Original upload date: October 22nd, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:12] Well isn't this a pleasant surprise people. I'm sitting here working on some brand new
[0:12 - 0:19] music hanging out with my soon to be girlfriend and her family and I say soon to be girlfriend
[0:19 - 0:32] because we're not together yet, keyword yet, but I'm sitting down hanging out with them,
[0:32 - 0:42] hanging out with my friends and my family and Marty thinks that he can beat my fucking
[0:42 - 0:53] ass. That's cute bro. That's real fucking cute that you think you can beat my ass. That's
[0:53 - 1:01] real cute that you think you can fucking beat my ass. Take a look at what happened with
[1:01 - 1:15] Juggalo John. Juggalo John post out like a bitch. He did, he post out like a bitch. And
[1:15 - 1:22] if you don't think I can fight Marty, that's sad that you think you can't fucking fight,
[1:22 - 1:29] that you think I can't fight. I know you can't fight, but you think that I can't fight.
[1:29 - 1:36] Bro ask people that know me in real life that went to school with me bro. Ask my brother
[1:36 - 1:43] Jake, he'll tell ya he's watched me get into fights with guys bigger than you Marty on
[1:43 - 1:49] your what, six, six, six, seven. Dude, I always try with the guys in high school that were
[1:49 - 1:57] seven foot because there's one thing that you must, that you literally are fooling yourself
[1:57 - 2:05] on and that's the fact that you think that size fucking matters. You think that size
[2:05 - 2:10] matters. You think that size and weight means everything. Well Marty, I'm here to tell you
[2:10 - 2:19] for a fact, for a fucking fact bro. That size, it don't mean anything in a fight and really
[2:19 - 2:29] don't. Cause see, you might have weight on your side and that's true. You may have weight
[2:29 - 2:37] on your side, but Marty, I'm smaller. I'm a harder target to hit. You ain't getting
[2:37 - 2:46] me so easily kid. You ain't getting me so motherfucking easy. And while we're speaking
[2:46 - 2:55] on it, let's speak on how you think that you own Saren. Nigga, you don't own shit.
[2:55 - 3:04] You don't own her. You don't even own me, bro. So who the fuck do you think you kidding?
[3:04 - 3:09] You really think you own people Marty? Like this, yo, this guy really thinks that he
[3:09 - 3:15] owns people. He thinks that he owns me. He thinks he owns Saren. Hell, he thinks that
[3:15 - 3:24] he even, he even goes so far as to believe that that contract is fake. Like he believes
[3:24 - 3:33] that fake ass contract is real, yo. Like he genuinely believes that that fake ass
[3:33 - 3:42] contract is real. I mean, bro, I showed that to my cousin Misty who's a paralegal and you
[3:42 - 3:50] know what she did? She laughed her fucking ass off. She literally laughed her fucking
[3:50 - 4:03] ass off at the contract. Like, dude, that shit's fake as fuck, Marty. You ain't beating
[4:03 - 4:11] nobody's ass. I mean, come on, bro. You can barely take two steps to the fridge without
[4:11 - 4:16] getting worn out. You can barely take two steps to the goddamn fridge without getting
[4:16 - 4:36] worn the fuck out, bro. I mean, for real, you can barely get to the fridge without being
[4:36 - 4:47] fine. You're overweight. You're out of shape. Like, do you really think that you have the
[4:47 - 4:56] stamina to go up against somebody like me? Who is lighter and faster? Who can actually
[4:56 - 5:02] hold their own? I mean, I'm just speaking facts here, bro. I'm just telling you the
[5:02 - 5:08] facts as they are. I really am. I'm just telling you the fucking facts, Marty. Like, you think
[5:08 - 5:17] that you can beat my ass? You're welcome to try. You are more than welcome to try, Marty,
[5:17 - 5:23] because you ain't going to beat my ass, kid. You think that you can, but, Marty, look
[5:23 - 5:32] at you. I mean, no, seriously, I mean, look at you, bro. You're out of shape. You're overweight
[5:32 - 5:56] as fuck. You're slow as hell. Watch this, y'all. Hello? Hello? Man, whatever, though.
