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2021-6-26 WELCOME  TO THE CHANNEL (WAR Studio Films)

2021-6-26 WELCOME TO THE CHANNEL (WAR Studio Films)

[0:00 - 0:15] War Studios Hey everyone, welcome to War Studios. My name is Chance and you guys will know this
[0:15 - 0:22] challenge about what I explained. War Studios was actually founded by myself in honor of
[0:22 - 0:32] my brother William who passed away from lung cancer back in 2015. A lot of the films on
[0:32 - 0:41] this channel are largely based around real events that I've dealt with in my life. A
[0:41 - 0:47] lot of the footage in the films that you're going to see on this channel are actually
[0:47 - 0:55] very real things that I've dealt with on YouTube as a YouTuber with bullying, suicide
[0:55 - 1:06] depression and what not. I do hope that you enjoy these videos and my mission for this
[1:06 - 1:16] channel link the description says is to promote anti-suicide and to promote anti-bullying
[1:16 - 1:24] because I want to show people the dark side of YouTube that no one gets to really see
[1:24 - 1:34] that no one really pays attention to. So I figure why not bring that to light by showing
[1:34 - 1:41] you guys and sharing with you some of the events that I've gone through and showing
[1:41 - 1:48] you guys some of the very real things that carries on from YouTube and carries outside
[1:48 - 1:56] of YouTube onto other social media platforms and other websites. If you do like the videos
[1:56 - 2:01] on this channel please be sure to give it a thumbs up because I will greatly help this
[2:01 - 2:10] channel a lot. And please by all means feel free to share these films with everyone that
[2:10 - 2:18] you know. Let's get the word out there and let's stop this bullying man. Let's stop
[2:18 - 2:25] all this negativity that's going on on YouTube with these trolls. Thank you guys so much
[2:25 - 2:34] for watching. I'm your host Chans and I hope you guys enjoy this. I hope you guys enjoy
[2:34 - 2:36] this channel. Peace.
[2:36 - 2:38] 1
2021-4-19 Taking a Much needed Break

2021-4-19 Taking a Much needed Break

[0:00 - 0:22] (beep)
[0:22 - 0:23] So here it goes.
[0:23 - 0:24] What's up you guys?
[0:24 - 0:26] A line of opera themed soaps.
[0:29 - 0:33] I don't know if you guys just seen the live stream or not that I was on with Kate.
[0:33 - 0:42] I don't, I don't know if you guys shit or what.
[0:42 - 0:48] But the minute that Kate gets in here, her ass is blocked.
[0:48 - 0:56] The minute Kate's in here man, let me fucking know cause I'm blocking her ass.
[0:58 - 1:03] Let me tell you right now Kate, you're a fucking slut.
[1:03 - 1:16] For real, you said there, say you want to be with me, I get with you and then what do you do?
[1:16 - 1:27] You embarrassed me in front of a couple thousand people on motherfucking panel and basically dropped me for music faggot ass bitch Marty.
[1:28 - 1:30] Like what the fuck bitch?
[1:30 - 1:37] Like I'm not good enough for you, me being real with you and honest and open with you isn't good enough for you?
[1:37 - 1:42] No, no, that's not good enough for you?
[1:42 - 1:45] Well here's my answer to you bitch.
[1:47 - 1:57] This is a lesson learned. This is a lesson learned. You women been with somebody that never loves you back.
[1:57 - 2:02] You ever wanted somebody that never wants you back? Now as soon as they leave them, it's like they want you back.
[2:02 - 2:06] Yo I ain't dealing with this shit, I'm having enough of that. I ain't dealing with this shit.
[2:06 - 2:11] You don't deal with mine, yo where the fuck is the contract, I'm about to sign.
[2:12 - 2:16] I'm gonna try to talk you like a fucking mind. See you miss your life.
[2:16 - 2:23] I was told with this, you put the stardust up and love me this. I love the contract, you in the stomach bitch, what the fuck you talk with this?
[2:23 - 2:29] I'll do the fucking this, you wanna be a fucking slut, you just talk you dick, you fucking ace.
[2:29 - 2:36] I'll grab the miscarriage on the fucking neck, just feel my brain. Don't you feel my pain? Don't you feel my pain?
[2:37 - 2:45] You gon' get us and get out my face. You really told me we were meant to be. You said that you would never leave, you would never cheat.
[2:45 - 2:50] That's the fucking life. How you gonna tell him that you ain't messin' with another guy?
[2:50 - 3:01] I wanna see you again, bro. This is a lesson learned. I'm gonna love you again, bro. This is a lesson learned.
[3:02 - 3:12] I'm gonna live with you again, bro. This is a lesson learned. I'm gonna love you again, bro. This is a lesson learned.
[3:12 - 3:18] You're the compassion, I'm the meaning of the make. I never treated you the best, I never treated you great.
[3:18 - 3:23] I was in the best of perfect, I'm a pain overweight, and not the best that I can tell this, yeah, I made no mistake.
[3:24 - 3:32] I'm a morsel, it's down for you. It's in the ground for you. If you came, you're my queen, I was down for you. This is how I'm fucking, I'm pain, I'm fucking drowned for you.
[3:32 - 3:40] I put a gun in my hand and I'm pulling down for you. You told me when we first met, I gave you everything I had to do was work there.
[3:40 - 3:46] You said more than me ain't my beauty, you said I'm worth it. Now that's what I said when you cheated on me, I'm worthless.
[3:47 - 3:54] This is the way I go, this is even after four years, you decided to go. I should've listened once I said you'd not have brought you home.
[3:54 - 3:57] I guess too late, I'm on the side of the road, let's learn.
[3:57 - 4:08] I don't wanna see you again, bro. This is a lesson learned. I don't ever love you again, bro. This is a lesson learned.
[4:08 - 4:16] I don't wanna deal with you again, bro. This is a lesson learned. I don't ever trust you again, bro.
[4:16 - 4:20] This is a lesson learned.
[4:20 - 4:24] And don't worry, I got more for your ass.
[4:24 - 4:51] Find a slight at a great price with no changes in the book now.
[4:52 - 4:58] It's about my good friend, Matt, AKA DLB, also known as Social Guard.
[4:58 - 5:10] What I'm saying right now, man, I'm sick of being played for a fucking fool every time.
[5:10 - 5:17] You know, I should've listened once he was setting out to trust you. I should've fucking listened.
[5:17 - 5:19] I should've listened.
[5:20 - 6:12] What I'm saying right now, man, I'm sick of being played for a fucking fool every time.
[6:12 - 6:35] Turn the lights off and let me go (x3)
[6:35 - 6:58] What I'm saying right now, man, I'm sick of being played for a fucking fool every time.
[6:59 - 7:06] I fucking made you who you are when you changed mine. You cut your sense from one nonsense, so here's a few cents for your time.
[7:06 - 7:12] And you get the rest of the spend alone. You can have any more. You can get down through the sending of your requests.
[7:12 - 7:15] It ain't fine if you get it, get it dead. I'll just talk to you in the mirror.
[7:15 - 7:21] All of a sudden, this time I'm trying to get sick of being played for a fucking fool every time.
[7:21 - 7:26] You gotta pay the price, all you do is tag along. You're gonna be in love again.
[7:27 - 7:30] I just wanna feel good right now, my friend.
[7:30 - 7:35] Turn the lights off and leave me cold. Turn the lights off and leave me home.
[7:35 - 7:41] Turn the lights off and let me go. Turn the lights off and leave me home.
[7:41 - 7:46] Turn the lights, turn the lights off. Turn the lights, turn the lights off.
[7:46 - 7:53] Turn the lights, turn the lights off. Turn the lights off and leave me home.
[7:53 - 38:34] Turn the lights off and leave me alone.
[38:34 - 38:36] Turn the light off and leave me alone.
[38:36 - 56:10] Turn the lights off and leave me alone.
[56:10 - 56:17] See, if you will think that Juggenati Records is a label, but it's not just a fucking label.
[56:17 - 56:19] It's a way of life.
[56:19 - 56:21] It's a family.
[56:21 - 56:24] Juggenati Records isn't just some record company.
[56:24 - 56:26] We're a fucking family.
[56:26 - 56:28] We look out for each other.
[56:28 - 56:34] Just like they got my backs, I got theirs.
[56:36 - 56:46] So Marty, you can take your fake ass one of the record label Bloodshot Records, show it up your fucking ass, and go fuck yourself.
[56:46 - 56:52] 'Cause I'm done with you, bitch.
[56:53 - 57:07] I'm done with you, bitch.
2021-4-20 im DOne with the Drama

2021-4-20 im DOne with the Drama

[0:00 - 0:23] What's up guys? It's your boy. I can honestly say that I'm not happy right now. And Kate,
[0:23 - 0:40] I hope you see this. I hope you do see this, Kate. I hope you do see this, Kate. Because
[0:40 - 0:48] me and you, we're done. I can't deal with your fucking mama. Okay? I don't need this
[0:48 - 0:57] unnecessary fucking drama. I really don't. I've got enough bullshit going on. I've got
[0:57 - 1:03] enough going on in my life as is. Okay? I don't need the drama that you're putting me
[1:03 - 1:15] through. Now, do I care about you as a person? Yes. But quite frankly, you need fucking help.
[1:15 - 1:20] You seriously need help that I cannot provide you. And since everyone else is afraid to
[1:20 - 1:29] say it, I'll fucking say it. You're a drug addict. You need fucking help. You need to
[1:29 - 1:48] go into fucking AA or 90 day hell, something. Get the fuck off the drugs. Get your life
[1:48 - 2:05] out. For real, the drawing that you're doing is stupid. What up, Misty? Like you need to
[2:05 - 2:17] go into rehab, do something, Kate. Like you want to put business out there. Let's put
[2:17 - 2:22] business out there. Let's talk about how you fucking lied to my face in front of everyone
[2:22 - 2:29] last night. You sat there and said that you're with your roommate. But yeah, when I called
[2:29 - 2:49] Pat up, you are still on the fucking roof. You fucking lied to me. You fucking lied to
[2:49 - 2:51] me, Kate. When I talked to Pat, he straight up said that you were still on the roof and
[2:51 - 2:56] he was on his way to go get you. You lied to all. You not only lied to me, you lied
[2:56 - 3:04] to Marty, you lied to everyone. And I see what this pattern's doing. The whole drama
[3:04 - 3:10] shit, that's what led me into abusive relationships in the first place. And I don't need an abusive
[3:10 - 3:17] relationship. I need something that's actually real, that isn't about the drama, that is
[3:17 - 3:25] willing to stick by me, despite what everyone says, despite what everyone does. I want
[3:25 - 3:34] something real. And Kate, you're not being very real. You're being dishonest with me,
[3:34 - 3:41] but more importantly, you're being dishonest with yourself. You're being dishonest with
[3:41 - 4:04] yourself by doing the shit that you do. She was wicked. She was at Costco, but she was
[4:04 - 4:11] on the roof of Costco wanting to jump off. She was on the roof of Costco wanting to
[4:11 - 4:34] end her life. And her friend Pat had to go there and talk her down. But for real though,
[4:34 - 4:42] before you get into another relationship, Kate, you need to seek help. You need to seek
[4:42 - 4:53] help and that. You're not thinking clearly at all. And this is what really pisses me
[4:53 - 5:02] off. It's the fact that you automatically assume that we're going to get married like
[5:02 - 5:15] that. I never once said that. The only reason I said that was because I felt like I was
[5:15 - 5:22] forced into it because you went off with what somebody said in the fucking comments.
[5:22 - 5:30] So I put in the comments saying that, Oh, when are you guys getting married? Now, what
[5:30 - 5:35] I said was true. I did want to speak to you about that later on, but it was going to be
[5:35 - 5:41] a later down the road kind of thing. It was going to be a later down the road, not fucking
[5:41 - 5:47] literally two days after we get together. No. And then I find out this morning that
[5:47 - 6:07] you're fucking married. You're still married to the same dude. Are you serious? No, Kate,
[6:07 - 6:25] you are going to rehab. You need fucking rehab. Oh, yes, I do, Kate. Say no, Kate,
[6:25 - 6:33] fuck you. See, you sit there and say, I don't listen about your life. Yes, the fuck I do.
[6:33 - 6:41] I get where you're coming from. I get it. But Kate, you need fucking help. Seriously,
[6:41 - 6:59] get some fucking help. And you know, that kind of behavior that Kate's doing right
[6:59 - 7:06] there, guys, that's the kind of shit that led me into abusive relationships. And I'm
[7:06 - 7:14] not doing that shit again. I'm not going to go through another emotionally abusive
[7:14 - 7:33] relationship again. Fuck that. I deserve way better than this shit. Way better. Kate,
[7:33 - 7:40] you need fucking help girl. The fact that you sit there and guilt me and then two days
[7:40 - 7:47] later you're literally wanting to jump up and get married right off the rip. What the
[7:47 - 7:52] fuck? We just started dating. We just started dating. And you're wanting to get married
[7:52 - 7:59] right off the rip like that? No. After about a year or so, yeah, I can see that. After
[7:59 - 8:04] about a year or so of being together, I can see wanting to plan a wedding and get married.
[8:04 - 8:15] I can see that. But to do that shit right out of the gate, are you fucking serious?
[8:15 - 8:26] And then to find out this morning that you're still fucking married? Are you fucking kidding
[8:26 - 8:41] me? You're still fucking married to the same dude? Are you fucking kidding me? Yo, Lexi,
[8:41 - 8:48] what's up? And nobody really proposed to anyone. It was just kind of assumed like nobody
[8:48 - 8:53] really proposed to anyone. It was just kind of assumed that we were getting married right
[8:53 - 9:02] out of the gate. It was literally assumed that we were getting married when we weren't.
[9:02 - 9:23] I'm going to mod you, bro. And yeah, I know I had a history of doing that. But here's
[9:23 - 9:30] the thing, shot down. Those are people that I actually know. Those are people that I actually
[9:30 - 9:37] know in real life, outside of YouTube. Those are real people outside of YouTube. There's
[9:37 - 9:51] a difference. Okay, there's a total difference. Let's see with Tangerine Kat, I knew her outside
[9:51 - 9:58] of YouTube. With Tangerine Kat, I knew her outside of YouTube. With Noelle, I knew her
[9:58 - 10:08] outside of YouTube until she did what she did. But with Kate, that was like literally
[10:08 - 10:12] automatically assumption. Oh, we're going to get together for today's, but then we're
[10:12 - 10:19] going to get married. No, that's not how that works. That is not how that works, girl.
[10:19 - 10:22] The people that I was with before you, Kate, I actually knew them. I've known them for
[10:22 - 10:30] a long time beforehand, so we already knew each other beforehand. The people that I
[10:30 - 10:34] had asked to marry me when we were together, all my exes, we were already together for
[10:34 - 10:42] a while. We already knew each other beforehand. But, Kate, clearly you're not in the right
[10:42 - 10:58] state of mind. Clearly you're not in the right state of mind. You need help, Kate. You were
[10:58 - 11:08] strung out on fucking heroin last night. You're not thinking clearly. And quite honestly,
[11:08 - 11:16] I can't deal with the fucking drama. See, I want somebody that's actually real outside
[11:16 - 11:24] of YouTube, someone that is not involved in the fucking drama. And if it is somebody
[11:24 - 11:31] that's from YouTube, I want them to be outside of the drama, outside of any of this, outside
[11:31 - 11:36] of Tonic's community, Marty's community, my community. I want somebody outside of
[11:36 - 11:44] that bullshit that is not involved in the drama at all. I don't like drama. I fucking
[11:44 - 12:00] hate it. I detest it. Kate, you need to seek help. Now, whether you choose to go and get
[12:00 - 12:09] a rehab or go to AA meetings, either way, it works. But, Kate, you need fucking help.
[12:09 - 12:16] You're mentally unstable. Clearly you're mentally unstable, especially after last night. You
[12:16 - 12:22] showed that last night. You're addicted to drugs. You're unable to make, you know, you're
[12:22 - 12:29] not able to make coherent decisions. You sold your fucking car for heroin. You fucking
[12:29 - 12:48] sold your goddamn car for heroin. Like, come on. Get a grip on reality, Kate, and grow
[12:48 - 13:07] up. I'll be straight up honest with you, man. I'll be straight to fuck up honest with
[13:07 - 13:14] you, Kate. Lava here, treating me better than you do. Lava here, treating me a hundred
[13:14 - 13:30] times better than you do, Kate. Yo, I don't see the attorney guy, dude. I don't see him
[13:30 - 13:54] anywhere. Oh, no, guys. We got another drill and troll here. Hello? Oh, go fuck yourself.
[13:54 - 14:14] Go fuck yourself, bitch. Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Wow. What the fuck?
[14:14 - 14:43] You see what I do? What? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What's
[14:43 - 14:48] up, dude? I can't fucking find him. Yo, John, what's up, dude? I can do. Where the fuck
[14:48 - 15:05] is John? Oh, I see you, John. I got you, brother. Yo, John, what's up, bro? Good to see you
[15:05 - 15:21] up in here, John. How you doing, buddy? She really is, dude. She really is strung
[15:21 - 15:36] out on heroin, bro. Yo, Lava, I do want to ask you something straight up, Lava. Straight
[15:36 - 15:47] up, Lava. I do want to ask you, compared to how Kate treated me, would you not agree
[15:47 - 15:52] that you treated me a hundred times better than what she did? Would you not agree to
[15:52 - 16:18] that? Goddamn, dude. My fucking discourse is going off. That's very true. That is very
[16:18 - 16:47] fucking true, man. Like I said, Kate, you need fucking help. You're a fucking junkie.
[16:47 - 16:55] All right, so, Lava, what I'm going to do is I'm going to text you on Discord or I'm
[16:55 - 17:25] going to call you later on and I will fill you in, okay? I will 100% fill you in. But
[17:25 - 17:38] Kate, for real, you need fucking help, girl, and bad. Yo, Ms. Ratty, what's good? I will
[17:38 - 17:43] actually post my Discord for you guys. I know I tend to do that a lot and I kind of
[17:43 - 18:00] forgot to do it this time. And then I would like to add me on Discord here is my actual
[18:00 - 18:18] Discord for you guys. But for real though, man, you need help, Kate. And how are you
[18:18 - 18:33] not on heroin? You were talking a whole bunch of nonsense last night. For real, you were
[18:33 - 18:55] talking about how you belong to the streets and belong to Costco and shit. What the fuck?
[18:55 - 19:23] Okay, so, I'm going to call you in. Okay, so, I'm going to call you in. Okay, so, I'm
[19:23 - 19:50] going to call you in. Alright, lava, I just unlocked you and added you. So, accept the
[19:50 - 20:04] phone request and I will talk to you about what's going on. Well, like I said, lava,
[20:04 - 20:16] not lava, sorry, lava, I meant Kate, sorry. But like I said, Kate, you need help. And
[20:16 - 20:44] I can't be the one to give it to you. You need to do that yourself. For real. Get help,
[20:44 - 20:56] Kate. But yo, lava, if you message me on Discord, accept my phone request and message me and
[20:56 - 20:57] I'll fill you in, lava.
2021-4-20 im sick of being played for a Fool

