[22Jul24] Cyraxx writing checks his body cant cash on panel with marty (RAW)
Chance trying again to intimidate Marty into leaving him alone and remove himself from the internet.
I am sure this time is different compared to the last 7 years he tried.
Original upload date: July 22nd, 2024 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:10] First off, thank you for the wall-wishing. I don't know if the question is was whiskey actually like some kind of a health cure or like
[0:10 - 0:17] Because I can't I mean, I don't know I understand like cowboys that like a broken leg or something but uh
[0:17 - 0:22] You can't imagine it being like a any kind of a benefit for like an illness, right?
[0:24 - 0:31] Seems kind of counterintuitive. I want to say thanks to a Willem Gorgel for coming out with another of these fantastic
[0:31 - 0:39] police interactions. I started watching it. I figured I'd just watch it here. Always enjoyable.
[0:39 - 0:44] So, yeah, let's just let's just get into it
[0:44 - 0:53] 1024 23 hours 28 minutes 27 seconds. I'm really looking forward to the
[0:54 - 0:56] body cams
[0:56 - 0:58] Akron Police and FireTech 236
[0:58 - 1:06] Yes, my name is Sally Wilkins and I live at 339 Lloyd Street
[1:06 - 1:12] I need an officer to come out to the house. I need to show them
[1:12 - 1:23] Something on my phone. It's a threat against our house. Okay, someone threatened you, someone threatened your house
[1:24 - 1:27] Okay, what is your name? You said Sally Wilkins?
[1:27 - 1:33] Yes, okay. Do you know who this is? They'll have to know who they are. I can't imagine that
[1:33 - 1:40] Especially the dispatchers, but most if not all the police officers have to be like well acquainted. Threatening you?
[1:40 - 1:43] There are people that have been bothering us
[1:43 - 1:48] You guys know our address real well, but they've been bothering us for a long time and
[1:50 - 1:53] somebody somebody just came in and said they saw something on
[1:53 - 1:56] discord that
[1:56 - 1:57] They were gonna
[1:57 - 2:03] Throw them all to a croc Taylor house house house on its 21st
[2:03 - 2:07] They were gonna cocktail your house. Is that what you said?
[2:07 - 2:10] Yes, I'm all tough cocktail. Okay
[2:10 - 2:15] All right, we're gonna get somebody out Sally. What's the good callback number?
[2:18 - 2:24] 33-0. All right, as soon as we have an officer available in your district. They will be out to you to make this report. Okay
[2:24 - 2:29] Okay. Thank you. All right, of course. Bye. Bye. Oh, wait. Hold on. Yeah, hold on man. Yeah
[2:29 - 2:40] Is there any way they can cover up their cocks in their cams because Oh one one person on nine
[2:40 - 2:46] Immediately gets the what's going on over here at our house
[2:46 - 2:48] Oh
[2:48 - 2:50] their body cam
[2:50 - 2:53] Yeah
[2:53 - 2:59] I will put that in the no, I would imagine prob like at least
[2:59 - 3:03] At least half I'd say
[3:03 - 3:08] If you're going like all-time, I know that Sally used to
[3:08 - 3:15] Make like a bunch of calls about like suspicious parked cars in the street
[3:15 - 3:20] Which you know, it's got to be annoying enough
[3:20 - 3:24] But I don't know
[3:24 - 3:28] Because I know that it has to do with police safety also
[3:28 - 3:33] But I will definitely so the person that's threatening you is getting this footage
[3:33 - 3:39] He's in cahoots with another guy and the other guy
[3:39 - 3:44] Gets the ball the body ends and they use it maliciously online
[3:45 - 3:46] Okay
[3:46 - 3:52] All right. Well, it's all right. I will definitely let that be known in the notes for the officers. Okay
[3:52 - 3:55] Okay. All right, of course. Bye-bye
[3:55 - 3:58] July 17th
[3:58 - 4:05] 2024 one hour zero minutes nine. All these calls are like in reference to online stuff second
[4:05 - 4:11] Akron police and fire check number 198. How can I help you? Oh
[4:12 - 4:18] Yes, me and my girlfriend calls. I don't know. It's probably been almost two hours for three three nine Laurie Street
[4:18 - 4:20] We needed to talk to a cop
[4:20 - 4:26] And what's going on there something like the logic here is that like
[4:26 - 4:31] Maybe adds thinking they don't take her seriously because she's a woman
[4:31 - 4:35] Or they'll take him more seriously because he's a man. I don't know what the difference is between the two
[4:35 - 4:39] Maybe just like a different viewpoint
[4:41 - 4:43] we were
[4:43 - 4:48] Did what do you want shut the fuck up?
[4:48 - 4:54] You know your bitch you do realize that what you're doing right now is highly illegal, right? You you are aware of that
[4:54 - 4:56] that
[4:56 - 4:58] but it is
[4:58 - 5:00] recording a phone call
[5:00 - 5:08] Is illegal and you playing that footage back on YouTube cuz I didn't record a call like the Akron police recorded the call
[5:09 - 5:13] You're trying to do motherfucker and it's not gonna work. You little bitch ass nigger boy
[5:13 - 5:18] You need to know you need to back the fuck up and back off and leave me and my family alone. You stupid home
[5:18 - 5:25] You need to back up because all you are is a pussy ass bitch trying to be on a fucking screen like a cow
[5:25 - 5:28] That's all you are. That's all you ever going to fucking be
[5:28 - 5:33] Threats and go the fuck somewhere else motherfucker
[5:34 - 5:39] Straight the fuck up because if you don't I will fucking beat and so I didn't record the calls you made the calls
[5:39 - 5:44] I'm gonna fuck up even tell you that all calls are not the fuck out there if you call
[5:44 - 5:48] Shut it. I said shut up hook-nose type
[5:48 - 5:53] Shut the fuck up you jackass motherfucker now
[5:53 - 5:57] You need to stop with these goddamn fucking bomb threats on my motherfucking house boy
[5:57 - 6:02] Because if you don't I will find you and I will beat your goddamn ass
[6:02 - 6:05] And you will get arrested for this shit. You've been doing
[6:05 - 6:10] Shut the fuck up. Yeah, give us like another time, please bag it
[6:10 - 6:17] Shut up you gay ass baggy. You punk ass fat-nosed bitch. You fat-ass piece of shit
[6:17 - 6:22] You need to shut the fuck up chance when you call the police. It says all calls
[6:22 - 6:28] You need to stop in these goddamn fucking box didn't like that you should
[6:28 - 6:32] Shut up nigga lover
[6:32 - 6:33] you
[6:33 - 6:38] He said shit you tell the lard you Santa Claus fuck don't want to be looking motherfucker
[6:38 - 6:43] You need to take your fucking boat. You just like one by one here
[6:43 - 6:46] They say
[6:46 - 6:50] I fucking slit your throat, bitch
[6:50 - 6:56] Shut the fuck up. Yeah, I'll tell you right now. I don't give a fuck if the cops come at me
[6:56 - 6:58] I will teach how did you even get the link?
[6:59 - 7:03] Yeah, I will fucking slit all of your friends. Don't I don't do a fuck
[7:03 - 7:08] I'm tired of your goddamn fucking conference from you and your ignorant little fucking friends
[7:08 - 7:12] You need to take that shit the fuck somewhere else, dude
[7:12 - 7:15] Don't fuck somewhere else with that shit
[7:15 - 7:23] Shut the fuck up stop trying to plan bomb attacks on my house because we all know that you're not gonna fucking do it
[7:23 - 7:28] So say shut the fuck up and do something else where the fuck
[7:28 - 7:38] I know you're behind all this shit. I have proof that you're behind this shit. You can't fuck a lot of me
[7:38 - 7:41] You piece of shit. I have proof pointing to you
[7:41 - 7:47] Every little piece of evidence. I have photos. I have videos. I have screenshots
[7:47 - 7:53] Show the police then shut up. Why don't you take it to the police?
