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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on December 9th, 2022
Original upload date: May 18th, 2022 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:17] [crunching sounds]
[0:17 - 0:20] What is good everybody?
[0:20 - 0:28] [crunching sounds]
[0:28 - 0:35] Welcome back to another cruise and chill, well coffee cruise and chill.
[0:35 - 0:38] Try saying that five times fast man.
[0:38 - 0:42] I'm gonna turn on live chat here for you guys.
[0:42 - 0:47] And today we're not gonna be doing like any like drifting around or anything.
[0:47 - 0:55] We're just gonna, you know cruise around maybe get into a few races and whatnot.
[0:55 - 0:59] Hey wheezy, whaddup?
[0:59 - 1:06] [music]
[1:06 - 1:09] Ice circle leg, what do I suck?
[1:09 - 1:15] Wally Pops, Tootsie Pops,
[1:15 - 1:18] Ice Pops, Popsicles,
[1:18 - 1:21] What do I suck?
[1:21 - 1:25] [crunching sounds]
[1:25 - 1:29] Now I'll fix the camera for y'all here.
[1:29 - 1:33] [crunching sounds]
[1:33 - 1:46] I'm trying to get this angled right for you guys so y'all can actually see.
[1:46 - 2:21] [crunching sounds]
[2:21 - 2:25] Honestly dude, I was supposed to start a local tour,
[2:25 - 2:31] but due to a lot of the places around here being shut down due to COVID,
[2:31 - 2:35] it's very hard for me to do anything right now.
[2:35 - 2:42] So that's why I'm more focusing on my channel and whatnot.
[2:42 - 3:07] [crunching sounds]
[3:07 - 3:10] And I know a lot of people keep asking like,
[3:10 - 3:13] "How did I make my race harness and this and that?"
[3:13 - 3:17] That's simple, it's literally called,
[3:17 - 3:23] I just took a rope belaying,
[3:23 - 3:28] attached it to a pair of suspenders,
[3:28 - 3:34] and attached the suspenders to a chip clip.
[3:34 - 3:42] When your back clipped, that way all I gotta do is just attach that to my pants,
[3:42 - 3:48] so like to the belt of my pants,
[3:48 - 3:58] so that, you know, I'm not flying out of my damn seat.
[3:58 - 4:06] And before you guys ask, "Yes, I have coffee right here, ready to go, man."
[4:06 - 4:15] It wouldn't be a coffee and chilled without coffee, that would it?
[4:15 - 4:22] So for this one, I think I just want to cruise around in like an old school car.
[4:22 - 4:33] And when I mean old school, I mean old school.
[4:33 - 4:58] And we're talking like 1940s, 1950s kind of stuff here.
[4:58 - 5:05] Let's bust out the '67. Actually, you know what, I was going to say '67 Stingray,
[5:05 - 5:18] but I kind of want to bust out a 1950s Corvette here.
[5:18 - 5:27] You know what, let's bust out the all-black Chevy Corvette, man.
[5:27 - 5:32] I'm one of my personal affairs, man. I absolutely love the old school Corvette, man.
[5:32 - 5:38] Look at this thing, bro. This thing is sick, dude.
[5:38 - 5:45] Got the classic paint gel on there. Ooh, she's sick, man.
[5:45 - 5:52] Looks kind of like the Batmobile, to be honest.
[5:52 - 6:06] But we're about to take this thing out for a spin, have some fun.
[6:06 - 6:31] Ooh, this ain't square.
[6:31 - 6:40] I know, let's seek out a story mode here.
[6:40 - 6:48] Let's seek out a campaign story mode here, but...
[6:48 - 6:55] Oh no, what do we got?
[6:55 - 7:02] Oh shit, hold up.
[7:02 - 7:10] Oh yeah, before we do anything, I need to go grab the money from the Evo real quick.
[7:10 - 7:17] Dude, I totally forgot about the Ferrari Evo, holy shit.
[7:17 - 7:29] I actually forgot about the Ferrari Evo. I didn't think it was going to sell that quick.
[7:29 - 7:35] I did not think that the Ferrari Evo was going to sell that freaking quick.