[5:56 - 6:09] Stop that dog from getting from goddamn New York, man. Get out of here. Yo, Gasoline,
[6:09 - 6:20] what up, bro? What up, Gas? Hey, speak of the devil. What up, sir? How you doing? Hey,
[6:20 - 6:28] sir, am I or am I not correct that Marty thinks that he owns everything? Does he not literally
[6:28 - 6:52] believe that he owns you and me? Does he not actually believe that shit? Oh, that's stupid.
[6:52 - 7:01] And it's true. He does. He does believe it. And it's funny. Like Marty, look at me. I
[7:01 - 7:09] seriously, bro. Look at me. Something that is actually in good shape. I mean, look,
[7:09 - 7:17] I'm in better shape than you, bro. Way better shape than you. You got a gut out of here.
[7:17 - 7:30] I'm skinny as fuck. What are you going to do? Watch this, yo. Hello? I know you are.
[7:30 - 7:40] So is your mother. That's why. I mean, Marty, do you really think that you stand a shot
[7:40 - 7:47] at beating me? Do you really believe that you stand that shot? Because if you do, you're
[7:47 - 7:52] delusional. You're more delusional than I thought, bro. You are way more delusional
[7:52 - 7:57] than I thought because I might not look. Let me tell you something. That's where you
[7:57 - 8:01] underestimate. This is where a lot of people, and I don't blame you for underestimating
[8:01 - 8:07] me. I really don't. I mean, a lot of people have underestimated me and found out the
[8:07 - 8:15] hard way. But Marty, you underestimate my strength. See, you might think that because
[8:15 - 8:28] I look weak means I can't hold my own. Bro, I'm a lot stronger than I fucking look.
[8:28 - 8:37] I am way stronger than I look, Marty. So if we're going to face me, then just show
[8:37 - 8:42] up already so I can kick your ass and get on my goddamn day, bro. But you really think
[8:42 - 8:51] that you're going to show up here and beat my ass and walk away? I'd love to see you
[8:51 - 8:59] try. I'd love to see you try to beat my ass. I would love to see you try to beat my ass.
[8:59 - 9:08] Yeah, you're just like all the other trolls. You're so desperate for attention. He's so
[9:08 - 9:17] desperate for attention, y'all. And here's the thing, Leroy, here's the thing, bro. You
[9:17 - 9:25] can ask Aaron, ask anybody. I didn't know he showed up until I saw the video. I had
[9:25 - 9:30] no idea. I wasn't ready. I didn't know that he showed up until I saw that video that
[9:30 - 9:40] he showed up. That ain't on me. That ain't on me. I didn't know he showed up. I had no
[9:40 - 10:05] idea. Hold on, y'all. I'll be right back. Hold on, y'all. I'll be right back. I'm going
[10:05 - 10:34] to go. Yeah. You're not home? You really want to be home? No. What are we doing? I'm
[10:34 - 10:52] sorry about that, guys. Mom's had a question for her about Crown Jewel last night. But
[10:52 - 11:04] I like... Marty. What up, Biggie? Hey, Iggy. Hey, Nevada. What up, Biggie? How you doing,
[11:04 - 11:12] bro? How you doing, Iggy? What's up, man? How you doing, Iggy? What's up, man? Good
[11:12 - 11:35] to see you, bro. But wait for real, though. That's one thing that a lot of people underestimate
[11:35 - 11:45] about me. Is that they see my size, right? They see my size and they don't think I can
[11:45 - 11:53] fight. I mean, yeah, I'm maybe short. That may be true, but Marty, you know what they
[11:53 - 12:04] say about small packages. Little package, explosive boom. Little package, explosive
[12:04 - 12:11] power. Which is me. That actually describes me. I'm maybe short, but Marty, I can hold
[12:11 - 12:17] my own in a fight. Don't think that I can, bro, because I actually can fight. Unlike
[12:17 - 12:25] you. I mean, you think that just because I'm short, that you can beat my ass? Dude, look
[12:25 - 12:36] at you. You're delusional as fuck. Like, I almost would feel bad beating your ass.
