2020-12-16 Drift n CHill
[0:00 - 0:18] What is good you guys it's your boy Adam. In fact, I'm thinking I'd start something
[0:18 - 0:24] off a little bit different tonight and actually do some project cars too man. We're gonna
[0:24 - 0:32] try to slide today man. Now keep in mind I've never drifted on here before so it's gonna
[0:32 - 0:59] be interesting. Whoa right on oh shit right out the fucking bad dude. See if we can get
[0:59 - 1:17] used to this here. Yeah I don't think there's anywhere we're gonna be able to slide on here
[1:17 - 1:25] so we might switch over to say you know let's switch it up over to motorsport 7 right quick
[1:25 - 1:54] man. This thing is not wanting to drift off or man. Oh hold on maybe if I throttle it.
[1:54 - 2:00] Yeah there's no way we're gonna be able to drift this so let's switch you know to say
[2:00 - 2:09] some motorsport 7 trying to get some tandems and slides in on that bitch because this thing
[2:09 - 2:15] is not wanting to work dude. It's definitely hard to drift on project cars too man for
[2:15 - 2:27] real. Like that's more geared towards like your actual sim racers. Oh I'm gonna turn
[2:27 - 2:37] the blind on this a bit. Now we are gonna compare how say motorsport 7 compares to
[2:37 - 2:47] say like grid 2019 or project cars 2 the handling like there's down there's lever speed
[2:47 - 3:17] um we're gonna compare that
[3:17 - 3:22] and the best place to test it is going to the airfield so we're gonna head up to the
[3:22 - 3:27] airfield do a little bit of testing out there have a little fun rip around see what we
[3:27 - 3:40] can do. Do open space see what we can get ourselves into and yes we're driving the
[3:40 - 3:46] Lucas oil Roush drift car man I fucking love the Mustang man this Mustang is actually
[3:46 - 3:54] one of my favorite cars to drift um whenever I do drift competitions for boards of motorsport
[3:54 - 4:01] 7 this is actually the car that I use I either I either switch between this or the Mustang
[4:01 - 4:08] fastback but today we're gonna try this one and see how it goes and then we might switch
[4:08 - 4:21] up to the Mustang fastback later on oh it's way easier to slide on this man holy shit
[4:21 - 4:48] dude looks good right off the rim dude hey that 360 dude right off the rim this is like
[4:48 - 5:04] way easier ooh right bro what the hell dude that was wicked that was like right in between
[5:04 - 5:30] there that was sick now you're gonna why that was fired
[5:30 - 5:58] you know it's such a big camera angle here
[5:58 - 6:28] damn I forgot how well this thing rips that's why I love this Mustang and it's one of my
[6:28 - 6:58] favorite cars to drift on and I'm not sure what that is but I'm not sure what that is.
[6:58 - 7:27] so this obviously slides really well
[7:27 - 7:50] this thing obviously slides really well this thing definitely does slide well I'm actually
[7:50 - 8:10] just because I have it on hand throw it up on the charger port it's gone don't give it
[8:10 - 8:38] up. but yeah this thing does do really well I'm actually impressed with how well it angles
[8:38 - 9:04] I'm actually very impressed do well don't have to finish off this car.
[9:04 - 9:33] man I forgot how fucked this Roush Mustang is bro holy shit.
[9:33 - 9:47] I honestly forgot how fun this fucking Roush Mustang is bro holy fuck I almost don't wanna
[9:47 - 10:01] get out of this car but I kinda have to this thing is rowdy for real though man this thing
[10:01 - 10:07] is rowdy as fuck our waltz out there
[10:07 - 10:11] man.
[10:11 - 10:21] [MUSIC]
[10:31 - 10:49] >> Damn, look at that smoke.
[10:59 - 11:12] I'm just fucking lighting these tires up man, fuck.
[11:18 - 11:21] >> See looking for 360 in this bitch.
[11:26 - 11:29] >> Damn, double 360, what's good?
[11:49 - 11:55] >> All right, that was fun man, you know we gotta break out the rowdy one.
[11:58 - 12:02] You know damn well we gotta break out the rowdy.
[12:02 - 12:05] The one they only in the fucking unicorn baby.
[12:05 - 12:08] We gotta bust it out for this one dog.
[12:12 - 12:15] We're about to bust out the fucking unicorn baby.
[12:18 - 12:22] It's been a minute since I ripped this dude, so I'm definitely nervous.
[12:24 - 12:26] Cuz this thing is fucking wild.
[12:26 - 12:29] I can't lie man, the unicorn is fucking insane.
[12:30 - 12:34] You also need to, look at that, he's right off the fucking rip dude.
[12:42 - 12:45] Just riled the rip dude, this thing is insane.
[12:54 - 12:58] Cuz he's got so much freaking horsepower, it's bananas bro.
[13:01 - 13:03] And that's what I'm talking about right there.
[13:11 - 13:15] This thing has so much horsepower, it's almost impossible to control.
[13:24 - 13:25] And that's what I'm talking about right there.
[13:25 - 13:27] I think it's so fucking tough to control, but
[13:27 - 13:30] we're gonna back out and we're gonna redo it man.
[13:40 - 13:50] Yes, there we go.
[14:08 - 14:19] Dude, spray it went through that.
[14:24 - 14:25] Yeah, I was hoping to get inside that opening.
[14:35 - 14:47] There's some donuts all the way down.
[15:03 - 15:04] Donuts anybody?
[15:34 - 15:48] All the damn reverse entry.
