2022-5-29 FORTNITE & CHILL
[0:00 - 0:28] [Music]
[0:28 - 0:30] What is up guys
[0:30 - 0:55] Now to mine I do have an eye on the chat while I'm playing I will be there in trolls as I say
[0:55 - 1:01] But everybody else that's in here that's you know that wants to show love and show support and hang on how we get down
[1:01 - 1:04] Y'all are more than welcome up in here
[1:04 - 1:23] We're gonna start off with some solo shit see if we can get a win on there
[1:23 - 2:25] [Music]
[2:25 - 2:30] Yo! Gosh! Yo! What's up man! It's been a while bro! How you been?
[2:30 - 2:45] [Music]
[2:45 - 3:05] Bro I cannot get another song, I fucking love that shit
[3:05 - 3:09] Oh I know who to watch out for now don't I?
[3:09 - 3:21] [Music]
[3:21 - 3:23] Drop straight in on these fools
[3:23 - 3:38] [Music]
[3:38 - 3:46] Oh one of the people that was showing thank you for showing up so adios
[3:46 - 3:57] Oh something that I did forget to mention if I see you in the chat and I know you were trolling me in the live stream you're getting banned I forgot to mention that
[3:57 - 4:19] [Music]
[4:19 - 4:32] I might use this
[4:32 - 4:38] Ah shit no
[4:38 - 4:48] Well I hear this guy he's close
[4:48 - 4:52] How far comes? What up?
[4:52 - 4:56] Yo Gjellin yes this is Xbox and this is actually it
[4:56 - 5:09] Bro how do you not know Fortnite?
[5:09 - 5:14] Not today sucker
[5:14 - 5:19] [Music]
[5:19 - 5:33] Oh shit
[5:33 - 6:02] Where is the old boy at?
[6:02 - 6:12] [Music]
[6:12 - 6:18] Oh dead
[6:18 - 6:31] Hence this is how I got the nickname Reaper
[6:31 - 7:02] [Music]
[7:02 - 7:07] Nah I sent a brother a chit chat
[7:07 - 7:10] Nah nah nah
[7:10 - 7:32] [Music]
[7:32 - 7:51] I'm going over to this house down here because I'm not taking any chances
[7:51 - 8:08] Yeah I'm going to admit that Cyrix missing shoulders thing that is actually pretty clever I'm not even going to front dude
[8:08 - 8:26] Let's pop off one of these locators
[8:26 - 8:39] I love these freaking locators man they say they're so badass
[8:39 - 9:19] [Music]
[9:19 - 9:34] Nothing in there we'll get there
[9:34 - 9:59] Oh I'll take this
[9:59 - 10:04] Oh shit I need to go
[10:04 - 10:56] [Music]
[10:56 - 11:02] Oh shit I'm going to haul ass
[11:02 - 11:15] I don't know I'm going to make it
[11:15 - 11:28] Oh yeah I'll make it
[11:28 - 11:33] Nah I just need to find some freaking cover or a house or something
[11:33 - 11:37] Two dollars two dollars oh hell nah
[11:37 - 12:09] [Music]
[12:09 - 12:38] So my best ability to go for this house right here
[12:38 - 13:04] Alright I'm ducking inside this building I need some health or something dude
[13:04 - 13:14] I'll trust you I don't go with you I need to find a freaking health pack that's what I'm working for
[13:14 - 13:23] Oh thank you health pack
[13:23 - 13:34] Oh thank god that was a freaking health pack thank you god
[13:34 - 13:54] Really not again
[13:54 - 15:57] [Music]
[15:57 - 16:11] This is getting sketchy man holy shit
[16:11 - 16:24] Yeah it's real good fucking fire off shot instead of scoping
[16:24 - 16:29] Oh thank you sniper
[16:29 - 16:30] ha
[16:30 - 17:47] [Music]
[17:47 - 18:05] Boy I'm on my agent tonight I'm on my agent tonight it has somebody's walking
[18:05 - 19:24] [Music]
[19:24 - 19:47] Oh headshot good night
[19:47 - 20:02] Oh shit gotta go gotta move move move let's go
[20:02 - 20:13] I'll take that thank you run like a bat out of hell to the next spot
[20:13 - 20:20] There's only three of us left y'all see if we can make it let's get it
[20:20 - 21:03] [Music]
[21:03 - 21:26] Oh number two let's go hey I took second I'll take it
[21:26 - 21:40] Huh that's weird all right check how many of you guys can hear me how many can't
[21:40 - 22:09] All right y'all that was a close match for real and that was on frickin solos with no build bro that shit was tough
[22:09 - 22:37] Bro that was a close one dude ah I'll get it next time though
[22:37 - 22:44] Nah maybe it's something on their end I'm not gonna abandon like if they can't hear me I do apologize for that
[22:44 - 22:51] Did you guys try resetting your stuff yo Fadoodle can you hear me man
[22:51 - 23:10] My check for for for doodle can you hear me bro
[23:10 - 23:33] Huh
[23:33 - 23:38] Yo talented can you hear me
[23:38 - 23:52] Yo my check for talent can you hear me dude
[23:52 - 24:03] Make it sure man let's do this let's get that dub I'm telling you man there's a dub on the way dude I'm telling ya
[24:03 - 24:12] I can feel that wind coming really quick
[24:12 - 24:22] Yo my favorite weapon here let's go
[24:22 - 24:32] Yo what's up
[24:32 - 24:40] Oh got that gold sniper let's go
[24:40 - 24:52] Haha let's go
[24:52 - 24:57] I'm gonna run back to that garage real quick man
[24:57 - 25:06] I'm gonna run back to that garage and upgrade this mug
[25:06 - 25:12] Yes it is boy and welcome to the channel by the way dude we're glad to have you on board
[25:12 - 25:39] I'm hearing gunfire
[25:39 - 25:53] Let's get him boys
[25:53 - 26:14] Yo I gotta find out why they call me the reaper
[26:14 - 26:43] Let's get a chest over there
[26:43 - 26:47] Ha took that soul away didn't I
[26:47 - 26:53] Snatched that dude's soul up like a fucking soul reaper real fucking quick
[26:53 - 27:22] Haha
[27:22 - 27:30] Oh thank you all my hero weapons
[27:30 - 27:37] I know hell yeah let's go I'll take the free ammo
[27:37 - 27:40] Hey take it easy man I hope you have a good night
[27:40 - 27:57] Oh time to go
[27:57 - 28:26] Oh
[28:26 - 28:45] Yeah I'm not talking to his ass I'm not talking to any trolls anymore dude
[28:45 - 29:00] Yeah I'm not going to risk it because I still want to turn away too fast
[29:01 - 29:28] Yeah I'm not talking to any trolls anymore dude
[29:28 - 29:35] Is there any weapons over here? Oh damn no but there's a bouncy thing out here
[29:35 - 29:38] Oh great it's fucking foggy
[29:38 - 29:57] Great
[29:57 - 30:26] Oh yeah now we're talking
[30:26 - 30:51] There ready up this thing because this thing didn't have to go down
[30:51 - 31:20] Now I'm fucking a guy that has a sniper rifle
[31:20 - 31:25] One on one never challenge a sniper because you will lose
[31:25 - 31:54] Oh
[31:54 - 32:00] Now unless you got dead ass accuracy and you know what you're doing never fuck with a guy that's got a sniper
[32:00 - 32:10] Because chances are you're going to lose
[32:10 - 32:21] Hey he's actually not wrong dude 4.9 is for everybody man that's what I love about it
[32:21 - 32:25] Bro I got a sick fucking load out right now
[32:25 - 32:34] I have a fucking gold sniper a gold striker man I'm safe
[32:34 - 33:03] Oh shit
[33:03 - 33:07] There's nothing I really need
[33:07 - 33:11] What I need is a freaking locating gun
[33:11 - 33:16] That freaking shots house popped off I need one of those
[33:16 - 33:45] Oh man that's a fucking gun
[33:45 - 34:14] I'm hearing somebody close by I'm there a whole ass
[34:14 - 34:21] Hey Sean Tony award for having me out dude what's good bro
[34:21 - 34:50] Oh man that's a fucking gun
[34:50 - 35:00] Nice day motherfuckers
[35:00 - 35:19] Got pelted by an MTC goddamn
[35:19 - 35:29] Hey it's not wrong sometimes camping is what you need to do
[35:29 - 35:34] Because there is like after this I'll show you guys a little something about
[35:34 - 35:50] Basically what I do is I apply real life sniping skills that I applied from a military standpoint
[35:50 - 35:56] Because I've had friends that were in the military that were snipers and I watch what they do
[35:56 - 36:09] And I just apply that to in day one shot one kill
[36:09 - 36:14] Well a few bullets one kill but you know for the most part you gotta be
[36:14 - 36:19] You gotta be your fucking accuracy has to be dead fucking on point
[36:19 - 36:33] Otherwise you're screwed
[36:33 - 36:36] Now believe it or not though my dad was actually a military
[36:36 - 36:44] He was actually 82nd Airborne Division United States Army Staff Sergeant
[36:44 - 37:13] What the hell is this thing rolling around in a fucking UFO right now that's crazy bro
[37:13 - 37:27] Oh the mountain is one of my favorite areas
[37:27 - 37:32] See I never go for the obvious ones
[37:32 - 37:37] I never ever go for the obvious spots
[37:37 - 37:48] Reason being because if you go for the obvious spots then they're gonna catch on to you
[37:48 - 37:58] That's why I always hit like the smaller areas first
[37:58 - 38:20] There's a dude right down there
[38:20 - 38:47] I'm hoping that he'll still be in that building
