Original upload date: May 31st, 2024 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:29] [Music]
[0:29 - 0:38] Alright, what up guys? We are back on the channel for some Hawken matches, man. I'm excited, dude.
[0:38 - 0:52] About to play some Hawken and chill, man. Yo, Cleve!
[0:52 - 1:09] [Music]
[1:09 - 1:15] Y'all seen how well I do firing off rifles. Now y'all can see how well I do with a leg.
[1:15 - 1:27] [Music]
[1:27 - 1:51] Ren, it's going to be tough. No, it's not. Now, let's get that show on the road.
[1:51 - 1:58] Just, just let Tyler and the Gundam man. This is too simple.
[1:59 - 2:02] Out.
[2:02 - 2:27] Yo, Jamie Lynn, what up? Welcome to the stream. How you doing, girl?
[2:27 - 2:30] Well, it's good.
[2:30 - 2:46] [Music]
[2:46 - 2:49] Overheating. Overheating.
[2:55 - 3:24] [Music]
[3:24 - 3:32] Ah, damn, it fucking ran into me. Shit.
[3:32 - 3:40] So far, so good. Just chilling out, relaxing. Playing some Hawken matches and relaxing.
[3:40 - 3:48] By the way, if you guys do want to play this, this is free to download on, I think, all platforms, I believe.
[3:49 - 3:57] [Music]
[3:57 - 4:00] Who's that, running to that belt of gunfire? Go ahead.
[4:01 - 4:20] [Music]
[4:20 - 4:25] How the hell did the dude not die? I just shot him in the face like 30 fucking times.
[4:26 - 5:07] [Music]
[5:07 - 5:18] I'm telling you, man, the guys on this game go fucking hard, bro. They're the no fucking around dudes. Like, you want a good mech fight, man. Hump on Hawken, bro. You'll get it.
[5:18 - 5:28] And you also came by different mechs and so too, which is cool, which is what I've been working on.
[5:29 - 6:19] [Music]
[6:19 - 6:24] Ah, damn, got wiped out right at the same time, man. Yo, Kano, what up, brother?
[6:24 - 6:29] [Music]
[6:29 - 6:34] What up, Kano? How you doing, big dog? What's good, bro?
[6:34 - 6:40] Welcome back to the stream, you crazy motherfucker. What's good, bud?
[6:40 - 6:43] How you doing, man? What's up?
[6:43 - 6:45] Staying out of trouble, I hope.
[6:45 - 7:08] [Music]
[7:08 - 7:12] Get around him, get around him, boys.
[7:12 - 7:16] That's two mechs down. Can't we make it three?
[7:17 - 7:50] [Music]
[7:50 - 7:53] Four, we're doing good.
[7:53 - 7:58] [Music]
[7:58 - 8:00] Oh, shit.
[8:00 - 8:15] [Music]
[8:15 - 8:19] Oh, yeah. Dude, this shit's still out, dude. It's been out.
[8:19 - 8:44] [Music]
[8:44 - 8:49] Oh, shit.
[8:49 - 8:59] [Music]
[8:59 - 9:05] Oh, I don't know. I thought that was one of the enemy rounds out that started blasting, dude.
[9:05 - 9:46] [Music]
[9:46 - 9:48] Let's go.
[9:48 - 9:52] [Music]
[9:52 - 9:55] Oh, man.
[9:55 - 10:00] Hey, I got the last kill, though.
[10:00 - 10:03] As far as I know, yeah.
[10:03 - 10:22] [Music]
[10:22 - 10:31] I'm not sure if I can buy a mech. Hopefully, I can, because I would like to start upgrading some of my mechs.
[10:32 - 10:52] [Music]
[10:52 - 11:02] Let's go market. Dude, I got a lot of cash, dude.
[11:02 - 11:26] [Music]
[11:26 - 11:34] Damn, I still ain't got enough.
[11:34 - 11:42] [Music]
[11:42 - 11:46] That's right. We got this.
[11:46 - 11:54] Not too bad. Hey, Akuma, what up, dude?
[11:54 - 11:59] Oh, for sure, dude. I fuck with Battle Mech, bro. Straight up, I fuck with that game.
[11:59 - 12:19] [Music]
[12:19 - 12:25] I figured, since I ain't playing a mech game in a long-ass time, I figured, hey, why not?