[16:10 - 16:12] All the reverse exit, very nice.
[16:28 - 16:29] What about pumpkin pie?
[16:29 - 16:30] What the fuck?
[16:32 - 16:34] Dude, there's no such thing as a pumpkin pie.
[16:34 - 16:36] Fuckin' drifted bro.
[16:36 - 16:39] Nah, I can do a Scandinavian flick with this bitch.
[17:28 - 17:31] See if I can get that Scandinavian flick with this bitch.
[17:31 - 17:34] It's been a minute since I've done it, but we're going for it.
[17:52 - 17:58] Ah, fucked it up, but we're good.
[18:04 - 18:06] That thing is rowdy.
[18:06 - 18:09] I cannot lie, that thing is a fucking monster.
[18:26 - 18:29] Nah, y'all gotta try to rip.
[18:31 - 18:32] Hmm.
[18:33 - 18:35] Which one do I want to try to drift next?
[18:41 - 18:43] Let's try to drift a fucking hypercar, man.
[18:43 - 18:45] Let's see how this thing handles.
[18:46 - 18:50] I have never drifted a fucking hypercar with this thing yet.
[18:50 - 18:52] So this is going to be interesting.
[19:07 - 19:09] Oh, it's surprising, this thing handles well.
[19:09 - 19:11] I'm actually very impressed.
[19:31 - 19:34] I'm actually very impressed with this.
[19:34 - 19:37] This thing actually handles really well.
[19:37 - 19:42] I'm actually in shock at how he welded Pagani handles for his drift.
[19:57 - 19:59] Oh, sketchy.
[20:30 - 20:32] Got a little bit of a smoke show.
[20:52 - 20:55] Yeah, this thing is dead near, bro.
[20:57 - 21:00] This thing can definitely put on a smoke show, for sure.
[21:20 - 21:23] This thing is wild, dude.
[21:23 - 21:24] I'm not even gonna lie.
[21:31 - 21:34] Oh, damn, that backfire, though.
[21:34 - 21:35] Shit.
[22:29 - 22:30] That was wild.
[22:33 - 22:35] That was actually a lot of fun.
[22:35 - 22:37] That forgotten was fun, not gonna lie.
[22:42 - 22:47] It wasn't as rowdy as I was hoping for, but it still worked.
[23:07 - 23:12] Oh, yes, you know we gotta rip this one, man.
[23:12 - 23:15] You know we gotta rip the land, bro.
[24:08 - 24:14] Oh, almost made through that doorway.
[24:15 - 24:17] I think it might be.
[24:17 - 24:19] I'm not sure to be honest with you, bro.
[24:20 - 24:22] I think it might be a Diablo.
[26:23 - 26:25] You know what, I've not drifted this yet, man.
[26:25 - 26:28] Let's see how this 1952 Ferrari does.
[26:34 - 26:35] Let's go to any upgrades.
[26:35 - 26:38] Let's see if we can get a nice little drift tune on here.
[27:01 - 27:04] Let's see if we can get a nice drift tune up on this thing.
[27:16 - 27:19] This is actually really interesting because I'm never drifting an old car like this.
[27:19 - 27:20] This is gonna be fun.
[27:26 - 27:29] This is actually a lot of fun doing this, like for real.
[27:30 - 27:35] Oh damn, smoke show right off the gate.
[27:37 - 27:40] Damn, okay, now this is fun.
[27:45 - 27:47] Not gonna lie, this is dope.
[28:04 - 28:06] This is actually a lot of fun.
[28:34 - 28:38] You know, it always makes you wanna see how fast this thing goes in a straight line.
[28:46 - 28:49] Yeah, this thing ain't holding it down, let me show you.
[28:49 - 28:51] This thing is way too tight.
[28:55 - 29:00] I've had to drift old cars for outrun open events, and this thing is way too fucking tight.
[29:11 - 29:18] Yeah, this Ferrari is way too fucking tight for sliding.
[29:18 - 29:23] Plus the camber's off by a fucking lot as well.
[29:23 - 29:30] This thing ain't even got any fucking camber on it.
[29:32 - 29:36] All right, it's fun to do fucking smoke shows in door, that's it.
[29:37 - 29:42] I'll admit that, but other than that, it's too fucking weight heavy on the backside.
[30:22 - 30:24] No hands, bitch.
[31:16 - 31:21] Oh, nevermind, it's a fucking scene.
[31:21 - 31:25] Okay, now I know what kind of fucking thing this is.
[31:35 - 31:37] Not gonna lie, that was fun.
[31:41 - 31:43] That was actually pretty dope.
[31:46 - 31:48] Not what I was really hoping for though.
[31:48 - 31:51] I was hoping for something that'd be a little bit more crazy.
[31:51 - 31:55] I thought that was gonna be like, just a tad bit more aggressive.
[31:56 - 31:59] But, eh, it is what it is.
[32:01 - 32:04] You know, let's go in and buy a Mustang Fastback.
[32:12 - 32:15] Whoa, I went way fucking fast, dude.
[32:20 - 32:22] Go all the way down here to the bottom.
[32:26 - 32:29] Make sure I am passing up on the fucking way there.
[32:30 - 32:32] Oh, no, we ain't passing it all.
[32:32 - 32:34] We're fucking damn near right there.
[32:37 - 32:39] Oh, man, I can't buy the one I want.
[32:45 - 32:49] Damn, dude, I can't buy the woman I wanted to get my fucking hands on.