[12:36 - 12:43] Because clearly, you're mentally and chemically imbalanced. Clearly, you got something wrong
[12:43 - 12:49] with your head to where you're chemically imbalanced. You have this fantasy in your
[12:49 - 12:57] head that you own me, you own Saren, you own this, you own that. Dude, you don't own anything.
[12:57 - 13:02] You really don't. I'm going to tell you right now, you don't own jack shit. You really
[13:02 - 13:22] don't. You really don't like, like, how stupid would you look if somebody like me who has
[13:22 - 13:27] legitimate disabilities, like how dumb would you look if somebody with a disability like
[13:27 - 13:38] me beat your ass? I mean, that'd be embarrassing. I mean, that would be very embarrassing for
[13:38 - 13:43] you, Marty. That really would. I mean, how do you think the internet is going to look
[13:43 - 13:50] at you when someone like me actually beats your ass? Like, how do you think everyone's
[13:50 - 13:59] going to view you, bro? How do you think anyone's going to look at you? Yo, Brooklyn, what
[13:59 - 14:05] the fuck is up, my guy? Hold out. Yo, we got a legend in the building, y'all. Motherfucking
[14:05 - 14:11] Brooklyn, man, it's something that you have, Brooklyn. What is good, bro? How you doing,
[14:11 - 14:15] Brooklyn? Good to see you, man. It's been a while, bro. I'm meaning to hit you up on
[14:15 - 14:19] Facebook. I'll have to do that after the stream. I'll have to hit you up. It's been
[14:19 - 14:35] a while, bro. It's been a long fucking while. But Marty, you think that you can just come
[14:35 - 14:57] in, show up, be my ass always? Dude, that ain't how it's going to work, son. That ain't
[14:57 - 15:08] how this shit's going to happen. Oh, and honest, I know I do know how everybody has been getting
[15:08 - 15:19] into my stuff. Like, I do know how everyone's been getting into my stuff, which is through
[15:19 - 15:28] a keystroke program on that computer that I got sent, which I will be wiping. I will
[15:28 - 15:44] be wiping that Chromebook clean and getting rid of that shit. So, uh, yeah. Oh, look,
[15:44 - 15:59] somebody breaking into my shit again or pretending to be me, I should say. Oh, look, we got
[15:59 - 16:08] an imposter. We have an imposter, everyone. Somebody wants to be me so that they are literally
[16:08 - 16:16] going under my name and pretending to be me. That's cute. There's only one me, and I'm
[16:16 - 16:36] it. That is very true. That is very true, sir. See, Marty, what you don't realize, you
[16:36 - 16:44] think that you're untouchable. You think that you're invincible when you're not invincible
[16:44 - 16:53] and you sure as fuck ain't untouchable. You sure as fuck ain't invincible either. Like
[16:53 - 17:02] dude, all it takes is one good kick to the back of your knee and you're done. That's
[17:02 - 17:09] it. Or one get kicked into your fucking balls and guess what? You're fucked. You're done
[17:09 - 17:36] ski. Yeah, according to what up.
[17:36 - 17:53] Now that being said, since I am dropping some brand new instrumentals for artists and people
[17:53 - 18:18] to use, under my name is Shadow Nexus, under my Shadow Nexus brand. Those people want to
[18:18 - 18:30] sit there and threaten me about my music and saying that I'm no good. Let's just play
[18:30 - 18:54] one of the beats back, right? Let's play one of those beats back. Oh no.
[18:54 - 19:18] Let's play one of my beats back right quick.
[19:18 - 19:43] You say I can't do this? What does this say?
[19:43 - 20:09] I think this beats right so.
[20:09 - 20:38] Got that RX-7 rotary riffing. Got that RX-7 rotary riffing behind that beat.
