenes of the lab and our whole thought
[40:43 - 40:45] process behind this huge team.
[40:45 - 40:46] Yo!
[40:46 - 40:47] Congrats to Adam, dude!
[40:47 - 40:50] First thing to do, Gritty, I want to give you guys a super quick tour of this place.
[40:50 - 40:51] This is the RTR Lab.
[40:51 - 40:54] Yeah, this used to be Kenny Schrader's, one of his facilities.
[40:54 - 41:01] So, this is where the activation demo activities go, and you'll see the difference of the FD
[41:01 - 41:03] area when we get there.
[41:03 - 41:10] OG Mustang, department one of the 05 USA vs. Japan, and 2007 World Championship.
[41:10 - 41:13] And it kind of put me on the map, if you will.
[41:13 - 41:17] And I really want to do a comparison of current FD cars versus that FD car.
[41:17 - 41:19] So, I'm going to need a quick question for you.
[41:19 - 41:23] I don't know how well known it is, and a lot of people, I always hear them making comments,
[41:23 - 41:25] but I think the demo cars are FD cars.
[41:25 - 41:27] Can I talk about the differences between them?
[41:27 - 41:28] Sure.
[41:28 - 41:29] So, I'm going to be getting a demo car, right?
[41:29 - 41:30] Yes.
[41:30 - 41:31] Sick.
[41:31 - 41:34] You will have a demo Mustang that you'll be driving with, you know, whether it's me and
[41:34 - 41:39] you doing grid lighting for me, you and Chelsea, or you and Chelsea, we'll all have our own
[41:39 - 41:40] exhibition car.
[41:40 - 41:45] And the goal of these cars, right, the FD cars are only for FD.
[41:45 - 41:47] We don't use them for anything else, right?
[41:47 - 41:48] I mean, you know the deal.
[41:48 - 41:49] You can run the FD program.
[41:49 - 41:50] Yeah.
[41:50 - 41:52] A lot of them use a lot of time between rounds.
[41:52 - 41:54] So, these are toned down.
[41:54 - 41:55] This is a Coyote.
[41:55 - 42:00] It's a Ford Performance Eliminator with a Vortex Supercharger.
[42:00 - 42:06] It has a T56 Magnum in it, and a Driveshack Shop 4.9 inch conversion.
[42:06 - 42:11] So, they're just toned down drivetrains, but the same, well, similar chassis.
[42:11 - 42:16] So, like this car, if we got it shot in the race car, you can pull everything out of this.
[42:16 - 42:19] The chassis is exactly the same, but the soap frames are different.
[42:19 - 42:21] So, they drive a little bit different.
[42:21 - 42:22] Correct.
[42:22 - 42:24] And then, power wise, I know the FD cars make an extra like four or five hundred horsepower,
[42:24 - 42:25] right?
[42:25 - 42:26] Correct.
[42:26 - 42:27] Yeah, there's about seven hundred and fifty.
[42:27 - 42:28] Oh, don't worry, life.
[42:28 - 42:29] I got you, bro.
[42:29 - 42:30] Still not bad.
[42:30 - 42:34] But still all the, you know, still the same look you feel, right, when you're demos or
[42:34 - 42:37] content, still appears to be the same car, right?
[42:37 - 42:43] Still the same branding, but this car is much more affordable to run, like these illuminators
[42:43 - 42:44] run forever.
[42:44 - 42:45] We don't have to ever change them.
[42:45 - 42:50] So, for the FD car, it needs a full rebuild, you know, expensive rebuild at the end of
[42:50 - 42:51] the year.
[42:51 - 42:56] And if you're not aware, Vaughn did just recently announce that he's taking a step back from
[42:56 - 42:57] driving an FD.
[42:57 - 42:59] And I just want to make it very clear.
[42:59 - 43:03] I am not taking your role in the RTR team.
[43:03 - 43:07] Chelsea is moving into your position in the FD team, as I guess you would say the lead
[43:07 - 43:08] driver.
[43:08 - 43:11] And then I'll be filling in Chelsea's position as the new, for the rookie.
[43:11 - 43:13] Yeah, exactly.
[43:13 - 43:16] Oh, congrats to Adam LZ, bro.
[43:16 - 43:17] That's crazy, dude.
[43:17 - 43:23] And if y'all don't know, I actually do have Vaughn Jr. on here on Xbox as a friend.
[43:23 - 43:26] I actually got to talk to the dude a few times.
[43:26 - 43:28] Super nice guy, man.
[43:28 - 43:31] One of the nicest guys ever, man.
[43:31 - 43:32] 100%.
[43:32 - 43:33] Super cool, dude.
[43:33 - 43:37] So congrats to Adam on joining Team RTR, bro.
[43:37 - 43:39] That's fucking dope, man.
[43:40 - 43:45] I can honestly say, Adam, you definitely deserve it, bro.
[43:45 - 43:48] You've been killing it these last few years, man.
[43:48 - 43:52] So mad, mad congrats to Adam, dude.
[43:52 - 43:54] You fucking deserve it, bro.
[44:09 - 44:11] Thanks, man.
[44:39 - 44:41] Thanks, man.
[45:09 - 45:25] Now with that out of the way, let's get this shredding.
[45:25 - 45:29] Believe me, dude, I wish I could, but I can't.
[45:29 - 45:42] Like I said, dude, there's not really anything I could do about it, man.
[45:42 - 45:43] I do apologize.
[45:43 - 45:45] There's not my fault.
[45:45 - 45:50] I really have no control over the glare.
[45:50 - 45:54] And what's weird, though, is it doesn't show up on my end, which is weird.
[45:54 - 45:58] Like the glare, like, I'm staring at the screen right now.
[45:58 - 46:02] And I'm, like, looking directly at the TV.
[46:02 - 46:07] There's literally no glare on my end, so...
[46:07 - 46:08] I don't know.
[46:08 - 46:12] I see it on the monitor, but when I'm looking directly at the TV, I don't see it.
[46:24 - 46:31] Dude, you are getting a POV, man.
[46:31 - 46:32] For real.
[46:32 - 46:37] Like you are actually getting a point of view run on that shit.
[46:37 - 46:53] Welcome back, Count Dracula.
[46:53 - 47:00] Exactly, bro.
[47:00 - 47:06] But, yo, dude, I can honestly say, though, man, I can't say this enough, dude.
[47:06 - 47:12] First off, Maggie Grads to Adam LZ on making team RTR.
[47:12 - 47:14] Man, you fucking deserve it, bro.
[47:14 - 47:19] You've been killing it these last two years with these events, man.
[47:19 - 47:21] Like, you've been doing really good.
[47:21 - 47:23] I've been watching a lot of your FD events, bro.
[47:23 - 47:25] So keep up the dope as work, man.
[47:25 - 47:27] You're doing good.
[47:27 - 47:32] But also, I do want to give a huge, huge congratulations.
[47:32 - 47:40] And I'm doing a huge congratulations to Playground Games for taking Game of the Year
[47:40 - 47:44] for innovation and accessibility, man.
[47:44 - 47:48] So mad props to Playground Games for actually doing that, man.
[47:48 - 48:04] You guys killed it.
[48:04 - 48:05] Oh, damn.
[48:05 - 48:09] That was the quickest session joint ever.
[48:09 - 48:10] Fuck yeah, man.
[48:10 - 48:14] Let's go.
[48:14 - 48:40] Let's see what class we're running.
[48:40 - 48:59] Let's see what class we're running.
[48:59 - 49:03] That did not just happen.
[49:03 - 49:04] What the hell?
[49:04 - 49:05] That didn't...
[49:05 - 49:08] Wait, what the fuck?
[49:08 - 49:09] What the hell?
[49:09 - 49:10] What the hell, dark, dark one, paladin?
[49:10 - 49:12] What's good, dark?
[49:12 - 49:15] I didn't realize you were on, dude.
[49:15 - 49:16] What's good?
[49:16 - 49:17] Hold up.
[49:17 - 49:19] Let me grab my brick track.
[49:19 - 49:25] Wait, hold up.
[49:25 - 49:32] Did I just see something for a...
[49:32 - 49:37] Bro, yes.
[49:37 - 49:39] I
[49:39 - 49:41] Don't know why I did that. That was fucking weird
[49:42 - 49:47] You guys saw that shit. It literally went to the drip today and then blanked out
[49:48 - 49:53] Now I am gonna be doing a side racing livery for you guys
[49:53 - 49:56] So for those of you that do get horizon 5 or
[49:57 - 49:59] 4
[49:59 - 50:02] You guys will be able to grab that up. It will be on the
[50:02 - 50:08] On the store property you guys to pick up so I am gonna be doing a team
[50:10 - 50:16] Side racing livery here within the next few days, which is something I've been you know needing to do anyway
[50:16 - 50:18] So that will be available for you guys
[50:23 - 50:26] So whether you guys do off-road racing street
[50:27 - 50:32] Drag drift, you know whatever style racing you guys do you guys can you know represent
[50:42 - 50:48] Yo, you getting real. What's good? Welcome to the stream a man. What's up? How you doing there, man?
[50:56 - 50:58] Oh
[51:05 - 51:12] Hell yeah, dude, I'm glad you checked it out man. I still did check it out, bro. That's fucking cool
[51:15 - 51:20] Yeah, same same here man just showing out doing some drift events. I'm fun
[51:27 - 51:33] Yeah, what's equal what up?
[51:36 - 51:38] I was sick as
[51:40 - 51:45] Yo, Jess, what up? Oh, yeah, bro same here, man
[51:48 - 51:50] They need to get some more but uh
[51:50 - 51:52] Yeah
[51:55 - 51:57] And I know what everybody's asking
[51:58 - 52:03] With the brand-new pup why am I not bringing them on camera well
[52:03 - 52:07] There's a good reason why I'm not showing my brand-new puppy on camera yet
[52:07 - 52:10] and that is because a lot of people like
[52:12 - 52:15] William Glory hole and all them they like to try to call
[52:15 - 52:17] Um
[52:18 - 52:21] What do you call it on humane society and start shit?
[52:22 - 52:29] So unfortunately, I'm not able to but just know that I do have a new pop. He's very very well taken care of
[52:29 - 52:34] He's actually asleep right now. I just went down and checked on him a little bit ago. He's passed the fuck out
[52:37 - 52:42] So, you know, like I said, unfortunately, I'm not able to as much I would love to
[52:42 - 52:46] But out of safety for my pup and my family
[52:46 - 52:53] I'm not able to because like I said William Glory on them do like to call the humane society a lot and
[52:54 - 52:55] fucking sucks
[52:55 - 52:57] But you know
[52:58 - 53:00] That's what they do, you know
[53:06 - 53:11] Like I would love to believe you guys I would love to you know do that
[53:12 - 53:14] You
[53:15 - 53:17] Hold on guys be right back
[53:23 - 53:29] So again, just one minute guys, I'll be right back so sit down show out amongst yourselves and kick it. I'll be right back
[53:42 - 53:44] You
[54:12 - 54:14] You
[54:42 - 54:44] You
[55:12 - 55:14] You
[55:42 - 55:44] You
[56:12 - 56:14] You
[56:42 - 56:44] You
[57:12 - 57:14] You
[57:42 - 57:44] You
[58:12 - 58:14] You
[58:42 - 58:44] You
[59:12 - 59:14] You
[59:42 - 59:46] What's up guys, I'm back. I do follow John's for taking so long. I know
[59:47 - 59:52] Yeah, that goes we're doing a lot of stuff as far as like the house goes
[59:53 - 59:55] We are actually
[59:55 - 59:57] getting the front porch redone
[59:58 - 60:04] So I'd help haul some stuff inside then yank some stuff out of the living room. So yeah
[60:12 - 60:14] I
[60:15 - 60:17] Got a brush power
[60:23 - 60:31] The rigid top speed of 175 bro that's simple shit that's simple stuff, bro
[60:42 - 60:44] Welcome back counterfeiter. Thanks, bro
[61:12 - 61:14] You
[61:31 - 61:38] Hold up did I just say what I think you just hold up did I just literally say the warrior and hold up
[61:38 - 61:40] bro
[61:45 - 61:47] Get out
[61:57 - 61:59] Oh my god
[62:03 - 62:05] It's a DeLorean
[62:06 - 62:10] Oh, no way
[62:17 - 62:22] Dude dude, we are fucking buying this shit
[62:27 - 62:30] Yo back to the future shit, let's go
[62:36 - 62:38] I
[62:42 - 62:44] Hell yeah, what's it go dude
[62:51 - 62:54] Bro that is so dope I
[63:02 - 63:05] Know I got the door in I just fucking bought it
[63:05 - 63:07] I
[63:14 - 63:16] Let's check this thing out bro
[63:19 - 63:21] Dude that is so dope
[63:22 - 63:27] You know, we got to customize this DeLorean bro. We got to hold up
[63:36 - 63:38] Ooh got some force points
[63:42 - 63:44] Got that force of thought she
[63:46 - 63:50] Dude, you know, we got to do some shit with the fucking DeLorean, bro
[63:52 - 63:54] Yo, Cruella, what up?
[63:56 - 64:00] Dude, you know, we got to do something with this DeLorean, bro
[64:01 - 64:04] What kind of tires is it running dry? Oh shit dry tires
[64:06 - 64:08] All that I
[64:08 - 64:10] Can work with that
[64:14 - 64:19] They're going to flip to the bathroom, I don't know well see I've not touched this yet
[64:19 - 64:21] I actually just bought this from the auction house
[64:22 - 64:25] So we're about to find out
[64:36 - 64:38] Oh
[64:46 - 64:52] Does it come the does it at least come with a wide body kit nope, damn
[64:52 - 64:54] Oh
[65:04 - 65:07] So one thing that a lot of people might not realize is this
[65:10 - 65:13] Is like this is something brand new to horizon 5
[65:15 - 65:21] Whenever you guys like let's say you want to upgrade it with the intake manifold throttle body
[65:22 - 65:28] Let's say a race intake as you're upgrading your car. You can actually rev the engine and hear the difference
[65:45 - 65:47] Bro this thing sounds evil
[65:52 - 65:54] I
[66:05 - 66:09] Bro this thing sounds gnarly dude, holy shit
[66:22 - 66:28] Let's do race wait red dog
[66:52 - 66:54] Oh
[67:22 - 67:28] Yeah, those actually look good
[67:32 - 67:34] Those rotos look nice
[67:42 - 67:44] Damn this thing sounds evil
[67:52 - 67:54] Oh
[68:22 - 68:32] I said so that's it only a little under set over seven grand
[68:52 - 68:54] I
[69:09 - 69:11] Crips not wrong dude
[69:12 - 69:14] He is not wrong
[69:22 - 69:27] Yeah, this is about to be stupid quick
[69:27 - 69:52] Watch me it is all wheel drive so we're gonna do a little
[69:57 - 70:12] We're gonna do it similar to how I do a normal drag tire setup
[70:28 - 70:33] Everything saw so this thing actually can get it
[70:54 - 70:56] Damn 244, okay
[70:58 - 71:00] Let's go
[71:18 - 71:25] First time driving the DeLorean ever and we're doing a drag on with it. Hmm. This is gonna be good
[71:27 - 71:29] Oh damn
[71:57 - 71:59] Oh
[72:10 - 72:13] Damn this thing is gone dude
[72:13 - 72:15] Dude
[72:24 - 72:26] Bro this thing is gone
[72:43 - 72:45] Oh
[73:13 - 73:15] Oh
[73:43 - 73:51] Damn how many years does this thing have dude? Oh my god, it actually has 10 years
[74:14 - 74:16] Oh
[74:21 - 74:23] Dude that is crazy
[74:33 - 74:35] What
[74:43 - 74:45] Oh
[75:14 - 75:16] Dude
[75:27 - 75:32] Bro we gotta take this to the airstrip this thing is way too quick for this
[75:37 - 75:40] Where's that abandoned airstrip that where you at
[75:43 - 75:48] There's a jungle airstrip around here see they can find it
[76:13 - 76:15] Oh
[76:43 - 76:45] Oh
[77:13 - 77:15] Oh
[77:26 - 77:34] Bro this thing is stupid quick watch me break the fucking record with this shit
[77:43 - 77:45] 200 yards
[78:13 - 78:15] Oh
[78:18 - 78:20] Damn
[78:43 - 78:45] Oh
[79:10 - 79:12] Yeah, oh
[79:14 - 79:16] Yeah, there's no way we're
[79:34 - 79:36] Damn hold on guys
[79:43 - 79:45] Oh
[80:13 - 80:15] Oh
[80:43 - 80:45] Oh
[81:13 - 81:15] Oh
[81:36 - 81:41] So now they guys I'm back and thirsty close in the laundry very quick
[81:43 - 81:45] Oh
[82:00 - 82:03] But do I can't we have a freaking part of this thing goes is it crazy
[82:14 - 82:17] Hell yeah, Jess is glad that's dope
[82:33 - 82:38] Welcome to that team dude, holy shit this is work
[82:43 - 82:45] Oh
[83:07 - 83:10] Now I know I wanted to have them but hey it works
[83:13 - 83:15] Oh
[83:43 - 83:45] Oh
[84:01 - 84:05] Yeah, there's no way we're gonna win but hey is a good drag car though
[84:13 - 84:15] Oh
[84:25 - 84:27] Not gonna lie that was pretty fucking cool
[84:27 - 84:29] Oh
[84:42 - 84:46] I'm not gonna lie that was actually pretty cool the way I rolled that I was saying
[84:57 - 84:59] Oh
[84:59 - 85:01] Oh
[85:26 - 85:28] Hey class, okay
[85:30 - 85:32] Think I might have an eight class scripture. I'm gonna see oh
[85:36 - 85:39] I just happened to yes
[85:40 - 85:44] My chaser my lectures chaser. Let's go
[85:44 - 85:46] Oh
[85:57 - 85:59] Yo, Merry Christmas everybody
[86:06 - 86:10] And kids you guys are wondering yes, those are Japanese cherry blossoms
[86:14 - 86:16] Oh
[86:44 - 86:46] Oh
[87:15 - 87:17] Oh
[87:18 - 87:20] Feels good brother
[87:22 - 87:24] Yeah, this chaser feels good man
[87:44 - 87:46] Oh
[87:56 - 88:00] Not gonna lie it it is not doing this again. Oh
[88:04 - 88:10] No, okay, thank God. We're good. I thought it was about to switch over
[88:11 - 88:13] I
[88:13 - 88:15] Love it
[88:22 - 88:25] Not gonna lie did I'm glad I picked up that the worry and
[88:26 - 88:31] Now if I could just hit that seven mil mark, I can actually buy out an eight six
[88:40 - 88:42] Oh
[88:56 - 88:59] Now we rockin the FD chaser, let's go
[89:10 - 89:13] Yeah, chill, what's up?
[89:25 - 89:28] Yeah, Crypt I do need you to DM me about
[89:31 - 89:33] I'm not trip away like what do you think?
[89:34 - 89:39] Like do you think trip away is a good dude or what I need you to hit me up on my DMs in discord, bro
[89:40 - 89:42] Oh
[89:42 - 89:44] I
[89:44 - 89:46] I
[90:11 - 90:13] Might do a Christmas around now
[90:14 - 90:28] yo tiki swallows what's up man thanks bruh this is actually my lexus is 300 chaser
[92:28 - 92:36] then feels good to an FD event man it feels real good to be back on the will to an FD event
[93:28 - 93:45] oh wall scrape
[94:28 - 94:41] well brownie old wall top there oh we hold him forward
[94:58 - 95:07] and it's important let's go
[95:29 - 95:33] that actually wasn't bad
[95:42 - 95:47] oh my god what is this a fucking Christmas movie
[95:51 - 95:58] yo homies rocking the same rap I am hell yes
[96:28 - 96:41] nah actually 4th out of 8 which actually is a bad
[98:28 - 98:54] yeah I did a little guitar this morning
[98:58 - 99:09] oh god not this course
[99:09 - 99:32] dude I hate this course I am not a fan of this track
[99:39 - 99:44] and that's why this shit is tough bro
[100:10 - 100:15] it sees all the things I hear that keep running into that's throwing my car in
[100:15 - 100:18] the wrong direction
[101:09 - 101:13] just save my own ass on that but
[101:13 - 101:42] it's weird I can drift a freaking toge if I can't slide this man what the fuck
[101:42 - 101:56] it's weird I can do a freaking mountain toge pass I can do a freaking toge
[101:56 - 102:01] on a mountain pass but why am I not able to slide this shit it's like literally
[102:01 - 102:03] doing the same thing
[103:31 - 103:37] I heard China was hot
[104:01 - 104:09] I know that one of my friends that I'm actually taught in China for a while
[104:09 - 104:14] actually said it was very hot over there he used to teach in China for like a
[104:14 - 104:17] real long time
[104:32 - 104:37] and then a couple years before COVID hit he actually came back here to the
[104:37 - 104:39] States
[104:46 - 104:56] all right so now that I know how this shit works
[105:07 - 105:24] let's go yeah I heard China has some good food I have had like you know your
[105:24 - 105:31] typical Chinese restaurant food and it actually isn't bad but personally if you
[105:31 - 105:36] give me a choice trade Japanese or Chinese bro sorry no offense mass respect
[105:36 - 105:41] China the bro I'm going straight to original Japanese
[105:44 - 105:52] especially their rice balls bro mmm their rice balls and their sushi is like
[105:52 - 105:56] two of my favorites man straight up
[106:06 - 106:23] last time I had any kind of Japanese food was actually the last time that um
[106:23 - 106:29] ironically the last time burger boy actually sent me some shit from Japan
[106:29 - 106:35] he actually bought a lot of like Japanese food and a whole bunch of traditional
[106:35 - 106:43] Japanese snacks dude best fucking thing ever hands down
[106:55 - 107:00] like no joke like the last time I had any Japanese food was actually when
[107:00 - 107:06] burger was sent to where this big bag of like Japanese snacks and all kinds of
[107:06 - 107:10] shit like it was really good I went through that shit in like a fucking
[107:10 - 107:15] week but there was like two weeks worth of freaking Japanese food in there and I
[107:15 - 107:22] went through that shit in like a fucking week the shit was fucking bomb dude
[107:30 - 107:32] I
[107:39 - 107:41] And I'm a cool
[107:48 - 107:50] Right
[107:53 - 107:56] All right, y'all let's go nine drivers
[108:01 - 108:03] Hopefully we can take it
[108:07 - 108:12] And also if anybody does want to send me like any kind of fan mail or anything
[108:13 - 108:15] I will actually be leaving my
[108:17 - 108:20] My address in the comments after this run
[108:20 - 108:22] Oh
[108:30 - 108:32] All right, oh
[108:39 - 108:42] Dude fucking spy out
[108:50 - 108:52] Oh
[109:20 - 109:22] Oh
[109:50 - 109:52] Oh
[110:20 - 110:22] Oh
[110:36 - 110:38] People eggs you out of there
[110:50 - 110:57] Dude, I need a fucking handbrake is what I mean that way I can have a full-on proper setup
[111:10 - 111:12] Shit
[111:20 - 111:22] Oh
[111:51 - 111:55] Man, it just feels good to be drifting and doing events again
[111:56 - 112:00] Like I don't care about fucking wait. I'm just having fun just doing the events
[112:00 - 112:02] Oh
[112:31 - 112:33] Oh
[112:36 - 112:39] Facts trip backs my man
[112:46 - 112:51] Put in the comments man, how many you guys are liking like put in the content man
[112:51 - 112:53] How many you guys like see we do these fd events?
[112:53 - 113:02] Like how many you guys like see me do this for me with your events I put it in the comments if you guys like it
[113:02 - 113:04] And if you do do you guys want to see more?
[113:05 - 113:07] But that shouldn't the comments. Let me know
[113:23 - 113:25] And
[113:27 - 113:32] Also, I am gonna be doing a playlist of songs that I like to listen to when I'm just hanging out and chilling
[113:33 - 113:37] So once I get that playlist of you guys will be able to save it
[113:37 - 113:41] They're a bunch of different songs that I listen to on my free time that I personally enjoy
[113:43 - 113:48] So yeah, that'll be coming probably
[113:51 - 113:53] After this screen
[113:53 - 113:55] I
[114:23 - 114:25] I
[114:48 - 114:50] There we go
[114:53 - 114:55] I
[115:23 - 115:25] I
[115:54 - 115:56] I
[116:10 - 116:14] What ah crap I can't what
[116:18 - 116:20] Do I
[116:24 - 116:26] Hey on
[116:35 - 116:38] Well guys, I have to exit this event hold on
[116:45 - 116:47] What
[116:53 - 116:55] I
[116:55 - 116:57] I
[116:57 - 116:59] I
[116:59 - 117:01] I
[117:22 - 117:28] Guys so I do have to end it right here important guys cuz there's some stuff going on that I take care of
[117:29 - 117:34] But hopefully you guys enjoy this if you didn't make sure to smack that like button that scrub button and then I'm gonna just go all
[117:34 - 117:36] down down below
[117:37 - 117:42] And yeah, let me post up
[117:44 - 117:49] My address so if you guys would like to send me anything you guys are more than welcome to
[117:59 - 118:03] So be sure to write that down hang on it's
[118:07 - 118:09] There
[118:10 - 118:16] It's LL oh why D not LL oh why so if you guys would like to send any fan mail
[118:18 - 118:21] Go ahead and do so. It's right there for you guys. So take it down
[118:22 - 118:29] And I said hopefully you guys did enjoy this if you did be sure to smack that like button that
[118:29 - 118:32] subscribe button in the notification bell all down down below and
[118:34 - 118:36] I will catch you guys
[118:37 - 118:42] In the next dream man like I told you how last stream man
[118:42 - 118:45] Stay humble stay positive keep doing you man
[118:45 - 118:49] And if you guys got a channel going dude keep on doing what you do man
[118:50 - 118:55] You know forget about what these haters say man because trust me there is a lot at the end of the tunnel you will
[118:56 - 119:01] Get through it trust me. I had to go through that you can ask grip you can ask chill
[119:02 - 119:04] They see me go through this shit
[119:04 - 119:06] And so trust me if you got a channel
[119:07 - 119:13] You know you guys and you guys are dealing with what I dealt with trust me there is light at the end of the tunnel man
[119:13 - 119:18] Just keep your head up keep going strong stay positive and don't let these guys get to you man
[119:18 - 119:22] Fuck the haters fuck patrols. Just ignore them. Just keep doing what you do man
[119:23 - 119:25] No matter what they do. Just keep on doing you
[119:26 - 119:29] And keep on putting out that badass content
[119:29 - 119:35] And I'll catch you guys in the next dream man. Thank you. Love you guys. So I drifted stay sideways
[119:36 - 119:40] Say hello. I'll keep those tires turning. I'll catch you all later, man. I'm gonna go in sirens
[119:40 - 119:44] I'll catch you all later man. Peace. Hope you have a good rest of your day guys
[119:48 - 119:50] You
2021-12-13 FH5 TOUGE /  DRIFT & EVENT LAB Events

2021-12-13 FH5 TOUGE / DRIFT & EVENT LAB Events

[0:00 - 0:14] What's up what's up with the W guys?