[32:54 - 32:57] That's all right, I can always go in and back out.
[32:57 - 33:02] I'm gonna, I'm actually gonna sell one of my cars so I can get that Mustang and
[33:02 - 33:09] tune it up proper.
[33:15 - 33:21] Go in here to the garage and sell this.
[33:21 - 33:25] But first we're gonna, actually first let's see what's going on.
[33:25 - 33:29] Yeah, we're just gonna hop in that and then we're gonna sell.
[33:33 - 33:39] This for, oh, $209, fuck yeah, I can use that money.
[33:41 - 33:43] That's, this one's staying.
[33:47 - 33:50] Trying to get rid of some of these other ones that I don't ever really use.
[33:55 - 33:59] Why the fuck do I have a transit super sport?
[33:59 - 34:01] Oh, well.
[34:12 - 34:14] Let's get rid of that.
[34:14 - 34:16] Ah, fuck, I can't sell that.
[34:20 - 34:24] And why the fuck do I have $209 that I had sex with?
[34:24 - 34:27] Why the fuck did I sell one of these?
[34:36 - 34:40] You know what, I'm gonna keep both of those cuz you never know.
[34:46 - 34:49] That's so good of these.
[34:57 - 34:59] Ooh, how much does this jag sell for?
[34:59 - 35:07] Ooh, $200K, fuck, now we're gonna have one of those to frickin' do what we need to, hell yeah.
[35:09 - 35:15] This one is my grip tune and then my drift tune, which I fucking love that thing.
[35:15 - 35:18] I know, this one's the grip tune, this one's the drift tune.
[35:18 - 35:20] Not that.
[35:23 - 35:26] My fuckin' mini-cuber, I fuckin' love that mini-cuber, dude.
[35:30 - 35:35] Got my GTRs, got my, this right here is one of my fairs.
[35:35 - 35:44] This is actually my grip Nissan 370Z and then I got my drift, my formula drift.
[35:44 - 35:48] Set up one which I fucking love, this one is one of my favorites.
[35:48 - 36:01] Now I got my Skyline GTR V-Spec II, my Trax-Spec Silvia which I fucking love that thing.
[36:01 - 36:05] This right here is my baby though, this one right here is one of my favorites, man.
[36:05 - 36:14] My '93 Nissan 240SX, fuck yes, good ass car for sliding.
[36:14 - 36:19] That's those, nope, fuck.
[36:19 - 36:22] You got a second, why the fuck do I have two of these?
[36:22 - 36:24] Oh, nevermind.
[36:29 - 36:33] Why the fuck do I have two different radicals?
[36:36 - 36:37] That is just weird.
[36:39 - 36:43] It sucks that's the latest cars you can't fucking sell, man, it blows.
[36:50 - 36:51] How the fuck?
[36:57 - 37:03] All right, so now that we got that, let's see what cars are available real fast, just to see.
[37:03 - 37:14] Ooh, we got the AMC, the AMC Pacer, the, ooh, the Audi Sportback's nice.
[37:14 - 37:23] Show me all the GLHS and the Veloster Turbo.
[37:23 - 37:28] Oh, man, y'all had to freaking do Hyundai, didn't you?
[37:28 - 37:31] Shit.
[37:31 - 37:36] That's right, though, we're about to fucking go in.
[37:36 - 37:38] Ooh, how dope.
[37:38 - 37:41] Y'all, dude, they got the '57 BMW in here, finally, hell yeah.
[37:41 - 37:47] That's such one of my favorite BMWs right there, fuck yeah, dude, I like that.
[37:47 - 37:58] Going here to Ford, but first, let's see what they got in Chevy real quick, because I know that Chevy's got a few good cars.
[37:58 - 38:03] Ooh, yes, that right there is one of my favorites for drifting.
[38:03 - 38:13] The number three Corvette, fuck yes, good ass car for catching slides.
[38:13 - 38:17] Come on, I got my charger up in here.
[38:17 - 38:21] Ooh, they got the 2015 Hellcat, hell yeah.
[38:21 - 38:30] Thank you.
[38:30 - 38:34] Bro, I didn't know they brought in some new ass cars in the game.
[38:34 - 38:39] Ooh, they got the Fiat Spyder, very nice.
[38:39 - 38:41] This is what I think it is.
[38:41 - 38:45] Holy shit, they finally brought in the '75 Fiat.
[38:45 - 38:50] Nice, dude, very nice.
[38:50 - 38:56] Ooh, and they got the '52 Fiat Supersonic, hell yeah.
[38:56 - 39:07] Alright, here we go, which one's this?
[39:07 - 39:13] Okay, I hear the Sportback.
[39:13 - 39:22] Alright, that's just fucking wild.
[39:22 - 39:38] Not gonna lie, I do like my Sierra Cogswords, man, those things are sick.
[39:38 - 39:49] Ah, here we go, the Boss Mustang 302, baby.
[39:49 - 39:55] This right here is one of my first home pairs, man, I fucking love this thing.
[39:55 - 40:14] Let's go through and check out the different designs they got.
[40:14 - 40:28] They got dope ass stuff they got in. Ooh, they got Shawn's Mustang, fuck yes.
[40:28 - 40:33] Bro, you know we gotta pay homage to him, man.
[40:33 - 40:39] We gotta pay homage to the man Shawn.
[40:39 - 40:47] We gotta go with the fast, serious Tokyo drift-in job, man, looking stupid clean.
[40:47 - 40:54] Stock parts, man, let's go.