[7:53 - 7:56] Why do you shut the fuck up?
[7:56 - 7:59] That's a question dude, like it's an honest question
[7:59 - 8:05] You should go shut the fuck up and go. No, like it's a pragmatic solution to your problem
[8:05 - 8:14] Shut the fuck up fucking bitch. Love you like your mommy should've done. You know, I'm trying to help walk you through your problem
[8:15 - 8:21] You don't get to speak you piece of shit animal. No, I'm trying to help you here, man
[8:21 - 8:26] No, you're not you're not trying to help me. I'm not gonna fucking dance for you, nigga
[8:26 - 8:35] Thank you forget about that shit this right here is going to fucking follow motherfucker
[8:35 - 8:41] Even some of your people at chat agree that you need to back the fuck up and back the fuck up
[8:41 - 8:48] You're going way too far. Yes now you're putting realize lies and motherfucking danger you stupid fuck
[8:48 - 8:51] So I saw you leave your house for a little bit
[8:51 - 8:56] Yeah, because you had drugs flying over our house you stupid cocksuckin little bitch
[8:56 - 9:01] Oh, you may get back off and go to fuck sir. Well, how's North Canton?
[9:01 - 9:05] You don't know where the fuck we wait
[9:05 - 9:09] Don't I
[9:09 - 9:13] So what are you saying? You've been fucking following us nigga. No, no, man. I don't know
[9:13 - 9:20] You need to do that money. Why can't you just talk fuck with somebody else and leave me in my family alone, huh?
[9:20 - 9:25] Why do y'all do all these stupid ass bomb threats, dude? I told you your night
[9:25 - 9:29] I'm not a goddamn threat to you. You need to back off and leave us alone, dude
[9:29 - 9:36] Because right now you're putting me in a position to where if you step on my property, I will not hold back
[9:36 - 9:41] I don't need this stuff on your property. That's the thing. No, you don't
[9:41 - 9:45] Especially I won't need to I don't need to I'll be in this
[9:45 - 9:53] That's way worse than me beating your ass
[9:53 - 9:58] That's way worse nigga. You need a bad cop and go do something else
[9:58 - 10:04] I said make these goddamn fucking ball threats that can have you or somebody else to our story
[10:04 - 10:08] So you're fucking hurt, but you don't give a fuck about that. Do you?
[10:08 - 10:14] Don't make bomb threats nigga. Yes, you do. I make bomb promises
[10:14 - 10:18] Well, guess what? Your bomb is gonna go right off your fucking ass
[10:18 - 10:23] Well, I fucking slit your God gonna throw it that fucking glass. Would you drop that bitch?
[10:23 - 10:30] What do you do? I swear to God the first piece of glass I find I'm sticking it in your goddamn neck
[10:30 - 10:33] I don't give a fuck if I get arrested or not
[10:33 - 10:36] You need to back off and go the fuck
[10:36 - 10:38] somewhere else
[10:38 - 10:40] Can't show some respect. I don't feel good
[10:40 - 10:44] Be mindful
[10:44 - 10:49] It's not nice though
[10:49 - 10:55] You think I fucking care about you you piece of shit that well, then I don't care about you
[10:55 - 10:59] I'm leaving me nigga bitch. You punk ass fat. So
[10:59 - 11:02] The only reason why you're doing this is for views
[11:03 - 11:08] You're an extreme terrorist motherfucker what you're doing can be considered
[11:08 - 11:13] Domestic terrorism, but but you don't know fuck about that. Do you know?
[11:13 - 11:16] Cuz you're a piece of fucking shit
[11:16 - 11:21] You can't say don't know shut the fuck up boy. You can't say talk to my family
[11:21 - 11:28] You're constantly trying to blackmail me and then when you actually try to do shit to put me in a position
[11:29 - 11:32] There's a I even saw your neighbor walking around check
[11:32 - 11:37] I'm just saying shut up that fuck
[11:37 - 11:40] Shut the fuck up you piece of shit
[11:40 - 11:46] Do I have to get your girlfriend on the phone and have her shut you up? You always say that but she ignores you
[11:46 - 11:52] But that's the thing. She doesn't know me. She knows what's going on. It was last time. She responded to you
[11:52 - 11:54] Actually just here today
[11:54 - 11:58] Let me tell you right now. She's not too pleased with what you're a motherfucking doing boy
[11:58 - 12:01] She's fucking pissed at you
[12:01 - 12:08] Dude, why why do you think she others they're responding to you? Yes. I don't nigga. It's not it's not the case
[12:08 - 12:13] She's not responding to you. I know she's actually not responding to you you fat fuck
[12:13 - 12:19] Oh, okay, so so tell me why why don't you let them make these goddamn bomb threats towards me and my family?
[12:19 - 12:24] What me and my family have been no threat to you at all. Why do you feel like?
[12:24 - 12:27] But you're threatening me right now, dude
[12:27 - 12:35] Because you fucking threaten the bomb. I think we saw you punk bitch. Yeah, but you won't dance for me
[12:35 - 12:40] I don't give a fuck that they give you the right to try to call my goddamn house, bitch
[12:40 - 12:44] That doesn't give you guys my best acting, right?
[12:44 - 12:52] So tell me right now either stop this shit now and call it off while I'm fighting you and I'm beating your ass
[12:53 - 12:58] It's simple, okay. Thank God. Thank God
[12:58 - 13:02] I'm just not mom. She's not moving this shit tonight
[13:02 - 13:07] Fucking rude did
[13:07 - 13:11] Anyways
[13:11 - 13:15] Fuck thank you to Grayson jeez Louise
[13:18 - 13:24] I'm a piece of shit. Thank you to banana - I'm so talk tell throat at the house on the 21st
[13:24 - 13:27] Who's right new? Oh
[13:27 - 13:31] Pretty lucky guess
[13:31 - 13:35] Well, you spend he spent the afternoon. Well, it's probably early evening doing. Oh
[13:35 - 13:38] Wow, who's this?
[13:38 - 13:43] What do you want? Oh, I thought he was still up here what the fuck
[13:43 - 13:48] No, he's gone and good riddance glad you're saying
[13:48 - 13:50] Oh
[13:50 - 13:56] Man what if you know dude, why are you muting me?
[13:56 - 13:59] Because I can
[13:59 - 14:05] Because I can because I oh look I can do a lot of things. I'm a very capable guy. I
[14:05 - 14:12] Can do a lot of things glory all with the GPS modules on the car, that's a league
[14:13 - 14:19] Fly drones. I can do whatever I want. You know, like I said, I'm a very capable guy
[14:19 - 14:23] Illegal to be tracking people
[14:23 - 14:31] Whatever do GPS trackers on their car up your nose with the rubber hose you piece of shit
[14:31 - 14:34] scumbag
[14:34 - 14:36] cock boy
[14:36 - 14:38] cock slave
[14:38 - 14:40] That's you
[14:42 - 14:45] Yeah, I'll stay muting this fucking ass
[14:45 - 14:49] Yeah, I was just trying to load a monkey bomb on your ass
[14:49 - 14:55] Lucky I'm preoccupied. I'm about to load a real bomb on your fucking
[14:55 - 15:06] You know, I don't need to step foot in this property that's the thing what death from above you know, I
[15:10 - 15:12] Wow
[15:12 - 15:18] Yeah, I'll stay yeah eat that meat button boy and your mom -
[15:18 - 15:20] Hey
[15:20 - 15:22] Your mom. Yeah, you thought it was real funny
[15:22 - 15:27] You know, I usually usually enough to engage instead of juvenile back and forth
[15:27 - 15:29] But now I can see why you guys are like the best of friends
[15:29 - 15:36] Why do you think it was funny having those t-shirts made with Ed walking around outside with the scrap iron dome?
[15:38 - 15:40] It's
[15:40 - 15:45] You can't just you can't just leave well enough alone
[15:45 - 15:57] I see I when you agree that Marty's a fucking psychopath. I think he's a total fuck
[15:57 - 16:00] Wow, why do you keep me in the mic?
