[20Jun24] Cyraxx Ask Marty For Help To Hide From Possible Arrest (RAW)
After making 2 video, trying to threaten and intimidating the Akron police department, Chance jumps on panel with Marty panel to continue the rant, but Marty shows receipts on how scared Chance is, about getting arrested again.
Original upload date: June 20th, 2024 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:02] All right. How are you?
[0:02 - 0:08] Well, not too bad. Now I do and I'm not putting this on unit because I know you're not at fault for this.
[0:08 - 0:15] I know what's going on. And I do have a very clear message for the officer that's trying to get you to work for him.
[0:15 - 0:17] Officer Walter.
[0:17 - 0:22] Exactly. As a matter of fact, is he watching this right now?
[0:22 - 0:28] I assume so. I mean, because if he is, I have a very clear message for you, Officer Walter.
[0:28 - 0:33] Right now, the acronym PD is my fucking bitch. And you want to know why that is?
[0:33 - 0:38] Because y'all motherfuckers failed to do your job. You try to arrest me.
[0:38 - 0:46] Do you not understand that I could sue the fuck out of acronym PD for them failing to do their motherfucking job?
[0:46 - 0:52] Especially you, motherfucker. You try to arrest me, I can yank your fucking job.
[0:52 - 0:57] And you want to know why? Because what you're doing by hiring somebody to work for you,
[0:57 - 1:05] that's illegal as fuck. You're not allowed to do that. You're taking something professional and making it fucking personal,
[1:05 - 1:11] which goes against what you're allowed to do. Therefore, not only can I yank your fucking job,
[1:11 - 1:19] but if you proceed to try to have me arrested for the crimes I committed, I can sue the fuck out of acronym PD.
[1:19 - 1:24] And you want to know why? Because y'all motherfuckers could have prevented this shit a long fucking time ago.
[1:24 - 1:30] And Marty, I'm not doing this as a shot at you. This is just, you know, based on everything that's going on.
[1:30 - 1:32] So please don't take it personal, okay?
[1:32 - 1:35] Yeah.
[1:35 - 1:40] So, Officer Walter, y'all motherfuckers could have prevented this shit a long fucking time ago.
[1:40 - 1:47] You talk about serving and protecting, but yet you fail to protect. At all.
[1:47 - 1:57] When I got shot at, y'all failed to grab the bullet out of my fucking mattress and analyze it and go after the motherfucker.
[1:57 - 2:03] The only time y'all motherfuckers ever did anything is when that dude showed up in my driveway,
[2:03 - 2:09] the dude that was attempting to fucking break into our house, that we didn't know about until the next day,
[2:09 - 2:12] that's the only time y'all ever fucking did anything.
[2:12 - 2:17] Y'all tell me to get off the internet. Yeah, what happens? I get attacked in real life.
[2:17 - 2:22] My family gets threatened. We get a brick through the windshield of our fucking car.
[2:22 - 2:29] We have shit stolen from us. We have our house vandalized multiple fucking times.
[2:29 - 2:35] So getting off the internet was never the fucking answer, Officer Walter.
[2:35 - 2:42] So I'm telling you right now, leave my family the fuck alone. Stop fucking harassing us because if you don't stop,
[2:42 - 2:49] I can't and I will yank your fucking job and I do have to prove to show that you've been doing the shit you've been doing.
[2:49 - 2:55] I do have the proof of that. So yeah, I can yank your fucking job, motherfucker.
[2:55 - 3:01] I own the Akron PD right now, bitch. I own the Akron PD because if you try to arrest me,
[3:01 - 3:08] I will sue the fuck out of you guys and I will show everything to fucking evidence over the last seven years
[3:08 - 3:13] of you guys not doing your job. You failed to do your fucking job.
[3:13 - 3:21] All you had to do was call to the higher ups, have them get IP addresses, have them get phone numbers,
[3:21 - 3:29] but you couldn't be bothered to do that, could you? You couldn't be bothered to actually do your fucking job.
[3:29 - 3:39] Matter of fact, Officer Walter, weren't you caught up in an altercation a few years ago when I got arrested
[3:39 - 3:47] and you ended up getting into an issue a couple of days later and got reprimanded for that shit because you went after somebody
[3:47 - 3:55] that was fucking innocent, motherfucker. You remember that? Because it was all over the fucking news.
[3:55 - 4:00] I think he got shot up. When I got shot out through my bedroom window.
[4:00 - 4:05] Well, he got shot out as well. So you'd think that there'd be some solidarity between you guys.
[4:05 - 4:12] Well, but still, here's the thing, though, dude. I got shot at on a livestream. He got shot at by a criminal
[4:12 - 4:20] or by somebody that he thought was a criminal who was actually somebody just defending themselves against what he was doing.
[4:20 - 4:29] I got shot at on a fucking livestream. And Nick, I don't know if you noticed, you want to know what the investigative
[4:29 - 4:35] team said when they came out here to take a look at the match because there was an investigative team out here.
[4:35 - 4:44] They flat out said that they were not going to do anything. That right there shows lack of doing your fucking job, Akron PD.
[4:44 - 4:53] So after Walter backed the fuck off, leave my family alone. Otherwise, I will sue the fuck out of Akron PD.
[4:53 - 5:03] And trust me when I say, boy, I got one of the best. I got one of the best. And I do mean one of the top five best lawyers in Akron on speed dial.
[5:03 - 5:11] All I got to do is make one phone call to him. And let me tell you, motherfucker, this dude's barely lost any cases at all whatsoever.
[5:11 - 5:19] Matter of fact, he was the one that I had the last time when that dude showed up on my property and I swung the bat at that dude.
[5:19 - 5:25] Matter of fact, that same lawyer has barely lost any fucking cases at all.
[5:25 - 5:40] So Officer Walter, either back off and stop harassing my family or I will be suing the Akron PD and I will be showing your boss what you've been doing and your job will be yanked from you almost immediately.
[5:40 - 5:51] I can guarantee it. So Officer Walter, back off. Leave me and my family alone. Let me live my fucking life in goddamn peace.
[5:51 - 6:01] You're not God. You don't fucking run me. And by the way, Officer Walter, if you want to go after worse people than me on YouTube, by all means, go for it.
[6:01 - 6:06] Matter of fact, there's guys like Tony who continues to do real bad shit.
[6:06 - 6:09] Yeah, but he's not an Akron, though.
[6:09 - 6:10] Do what?
[6:10 - 6:11] But he's not an Akron.
[6:11 - 6:20] It don't matter. He can still fucking do something. He can still find out where Tony lives and get the information.
[6:20 - 6:26] And that's what I'm saying. Y'all could have fucking done something a long fucking time ago about this shit.
[6:26 - 6:31] Y'all could have fucking done something, but you failed to do your fucking job.
[6:31 - 6:48] Instead, y'all sit there and let me suffer for seven fucking years going through fucking hell, having to look over my fucking shoulders, being shot at, being attacked, having a brick through our fucking windshield two weeks before Christmas last year.
[6:48 - 6:56] And yet y'all say that I'm the one to phone. No, no, no. Y'all motherfuckers are the one at fault, Officer Walter.
[6:56 - 7:05] You guys are the ones that failed to do your fucking job because maybe if you actually did your fucking job, I wouldn't have done the shit that I did.
[7:05 - 7:17] Then yes, I admit it was wrong. Did I know it was a crime? No, that's not my fault. And no, you can't hold that against me because I did not know that was a crime until somebody fucking filled me in.
[7:17 - 7:18] What are you saying?
[7:18 - 7:25] Therefore, therefore you cannot hold that against me at all. What's the level, Officer Walter?
