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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on March 13th, 2023
Original upload date: December 13th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:27] one of y'all so well they won't
[0:28 - 0:45] William Glory Hall aka Willy Wonka aka the little bitch that thinks he could aka the voice-changing pussy
[0:45 - 1:05] word on the street Willy Wonka word on the street is my man is that you're trying to go after one
[1:05 - 1:16] of my friends and target where he lives you're trying to target one of my friends now I thought
[1:16 - 1:23] we had this discussion already I thought I told you to leave my friends the fuck alone I thought
[1:23 - 1:33] I told you this already I thought I told you when it came to my friends and my family
[1:33 - 1:44] I thought I told you when I came to my friends and family you leave them the fuck alone
[1:44 - 2:00] but it appears to me that you don't listen so I'm gonna break it down for you see all you are
[2:00 - 2:11] are these few words that I'm about to say so listen very closely and very carefully to what I'm
[2:11 - 2:22] about to say because this applies to you and all your friends or what friends you lack
[2:22 - 2:35] every single one of you is a dick-riding little bitch see you couldn't get through to me so you
[2:35 - 2:47] feel like you have to attack my friends just because you think you can but the truth is you can't
[2:47 - 2:57] because all you are is insecure see your life is so shitty because you're not garnering the
[2:57 - 3:08] attention that people like me have rightfully earned people like me didn't just come up and take
[3:08 - 3:20] the attention no people like me earned every single second but you you feel like just because
[3:20 - 3:27] you're a William Glorio the dude that can fuck with people you feel like you can just up and take
[3:27 - 3:44] the attention right truth is if you want respect you need to earn it okay the reason nobody respects
[3:44 - 3:53] you is because you're an asshole you're a pussy little bitch asshole that feels like the whole
[3:53 - 4:02] world does and something but the truth is nobody owes you a damn thing if anything you owe the world
[4:02 - 4:11] something you owe the world you getting off your ass and quitting the shit that you're doing you owe
[4:11 - 4:24] the world that you owe the world you getting off your fucking ass and quitting your bullshit
[4:24 - 4:38] see I've earned every ounce of respect that I have gained ask people I trip like gamer he'll
[4:38 - 4:49] tell you ask people like my old day one friend track hero ask my good friend Devon aka cam time
[4:49 - 4:51] racing
[4:56 - 5:10] matter of fact you can ask Krip K you can ask Scully you can ask anybody I've earned every ounce of
[5:10 - 5:23] respect that I have gotten but you you you think that you can just walk up and take it but the
[5:23 - 5:31] truth is you have to earn it just like the rest of us all right respect isn't just handed out
[5:31 - 5:42] like a fucking flyer you can't just walk up and demand someone's respect no you have to earn
[5:42 - 5:51] that shit the same way that I did and every other youtuber on the face of this earth has fucking
[5:51 - 5:58] earned ah speak of the devil Krip K what's good brother how you doing man
[6:06 - 6:11] but like I told you will you every ounce of respect
[6:11 - 6:31] every ounce of respect William glorial I didn't walk up and take it no I fucking earned every
[6:31 - 6:44] single ounce of respect every single subscriber I have earned I have worked my ass off for
[6:44 - 6:58] relentlessly ask Krip K ask relax I have earned every single sub I have ever gotten I have earned
[6:58 - 7:09] I have worked my ass off for tirelessly day in and day out and you think that you could just walk
[7:09 - 7:18] up and fuck with my friends just cuz you can't get to me I'm sorry but that's not how it works
[7:18 - 7:27] like I told you my friends are my business and guess what I'm gonna have their backs no
[7:27 - 7:37] matter what whether it's chillax whether it's Krip K whether it's Scully whether it's my personal
[7:37 - 7:45] best friends whether it's people they aren't necessarily friends but are good people that I
[7:45 - 7:54] see around my streams or on Facebook such a AAA gamer I'm gonna have their fucking backs
[7:54 - 8:02] cuz that's what friends do man that's what we do we have each other's backs no matter what
[8:02 - 8:13] but as for you you're a little pussy hiding behind voice changers running your mouth thinking that
[8:14 - 8:24] you're a badass but really you're a fucking coward you never have the balls to make a video with
[8:24 - 8:34] just your face like I do you feel like you have to hide and the reason you hide is cuz you're
[8:34 - 8:44] scared of me you fear the fact that when I find out who you are and I see your face and I will
[8:44 - 8:51] put a face to the voice that I recognize so well cuz you know damn well I could destroy you I can
[8:51 - 9:03] pick every single fiber of your very being and your YouTube channel apart and completely humiliate
[9:03 - 9:14] you in front of hundreds of people and don't deny when because you know it's true you know damn
[9:14 - 9:24] well I have that ability to destroy you because you know once you're found out you're fucked you
[9:24 - 9:36] know this see you're talking to somebody that might not have a regular nine-to-five job but
[9:36 - 9:45] you're talking to somebody that made something from nothing all right you're talking to somebody
[9:45 - 9:53] that built a fan base from ground zero and hit that hundred thousand and literally dude not
[9:53 - 10:00] only hit the hundred mark but hit the thousand mark within a few months within two months I hit
[10:00 - 10:13] that mark as crooked he witnessed it the whole time as crooked within two months I went from zero
[10:13 - 10:24] subs to a thousand like that and every single one of those subs that I had before Marty and his
[10:24 - 10:37] little friends have my shit shut down I earned every single one of them every last one of them I
[10:37 - 10:50] fucking earned so when you could do that better than I can then you come see me if you can hit
[10:50 - 10:59] more than a thousand subs within a month without buying yourselves without having to con people or
[10:59 - 11:07] troll people or harassing bully people into subscribing to your channel then we can talk
[11:07 - 11:19] but see every person I've ever come across I give them my respect and you know they give me in
[11:19 - 11:28] return the same amount of respect that I give them because I respect everyone the same way they
[11:28 - 11:37] respect me I give the same fucking respect to them that I expect to be given to me
[11:50 - 12:01] see I'll just take the respect I give the respect that people are owed