[38:47 - 39:08] Look at that long shot
[39:08 - 39:14] Damn, he took off while I was snacking, damn
[39:14 - 39:43] Actually I was telling him I also finished him off
[39:43 - 40:00] Somebody also tears his ass down before I can, that's alright though
[40:00 - 40:11] And I'm not really neat enough cause I have to spray him, nope
[40:11 - 40:38] Get it
[40:38 - 40:51] Alright no need, now where did it go
[40:51 - 40:57] There's a 10 down near 10
[40:57 - 41:08] Damn somebody I raided this place, shit
[41:08 - 41:34] I better hurry up and get in line before that storm comes up
[41:34 - 41:42] Oh let him, let him already talk all the shit he wants cause at the end of the day it don't phase me
[41:42 - 41:50] At the end of the day it don't scare me like he thinks it does
[41:50 - 42:08] Personally I could give less of a fuck without that ass has to say
[42:08 - 42:34] I said I'm worried about me and my team and my people, I ain't worried about nobody else
[42:34 - 42:51] I'm worried about the people that enjoy my stuff and that is it
[42:51 - 43:08] Sorry dude had to do that for the XP buddy
[43:08 - 43:32] Ah I got you
[43:32 - 43:41] I'm like a legit paranoid right now cause I don't know if there's anybody in this building or not
[43:41 - 43:46] Nope, somebody has definitely already been here though that's for damn sure
[43:46 - 43:59] Oh thank you
[43:59 - 44:14] Oh
[44:14 - 44:22] I got him
[44:22 - 44:36] I got smoke on lock boy you ain't going nowhere
[44:36 - 44:47] I'm chasing this dude down
[44:47 - 45:13] Where you going ombre
[45:13 - 45:42] Oh now I see why he's running now I see why old boy's running
[45:42 - 46:11] You know I'll get rid of that comment here in a minute
[46:11 - 46:34] Nope
[46:34 - 47:22] Oh
[47:22 - 47:28] You idiot
[47:28 - 47:57] See right into that one dude old boy's definitely ran into that
[47:57 - 48:08] Ah shit
[48:08 - 48:17] Ask me if I care
[48:17 - 48:25] I really don't care if Marty's saying shit let him run his mouth cause everybody knows he's full of shit anyway
[48:25 - 48:40] Alright I hear that chomper where's he at
[48:40 - 49:06] Oh
[49:06 - 49:29] Did I seriously hear the chomper I don't see him
[49:29 - 49:40] Oh
[49:40 - 49:43] Now this guy is stupidly close
[49:43 - 50:00] Oh
[50:00 - 50:29] Damn things are up you get sketchy here
[50:29 - 50:58] Ain't nothing to rare animal let's go
[50:58 - 51:09] Damn 11
[51:09 - 51:12] Check it out man 100%
[51:12 - 51:23] Hey what do you think I got smacked up by Master Chief and not some weirdo
[51:23 - 51:40] See what y'all are saying up in the chat
[51:40 - 51:51] Hey you're not wrong dude like and that's the thing about people like Marty and as much as much respect as I had for KrippK and his craft
[51:51 - 52:16] Like you guys just desperate that's all it is the guys just desperate for fucking these bro they got everything man they got fucking Halo they got Gears of War
[52:16 - 52:21] Oh Master Chief got smacked, yo he got smacked up by a newbie
[52:21 - 52:26] Damn Master Chief just got his ass kicked by a fucking newbie
[52:26 - 52:30] Oh that's sad
[52:30 - 52:33] I'm that sad bro
[52:33 - 52:39] You got a Master Chief just got his ass kicked by a newbie that's actually funny
[52:39 - 52:45] Oh damn
[52:45 - 52:53] But yeah dude they've got everything from freaking Halo they got Kate and Marcus from Gears of War
[52:53 - 52:57] They got freaking Spider-Man they got all kinds of characters bro
[52:57 - 53:03] Dude they even had Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto as well as Sakura
[53:03 - 53:15] Oh did they even got fucking Terminator up in this bitch
[53:15 - 53:20] Look at this shit oh and Terminator over here fucking dancing
[53:20 - 53:24] Haha, yo I can nominate this shit up
[53:24 - 53:31] Terminator is literally over here fucking dancing, I can nominate that up
[53:31 - 53:34] Y'all just witnessed the freaking Terminator dancing
[53:34 - 53:37] I cannot make that up dude
[53:37 - 53:44] You guys just witnessed the freaking Terminator dancing
[53:44 - 53:46] The freaking Terminator
[53:46 - 54:02] Dancing
[54:02 - 54:11] 1, 2, 3, 4
[54:11 - 54:17] Looks like we got action right off the roof here
[54:18 - 54:57] I'm sorry, I'm sorry
[55:15 - 55:19] Yo that shit sounds stupid close
[55:19 - 55:28] Oh hell nah bruh
[55:28 - 55:46] Dancing Terminator got smacked up
[55:46 - 56:11] I need like some heel sprayer or something dude
[56:11 - 56:19] What you got for him Peanut Head
[56:19 - 56:23] Oh yes, ah damn I don't know shit
[56:23 - 56:30] That's alright
[56:30 - 56:36] It sound good
[56:36 - 56:39] He's right dude, everybody does play Fortnite bruh
[56:39 - 56:42] Check out Typical Gamer for example
[56:42 - 56:45] Hell check out my bro to his best friend
[56:45 - 56:47] Motivation Burns
[56:47 - 56:56] The guy's getting, the dude gets paid to fucking play that shit
[56:56 - 57:10] For real
[57:10 - 57:30] Oh
[57:30 - 57:52] I'm going to hit out this area off here as soon as there's anything up there
[57:52 - 58:02] No, I already got one
[58:02 - 58:03] Oh, hold up, hold up, hold up
[58:03 - 58:07] Oh, that is icy
[58:07 - 58:13] Thank you, thank you
[58:13 - 58:18] And there's nothing up here, I'll just transport
[58:18 - 58:26] Recon Scanner
[58:26 - 58:42] Oh, you know what
[58:42 - 58:47] Wait is that a rail, oh that's a fucking rail gun bruh
[58:47 - 58:57] Give me that rail gun dude
[58:57 - 59:26] I'll take that rail gun
[59:26 - 59:29] Oh, thank you
[59:29 - 59:39] Oh sweet, more ammo
[59:39 - 59:43] And there's one thing you can never have too much of this freaking ammo dude
[59:43 - 59:49] Because that ammo will save your ass
[59:49 - 59:56] Hey, Dean of the Rats, what's up dude
[59:56 - 60:01] Hey, I'm in 38th place, well 39th right now dude
[60:01 - 60:04] Hell, that's how it took second
[60:04 - 60:07] That's better than what I did before hand
[60:07 - 60:18] Before hand I played a freaking match and I got like 10
[60:18 - 60:32] Nothing there
[60:32 - 60:39] Ah shit, that's alright
[60:39 - 60:46] And yo, and Daniel Biz, what's up man, I love the name man, Daniel Biz is great, I love it
[60:46 - 60:49] But this is Fortnite dude
[60:49 - 60:54] I'm surprised you haven't heard of it man, it's actually pretty popular
[60:54 - 61:01] Oh yeah
[61:01 - 61:06] Yo, I look like a freaking cogwheel right now dude
[61:06 - 61:12] I look like a freaking cogwheel, oh
[61:12 - 61:25] You got somebody over there
[61:25 - 61:43] Yo, that guy sounds close, I'm gonna have to handle this guy
[61:43 - 61:53] Hey, Daniel Biz, what's up dude
[61:53 - 62:00] I'm gonna have to handle this guy
[62:00 - 62:20] Hey, Daniel Biz, what's up man, what's up man
[62:20 - 62:37] Dude, I know they're down there in that freaking building
[62:37 - 63:09] What's up man, what's up man, what's up man
[63:09 - 63:26] What's up man, what's up man, what's up man, what's up man
[63:26 - 63:45] Don't know why that gun fire was going by but it took off
[63:45 - 63:51] I need to find some health
[63:51 - 64:05] No
[64:05 - 64:32] Yeah, you might want to run there buddy
[64:32 - 64:53] I said shoot me where I'm getting your ass out of there
[64:53 - 65:01] Bro, I wasn't even fucking wasting bro, get out of here with that shit dude
[65:01 - 65:05] Like I said, no trolls allowed
[65:05 - 65:10] Can you customize weapons, yes you can actually
[65:10 - 65:24] Yeah, she can actually customize weapons and stuff
[65:24 - 65:28] Hey, my boy motivation burns now, let's get burning
[65:28 - 65:36] I see you on burns, I see you big dog
[65:36 - 65:49] I'm trying to want blood motivation burns on the lines then bro, fucking love you guys
[65:49 - 65:58] Like check this out, these are all different skins that you can get bro
[65:58 - 66:04] Like check it, these are all different skins that you can get
[66:04 - 66:10] Like all these skins that you're seeing like this right here, you can get all of these
[66:10 - 66:26] Granted you have to get a battle pass which I'll probably end up saving up for
[66:26 - 66:44] Two more to go and then I've got all this stuff for this year's battle pass, at least all the free stuff anyway
[66:44 - 67:01] Alright check out all these different dope ass skins, I really like the fire one man, that fire one's cool
[67:01 - 67:07] These are all different skins that you can get bro, it's pretty cool
[67:07 - 67:17] The one I'm rocking right now is this red one, this is the one that I'm rocking right now is this dark red one
[67:17 - 67:23] Sami, what's up?