[20:38 - 21:02] And a more chill one. So, don't sit there and tell me I don't know what the fuck I'm
[21:02 - 21:27] doing. I'll put your ass on real fucking where. Yo, C.I.N. What up? Oh, and as for
[21:27 - 21:33] C.I.N. I know what you're thinking. Why'd you get rid of me? Well, it's because I heard
[21:33 - 21:39] through the grapevine and saw from myself that you started sharing my shit around. So,
[21:39 - 21:48] uh, yeah, nice try, brother. Nice fucking try, dude. You didn't think I was gonna catch
[21:48 - 22:12] on, did you? Right, like I wouldn't catch on to you. Matter of fact, I know what you
[22:12 - 22:29] guys are wanting. I know what you guys want. What, did you think I was gonna show up here
[22:29 - 22:47] and talk about Marnie's fucking challenge and not do shit for you guys? Did you guys
[22:47 - 22:53] really think that I was gonna show up and talk about Marnie's challenge and leave without
[22:53 - 23:17] giving you guys something? Did you guys really think that was gonna happen? Did y'all really
[23:17 - 23:23] think I was gonna do that to you guys? Come on, man. Y'all should know me better than
[23:23 - 23:30] that by now. I always give my supporters and fans what they want, man. I always give my
[23:30 - 23:50] true supporters and fans what they enjoy. I always give my real fans and supporters what
[23:50 - 24:04] they want and enjoy. Did you really think I was gonna walk out of here and not do something
[24:04 - 24:33] for you guys? Come on, man. Y'all should know me better than that by now. Let's go.
[24:33 - 42:12] [MUSIC]
[42:12 - 42:15] I know you guys are ready to take something out, man.
[42:15 - 42:16] You guys ready?
[42:16 - 43:26] [MUSIC]
[43:26 - 43:29] All right, you know what, hold up, hold up.
[43:29 - 43:32] All right, let me get rid of this little bitch kid right here.
[43:32 - 43:36] [MUSIC]
[43:36 - 43:38] You know what, hold up.
[43:38 - 45:30] [MUSIC]
[45:46 - 45:50] Hey, Sarah, I know you know this one.
[45:50 - 80:47] [MUSIC]
[80:47 - 80:57] I find it funny how you trolls try to be relevant and it's sad.
[80:57 - 81:01] You guys seriously fail at being relevant.
[81:01 - 81:11] [MUSIC]
[81:11 - 81:17] You guys literally fail at being relevant.
[81:17 - 81:19] You're like, you're like massive reports.
[81:19 - 81:21] You fail at being relevant.
[81:21 - 81:24] [MUSIC]
[81:24 - 81:26] But me, I'm full relevant.
[81:26 - 84:31] [MUSIC]
[84:31 - 84:37] And that's facts, man.
[84:37 - 84:40] That song speaks so much goddamn truth, man.
[84:40 - 84:44] For all y'all that think that you're stopping me, you're really not.
[84:44 - 84:50] Like I'm busting my ass doing what I need to do with my music and my shit.
[84:50 - 84:56] While y'all are over here spending and wasting your time being negative and talking trash,
[84:56 - 85:02] I'm over here working on beats, getting my life together, getting my music back to where it needs to be,
[85:02 - 85:05] to where I never should have left in the first place.
[85:05 - 85:08] So all y'all can sit there and think that you run shit.
[85:08 - 85:14] Y'all can sit there and say that you run me and that you micromanage me and let me know the fuck you don't.
[85:14 - 85:17] You're just wasting your motherfucking time, that's all it is.
[85:17 - 85:22] You're wasting your goddamn time being a fucking idiot talking shit.
[85:22 - 85:26] And it ain't doing you any good, so why bother?
[85:26 - 85:35] Like y'all are sitting there talking shit and not doing anything.
[85:35 - 85:37] That's all you're doing, talking shit.
[85:37 - 85:42] So I don't see how you talking shit is helping anything.
[85:42 - 85:45] If anything, it ain't affecting me, it's affecting you.
[85:46 - 85:50] Like y'all talk shit and it brings me into goddamn views.
[85:50 - 85:52] Do you not realize that?
[85:52 - 85:56] Do you not realize that your guys is shit talking?
[85:56 - 86:00] Doesn't do anything but bring in motherfucking views from me?
[86:00 - 86:02] Do you not realize that?
[86:02 - 86:08] Like you click on my shit, you watch my shit, you comment shitty stuff,
[86:08 - 86:12] and you probably dislike it, that's literally four levels of engagement right there.
[86:12 - 86:17] So ultimately you're not doing anything except bringing me in motherfucking views.