[7:25 - 7:27] This is because ignorance is not an excuse.
[7:27 - 7:36] Oh yes, the fuck it is. That's just an excuse for them to try to arrest me. That's all it is. So Officer Walter, back off my family.
[7:36 - 7:46] Stop trying to pursue me. Stop trying to harass my family. Otherwise, I'm suing you and the rest of Akron PD for not doing their fucking job, okay?
[7:46 - 7:57] And I don't think you want to lose a high paying job because it wouldn't look very good on your resume if it shows that you got fired for your job for not doing your fucking job.
[7:57 - 8:14] All you had was one fucking job. Make a few phone calls to the higher routes within the PD or get a hold of some detectives or get a hold of FBI and have them track these people down and have them get their IP addresses there yet.
[8:14 - 8:24] You could have had them get in contact with YouTube directly because YouTube does have a line for guys like the police that need to get in contact with them.
[8:24 - 8:34] All you had to do was any of those things and you guys could have prevented this. You guys could have prevented this the entire fucking time, but you chose not to.
[8:34 - 8:45] Therefore, Officer Walter, fuck you. Stop going after my family. Stop trying to pursue me. Otherwise, I'm yanking your fucking job and I'm suing Akron PD.
[8:45 - 9:00] So leave me the fuck alone and stop trying to pursue me. Otherwise, you and the Akron PD are going to get sued. And trust me, there's going to be a big fucking payout coming my way if that fucking happens.
[9:00 - 9:11] And I don't think you want me to have a payout that fucking big because there's seven years worth of fucking evidence to show that the Akron PD failed to do their fucking job.
[9:11 - 9:28] Multiple, multiple, multiple times. Matter of fact, there's video evidence of one of your, of two of your guys's officers cracking jokes while walking away from my house, poking fun at me, bashing me and my family at my expense.
[9:28 - 9:37] So yeah, if I was you, Officer Walter, I'd back the fuck off and go find real criminals and leave me the fuck alone unless you want to lose your job, okay?
[9:37 - 9:39] Because you broke the law, though.
[9:39 - 9:52] It does not fucking matter. Y'all motherfuckers failed to do your fucking job. You failed to do your fucking job. And besides, so what? I broke one law that I've not done since.
[9:52 - 10:00] He says it's like a thousand plus counts. Do what? He says that it's an individual count for each person that was exposed to.
[10:00 - 10:11] It doesn't fucking matter. The matter of fact, that's false. That's fake. That does not count. They cannot do that. And trust me, Officer Walter, I know the law better than you fucking think, old man.
[10:11 - 10:23] It does not count. How are you going to say that? Count each individual person? That's impossible. You can't account for every single fucking individual person. You can't do that.
[10:23 - 10:31] That's impossible. Because if you did do that, we'd be here all day, all night, all month, all year, okay?
[10:31 - 10:41] There's a thousand fucking people on the internet every day that do worse shit. So how about you do your fucking job and go the fuck after them and leave me the fuck alone?
[10:41 - 10:50] Because I'm not going to jail. I'm not doing anything wrong. And if you continue to fail to do your job, I will continue to call you guys the fuck out.
[10:50 - 10:59] Because you're failing to do your fucking job when somebody's going through shit, you sit there and you let them fucking suffer.
[10:59 - 11:09] Instead of doing your fucking job. So Officer Walter, fuck you. Leave me the fuck alone and stop going after me and my family.
[11:09 - 11:17] Because like I said, if you don't, it'll not only be your job, it'll be the Akron PD that will be looking like fucking shit.
[11:17 - 11:24] And I don't think you want the Akron PD looking like shit. They've already got a bad rap enough already for the shit they've done.
[11:24 - 11:32] And I don't think you want to make it any worse by pursuing this shit, okay? So Officer Walter, back off and leave me the fuck alone.
[11:32 - 11:37] Otherwise, I will be showing the proof of what you're doing is illegal to your fucking boss.
[11:37 - 11:47] And I will be showing not only your boss, but the higher us. Matter of fact, I may even show news outlets what you guys have been failing to do.
[11:47 - 11:59] I may just get a hold of a few news outlets and expose the fuck out of the Akron PD and how they failed to do their fucking job to stop all this seven years ago.
[11:59 - 12:06] So leave me alone, Officer Walter, now.
[12:06 - 12:22] Well, you had a chance. So, yeah, I guess he's going to expose himself to news streams.
[12:22 - 12:28] Let me go down the list of thank yous here.
[12:28 - 12:34] Yeah, you know, I guess I didn't know that ignorance of the law was an excuse. Apparently it is.
[12:34 - 12:55] So thank you to Sergeant Archer for the 10, Darren for the 5, Jacob for the 5, Shippo for the 5, a Matt for the 20, Jase for the 10, a certified scary guy for the 10 as well.
[12:55 - 13:03] You know, he sent some interesting things as well here. Wait one second.
[13:03 - 13:11] Aaron 20, Noah 10 and chaos for the 20. Thank you guys very much.
[13:11 - 13:14] He said make a series of voicemails.
[13:14 - 13:21] You know, I'm getting pressured pretty hard here to comply with the Akron PD.
[13:21 - 13:25] It seems like he's threatening the police now.
[13:25 - 13:30] You know, who knows how that's going to go for him. I don't think very well.
[13:30 - 13:38] It's actually very hard to put in my narrative, which will seal him pretty much permanently.
[13:38 - 13:43] But yeah, I got these like voice messages from him earlier.
[13:43 - 13:53] Give me a moment.
[13:53 - 14:04] Listen, you need to stop this shit. We had an agreement that if I reacted to those 10 songs for you, which I did, you would leave me alone.
[14:04 - 14:11] Now I'm telling you right now, you need to stop talking to those police and trying to let them pursue this.
[14:11 - 14:17] You and I had an agreement that you would leave me alone. I've not gone after you.
[14:17 - 14:23] I've not done anything to you. If anything, I made a fucking video this morning defending you, dude.
[14:23 - 14:28] I literally made a video defending you, dude.
[14:28 - 14:34] Now, I'm willing to look the other way about all this. Okay.
[14:34 - 14:41] But what I need from you is for you to tell the officer to back off.
[14:41 - 14:47] And so leave me alone, because if he does pursue me, he can lose his job for doing what he's doing.
[14:47 - 14:51] And I don't think he wants that.
[14:51 - 14:59] And the reason why it is illegal for him to do what he's doing, because he's using a civilian to get information.
[14:59 - 15:03] That's illegal.
[15:03 - 15:11] I don't know if that's a fact that it's illegal to use a civilian to get information.
[15:11 - 15:21] I think like that's what they do all the time, you know, like they're called snitches, I guess, right?
[15:21 - 15:25] I guess it's a learning lesson here. This is for you, Officer Walter.
[15:25 - 15:33] Come back. So, Nick, I'm giving you an opportunity to end all this right here, right now, man.
[15:33 - 15:37] As I said, I'm not attacking you at all.
[15:37 - 15:46] I'm simply saying that you need to get that officer to leave me the fuck alone.
[15:46 - 15:52] I understand what I did was wrong, but even you can actually sit there and admit.
[15:52 - 15:59] Even you can say that I've left YouTube and I have no plans on going back on there whatsoever.
[15:59 - 16:03] I understand what I did was wrong. I get it.
[16:03 - 16:07] But that's no reason to be coming after me.
[16:07 - 16:13] There are far more important people for that officer to be going after, and I think you'll agree with that.
[16:13 - 16:16] Like me?