[12:01 - 12:15] see I didn't have to respect anybody see I can go around and be an asshole like you I can go
[12:15 - 12:25] around and do a shitty stuff like you do but instead I don't you know what I do I bust my ass every day
[12:25 - 12:34] helping people with their problems taking their mind off of whatever things they might be going
[12:34 - 12:41] through by doing gameplay videos by releasing songs by doing cover shows that help them by
[12:41 - 12:50] releasing songs that I know can help somebody because I was once in that position see I was
[12:50 - 12:59] once that kid looking up to major youtubers like jacksepticeye cutie pie slapped train
[12:59 - 13:11] ar-12 gaming markiplier some of the biggest names in youtube history I used to look up to
[13:11 - 13:22] like I used to be that kid that wanted to be that guy I wanted to be that guy that hit a hundred
[13:22 - 13:25] subs a thousand subs I used to be that guy
[13:30 - 13:35] but look at me now I'm doing very well for myself
[13:35 - 13:51] right come on I'm in youtube history by hitting a thousand subs within two months
[13:53 - 14:01] and on the norm it takes the average smaller youtuber six months to hit that and I did it in two
[14:05 - 14:13] and not only that not only that at the beginning of the year when I started getting back in the f1
[14:13 - 14:22] racing when I started doing competitive racing through f1 2020 again at the beginning of the year
[14:22 - 14:27] I took four consecutive championship wins back to back
[14:27 - 14:37] and meanwhile what have you been doing sitting around with your thumb up your ass
[14:44 - 14:49] that's all you've been doing bro sitting around with your thumb up your fucking ass
[14:49 - 14:55] not knowing what to do with your life but me I know what the fuck I'm doing with my life
[14:56 - 14:58] I know what my purpose is
[15:12 - 15:18] I know what my purpose is I was put on the dirt to do one thing to help people like myself
[15:18 - 15:27] to be the champion for people like myself to be the voice for those that don't fucking have one
[15:29 - 15:34] to go against corrupt motherfuckers like you that think they're big and bad
[15:35 - 15:41] when really all you are is a scared little boy hiding behind his fucking words like a fucking coward
[15:42 - 15:45] and a shitty ass voice changer to add on to it
[15:49 - 15:58] see I actually tried to do good in this world I try to put positivity into the fucking universe
[16:01 - 16:07] I actually try to help people through their problems because I know what it's like to be
[16:07 - 16:12] where they've been at I know what it's like to be bullied I know what it's like to be on the
[16:12 - 16:18] edge of suicide and I know what it's like to wake up and have to do a fucking depression every
[16:18 - 16:25] fucking day I know what that's like because I've dealt with it for my entire life from
[16:25 - 16:31] posting motherfuckers like you that think they're badass but really they're not
[16:35 - 16:41] so if you think for one second I'll just sit by and let you fuck with my friends
[16:41 - 16:48] or my family you're sadly mistaken and if you think for one second you're going to fuck with
[16:48 - 17:07] anyone ever again I will make damn sure your ass gets thrown off this goddamn platform for good
[17:07 - 17:16] everything for one second then I'm not gonna step in
[17:21 - 17:25] when I see you fucking with somebody you don't think I'm not gonna step in
[17:25 - 17:32] and call your fake ass out well guess what kid that's where you're wrong glory bitch
[17:32 - 17:39] all you are is a bitch a pussy ass coward
[17:46 - 17:51] so if you don't think I'm not gonna drive you off this platform you're fucking crazy
[17:52 - 18:03] because I'll make sure YouTube bans you from this platform I'll make damn sure that you never see
[18:03 - 18:13] this platform ever again and trust me I could put word out to a lot of motherfuckers about you
[18:14 - 18:19] not that a lot of people don't already know who the fuck you are because you're a little bitch
[18:21 - 18:28] all you are is a little bitch
[18:32 - 18:33] that's all you are
[18:36 - 18:43] you're a bitch a pussy a coward hiding behind his words that's all you are
[18:43 - 18:53] so you can say what you want about me I don't care you can put up whatever videos you want about
[18:53 - 19:04] me I can give less of a fuck because let me tell you right now your shitty ass words don't mean
[19:04 - 19:15] jack shit to me matter of fact
[19:15 - 19:25] so
[19:30 - 19:35] matter of fact right here trash there right
[19:38 - 19:39] the way you're going going home
[19:39 - 19:50] you see this piece of paper right here this piece of paper is your youtube career see that trash can
[19:58 - 20:02] that's where your youtube career is going if you don't quit what you're doing
[20:02 - 20:10] seriously that's where your shit's going
[20:14 - 20:18] that's all your youtube channel is is trash
[20:19 - 20:28] matter of fact the rest of this is your whole fucking career all your content every shitty
[20:28 - 20:30] little fucking video you make
[20:33 - 20:37] this is all your videos are to people trash
[20:42 - 20:46] that's all your content is is garbage
[20:47 - 21:01] and you think people actually give a fuck about your content they don't if anything they laugh at
[21:01 - 21:10] you they don't respect you because all you are is a fucking bully and a coward
[21:11 - 21:22] that's all you are is a fucking coward see i try to inspire people like myself
[21:24 - 21:31] i try to inspire people through my videos to show people that even a weird motherfucker like me
[21:32 - 21:38] can do something good that even a weird-looking motherfucker like me stands a shot
[21:38 - 21:43] and actually doing something and making something of themselves
[21:45 - 21:50] now like i tell people my music or my videos ain't for everybody
[21:52 - 21:58] all right and i get why some people don't like you know my videos or my content and that's fine
[21:59 - 22:06] i'm okay with that but at the end of the day if i can help even one fucking person
[22:07 - 22:11] forget about the troubles that they're going through or help them through a situation in
[22:11 - 22:18] their lives that they might be struggling with if i can help one person to not take their lives
[22:18 - 22:23] if i can help even just one fucking person through their different or where a situation
[22:23 - 22:29] they're going through in their life that might be fucking with them then i know damn well i'm
[22:29 - 22:32] doing my fucking job and i'm doing something good
[22:37 - 22:43] because i would rather have a few real fans that actually enjoy my work and enjoy what the
[22:43 - 22:53] fuck i do than to have a million fake fans like you i would rather have a couple thousand real
[22:53 - 23:02] fans that appreciate what i do rather than have a million fake fans like you every fucking day