[0:14 - 0:16] How is everybody to clean man?
[0:16 - 0:23] I know it's really warm and I wasn't supposed to share anything but I wound up passing out.
[0:23 - 0:27] So I do apologize for that.
[0:45 - 0:49] Let's see how it goes a little closer here.
[0:53 - 1:19] Let me know in the comments if you guys can see very well.
[1:19 - 1:23] If you guys can see the screen sign, let me know.
[1:23 - 1:33] Or do you need me to change the angle?
[1:33 - 1:59] You know what? Here I got it right now.
[1:59 - 2:09] I'm not sitting here as I had done but I'm working on what I got.
[2:09 - 2:11] There you are.
[2:29 - 2:45] Bro, I've seen you talking shit on me so no offense bro.
[2:45 - 2:49] I'm not gonna unbend somebody that talks shit on me.
[2:49 - 2:55] I'm just saying bro.
[2:55 - 3:17] Why would I unbend somebody that talks shit on me? It's counterproductive.
[3:17 - 3:21] I've only got a few cars in here with. You know what?
[3:21 - 3:35] Let's blow this up to Evo.
[3:35 - 3:39] Wait, where you gonna go dude?
[3:39 - 3:51] Sorry this is a troll free zone up in here bro.
[4:35 - 4:47] Yo, psychosis. Cripp, what up? Marshall, what up?
[4:47 - 5:07] Oh, you're talking about the, dude, that was the, that was the tacky on dude. That tacky on is stupid bad.
[5:07 - 5:21] I don't know, I need to check something real quick.
[5:21 - 5:25] I'm gonna have to restart this guys. Hold on, give me one second.
[5:25 - 5:31] Sorry for the technical difficulties guys but I do need to restart this.
[5:31 - 5:41] Because my wheel just, not my wheel but my freaking pedals just stopped on so I restarted this and we're gonna get it.
[5:41 - 5:45] Sorry for the inconvenience guys, this does happen from time to time.
[5:45 - 5:57] I do apologize, it's kind of notorious for happening.
[5:57 - 6:09] Hell yeah dude. Yo psychosis, what's good?
[6:09 - 6:25] Yo Marshall, things are going good man. How about yourself bro?
[6:25 - 6:33] Things are going good man, how are you so Marshall? What's up with you?
[6:33 - 6:39] Yo Cripp, dude, that finger board shit you were showing me tonight dude, that shit was dope.
[6:39 - 6:54] And the fact that you got fucking tech deck bro, you can't get no better than tech deck bro, you can't beat it.
[6:54 - 7:00] And in case y'all know, yes I grew up with tech decks, I grew up skateboarding as a kid.
[7:00 - 7:07] And do I do it anymore? Man, I don't necessarily do the tricks like I used to do.
[7:07 - 7:12] But I do still enjoy a nice skateboard ride around once in a while.
[7:12 - 7:18] I do still skate with my friends every now and then.
[7:18 - 7:39] I just don't do the hard, wild, crazy shit that I used to do as a kid.
[7:39 - 7:51] Yo what the fuck?
[7:51 - 8:04] Like when I was a kid I got the name name Caveman because I always caveman off of shit, just for whatever reason.
[8:04 - 8:10] I don't know why but I was always that dude that would caveman off of shit. I was that kid.
[8:10 - 8:15] I didn't care how high the jump was, I was jumping off and I was throwing that board under me.
[8:15 - 8:22] Hence I got the name Caveman from a lot of my friends.
[8:22 - 8:43] What's up demon rads, what's up?
[8:43 - 8:45] Nice.
[9:14 - 9:19] Yo demon rads, just wondering man, how the hell did you get your name demon rads?
[9:19 - 9:29] What made you choose that name?
[9:29 - 9:45] I always wondered that, why the nickname demon rads?
[9:46 - 9:51] Dude that's literally the funniest name ever I've heard.
[9:51 - 10:00] And I was just interested in how you got that name dude.
[10:00 - 10:29] That shit's pretty funny.
[10:30 - 10:59] Nice, dude I love it, I love it.
[11:30 - 11:51] Thanks.
[11:51 - 12:20] Actually before I do any drifting or anything I do need to check my auction house.
[12:21 - 12:47] Ah so nobody bit on these yet so we're good.
[12:47 - 13:06] When they were good man.
[13:06 - 13:25] Oh where's this thing at?
[13:25 - 13:39] Ah okay so I see what happened guys, it's not that the thing need to be restarted, it's
[13:39 - 14:04] that thing popped out okay.
[14:04 - 14:33] Oh there we go.
[14:34 - 14:58] There we go.
[14:58 - 15:23] There we go.
[15:23 - 15:51] There we go.
[15:51 - 16:20] There we go.
[16:20 - 16:32] Hopefully I got something good man.
[16:32 - 16:36] Wow that's generous, wow just the spirit of the horizon isn't it?
[16:36 - 16:38] Shall we send a thank you?
[16:38 - 16:42] Hell yeah always.
[16:42 - 16:58] Oh okay got the G Willis, okay.
[16:58 - 17:06] Not a thank you my car choice is definitely not that off road car.
[17:06 - 17:35] Hell yeah.
[17:35 - 18:04] That's it guys.
[18:04 - 18:33] Oh yeah that's one, nicely.
[18:34 - 18:41] Dude I smoked that corner, that was not good.
[18:41 - 19:10] Yeah I don't even need to tweak the Evo but oh man it's a good car and I just gotta tweak it man.
[19:11 - 19:40] I understand that Evo is a good car, I just gotta tweak it a bit.
[21:10 - 21:30] Alright.
[21:30 - 21:56] Let's switch the car out right quick and get one of my personal theirs out and drift it in a while.
[21:56 - 22:17] You know I wonder why it's doing that.
[22:17 - 22:21] Best time on a bandit right?
[22:21 - 22:29] And y'all don't know what nickname the bandit is because it actually has my dog bandit on the side as you guys can see it right there.
[22:29 - 22:40] I did this for my dog bandit shortly after he passed so I figured what better way to honor him than making a car for him man.
[22:40 - 23:09] What better way to honor my best friend than to make a car for him.
[23:09 - 23:19] That's it guys.
[23:19 - 23:46] That's it.
[23:46 - 24:07] Oh god I don't think I've ever, yeah I don't think I've ever, dude I actually do have my race harness on ironically.
[24:07 - 24:29] That's it.
[24:29 - 24:53] That's it.
[24:53 - 25:22] Oh damn we revved it.
[25:23 - 25:43] That was a really good hit at the tailgate round with that same first shirt.
[25:43 - 26:12] If we can.
[26:13 - 26:42] That is a dashboard here somewhere where's that?
[26:42 - 26:51] Alright I figured it would be out there where I can't get it.
[26:51 - 26:54] Of course it would.
[26:54 - 26:58] Of course it would be out there where I can't get to it.
[26:58 - 27:04] Where else would they put it?
[27:04 - 27:06] No one put it where I can get.
[27:06 - 27:08] They put it up top where you can't get it.
[27:08 - 27:33] That's nice.
[27:33 - 27:55] That's the only thing I know is they always put them right where you can't get them.
[27:55 - 28:24] Every time.
[28:25 - 28:52] That's it.
[28:52 - 29:20] That's it.
[29:20 - 29:42] That's it.
[29:42 - 30:07] That's it.
[30:07 - 30:33] That's it.
[30:33 - 31:01] That's it.
[31:01 - 31:27] That's it.
[31:27 - 31:53] That's it.
[31:53 - 32:07] That's it.
[32:07 - 32:08] That's it.
[32:08 - 32:09] That's it.
[32:09 - 32:10] That's it.
[32:10 - 32:36] That's it.
[32:36 - 32:45] seen a lot of bad things too so I'm giving my Xbox one X dude
[32:50 - 32:58] and I like when not the one X is the one that's right below the Xbox Series X so
[32:58 - 33:06] it's a literally like right there so I'm good dude
[33:06 - 33:21] and this thing load up
[34:36 - 34:38] Oh
[34:57 - 35:01] Because I can be and your troll so
[35:03 - 35:05] Adios amigo
[35:06 - 35:12] Sorry, it's for true fans only not trolls. There's a troll for his own brother
[35:18 - 35:20] Why are you waiting already
[35:24 - 35:31] Nice one March, that was a good one, dude. Why are you awake Marty?
[35:37 - 35:42] Hey, didn't I just ban your ass?
[36:00 - 36:04] I'm gonna hide an arty here. I did not mean to hide him as I am Marty
[36:07 - 36:09] You
[36:14 - 36:18] Now let's let this guy go here come on to do some shit
[36:25 - 36:28] Now I know it seems don't know you know let this guy go
[36:29 - 36:34] And you guys will see why in a minute cuz I'm not sure what life was like on the original togas
[36:36 - 36:41] I was running you down a little good way is here
[37:06 - 37:08] Oh
[37:37 - 37:39] So that had to fix my race artist real quick
[37:47 - 37:49] Let's get it
[38:06 - 38:08] Oh
[38:36 - 38:38] Oh
[38:53 - 38:56] This is like some freaking initial details here, bro
[39:06 - 39:08] Oh
[39:22 - 39:24] And that happens a lot too
[39:36 - 39:38] Oh
[40:06 - 40:08] Oh
[40:36 - 40:38] Oh
[40:46 - 40:54] I gotta say guys is welcome to Japan where the roads are narrow and shit and the drifts are fun
[41:06 - 41:08] Oh
[41:36 - 41:38] Oh
[42:06 - 42:08] Oh
[42:36 - 42:38] Oh
[43:06 - 43:08] Oh
[43:36 - 43:38] Oh
[43:44 - 43:46] Definitely not my best run
[43:59 - 44:02] Dude really all it's really about is just practice dude
[44:07 - 44:09] It is practice practice practice
[44:09 - 44:11] I
[44:11 - 44:13] I
[44:35 - 44:41] Know what you're like, oh you need this you need that now it's none of that all that is about practice and did
[44:41 - 44:48] Because the more we practice the better you get and that rings true for anything that you're trying to do man
[44:48 - 44:50] Just practice that shit
[44:58 - 45:02] Why take a look at me I didn't get good at drifting overnight I had to practice at it
[45:03 - 45:06] Like when I first started out on wheel dude, I sucked
[45:07 - 45:11] Like I won me I fucking sucked when I first got on wheel
[45:11 - 45:16] But the more I practice the more I got used to it
[45:41 - 45:43] I
[45:59 - 46:01] See this shit
[46:11 - 46:13] I
[46:41 - 46:43] I
[47:11 - 47:13] I
[47:16 - 47:18] Go
[47:41 - 47:43] Want to get my wine back
[47:55 - 48:00] Okay, you guys are wondering yes, I am on sim steering. Oh, what else close
[48:00 - 48:14] This thing's so tight so I'm not trying to be dirty here cuz I do want to do a problem
[48:14 - 48:16] I have to make this joke man
[48:18 - 48:22] These roses suck these roses so tight it's like my ex's pussy dude
[48:26 - 48:28] It's swear to God
[48:30 - 48:32] I
[48:35 - 48:40] Thought my ex's pussy was a tight squeeze and this is shit. This is a whole other level
[49:00 - 49:02] I
[49:30 - 49:32] I
[50:00 - 50:02] I
[50:30 - 50:32] I
[51:00 - 51:02] I
[51:30 - 51:33] I
[52:01 - 52:03] I
[52:03 - 52:09] Did that track literally is like that's like literally like go-to track now. I swear to God
[52:30 - 52:32] I
[53:00 - 53:02] I
[53:08 - 53:10] Check our event play last year, okay
[53:30 - 53:32] I
[53:38 - 53:46] So I asked to rise in finance for a driver incentive scheme and they stashed a treasure chest somewhere and left a riddle
[53:46 - 53:49] So this and you'll be given the next clue to its location
[54:01 - 54:03] I
[54:03 - 54:10] Let's see could tell you are from by the Charlie across any trails. That's the waterfall
[54:30 - 54:32] I
[54:55 - 54:58] Did that tell you literally one of my favorite spots to run
[55:00 - 55:02] I
[55:06 - 55:08] So I am going straight
[55:19 - 55:22] I figure we're gonna drive over there. There's a lot of fun doing it
[55:30 - 55:32] I
[56:00 - 56:02] I
[56:08 - 56:14] Did this seems like learning my go-to drift car it's so fun to drive
[56:30 - 56:32] I
[56:45 - 56:47] Do a little damage
[57:00 - 57:02] I
[57:30 - 57:32] I
[58:01 - 58:03] Ain't gonna do some kind of I don't know
[58:07 - 58:09] Alright, I'll just be
[58:09 - 58:35] Ryzee is quick as fuck and important to deal with the slides.
[59:05 - 59:07] Oh
[59:07 - 59:13] Well, we got it so oh you couldn't give me the Lambo
[59:23 - 59:25] Whatever dude
[59:35 - 59:39] On Zedrim, I know you talk shit, so see ya
[60:05 - 60:07] Oh
[60:36 - 60:39] All right, there she is
[61:00 - 61:05] I thought I just him dashboard. I was like, bro, I'm gonna whip around and smack that
[61:06 - 61:08] I
[61:09 - 61:11] Said we're gonna tap that ass
[61:35 - 61:37] I
[61:40 - 61:42] Don't want the Mustang we're going
[62:02 - 62:04] Wow
[62:05 - 62:07] Oh
[62:15 - 62:20] Which one's my favorite car that's a tough one there cuz I like cars in general
[62:35 - 62:37] Oh
[63:06 - 63:12] I don't have one level that happens on hold up
[63:18 - 63:22] Well, I'm already started to see what what race level I have this on
[63:31 - 63:33] I'm sorry, I troll watch this
[63:36 - 63:38] You are
[63:40 - 63:42] Hello
[63:43 - 63:45] Good bye
[63:47 - 63:49] See you later
[63:49 - 63:53] I mean, I'm doing this man. I want to run down and grab something right quick and I would read that
[63:54 - 63:57] So sit on show much sales man. I'll grab that
[63:58 - 64:02] So you got some cold to do man cuz I'm out there to dry a sheet
[64:05 - 64:07] Oh
[64:35 - 64:37] Oh
[65:05 - 65:07] Oh
[65:35 - 65:37] Oh
[66:05 - 66:07] Oh
[66:26 - 66:28] What I guess
[66:29 - 66:31] Bad
[66:31 - 66:35] Now let's switch up the thing cuz now I know it does have to be on
[66:37 - 66:39] Um, oh
[66:39 - 66:41] It's on high school. Okay
[66:42 - 66:44] So we did
[66:46 - 66:50] Watch this y'all y'all ready to see me shut down a chill
[66:50 - 66:52] Oh
[67:00 - 67:02] Yeah
[67:09 - 67:17] It's the jokester again, huh? How you doing jokes? Yeah, you got more joking. Well, let's hear more jokes
[67:20 - 67:22] Oh
[67:22 - 67:25] Good and very soon, that's all you need to know so goodbye
[67:34 - 67:39] Fucking jokes there. Oh man, you you trolls man, you guys are good
[67:46 - 67:48] You trolls are good
[67:50 - 67:52] You trolls are funny
[67:53 - 67:55] Yeah, Sam what up
[67:57 - 67:59] You trolls are funny man
[68:00 - 68:02] You make me laugh
[68:03 - 68:11] And hey, I wasn't lying I mean I am working on it and it is gonna drop very very soon, so I wasn't lying to the guy
[68:20 - 68:22] Oh
[68:50 - 69:01] Haha, I could tell this is gonna be a tough one. Okay, so I may have to change up my
[69:02 - 69:06] Too fast to feed its false mustang from a drifter to a racer
[69:20 - 69:22] I
[69:33 - 69:41] Say yeah, I was a lion, you know, I was switched up to the boss must I switch up to the boss mustang
[69:41 - 69:43] I
[69:47 - 69:54] Did I actually am planning on doing that trip I am planning on bringing back the coffee and chill strings for sure
[69:57 - 69:59] Yeah
[70:02 - 70:04] Really, that's all you guys static
[70:06 - 70:08] My static boy
[70:09 - 70:11] I
[70:13 - 70:18] Had a static shot go back to your own time to get stuck boy
[70:23 - 70:25] But did you
[70:29 - 70:33] Hello, we're all right in here. What do you want son? I
[70:33 - 70:35] I
[70:37 - 70:39] Know you are
[70:39 - 70:45] That's all you've got sonny boy. I've got all you got sonny boy. Come on. Don't you got sonny boy?
[70:47 - 70:50] Oh, really, I don't want to see your triumphs on
[70:56 - 70:58] I love doing that shit. I love it
[70:59 - 71:02] You're gonna pull it up, but I bought it my ass
[71:05 - 71:07] I love to see you try I
[71:08 - 71:10] Would love to see you try
[71:17 - 71:23] I still got it. I'm just not using it as much. I do still haven't though. I just don't use it as much man
[71:28 - 71:30] Oh
[71:32 - 71:39] Man you chose or something else I swear to God you chose or something else entirely, bro. That's the word of God. Oh
[71:41 - 71:43] Fuck
[71:54 - 71:56] Oh, man, you guys are funny
[71:59 - 72:01] Now
[72:04 - 72:07] I do want to show you guys the beautiful wrap on this mustang man
[72:07 - 72:10] This is actually one of my personal favorite mustangs actually
[72:15 - 72:19] Tell me that thing a sexy man got that beautiful square on the side
[72:29 - 72:31] Oh
[72:32 - 72:34] Beautiful man
[72:43 - 72:45] Oh shit, I do need to do that don't I
[72:50 - 72:52] Hello
[72:53 - 72:59] How do you pick out yours cuz obviously you're gonna need it
[73:12 - 73:14] I'm not the one that's gonna need a casket boy I
[73:17 - 73:19] Ain't the one that's gonna need a casket
[73:20 - 73:22] That's all I gotta say man
[73:24 - 73:28] You want to make that that's towards me go ahead. I can do it better
[73:34 - 73:36] I can do it then that's better
[73:40 - 73:42] Hmm
[73:44 - 73:48] I'm doing more of the story mode, but I'm trying to figure out like what car I want to use
[73:49 - 73:51] I
[73:52 - 73:57] I could go for the Land Rover and the 2020 Land Rover that's basically a luxury car
[74:02 - 74:04] Watch this guys
[74:07 - 74:09] Hello
[74:11 - 74:13] No, you're not if you worry you'd be knocking
[74:13 - 74:15] I
[74:16 - 74:18] Just put you on blocks, honey boy
[74:29 - 74:35] Hmm time to decide what car I want to drive down to a dirt race
[74:35 - 74:46] Yeah, let's turn it out to be a from being a racing sesh to a fucking slay the troll sesh
[74:49 - 74:53] I'm gonna pick out your class get your son of wine cuz I'm not the one that's gonna need one
[74:56 - 74:58] Why don't you make me son of wine
[75:05 - 75:07] Oh
[75:18 - 75:22] My god these guys they're funny
[75:22 - 75:24] I
[75:34 - 75:36] Wow
[75:53 - 75:55] Troll or anything
[76:09 - 76:13] Pretty much anything horror film really dude. Oh, by the way, I know you're also so yeah
[76:13 - 76:15] I
[76:19 - 76:22] Man he chose or something else, bro, I swear to God
[76:24 - 76:29] He chose or truly something else. I love the trolls man. I love slaying the trolls. It's funny
[76:29 - 76:35] It's fun to me cuz you guys think you get me, but you don't it's funny
[76:35 - 76:37] Oh
[76:40 - 76:44] Dang, okay the inside of this fortune. It's coming, bro
[76:56 - 76:58] Yeah, let's do more of the story
[77:06 - 77:11] Let's see there should be more of a story mode down here
[77:15 - 77:17] Yeah, right here is more of a story
[77:36 - 77:38] No
[77:41 - 77:43] Hello
[77:46 - 77:49] Are you already okay when you're alive and you show up here
[77:53 - 78:01] Y'all need to get all that child powder in bullshit, bro, I swear to God fucking troll ass loses
[78:05 - 78:13] And I have it on video so yeah, I was death threats ain't doing shit
[78:23 - 78:26] And I have it on film guys, so you guys saw this shit
[78:26 - 78:33] I have it on film that these guys are doing death threats. I have this shit on film. You guys are you guys heard this shit
[78:35 - 78:37] I
[78:53 - 78:55] Just me slime trolls
[78:55 - 78:57] You
[79:05 - 79:07] You know why it's all good, bro
[79:09 - 79:14] On all these stone drivers a horizon rush and he says you're the best of them all
[79:16 - 79:18] He just says that the outpouring
[79:18 - 79:22] Then will your science to prove if you're just being modest, huh?
[79:23 - 79:25] Take the hood of your pussy
[79:30 - 79:33] Let's start with a nice relaxed tour of the region
[79:47 - 79:49] Now that I can do now let's go
[79:53 - 79:55] I
[79:55 - 80:23] Wow, I love this car, man, it's so quick.
[80:23 - 80:41] Oh, now we're talking about style racing. Let's go.
[80:41 - 80:51] On that rally life, let's go.
[80:51 - 81:17] We're skipping across.
[81:17 - 81:21] See, I'm not as good with street racing as I am with rally racing.
[81:21 - 81:35] You're giving me on some rally shit? Bro, I'm at home, dude.
[81:35 - 81:57] Oh, boy.
[81:57 - 82:11] Oh, that was close. I did this cause he does feel good, though, man.
[82:11 - 82:23] Oh, we're headed up the mountain, oh, man. I'm down with that shit.
[82:23 - 82:37] Excuse me.
[82:37 - 83:05] Well, I take the switch right where I can just go down the fucking mountainside, bro.
[83:05 - 83:33] Oh, yeah, I kind of figured that was going to happen. I don't feel that was going to happen, dude.
[83:33 - 83:59] Oh, shit.
[83:59 - 84:15] Oh, oh, oh.
[84:15 - 84:25] We're good.
[84:25 - 84:51] You can take the cable car.
[84:51 - 85:17] You see the train tracks? It runs all the way down the mountains, popular with the priests.
[85:17 - 85:23] Whoa, what the, so I had to go across there, okay.
[85:23 - 85:45] Man, I know about this spot, and I've driven right here millions of times.
[85:45 - 86:07] That was fun.
[86:07 - 86:29] That was cool, actually. I don't know. It's fun.
[86:29 - 86:57] I'm going to switch up the settings on this.
[86:57 - 87:25] Yeah, this Porsche actually feels really good.
[87:25 - 87:41] And we're going into the water.
[87:41 - 87:47] I'm not trying to out anybody, but dude, when I said make a film, when I was talking about
[87:47 - 87:53] doing film work, I was talking about actually getting a hold of a legitimate film company,
[87:53 - 87:59] bro. Like, you know, like Warner Brothers or so many of those horror films or something.
[87:59 - 88:27] That's what I was talking about, not actually going out and making one.
[88:27 - 88:41] Dude, we got fog coming out of the water. That is crazy. That is insane. See, not water coming
[88:41 - 88:49] out. See, not fog coming out that water. That is beautiful, bro. Oh, crap. I missed it.
[88:49 - 88:55] I was saying so much time looking at the freaking water. I missed my turn. Oh, shit.
[88:55 - 88:59] I was talking about not paying attention, I was.
[89:25 - 89:27] Yeah, that's making a nice rally spot.
[89:31 - 89:45] Not going to count. This is actually making a good rally stage.
[89:55 - 90:01] I'm actually doing a better job here, dude.
[90:26 - 90:31] Dude, I'm going to just turn on the rally stage, man. That was actually cool.
[90:46 - 90:53] You see, I have all this equipment to conduct geographical service, but we could just as easily
[90:53 - 90:57] use it to make stunt videos. No. Get advice.
[90:57 - 91:03] Gracias, my friend. I am a scientist after all. Let's go.
[91:23 - 91:45] Oh, man. This is where I get to have fun, bro.
[91:53 - 92:09] I'm not going to send this thing, bro. Okay, I don't even know how I landed that barrel roll,
[92:09 - 92:17] but that was beautiful. How the hell did I just land that? Fuck it.
[92:17 - 92:19] How should I extend it?
[92:24 - 92:30] Dude, y'all saw that shit. I would generally have landed that fucking barrel roll. That was so sick.
[92:47 - 93:07] Bro, come on.
[93:17 - 93:27] Come on.
[93:47 - 93:57] Come on.
[94:17 - 94:22] According to the telemetry, you really like smashing things, my friend.
[94:22 - 94:26] Oh, yeah. And drifting.
[94:26 - 94:38] Dude, what else are you going to do with a stunt car, bro?
[94:38 - 95:00] What else are you going to do with a stunt car?
[95:00 - 95:24] Man, y'all trolls are triggered. Hashtag trigger trolls.
[95:24 - 95:35] Hashtag pissed off trigger trolls.
[95:35 - 95:51] Yeah, I need to...
[95:51 - 95:56] Oh, damn.
[95:56 - 96:13] Dude, it's not even a cheap wheel. It's a fucking Logitech G920, bro. Shit's expensive.
[96:22 - 96:31] Oh, shit.
[96:31 - 96:41] I'll go and set all the equipment back up again.
[96:41 - 96:48] Dude, y'all see.
[96:48 - 96:59] I built a small round on the mountain with switchbacks and big air. Time to head down, stick to the road and drift, or take a short cut for some big air. How do you think I'm serving it along the way?
[96:59 - 97:15] Yeah, I'm not going to that.
[97:15 - 97:20] See, y'all trolls are triggered. That's why you're calling.
[97:20 - 97:26] Y'all trolls are mad, so you're calling in the fuck with me. It ain't working, bro.