[86:17 - 86:19] That's all you're doing.
[86:19 - 86:23] You're not being a badass, you're not being a hard ass,
[86:23 - 86:27] you're not being smart or funny, you're just bringing in free views from me.
[86:27 - 86:29] That's all it is.
[86:29 - 86:32] So all y'all trolls are fucking dumb.
[86:38 - 86:43] All right, y'all can talk all this negative bullshit all you want.
[86:43 - 86:47] All right, y'all can sit there and run your mouths all you want
[86:47 - 86:50] and talk all this and that and blah, blah, blah.
[86:50 - 86:55] But at the end of the day, the real supporters, the real ones, know what the fuck is up.
[86:55 - 86:59] They see right through it just like I see right through it.
[86:59 - 87:03] That's all it is, man.
[87:03 - 87:06] I see right through the fucking bullshit.
[87:06 - 87:09] And love me or hate me, I don't give a fuck.
[87:09 - 87:11] I really don't care.
[87:11 - 87:13] If you love me, hey, that's cool.
[87:13 - 87:15] If you hate me, that's cool.
[87:15 - 87:17] I don't give a shit.
[87:17 - 87:19] I'm doing me.
[87:19 - 87:23] I don't give a fuck about you dumb idiotic trolls, man.
[87:23 - 87:26] I'm out here doing me and doing what I gotta do.
[87:26 - 87:27] That's all I'm doing.
[87:27 - 87:31] I'm living my motherfucking life and doing me.
[87:31 - 87:37] So all y'all trolls can do this and take a hike and go fuck yourselves, for real.
[87:57 - 88:01] So all y'all trolls can kick fucking rocks, man.
[88:01 - 88:04] If you're a supporter, I fucking rock with you.
[88:04 - 88:08] If not, hey, it's all good.
[88:08 - 88:10] But I do know one thing.
[88:10 - 88:14] I ain't stopping what the fuck I'm doing for no motherfucking body
[88:14 - 88:19] because this past week has been the best motherfucking week of my goddamn life.
[88:23 - 88:27] I'm gaining real supporters and real followers.
[88:27 - 88:30] I'm actually doing shit.
[88:30 - 88:36] I'm back on board with my homies working on shit.
[88:36 - 88:40] Me and Grim the Rap Reaper are doing shit again.
[88:40 - 88:47] Arlene Vocalist Tyler just looking for a way to record shit so we can get stuff going.
[88:47 - 88:49] So he's doing good.
[88:52 - 88:57] My friend that I'm talking to, whose family likes me,
[88:57 - 88:59] I'm eating good with them.
[88:59 - 89:01] Things are going good.
[89:01 - 89:05] I got my normal fucking life back, man.
[89:05 - 89:12] I got my fucking life back and I am about to let some punk-ass bitches come in and fuck all that up.
[89:12 - 89:17] I've got my normalcy back and I ain't giving that up for no motherfucking body.
[89:17 - 89:25] So if you think you can fucking body me and take away my shit when I'm doing,
[89:25 - 89:28] you're fucking fooling yourself.
[89:28 - 89:33] You really are. You're fucking fooling yourself if you think you're doing anything.
[89:33 - 89:39] All you're doing is yammering and yammering and yammering and running your motherfucking mouth like a bitch.
[89:39 - 89:43] Y'all are all bark and no motherfucking bite.
[89:43 - 89:47] Your bark's worse than your fucking bite.
[89:47 - 89:51] For real, y'all's bark is worse than your bite.
[89:51 - 89:59] Because all you do is talk shit, spread rumors, talk more shit, spread more rumors.
[89:59 - 90:02] That's all you do.
[90:02 - 90:08] And honestly, you're just wasting your goddamn time doing it.
[90:08 - 90:14] So my question is this. Why waste time talking shit?
[90:14 - 90:24] Why not try to be creative in your own way?
[90:24 - 90:27] Try doing something for yourself.
[90:27 - 90:31] If you want to create something, create something.
[90:31 - 90:33] For real.
[90:33 - 90:41] And if you want to be a YouTube content creator, stop using me as your content and be motherfucking original.