[7:35 - 7:38] Let's go.
[7:38 - 7:46] Yeah, that 2 mil. Oh dude, they bought it flat out. They didn't bid. They flat out freaking bought it. Let's go.
[7:46 - 7:55] Dude, I want the 3 mil. Let's go.
[7:55 - 8:21] You know what, let's see what we can get in the arms for now, just for that much.
[8:21 - 8:30] Alright, so let's try this. You know, let's go to the auction house. Let's go here.
[8:30 - 8:38] Let's see if we can get that very elusive car I've been trying to get my hands on.
[8:38 - 8:46] Which is the WooLing. Let's see if we can get our hands on that elusive WooLing.
[8:46 - 8:58] Ooh, 20 mil. Oof. That's going to be tough. That is going to be tough to get that WooLing.
[8:58 - 9:04] But, no, I didn't want my cars.
[9:04 - 9:12] You know what, instead of driving the vet, let's drive a car that I don't own yet.
[9:12 - 9:21] Let's go here to affordable, not owned.
[9:21 - 9:35] Dang. Ooh, the Nastamartan DVS. The Nastamartan DV5. Dang, that's nice.
[9:35 - 9:40] I love it. I love it. I love it.
[9:40 - 9:49] Bro, I can drive the... Bro, the 1938 Leiter Bentley. Bro, that is old school, man.
[9:49 - 9:55] We have the 1926 Type 35C Bugatti. Damn.
[9:55 - 10:01] They got some classic stuff in here, man. Shit.
[10:01 - 10:20] Dude, they got some beautiful classics up in this mug today, man. Holy crap.
[10:20 - 10:30] Let's see if we can get our hands on, dude.
[10:30 - 10:41] Ooh. We got the NC12 Corsa. Okay.
[10:41 - 11:02] Bro, that 54 Mercedes Benz is tempting.
[11:02 - 11:06] Dude, they have some very tempting cars in here, man.
[11:06 - 11:14] I'm telling you, bro, they have some very tempting cars up in here.
[11:14 - 11:20] Yo, we got to do it. We have to do it, man. Picking up the Cobra.
[11:20 - 11:24] We've got to pick up this Cobra, man. That is sick.
[11:24 - 11:30] If you all know me, you guys know I'm a massive fan. Yeah.
[11:30 - 11:42] Yeah, hear a bit. Yo, you guys know I got to pick up this beautiful freaking Cobra.
[11:42 - 11:51] Ooh. I don't know what color I want to run with, though. Shit.
[11:51 - 11:58] I'm kind of liking that Brandywine Red. That's looking nice.
[11:58 - 12:08] But I think we got to do it, man. We have to stick with the classic blue and white.
[12:08 - 12:23] Mm, that is sick. Oof. Which leaves us one plain something to play around with, which is fine.
[12:23 - 12:28] Dude, that's one car I've been wanting to get my hands on for a while, dude.
[12:28 - 12:33] If you all don't know, that's actually one of my dream cars, is the Shelby Cobra.
[12:33 - 12:40] I absolutely love the Cobra, man. Super beautiful.
[12:40 - 12:53] Dang, nothing is sick. Bro, I think it's beautiful, man. Holy crap.
[12:54 - 13:22] So, all I need to do now is get the...
[13:22 - 13:43] All I need to do now is get the other one, the Shelby Coupe, and then we should be good to go.
[13:43 - 13:57] You know what? I kind of want to drive this one stock.
[13:57 - 14:03] Yo, Kendall, what's up?
[14:03 - 14:13] I'm sorry, are they all? Dude, I definitely want to drive this thing stock.
[14:13 - 14:22] That wheel, though. That interior, man. Shit, look at that.
[14:22 - 14:43] That is sick, dude.
[14:43 - 15:05] Sure, I'm just going to do this last year when we can talk after it.
[15:05 - 15:32] Dang, right off the bat, this thing is stupid quick.
[15:32 - 15:39] Dude!
[15:39 - 16:01] Dude, hold up.
[16:01 - 16:14] Ooh, got an asshole burnout going.