[16:00 - 16:03] Here we got same fucking coward
[16:04 - 16:11] Sick thanks, man. Hey grandma meets you so I can mute him
[16:11 - 16:15] That's how the world works idiot. Well, guess what? You don't get them to you guys bitch
[16:15 - 16:20] Yeah, we know we know about the GPS trackers on the cars. We just saw that shit matter of fact
[16:20 - 16:26] Ed's getting ready to drive there right now and take those off and crush him and I'm getting ready to fucking help
[16:26 - 16:31] Oh, and guess what? It's had been overdosed again for the last day. You know what I should do
[16:31 - 16:37] I should grab the tracker and I should bring it on camera and snap it right here in front of me
[16:37 - 16:39] What do you think I think that would be?
[16:39 - 16:42] Break you right here
[16:42 - 16:45] It's that's the pussy boy
[16:45 - 16:52] No, that's you you faggot. Look at you hide me on your screen like a coward you jerk off to your step daddy
[16:52 - 16:54] like
[16:54 - 16:57] Okay
[16:57 - 16:59] Take some paint pellets to the face
[16:59 - 17:04] Matter of fact, man, why don't you can't love you fucking fat?
[17:04 - 17:09] We all know it's a bitch ass looks like so why are you so afraid to show your face you coward ass bitch?
[17:09 - 17:13] You're afraid that we'll see you doing drugs on live stream again
[17:13 - 17:18] Yeah, like you did like you did a discord still waiting for evidence for that by the way
[17:18 - 17:25] We don't need evidence bitch. Yeah, no, of course not. Of course not we don't need fucking
[17:25 - 17:32] That's what everything you've done is actually very very very matter of fact CIA the last time we checked
[17:32 - 17:36] On this whole bomb trick isn't what he's doing technically
[17:36 - 17:40] Considered on a very high level of domestic terrorism
[17:40 - 17:48] No, people I was people use explosives for demolition purposes. Oh, no, no, no, no what you're doing is considered
[17:48 - 17:51] domestic terrorism
[17:51 - 17:59] Any bomb threat towards a house or a private residence by another individual is considered a form of?
[17:59 - 18:05] Domestic terrorism and just because you've never said the word bomb threat. You've never said drone attack Malta
[18:05 - 18:10] We know what you're insinuating. I mean, it's not we're not stupid Nick
[18:10 - 18:15] We're really not it's just like we're total fucking retards
[18:16 - 18:22] You think that we're only one step ahead, but really we're ten fucking steps ahead of y'all bitch. Yeah
[18:22 - 18:24] We already know what you're planning
[18:24 - 18:29] We already know that you paid the guy half money now and then when the jobs done you're gonna pay him the other half
[18:29 - 18:34] We know about the GPS tracker, which I'm currently getting ready to go down and remove off the van
[18:34 - 18:39] So you need to back off bitch. We're five five ten steps ahead of your last
[18:39 - 18:46] We already know about the drones overhead monitoring every day. Well, guess what? They can fly over all they want
[18:46 - 18:49] I don't give a fuck. I'm not scared of some fucking piece of machinery
[18:49 - 18:53] Then I can shoot down the goddamn tape all done and break and half
[18:53 - 18:58] And the only thing that you accomplish here is night after night after night after night
[18:58 - 19:03] What
[19:11 - 19:17] I mean night after night after night all the only thing that ever happens here is is we get to witness
[19:17 - 19:26] In a temporary display of the lowest intelligence that a human has ever scored on the intelligence scale. I mean it
[19:26 - 19:29] Yeah
[19:29 - 19:31] Fucking
[19:31 - 19:43] You know what this man really proves
[19:43 - 19:49] What he's really doing by doing all this. Wait, is everything is your mom? Okay, everything. Yeah, yeah, everything's good
[19:49 - 19:52] Okay, but you know what this man's really proven by doing all this
[19:53 - 19:59] Why he has no moral compass to this guy's a fucking psychopath and through this guy's just thing
[19:59 - 20:03] I'm sick. Just mind my business and here you are harassment. You want to talk about more?
[20:03 - 20:09] No, you made a bond right towards my family. Yeah, but simple shut the fuck up
[20:09 - 20:15] Like a twin simple did you have some coot shut the fuck up, dude
[20:15 - 20:22] Shut your bitch ass up you coward ass faggot be my understand is this I don't do what you say
[20:22 - 20:27] Or what you want you do what I say and when I tell you to do motherfucker
[20:27 - 20:30] So be a little shithead retard like do that
[20:30 - 20:35] You're you're gonna think I'm a real shithead retard when I beat your fucking stolen, aren't you?
[20:35 - 20:38] Yeah, I'm gonna look like a real like a real fucking retard
[20:38 - 20:42] When I keep your stone for fucking doing a bump right on my family's house
[20:42 - 20:50] You're gonna look real fucking stupid. Yeah, you're actually get beat by a short dude. That's three times shorter than you
[20:51 - 20:58] Do you seriously need to fucking learn your place you fat fuck. It's not on the internet. It's behind fucking bars
[20:58 - 21:04] Police don't listen to you dude. They're gonna shut the fuck up. You're drunk as druggie cowards
[21:04 - 21:10] I go on dude you murder. Please don't listen to you though. So you're not fucking upend a hole
[21:10 - 21:17] You're a bitch a faggot. You're too mad back. You're too scared to even cam up
[21:17 - 21:20] You're too chicken shit to turn on your fucking camera
[21:20 - 21:24] Well, maybe you'll go driving around North County for a few hours and fear with my family
[21:24 - 21:28] You're like you're like a put your like a pathetic human merry-go-round. I mean for years
[21:28 - 21:34] Every fucking day
[21:34 - 21:40] I know who wears the pants in the rush in between him is there it's fucking sir
[21:40 - 21:45] Yes, sir makes him look like a bitch every time she gets my pain on goes at his ass
[21:46 - 21:49] When is she ever on panel? I'm not I'm not gonna deny that
[21:49 - 21:53] Because you are you're a punk-ass bitch
[21:53 - 22:03] What kind of real man makes a bomb threat on another man's house all because they won't dance for him
[22:03 - 22:07] That's fucking retarded dude. It happens a lot more often than you think
[22:07 - 22:14] But it doesn't it actually doesn't it does no, it doesn't motherfucker
[22:15 - 22:17] No, the fucking doesn't be research
[22:17 - 22:22] I've done my research and I have to tell you right now that everything you are doing right now
[22:22 - 22:27] And have done over the past seven years, especially putting out private information
[22:27 - 22:31] Recording phone calls D. Dawson bomb threats
[22:31 - 22:35] Do you not realize that you can go to prison for the rest of your fucking life each other this shit?
[22:35 - 22:39] Or do you just not give a fuck? How many people went to jail over?
[22:39 - 22:45] Are you really wanted to throw away your fucking life over all because some random dude won't fucking
[22:45 - 22:48] Dance for you that you don't even fucking know like that
[22:48 - 22:53] Do are you really willing to throw it's we spend more time than most of your best friends and brothers
[22:53 - 23:00] You don't fucking know me like that, right? You really don't you always think you fucking know me
[23:00 - 23:07] I know you know, you fucking don't bitch now if you seem to think I felt I know you I know your time
[23:07 - 23:14] You're the kind of motherfucker is gonna keep on taking and taking and taking until someone takes you or guess what motherfucker?
[23:14 - 23:19] Eventually that motherfucker is going to be me and if it ain't gonna be me
[23:19 - 23:24] It's gonna be somebody else bigger and fucking fatter than you why cuz you're a punk ass fat-ass
[23:24 - 23:32] You don't do anything. It's a bully people on the internet. That's not content. It's you being a fucking bitch-ass pussy
[23:32 - 23:36] That's all that is cuz you're too fucking chicken shit to get a real job
[23:36 - 23:41] You're too lazy to get a real job now even sarin has told you to get a real job
[23:41 - 23:50] But yeah, you still won't do work in the same industry for Christ sakes. I know you guys know you're no both content creators, dude
[23:50 - 23:55] Nigga, you don't do that kind of you don't even make any more content
[23:55 - 24:03] You're a bum stop meeting me you bitch-ass fuckboy
[24:03 - 24:08] Why do you feel like you have to fucking threaten my family all because I won't dance for you?