[90:41 - 90:48] Like, stop being trying to be me and be the first you.
[90:48 - 90:50] Be original, man.
[90:50 - 90:55] Don't be trying to come up in here and re-stream my shit thinking you're going to get views.
[90:55 - 90:58] Bro, that's dumb.
[90:58 - 91:02] And honestly, it's played out, man.
[91:02 - 91:06] It really is. This motherfucking played out.
[91:06 - 91:17] But to all the real fans, man, that are supporting my journey into me doing my music full-time,
[91:17 - 91:20] I definitely thank you guys. It feels good to be back.
[91:20 - 91:25] I can honestly say, man, it feels great to be back doing my music again full-time.
[91:25 - 91:29] I truly am really enjoying myself having a good time.
[91:29 - 91:33] It feels good to be back.
[91:33 - 91:39] But like I said to you, Marty,
[91:39 - 91:43] if I were you, I wouldn't even bother showing up because when you do,
[91:43 - 91:47] you're just going to get your ass handed to you.
[91:47 - 91:51] That's all it's going to be. You're just going to get your ass handed to you.
[91:51 - 91:55] And everybody's going to look at you like you're a joke.
[91:55 - 91:59] So if I were you, I wouldn't even bother showing up.
[91:59 - 92:03] Yes, here's how it's going to go down. You're going to show up.
[92:03 - 92:07] I'm going to already be at the park. I'm already having my phone recording.
[92:07 - 92:14] But at a point, when I go over to grab my phone,
[92:14 - 92:17] your ass is going to be on the ground looking up at the goddamn sky
[92:17 - 92:22] because I just whipped your goddamn ass in less than 10 seconds.
[92:22 - 92:26] So Marty, unless you want your fucking ass handed to you
[92:26 - 92:30] by a fucking dude that's five foot three,
[92:30 - 92:36] and if you don't want to be embarrassed in front of the whole world,
[92:36 - 92:40] I wouldn't challenge you because like I told you,
[92:40 - 92:44] I'm a lot stronger than you seem to think, Marty. I really am.
[92:44 - 92:47] I'm a lot stronger than you fucking realize, kid.
[92:47 - 92:55] I'm a lot stronger. So I wouldn't push it.
[92:55 - 92:58] Just saying, just a bit of advice for you.
[92:58 - 93:01] If you want to save yourself the embarrassment, don't show up.
[93:01 - 93:05] But if you want to get embarrassed, well, that's on you
[93:05 - 93:08] and that's your stupidity at that point.
[93:08 - 93:11] I'm just saying, I'm trying to be a nice guy and help you out.
[93:11 - 93:16] If you want to get embarrassed by me, then go ahead, show up.
[93:16 - 93:22] I'll kick your ass and that'll be that and everybody will see it.
[93:22 - 93:28] But if you don't want to get embarrassed, then I suggest not showing up to you
[93:28 - 93:31] because I would hate to embarrass the fuck out of you.
[93:31 - 93:35] I really would. I would hate to embarrass the fuck out of you, for real.
[93:35 - 93:43] But, hey, it's your call. You want to be stupid? Be stupid.
[93:43 - 93:49] Just saying. It's your call, man. You want to be dumb? That's on you.
[93:49 - 93:54] But while you're over there trying to decide on whether to be stupid or not,
[93:54 - 93:58] I'm going to be over here working on my music and hanging with my friends and my people.
[93:58 - 94:05] So, yeah, good luck with life, Marty. Good fucking luck with life.
[94:05 - 94:12] I'll catch you guys later, man. I'll see you guys whenever I see you.
[94:12 - 94:17] I don't know when I'm going to stream again, but I will see you guys whenever I see you guys, man.
[94:17 - 94:20] I fucking love you guys. If you guys are real supporters,
[94:20 - 94:23] be on the lookout for some brand new beats dropping tonight and tomorrow,
[94:23 - 94:26] as well as some classical shit dropping.
[94:26 - 94:34] So, yeah, I fucking love you guys. I'll catch you guys whenever I see you, man. Peace.
[94:35 - 94:36] Thank you.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '713' on August 10th, 2024