[16:14 - 16:31] You know what? This fake cyber hex is bye-bye.
[16:31 - 16:39] Oh, I've been wanting to do that.
[16:39 - 17:07] Oh, I've been wanting to get rid of that guy for a while, bro.
[17:07 - 17:16] Dude, this Cobra feels good stock. Holy shit.
[17:16 - 17:34] Oh, isn't that a thing top? Oh, that sounds nice.
[17:34 - 17:39] Thank you, sir.
[17:39 - 17:46] Oh, damn, I just want to dump the clutch on that shit. Holy crap. I completely dumped the clutch on that.
[17:46 - 18:15] Yeah, this Cobra feels so nice.
[18:15 - 18:43] Excuse me.
[18:43 - 18:52] Ooh, got her kicking out a little bit.
[18:52 - 19:04] So it looks like we have a campaign mode over here.
[19:04 - 19:14] Dude, this Cobra feels so good. I actually like that. That Cobra may be one of my new main cars.
[19:14 - 19:25] All right, so we haven't done this one yet. OK.
[19:25 - 19:46] Kendall, I know it ain't really you. I know you're the fake.
[19:46 - 19:52] Welcome to Horizon Wilds. Allow me to provide you with a little local knowledge.
[19:52 - 19:58] And of course, if I could have a Horizon driver to help me with the work for the university.
[19:58 - 20:05] Deal. When do we stop? Why not right now? We'll take the Land Rover Defender.
[20:05 - 20:10] Ooh, I like to look at that Land Rover, dude. That is sick.
[20:10 - 20:22] I program Anna, but don't worry. I know the jungle even better than Primo Rami. Wait, is it that way? See, don't stop.
[20:22 - 20:25] It's this way.
[20:25 - 20:38] Approaching Ek Falam. Notice the architecture. Rami said it was quite the experience last time you visited, no?
[20:38 - 20:44] This Land Rover Defender is nice.
[20:44 - 20:54] Yeah, I know. Land Rover Defender is pretty sick.
[20:54 - 21:09] Ooh.
[21:09 - 21:17] Turn right.
[21:17 - 21:31] Bust into here. Let's see how she handles on the rug.
[21:31 - 21:57] Turn left. Dude, that was sketchy. We almost hit that truck.
[21:57 - 22:04] How we never competed in this event? Rami calls it the Eliminator.
[22:04 - 22:13] This is a good place to practice tight spaces. Muchos arboles. You can practice here. Pretend the forest is the shrinking arena.
[22:13 - 22:35] Oh, oh, yeah. Big time.
[22:35 - 22:48] You know, it's great taking the road. I always make my own path. Fucking.
[22:48 - 23:00] OK, we just nailed that shit. That was nice.
[23:00 - 23:10] Oh, damn. Watch out, sir. My God. In 400 yards, turn left.
[23:10 - 23:29] The Department of Archaeology at the University believes that dual Italians were with columns supporting an enormous roof.
[23:29 - 23:43] How so popular with the tourists? But first, they have to find it. Try not to wet the scientific equipment or the scientists.
[23:43 - 23:48] I'm not going to get a comment on that.
[23:48 - 23:58] Well, you know, this this range or defender is nice. This land rower defending is Lenro Ranger defender. Holy shit.
[23:58 - 24:02] This thing can haul out.
[24:02 - 24:29] Oh, this is a brick wall.
[24:29 - 24:38] I know for a fact I've never been down here in 400 yards.
[24:38 - 24:51] Better down the shift. Keep going third. Go out this hill, man.
[24:51 - 25:03] Screw it. We're going up.
[25:03 - 25:10] I'm going on a wrecking ball skill. Oh, yeah. You know, this is the highest bridge in the Americas.
[25:10 - 25:19] I don't like heights. That's the pyramid of Uxmal.
[25:19 - 25:37] We were kids.
[25:37 - 25:46] You're too fast, my friend. Data looks perfect. Great stuff. Thanks for the tour, Juan.
[25:46 - 26:02] Now that's a fire tour. Just do one thing for me. If Rami asks, tell him I'm a much better guy than he is.