[23:02 - 23:03] that really don't give a shit
[23:08 - 23:13] just let me tell you every single real fan that i get fucking means the world to me
[23:14 - 23:20] every real fucking fan that i get that actually and genuinely enjoys what i do they're the ones
[23:20 - 23:27] that matter they're the ones i give a shit about i don't give a shit about little punk ass bitches
[23:27 - 23:36] like you i really don't i could give less of a fuck and i'm not saying this to be a dick
[23:37 - 23:47] but i'm just saying what other people are thinking at this point so and this ain't just me thinking
[23:48 - 23:51] this this is a whole lot of other motherfuckers out there thinking the same thing i am
[23:53 - 24:00] hey ain't just one person it's a whole lot of people that are about to they're thinking the
[24:00 - 24:09] same thing i'm about to say if you die tomorrow no one would give a shit if you die tomorrow
[24:10 - 24:15] i guarantee a lot of us would be fucking celebrating and dancing around and throwing
[24:15 - 24:28] a fucking celebration because all you've ever done is run your mouth and talk shit and bully people
[24:31 - 24:38] whereas for people like me i've actually gone out of my way to try to build something
[24:39 - 24:46] to try to help people to try to be there for those that fucking need me
[24:48 - 24:55] because i was once that kid that got picked on i was once that kid that got bullied
[24:56 - 25:02] i was once that kid that used to let motherfuckers like you walk all over me
[25:02 - 25:07] me i used to be that kid i used to be that guy
[25:18 - 25:22] i used to be that guy that everyone used to walk all over
[25:24 - 25:31] but now look at me i got a lot more people respecting me rather than attacking me
[25:33 - 25:40] and you want to know why because i'm manned up and owned up to my mistakes and i showed
[25:40 - 25:43] that i could be a better person than what you think i am
[25:48 - 25:56] and like i said i don't wish death on anyone i would never wish death on anyone but william
[25:56 - 25:58] the shit that you fucking do
[26:02 - 26:08] and the crap that you put people through and the hatred that you spew onto everyone
[26:08 - 26:10] what do you expect people to say to you
[26:13 - 26:18] what do you expect people to say to you when you do the fuck of shit that you do
[26:19 - 26:31] what do you expect people to say or what do you expect people to act like when you go
[26:31 - 26:38] after their friends you threaten their families you attack them you bully them what do you expect to
[26:38 - 26:48] happen
[26:50 - 26:52] what do you expect to happen my dude
[26:54 - 27:00] when you go around bullying someone the way that you fucking do what do you expect people to do
[27:00 - 27:13] my dude i've had three different assassination attempts on my life three all of them failures
[27:15 - 27:21] two of them by mass reports and one by you all three of which failed
[27:26 - 27:28] all three attempts failed
[27:31 - 27:32] which i find funny
[27:36 - 27:41] because even if you did even get remotely halfway to succeeding
[27:42 - 27:47] i'd say they're not laughing your face because there's one thing that you need to understand
[27:47 - 27:48] about me william gory hall
[27:51 - 27:56] and that is the fact that i don't fear death i welcome it with open arms
[27:57 - 28:01] and you want to know why because when i die i know where the fuck i'm going
[28:01 - 28:09] and it ain't the hell in a ham basket either that's where you're going
[28:27 - 28:34] uh doctor computer that's what you think that man is far from a scholar and far from a gentleman
[28:37 - 28:43] if anything that man is a coward that for a matter of fact i wouldn't even call him a man
[28:47 - 28:51] hell i wouldn't even call him a little boy i wouldn't call him anything
[28:52 - 29:01] because all he is is a coward hiding behind his fucking words like a punk ass bitch
[29:05 - 29:06] so william
[29:10 - 29:19] you got two options here you can either leave the youtube platform on your own accord
[29:19 - 29:27] okay you can leave youtube and discord and everything for good and stop what you're doing
[29:29 - 29:38] or i can spread word about you to major youtubers and show the proof of what you do
[29:39 - 29:41] and how you attack people
[29:44 - 29:46] and i can get you kicked off this platform
[29:47 - 29:56] very simple you want to bully people like me well how does it feel to finally have a victim of yours
[29:56 - 29:57] fight back
[29:59 - 30:03] as i got told you the other night dude you can't stop me
[30:05 - 30:08] you've tried to get rid of me before and you failed
[30:17 - 30:17] you
[30:23 - 30:24] yo elix what up bro
[30:31 - 30:38] how you doing elix what's good man good to see you over here brother
[30:42 - 30:46] actually yeah here in the next couple of days i am dropping some new stuff man
[30:47 - 30:49] i'll definitely post the link on your channel for sure bro
[30:54 - 31:00] but like i said william i'm not here to pick a fight with you i'm not here to pick a fight with
[31:00 - 31:09] nobody what i'm here to do is to defend people like me and look out for my own
[31:09 - 31:10] man
[31:13 - 31:19] see if you think that i was gonna let you walk over my friends you're sadly mistaken
[31:21 - 31:24] you are very much mistaken
[31:29 - 31:36] if you think i'm just gonna let you walk in walk over my friends walk over my family talk shit
[31:36 - 31:41] on me and my friends and my family hell no dude you got another thing coming
[31:47 - 31:50] because let me tell you man people like you
[31:52 - 32:03] are a pin in my ass because all you do is run your mouth and bully motherfuckers that's all you do
[32:03 - 32:12] and for what reason to get a few laughs well what do you gain like once you're done with those
[32:12 - 32:13] laughs what do you gain
[32:19 - 32:26] what do you gain after attacking someone and making them feel like shit what do you gain from that
[32:26 - 32:36] because as far as i can see you don't gain anything except looking like an asshole
[32:38 - 32:39] that's all you gain
[32:42 - 32:45] and is looking like an asshole really worth it to you
[32:48 - 32:52] is looking like a jackass really worth it to you
[32:57 - 33:02] because i know if i was in your position i wouldn't want to look like an asshole
[33:05 - 33:10] if i was in your position bro and i knew how to do the shit that you do with pulling in a crowd
[33:10 - 33:17] you know what i would do i'd use that i'd use that creativeness that you have for positivity
[33:17 - 33:21] i'd use it to help people i would use it to inspire people
[33:22 - 33:31] but instead you use your power and your ability for fucked up things
[33:34 - 33:35] and for why
[33:42 - 33:45] exactly alex agreed man
[33:52 - 33:56] hey i wouldn't be surprised scully
[34:04 - 34:06] i would not be surprised bro
