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2021-12-13 FH5 TOUGE / DRIFT & EVENT LAB Events

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on March 12th, 2023
Original upload date: December 13th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:14] What's up what's up with the W guys?
[0:14 - 0:16] How is everybody to clean man?
[0:16 - 0:23] I know it's really warm and I wasn't supposed to share anything but I wound up passing out.
[0:23 - 0:27] So I do apologize for that.
[0:45 - 0:49] Let's see how it goes a little closer here.
[0:53 - 1:19] Let me know in the comments if you guys can see very well.
[1:19 - 1:23] If you guys can see the screen sign, let me know.
[1:23 - 1:33] Or do you need me to change the angle?
[1:33 - 1:59] You know what? Here I got it right now.
[1:59 - 2:09] I'm not sitting here as I had done but I'm working on what I got.
[2:09 - 2:11] There you are.
[2:29 - 2:45] Bro, I've seen you talking shit on me so no offense bro.
[2:45 - 2:49] I'm not gonna unbend somebody that talks shit on me.
[2:49 - 2:55] I'm just saying bro.
[2:55 - 3:17] Why would I unbend somebody that talks shit on me? It's counterproductive.
[3:17 - 3:21] I've only got a few cars in here with. You know what?
[3:21 - 3:35] Let's blow this up to Evo.
[3:35 - 3:39] Wait, where you gonna go dude?
[3:39 - 3:51] Sorry this is a troll free zone up in here bro.
[4:35 - 4:47] Yo, psychosis. Cripp, what up? Marshall, what up?
[4:47 - 5:07] Oh, you're talking about the, dude, that was the, that was the tacky on dude. That tacky on is stupid bad.
[5:07 - 5:21] I don't know, I need to check something real quick.
[5:21 - 5:25] I'm gonna have to restart this guys. Hold on, give me one second.
[5:25 - 5:31] Sorry for the technical difficulties guys but I do need to restart this.
[5:31 - 5:41] Because my wheel just, not my wheel but my freaking pedals just stopped on so I restarted this and we're gonna get it.
[5:41 - 5:45] Sorry for the inconvenience guys, this does happen from time to time.
[5:45 - 5:57] I do apologize, it's kind of notorious for happening.
[5:57 - 6:09] Hell yeah dude. Yo psychosis, what's good?
[6:09 - 6:25] Yo Marshall, things are going good man. How about yourself bro?
[6:25 - 6:33] Things are going good man, how are you so Marshall? What's up with you?
[6:33 - 6:39] Yo Cripp, dude, that finger board shit you were showing me tonight dude, that shit was dope.
[6:39 - 6:54] And the fact that you got fucking tech deck bro, you can't get no better than tech deck bro, you can't beat it.
[6:54 - 7:00] And in case y'all know, yes I grew up with tech decks, I grew up skateboarding as a kid.
[7:00 - 7:07] And do I do it anymore? Man, I don't necessarily do the tricks like I used to do.
[7:07 - 7:12] But I do still enjoy a nice skateboard ride around once in a while.
[7:12 - 7:18] I do still skate with my friends every now and then.
[7:18 - 7:39] I just don't do the hard, wild, crazy shit that I used to do as a kid.
[7:39 - 7:51] Yo what the fuck?
[7:51 - 8:04] Like when I was a kid I got the name name Caveman because I always caveman off of shit, just for whatever reason.
[8:04 - 8:10] I don't know why but I was always that dude that would caveman off of shit. I was that kid.
[8:10 - 8:15] I didn't care how high the jump was, I was jumping off and I was throwing that board under me.
[8:15 - 8:22] Hence I got the name Caveman from a lot of my friends.
[8:22 - 8:43] What's up demon rads, what's up?
[8:43 - 8:45] Nice.
[9:14 - 9:19] Yo demon rads, just wondering man, how the hell did you get your name demon rads?
[9:19 - 9:29] What made you choose that name?
[9:29 - 9:45] I always wondered that, why the nickname demon rads?
[9:46 - 9:51] Dude that's literally the funniest name ever I've heard.
[9:51 - 10:00] And I was just interested in how you got that name dude.
[10:00 - 10:29] That shit's pretty funny.
[10:30 - 10:59] Nice, dude I love it, I love it.
[11:30 - 11:51] Thanks.
[11:51 - 12:20] Actually before I do any drifting or anything I do need to check my auction house.
[12:21 - 12:47] Ah so nobody bit on these yet so we're good.
[12:47 - 13:06] When they were good man.
[13:06 - 13:25] Oh where's this thing at?