[40:54 - 41:17] This thing's about to be fire.
[41:17 - 41:25] Do everything race engine wise, because we definitely got more than enough to tune this beast up.
[41:25 - 41:29] This thing's gonna be a fucking monster.
[41:29 - 41:45] It's actually one of my favorites to use, too.
[41:45 - 41:56] Here's a race cam shot, that way we can see what we need to do.
[41:56 - 42:04] Dude, this thing's about to go off.
[42:04 - 42:10] Fuck yeah, dude, Tokyo Drift is actually one of my favorite fucking Fast and Furious movies.
[42:10 - 42:14] I like that way, I like this series entirely as a whole.
[42:14 - 42:17] Don't be wrong, I fucking love all the movies.
[42:17 - 42:20] Destiny, a major recipe for Paul Walker.
[42:20 - 42:26] But out of all the movies, I would have to say Tokyo Drift is my number one favorite, man.
[42:26 - 42:43] There's just something about it, you just can't beat it.
[42:43 - 43:00] Make this shit a little lighter.
[43:00 - 43:11] Actually, no, you know what, I do want to be out of the way, so let's leave that alone.
[43:11 - 43:40] Now this right here, this is my main, like, whenever I do drift competitions, for like the Outrun Open Series and shit, this right here is the main car that I use.
[43:40 - 43:54] Like, this is my main go-to muscle car for doing drift events.
[43:54 - 44:23] Now let's leave those on there, let's leave the street tires on, widen these bitches out and make them look false.
[44:23 - 44:34] What, did I get the wrong ones?
[44:34 - 44:41] Oh yeah, I did, I got the wrong ones, we're good.
[44:41 - 44:58] Like, these model buggers look huge.
[44:58 - 45:07] I don't really want to change anything on that, so let's leave that.
[45:07 - 45:12] That's friction conversion.
[45:12 - 45:20] Oh, do we want to go twin, yeah, let's go twin turbo with this.
[45:20 - 45:45] Throw on those 20s, throw on the racing VA, leave it rear wheel, and now just to put the tune on this thing that is good to go.
[45:45 - 45:57] Now me personally, I like to have about 20, 24 to 25 tire pressure, just for the fact it makes it easier.
[45:57 - 46:22] Geary, I usually bump that out to acceleration. Alignment, go full negative five, front toe out, rear toe in, front counter and steering angle all the way up.
[46:22 - 46:48] Anti roll bars.
[46:48 - 46:54] Acceleration and diesel all the way up that way, just in case you never know.
[46:54 - 46:58] And this thing is fucking sick.
[46:58 - 47:05] Yo, well done, what's good?
[47:05 - 47:13] Dude, this thing is looking sick right now.
[47:13 - 47:20] Alright, first we're going to test it out at the airstrip real quick, and then we're going to take it to a track, see how it runs, and go from there.
[47:20 - 47:28] Because I actually do have a drift competition coming up in, I think like two months, something like that.
[47:28 - 47:46] So it's definitely a good time to prepare to get ready, so let's test this thing out man, see how it runs.
[47:46 - 48:10] Also, I want to give a huge shout out to Kim Block for showing us the last event. That was cool as fuck. Oh yeah, this thing handled like a boss bro.
[48:10 - 48:21] This thing is sick.
[48:21 - 48:50] I mean this thing can fucking hold the angle like a beast.
[48:50 - 49:12] This thing can actually hold really well.
[49:12 - 49:19] Get that thing sick, see if it comes in here.
[49:19 - 49:41] Oh, what's up?
[49:41 - 50:09] Got that wall trap.
[50:09 - 50:27] Damn, alright, that was actually really close.
[50:27 - 50:32] Yeah, we gotta take this into a track man, this thing is going to be a lot of fun.
[50:32 - 50:43] Let's say this thing is one of my favorite tracks.
[50:43 - 51:02] Let's take this thing to a fucking track man, let's fucking tear it up.
[51:02 - 51:16] Take this to one of my favorite tracks to drift at, which would be Dubai.
[51:16 - 51:38] Let's do drift. Let's do 10 laps just to kind of get used to it.
[51:38 - 51:48] See, this is why I like the boss Mustang, especially when it comes to drift events and you do it proper, that thing is a freaking beast.
[51:48 - 51:54] Shit, I'm just glad to be back behind the fucking wheel again.
[51:54 - 52:10] Whether I'm going for a time attack, doing this, doing whatever.
[52:10 - 52:28] Here we go.
[52:28 - 52:54] Whoa, rewind that wreck man, hold up.
[52:54 - 53:23] It's definitely low on power, but it's definitely good for doing drift scores.
[53:23 - 53:52] Oh, first time hitting, but we're good.
[53:52 - 54:21] Okay.
[54:21 - 54:39] This next year is actually the first year that I actually raced with a wheel sound, so I know I'm bugging up a lot.
[54:39 - 54:42] I'm just trying to get used to the wheel, you know what I mean?
[54:42 - 54:55] Cause I'm not used to doing it with a wheel, I'm used to, you know, being off control.
[54:55 - 55:02] So it's definitely an adjustment.
[55:02 - 55:08] Whoa.
[55:08 - 55:37] That was crazy.
[55:37 - 55:53] Yep, that's a wall.
[55:53 - 56:11] This is definitely an adjustment.
[56:11 - 56:14] What's off road this shit?
[56:14 - 56:23] Fuck it.
[56:23 - 56:28] Yes, I'm not insane motherfucker.