[34:16 - 34:17] matter of fact
[34:22 - 34:49] i got a little something for your hate and ass bro and this one isn't just from me
[34:49 - 34:55] this isn't just coming from me this is coming from every person that you have
[34:55 - 35:02] disrespected every person that is done like i have done and has risen above you
[35:11 - 35:14] this song is what we think of you
[35:14 - 35:16] so give me a miss your brain
[35:17 - 35:18] nah man take it easy alex
[35:27 - 35:33] yo i'm in here to heal i'ma take it all i don't think these channels are sneak with a little
[35:33 - 35:38] crowd i'm so serious i'm feeling so delirious i'm your name and i'm not your brand to be the
[35:38 - 35:42] fence so this is take me out the program but there's nothing so i can see that these didn't
[35:42 - 35:47] turn out the way that you are now i'm obsessed with like a breakdown because you better watch the
[35:47 - 35:52] back because you don't gotta get to town you strutting at your pound for pound to have better
[35:52 - 35:58] looks waiting for the next round i'm in a fight i'm killing it on this mic if you run but you
[35:58 - 36:03] cannot put his ass right yeah i'll pat him down like you wrong and i'm right this is why i've got
[36:04 - 36:09] my eight times like i'm gonna be doing watch i'm stopping all four and if you find me saying
[36:09 - 36:16] hello to my claim or i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just
[36:16 - 36:22] tell me why i move just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going in
[36:22 - 36:27] i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just tell me why i move
[36:27 - 36:33] just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going to lose the concept
[36:33 - 36:40] this is the concept i don't have to earn i just take the respect whoa yeah you work here i'm a pro
[36:40 - 36:46] i ain't no realist and you just an avarice show i'm moving fast buddy glass um from a punch i'm
[36:46 - 36:52] gonna hit your face on then i'm a magnum i'm a marathon you that stamina you thought i was dead
[36:52 - 36:57] but only found the camera i see red light on scope the sternum a shot through the back like an
[36:57 - 37:03] epidural whoa i'm like three lights all of them i always get the last kill you can watch in a slow
[37:03 - 37:10] mode you can even ask mastermind a threat through the force i'm making hard to find you i'm knocking
[37:10 - 37:16] to the bottom of the scoreboard i'm making rage play out for a picture a strict reward i'm going in
[37:16 - 37:21] i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just tell me why i move just
[37:21 - 37:28] tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going in i'm coming out with a win
[37:28 - 37:33] got nothing to prove just tell me why i move just tell me why i move just tell me why i move
[37:33 - 37:39] i kill newts inside that screw come on because i always kill an eye on my target but it'll pay
[37:39 - 37:45] back all over your outfit i'm living through it i only wear the funny automatic so i presence
[37:45 - 37:51] all seems to tragics for you still forced to be wrecking women's he will make you feel like a
[37:51 - 37:57] dead bull my spit i breathe a heat like miami and i'll picture a grenade like a new york yankee whoa
[37:58 - 38:04] i don't slow down home this that will flash through the new gas of the death row it's always
[38:04 - 38:10] i'm real low thinning it done that handle my boots on the desert flow i get a jump like larry
[38:10 - 38:13] got a soldier on the street but i'm real middle of the series
[38:13 - 38:18] there was your army and you wanted to test me i'm fishing off for more snipes in west
[38:18 - 38:24] lee i'm going in i'm coming out with a win got nothing to lose just tell me why i move just
[38:24 - 38:30] tell me why i move just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on i'm going in
[38:30 - 38:36] i'm coming out with a win got nothing to prove just tell me why i move just tell me why i move
[38:36 - 38:42] just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on just tell me why i move
[38:46 - 38:51] just tell me why i move i kill newts inside that screw come on
[38:54 - 38:56] see that's the thing about you bro
[38:59 - 39:05] me and my whole team my fame base the people that respect me people like my homie
[39:06 - 39:14] alex a fucking legendary reaction channel alex hefner who was just in the fucking chat a few
[39:14 - 39:25] minutes ago respect me the people like you that are respected are down here we're all the way up here
[39:26 - 39:31] so do you really think we're gonna come all the way down there and help you up when you
[39:31 - 39:36] fucking disrespect us and you bully us the way that you do hell no
[39:40 - 39:42] hell fucking no
[39:51 - 39:57] and you're right kid he does and he's like me alex has earned every single someday he's gotten
[39:58 - 40:01] alex has earned every single someday he got
[40:02 - 40:06] just like i have and i respect the shit out of him
[40:18 - 40:24] now this one right here alex i think you know what i'm about to go with this one alex
[40:25 - 40:34] but william glorial this song
[40:37 - 40:41] is not only from me but the entire syrax nation
[40:43 - 40:50] to you and what we could do to you if we so chose
[40:55 - 41:00] you strapped in all systems online stvb status seven six seven locked and loaded
[41:01 - 41:05] this song is all of us and how badass we are so
[41:08 - 41:11] yo stiff what up what up
[41:11 - 41:16] ready to go man
[41:23 - 41:24] yo
[42:11 - 42:14] So proceed to the gundams and suppress them
[42:14 - 42:15] All back up, fire against them
[42:15 - 42:18] Aim at the gundams and stand by the flag
[42:18 - 42:20] Fire, fire, fire
[42:20 - 42:21] Play your cards out of thunder, rich
[42:21 - 42:24] When I'm holding my top gun, get my gun in the oil
[42:24 - 42:26] Touch down, re-engaging with the enemy
[42:26 - 42:28] The death in the upstakes could damn pass this rate
[42:28 - 42:30] For left-hander, pick the chance
[42:30 - 42:32] And get it now or play in the close range
[42:32 - 42:34] The furnace of circle is like holding
[42:34 - 42:36] My home is ratio, it's on the table
[42:36 - 42:38] We're about to barge, we're on the drums
[42:38 - 42:40] We're part of the operational
[42:40 - 42:41] This up is like slayin' gold
[42:41 - 42:43] How many years to stir the screens
[42:43 - 42:44] When you're in the car later
[42:44 - 42:46] You'll hit, you trip, you strip, you
[42:46 - 42:48] And I'll forget you, you can kick, you flip
[42:48 - 42:50] You mechanical, you chancey
[42:50 - 42:52] So fast, you never know who hit you
[42:52 - 42:55] The six on the macro and several to godfish me
[42:55 - 42:57] I've battled the bust, the C-plus
[42:57 - 42:58] Once in the middle of the tour, you're the sixth
[42:58 - 43:00] Got the power to thrust
[43:00 - 43:00] Why?