[13:25 - 13:39] Ah okay so I see what happened guys, it's not that the thing need to be restarted, it's
[13:39 - 14:04] that thing popped out okay.
[14:04 - 14:33] Oh there we go.
[14:34 - 14:58] There we go.
[14:58 - 15:23] There we go.
[15:23 - 15:51] There we go.
[15:51 - 16:20] There we go.
[16:20 - 16:32] Hopefully I got something good man.
[16:32 - 16:36] Wow that's generous, wow just the spirit of the horizon isn't it?
[16:36 - 16:38] Shall we send a thank you?
[16:38 - 16:42] Hell yeah always.
[16:42 - 16:58] Oh okay got the G Willis, okay.
[16:58 - 17:06] Not a thank you my car choice is definitely not that off road car.
[17:06 - 17:35] Hell yeah.
[17:35 - 18:04] That's it guys.
[18:04 - 18:33] Oh yeah that's one, nicely.
[18:34 - 18:41] Dude I smoked that corner, that was not good.
[18:41 - 19:10] Yeah I don't even need to tweak the Evo but oh man it's a good car and I just gotta tweak it man.
[19:11 - 19:40] I understand that Evo is a good car, I just gotta tweak it a bit.
[21:10 - 21:30] Alright.
[21:30 - 21:56] Let's switch the car out right quick and get one of my personal theirs out and drift it in a while.
[21:56 - 22:17] You know I wonder why it's doing that.
[22:17 - 22:21] Best time on a bandit right?
[22:21 - 22:29] And y'all don't know what nickname the bandit is because it actually has my dog bandit on the side as you guys can see it right there.
[22:29 - 22:40] I did this for my dog bandit shortly after he passed so I figured what better way to honor him than making a car for him man.
[22:40 - 23:09] What better way to honor my best friend than to make a car for him.
[23:09 - 23:19] That's it guys.
[23:19 - 23:46] That's it.
[23:46 - 24:07] Oh god I don't think I've ever, yeah I don't think I've ever, dude I actually do have my race harness on ironically.
[24:07 - 24:29] That's it.
[24:29 - 24:53] That's it.
[24:53 - 25:22] Oh damn we revved it.
[25:23 - 25:43] That was a really good hit at the tailgate round with that same first shirt.
[25:43 - 26:12] If we can.
[26:13 - 26:42] That is a dashboard here somewhere where's that?
[26:42 - 26:51] Alright I figured it would be out there where I can't get it.
[26:51 - 26:54] Of course it would.
[26:54 - 26:58] Of course it would be out there where I can't get to it.
[26:58 - 27:04] Where else would they put it?
[27:04 - 27:06] No one put it where I can get.
[27:06 - 27:08] They put it up top where you can't get it.
[27:08 - 27:33] That's nice.
[27:33 - 27:55] That's the only thing I know is they always put them right where you can't get them.
[27:55 - 28:24] Every time.
[28:25 - 28:52] That's it.
[28:52 - 29:20] That's it.
[29:20 - 29:42] That's it.
[29:42 - 30:07] That's it.
[30:07 - 30:33] That's it.
[30:33 - 31:01] That's it.
[31:01 - 31:27] That's it.
[31:27 - 31:53] That's it.
[31:53 - 32:07] That's it.
[32:07 - 32:08] That's it.
[32:08 - 32:09] That's it.
[32:09 - 32:10] That's it.
[32:10 - 32:36] That's it.
[32:36 - 32:45] seen a lot of bad things too so I'm giving my Xbox one X dude
[32:50 - 32:58] and I like when not the one X is the one that's right below the Xbox Series X so
[32:58 - 33:06] it's a literally like right there so I'm good dude
[33:06 - 33:21] and this thing load up
[34:36 - 34:38] Oh
[34:57 - 35:01] Because I can be and your troll so
[35:03 - 35:05] Adios amigo
[35:06 - 35:12] Sorry, it's for true fans only not trolls. There's a troll for his own brother
[35:18 - 35:20] Why are you waiting already
[35:24 - 35:31] Nice one March, that was a good one, dude. Why are you awake Marty?
[35:37 - 35:42] Hey, didn't I just ban your ass?