[24:08 - 24:12] Wait, why do you feel like you have to do bonkers? That's not gonna get you anywhere
[24:12 - 24:17] Did you not realize that by you doing that that's not gonna get you what you want?
[24:17 - 24:21] That's really little dancing your brave boy
[24:21 - 24:28] Anything is anything. That's good. That's just gonna make me want to beat your ass even fucking more
[24:28 - 24:33] Anything it's going to want to make me kill you even more than I already do
[24:34 - 24:39] Whatever. So no this ain't a whatever situation, dude. You need a fucking cut to crap
[24:39 - 24:47] You and all you and your two little friends one glory on dickface inward bitch need to fuck off and go do something
[24:47 - 24:53] Over your eyes sit on the goddamn internet and bully people for fun. You do this shit cuz you're bored, bro
[24:53 - 24:59] You do this shit because you're desperate for views. You're a coattail writer is what you are
[25:00 - 25:04] Honk ass bitch coattail writer. That's all you are and that's all you are ever going to be
[25:04 - 25:11] Like I told you Nick. I retired from YouTube like you and your little faggot friends fucking want it. I made you retire
[25:11 - 25:18] No, I left them. I've got them home. You got kicked off miss Kelly. Thanks. No, shut the fuck up faggot
[25:18 - 25:25] You didn't make me fucking leave Kelly and everyone else shut the fuck up you fat fuck you poor excuse
[25:25 - 25:30] Oh a human being fucking with bro. Do you even go to the gym nigga?
[25:30 - 25:36] Probably not. Can you sit on your fucking ass trucking off the kitty party and tostitos all goddamn day
[25:36 - 25:41] Why do you kick me? Did you saw I was about to get you didn't I didn't you?
[25:41 - 25:46] Yeah, well he knows that he's a Nick
[25:46 - 25:53] He's an ignorant little bitch
[25:54 - 25:56] Well
[25:56 - 26:01] What's the matter Nick you don't like the one we gang up on you, but you're allowed to gang up on me
[26:01 - 26:06] Is that it is that how this works Nick? I just wish you guys would have some manners
[26:06 - 26:10] I wish that you would shut the fuck up and stop fucking with me and my family you punk bitch
[26:10 - 26:13] That's what I wish
[26:13 - 26:22] Like the interview with your mother fuck she's had it with you, too
[26:22 - 26:27] Yeah, you shut the fuck up. You don't get to speak cheat your mom's had it with you more than anyone else
[26:27 - 26:31] No, she's had it with you motherfucker. She's tired of your fucking bullshit
[26:31 - 26:39] No, no, shut the fuck up nigger lover you daddy dick sucker. You in bread. Yep. Daddy. Make me come
[26:39 - 26:44] That's your surgery. We're in great value. You're an incest rape baby, nigga. Look at you
[26:44 - 26:51] Your mom's your brother and your mom's your sister. Didn't you know that did didn't you know that your mom's your sister?
[26:52 - 26:58] Brother my mom's my brother. My mom's my sister. You're your an incest bitch. That's all you are. You're a rave
[26:58 - 27:06] You're a baby incest bitch. Well, I mean you're conceived by rape which was done by your brother and sister
[27:06 - 27:09] You're an incest rape baby. That's a lot to process
[27:09 - 27:17] Yeah, just hands down the absolute most most delusional retard I've ever come across in my entire life
[27:20 - 27:26] Let me ask you this and this stuff about me and CIA all year. Yeah, well, I think she was think
[27:26 - 27:29] That threatening a bone my family's house
[27:29 - 27:32] Equally, it's a chance your dad
[27:32 - 27:35] Has your brother and your mother
[27:35 - 27:41] Your dad is your mother
[27:41 - 27:49] That's a fact. It's an actual fact. No, you call your brother Rupa. It's also your dad and
[27:49 - 27:51] No, more excuse of a Jew boy
[27:51 - 27:58] Fuck up. Like what I'm saying is actually the truth. Yeah, you're not faggot, dude. Yeah. No, this is actually the okay
[27:58 - 28:01] Daddy make me come no, what's true?
[28:01 - 28:08] Search is rich on this guy searches. Yeah
[28:08 - 28:13] You're you what space to do saying where's the pants and the relationship when it comes to you?
[28:13 - 28:16] She did you hurt bitch cuz you are her bitch
[28:18 - 28:25] Now, let's all say well, what makes you think that you're throwing in a ball my thing. Oh
[28:25 - 28:28] Wow
[28:28 - 28:35] Well, what makes you think that you this guy in his cracked-end motel next time next time it ain't gonna be monkeys, bitch
[28:35 - 28:44] Well, why would we need a why would we need a video of monkeys when we're saying right now?
[28:46 - 28:48] He's looking right back at me. At least I think he is
[28:48 - 28:53] He's got the fucking brain cells or goddamn caveman. Yeah
[28:53 - 28:57] Yeah, Nick like I was saying to your bitch ass son
[28:57 - 29:05] Your little punk bitch baby. Well, what makes you think that you thought in a ball my family's house
[29:05 - 29:08] It's gonna get you what you fucking want. I
[29:08 - 29:12] Really like to know that what makes you think that's gonna work
[29:13 - 29:21] If I can't get what I want then you can so so what so what so that usually like the book took right in the ball
[29:21 - 29:27] My family's house. I never said that I never said that I never said that just because you didn't say it
[29:27 - 29:29] Don't mean it was not implied
[29:29 - 29:31] No
[29:31 - 29:38] Implications and statements are different things. That's all matter. It's still of the course of the side. Unfortunately, there was no
[29:38 - 29:41] I applied bitch boy, and we have the evidence to back it up
[29:43 - 29:46] We have all the others doing us. Yeah, I
[29:46 - 29:48] Sent everything that I found
[29:48 - 29:54] Probably you don't understand it is we know more than you think we do
[29:54 - 29:57] We know a lot more than you think
[29:57 - 30:00] Thanks tables
[30:00 - 30:06] Well, why do you think if we didn't know more than what you think then how do we know about the GPS tracker on the
[30:06 - 30:08] bottom of the van
[30:08 - 30:12] I'm still trying to figure that one out to be honest dumbass. He's a retard
[30:13 - 30:15] Yeah, but have you found it? Oh
[30:15 - 30:21] We're going to matter. No you won't. It's well-headed dude. No, you know, it's funny. Yeah, or Nick
[30:21 - 30:24] You're like
[30:24 - 30:27] I am your daddy
[30:27 - 30:31] You want me to help you come now? You're like Ed to talk to you are
[30:31 - 30:39] Why don't I like a bitch every time you get fucking scared that's why when Ed showed up outside our house
[30:39 - 30:48] That's why I when my stepdad Ed showed up outside the house to confront your ass you ran like a bitch
[30:48 - 30:50] You were like a coward
[30:50 - 30:55] That's like when Zaya told you to come here and fight him you ran like a bitch
[30:55 - 31:02] Why cuz you're a fucking coward, you know damn well, you're not gonna do jack shit to nobody
[31:02 - 31:07] You're doing all this for a fucking reaction and it's fucking ridiculous, dude
[31:07 - 31:15] You need to shut the fuck up shut down your goddamn YouTube channel and shut down your shit before we do it for you
[31:15 - 31:21] And have your ass arrested for all the shit that you've been doing to me over the last seven to eight years
[31:21 - 31:29] We don't think we don't have evidence on you. Yeah, I got more than enough notice, but the police don't listen to you
[31:29 - 31:35] Plus what it's called on above the police, which is what I planned and you're gonna call the military
[31:35 - 31:40] You can just not stop being a racist homophobic fuck - I mean, you know
[31:40 - 31:48] Why should we listen to you and all you do is make threats and bomb people's houses like well
[31:48 - 31:51] Well, what makes you think that anybody's gonna listen to you when you do that?