[16:16 - 16:24] So, like I said, Nick, I'm still willing to hold to what I said I was going to do, which is leaving you alone, which I have been.
[16:24 - 16:38] The only thing I did this morning was make a video defending you about how the people in your chat are screwing with you and they're doing it for views because they want to see carnage.
[16:38 - 16:40] They want to see chaos.
[16:40 - 16:42] Yeah, you could hear them coming.
[16:42 - 16:46] People don't fucking care about you, dude. They don't.
[16:46 - 16:49] They don't give a fuck about you, man.
[16:49 - 16:55] They want to see carnage and chaos and destruction.
[16:55 - 16:58] But deep down, I know you ain't like that.
[16:58 - 17:02] You want me to get out of this just as much as I want to be able to get out of this.
[17:02 - 17:05] That's true. That's true. That's true.
[17:05 - 17:13] You know this.
[17:13 - 17:22] So, like I said, if you get that officer to back off of me, I'll still hold true to my stuff.
[17:22 - 17:24] I will.
[17:24 - 17:30] And you can even show them that I'm not on YouTube at all.
[17:30 - 17:37] The only channel I have is that thousand sub one, which I'm not even on at all whatsoever.
[17:37 - 17:44] And I have no plans on going back on to YouTube.
[17:44 - 17:51] So, Marty, I'm telling you right now, man, that officer don't want to tangle with me.
[17:51 - 17:54] He really don't.
[17:54 - 17:59] Because what he's doing is illegal and you need to understand that him using you like that is illegal.
[17:59 - 18:02] He is not allowed to do that.
[18:02 - 18:05] So you need to stop talking to him.
[18:05 - 18:09] He's not your friend. He is your enemy.
[18:09 - 18:11] Do not trust him.
[18:11 - 18:18] I guess I should trust chance.
[18:18 - 18:27] I don't know if he tries to come at you with the all, but I can go after you think you've not done anything wrong since talking to him.
[18:27 - 18:31] Therefore, he cannot go after you at all.
[18:31 - 18:37] And if he tries to, you could turn around and sue him.
[18:37 - 18:43] So, you know, what he's going off of is all of like the reports.
[18:43 - 18:48] That Cyrax has filed on me like years and years and years of reports.
[18:48 - 18:53] And I think what they realized was that, whoa, so we hate this chance guy.
[18:53 - 19:07] At least his officer Walter guy does. And, you know, just like any sort of investigation, like they're willing to use me and put me under the hot seat just to get to the real target.
[19:07 - 19:13] And I guess I have to ask myself, like, would chance be willing to go to prison to spare me?
[19:13 - 19:19] Yeah, see, like, I don't I don't I don't know that he would be willing to do that for me.
[19:19 - 19:30] So kind of makes me question what I should do here, truthfully, between a rock and a hard place.
[19:30 - 19:34] So Nick, you need to do the right thing.
[19:34 - 19:37] How you doing, man?
[19:37 - 19:39] Confused.
[19:39 - 19:41] Confused about what?
[19:41 - 19:50] Like, so what they're doing is I know this like they're they're they're using all the reports that you filed against me and saying that, like,
[19:50 - 19:53] and did you know that that's illegal for them to do?
[19:53 - 19:58] They cannot do that. That is illegal as fuck for them to do.
[19:58 - 20:03] Matter of fact, by him doing that shit, Officer Walter, that's illegal, motherfucker.
[20:03 - 20:08] You can't be doing that. You're already fucking up your job already as is, dude.
[20:08 - 20:16] Also, like, let me ask you something like I know, like, with drugs, things like they'll use somebody to get them to turn in like a bigger fish.
[20:16 - 20:20] You know, that's only if the person agrees to it.
[20:20 - 20:26] And that's besides the way he's going about it is very illegal.
[20:26 - 20:36] You want to know why it's illegal because he's taking something professional, making it personal by saying they're saying that he has a hatred towards me.
[20:36 - 20:40] That's personal. Just what it's not allowed.
[20:40 - 20:42] That's just what it seems like.
[20:42 - 20:48] Exactly. And that's not allowed. That's illegal as fuck.
[20:48 - 20:55] He is not allowed to do that. Matter of fact, if I were to call his captain right now, which I probably should do,
[20:55 - 21:00] call his captain up and be like, hey, did you know that this officer is doing this?
[21:00 - 21:04] It's illegal as fuck. You might want to say something.
[21:04 - 21:06] So what are you going to tell him?
[21:06 - 21:12] I will explain to the captain what's been going on over the last seven years.
[21:12 - 21:19] And I will explain to them that, yeah, I've done some bad things out of, you know, being attacked and this and that and the other.
[21:19 - 21:24] And that officer Walter is doing this shit and it's illegal as fuck.
[21:24 - 21:30] And like, as a matter of fact, officer Walter, because I know you're probably watching this.
[21:30 - 21:36] Like I told you before, man, if I was you, I'd back to fuck off, dude, real fucking quick.
[21:36 - 21:45] Because I don't think you want me getting a hold of a news outlet and exposing the Akron PD for their failure to do their fucking job.
[21:45 - 21:47] And then you should use the word exposing all things.
[21:47 - 21:52] Oh, no, no, they deserve to be exposed because they let me play this way, Marty.
[21:52 - 21:56] They don't have a very good reputation as is.
[21:56 - 22:12] That's fair. And I don't think they want me to make it any worse by calling up news stations and getting a hold of newspaper outlets and exposing them for their failures to do their fucking job when something serious is really going on.
[22:12 - 22:25] You see how this works, Officer Walter. See, you could have given the PD could have prevented this shit a long time ago, because if y'all would have done your job, I wouldn't have done the shit that I did.
[22:25 - 22:41] Your failure to do your job allowed me to be under attack over and over and over again, which put me in a state of mind where I felt like I had no choice but to break laws and do the shit that I did to get certain people to back the fuck off.
[22:41 - 22:53] Therefore, therefore, I'm not at fault, Akron PD is. So, Officer Walter, you have yourself to blame and the Akron PD to fucking blame.
[22:53 - 23:03] Now, if you'll excuse me, Officer Walter, I have a real fucking life to give back to. Thank you very much. I have friends and family to hang out with.
[23:03 - 23:22] So if I was you, Officer Walter, I'd rethink coming after me because right now the APD, like I said, is my fucking bitch. And if you and the APD don't want to go down for the shit y'all have been doing and the corruption that's been going on within your fucking system, I suggest you back the fuck off.
[23:22 - 23:33] You leave me the fuck alone and you stop trying to pursue me because if you do so, like I said, I have one of the best lawyers in Ohio on fucking speed dial.
[23:33 - 23:43] All it takes is one phone call to them and a favor from them to expose the fuck out of you guys and sue the fuck out of Akron PD.
[23:43 - 23:54] And I don't think you want that kind of look on your fucking reputation, dude. So, Officer Walter, stop trying to get Marty to do shit because that's illegal as fuck on your part.
[23:54 - 24:05] That really is. And second off, unless you want APD to look like scum, I suggest you leave me the fuck alone.
[24:05 - 24:16] I'm sure it's illegal. Oh, very illegal with the shit that he's doing the way what makes it illegal is the fact that he's not doing it on a professional level.
[24:16 - 24:26] He's taking it to a personal level, which he's not allowed to do, but he's not allowed to take it to a personal level like that.
[24:26 - 24:39] It's supposed to be all professional all the time. You are not allowed to make a situation personal no matter what the situation, it is not allowed to be made personal, which is exactly what he's doing.
[24:39 - 24:53] Have you one call from me to your captain, Officer Walter, and you will be reprimanded for the shit that you've done because you took it from a professional level to a personal level.