[36:00 - 36:04] I'm gonna hide an arty here. I did not mean to hide him as I am Marty
[36:07 - 36:09] You
[36:14 - 36:18] Now let's let this guy go here come on to do some shit
[36:25 - 36:28] Now I know it seems don't know you know let this guy go
[36:29 - 36:34] And you guys will see why in a minute cuz I'm not sure what life was like on the original togas
[36:36 - 36:41] I was running you down a little good way is here
[37:06 - 37:08] Oh
[37:37 - 37:39] So that had to fix my race artist real quick
[37:47 - 37:49] Let's get it
[38:06 - 38:08] Oh
[38:36 - 38:38] Oh
[38:53 - 38:56] This is like some freaking initial details here, bro
[39:06 - 39:08] Oh
[39:22 - 39:24] And that happens a lot too
[39:36 - 39:38] Oh
[40:06 - 40:08] Oh
[40:36 - 40:38] Oh
[40:46 - 40:54] I gotta say guys is welcome to Japan where the roads are narrow and shit and the drifts are fun
[41:06 - 41:08] Oh
[41:36 - 41:38] Oh
[42:06 - 42:08] Oh
[42:36 - 42:38] Oh
[43:06 - 43:08] Oh
[43:36 - 43:38] Oh
[43:44 - 43:46] Definitely not my best run
[43:59 - 44:02] Dude really all it's really about is just practice dude
[44:07 - 44:09] It is practice practice practice
[44:09 - 44:11] I
[44:11 - 44:13] I
[44:35 - 44:41] Know what you're like, oh you need this you need that now it's none of that all that is about practice and did
[44:41 - 44:48] Because the more we practice the better you get and that rings true for anything that you're trying to do man
[44:48 - 44:50] Just practice that shit
[44:58 - 45:02] Why take a look at me I didn't get good at drifting overnight I had to practice at it
[45:03 - 45:06] Like when I first started out on wheel dude, I sucked
[45:07 - 45:11] Like I won me I fucking sucked when I first got on wheel
[45:11 - 45:16] But the more I practice the more I got used to it
[45:41 - 45:43] I
[45:59 - 46:01] See this shit
[46:11 - 46:13] I
[46:41 - 46:43] I
[47:11 - 47:13] I
[47:16 - 47:18] Go
[47:41 - 47:43] Want to get my wine back
[47:55 - 48:00] Okay, you guys are wondering yes, I am on sim steering. Oh, what else close
[48:00 - 48:14] This thing's so tight so I'm not trying to be dirty here cuz I do want to do a problem
[48:14 - 48:16] I have to make this joke man
[48:18 - 48:22] These roses suck these roses so tight it's like my ex's pussy dude
[48:26 - 48:28] It's swear to God
[48:30 - 48:32] I
[48:35 - 48:40] Thought my ex's pussy was a tight squeeze and this is shit. This is a whole other level
[49:00 - 49:02] I
[49:30 - 49:32] I
[50:00 - 50:02] I
[50:30 - 50:32] I
[51:00 - 51:02] I
[51:30 - 51:33] I
[52:01 - 52:03] I
[52:03 - 52:09] Did that track literally is like that's like literally like go-to track now. I swear to God
[52:30 - 52:32] I
[53:00 - 53:02] I
[53:08 - 53:10] Check our event play last year, okay
[53:30 - 53:32] I
[53:38 - 53:46] So I asked to rise in finance for a driver incentive scheme and they stashed a treasure chest somewhere and left a riddle
[53:46 - 53:49] So this and you'll be given the next clue to its location
[54:01 - 54:03] I
[54:03 - 54:10] Let's see could tell you are from by the Charlie across any trails. That's the waterfall
[54:30 - 54:32] I
[54:55 - 54:58] Did that tell you literally one of my favorite spots to run
[55:00 - 55:02] I
[55:06 - 55:08] So I am going straight
[55:19 - 55:22] I figure we're gonna drive over there. There's a lot of fun doing it
[55:30 - 55:32] I
[56:00 - 56:02] I
[56:08 - 56:14] Did this seems like learning my go-to drift car it's so fun to drive
[56:30 - 56:32] I
[56:45 - 56:47] Do a little damage
[57:00 - 57:02] I
[57:30 - 57:32] I
[58:01 - 58:03] Ain't gonna do some kind of I don't know
[58:07 - 58:09] Alright, I'll just be
[58:09 - 58:35] Ryzee is quick as fuck and important to deal with the slides.
