Original upload date: August 9th, 2023 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:21] Alright so you know I can say my interest is solely and what could Mr. Wilkins say that is remotely interesting. I haven't been watching him, I don't know what he's been up to and that's the facts. Oh wow and here he is, okay. Hey, Cyraxx, what's going on?
[0:21 - 0:26] Marty, the time has come for you to be exposed for your sexual deeds.
[0:26 - 0:55] So my sexual deeds, you know what I'm talking about. Okay, well, how are you explain the truth about how you MusicBizMarty aka Nickolas Biegler, yeah, you sat there and explained to them to the people, how you sat there and catfished me for pornographic videos.
[0:55 - 1:22] That you then posted up on sites like this. I'm exposing you Marty, this is what you do. You see this everyone, this is what Marty did and the reason why that video is not up anymore, I managed to get it removed several times and there's more sites like this all over the internet.
[1:22 - 1:37] This right here ladies and gentlemen is proof that MusicBizMarty is a terroristic, pedophilic, monstrous piece of shit. Shut up Nick.
[1:37 - 1:48] Oh, oh, so yeah, I was gonna ask you is the time you shoved a spinner down your dick, a stylus up your ass or stuffed under pee holes. No, it's a time to jerk off with pepperoni.
[1:48 - 2:04] See there's so many why me so true Marty, put your God in America while you turn your goddamn camera on you fake. So, who's your man Marty, who's the real sex face me like a man you piece of shit.
[2:04 - 2:12] Let's face it Marty, you don't have it. Remember, remember it happened the last time I faced like a man.
[2:12 - 2:26] Your nose still looks fucked up. How many people have you done this to Marty. I didn't even do this. Yes you did and you know it. You know you didn't do it.
[2:26 - 2:36] How does a man make another man jerk off of pepperoni Cyrax that's my question to you, like how does this play out. There's so many videos to you think you would learn by some point.
[2:36 - 2:49] The answer is very simple Nick, it's called you fucking blackmail me, and you sat there and catfish me and you know it. And you know how you know exactly how.
[2:49 - 3:06] Let's be honest Marty. If you want to gay for me, then why do I still have that screenshot of what you said to your ex violent about how you were gay for me, and how if I didn't do what you wanted to do that I can leave on the streets
[3:06 - 3:17] in a ditch or die somewhere. Why is it that I have proof of you saying they're saying, yeah you either want me dead in prison or in a psych ward because I didn't do what you wanted.
[3:17 - 3:24] The answer is simple Marty, that's because you are a terrorist cult leader.
[3:24 - 3:41] You're a piece of shit. You're a fucking asshole who needs to be exposed Mari. You're a piece of shit. So in your mind, you showing the link to a video of you jerking off of pepperoni somehow exposes me.
[3:41 - 3:51] And more and more than certainly does money because you're the one that catfish me into doing it. All those fake accounts.
[3:51 - 4:09] All those fake girls money, ring around money all those fake, all those people that you pretend to be all those people that you set up, and pretend to be just to get videos on me, so that you can do your sick twisted little bullshit and post the videos up.
[4:09 - 4:15] It's not funny. It wasn't nobody else could around. So, you're cleaning out with sexual deviant.
[4:15 - 4:24] Because there's videos of you jerking off of pepperoni shoving pens up your ass, eating the pepperoni, shoving things down your pea hole.
[4:24 - 4:30] Like, in what world does this make any sense I asked for one to tell you the truth it wasn't even me but I did receive it.
[4:30 - 4:38] I didn't enjoy watching it as well you can feel everyone to about that money you don't get it do you know, I guess not, you really fucking don't get it.
[4:38 - 4:49] It wasn't nobody else but you Nick, because around that time, Gordon Gordon wasn't around, CBG wasn't around, none of the other trolls around so who else can me.
[4:49 - 4:58] So, Cyrax, I'd ask you this, how do you fall for this so many fucking times like to even talk to the woman to even hear a woman's voice.
[4:58 - 5:03] Like, I would hope that you did I know one person that got all the Fidget spinner stuff.
[5:03 - 5:07] I know who did that I can tell you who does these things.
[5:07 - 5:18] And you know what's funny, Marty, every time that kind of shit pops up. Yeah, it's pretty odd that you're at the helm of the blackmailing list when it comes to me.
[5:18 - 5:23] You blackmailed Marty, how many, how many people before me.
[5:23 - 5:29] So, I tell you this that if I was the head of all of us, and there's multiple victims.
[5:29 - 5:32] Who else have I made jerk off of pepperoni.
[5:32 - 5:36] Who else have I made people shove things up their ass like name one other person.
[5:36 - 5:42] Sorry, the common denominator and all this is you, you're the one who constantly does this because you're a sick fuck.
[5:42 - 5:52] Now the common denominator here is you Marty, you pathetic scumbag piece of shit. It's you, you're the common denominator Marty.