2021-4-20 im sick of being played for a Fool

[0:00 - 0:28] So it appears we have a fucking problem with the bitch Lava Girl.
[0:28 - 0:52] Let me tell you right now Lava Girl, I'm fucking tired of this shit out of you.
[0:52 - 1:02] Like I told you on Marty's stream a few minutes ago, it's little bitches like you that play
[1:02 - 1:15] with my fucking emotions that pisses me off.
[1:15 - 1:22] I'm fucking sick of being played for a goddamn fool by little bitches like you that want
[1:22 - 1:30] to sit there and play with my fucking head, and trolls like you that fuck with my head
[1:30 - 1:33] that I'm sick and tired of man.
[1:33 - 1:45] See girls like you, I can't stand.
[1:45 - 1:54] As you sit here, you play on a guy's emotions, you play on our emotions, you use us to get
[1:54 - 2:03] whatever you want, and then when it's convenient for you, you sit there and trash us, you
[2:03 - 2:08] fuck with our emotions and then when we call you out on being fake, what do you do?
[2:08 - 2:12] You sit there and laugh and act like we're rage quitting and this and that, bitch I didn't
[2:12 - 2:19] rage quit, I just don't have time for dumbass bullshit like you Lava.
[2:19 - 2:25] You say you're real, you're not fucking real, you're fake as fuck, for real you're fake
[2:25 - 2:30] as hell.
[2:30 - 2:37] See I'm ashamed to say that I was with you Lava, I'm ashamed of that, I'm seriously ashamed
[2:37 - 2:43] of people like you, strawberry, and every other person that's ever fucking stabbed
[2:43 - 2:46] me in the back.
[2:46 - 2:52] See everybody seems to think that I'm this sex thing, but really I'm not.
[2:52 - 2:58] See what it is, is you guys come into my life, you give me a trust you, you tell me
[2:58 - 3:03] that we're together, we end up doing shit, and then what do you do when I find out that
[3:03 - 3:06] you're just playing with me and using me?
[3:06 - 3:11] You sit there and send out all these fucking photos and videos of me all over the internet
[3:11 - 3:19] to fucking embarrass me, and quite honestly I'm sick of being embarrassed, I'm sick and
[3:19 - 3:26] tired of being taken advantage of, I'm sick of it man, I'm sick and tired of being taken
[3:26 - 3:36] advantage of for no goddamn reason, I don't deserve that, I don't deserve to be taken
[3:36 - 3:44] advantage of, and I know half y'all motherfuckers that troll me ain't chicks, y'all are fucking
[3:44 - 3:52] dudes and it pisses me off, y'all act like I don't deserve happiness, like I don't fucking
[3:52 - 4:05] deserve to be happy, I'm fucking sick of it dude, I'm fucking tired of being played
[4:05 - 4:12] for a goddamn fool, I'm tired of being a troll, I'm tired of being catfished, I'm tired of
[4:12 - 4:23] being stabbed in the back by every motherfucking body I see, it pisses me off, you know all
[4:23 - 4:31] I am is a normal guy trying to do what he loves to do, who actually wants to be fucking
[4:31 - 4:43] happy for once, I don't deserve this shit, I'm fucking tired of being taken advantage
[4:43 - 4:51] of every 5 seconds by you fucking trolls, I'm fucking tired of it man, like what do
[4:51 - 4:58] you gain out of fucking trolling people, what do you gain out of coming after me,
[4:58 - 5:06] like what do you gain from that shit dude, I don't fucking get it, and lava what do
[5:06 - 5:14] you gain from playing with guys emotions like you did me, what do you gain from that shit,
[5:14 - 5:19] what do you gain from playing with someone's emotions and fucking with their head like
[5:19 - 5:26] we're some sort of toy, bitch I'm not a toy, I'm a human fucking being dude, I deserve
[5:26 - 5:35] to be treated as a human being, I'm not some fucking children's plaything, I'm not some
[5:35 - 5:41] sort of doll or marionette that you can pick up, pull the strings on me and I'll do whatever
[5:41 - 5:51] you want, no, I'm a human fucking being with real emotions, I deserve to be treated right,
[5:51 - 6:01] I deserve to be treated like a fucking human being, I'm tired of being fucked with, I'm
[6:01 - 6:06] tired of having my emotions and my heart fucking played with, I don't deserve that
[6:06 - 6:15] shit no one does, can I tell you something lava girl, I was 110% honest with you the
[6:15 - 6:25] whole time, the whole time I was honest with you, but then what did I find out, you're
[6:25 - 6:31] sitting here stabbing me in the back acting like this is all some sort of fucking game,
[6:31 - 6:38] bitch this ain't a game, this is real fucking life, that's why I told you on Marty's stream,
[6:38 - 6:43] instead of playing these bullshit games on the internet with guys emotions, get the
[6:43 - 6:50] fuck off the internet, it would be a mother to your kids, stop doing this shit, cuz when
[6:50 - 6:55] your kids get older, how do you think they're gonna be, they're gonna be just like you,
[6:55 - 7:00] cuz they're gonna see what you do, and they're gonna think it's okay to do what you do to
[7:00 - 7:11] guys like me, and it's not okay, it's not okay to do that shit, like I told you, you're
[7:11 - 7:27] a piece of shit mother because of the shit that you do to people like me, for real,
[7:27 - 7:33] you think I deserve to get my emotions played with, you think that I deserve to have my
[7:33 - 7:41] fucking heart played with, and then smashed into a million fucking pieces, no, cuz I tell
[7:41 - 7:47] you, my mother fucking raised me right, the way I was raised, we don't do that shit to
[7:47 - 7:56] people, I was raised to treat people with the respect that they deserve, I was raised
[7:56 - 8:03] to treat people right, like human beings, I was raised to be understanding, caring,
[8:03 - 8:10] forgiving, loving, I wasn't raised to do the shit that you do, people like you lava embarrass
[8:10 - 8:18] me, you're an embarrassment, cuz you make good people like myself and Marty and even
[8:18 - 8:35] my brother Krip K right here, look like shit, you make us look bad by what you do, no I
[8:35 - 8:44] don't demand it, I don't demand respect, but let me tell you, I give out respect to everyone,
[8:44 - 8:51] I give respect to everyone, even if they don't deserve it, I give them the respect that they
[8:51 - 9:08] deserve, the only time I don't show respect is when I'm disrespected, see, I give and
[9:08 - 9:15] I give and I give and I give, I give so much of myself every day to people that actually
[9:15 - 9:26] deserve to be treated right, hey booty war, what's up man, I ain't seen your ass in a
[9:26 - 9:32] minute brother, how you doing man, long time no see homie, what's up, how you been, work?
[9:32 - 9:40] But like I said man, I'm just a normal human being, okay, I'm a normal human being that
[9:40 - 9:47] deserves happiness, I don't deserve this shit, I don't deserve to be played for a fucking
[9:47 - 9:54] fool, I don't deserve to have my heart ripped out and then thrown on the ground and stomped
[9:54 - 10:05] on and stabbed and bashed and shattered, I don't deserve that, cuz let me tell you
[10:05 - 10:13] right now guys, as people like Lava that made me broken, as people like Lava who's been
[10:13 - 10:18] treating me like shit over the years, as people like her that are the reason for the
[10:18 - 10:24] way that I am, for the reason that I am the way that I am, as people like her that made
[10:24 - 10:34] me this way, that made me broken, that fucking destroyed me, people like her are the reason
[10:34 - 10:43] why I'm so fucking scared to be with anyone, because I'm afraid that I killed with someone
[10:43 - 10:49] again, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart shattered over and over again, I'm sick of
[10:49 - 10:58] the abuse and I'm sick of being treated like shit, no one deserves that shit Lava, no one,
[10:58 - 11:14] not me, not anyone.
[11:14 - 11:42] I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here.
[11:42 - 12:02] I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out
[12:02 - 12:20] of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking
[12:20 - 14:55] heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking
[14:55 - 15:02] heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart
[15:02 - 15:08] out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart
[15:08 - 15:15] out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking
[15:15 - 15:21] heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out of here, I'm just gonna get my fucking heart out
[15:21 - 15:25] [music]
[15:25 - 15:33] There's good, and there's sourced for good. Products with this seal helps support workers, communities.
[15:33 - 15:47] [music]
[15:47 - 15:51] To Spam and cheese, a toast.
[15:51 - 38:51] [music]
[38:51 - 38:55] I got you. Fuck your shit. I got you, homie.
[38:55 - 39:05] [music]
[39:05 - 39:07] I am going to pronounce it in a weird way, though.
[39:07 - 39:16] Everybody always talking about me. Everybody telling me to go. Fuck you and your shit.
[39:16 - 39:19] Every fucking day I'm so sick of it.
[39:19 - 39:26] So sick of the way everybody's always saying all these mind names.
[39:26 - 39:30] Every fucking day I don't know what to do anymore.
[39:30 - 39:35] I'm living a life I'm alone in this world.
[39:35 - 39:46] I walk through a dark reality that I'm numb at the end every day.
[39:46 - 39:51] I just need a key so I can escape.
[39:51 - 39:56] I just need to get away.
[39:56 - 40:01] Every night I'm crying in tears.
[40:01 - 40:09] No, but I really seem to understand what it's like to be lost alone.
[40:09 - 40:15] Walking alone in the dark with no sense of direction.
[40:15 - 40:24] No one will know. Don't even know where to start.
[40:24 - 40:29] I'm so sick of the pain. I just want it all to go away.
[40:29 - 40:33] This is not what I had in mind.
[40:33 - 40:47] What is it that everybody's always got to attack me, steal me, be sure I need to sell me from what is real, what is fake?
[40:47 - 40:50] I don't know what to do anymore.
[40:50 - 41:01] I'm so fucking lost, so fucking scared, so sick of being so emotional every day.
[41:01 - 41:05] Why is it that I can't just get away?
[41:05 - 41:14] Why is it that people like TGL can't just go the fuck away, get away?
[41:14 - 41:17] Let me live my life in fucking peace.
[41:17 - 41:20] I don't understand that.
[41:20 - 41:41] Why is it that you can't just go away?
[41:41 - 41:48] Why is it that you can't just go away, get the fuck away from me?
[41:48 - 41:59] I never answer your bullshit anyway, so do yourself a favor, fuck off out of my life.
[41:59 - 42:05] I don't need another knife in my back.
[42:05 - 42:17] I've already been betrayed and lost in my life.
[42:17 - 46:23] Why is it that you can't just go away, get the fuck out of my life?
[46:23 - 46:31] Watch the Oscars. Live on ABC, YouTube TV. Try it free.
[46:31 - 46:56] [MUSIC]
[46:56 - 47:00] Every day, everybody always wanna knock a motherfucker right back.
[47:00 - 47:04] They don't understand the pain, and I go through every fucking day.
[47:04 - 47:11] Everybody wanna try to drag me down, then tell the motherfucking dog,
[47:11 - 47:15] they don't understand what I'm going to be, right?
[47:15 - 47:20] You may say, "There's a hell that lies in front of the roof."
[47:20 - 47:27] They don't understand that I'm God of Soul.
[47:27 - 47:36] God got me burned, chopped, shattered soul, that they fucking made this way,
[47:36 - 47:40] but that's who I was meant to be.
[47:40 - 47:53] [MUSIC]
[47:53 - 48:01] Maybe it's time that I laid out in my motherfucking way when I broke soul.
[48:01 - 48:05] Maybe it's time that I take this motherfucking night,
[48:05 - 48:10] so if I'm motherfucking naked, I don't know every motherfucking day.
[48:10 - 48:17] Everybody, then I'm gonna know the fucking way.
[48:17 - 48:23] God, so fucking sick, everybody, that's what I'm telling you,
[48:23 - 48:25] no motherfucking that.
[48:25 - 48:30] You, you, that, you, fuck yourselves, fuck your shit,
[48:30 - 48:39] everything that you move on fucking out of that is so fucking beautiful.
[48:39 - 48:45] I'm not so lost.
[48:45 - 48:48] Fuck you and your shit.
[48:48 - 48:56] You don't deserve the motherfucking everything that you do know me.
[48:56 - 49:07] Don't worry, then I'm thinking the motherfucking direction.
[49:07 - 49:11] Look at my eyes.
[49:11 - 49:13] Can you feel the rage?
[49:13 - 49:16] See no pain deep inside.
[49:16 - 49:47] [MUSIC]
[50:06 - 50:10] You guys already know what this is.
[50:10 - 50:12] Let's go.
[50:12 - 53:00] [MUSIC]
2021-4-20 COurt case on Chauvin