[56:28 - 56:57] I will fucking off road a car and now I give it to you for us.
[56:57 - 57:26] You know, let's take these off, take my rings off right quick.
[57:26 - 57:40] Okay, yeah, now that helps a lot.
[57:40 - 57:50] Yeah, having the rings off definitely does help.
[57:50 - 58:15] Tires up right quick.
[58:15 - 58:42] Whoa.
[58:42 - 59:11] That was actually a nice reverse entry.
[59:11 - 59:40] Okay, I'm starting to get how this works now.
[59:40 - 60:09] If I can get this thing off the wall.
[60:09 - 61:06] Okay.
[61:06 - 61:08] This thing actually is pretty fun, right?
[61:08 - 61:19] Like I said, it's going to be an adjustment to get used to driving with a wheel, doing drift comp because, you know, it's an adjustment for a controller.
[61:19 - 61:48] Because every time I've ever done a controller, I'm not used to, you know, doing wheel.
[61:48 - 62:16] Okay.
[62:16 - 62:45] Oh, damn.
[62:45 - 63:14] All right, that thing's fun.
[63:14 - 63:43] Okay.
[63:43 - 63:44] Oh, damn.
[63:44 - 63:46] I didn't throttle the gas.
[63:46 - 63:47] Get it off.
[63:47 - 63:49] That was actually a fun little car.
[63:49 - 63:50] Not going to lie.
[63:50 - 63:59] That was fun.
[63:59 - 64:00] Let's look at another car.
[64:00 - 64:12] Let's see what we got here.
[64:12 - 64:26] Let's try my drift comp 370.
[64:26 - 64:41] See if I can get this thing running proper.
[64:41 - 65:37] Okay.
[65:37 - 65:55] Now, let's take this to Maple Valley.
[65:55 - 66:00] Maple Valley is actually one of my favorite tracks to run.
[66:00 - 66:12] So, let's head over there to Maple Valley.
[66:12 - 66:33] All right, take it easy while we're going to be safe.
[66:33 - 66:40] Also, if you all didn't know, the Grimner Raph Reaper merch did just fucking drop in the rage on.
[66:40 - 66:47] And then the kids, y'all, I know.
[66:47 - 66:49] Y'all be sure to head on over, man.
[66:49 - 66:52] Take out my boy, the Grimner Raph Reaper's brand new merch, man.
[66:52 - 66:53] It just fucking dropped.
[66:53 - 66:55] The shirts have dropped.
[66:55 - 66:57] I'm fucking excited.
[66:57 - 67:07] The artist shirts and the, like, the artist roster shirts and Grimner Raph Reaper shirts just dropped today, man,
[67:07 - 67:09] which I'm super pumped about.
[67:09 - 67:15] So, if y'all want to show support for fallen angels records, go over there and pick up the merch, man.
[67:15 - 67:18] His merch just dropped, which I fucking love to design, how it came out.
[67:18 - 67:20] I'm very impressed with it.
[67:20 - 67:31] So, be sure to pop in, pick up the artist roster shirts, as well as the Grimner Raph Reaper merch.
[67:31 - 67:37] I got my own merch dropped in very soon, which I can't wait to see the design that the guys are coming out with.
[67:37 - 67:39] I'm super excited, man.
[68:04 - 68:13] And yes, I do have my first debut album coming out, coming out on fallen angels records, which I'm super stoked about.
[68:13 - 68:22] As such, my boy, Grimner Raph Reaper, he has his first solo album coming out, which I'm very hyped about.
[68:22 - 68:27] And so, I'll come in from the grave, which I'm super excited to hear, man.
[68:27 - 68:47] I'm proud to be able to send out help produce that album that's really fun.
[68:47 - 68:59] I got to say that I'm definitely stoked for Grimner Raph Reaper's brand new album dropping, man. Called 'Code Up from the Grave', I'm super stoked.
[68:59 - 69:16] And then I got my own album dropping soon.
[69:16 - 69:24] So, as I said, if y'all want to show support for fallen angels records, be sure to go over there, pick up our merch, man.
[69:24 - 69:37] Shout out to our manager, Grimner, for making the merch, man. I fucking dig it.
[69:37 - 69:41] I fucking love what Grimner did, man. She really done good with the shirts, dude.
[69:41 - 69:48] Absolutely love, man. The logo's phenomenal. The merch, the shirts, everything is fucking fire.
[69:48 - 69:53] And we will be dropping hoodies soon, too.
[69:53 - 69:57] But the hoodies are dropping soon.
[69:57 - 70:02] I know that we're coming out with a possible mask line.
[70:02 - 70:06] I know that we're doing shoes for sure. I talked to her about it.
[70:06 - 70:23] And we are doing a shoe line, which is pretty cool.
[70:23 - 70:32] So, y'all be sure to pick up the freakin' fallen angels records merch, man. I know for sure, as soon as I get the money, I'm not going to be taking the album.
[70:32 - 70:37] But an artist's roster shirt and the Grimner Raph Reaper shirt.
[70:37 - 70:41] Like, for fucking sure, man.
[70:42 - 71:08] [MUSIC]
[71:08 - 71:13] And Beryl is. It's called Free Use, bitch.
[71:13 - 71:29] It's Free Use, nigga.
[71:30 - 71:40] [MUSIC]
[71:40 - 71:43] Y'all just jealous that I'm doing something, boy.
[71:43 - 72:12] [MUSIC]
[72:12 - 72:22] Like I said, bro, you just pissed off, because I know how to use the fair use act.