[43:00 - 43:02] We grab a breather, man, against the beer stand
[43:02 - 43:05] And lock up in the galaxy in mobile suits
[43:05 - 43:06] They are maxed by the five gundams
[43:06 - 43:08] And they're set up for the space colony
[43:09 - 43:14] We have our orders to execute the gundam pilots
[43:14 - 43:15] And they jump
[43:15 - 43:17] No spotlights don't have it in a way
[43:17 - 43:19] That's perceived as inimitable or predestined
[43:20 - 43:22] It's like they climb summits under breaks
[43:22 - 43:25] When I'm holding my top gun in my gundam way
[43:25 - 43:27] That's mechanical, that's animal
[43:27 - 43:29] That's mechanical, that's matter
[43:29 - 43:31] When I handle it's a medical
[43:31 - 43:33] I think I'm never be blind to still hope
[43:33 - 43:36] I move close cause I can't fire a silk cloak
[43:36 - 43:38] And when I feel my blades are standing yaw
[43:38 - 43:41] They're celebrating that because they're sharp and they're sharp
[43:41 - 43:43] And my reaction tell us all tomorrow
[43:43 - 43:46] Cause if I'm back home, you can't strip off the charm
[43:46 - 43:49] Expect my weapon to double check and my sights clear
[43:49 - 43:51] Keep forward for two great young right here
[43:51 - 43:53] Take me with Connors and you need a light gear
[43:53 - 43:56] I'll finish in a minute what you can do in a light year
[43:56 - 43:59] Quicker than a drum, still learn a lesson
[43:59 - 44:01] Back of Mars to call me ski legend
[44:01 - 44:03] Do my gun in a hundred of a second
[44:03 - 44:06] To set me a canopy wreck it will blow into the wedding
[44:06 - 44:10] No, that gun's not strong, it's too much
[44:10 - 44:13] That's what makes two professionals in combat
[44:13 - 44:15] They're closer, they're both more active
[44:15 - 44:16] I'm both raised on that
[44:16 - 44:19] It's much like the reinforcements are higher
[44:19 - 44:21] Yeah, they've already surrounded us
[44:22 - 44:23] Can't climb summits under breaks
[44:23 - 44:26] When I'm holding my top gun in my gundam way
[44:30 - 44:33] Like this, alright
[44:33 - 44:34] What?
[44:36 - 44:38] Here's your weapon coming out
[44:38 - 44:38] Right out
[44:38 - 44:40] Rocker
[44:40 - 44:42] Here's my gun to let the camera attack
[44:42 - 44:44] Let me clap summits under breaks
[44:44 - 44:46] When I'm holding my top gun in my gundam way
[44:49 - 44:52] See, that's the thing about you glory home
[44:53 - 44:58] You don't possess the skill that me
[44:58 - 45:03] Or any of these fine people within my fan base
[45:03 - 45:03] Possess
[45:07 - 45:11] Which is sad, maybe if you'd stop being a jackass
[45:13 - 45:16] And stop being a little pussy, then you might
[45:17 - 45:21] But you're so stuck in your ways
[45:21 - 45:24] That you came in C-Patchroom fucking ego
[45:27 - 45:29] Maybe if you cut your ego down a notch
[45:29 - 45:31] You might stand the shot
[45:31 - 45:35] But you're letting your ego go to your head
[45:35 - 45:38] And you're letting yourself get in your own fucking way
[45:40 - 45:41] Which is sad
[45:42 - 45:46] Maybe if you'd stop getting in your own fucking way
[45:48 - 45:51] And maybe just maybe if you quit what you're doing
[45:51 - 45:53] Maybe then I would respect you
[45:54 - 45:58] See, I respected you when you made that hot dog video of me
[45:58 - 45:59] I found that comical
[45:59 - 46:00] I found that funny
[46:02 - 46:06] But what I don't find funny is when you bully people like me
[46:07 - 46:09] I cannot respect that
[46:11 - 46:16] I cannot respect someone like you who bullies someone else
[46:16 - 46:19] All for the enjoyment of getting a laugh
[46:19 - 46:20] I can't respect that
[46:21 - 46:23] I don't respect that
[46:23 - 46:24] And never will
[46:31 - 46:38] As a matter of fact, this one isn't just about me
[46:38 - 46:40] This one's going out to my home in Crip K
[46:40 - 46:45] And everybody out there that has earned everything they've ever gotten
[46:45 - 46:48] As a matter of fact, this one isn't just about me
[46:48 - 46:51] This one's going out to my home in Crip K
[46:51 - 46:55] And everybody out there that has earned everything they've ever gotten
[47:12 - 47:13] I think y'all know what's up
[47:15 - 47:15] Hey
[47:36 - 47:38] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[47:39 - 47:42] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[47:42 - 47:45] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[47:46 - 47:49] Don't you keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[47:49 - 47:52] The single thing I got was got by me
[47:52 - 47:56] I had no hand out, I was grabbing a bag of chips
[47:56 - 47:57] And everybody at the same point
[47:57 - 47:59] Left the nose, wanted to chase the shit
[47:59 - 48:03] And pounded y'all along the ground and lookin' like they hate me
[48:03 - 48:05] And I went for not havin' a thing
[48:05 - 48:09] And now I got creepers on my mind, I'm down and rakin'
[48:09 - 48:11] I don't wear them, I still getting trashed
[48:11 - 48:14] So go fight trash, I ain't no real bitch
[48:14 - 48:16] I'm 61, but you understand this, I ain't
[48:30 - 48:33] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[48:34 - 48:36] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[48:37 - 48:40] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[48:41 - 48:44] So people keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[48:44 - 48:47] I said you're in, yeah, I stay clean, I'm in a shower
[48:47 - 48:50] I'm gonna knock on your home, I'm gonna go to the store
[48:50 - 48:52] So they don't wear the same things
[48:52 - 48:55] So don't let them take what they think you can't
[48:55 - 48:56] When I cross your feet and run
[48:56 - 48:58] So get in there and hit it
[48:58 - 49:00] Got your shots, he done hit
[49:00 - 49:03] No, you can't have such a shit unless you get a warrant
[49:03 - 49:04] Don't wake up, just make a joke
[49:05 - 49:08] She don't want no nap, like no body, it's over for
[49:08 - 49:12] So be both dumb when you screw it into a blind jack
[49:12 - 49:15] You can't fly in my brain, oh, oh
[49:15 - 49:18] You can't go on my chain, oh, oh
[49:18 - 49:21] You can't go to my dream, oh, oh
[49:21 - 49:25] So people keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[49:25 - 49:28] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:28 - 49:31] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:31 - 49:35] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:35 - 49:36] Red, white, blue, red skin color
[49:36 - 49:39] So people keep the gags, I just keep the country all over
[49:41 - 49:44] Man, take a look at that one, see how it's doing, hold up
[49:45 - 49:47] Hold up, I got another one, see how it's doing, hold up
[49:48 - 49:53] And I've been waiting a long, long time to do this one, man
[49:57 - 50:01] I've been waiting a long time to do this one
[50:06 - 50:15] And I've been waiting a long, long time to do this one, man
[50:18 - 50:22] I've been waiting a long, long time to do this one, man
[50:25 - 50:27] Girl, no
[50:27 - 50:29] Dude
[50:29 - 50:31] This one's a property to give hers
[50:31 - 50:34] Morning??'s ready, a toasted breakfast drink will get you on with that
[50:34 - 50:47] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[50:47 - 50:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[50:57 - 51:07] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:07 - 51:17] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:17 - 51:27] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:27 - 51:49] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[51:49 - 51:53] What up y'all, what's that?