[24:53 - 25:08] Okay. So unless you want to be reprimanded and potentially lose your fucking job and potentially have Akron PD sued the fuck out of for millions of dollars for failing to do your jobs that you could have done a long time ago.
[25:08 - 25:14] I suggest that you leave me the fuck alone. Okay. Okay.
[25:14 - 25:24] Okay. Well, I got a question like so can I just say that I didn't know what I was doing was illegal. And could I then be excused.
[25:24 - 25:36] What do you mean as far as what, like as far as anything with you as far as anything in general, can I just say that I didn't know it was illegal and better for I won't be able to be charged with it.
[25:36 - 25:44] I honestly did like I said, the whole thing of me leaving you on you leaving me alone that's still standing and I'm still abiding by that.
[25:44 - 25:51] It's like I'm feeling like a little bit of pressure here from from this guy who, you know, does seem to be a bit of a dink.
[25:51 - 26:03] Well, I'm not sure you what I would do is I would, because I do know that you and Sarah talk. What I would do is I would talk with Sarah, see what she can find out.
[26:03 - 26:13] And stuff like that. I would, I would assume yes, but I'm not 100%. Yeah, she's telling me that ignorance is not an excuse.
[26:13 - 26:25] And that may be true, but like I said, I honestly did not know that that was a crime. And besides, well, let me ask you this, Nick. Yeah.
[26:25 - 26:42] Hang on, dude. Be right back. Sure. Yeah. Yes, please. Let me ask you this, Nick. And this is a very valid question. Yeah.
[26:42 - 26:52] Think about it. If it was truly illegal to do that on any platform, why are porn stars not being arrested for this shit?
[26:52 - 27:02] Well, because like those are seriously think about it. If it was truly illegal to do that, what important stars be gone after?
[27:02 - 27:11] What do people that do porn on websites be gone after? Therefore, it seems kind of sus. It seems kind of sus if you ask me.
[27:11 - 27:19] Also, like I'm just thinking about this. Like, you know, for one, it's legal for like strippers to take their clothes off inside those areas.
[27:19 - 27:29] And therefore, what makes what I did illegal? It doesn't. It's all bullshit. He doesn't want to know, you know what it is.
[27:29 - 27:35] He's looking for a reason to get me arrested. And you want to know why? He's mad that I called him the fuck out.
[27:35 - 27:45] And I've called out Akron PD several times for not doing their job. It's personal to him because he's mad because I called out Akron PD for not doing their fucking job.
[27:45 - 28:00] Therefore, he's taking a personal and is being a whiny little fucking bitch about it. And he's trying to use this indecent exposure bullshit as his way of getting me arrested when, like I said, Officer Walter,
[28:00 - 28:14] you and the accurate PD could have stopped that shit a long, long, long, long, long time. Now that y'all could have stopped that shit seven fucking years ago when it began when I first called you motherfuckers about me and my family being attacked in real life,
[28:14 - 28:21] as well as being gone after on the Internet instead of this whole, oh, get off the Internet bullshit. You know what you could have done?
[28:21 - 28:39] You could have been like, okay, let me get ahold of some detectives. Let me get ahold of some FBI agents and we'll have them look into their IP addresses or get ahold of the FBI in these different areas or have them pull the IPs on their YouTube channels.
[28:39 - 28:52] You could have done that, but instead you chose to go the route of, oh, get off the Internet. Oh, get off the Internet. Oh, get off the Internet every fucking goddamn time you fail to do your job.
[28:52 - 29:10] Therefore, Officer Walter, I am not to be held accountable for your failure to do your fucking job. What I did was a result of the shit that I got fucking put through, okay? Not on me. I got put through pure fucking hell for seven fucking goddamn years, okay?
[29:10 - 29:22] And your failure to do your fucking job is not on me. That's on you, motherfucker. That is on Akron PD. You could have fucking done something, but you failed to do so.
[29:22 - 29:37] Matter of fact, when my own stepdad said that he did see somebody rolling by that was a troll that he recognized, you guys sat there and proceeded to tell him that he was fucking paranoid when I saw the exact same fucking thing,
[29:37 - 29:58] which is literally only a mere few days ago. And then when I get shot at a couple years ago, you guys proceed to tell me that you're not going to do anything. Matter of fact, the first time I ever got attacked by anybody and had to call the police was on that Andrew dude who slammed me into a stop sign.
[29:58 - 30:15] And your exact words were this. Your exact words were this to the teeth. We are not going to do anything and we cannot do anything unless he admits to it. That is a load of horseshit. Nobody is going to admit to a crime that they committed.
[30:15 - 30:28] You all could have done something about him, but you failed to do so. Nobody's going to admit to hurting somebody at all. Who would do that like Nick? Even you have to admit. Well, let's say that you hurt somebody.
[30:28 - 30:44] All right. For a prime example, say that, you know, for just pure example here, let's say that you and the YouTuber MrBeast got a physical altercation. You guys got into a fight.
[30:44 - 30:54] And let's say that you threw the first punch. Why would why would you sit there and admit that you threw the first punch? Well, really quickly. So I hear what you're saying.
[30:54 - 31:07] And as far as like this is a complete side note, but it's it speaks to just how like gross these this local podcast live is. Keemstar hit me up to see if I would box Ricky Berwick.
[31:07 - 31:16] Who the fuck is Ricky Berwick? You know, he's like that little crippled guy, like he crawls around the ground and just like I can honestly say I've never heard of the guy.
[31:16 - 31:36] It's disgusting. But what I would say is that is that is disgusting. That really is like, come on, you're better than that, dude. Like, yeah, no, I said to Officer Walter, I highly suggest that you back the fuck off of me, dude, because like I said, I have more than and I mean more than.
[31:36 - 31:51] More than enough evidence, not only on this computer, not only on four different thumb 32 gig USB sticks, but also a an original five to six.
[31:51 - 32:09] No, I think it was like 50 some odd gigs of info on what's been going on. But I also have another two terabyte hard drive full of evidence of you guys failing to do your fucking job on my old computer still there ready to go at a moment's notice.
[32:09 - 32:24] So unless you want to take all that information to the FBI and show them that you guys have the one information like on me, no, on Officer Walter in the acronym PD and then failing to do their job.
[32:24 - 32:38] All right. No, like, but no, like I do have. Let's see. I have one. I have one hard drive in here. Another hard drive in there. I have three or four USB sticks.
[32:38 - 32:48] There are 32 gigs, which is a lot of fucking space for stuff. I have three of those filled of evidence going against Akron PD.
[32:48 - 32:56] So Officer Walter, I see. Here's why I'm going to. I'm going to give you an ultimatum. Okay. And this is how it's going to work.
[32:56 - 33:09] This is the ultimatum. You either a leave me the fuck alone and stop trying to pursue me and leave me the fuck alone and stop trying to say that I'm doing this or that or the ultimatum is this.
[33:09 - 33:20] I take every bit of the evidence that I have taken to the head of the police department, take it to the head of the FBI, the head of the detectives.
[33:20 - 33:27] I take it to all three of them. Then I proceed to take it to newspaper outlets and news station outlets.
[33:27 - 33:38] Show them what's going on and show them that you guys have been failing to do your fucking job and failing to reach out to YouTube to try to have a stop.
[33:38 - 33:44] But to all this shit that's been going on and that's no offense to you, Marty. That's not, I'm not naming this at you.
[33:44 - 33:56] I'm using this at every other troll that has also been doing this on top of everything that's going on. So Officer Walter, my advice to you would be to leave me alone.