[72:22 - 72:31] And the design was on, I just went straight up and said, hey, you know, we took this design.
[72:31 - 72:40] But nah, dude, when you alter an image, whether you add something to it or whatever, that falls under the fair use act.
[72:40 - 72:44] The fair use act, which is, guess what, bitch? Not stolen.
[72:44 - 73:34] [MUSIC]
[73:34 - 73:39] Doesn't fucking matter, bitch. It falls under the fair use act, fuck, boy.
[73:39 - 73:45] You just pissed. You pissed just bad that I'm doing something that you ain't, bitch.
[73:45 - 73:53] [MUSIC]
[73:53 - 73:56] Y'all said they're in tough shit, man. Fuck you.
[73:56 - 74:06] [MUSIC]
[74:06 - 74:08] Why you mad, bitch?
[74:08 - 74:19] [MUSIC]
[74:19 - 74:22] Exactly, bitch, exactly, man.
[74:22 - 74:27] [MUSIC]
[74:27 - 74:34] Y'all just mad, because of the fact that I ain't got a signed up fucking label that I hope everyone started, man.
[74:34 - 74:40] Y'all are jealous that I'm fucking doing something, and I can do my own shit on my own fucking time now.
[74:40 - 74:55] [MUSIC]
[74:55 - 74:57] Y'all just mad, bitch.
[74:57 - 75:03] [MUSIC]
[75:03 - 75:08] Y'all not gonna laugh, man. Race Wars 2021 might happen, I don't know.
[75:08 - 75:24] [MUSIC]
[75:24 - 75:27] We're not tracking on you, but we're good.
[75:27 - 75:38] [MUSIC]
[75:38 - 75:40] Right?
[75:40 - 75:42] That would be dope, dude.
[75:42 - 75:45] Well, we gotta see what happens first.
[75:45 - 76:00] [MUSIC]
[76:00 - 76:04] Man, I keep forgetting how much power this fucking car has, bro.
[76:04 - 76:06] This ain't his bananas.
[76:06 - 76:08] [MUSIC]
[76:08 - 76:13] I love my fucking 370Z for dress comp, but, bro, this ain't his bananas.
[76:13 - 76:28] [MUSIC]
[76:28 - 76:33] Nah, man. If anything, I need a fucking drift sponsor, bro.
[76:33 - 76:48] Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm dealing with NASCAR, but drifting is where it's at for me, man.
[76:48 - 76:54] Bro, this is how I started out racing, dude.
[76:54 - 77:14] Like, dude, coming up in the race scene, I was born drifting, man.
[77:14 - 77:25] Man, man, why don't I set you up here and show you all what I mean?
[77:25 - 77:48] [MUSIC]
[77:48 - 77:51] I gotta admit, though, dude, I do love that 370Z, man.
[77:51 - 77:53] It's actually one of my personal favorites.
[77:53 - 77:56] Pain Design, I fucking love it.
[77:56 - 78:02] One of my brothers, Ricardo, who was part of my drift team,
[78:02 - 78:04] he actually was the one that designed that for me.
[78:04 - 78:05] I fucking love it.
[78:05 - 78:14] 'Cause he knew I was a fan of anime, and he knew that I liked the drift.
[78:14 - 78:21] Pain Johnson did, and he came out with that, and I was like, "Bro, that is fire."
[78:21 - 78:23] So shout out to the homie Rick for hooking that up, man.
[78:23 - 78:30] That shit's fire.
[78:30 - 78:34] Whatever, dude, you fucking loser.
[78:34 - 78:40] Man, y'all are jealous motherfucking trolls, man.
[78:40 - 78:44] Y'all are jealous as fuck, B.
[78:44 - 78:48] Y'all ain't called nobody, man.
[78:48 - 78:55] Man, y'all are fucking dumb.
[78:55 - 78:59] Nice try with the trolling, bitch.
[79:00 - 79:46] Nice try with the trolling, bitches.
[79:46 - 79:49] Man, y'all wanna sit there and troll.
[79:49 - 79:53] Y'all can graduate from it first.
[79:53 - 80:00] For real, you just pissed off that y'all ain't thinking of this shit first.
[80:00 - 80:06] Ain't nobody on Amazon owning that fucking design, man.
[80:06 - 80:10] And besides, even if they wanted to try to sue us, they couldn't,
[80:10 - 80:20] because it falls under the fair, you sack bitch.
[80:20 - 80:22] Let's see what y'all done realized.
[80:22 - 80:26] Besides from music, I've been going fucking hard my whole life, dude,
[80:26 - 80:30] so I know the laws about our work.
[80:30 - 80:42] You know what I'm talking about?
[80:42 - 80:46] Man, y'all wanna sit there and yell stolen, but yet,
[80:46 - 80:48] y'all just are trolls, man.
[80:48 - 80:50] Y'all wanna see me fail.
[80:50 - 80:57] Y'all pissed off that me and my team and my fucking labels that I'm with,
[80:57 - 80:59] so I went first, and y'all can't stand it.
[80:59 - 81:02] So y'all wanna try and shut us down.
[81:02 - 81:04] Well, guess what?
[81:04 - 81:07] If you didn't, dude, shut us down, we'll just come right the fuck back,
[81:07 - 81:09] and why the fuck is this car actually weird?
[81:09 - 81:38] Whatever, dude, get out of here, bitch.
[81:38 - 81:48] Dude, I know the laws, motherfucker.
[81:48 - 81:57] Don't ask for the trolls.