[26:02 - 26:18] Three stars that three minutes, five seconds. Hey, we two started. That's good enough for me.
[26:18 - 26:29] Let me go. Oh, I got to see us here. Oh, yeah, we'll stand.
[26:29 - 26:33] Oh, I got to pay for the cap. I thought about our adventure in the jungle.
[26:33 - 26:39] He set up a sort of press up for you. What kind of surprise?
[26:39 - 26:45] Well, if I tell you that I won't be a sort of press up, just get down here.
[26:45 - 26:53] All right, sir.
[26:53 - 27:04] Yo, this thing is sick. Oh, with it.
[27:04 - 27:14] Oh, OK, this thing can get it.
[27:14 - 27:37] This cobra rips.
[27:37 - 27:46] Oh, this cobra actually slides pretty well stock. I'm actually impressed.
[27:46 - 28:15] Oh, OK.
[28:15 - 28:44] You've arrived at your destination.
[28:44 - 29:13] Oh, you better not mess with my cobra, sir.
[29:13 - 29:27] I'm not going to lie, man, that cobra is a lot of fun to drive.
[29:27 - 29:39] I actually like it a lot.
[29:39 - 29:43] And by the way, do you guys have any car suggestions in the comments that you guys have.
[29:43 - 30:04] I've seen you drive on here. Let me know.
[30:04 - 30:09] It's a trailblazer. The university wants stock of graphical talent.
[30:09 - 30:13] I think Primo Rami just likes to watch you drive.
[30:13 - 30:18] Oh, and I know you, Prima Alejandra, until she loaned me the Maverick.
[30:18 - 30:22] OK, Juan, get in and have a go.
[30:22 - 30:25] Actually, I have.
[30:25 - 30:27] Not a big fan of the town.
[30:27 - 30:34] An estimation set. The lemon tree is being recorded. Now, vamos, vamos.
[30:34 - 30:37] OK, I'm vamos-ing.
[30:37 - 30:41] I'm taking a route you want, referring without hitting a tree.
[30:41 - 30:45] Watch out. It looks like the weather is closing in.
[30:45 - 31:10] OK, I know how to drive this thing.
[31:10 - 31:39] OK.
[31:39 - 32:08] Well, I see Elvin right through here.
[32:08 - 32:12] Oh, I see it without hitting anything.
[32:12 - 32:28] But there's so many things to hit.
[32:28 - 32:40] We landed it down.
[32:40 - 32:48] I'll tell Rami his trailblazer was very easy.
[32:48 - 33:05] Dude, that trailblazer, dude, that trailblazer.
[33:05 - 33:09] Dude, that trailblazer, man, that was fun.
[33:09 - 33:15] Driving that K&M, though, man, that thing was wild, dude.
[33:15 - 33:43] That K&M was fun. I actually had fun doing that. That was cool.
[33:43 - 33:53] Yo, Franco, what up?
[33:53 - 33:56] And you're not wrong, dude. I did two wheel that shit down, man.
[33:56 - 34:04] I almost thought I was going to flip it.
[34:04 - 34:06] All right, so where to next, my dude?
[34:06 - 34:10] Hey, mi amigo. I've been talking to Primo Rami and the team at Horizon Wilds.
[34:10 - 34:14] I think the best way to settle this is with your race.
[34:14 - 34:19] Not quite. Come down and meet me.
[34:19 - 34:25] Who are you up to?
[34:25 - 34:40] Okay, you had me out with a race. Let's go.
[34:40 - 34:52] Oh, sketchy.
[34:52 - 35:06] Let's make our way down there.
[35:06 - 35:09] Dude, I freaking can't get over this Cobra, man.
[35:09 - 35:13] This Cobra feels so good.
[35:13 - 35:21] This is probably one of my new favorite cars to drive on here, for real.
[35:21 - 35:36] Turn left.
[35:36 - 35:48] In 400 yards, turn right.
[35:48 - 35:52] Turn right.
[35:52 - 35:56] All right, so it's right up here.