[97:26 - 97:35] I love it. I love the fact that you trolls are mad. I love it.
[97:35 - 97:46] You know what, man? I'm going to end it right here, y'all, because I'm about to set up for a show. I'm about to get a few things set up, and I'll catch you guys in a bit, dude.
[97:46 - 97:48] Peace.
[97:48 - 97:57] This shit's going to be good to piss off the trolls. I love it. Let's piss off those trolls and show them we can't be fucked with, man. It's going to be good. Peace.


[0:00 - 0:27] one of y'all so well they won't
[0:28 - 0:45] William Glory Hall aka Willy Wonka aka the little bitch that thinks he could aka the voice-changing pussy
[0:45 - 1:05] word on the street Willy Wonka word on the street is my man is that you're trying to go after one
[1:05 - 1:16] of my friends and target where he lives you're trying to target one of my friends now I thought
[1:16 - 1:23] we had this discussion already I thought I told you to leave my friends the fuck alone I thought
[1:23 - 1:33] I told you this already I thought I told you when it came to my friends and my family
[1:33 - 1:44] I thought I told you when I came to my friends and family you leave them the fuck alone
[1:44 - 2:00] but it appears to me that you don't listen so I'm gonna break it down for you see all you are
[2:00 - 2:11] are these few words that I'm about to say so listen very closely and very carefully to what I'm
[2:11 - 2:22] about to say because this applies to you and all your friends or what friends you lack
[2:22 - 2:35] every single one of you is a dick-riding little bitch see you couldn't get through to me so you
[2:35 - 2:47] feel like you have to attack my friends just because you think you can but the truth is you can't
[2:47 - 2:57] because all you are is insecure see your life is so shitty because you're not garnering the
[2:57 - 3:08] attention that people like me have rightfully earned people like me didn't just come up and take
[3:08 - 3:20] the attention no people like me earned every single second but you you feel like just because
[3:20 - 3:27] you're a William Glorio the dude that can fuck with people you feel like you can just up and take
[3:27 - 3:44] the attention right truth is if you want respect you need to earn it okay the reason nobody respects
[3:44 - 3:53] you is because you're an asshole you're a pussy little bitch asshole that feels like the whole
[3:53 - 4:02] world does and something but the truth is nobody owes you a damn thing if anything you owe the world
[4:02 - 4:11] something you owe the world you getting off your ass and quitting the shit that you're doing you owe
[4:11 - 4:24] the world that you owe the world you getting off your fucking ass and quitting your bullshit
[4:24 - 4:38] see I've earned every ounce of respect that I have gained ask people I trip like gamer he'll
[4:38 - 4:49] tell you ask people like my old day one friend track hero ask my good friend Devon aka cam time
[4:49 - 4:51] racing
[4:56 - 5:10] matter of fact you can ask Krip K you can ask Scully you can ask anybody I've earned every ounce of
[5:10 - 5:23] respect that I have gotten but you you you think that you can just walk up and take it but the
[5:23 - 5:31] truth is you have to earn it just like the rest of us all right respect isn't just handed out
[5:31 - 5:42] like a fucking flyer you can't just walk up and demand someone's respect no you have to earn
[5:42 - 5:51] that shit the same way that I did and every other youtuber on the face of this earth has fucking
[5:51 - 5:58] earned ah speak of the devil Krip K what's good brother how you doing man
[6:06 - 6:11] but like I told you will you every ounce of respect
[6:11 - 6:31] every ounce of respect William glorial I didn't walk up and take it no I fucking earned every
[6:31 - 6:44] single ounce of respect every single subscriber I have earned I have worked my ass off for
[6:44 - 6:58] relentlessly ask Krip K ask relax I have earned every single sub I have ever gotten I have earned
[6:58 - 7:09] I have worked my ass off for tirelessly day in and day out and you think that you could just walk
[7:09 - 7:18] up and fuck with my friends just cuz you can't get to me I'm sorry but that's not how it works
[7:18 - 7:27] like I told you my friends are my business and guess what I'm gonna have their backs no
[7:27 - 7:37] matter what whether it's chillax whether it's Krip K whether it's Scully whether it's my personal
[7:37 - 7:45] best friends whether it's people they aren't necessarily friends but are good people that I
[7:45 - 7:54] see around my streams or on Facebook such a AAA gamer I'm gonna have their fucking backs
[7:54 - 8:02] cuz that's what friends do man that's what we do we have each other's backs no matter what
[8:02 - 8:13] but as for you you're a little pussy hiding behind voice changers running your mouth thinking that
[8:14 - 8:24] you're a badass but really you're a fucking coward you never have the balls to make a video with
[8:24 - 8:34] just your face like I do you feel like you have to hide and the reason you hide is cuz you're
[8:34 - 8:44] scared of me you fear the fact that when I find out who you are and I see your face and I will
[8:44 - 8:51] put a face to the voice that I recognize so well cuz you know damn well I could destroy you I can
[8:51 - 9:03] pick every single fiber of your very being and your YouTube channel apart and completely humiliate
[9:03 - 9:14] you in front of hundreds of people and don't deny when because you know it's true you know damn
[9:14 - 9:24] well I have that ability to destroy you because you know once you're found out you're fucked you
[9:24 - 9:36] know this see you're talking to somebody that might not have a regular nine-to-five job but
[9:36 - 9:45] you're talking to somebody that made something from nothing all right you're talking to somebody
[9:45 - 9:53] that built a fan base from ground zero and hit that hundred thousand and literally dude not
[9:53 - 10:00] only hit the hundred mark but hit the thousand mark within a few months within two months I hit
[10:00 - 10:13] that mark as crooked he witnessed it the whole time as crooked within two months I went from zero
[10:13 - 10:24] subs to a thousand like that and every single one of those subs that I had before Marty and his
[10:24 - 10:37] little friends have my shit shut down I earned every single one of them every last one of them I
[10:37 - 10:50] fucking earned so when you could do that better than I can then you come see me if you can hit
[10:50 - 10:59] more than a thousand subs within a month without buying yourselves without having to con people or
[10:59 - 11:07] troll people or harassing bully people into subscribing to your channel then we can talk
[11:07 - 11:19] but see every person I've ever come across I give them my respect and you know they give me in
[11:19 - 11:28] return the same amount of respect that I give them because I respect everyone the same way they
[11:28 - 11:37] respect me I give the same fucking respect to them that I expect to be given to me
[11:50 - 12:01] see I'll just take the respect I give the respect that people are owed
[12:01 - 12:15] see I didn't have to respect anybody see I can go around and be an asshole like you I can go
[12:15 - 12:25] around and do a shitty stuff like you do but instead I don't you know what I do I bust my ass every day
[12:25 - 12:34] helping people with their problems taking their mind off of whatever things they might be going
[12:34 - 12:41] through by doing gameplay videos by releasing songs by doing cover shows that help them by
[12:41 - 12:50] releasing songs that I know can help somebody because I was once in that position see I was
[12:50 - 12:59] once that kid looking up to major youtubers like jacksepticeye cutie pie slapped train
[12:59 - 13:11] ar-12 gaming markiplier some of the biggest names in youtube history I used to look up to
[13:11 - 13:22] like I used to be that kid that wanted to be that guy I wanted to be that guy that hit a hundred
[13:22 - 13:25] subs a thousand subs I used to be that guy
[13:30 - 13:35] but look at me now I'm doing very well for myself
[13:35 - 13:51] right come on I'm in youtube history by hitting a thousand subs within two months
[13:53 - 14:01] and on the norm it takes the average smaller youtuber six months to hit that and I did it in two
[14:05 - 14:13] and not only that not only that at the beginning of the year when I started getting back in the f1
[14:13 - 14:22] racing when I started doing competitive racing through f1 2020 again at the beginning of the year
[14:22 - 14:27] I took four consecutive championship wins back to back
[14:27 - 14:37] and meanwhile what have you been doing sitting around with your thumb up your ass
[14:44 - 14:49] that's all you've been doing bro sitting around with your thumb up your fucking ass
[14:49 - 14:55] not knowing what to do with your life but me I know what the fuck I'm doing with my life
[14:56 - 14:58] I know what my purpose is
[15:12 - 15:18] I know what my purpose is I was put on the dirt to do one thing to help people like myself
[15:18 - 15:27] to be the champion for people like myself to be the voice for those that don't fucking have one
[15:29 - 15:34] to go against corrupt motherfuckers like you that think they're big and bad
[15:35 - 15:41] when really all you are is a scared little boy hiding behind his fucking words like a fucking coward
[15:42 - 15:45] and a shitty ass voice changer to add on to it
[15:49 - 15:58] see I actually tried to do good in this world I try to put positivity into the fucking universe
[16:01 - 16:07] I actually try to help people through their problems because I know what it's like to be
[16:07 - 16:12] where they've been at I know what it's like to be bullied I know what it's like to be on the
[16:12 - 16:18] edge of suicide and I know what it's like to wake up and have to do a fucking depression every
[16:18 - 16:25] fucking day I know what that's like because I've dealt with it for my entire life from
[16:25 - 16:31] posting motherfuckers like you that think they're badass but really they're not
[16:35 - 16:41] so if you think for one second I'll just sit by and let you fuck with my friends
[16:41 - 16:48] or my family you're sadly mistaken and if you think for one second you're going to fuck with
[16:48 - 17:07] anyone ever again I will make damn sure your ass gets thrown off this goddamn platform for good
[17:07 - 17:16] everything for one second then I'm not gonna step in
[17:21 - 17:25] when I see you fucking with somebody you don't think I'm not gonna step in
[17:25 - 17:32] and call your fake ass out well guess what kid that's where you're wrong glory bitch
[17:32 - 17:39] all you are is a bitch a pussy ass coward
[17:46 - 17:51] so if you don't think I'm not gonna drive you off this platform you're fucking crazy
[17:52 - 18:03] because I'll make sure YouTube bans you from this platform I'll make damn sure that you never see
[18:03 - 18:13] this platform ever again and trust me I could put word out to a lot of motherfuckers about you
[18:14 - 18:19] not that a lot of people don't already know who the fuck you are because you're a little bitch
[18:21 - 18:28] all you are is a little bitch
[18:32 - 18:33] that's all you are
[18:36 - 18:43] you're a bitch a pussy a coward hiding behind his words that's all you are
[18:43 - 18:53] so you can say what you want about me I don't care you can put up whatever videos you want about
[18:53 - 19:04] me I can give less of a fuck because let me tell you right now your shitty ass words don't mean
[19:04 - 19:15] jack shit to me matter of fact
[19:15 - 19:25] so
[19:30 - 19:35] matter of fact right here trash there right
[19:38 - 19:39] the way you're going going home
[19:39 - 19:50] you see this piece of paper right here this piece of paper is your youtube career see that trash can
[19:58 - 20:02] that's where your youtube career is going if you don't quit what you're doing
[20:02 - 20:10] seriously that's where your shit's going
[20:14 - 20:18] that's all your youtube channel is is trash
[20:19 - 20:28] matter of fact the rest of this is your whole fucking career all your content every shitty
[20:28 - 20:30] little fucking video you make
[20:33 - 20:37] this is all your videos are to people trash
[20:42 - 20:46] that's all your content is is garbage
[20:47 - 21:01] and you think people actually give a fuck about your content they don't if anything they laugh at
[21:01 - 21:10] you they don't respect you because all you are is a fucking bully and a coward
[21:11 - 21:22] that's all you are is a fucking coward see i try to inspire people like myself
[21:24 - 21:31] i try to inspire people through my videos to show people that even a weird motherfucker like me
[21:32 - 21:38] can do something good that even a weird-looking motherfucker like me stands a shot
[21:38 - 21:43] and actually doing something and making something of themselves
[21:45 - 21:50] now like i tell people my music or my videos ain't for everybody
[21:52 - 21:58] all right and i get why some people don't like you know my videos or my content and that's fine
[21:59 - 22:06] i'm okay with that but at the end of the day if i can help even one fucking person
[22:07 - 22:11] forget about the troubles that they're going through or help them through a situation in
[22:11 - 22:18] their lives that they might be struggling with if i can help one person to not take their lives
[22:18 - 22:23] if i can help even just one fucking person through their different or where a situation
[22:23 - 22:29] they're going through in their life that might be fucking with them then i know damn well i'm
[22:29 - 22:32] doing my fucking job and i'm doing something good
[22:37 - 22:43] because i would rather have a few real fans that actually enjoy my work and enjoy what the
[22:43 - 22:53] fuck i do than to have a million fake fans like you i would rather have a couple thousand real
[22:53 - 23:02] fans that appreciate what i do rather than have a million fake fans like you every fucking day
[23:02 - 23:03] that really don't give a shit
[23:08 - 23:13] just let me tell you every single real fan that i get fucking means the world to me
[23:14 - 23:20] every real fucking fan that i get that actually and genuinely enjoys what i do they're the ones
[23:20 - 23:27] that matter they're the ones i give a shit about i don't give a shit about little punk ass bitches
[23:27 - 23:36] like you i really don't i could give less of a fuck and i'm not saying this to be a dick
[23:37 - 23:47] but i'm just saying what other people are thinking at this point so and this ain't just me thinking
[23:48 - 23:51] this this is a whole lot of other motherfuckers out there thinking the same thing i am
[23:53 - 24:00] hey ain't just one person it's a whole lot of people that are about to they're thinking the
[24:00 - 24:09] same thing i'm about to say if you die tomorrow no one would give a shit if you die tomorrow
[24:10 - 24:15] i guarantee a lot of us would be fucking celebrating and dancing around and throwing
[24:15 - 24:28] a fucking celebration because all you've ever done is run your mouth and talk shit and bully people
[24:31 - 24:38] whereas for people like me i've actually gone out of my way to try to build something
[24:39 - 24:46] to try to help people to try to be there for those that fucking need me
[24:48 - 24:55] because i was once that kid that got picked on i was once that kid that got bullied
[24:56 - 25:02] i was once that kid that used to let motherfuckers like you walk all over me
[25:02 - 25:07] me i used to be that kid i used to be that guy
[25:18 - 25:22] i used to be that guy that everyone used to walk all over
[25:24 - 25:31] but now look at me i got a lot more people respecting me rather than attacking me
[25:33 - 25:40] and you want to know why because i'm manned up and owned up to my mistakes and i showed
[25:40 - 25:43] that i could be a better person than what you think i am
[25:48 - 25:56] and like i said i don't wish death on anyone i would never wish death on anyone but william
[25:56 - 25:58] the shit that you fucking do
[26:02 - 26:08] and the crap that you put people through and the hatred that you spew onto everyone
[26:08 - 26:10] what do you expect people to say to you
[26:13 - 26:18] what do you expect people to say to you when you do the fuck of shit that you do
[26:19 - 26:31] what do you expect people to say or what do you expect people to act like when you go
[26:31 - 26:38] after their friends you threaten their families you attack them you bully them what do you expect to
[26:38 - 26:48] happen
[26:50 - 26:52] what do you expect to happen my dude
[26:54 - 27:00] when you go around bullying someone the way that you fucking do what do you expect people to do
[27:00 - 27:13] my dude i've had three different assassination attempts on my life three all of them failures
[27:15 - 27:21] two of them by mass reports and one by you all three of which failed
[27:26 - 27:28] all three attempts failed
[27:31 - 27:32] which i find funny
[27:36 - 27:41] because even if you did even get remotely halfway to succeeding
[27:42 - 27:47] i'd say they're not laughing your face because there's one thing that you need to understand
[27:47 - 27:48] about me william gory hall
[27:51 - 27:56] and that is the fact that i don't fear death i welcome it with open arms
[27:57 - 28:01] and you want to know why because when i die i know where the fuck i'm going
[28:01 - 28:09] and it ain't the hell in a ham basket either that's where you're going
[28:27 - 28:34] uh doctor computer that's what you think that man is far from a scholar and far from a gentleman
[28:37 - 28:43] if anything that man is a coward that for a matter of fact i wouldn't even call him a man
[28:47 - 28:51] hell i wouldn't even call him a little boy i wouldn't call him anything
[28:52 - 29:01] because all he is is a coward hiding behind his fucking words like a punk ass bitch
[29:05 - 29:06] so william
[29:10 - 29:19] you got two options here you can either leave the youtube platform on your own accord
[29:19 - 29:27] okay you can leave youtube and discord and everything for good and stop what you're doing
[29:29 - 29:38] or i can spread word about you to major youtubers and show the proof of what you do
[29:39 - 29:41] and how you attack people
[29:44 - 29:46] and i can get you kicked off this platform
[29:47 - 29:56] very simple you want to bully people like me well how does it feel to finally have a victim of yours
[29:56 - 29:57] fight back
[29:59 - 30:03] as i got told you the other night dude you can't stop me
[30:05 - 30:08] you've tried to get rid of me before and you failed
[30:17 - 30:17] you
[30:23 - 30:24] yo elix what up bro
[30:31 - 30:38] how you doing elix what's good man good to see you over here brother
[30:42 - 30:46] actually yeah here in the next couple of days i am dropping some new stuff man
[30:47 - 30:49] i'll definitely post the link on your channel for sure bro
[30:54 - 31:00] but like i said william i'm not here to pick a fight with you i'm not here to pick a fight with
[31:00 - 31:09] nobody what i'm here to do is to defend people like me and look out for my own
[31:09 - 31:10] man
[31:13 - 31:19] see if you think that i was gonna let you walk over my friends you're sadly mistaken
[31:21 - 31:24] you are very much mistaken
[31:29 - 31:36] if you think i'm just gonna let you walk in walk over my friends walk over my family talk shit
[31:36 - 31:41] on me and my friends and my family hell no dude you got another thing coming
[31:47 - 31:50] because let me tell you man people like you
[31:52 - 32:03] are a pin in my ass because all you do is run your mouth and bully motherfuckers that's all you do
[32:03 - 32:12] and for what reason to get a few laughs well what do you gain like once you're done with those
[32:12 - 32:13] laughs what do you gain
[32:19 - 32:26] what do you gain after attacking someone and making them feel like shit what do you gain from that
[32:26 - 32:36] because as far as i can see you don't gain anything except looking like an asshole
[32:38 - 32:39] that's all you gain
[32:42 - 32:45] and is looking like an asshole really worth it to you
[32:48 - 32:52] is looking like a jackass really worth it to you
[32:57 - 33:02] because i know if i was in your position i wouldn't want to look like an asshole
[33:05 - 33:10] if i was in your position bro and i knew how to do the shit that you do with pulling in a crowd
[33:10 - 33:17] you know what i would do i'd use that i'd use that creativeness that you have for positivity
[33:17 - 33:21] i'd use it to help people i would use it to inspire people
[33:22 - 33:31] but instead you use your power and your ability for fucked up things
[33:34 - 33:35] and for why
[33:42 - 33:45] exactly alex agreed man
[33:52 - 33:56] hey i wouldn't be surprised scully
[34:04 - 34:06] i would not be surprised bro
[34:16 - 34:17] matter of fact
[34:22 - 34:49] i got a little something for your hate and ass bro and this one isn't just from me
[34:49 - 34:55] this isn't just coming from me this is coming from every person that you have
[34:55 - 35:02] disrespected every person that is done like i have done and has risen above you
[35:11 - 35:14] this song is what we think of you
[35:14 - 35:16] so give me a miss your brain
[35:17 - 35:18] nah man take it easy alex
[35:27 - 35:33] yo i'm in here to heal i'ma take it all i don't think these channels are sneak with a little
[35:33 - 35:38] crowd i'm so serious i'm feeling so delirious i'm your name and i'm not your brand to be the
[35:38 - 35:42] fence so this is take me out the program but there's nothing so i can see that these didn't
[35:42 - 35:47] turn out the way that you are now i'm obsessed with like a breakdown because you better watch the
[35:47 - 35:52] back because you don't gotta get to town you strutting at your pound for pound to have better
[35:52 - 35:58] looks waiting for the next round i'm in a fight i'm killing it on this mic if you run but you
[35:58 - 36:03] cannot put his ass right yeah i'll pat him down like you wrong and i'm right this is why i've got
[36:04 - 36:09] my eight times like i'm gonna be doing watch i'm stopping all four and if you find me saying
[36:09 - 36:16] hello to my claim or i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just
[36:16 - 36:22] tell me why i move just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going in
[36:22 - 36:27] i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just tell me why i move
[36:27 - 36:33] just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going to lose the concept
[36:33 - 36:40] this is the concept i don't have to earn i just take the respect whoa yeah you work here i'm a pro
[36:40 - 36:46] i ain't no realist and you just an avarice show i'm moving fast buddy glass um from a punch i'm
[36:46 - 36:52] gonna hit your face on then i'm a magnum i'm a marathon you that stamina you thought i was dead
[36:52 - 36:57] but only found the camera i see red light on scope the sternum a shot through the back like an
[36:57 - 37:03] epidural whoa i'm like three lights all of them i always get the last kill you can watch in a slow
[37:03 - 37:10] mode you can even ask mastermind a threat through the force i'm making hard to find you i'm knocking
[37:10 - 37:16] to the bottom of the scoreboard i'm making rage play out for a picture a strict reward i'm going in
[37:16 - 37:21] i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just tell me why i move just
[37:21 - 37:28] tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going in i'm coming out with a win
[37:28 - 37:33] got nothing to prove just tell me why i move just tell me why i move just tell me why i move
[37:33 - 37:39] i kill newts inside that screw come on because i always kill an eye on my target but it'll pay
[37:39 - 37:45] back all over your outfit i'm living through it i only wear the funny automatic so i presence
[37:45 - 37:51] all seems to tragics for you still forced to be wrecking women's he will make you feel like a
[37:51 - 37:57] dead bull my spit i breathe a heat like miami and i'll picture a grenade like a new york yankee whoa
[37:58 - 38:04] i don't slow down home this that will flash through the new gas of the death row it's always
[38:04 - 38:10] i'm real low thinning it done that handle my boots on the desert flow i get a jump like larry
[38:10 - 38:13] got a soldier on the street but i'm real middle of the series
[38:13 - 38:18] there was your army and you wanted to test me i'm fishing off for more snipes in west
[38:18 - 38:24] lee i'm going in i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just
[38:24 - 38:30] tell me why i move just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going in
[38:30 - 38:36] i'm coming out with a win got nothing to prove just tell me why i move just tell me why i move
[38:36 - 38:42] just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on just tell me why i move
[38:46 - 38:51] just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on
[38:54 - 38:56] see that's the thing about you bro
[38:59 - 39:05] me and my whole team my fame base the people that respect me people like my homie
[39:06 - 39:14] alex a fucking legendary reaction channel alex hefner who was just in the fucking chat a few
[39:14 - 39:25] minutes ago respect me the people like you that are respected are down here we're all the way up here
[39:26 - 39:31] so do you really think we're gonna come all the way down there and help you up when you
[39:31 - 39:36] fucking disrespect us and you bully us the way that you do hell no
[39:40 - 39:42] hell fucking no
[39:51 - 39:57] and you're right kid he does and he's like me alex has earned every single someday he's gotten
[39:58 - 40:01] alex has earned every single someday he got
[40:02 - 40:06] just like i have and i respect the shit out of him
[40:18 - 40:24] now this one right here alex i think you know what i'm about to go with this one alex
[40:25 - 40:34] but william glorial this song
[40:37 - 40:41] is not only from me but the entire syrax nation
[40:43 - 40:50] to you and what we could do to you if we so chose
[40:55 - 41:00] you strapped in all systems online stvb status seven six seven locked and loaded
[41:01 - 41:05] this song is all of us and how badass we are so
[41:08 - 41:11] yo stiff what up what up
[41:11 - 41:16] ready to go man
[41:23 - 41:24] yo
[42:11 - 42:14] So proceed to the gundams and suppress them
[42:14 - 42:15] All back up, fire against them
[42:15 - 42:18] Aim at the gundams and stand by the flag
[42:18 - 42:20] Fire, fire, fire
[42:20 - 42:21] Play your cards out of thunder, rich
[42:21 - 42:24] When I'm holding my top gun, get my gun in the oil
[42:24 - 42:26] Touch down, re-engaging with the enemy
[42:26 - 42:28] The death in the upstakes could damn pass this rate
[42:28 - 42:30] For left-hander, pick the chance
[42:30 - 42:32] And get it now or play in the close range
[42:32 - 42:34] The furnace of circle is like holding
[42:34 - 42:36] My home is ratio, it's on the table
[42:36 - 42:38] We're about to barge, we're on the drums
[42:38 - 42:40] We're part of the operational
[42:40 - 42:41] This up is like slayin' gold
[42:41 - 42:43] How many years to stir the screens
[42:43 - 42:44] When you're in the car later
[42:44 - 42:46] You'll hit, you trip, you strip, you
[42:46 - 42:48] And I'll forget you, you can kick, you flip
[42:48 - 42:50] You mechanical, you chancey
[42:50 - 42:52] So fast, you never know who hit you
[42:52 - 42:55] The six on the macro and several to godfish me
[42:55 - 42:57] I've battled the bust, the C-plus
[42:57 - 42:58] Once in the middle of the tour, you're the sixth
[42:58 - 43:00] Got the power to thrust
[43:00 - 43:00] Why?
[43:00 - 43:02] We grab a breather, man, against the beer stand
[43:02 - 43:05] And lock up in the galaxy in mobile suits
[43:05 - 43:06] They are maxed by the five gundams
[43:06 - 43:08] And they're set up for the space colony
[43:09 - 43:14] We have our orders to execute the gundam pilots
[43:14 - 43:15] And they jump
[43:15 - 43:17] No spotlights don't have it in a way
[43:17 - 43:19] That's perceived as inimitable or predestined
[43:20 - 43:22] It's like they climb summits under breaks
[43:22 - 43:25] When I'm holding my top gun in my gundam way
[43:25 - 43:27] That's mechanical, that's animal
[43:27 - 43:29] That's mechanical, that's matter
[43:29 - 43:31] When I handle it's a medical
[43:31 - 43:33] I think I'm never be blind to still hope
[43:33 - 43:36] I move close cause I can't fire a silk cloak
[43:36 - 43:38] And when I feel my blades are standing yaw
[43:38 - 43:41] They're celebrating that because they're sharp and they're sharp
[43:41 - 43:43] And my reaction tell us all tomorrow
[43:43 - 43:46] Cause if I'm back home, you can't strip off the charm
[43:46 - 43:49] Expect my weapon to double check and my sights clear
[43:49 - 43:51] Keep forward for two great young right here
[43:51 - 43:53] Take me with Connors and you need a light gear
[43:53 - 43:56] I'll finish in a minute what you can do in a light year
[43:56 - 43:59] Quicker than a drum, still learn a lesson
[43:59 - 44:01] Back of Mars to call me ski legend
[44:01 - 44:03] Do my gun in a hundred of a second
[44:03 - 44:06] To set me a canopy wreck it will blow into the wedding
[44:06 - 44:10] No, that gun's not strong, it's too much
[44:10 - 44:13] That's what makes two professionals in combat
[44:13 - 44:15] They're closer, they're both more active
[44:15 - 44:16] I'm both raised on that
[44:16 - 44:19] It's much like the reinforcements are higher
[44:19 - 44:21] Yeah, they've already surrounded us
[44:22 - 44:23] Can't climb summits under breaks
[44:23 - 44:26] When I'm holding my top gun in my gundam way
[44:30 - 44:33] Like this, alright
[44:33 - 44:34] What?