[12:25 - 12:30] [Music]
[12:30 - 12:34] Dude, it's fun, man.
[12:34 - 12:39] All right, take it easy, Black. Black's gonna be safe, bud.
[12:39 - 13:37] [Music]
[13:37 - 13:41] Oh, there we go.
[13:41 - 14:32] [Music]
[14:32 - 14:36] Come on, y'all, dude. Some of that pilot shit.
[14:36 - 14:53] [Music]
[14:53 - 14:57] Hey, I held out. That wasn't bad. I held out.
[14:57 - 15:38] [Music]
[15:38 - 15:59] All right, that's one of ours, all right.
[15:59 - 16:10] I know, dude, I don't think he's shooting at me.
[16:10 - 16:37] [Music]
[16:37 - 16:40] So far, we're doing good.
[16:40 - 16:53] [Music]
[16:53 - 17:00] Yo, Cleen, all I ask you is that you don't say any other mod's names, and there's a reason for that.
[17:00 - 17:18] I can't say the reason, but when it comes to the mods, like, please don't say, you know, their names, because some of them don't want to be out there like that.
[17:18 - 17:29] So, no offense, Cleen, but...
[17:29 - 17:57] I'm going to have to remove your comment, dude. Sorry.
[17:57 - 18:03] Yo, Ross, that's because it is me, man. Who else would it be, fucker?
[18:03 - 18:06] Santa Claus?
[18:07 - 18:44] [Music]
[18:44 - 18:51] Oh, he down.
[18:51 - 19:20] Guys, one more for me, on me, on me, on me. There you go, there you go, there you go.
[19:20 - 19:48] [Music]
[19:48 - 19:53] All right, he's down, he's down, he's down.
[19:53 - 20:51] [Music]
[20:51 - 20:55] We're doing good, man, we're doing good. 17 to 11, we got this.
[20:56 - 21:29] [Music]
[21:29 - 21:47] Target acquired.
[21:47 - 22:05] Target out of sight.
[22:05 - 22:27] [Music]
[22:27 - 22:32] Damn.
[22:32 - 22:36] Hey, so far we're winning, man. 25 to 19, that's actually not bad.
[22:36 - 22:40] We out here kicking ass and taking names, boy.
[22:41 - 22:58] Enemy sighted.
[22:58 - 23:19] [Music]
[23:19 - 23:36] We out here fucking battling these guys.
[23:36 - 24:03] [Music]
[24:03 - 24:06] We're going small and nimble.
[24:06 - 24:33] [Music]
[24:33 - 24:43] Actually, I'm not, I'm actually playing real ass people, dude.
[24:43 - 24:54] Kill for this game, not very high because these guys go hardcore, dude.
[24:54 - 25:13] But that was, oh shit, we better get back in this if we want to win this.
[25:13 - 25:41] That's 33. Come on, let's get in this, boys.
[25:41 - 25:50] Hey, deception X, how you doing, man?
[25:50 - 25:59] Damn, man, we were close. We were hella close, dude.
[25:59 - 26:19] That wasn't bad.
[26:19 - 26:28] And, Tommy, see, I had to tell you, man, but after the way you disrespected me, you don't deserve my respect.
[26:28 - 26:48] After the way you did me, brother, sorry, man, you don't get that right to speak to me after you did me the way you did me, bro. Sorry.
[26:48 - 27:05] You showed your true colors on the livestream and I can't respect it. Sorry. I cannot respect so many that did me the way you did me, dude, sorry.
[27:06 - 27:34] I'm sorry.
[27:34 - 27:40] Who the fuck y'all think you shoot at?
[27:40 - 27:44] I'm wondering, looking around, like, who is this guy thinking you shoot at?
[27:44 - 27:59] I know you ain't shooting me like that, bitch. Yeah, that's what you get.
[27:59 - 28:16] I know this fool don't think you shoot at me like that.
[28:17 - 28:45] I know you ain't shooting me like that, boy. I got your number on lock, son.
[28:45 - 29:13] I'm sorry.
[29:13 - 29:31] Bro, can you imagine this shit in a full motion rig, bro? That'd be so sick.
[29:31 - 29:48] Oh, hell no. Get back here.
[29:48 - 29:56] Yeah, I do.