2021-4-20 COurt case on Chauvin

[0:00 - 2:48] (crickets chirping)
[2:48 - 2:51] Now, was the force excessive?
[2:51 - 2:52] I think so.
[2:52 - 2:56] I truly believe that the force was accepted.
[2:56 - 2:58] You know, it was a little bit excessive.
[2:58 - 3:01] He didn't have to be on the back of Wood's neck.
[3:01 - 3:04] He could just put the handcuffs on him,
[3:04 - 3:06] had him arrested and then sat him up,
[3:06 - 3:09] like any other officer would do.
[3:09 - 3:12] (crickets chirping)
[3:12 - 3:15] I do have family that, you know,
[3:15 - 3:19] are pretty much in all fields of, you know,
[3:19 - 3:22] law enforcement and military.
[3:22 - 3:26] So I come from a very, very strict background.
[3:26 - 3:31] My Uncle Mike was actually a retired police officer
[3:31 - 3:33] for the state of Oregon.
[3:33 - 3:36] (crickets chirping)
[3:36 - 3:39] And because of this deal, I guess she is a paralegal.
[3:39 - 3:43] So she does have some, you know, legal knowledge,
[3:43 - 3:44] as well as myself.
[3:44 - 3:47] And then obviously you guys know about my military background
[3:47 - 3:50] with my dad being military.
[3:50 - 3:53] And this is just me coming from that background.
[3:53 - 4:00] Sometimes, you know, when it comes to, you know,
[4:00 - 4:06] some criminals or some people that are suspect to a crime,
[4:06 - 4:11] sometimes excessive force is needed when they have a weapon.
[4:11 - 4:14] But when they don't have a weapon,
[4:14 - 4:21] clearly Floyd was on the ground,
[4:21 - 4:26] and I feel like the officer didn't need to use that excessive force.
[4:26 - 4:34] (crickets chirping)
[4:34 - 4:40] But at the same time, I can kind of...
[4:40 - 4:42] I stand on both sides, honestly.
[4:42 - 4:45] I really do.
[4:45 - 4:47] Like, I'm literally on both sides with it.
[4:47 - 4:51] Because, like, one, I can see why George ran.
[4:51 - 4:53] I really can.
[4:53 - 4:57] Like, I can see why George ran from the police,
[4:57 - 4:59] because maybe he was doing something
[4:59 - 5:02] or he's had a run-in with law enforcement
[5:02 - 5:05] that wasn't very good, and he felt scared.
[5:05 - 5:08] So he ran.
[5:08 - 5:10] I can understand that.
[5:10 - 5:15] But at the same time, if you run from the police,
[5:15 - 5:21] you're just going to make the situation worse for yourself.
[5:21 - 5:26] Like, it really is a gray area.
[5:26 - 5:28] Like, it really is.
[5:28 - 5:33] Like, I'm not saying the officer was wrong in arresting George Floyd.
[5:33 - 5:37] I'm not saying that he wasn't wrong in it,
[5:37 - 5:41] because maybe George did do something.
[5:41 - 5:51] You know, maybe George did do something that warranted him being detained.
[5:51 - 5:59] But I feel like the officer didn't have to use that excessive force,
[5:59 - 6:03] ultimately killing George by having his knee.
[6:03 - 6:06] And something that a lot of people don't realize
[6:06 - 6:12] is that when you have your knee on the back of somebody's neck
[6:12 - 6:15] and they can't breathe and they're on the ground...
[6:15 - 6:18] Like, let's say I'm on the ground.
[6:18 - 6:21] And I'm in that same situation,
[6:21 - 6:26] and it's just pure knowing the body and how it works kind of thing.
[6:26 - 6:31] Like, this is just me knowing the physiology and the anatomy of the human body.
[6:31 - 6:33] When you're on the back of someone's neck
[6:33 - 6:36] like the way that officer was with George Floyd,
[6:36 - 6:38] your airways are going to get cut off,
[6:38 - 6:41] because when you're spread out like this,
[6:41 - 6:44] and you've got your neck up like this on the ground,
[6:44 - 6:46] you're being pushed into the ground.
[6:46 - 6:48] You're being pushed into the ground,
[6:48 - 6:51] and your airwaves are getting cut off.
[6:51 - 6:56] So you're not getting the air that you need to be getting into your body.
[6:56 - 6:59] And with that officer on the back of his neck,
[6:59 - 7:06] crushing him, his spine was literally getting compressed forward into his neck,
[7:06 - 7:12] cutting off his airway, which I feel was a bit excessive.
[7:12 - 7:15] He didn't need to use that much force.
[7:15 - 7:18] He could have just simply, you know,
[7:18 - 7:22] taken, gotten on his back like any other officer,
[7:22 - 7:26] because if you watch any other officer or know anybody that is a police officer,
[7:26 - 7:29] they don't go for the neck.
[7:29 - 7:31] They usually go for like the back.
[7:31 - 7:36] Like, they'll get on like, say like the center of your back or whatever,
[7:36 - 7:42] and they will hold you there until they get the handcuffs on,
[7:42 - 7:44] and then sit you up.
[7:44 - 7:48] At least that's what they did with me,
[7:48 - 7:52] as well as every other person I know that's been arrested.
[7:52 - 7:57] But, do I feel like the officer needed to be on the back of his neck?
[7:57 - 7:59] No.
[7:59 - 8:02] Like the officer did go a bit excessive.
[8:02 - 8:09] Now, do I feel like the officer deserved to get charged with second-degree murder?
[8:09 - 8:14] Yes and no, because like I said, at the end of the day,
[8:14 - 8:20] he did ultimately kill someone, but at the end of the day,
[8:20 - 8:23] he was merely doing his job.
[8:23 - 8:31] You know, he was merely doing his job and his duty as a police officer.
[8:31 - 8:42] So like, I can honestly say, you know, like, not all officers are bad, dude.
[8:42 - 8:46] I can honestly say this, John, not all officers are bad.
[8:46 - 8:48] Some are actually very good.
[8:48 - 8:53] The ones that I know personally that I'm good friends with are very good people.
[8:53 - 8:58] There are good officers out there, and I do actually know a few of them.
[8:58 - 9:04] Like I'm very good friends with a few police officers around here that I've known for years.
[9:04 - 9:11] They're very good people, but it's these bad ones that just, they're shitty.
[9:11 - 9:21] Like there are some police officers that just don't need to be officers.
[9:21 - 9:26] But at the end of the day, you know, the officer was merely doing his job.
[9:26 - 9:29] Now, like I said, he shouldn't have necessarily gone to jail.
[9:29 - 9:34] I feel like maybe a suspension would have sufficed, you know,
[9:34 - 9:39] suspended for so many days without pay or whatever.
[9:39 - 9:43] I really don't think the officer should have gone to jail.
[9:43 - 9:50] But ultimately, at the end of the day, what he did could actually be considered murder,
[9:50 - 10:05] in a sense. To a certain degree, it could be considered murder.
[10:05 - 10:12] And that's where things are great, because, you know, like I said, I stand on both sides of it.
[10:12 - 10:17] Yes, George Floyd's death was a tragedy. It really was.
[10:17 - 10:22] And I feel like we could all learn something from that.
[10:22 - 10:29] But at the same time, the officer was also merely doing his job.
[10:29 - 10:36] So I said, it's a very gray area for me. It really is like,
[10:36 - 10:51] I said, on one hand, the officer was doing his job, but also on the other hand, you know.
[10:51 - 11:08] Hey, Jake. What up, you crazy fool? What up, fool?
[11:08 - 11:14] Yeah, exactly. And seeing that's where I see and that's where the gray area is.
[11:14 - 11:18] And I do agree with you on that one, dude. He did take doing his job way too far.
[11:18 - 11:29] I do agree with that one hundred percent.
[11:29 - 11:34] Yo, matter of fact, hold up. Yeah, hold on. Y'all stop the chat for a minute.
[11:34 - 11:47] Yes, that's the real Jake, man. That is the real fucking Jake.
[11:47 - 11:52] How you doing, motherfucker? How you doing, you crazy mofo?
[11:52 - 11:58] I know if you all don't know my brother Jake by now, if you all don't know my motherfucking little brother Jake,
[11:58 - 12:05] go watch the vlog that I did a couple of days ago. You'll get to know him real quick and how crazy we are.
[12:05 - 12:23] His first cut's in this one with a man at first and two away.
[12:23 - 12:26] So, you know, like I said, at the end of the day, you know.
[12:26 - 12:30] Oh, thank you. Come on, let's see if I can steal this.
[12:30 - 12:35] Oh, well, as they come into this one tonight, they're coming off to a bit of a slow start with you.
[12:35 - 12:39] I expect that I got him in the end of his over one.
[12:39 - 12:48] Yeah, he would get to race. So he's on to the bottom of any number one, no score.
[12:48 - 12:56] They know, like I said, at the end of the day, the whole thing with George Floyd, it really was a tragedy and it never should have happened.
[12:56 - 13:11] It never should have gone that far.
[13:11 - 13:18] And what can I say? You get me and my brother Jake together. We're crazy. We're too crazy motherfuckers.
[13:18 - 13:22] He's a crazy redneck. I'm a crazy redneck.
[13:22 - 13:41] What can I say?
[13:41 - 13:53] Yeah, yeah, yeah, it says the one who freaking tried to get himself a tail by a fucking log the other day when we were filming the crazy motherfucker.
[13:53 - 14:01] Actually, no, I take that back. It says the one who tried to fucking kill me in this goddamn truck a couple of days ago.
[14:01 - 14:16] You asshole.
[14:16 - 14:20] If y'all don't know what part of the blog I'm referencing, go back and watch it.
[14:20 - 14:36] You'll see what I mean. This crazy son of a bitch tried to kill me. That motherfucker tried to kill me in his fucking truck.
[14:36 - 14:51] Hey, yo, Crips. Speaking of which, did you watch that blog, dude?
[14:51 - 14:59] Hey, Savage Dabs. What's up, man? How you doing, buddy?
[14:59 - 15:24] Yo, Nick, what up, dude?
[15:24 - 15:33] Yeah, you did. You scared the fuck out of me, you little asshole.
[15:33 - 15:37] Hey, Dress. Thank you, man. Thank you. Thank you.
[15:37 - 15:43] And yes, there will be more blogs to come. We are going to meet him. We're actually going to be filming vlogs like every other weekend.
[15:43 - 15:53] So about every other weekend or so, you guys are going to get to see some dope ass vlogs.
[15:53 - 16:01] Damn, dude, I'm getting blown the fuck up with shit here, man.
[16:01 - 16:07] Like, I'm literally getting blown the fuck up about this court case.
[16:07 - 16:14] Pok�mon Spotlight.
[16:14 - 16:19] Oh, yo, Crips. I do actually have...
[16:19 - 16:29] Oh, Crips. I don't know if you noticed or not, dude, but I do have Pok�mon Go, motherfucker.
[16:29 - 16:39] Hey, yo, Crips. Drop your thing on here, man. I got Pok�mon Go right here. I'll fucking... I'll add your ass up.
[16:39 - 17:06] Because I did just get a Pok�mon Go.
[17:06 - 17:10] Oh, that's actually a good question.
[17:10 - 17:16] I actually do have some retro games on Xbox right here, so yeah.
[17:16 - 17:25] Yo, Wiccan, what's up?
[17:25 - 17:27] Oh, y'all want to check some, man.
[17:27 - 17:46] Ah, fucking me without any fucking Pok�balls. Son of a bitch.
[17:46 - 17:54] But, yo, Crips, if you got Pok�mon Go, motherfucker, or anybody has Pok�mon Go, hit me the fuck up, dude.
[17:54 - 17:58] There's my shit right there. Hit me the fuck up, dude.
[17:58 - 18:27] [MUSIC]
[18:27 - 18:33] Don't give a fuck about Raid Battles, man.
[18:33 - 18:38] Oh, are you serious? Motherfucking plus one. I can't get it. You son of a bitch.
[18:38 - 18:44] You son of a... God damn, there's like three months. God damn.
[18:44 - 18:50] But, yo, Crips, add me on here, motherfucker.
[18:50 - 18:55] Hell, anybody that wants to add me on here, do it, man.
[18:55 - 18:58] Now, it turns down to a bit.
[18:58 - 19:02] But, yo, how many of y'all play Pok�mon Go still, man?
[19:02 - 19:07] If y'all got Pok�mon Go, hit me up, man.
[19:07 - 19:22] For real, dude, if any of y'all play Pok�mon Go, man, fucking let me know, fucking.
[19:22 - 19:27] Like, for real, man, if anybody does play Pok�mon Go, hit me the fuck up.
[19:27 - 19:42] And, yes, I do play Mario Kart as well.
[19:42 - 19:50] I do play Mario... The three games I'm able to play are Mario Kart, Raid Shadow Legends, and Pok�mon...
[19:50 - 19:59] Mario Kart, Raid Shadow Legends, and Pok�mon Go. That's like my three main games.
[19:59 - 20:03] And y'all can see right there.
[20:03 - 20:15] Yo, Courtney. Yo, Courtney, which... Yo, Courtney, on what? On Pok�mon Go or on Mario Kart?
[20:15 - 20:23] Like I said, I just started, so I'm kind of new to how this works.
[20:23 - 20:46] Oh, shit, okay.
[20:46 - 20:50] Hold up, I got you.
[20:50 - 21:12] Hold up, I got you, Courtney. No worries.
[21:12 - 21:15] I'm just wondering, man, why do you guys hate each other?
[21:15 - 21:22] Like, what's... Like, I'm not trying to get in the middle of anything, I just genuinely want to know what's going on between you guys.
[21:22 - 21:27] Like, why do you and Lava hate each other? Like, I'm, like, legit lost.
[21:27 - 21:31] Like, IMT totally lost on that shit.
[21:31 - 21:45] Hey, too sweet, what up?
[21:45 - 21:52] Yo, Outlaws, what up, man? I ain't seen your crazy ass here in a while, bro.
[21:52 - 22:15] How the fuck you, man, motherfucker?
[22:15 - 22:33] Hold on, guys. Yo, guys, stop the chat for a second. I'm trying to add something around here.
[22:33 - 22:49] 6.9. 7.9. 7.9. 1.0.
[22:49 - 22:54] Alright, I sent you a request. Who else?
[22:54 - 22:59] Alright, hold on.
[22:59 - 23:09]
[23:09 - 23:33]
[23:33 - 23:49] Alright, saying that your code's not found, bro.
[23:49 - 23:58] Yo, Outlaw, it's saying that your code isn't, like, being read off, dude. It's weird.
[23:58 - 24:11] Hey, don't want an old man, Mahaha. What the fuck, Jake? You're weird.
[24:11 - 24:21] Ah, shit. Yo, speaking of Jake, I don't know if you're calling me or what, but let me check this out.
[24:21 - 24:28] Hey, yo, Jake, I don't know if you're calling me or what, but give me a minute to check this shit out. Hold on.
2021-4-21 Sorry Not Sorry