[44:36 - 44:38] Here's your weapon coming out
[44:38 - 44:38] Right out
[44:38 - 44:40] Rocker
[44:40 - 44:42] Here's my gun to let the camera attack
[44:42 - 44:44] Let me clap summits under breaks
[44:44 - 44:46] When I'm holding my top gun in my gundam way
[44:49 - 44:52] See, that's the thing about you glory home
[44:53 - 44:58] You don't possess the skill that me
[44:58 - 45:03] Or any of these fine people within my fan base
[45:03 - 45:03] Possess
[45:07 - 45:11] Which is sad, maybe if you'd stop being a jackass
[45:13 - 45:16] And stop being a little pussy, then you might
[45:17 - 45:21] But you're so stuck in your ways
[45:21 - 45:24] That you came in C-Patchroom fucking ego
[45:27 - 45:29] Maybe if you cut your ego down a notch
[45:29 - 45:31] You might stand the shot
[45:31 - 45:35] But you're letting your ego go to your head
[45:35 - 45:38] And you're letting yourself get in your own fucking way
[45:40 - 45:41] Which is sad
[45:42 - 45:46] Maybe if you'd stop getting in your own fucking way
[45:48 - 45:51] And maybe just maybe if you quit what you're doing
[45:51 - 45:53] Maybe then I would respect you
[45:54 - 45:58] See, I respected you when you made that hot dog video of me
[45:58 - 45:59] I found that comical
[45:59 - 46:00] I found that funny
[46:02 - 46:06] But what I don't find funny is when you bully people like me
[46:07 - 46:09] I cannot respect that
[46:11 - 46:16] I cannot respect someone like you who bullies someone else
[46:16 - 46:19] All for the enjoyment of getting a laugh
[46:19 - 46:20] I can't respect that
[46:21 - 46:23] I don't respect that
[46:23 - 46:24] And never will
[46:31 - 46:38] As a matter of fact, this one isn't just about me
[46:38 - 46:40] This one's going out to my home in Crip K
[46:40 - 46:45] And everybody out there that has earned everything they've ever gotten
[46:45 - 46:48] As a matter of fact, this one isn't just about me
[46:48 - 46:51] This one's going out to my home in Crip K
[46:51 - 46:55] And everybody out there that has earned everything they've ever gotten
[47:12 - 47:13] I think y'all know what's up
[47:15 - 47:15] Hey
[47:36 - 47:38] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[47:39 - 47:42] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[47:42 - 47:45] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[47:46 - 47:49] Don't you keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[47:49 - 47:52] The single thing I got was got by me
[47:52 - 47:56] I had no hand out, I was grabbing a bag of chips
[47:56 - 47:57] And everybody at the same point
[47:57 - 47:59] Left the nose, wanted to chase the shit
[47:59 - 48:03] And pounded y'all along the ground and lookin' like they hate me
[48:03 - 48:05] And I went for not havin' a thing
[48:05 - 48:09] And now I got creepers on my mind, I'm down and rakin'
[48:09 - 48:11] I don't wear them, I still getting trashed
[48:11 - 48:14] So go fight trash, I ain't no real bitch
[48:14 - 48:16] I'm 61, but you understand this, I ain't
[48:30 - 48:33] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[48:34 - 48:36] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[48:37 - 48:40] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[48:41 - 48:44] So people keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[48:44 - 48:47] I said you're in, yeah, I stay clean, I'm in a shower
[48:47 - 48:50] I'm gonna knock on your home, I'm gonna go to the store
[48:50 - 48:52] So they don't wear the same things
[48:52 - 48:55] So don't let them take what they think you can't
[48:55 - 48:56] When I cross your feet and run
[48:56 - 48:58] So get in there and hit it
[48:58 - 49:00] Got your shots, he done hit
[49:00 - 49:03] No, you can't have such a shit unless you get a warrant
[49:03 - 49:04] Don't wake up, just make a joke
[49:05 - 49:08] She don't want no nap, like no body, it's over for
[49:08 - 49:12] So be both dumb when you screw it into a blind jack
[49:12 - 49:15] You can't fly in my brain, oh, oh
[49:15 - 49:18] You can't go on my chain, oh, oh
[49:18 - 49:21] You can't go to my dream, oh, oh
[49:21 - 49:25] So people keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[49:25 - 49:28] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:28 - 49:31] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:31 - 49:35] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:35 - 49:36] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:36 - 49:39] So people keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[49:41 - 49:44] Man, take a look at that one, see how it's doing, hold up
[49:45 - 49:47] Hold up, I got another one, see how it's doing, hold up
[49:48 - 49:53] And I've been waiting a long, long time to do this one, man
[49:57 - 50:01] I've been waiting a long time to do this one
[50:06 - 50:15] And I've been waiting a long, long time to do this one, man
[50:18 - 50:22] I've been waiting a long, long time to do this one, man
[50:25 - 50:27] Girl, no
[50:27 - 50:29] Dude
[50:29 - 50:31] This one's a property to give hers
[50:31 - 50:34] Morning??'s ready, a toasted breakfast drink will get you on with that
[50:34 - 50:47] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[50:47 - 50:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[50:57 - 51:07] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:07 - 51:17] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:17 - 51:27] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:27 - 51:49] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:49 - 51:53] What up y'all, what's that?
[51:53 - 51:55] What?
[52:19 - 52:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[52:39 - 52:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[52:59 - 53:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[53:19 - 53:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[53:39 - 53:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[53:59 - 54:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[54:19 - 54:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[54:39 - 54:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[54:59 - 55:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[55:19 - 55:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[55:39 - 55:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[55:59 - 56:27] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[56:27 - 56:55] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[56:55 - 57:23] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[57:23 - 57:47] It's been a long time man.
[57:47 - 57:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[58:17 - 58:37] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[58:37 - 58:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[58:57 - 59:17] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[59:17 - 59:37] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[59:37 - 59:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[59:57 - 60:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[60:27 - 60:47] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[60:47 - 61:07] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[61:07 - 61:27] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[61:27 - 61:47] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[61:47 - 62:07] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[62:07 - 62:35] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[62:35 - 63:01] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[63:01 - 63:21] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[63:21 - 63:49] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[63:49 - 64:03] And you know what I did? I bettered myself. I told myself that I needed to change.
[64:03 - 64:09] And that change may have taken a very long time to happen.
[64:09 - 64:13] That change may have taken three or four years to happen.
[64:13 - 64:19] But at the end of the day, it still fucking happened.
[64:19 - 64:29] Because of the fact that I took the time to take a step back and take a look in the fucking mirror and what I was doing.
[64:29 - 64:33] And how it was affecting me and my life.
[64:33 - 64:49] How I was able to better myself from it.
[64:49 - 64:55] And Negasonic, you can sit there and run your mouth about me all you want bro.
[64:55 - 64:57] Now matter of fact, you know what?
[64:57 - 65:01] Negasonic, you can make all the videos you want on me. You want to know why?
[65:01 - 65:05] Because you're no better than Glory Ol.
[65:05 - 65:09] You're just another wannabe badass.
[65:09 - 65:15] Sitting behind the camera, talking his trash, running his mouth.
[65:15 - 65:19] Same song and dance as the last dude.
[65:19 - 65:27] Same exact thing, but in a different way.
[65:27 - 65:31] So tell me again who's the dumb ass.
[65:31 - 65:41] The dude like me that's actually trying to help people like myself.
[65:41 - 65:49] Or the motherfucker like you that's sitting there saying the same thing over and over like everybody else.
[65:49 - 65:57] Like a broken record.
[65:57 - 66:01] Like I'm actually trying to do something with my life.
[66:01 - 66:09] I'm trying to help people. I'm trying to inspire people. I'm trying to put good into this world.
[66:09 - 66:15] I'm trying to put out positive energy into this fucking world.
[66:15 - 66:27] And I'm not about to let some stupid fuck head like you get in the way of that.
[66:27 - 66:35] Because in case you haven't noticed Glory Ol, there's more of us than there are of you.
[66:35 - 66:43] And you can sit there and spew whatever bullshit pedophile crap you want.
[66:43 - 66:49] Because all that pedophile shit that you spew every fucking day is redundant.
[66:49 - 66:55] It's retarded. It's stupid. It's getting old.
[67:05 - 67:25] I got to love something for the fans.
[67:25 - 67:47] Because I think this verse right here by the legendary rock describes what we're all about.
[67:47 - 67:55] We got it right.
[67:55 - 68:07] It's about power. It's about power. It's about power.
[68:07 - 68:17] It's about power.
[68:17 - 68:25] It's about power.
[68:25 - 68:33] Thank you brother tech nine. Thank you terra mana. One take. That's a wrap.
[68:33 - 68:37] Face off.
[68:37 - 68:43] That verse right there describes what every single one of us is about.
[68:43 - 68:53] Yes, people like Crypt K put in the hard work. People like my little brother Bradley who has actually stepped away from music for the moment.
[68:53 - 68:57] Whatever he does to his music, he puts in the hard work.
[68:57 - 69:03] Every single person that I have ever worked with.
[69:03 - 69:13] Every single person that I've ever come in contact with has busted their ass to get to where they are.
[69:13 - 69:19] Even though I mean my brother Sean ain't talking right now, which hopefully that'll change.
[69:19 - 69:27] But even though me and my brother Sean ain't talking, even though he might not see me as a brother right now, I still see him as family.
[69:27 - 69:33] Even he puts in hard fucking work.
[69:33 - 69:39] Even he busts his ass to get to where he got.
[69:39 - 69:43] So when Gloria.
[69:43 - 69:49] If you really think for one second.
[69:49 - 69:53] Now you're really going to just sit here.
[69:53 - 69:57] Walk all over me. Walk all over my friends.
[69:57 - 70:03] Rent space in my head for free or any of my friends heads for free. You're wrong.
[70:03 - 70:11] And if you think I'm just going to let you sit here and talk shit on people, you're out of your fucking mind.
[70:11 - 70:15] Because there's no way in hell I'm ever going to let you do that shit again.
[70:15 - 70:23] As a matter of fact, to those that don't know, I am currently working on my own.
[70:23 - 70:31] I'm doing research and has not happened yet, but I am actually working
[70:31 - 70:39] on a way to create a program where people like myself who get bullied by people like William Royal
[70:39 - 70:47] can come and get the help they fucking need and get in contact with the proper people to put it into this bullshit.
[70:47 - 70:55] Because that's something I've really been thinking about the last few days is funny a way to create a program
[70:55 - 71:01] where people can come and tell their story and explain what's going on.
[71:01 - 71:07] And I can get them the proper health they need the health that I never fucking received
[71:07 - 71:13] because of the failure of the police department and the FBI.
[71:13 - 71:17] Because I believe in change and I want to be able to help people.
[71:17 - 71:23] I want to be able to help people like myself that have been put in very shitty situations
[71:23 - 71:35] like the one that I've been in for the last two fucking years.
[71:35 - 71:41] Because no one deserves to be put through what I got put through.
[71:41 - 71:49] No one deserves to get bullied the way that I got bullied for the last two and a half years.
[71:49 - 72:01] No one deserves to get put through the hell that I got put through and not receive the help that they fucking need.
[72:01 - 72:10] So William if I were you I'd watch my fucking ass because there's a whole army of motherfuckers that can't stand you.
[72:10 - 72:15] And one of those people being music biz Marty.
[72:15 - 72:19] Even he can't stand your ass.
[72:19 - 72:23] And Marty's one of my biggest fucking trolls.
[72:23 - 72:31] And even he can't stand your ass.
[72:31 - 72:38] No wait really I think I'm gonna do the opposite.
[72:38 - 72:43] Have fun in negative town with the rest of the trolls.
[72:43 - 72:51] Have fun in negative town. Peace.
[72:51 - 73:06] But to anybody out there that is getting bullied before I end this stream off right here I do want to say one thing.
[73:06 - 73:09] I do want to say one thing.
[73:09 - 73:19] To anybody out there that may be a smaller channel or maybe doesn't even have.
[73:19 - 73:35] You know a channel and all and you're dealing with you know bullying outside of YouTube and you're dealing with it like say at home with your family or in school at your job at work wherever you're getting bullied at.
[73:35 - 73:39] I want you all to know that my doors are always open.
[73:39 - 73:48] My channel is always open my discord is always open for you guys to reach out to my email always open.
[73:48 - 73:57] If you guys want to write new letters my address is always open for you guys to do so because I want to be able to help you guys.
[73:57 - 74:09] The same way that people like Crypt K and people like Scully and charity have helped me and my life and helped me back onto the right track.
[74:09 - 74:17] I want to be able to help you guys and give you guys the help that I never received from the police.
[74:17 - 74:23] I want to be able to help you guys out of the situations that you guys might be stuck in.
[74:24 - 74:27] Because I used to be that guy.
[74:27 - 74:33] And in some ways I still am but not as much.
[74:33 - 74:37] Because I used to be that guy that used to get bullied harassed.
[74:37 - 74:39] I used to get death threats.
[74:39 - 74:43] I used to get shitty things said to my house all the time.
[74:43 - 74:45] I used to get bullied.
[74:45 - 74:47] I used to get slandered.
[74:47 - 74:51] I used to get exploited and made fun of.
[74:51 - 74:57] And I want to make sure that that doesn't happen to anyone else.
[74:57 - 75:03] I want to make sure that no one else has to go through what I went through.
[75:03 - 75:06] Yo Suga what up?
[75:06 - 75:08] Just want to tell you man.
[75:08 - 75:13] No one deserves to get put through the hell that I got put through.
[75:13 - 75:17] For two and a half years I've been bullied.
[75:17 - 75:29] For two and a half years every day bullied, harassed, tormented, slandered, beaten down to the point where I almost took my own life.
[75:29 - 75:35] And I don't want to see anybody have to go through that same thing that I went through.
[75:35 - 75:38] Because no one deserves that shit.
[75:43 - 75:49] Why do you think I want to start a program where people can come and talk to me.
[75:49 - 75:56] And talk to other people of my community and you know get the help that they need.
[75:56 - 76:04] To where they can be guided in the right direction and actually get the help they need.
[76:04 - 76:07] Now how that's going to happen I don't know.
[76:07 - 76:13] But I guarantee you one way or another it is going to happen.
[76:13 - 76:19] Because I want to be able to help people the same way that my friends helped me.
[76:19 - 76:26] I want to be able to give people the help that I never received from the police or the FBI or the proper authorities.
[76:26 - 76:29] I want to be able to give those people the help they need.
[76:29 - 76:33] Like getting them in contact with a lawyer or somebody who is slandering their name.
[76:33 - 76:37] Or getting in contact with the proper people.
[76:37 - 76:44] If these people are doing to them what William Goryhold did to my ex and her family.
[76:44 - 76:49] Because no one deserves to get put through hell like that.
[76:49 - 76:51] No one deserves that shit.
[76:51 - 76:56] And if I can do something to try to put a stop to it.
[76:56 - 76:59] I'm going to do it.
[76:59 - 77:06] Because above all else I value human life above all else.
[77:06 - 77:10] A human life you cannot put a price on.
[77:10 - 77:14] A human life is priceless to me.
[77:14 - 77:17] You can't put a price on a human life.
[77:17 - 77:29] You can't do it.
[77:29 - 77:31] And Pomp Pills.
[77:31 - 77:33] A lot of people say that dude.
[77:33 - 77:40] A lot of people say that but I don't think anybody really knows.
[77:40 - 77:43] I've had several names thrown my way.
[77:43 - 77:45] So I want you to have actual proof.
[77:45 - 77:50] Verifying it then how am I supposed to believe you.
[77:50 - 77:52] Not saying you don't.
[77:52 - 77:53] I'm just saying.
[77:53 - 78:05] I bet a lot of people say that same thing.
[78:05 - 78:09] Yo Skully I got you man.
[78:09 - 78:12] Hey Skully if you do go live bro let me know man.
[78:12 - 78:14] I'll pop over there and say what's up.
[78:14 - 78:27] You know I got you man.
[78:27 - 78:31] So like I said Wayne Gordill.
[78:31 - 78:37] You can either cut the crap on your own accord.
[78:37 - 78:43] You can either cut the crap and stop being a shitty person.
[78:43 - 78:48] Or I can get every single person here in my community.
[78:48 - 78:53] And every fellow YouTuber in their community.
[78:53 - 78:59] To get you kicked off for all the bullying you've done to people.
[78:59 - 79:01] So it's your call.
[79:01 - 79:04] You can either stop being a shitty fucking person.
[79:04 - 79:11] And harassing and bullying people.
[79:11 - 79:17] Or I can gather every person that you've ever bullied together.
[79:17 - 79:21] And get you thrown off this platform.
[79:21 - 79:25] Now I wouldn't want to see someone like you with a creative mind.
[79:25 - 79:28] To be thrown off this platform.
[79:28 - 79:31] But if it has to happen.
[79:31 - 79:38] It has to happen.
[79:38 - 79:41] So make your choice Wayne what's it going to be?
[79:41 - 79:44] Are you going to stop being a shitty fucking person.
[79:44 - 79:50] And quit the bullying and the crap that you're doing.
[79:50 - 79:58] Or am I going to have to gather every single person that you've ever victimized.
[79:58 - 80:03] And get them to speak out against you.
[80:03 - 80:07] Because believe me I can do it and I will.
[80:07 - 80:15] Well like I said William it's your call.
[80:15 - 80:18] And that's for everyone else man.
[80:18 - 80:22] For those that did show up to show support.
[80:22 - 80:28] To go against William Goryhole.
[80:28 - 80:34] To everybody out there that did show up to actually show support.
[80:34 - 80:38] For me going against this fucking guy that is a bully.
[80:38 - 80:40] I want to say thank you man.
[80:40 - 80:42] Because you guys showing up to show support for me.
[80:42 - 80:47] And not just me but support for the people that he's victimized.
[80:47 - 80:49] Means a lot.
[80:49 - 80:54] And I know it means a lot not just to me but to them as well.
[80:54 - 80:58] And if you are one of the people out there that have been victimized.
[80:58 - 81:06] I hope this video gives you the strength to stand up and fight back against these people.
[81:06 - 81:11] I hope that this stream gives you the strength to stand up and speak out.
[81:11 - 81:16] And start fighting back against these fucking losers like Goryhole.
[81:16 - 81:19] Because no one deserves to get bullied.
[81:19 - 81:23] The way that me or you guys have gotten bullied.
[81:23 - 81:29] So if anybody has been genuinely victimized by William Goryhole.
[81:29 - 81:31] And isn't the fucking troll.
[81:31 - 81:33] By all means reach out to me.
[81:33 - 81:35] Reach out to Crypt K.
[81:35 - 81:37] He can get you in contact with me.
[81:37 - 81:43] And if he can't skull you or someone here can.
[81:43 - 81:46] Because I would love to hear your guys' stories.
[81:46 - 81:49] I would love to hear what Goryhole has done to you guys.
[81:49 - 81:54] I would love to speak with you guys and hang out with you guys.
[81:54 - 81:56] My DMs.
[81:56 - 81:58] My Discord.
[81:58 - 81:59] My address.
[81:59 - 82:00] My phone.
[82:00 - 82:04] All those things are always open at any given time.
[82:04 - 82:09] So if you have genuinely been bullied by William Goryhole.
[82:09 - 82:11] And you're not trying to troll me.
[82:11 - 82:13] By all means hit me up.
[82:13 - 82:16] Let's talk.
[82:16 - 82:19] And just know that you got so many here in your corner.
[82:19 - 82:24] Hell you got a whole community in your corner.
[82:24 - 82:27] Don't be a victim to this guy.
[82:27 - 82:30] Don't let motherfuckers like him walk all over you.
[82:30 - 82:33] Because you guys are better than that.
[82:33 - 82:36] 100% you guys are better than that.
[82:36 - 82:40] You're better than him on any given day of the week.
[82:41 - 82:44] So don't let this asshole.
[82:44 - 82:46] Who's got his thumb up his ass.
[82:46 - 82:48] Drag you down.
[82:48 - 82:50] Because you guys are better than that.
[82:50 - 82:52] You're stronger than that.
[82:52 - 82:56] And I know that things seem very dark right now.
[82:56 - 83:02] But I promise you there is light at the end of that tunnel.
[83:02 - 83:06] Because trust me I had to go through that as well.
[83:06 - 83:12] I had to go through that same dark shit that you're going through now.
[83:12 - 83:17] But just know that things can and will get better.
[83:17 - 83:18] Might not be today.
[83:18 - 83:19] Might not be tomorrow.
[83:19 - 83:21] But eventually things will get better.
[83:21 - 83:25] And trust me when things do get better for you.
[83:25 - 83:27] You'll feel a lot better.
[83:27 - 83:31] You'll feel a lot happier.
[83:31 - 83:33] I know I do.
[83:33 - 83:34] And so can you.
[83:34 - 83:36] So if you are going through that.
[83:36 - 83:39] Just know that you have an entire community.
[83:39 - 83:41] And not just my community.
[83:41 - 83:43] My good friend Alex Hefner.
[83:43 - 83:45] Who is a reaction channel.
[83:45 - 83:48] To back you up.
[83:51 - 83:53] You have not only my community.
[83:53 - 83:58] But Alex Hefner's community to reach out to as well.
[83:58 - 84:02] You got my good friend Courtney to reach out to as well.
[84:03 - 84:07] You got a whole lot of people here.
[84:07 - 84:10] To reach out to that care about you.
[84:10 - 84:13] So don't let these guys get to you.
[84:13 - 84:15] Because you're better than that.
[84:15 - 84:18] And you're a lot stronger than you think.
[84:18 - 84:21] You just gotta dig deep and pull that shit out of you.
[84:21 - 84:25] And once you do I promise you things will get better.
[84:25 - 84:27] So keep fighting.
[84:27 - 84:28] Stay humble.
[84:28 - 84:30] Don't give up on what you want to do.
[84:30 - 84:32] Keep fucking fighting.
[84:32 - 84:33] And keep being you.
[84:33 - 84:35] And keep pushing forward.
[84:35 - 84:37] No matter what.
2021-12-11 FORZA HORIZON 5 and chill

2021-12-11 FORZA HORIZON 5 and chill

[1:00 - 1:26] One of the most important and six of the most important.
[1:26 - 1:37] But welcome welcome welcome today we are doing some Forza Horizon 5 and it's showing
[1:37 - 1:38] out there.
[1:38 - 1:45] Now before I start to talk I do want to say congratulations to Forza Horizon 5 for taking
[1:45 - 1:50] the game of the year for innovation and accessibility man.
[1:50 - 1:54] Huge shout out to the Forza franchise man it's super dope.
[1:54 - 1:59] If you are new to the channel don't forget to click that like button, that subscribe button
[1:59 - 2:01] and that notification bell down below.
[2:15 - 2:18] I want that being said man let's get it.
[2:20 - 2:22] Hope you guys are ready for some fun dude.
[2:24 - 2:40] Just today is going to be fun.
[2:54 - 3:23] Welcome back wolf.
[3:23 - 3:50] Hey shout out to Piggy Smalls what up Piggy how you doing?
[3:50 - 3:54] How you doing Smalls?
[3:54 - 3:58] And you know I gotta do this once and you know I gotta do this one Piggy Smalls but you
[3:58 - 4:00] know I gotta do a Sandlot man.
[4:00 - 4:04] You know I gotta pull a Sandlot on this one man.
[4:04 - 4:12] You're killing me Smalls.
[4:12 - 4:19] You know I gotta do that one and you know I gotta do that one man.
[4:43 - 4:48] Oh yo the symphony z feels good.
[4:48 - 5:11] This is just pure stock dude holy shit.
[5:11 - 5:13] Ah it's right there alright.
[5:42 - 5:46] Oh man how are you guys doing on this Saturday morning?
[5:46 - 5:48] Is there any where you guys are at?
[5:48 - 5:50] Cause it's pouring here man.
[5:56 - 5:59] I'm trying to sub it up for you guys.
[5:59 - 6:11] Is there any where you guys are at right now?
[6:11 - 6:13] Cause it's pouring down here.
[6:13 - 6:37] Alright let me throw this thing in manual settings real quick.
[6:37 - 6:48] I don't always crash but when I do I make it look good.
[6:48 - 6:52] I'm just saying man when I crash I make that shit look good.
[7:18 - 7:31] Let's hit this dirt road right here.
[7:48 - 8:07] Now I do want to do a custom rally race for you guys that I created the other day.
[8:07 - 8:24] So I might get into that a little bit later.
[8:24 - 8:28] Oh yo this shit sketchy.
[8:28 - 8:31] I like these kinds of roads.
[8:31 - 8:48] Yo hold up there's a barn over here hold up.
[8:48 - 8:50] Oh there it is right there.
[8:50 - 8:52] Okay we got another bash board.
[8:52 - 8:59] Let's go get that bash travel.
[8:59 - 9:15] Oh okay so we got to hold up we got some dangers down here.
[9:15 - 9:19] Oh we got speed traps.
[9:19 - 9:31] Let's see how far this run goes down.
[9:31 - 9:49] Oh yeah dude we can make this.
[9:49 - 9:57] And yes we are ripping around a Rachel Teller's ride from the speed underground too man.
[9:57 - 10:05] As you can clearly tell dude we are just going at it right now.
[10:05 - 10:08] Yeah that was a fence.
[10:08 - 10:16] But before we hit that danger sign let's hit this thing up over here.