[33:56 - 34:04] Because as I said, if you do not leave me alone, I will take all the evidence that I have and I will show it to your captain.
[34:04 - 34:15] I will show it to the chief of police. I will show it to the head of the FBI. I will show it to the head of the detectives because we all know there is a detective that runs that shit.
[34:15 - 34:25] I will show it to him and I also will be showing it to newspaper outlets and news outlets, which will make you guys look even worse than what you are.
[34:25 - 34:32] Well, the failure to do the job is like mostly them not prosecuting me and that could look bad on me.
[34:32 - 34:39] Well, no, it's not just you. It's not, it's not just you. It's all these other trolls as well.
[34:39 - 34:40] I see.
[34:40 - 34:42] Such as Mastro Mafia.
[34:42 - 34:44] But wouldn't that like then...
[34:44 - 34:58] A memorial, such as N Word Boy, such as Jay Sins. All these other people were involved. And I'm not saying that it would look, I'm not saying that I'm trying to come after you.
[34:58 - 35:15] I'm just simply saying that had they done their job to try to make a peaceful resolution and made it stop in the very, very, very beginning, none of this would have ever fucking happened to begin with if they had done their fucking job.
[35:15 - 35:19] And like I said, I'm not doing what this happened, what this happened to.
[35:19 - 35:27] There's been hundreds of times where they have failed to do their job for the people of Akron because they just don't give a fuck.
[35:27 - 35:38] They're lazy as fuck. They don't want to do their job. And my situation is a very good testament to that. To them failing to do their job and them not wanting to do anything.
[35:38 - 35:54] So, Officer Walter, your ultimatum is this. Back off and leave me alone. Or like I said, I'll be taking all my evidence to not only your counting, but the Chief of Police, the head of the detectives, the head of the FBI agency in the area.
[35:54 - 36:03] And I will be showing it to every news outlet and newspaper outlet in Ohio. And I don't think you want to be looking like fucking shit.
[36:03 - 36:18] Because not only will it possibly cost you your job, but it would leave a very bad taste on Akron PD for seeing somebody being cyber bullied and attacked and you guys failing to do your job.
[36:18 - 36:27] That wouldn't look very good on you, would it? No, it wouldn't. So, Officer Walter, leave me alone.
[36:27 - 36:34] Like what I don't understand, like so, like whether or not an arrest is personally motivated, like, I guess their job-
[36:34 - 36:47] Oh, it is. With him it is. With him it is personal. But like I said to Officer Walter, and I'm not trying to ignore you, Nick, but I'm trying to get it through to this motherfucker that he needs to chill the fuck out and back off.
[36:47 - 36:59] Because right now he's putting himself in a very, very bad position that he does not want to be in. He put himself in that position, now he has to deal with that position.
[36:59 - 37:01] Isn't that right, Walter?
[37:01 - 37:11] Yeah, so he's- yeah, I got a missed call from a private number, which I'm assuming is him, you know, like they tend to do this, like they call from-
[37:11 - 37:22] Yeah, that right there tells me that something fish is going on, because Akron PD doesn't call from private numbers. That right there tells me that something's up.
[37:22 - 37:30] Well, that might not be him. It might not be him. I'll give you his number if you like it. I don't know if that could be helpful or not.
[37:30 - 37:35] Yeah, if he can send it to Sarah and I'll have her send it to me.
[37:35 - 37:37] Okay, but so like-
[37:37 - 37:59] And then I'll give it to my family and then we can take it from there. But to Officer Walter, like I said, you have two choices. You can either back off and leave me alone and let me go about living my life because as Marty even knows, and Marty can even attest to this, I am not on YouTube at all anymore.
[37:59 - 38:18] And I have no desire nor want to be on this shitty platform because not only am I dealing with this shit, there's a lot of other YouTubers out there that are starting to leave because YouTube's failing to hold up their end of their deal on their platform, which is this platform being a safe platform.
[38:18 - 38:29] A lot of YouTubers are leaving as a result of them, of YouTube not taking responsibility for what's going on on their platform, which I don't blame the people either. I don't.
[38:29 - 38:39] But Marty, even you can set that, even you can attest and say that I'm not on YouTube anymore. Yeah, there is a clone channel of mine out there, but it's not me.
[38:39 - 38:47] Okay. So here I took and cloned my channel and it's posting under my name, which I honestly find funny as fuck because I know it's not me.
[38:47 - 39:01] Okay. Matter of fact, CIA Whole can't even attest to it. The only reason why he's not here right now is because like I said, he's taking his son to college to an orientation and they're doing like a nine hour, ten hour long drive.
[39:01 - 39:10] Matter of fact, the orientation may be going on. I don't know. I don't know if it's going on right now or if he's on his way back. I don't know.
[39:10 - 39:17] But even he can attest to that. I have several friends that can attest to me not being on YouTube anymore at all.
[39:17 - 39:30] I only have one channel, which is my thousand sub channel, which I'm not even going to be posting on there. I'm literally just going to go in, collect my check each month and bounce out of there. That's it. That's all I'm doing.
[39:30 - 39:37] Going in there, collect my check, leave it. I'm not sitting around YouTube.
[39:37 - 39:40] Do you have to make content to get a check?
[39:40 - 39:46] Not necessarily. They go by views. They go by views.
[39:46 - 40:05] I see. You can have one video that blows up and goes viral and you can get over a thousand something off that one video alone. You can make bank off of just that one video.
[40:05 - 40:28] They don't go by how much content you create. They don't go by that. They go by if you have X amount of views on this video, I would have to sit down and look at everything and try to explain how they operate.
[40:28 - 40:39] They work very weird, not going to lie. YouTube works in a very strange way. It's not bad, but there's a lot that can be done to be improved.
[40:39 - 40:43] Point being, I'm not on YouTube anymore, Officer Walter.
[40:43 - 40:54] So would you risk going to jail so I wouldn't have to go to jail? Be honest.
[40:54 - 41:03] Why would I want, and I'm not trying to say this to start shit. I'm not trying to personally attack you at all. I'm not.
[41:03 - 41:13] And I hope that you don't take it on a personal level because I'm not trying to make it personal. I'm simply stating.
[41:13 - 41:17] No, I think I know what you're going to say. The answer is no, right? Of course not.
[41:17 - 41:20] Right. Why would I want to risk my life?
[41:20 - 41:28] No. So I understand that, but like Officer Walter is like, he's saying that we've got all this shit on you, like chances filed all these reports.
[41:28 - 41:39] If there anything out in the open, you know, like, well, Officer Walter, I'll tell you this. I'm going to tell you this right now, Officer Walter, you go after him.
[41:39 - 41:44] I'll send him all this shit to use against you as well. What do you have on them?
[41:44 - 41:50] Like I know about like that shooting, like he was cleared, you know what I mean? Like a suspect started shooting at him.
[41:50 - 41:59] No, no, what I'm saying is this. If he tries to come after you, I have all the evidence for you to try to sue Acron PD as well.
[41:59 - 42:10] I can give you every little bit of thing that you need. So Officer Walter, I may not be friends with this dude, but all I've ever asked him is that he leaves me alone.
[42:10 - 42:23] He's done so and that's a good thing. So Officer Walter, not only does the ultimatum stand in my defense, but it also stands in his defense.
[42:23 - 42:30] He doesn't care though. He's got me committing crimes. He's got you committing crimes. And like, if I don't turn my narrative.
[42:30 - 42:39] Well, guess what? Officer Walter. No, you know what Officer Walter, if you proceed to try to go after Marty, I'll go after you double.