[59:05 - 59:07] Oh
[59:07 - 59:13] Well, we got it so oh you couldn't give me the Lambo
[59:23 - 59:25] Whatever dude
[59:35 - 59:39] On Zedrim, I know you talk shit, so see ya
[60:05 - 60:07] Oh
[60:36 - 60:39] All right, there she is
[61:00 - 61:05] I thought I just him dashboard. I was like, bro, I'm gonna whip around and smack that
[61:06 - 61:08] I
[61:09 - 61:11] Said we're gonna tap that ass
[61:35 - 61:37] I
[61:40 - 61:42] Don't want the Mustang we're going
[62:02 - 62:04] Wow
[62:05 - 62:07] Oh
[62:15 - 62:20] Which one's my favorite car that's a tough one there cuz I like cars in general
[62:35 - 62:37] Oh
[63:06 - 63:12] I don't have one level that happens on hold up
[63:18 - 63:22] Well, I'm already started to see what what race level I have this on
[63:31 - 63:33] I'm sorry, I troll watch this
[63:36 - 63:38] You are
[63:40 - 63:42] Hello
[63:43 - 63:45] Good bye
[63:47 - 63:49] See you later
[63:49 - 63:53] I mean, I'm doing this man. I want to run down and grab something right quick and I would read that
[63:54 - 63:57] So sit on show much sales man. I'll grab that
[63:58 - 64:02] So you got some cold to do man cuz I'm out there to dry a sheet
[64:05 - 64:07] Oh
[64:35 - 64:37] Oh
[65:05 - 65:07] Oh
[65:35 - 65:37] Oh
[66:05 - 66:07] Oh
[66:26 - 66:28] What I guess
[66:29 - 66:31] Bad
[66:31 - 66:35] Now let's switch up the thing cuz now I know it does have to be on
[66:37 - 66:39] Um, oh
[66:39 - 66:41] It's on high school. Okay
[66:42 - 66:44] So we did
[66:46 - 66:50] Watch this y'all y'all ready to see me shut down a chill
[66:50 - 66:52] Oh
[67:00 - 67:02] Yeah
[67:09 - 67:17] It's the jokester again, huh? How you doing jokes? Yeah, you got more joking. Well, let's hear more jokes
[67:20 - 67:22] Oh
[67:22 - 67:25] Good and very soon, that's all you need to know so goodbye
[67:34 - 67:39] Fucking jokes there. Oh man, you you trolls man, you guys are good
[67:46 - 67:48] You trolls are good
[67:50 - 67:52] You trolls are funny
[67:53 - 67:55] Yeah, Sam what up
[67:57 - 67:59] You trolls are funny man
[68:00 - 68:02] You make me laugh
[68:03 - 68:11] And hey, I wasn't lying I mean I am working on it and it is gonna drop very very soon, so I wasn't lying to the guy
[68:20 - 68:22] Oh
[68:50 - 69:01] Haha, I could tell this is gonna be a tough one. Okay, so I may have to change up my
[69:02 - 69:06] Too fast to feed its false mustang from a drifter to a racer
[69:20 - 69:22] I
[69:33 - 69:41] Say yeah, I was a lion, you know, I was switched up to the boss must I switch up to the boss mustang
[69:41 - 69:43] I
[69:47 - 69:54] Did I actually am planning on doing that trip I am planning on bringing back the coffee and chill strings for sure
[69:57 - 69:59] Yeah
[70:02 - 70:04] Really, that's all you guys static
[70:06 - 70:08] My static boy
[70:09 - 70:11] I
[70:13 - 70:18] Had a static shot go back to your own time to get stuck boy
[70:23 - 70:25] But did you
[70:29 - 70:33] Hello, we're all right in here. What do you want son? I
[70:33 - 70:35] I
[70:37 - 70:39] Know you are
[70:39 - 70:45] That's all you've got sonny boy. I've got all you got sonny boy. Come on. Don't you got sonny boy?