[51:53 - 51:55] What?
[52:19 - 52:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[52:39 - 52:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[52:59 - 53:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[53:19 - 53:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[53:39 - 53:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[53:59 - 54:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[54:19 - 54:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[54:39 - 54:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[54:59 - 55:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[55:19 - 55:39] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[55:39 - 55:59] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[55:59 - 56:27] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[56:27 - 56:55] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[56:55 - 57:23] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[57:23 - 57:47] It's been a long time man.
[57:47 - 57:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[58:17 - 58:37] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[58:37 - 58:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[58:57 - 59:17] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[59:17 - 59:37] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[59:37 - 59:57] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[59:57 - 60:19] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[60:27 - 60:47] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[60:47 - 61:07] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[61:07 - 61:27] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[61:27 - 61:47] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[61:47 - 62:07] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[62:07 - 62:35] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[62:35 - 63:01] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[63:01 - 63:21] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[63:21 - 63:49] It's been a long time man, let's go.
[63:49 - 64:03] And you know what I did? I bettered myself. I told myself that I needed to change.
[64:03 - 64:09] And that change may have taken a very long time to happen.
[64:09 - 64:13] That change may have taken three or four years to happen.
[64:13 - 64:19] But at the end of the day, it still fucking happened.
[64:19 - 64:29] Because of the fact that I took the time to take a step back and take a look in the fucking mirror and what I was doing.
[64:29 - 64:33] And how it was affecting me and my life.
[64:33 - 64:49] How I was able to better myself from it.
[64:49 - 64:55] And Negasonic, you can sit there and run your mouth about me all you want bro.
[64:55 - 64:57] Now matter of fact, you know what?
[64:57 - 65:01] Negasonic, you can make all the videos you want on me. You want to know why?
[65:01 - 65:05] Because you're no better than Glory Ol.
[65:05 - 65:09] You're just another wannabe badass.
[65:09 - 65:15] Sitting behind the camera, talking his trash, running his mouth.
[65:15 - 65:19] Same song and dance as the last dude.
[65:19 - 65:27] Same exact thing, but in a different way.
[65:27 - 65:31] So tell me again who's the dumb ass.
[65:31 - 65:41] The dude like me that's actually trying to help people like myself.
[65:41 - 65:49] Or the motherfucker like you that's sitting there saying the same thing over and over like everybody else.
[65:49 - 65:57] Like a broken record.
[65:57 - 66:01] Like I'm actually trying to do something with my life.
[66:01 - 66:09] I'm trying to help people. I'm trying to inspire people. I'm trying to put good into this world.
[66:09 - 66:15] I'm trying to put out positive energy into this fucking world.
[66:15 - 66:27] And I'm not about to let some stupid fuck head like you get in the way of that.
[66:27 - 66:35] Because in case you haven't noticed Glory Ol, there's more of us than there are of you.
[66:35 - 66:43] And you can sit there and spew whatever bullshit pedophile crap you want.
[66:43 - 66:49] Because all that pedophile shit that you spew every fucking day is redundant.
[66:49 - 66:55] It's retarded. It's stupid. It's getting old.
[67:05 - 67:25] I got to love something for the fans.
[67:25 - 67:47] Because I think this verse right here by the legendary rock describes what we're all about.
[67:47 - 67:55] We got it right.
[67:55 - 68:07] It's about power. It's about power. It's about power.
[68:07 - 68:17] It's about power.
[68:17 - 68:25] It's about power.
[68:25 - 68:33] Thank you brother tech nine. Thank you terra mana. One take. That's a wrap.
[68:33 - 68:37] Face off.
[68:37 - 68:43] That verse right there describes what every single one of us is about.
[68:43 - 68:53] Yes, people like Crypt K put in the hard work. People like my little brother Bradley who has actually stepped away from music for the moment.
[68:53 - 68:57] Whatever he does to his music, he puts in the hard work.
[68:57 - 69:03] Every single person that I have ever worked with.
[69:03 - 69:13] Every single person that I've ever come in contact with has busted their ass to get to where they are.
[69:13 - 69:19] Even though I mean my brother Sean ain't talking right now, which hopefully that'll change.
[69:19 - 69:27] But even though me and my brother Sean ain't talking, even though he might not see me as a brother right now, I still see him as family.
[69:27 - 69:33] Even he puts in hard fucking work.
[69:33 - 69:39] Even he busts his ass to get to where he got.
[69:39 - 69:43] So when Gloria.
[69:43 - 69:49] If you really think for one second.
[69:49 - 69:53] Now you're really going to just sit here.
[69:53 - 69:57] Walk all over me. Walk all over my friends.
[69:57 - 70:03] Rent space in my head for free or any of my friends heads for free. You're wrong.
[70:03 - 70:11] And if you think I'm just going to let you sit here and talk shit on people, you're out of your fucking mind.