2021-4-21 Sorry Not Sorry

[0:00 - 0:15] What up y'all. What the fuck is up guys. Here's the man we need to have a little fucking talk man.
[0:15 - 0:27] It seems some of y'all pussies are fucking pissed off. Some of y'all motherfuckers are straight pissed off.
[0:27 - 0:42] And I called your little friend Lava Girl out on her bullshit last night in front of hundreds of people.
[0:42 - 0:49] Alright for real. A bunch of y'all motherfuckers ain't gonna be blowing in my phone all goddamn day.
[0:49 - 0:56] Just like now another motherfucker saying he wants to kick my fucking ass again. Like bro.
[0:57 - 1:04] Do you guys realize how much my phone's been getting blown up with all these threats of people kicking my ass all day?
[1:04 - 1:08] All because I called that one fucking bitch on her bullshit.
[1:08 - 1:18] Sorry not sorry for what I said last night. I will not apologize for what I fucking did because I didn't do anything fucking wrong.
[1:18 - 1:27] See when I came onto this platform and I found what I was meant to do to help people.
[1:27 - 1:35] That also came with the burden of shutting down people like Lava Girl who are complete trash.
[1:35 - 1:45] See something that y'all motherfuckers have been attacking me all day and all night aren't thinking about.
[1:45 - 1:56] These kids that are out there nowadays. These young kids. These real young kids that are 1, 2, 3, 4, up to 18 years old. They're the fucking future man.
[1:56 - 2:00] These kids that are growing up. They're the future.
[2:00 - 2:09] And what are we teaching our kids if we're sitting here up on the internet all goddamn day?
[2:09 - 2:13] Bullying people, attacking people, trolling people.
[2:13 - 2:21] What do you think that little kid that's 4 or 5 years old is gonna do when he gets older?
[2:21 - 2:26] He's gonna follow in your footsteps. She's gonna follow in your footsteps.
[2:26 - 2:32] And they're gonna continue that cycle of what you started.
[2:32 - 2:43] They're gonna continue that cycle of trolling people and bashing on people and bringing negativity and making things worse than they already fucking are.
[2:43 - 2:57] Like I said, I wasn't bringing Lava's kids into it. I would just simply state the facts that she needs to get the fuck off the internet and be a mother to her goddamn kids.
[2:57 - 3:04] Instead of running her motherfucking mouth like a bitch attacking people, bullying people.
[3:04 - 3:11] I'm sorry but I would not apologize for doing the right thing.
[3:11 - 3:23] I would not apologize for standing on my ground and doing what's right.
[3:23 - 3:30] Cuz man these young kids, they don't need to be doing this shit. They don't need to be seeing that shit.
[3:30 - 3:37] Like how would you feel if that was your kid?
[3:37 - 3:43] How would you feel if that was your kid doing that shit. You wouldn't like it.
[3:43 - 3:47] And here we go, here's another hater.
[3:47 - 3:58] Yo, yo, what happened with you and Lava? Did she know that you were a huge fucking pageant?
[3:58 - 4:05] Yo, does she know that you're a piece of fucking shit just like her?
[4:05 - 4:10] Y'all can call in all you want. I don't give a fuck.
[4:10 - 4:17] Go ahead and call in all you want. I give no fucks bro. I don't give two fucks.
[4:17 - 4:24] I really don't fucking care. There's two things I came onto this motherfucking platform to do since day one.
[4:24 - 4:31] To help people and to do my fucking music.
[4:31 - 4:37] And I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm not gonna apologize for standing up for what's right.
[4:37 - 4:49] I'm not gonna sit there and apologize for seeing a piece of shit mother doing what she's doing on the internet bullying people man.
[4:49 - 4:56] I could give a less of a fuck if she's got kids or not. If she's got fucking kids.
[4:56 - 5:01] Then bitch get off the internet and be a mother to your fucking kids man.
[5:01 - 5:10] Stop fucking bullying people and bashing people. It's not a good look for you.
[5:10 - 5:19] It's really not a good look for you at all.
[5:19 - 5:26] Like I said, some of y'all motherfuckers seem to think that I brought her kids into it.
[5:26 - 5:34] No, I'm just being straight fucking honest. And if honesty gets me hate, well guess what?
[5:34 - 5:39] Ask me if I fucking care cuz I don't.
[5:39 - 5:49] Cuz there's one thing I will never stop doing and that's being 110% honest and speaking the fucking truth.
[5:49 - 5:55] And if y'all wanna be the pussies and whine and cry about it, go do it somewhere else.
[5:55 - 6:06] Cuz ain't nobody got top of that bullshit.
[6:06 - 6:10] Like for real.
[6:10 - 6:17] When I started this new channel, after I figured out what I was supposed to do with my life.
[6:17 - 6:21] After I figured out what I really wanted to do with my life and what I wanted to do.
[6:21 - 6:27] Which I'm slowly building myself up to do one of those things which is my music.
[6:27 - 6:31] The other thing that I'm meant to do is to help people.
[6:31 - 6:38] Cuz see, I'm done being stabbed in the back, destroyed, pushed to the edge of suicide,
[6:38 - 6:44] been pushed to the brink of depression, have motherfuckers turn on me,
[6:44 - 6:51] have people that were friends with me for years, fucking years, turn their backs and run.
[6:51 - 6:56] I've had motherfuckers do the shakiest shit in the fucking world to me and screw me over.
[6:56 - 7:04] People like Eric Scrubble up, screw me the fuck over.
[7:04 - 7:09] And there's one thing that a lot of y'all motherfuckers don't seem to understand.
[7:09 - 7:16] Is that when it comes to being able to help people, you have to first go through shit yourself
[7:16 - 7:19] to be able to relate to that person.
[7:19 - 7:26] To be able to actually sit there and say, "Hey, I know exactly what you're going through.
[7:26 - 7:29] I know exactly what it's like to be there."
[7:29 - 7:31] And I've gone through a lot of that shit.
[7:31 - 7:36] I've gone through so much shit in my life that anything you tell me,
[7:36 - 7:41] more than likely, I can fucking relate to because I've been there.
[7:41 - 7:48] If you hear a bitch and complain about a lot of a girl,
[7:48 - 7:50] tell it to someone else who cares, motherfucker.
[7:50 - 7:59] But for real though, man,
[8:04 - 8:07] I will not apologize for saying what I said last night.
[8:07 - 8:10] I will not apologize for that.
[8:10 - 8:17] Now, some of y'all can fucking sit there and hate me and bash on me, say on this, say on that.
[8:17 - 8:19] Quite frankly, I don't give a fuck.
[8:19 - 8:23] See, I was only being straight up fucking honest.
[8:23 - 8:27] Because what a lot of y'all motherfuckers don't realize is Lava is
[8:27 - 8:29] she comes from a community of trolls.
[8:29 - 8:33] Her and Kate come from a community of trolls.
[8:34 - 8:35] That's what they do.
[8:35 - 8:41] And I'm sorry if I call that a motherfucking troll on their bullshit.
[8:41 - 8:48] But when I see a fucking troll doing dumb shit, bullying people like me,
[8:48 - 8:50] I'm gonna fucking call you out on it.
[8:50 - 8:55] Playing it simple, I'm gonna call you the fuck out if I see you doing something stupid.
[8:55 - 9:01] Because there's one thing I can't tolerate
[9:02 - 9:10] is parents like Heather and parents like Lavagirl who would rather spend all this
[9:10 - 9:16] time on the internet attacking people, making up shit about people, and bullying people,
[9:16 - 9:20] rather than being a mother to their own fucking kids, rather than being a fucking parent.
[9:20 - 9:23] It's fucking sickening, dude.
[9:23 - 9:25] We don't need that kind of bullshit in this world.
[9:25 - 9:31] And y'all say that I'm in the wrong for doing what I did.
[9:31 - 9:32] Are you fucking kidding me?
[9:32 - 9:35] You're fucking kidding me, right?
[9:35 - 9:39] Have you seen the shit that Lavagirl's done in the past?
[9:39 - 9:46] Have you not paid attention to the shit she's done, the people that she hangs out with?
[9:46 - 9:48] Because I sure have.
[9:48 - 9:50] I paid attention to it.
[9:50 - 9:52] And guess what?
[9:52 - 9:53] I did something about it.
[9:53 - 9:56] I got rid of her dumbass.
[9:56 - 10:09] So, like I said, y'all can sit there and have your opinions about me all you want.
[10:09 - 10:17] Quite frankly, at the end of the day, your opinions about me don't really mean shit.
[10:17 - 10:20] Because those words are just that.
[10:20 - 10:21] They're words.
[10:22 - 10:30] Your shitty fucking opinion about me saying that I'm trashing down this and that and that.
[10:30 - 10:31] It's just that.
[10:31 - 10:33] They're bullshit, empty fucking words.
[10:33 - 10:39] Because y'all are being insecure of little fucking pussies and you can't handle the fucking truth.
[10:39 - 10:48] That's like a lot of y'all motherfuckers that sit there and say that y'all are gonna beat my ass.
[10:49 - 10:53] But yet, when I give you guys my motherfucking address,
[10:53 - 10:58] not a single one of you motherfuckers ever show up every damn time.
[10:58 - 11:04] Like, dude, you got my address.
[11:04 - 11:07] You know where I live.
[11:07 - 11:10] Why ain't you showing up?
[11:10 - 11:18] Because half y'all motherfuckers that are talking all this shit about me are the same ones,
[11:18 - 11:23] the same exact ones that sit there and say that you're gonna beat my ass.
[11:23 - 11:30] Take the Juggalo John incident, for example, if y'all remember that one.
[11:30 - 11:34] If y'all remember the Juggalo John incident,
[11:34 - 11:36] this motherfucker sat there and challenged me to a fight.
[11:36 - 11:43] Right down here, at the fucking community center that I live right next to,
[11:45 - 11:51] that I live just down the road from. And guess what? I showed up ready to throw down.
[11:51 - 11:58] I showed up ready to go. But what did his chicken ass decide to do?
[11:58 - 12:00] He decided to punk out like a bitch.
[12:00 - 12:06] Straight up, he decided to punk out like a fucking bitch.
[12:06 - 12:10] Just like half y'all motherfuckers that run your mouths on the fucking internet.
[12:11 - 12:16] You sit there and you talk all this mad shit. You talk all this shit,
[12:16 - 12:21] thinking that you're gonna affect me. Thinking that you're gonna trigger me,
[12:21 - 12:26] when really you're not. You're just giving me more shit to talk about to embarrass you with.
[12:26 - 12:32] And that's basically all you're doing. You're just basically giving me shit to
[12:32 - 12:35] throw back in your face and blow open your fucking face.
[12:35 - 12:39] And you ain't hurting me. You ain't doing no damage to me.
[12:40 - 12:47] But what you are doing is putting yourself in a position to have what you're saying
[12:47 - 12:52] thrown back at you and have it blow open your motherfucking face.
[12:52 - 12:59] That's all you're really doing. All your words that you fucking say,
[12:59 - 13:02] they're just, it's just blowing up in your fucking face every time.
[13:02 - 13:06] Every goddamn time is all you're doing. It's just,
[13:06 - 13:08] you're taking these words and throwing them and throwing them.
[13:09 - 13:12] Motherfucker, I'm like a goddamn bulletproof vest.
[13:12 - 13:17] Y'all are shooting these bullets, but they're just bouncing right off me.
[13:17 - 13:26] Like, it's like, what are you doing? Why are you bothering popping off all these damn shots?
[13:26 - 13:31] When you know damn well none of those fucking bullets that you fire at me are gonna get
[13:31 - 13:40] through. Like, the words that you say don't affect me. If anything, it just gives me an
[13:40 - 13:49] animal to throw back at you. That's all you're doing.
[13:57 - 14:02] So like I said, man, y'all motherfuckers can sit there, talk all the shit that you want,
[14:02 - 14:09] but I will not apologize for being a real motherfucker. I will not apologize for being real.
[14:09 - 14:15] I will not apologize for being who I am. I won't do it.
[14:15 - 14:25] Since when did being a bitch become acceptable?
[14:25 - 14:31] Since when did being dishonest become the new form of honesty?
[14:31 - 14:37] Since when did being a punk-ass coward become the new way of doing shit?
[14:37 - 14:43] That's what I want to know. Since when did being a fucking coward,
[14:43 - 14:47] and not being able to back up what you say, become the new trend?
[14:49 - 14:55] Because let me tell you, growing up as a kid, when I was a kid, and I know a lot of y'all
[14:55 - 15:01] motherfuckers that are around my same age as me, or maybe one or two years younger,
[15:01 - 15:06] or maybe three years younger, I know y'all, if y'all were born in any time in the 90s,
[15:06 - 15:10] y'all will know this, or even the early 2000s, you guys would relate to this.
[15:10 - 15:17] When I was a fucking kid, if somebody ran their mouth about beating our ass,
[15:18 - 15:22] boy, you better have been able to back that shit up.
[15:22 - 15:29] Because if you weren't able to back it up, you'd be looking pretty goddamn stupid.
[15:29 - 15:36] And you'd either A, look dumbest fuck in front of everyone, in front of all the kids at school,
[15:36 - 15:41] or B, man, you'd just straight up get your goddamn ass kicked. Straight up.
[15:41 - 15:54] But for real, now am I condoning, you know, bringing someone's kid in this shit?
[15:54 - 15:56] No, you should never do that.
[15:56 - 16:06] But when a parent is setting a bad example for that kid,
[16:11 - 16:15] when that parent is setting a bad example by doing bad shit,
[16:15 - 16:24] that person deserves to be fucking called out. That person deserves to have something said to
[16:24 - 16:30] them. Especially when you're coming from a community where a lot of it comes from, dude.
[16:30 - 16:37] And I know half y'all motherfuckers from our community too. I know a lot of y'all motherfuckers.
[16:38 - 16:43] I want to tell y'all right now, I see any y'all in here. I'm calling y'all motherfuckers out
[16:43 - 16:51] on your bullshit. Straight up. I give no fucks. I will call you motherfuckers out straight the fuck
[16:51 - 16:58] up. I don't care if you like what I have to say. I don't care if you disagree with me.
[16:58 - 17:05] I don't fucking blow my phone up with text messages and phone calls calling me a pussy
[17:05 - 17:15] ass cow. I don't care. I will not apologize for being honest. I won't do it. I will not apologize
[17:15 - 17:19] for being fucking honest about something that went down.
[17:19 - 17:31] I mean, how is it that telling somebody to get the fuck off the internet
[17:31 - 17:37] and stop trolling and being a parent to their kid get twisted into
[17:38 - 18:03] me bringing their kids in this shit? Like how did that get twisted? I don't get it.
[18:03 - 18:06] All right. Can you guys hear me now?
2021-4-21 im Not sorry for Being real