[42:39 - 42:46] Because you doing that, it's a crime as well, motherfucker. That's literally blackmail. Literally, that is fucking blackmail, dude.
[42:46 - 42:54] That right there will get your job real fucking quick. And I don't think you want to get sued by Marty because no offense.
[42:54 - 43:00] And like, and I understand that you don't talk to your family at all, Marty, but let's be honest.
[43:00 - 43:06] Your family knows that money. And if they really wanted to, they could sue the fuck out of this guy 20 times over.
[43:06 - 43:12] But like, why would they want to do that? Because of the fact that an officer is trying to blackmail you.
[43:12 - 43:21] They're trying to blackmail you into something that deep down you know you don't want to do. And that's not cool.
[43:21 - 43:31] I might not like you. I might not be a big fan of you, but I'm not going to sit there and let some fucking douchebag officer try to fucking do that shit, dude.
[43:31 - 43:37] That's fucked up. I don't care if I like you if I don't care if I like you or if I don't like you.
[43:37 - 43:47] If I see someone doing something fucked up, I'm going to fucking stand up for you. So Officer Walter, what I said to you in my defense also is for his defense as well.
[43:47 - 43:56] You go after him, I'll be sending him the evidence as well. Matter of fact, I'll be sending his girlfriend, who I'm getting friends with, the evidence.
[43:56 - 44:06] I'll be sending everybody the evidence that they need to come after you. So, Officer Walter, hang on, Nick, hang on.
[44:06 - 44:14] My advice to you, Officer Walter, leave him alone, back the fuck off of him, and back the fuck off of me.
[44:14 - 44:28] Because if you go after him, he's going to have all the evidence that he needs to show how you guys have failed to do your job about all the criminal shit that's been going on on YouTube.
[44:28 - 44:40] Okay, so if I was you, I'd back off, tough guy, because you're not a badass. You're a fucking bully with a badge. That's all you are. You're a punk-ass bully with a fucking badge, dude.
[44:40 - 44:54] And like I said, Officer Walter, unless you want to lose your job, doubly now, because the fact that you're trying to blackmail somebody, I suggest you back off, and quick, because that right there is blackmail.
[44:54 - 45:07] And how do you think that your chief of police is going to take him when I tell them that you're trying to blackmail somebody on the internet, who yes, I've had problems with, but I have come to a peaceful agreement with.
[45:07 - 45:14] He agreed to not go after me, and I agreed to not go after him. And we have both held up our ends of the agreement.
[45:14 - 45:28] He's held up his end, and I have been holding up mine. And I don't think that you want that. So, Officer Walter, fuck off. Go find real bad guys to go after.
[45:28 - 45:43] Well, so he's going after me. Okay, well, thank you to Plattie and Mattie as well. I'd like to be honest, that he wouldn't go to jail for me. And, you know, I don't want to go to jail for him.
[45:43 - 45:55] I am curious to see this evidence, and I guess I'll have to evaluate it when it comes in.
[45:55 - 46:03] I'm a little concerned that there's not going to be any evidence.
[46:03 - 46:08] But to be proactive here.
[46:08 - 46:20] I guess I can do a little bit digging on my own, maybe see if there's a personal bias between these two gentlemen.
[46:20 - 46:31] Well, is this him?
[46:31 - 46:38] So remember, I actually got a call from this guy a while ago.
[46:38 - 47:05] I did get a call from him a while ago and maybe I'm somewhere in his memory banks.
[47:05 - 47:09] Hey, how's it going? What's up, man?
[47:09 - 47:19] The other day, I was unaware of this, but this guy named Nicholas Bigler on YouTube, I was unaware of this until last night.
[47:19 - 47:30] And I've been dealing with this guy for over four years. Not only has this guy been threatening my family, he has been sticking on our house.
[47:30 - 47:39] So now I do have one thing to say to add on to my video, because I do have one thing to add on to this whole thing.
[47:39 - 47:45] Sir Walter, if you want a real bad guy to go after, I'll give you two names right off the bat.
[47:45 - 47:54] William Glory Hole and Edward Boy. Edward Boy has DDoSed me over five times, which is federally illegal.
[47:54 - 47:57] And that is punishable by the last time I checked.
[47:57 - 48:06] What was it, 15 years in prison, 15 years jail time for each count, 15 years per count?
[48:06 - 48:19] And not only has he done that, he's committed copyright and trademark infringement and has also lied on legal documents and has also forged my name on shit that I did not sign.
[48:19 - 48:28] Therefore, if you want real bad guys, go after Edward Boy and William Glory Hole. And the reason I've mentioned William Glory Hole is because William Glory Hole is one of his accomplices.
[48:28 - 48:33] The reason I know this is because I've seen a lot of the different fucking screenshots of the shit they've been doing.
[48:33 - 48:40] I've seen all the fucking screenshots. So, Officer Walter, if you want real bad guys, go after them.
[48:40 - 48:54] All right, leave me the fuck alone. And like, he only cares about you. He doesn't care. Like, he's using, he's just going to use these guys as a pawn to go after you. You know what I mean?
[48:54 - 49:08] But I don't. Well, guess what? Guess what, Officer Walter? You can't touch me, motherfucker, because like I said, right now, I'm untouchable because of the fact that I have more on you than you do on me, motherfucker.
[49:08 - 49:22] So, I suggest, Officer Walter, unless you want to be shut the fuck down with the rest of the Akron PD, I suggest you fuck off, motherfucker, because I'm not the one to toy with.
[49:22 - 49:29] You thought I was toying around when I said that I would sue the Akron PD. Do you really want to test that fucking theory?
[49:29 - 49:41] Do you really want to test the theory of me going after you and me going after the Akron PD and exposing the fuck out of you guys?
[49:41 - 49:53] I don't think you want to test that theory, boy. Because like I said right now, like I told Marty this, and he's seen this for a fact, when it comes to all this legal shit, I know my shit.
[49:53 - 50:06] I know what the fuck I'm talking about. I know the laws, I know how they fucking work, and I know what you guys are and are not allowed to get away with, and the shit you're doing right now, you are not allowed to get away with.
[50:06 - 50:26] The reason I know this, my uncle is a retired police officer for the state of Oregon, and their laws are very similar to here, okay? So I know the laws about what you are and what you aren't allowed to get away with, and that right there is highly illegal and can cost you your fucking job, okay?
[50:26 - 50:42] So my advice to you, Walter, is get the fuck off my shit, stop dick riding, go back to the fucking donut shop like the fucking pig that you are, and chow down on those fucking donuts, and go after real fucking bad guys, okay?
[50:42 - 50:54] Because all you're doing is a lot of this, but like I said, right now, I'm untouchable because I have more against you in the Akron PD than you have on me.
[50:54 - 51:17] Because I can actually say for a fact that everything that I've done has been a result of the shit that I have fucking been through, and I came back that up with several, several, several hours, hundreds and thousands of hours of undeniable proof to show that I was backed into a corner many times, and I simply reacted.
[51:17 - 51:25] Maybe it was not the best way to react, but I had no choice but to act in the ways that I did.
[51:25 - 51:33] So I suggest, Officer Walter, you fuck off, because like I said, I know the laws better than what you fucking think.
[51:33 - 51:44] I know what the Akron PD is or isn't allowed to get away with. The reason I know is because I've dealt with you guys more than enough times, and plus, like I said, my uncle's a retired police officer.
[51:44 - 51:48] So if I have any questions, all I gotta do is ask him.
[51:48 - 52:02] Fuck up. Just so patient I want to say, Officer Walter, I don't mean any disrespect to you, or the Akron PD. Like, I'm, you know, you're not my bitch.