[67:23 - 67:29] What is up Sami, what's good?
[67:29 - 67:37] I see what that Carmen joke said
[67:37 - 67:55] And then here's like literally, I know I've been behind but these are like the only three skins I have, this one the banana, the polar peelie, the chrissabella and Bracer
[67:55 - 68:05] Bracer is like my number one favorite so far, I fucking love Bracer, I want to get her brother, Bracer's brother
[68:05 - 68:15] I can't remember what his name is, but I do want to get his guys
[68:15 - 68:28] Just to switch it up a bit, we're going to do something here
[68:28 - 68:45] Team titans was my shit back in the day dude, like no cap dude, team titans was the shit
[68:45 - 69:00] Yo, question for everybody in the chat right now, how many of y'all would like to see me take and remix this track right here
[69:00 - 69:17] Oh my gosh, fucking Brian, fucking family guy Brian
[69:17 - 69:28] I'm about to do a parkour test run y'all, shit's about to get crazy
[69:28 - 69:38] It really was dude, for real, team titans was my shit dude
[69:38 - 69:47] Team titans was my show man, 100% team titans was one of my top favorite shows of the kid
[69:47 - 70:01] Still is, I still watch it, I still say they left it off in a bullshit spot
[70:01 - 70:21] Oh no no, fuck you, looks like Jigsaw's back with his house of horrors again
[70:21 - 70:41] Ok, alright question, who the fuck let Jigsaw play with the house again, who gave Jigsaw construction ideas
[70:41 - 70:55] Oh no, fuck you Jigsaw
[70:55 - 71:12] Fuck you Jigsaw
[71:12 - 71:41] Yo, FK, be safe brother, I hope you have a good night man
[71:41 - 71:56] Yo, good night man, like I said, who the hell let Jigsaw out to play
[71:56 - 72:05] Ok, so it appears that not only did Jigsaw make sense, it always had a frickin Lara Croft team double with him as well
[72:05 - 72:18] Shit, who let Tomb Raider and Jigsaw team out, anybody know
[72:18 - 72:41] Thank you, thank you
[72:41 - 72:53] Yeah, that one ain't fair with everybody
[72:53 - 72:58] Oh, hello
[72:58 - 73:01] Watch this shit
[73:01 - 73:10] Yoink
[73:10 - 73:24] Oh no, fuck you, man, I gotta switch to Bob again
[73:24 - 73:29] Ow, that was through my chin, bruh
[73:29 - 73:36] That was legitimately through my fucking chin
[73:36 - 73:53] You know what, fuck this, I was gonna go the slow way
[73:53 - 73:57] Ow, that almost made it
[73:57 - 74:06] Yo Shane, what up dude
[74:06 - 74:23] Bro, I always get stuck at this spot, I don't know why, but I always get stuck here
[74:23 - 74:28] Ah, thank you
[74:28 - 74:31] Ok, somehow, yeah, oh
[74:31 - 74:39] Not today, motherfucker
[74:39 - 74:44] Not today, Lara Croft, nice try though
[74:44 - 74:50] Oh, little bit of lag, but we nailed it
[74:50 - 74:56] Oh, sorry right there, man
[74:56 - 74:59] Ow, my balls
[74:59 - 75:06] I thought that in my balls
[75:06 - 75:11] Thank you
[75:11 - 75:19] I was trying to trigger that shit and it wasn't working
[75:19 - 75:55] Ow, my ass
[75:55 - 76:19] Bro, why am I getting turned into frickin' switch cheese?
[76:19 - 76:43] Bro, bro, come on, I'm trying not to get turned into switch cheese here
[76:43 - 76:51] Hey, I'm just trying to survive
[76:51 - 77:20] This game later on, this one isn't necessarily about winning, it's about surviving
[77:20 - 77:24] And how I'm surviving is beyond me
[77:24 - 77:32] Oh, nope
[77:32 - 77:47] Oh, that was good to me, come on
[77:47 - 77:55] Not today, pinhead
[77:55 - 78:07] Oh, nope, thank you
[78:07 - 78:22] Oh, great, this again, here we go
[78:22 - 78:29] At this point, my scalp on here may as well be switch cheese, bro
[78:29 - 78:35] All right, take it easy, Shane, be safe, man
[78:35 - 78:41] Ow
[78:59 - 79:09] You know what, I'm gonna show what the guy behind me is, catch up
[79:09 - 79:17] Go ahead, please
[79:17 - 79:22] I took the L
[79:22 - 79:34] Ha, ha
[79:34 - 79:51] Damn, dude
[79:51 - 80:16] Oh, hey, that triggered the sponge, oh, shit
[80:16 - 80:32] Ah, damn, hey, I just reached 80, boy, let's go
[80:32 - 80:50] No, nope
[80:50 - 81:14] Ow
[81:14 - 81:26] Ah, come on
[81:26 - 81:36] Yay, I wanna walk off traps again
[81:36 - 81:50] God damn, you walk off in your Tomb Raider shit
[81:50 - 81:57] If this is fun for Laura, I wonder what her
[81:57 - 82:01] If this is freaking fun for Laura Croft, I wonder what her work's like
[82:01 - 82:30] Ow, I'm bumping in my screen
[82:30 - 82:59] Ow, that was my freaking foot, dude
[82:59 - 83:09] Ow
[83:09 - 83:19] Ow, that was my freaking foot, dude
[83:19 - 83:40] Okay
[83:40 - 84:05] God, this is proving to be a pain in the ass
[84:05 - 84:12] Oh, I would've made that too
[84:12 - 84:20] Yoink
[84:20 - 84:27] Fuck you
[84:27 - 84:45] Ow, there's the opening right there
[84:45 - 84:54] Ow, I got stabbed in the face
[84:54 - 84:57] Ow
[84:57 - 85:03] You know what, fuck it
[85:03 - 85:20] Oh, saved myself
[85:20 - 85:24] Hey, he is right, like, Fortnite does have a lot of different modes
[85:24 - 85:28] Hell, they even have a freaking zombie mode on here
[85:28 - 85:34] Which is super fun
[85:34 - 85:45] Alright, so which way am I going here, ow, duh
[85:45 - 86:12] Dude, I'm just getting my ass kicked right now
[86:12 - 86:34] Okay, how I manage that, I don't know
[86:34 - 86:44] Ow
[86:44 - 86:59] Oh, first shot
[86:59 - 87:24] Ow
[87:24 - 87:28] Honestly, dude, I love any kind of style of game, bro
[87:28 - 87:32] Like, I know that wasn't in to me, but dude, I love any kind of games, dude
[87:32 - 87:36] Whether it's racing, FTS, third person shooter, whatever
[87:36 - 87:40] Hell, even freaking strategy games, man
[87:40 - 87:50] Oh, I'm just getting my ass kicked right now
[87:50 - 88:19] Almost done
[88:19 - 88:40] Dude, I'm going to sit down at least 80 times right now
[88:40 - 88:47] I know, fuck it, we're just going to run and jump it
[88:47 - 89:10] Not like that, though
[89:10 - 89:15] Bro, I could easily make this jump without that thing
[89:15 - 89:44] Thanks
[89:44 - 89:52] Oh, God
[89:52 - 90:21] Oh, this is going to be tough
[90:21 - 90:36] Oh, got it
[90:36 - 90:40] Oh, damn, that was tough
[90:40 - 90:47] Oh, shit, man, that was, it's always those little tunnel drops with the freaking spikes they give me
[90:47 - 90:52] Everything else I can handle
[90:52 - 91:03] Yo, let's go, now I get to unlock some stuff from Battle Pass, boy, let's go
[91:03 - 91:12] Yeah, what's good
[91:12 - 91:33] Oh, I need 950, bro, I was selling before I begin one of those
[91:33 - 91:39] Alright, so all I need now is to hit level 90, which will be super easy
[91:39 - 91:59] Now, before we do that, I do want to introduce you guys to somebody on here that I think you guys will actually get a laugh out of