2021-4-21 im Not sorry for Being real

[0:00 - 0:29] Hey darkness what up dude? Hey dang this yo what's good bro? Good to see you up in here. I'm a yo D. I'm about to fucking mod you homie.
[0:29 - 0:58] I'm sorry but uh like I was saying in the last stream y'all, and yes I'm thinking right back up where I fucking left off, no I get too bad.
[0:58 - 1:14] It's like I said in the last livestream man, I wouldn't apologize for being real. I would not apologize for being real as fuck.
[1:14 - 1:35] Why I said if I catch you doing stupid shit,
[1:35 - 1:44] if I catch you doing any stupid shit, better believe I'm just gonna straight up call you the fuck out on it.
[1:44 - 1:49] Hey Chloe what's up?
[1:49 - 1:53] What is good Chloe?
[1:53 - 2:09] And squishy. But for real though, if I catch you doing fucking dumb shit,
[2:09 - 2:18] like boiling people and trolling someone, you better believe I'm gonna stick my goddamn nose in it and I'm gonna interrupt yo ass.
[2:18 - 2:30] Fine and simple I'm going to interrupt every motherfucker that I catch trolling. Whether that be a lava girl or whoever it don't matter.
[2:30 - 2:42] Like I would straight the fuck up call you out.
[2:42 - 2:51] Like I would straight the fuck up call you out on your bullshit. Because I've said that trolling is overrated, it's stupid, it's dumb.
[2:51 - 2:56] Like what are you essentially, what are you getting from trolling somebody?
[2:56 - 3:02] Like what are you getting from going after somebody like that? I don't get it.
[3:02 - 3:09] Like there's no fucking point to it. Especially if you're like lava girl and you got fucking kids.
[3:09 - 3:15] Dude you don't need to be doing that shit in front of your kids.
[3:15 - 3:22] Because chances are they're gonna grow up to do that shit, but ten times worse and end up in prison.
[3:22 - 3:51] Nine times out of ten those kids will end up in prison. Plain and simple.
[3:51 - 4:16] Like and I don't care what y'all motherfuckers even say about me.
[4:16 - 4:25] I just actually don't give a fuck.
[4:25 - 4:37] Like y'all want to sit there and be a motherfucking butthurt. Well I guess you can sit there and be a motherfucking butthurt then.
[4:37 - 4:49] Because I will not apologize for being real. I will not apologize for speaking the goddamn truth.
[4:49 - 5:18] I won't fucking do it. I will not apologize for actually speaking out on something that shouldn't even be fucking happening.
[5:18 - 5:33] Like I'm so sick of these motherfuckers out here saying like oh you do this but you don't do that or you talk about this but you don't do that motherfucker.
[5:33 - 6:02] Everything I say I do that I'm gonna do I do and if I don't do it right then and there I usually get back to it.
[6:02 - 6:25] I'm sorry if you don't like me being real but I'm just being fucking honest plain and simple I'm just being dead ass fucking honest.
[6:25 - 6:38] Matter of fact I'll take care of that right the fuck now.
[6:38 - 6:45] I'll take care of that shit right the fuck now. I don't need that kind of fucking negativity.
[6:45 - 7:05] Like I said I'm not bringing anyone's kids into it I'm just straight up saying that like if you got fucking kids you don't need to be on the internet trolling people plain and simple.
[7:05 - 7:23] Like dude yeah that was and she can't handle the fact that I'm being real she can't handle the fact that I'm being honest as fuck so it is what it is.
[7:23 - 7:30] I'm sorry if you don't like me being fucking real but that's just how I am.
[7:30 - 7:59] Don't like it too bad.
[7:59 - 8:05] Like I'm not out here to fucking please the whole world.
[8:05 - 8:09] I can't fucking please every person out there.
[8:09 - 8:27] Yeah so y'all might not agree with what I do but at the end of the day that's on me.
[8:27 - 8:35] Hell well let me give you guys a prime example here. Take my take my motherfucking best friend Krip K here.
[8:35 - 8:44] He's got kids but you don't see him going around trolling people. You don't see him doing that dumb shit that lava does. No.
[8:44 - 8:55] If anything Krip K is one of the best motherfucking fathers I've ever met in my life.
[8:55 - 9:00] You literally Krip K is one of the best fathers I've ever seen in my fucking life.
[9:00 - 9:10] Straight up I was sat there and I watched how this man is around his kids and I can honestly say this man literally deserves the dad of the year award straight the fuck up.
[9:10 - 9:24] He literally deserves the dad of the year award like no joke. He's literally a good father to his kids straight up.
[9:24 - 9:41] So what gets me is what makes lava think that trolling people is okay.
[9:41 - 9:51] I don't get it.
[9:51 - 10:02] Now I'm gonna lie man Krip K is a cool ass motherfucker like dude the other day me and Krip were just sitting down fucking shooting this shit by fucking Fortnite.
[10:02 - 10:20] Granted we were getting our asses handed to us but we were still having fun.
[10:20 - 10:29] Like I said at the end of the day I'm not gonna apologize for me being who I am.
[10:29 - 10:49] Like I'm not gonna sit there and blow smoke up your ass just to fucking please everyone. That's not how I was built. That's not how I was raised.
[10:49 - 10:58] That's true man we actually did. Dude we actually did do that. I forgot about that.
[10:58 - 11:02] Oh shit.
[11:02 - 11:11] That was good shit though man. That was real good shit.
[11:11 - 11:21] But like I said though man you know at the end of the day I'm not here to please everyone. I'm not here to you know blow smoke up someone's ass.
[11:21 - 11:29] If you fuck with me that's dope. That's awesome.
[11:29 - 11:44] Like if you're hearing a fucking troll dude the troll train done took off about let me see see what time it is now.
[11:44 - 12:01] You guys are about a decade too late. You guys are about a decade behind on the troll train.
[12:01 - 12:11] So if you don't want to catch that troll train you might want to start walking.
[12:11 - 12:19] You got a long walk ahead of you I'll tell you that much. You got a long ass walk ahead of you I'll tell you that much right now man.
[12:19 - 12:31] A long ass walk. You know what I'm saying.
[12:31 - 12:41] Exactly. And I want it. Chris is actually the perfect example of what a good parent is. He really is like plain and simple.
[12:41 - 12:48] He is actually one of the most perfect examples of what a good parent is.
[12:48 - 12:57] Yeah sure me and him hang out and play games and you know talk music and work on music together and shit and he might record music and do his shit.
[12:57 - 13:04] But he always puts his kids first above all else.
[13:04 - 13:09] And that's what a good parent should do.
[13:09 - 13:12] Hey. What's up.
[13:12 - 13:41] Yo Hannah how the fuck did you get on monitor. I thought I had your ass on.
[13:41 - 14:07] Tracy here's the thing though. That was before.
[14:07 - 14:21] What did you listen to you. Y'all heard my mom's call me. There you go.
[14:21 - 14:36] So Kruger showed up your ass bitch.
[14:36 - 15:05] Yeah.
[15:05 - 15:17] You're welcome.
[15:17 - 15:22] Sorry about that. You'll have to do some more quick.
[15:22 - 15:33] So it's a little bitch Kruger. What the hell wasn't he man.
[15:33 - 15:44] Like for real. Let that be a lesson to you Kruger. Everybody just heard my mom's fucking call me to help out.
[15:44 - 15:52] Y'all just heard this shit for yourselves.
[15:52 - 16:05] And tell me again how I don't help around the house.
[16:05 - 16:21] Like what. Got me fucking confused.
[16:21 - 16:34] And to address the thing from Tracy earlier about the threats. Tracy something you need to realize is I'm only human you know and you know people get pushed to a certain point to where they fucking snap.
[16:34 - 16:42] I want to tell you those points where I did that shit. I was being pushed to my fucking way.
[16:42 - 16:53] I was being pushed to the point of you know my ultimately my breaking point my snapping point my tipping point whatever call whatever you want.
[16:53 - 16:58] But when you push somebody's button so far they're gonna fucking snap at some point.
[16:58 - 17:15] They're gonna lash out. They're gonna say shit. They're gonna do shit. That's just human nature.
[17:15 - 17:21] Hey Crystal.
[17:21 - 17:30] What's up. Yeah you're not wrong there dude. I'm actually painting that comment.
[17:30 - 17:46] I am. Yo everybody stop chat for a second. I am actually bidding Marty's comment for that. That is a good one bro shots fired by Marty guys shots motherfucking fired by Marty.
[17:46 - 17:59] God damn.
[17:59 - 18:18] Hey savage dad was good homey. How you doing bro.
[18:18 - 18:29] What the fuck you know I was just you know it's like I said I can't really speak on anything else.
[18:29 - 18:39] Like I think I pretty much said it all between the last live stream this one like I didn't bring anybody's kids into it.
[18:39 - 18:58] I was simply stating facts that lava needs to get her ass off the internet and be a parent to her kids and set a good example for her kids and stop doing this dumb shit.
[18:58 - 19:10] Hey Shane thanks bro. Oh shit Shane what's good? I'm gonna sit your ass in here bro.
[19:10 - 19:25] How the fuck have you been Shane what's good. I ain't seen you since our last fucking battle man how you been.
[19:25 - 19:35] How you gonna do that we ain't done shit.
[19:35 - 19:41] That's a real cute threat. That's a real cute threat again. That's a real cute threat.
[19:41 - 19:51] No Marty it's all good it's all good. That's a cute threat like and that really is that's real cute.
[19:51 - 20:05] That's cute like did you come put that on your own or did you have to have someone help with you.
[20:05 - 20:27] My brother. Yeah here's the thing Aries it's not about raising your kids it's about setting a good example and by her trolling and showing your kids that that's an okay thing to do.
[20:27 - 20:47] Well that's not saying a very good example now is it. That's really not because I tell you if I had kids and I caught them doing that kind of shit or if I had kids my moms called me setting that kind of example that allowed the same for her kids.
[20:47 - 21:00] Dude my moms would have my fucking ass. Like my ass would be done. My ass would have been whipped.
[21:00 - 21:09] And what I'm saying is just like with my fucking kids man. I ever have any kids let me tell you I catch them doing that shit I'm whooping their asses.
[21:09 - 21:20] I'm not going to be some pansy ass bitch ass fucking new age parent that doesn't discipline their kids.
[21:20 - 21:37] That's what I'm saying man I catch them doing something fucked up like that you better believe that someone's getting their asses whipped.
[21:37 - 21:53] That's how I was raised man. If I did something that might say something when I was a kid if I did something stupid or wrong let me ask you all motherfuckers right now man how many y'all motherfuckers got to switch the belt or the title of the kid for doing something wrong or the shoot.
[21:53 - 22:18] Like how many y'all motherfuckers got your asses whipped as a kid for doing something wrong.
[22:18 - 22:33] And here's the thing Tracy I do take accountability for my actions.
[22:33 - 22:45] Like I do take responsibility for my own actions and I have my young motherfuckers out here running around acting like fucking children that are in here today.
[22:45 - 22:54] But like I said y'all can think what you want say what you want the end of the day it don't bother me none.
[22:54 - 23:03] I'm not here to please everyone. I'm not for everyone. Hey Misty what's up.
[23:03 - 23:20] Yeah whatever Tracy.
[23:20 - 23:25] Come on black cat cut the jokes man.
[23:25 - 23:29] Like I said I will not apologize for being real.
[23:29 - 23:46] If y'all don't like it dude it's like I do to literally me and one of my homies we're talking about this day literally when me one of my homies we're talking about this day if you don't like what I what you're seeing.
[23:46 - 23:53] If you don't like my channel why watch it.
[23:53 - 23:55] If you don't like my channel.
[23:55 - 24:06] Simple thing you do is click off the video go watch something else and don't fucking watch plain and simple.
[24:06 - 24:09] You're not wasting my time.
[24:09 - 24:17] You're not wasting my time at all. If anything you're wasting your own time.
[24:17 - 24:32] So why waste your time on something that you don't enjoy that you don't like.
[24:32 - 24:41] I get that but just because I'm highly entertaining doesn't mean that if you don't like me that doesn't mean you have to fucking watch me.
[24:41 - 24:48] There are plenty of other YouTubers you can watch.
[24:48 - 24:51] Seriously there's plenty of other YouTubers that you can watch.
[24:51 - 25:14] Hell you got fucking PewDiePie, you got Jake Paul, you got Logan Paul, you got oh one of my favorites Aki Dearest, you got Jacksepticeye, you got Markiplier, you got that dude up blue, you got Slaptran, Black Panther, fucking daily driven exotics.
[25:14 - 25:20] There's a whole plethora of YouTube channels out there y'all can fucking watch.
[25:20 - 25:49] Like if you don't like my content and it's not for you then don't fucking watch it plain and simple dude.
[25:50 - 26:03] Like for real though like the point I'm trying to make is man I'm not gonna apologize for being me.
[26:03 - 26:07] I'm not gonna apologize for being real.
[26:07 - 26:17] If making me real gets me trolled and attacked well guess what I guess I'm getting trolled and attacked.
[26:17 - 26:23] I guess I'm getting trolled and attacked quite a lot because I'm not going nowhere.
[26:23 - 26:34] And by y'all motherfuckers clicking on these videos probably disliking it and watching it guess who's gonna be popping up and y'alls recommended a lot more.
[26:34 - 26:36] Me.
[26:36 - 26:54] My face so here's the funny thing about that y'all sit here and you hate but because you're doing all this you're just gonna see the mirror of me and you're recommended.
[26:54 - 27:10] That's all you gotta see is more of me and you're fucking recommended which means you have to deal with more of this shit.
[27:10 - 27:23] So you ain't even bothering me none. Like for real you're not hurting me none you're just hurting yourselves like plain and simple.
[27:23 - 27:31] If you don't like the way that I am well I can't help you there.
[27:31 - 27:38] That's on y'all man.
[27:38 - 28:04] Yeah who's the rogue Maude.
[28:04 - 28:19] I'll do plenty of dude. I've seen plenty of car crashes.
[28:19 - 28:42] I say spanky man spanky you fucking asshole what the fuck spanky you fucking dick there you go with your old fucking wisecracks man asshole.
[28:42 - 28:57] Well you must be looking in the mirror Dean. Hey Dijon 1048 you must be looking in the mirror and seriously you must be looking in the fucking mirror then because the only car crash you see around here is your dumb ass.
[28:57 - 29:26] You're probably looking in the mirror.
[29:26 - 29:54] Well for real man I just find it funny that y'all think that y'all is trolling guests man it really doesn't.
[29:54 - 30:05] I'm sitting here literally trying not to laugh at the idiocy going on right now.
[30:05 - 30:34] Like I am legit trying not to laugh at the fucking idiocy going on in the comments like this shit's funny as fuck.
[30:34 - 30:59] That's not even kidding.
[30:59 - 31:05] Okay.
[31:05 - 31:11] Tracy the one that I've been the car crashes you're fucking at. I should know Tracy.
[31:11 - 31:19] You're the one that actually I would say that somebody else invented airbags but we all know that you're literally a human airbag.
[31:19 - 31:31] We all know that you're the world's first human airbag.
[31:31 - 32:00] What are you a human airbag for? Are you a human airbag for a bus, a truck, a car, an SUV? What kind of vehicle are you an airbag for? Because I'd like to see that one.
[32:00 - 32:14] Oh man.
[32:14 - 32:29] I'm about to bounce this off here man I literally have had a damn good laugh bro I've had fun dude I've had my laughs for the day and if y'all know why they been real well guess what that's just too fucking bad for you.
[32:29 - 32:37] Because y'all want to sit there and talk shit go ahead.
[32:37 - 32:48] If you fuck with me that's awesome if you don't hey that's awesome too because you're all just human free views.
[32:48 - 32:53] Oh hold on I don't know if it's the troll or not it's probably never going to hold on.
[32:53 - 33:08] Yo. Hey man can I borrow your stylus? Hey asshole can you go fuck yourself?
[33:08 - 33:14] But anyways I'm about to bounce this off here I'm about to kick in and chill.
[33:14 - 33:28] I'll probably get ahold of Chris if y'all don't know I actually am working on a brand new classical or casual album which something I'm not done yet so yes I am working on some new material I just gotta get everything together and get it going.
[33:28 - 33:37] So fuck all of you guys if you fuck with me I'll fuck with you and if you don't fuck with me I still fuck with you.
[33:37 - 33:48] But I'm going to send y'all I'm out of y'all peace.