[70:11 - 70:15] Because there's no way in hell I'm ever going to let you do that shit again.
[70:15 - 70:23] As a matter of fact, to those that don't know, I am currently working on my own.
[70:23 - 70:31] I'm doing research and has not happened yet, but I am actually working
[70:31 - 70:39] on a way to create a program where people like myself who get bullied by people like William Royal
[70:39 - 70:47] can come and get the help they fucking need and get in contact with the proper people to put it into this bullshit.
[70:47 - 70:55] Because that's something I've really been thinking about the last few days is funny a way to create a program
[70:55 - 71:01] where people can come and tell their story and explain what's going on.
[71:01 - 71:07] And I can get them the proper health they need the health that I never fucking received
[71:07 - 71:13] because of the failure of the police department and the FBI.
[71:13 - 71:17] Because I believe in change and I want to be able to help people.
[71:17 - 71:23] I want to be able to help people like myself that have been put in very shitty situations
[71:23 - 71:35] like the one that I've been in for the last two fucking years.
[71:35 - 71:41] Because no one deserves to be put through what I got put through.
[71:41 - 71:49] No one deserves to get bullied the way that I got bullied for the last two and a half years.
[71:49 - 72:01] No one deserves to get put through the hell that I got put through and not receive the help that they fucking need.
[72:01 - 72:10] So William if I were you I'd watch my fucking ass because there's a whole army of motherfuckers that can't stand you.
[72:10 - 72:15] And one of those people being music biz Marty.
[72:15 - 72:19] Even he can't stand your ass.
[72:19 - 72:23] And Marty's one of my biggest fucking trolls.
[72:23 - 72:31] And even he can't stand your ass.
[72:31 - 72:38] No wait really I think I'm gonna do the opposite.
[72:38 - 72:43] Have fun in negative town with the rest of the trolls.
[72:43 - 72:51] Have fun in negative town. Peace.
[72:51 - 73:06] But to anybody out there that is getting bullied before I end this stream off right here I do want to say one thing.
[73:06 - 73:09] I do want to say one thing.
[73:09 - 73:19] To anybody out there that may be a smaller channel or maybe doesn't even have.
[73:19 - 73:35] You know a channel and all and you're dealing with you know bullying outside of YouTube and you're dealing with it like say at home with your family or in school at your job at work wherever you're getting bullied at.
[73:35 - 73:39] I want you all to know that my doors are always open.
[73:39 - 73:48] My channel is always open my discord is always open for you guys to reach out to my email always open.
[73:48 - 73:57] If you guys want to write new letters my address is always open for you guys to do so because I want to be able to help you guys.
[73:57 - 74:09] The same way that people like Crypt K and people like Scully and charity have helped me and my life and helped me back onto the right track.
[74:09 - 74:17] I want to be able to help you guys and give you guys the help that I never received from the police.
[74:17 - 74:23] I want to be able to help you guys out of the situations that you guys might be stuck in.
[74:24 - 74:27] Because I used to be that guy.
[74:27 - 74:33] And in some ways I still am but not as much.
[74:33 - 74:37] Because I used to be that guy that used to get bullied harassed.
[74:37 - 74:39] I used to get death threats.
[74:39 - 74:43] I used to get shitty things said to my house all the time.
[74:43 - 74:45] I used to get bullied.
[74:45 - 74:47] I used to get slandered.
[74:47 - 74:51] I used to get exploited and made fun of.
[74:51 - 74:57] And I want to make sure that that doesn't happen to anyone else.
[74:57 - 75:03] I want to make sure that no one else has to go through what I went through.
[75:03 - 75:06] Yo Suga what up?
[75:06 - 75:08] Just want to tell you man.
[75:08 - 75:13] No one deserves to get put through the hell that I got put through.
[75:13 - 75:17] For two and a half years I've been bullied.
[75:17 - 75:29] For two and a half years every day bullied, harassed, tormented, slandered, beaten down to the point where I almost took my own life.
[75:29 - 75:35] And I don't want to see anybody have to go through that same thing that I went through.
[75:35 - 75:38] Because no one deserves that shit.
[75:43 - 75:49] Why do you think I want to start a program where people can come and talk to me.
[75:49 - 75:56] And talk to other people of my community and you know get the help that they need.
[75:56 - 76:04] To where they can be guided in the right direction and actually get the help they need.
[76:04 - 76:07] Now how that's going to happen I don't know.
[76:07 - 76:13] But I guarantee you one way or another it is going to happen.
[76:13 - 76:19] Because I want to be able to help people the same way that my friends helped me.
[76:19 - 76:26] I want to be able to give people the help that I never received from the police or the FBI or the proper authorities.
[76:26 - 76:29] I want to be able to give those people the help they need.
[76:29 - 76:33] Like getting them in contact with a lawyer or somebody who is slandering their name.
[76:33 - 76:37] Or getting in contact with the proper people.
[76:37 - 76:44] If these people are doing to them what William Goryhold did to my ex and her family.
[76:44 - 76:49] Because no one deserves to get put through hell like that.
[76:49 - 76:51] No one deserves that shit.
[76:51 - 76:56] And if I can do something to try to put a stop to it.
[76:56 - 76:59] I'm going to do it.
[76:59 - 77:06] Because above all else I value human life above all else.
[77:06 - 77:10] A human life you cannot put a price on.
[77:10 - 77:14] A human life is priceless to me.
[77:14 - 77:17] You can't put a price on a human life.
[77:17 - 77:29] You can't do it.
[77:29 - 77:31] And Pomp Pills.
[77:31 - 77:33] A lot of people say that dude.
[77:33 - 77:40] A lot of people say that but I don't think anybody really knows.
[77:40 - 77:43] I've had several names thrown my way.
[77:43 - 77:45] So I want you to have actual proof.
[77:45 - 77:50] Verifying it then how am I supposed to believe you.
[77:50 - 77:52] Not saying you don't.
[77:52 - 77:53] I'm just saying.
[77:53 - 78:05] I bet a lot of people say that same thing.
[78:05 - 78:09] Yo Skully I got you man.
[78:09 - 78:12] Hey Skully if you do go live bro let me know man.
[78:12 - 78:14] I'll pop over there and say what's up.
[78:14 - 78:27] You know I got you man.
