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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on December 3rd, 2022
Original upload date: May 31st, 2022 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:50] (Crickets chirping)
[0:50 - 1:16] So in light of yesterday, I wanted to make out to you guys what I started. So I figured why not do what's right and redo the show from yesterday and give you guys a badass experience.
[1:16 - 1:26] Now this first one I'm about to do is buy a very good friend of mine. His understand is Wigs Wiggin. Shot to my boy Wigs Wiggin from across the fucking pond, mind you.
[1:26 - 1:36] Dude's my brother from overseas, man. So Wigs, this first one was for you guys, I'm enjoying it.
[1:36 - 1:44] So let's fucking get this, man. This first one is going out to my boy Wigs. This is actually one of his songs that he did, so
[1:44 - 1:46] Hope you enjoy this, brother.
[1:47 - 2:06] (Crickets chirping)
[2:06 - 2:20] Oh no, I'm going to read the end here.
[2:20 - 7:39] (Crickets chirping)
[7:39 - 7:49] Now this one right here, y'all, this is a whole brand new genre for you guys. For those of you that don't know, me and my good friend,
[7:49 - 7:57] Danny, aka Tyler, came with a whole brand new genre for you guys. This is called ECM,
[7:57 - 8:05] Electronic Cult Music. I hope you guys enjoyed this. This is actually our first song called Zombified,
[8:05 - 8:09] and I want to do this for you guys just to kind of see what you guys think.
[8:09 - 8:13] But with that being said, man, let's get this shit started, bro.
[8:13 - 14:45] (Crickets chirping)
[14:45 - 14:55] There you guys go, that was one of my buddies, Tyler, first song called Zombified, which is not released yet, so you guys got a nice little early look.
[14:55 - 15:19] (Crickets chirping)
[15:19 - 15:37] Now this one, I know a lot of you guys will recognize, and keep in mind, normally I'm not a fan of like mainstream stuff, but this one definitely stuck out to me as not your average mainstream song.
[15:37 - 15:49] (Crickets chirping)
[15:49 - 15:53] You guys might recognize this, nothing, I know you will.
[15:53 - 20:25] (Crickets chirping)
[20:25 - 20:52] Let's kick this up a notch y'all.
[20:52 - 20:56] Just going to wait for this thing to load up here.
[20:56 - 21:00] Yo CIA, what's good bro?
[21:00 - 21:07] This one right here, this is for all my fucking J-pop fans man, and why you guys might recognize this song?
[21:07 - 21:14] Nothing, I know bro, facts CIA will recognize this shit, but we about to get this.
[21:14 - 27:58] (Crickets chirping)
[27:58 - 28:10] Yo, we about to turn up in this mug, man. We about to fucking get a roundie.
[28:10 - 28:17] All I gotta say is how many of you guys are fucking ready to get a fucking roundie right now.
[28:17 - 28:45] All I gotta say for this next one, man, if y'all got beers, man, pop that shit open. Cause we're about to fucking line it up.
[28:45 - 29:24] All I gotta say is where's my motherfucking cream squad at?
[29:24 - 29:40] (Crickets chirping)
[29:40 - 29:56] All right, let's see y'all in the back a second. Somewhere in there I gotta frickin' weigh the fuck back here.
[29:56 - 30:08] I don't know what the fuck happened.
[30:08 - 30:10] (Crickets chirping)
[30:10 - 30:12] Oh, we gotta take him back and we gotta wrap it.
[30:12 - 36:07] (Crickets chirping)
[36:07 - 36:12] Oh, yeah, that's fucking scared of that. I'm thinking you would come here and run your old bitch mouth.
[36:12 - 36:21] Damn, fuck you.
[36:21 - 36:33] All I gotta say is fuck, crit, gay, fuck, music, bitch, Marty, and fuck every fucking troll that don't fucking like me, dude.
[36:33 - 36:44] If you don't like me, take it to fuck somewhere else.
[36:44 - 37:02] All I gotta ask right now, straight the fuck up, no cap, where's all my motherfucking maggots at?
[37:02 - 37:14] Where are all my motherfucking fellas slippin' off bands at, man? Where's my fucking maggots at, bro?
[37:14 - 37:33] Where's all my fellow maggots at?
[37:33 - 37:46] This one's for all my fellow fucking maggots. Let's get it.
[37:46 - 38:15] (Crickets chirping)
[38:15 - 38:25] Oh, no, bitch, it's not. It's just it's a girl. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me.
[38:25 - 38:53] Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[38:53 - 57:29] [Singing]
[57:29 - 57:33] Like I said, I do these shows for the people that enjoy what I do.
[57:33 - 57:37] I'm here to entertain and make those that enjoy my work smile.
[57:37 - 57:42] I'm not here for fucking drama. I'm not here for bull fuckery.
[57:42 - 57:47] I'm here to actually have a good time with those that actually enjoy what I do.
[57:47 - 57:50] And if you don't like what I do, then the answer is simple.
[57:50 - 57:53] Don't watch my channel and go the fuck somewhere else.
[57:53 - 58:04] I watch y'all go watch that dumbass hoe SS Sniper Wolf or some shit.
[58:04 - 58:13] You know, the chick that sits there and ignores her fans and doesn't do anything when they're dying.
[58:13 - 58:19] You know, that chick, the one that doesn't help out her fans when they're dying.
[58:19 - 58:22] Yeah, if y'all don't like it, why don't you watch her ass.
[58:22 - 59:07] [Singing]
[59:07 - 59:11] All right, y'all. Something got messed up here.
[59:11 - 68:26] [Singing]
[68:26 - 68:31] All right, y'all, we are down to the final track for this session, man.
[68:31 - 68:35] If you guys have been rocking this one, man, I'm glad you all stuck around.
[68:35 - 68:41] This last one's for everybody that showed up.
[68:41 - 68:49] Whether you're a fucking troll, whether you're a fan, a supporter, whatever, this one's for everybody that showed up.
[68:49 - 69:19] [Silence]
[69:19 - 69:31] Oh, by the way, I did forget to mention that this is also a big fuck you to all the trolls out there.
[69:31 - 69:36] Yo, what the fuck?
[69:36 - 69:46] And apparently my shit just froze on me.
[69:46 - 69:53] There we go.
[69:53 - 70:20] I forgot to mention this is also a big fuck you to all the trolls out there that want to run their mouths about me.
[70:20 - 70:42] [Silence]
[70:42 - 70:50] How the hell did that get switched back?
[70:50 - 76:56] [Silence]
Transcribed by as id '2867' on August 19th, 2024