[31:51 - 31:56] No normal human being is going to listen to somebody that's making bomb sites towards their house
[31:56 - 31:59] And that's not how the world works
[32:00 - 32:06] I mean, okay, then don't listen to what you don't understand it is I've been studying your ass all these years
[32:06 - 32:12] Yeah, honestly, you're a psychopath a narcissist and you have sociopathic tendencies
[32:12 - 32:15] Okay, well clearly you need fucking mental health
[32:15 - 32:18] Why you haven't gotten it yet is beyond me
[32:18 - 32:23] Well, by the way, why do you why do you boost ya?
[32:23 - 32:30] Why was it cuz you know, he was on you or are you scared of the fact that me and a good friend are finally
[32:30 - 32:33] Tuning up a shut yo bitch ass down. So
[32:33 - 32:36] You know, I don't think it's gonna work though to be honest
[32:36 - 32:42] Well, what you don't understand is what's not gonna work are your fucking threats. I've got you nailed
[32:42 - 32:47] We know what you're really about. We know what you're going to do and not gonna do and the one thing you are not
[32:47 - 32:50] How do I know you're in North County?
[32:50 - 32:56] Yes, guess what? If you bomb my house, you know, well, you could easily be traced back to that shit
[32:56 - 32:59] Well, you know that the job was supposed to be done on the 21st
[32:59 - 33:05] You can't we'll be scheduled for the time that you were driving. We'll be arrested bitch
[33:05 - 33:11] Because guess what all this shit leads back to you. Here's the deal. No, there is no deal
[33:11 - 33:13] You can't run forever. Oh
[33:13 - 33:16] Can't I? Oh
[33:16 - 33:23] I'm telling you the job. I was supposed to be done Sunday. I find it very funny on the evening the job
[33:24 - 33:27] Good meeting me nigger lover. What Baron?
[33:27 - 33:31] Back and you were
[33:31 - 33:36] They'll actually be there it's me
[33:36 - 33:41] Really? You hook nose. I'm so scared. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go driving around
[33:41 - 33:47] You're not the king of Akron bitch. Oh, you said I was you actually said I was no
[33:47 - 33:50] Should I play the video for you again?
[33:50 - 33:52] By the way
[33:52 - 34:02] If you try to if you try to bomb if you try to bomb my house
[34:02 - 34:04] If you don't shut the fuck up
[34:04 - 34:16] I have to jerk off on your string that you shut down. I don't use the psychopath you
[34:16 - 34:19] You're threatening a bomb out there. We saw this bitch
[34:20 - 34:25] Bomb is psycho. You're a bitch a coward a punk
[34:25 - 34:30] You're mad because I want it for you. So this is your way of getting back. I mean by threatening me
[34:30 - 34:36] You'll be missing your way of getting back on me. Well, guess what fuck boy. It's not gonna work
[34:36 - 34:37] Yes, you know damn well
[34:37 - 34:42] You know as well as I do that if you go through with this shit and you want to know why I know you're not
[34:42 - 34:48] gonna go through with this because you and I both know if you do it can all be traced right back to you and
[34:48 - 34:53] You will be arrested and be planned for isn't probably for the rest of your fucking life
[34:53 - 34:56] I won't have anything to do with it. And then you know that
[34:56 - 35:01] You and I both know Nick that you have everything to do with it
[35:01 - 35:06] Well, you know, it's we can prove
[35:06 - 35:16] I would jerk off on your channel. You don't stop fucking me bitch. Okay, then go for it. Do me a favor
[35:16 - 35:21] I don't feel extreme anymore. Anyway, so go for it. I feel sick. So go for it, please. Do me a favor
[35:21 - 35:25] Do me a favor
[35:43 - 35:46] Please please, please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Just mark
[35:46 - 35:51] Please take it off already so we can call it a day
[35:51 - 35:57] Fuck you and your mom and your dad and your sister
[35:57 - 36:04] How do you bring us your whole incest family nigger lover you incest mother little bitch
[36:11 - 36:15] Tina we've seen it. We've seen it like you get off to incest is weird
[36:15 - 36:19] Your stepbrother we've seen
[36:19 - 36:23] But we've seen it
[36:23 - 36:30] Who
[36:30 - 36:34] Well, let's say the one and only to see the we all know that you like that
[36:34 - 36:41] We all know that you support petit balls cuz obviously you like that Tony on here and other petit balls on here
[36:41 - 36:43] Yeah, now let me ask you this Nick
[36:43 - 36:51] Let's say that you do bomb my house. All right, let's say that you I can be me doing that
[36:51 - 36:56] Now stop meeting me for a second. I can't be me who doesn't
[36:56 - 37:02] Well, I thought so let's say well, let's say that you and your friends do do this
[37:02 - 37:07] Okay, get it good. We all know that you're behind it. I have the proof to show it
[37:07 - 37:11] I have all the elements I need to back it the fuck up
[37:11 - 37:16] And that's the difference between me and you Nick see you don't think two steps ahead
[37:16 - 37:19] I think 12 steps ahead of you bitch
[37:19 - 37:26] So I already know what you're going to do before you even fucking do it now for the sake of argument here
[37:26 - 37:33] Well, let's say that you you and your friends do ball my house, right? Well, let's say that does happen
[37:33 - 37:39] How hard do you think it's gonna be for the goddamn cost of fucking backtrace all this shit?
[37:39 - 37:46] Well, so let me give a disclaimer. I don't approve of bombing the Wilkins home and anyone who does
[37:46 - 37:49] Own volition. There you go. I
[37:49 - 37:54] Don't agree. I don't agree with that sort of thing
[37:54 - 38:01] Doing it. Please don't please don't bomb the house. No, do you want to show you the screen shot?
[38:01 - 38:06] Don't bomb the house guys because I don't approve therefore like I'm
[38:08 - 38:11] All the disclaimer chance. I'm officially
[38:11 - 38:14] Let me ask you this if you're not behind them
[38:14 - 38:20] Why'd you say there's why'd you sit there and tell William that the person that's gonna that you're paying to do it
[38:20 - 38:22] It's half now and the other half after they're done
[38:22 - 38:26] Explain that one bitch you can't
[38:26 - 38:30] Those it had nothing to do with any bombings
[38:30 - 38:36] William to do all this
[38:37 - 38:42] Some of you know, but William runs a landscaping business. No, he does not. I
[38:42 - 38:48] Know what he is. He's a computer science nerd. He gets paid to do this pure science work
[38:48 - 38:51] Well, so I had a computer virus
[38:51 - 38:56] No, you did not and he's working on removing it
[38:56 - 39:00] Is not the job's done. No, it is not
[39:01 - 39:08] Hangin to put together a mall top cocktail bomb to drop from so he doesn't do that sort of thing
[39:08 - 39:15] But he does not have all the proof to back up you and all your friends and everybody know you're behind it
[39:15 - 39:18] Then how do I know that the guy here's thing? What is one of the drone guys?
[39:18 - 39:20] Do you guys got flying the drones around my house?
[39:20 - 39:24] Well, they don't just follow your house. They also go
[39:24 - 39:31] Also follow you around town to how would I know that how would I know that yours - how do I know that you're staying?
[39:31 - 39:38] What that person you really not like see it above you see what's funny about unique is you don't think that I'm ten steps ahead of you
[39:38 - 39:41] But I am always 20 steps ahead of you
[39:41 - 39:44] By the way, I will be grabbing that thing
[39:44 - 39:50] I will be bringing it up here or if I don't bring it up here not gonna find that you're too stupid
[39:50 - 39:56] I always smash it right on camera. It's just stupid to find it. Guess what? I'll be uploading the place to rumble
[39:56 - 39:58] You're too stupid to find it
[39:59 - 40:05] I'll just do it bitch. You think I'm stupid. That's your problem. You underestimate me
[40:05 - 40:09] I know for a fact that nobody's went out and looked for it because maybe how do you fucking know, baby?