[0:00 - 0:24] What's up, y'all?
[0:24 - 0:47] Sorry, I ain't been to bed yet.
[0:47 - 0:53] We need to talk about something Marty, you're a failure.
[0:53 - 0:57] And Kate and Schmeckle, so are you.
[0:57 - 1:01] You're all three fucking failures.
[1:01 - 1:12] And I'm going to tell you how here in a minute.
[1:12 - 1:27] Let's see, last night, late last night, Kate or Caitlyn, and she likes to be called Caitlyn,
[1:27 - 1:34] decided to pull a troll on me and make me look like a pedophile.
[1:34 - 1:39] She sat there pretending to be a 15 year old girl or whatever and I kind of had a feeling
[1:39 - 1:41] that she was a troll.
[1:41 - 1:48] I kind of had that feeling, so I went along with it.
[1:48 - 1:52] But here's where you failed, Marty.
[1:52 - 1:55] Here's where all three of you fucking failed.
[1:55 - 2:05] You gave yourselves away and we all heard it.
[2:05 - 2:11] See you guys, instead of letting it go and playing it safe, you know, you could have
[2:11 - 2:18] gotten away with this and I could have been arrested, I really could have, but you guys
[2:18 - 2:19] failed.
[2:19 - 2:27] Like, if you guys had not spoken, I could have very well gone to jail.
[2:27 - 2:29] You guys could have gotten away with framing me.
[2:29 - 2:35] You guys could have gotten away with framing me for whatever you wanted.
[2:35 - 2:42] You really could have, but instead of keeping quiet, you admit on fucking livestream that
[2:42 - 2:45] you set me up.
[2:45 - 2:56] You literally sit there and admit on fucking livestream that you fucking set me up.
[2:56 - 3:05] You set me up to fucking troll me, you fucking morons.
[3:05 - 3:13] Like for real, you sit there and you fucking set me up and you admitted to it.
[3:13 - 3:18] You admitted to pretending to be a 15 year old girl, Kate.
[3:18 - 3:23] You admitted to that shit, which I kind of had a feeling it was you because you're the
[3:23 - 3:28] only one that lives in that fucking area that you were texting me from.
[3:28 - 3:33] Like, come the fuck on, bitch.
[3:33 - 3:38] And Marta, you sit there and you say, and I will admit, I'm not condoning, my actions
[3:38 - 3:39] were right.
[3:39 - 3:40] They were wrong.
[3:40 - 3:44] I will admit that.
[3:44 - 3:47] I will admit that I should not have done what I did.
[3:47 - 3:52] I admit that, but on the flip side of shit.
[3:52 - 4:02] Who are you to sit there and say who belongs on the internet and who doesn't, bitch?
[4:02 - 4:06] Like there were multiple ways that you could have taken shit.
[4:06 - 4:10] You didn't have to do what you fucking did.
[4:10 - 4:16] Now because of you fucking morons, I'm stuck with the stigma of being a pedo all because
[4:16 - 4:19] of the fact that you wanted to set me up.
[4:19 - 4:24] You wanted to set me up and make me look like shit.
[4:24 - 4:27] You wanted to set me up for your own self gain.
[4:27 - 4:28] You wanted to troll me.
[4:28 - 4:37] You wanted me off the internet so goddamn bad, you'll go to no lengths to fucking stop.
[4:37 - 4:43] And Marty, if you think that the police aren't going to come after you, you're dead ass wrong.
[4:43 - 4:51] Cause see, yeah, you may have, you may have set me up, but look at it from this point
[4:51 - 4:54] of view, from the outside point of view, okay?
[4:54 - 4:57] Look at it from the point of view of a judge.
[4:57 - 5:02] Yes, I may be scolded for my actions.
[5:02 - 5:11] That may be true and I may get a slap on the wrist or a fine or whatever, but at the
[5:11 - 5:22] same time you sit there and you admit on a live stream that you do this shit.
[5:22 - 5:24] You fucking admitted to it.
[5:24 - 5:27] Now who do you think the judge is going to look at?
[5:27 - 5:35] Somebody who got framed and set up or the person that actually did the setting up?
[5:35 - 5:38] The person that teamed up with these people.
[5:38 - 5:43] Hey Kate, you're no fucking saint yourself, bitch.
[5:43 - 5:47] You're no Mother Teresa yourself.
[5:47 - 5:50] You sat right there and admitted that you like to bully people, bitch.
[5:50 - 5:55] You sat right fucking there and admitted that you like to bully people.
[5:55 - 5:56] You like to troll people.
[5:56 - 6:01] You like to attack people.
[6:01 - 6:04] And I for one am fucking tired of it.
[6:04 - 6:08] I didn't deserve what you did to me last night.
[6:08 - 6:12] Like dude, you sat there and admitted that you do this shit all because you don't fucking
[6:12 - 6:15] like me.
[6:15 - 6:17] All because you don't like my appearance.
[6:17 - 6:23] You figure, oh, why don't you pretend to be this little girl and troll this person?
[6:23 - 6:27] Da da da da da, let's try to get him arrested.
[6:27 - 6:30] Let's ruin his reputation, blah blah blah.
[6:30 - 6:33] Dude, that's childish shit, bitch.
[6:33 - 6:37] Grow up.
[6:37 - 6:53] Hey CIA ho, why don't you tell that to Kate?
[6:53 - 6:55] Why don't you tell that to Kate?
[6:55 - 6:59] And honestly, you're right, I do need help.
[6:59 - 7:02] You're right, I do need a little bit of help.
[7:02 - 7:08] You want to know what I need help with?
[7:08 - 7:15] My fucking sanity is what I need help with because motherfuckers like Marty, motherfuckers
[7:15 - 7:21] like Kate that want to sit there and troll people.
[7:21 - 7:29] I will admit I do need some form of fucking help to shut these people down.
[7:29 - 7:32] I'm fucking tired of it, man.
[7:32 - 7:35] I didn't ask to be put in this position.
[7:35 - 7:41] I didn't ask to troll that, Kate, we all know that it was you that gave out my number.
[7:41 - 7:47] We all know it was you that gave out my number, bitch.
[7:47 - 7:54] Like for real, Marty, Kate, Schneider, you are all pieces of fucking shit.
[7:54 - 7:59] You're garbage, trash.
[7:59 - 8:06] You'll do anything to get a rise out of me, even if it makes me look like a fucking pedophile.
[8:06 - 8:11] Even if it makes me look bad, like I told you on your own stream, bitch.
[8:11 - 8:13] You don't give a fuck about the law.
[8:13 - 8:17] You don't fucking care.
[8:17 - 8:21] All you give a fuck about is goddamn views.
[8:21 - 8:25] You give a fuck about making people look bad for fucking laughs.
[8:25 - 8:28] You don't care if they end up in prison.
[8:28 - 8:30] You don't care if you frame them.
[8:30 - 8:33] You don't care what happens.
[8:33 - 8:37] All you give a fuck about is your fucking selves.
[8:37 - 8:45] You don't give a fuck about a goddamn thing, except being a judgmental, egotistical little
[8:45 - 8:48] fucking bitch.
[8:48 - 8:53] You think you're so righteous that your shit don't stink.
[8:53 - 8:58] You think that you're above me, that you're better than me.
[8:58 - 9:01] Bitch look in the fucking mirror, man.
[9:01 - 9:05] Look in the goddamn mirror.
[9:05 - 9:08] Marty you've done way worse shit than that.
[9:08 - 9:14] And Kaitlyn, you've done worse shit than that.
[9:14 - 9:18] I come the fuck on, dude.
[9:18 - 9:22] Like Marty, you've done way worse than what I could have ever done.
[9:22 - 9:25] Yes, me falling for that troll, I never should have done that.
[9:25 - 9:27] I admit that.
[9:27 - 9:29] I never should have fucking done that.
[9:29 - 9:36] I was in the wrong for doing that and I admit that.
[9:36 - 9:39] But look at what you've done, Marty.
[9:39 - 9:44] Look at the shit that you've done.
[9:44 - 9:57] Like bro, you sit there and you get my biological father fired from his fucking job.
[9:57 - 10:00] All because you fucking hate me.
[10:00 - 10:09] Like why is it that you hate me that fucking bad that you feel like you have to do this
[10:09 - 10:12] shit.
[10:12 - 10:17] I don't fucking get it.
[10:17 - 10:22] Like you said that you say, oh, when you sign up to be on the YouTube, you sign up
[10:22 - 10:26] to be a troll, no the fuck I don't.
[10:26 - 10:32] When I started doing YouTube 13 years ago, I didn't sign on for this trash.
[10:32 - 10:36] I didn't sign on to be attacked.
[10:36 - 10:38] I didn't sign on to be a troll.
[10:38 - 10:44] Even when I signed up for to help people and to make music and to try to make some sort
[10:44 - 11:00] of good difference on this platform.
[11:00 - 11:03] I didn't sign up for this bullshit.
[11:03 - 11:07] I didn't sign up to be fucking attacked.
[11:07 - 11:11] I didn't sign up to be fucking troll.
[11:11 - 11:15] And you guys say I'm fucking delusional.
[11:15 - 11:19] You want to say I'm delusional.
[11:19 - 11:24] Take a look in the fucking mirror, you dumbasses.
[11:24 - 11:27] Look at the shit that you do, man.
[11:27 - 11:31] Look at the bullshit that you do.
[11:31 - 11:32] Don't worry about me for a minute.
[11:32 - 11:36] Look at the shit that you do, man.
[11:36 - 11:42] Dude, you caused my biological father to lose his job.
[11:42 - 11:46] You threatened my family's lives.
[11:46 - 11:49] And Kate, you give out my number.
[11:49 - 11:50] You troll me.
[11:50 - 11:52] You frame me.
[11:52 - 11:54] You set me up.
[11:54 - 11:58] And you say that I'm the bad guy.
[11:58 - 12:01] You say that I'm the awful person.
[12:01 - 12:02] You say that I'm the pedophile.
[12:02 - 12:04] You say that I'm the weirdo.
[12:04 - 12:05] That I'm the sick fuck.
[12:05 - 12:07] Yeah, I'm a motherfucker.
[12:07 - 12:09] Look in the goddamn mirror.
[12:09 - 12:12] Look at your fucking selves.
[12:12 - 12:15] Look at what you guys do to people.
[12:15 - 12:17] Look at what you do.
[12:17 - 12:19] Look at how you troll people.
[12:19 - 12:22] How you attack people.
[12:22 - 12:25] How you go after motherfuckers.
[12:25 - 12:26] What dude?
[12:26 - 12:31] The other day there was a little girl that took her fucking life because of you guys.
[12:31 - 12:41] A fucking child, a fucking teenager killed themselves because of you and your bullshit,
[12:41 - 12:42] Caitlin.
[12:42 - 12:48] A little girl took her life because of you fucking pricks, because of your little faggot-ass
[12:48 - 12:52] bullshit community.
[12:52 - 12:56] You all three are pieces of shit.
[12:56 - 12:59] You're garbage.
[12:59 - 13:03] And I'm honestly tired of seeing this shit, man.
[13:03 - 13:06] Grow up.
[13:06 - 13:09] The troll scene is fucking dead.
[13:09 - 13:26] Grow up.
[13:26 - 13:34] But here's the thing, black cat, I was set up and they admitted it on fucking live.
[13:34 - 13:36] We all fucking heard it.
[13:36 - 13:40] We all fucking heard it, man.
[13:40 - 13:47] And I'm not deflecting shit, bitch, so you can sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
[13:47 - 13:49] I ain't deflecting shit.
[13:49 - 13:53] I'm stating the goddamn facts as they really are.
[13:53 - 14:00] And if you don't like the fucking truth, well, guess what, you bitch.
[14:00 - 14:07] Because I'll tell everyone you punk-ass little faggots right to your face that's in the
[14:07 - 14:12] chat running in your mouth, I'll tell everyone you pussy-ass motherfuckers to go do what
[14:12 - 14:17] Marty and Kate need to do and jump off a fucking bridge and kill yourselves.
[14:17 - 14:22] So all y'all motherfuckers in the chat that are sitting there coming after me and blaming
[14:22 - 14:28] Marty and believing that I'm this bad person, why don't you do yourselves a favor and do
[14:28 - 14:33] me and the world a favor and go jump off a fucking bridge.
[14:33 - 14:40] For real, go jump off a bridge and kill yourselves because I'm about fucking at it.
[14:40 - 14:43] I'm tired of the fuck shit.
[14:43 - 14:46] I didn't sign on to be trolled.
[14:46 - 14:48] I didn't sign on to be harassed.
[14:48 - 14:56] I didn't sign on to be made out to be a pedophile and to be set the fuck up.
[14:56 - 14:59] I didn't sign on to be set up.
[14:59 - 15:09] I didn't sign on to be framed.
[15:09 - 15:15] I didn't sign on to be made out to be something that I'm not.
[15:15 - 15:17] So fucking what?
[15:17 - 15:22] I made a goddamn mistake by falling for a fucking troll.
[15:22 - 15:25] Get the fuck over it bitch.
[15:25 - 15:27] Get over it.
[15:27 - 15:30] Grow up.
[15:30 - 15:35] This is what I was talking about yesterday.
[15:35 - 15:39] This is exactly what I was talking about yesterday when I said y'all motherfuckers
[15:39 - 15:42] don't know my real life.
[15:42 - 15:46] You don't know who the fuck I am.
[15:46 - 15:51] You don't see what I do in my daily life outside of YouTube.
[15:51 - 15:56] All you see is what I fucking post, that's it, bottom line.
[15:56 - 16:01] And a discussion.
[16:01 - 16:06] All you guys see is what I post.
[16:06 - 16:09] That's all you fucking see.
[16:09 - 16:14] You don't see my daily life outside of YouTube.
[16:14 - 16:18] You don't see what I do when I'm not on camera.
[16:18 - 16:23] You don't see how I help my family, how I hang out with my friends.
[16:23 - 16:25] You don't see that shit.
[16:25 - 16:28] All you see is what I do like this.
[16:28 - 16:29] That's it.
[16:29 - 16:33] That's all you fucking see.
[16:33 - 16:38] And you think that just because I post a video, you gotta write the fucking judge,
[16:38 - 16:39] right?
[16:39 - 16:53] Wrong bitch.
[16:53 - 17:04] Like quite honestly, I'm fucking tired of this shit.
[17:04 - 17:23] Like, I don't understand why the fuck y'all feel like, I don't understand why the fuck
[17:23 - 17:28] y'all feel like you have a right to do what you do to me.
[17:28 - 17:31] I don't fucking get it.
[17:31 - 17:35] Just 'cause you don't fucking like me, that doesn't mean you gotta go after me like you
[17:35 - 17:37] fucking do.
[17:37 - 17:44] What you do is childish and stupid.
[17:44 - 17:49] And you say that I'm the bad guy, that I'm the delusional one.
[17:49 - 17:51] Really?
[17:51 - 17:53] Look in the fucking mirror.
[17:53 - 17:57] Let's see the skeletons in your closet, bitch.
[17:57 - 17:58] Open up your closet.
[17:58 - 18:04] Let's see the skeletons hidden in your closet.
[18:04 - 18:09] Let's see how much fucked up shit you done compared to me.
[18:09 - 18:15] Chances are y'all done way fucking worse.
[18:15 - 18:23] Way fucking worse.
[18:23 - 18:29] So I gotta say, before judging someone else, judge your motherfucking self.
[18:29 - 18:36] 'Cause I'm not staying from being called a goddamn pedophile bitch.
[18:36 - 18:37] So what?
[18:37 - 18:39] I fell for a fucking troll.
[18:39 - 18:42] Whoopty fucking noob.
[18:42 - 18:45] Big fucking whoop.
[18:45 - 18:48] I fell for a fucking troll.
[18:48 - 18:50] Grow the fuck up bitches.
[18:50 - 18:54] Grow the fuck up you pansy-ass bitch boys.
[18:54 - 19:00] All y'all motherfuckers in the chat, grow the fuck up and get a real fucking life.
[19:00 - 19:05] Or better yet, why don't you tell me, why don't I tell you like you tell me to do.
[19:05 - 19:09] Grow the fuck up and get a job, faggot.
[19:09 - 19:13] For real, grow the fuck up and get off the internet and get a job.
[19:13 - 19:14] How 'bout that?
[19:14 - 19:19] How 'bout you grow up and get a job?
[19:19 - 19:25] How 'bout you grow the fuck up and at your fucking age and get a job?
[19:25 - 19:31] Or better yet, speaking on this, Marty, you guys sit there and say that you want me to
[19:31 - 19:34] get a job, right?
[19:34 - 19:39] You want me to have a regular job, be a productive member of society, correct?
[19:39 - 19:46] Well, how am I supposed to do that if you guys aren't doing what you're doing to me?
[19:46 - 19:55] Like if I'm gonna be labeled as a pedophile, how am I supposed to get a regular job?
[19:55 - 19:58] Think about it, it doesn't fucking work like that.
[19:58 - 20:02] You're just defeating the purpose.
[20:02 - 20:08] For real, if you want me to get a regular job, you shouldn't have done what you did.
[20:08 - 20:12] You should not have done what you motherfucking did.
[20:12 - 20:33] It's okay, grow up, bitch.
[20:33 - 20:39] Like for real, I'm tired of being made out to be this bad guy that I'm not.
[20:39 - 20:40] I'm sick of it.
[20:40 - 20:44] I'm done with the bullshit, man.
[20:44 - 20:49] And y'all wonder why I want to leave so fucking bad?
[20:49 - 20:53] You guys wonder why I want to leave this fucking community so bad?
[20:53 - 20:59] It's because I keep on getting put in these bad situations and I'm sick of it.
[20:59 - 21:05] I'm not your fucking marionette, I'm not your fucking play toy, I'm not your fucking
[21:05 - 21:10] monkey, I'm not gonna sit there and do fucking tricks for you.
[21:10 - 21:16] I'm nobody's fucking puppet, no one owns me, I own me.
[21:16 - 21:22] I'm not your goddamn puppet, bitch.
[21:22 - 21:35] Grow up.
[21:35 - 21:40] For real, grow the fuck up.
[21:40 - 21:43] Y'all wonder why I don't want anything to do with this fucking platform?
[21:43 - 21:47] This bullshit that happened to me last night, that never should have happened to me to
[21:47 - 21:55] begin with, Kate and Marty, it's the reason why I don't want anything to do with this
[21:55 - 22:04] platform.
[22:04 - 22:22] So Marty, Kate, suck my dick, bitch and get a life.
[22:22 - 22:28] For real, grow up and get a life, bitch.
[22:28 - 22:35] Grow up and judge yourself before judging someone else.
[22:35 - 22:40] Just because your life ain't perfect, that doesn't mean you gotta ruin someone else's.
[22:40 - 22:45] Bitch, act your goddamn age, you fucking faggots.
[22:45 - 22:49] You're a failure at a life, Marty.
[22:49 - 22:59] You're a failure at life and, Caitlin, you're a failure at everything you try to do.
[22:59 - 23:05] You're a fucking failure at everything.
[23:05 - 23:07] And that's why I'm always gonna be better than you.
[23:07 - 23:10] I will always be above you.
[23:10 - 23:17] I will always be able to step on you and squish you like the pieces of shit that you
[23:17 - 23:19] are.
[23:19 - 23:23] Because to be honest, Marty, you and Caitlin Schmeichel, you're no better than the dirt
[23:23 - 23:26] that I walk on.
[23:26 - 23:35] You're trash.
[23:35 - 23:40] You wanna say that I'm garbage, but really, who's the one doing this garbage bullshit?
[23:40 - 23:42] It ain't me, bitch.
[23:42 - 23:46] Look in the mirror, fuckface.
[23:46 - 23:54] And Marty, you wanna talk shit, motherfucker, let me tell you right now.
[23:54 - 23:57] Jamie would be embarrassed by you.
[23:57 - 24:04] If Jamie were here, she would be embarrassed by you.
[24:04 - 24:09] She would be ashamed of you.
[24:09 - 24:12] Jamie never liked you.
[24:12 - 24:16] She hated you.
[24:16 - 24:23] She could not stand you because you're a bitch.
[24:23 - 24:39] A coward ass, two-faced, fat as fuck, overweight, Donald Trump hair-looking bitch.
[24:39 - 24:43] For real, for real.
[24:43 - 24:48] Grow up, you fucking fat ass fucking piece of shit slob.
[24:48 - 24:50] Grow up.
[24:50 - 24:54] Jamie would have been embarrassed by you, Marty.
[24:54 - 25:12] Still embarrassed.
[25:12 - 25:30] And that's why after this video, that's why after this stream, I am stepping away from
[25:30 - 25:46] YouTube for a while.
[25:46 - 25:56] Because I'm dumb being trolled, I'm dumb being attacked, I'm sick of it.
[25:56 - 26:03] So every one of you motherfuckers that are in the chat that aren't standing up for me,
[26:03 - 26:08] every one of you motherfuckers that aren't standing up for me, every last one of you
[26:08 - 26:11] can kiss my fucking ass.
[26:11 - 26:15] Every single one of you that isn't standing up for me can go the fuck to hell and burn
[26:15 - 26:16] in hell.
[26:16 - 26:23] Because if you're not standing up for me, then you side with a bitch, Marty.
[26:23 - 26:28] Every one of you can burn in fucking hell for all I care.
[26:28 - 26:32] I'm tired of the bullshit, dude.
[26:32 - 26:34] I don't deserve this.
[26:34 - 26:36] I didn't deserve to get framed.
[26:36 - 26:38] I didn't deserve to get trolled.
[26:38 - 26:41] I didn't deserve any of this motherfuckers.
[26:41 - 26:47] So every one of you can kiss my ass, suck my dick, and go the fuck to hell, bitch.
[26:47 - 26:53] Because I'm done with this platform and I'm done with every one of you faggots.
[26:53 - 26:59] I hope you little bitches slit all your fucking necks and you rot in fucking hell and fucking
[26:59 - 27:00] die.
[27:00 - 27:06] So fuck all of you guys that aren't standing up for me.
[27:06 - 27:09] I'm done, bitch.
[27:09 - 27:11] Thank you very much.