[78:27 - 78:31] So like I said Wayne Gordill.
[78:31 - 78:37] You can either cut the crap on your own accord.
[78:37 - 78:43] You can either cut the crap and stop being a shitty person.
[78:43 - 78:48] Or I can get every single person here in my community.
[78:48 - 78:53] And every fellow YouTuber in their community.
[78:53 - 78:59] To get you kicked off for all the bullying you've done to people.
[78:59 - 79:01] So it's your call.
[79:01 - 79:04] You can either stop being a shitty fucking person.
[79:04 - 79:11] And harassing and bullying people.
[79:11 - 79:17] Or I can gather every person that you've ever bullied together.
[79:17 - 79:21] And get you thrown off this platform.
[79:21 - 79:25] Now I wouldn't want to see someone like you with a creative mind.
[79:25 - 79:28] To be thrown off this platform.
[79:28 - 79:31] But if it has to happen.
[79:31 - 79:38] It has to happen.
[79:38 - 79:41] So make your choice Wayne what's it going to be?
[79:41 - 79:44] Are you going to stop being a shitty fucking person.
[79:44 - 79:50] And quit the bullying and the crap that you're doing.
[79:50 - 79:58] Or am I going to have to gather every single person that you've ever victimized.
[79:58 - 80:03] And get them to speak out against you.
[80:03 - 80:07] Because believe me I can do it and I will.
[80:07 - 80:15] Well like I said William it's your call.
[80:15 - 80:18] And that's for everyone else man.
[80:18 - 80:22] For those that did show up to show support.
[80:22 - 80:28] To go against William Goryhole.
[80:28 - 80:34] To everybody out there that did show up to actually show support.
[80:34 - 80:38] For me going against this fucking guy that is a bully.
[80:38 - 80:40] I want to say thank you man.
[80:40 - 80:42] Because you guys showing up to show support for me.
[80:42 - 80:47] And not just me but support for the people that he's victimized.
[80:47 - 80:49] Means a lot.
[80:49 - 80:54] And I know it means a lot not just to me but to them as well.
[80:54 - 80:58] And if you are one of the people out there that have been victimized.
[80:58 - 81:06] I hope this video gives you the strength to stand up and fight back against these people.
[81:06 - 81:11] I hope that this stream gives you the strength to stand up and speak out.
[81:11 - 81:16] And start fighting back against these fucking losers like Goryhole.
[81:16 - 81:19] Because no one deserves to get bullied.
[81:19 - 81:23] The way that me or you guys have gotten bullied.
[81:23 - 81:29] So if anybody has been genuinely victimized by William Goryhole.
[81:29 - 81:31] And isn't the fucking troll.
[81:31 - 81:33] By all means reach out to me.
[81:33 - 81:35] Reach out to Crypt K.
[81:35 - 81:37] He can get you in contact with me.
[81:37 - 81:43] And if he can't skull you or someone here can.
[81:43 - 81:46] Because I would love to hear your guys' stories.
[81:46 - 81:49] I would love to hear what Goryhole has done to you guys.
[81:49 - 81:54] I would love to speak with you guys and hang out with you guys.
[81:54 - 81:56] My DMs.
[81:56 - 81:58] My Discord.
[81:58 - 81:59] My address.
[81:59 - 82:00] My phone.
[82:00 - 82:04] All those things are always open at any given time.
[82:04 - 82:09] So if you have genuinely been bullied by William Goryhole.
[82:09 - 82:11] And you're not trying to troll me.
[82:11 - 82:13] By all means hit me up.
[82:13 - 82:16] Let's talk.
[82:16 - 82:19] And just know that you got so many here in your corner.
[82:19 - 82:24] Hell you got a whole community in your corner.
[82:24 - 82:27] Don't be a victim to this guy.
[82:27 - 82:30] Don't let motherfuckers like him walk all over you.
[82:30 - 82:33] Because you guys are better than that.
[82:33 - 82:36] 100% you guys are better than that.
[82:36 - 82:40] You're better than him on any given day of the week.
[82:41 - 82:44] So don't let this asshole.
[82:44 - 82:46] Who's got his thumb up his ass.
[82:46 - 82:48] Drag you down.
[82:48 - 82:50] Because you guys are better than that.
[82:50 - 82:52] You're stronger than that.
[82:52 - 82:56] And I know that things seem very dark right now.
[82:56 - 83:02] But I promise you there is light at the end of that tunnel.
[83:02 - 83:06] Because trust me I had to go through that as well.
[83:06 - 83:12] I had to go through that same dark shit that you're going through now.
[83:12 - 83:17] But just know that things can and will get better.
[83:17 - 83:18] Might not be today.
[83:18 - 83:19] Might not be tomorrow.
[83:19 - 83:21] But eventually things will get better.
[83:21 - 83:25] And trust me when things do get better for you.
[83:25 - 83:27] You'll feel a lot better.
[83:27 - 83:31] You'll feel a lot happier.
[83:31 - 83:33] I know I do.
[83:33 - 83:34] And so can you.
[83:34 - 83:36] So if you are going through that.
[83:36 - 83:39] Just know that you have an entire community.
[83:39 - 83:41] And not just my community.
[83:41 - 83:43] My good friend Alex Hefner.
[83:43 - 83:45] Who is a reaction channel.
[83:45 - 83:48] To back you up.
[83:51 - 83:53] You have not only my community.
[83:53 - 83:58] But Alex Hefner's community to reach out to as well.
[83:58 - 84:02] You got my good friend Courtney to reach out to as well.
[84:03 - 84:07] You got a whole lot of people here.
[84:07 - 84:10] To reach out to that care about you.
[84:10 - 84:13] So don't let these guys get to you.
[84:13 - 84:15] Because you're better than that.
[84:15 - 84:18] And you're a lot stronger than you think.
[84:18 - 84:21] You just gotta dig deep and pull that shit out of you.
[84:21 - 84:25] And once you do I promise you things will get better.
[84:25 - 84:27] So keep fighting.
[84:27 - 84:28] Stay humble.
[84:28 - 84:30] Don't give up on what you want to do.
[84:30 - 84:32] Keep fucking fighting.
[84:32 - 84:33] And keep being you.
[84:33 - 84:35] And keep pushing forward.
[84:35 - 84:37] No matter what.
Transcribed by as id '593' on August 5th, 2024