[40:09 - 40:11] Let's just say there's an eye on this
[40:11 - 40:23] Nobody's went out and look pansy ass baguette girly bitch
[40:23 - 40:26] Boy then they all reach hard fat ass
[40:27 - 40:30] Bitch made motherfuck. Yes, I don't call you names
[40:30 - 40:35] Well, guess what you fucking deserve because of all this shit. I'm just saying it's not nice
[40:35 - 40:38] Yeah, I'm like we wrap it up dude. I'm really feeling like
[40:38 - 40:41] No
[40:41 - 40:48] Come on man. No, I want to sit here and I'm gonna make sure that you know that I'm not fucking around
[40:48 - 40:53] I'm not playing around dude. You and your friends need to go
[40:53 - 40:58] You and your friends need to fuck off and go the fuck somewhere else and do something else
[40:58 - 41:06] Because like I said, Nick, there are people above the police that I am going to be contacting and you're gone
[41:06 - 41:10] You're not gonna know what the fuck it is. Like who? Like who's above the police?
[41:10 - 41:13] the military?
[41:13 - 41:20] I don't know. There's people that are above the police that are gonna make them do something about your ass like like an authority figure
[41:20 - 41:23] Oh, yeah, it is. I'm an authority figure
[41:23 - 41:30] Dude, I know the FBI thinks you're a joke. So I'm not worried about that. Oh, really? I know for a fact
[41:30 - 41:35] Yeah, I swear to God. I swear to God. Yeah, you know, it's funny. It's not FBI. It's not that there's a thought was never back
[41:35 - 41:42] It's something that's right above them that when the cops don't do their job like they're supposed to
[41:42 - 41:45] Yeah, that'd be the FBI. Oh
[41:45 - 41:48] No, it's somebody above the FBI
[41:49 - 41:51] The CIA is
[41:51 - 41:53] You're not gonna know
[41:53 - 41:58] It's not the CIA, but it's somebody within that within that company
[41:58 - 42:01] I could say that is somebody within that was within that range
[42:01 - 42:06] Hey, it's somebody within that range. So is there like a branch of government that no one knows about?
[42:06 - 42:10] That's where I'm already. They already know about what's going on. They already fucking know
[42:10 - 42:14] All we gotta do is call them up in the morning
[42:14 - 42:19] Send them all the evidence. So what branch of government exists that only you know about?
[42:19 - 42:23] I'm curious. Nick all you got all you gotta realize this in the next few days
[42:23 - 42:31] On your fucking door, I guess what they you they've been saying that for like seven years though, right?
[42:31 - 42:37] Like you know, you may as well not even bother running because they already know what your fucking car looks like, too
[42:37 - 42:42] They didn't tell us but they know what your car looks like. So you may as well not gonna bother running
[42:42 - 42:45] You can raise up sit your ass there or
[42:45 - 42:52] I'm giving you a way out. You know, I don't want it. I don't wanna I don't wanna I want a way out of this conversation
[42:52 - 42:56] I don't want a way out of the situation. I want to weigh out of this conversation, but I
[42:56 - 43:00] I'm declining
[43:00 - 43:08] No, no, no, I don't accept I don't accept why you're scared
[43:08 - 43:14] No, because I have all the like because you hate me because you want to do is that a revenge you want to seek your
[43:14 - 43:21] Revenge on me that badly that you don't want to lay out you would rather risk going to prison for them. Yeah, let's go. Yes
[43:21 - 43:29] There's your answer. You don't have to ask it anymore talking retarded, dude. Okay
[43:29 - 43:36] Fucking way out and you don't even want to fucking hear now. Well, I'm giving I've given you a way out first
[43:36 - 43:42] You know what the way out is now that then then we're not an impasse. No city. That's where you're wrong
[43:42 - 43:46] You don't run this show. I do I'm getting you out because right now
[43:46 - 43:50] I have all the evidence to send those people to have your ass locked up
[43:50 - 43:56] I have every bit of evidence to prove that you are then do it dude then do
[43:56 - 44:05] Then you should do that you should do that. All right, so, you know, what's funny is I'm literally doing your bitch ass
[44:05 - 44:07] Oh
[44:07 - 44:19] Okay, I'm scared I'm scared cat, okay, okay
[44:19 - 44:27] You you gave the crown to me you gave the crown to me
[44:27 - 44:29] I'm three three twenty three
[44:29 - 44:34] Okay, so you have a plastic crown
[44:34 - 44:44] Then why do I still have a new year chance that's a child's plaything actually it's all metal motherfucker
[44:44 - 44:51] It's all fucking hard gold metal bitch. It doesn't even fit your head. It doesn't even fit your head though
[44:51 - 44:54] Put it on the crown
[44:55 - 44:57] Put it on put it on them
[44:57 - 45:02] That crown is fit for a king and does not fit on your head because you know what else here I hear
[45:02 - 45:05] This is a crown the man who holds the crown is the king which is me
[45:05 - 45:13] So fuck you and your fucking bullshit fantasy. It's not so gold and it doesn't fit your head that crown is fit for a king
[45:13 - 45:17] Let's see if it fits
[45:17 - 45:23] Working on pansy fuck up if it doesn't fit you must acquit you pansy ass porch mochi
[45:23 - 45:27] If it does not fit you must acquit. Well, I guess what?
[45:27 - 45:33] Just like your mom and dad your delusional as fuck
[45:33 - 45:39] But then the apple doesn't fall apart from the tree. Well, the apple doesn't fall apart in between your rapist in a retard
[45:39 - 45:46] Rapist in a retard just like just like your bitch mommy. You're a fucking psychopath. What is the ego conflict?
[45:46 - 45:49] All right
[45:50 - 45:54] I'm giving you two options here and this thing just comes from me
[45:54 - 45:58] No, no, no, no, no, I do not accept your offer new
[45:58 - 46:04] Oh, and so so you don't want to hear the offer that I don't accept they're gonna say here
[46:04 - 46:07] You can back off I don't know
[46:07 - 46:12] I mentioned that this isn't just fun for me that this is coming from those people that I was talking about
[46:12 - 46:14] Yeah, it's from them
[46:14 - 46:18] They're good. You see who the people are. Maybe i'll be inclined. They want me to
[46:19 - 46:26] They want they're not real. They're not even they asked me to make you this fucking off. Okay. Well, then who are they right now?
[46:26 - 46:28] Who are they?
[46:28 - 46:30] Nick, you don't get it. Do you right now?
[46:30 - 46:33] You're staying on fucking life
[46:33 - 46:40] In federal prison because my fucking bomb right which classifies as domestic terrorism
[46:40 - 46:46] Now you can do one or two things i'm going to decline your offer you and all your friends going to the county
[46:49 - 46:51] Thank you
[46:51 - 46:56] No, not interested you can just you can you can say it but save her breath
[46:56 - 47:02] So you'd rather risk getting arrested and going to prison for the rest. There's no risk. So please don't care about you
[47:02 - 47:05] Oh, that's what you fucking that's what I know
[47:05 - 47:07] That's what I know
[47:07 - 47:13] Do you not think that we know people that are above the place that are actually going to do something about the fbi?
[47:13 - 47:16] I don't know. Like I said these guys
[47:16 - 47:18] Are you talking about the ombudsman?
[47:18 - 47:20] No, it's above that
[47:20 - 47:23] It's actually above that. Are you sure?
[47:23 - 47:28] Oh, yeah, i'm very sure about that. You can't say who they are. And like I said, Nick
[47:28 - 47:33] Very good. They told me to give you a way up, but if they're on you
[47:33 - 47:40] Who are they? Because no, because they don't have a chance, dude. They don't exist. No, but they do
[47:40 - 47:44] But they do
[47:44 - 47:46] Oh, so sit down and shut the fuck up
[47:47 - 47:50] So why don't they come and make the offer to me? Why are they using you?