[91:59 - 92:28] I'm not going to play the whole thing, but I want to play a part of it
[92:28 - 92:39] Alright, so we're checking out the only game where you get born in a test tube on the moon
[92:39 - 92:47] We have to burger everyone around you in order to steal a spaceship so you can eventually get back to Earth before you turn 100 years old
[92:47 - 92:49] H-G-T-A
[92:49 - 92:54] I guess it was only a matter of time, someone legitimately remade the entire game for me
[92:54 - 93:01] Hold on real quick, the same grow as this year, mom, that must be my test tube baby facility
[93:01 - 93:08] So they remade everything, and I have to survive now 100 years on the moon
[93:08 - 93:13] Also, I'm really starting to be concerned because the animals on the moon apparently talk
[93:13 - 93:16] I appreciate that the bunnies are particularly vulgar
[93:16 - 93:20] I'm also kind of curious if every baby comes out of the spawner with this outfit
[93:20 - 93:24] It's also possible this is just my skin
[93:24 - 93:31] I was just told to start going forward and everything will kind of become clear about what I need to do
[93:31 - 93:37] Unstable taser prototype, can you reach this, you might need it
[93:37 - 93:44] Okay, I guess I just had to smash my head into the weapon
[93:44 - 93:47] Why is there enemy guards?
[93:47 - 93:52] Luckily I'm only two and a half feet tall, so hiding from this guy isn't really a big deal
[93:52 - 93:56] I didn't realize I was going to be fetus solid snake
[93:56 - 94:02] What I was saying is I just had to smash my head into the shelf close enough to the gun and I got it
[94:02 - 94:07] So describe to me exactly what makes this a prototype, yiddily-dee
[94:07 - 94:14] Oh my god, oh jesus, I'm one year old, don't do it
[94:14 - 94:21] This is legitimately the very first time that I had to beat one of these crazy creatures as an infant with an explosive stun gun
[94:21 - 94:25] It's not really a stun gun if it murders everyone
[94:25 - 94:32] It's still alive
[94:32 - 94:35] Did you just say GTA 5 is way better than what?
[94:35 - 94:41] Oh, no way Minecraft is, okay, so I guess they're having a debate about video games
[94:41 - 94:44] You know, when I gave them both brain aneurysms
[94:44 - 94:49] Yeah, it's tough to shoot at the person who's killing you when they're as tall as your kneecaps, isn't it?
[94:49 - 94:53] I love how, hold on, my child can't even really grab the gun
[94:53 - 94:58] Oh, these aren't even real people, I don't think they're real
[94:58 - 95:01] They have like Arizona iced tea caps in the back of their heads
[95:01 - 95:06] Okay, so the testing chambers, I love how I can just, I can just body this guy
[95:06 - 95:10] Hold on, hold on, here, here, here, hold on, keep this door open for me
[95:10 - 95:12] Just in case I need to escape
[95:12 - 95:14] There we go, this shoves a dead body
[95:14 - 95:16] I know you're laughing right now, if I agree
[95:16 - 95:17] Perfect, thank you
[95:17 - 95:20] I've been alive on the moon for about three minutes
[95:20 - 95:22] And look at what is behind me
[95:22 - 95:25] It is literally just a path of death
[95:25 - 95:27] Seems like a normal GSP video actually
[95:27 - 95:29] Into the test chambers
[95:29 - 95:31] I also think that the worst mistake anyone in this
[95:31 - 95:33] Oh, nevermind
[95:33 - 95:35] I was like a dude just chillin' on the other side of the door
[95:35 - 95:38] I was gonna say the worst mistake that anyone made inside this test chamber
[95:38 - 95:40] Is choosing to clone me
[95:40 - 95:44] Does anyone see what this letter says
[95:44 - 95:47] That's just sitting on top of this computer
[95:47 - 95:48] Thank you, GTA
[95:48 - 95:50] Terminator baby coming through
[95:50 - 95:52] No survivors
[95:52 - 95:54] Where are my real parents at?
[95:54 - 95:57] This guy over here is like, I don't know, how about now?
[95:57 - 95:59] Keanu Reeves infant
[95:59 - 96:02] Yeah, that's what happens, man
[96:02 - 96:06] That's what happened, it's just constant death
[96:06 - 96:08] What the hell, god help us
[96:08 - 96:10] Please no
[96:10 - 96:12] Is it a bomb at me, shit
[96:12 - 96:14] Wait a second, are they talking about me?
[96:14 - 96:16] Oh, I just realized
[96:16 - 96:19] I am standing inside of the blood pool
[96:19 - 96:22] Of the guard that's been trying to keep me at bay
[96:22 - 96:26] I just realized, I don't think it's me trying to survive on the moon
[96:26 - 96:29] I think it's everyone trying to survive me
[96:29 - 96:31] This is what all the security's for
[96:31 - 96:32] Hey
[96:32 - 96:35] Yo, you've been to the gaystillplace.store for the new summer launch
[96:35 - 96:37] What the hell is that?
[96:37 - 96:40] How about you? You've got some sweet ass hats
[96:40 - 96:42] He's probably like, what are your hats for?
[96:42 - 96:43] On the moon
[96:43 - 96:45] Well, to protect you against tasers
[96:45 - 96:49] I'm really hoping that those two guys were important to the plot
[96:49 - 96:51] Where's all your loot at?
[96:51 - 96:53] I'm trying to learn about my birth
[96:53 - 96:55] Since mom isn't around to feed me
[96:55 - 96:57] I guess I'll just drink this hydrogen peroxide
[96:57 - 96:59] Everywhere I go
[96:59 - 97:02] Murder is close behind
[97:02 - 97:05] Lockdown idiot, go back
[97:05 - 97:08] Go back where? Everything's dead
[97:08 - 97:10] How about this? Out of order
[97:10 - 97:12] As I'm like wandering around
[97:12 - 97:14] I can't help but
[97:14 - 97:15] Oh, this way
[97:15 - 97:17] Thanks for putting a giant red arrow there
[97:17 - 97:22] I was going to say, as I walk around I can't help but think just how much carnage I've caused
[97:22 - 97:25] Oh, that guy did hold the door open for me
[97:25 - 97:28] I'll give you one extra one for the road
[97:28 - 97:30] And yeet
[97:30 - 97:32] Luckily, there's a sink here so I can
[97:32 - 97:35] Brush the blood off of my onesie
[97:35 - 97:39] And badass mini boss guy
[97:39 - 97:40] Does he do anything?
[97:40 - 97:43] Oh!
[97:43 - 97:45] What the hell?
[97:45 - 97:47] What kind of sick bastard would shoot a baby?
[97:47 - 97:49] I mean, I am the murder baby, but still
[97:49 - 97:52] [screams]
[97:52 - 97:54] Give me your gun
[97:54 - 97:59] Please tell me I get this now
[98:00 - 98:02] [screams]
[98:02 - 98:04] [laughs]
[98:04 - 98:07] This gun is like two times the size of my child
[98:07 - 98:09] Seriously, I'm joking
[98:09 - 98:11] How come none of the elevators work?
[98:11 - 98:13] How come nothing here works?
[98:13 - 98:15] Babies can't climb stairs
[98:15 - 98:16] The hell they can't?