[70:47 - 70:50] Oh, really, I don't want to see your triumphs on
[70:56 - 70:58] I love doing that shit. I love it
[70:59 - 71:02] You're gonna pull it up, but I bought it my ass
[71:05 - 71:07] I love to see you try I
[71:08 - 71:10] Would love to see you try
[71:17 - 71:23] I still got it. I'm just not using it as much. I do still haven't though. I just don't use it as much man
[71:28 - 71:30] Oh
[71:32 - 71:39] Man you chose or something else I swear to God you chose or something else entirely, bro. That's the word of God. Oh
[71:41 - 71:43] Fuck
[71:54 - 71:56] Oh, man, you guys are funny
[71:59 - 72:01] Now
[72:04 - 72:07] I do want to show you guys the beautiful wrap on this mustang man
[72:07 - 72:10] This is actually one of my personal favorite mustangs actually
[72:15 - 72:19] Tell me that thing a sexy man got that beautiful square on the side
[72:29 - 72:31] Oh
[72:32 - 72:34] Beautiful man
[72:43 - 72:45] Oh shit, I do need to do that don't I
[72:50 - 72:52] Hello
[72:53 - 72:59] How do you pick out yours cuz obviously you're gonna need it
[73:12 - 73:14] I'm not the one that's gonna need a casket boy I
[73:17 - 73:19] Ain't the one that's gonna need a casket
[73:20 - 73:22] That's all I gotta say man
[73:24 - 73:28] You want to make that that's towards me go ahead. I can do it better
[73:34 - 73:36] I can do it then that's better
[73:40 - 73:42] Hmm
[73:44 - 73:48] I'm doing more of the story mode, but I'm trying to figure out like what car I want to use
[73:49 - 73:51] I
[73:52 - 73:57] I could go for the Land Rover and the 2020 Land Rover that's basically a luxury car
[74:02 - 74:04] Watch this guys
[74:07 - 74:09] Hello
[74:11 - 74:13] No, you're not if you worry you'd be knocking
[74:13 - 74:15] I
[74:16 - 74:18] Just put you on blocks, honey boy
[74:29 - 74:35] Hmm time to decide what car I want to drive down to a dirt race
[74:35 - 74:46] Yeah, let's turn it out to be a from being a racing sesh to a fucking slay the troll sesh
[74:49 - 74:53] I'm gonna pick out your class get your son of wine cuz I'm not the one that's gonna need one
[74:56 - 74:58] Why don't you make me son of wine
[75:05 - 75:07] Oh
[75:18 - 75:22] My god these guys they're funny
[75:22 - 75:24] I
[75:34 - 75:36] Wow
[75:53 - 75:55] Troll or anything
[76:09 - 76:13] Pretty much anything horror film really dude. Oh, by the way, I know you're also so yeah
[76:13 - 76:15] I
[76:19 - 76:22] Man he chose or something else, bro, I swear to God
[76:24 - 76:29] He chose or truly something else. I love the trolls man. I love slaying the trolls. It's funny
[76:29 - 76:35] It's fun to me cuz you guys think you get me, but you don't it's funny
[76:35 - 76:37] Oh
[76:40 - 76:44] Dang, okay the inside of this fortune. It's coming, bro
[76:56 - 76:58] Yeah, let's do more of the story
[77:06 - 77:11] Let's see there should be more of a story mode down here
[77:15 - 77:17] Yeah, right here is more of a story
[77:36 - 77:38] No
[77:41 - 77:43] Hello
[77:46 - 77:49] Are you already okay when you're alive and you show up here
[77:53 - 78:01] Y'all need to get all that child powder in bullshit, bro, I swear to God fucking troll ass loses
[78:05 - 78:13] And I have it on video so yeah, I was death threats ain't doing shit
[78:23 - 78:26] And I have it on film guys, so you guys saw this shit
[78:26 - 78:33] I have it on film that these guys are doing death threats. I have this shit on film. You guys are you guys heard this shit
[78:35 - 78:37] I
[78:53 - 78:55] Just me slime trolls
[78:55 - 78:57] You
[79:05 - 79:07] You know why it's all good, bro
[79:09 - 79:14] On all these stone drivers a horizon rush and he says you're the best of them all
[79:16 - 79:18] He just says that the outpouring
[79:18 - 79:22] Then will your science to prove if you're just being modest, huh?
[79:23 - 79:25] Take the hood of your pussy
[79:30 - 79:33] Let's start with a nice relaxed tour of the region
[79:47 - 79:49] Now that I can do now let's go
[79:53 - 79:55] I
[79:55 - 80:23] Wow, I love this car, man, it's so quick.
[80:23 - 80:41] Oh, now we're talking about style racing. Let's go.
[80:41 - 80:51] On that rally life, let's go.
[80:51 - 81:17] We're skipping across.
[81:17 - 81:21] See, I'm not as good with street racing as I am with rally racing.
[81:21 - 81:35] You're giving me on some rally shit? Bro, I'm at home, dude.
[81:35 - 81:57] Oh, boy.
[81:57 - 82:11] Oh, that was close. I did this cause he does feel good, though, man.
[82:11 - 82:23] Oh, we're headed up the mountain, oh, man. I'm down with that shit.
[82:23 - 82:37] Excuse me.
[82:37 - 83:05] Well, I take the switch right where I can just go down the fucking mountainside, bro.
[83:05 - 83:33] Oh, yeah, I kind of figured that was going to happen. I don't feel that was going to happen, dude.