[29:56 - 30:05] I actually do drift comps through through games like Forza Horizon 5.
[30:05 - 30:24] A car extra. So I do do like actual drift comps and stuff.
[30:25 - 30:53] It's remaining.
[30:53 - 31:21] I'm sorry.
[31:21 - 31:46] Right in now in a ton of breaks, boy.
[31:46 - 32:15] Y'all better watch out, because the God of death is back from hell.
[32:15 - 32:44] I'm sorry.
[32:44 - 33:06] I see you trying to hide.
[33:06 - 33:10] We're doing good. We're only two and one.
[33:10 - 33:18] Oh, shit. We're tied up. Let's get it. Let's go.
[33:18 - 33:22] Oh, shit. Come on. Bring it home, boys. Bring it home. Come on. Get us up there.
[33:22 - 33:30] Get us up there.
[33:30 - 33:47] 34 to 35, man. We got this. We got this. We just got to kill two of their guys, and that shouldn't be hard.
[33:47 - 33:59] 36, 37, 36, 37. Come on, come on.
[33:59 - 34:11] Yes, 37, 37. Let's go. 38, let's go. We got this.
[34:11 - 34:24] 39. Come on, boys. Let's hold it. Hold the line, boys. Hold the line.
[34:24 - 34:53] Let's go. Got MVP on the mission success. Yeah, let's go.
[34:53 - 35:11] That's a dub.
[35:12 - 35:38] Oh, oh, oh, oh.
[35:38 - 36:07] You know, I got to play this one.
[36:07 - 36:11] It's back from him.
[36:11 - 36:36] You know, I had to do it.
[36:36 - 37:05] 42 boys. We rock, you know.
[37:05 - 37:34] 76, man. We are smoking these clowns.
[37:34 - 38:03] We got behind him.
[38:03 - 38:17] Dude, this is a close fucking fight, bro.
[38:17 - 38:46] My dead ass. This is a stupidly close fight.
[38:46 - 39:09] This is a stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
[39:09 - 39:37] That's all it is, bro.
[39:38 - 40:06] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[40:06 - 40:17] Twenty nineteen. We're doing good. We're doing good.
[40:17 - 40:43] Oh, hello.
[40:43 - 41:12] Twenty nine. We're getting it.
[41:12 - 41:32] Twenty twenty. We're bro, we're just bro. These guys are done.
[41:32 - 41:58] These guys don't stand a chance in hell at surviving.
[41:58 - 42:27] What are you guys in shadow today, man? What are you all doing?
[42:27 - 42:44] Oh, nice.
[42:44 - 43:07] What is that?
[43:07 - 43:12] Hey, let's go.
[43:12 - 43:22] Forty to thirty two, bro. That is freaking bro. That is damn.
[43:22 - 43:50] That's the plan. Yeah.
[43:50 - 43:54] Yeah, what up? Any new 360 minutes?
[43:54 - 44:01] What the fuck? Get out of here, dude.
[44:01 - 44:05] You'll come up for sure, bro. But this is neither one one of those.
[44:05 - 44:12] This is actually called Hawkins. It's actually a free to play in that game.
[44:12 - 44:27] And I want to say it's free on all platforms. I'm not sure.
[44:27 - 44:42] Yeah. Matter of fact, after this, I am going to be doing another stream right off the bat.
[44:42 - 44:49] I actually need to check some real quick.
[44:49 - 44:58] I have a balance to check and see what I got because it did show that I unlocked something. So hopefully I can add to my net.
[44:58 - 45:14] Hopefully I can upgrade some weaponry.
[45:14 - 45:43] Oh, I can. Let's go.
[45:43 - 46:12] Oh, I see.
[46:12 - 46:25] It's actually not that hard, dude.
[46:25 - 46:54] Time involves one or ten ball.
[46:54 - 47:01] I'm about to end there right here. I'm about to chill for a bit that I'm about to do something again.
[47:01 - 47:08] I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I don't know if I'm going to do Fortnite or what, but I'm going to chill for a bit.
[47:08 - 47:14] Hopefully you all did enjoy this. We all did. You already know what to do. Be sure to smack that like button and subscribe button in the notification bell down below.
[47:14 - 47:18] And I'll catch you guys in the next video, man. Love y'all. Peace.
[47:18 - 47:20] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '3864' on August 20th, 2024