[98:16 - 98:17] Oh, I guess they actually can
[98:17 - 98:20] I love how the total immersion is that babies can't climb stairs
[98:20 - 98:22] But they can hold this
[98:22 - 98:24] Oh, okay, got it
[98:24 - 98:26] I don't remember killing all these people
[98:26 - 98:28] I feel like these guys were here before I got here
[98:28 - 98:30] Like, I didn't do this
[98:30 - 98:32] Does this like crawl in the vent?
[98:32 - 98:34] Nothing bad will happen?
[98:34 - 98:36] What?
[98:36 - 98:38] Alright, now you guys can not tell me that
[98:38 - 98:40] That shit was not funny as hell, dude
[98:40 - 98:43] You can not stand there and tell me that
[98:43 - 98:46] That shit was not fucking hilarious
[98:46 - 98:52] Alright, dude, imagine just freakin'
[98:52 - 98:55] Walking up and seeing that shit
[98:55 - 99:01] Like, dude
[99:01 - 99:08] By the way, I have something for you guys
[99:08 - 99:11] I know you guys are gonna freakin' laugh at
[99:11 - 99:17] Let's see, where is it at?
[99:24 - 99:28] Oh, by the way, for all the little trolls out there that want to run their mouths
[99:28 - 99:31] Here's my answer to you
[99:31 - 99:34] Darnley?
[99:34 - 99:35] Nope
[99:35 - 99:41] Oh, for real, dude, I'm with you too, man
[99:41 - 99:43] I'd be running away, I'm bad out of hell
[99:43 - 99:48] Let's get back
[99:49 - 99:51] Why's it funny 'cause I didn't
[99:51 - 99:58] Lately, I've been hearing rumors
[99:58 - 100:00] So what church got his ass kicked
[100:00 - 100:02] Why's it funny 'cause I didn't feel it
[100:02 - 100:04] And I ain't seen no video yet
[100:04 - 100:06] Sounds like somebody needs publicity
[100:06 - 100:08] I don't let these bitch boys get to me
[100:08 - 100:09] Do you know who I am?
[100:09 - 100:11] I'm Mr. Tennessee, who the fuck are you?
[100:11 - 100:13] I forgot Instagram, got a book, a big book
[100:13 - 100:14] A couple of books to my name
[100:14 - 100:30] I don't care about money 'cause it's back on my name
[100:30 - 100:34] Oh, and for anybody out there that wants to
[100:35 - 100:39] you know, question my legitimacy
[100:39 - 100:44] Well, let me show you just how legit I actually am
[100:44 - 100:52] I got props off of this guy, the motherfucking boss
[100:52 - 101:09] I have a bass for a little bit
[101:09 - 101:23] Oh, and stay connected with the blood like a mic jack
[101:23 - 101:26] Couple niggas strapping off the wall
[101:26 - 101:29] Pull a fuck across since she sucked up on my dick
[101:29 - 101:31] Niggas on the web pop up, slick, slick
[101:31 - 101:33] Let me in my click, let it fire like a fish
[101:33 - 101:34] BBS diamonds on my teeth like mic jack
[101:34 - 101:35] Always stay connected with the blood like a mic jack
[101:35 - 101:38] Couple niggas strapping off the web like Syrax
[101:38 - 101:41] I kill everything ironic 'cause none of my life is left
[101:41 - 101:44] All I do is make big wins like a tight fool
[101:44 - 101:48] Give my money to long, you're shorter than a haiku
[101:48 - 101:51] Always keep it 10 toes down like Raya
[101:51 - 101:55] If I don't like you, then I don't like you
[101:55 - 101:58] Your bitch said that's your make-up pussy nice fool
[101:58 - 102:01] But I see your tracks like rollercoaster tycoon
[102:01 - 102:05] Looked her in her face and said here's some advice, boo
[102:05 - 102:07] Don't do that, you embarrassing yourself
[102:07 - 102:09] Get it together
[102:09 - 102:15] Thank you, man, that's got 90k+ views, bro
[102:15 - 102:19] And I've got mad respect up at this guy right here
[102:19 - 102:23] You don't know six seconds?
[102:23 - 102:26] Okay, let me introduce you to six, bro
[102:26 - 102:30] Hold up, let me introduce you to six seconds right quick, man
[102:35 - 102:37] Let me introduce you
[102:37 - 102:53] Oh, no
[102:53 - 102:55] Where's it at?
[102:55 - 102:58] You know, let's do this right here. This one's one of my favorites
[102:58 - 103:00] Felt like pop-up and juice
[103:00 - 103:03] And it made niggas watch while I'm speaking
[103:03 - 103:06] Then I made a couple moves
[103:06 - 103:09] Now I'm feared like Gammon to the season
[103:09 - 103:12] I'm feared like Rico and Baden 4
[103:12 - 103:16] Niggas get shot every day, beep, and I'm moving coke
[103:16 - 103:18] 'Bout to take form into the deep
[103:18 - 103:21] I'm the caller, you 'bout to hate me
[103:21 - 103:24] This is the moment I always been waiting for
[103:24 - 103:27] I'm putting an end to all of the niggas you managed to say before
[103:27 - 103:30] I woke up to God, and say I love your forgiveness
[103:30 - 103:33] 'Cause once I've been killing these niggas, I swear anyone will forgive this
[103:33 - 103:35] I've been sitting and watching all of these artists
[103:35 - 103:37] Because of my irritation, I've got a patient
[103:37 - 103:39] Now while they stop in the future's for doing their imitations
[103:39 - 103:42] What? Bitch, I'm next to the party, I get the fuck out of my irritation
[103:42 - 103:44] Don't wanna die behind these bars, they saw me in statements
[103:44 - 103:46] You gon' find out the better flow, got a magazine
[103:46 - 103:48] A niggas set up old, pulling yards, slippin' drives
[103:48 - 103:50] Some of y'all niggas got me feeling like they took it all, friskin'
[103:50 - 103:52] Jericho, friskin', put the bars down, all your accolades
[103:52 - 103:54] Take 'em all down, break 'em's off
[103:54 - 103:57] Why you let it rain cells on while I'm down, blood, blood
[103:57 - 103:59] It's like I'm findin' in the heat of the puncture
[103:59 - 104:01] Just surrounded by the gang, cookin' niggas deep in summer
[104:01 - 104:03] Should we let the walls stall up, I'm a whole different breed
[104:03 - 104:05] Old and kool-aid, rollin' with a pole in my seat
[104:05 - 104:07] You mind, man, you just him, frisked, stylin'
[104:07 - 104:10] Little niggas, you my daughters
[104:10 - 104:13] Anybody try to hook me, gettin' fished out of the water
[104:13 - 104:15] Who? Harder, I'm the coldest of composers
[104:15 - 104:17] With the schemes chillin' in the blizzard
[104:17 - 104:20] I am big, tovin' on the geezer
[104:20 - 104:22] I am Michelangelo in stone
[104:22 - 104:23] I am Tyson in the ring
[104:23 - 104:25] So progressive, what the flow, man?
[104:25 - 104:26] I hope you have a choice
[104:26 - 104:28] And you know boys, spot you at your job
[104:28 - 104:31] For tryin' to box with me, you'll be boxin' with God
[104:31 - 104:33] Stay fireballs, I do, can't get you up
[104:33 - 104:35] I'm sorry, you can't ask the niggas, get it all
[104:35 - 104:37] You can't get comin' right, all you can
[104:37 - 104:39] Don't move, reload, they say this bet's just a problem
[104:39 - 104:41] When they pop pops, they listen
[104:41 - 104:43] You don't fuck that, like you done fell along with a dime
[104:43 - 104:45] Rewind when it's findin' a chord, you don't die
[104:45 - 104:46] Then you get your back stitched
[104:46 - 104:49] I'm like the niggas, you assumein' that I am walkin' runnin' like a jackpot
[104:49 - 104:51] Obviously you miss the outfit, said Maya and the god
[104:51 - 104:53] Gizin' like a fly, takin' those to be a two-pole
[104:53 - 104:55] After havin' lookin' chillin' with his eyes, pull a dance
[104:55 - 104:57] With the bangin' by my side, plus a clap of that
[104:57 - 104:58] I'm body but a slide, now I'm back
[104:58 - 104:59] And you're 'bout to feel the rain that came in
[104:59 - 105:01] You can get it by the line, I know it's fucked
[105:01 - 105:02] They been dinnin' up a tear
[105:02 - 105:03] If nobody sayin' I ain't been the average
[105:03 - 105:05] For the cabbage, put a knife in your forehead
[105:05 - 105:06] 'Till you understand it
[105:06 - 105:08] Fell in my cauldron, from the top in my stomach
[105:08 - 105:10] A rumblin', now my pocket's fat
[105:10 - 105:12] Had my wallet, got a double chin
[105:12 - 105:14] Humble him, fuck you all off your distaste
[105:14 - 105:16] Gable, hold the trigger, let it burn like
[105:16 - 105:18] Also at the table
[105:18 - 105:21] So when you are dead, I'm in another tear
[105:21 - 105:22] Never will you see me drop another tear
[105:22 - 105:23] Never will you see me shove another fear
[105:23 - 105:24] I'm a little nigga running my parade
[105:24 - 105:25] But I'm taking mirrors right into the dirt
[105:25 - 105:27] Hissing all you niggas right into the dirt
[105:27 - 105:28] I don't give a fuck what you niggas worth
[105:28 - 105:30] Fully loaded, then I'm giving you this work
[105:30 - 105:33] Beloved, I better call this motherfucker 'round my city
[105:33 - 105:36] I love it, 'cause ain't another nigga really fucking with me
[105:36 - 105:39] Oh, you think that's dope, man?