[52:02 - 52:08] I'm not untouchable. And please don't allow these words to like reflect my sentiment.
[52:08 - 52:16] You know, poking the bear and all like it's, I don't, I don't know if this is wise chance.
[52:16 - 52:24] What do you mean you don't know if it's wise, like, I don't know if it's wise to say that like you're my bitch you can't do shit I'm untouchable.
[52:24 - 52:29] Oh, it is wise because he knows that I'm in the right about everything I'm fucking saying.
[52:29 - 52:43] He knows I am. Well, so he, he, he's pretty certain that he's got you on like over 1000 counts of guess what I got Akron PD on over seven years of fucking hell.
[52:43 - 52:53] Seven fucking years compared to 1000 counts 1000 counts and shit, compared to seven years of being put through fucking hell.
[52:53 - 53:17] Okay. So do you know I hang on Nick. Yeah. And like I said, Officer Walter, I can easily back up I'm there but I have multiple, multiple witnesses that can back up every single fucking thing I am saying, they can indeed without a fact prove that I was back into a corner, I was bullied, I was harassed, I was
[53:17 - 53:27] attacked, multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple times. Therefore, Officer Walter, try again, your fucking excuses won't work.
[53:27 - 53:43] Like I told you Officer Walter, leave me alone. Otherwise, you and the APD will be sued for you failing to do your job and I'm pretty sure you will end up losing your job because right now, you're trying to blackmail Marty, you're
[53:43 - 53:55] trying to worm your way out of this shit. But you reported, you know, like, things by the way, but well like I said at the time, I do apologize for reporting you.
[53:55 - 54:03] But as I said at the time, when things were going down, you know I did what I had to do.
[54:03 - 54:13] Yeah, like I said, like I said though, we had our agreement and I'm sticking to that agreement. I'm not coming after you. I'm not attacking you.
[54:13 - 54:21] So what do I do? What do I do? Just tell him that like he's, tell him that he needs to back off.
[54:21 - 54:27] How do I do that when there's like so much evidence of me committing crimes?
[54:27 - 54:35] Tell him that if you tell him exactly what I've been telling you, tell him exactly what I've been telling him because right now he's trying to blackmail you, dude.
[54:35 - 54:43] That's illegal. That's blackmail. Don't sit there and take that shit. Fire back. That's blackmail, dude. Fire back.
[54:43 - 54:51] But he, like, but nothing. Fire back. Well, what do you mean by that?
[54:51 - 55:01] Fire back, you want to know a little secret, Marty? Sure. Officer Walter's not liked very much on the APD.
[55:01 - 55:12] How do you know that? There's a lot of officers that trust me when I say Marty. There's winds going round through a lot of his people that he's not very liked.
[55:12 - 55:19] And it's because he does shit like this. He's not very liked within the APD because he likes to use blackmail tactics.
[55:19 - 55:29] How do you have this information? Marty, I've dealt with the APD more than enough times. I've been to the police department countless times.
[55:29 - 55:38] All right, come on. It's not really that hard to figure that shit out. It's really not hard to figure out who's liked in that department and who's not.
[55:38 - 55:53] And let me tell you, Officer Walter is not very liked because of his ways and what he does. Now, I'm not saying everything he does is bad, but he does have his ways of like doing blackmail and shit like this, which is clearly illegal.
[55:53 - 56:01] And like I said, Officer Walter, if you like to keep your job, I suggest leaving Marty alone and also leaving me alone.
[56:01 - 56:19] OK, because right there you can lose your job so fast for blackmail. And I don't think you want that. OK, so my advice to you, Officer Walter, let me and Marty have our peace treaty like we have had.
[56:19 - 56:36] Like I said, a matter of fact, I mean, him came into an agreement and he can vouch for this. The other night, he said the only way that he would agree to the peace treaty is that if I came up on panel and I reacted to 10 songs, which I did, I reacted, I gave my opinion.
[56:36 - 56:46] And after that, I would be clear to go. And I have held up my end of the deal. I reacted and he's left me alone and I've left him alone.
[56:46 - 56:55] You want to know what I've been doing the last few days, Officer Walter, playing video games and hanging out with one of my best friends that I haven't hung out with in quite a long fucking time.
[56:55 - 57:06] That's all I've been doing that day. That and no, no, no, no, me and Jake don't talk anymore because of what the because what I didn't work when them fucking put his family through.
[57:06 - 57:09] Yeah. Well, yeah, OK, fair.
[57:09 - 57:18] And I can't say that I blame Jake's family for that. I can't know kind of what they did to his family was uncalled for. It really was.
[57:18 - 57:24] But I'm talking about another friend that I grew up with that I've been friends with since we were kids.
[57:24 - 57:29] Like we go. We all grew up together and stuff. And I've been hanging out with them and shit and whatnot.
[57:29 - 57:35] But aside from that, I've been working on fucking music. I've been working on getting my shit together.
[57:35 - 57:41] Matter of fact, I'm working on getting fucking shows together for either next year or the year after.
[57:41 - 57:47] The reason why I say next year or the year after is because this year is like almost over, like it's getting close to being over.
[57:47 - 57:51] And around here, they don't really do shows around this time of year.
[57:51 - 57:56] Like it's very rare around here for shows to be done around this time of year.
[57:56 - 58:04] So I'm setting them up for next year and or the year after, depending on what's going on, depending on what happens.
[58:04 - 58:12] So, Officer Walter, if you don't mind, I have one I have a fucking life to give back to.
[58:12 - 58:16] I have a friend to give back to. I have family to give back to hanging out with.
[58:16 - 58:18] I got friends to give back to hanging out with.
[58:18 - 58:23] I got video games to give back to playing. And I also got music to give back to making.
[58:23 - 58:28] And Officer Walter, if I catch you trying to blackmail Marty again, trust me, I'll know.
[58:28 - 58:33] And I will be putting in a report to the chief of police and telling them what you've been doing.
[58:33 - 58:36] And how you've been blackmailing them, OK?
[58:36 - 58:42] So go find real criminals to go.
[58:42 - 58:43] Just a quick question.
[58:43 - 58:47] So let's say that somebody busts somebody for possession of drugs.
[58:47 - 58:56] And then they say, if you don't turn in the dealer, we're going to use this crime you committed to prosecute you and send you to jail.
[58:56 - 59:03] That side of it, that's illegal.
[59:03 - 59:08] What you're talking about, that is legal because there are drugs involved.
[59:08 - 59:12] There are real bad guys involved in shit.
[59:12 - 59:21] What he's doing to you, matter of fact, no real, you know, no real lives were actually hurt.
[59:21 - 59:23] No one was killed.
[59:23 - 59:25] But you've always said that your life was hurt.
[59:25 - 59:27] Well, yeah, to an extent, it was.
[59:27 - 59:34] But like I said, since we had that peace treaty, I've been working on getting my life back on the right track.
[59:34 - 59:39] Matter of fact, when since I left, this shit's starting to do better.
[59:39 - 59:40] Look at that.
[59:40 - 59:42] It's actually starting to do better since.
[59:42 - 59:44] It's starting to heal up a little bit.
[59:44 - 59:45] Exactly.
[59:45 - 59:46] I'm starting to get better.
[59:46 - 59:48] I'm starting to do better.
[59:48 - 59:54] And I'll be honest, for the first time in seven years, I'm starting to feel like myself again slowly.
[59:54 - 60:04] But surely so officer Walter, like I said, you continue to harass Marty and you try to blackmail Marty.
[60:04 - 60:05] I don't know about it.