[35:56 - 36:01] I'm definitely going to be getting photos of your destination.
[36:01 - 36:23] I'm definitely going to be getting photos of the Cobra for sure.
[36:23 - 36:28] It's simple. I know what I'm doing.
[36:28 - 36:43] Ah, the one guy that needs blocked.
[36:43 - 36:46] Bye, Nick.
[36:46 - 36:51] The trophy truck for you and the 911 GT3 RS for me.
[36:51 - 37:00] The trophy truck.
[37:00 - 37:07] And if you win, well, we just won't tell anyone.
[37:07 - 37:12] Okay, we revved around a trophy truck now. Okay.
[37:12 - 37:23] I should mention, you'll need to follow the dirt road for this one.
[37:23 - 37:26] Take the dirt road.
[37:26 - 37:28] Got it.
[37:28 - 37:52] All right, I'm taking the asphalt, boy.
[37:52 - 38:00] Way more horsepower in this thing than you got in your little porch over there, buddy.
[38:00 - 38:07] You know what? Screw it.
[38:07 - 38:14] Oh, that was sketchy.
[38:14 - 38:24] And done. You won, but that was much closer than we thought it would be, no?
[38:24 - 38:28] Muchas gracias, my friend. I have the telemetry from both vehicles.
[38:28 - 38:31] I'll get it over to the university. That trophy truck was smart.
[38:31 - 38:37] Right after I compare my acceleration profile with Rami and Alex's last races.
[38:37 - 38:43] I'll tell them they have competition.
[38:43 - 38:50] Hey, please start that mode. Let's go.
[38:50 - 39:12] Yeah, that thing was fun, dude. I like that trophy truck.
[39:12 - 39:29] Oh, and it looks like we have an XP board.
[39:29 - 39:37] Yes, we do. Right over here somewhere.
[39:37 - 39:51] Yeah, right there.
[39:51 - 39:58] Let's see about the water here and back onto the road.
[39:58 - 40:09] Oh, shit. Don't worry about it. Thank you.
[40:09 - 40:23] I just three-wheeled that.
[40:23 - 40:29] All right, now let's see where else we need to go here.
[40:29 - 40:53] It looks like there is a new story mode.
[40:53 - 41:02] Oh, getting testy, okay.
[41:02 - 41:11] Ecology? I'm on my way.
[41:11 - 41:26] Move, y'all.
[41:26 - 41:45] Oh, hold it. Oh, I ran right by my house. What's up?
[41:45 - 42:04] Oh, the semi. Start up the semi. I'll pay for it. I got about a million.
[42:04 - 42:17] 400 yards. Turn left. Turn left.
[42:17 - 42:20] Hey, Anna, why don't you shut it? No one listens.
[42:20 - 42:23] Why do they even have Anna on here, dude?
[42:23 - 42:27] Like, somebody put in the comments, why do you think you have Anna on here
[42:27 - 42:34] when nobody listens to the freaking GPS?
[42:34 - 42:47] Like, for real, nobody listens to Anna, so why have Anna on here, for real?
[42:47 - 42:59] A bunch of turkeys. Hey, Johnny, I found your cousins. I just ran right by them.
[42:59 - 43:03] Don't know if I hit any of them or not, but I just ran by your cousins, bro.
[43:03 - 43:18] 400 yards. Turn left.
[43:18 - 43:24] Turn left.
[43:24 - 43:29] Which way are we going here?
[43:29 - 43:42] 400 yards. Turn left.
[43:42 - 43:52] Turn left.
[43:52 - 44:15] Oh, God, that's a little burnout going.
[44:15 - 44:26] Oh, this thing works.
[44:26 - 44:31] Smack my tail, Anna, but we're good.
[44:31 - 44:47] In 400 yards, turn left. Turn left.
[44:47 - 45:16] Anna, why don't you put a lid on it? No one wants to hear you bitching about me going the wrong way.
[45:16 - 45:45] Oh, John Gavi's freaking cousins, I think, got ran over.
[45:45 - 45:51] The research team saw what we did before.
[45:51 - 45:56] Good news. We have permission to conduct a special survey around Playa Sol.