[10:16 - 10:25] Let's see how this story mentioned over here.
[10:25 - 10:28] Show your grass for ya.
[10:28 - 10:50] I can do it for free in like a couple seconds.
[10:50 - 10:54] Alright show your skills.
[10:54 - 11:23] Alright so let's start singing the jerth mode right quick.
[11:23 - 11:33] So we need 210,000 points.
[11:33 - 11:35] Dude that will be easy bro.
[11:35 - 11:59] 210k bro that will be a cinch.
[11:59 - 12:00] Hey Ali.
[12:00 - 12:01] Hey.
[12:01 - 12:03] What's your name?
[12:03 - 12:06] I changed the wheel angle and suspension a little.
[12:06 - 12:09] Okay I changed the suspension a lot.
[12:09 - 12:17] I can't wait to try it.
[12:17 - 12:35] Let's go let's go.
[12:35 - 12:37] I need to know more about Skyers.
[12:37 - 12:39] I am scared.
[12:39 - 12:42] I wonder if you will come up and have a good day this time of day.
[12:42 - 12:43] Maybe.
[12:43 - 12:45] Maybe even on these streets.
[12:45 - 12:46] For these things.
[12:46 - 12:55] We'll never know.
[12:55 - 13:23] For real man.
[13:23 - 13:39] There we go.
[13:39 - 13:52] Alright for real this traffic is getting on my nerves man.
[13:52 - 14:17] Let's go.
[14:17 - 14:46] Let's get to our spot.
[14:46 - 15:15] Oh just man I missed that.
[15:15 - 15:35] Are you serious?
[15:35 - 15:57] I think we'll start to have to play if you want another one.
[15:57 - 16:26] Let's get to our spot.
[16:26 - 16:55] Let's get to our spot.
[16:55 - 17:24] Alright let's get to our spot.
[17:24 - 17:53] Dude they said it's fine bro.
[17:53 - 18:13] Let's get to our spot.
[18:13 - 18:40] Let's get to our spot.
[18:40 - 19:09] Let's get to our spot.
[19:09 - 19:29] Let's get to our spot.
[19:29 - 19:30] What are you doing today for real?
[19:30 - 19:31] How are you guys?
[19:31 - 19:42] What are you guys up to today?
[19:42 - 20:11] Oh hold on come on give me that wheel spin baby.
[20:11 - 20:40] Look at this.
[20:40 - 20:42] I'm going to see something real quick.
[20:42 - 20:55] Oh yes car master is here.
[20:55 - 21:11] Okay I'll take it.
[21:11 - 21:34] Now I'm going to switch it out to one of my drift cars real quick just because I want to have a lot of fun.
[21:34 - 21:46] Let's switch it out to my Nissan 240 man let's fucking get it.
[21:46 - 21:50] Sorry dude I'd rather do it like this because it's more unique man.
[21:50 - 21:54] I like standing out bro.
[21:54 - 22:09] I don't do capture cars but I like being raw and unique with my stuff bro.
[22:09 - 22:32] Alright that was supposed to be a dig.
[22:32 - 22:43] Nice fill though.
[22:43 - 22:45] Nice attempt though bro just saying.
[22:45 - 23:03] I'll give you an A for effort.
[23:03 - 23:32] I brought it right there real good though.
[23:33 - 23:51] Oh got that skill.
[23:51 - 23:52] You know it's tradition.
[23:52 - 23:54] Oh man I can't do it here damn.
[23:54 - 24:06] Also I can do a roundabout around that tree.
[24:06 - 24:13] I don't think I've ever been through here so let's shred through here.
[24:14 - 24:39] Okay this shit's fun.
[24:39 - 25:08] Dude this 240 can get it bro damn.
[25:08 - 25:32] Ah there I didn't hold it through there all the way but that's all good though.
[25:32 - 25:35] Dude this 240 feels so good when it slides.
[25:35 - 25:40] Yeah it's like I have no complaints about this thing.
[25:40 - 25:51] Oh I like fair to switch back spots.
[25:51 - 25:59] Dip into there.
[25:59 - 26:03] That's all that's called when I dip in spots because you kind of dip into the other corner
[26:03 - 26:28] and you kind of clutch kick your way out of it.
[26:28 - 26:45] Let's see if we can hit a 360 coming out of here.
[26:45 - 27:07] Oh now a 360 when it was a full send on the last round that was sick.
[27:07 - 27:20] Let's go dude.
[27:20 - 27:28] Backwards entry going through.
[27:28 - 27:57] Ah.
[27:57 - 28:05] No man this thing feels so good.
[28:05 - 28:15] Ah man I love my 240 bro.
[28:15 - 28:39] Let's see out of that.
[28:39 - 28:53] Alright I have no shredding for now man we're about to get into some shit.
[28:53 - 29:19] I'm going to get right here and park this thing.
[29:19 - 29:32] Parking spot anybody?
[29:32 - 29:35] Damn dude.
[29:35 - 30:00] Dude we should have killed that.
[30:00 - 30:18] Ah I'm just nervous.
[30:18 - 30:31] Well let's see what the news says.
[30:31 - 30:36] Ah I was just saying thanks for that.
[30:36 - 30:54] Now let's switch this thing up to race mode right quick.
[30:54 - 31:09] I want to turn everything up on full.
[31:09 - 31:26] Made this thing as realistic as we possibly can.
[31:26 - 31:42] Now we're about to get it.
[31:42 - 31:51] Now the other thing I did actually just pick up a brand new ride here so I'm going to get to it here.
[31:51 - 32:01] Dude where's it at?
[32:01 - 32:04] Yo there it is let's go.
[32:04 - 32:32] Johnny's on the R2010 let's go.
[32:32 - 32:37] Oh damn.
[32:37 - 32:45] Just tear stock this thing wants to go dude damn.
[32:45 - 32:55] Oh yeah she wants to go already Jesus.
[32:55 - 33:21] Easy girl damn.
[33:21 - 33:49] Oh damn this thing can go man holy shit.
[33:49 - 34:07] Yo this thing handles really well though I'm actually impressed.
[34:07 - 34:14] Well I want to see her on the turn there.
[34:14 - 34:16] Yo is that the highway?
[34:16 - 34:23] Yo that's the highway hold up.
[34:23 - 34:28] That is the motherfucking highway man we gotta get to it man.
[34:28 - 34:43] We gotta do a full on the highway.
[34:43 - 34:52] Thankfully there's a way out there.
[34:52 - 35:04] Oh no that's not the highway that's the festival.
[35:04 - 35:16] What's there I'm not for the highway.
[35:16 - 35:26] Turn around when it is safe to do so.
[35:26 - 35:36] 200 yards turn left.
[35:36 - 36:02] Let's do a speedrun with this thing.
[36:02 - 36:17] Let's see how we can do.
[36:17 - 36:31] Holy shit this thing's quick.
[36:31 - 36:46] Bro holy shit.
[36:46 - 36:59] Oh damn.
[36:59 - 37:15] Let's see how well the braking power on this thing works.
[37:15 - 37:44] Dude this thing's gonna be a monster on the track I can already tell you.
[37:44 - 37:56] Turn around when it is safe to do so.
[37:56 - 38:13] Oh damn I didn't even realize we were heading in this direction holy shit.
[38:13 - 38:22] Dude hey we just made top 24 let's go.
[38:22 - 38:31] Top 24% now let's go dude.
[38:31 - 38:53] We got these on the ours definitely very well balanced for a car with no grip.
[38:53 - 38:57] Yeah it's a good song I'm not hitting that.
[38:57 - 39:05] I already did this one I don't need to do it again thank you anyway.
[39:05 - 39:17] Hey you guys are new to the horizon man this one actually actually does take place in Mexico so if you're a fan of Mexico man you guys will definitely love this.
[39:17 - 39:38] Now we got a cross country race.
[39:38 - 39:52] Let's go let's get that cross country run.
[39:52 - 39:58] Ooh this is gonna be a toughie man cause we got some good ones up in here today.
[39:58 - 40:10] But I gotta do it man I gotta go with you know let's go with the broccoli man.
[40:10 - 40:15] I've gotta do it man I gotta go with the unicorn Bronco man.
[40:15 - 40:24] I can't say no man it's a unicorn Bronco.
[40:24 - 40:28] It's a fucking unicorn Bronco man let's go.
[40:28 - 40:32] Alright come on this is Ken Block's Bronco bro.
[40:32 - 40:51] You can't go wrong with the Ken Block car you can't do it.
[40:51 - 41:02] Oh I didn't mention that before I end I do apologize but we are on 900 degrees of rotation with Mando with clutch engage.
[41:02 - 41:18] So in case you guys are wondering when I'm running I'm running 900 degrees of rotation with Mando with clutch.
[41:18 - 41:39] Let's go bro.
[41:39 - 41:45] Oh damn.
[42:09 - 42:38] Let's see what I can catch up here hopefully with time.
[42:38 - 43:07] And yeah cause that way we're gonna be able to catch up.
[43:07 - 43:19] Yeah we're done we're not catching on this round but that's okay though.
[43:19 - 43:24] Dude get your ass in Xbox One bro we'll fucking get it dude.
[43:24 - 43:26] I'll rock with you homie.
[43:26 - 43:31] Chris you aren't even dude Chris you already know you're pretty much like my little brother man.
[43:31 - 43:34] You already know that you're pretty much family dude.
[43:34 - 43:46] Get your ass in Xbox One and we'll fucking throw down.
[43:46 - 44:02] Since I don't have to do anything for this I'll just do highly skilled.
[44:02 - 44:31] I don't need anything on highly skilled cause this isn't like one of those events.
[44:31 - 44:40] And I'll tell you man if you ain't got yourself a wheel rig for this thing man definitely do it.
[44:40 - 44:47] It makes it way more fun.
[44:47 - 44:48] Are you serious?
[44:48 - 44:53] That did not just fucking happen bro.
[44:53 - 45:22] Hey Uber it's here I'm here to deliver your food.
[45:22 - 45:42] How do I play a leapfrog?
[45:42 - 45:55] I see you back there motherfucker you ain't getting by me bro.
[45:55 - 46:04] You ain't getting by me man I see you back there.
[46:05 - 46:33] What is this fucking Super Mario?
[46:34 - 46:46] Oh almost landed on that guy.
[46:46 - 46:55] Bro that shit is tough dude damn.
[46:55 - 46:59] Bro that shit is holy crap.
[46:59 - 47:10] You know I may have to switch up rides and I may have to go for my rally car cause that thing is holy fuck dude.
[47:10 - 47:11] Why are you doing it wrong?
[47:11 - 47:12] I like my Bronco man.
[47:12 - 47:21] You all know I'm a huge fan of the Hoonigan brand.
[47:21 - 47:28] 100% mad shout out to Ken Block but dude I don't think that car was meant for that.
[47:28 - 47:43] Oh Chelsea I'm not quitting the race dude I'm literally just going in to switch out cars.
[47:43 - 47:47] That's all I'm doing is I'm switching out.
[47:47 - 47:57] Give me a better ride dude.
[47:57 - 48:22] Oh actually here's a race right out here what you can do right quick while I'm at it.
[48:27 - 48:30] You know let's go for my rally tune one here.
[48:30 - 48:35] Now this one is tuned for off-road dirt runs so this will be fun.
[48:35 - 48:39] This one is actually properly tuned for off-road runs.
[48:39 - 49:02] Okay rally cross so we gotta get some rally runs in.
[49:02 - 49:08] Now I didn't choose the custom one just cause I wanted to try it stock real quick before I do my custom rally cars.
[49:08 - 49:17] So we about to get it.
[49:17 - 49:20] Also if you guys are just not joining the stream then welcome.
[49:20 - 49:22] How are you guys doing today man?
[49:22 - 49:24] Like what's up with you guys?
[49:24 - 49:26] Yo Chris we know which bro.
[49:26 - 49:28] Chris what's up on your end of things bro?
[49:28 - 49:44] I know things got pretty hectic last night.
[49:44 - 49:47] Oh shit we got the Holy Slot up in here.
[49:47 - 49:50] Oh shit we got the Holy Slot right up in here man.
[49:50 - 49:55] Oh shit this just got interesting.
[49:55 - 50:02] Oh shit just got interesting bro.
[50:02 - 50:05] Come on Slot what you got big dog?
[50:05 - 50:10] Come on Slot Tram what you got brother?
[50:10 - 50:14] You may be my favorite YouTuber Slot but yeah.
[50:14 - 50:16] I didn't let anyone win this one dog.
[50:16 - 50:21] Sorry bro.
[50:21 - 50:24] Those are fuckers.
[50:24 - 50:28] Oh shit we got the legendary Sylvie2K up in this bitch.
[50:28 - 50:30] Okay.
[50:30 - 50:43] Now shit just got real interesting.
[50:43 - 50:45] And of course he'd be driving the freaking buggy.
[50:45 - 50:50] Oh of course he would Sylvie.
[50:50 - 51:02] Oh.
[51:02 - 51:07] You're doing the Slot type sorry Sylvie.
[51:07 - 51:34] I didn't want to do one man but I had to brother.
[51:34 - 51:47] Okay how the hell did I miss the checkpoint?
[51:47 - 52:09] Oh really you want to play that game okay?
[52:09 - 52:12] Alright Slot I see you dog.
[52:12 - 52:15] Hey whether I win or lose this thing.
[52:15 - 52:19] If I could at least beat Slot.
[52:19 - 52:21] Whether I win or lose man.
[52:21 - 52:37] If I could at least beat Slot then I'm good bro.
[52:37 - 53:00] Come on Slot what you got dog?
[53:00 - 53:02] Ah damn he might get me on this one.
[53:02 - 53:04] Yeah he's pulling on me brother.
[53:04 - 53:07] There's no way I'm going to win that one.
[53:07 - 53:12] Damn man I thought maybe I was going to get him on that one but nope.
[53:12 - 53:20] Okay so now that I know the course now I know what I can do.
[53:20 - 53:29] So let's lower the grip a bit.
[53:29 - 53:51] Alright so those are lowered down.
[53:51 - 53:56] There we go.
[53:56 - 54:11] Now we should be able to get by him.
[54:11 - 54:30] Alright Slot.
[54:30 - 54:37] Sorry brother.
[54:37 - 54:38] Sorry Sylvie.
[54:38 - 54:44] I'm coming for you brother.
[54:44 - 54:47] Bye Sylvie.
[54:47 - 54:52] Bye Sylvie.
[54:52 - 54:56] Guys up didn't I Sylvie?
[54:56 - 55:12] Let's go.
[55:12 - 55:18] Nope you ain't getting by me Sylvie I hear you back there motherfucker.
[55:18 - 55:30] Oh really who was it that just ran into me?
[55:30 - 55:31] Ah that did it.
[55:31 - 55:33] Oh great it's Devon.
[55:33 - 55:35] Okay Dev I got you bro.
[55:35 - 56:04] I got you Dev.
[56:04 - 56:14] I got you.
[56:14 - 56:24] I got you.
[56:24 - 56:34] I got you.
[56:34 - 56:45] Oh let's go.
[56:45 - 57:14] Let's go we're approaching out of first place my boy.
[57:14 - 57:20] Hey not bad.
[57:20 - 57:27] It wasn't exactly first but hey not bad we finished top five at least.
[57:27 - 57:54] Actually not bad.
[57:54 - 57:56] Let's go out of 100k.
[57:56 - 58:01] Hey we may not have walked away with the win but hey we walked away with 100k.
[58:01 - 58:13] Can't go wrong with that.
[58:13 - 58:26] Granted if we took first we wouldn't have walked away with more but hey we walked away with something though.
[58:26 - 58:40] Oh shit we got classic games candid open this shit what's up.
[58:40 - 58:47] Yo we got classic games candid open this shit what's good bro how you doing man it's been a minute what's up.
[58:47 - 59:10] Oh shit.
[59:10 - 59:36] Now I did hear that the legendary Don Juan song did create an event on event lab so we're about to pull over here to the side and we're about to check it out and see if he actually did it.
[59:36 - 59:58] Yeah car raster is.
[59:58 - 60:06] Oh let's go.
[60:06 - 60:10] Okay I'll take it.
[60:10 - 60:21] Now he's like well something for but not that.
[60:21 - 60:39] Alright let's head over to the event lab here.
[60:39 - 60:50] Yo he did let's go.
[60:50 - 60:53] Yo you know we gotta do this man.
[60:53 - 60:56] Shout out to Don Juan song man.
[60:56 - 61:02] Yo we gotta do this bro we have got to fucking do this one man.
[61:02 - 61:17] You can't do Horizon 5 and not do a DJS one man you can't do it.
[61:17 - 61:31] So for this one we are going to go with the Nineteen Spider-Man one of my first known favorites actually.
[61:31 - 61:37] And if y'all don't know who Don Juan song is man hook him up man he's got some great content.
[61:37 - 61:41] So shout out to DJS man what's good bro love the content.
[61:41 - 61:45] Keep that shit up man.
[61:45 - 61:55] And we're rocking the collectible forza rap dude.
[61:55 - 62:00] And we're rocking the collectors edition of forza vinyl rap dude.
[62:00 - 62:15] Oh yes.
[62:15 - 62:20] What did you do?
[62:20 - 62:25] Bro figure it out for yourself man.
[62:25 - 62:48] Yo what the hell do you want to sound this cut.
[62:48 - 63:00] Alright that's weird cause I'm used to seeing the little sound bar bro.
[63:00 - 63:13] Oh no by the way Ange.
[63:13 - 63:16] Doses.
[63:16 - 63:37] Sorry I don't need to fucking troll like you hanging around.
[63:37 - 63:49] Just saying man I don't need to troll like Ange hanging around.
[63:49 - 63:53] Alright here we go guys.
[63:53 - 63:58] Alright DJ and we got the roof down this one let's go.
[63:58 - 64:06] Oh hello I forgot to see what was this fucking fast.
[64:06 - 64:16] Holy shit.
[64:16 - 64:28] Oh bro we almost slept each other in there.
[64:28 - 64:52] Yeah see right there is where I fucked up.
[64:52 - 64:57] Oh really y'all want to put me into the wall like that.
[64:57 - 65:26] Really.
[65:26 - 65:48] Yo who the fuck.
[65:48 - 66:01] Yo maybe I chose the wrong one cause this thing is way too quick.
[66:01 - 66:14] Out the way boys.
[66:14 - 66:22] Bro how did I not see that.
[66:22 - 66:43] Y'all gonna need to do some fucking trail breaking going over here bro.
[66:43 - 67:09] Oh shit let's go we're in first let's go.
[67:09 - 67:38] Oh damn this is a legitimate fucking circuit okay.
[67:39 - 67:43] Okay yeah we're gonna have to come back to this one dude.
[67:43 - 67:46] That shit is tough bro.
[67:46 - 67:51] Shout out to DJS for actually making a realistic circuit run dude that was dope.
[67:51 - 67:58] That kind of reminds me of the uh Portugal run on Motorsport 7.
[67:58 - 68:03] Not bad DJS not bad at all brother not bad I like that.
[68:03 - 68:32] Good on you mate.
[68:32 - 68:40] I also will be playing some split gate later on today as well.
[68:40 - 68:42] And you don't know what split gate is.
[68:42 - 68:46] Imagine Halo and Portal having a kid and that's what split gate is.
[68:46 - 69:02] It's pretty fucking dope.
[69:02 - 69:12] What the hell how did I end up here.
[69:12 - 69:18] Oh okay apparently I ended up on a roof.
[69:18 - 69:28] Don't know how but uh okay.
[69:28 - 69:57] Don't know how I ended up on a roof but apparently I did.
[69:57 - 70:07] Let's see how fun it's going to be.
[70:07 - 70:09] Oh we got a tailgate bro.
[70:09 - 70:15] We gotta do this tailgate battle man let's go dude.
[70:15 - 70:38] I'm hype man I love me a good tailgate battle.
[70:38 - 70:42] I love me a good tailgate run man let's go.
[70:42 - 70:47] And for this one we are going to go with.
[70:47 - 70:52] Yeah this seems to literally trying to fight me right now.
[70:52 - 71:04] Oh we got the GTO we got this.
[71:04 - 71:10] You know what fuck man let's go to Skyline GTR V-Stack man.
[71:10 - 71:16] Gotta go to the V-Stack man you can't go wrong with Skyline.
[71:16 - 71:22] Yo holy shit.
[71:22 - 71:26] And we got the dope Acetasha wrapped in boot.
[71:26 - 71:38] Looking clean as hell man.
[71:38 - 71:44] Oh come on really lag now come on now.
[71:44 - 71:46] There we go.
[71:46 - 71:49] But dude look at how clean this Skyline is man.
[71:49 - 71:53] And we're rocking the beautiful black and white Acetasha wrap.
[71:53 - 71:59] Let's go.
[72:00 - 72:13] Beautiful man.
[72:13 - 72:23] Look at that thing man that is sexy.
[72:23 - 72:26] Bro if you guys are into anime and you like cars.
[72:26 - 72:29] Put them both together and this is what you get.
[72:29 - 72:33] A beautiful fucking ride like this sexy ass fucking Skyline.
[72:33 - 72:36] Wrapped with an anime Acetasha wrap.
[72:36 - 72:39] Looking super clean.
[72:39 - 72:43] Super nice.
[72:43 - 72:47] This right here is definitely one of my dream cars for sure.
[72:47 - 72:53] Is a GTR Skyline man.
[72:53 - 73:16] And we're rocking the GTS Nizmos.
[73:16 - 73:28] Bro this thing is taking forever man.
[73:28 - 73:35] Alright this thing is definitely taking a while so I may have to reload it.
[73:35 - 73:41] But before I reload it I do want to show you guys something right quick.
[73:41 - 73:46] For those of you that are wondering what the Acetasha community is about.
[73:46 - 73:59] Well you're about to find out man.
[73:59 - 74:04] Ah figures.
[74:04 - 74:08] I'm checking my internet.
[74:08 - 74:12] Actually I don't see if any of the guys are on.
[74:12 - 74:14] Yo Nick's playing.
[74:14 - 74:16] Yo shout out to the homie AR12 game.
[74:16 - 74:18] Now let's get it Nick.
[74:18 - 74:22] So Nick if you're watching this bro what up dude.
[74:38 - 75:01] Yo don't we got an angels guy in the car.
[75:01 - 75:12] Yo here we go.
[75:12 - 75:17] Here's a perfect video to introduce you guys into the Acetasha car world.
[75:17 - 75:26] Let's go.
[75:26 - 75:33] Wait I thought Acetasha was just an excuse for people to put pictures of anime girls making weird faces all over their cars right.
[75:33 - 75:46] Yes and no. Let me explain.
[75:46 - 75:48] Shout out to Noriyaro man.
[75:48 - 75:50] I watched it a lot.
[75:50 - 75:57] The Japanese word for car is kuruma.
[75:57 - 76:02] And when you combine this kanji with other characters you can change what sort of car you're talking about.
[76:02 - 76:10] For example Japanese car is nihonsha, amesha, American car, itasha, Italian car or is it.
[76:10 - 76:16] Because the internet likes to make a big joke out of things these guys change the character from Italian ita to this one.
[76:16 - 76:19] Ita which means pain.
[76:19 - 76:25] So these things are called itasha or painful cars and there's a good reason for it.
[76:25 - 76:30] Because any normal person walking down the street who sees one of these cars is going to go like this.
[76:30 - 76:33] So let's have a walk around the car park and I will try and explain.
[76:33 - 76:35] Dude I'd be in heaven bro.
[76:35 - 76:37] I would be straight up in motherfucking heaven with this shit.
[76:37 - 76:40] And some of them are actually really good as far as tuned cars go.
[76:40 - 76:42] Yo attack on Titan is good bro.
[76:42 - 76:44] No Cal attack on Titan is good.
[76:44 - 76:46] Pretty decent show car.
[76:46 - 76:48] It's low.
[76:48 - 76:51] Lexus brake conversion has stereo in the back.
[76:51 - 76:54] But why put this character on there?
[76:54 - 76:56] Alright let's use this Mark X.
[76:56 - 76:58] Yeah I like that Mark X.
[76:58 - 77:00] Genres of characters they use.
[77:00 - 77:08] And this one Kotori Minami is from a virtual idol singing group called Love Live.
[77:08 - 77:13] These are characters who are in like a virtual idol group.
[77:13 - 77:15] Not gonna lie dude that's fire.
[77:15 - 77:21] There's various kinds of media like video games and anime and also things like that that they're in.
[77:21 - 77:24] And of course the question is why do they choose certain characters?
[77:24 - 77:28] Well the word for that is called this Oshi.
[77:28 - 77:35] And Oshi means push in Japanese and it's basically the person or character that you are cheering for,
[77:35 - 77:39] that you are hoping does well, the one you want to see the most.
[77:39 - 77:48] In English they say a stan which comes from that M&M song about a creepy stalker.
[77:48 - 77:55] And there's quite a few of these virtual idol singing groups so there's a lot of characters to choose from.
[77:55 - 77:57] So that's one...
[77:57 - 78:00] Yo that is dude that right there is dope.
[78:00 - 78:02] Now this one here, very nice crown.
[78:02 - 78:04] This is from the Fate series.
[78:04 - 78:06] Yo!
[78:06 - 78:08] Fucking Saber dude.
[78:08 - 78:11] A whole load of mythology.
[78:11 - 78:14] God fucking Saber on a ride, what's good bro.
[78:14 - 78:17] God fucking Saber from the Fate series, hell yeah.
[78:17 - 78:19] Super powerful, cool body kit.
[78:19 - 78:23] So as you can see most of these cars so far are very close to being show cars.
[78:23 - 78:26] Proper wheels, big brake kits.
[78:26 - 78:28] Yo that's fucking one piece bro.
[78:28 - 78:31] Genre of Itasha, the race style.
[78:31 - 78:32] Nice.
[78:32 - 78:37] So if you took away the virtual idol it would look pretty close to being a regular race car.
[78:37 - 78:41] Like it would look too out of place on a racetrack.
[78:41 - 78:44] Did it brimbo brakes, bulk wheels?
[78:44 - 78:46] I don't know, I thought that was one piece.
[78:46 - 78:48] That is sick.
[78:48 - 78:52] Another race style, this time a Strike Witches theme.
[78:52 - 78:54] Yo!
[78:54 - 78:56] If you don't know what it is.
[78:56 - 78:58] So imagine, okay here's another word you need to know.