[83:33 - 83:59] Oh, shit.
[83:59 - 84:15] Oh, oh, oh.
[84:15 - 84:25] We're good.
[84:25 - 84:51] You can take the cable car.
[84:51 - 85:17] You see the train tracks? It runs all the way down the mountains, popular with the priests.
[85:17 - 85:23] Whoa, what the, so I had to go across there, okay.
[85:23 - 85:45] Man, I know about this spot, and I've driven right here millions of times.
[85:45 - 86:07] That was fun.
[86:07 - 86:29] That was cool, actually. I don't know. It's fun.
[86:29 - 86:57] I'm going to switch up the settings on this.
[86:57 - 87:25] Yeah, this Porsche actually feels really good.
[87:25 - 87:41] And we're going into the water.
[87:41 - 87:47] I'm not trying to out anybody, but dude, when I said make a film, when I was talking about
[87:47 - 87:53] doing film work, I was talking about actually getting a hold of a legitimate film company,
[87:53 - 87:59] bro. Like, you know, like Warner Brothers or so many of those horror films or something.
[87:59 - 88:27] That's what I was talking about, not actually going out and making one.
[88:27 - 88:41] Dude, we got fog coming out of the water. That is crazy. That is insane. See, not water coming
[88:41 - 88:49] out. See, not fog coming out that water. That is beautiful, bro. Oh, crap. I missed it.
[88:49 - 88:55] I was saying so much time looking at the freaking water. I missed my turn. Oh, shit.
[88:55 - 88:59] I was talking about not paying attention, I was.
[89:25 - 89:27] Yeah, that's making a nice rally spot.
[89:31 - 89:45] Not going to count. This is actually making a good rally stage.
[89:55 - 90:01] I'm actually doing a better job here, dude.
[90:26 - 90:31] Dude, I'm going to just turn on the rally stage, man. That was actually cool.
[90:46 - 90:53] You see, I have all this equipment to conduct geographical service, but we could just as easily
[90:53 - 90:57] use it to make stunt videos. No. Get advice.
[90:57 - 91:03] Gracias, my friend. I am a scientist after all. Let's go.
[91:23 - 91:45] Oh, man. This is where I get to have fun, bro.
[91:53 - 92:09] I'm not going to send this thing, bro. Okay, I don't even know how I landed that barrel roll,
[92:09 - 92:17] but that was beautiful. How the hell did I just land that? Fuck it.
[92:17 - 92:19] How should I extend it?
[92:24 - 92:30] Dude, y'all saw that shit. I would generally have landed that fucking barrel roll. That was so sick.
[92:47 - 93:07] Bro, come on.
[93:17 - 93:27] Come on.
[93:47 - 93:57] Come on.
[94:17 - 94:22] According to the telemetry, you really like smashing things, my friend.
[94:22 - 94:26] Oh, yeah. And drifting.
[94:26 - 94:38] Dude, what else are you going to do with a stunt car, bro?
[94:38 - 95:00] What else are you going to do with a stunt car?
[95:00 - 95:24] Man, y'all trolls are triggered. Hashtag trigger trolls.
[95:24 - 95:35] Hashtag pissed off trigger trolls.
[95:35 - 95:51] Yeah, I need to...
[95:51 - 95:56] Oh, damn.
[95:56 - 96:13] Dude, it's not even a cheap wheel. It's a fucking Logitech G920, bro. Shit's expensive.
[96:22 - 96:31] Oh, shit.
[96:31 - 96:41] I'll go and set all the equipment back up again.
[96:41 - 96:48] Dude, y'all see.
[96:48 - 96:59] I built a small round on the mountain with switchbacks and big air. Time to head down, stick to the road and drift, or take a short cut for some big air. How do you think I'm serving it along the way?
[96:59 - 97:15] Yeah, I'm not going to that.
[97:15 - 97:20] See, y'all trolls are triggered. That's why you're calling.
[97:20 - 97:26] Y'all trolls are mad, so you're calling in the fuck with me. It ain't working, bro.
[97:26 - 97:35] I love it. I love the fact that you trolls are mad. I love it.
[97:35 - 97:46] You know what, man? I'm going to end it right here, y'all, because I'm about to set up for a show. I'm about to get a few things set up, and I'll catch you guys in a bit, dude.
[97:46 - 97:48] Peace.
[97:48 - 97:57] This shit's going to be good to piss off the trolls. I love it. Let's piss off those trolls and show them we can't be fucked with, man. It's going to be good. Peace.
Transcribed by as id '594' on August 5th, 2024