[45:56 - 46:01] This Amesport Fiesta is our special survey vehicle.
[46:01 - 46:10] Very scientific, no? What do you need me to do?
[46:10 - 46:17] Simple. Throw as much sand as you can, my friend. I'll record the data.
[46:17 - 46:20] And your skill chains.
[46:20 - 46:22] So long as it's for science.
[46:22 - 46:28] Down to the beach. I think you'll find plenty of sand there. And skills, of course.
[46:28 - 46:41] I think the university would like to know the effect of a speeding car on those beach lounges.
[46:41 - 46:48] Now we're talking about kind of fun, though.
[46:48 - 46:54] Now we're talking about kind of fun.
[46:54 - 47:18] Fucking Jim Conner shit, bro.
[47:18 - 47:23] Excitement increases as traction decreases, you see?
[47:23 - 47:52] Oh, we should study your driving more often.
[47:52 - 48:21] Oh, no.
[48:21 - 48:30] What is that, a freaking amphitheater? Oh, no.
[48:30 - 49:28] Oh, shit.
[49:28 - 49:37] All right, I see why we ended up.
[49:37 - 49:43] I'll send the data over to the research team. It looks like we've got everything we needed.
[49:43 - 50:01] Now, that was style. Thanks to you, the university will be able to make Blaga Soul Fund for Locals, Racers, and Toristas in the future.
[50:01 - 50:14] All right, so I just need to get 100, 100k skills once. Okay.
[50:14 - 50:17] Time for me to do what I do best.
[50:17 - 50:25] Simple. For as much sand as you can, my friend, I'll record the data. And your skill chains.
[50:25 - 50:33] So long as it's science. Down to the beach, I think you'll find plenty of sand there. And skills, of course.
[50:33 - 50:38] I think the university would like to know the effect of a speeding car on those beach loungers.
[50:38 - 50:54] Excitement increases as traction decreases, you see? This might look like random destruction, but we know we should study your driving more often.
[50:54 - 51:23] Okay.
[51:23 - 51:47] All right, I'm going to start barreling through shit.
[51:47 - 52:04] All right, let's restart that dam. If I wasn't hitting that frickin' thing, I wouldn't have had it.
[52:04 - 52:25] All right, I'm going to start barreling through shit.
[52:25 - 52:50] All right, let's start barreling through shit.
[52:50 - 53:09] Simple. For as much sand as you can, my friend, I'll record the data. And your skill chains.
[53:09 - 53:18] So long as it's science. Down to the beach, I think you'll find plenty of sand there. And skills, of course.
[53:18 - 53:24] I think the university would like to know the effect of a speeding car on those beach loungers.
[53:24 - 53:34] This might look like random destruction, but we know excitement increases as traction increases, you see? Very aerodynamic.
[53:34 - 54:03] We should study your driving more often.
[54:03 - 54:32] Oh, yeah, we got this.
[54:32 - 55:01] Ah, damn.
[55:01 - 55:30] I thought that was breakable. Shit.
[55:30 - 55:59] Oh, well.
[55:59 - 56:24] I'll send the data over to the research team.
[56:24 - 56:44] It looks like we got everything we needed. Now that was style. Thanks to you, the university will be able to make Playa Soul fund for locals, racers and touristas in the future.
[56:44 - 57:08] Like I said, nail that shit.
[57:08 - 57:16] Hi, my friend. I need you down here quickly. Is everything okay? Yes.
[57:16 - 57:34] Hello, in 400 yards, turn sharp left.
[57:34 - 58:00] Oh, that's down there.
[58:00 - 58:22] Oh, no, no.
[58:22 - 58:27] Oh, that was sketchy.
[58:27 - 58:44] Dude, that was stupid sketchy.
[58:44 - 58:58] You have arrived at your destination.
[58:58 - 59:21] Not gonna lie, man. Going right between by a car, man. That shit was sketchy.
[59:21 - 59:33] The University has asked for a complete city east to west coast to coast, and Ali wants complete telemetry for the racers at horizon apex.