[0:00 - 0:13] and we are...we are live. What is it y'all? Y'all know what it is. Um, what up y'all? It's your boy DJ Gus 'cause y'all know what it is. I ain't gotta fuckin' say it, boy.
[0:13 - 0:29] But I do have a special guest here, me, who is actually going to explain everything that actually is going on because I found out some info that I was unaware of that I had no idea about.
[0:29 - 0:39] And your boy here now has still been a little bit on what's going on. So I'm gonna let this man explain what's going on and all that shit.
[0:39 - 0:46] So, uh, yeah, with that being said, take it away, bro. Explain to these guys what's going on.
[0:46 - 0:48] Yo, yo, thank you for having me, bro.
[0:48 - 0:50] Oh, always, man. Always.
[0:50 - 0:59] So, uh, our little buddy Nickolas, man, he wants to be controlling you even though he's been acting cool, you know, from another camera, this and that, all of a sudden, bullshit, you know.
[0:59 - 1:08] So it turns out, him and his little buddy group started being a good idea to Google search a random image of some, you know, random ass chick and try to catch at you.
[1:08 - 1:19] You know, they've done this multiple times with multiple people, trying to act like somebody, cloning people's accounts, you know, just trying to get you to, you know, send something or whatever, you know, just trying to, trying to fuck with you, you know.
[1:19 - 1:21] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, absolutely.
[1:21 - 1:31] You know, they thought of this idea. They thought it would be a brilliant idea to have some random fucking picture and trying to text you, you know, trying to entrap you.
[1:31 - 1:35] You know, that isn't considered, that is considered entrapment, you know.
[1:35 - 1:47] Right, exactly. The way they did it, and not to mention, not only is that considered entrapment, but it's also considered framing, too. They ultimately tried to frame me as well.
[1:47 - 1:49] Correct, correct.
[1:49 - 1:59] So our little buddy Nicholas thinks it's a good idea to, you know, fuck with people, try to use other people's images. Little does he know Google reverse image search exists, which we did.
[1:59 - 2:07] We found out that images from 2013 of some random chick, you know, so, come on, Marty. Nicholas, I'll call you Nicholas by your real name, bro.
[2:07 - 2:08] Yeah, for real.
[2:08 - 2:17] You know the thing that chokes me out about Marty is, you know, he comes from such an intelligent background, you know. I really wonder what his parents would think about the shit he's doing, you know.
[2:17 - 2:19] Alright, like, he really does come-
[2:19 - 2:32] Yeah, come on, Marty. Like, you're an intelligent dude, bro. You come from an intelligent background, you know. And, well, what do you do? You waste your day strolling, obsessing over Cyrex.
[2:32 - 2:35] What did you ask me? It's kind of cringy as fuck.
[2:35 - 2:44] Kind of gay, that's what it is, bro. You're 34 years old, Nicholas. When you get a grip of life, then, you know, do something productive.
[2:44 - 2:50] And not just that, but you also said that, okay, that's something to do with it. You got something you want to say to Mark?
[2:50 - 2:55] It's all the little troll groups on Discord, you know. They all have something to do with it.
[2:55 - 2:56] Right.
[2:56 - 3:02] They admitted to it. We have the screenshot, you know.
[3:02 - 3:07] Marty, come on, bro. You gotta do better, bro.
[3:07 - 3:13] Right, for real. And ask for Kate, man. Like, what are you doing?
[3:13 - 3:19] Like he just said, why you guys wasting your fucking time doing this shit? It's stupid.
[3:19 - 3:25] And if y'all ain't know, this is the motherfucker that used to be a mod on my channel.
[3:25 - 3:31] If y'all remember, if y'all remember, if y'all remember made a wick, if y'all remember made a wick.
[3:31 - 3:34] That's this crazy motherfucker right here.
[3:34 - 3:38] Yo, Cyrex, bro. We're taking Marty down, man. You already know.
[3:38 - 3:40] Oh, absolutely, bro. Absolutely.
[3:40 - 3:43] We just did too much on that, man, but we got some shit in the works, you know.
[3:43 - 3:45] Absolutely, man. We definitely do.
[3:45 - 3:51] We're actually gonna, we're gonna go to, we're gonna go to Marty's standards, man. We're gonna do some crazy shit, man.
[3:51 - 3:55] And again, and again, bro. I love it. I love it.
[3:55 - 4:04] Absolute love, man. But now y'all know the motherfucking truth about what's really going on.
[4:04 - 4:16] It was a setup, bro. Just clear as day, you know.
[4:16 - 4:21] It really is, man. It really is, and...
[4:21 - 4:29] That's what I wanted to know. What do they get out of doing this shit? Like, for real.
[4:29 - 4:36] Like, what do they get out of, you know...
[4:40 - 4:46] Alright. Anyway, y'all heard it. I'm about to bounce on over there, so...
[4:46 - 4:48] Matter of fact, matter of fact, I'll keep you on the...
2021-4-22 i dont understand (Song)

2021-4-22 i dont understand (Song)

[0:00 - 0:20] [Music]
[0:20 - 0:47] I'm the fucking sick of all this negative bullshit. Everybody wanna break me. Never wanna push me, never wanna see me succeed. All they wanna do is
[0:47 - 1:06] constantly attack me, make me feel nice. Shit, I don't know what to do anymore. Don't know who the fuck you trust, don't know where to go, don't know where to do anymore.
[1:06 - 1:23] This gun, someone show me the right way out. I need to get a grip on my knife. I just don't know how. Why isn't that a kid so angry around you?
[1:23 - 1:47] True, oh wait, I do, no one, isn't that you? Have to attack me, blame me, make me constantly scrutinizing me. I don't understand why is it that this pain can't just end?
[1:47 - 2:14] I'm so fucking sick of everything that you do to me. Why can't you trust me, maybe I don't understand. Got this hatred deep inside of me. I never wanted any of this. I just wanna be myself again. Get away from all this hatred.
[2:14 - 2:40] And in the end, please, can someone help me? I just need to get away, gotta break these chains. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. You say that I'm ransing, that I'm nothing but you know, that I'm destined for more.
[2:40 - 3:09] Why isn't that I can't even break free, break these chains out of my knives? Why isn't that you can't just walk right out of my knives? I don't understand that talk, but you can't just live in me. Now I know that I should have never trusted you at all.
[3:09 - 3:23] But I'm so fucking lost. I'm so scared. I want this pain to go all the way so bad, but it always stays near.
[3:23 - 3:35] [Music]