[60:05 - 60:16] And the minute I get that call or the minute I get that message or any sort of thing saying that you've been blackmailing him at all whatsoever to try to get me.
[60:16 - 60:18] Or if you've been thinking about touching him, guess what?
[60:18 - 60:25] Every little bit of evidence I have against you and against the APD, guess what?
[60:25 - 60:28] It'll be going right to your fucking captain.
[60:28 - 60:32] And it will be going to the chief and the higher ups as well.
[60:32 - 60:34] So my advice.
[60:34 - 60:35] Hold on.
[60:35 - 60:36] Sure.
[60:36 - 60:40] Well, what I've noticed, like the whole department seems to not like you very much.
[60:40 - 60:41] So it's like.
[60:41 - 60:43] Well, that's not true.
[60:43 - 60:46] Like the whole not not the entire department.
[60:46 - 60:51] There's I'd say about I'd say about ninety three ninety five percent.
[60:51 - 60:53] There's a few in there that I'm cool with that.
[60:53 - 60:54] I have no problem with that.
[60:54 - 60:55] I'm sure with there.
[60:55 - 60:58] There's a few officers that I'm okay with.
[60:58 - 60:59] Yeah.
[60:59 - 61:04] But like I said, to officer Walter, you leave Marty alone.
[61:04 - 61:08] You let him hold up his end of the deal and we won't have any problems.
[61:08 - 61:11] Because like I said, you continue to try to blackmail him.
[61:11 - 61:17] I will be sending all that evidence straight the fuck up to the captain and the chief of police.
[61:17 - 61:20] And your job will be yanked.
[61:20 - 61:22] So don't fucking test me.
[61:22 - 61:24] You don't want to go down that road, boy.
[61:24 - 61:26] Just saying.
[61:26 - 61:29] Like I think.
[61:29 - 61:30] Okay.
[61:30 - 61:34] I mean, ninety three to ninety five percent seems to be a lot.
[61:34 - 61:35] Think of the crook.
[61:35 - 61:44] Thinking to Henry, thinking to all you guys, this is a pretty tough spot here.
[61:44 - 61:48] Thinking chance like Keith.
[61:48 - 61:51] It was nice hearing him admit that like he wouldn't go to jail for me.
[61:51 - 61:57] And I just don't want to.
[61:57 - 62:00] It's a tough spot.
[62:00 - 62:01] It's a really tough spot.
[62:01 - 62:06] A friend of mine sent me a video livestream where he said it openly.
[62:06 - 62:13] He actually has a list and was actually in the process of attempting murder on me and my family.
[62:13 - 62:15] Show me.
[62:15 - 62:16] I'll wait on you.
[62:16 - 62:17] Thank you.
[62:17 - 62:18] I like your new day.
[62:18 - 62:19] Thanks.
[62:19 - 62:20] We're not even done yet.
[62:20 - 62:47] So.
[62:47 - 62:56] No, it's all right.
[62:56 - 63:00] We'll do it out here, man.
[63:00 - 63:05] Well, so I'm going to tell you this.
[63:05 - 63:06] I'm going to tell you this.
[63:06 - 63:10] I don't really talk with CIA at all.
[63:10 - 63:14] But chance said that he's on a road trip or something like that.
[63:14 - 63:18] But I'm the wrong guy to ask.
[63:18 - 63:20] I really can't stand that guy from being truthful.
[63:20 - 63:31] Like he's just always a thorn in my fucking side.
[63:31 - 63:41] Yeah, no CIA is like an enemy.
[63:41 - 63:45] He's the king of stankers.
[63:45 - 63:59] It's all right.
[63:59 - 64:22] All right.
[64:22 - 64:24] Why do you think this guy wants to hurt you?
[64:24 - 64:26] I honestly don't know this guy.
[64:26 - 64:27] Where's he live?
[64:27 - 64:29] He's actually in Milwaukee.
[64:29 - 64:32] But every time I call the police up there,
[64:32 - 64:36] they tell us to call the ones here and the ones here saving.
[64:36 - 64:38] How do you know this guy?
[64:38 - 64:42] He found me on YouTube like about four or five years ago.
[64:42 - 64:45] And I honestly don't know how.
[64:45 - 64:47] I don't know how he found me.
[64:47 - 64:48] You have a YouTube channel?
[64:48 - 64:50] Yes, I do.
[64:50 - 64:52] How many subscribers do you have?
[64:52 - 64:57] I'm up to, as of right now, 1,300 and something.
[64:57 - 64:59] I just hit that mark a couple days ago.
[64:59 - 65:00] Congratulations.
[65:00 - 65:01] Thank you.
[65:01 - 65:02] What kind of YouTube things do you do?
[65:02 - 65:03] There are stuff I do.
[65:03 - 65:06] I'm also trying to help people out and stuff.
[65:06 - 65:10] Like doing music and promoting anti-suicide, anti-bullying,
[65:10 - 65:14] because I have had friends that have passed away from that,
[65:14 - 65:23] I'm sure, unfortunately.
[65:23 - 65:25] This guy needs a chance.
[65:25 - 65:36] Thank you.
[65:36 - 65:49] What does that say?
[65:49 - 65:54] It's hard for me to watch him just turning me in and singing like a canary.
[65:54 - 65:56] Just rape kids.
[65:56 - 65:58] Steakhouse, Syrax House.
[65:58 - 65:59] We need my house, this house.
[65:59 - 66:00] Whose house?
[66:00 - 66:01] Mine.
[66:01 - 66:02] What does it say?
[66:02 - 66:06] You know all the name I go under on YouTube, which is Syrax.
[66:06 - 66:11] Let's see.
[66:11 - 66:12] Make him mine.
[66:12 - 66:14] Like this is how crazy this guy is.
[66:14 - 66:20] And then murder his family and set house on fire.
[66:20 - 66:22] And I do actually have.
[66:22 - 66:25] He's using a code name, not your name.
[66:25 - 66:29] Yeah, but that's the name that he knows me under.
[66:29 - 66:31] When have you guys ever spoken to each other?
[66:31 - 66:32] Just several times.
[66:32 - 66:35] I've only spoken to him on the terms of life.
[66:35 - 66:36] What do you want me to do, man?
[66:36 - 66:39] I don't know what I can do about this stuff.
[66:39 - 66:40] Stop talking to him.
[66:40 - 66:41] I'll try.
[66:41 - 66:45] We've actually tried to not respond.
[66:45 - 66:46] Don't respond.
[66:46 - 66:47] That's the thing.
[66:47 - 66:51] He's actually showed up here to our house where my family decided to turn him away.
[66:51 - 66:52] Show me.
[66:52 - 66:54] My mom would have to say about that.
[66:54 - 66:55] Yeah, pictures or something?
[66:55 - 66:57] No, my mom could tell you about the phone.
[66:57 - 66:58] Sorry, listen, listen.
[66:58 - 67:00] Just put the computer back and come talk to me.
[67:00 - 67:01] All right.
[67:01 - 67:02] You want to leave it on here?
[67:02 - 67:03] Yeah, sure.
[67:03 - 67:04] Listen.
[67:04 - 67:07] If you don't want to play on the Internet, then don't play on the Internet.
[67:07 - 67:10] Because this is the kind of stuff that goes on on the Internet, okay?
[67:10 - 67:14] If he comes over here, if he comes to Ohio, if he comes to your house, you call the police.
[67:14 - 67:16] Yeah, when is something going to get done?
[67:16 - 67:18] Like, what is it going to take for...
[67:18 - 67:21] Here, let me delete your YouTube account and it'll cure everything.
[67:21 - 67:22] That's
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '3821' on August 20th, 2024