[105:39 - 105:41] Wait 'til you see this shit, man
[105:41 - 105:45] I promise you, man, you are going to fuck with this heart
[105:47 - 105:50] Let's see, which one do I want to do?
[105:50 - 106:02] Let it see
[106:02 - 106:05] Come on
[106:05 - 106:11] Damn, I didn't know I'd do that one, that sucks
[106:11 - 106:14] Fuck, I really wanted to do that one, you know what?
[106:14 - 106:16] Fuck
[106:16 - 106:28] The Supreme Court has voted to overturn
[106:28 - 106:32] Oh, come on, man, just give me my shit
[106:32 - 106:39] Yeah, check out this one called Drummers here, man
[106:39 - 106:41] I know y'all fuck with this
[106:42 - 106:44] Yeah, one, one, brother
[106:44 - 106:50] Look, for those in attendance, I am the guard
[106:50 - 106:53] Fly, nigga, giving more wood than a lumber yard
[106:53 - 106:55] Yeah, the monster residing inside the bar
[106:55 - 106:58] But you see it, what you get, there's no reason for a facade
[106:58 - 107:01] I host with the mostest, said he's acting my hostess
[107:01 - 107:03] Send a y'all a message like U.S. Postage
[107:03 - 107:05] Everybody rap, now I'm retiring
[107:05 - 107:07] Y'all homies, every time I open my mouth
[107:07 - 107:09] It's fire, oh, Lord, you see
[107:09 - 107:11] I'm the best and one, like I saw
[107:11 - 107:14] Us, you natural, with squares like mahjong
[107:14 - 107:16] Walked up, leave everything on your black tongue
[107:16 - 107:19] Get your head bust, stop, lookin' like popcorn
[107:19 - 107:21] What's comin' after that dash is not calm
[107:21 - 107:24] You gon' hear that passion replayed like a rap song
[107:24 - 107:26] I don't sleep, I do nylon
[107:26 - 107:28] I put in work, when you see me pullin' strings
[107:28 - 107:30] It is nylon, hold it for weight
[107:30 - 107:33] If I trip, I call up, want the presence of the best
[107:33 - 107:35] I'm the one to call, y'all, me and my dogs kill 'em all
[107:35 - 107:38] And they can't maul us, such well, I'm mine, all of mine
[107:38 - 107:40] Fuck you, y'all, I love you
[107:40 - 107:42] Yeah, I'm in the biz of entertainment, nigga
[107:42 - 107:44] But I ain't into entertainment, nigga
[107:44 - 107:46] I'm quick to put a leash around a bitch
[107:46 - 107:47] That ever tried to tame a nigga
[107:47 - 107:48] You're gettin' bored in a squad
[107:48 - 107:50] With a secret out the chamber, nigga
[107:50 - 107:52] I been gone, you been craving the wine, huh
[107:52 - 107:55] Now I'm smacking, it looks like you savorin' a flavor
[107:55 - 107:57] I'm back, bitch, in my bag
[107:57 - 107:58] Don't get your bags, since I'm back, bitch
[107:58 - 108:00] Holding a stick like I'm bad, back, bitch
[108:00 - 108:02] Gucci baggage, they know I'm cookin' in the streets
[108:02 - 108:05] Jiggin' on you for so long, my foot fell asleep
[108:05 - 108:08] Yeah, the arms longed, fill up, come from deep bully
[108:08 - 108:10] And you heard, there's your shoes shut from your feet
[108:10 - 108:12] I don't fuck with you, niggas
[108:12 - 108:14] I'm here taking my prop and hold you upside down
[108:14 - 108:16] Shaking chains through your pocket, loose-lippin'
[108:16 - 108:18] You see it through the jeans, when I tuck it
[108:18 - 108:20] I need a diet, 'cause if it's for the chicken
[108:20 - 108:22] I'ma fuck it, I got ninety-nine problems
[108:22 - 108:24] All over my bitches, since I can't remember names
[108:24 - 108:26] And it gets my eyes twitchin'
[108:26 - 108:28] Damn, hard trying to be my missus
[108:28 - 108:31] Ain't even shooting this shot, see it all I'm giving a missus
[108:31 - 108:34] The liver in the world, who the type to, yeah
[108:34 - 108:37] And you 'bout to see an L, I'm a knight to, yeah
[108:37 - 108:39] See, I'm not the type you do, the type to
[108:39 - 108:42] You sweet and I'm testing, you know you look in sight to
[108:42 - 108:44] My shit different, so they thinking it's foreign
[108:44 - 108:48] So I'm seeking a foreign, that I'm keeping the foreign, yeah
[108:48 - 108:51] Oh, for real, he definitely does, man, for real
[108:51 - 108:54] Just to see you so dogged, pickin' shoes, how you movin' out, yeah
[108:54 - 108:57] Take medieval armor, it's how you can suit it for your body
[108:57 - 109:00] If you got a rollie, I'm taking what's on your arm, bro
[109:00 - 109:03] Want you to stab for the watch like Jon Snow, New York
[109:03 - 109:05] I'll make a sauce, steal a Grammy, see, yeah
[109:05 - 109:07] Are you there and let your Grammy see, yeah
[109:07 - 109:10] I told my mommy that I'm sorry, I'll be living out of fantasy
[109:10 - 109:13] To blow up and I lock 'em up, all of my Grammy speech
[109:13 - 109:15] I suggest you keep your fools in your place
[109:15 - 109:18] Get Snapchat, get a go-to, what I do to your face
[109:18 - 109:20] Rock the Aki, I turn your block into Nagasaki
[109:20 - 109:23] Put all my kabasaki, you copy your kamikaze
[109:23 - 109:26] I'm cocky, I'm fly, it's rocky, rollin' I'm back to rocky
[109:26 - 109:28] Hello, Freedia, writing it sloppy toppy
[109:28 - 109:31] Ice in the bro, got these bitches tryin' to pay time to lock
[109:31 - 109:34] He dick like it's dialing and you really tryna be a jockey
[109:34 - 109:36] You niggas talkin' some food, I bring a Glock to your soul
[109:36 - 109:39] You can see your jeans to a bitch, all that Apogee froze
[109:39 - 109:42] Nobody puttin' hands on me, I burnt my back to my fuse
[109:42 - 109:45] I got a bit of a temper and I'm allowed to defuse, yeah
[109:45 - 109:47] So I got you in your feelings when I fuck it
[109:47 - 109:49] You'll catch it like water leakin' from the ceiling
[109:49 - 109:52] Don't be stupid, I put the thing I'm holdin' to your ribs
[109:52 - 109:54] When you're last bein', I find the road is walkin' in your fridge
[109:54 - 109:57] Homeless, stayin' warm, I fire in the hands
[109:57 - 109:59] You don't crack through the pressure while you fly into your pants
[109:59 - 110:02] Know that I'm in the go, so it's silence on the lambs
[110:02 - 110:05] But for the villain you bitches, this is silence in the lambs
[110:05 - 110:07] You put your fear in my heart when I ain't scared enough
[110:07 - 110:10] Arm behind his head like sub-zero, swearin' up
[110:10 - 110:12] I ain't hiding shit, I respond to all questions
[110:12 - 110:15] Even when I look lazy, I'm watchin' all directions
[110:15 - 110:17] You'll lean when I snap like I'm makin' a new dance
[110:17 - 110:20] Shopin' for a problem, put this shit in the new pants
[110:20 - 110:23] When I pull up, I ain't step-steppin' in the super fam
[110:23 - 110:25] Arms start wavin' like a flamable suit man
[110:25 - 110:28] Punches through, bulletproof glass with my two hands
[110:28 - 110:30] Different type of nigga, all I'm seein' is new fans
[110:30 - 110:33] Now I'm a body pussy puttin' breaks to my new plans
[110:33 - 110:35] I'm a young TV, I'm receivin' a moon man
[110:35 - 110:38] By the deal fraud, I will remember my friends
[110:38 - 110:40] All my circles gettin' severed, they'll be left at the ends
[110:40 - 110:43] What, I pass my girl ratchet, we can settle it then
[110:43 - 110:45] Start dumpin' like maybe we were better as friends
[110:45 - 110:48] My girl sweet, but I told her, "Keep a burnin' by, y'all."