[78:58 - 79:00] Gijinka.
[79:00 - 79:03] Gijinka means what does it mean?
[79:03 - 79:05] Pseudo-human.
[79:05 - 79:17] You take an inanimate object, for example, World War II, I guess fighter planes and fighter pilots from World War II.
[79:17 - 79:20] Combine them with anyway school girls and that's what you have.
[79:20 - 79:22] That's their logo, Strike Witches.
[79:22 - 79:28] They sort of fly around and fight these alien robot sorts of things.
[79:28 - 79:33] So this is connected to what's also known as military otaku or people who like military stuff.
[79:33 - 79:40] And as you can see she's carrying a Type 99 autocannon.
[79:40 - 79:43] You know, like the cannons that were on aeroplanes.
[79:43 - 79:46] This is the one that was used on Japanese fighter planes.
[79:46 - 79:57] And I think it's based on the German early game 20mm cannon.
[79:57 - 80:01] You all thought this was just like putting girls on cars, right? No, no, no.
[80:01 - 80:04] This is one of the civics from Fast and Furious.
[80:04 - 80:07] Yo, get out, that is sick.
[80:07 - 80:11] These things are still kicking around. Look, it's got the nose in the back.
[80:11 - 80:13] What?
[80:13 - 80:15] Bro, that's weird.
[80:15 - 80:18] Yeah, it's a bit of a throwback.
[80:18 - 80:23] And it has Hayasaka from Kaguya Samarit.
[80:23 - 80:25] Never thought I'd see that.
[80:25 - 80:30] So if you're thinking, yeah, whatever, it's just a bunch of stickers on some mildly modified cars, whatever.
[80:30 - 80:35] Well, there is actually innovation happening in the Itasha world as well.
[80:35 - 80:42] And this FDR7 are from a shop called K Concept in Gotemba.
[80:42 - 80:46] And they're showcasing a technique which is actually kind of cool.
[80:46 - 80:52] What they've done here is lay a semi-transparent print over a reflective silver base layer.
[80:52 - 81:03] So when you change angle in the sun, as you can see with Fubuki here, her eyes are like the sword and like the sword slash glow.
[81:03 - 81:08] And the cool thing is there's no seam because it's just one layer over the other.
[81:08 - 81:13] So it's just one flat layer so you don't get those little ripples.
[81:13 - 81:16] That's really cool.
[81:16 - 81:19] Nagano-I love this.
[81:19 - 81:23] Oh, yeah, I got a rocket body.
[81:23 - 81:25] And I saw it online.
[81:25 - 81:27] That's in the...
[81:27 - 81:29] Yeah, fucking Asuna, hell yeah.
[81:29 - 81:34] ...genre where you get swept away into another universe with magic and whatever.
[81:34 - 81:38] Okay, now this one, yeah, this is gonna be a bit harder to explain.
[81:38 - 81:43] If you don't really understand live streaming or virtual idols,
[81:44 - 81:47] yeah, it kind of blew up over the past couple of years.
[81:47 - 81:53] This 34 4-door has apparently a real GTR front bumper.
[81:53 - 81:58] It's got the Z-Tune style front fenders.
[81:58 - 82:03] And this character here, this is known as Hoshou Marim,
[82:03 - 82:08] who is a, for lack of a better word, a horny pirate.
[82:08 - 82:10] And he's not wrong.
[82:10 - 82:12] He's not wrong on that.
[82:12 - 82:19] This character, Fubuki, is a Fox God sort of character.
[82:19 - 82:24] And there's also this character, Minato Akoa,
[82:24 - 82:30] who is like a made sailor slash onion.
[82:30 - 82:32] Once again, race style.
[82:32 - 82:35] It's the sort of KC-114s out if you play those sorts of games.
[82:35 - 82:40] Beautiful Brembo kit, race wheels, Toyo proxies, stripped out interior.
[82:40 - 82:43] It's got a flocked dash as well.
[82:43 - 82:46] And yeah, there's always a little references on these cars to the characters.
[82:46 - 82:52] For example, Akoa is known for killing people with TNT and Minecraft.
[82:52 - 82:56] So these three are probably the most popular live characters.
[82:56 - 82:58] There's a couple more.
[82:58 - 83:01] Mirei, who is a princess from the future.
[83:01 - 83:06] And Kanata, who is an angel.
[83:06 - 83:09] I'm not really even talking about the cars, am I?
[83:09 - 83:12] This is still a decent meet, even if you're not into this sort of thing.
[83:12 - 83:14] Oh yeah.
[83:14 - 83:17] Something really notable about these cars is they're all done very well.
[83:17 - 83:24] They all have expensive wheels, good brake kits, nice seats, a lot of accessories.
[83:24 - 83:27] They're all just done well.
[83:27 - 83:30] There's a lot of brand names here and there.
[83:30 - 83:32] And like I said, even if you're not into...
[83:32 - 83:34] Yo, that's fine, bro!
[83:34 - 83:40] They're true idols who are fighting robots, like Robocop.
[83:40 - 83:43] It's still a cool looking roadster.
[83:43 - 83:46] This one's a bit more subtle.
[83:46 - 83:49] This one is from a video game.
[83:49 - 83:55] This is Aya Tamimaru, who is a tengu god,
[83:55 - 84:01] which is like sort of a giant crow god sort of figure.
[84:01 - 84:06] And the video game this is from is one which is known as a damaku,
[84:06 - 84:08] or bullet hell.
[84:08 - 84:11] Remember those old games where stuff would fly down from the top of screen
[84:11 - 84:15] and you'd shoot it? Well, that's what this is.
[84:15 - 84:18] And it's got the crew style feathers all the way down the back.
[84:18 - 84:20] It's actually really well done.
[84:20 - 84:22] That is actually cool.
[84:22 - 84:24] And his GT-R.
[84:24 - 84:27] He's another style that I've noticed a lot here today.
[84:27 - 84:29] I'm just going to call it shadow style.
[84:29 - 84:33] The print is not necessarily super obvious.
[84:33 - 84:37] Either the print is sort of half clear,
[84:37 - 84:42] or if you can't see it from one angle, but you can see it from another angle.
[84:42 - 84:44] Okay, that's just cool.
[84:47 - 84:50] This year has been extremely...
[84:53 - 84:58] Now you guys kind of have a good feel for like what that is.
[85:00 - 85:04] So to automatically touch your fans out there, it was good.
[85:12 - 85:15] If it's to log back in.
[85:20 - 85:24] And we are going to get down to that toge battle to finish it off, man,
[85:24 - 85:26] which I'm super hyped for, man.
[85:29 - 85:31] Okay.
[85:43 - 85:45] Sadly, guys, I'm not able to.
[85:45 - 85:48] Unfortunately, I can't do that right now,
[85:48 - 85:54] because my family doesn't want a long camera due to everything that happened the last time.
[85:54 - 85:57] So unfortunately, I can't, but maybe one day.
[85:57 - 86:00] Maybe one day that'll happen, but not right now.
[86:00 - 86:04] With all this craziness going on, there's no way I can.
[86:19 - 86:21] I know it sucks.
[86:21 - 86:25] Knowing you guys, I want to be able to show you guys just as badly,
[86:25 - 86:29] but due to William Glory Hole and them calling the...
[86:35 - 86:39] Basically to feel that deal with Animal Cruelty,
[86:39 - 86:43] basically because of William Glory Hole calling those people,
[86:43 - 86:48] and stuff, I kind of have to hold off on it for a while, which sucks.
[86:48 - 86:50] I know it sucks.
[86:50 - 86:52] I want to show you guys, believe me, I do.
[86:52 - 86:58] I would love to introduce you guys to the newest member of our family for sure.
[86:58 - 87:01] But unfortunately, due to William Glory Hole,
[87:01 - 87:04] we kind of have to keep it on the DL for now.
[87:06 - 87:10] So, you know, it sucks, I know.
[87:10 - 87:17] But I promise you guys, first chance I get once this whole William Glory Hole crowd is over with,
[87:17 - 87:23] I will be trying to bring my dog, Rograt, on camera for you guys for y'all to see.
[87:32 - 87:36] Have y'all know, yes, that's the newest member of our family's name is Rograt,
[87:36 - 87:39] because he's so tiny, he's a Rograt, pretty much.
[87:48 - 87:51] Now, let's get to this Togay battle, shall we?
[87:55 - 87:58] Oh, we got a beautiful 2020 Supra.
[88:09 - 88:12] Let's see if we got any rare cards here.
[88:12 - 88:17] Bruh, I have these I already own.
[88:23 - 88:25] Welcome back, Wolf.
[88:26 - 88:27] Thanks.
[88:29 - 88:31] But I am going to edit my name real quick.
[88:31 - 88:42] Go for one of my favorite ones that I fucking love.
[89:01 - 89:05] Alright, man, you guys ready to get down on the freaking Togay battle?
[89:32 - 89:37] Let's get the legs a bit.
[89:48 - 89:50] Whoa, hold up.
[89:50 - 89:54] Wasn't you in the high seat either, this thing, holy shit.
[89:57 - 89:58] Damn.
[90:02 - 90:04] Bruh, that was quick.
[90:05 - 90:09] I was not expecting that to be honest with you.
[90:32 - 90:38] Now, let's get down to this Togay battle.
[90:38 - 90:40] Now, let's have a little fun.
[91:01 - 91:07] Ooh.
[91:31 - 91:44] Well, someone don't take too long to load in this time around.
[91:55 - 91:58] Man, this wasn't slowly, but it's lovely.
[92:31 - 92:32] Wow.
[92:52 - 92:56] Some of these do take a while to load, which sucks.
[93:01 - 93:02] Yeah.
[93:31 - 93:41] Alright, I wanted to always get one Togay fight in.
[94:02 - 94:12] And also, in case you guys are wondering, yes, I am going to be working on an Natasha photo book to release for you guys.
[94:12 - 94:13] So that is going to happen.
[94:13 - 94:19] I know a lot of you are wondering, am I ever going to do a car photography book full of their cars?
[94:19 - 94:24] And the answer is yes, I am working on that.
[94:24 - 94:26] So that's going to be fun.
[94:26 - 94:35] I'm really excited about that project, but that one's going to take a while.
[94:35 - 94:44] That one is going to take a while, but I am super pumped about it.
[94:44 - 94:47] Yeah, this thing's taking way too long.
[94:47 - 94:49] So I am going to end it off right here, guys.
[94:49 - 94:53] I do apologize for, you know, taking so long.
[94:53 - 94:57] I am going to set up for, oh wait, hold on, never mind.
[94:57 - 94:58] Never mind.
[94:58 - 94:59] I retract that statement.
[94:59 - 95:00] Hold on.
[95:00 - 95:02] We made you have something here.
[95:02 - 95:04] Hold up.
[95:04 - 95:12] Never mind.
[95:12 - 95:23] I retract my previous statement.
[95:23 - 95:29] Dude, what does God do to load an entire planet onto this freaking map?
[95:29 - 95:40] Why is that why it's so slowly loaded up an entire freaking planet worth of freaking content onto this thing, dude?
[95:40 - 95:41] What do you try to do, man?
[95:41 - 95:46] Combine fours of horizon, one, two, three, and four along with five?
[95:46 - 95:57] Like, come on, man.
[95:57 - 96:01] Bruh, that's just a glare off my freaking window, bro.
[96:01 - 96:02] Oh, okay.
[96:02 - 96:09] As soon as you've got a proper toggle set up for Japan type deal, okay.
[96:09 - 96:10] Damn, bro.
[96:10 - 96:18] Okay, homies got that.
[96:18 - 96:20] Okay, this is the proper toge.
[96:20 - 96:21] Okay.
[96:21 - 96:27] Got the proper not hard enough toge.
[96:27 - 96:28] Hell yes, bro.
[96:28 - 96:31] Y'all not hard enough in this shit.
[96:31 - 96:32] What?
[96:32 - 96:33] Hold up.
[96:33 - 96:36] This man literally remade not hard enough, bro.
[96:36 - 96:38] That is sick.
[96:39 - 96:41] Get out, bro.
[96:41 - 96:43] This is sick.
[96:43 - 96:47] Dude, legit, remade not hard enough.
[96:47 - 96:50] AK, not Akina from Initial B.
[96:50 - 96:54] That is so dope, dude.
[96:54 - 96:55] What?
[96:55 - 96:58] That is sick, bro.
[96:58 - 97:07] That is fire.
[97:07 - 97:16] I'm not even worried about, like, winning this thing at all, man.
[97:16 - 97:18] I'm just enjoying the cruise, man.
[97:18 - 97:20] This is sick.
[97:20 - 97:25] Dude, legitimately remade.
[97:25 - 97:28] Bro, this is fire.
[97:28 - 97:29] What?
[97:29 - 97:34] Bro, you gotta be creative to come up with shit like this.
[97:34 - 97:38] This is legitimately a proper fucking toge, dude.
[97:38 - 97:42] This is sick.
[97:42 - 97:51] And, of course, you throw that in the way, though.
[97:51 - 97:55] Honestly, bro, I don't even care if I win the toge battle or not.
[97:55 - 98:05] Man, this is just so fucking cool.
[98:06 - 98:33] Oh, yeah, I can.
[98:33 - 98:36] Yo, this is...
[98:36 - 98:47] Bro, why can't they throw this as, like, a legitimate map on horizon, bro?
[98:47 - 98:51] Dude, it's been a while since I've raced toge runs.
[98:51 - 98:55] Last time I did a toge run was on...
[98:55 - 98:59] I don't even remember, dude.
[98:59 - 99:04] Actually, the last toge run I did was Grand 2019, bro.
[99:04 - 99:08] And that toge run was tough.
[99:08 - 99:22] Like, that show is hard.
[99:22 - 99:41] Bro, this is nuts.
[99:41 - 99:43] Bro, this is crazy.
[99:43 - 99:47] Bro, this is wild.
[99:47 - 99:52] Holy shit, this is actually just like a real fucking toge in Japan.
[99:52 - 99:57] This is so sick.
[99:57 - 100:01] Bro.
[100:01 - 100:04] This is mad proxies, dude, for making this.
[100:04 - 100:06] This is lit.
[100:31 - 100:39] Yeah, this takes some fucking skill to make this kind of shit.
[101:02 - 101:07] Hold on, we gotta restart that, bro.
[101:07 - 101:10] That is insane.
[101:10 - 101:17] The dude literally took the time to remake a fucking Japanese mountain toge.
[101:17 - 101:23] That takes fucking talent.
[101:23 - 101:36] And since we are new to this, we are just gonna go straight out to tourists.
[101:36 - 101:45] Bro, that takes fucking skill to do shit like that.
[101:45 - 101:52] Oh my god, dude, this is wild.
[102:23 - 102:44] Oh, bro, dude, Red Dead 2 is my shit, bro.
[102:44 - 102:46] I like Red Dead Redemption 2.
[102:46 - 102:48] So, hell yeah, bro.
[102:48 - 102:51] I'll play this shit out of that.
[102:51 - 103:06] I'm gonna go on a bit of a murder spree, but yeah, I'll play some Red Dead 2.
[103:06 - 103:28] Bro, this is a proper toge fight. Let's go.
[103:28 - 103:31] Dude, I don't like this.
[103:31 - 103:46] I don't like this shit for real. This is fired.
[104:01 - 104:19] Dude, deadline now, like this.
[104:19 - 104:21] Like, you got what you need to send it, bro.
[104:21 - 104:25] It's hard to have these fucks send that shit over.
[104:25 - 104:42] I'm down to play some Red Dead 2, man.
[104:42 - 105:11] Yo, I would shit feel like I'm in fucking Japan right now. Like, straight up.
[105:11 - 105:26] Yo, somebody made this an actual track on a freaking Forza game or something, bro.
[105:26 - 105:29] Give this man a gold fucking medal.
[105:29 - 105:42] Like, give this man creator of the fucking year award for real.
[105:42 - 105:48] Like, this dude did good with this. Like, this is, bro.
[105:48 - 105:56] I cannot make this up. Like, this is legitimately like an actual toge in Japan, bro.
[105:56 - 106:01] Make this man part of Playground Games, man. Yo, turn 10.
[106:01 - 106:10] Fucking hire this guy. If you don't fucking hire this guy, you're fucking stupid.
[106:10 - 106:39] Hire this guy as a fucking track creator for real.
[106:39 - 107:08] Let's go. Even on tourist mode, that was hard, bro.
[107:08 - 107:21] Bro, I gotta watch that replay. That was something. Hold on, let me record this.
[107:21 - 107:26] That was literally the craziest toge run of my life.
[107:26 - 107:52] Without a doubt, that was crazy.
[107:52 - 107:59] Dude, that, bro, that toge run was sick.
[107:59 - 108:04] I've gotta record this for the channel, bro. I've got to.
[108:29 - 108:58] Yo, just the attention to detail on this shit is insane, dude.
[108:58 - 109:06] This guy literally is freaking nuts.
[109:06 - 109:31] Like, this guy paid so much attention to detail, bro. Like, that is crazy.
[109:31 - 109:55] Bro, I need a tuna car for mountain racing now, bro.
[109:55 - 110:24] I actually need a tuna car for this track.
[110:25 - 110:42] Yo, this is sick.
[110:42 - 110:48] Dude, just the attention to detail on this matte white, bro. I'm actually impressed.
[110:48 - 111:08] I did not ever think that Sony would actually do this. This is legit, like, bro.
[111:08 - 111:37] Like, that was legitimately a fun track.
[111:37 - 111:51] Yo, I have a favorite in that shit. I'm actually gonna go in right now and I'm gonna favorite that shit.
[111:51 - 112:00] That was legitimately hard. Like, that was a fucking challenge.
[112:00 - 112:05] Oh, we only got the Kuda Hemi. Let's go.
[112:05 - 112:11] Right above the Mercedes AMG1. You could have just given me the AMG1 and I would have been happy.
[112:11 - 112:30] But dude, that toge run was fucking sick, dude.
[112:41 - 113:10] Bro, that's some shit straight out of Initial D. Like, for real.
[113:10 - 113:22] Like, that legitimately takes some, that's like a whole other level of creativity, man, for real.
[113:22 - 113:33] Like, that was, dude.
[113:33 - 113:39] Oh, let's go. And we got a wheel spin out of that. Let's go. Hell yeah.
[113:39 - 113:43] Getting my wheel spin on both.
[113:43 - 113:47] Oh, that's right.
[113:47 - 114:00] Dude, I am literally gonna go there and I'm gonna put that shit in my favorites real quick because that was so much fun.
[114:00 - 114:09] Hell yes. That was fun.
[114:09 - 114:13] I'll stop the sideways and show you.
[114:40 - 114:48] Now, let's see what we got on Horizon Super 7.
[114:48 - 114:53] Now, I did hear that AR-12 did actually make a rainbow road.
[115:40 - 115:52] Yo, he did. Let's go.
[115:52 - 115:57] But dude, that toge, that toge has to be my all-time favorite.
[115:57 - 116:04] Like, you give me, like, you ask me what my favorite track of all time is.
[116:04 - 116:10] Dude, it definitely had to be that toge that I just did a few minutes ago. Straight up.
[116:10 - 116:23] Like, that shit was, bro, that was on another level.
[116:23 - 116:30] Like, without a doubt, that shit was on another level of creative.
[116:30 - 116:36] So turn 10. If you guys all hired a dude that made that toge track, you're out of your fucking minds.
[116:36 - 116:51] Fucking hire that man. Make him part of your fucking creative team. Dude fucking deserves it.
[116:51 - 117:03] Yo, he actually made a rainbow road. What?
[117:03 - 117:11] Okay, we're doing a Mario Kart throwback here.
[117:11 - 117:17] Oh my god, he actually made a rainbow road.
[117:17 - 117:23] Bro, what? Oh shit.
[117:23 - 117:35] Hold it. No, no, Nick, Nick. Where you going, Nick?
[117:35 - 117:46] Oh shit, it's a legitimately rainbow road. What the fuck? This is bananas.
[117:46 - 118:10] Oh, bro, this is wild. Shout out to Nick.
[118:10 - 118:16] Dude, this guy would generally make rainbow roads. This is crazy.
[118:16 - 118:37] Oh my god, bro, this is dope.
[118:37 - 118:43] Oh, okay, this is sketchy.
[118:43 - 118:50] Oh, just barely, but we got it. No, dude.
[118:50 - 119:04] Bro, this is crazy. Nick, you're a fucking genius, man. I swear to fucking God, bro.
[119:04 - 119:20] I need to slow up right there.
[119:20 - 119:29] Bro, this shit is hella tough.
[119:30 - 119:37] Whoa, sketchy.
[119:37 - 120:02] How do you expect us to make that, dude?
[120:02 - 120:15] Oh, hang on there at an angle, but we're good.
[120:15 - 120:26] Bro, why, Nick? Why do you have to make this so sketchy?
[120:26 - 120:40] Bro, which way am I even supposed to go?
[120:40 - 121:01] Oh, dude, you sneak. You fucking sneak.
[121:01 - 121:17] Oh, this is legitimately, bro, I've never gotten this stuck on any course.
[121:17 - 121:30] Nick, you're an asshole for this, making this shit hard. You fucking dick.
[121:30 - 121:46] I am not redoing that. Fuck that.
[121:46 - 121:58] Dude, that would be an easier time on a freaking motocross bike.
[121:58 - 122:05] Bro, it's like fucking playing parkour with a fucking doob on you, bro.
[122:28 - 122:43] Holy shit, I gotta do it three fucking times.
[122:58 - 123:24] Hey, I'm not exactly up, but I'm stuck.
[123:24 - 123:34] Nick, you're a dick for this.
[123:54 - 124:18] Oh, wait a minute. What the hell?
[124:18 - 124:27] Did I seriously just bounce out of that thing?
[124:27 - 124:47] Dude, how did I not? Oh, okay, my front end here. That's why.
[125:17 - 125:27] Dude, Nick, why do you have to make this so hard, dude?
[125:47 - 125:58] Alright, who fucking ran into me?
[126:17 - 126:44] What the fuck?
[126:44 - 127:13] I think I'm gonna play fucking parkour with a doob on you right now, bro.
[127:13 - 127:42] Wait for it. I legit feel like I'm playing fucking parkour with a goddamn doob on you.
[127:42 - 128:11] This shit is tough.
[128:12 - 128:27] What the fuck?
[128:27 - 128:56] Dude, that was tough, man.
[128:56 - 129:25] Damn, that was hard. Shit.
[129:25 - 129:32] Even though I don't like that course, I'm gonna like it for you.
[129:32 - 129:45] That's the only reason.
[129:45 - 130:14] But for you, because I like your content, I'm liking it.
[130:16 - 130:33] Oh, damn.
[130:33 - 130:38] Oh, hold on. We got our rewards back here.
[130:38 - 130:45] I'll take that.
[130:45 - 130:58] Now, I do want to do my event for you guys to show you what I did.
[130:58 - 131:17] So I'm gonna go here to event lab, my events.
[131:17 - 131:27] And now, I am gonna challenge you guys to this track if you guys do have horizon 4 or if you guys have Xbox One and you have Game Pass.
[131:27 - 131:35] I am gonna challenge you guys to this.
[131:35 - 131:45] So be sure to look at retro gamer official to check out our tracks.
[131:45 - 131:53] So be sure to check out master rally trial and this one literally is like a giant ass fucking rally course.
[131:53 - 132:04] Which actually was inspired by Glenn Castle Farm, which is actually a legitimate rally course.
[132:04 - 132:08] Glenn Castle Farm is actually a real rally course in Scotland.
[132:08 - 132:14] So it was very largely inspired by that.
[132:14 - 132:22] So, yeah.
[132:22 - 132:27] Look at master rally trial. We about to get it.
[132:27 - 132:37] Now, for this one, I am gonna take it off a tourist and I am gonna do unbeatable only because I know this track so well.
[132:37 - 132:49] Because after all, I did create it.
[132:49 - 132:57] So we about to slay this shit.
[133:07 - 133:33] So, yeah.
[133:33 - 133:40] Dude, I totally went off course on that.
[133:40 - 133:47] Oh no, I can't bone around that hill way too quick.
[133:47 - 133:55] Did I hit that? Did I hit that? Thank you.
[133:55 - 134:04] As you can tell, man, this course is tough now. One slip and you're gone.
[134:25 - 134:41] Oh, what?
[135:25 - 135:35] What?
[135:35 - 135:45] What?
[135:45 - 135:55] What?
[135:55 - 136:05] What?
[136:05 - 136:18] What?
[136:18 - 136:22] Oh, damn.
[136:22 - 136:30] So that just happened. Oh, shit, we got slapped on the front. All right, slap. I got you, Pete.
[136:30 - 136:40] I got you, Pete.
[137:00 - 137:10] What?
[137:10 - 137:20] What?
[137:20 - 137:30] What?
[137:30 - 137:40] What?
[137:40 - 137:50] What?
[137:50 - 138:00] What?
[138:00 - 138:15] So, yes, now I tell you, this course is definitely...
[138:15 - 138:25] It's definitely a tricky one.
[138:45 - 138:55] What?
[138:55 - 139:05] What?
[139:05 - 139:15] What?
[139:15 - 139:25] What?
[139:25 - 139:35] What?
[139:35 - 139:45] What?
[139:45 - 139:55] What?
[139:55 - 140:05] What?
[140:05 - 140:15] What?
[140:15 - 140:25] What?
[140:25 - 140:37] What?
[140:37 - 140:45] So as you guys can tell, man, this shit's definitely tough.
[140:45 - 140:55] So as you guys would like to try your hand at a violinist, go ahead.
[140:55 - 141:05] No. Not there, fuckers.
[141:25 - 141:35] Done the highest skiddle part of the track without getting fucked.
[141:35 - 141:45] Okay, we're good.
[141:45 - 141:55] What?
[141:55 - 142:05] What?
[142:05 - 142:15] What?
[142:15 - 142:25] What?
[142:25 - 142:35] Oh, yeah, we got this in the bag.
[142:35 - 142:45] What?
[142:45 - 142:55] What?
[142:55 - 143:01] What?
[143:01 - 143:11] So as you guys can tell, that course is definitely a tricky as hell.
[143:11 - 143:21] So that's just one of my courses, man.
[143:21 - 143:31] Hey.
[143:31 - 143:41] Anyways, y'all, that will do it for this episode of Forza Horizon 5.
[143:41 - 143:47] If you guys would like to check out the Togay...