[59:33 - 59:36] That's why she gave us the yes call.
[59:36 - 59:41] We'll never be fast enough for her. She's the best racer in La Familia.
[59:41 - 59:47] Don't tell Rami I said that, but I actually have this car.
[59:47 - 59:52] I actually have this car ready so this will be no problem at all.
[59:52 - 59:57] Okay, we'll take the highway so you can really open it up.
[59:57 - 60:07] Here's the thing. We've also lost the traffic density telemetry. So, would you mind helping out. You get as close as you can.
[60:07 - 60:27] I don't want to see the telemetry on how close that was.
[60:27 - 60:51] This is fast. Very, very fast.
[60:51 - 61:13] It's just safe.
[61:13 - 61:23] Oh, train tight.
[61:23 - 61:35] That's all right.
[61:35 - 62:04] Excuse me.
[62:04 - 62:11] Really did these things are.
[62:11 - 62:29] Let's try this again.
[62:29 - 62:34] Okay, we'll take the highway so you can really open it up.
[62:34 - 62:42] Here's the thing. We've also lost the traffic density telemetry. So, would you mind helping out.
[62:42 - 62:47] You get as close as you can, and I'll record the numbers.
[62:47 - 62:59] Let's go.
[62:59 - 63:00] Turn around.
[63:00 - 63:20] It is safe to do so.
[63:20 - 63:28] This is fast. Very, very fast.
[63:28 - 63:38] I don't want to see that telemetry on how close that was.
[63:38 - 63:57] Let's go.
[63:57 - 64:26] Really.
[64:26 - 64:31] Oh.
[64:31 - 64:55] Oh, shit.
[64:55 - 65:03] We did it.
[65:03 - 65:10] Now, and the school for me, after I drive like that, I need the value.
[65:10 - 65:19] Forget the university. I have to put together a presentation for Ali. She wants her horizon apex racers to have the best.
[65:19 - 65:26] I just hope I have all the telemetry she needs.
[65:26 - 65:28] She'll love it. Your family.
[65:28 - 65:31] You know what, you're right.
[65:31 - 65:38] Yes, my friend.
[65:38 - 65:51] Let's see what y'all are saying in the chat right click.
[65:51 - 66:11] Oh, this dude.
[66:11 - 66:25] Toxic. You fucking weirdo.
[66:25 - 66:29] Oh, let's go.
[66:29 - 66:55] Thank you.
[66:55 - 67:24] You got a hundo. Let's go.
[67:24 - 67:52] Let's see what's up.
[67:52 - 68:01] I don't know where I'm at.
[68:01 - 68:07] So we've got some really good stuff up in here.
[68:07 - 68:11] So there's a road race back here.
[68:11 - 68:22] Let's spin around and let's hit that road.
[68:22 - 68:51] I'm going to spin around. Let's hit that road race.
[68:51 - 69:18] Oh damn, a little slippage, but we're good.
[69:18 - 69:34] You have arrived at your destination.
[69:34 - 69:48] Okay, so we're doing.
[69:48 - 69:59] So we're doing that class. Okay.
[69:59 - 70:09] You know, let's go with the Ferrari for a competition.
[70:09 - 70:11] Can I drive that?
[70:11 - 70:19] No, damn. I do want to get my hands on that, though, for real.
[70:19 - 70:23] Yeah, let's go to Ferrari competition.
[70:23 - 70:34] Let's get this final race before we are done for the final coffee and chill of the day.
[70:34 - 70:53] And we rock in the classic Sony final round.
[70:53 - 71:02] That Ferrari looks nice, man.
[71:02 - 71:22] I got on there, man. That's one sexy ass Ferrari, dude.
[71:22 - 71:50] That's one sexy ass Ferrari, man.
[71:50 - 72:19] That's the one that part.
[72:19 - 72:37] Thank you.
[72:37 - 73:35] Okay.
[73:35 - 74:01] All right, this Ferrari does need to work.
[74:01 - 74:12] So let's run that again.
[74:12 - 74:20] I feel low tire pressure.
[74:20 - 74:41] Speed.