[81:57 - 81:59] Y'all really think, dude?
[81:59 - 82:04] Wow.
[82:04 - 82:08] Like, y'all really think you know what?
[82:08 - 82:12] You know what? Hold up.
[82:12 - 82:17] Let me do something here.
[82:17 - 82:27] That's a lot of serious laws right quick. Hold up.
[82:27 - 82:54] Shout that on me, Jeff Hardy.
[82:54 - 82:55] I'm not sure, dude.
[82:55 - 83:00] I know that we're in the process of working on Grim, the rap reaper's debut album,
[83:00 - 83:24] called "Coming Up from the Grave" right now, and then soon after that.
[83:24 - 83:53] There you--sorry, I'll go right here.
[83:53 - 84:09] Right here, let me read part of this for you, right here.
[84:09 - 84:15] Article 13 does not call out the EU version of fair use.
[84:15 - 84:21] It always specifies that copyright infringing content needs to be blocked.
[84:21 - 84:28] So, sure, some content can follow the rules of fair use and be illegal.
[84:28 - 84:37] Thus, it does not have to be blocked by the automated filters that Article 13 demands for artwork,
[84:37 - 84:49] which means what I'm doing is fair use, and why the fuck did that go up?
[84:49 - 84:53] So, try again, my dude.
[84:53 - 84:59] Like I said, I know my fucking art laws, bro. I've done artwork my entire fucking life.
[84:59 - 85:04] I've been doing artwork since I was fucking four years old.
[85:04 - 85:20] So, try again, bitch.
[85:20 - 85:40] Dude, I've been playing for way too fucking much.
[85:40 - 85:46] What's the matter, man? You know what? Hold up. You know what? Hold up. Let me do something real quick.
[85:46 - 85:53] I mean, you know what? Sucked and dripped and choked for a second. Let me prove a fucking point here.
[85:53 - 85:56] Did you want to sit there and run your mouth like a little fucking bitch?
[85:56 - 86:09] I know it's the same fucking person making different accounts, and I'm pretty sure it's you's skull, kid.
[86:09 - 86:20] Not a whole lot, but like I do have like one family member that's actually a pair of legal.
[86:20 - 86:48] Fair use.
[86:48 - 87:12] Let's do the shortened version. The key to fair use transformation.
[87:12 - 87:20] Transformation is the key. So, what are you doing with, you know, the copywriting content that you want to use?
[87:20 - 87:25] And are you creating new value, adding something new, different?
[87:25 - 87:41] This has been a part of fair use case law over the last 20 years or so, and it is a big consideration. So, it's a new expression, a new method.
[87:41 - 87:50] Or, like you said, does it supplant the objects of the original? You're doing the same thing that the original work was doing, you're going to be doing something.
[87:50 - 88:14] Do you have a transformative purpose? Can you articulate it? And is it something within your work that when other people watch it, they're like, "Oh, I get it. I get what you do."
[88:14 - 88:19] And now, does this fall under my artwork? This falls under the fucking design shit.
[88:19 - 88:31] Andrea Blanche is a photographer. She took this photo of this pair of wights over here for an ad that appeared in Aurora magazine.
[88:31 - 88:45] Jeff Coons is a very famous artist. He's also from this world. He's a student, I think, as part of the network. He was a student for copywriting content that was the first time he won.
[88:45 - 88:56] So, he used a fragment of the award photograph there in Black Point, and you can see here that the piece is definitely in the left.
[88:56 - 89:02] It's an inverted question. He took the original photographs and then did what he did.
[89:02 - 89:15] There, the court held that this was a fair use because this painting was using the photograph to comment upon a picture, an attitude to the moment, and the body, and then the award, and so on.
[89:15 - 89:41] It wasn't commenting. It was a photograph of this kind of imagery, and using that as an example of that imagery, and the parts of the music, that original photo as father of this commentary, a picture of commentary on society, was appeared.
[89:41 - 89:44] I rest my case.
[89:44 - 89:52] What I'm doing is fair use, so all y'all little bitch trolls can try again.
[89:52 - 89:59] Need I approve a point any longer?
[89:59 - 90:05] Well, it's why am I going the wrong way?
[90:05 - 90:21] Like for real, y'all want to sit there and criticize me yet. Like I said, dude, I know the fair use laws and everything I do falls under the fair use laws because it's transformative in some way, I'm adding to it.
[90:21 - 90:26] Or like when I do my artwork.
[90:26 - 90:36] When I do my artwork, I completely transform it, which makes it fair use, which makes it an original piece.
[90:36 - 90:40] So, I'm going to start with the first one.
[90:41 - 90:44] I'm going to start with the first one.
[90:45 - 90:53] I'm going to start with the second one.
[90:54 - 90:57] So, I'm going to start with the second one.
[90:58 - 91:05] I'm going to start with the second one.
[91:06 - 91:13] So, I'm going to start with the second one.
[91:38 - 91:41] Ooh, God, we're going to start a little bit, we're going to start.
[91:41 - 91:50] Oh, damn, we're just two wheeled out of shape.
[91:50 - 91:53] And I know what you guys are thinking.
[91:53 - 91:57] With me focusing on my music again, am I going to have time to do my artwork?
[91:57 - 92:02] And the answer to that is yes, I will still be doing my artwork.
[92:02 - 92:08] For those of you that follow my Instagram, I will be posting some new pieces out very soon.
[92:08 - 92:15] I actually have like 10 new pieces that I'm going to be posting over the next few days.