[143:47 - 144:01] The Togay run that I did, I will be posting the share code to that as well as to my master trial rally, or my rally to master trial, or my master rally trial, whatever you want to call it.
[144:01 - 144:07] I will be posting both share codes on Discord for you guys to check it out.
[144:07 - 144:23] So, yeah.
[144:23 - 144:31] Hopefully you guys enjoyed this, man. If you did, be sure to smack that like button, that subscribe button, and that notification bell all found down below, man.
[144:31 - 144:41] And I'll see you guys here in just a little bit.
[144:41 - 144:59] I will see you guys here in just a little bit.
[144:59 - 145:17] I will see you guys here in just a little bit for some split gate, which I'm excited for. If you guys don't know what split gate is, like I said earlier, it's like, imagine if the Halo games and the games of Portal had a kid.
[145:17 - 145:23] And that's basically what it is. It's super fun, so I will be helping on that.
[145:23 - 145:31] So, I'm gonna take a break for about an hour, hour and a half, chill out, relax, and yeah.
[145:31 - 145:37] I will see you guys here back on the channel for some split gate here in the next couple hours.
[145:37 - 145:45] With that being said, guys, man, I hope you love y'all. Stay home, be where you are, remember man, be yourself, be humble, be positive.
[145:45 - 145:53] Fuck the trolls, man. Just keep being you, dude. Keep doing you and, you know, fuck the trolls, man.
[145:53 - 145:57] You guys are awesome. You guys are amazing. I love every single one of you guys.
[145:57 - 146:03] And I'll catch you guys here, like I said, for some split gate here in a couple hours, man.
[146:03 - 146:08] Fuckin' love you guys, man. I'm gonna start racing. I'll catch y'all later, man.
[146:09 - 146:17] Stay sideways, man. And all my racers out there, man. Keep going as fast as you can. Don't move back, y'all.
[146:17 - 146:24] Stay humble, stay positive, stay motivated, and above all else, be yourself.
[146:24 - 146:27] Love you guys, man. Peace.


[0:00 - 0:18] What is up you guys?
[0:18 - 0:23] So today I'm doing something a little bit different than I've been looking into which
[0:23 - 0:27] is doing a speedrun of not as tall as I've been in the storm for.
[0:27 - 0:34] Now the world record for the fastest speedrun is 2 hours and 16 minutes and so on seconds.
[0:34 - 0:35] So we're going to see if we can beat that.
[0:35 - 0:39] Now I am going to do the story mode.
[0:39 - 0:43] Now this is through the story mode that that record I said so we're going to do the same
[0:43 - 0:56] thing go through the story mode and see if we can't destroy it.
[0:56 - 1:21] So first I'm going to look at this and let me set up a timer here so I can get a second
[1:21 - 1:25] charge while we do the timer.
[1:51 - 2:15] There we go, we got a timer here.
[2:21 - 2:43] Before we start though let me grab a little timer.
[2:43 - 3:07] We're going to download this timer real quick and now we will get this started so.
[3:07 - 3:26] I went down that was quite.
[3:26 - 3:36] Now let's get this set up here and on that being said.
[3:36 - 3:38] As you guys can clearly see.
[3:43 - 3:46] Remember I will actually have this stopwatch.
[3:51 - 3:54] I wish there was a way that y'all could see the stopwatch so it's like right here.
[3:56 - 4:02] Alright so with that being said let's go.
[4:06 - 4:22] Now we are going to skip the cutscenes for this so.
[4:36 - 5:03] Now bear in mind this is original Japanese voiceover so we are doing the original Japanese
[5:03 - 5:14] dub.
[9:34 - 9:46] Oh shit, good I get the first Karama.
[9:46 - 9:56] This is really fun.
[11:33 - 11:58] Oh got it.
[15:33 - 15:58] Bye bye.
[17:03 - 17:10] and
[17:33 - 18:02] Hey, let's go!
[18:02 - 18:17] Alright, so we can play those.
[18:17 - 18:23] Which path do I want to go?
[18:23 - 18:48] You know what, let's go on what do you want to do on a route.
[18:48 - 18:58] Alright, win with 1 in 70% health.
[18:58 - 19:03] Connector gets his ninjutsu.
[19:03 - 19:20] And do a jugo, and then trying to get my secret technique on.
[19:20 - 19:49] Those are really quick and easy.
[19:49 - 20:18] Alright, let's go.
[20:18 - 20:44] That was easy.
[20:44 - 21:04] Wipe the floor with that dude.
[21:04 - 21:10] Now let me go in here and check my stuff real quick.
[21:10 - 21:18] I just had to remember that we are on...
[21:18 - 21:23] And then a Sasuke story.
[21:23 - 21:52] Because someone is going to write with my sound, it's not...
[21:52 - 22:21] Ah, now it should work.
[22:21 - 22:47] Alright, let's go.
[22:47 - 23:16] Alright, let's go.
[23:16 - 23:43] Alright, let's go.
[23:43 - 24:12] Alright, let's go.
[24:12 - 24:39] Alright, let's go.
[24:39 - 25:01] You know y'all trolls, I think you're going to get away with that shit with, you know,
[25:02 - 25:11] They's been calling me, you just may as well give up.
[25:11 - 25:16] Like seriously, just give it up.
[25:16 - 25:23] It's not like I'm going to answer, so just give up.
[25:23 - 25:27] I'm just going to keep ignoring it.
[25:27 - 25:35] So, nice try.
[25:35 - 26:04] Right now we are on 20 minutes and 24 seconds.
[26:05 - 26:34] Alright, let's go.
[26:34 - 26:55] Alright, let's go.
[26:55 - 27:17] Alright, let's go.
[27:17 - 27:46] Ah, shit.
[27:47 - 28:14] Ah, shit.
[28:14 - 28:39] Ah, shit.
[28:39 - 29:07] Ah, shit.
[29:07 - 29:34] Ah, shit.
[29:34 - 29:59] Ah, shit.
[29:59 - 30:14] Y'all trolls may as well give up and I'm not going to answer.
[30:14 - 30:41] For real, just give up, I'm not going to answer you guys.
[30:41 - 31:02] I can do this online, so go ahead and keep calling, I'll just ignore the fuck out of you.
[31:02 - 31:11] Alright, so we completed Sasuke's.
[31:11 - 31:29] Next up, it's onto Naruto.
[31:29 - 31:58] Yeah, onto Naruto, man.
[31:58 - 32:27] Alright, let's go.
[32:27 - 32:54] Alright, let's go.
[32:54 - 33:04] Seriously, man, y'all trolls just may as well just give it up, dude.
[33:04 - 33:06] I'm not going to answer.
[33:06 - 33:24] I'm fucking destroying this record right now, y'all ain't stopping me, man.
[33:24 - 33:33] Dude, we're only 28 minutes in and we're already almost got this thing beat, man.
[33:33 - 33:35] Let's get moving.
[34:03 - 34:13] Alright, let's get moving.
[34:13 - 34:42] Alright, let's get moving.
[34:42 - 35:11] Alright, let's get moving.
[35:11 - 35:40] Alright, let's get moving.
[35:40 - 36:09] Alright, let's get moving.
[36:09 - 36:38] Alright, let's get moving.
[36:38 - 37:06] Alright, let's get moving.
[37:06 - 37:28] Alright, let's get moving.
[37:28 - 37:43] Alright, so I just got to remember when we were at 20, about 30 minutes, so about half an hour.
[37:43 - 38:12] Alright, so I just got to remember when we were at 20, about 30 minutes, so about half an hour.
[38:12 - 38:41] Alright, so I just got to remember when we were at 20, about 30 minutes, so about half an hour.
[38:42 - 39:11] Alright, so I just got to remember when we were at 20, about 30 minutes, so about half an hour.
[39:12 - 39:41] Alright, let's get moving.
[39:41 - 39:52] Alright, so what is this? So about 32 minutes in. Dude, we aren't doing good.
[40:11 - 40:40] Alright, let's get moving.
[40:41 - 41:10] Alright, let's get moving.
[41:11 - 41:20] Alright, let's get moving.
[41:20 - 41:40] Alright, let's get moving.
[41:40 - 41:58] Alright, let's get moving.
[41:58 - 42:27] Dude, we're just kicking ass right now. Ain't no dodging prank calls.
[42:28 - 42:57] Alright, let's get moving.
[42:58 - 43:27] Alright, let's get moving.
[43:28 - 43:57] Alright, let's get moving.
[43:58 - 44:27] 36 minutes, dude. We're setting a fucking record here, man. Holy shit. We're already down to 36 minutes, man.
[44:28 - 44:54] Alright, it's not gonna work, so you chose me to just give in. Give up. I'm not answering you, so just give up.
[44:54 - 45:10] Seriously, bro, give up. I'm not answering you. I can do this all fucking night long.
[45:11 - 45:28] Beat that one. 37 minutes.
[45:28 - 45:41] Dude, this is great, man. I'm sitting here beating a record and I'm dodging trolls. Y'all trolls are stupid.
[45:41 - 45:57] Y'all are just coming back to back thinking I'm gonna answer, but I'm not.
[45:57 - 46:18] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[46:18 - 46:47] Breaking record and dodging trolls, man. How badass is this, man? I'm breaking record and I'm dodging trolls.
[46:48 - 47:14] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[47:18 - 47:34] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[47:48 - 48:04] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[48:04 - 48:28] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[48:34 - 48:54] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[48:54 - 49:10] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[49:10 - 49:26] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[49:26 - 49:42] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[49:42 - 50:02] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[50:02 - 50:30] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[50:30 - 50:46] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[50:46 - 51:02] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[51:02 - 51:28] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[51:28 - 51:54] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[51:54 - 52:22] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[52:22 - 52:50] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[52:50 - 53:12] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[53:12 - 53:32] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[53:32 - 54:00] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[54:00 - 54:24] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[54:24 - 54:46] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[54:46 - 55:12] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[55:12 - 55:40] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[55:40 - 56:06] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[56:06 - 56:32] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[56:32 - 56:58] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[56:58 - 57:24] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[57:24 - 57:52] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[57:52 - 58:14] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[58:14 - 58:40] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[58:40 - 59:06] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[59:06 - 59:34] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[59:34 - 60:02] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[60:02 - 60:28] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[60:28 - 60:54] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[60:54 - 61:20] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[61:20 - 61:46] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[61:46 - 62:14] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.
[62:14 - 62:24] Y'all just want the attention and you ain't getting it.


[0:00 - 0:16] what's up everybody um I do have something to say that I've been really thinking about
[0:16 - 0:23] for the last few days and I know a lot of you guys don't want to hear this and it pains
[0:23 - 0:32] me to say this but it's a decision that I have to make um don't worry I'm not
[0:32 - 0:39] leaving YouTube or anything like that like that's not what I'm doing but now
[0:39 - 0:44] I'm not retiring completely so don't think that I'm not gonna do what I'm
[0:44 - 0:54] about to say ever again because I'll come back to it eventually but um due to
[0:54 - 1:00] the fact that you know my studio computer is giving me trouble and this
[1:00 - 1:07] and that and the other I actually am going to be putting my music on the
[1:07 - 1:12] back burner for a while until I can figure shit out with that and I actually
[1:12 - 1:17] want to be focusing on my gaming channel full-time I'm not gonna do it music for a
[1:17 - 1:23] while I am focusing strictly on you know my gaming channel and this and that and
[1:23 - 1:29] the other because I want to get back to sponsors that I want to have I want to do
[1:29 - 1:35] like I've always dreamed of doing and actually creating a really fun you know
[1:35 - 1:42] gaming channel built around you know classic gaming Xbox gaming competitive
[1:42 - 1:46] gaming and just having fun you know doing like I used to do way back in the
[1:46 - 1:55] day like I'm not retiring or anything but I am you know putting my music on the
[1:55 - 2:00] back burner for a while so I can focus on building my gaming brand which is
[2:00 - 2:06] something I've been wanting to do for a very very long time you know it's something
[2:06 - 2:10] that I've always enjoyed doing I've always had fun you know gaming and that's
[2:10 - 2:15] something that you know I grew up doing that you know I want to be able to share
[2:15 - 2:18] with you guys you know I want to be able to share my love for gaming with you
[2:18 - 2:24] guys whether it's classic gaming like this right here which is aggressive in
[2:24 - 2:29] line for game here which I will be sharing in just a second well in the
[2:29 - 2:36] next stream but you know doing gaming is something I've always had a love
[2:36 - 2:45] and passion for you know and here's the thing skull kid you can go to hell
[2:45 - 2:58] because I own that name so you you don't own shit kid so skull bitch see you
[2:58 - 3:08] later like you don't own jack shit matter of fact one of my friends actually
[3:08 - 3:15] outright registered the name under my legal name I know what you did you paid
[3:15 - 3:21] only 20 bucks to have it register that's all you did bro you paid 20 bucks to
[3:21 - 3:27] make it look like you bought it but you never really did so yeah your SOL
[3:27 - 3:41] homie now when I do come back now when I do come back I am gonna come back under
[3:41 - 3:46] my original name which is Shadowblood I am gonna come back under my original
[3:46 - 3:58] name so I am gonna be coming back under Shadowblood as soon as I get the
[3:58 - 4:05] chance unfortunately right now right now not right now taking someone's kid is a
[4:05 - 4:09] fact that you know I want to focus on you know building my brand you know I
[4:09 - 4:16] want to focus on building my brand up for my gaming channel you know and I
[4:16 - 4:21] want to be able to give you guys something entertaining something fun
[4:23 - 4:28] yo socially simple what's up dude
[4:35 - 4:39] well I just said you know it's something that's been you know weighing on my mind
[4:39 - 4:44] for the last few days and like I just really feel like right now you know my
[4:44 - 4:50] music is best put on the back on the back burner for now and you know I want
[4:50 - 4:54] to you know get back to where I first started you know doing gaming having fun
[4:54 - 5:00] and cracking jokes you know just having a fun time
[5:03 - 5:07] Jesus Christ
[5:08 - 5:14] nope I don't think anybody has seen you bro so peace
[5:23 - 5:31] I mean you know I do definitely enjoy you know I'm you know doing gaming with
[5:31 - 5:35] you guys having fun hanging out with my friends like I want to be able to have
[5:35 - 5:41] that normal life that I had before all this crazy shit happened you know and the
[5:41 - 5:46] best way for me to do that is to go back to my gaming you know go back to my
[5:46 - 5:51] room to go back to where I first began and I know a lot of you guys don't want
[5:51 - 5:54] that you guys want all these crazy guitar covers and stuff like that which
[5:54 - 6:02] don't get wrong I do enjoy doing those but right now I'm just doing what's best
[6:02 - 6:06] for me you know and what's best for my channel and right now what's best for my
[6:06 - 6:12] channel and ultimately my career is going back to my roots as a gamer you
[6:12 - 6:16] know building my gaming brand up and getting those sponsors getting paid
[6:16 - 6:23] doing what I love man which is gaming like you know I've been doing music for
[6:23 - 6:27] so many years that I never really got that chance to you know have that break
[6:27 - 6:33] and you know create and build a gaming channel that you know I can work with
[6:33 - 6:38] on the side while I do my music I never got the chance to do that so right now
[6:38 - 6:42] for me I feel like you know it's a perfect opportunity for me to be able to
[6:42 - 6:49] you know go ahead and you know build that brand do what I love to do and have
[6:49 - 6:55] fun doing it you know show you guys you know my full-fledged gamer side you
[6:55 - 7:01] know not many people have gotten to see that over the years like over the last
[7:01 - 7:07] couple years nobody's really gotten to see that side of me up to that point like
[7:07 - 7:13] from two years ago on nobody's gotten to see that side of what I love to do it's
[7:13 - 7:17] always been you know music flipping out on people defending my brand and
[7:17 - 7:24] defending what's mine I never really got the chance to like actually you know
[7:24 - 7:29] sit down and create the content that I've been wanting to create like it's
[7:29 - 7:33] always been you know music this music that oh promote this promote that I
[7:33 - 7:38] never have had that opportunity to you know do something that I love to do
[7:38 - 7:44] outside of my music like I said I love creating my music I love the fact that I
[7:44 - 7:50] started a whole new genre that not many can you know if anybody can truly
[7:50 - 7:57] replicate like I gave birth to a whole new genre back in 2018 and was able to
[7:57 - 8:02] do a lot of fun stuff with it and I'm proud to say that I mean I got to work
[8:02 - 8:08] with some of the biggest legends in the music industry as a small-time artist I
[8:08 - 8:12] was on one of the most legendary labels in the world which is Machiavelli records
[8:12 - 8:19] before I left on my own accord through the management and not many can say that
[8:19 - 8:26] they've been on a legendary label like I've been not many can say that well yes
[8:26 - 8:33] I left on my own accord due to shitty management I still can sit back at the
[8:33 - 8:38] end of the day and say hey I got to work with this dope ass legendary label and
[8:38 - 8:44] not many can say that there's nobody in the world that can really say that
[8:44 - 8:49] they're on my level like that and that's something that nobody can ever take away
[8:49 - 8:57] from me but right now when I just feel like you know my time is best that
[8:57 - 9:01] building up my brand
[9:05 - 9:09] you know what I mean like
[9:19 - 9:25] so I'm a lot of you trolls think that you're stopping me and my brand but
[9:25 - 9:31] really you're not and you guys just making yourselves look stupid so I
[9:31 - 9:35] appreciate the free views though
[9:35 - 9:54] now would though even our not dude their management was complete shit like the
[9:54 - 9:58] whole reason that I was Machiavelli records was because of the fact that the
[9:58 - 10:06] manager kept on trying to get in the way of the creative process they kept on
[10:06 - 10:11] trying to tell me what to create and how to do it and I didn't want that you
[10:11 - 10:19] know I wanted my creative freedom so I left because the manager of the label
[10:19 - 10:25] not the guy that owns it not the owner but the management the staff the actual
[10:25 - 10:31] main manager kept getting involved in the creative process and trying to tell
[10:31 - 10:37] me what to create how to do it and this and that and that and I was just like
[10:37 - 10:44] dude no like you're not gonna get involved in my style of music like you're
[10:44 - 10:50] not gonna tell me what to create you're not gonna tell me how to do my job so I
[10:50 - 10:56] spoke with the owner who I'm good friends with and what was get friends
[10:56 - 11:01] with before William Gory who stepped in and fucked all that up and I had a word
[11:01 - 11:06] with him and I told him what dude I'm honored to you know have been able to
[11:06 - 11:11] say that I've been on this label with you guys but due to management I have to
[11:11 - 11:16] depart from this label and he understood like he understood why I left and
[11:16 - 11:26] honestly he didn't blame me and so that's why I left that label
[11:37 - 11:42] yeah hey James is right on that why you can't put me in a creative cage like
[11:42 - 11:49] that like that's not what I'm about like that's not who I am
[11:52 - 11:59] but like I said you know right now I just really feel like you know I want to
[11:59 - 12:06] build up my gaming brand and you know get that thousand sub mark and you know
[12:06 - 12:10] do things I love to do you know like how cool would it be to hit that thousand
[12:10 - 12:15] subscriber mark and be able to get a really good sponsorship and get paid to
[12:15 - 12:21] do what I love like how cool would that fucking be and that's something that I
[12:21 - 12:25] want to work towards that's something that I want to build up and you know get
[12:25 - 12:31] back to doing because before I did music this is what I did before I started
[12:31 - 12:37] doing music back in the day and this is what I did was gaming and I want to get
[12:37 - 12:43] back to that and have fun with that and you know give you guys get content that
[12:43 - 12:48] nobody else really does you know with classic gaming and everything like that
[12:48 - 12:54] like there's something that I've been wanting to build up for a long time now
[12:54 - 13:00] and now that I'm getting a handle on the trolls and kind of you know getting back
[13:00 - 13:05] to where I should be you know I can finally go back and start building my
[13:05 - 13:13] brand because like that one dude said when I was on glory whole stream you know
[13:13 - 13:18] like when I get on here I'm building a brand and right now the brand that I
[13:18 - 13:24] want to build up is my gaming brand you know like I want to be able to build that
[13:24 - 13:29] brand up and actually you know be able to collaborate with other you know YouTube
[13:29 - 13:34] gamers and stuff like that like I want to be able to do that and in order for me to
[13:34 - 13:39] be able to do that I need to build that brand in order for me to reach out to
[13:39 - 13:46] these bigger channels and collab with them and you know reach out to these you
[13:46 - 13:51] know companies that are looking to sponsor youtubers like I need to hit that
[13:51 - 13:58] thousand sub mark I need to build my gaming brand up so you know I kind of
[13:58 - 14:02] want to build on that and see where I can do you know
[14:08 - 14:13] now I guess I eventually I will come back to doing my music but right now I
[14:13 - 14:17] want to focus on what I love to do
[14:29 - 14:38] so and that's for all you trolls you guys can do this and go fuck yourselves
[14:38 - 14:42] because I'm not putting up with you fucking trolls
[14:45 - 14:48] you know
[14:48 - 15:01] like I'm here to build my brand and I'm not gonna let anybody fucking get in the
[15:01 - 15:08] way of that like you trolls have stopped me from building my brand for so fucking
[15:08 - 15:16] long and it's about fucking time that I took my shit back and said fuck you to
[15:16 - 15:20] all the trolls and started building my fucking brand the way that it should have
[15:20 - 15:26] been built fucking years ago I mean I get why you trolls do what you do to me
[15:26 - 15:32] because to you I look different I look weird that's why you do what you do
[15:32 - 15:48] because to you I look weird I look different and all I got to say is this
[15:48 - 15:54] I'm proud to look weird I'm proud to be different but on the flip side of that I
[15:54 - 16:00] wanted to know one thing how is it that I'm any different from any of you let me
[16:00 - 16:05] ask you that how am I any different from any of you trolls you bleed red I
[16:05 - 16:15] bleed red you're a human being I'm a human being at the end of the day we're
[16:15 - 16:20] all human beings so what I want to know is what makes you think you have the
[16:20 - 16:37] right to judge who I am like you trolls are the reason why I haven't been able
[16:37 - 16:42] to build my fucking brand up like I've been wanting to do
[16:50 - 16:56] that's the same bro I already proved that I'm not a pedophile I already prove
[16:56 - 17:01] that so y'all need to get the fuck off your high horses and fucking understand
[17:01 - 17:05] that I'm not the pedophile everybody makes me out to be bro you need to get
[17:05 - 17:10] the fuck over it grow the fuck up the same fucking high school homie get over
[17:10 - 17:14] it get over yourself
[17:21 - 17:28] like seriously get over yourself this isn't fucking high school we're all
[17:28 - 17:34] adults here but it seems like I'm the only one that's acting like a fucking
[17:34 - 17:41] adult it seems like I'm the only one that's acting mature and trying to move
[17:41 - 17:48] on I proved my innocence y'all need to let it go move the fuck on get the fuck
[17:48 - 17:56] over it I've been moved on from the bullshit so what I don't get is what
[17:56 - 17:59] makes you think you have the right to attack me and take what's rightfully
[17:59 - 18:07] mine yes I did some fucked up shit but I came out and I admitted my wrongs the
[18:07 - 18:14] cops came here and proved my fucking innocence so y'all dumbasses need to
[18:14 - 18:18] get the fuck over to move on with your lives the same motherfucking high school
[18:18 - 18:28] dude we're not fucking kids we're all grown-ass adults here bro like seriously
[18:28 - 18:34] and it's sad I'm 31 years old and I act like more of an adult than half you
[18:34 - 18:40] motherfucking ignorant trolls I really knew I act like more of an adult than
[18:40 - 18:54] you idiots do here's the thing G war it's not the truth it's a fucking lie so
[18:54 - 19:06] there's this bitch the fuck out of here now with anybody else
[19:10 - 19:21] now with anybody else like to get blocked cuz I can say here I can block you
[19:21 - 19:35] dumbasses all fucking day long you're not winning this war that's easy the
[19:35 - 19:40] reason I have the right to judge you as trolls is cuz you make it hard for me to
[19:40 - 19:51] do what I need to do so fuck you and black cat screw you the fuck out of here
[20:05 - 20:15] matter of fact James let me mod you up only that way you can help me take care
[20:15 - 20:23] of the trash on here man like what I find so irritating about you trolls is
[20:23 - 20:31] that you're so fixated on the fact of what I did and you can't fucking move the
[20:31 - 20:39] fuck on from it and that's sad oh favorite games that's a tough one dude I
[20:39 - 20:44] have a few man that's a lot to get back with you on that one that's a definitely
[20:44 - 20:51] that's definitely one I'll you know say for an actual stream but like I said man
[20:51 - 20:57] I'm here to build up my brain as a gamer I'm here to do what I need to fucking do
[20:57 - 21:03] to make a living doing what I enjoy and I'm not gonna sit here and let you post
[21:03 - 21:09] the ass trolls that can't let go of the motherfucking past stop me that ain't
[21:09 - 21:12] fucking happening
[21:12 - 21:28] hi Tyler NY and yes Wayne Gory home I know who you are Tyler NY your fucking
[21:28 - 21:46] retard like for real and I agree with Steve man a hundred percent
[21:46 - 22:04] yeah that's what you think Lotus hi bro if you look back in my older videos like
[22:04 - 22:09] seriously if you look back in my older videos from before all this shit I was
[22:09 - 22:18] doing great so that's what I'm trying to get back to doing is having fun having a
[22:18 - 22:28] good time and you're right Lotus it has got not a hand and guess what I'm gonna
[22:28 - 22:42] be the motherfucker to get a handle on it because I'm not gonna sit around and let
[22:42 - 22:52] these pokes screw with me anymore yeah exactly bro and their free views too
[22:53 - 23:01] they're legitimately free fucking views matter of fact let me pull out something
[23:01 - 23:10] here before I get into some gameplay let me pull something up here for you guys
[23:10 - 23:23] yeah James what up man wanted to love the video real quick to show you trolls how
[23:23 - 23:32] you act like and what you really do in the long run now granted this person no