[110:48 - 110:51] In case shit get hot as ever, so know when we ride
[110:51 - 110:53] All black, ready for you, I'll be lurkin' at your side
[110:53 - 110:56] Somethin' shot, watch you curl like you workin' on your eyes
[110:56 - 110:59] Lookin' killer in his eyes, he no need to rub his eyes
[110:59 - 111:01] Tucks made of tape, you'll be suited to the side
[111:01 - 111:04] Poppin' flies, and I really put you niggas in the sides
[111:04 - 111:06] Ask God, I'm the car, the industry to redesign
[111:06 - 111:09] Niggas love to talk big, so they been pursuing
[111:09 - 111:11] Motherfuckin' sleep on me, so they been pursuing
[111:11 - 111:14] Mask on, I'm the illest nigga rapping his ass off
[111:14 - 111:18] Put your future to a hold, then I'm takin' the mask off on fire
[111:18 - 111:25] Anything that's dope, check this shit out
[111:25 - 111:29] All this for a guy that thought that church was white trash
[111:29 - 111:31] I got somethin' bigger ass, dawg
[111:31 - 111:37] Let's see
[111:37 - 111:41] Where's that freestyle at?
[111:41 - 112:04] (ticking)
[112:04 - 112:06] Here we go
[112:06 - 112:17] (ticking)
[112:17 - 112:20] Shot's a crease while, man, for real
[112:20 - 113:45] (ticking)
[113:45 - 113:47] Yo, the church is my doom, man, I'm pumped
[113:47 - 115:02] (ticking)
[115:02 - 115:04] Ah, damn
[115:04 - 115:12] (ticking)
[115:12 - 115:15] Like, dude, for all those questions,
[115:15 - 115:19] this man's legitimacy, how many bugs do y'all know
[115:19 - 115:23] that have a fucking track with young bucks, dude?
[115:23 - 115:27] A fucking legend in the rap game right there.
[115:27 - 115:29] Hey, y'all can read.
[115:29 - 115:31] Ryan O Church, young bucks.
[115:31 - 115:46] (rapping)
[115:46 - 115:49] Hold on, hold on, now that ain't even it, Crollo.
[115:49 - 115:53] See, the thing is, I hold high respect for church.
[115:53 - 115:56] I hold high regard for our church, man.
[115:56 - 115:59] I don't want to be him at all.
[115:59 - 116:01] The dude does his own thing.
[116:01 - 116:03] But I do hold high regard for him
[116:03 - 116:05] because unlike a lot of these other rappers,
[116:05 - 116:09] he actually is about what he talks about.
[116:09 - 116:11] Like, when this dude talks about freedom
[116:11 - 116:13] being from the fucking backwoods,
[116:13 - 116:18] this motherfucker is from the backwoods.
[116:18 - 116:25] Like, this dude is a straight-up country-ass fucking redneck.
[116:25 - 116:27] I mean, hell, how many motherfucking artists
[116:27 - 116:31] do you know that do shit like this for their fans?
[116:31 - 116:33] What are you doing, plugging?
[116:33 - 116:37] Right before I left for work, I had to Rambo back.
[116:37 - 116:41] (rapping)
[116:41 - 116:43] I promised you guys that I would get your names clear,
[116:43 - 116:46] rap, so they'd never come off, and I did.
[116:46 - 116:48] It took a lot of experimenting and stuff
[116:48 - 116:50] for the people to get it done because, you know,
[116:50 - 116:53] on raps you got to put alcohol and water.
[116:53 - 116:55] That would have washed off the Sharpie and stuff, so...
[116:55 - 116:57] Yeah, that's what you think.
[116:57 - 116:59] And they did it, and it looks badass,
[116:59 - 117:01] and I just wanted to show you guys before I get to work.
[117:01 - 117:04] So, here you go, Skins.
[117:04 - 117:06] You're stuck in the Lambo forever.
[117:06 - 117:14] (rapping)
[117:14 - 117:17] How many artists do you know do that shit, man?
[117:17 - 117:31] (rapping)
[117:31 - 117:33] Are y'all kids know that shit ain't badass?
[117:33 - 117:42] (rapping)
[117:42 - 117:44] Hell, yeah.
[117:44 - 117:47] I'm gonna get a little Tennessee flag right here,
[117:47 - 117:48] and a little Confederate flag over here.
[117:48 - 117:50] Foggy.
[117:50 - 117:52] Skip Bergeny.
[117:52 - 117:54] And one last thing, thanks to everybody who had a hand
[117:54 - 117:56] in making this happen for me.
[117:56 - 117:57] Here's their contacts.
[117:57 - 117:59] If you guys need any custom car stuff done,
[117:59 - 118:02] and I'll see y'all in the next video.
[118:02 - 118:04] Like, for real, Crow?
[118:04 - 118:07] Well, you don't realize I am from the backwoods, dude.
[118:07 - 118:10] You forget, I was raised out on a fucking catapult
[118:10 - 118:13] around the middle of nowhere back in Bellingham,
[118:13 - 118:15] Washington State, for most of my life, girl.
[118:15 - 118:17] So, I'm used to the country.
[118:17 - 118:18] I would love to.
[118:18 - 118:21] Honestly, bro, I would rather be out in the country
[118:21 - 118:24] than in the fucking city any goddamn day.
[118:24 - 118:27] Going down to the lake is the closest fucking thing I got
[118:27 - 118:31] to being out in the country.
[118:31 - 118:35] It don't matter whether it's south or not,
[118:35 - 118:39] country is fucking country, you fucking idiot.
[118:39 - 118:47] Like, for real, the country is the fucking country.
[118:47 - 118:50] It don't matter where you're fucking from.
[118:50 - 118:53] It don't matter whether you're from the north or the south.
[118:53 - 119:03] The country is the fucking country.
[119:03 - 119:07] Matter of fact, shout to the Moonshine Bandits on this one, dog.
[119:07 - 119:15] That's the one, dog.
[119:15 - 119:32] This is all my country folks out there, man.
[119:32 - 119:35] Whatever.
[119:35 - 119:38] Oh, and you've seen the frigate crawl.
[119:38 - 119:40] I lived in the south before, all right?
[119:40 - 119:45] I lived down in the fucking backwoods of Florida for about 10 years, all right?
[119:45 - 119:47] Some are used to the country.
[119:47 - 119:50] So, you can't sit there and say that I ain't got family from the south
[119:50 - 119:53] because I do got family from the south, man.
[119:53 - 119:56] Two of my fucking cousins and my aunt are from the goddamn south,
[119:56 - 119:58] and I used to rock them with them,
[119:58 - 120:01] and I used to live with them for about 10 years.
[120:01 - 120:04] So, I earned my strives as a country, boy, you fucking idiot.
[120:04 - 120:10] So, say what you want, bitch.
[120:10 - 120:39] It's all country, so hop in your ride and get back to the country.
[120:39 - 120:51] Bitch, I bet you ain't know how to skin a buck.
[120:51 - 120:54] Hold on, let me tell you something right quick, cool, huh?
[120:54 - 120:56] I'll bet you one minute, sir.
[120:56 - 120:59] I'll bet your damn ass couldn't even skin a goddamn buck
[120:59 - 121:01] even if you fucking tried.
[121:01 - 121:04] You'd probably have to have your fucking boyfriend or whoever fucking do it.
[121:04 - 121:07] And even then, that pussy ass probably couldn't fucking do it.
[121:07 - 121:09] You'd probably have to have my ass come over there
[121:09 - 121:13] and skin that motherfucker over you.
[121:14 - 121:16] This goes where it's come to south, country.
[121:16 - 121:19] During the south, nigga, where it is, it's all country.
[121:19 - 121:21] See, they go well back into the country.
[121:21 - 121:24] We're all country.