[92:16 - 92:19] So, I'm going to start with the second one.
[92:20 - 92:23] And I'm going to start with the second one.
[92:24 - 92:36] So, I'm going to start with the second one.
[93:01 - 93:03] Yo, talk to me, what's good, man?
[93:03 - 93:09] But like I said, man, all y'all motherfuckers that want to sit there and criticize and judge,
[93:09 - 93:13] like I said, I just proved my fucking point.
[93:13 - 93:16] You just heard for yourself when that lady was talking.
[93:16 - 93:24] If you add something to it, it falls under fair use.
[93:25 - 93:27] That's because this isn't a normal wheel, dude.
[93:27 - 93:48] It's literally your basic PXN 3100, or it's either 3200 or 3100.
[93:49 - 93:54] So, like, you know, it gives it a lot of grip, and it's definitely drippy.
[93:54 - 93:59] Which I don't mind, because it actually allows me to do cool shit like this.
[93:59 - 94:02] It's just like really snappy.
[94:02 - 94:07] Which is actually how I drive a lot of the times in drift-com.
[94:07 - 94:12] Like, I love to be snappy and throw it around a lot.
[94:12 - 94:26] See, look at that smooth-ass control, boy.
[94:26 - 94:39] Look at that smooth-ass butter, boy.
[94:39 - 94:52] Yeah, I may have to do a little bit more work with the correct.
[94:52 - 95:03] But yeah, I may have to do a lot more correcting when it comes to throwing the car around.
[95:03 - 95:06] But that's okay, I'm all right with that.
[95:06 - 95:19] Plus, it kind of helps me set up for the next slide, too.
[95:20 - 95:45] If you need to take a look, watch how I set up for this next corner.
[95:46 - 95:57] I'm not going to throw enough power in you, but that's okay.
[95:57 - 96:03] Like, you see what I mean, though? I'm able to set it up for a good run that way.
[96:03 - 96:10] I'm able to snappy and then use the inertia from the last drift.
[96:11 - 96:16] Not like that. Not counting that.
[96:16 - 96:32] Basically what I'm saying is I'm able to use the inertia from the previous drift to throw me into the next one.
[96:33 - 96:45] See, like that right there. I set myself up for that corner that way until that happens.
[96:45 - 96:54] And see, and that's why I like the dead zone on this, because I can actually have a lot more control over it, and I can just throw it, you know what I mean?
[96:55 - 97:06] Instead of having the wheel go like this, or like this, and having to catch it, I can literally control the dead zone, ultimately controlling where the car goes.
[97:06 - 97:16] Until that happens.
[97:16 - 97:41] All I'm basically going to do is cue my hand on that e-brake, which is the B button that I don't have, because this works, like, for shifting, but I use the paddle shifters.
[97:42 - 98:00] See what I mean? You know what, I think I just might, you know what, let me change the controls here, I might just throw this onto the handbrake.
[98:10 - 98:15] Let me change the device, let's go, handbrake.
[98:15 - 98:32] That way when I shift down...
[98:37 - 98:41] See what I mean? Look at that.
[98:42 - 98:55] That's it.
[99:20 - 99:34] I am not used to this anywhere. I keep forgetting that I have this set up for this now.
[99:49 - 99:53] I'm thinking about just trying to use the paddle shifters.
[99:54 - 100:22] That's it.
[100:49 - 100:51] You get the point.
[100:51 - 100:59] Now we are going to do one final test here.
[100:59 - 101:06] We are going to do...
[101:16 - 101:19] Car X-Trip.
[101:19 - 101:21] See how this looks.
[101:21 - 101:25] I have not done any Car X-Trip before with the wheel.
[101:25 - 101:30] This is going to be very interesting to say the least.
[101:30 - 101:41] Considering the fact of how loose these cars are and how arcadey they are, it's going to be interesting.
[101:42 - 101:46] I am going to try to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[101:47 - 102:03] At some point I do want to try to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[102:03 - 102:05] I think that would be interesting.
[102:05 - 102:07] I have seen some people do it.
[102:07 - 102:09] I think that would be fun to try out.
[102:10 - 102:16] I am going to try to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[102:16 - 102:18] I think that would be interesting.
[102:18 - 102:20] I have seen some people do it.
[102:20 - 102:22] I think that would be fun to try out.
[102:23 - 110:45] We are going to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[110:45 - 111:07] I am going to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[111:08 - 117:54] We are going to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[117:54 - 117:56] We have connie road over there and shit.
[117:56 - 118:02] Style is not dead.
[118:02 - 118:08] Let's say style is not dead.
[118:08 - 118:10] That one actually seems fun.
[118:10 - 118:20] Let's do connie road.
[118:20 - 118:22] This is going to be interesting.
[118:22 - 118:24] I didn't know that we could do this shit locally man.
[118:24 - 118:26] That's fire.
[118:26 - 118:28] Let's go dude.
[118:28 - 118:30] About to get into some fucking tandos.
[118:30 - 118:32] Boy let's go.
[118:32 - 118:38] About to get some tandos with some randoms man.
[118:38 - 118:40] This is going to be fun.
[118:40 - 118:42] Let's go.
[118:42 - 118:56] Holy shit!
[118:56 - 118:58] Good central.
[118:58 - 122:42] We are going to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[122:42 - 122:44] GTA V with the wheel.
[122:44 - 203:26] We are going to play some GTA V with the wheel.
[203:26 - 203:28] Peace!
[203:28 - 203:30] [Music]