[23:32 - 23:37] longer speaks to me due to the fucking trolls which is sad but
[24:02 - 24:03] let's see where's that
[24:32 - 24:48] now I'll let y'all watch this
[25:03 - 25:09] well hello everyone welcome back to me now what I'm about to say is not strictly
[25:09 - 25:13] associated with dressing the way that I do or dressing the way that I do out there
[25:13 - 25:17] or just dressing certain way this mindset that I'm about to share with you
[25:17 - 25:23] can be applied to pretty much every aspect of your life dedicated to this
[25:23 - 25:27] subject a book I have not read so much I'm gonna give you my own opinion on this
[25:27 - 25:32] mindset a mindset that will make sure guarantee that you will be at least a
[25:32 - 25:37] little bit happier with your life from this video onwards I will use some real
[25:37 - 25:42] life examples examples of myself examples of friends examples of strangers I
[25:42 - 25:46] spoke into perhaps maybe if I can think about it now you may think that not
[25:46 - 25:50] getting it is actually part and parcel of who you are maybe some people just
[25:50 - 25:54] don't care where some people care immensely personally I think it's a bit
[25:54 - 25:57] of both I think perhaps some of it is nature some of it is nurture you have
[25:57 - 26:02] to nurture a part of your nature so I've told many story times on this channel
[26:02 - 26:06] detailing my crappy school life how badly I wanted to be part of a friend
[26:06 - 26:09] group and how it wasn't so much that I cared what they thought it was more just
[26:09 - 26:14] I wanted to be part of a friend group now I have had negative reviews of social
[26:14 - 26:17] interactions I've had with people Jake can be a little bit too intense Jake can
[26:17 - 26:21] talk too much I wish he'd stop trying to debate video games and yes all these
[26:21 - 26:24] things at some point in my life whenever I heard them from other people did make
[26:24 - 26:28] me feel a little bit self-conscious and it did get me down for quite some time
[26:28 - 26:32] not anytime recently but it did get me down I thought man I have to change these
[26:32 - 26:36] things about myself and yet every single time I would get into another social
[26:36 - 26:41] interaction I would have the same problem I could see and hear myself doing it
[26:41 - 26:45] again but here's the really important part ladies and gentlemen and that is I
[26:45 - 26:49] had some fantastic social interactions with people being that person and I had
[26:49 - 26:53] some bad social interactions being that person and you know what I realized
[26:53 - 26:59] nosy everyone is going to like you I tried to change I tried to dumb down
[26:59 - 27:03] parts of my personality that some people didn't like and guess what that just
[27:03 - 27:07] leaves you sort of lacking in the personality department because you are
[27:07 - 27:10] too afraid to do anything that might possibly offend someone I have great
[27:10 - 27:14] friends I do I don't have a lot of them but that's my choice we all have friends
[27:14 - 27:19] and people in our lives that we think man they would be so much better if they
[27:19 - 27:23] just didn't have that aspect to their personality but we're still friends with
[27:23 - 27:26] them we still love them and that is because human beings have many different
[27:26 - 27:32] aspects to their personalities and their lives both through nature and nature and
[27:32 - 27:36] the best way to go through life is to not only accept people for who they are but
[27:36 - 27:42] also accept you for who you are because you're special though not that special
[27:42 - 27:44] don't let it go to your head with over seven billion people on this planet and
[27:44 - 27:47] growing this bound to be a couple of double gangers don't you think we're
[27:47 - 27:52] sure there's another one of me out there somewhere and this actually leads in to
[27:52 - 27:58] the title of the video and that is how to stop giving us other titles include how
[27:58 - 28:02] to stop giving a flame how to not give a rat how to not give a soggy about what
[28:02 - 28:07] people think among various other title ideas and that is if you have tried to
[28:07 - 28:10] change yourself and you have failed and it's making you miserable because you
[28:10 - 28:14] think you're a bad person well guess what you're not a bad person you've just
[28:14 - 28:18] been dealing with people who don't mesh with the person that you are and
[28:18 - 28:23] therefore if you become comfortable in yourself I know the negative aspects of
[28:23 - 28:27] my personality and I've tried to change them and I can't and therefore I've
[28:27 - 28:32] accepted that that is part of who I am and yet I still have friends and people
[28:32 - 28:36] who love me because despite my appearance I'm a human being and once you
[28:36 - 28:41] accept yourself and you accept that concept it is so much easier to go
[28:41 - 28:46] through life without giving let me give you a general with them let me give you
[28:46 - 28:50] like a snap thought that you can apply to pretty much any situation whenever
[28:50 - 28:53] someone says you cannot do something right that is someone thinking that you
[28:53 - 28:57] are unable to do something whether it comes from jealousy because they think
[28:57 - 29:00] you actually can and they don't want to tell you shame of their own lack of
[29:00 - 29:03] motivation to go and do something with their lives fear that you may be more
[29:03 - 29:06] successful than there's many different reasons why people will tell you that you
[29:06 - 29:10] cannot do something okay so here it is here is the top secret that you can
[29:10 - 29:16] apply to any situation when someone is like oh you I think you look like this
[29:16 - 29:20] I think you that I think you can't make it I can't but but but I think I think
[29:20 - 29:26] about you right you say to yourself or to this asshole out loud it's your
[29:26 - 29:31] choice fortunately I don't need you to think I can do it in order to do it
[29:31 - 29:36] here's an example you dress like that but you're actually not that unique I don't
[29:36 - 29:40] think you're very unique luckily asshole in my comment section I don't need you to
[29:40 - 29:45] think I'm unique for me to feel and be unique boom diffused negated they are
[29:45 - 29:48] defeated and destroyed you want to be a freelance artist you want to draw
[29:48 - 29:52] pictures for people people like me or maybe for people who are far more
[29:52 - 29:57] important and successful than me like a brand or a company or whatever and you
[29:57 - 30:02] say this to someone right and they say you can't do that I don't think you're
[30:02 - 30:05] gonna be able to do that that's that's far beyond what you're capable of and you
[30:05 - 30:11] say I don't need you to think I'm capable of doing it in order for me to do
[30:11 - 30:16] it whether you succeed or you don't succeed at least you try and I know the
[30:16 - 30:21] fear of failing is just so immense it outweighs almost the motivation to do
[30:21 - 30:24] it you know but I read this book and I can't remember the name of the book it's
[30:24 - 30:28] something like how to deal with pressure and I've read something very very key
[30:28 - 30:33] very important very pertinent something very poignant and it was this it was it
[30:33 - 30:38] was talking about the concept of thinking everything that could go wrong
[30:38 - 30:42] everything bad that could happen everything negative that could possibly
[30:42 - 30:46] happen in a situation of something that you're trying to achieve or trying to do
[30:46 - 30:51] whether it be performing on stage or releasing a song or trying to be a
[30:51 - 30:57] popular artist or trying to be a youtuber or the insert goal or desired
[30:57 - 31:01] vocation here you basically flip your thinking on it in layman's terms you go
[31:01 - 31:05] from a glass that is happy to have full you are thinking about everything that
[31:05 - 31:08] could possibly go wrong and because you're thinking of everything that could
[31:08 - 31:11] possibly go wrong you think that everything is going to go wrong in fact
[31:11 - 31:15] if you focus on things going wrong enough things might just go wrong so what I
[31:15 - 31:20] wanted to do is flip it I just want you to immediately start doing it see what
[31:20 - 31:26] my hand is doing flip in case it's not clear instead of focusing on everything
[31:26 - 31:29] that could go wrong therefore giving you even more anxiety and putting even more
[31:29 - 31:33] pressure on instead I want you to think of everything that could go right which
[31:33 - 31:37] is most likely going to be the outcome oh what if I get on stage and I play the
[31:37 - 31:41] wrong notes and I can't sing and everything breaks and we we mess up a
[31:41 - 31:44] song halfway through and we're in we're on the stage in front of everyone relax
[31:44 - 31:50] instead think man what if we get on stage we play the songs perfectly and we
[31:50 - 31:54] perform incredibly outstanding performance that people will talk about
[31:54 - 31:59] for years to come you will find that your anxiety levels will dip most
[31:59 - 32:03] certainly do try everything in your best efforts to make sure that you perform well
[32:03 - 32:08] or draw well or whatever it is that you need to do on the day or in order to
[32:08 - 32:12] pursue your goal but if you are in the situation it means you are pursuing
[32:12 - 32:18] something that you want out of life and that is good that's positive you should
[32:18 - 32:23] be excited and happy that you're doing it so think about what you're doing
[32:23 - 32:27] positively otherwise in every single pursuit of what you want to achieve if
[32:27 - 32:30] you think about the negative things that could possibly happen you're gonna
[32:30 - 32:34] make yourself anxious and you're gonna give yourself a very negative view of
[32:34 - 32:38] the thing that you sit out to achieve and you don't want them you don't want to
[32:38 - 32:42] assign your goal and your dream with something negative look don't get me
[32:42 - 32:45] wrong anxiety of course these things are gonna be much harder for you to deal
[32:45 - 32:48] with but this is actually a concept of something else this is this is all
[32:48 - 32:54] about dealing with pressure and the fear of failing but primarily I want to talk
[32:54 - 32:58] about not giving because you can achieve almost anything as long as you
[32:58 - 33:01] adopt this mindset of not caring what people think because I don't care what
[33:01 - 33:06] people think clearly so allow me to address some of the comments that I
[33:06 - 33:10] have got inspired by seeing videos of me not only dressing like this but also
[33:10 - 33:16] dressing like this out in the real world and that is caring too much of what
[33:16 - 33:20] people will think or how they will react when they see you look don't get me wrong
[33:20 - 33:24] if I've rocks thrown at me fireworks thrown at me I've actually had a little
[33:24 - 33:30] carton of gravy chips or fries for you Americans thrown at me as I've as I've
[33:30 - 33:33] gotten onto a bus to go into town luckily they miss I've had people cackle as I
[33:33 - 33:39] walk by I've heard people audibly convey confusion what the fuck and all of it is
[33:39 - 33:44] worth it because I get to feel comfortable in my own skin I get to feel
[33:44 - 33:49] proud and confident in being who I am some snivelling little peasant is not
[33:49 - 33:54] gonna bother me to the point where I'm going to not be myself the world is so
[33:54 - 33:58] much bigger than that and life is so much more important than that because you
[33:58 - 34:02] see these small-minded individuals very rarely get anywhere in their lives I
[34:02 - 34:08] kind of like to think about that whenever I get laughed at or or jeered or
[34:08 - 34:12] have something thrown at me or people leave crappy comments or whatever it is
[34:12 - 34:15] you know sometimes they like a thing like well screw you I like to be who I
[34:15 - 34:18] am and I'm not gonna let you stop me that's a very positive way but sometimes
[34:18 - 34:23] I do like to delve into a little more of a revenge fantasy my revenge fantasy I
[34:23 - 34:29] mean revenge reality that I acknowledge in my head and and that is well you're
[34:29 - 34:34] going nowhere with your life these eating chairs will die with nothing and I
[34:34 - 34:39] will have everything and it's the same with with hate comments too they don't
[34:39 - 34:42] affect me even you know I delete them for your benefit but whenever I get hate
[34:42 - 34:46] comments or people just being stupid in the comments section and I read it the
[34:46 - 34:50] same thought process goes to my head it is just slightly different because it's
[34:50 - 34:55] a lot more specific to the situation of leaving a hate comment on a complete
[34:55 - 35:00] strangest video and it's this what kind of miserable angry piece of it must you
[35:00 - 35:06] be to go infuse with nourishing serum and provide him in B5 new maybe a
[35:06 - 35:11] sensitive ingredient one's the video of something you know you are going to hate
[35:11 - 35:16] and leave a comment saying how much you hate them is is the best bit
[35:16 - 35:22] because they clicked on the video and then left a comment and then most likely
[35:22 - 35:27] disliked the video that is three levels of engagement with my video which means
[35:27 - 35:33] they're only going to be seeing more of me and they're recommended and that is
[35:33 - 35:38] just delicious to me and but you know I also completely you know negates and
[35:38 - 35:42] diffuses hate comments is that there was only one time in my life I have ever
[35:42 - 35:46] left a negative or three comment on someone else's video and that was when
[35:46 - 35:51] I was in the lowest point in my life because that is the only place you
[35:51 - 35:55] could ever be in mentally that could make you do something like that if you
[35:55 - 35:58] don't like something then you don't say anything if you like something and you
[35:58 - 36:01] can say something positive such as the mindset of healthy people who are in
[36:01 - 36:05] good places in their lives or at least have a good mental grasp of the things
[36:05 - 36:08] in their lives or at least appreciate the content that they're seeing that could
[36:08 - 36:13] be helping them with their lives but in order to stick something out and leave a
[36:13 - 36:17] crappy comment on it or in order to look at someone public and shout something
[36:17 - 36:23] at them you have to be really insecure or in a place in your life because happy
[36:23 - 36:27] people don't do things like this happy people don't leave negative comments
[36:27 - 36:33] happy people content people with their own lives don't shout at unique
[36:33 - 36:38] strangers in the streets no these are actions reserved for unhappy and sad
[36:38 - 36:42] people so when I receive negative criticism in the streets or if I receive
[36:42 - 36:46] negative criticism about my videos or the way I look usually the way I look not
[36:46 - 36:50] about how the video is it's usually about how I look in the comment section I
[36:50 - 36:54] just think I've already won my life is far more fulfilled and happier than that
[36:54 - 36:59] because I would not do that to them exactly negative reactions to you
[36:59 - 37:04] usually come for people who are in negative places in their lives you just
[37:04 - 37:08] need to have a little bit of perspective acknowledge that you are living your
[37:08 - 37:12] life the way you want to live it and some people are going to react negatively to
[37:12 - 37:17] that for reasons stated previously in this video never ever let the passing
[37:17 - 37:22] comments of complete assholes get in the way of who you want to be life is too
[37:22 - 37:25] damn short so what does it matter ten years will pass and you would have
[37:25 - 37:29] changed your entire life based off one idiot's opinion when you think about it
[37:29 - 37:33] on that scale doesn't that sound ridiculous you just altered your entire
[37:33 - 37:37] life because of the negative opinions of a few people what does it matter what
[37:37 - 37:40] did their opinions matter there could be people leaving crappy comments on this
[37:40 - 37:44] video if I still get crappy comments I don't care I don't need them to think
[37:44 - 37:49] I'm great in order for me to think I'm great now do not misunderstand that
[37:49 - 37:54] statement I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else I'm simply saying that I
[37:54 - 38:00] think I'm pretty great not better than anyone else just that I appreciate and
[38:00 - 38:04] acknowledge my own greatness as should you so be the coolest and the best you
[38:04 - 38:09] can be by not giving a shit what unimportant people think because they're
[38:09 - 38:14] just there they are unimportant but you know what is important you yes you
[38:14 - 38:20] yeah no I'm actually pointing at you you are important more important than the
[38:20 - 38:26] passing opinion of your peers your friends strangers family and you deserve
[38:26 - 38:32] to be you the exact same amount I deserve to be me so hopefully this video
[38:32 - 38:35] made sense because none of this video was scripted none of this video was
[38:35 - 38:38] scripted all this information is floating around in my head this is the
[38:38 - 38:44] mindset I keep in order to maintain a positive attitude and to maintain being
[38:44 - 38:50] myself which I know from experience makes me happy this makes me happy so
[38:50 - 38:56] thank you everyone for tuning in can I just say a huge huge thank you to all
[38:56 - 39:00] of the patreon names that you're about to see so many new people on my patreon
[39:00 - 39:06] and it is amazing as you guys know me and kaya gonna be moving and the more
[39:06 - 39:16] people now you see the mindset that I fucking keep that's the mindset that I
[39:16 - 39:29] have every fucking day so you little trolls can go fuck yourselves like
[39:29 - 39:39] seriously you think that what you say matters to me but it doesn't like
[39:39 - 39:45] seriously what you troll say doesn't fucking but honestly I laugh at you
[39:45 - 39:54] trolls cuz you're stupid and actually yes I do go back and watch my last few
[39:54 - 40:00] videos matter of fact go back matter of fact
[40:00 - 40:14] I take you guys back a little bit
[40:30 - 40:32] I
[40:54 - 40:56] Here we go
[40:56 - 41:09] now let's go to my let's see what game video do I want to pull up here
[41:09 - 41:13] because I have a few
[41:21 - 41:26] trying to decide what game you all want to follow up for you guys
[41:32 - 41:36] that was a live stream
[41:40 - 41:48] you know let's do skateboard party there actually no you know what let me go
[41:48 - 41:53] to one of my funnier videos let's go to like one of my funniest videos hands
[41:53 - 41:55] down
[41:55 - 42:08] what's up guys let's go let's check this out this is one of my original gaming
[42:08 - 42:24] videos actually now hold up let's see
[42:26 - 42:34] like you can tell just by my freaking videos I was having fun
[42:38 - 42:40] you
[42:51 - 42:54] matter of fact
[42:56 - 42:59] eight girls again
[42:59 - 43:20] Like, you can tell, like, I was having fun.
[43:20 - 43:21] And these are old.
[43:22 - 43:31] Doing some stuff like sites like
[43:31 - 43:47] I try and do.
[43:48 - 44:05] Let's do a fun one here.
[44:05 - 44:20] Try to find one where I was cracking it up. Let's see if I can find it here.
[44:20 - 44:26] There's a path to a lot of streams.
[44:26 - 44:45] Yeah, here we go, suicide squad. Here's one.
[44:45 - 45:01] What is going on, guys?
[45:01 - 45:17] Yeah, we're playing this. So we are going to go through the tutorial and all that crap. So let's go.
[45:17 - 45:35] Yeah, where are we? Oh, there's our one. Oh, there's a gun box. Oh, shit.
[45:35 - 46:03] We're going to grab some ammo quick. I see you. Oh, headshot.
[46:03 - 46:20] Oh, he's dead. Oh, damn, he probably just knocked his fuck out of here. So then you just got to burn to a crisp.
[46:20 - 46:30] Yo, I am seriously enjoying this game right now. This is definitely cool. The graphics are not bad at all.
[46:30 - 46:50] Wave completed, man. We're doing good. 1900. Hell, yes. I may end up using LDL or Harley Quinn. I don't know. We'll see.
[46:50 - 47:01] What are these creatures? I don't know what the fuck they are. They're going to die.
[47:01 - 47:19] Where are they at? Oh. Yeah, so you're dead. I don't know what the hell these things are, but they need to die.
[47:20 - 47:25] Shit.
[47:25 - 47:30] Really, sir?
[47:30 - 47:34] Come on, man.
[47:34 - 47:36] All right, I'll be right back.
[47:36 - 47:54] Yo, does that one just seriously have a freaking gun in his hand? God, swear to God, I see that one having a gun.
[47:54 - 48:02] Okay, how many guns now? Oh, shit.
[48:02 - 48:08] My LDL won't take that guy.
[48:08 - 48:17] Really, sir? No, that's it. Fuck it.
[48:17 - 48:22] Yeah, I'm sure you do, bro.
[48:22 - 48:33] All right, that was some crazy shit.
[48:34 - 48:40] Don't let him go.
[48:40 - 48:46] That one there is so gentle to the right, man, because you never know what's going to come out of these damn things.
[48:46 - 48:49] What's going on here?
[48:49 - 48:55] Oh, I guess we do have to go around there.
[48:55 - 49:05] There we go.
[49:05 - 49:10] Oh, there's something. Oh, shit.
[49:10 - 49:24] He's out of nowhere. Holy crap.
[49:24 - 49:27] He took him out.
[49:27 - 49:34] And where's that item now to see now? Where'd it go?
[49:34 - 49:44] Damn, these things are coming from all kinds of fucking directions. Man, holy shit.
[49:44 - 49:53] You know what? Fuck it.
[49:53 - 49:56] Yo, guys, slow down with this bitch.
[49:56 - 50:04] Hell yeah.
[50:04 - 50:08] Really, sir, are you going to use an axe?
[50:08 - 50:12] Oh, damn, I died.
[50:12 - 50:21] Like, you see what I mean? Back in these days, I was genuinely fucking having fun.
[50:21 - 50:48] Like, for real.
[50:48 - 50:57] Like, check this out. The Black Outs one with controller cam.
[50:57 - 51:12] Which I may bring back. I don't know.
[51:12 - 51:34] I feel like there's so many hiding up in here somewhere.
[51:34 - 51:41] You gotta really be careful up in this area on this map.
[51:41 - 52:00] I mean, seriously, like, I was genuinely having fun.
[52:00 - 52:29] Like, here's one right here.
[52:29 - 52:45] What's up, guys? This is your boy, Retro Gamer, back on the channel. Today we're playing a brand new game called Never Help.
[52:45 - 52:54] Why'd y'all have to play this game? I do need to get back into this. I'm trying.
[52:54 - 53:23] So that's it. Fight this guy.
[53:23 - 53:38] Alright, we figured it out.
[53:38 - 53:48] We just had to kill, or make him fall through the ice and then take off.
[53:48 - 54:00] This game is beautiful, though. I really like this. This is super cool. I'm actually glad that I picked this up.
[54:00 - 54:13] That was cool. I'm going to show the Snow Fox. Let's get a fuck.
[54:13 - 54:38] Ah, there we are.
[54:38 - 54:43] Oh, that just, like, wriggles up the freaking thing. That was so cool.
[54:43 - 54:50] Like, you can clearly tell I was having fun with this shit, dude.
[54:50 - 54:54] Like, I gotta just sit right there.
[54:54 - 55:01] Like, this is the stuff I'm trying to get back to, man.
[55:01 - 55:06] This is my name, not Retro. I didn't know you were white.
[55:06 - 55:22] Alright, let's not win foxes, man. It's a white fox, video game character.
[55:22 - 55:40] Okay.
[55:40 - 55:43] Ah, shit.
[55:43 - 55:52] Ah, shit.
[55:52 - 56:09] Ah, shit.
[56:09 - 56:19] Ah, shit.
[56:19 - 56:29] Ah, shit.
[56:29 - 56:50] Ah, shit.
[56:50 - 57:06] As you guys can tell, I was having genuine fun doing this stuff, man.
[57:06 - 57:32] Like, this is what I used to do before all the bullshit happened.
[57:32 - 57:39] Can't survive.
[57:39 - 57:54] Shit.
[57:54 - 58:23] I still have that shirt somewhere.
[58:23 - 58:45] Ah, shit.
[58:46 - 58:52] What up, y'all? It's your boy, Retro Gary here, back on the channel with the Skateboard Party 3, man.
[58:52 - 58:58] I know it's been a minute since I've done any gameplay video, but I am back, and we are on the controller today, so...
[58:58 - 59:07] Let's build now. Let's see what we can do here.
[59:07 - 59:28] Now, we are doing free roam, just to kind of gather the place up.
[59:28 - 59:54] Now, I will be posting a link, this year I got the link below, I mean, you know, in the bottom, for my shop, for, where you guys can take out the latest Retro Gary games here, down below, so, yeah.
[59:54 - 60:00] Which I am going to try to revive that, too.
[60:00 - 60:16] Like, you can genuinely tell, I was genuinely having fun back in the day, dude, and this is what I want to give back to, shit like this.
[60:16 - 60:27] You know, we're just ripping it up on these rails right now, man.
[60:27 - 60:32] Ooh, can we get this one out of here?
[60:32 - 60:40] Ow, that was my face.
[60:40 - 60:49] Ooh, even though that was lagged, man, we're still in there. It was like fucking slow-mo. That was dope.
[60:49 - 60:58] Now, you and Jim looked like slow-mo as we were doing that. That was cool shit.
[60:58 - 61:05] Ooh, you know we got to hit this half-pipe right here.
[61:05 - 61:29] Ooh, we got to hit this half-pipe right here.
[61:29 - 61:53] Like, you can just tell, just through these various videos, I was actually having fun.
[61:53 - 62:08] Like, shit, I even got to chill out with a freaking fan, dude.
[62:08 - 62:26] Like, this is what I did back in the day, man. Chilling out with legitimate fans, having fun.
[62:26 - 62:51] This is what I want to get back to doing.
[62:51 - 63:07] What's up, guys? Retro Gary here, and today we are playing...
[63:21 - 63:50] Well, you can literally tell I was having fun just by these videos, man.
[63:50 - 64:19] What's going on, guys?
[64:19 - 64:34] It's your boy Retro Gary here, back with another retro gaming game. Today we're playing one of my first old players called Unkilled, for it.
[64:34 - 64:41] It's up for you, pal.
[64:41 - 64:53] Ooh, headshot.
[64:53 - 65:08] Yo, there's a freaking ninja there. Oh, man.
[65:08 - 65:13] Ooh, I got another boyfriend. Hell yeah.
[65:13 - 65:37] I'll take it.
[65:37 - 65:52] Whoa.
[65:52 - 66:19] And blast off. That was good.
[66:19 - 66:30] Ah, yeah, we got him.
[66:30 - 66:40] Oh, man, I got a double kill on that last wave.
[66:40 - 66:51] Man, this thing goes. Yo, that was a tough mission. I'm not going to lie. That was crazy tough.
[66:51 - 66:57] Turns back a little bit for you guys.
[66:57 - 67:02] But if you guys haven't done so yet, hit that subscribe button and that like button. I love.
[67:02 - 67:07] As you know, it does help the channel out a huge deal.
[67:07 - 67:14] Uh-oh, I'm on a campaign mode with Grape Seller, and I'm on a swing.
[67:14 - 67:27] And you have the right winner. What makes this game different than others? Well, each character has their own campaign mode.
[67:27 - 67:36] Ooh, right before we get there.
[67:36 - 67:38] Where did we get it?
[67:38 - 67:39] Oh, yeah.
[67:39 - 67:54] Ooh, multi-rockets. I'll take it.
[67:54 - 68:03] Oh, yeah, let's do it.
[68:03 - 68:09] Like, you can literally see how it's having fun with this shit back in the day, dude.
[68:09 - 68:11] What is
[68:11 - 68:38] it?
[68:38 - 68:45] But yeah, as you can see, this is the kind of stuff that I'm trying to get back to, man. Stuff like this.
[68:45 - 68:47] So, yeah.
[68:47 - 68:57] With that being said, guys, I will see you guys in my next gaming livestream. I am going to try to set some stuff up.
[68:57 - 69:04] And so, yeah, I love you guys. I will see you guys in my next gameplay video, which will be here in a few minutes.
[69:04 - 69:12] I love you guys. Stay tuned. Love you guys. Peace.
[69:12 - 69:15] Let's hit that thousand sub-mark. Now, let's go.
[69:15 - 69:20] Make sure to smack that like button, that subscribe button, and the notification bell. Now, let's get that thousand more.
[69:20 - 69:27] Let's show these trolls up. Now, let's show them what's up.