[47:50 - 47:57] Because i'm the victim and they want me to confront you and right now you're basically giving them everything they need to
[47:57 - 48:05] That's not how law enforcement works chance by me being up here and confronting you and you opening your stupid ass mouth
[48:05 - 48:12] And how law enforcement works. Do you not realize that the phrase that you said earlier that I won't dance for you
[48:12 - 48:16] That this is why all this started. Do you do not realize?
[48:17 - 48:21] That by saying that you just literally signed your own death warrant
[48:21 - 48:24] Now i'm trying i'm trying to be the nice guy here
[48:24 - 48:31] I'm giving you a way out. So yo ass don't spend the rest of your fucking fat ass life in this. What do I have to do?
[48:31 - 48:34] Tell all your friends to back off
[48:34 - 48:36] Move the fuck out
[48:36 - 48:42] Leave me and my friends in my family to fuck along and don't you dare try to bomb my fucking ass and we'll be over here
[48:43 - 48:48] All right, and don't and don't make any more videos on me either because if you do not do that
[48:48 - 48:50] You can and we'll be arrested for
[48:50 - 48:53] Let's see. Oh, yeah, that's right
[48:53 - 48:57] domestic terrorism because anything you do
[48:57 - 49:00] with a bomb
[49:00 - 49:02] on someone's house
[49:02 - 49:08] Outside of war is considered dealing. Well, you said that this is war. You've always said this is not war
[49:08 - 49:11] You always said the seven-year war
[49:11 - 49:13] No, this is not a war
[49:13 - 49:18] Well, according to you it is so i'm okay. Let me think about your offer. It's never
[49:18 - 49:20] Let me see
[49:20 - 49:26] It's never been a war. Nick. It's always been you being an egotistical fucking piece of shit asshole
[49:26 - 49:33] That's mad and whining and crying like a little bitch because he's not getting his fucking way
[49:33 - 49:36] All right, so i've thought about your offer
[49:36 - 49:39] Yeah, I already know what your answer is going to be
[49:39 - 49:41] Jimmy
[49:41 - 49:47] It's gonna be fucking no, isn't it if that crown fits your head, let me see put that crown on your head
[49:47 - 49:51] And that ain't a part of this conversation. Well, it is if you're the king
[49:51 - 49:54] Prove enough fucking point to your bitch. Yeah
[49:54 - 49:56] Put that crown on your head
[49:56 - 50:01] Ah, nick you just don't understand that you've got a tiny midget
[50:01 - 50:06] Retard, you don't think I don't know that you haven't been doing this shit since 2005, dude
[50:07 - 50:09] You don't think I don't know about all your other shit
[50:09 - 50:15] From all the other no that crown. Why do you put that crown on? Why? Why do you have to be such a bitch?
[50:15 - 50:18] Put it on your head. I want to see it
[50:18 - 50:23] Why do you gotta be a coward? Yeah, so i'm asking nicely here. Come on
[50:23 - 50:27] I don't kill the fuck if you're asking me nicely. I'm not gonna you pulled the crown out
[50:27 - 50:31] I'm not gonna do what you say. You're gonna do what I say
[50:32 - 50:37] Because like I say you have two no doesn't fit your head. No, you have two choices here motherfucker
[50:37 - 50:43] I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation here nick
[50:43 - 50:49] I really don't think you understand because right now with one single phone call from me and my family
[50:49 - 50:53] You know, you don't think they're not watching this right now
[50:53 - 50:58] You don't think they're not watching the recording. They don't care. They don't care. That's the thing, dude
[50:59 - 51:02] It's not that they don't care you don't care is what it is
[51:02 - 51:04] Nobody that's what it really is
[51:04 - 51:10] It's not that they don't care and say you don't fucking care because you think that you're gonna talk your way out of this
[51:10 - 51:12] Well, not this time motherfucker
[51:12 - 51:18] Not this time. You may be able to talk your way out of the ocean. So why don't you just make the phone call?
[51:18 - 51:28] Because I like to see the people that have fucked my life over for some day years squirm
[51:28 - 51:32] I'm not squirming. I'm laughing. I like to see you squirm
[51:32 - 51:35] You little pinhead dude
[51:35 - 51:37] Come on, man
[51:37 - 51:38] I'm not squirming
[51:38 - 51:42] Why don't you turn your camera on so I can look the bitch in the face that you really are
[51:42 - 51:44] Right if you if you put on the crown i'll do it
[51:44 - 51:49] No, fuck that you're gonna turn your guy. No, then no deal chance then no deal. Oh, what's the matter?
[51:49 - 51:52] You're a scared little bitch. I don't I'm gonna make you look if
[51:52 - 51:55] If you're the king i'll do it. You're scared because you know
[51:57 - 52:00] You know, we're gonna catch you doing drugs again. That's all it is
[52:00 - 52:05] You're scared that we're gonna catch you shooting up heroin again
[52:05 - 52:06] Yeah
[52:06 - 52:10] Well, we all know that you but the reason why your dad fucking disowned you
[52:10 - 52:16] Is judge you kept on begging him for money over and over and over and over and over until he got up out of bed
[52:16 - 52:21] And gave you money at all hours of the fucking night to support your fucking drug habit. Yeah
[52:21 - 52:24] You're an alcoholic
[52:24 - 52:29] You're a dick in a heroin ambium adderall and you fucking drink non-stop
[52:29 - 52:36] Well three of those things are sure I forgive you seriously need to get the fuck off the youtube and get some serious fucking help
[52:36 - 52:38] Like just put it on your head, dude
[52:38 - 52:41] You need to get some serious fucking help you dude
[52:41 - 52:46] This road you're going down is gonna end in one or two one or two ways for you and I can see it already
[52:46 - 52:52] Either behind bars, which is more than likely going to happen or be you're gonna end up dead in a fucking grave
[52:52 - 52:59] Because you're gonna keep on doing this shit until you either kill somebody here or you hurt somebody to the point where they killed you
[52:59 - 53:00] or
[53:00 - 53:04] Sony read somebody to the point that they killed me. What does that mean?
[53:04 - 53:12] In other words you fuck with the wrong motherfucker and you fuck with their family you really think they're gonna stand by and let this shit happen
[53:12 - 53:15] I don't think so
[53:15 - 53:18] See playing with pinheads is a foolproof game
[53:19 - 53:24] You're delusional your plan isn't foolproof. Can I just see the crown you have to put it on?
[53:24 - 53:31] You're like a record player i'm repeat over and over
[53:31 - 53:36] Yeah, that's me. I have more fun staring at a paint dryer on a fucking wall than talking to you
[53:36 - 53:44] Come on, dude. Let me see the mirror retard. I don't I don't I don't I don't associate with terroristic retard
[53:44 - 53:46] Please chance i'm begging you dude
[53:47 - 53:50] You're a terroristic reason you don't have to put on your head. I just want to see it
[53:50 - 53:56] No, you're a terrorist and I don't negotiate with terrorists, but I am going to tell you this i'm going to push you with pinheads
[53:56 - 53:59] So just go away, dude. I've had it with you tonight. All right, see you
[53:59 - 54:05] I don't care. You've had it with me. I I have I have I have I do not care
[54:05 - 54:10] You have threatened my family's life. I have every reason to come at you
[54:10 - 54:14] I have any right and every reason to come at you. Sorry ass chance, please
[54:15 - 54:17] Please no, shut the fuck up
[54:17 - 54:22] You'll come out family's lives in immediate danger and my life in immediate danger
[54:22 - 54:25] All because I won't do what you want
[54:25 - 54:30] Now what what do you think the da is gonna say when they see that?