[74:41 - 74:45] Same to a proper race spec.
[74:45 - 74:58] Which I think is part of our problem is I wasn't tuning it properly.
[74:58 - 75:16] There we go. Now we should have more grip.
[75:16 - 75:34] Oh, yeah, definitely way more grippy.
[75:35 - 76:03] Yeah.
[76:03 - 76:24] All right, you know what?
[76:24 - 76:33] Since we're having a bad day with circuit races, we're going to do something here.
[76:33 - 76:45] Since we're not having a good day with circuit races, I think we're going to take the Cobra out to the mountain for one last thing.
[76:45 - 76:49] And I know y'all are probably laughing at me and saying, "Let's not run out."
[76:49 - 77:14] Well, dude, we all have off days. The best of the best always has off days.
[77:14 - 77:18] I'm very sorry I see something wrong.
[77:18 - 77:27] Should I get all the stuff for this?
[77:27 - 77:36] Come on. Bring out the perks.
[77:36 - 78:05] Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.
[78:05 - 78:28] All right, now let's see what's in the mountain really quick and see how she does.
[78:28 - 78:54] Do one final run for the day and we give it a go.
[78:54 - 79:23] All right, there it is right there.
[79:23 - 80:21] All right.
[80:21 - 80:50] OK, this thing's got potential for being a drift car.
[80:50 - 81:11] There's a little clutch kick through here.
[81:11 - 81:19] Bro, this thing feels good on this mountain, man.
[81:19 - 82:17] OK.
[82:17 - 82:46] All right.
[82:46 - 83:15] Ah, crap, it's really too wide into that corner.
[83:15 - 83:44] Now, to this run, I am going to pick up tomorrow because the rest of the night, I'm probably going to chill.
[83:44 - 84:07] OK.
[84:07 - 84:22] You have arrived at your destination.
[84:22 - 84:51] All right, one last run back up and on and then we are coming for the night, y'all.
[84:51 - 85:20] Let's go.
[85:20 - 85:28] You know, the one thing I want to know is why do you like free trolls?
[85:28 - 85:33] Like, I just want to know, like, why do you talk shit?
[85:33 - 85:41] Like, what do I ever do to any of y'all?
[85:41 - 85:48] Like, I just want to know, like, what's the point of talking shit when you know I'm not going to respond?
[85:48 - 86:17] Like, haven't you guys figured out I don't respond to negative bullshit?
[86:17 - 86:46] Oh, just now I've saved it.
[86:46 - 87:44] OK.
[87:44 - 88:09] All right.
[88:09 - 89:07] OK.
[89:07 - 89:36] That wasn't too bad of a run.
[89:36 - 90:02] Let's get on here right around this corner one time.
[90:02 - 90:03] All right, y'all.
[90:03 - 90:06] Well, with that being said, that was fun, man.
[90:06 - 90:09] I had a lot of fun ripping around that cobra, man.
[90:09 - 90:12] That thing is wild, dude.
[90:12 - 90:41] Well, for real, that thing is insanely fast. I love it.
[90:41 - 91:09] But if you guys did enjoy this, be sure to smack that like button, that subscribe button, and that notification bell all found down below to stay up to date on everything cyberhecks on the channel.
[91:09 - 91:13] Like I said, I will be dropping some merch very, very soon.
[91:13 - 91:20] I will be doing a lot of other stuff as well, so.
[91:20 - 91:25] But, yeah, hopefully you guys did enjoy this coffee and chill.
[91:25 - 91:30] I know I did. And yeah, with that being said, I love you guys.
[91:30 - 91:33] Shout out to all the fans. Love the fans.
[91:33 - 91:41] Well, despite full hateful trolls, because y'all trolls, when they know I'll do it something right, so, ha, jokes on you.
[91:41 - 91:50] But anyways, y'all, I love you guys, and I will catch you guys tomorrow with another live coffee and chill.
[91:50 - 91:57] So stay positive, stay humble, stay safe, and I'll catch you guys tomorrow, y'all. Peace.
[91:57 - 91:59] Peace.
Transcribed by as id '2810' on August 19th, 2024