[0:00 - 0:56] [Music]
[0:56 - 1:00] Yo bitch, motherfuckin' all the time Everybody wanna get it in
[1:00 - 1:05] No body wants me, no motherfuckin' mind Never ever would've learned that
[1:05 - 1:08] Little motherfuckin' time you wanna make a motherfuckin' day
[1:08 - 1:16] Know me when I did, motherfuckin' 'round I ain't got no time to waste
[1:16 - 1:20] All the little motherfuckin' punkin' man too Thinking that he's gonna get rich off of
[1:20 - 1:24] my motherfuckin' name Ain't no way that I'm layin' down there
[1:24 - 1:27] No motherfuckin' way tonight Ain't no way I'm down there
[1:27 - 1:33] Just I will, motherfuckin' survive here That's right, man you're on it, pray, you're
[1:33 - 1:39] goin' pray Yo, motherfuckin' man is motherfuckin' all the
[1:39 - 1:42] time And the motherfuckin' don't know, don't care
[1:42 - 1:46] God must don't make a problem, they ain't nothing to give back in the world
[1:46 - 1:55] They ain't nothing, ain't nobody motherfuckin' somethin' to give back in the world
[1:55 - 2:02] Hey, motherfuckin' mister ain't got a fuckin' rhythm in 'em
[2:02 - 2:09] Little motherfuckin' man told him what I'm best is, motherfuckin' night
[2:09 - 2:18] Ain't no way I'm not gonna pass the night We're in the night, it's just my soul
[2:18 - 2:27] I need to see this dark corner, it is my soul So, you better get rid of the motherfuckin'
[2:27 - 2:30] way I'm got the A, A ready to spray your veins
[2:30 - 2:45] I don't know if you're fuckin' with a lot of tricks, don't pay for a beauty
[2:45 - 3:17] I don't know if you're fuckin' with a beauty, don't pay for a beauty
[3:17 - 3:29] I don't know if you're fuckin' with a beauty
[3:29 - 3:53] I don't know if you're fuckin' with a beauty, don't pay for a beauty
[3:53 - 18:41] I don't know if you're fuckin' with a beauty
[18:41 - 18:43] Anybody that's separate into a farm
[18:43 - 18:45] Or a mother lookin' house, or a divin' in this
[18:45 - 18:49] Your intention, your intention, your intention
[18:49 - 18:51] Ain't no way to do, ain't no fuckin' rest
[18:51 - 18:53] Ain't no way you're fuckin' with a beauty
[18:53 - 18:57] I don't know if you're fuckin' with a beauty
[18:57 - 19:01] Yeah, what up guys?
[19:01 - 19:05] Wow, fuck, what?
[19:05 - 19:07] Where you from? Whitehairs.
[19:07 - 19:09] I don't know anymore.
[19:09 - 19:13] We're all downstairs.
[19:13 - 19:15] [doorbell]
[19:15 - 19:19] [door opens]
[19:19 - 19:39] [indistinct chatter]
[19:39 - 19:53] [no audio]
[19:53 - 20:45] [indistinct chatter]
[20:45 - 20:53] [no audio]
[20:53 - 21:15] [indistinct chatter]
[21:15 - 21:41] [no audio]
[21:41 - 21:43] [indistinct chatter]
[21:43 - 21:45] Hey pussy boy, get out of here.
[21:45 - 21:49] [indistinct chatter]
[21:49 - 21:51] Y'all cramps hide in school.
[21:51 - 23:44] [indistinct chatter]
[23:44 - 23:48] Hold on, yo yo yo yo, guys, guys, hold on.
[23:48 - 23:52] Everybody start the fucking chat right the fuck now.
[23:52 - 24:30] [no audio]
[24:30 - 24:32] Hey I'm Bex, I'm about to mod you.
[24:32 - 24:40] [no audio]
[24:40 - 24:42] All right Bex, you know what to do.
[24:42 - 24:54] [no audio]
[24:54 - 25:22] [indistinct chatter]
[25:22 - 25:32] [no audio]
[25:32 - 26:52] [indistinct chatter]
[26:52 - 27:08] [no audio]
[27:08 - 27:12] How the fuck you guys doing tonight?
[27:12 - 27:17] [no audio]
[27:17 - 27:27] How the fuck are all my scarred ones doing tonight?
[27:27 - 27:29] For real, man, how's all my motherfucking scarred ones, man?
[27:29 - 27:31] How the fuck you guys doing?
[27:31 - 27:37] [no audio]
[27:37 - 27:42] Nah, this little bitch Marty acts like he's gonna get me, right?
[27:42 - 27:46] Acts like he's gonna fucking stop me.
[27:46 - 27:52] But Marty demonstrated to me and you is my house is protected.
[27:52 - 27:54] You ain't getting in, boy.
[27:54 - 28:01] And the only way any of your fucking goons are leaving is in a motherfucking body bag.
[28:01 - 28:07] You get your goons open to your boy, I can promise you, man, they ain't leaving this fucking house alive.
[28:07 - 28:11] They're leaving in a goddamn body bag.
[28:11 - 28:16] Anybody who breaks into this house uninvited, you're leaving in a motherfucking body bag.
[28:16 - 28:25] You're not leaving here alive because I will protect my family and I will protect my home.
[28:25 - 28:28] And don't take that as I'm threatening your life.
[28:28 - 28:33] I'm just stating the fucking honest facts.
[28:33 - 28:39] A man has a right to protect his home and what's his.
[28:39 - 28:45] I want to say I'll protect my family and my home with every answer to what I've got.
[28:45 - 28:53] So Marty, I hope your little friends that break in, I hope they're ready to catch a fucking 12 gauge to the fucking face.
[28:53 - 28:58] Because that's what they will be met with if they come in with the intention to do harm.
[28:58 - 29:02] They will be met with a 12 gauge shotgun in the face.
[29:02 - 29:08] And that's not a threat, that's a warning to you to keep your boys away from me.
[30:00 - 30:02] You guys know this song.
[32:30 - 32:33] (upbeat music)
[32:33 - 32:34] Sweet.
2021-4-22 SAVAGE MODE

2021-4-22 SAVAGE MODE

[0:00 - 0:13] How the fuck y'all doing today, man? What the fuck is up?
[0:13 - 0:31] Yeah, that's right. Yo boy went straight savage mode on Marty's live a few minutes ago. I
[0:31 - 0:42] know y'all saw too. I said it's time to stop giving a fuck. You wanna troll me? Fuck your
[0:42 - 0:56] troll me. Cause quite frankly, I don't give no fucks no more. No holds barred bitch Marty,
[0:56 - 1:24] Same with you, Kate. Straight savage mode starts right now. Yeah, y'all thinking of
[1:24 - 1:37] it. Everybody yo and try the fuck to break me down. Tell me that I ain't worth anything.
[1:37 - 1:44] Tell me to get the fuck up off the internet. Truth is bitch, I ain't going anywhere. I'm
[1:44 - 1:49] going straight motherfucking savage mode. I ain't here to fucking say I don't give a
[1:49 - 1:55] fuck about what you gotta say, bro. Oh no, here we go. Another come back, little bitch.
[1:55 - 2:01] Fuck you, Kate. Wanna try to roll me up the internet. Wanna try to frame you for some
[2:01 - 2:07] motherfucking panda. Get it, bullshit. Bitch, get the fuck out of here. Stupid ass. Come
[2:07 - 2:12] back. Why don't you just go and sit your fucking throat? Cause don't find this in New York.
[2:12 - 2:18] Idiotic fucking bullshit. Yo Marty, motherfucker, you gotta act like your bitch ass. Motherfucker,
[2:18 - 2:24] be talk. That's why I wait for motherfucking savage mode on you right before I left you
[2:24 - 2:30] motherfucking straight bitch. I'm so sick of the shit you thinking that you gonna get
[2:30 - 2:37] rid of me that easily. Hell nah, I ain't here to stay. My music is forever, my music is
[2:37 - 2:43] motherfucking life. Every time I get up on the motherfucking mic, I'm rippling up and
[2:43 - 2:48] I just don't give a fuck, bro. Everybody wanna talk all the shit about me, bro. And then
[2:48 - 2:53] like they know my real life, and then like they fucking know me, then they wanna twist
[2:53 - 3:01] the knife. Oh well. That shit's another readable. Need to take these knives, make some fucking
[3:01 - 3:05] angel waves and fuck around. Yeah, I'll conjure birth. Sure, let's fucking guess what, bro.
[3:05 - 3:13] I just don't give a fuck. I'm so sick of all the motherfucking idiots I'm on the internet.
[3:13 - 3:19] All the strong men do it. Keep the fuck over it. That shit was fucking sailing long ago.
[3:19 - 3:26] I'm so sick of these fucking idiots. They make me wanna take this myth to Weston. Pull
[3:26 - 3:31] the shit out, close the chamber, put up the barrels of every one of the domes and let
[3:31 - 3:41] the fucking bullet go. Why don't sit in here on the motherfucking grind every single day
[3:41 - 3:47] and night. Every one of you, little punk ass bitches, it's just wasting your motherfucking
[3:47 - 3:53] time because you ain't got the heart you ain't got to fucking try to do what I'm doing every
[3:53 - 3:58] fucking day. When I step up in the roof, I test the fucking mic. Yeah, that's right,
[3:58 - 4:04] I'm fucking sitting. I'm a guy to this motherfucking underground. Every time I get up on the mic,
[4:04 - 4:10] all I'm doing is feeling nothing but the motherfucking truth. So don't stick for a
[4:10 - 4:20] second that I don't see right through all the fucking snakes in the grass. I'm so fucking
[4:20 - 4:27] sick of this idiotic bullshit. All these fucking snakes actin' like they gun away. Check me
[4:27 - 4:33] with the motherfucking venom, but the truth is, bitch, I'm a mute to that fucking venom.
[4:33 - 4:38] I don't give a fuck about you, what you say. Wanna call the cops? Go ahead, they ain't
[4:38 - 4:45] gonna do a goddamn thing, bro. All they do is just motherfuckin' bitches, so funny enough
[4:45 - 4:52] to call the internet actin' like everybody's a new it, but the truth is, nobody's buying it.
[4:52 - 5:06] Hey, John, what's up, man? Yo, John, tell me y'all saw what I did. Please tell me y'all
[5:06 - 5:11] seen what I did on Marty's stream, man. Tell me you guys see me go straight savage mode
[5:11 - 5:22] on his ass. Tell me you guys saw that shit. I know y'all motherfuckers were probably watching
[5:22 - 5:46] when I was out there a few minutes ago. Bro, dude, y'all gotta watch that shit. It's fucking
[5:46 - 5:59] dope. The Bachelor is back. Stream it live on ABC, with YouTube TV. It doesn't matter
[5:59 - 6:15] where you grill. Flame and flavor is all you need. Grill mates. Time to take y'all back
[6:15 - 6:26] to my childhood for a bit. Running down the bank roads. Every other day, everybody always
[6:26 - 6:36] talking 'bout they, got something to say. Everybody always wanna talk about this negativity
[6:36 - 6:43] of on the internet. They always wanna try to motherfuckin' show somebody, but they don't
[6:43 - 6:48] see the person that I am. I'm coming up from the motherfuckin' bottom. Came up from the
[6:48 - 6:55] motherfuckin' backwoods. Down in the motherfuckin' sand. Come up a motherfuckin' country, boy,
[6:55 - 7:02] take a look around. Yeah, I made me a redneck. Made me an outlaw. Made me a hillbilly, but
[7:02 - 7:08] I just don't. You'll fuck about what any of you motherfuckers told me, gotta say. All
[7:08 - 7:21] you wanna do is train me like it's so, so late. On the middle wall. Motherfuckin' late,
[7:21 - 7:28] all you wanna do is sit there, smile in my motherfuckin' face. But in my back, twister.
[7:28 - 7:35] Motherfuckin' not goddamn this shit. Ain't no fuckin' right, but either that you can't just
[7:35 - 7:41] get the fuck on with your goddamn knife. Maybe you can pick up the motherfuckin' mic and stand
[7:41 - 7:46] up, burning your mouth like a motherfuckin' bitch. You might actually say the chains that
[7:46 - 7:51] fuckin' line. I'm sayin' on the motherfuckin' rhyme. Every single day and every single night,
[7:51 - 7:58] I put my heart in my motherfuckin' soul, and everything that I motherfuckin' do and not
[7:58 - 8:05] just didn't give a fuck anymore rhyme. So, do it on the nativity, do it on the little
[8:05 - 8:12] big chest, one of these fuckwoods always goin' after me, goddamn. Why is it that you gotta
[8:12 - 8:19] come after me? Do you not understand that? I'm a fuck. Every one of you motherfuckin'
[8:19 - 8:25] choes are superior to you. All you wanna do is run your motherfuckin' mouth, tie that
[8:25 - 8:34] up to many other motherfuckin' bullshit up on the internet. But truth is, nobody's in
[8:34 - 8:52] the world. I'm not in the world. And I just don't give a fuck anymore. All of you wanna
[8:52 - 9:01] try to close the door on my internet. Fuck the truth is, I'm takin' these motherfuckin'
[9:01 - 9:08] boots, I'm kickin' in that motherfuckin' door every night, every fuckin' day. I'm hearin'
[9:08 - 9:13] thoughts that you don't fuck with me, you're my family, you're my motherfuckin' people.
[9:14 - 9:29] Otherwise, I'll lay you in the ground while you're lookin' peaceful. Bitch.
[9:29 - 9:35] I don't know, I'll check some right quick.
[9:35 - 9:50] Alright, sorry to y'all, I'm just takin' my mosh traps.
[9:50 - 10:02] 'Cause I thought I heard the trap go off, so I was like, what the fuck is the trap goin' off?
[10:02 - 10:09] Did you know Guyco could save you hundreds on car insurance and more? So what are you
[10:09 - 10:13] waiting for? World's Strongest Man Martins Leetsies to help you break down boxes?
[10:13 - 10:17] What am I gonna do to you, box? Let me break it down for you.
[10:29 - 10:34] Favorite movies? Not, I'm eating a lot of Cheetos. Not Cheos. Milk, dark candy. Hot dogs. I like
[10:34 - 10:40] Air 2. LinkedIn sales now, Gator, helps me build and maintain relationships, virtually.
[10:40 - 10:50] Yo, OtoVA, what's good, man?
[10:50 - 10:56] I see ya, homie.
[10:56 - 30:16] [music]
[30:16 - 30:24] I find it real fucking funny how a lot of these motherfuckers out here, they got nothing better to do with their lives than to throw in.
[30:24 - 30:29] I do want to speak on something right quick before I start the next song.
[30:29 - 30:37] I'm pretty sure a lot of you guys have seen what went down on Marty's channel earlier.
[30:37 - 30:43] When Kate basically said that when I step on the YouTube, I sign up to the channel.
[30:43 - 30:49] That is far from the truth, bitch. That's far from the truth. That's far from it.
[30:49 - 31:00] See, when people like me, actual artists like myself, come on the fucking YouTube, we don't sign up to be trolled.
[31:00 - 31:05] You just do it because you're bored as fuck. You're dumb as hell.
[31:05 - 31:13] Like, bitch, grow up. The troll train done left about two decades ago, man. Grow up.
[31:13 - 31:18] Stop being alpensy-ass, crab-baby bitch.
[31:18 - 31:24] Honestly, I love being controversial. I love that shit. You wonder why?
[31:24 - 31:31] Because it gets people talking about me. And the more you talk about me, the more famous I get.
[31:31 - 31:56] So, go ahead and keep putting my name on your mouth, bitch.
[31:57 - 32:20] This is the new Corona Reversa Mass. Two things you need to know about it.
[32:20 - 32:23] It's 24 ounces of bold, delicious mango citrus flavor.
[32:23 - 32:30] And yes, apparently, make everything around it a little more flavorful. Feel the flavor with Corona Reversa Mass.
[32:30 - 32:44] Actually, no, you know what? I'm going to leave the stream with this right here because I actually do have stuff I have to do.
[32:44 - 32:49] But I am going to leave you all with this, man.
[32:50 - 33:00] Marty is a bitch. Kate is a cuntbag bitch who is whiny as fuck because she's not getting her way away, bitch.
[33:00 - 33:04] Are you on your period? Because that's what it sounds like, can't you?
[33:04 - 33:17] It sounds like you're on your motherfucking period and you need to take that tampon, shove it up your ass or your pussy or whatever, and go about your dick.
[33:17 - 33:29] For real, like, like y'all ain't bothering me, man.
[33:43 - 33:51] For real, y'all ain't bothering me, you're just fucking yourselves over, which I find funny as hell.
[33:51 - 34:00] I don't know, I find it funny as fuck.
[34:06 - 34:14] Because like y'all sit there and you troll and you troll and you act like you're going to get somewhere. But really, you don't get anywhere.
[34:14 - 34:27] So I got to say to Kate and Marty and Shrekle, thanks for the fame, bitches. For real.
[34:27 - 34:33] I'm from y'all wrong, so fuck all y'all, man.
[34:35 - 34:39] Y'all ain't nothing but a bunch of fucking bitches. For real. Grow up.
[34:39 - 34:46] Quit the bullshit. Get a fucking life.
[34:46 - 34:53] You want to talk about me getting off the internet? Bitch, y'all are the ones that need to get off the internet.
[34:53 - 34:59] I don't got to do a damn thing. I don't got to do shit.
[35:00 - 35:07] I ain't got to do dick. But you, however, need to.
[35:07 - 35:16] Y'all need to grow up, get a life, and stop trolling, man. Nobody's into it.
[35:16 - 35:25] Nobody likes a pussy-ass fucking coward troll. Seriously, nobody likes a fucking troll.
[35:29 - 35:37] So with that being said, I do have a new channel that I have to work on and I actually do have some cover art for my music to release.
[35:37 - 35:49] So I'll catch y'all probably later on in the morning. I don't know. But fuck Marty, he's a bitch.
[35:51 - 35:59] Fuck Kate, she's a cuntbag. And fuck Schmeichel, he's just a wannabe Howie Mandel. Ya big bald bitch.
[35:59 - 36:10] Fucking pussies. Grow up and get a life, pussies.
[36:10 - 36:12] is.