[54:30 - 54:37] And what you've been doing. Yeah, I understand that i've broken up a few laws and they have done some bad shit
[54:37 - 54:39] Mission of guilt right there. It's a full confession
[54:39 - 54:43] What do you what do you think you're supposed to break the law?
[54:44 - 54:49] What do you think the da is going to say though when they see everything that you've done to me over the years?
[54:49 - 54:53] And how it's all that you'll never get there because the police don't care about you, dude. You've been over this
[54:53 - 54:58] You think I'd give a fuck whether the police give a fuck
[54:58 - 55:01] We were talking about the da then you're assuming that law
[55:01 - 55:04] No, dude, the people work on goes above them
[55:04 - 55:09] It really does. It's not gonna even go to the da who what do you mean?
[55:10 - 55:14] You don't know who these people are to work on so you may as well it does not make any sense
[55:14 - 55:16] It's not making any sense at all
[55:16 - 55:18] What you're just like?
[55:18 - 55:25] What you're doing doesn't make any sense
[55:25 - 55:27] Oh
[55:27 - 55:34] Have I ever tried to bomb you? Can you see that crown dude? Like just you don't have to have I ever tried to bomb your family's house
[55:34 - 55:36] Yes
[55:36 - 55:38] Yes, you have
[55:38 - 55:42] When they want well, you've threatened to slit their throat one time
[55:42 - 55:47] Well, this is self-defense it's self-defense
[55:47 - 55:53] It's self-defense and then one time I threatened well you've threatened to kill them
[55:53 - 55:57] Name one time I threatened to bore your family's not that but we're acting
[55:57 - 56:03] It does cut out bigger death is death death is death
[56:06 - 56:08] trailer trash fuck
[56:08 - 56:11] And suspect it
[56:11 - 56:17] Already dude, please shut the fuck up and go fuck off and do something else
[56:17 - 56:24] Put the crown on
[56:24 - 56:26] Shut the fuck up nigga
[56:26 - 56:30] You're scared of looking like a pinhead. I'm not doing shit for you, boy
[56:30 - 56:33] I'm not you're a terrorist
[56:33 - 56:38] I'm not going to do what you want. You are going to do what I say and what I want
[56:38 - 56:40] Because i'm the victim here
[56:40 - 56:42] Not you
[56:42 - 56:46] Now you you're the perpetrator and all this you always have been
[56:46 - 56:51] You fucking set me up since day one to make me look like a pedophile
[56:51 - 56:57] So you can single me out so you can sit here and bully me and use me for content
[56:57 - 57:00] Over and over and over and tell i'm dead in the ground
[57:01 - 57:05] And then when you don't get what you want, you tried to blackmail me all these years
[57:05 - 57:10] Since that didn't work now, you're threatening to fall in my family's house
[57:10 - 57:13] Why because you're an ignorant fucking psychopath
[57:13 - 57:20] You think you're fucking not a smart am but I can assure you nick you underestimate you're not smart
[57:20 - 57:22] You underestimate you're smart, huh?
[57:22 - 57:30] You actually underestimate how fucking smart and intelligent I actually fucking am you underestimate you mean what makes you think that you're
[57:30 - 57:32] What makes you think that you're smart?
[57:32 - 57:38] Well, let's see. I already know what you're gonna do what you might do what you're not gonna do
[57:38 - 57:42] I know what you're really you know, what six plus twelve is
[57:42 - 57:46] See nick what you don't understand is I see right through all your little plots
[57:46 - 57:49] I have yeah, it's a simple math question, right?
[57:49 - 57:52] See what you don't seem to understand nick. Yeah
[57:52 - 57:57] Okay, you can't solve that. So all your little plot armor is fucked boy
[57:57 - 57:59] You're fucked
[57:59 - 58:01] Can you spell tortoise?
[58:01 - 58:06] Can you spell go fuck yourself? Probably not. Yeah, I can I can do you want me to?
[58:06 - 58:09] No, probably you know, yeah, I don't think you can
[58:09 - 58:22] Your sister to go fuck your dad again, i'm pretty sure you like watching that didn't you
[58:22 - 58:29] We all we all know that you like you don't want to stop daddy porn. So I don't know now i'm pretty sure you do
[58:30 - 58:32] We know that you do for a fact
[58:32 - 58:36] By the way, I also I proved that you did break into my computer, too
[58:36 - 58:38] I have proof of that on hand as well
[58:38 - 58:44] And matter of fact now is the first thing you looked up and tried to pin it on me. Yeah, man
[58:44 - 58:48] You know, it's funny nick you you don't think I don't know you
[58:48 - 58:51] Like you think but I actually do I know you better than you think
[58:51 - 58:55] I really do. I know what you're about. I know your time
[58:55 - 58:58] I know what you're trying to do and guess what? It's not gonna work
[58:59 - 59:01] You're trying to do all this for content
[59:01 - 59:04] That's all this has ever been about for you is content
[59:04 - 59:07] You don't give a fuck who you hurt
[59:07 - 59:09] You don't give a fuck who gets killed
[59:09 - 59:15] All you're doing to talk about is clicks and fucking views. That's all you give a fuck like click click boom
[59:15 - 59:17] That's what I care about chance
[59:17 - 59:23] Right there you're insinuating a bomb threat. Oh, that's your interpretation. That's your interpretation of it
[59:24 - 59:28] No, that's the truth and I have all the evidence I need I have all the screenshots
[59:28 - 59:37] Do you not realize that by doing all this you're literally just digging yourself a deeper fucking what you think that's not what you know
[59:37 - 59:42] What are you gonna learn to shut the fuck pendejo
[59:42 - 59:48] Well, what are you gonna learn to leave people alone now n-word boy bitch fuck
[59:48 - 59:52] What are you gonna learn to back off of me boy stupid ass?
[59:53 - 59:55] Yeah, you are stupid ass
[59:55 - 59:57] dumb dumb
[59:57 - 60:00] Wow, where did you get that from your mom?
[60:00 - 60:04] Creepazoid
[60:04 - 60:06] And that one I know you got from your daddy's asshole
[60:06 - 60:09] Okay
[60:09 - 60:10] All right
[60:10 - 60:17] See what you don't understand. Nick is i'm a lot smarter than you are because unlike you I don't go around making fucking threats
[60:17 - 60:23] Of bombing people's houses and the only reason why I did all these death threats towards you was because you started
[60:23 - 60:26] sit and spin I say
[60:26 - 60:32] Uh, you are such a fucking retard man
[60:32 - 60:43] Shit face, you know, it's funny. Nick you idiot boy. You really don't understand. Do you you don't understand the gravity of the situation?
[60:43 - 60:44] Do you?
[60:44 - 60:46] You skunk ass
[60:47 - 60:49] You really don't get the gravity of the situation
[60:49 - 60:55] Okay, you don't you don't you really don't understand the gravity of the situation
[60:55 - 60:58] You really don't
[60:58 - 61:03] It's funny. You're treating this like a fucking joke chance. Just okay. I don't feel great. You got like five minutes
[61:03 - 61:08] I don't give a fuck if you're not doing it. We're gonna stay up here all fucking night. No, we're not
[61:08 - 61:11] We're honestly not we're honestly not man. Oh, but we are
[61:12 - 61:18] But we are until I know that you're gonna leave my family alone. We're gonna stay up here all fucking night long
[61:18 - 61:23] I don't care how long it fucking takes. I don't care if you lose sleep. I don't care if I lose fucking sleep
[61:23 - 61:26] I don't fucking care
[61:26 - 61:33] You are going to leave my family alone. Otherwise, like I said, I've got all the proof I need to have your ass locked up
[61:33 - 61:36] I have all the proof that leads back to you
[61:36 - 61:39] back to you
[61:39 - 61:42] Back to you as a bomb threat
[61:42 - 61:46] I have every proof every bit of proof
[61:46 - 61:50] Nothing. I even have what your fucking ugly ass looks like
[61:50 - 61:58] Okay, I have everything on yo
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '3815' on August 20th, 2024