[121:24 - 121:27] From the first breath of life, we're all country.
[121:27 - 121:30] Until the day that we die, we're all country.
[121:30 - 121:33] So, hop in your ride and get back to the country.
[121:33 - 121:35] Say, it's back to the country.
[121:35 - 121:37] All the better times have developed,
[121:37 - 121:40] and with hopes through my veins as I spoke in the mud
[121:40 - 121:42] through 50 different states.
[121:42 - 121:44] People sort of say, just different faces,
[121:44 - 121:46] the sky's little bit of flame.
[121:46 - 121:49] This'll be big, just 'cause country rap ain't down.
[121:49 - 121:51] All these barbed artists riding in my lane,
[121:51 - 121:54] they'll see me on the YouTube or millions of views
[121:54 - 121:57] so they think that they can do everything that we do.
[121:57 - 122:00] I've been certified, certified, spent since 1999.
[122:00 - 122:03] Homicide put the rounds back as I look at life.
[122:03 - 122:06] All my kids, all kids, all time to shine.
[122:06 - 122:09] American now, law since birth, we ride.
[122:09 - 122:12] East coast, west coast, it's all country.
[122:12 - 122:14] dirty south, midwest, it's all country.
[122:14 - 122:17] We can see the good world back into the country.
[122:17 - 122:20] We're all country.
[122:20 - 122:23] From the first breath of life, we're all country.
[122:23 - 122:26] Until the day that we die, we're all country.
[122:26 - 122:29] So, hop in your ride and get back to the country.
[122:29 - 122:31] Back to the country.
[122:31 - 122:33] I'm from Jersey, for the years and years,
[122:33 - 122:35] I've heard in cattle to become country.
[122:35 - 122:38] Raised on a very long, very armed, and dangerous,
[122:38 - 122:40] so let's carry on, no matter where you are.
[122:40 - 122:42] You can carry the country's odds.
[122:42 - 122:45] Countries are never gotten in another state.
[122:45 - 122:48] Just a country girl with a book, arms, tailgate.
[122:48 - 122:51] Windows down there, my brother into a straight line,
[122:51 - 122:53] jacked up in a truck that don't count.
[122:53 - 122:56] Hey, there's a back road in every section.
[122:56 - 122:59] Go get me a crib with those hillbillies.
[122:59 - 123:02] You don't need a last soul to live this.
[123:02 - 123:05] Now tell me, do y'all feel me?
[123:05 - 123:08] East coast, west coast, it's all country.
[123:08 - 123:11] Dirty south, midwest, it's all country.
[123:11 - 123:14] We're the city of your world, back into the country.
[123:14 - 123:17] We're all country.
[123:17 - 123:20] From the first breath of life, we're all country.
[123:20 - 123:23] Until the day that we die, we're all country.
[123:23 - 123:26] So, hop in your ride and get back to the country.
[123:26 - 123:28] Back to the country.
[123:28 - 123:30] Look at them, look at them.
[123:30 - 123:32] Look at us, look at them.
[123:32 - 123:34] Everybody down in those right little trucks.
[123:34 - 123:36] I'll save ya with the country flavor.
[123:36 - 123:38] Rock with Cali in this duty from Jersey.
[123:38 - 123:39] You heard me?
[123:39 - 123:40] We got the kind of brand.
[123:40 - 123:42] It's like a family tradition.
[123:42 - 123:43] What you been missing?
[123:43 - 123:45] We're giving, 'cause country's living.
[123:45 - 123:46] I'm so hot with it.
[123:46 - 123:48] With a little mural, a lot of weight on it.
[123:48 - 123:50] Awesome, there ain't no way to stop 'em.
[123:50 - 123:52] I'm like a super man.
[123:52 - 123:54] Got girls for super fans, riding a super booty.
[123:54 - 123:56] My girls for super booty.
[123:56 - 123:59] I'm just a red nigga, trying to catch a paycheck.
[123:59 - 124:01] And I'm footballing, call a holly if you heard that.
[124:01 - 124:03] Peace.
[124:03 - 124:09] Oh, and Cruella, if I was in country,
[124:09 - 124:13] then why the fuck did I grow up on motherfuckers like this?
[124:13 - 124:18] Why did I grow up on shit like this right here?
[124:18 - 124:22] What?
[124:22 - 124:24] Come on, fucker.
[124:28 - 124:32] This is the kind of shit that I grew up on right here.
[124:32 - 124:33] Hold up.
[124:33 - 124:35] This is the kind of shit that I grew up on right here.
[124:35 - 124:36] Hold up.
[124:36 - 124:41] This is the kind of shit that I grew up on right here.
[124:41 - 124:42] Hold up.
[124:42 - 126:17] This is the kind of shit that I grew up on right here.
[126:17 - 126:31] [MUSIC]
[126:31 - 126:33] So, like I said, Corolla,
[126:33 - 126:36] I don't want to hear your fucking mouth about me being,
[126:36 - 126:39] about me not being country.
[126:39 - 126:42] Alright, like I said, I am from the country.
[126:42 - 126:44] And like that dude said in the fucking song,
[126:44 - 126:46] it don't matter what state you're from,
[126:46 - 126:49] it don't matter what fucking state you represent,
[126:49 - 126:53] there's some form of country somewhere in every single state.
[126:53 - 126:55] Whether it's from fucking Tennessee,
[126:55 - 126:57] or whether it's from here in Ohio,
[126:57 - 126:59] or even down south of Florida,
[126:59 - 127:02] or even back home in Bellingham.
[127:02 - 127:07] So I don't want to fucking hear your goddamn mouth, Corolla.
[127:07 - 127:10] Alright, I was raised on old school country.
[127:10 - 127:13] I was raised on the old shit like Johnny Cash,
[127:13 - 127:15] Hank Williams Jr.,
[127:15 - 127:20] Reba MacIntyre.
[127:20 - 127:26] I was raised on people like Dolly Parton.
[127:26 - 127:32] I was raised on the old shit.
[127:32 - 127:40] I was raised on guys like Johnny Cash.
[127:40 - 127:43] So I don't want to hear you fucking running your goddamn mouth
[127:43 - 127:47] saying that I ain't this and I ain't that.
[127:47 - 127:51] Because like I said, Corolla, you don't know me or my family.
[127:51 - 127:55] So what rank you at running your fucking mouth?
[127:55 - 127:57] Like I said, your dumb girly ass probably
[127:57 - 127:59] couldn't even skin a goddamn buck on a Sunday,
[127:59 - 128:02] even if you wanted to.
[128:02 - 128:04] You'd probably have to call my ass up there
[128:04 - 128:12] to come up and fucking skin it for you.
[128:12 - 128:32] Like for real, dude.
[128:32 - 128:34] So I got sick, Corolla.
[128:34 - 128:36] I don't want to hear you running your mouth about me
[128:36 - 128:39] because like I said, I am from the country.
[128:39 - 128:41] Like it or not.
[128:41 - 128:43] Think what you want.
[128:43 - 128:44] Like that dude said,
[128:44 - 128:46] it don't matter whether you're from the fucking south,
[128:46 - 128:48] it don't matter whether you're from the north,
[128:48 - 128:50] it don't matter whether you're east coast, west coast,
[128:50 - 128:55] there's country all over this fucking place.
[128:55 - 128:58] And I just happen to be one of them.
[128:58 - 128:59] There it is, young man.
[128:59 - 129:01] I hope you guys did enjoy this, man.
[129:01 - 129:03] I'm about to sit down and chill out for a bit.
[129:03 - 129:06] Probably work on some new songs.
[129:06 - 129:09] And who knows, I may or may not pop out a country song.
[129:09 - 129:11] Who knows?
[129:11 - 129:13] But, with that being said, y'all,
[129:13 - 129:14] I'm fucking with you guys.
[129:14 - 129:17] Be ready for my next song, dropping here real soon.
[129:17 - 129:19] Hopefully you guys enjoyed the latest one that I dropped.
[129:19 - 129:21] I had a lot of fun doing it.
[129:21 - 129:23] And I definitely had a lot of fun hanging out
[129:23 - 129:24] with you guys on here, man.
[129:24 - 129:26] It was a lot of fun, dude.
[129:26 - 129:27] Definitely enjoyed it.
[129:27 - 129:29] So with that being said, y'all, I'm fucking with you guys.
[129:29 - 129:31] I'll catch y'all later, man.
[129:31 - 129:34] Say almost stay positive and fuck the trolls, man.
[129:34 - 129:35] I love you guys, man.
[129:35 - 129:36] I'm out.
[129:36 - 129:38] Peace.