[5:52 - 6:04] You killed those prostitutes. You killed Jamie, you blackmailed me, you extorted me, nah shut the fuck up unless you fucking pet him, you extorted me for those videos.
[6:04 - 6:08] Let's be honest, Marty. There's a video of you on fucking.
[6:08 - 6:16] So look, expose me, how does this process play out, like, how did I talk you into jerking off with pepperoni, because I don't remember.
[6:16 - 6:22] But tell all these people how that scenario plays out. Like, I'm sure they're genuinely curious.
[6:22 - 6:30] That's the thing are you say you don't. But you remember, because you're just trying to learn your way out of there like a little bitch.
[6:30 - 6:37] What's the matter, Marty, you mad, because myself and my team are fighting back against you.
[6:37 - 6:56] What's the matter Nicholas Bichler, faggot bitch Marty, pale bitch Marty, sandwich bitch eater Marty, murderer Marty, killer Marty, sick fuck bitch Marty, pale looking motherfucking bald ass cue ball bitch.
[6:56 - 7:06] The dumb fuck who thinks he's a badass but ain't. You know what's funny about you Marty, you think that you're a tough guy, you ain't shit you fat fucking tub of lard.
[7:06 - 7:23] I look at you, you're 300 pounds bro. You do not want to waste your goddamn life away. You sat there and had a woman pretending to be a child, and then you sat there and told them to take their clothes off, which I sponged you for.
[7:23 - 7:29] So you're saying that when you send your penis picture that the child took their clothes off for you.
[7:29 - 7:32] What are you talking about. What's the matter, Nick.
[7:32 - 7:36] No, I'm curious here. Elaborate here. What are you talking about here.
[7:36 - 7:42] That was the truth, Nick. You ain't curious. You're just playing stupid. You're playing.
[7:42 - 7:47] So look, yeah, of course I'm well aware of all this stuff so why don't you tell everyone here what happened.
[7:47 - 7:51] You're not just now aware of all this. You've been aware of this motherfucker.
[7:51 - 7:55] Yeah, I'm totally aware. Why don't you tell everyone then what happened so you can expose me.
[7:55 - 8:11] You're not just saying pattern of what you do and stop fucking muting me. You're mad because I'm exposing you. You're mad because I'm telling the truth of the shit that you blackmailed me into doing by phone.
[8:11 - 8:24] Cyrax, how does somebody blackmail another person in the jerking off of Toproni? Like, I'm genuinely curious. I mean, I'm sorry, I know, but these people are curious and they want you to expose me.
[8:24 - 8:38] You guys want the truth? This fucking scumbag, music fucking bitch terrorist cult leader Marty, your fearless leader, is nothing more than a false prophet piece of shit.
[8:38 - 8:43] Oh, what's the matter, Nick? You're mad because I'm exposing your facts.
[8:43 - 8:48] So expose me for the Paparoni thing so that people will get a better understanding of how that plays out.
[8:48 - 8:55] You know what's funny, Marty? You say that you're not responsible for not having to shut the fuck up and listen up, you faggot.
[8:55 - 9:06] It's pretty funny how you said that you're not responsible for all that shit, but yet there's been tons of proof showing that you've got a hard-on for me.
[9:06 - 9:13] There's been tons of proof, so it's pretty ironic how you have a hard-on for me.
[9:13 - 9:20] Look, I won't admit I'm attracted to you, people mold out, but I'm curious how a man makes another man jerk off of Paparoni.
[9:20 - 9:25] Hey, fat ass, stop fucking losing yourself and shut the fuck up, you faggot motherfucker.
[9:25 - 9:26] Right, right, right.
[9:26 - 9:29] Sit down and shut your bitch ass up and faggot.
[9:29 - 9:33] Hey, why don't you go back and rob Burger King in fact, bitch?
[9:33 - 9:38] How about you fucking hit the treadmill? How about you hit the goddamn treadmill for a PR?
[9:38 - 9:45] If you might have fucked and lose that fucking beer though, you guy, you drunk piece of-- you drunk ass piece of shit.
[9:45 - 9:52] But that's all you are. You're a drunk fucking tug of art, you're a piece of shit, and you're a pill-popping druggie.
[9:52 - 9:56] And we all know this, Marty, you're a fucking--
[9:56 - 10:02] Look, let's assume that those things were true, and you know, you might not be off base, especially the part about me being attracted to you.
[10:02 - 10:05] Um, I still absolutely annihilated you, Syrax.
[10:05 - 10:09] Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
[10:09 - 10:14] I'm assuming it might be true, more like it is true, and you know it.
[10:14 - 10:19] You're just meeting me because you're afraid of the truth, ain't you, Nick?
[10:19 - 10:20] Bitch, let me go to court, then.
[10:20 - 10:29] You're so delusional, and you know it.
[10:29 - 10:31] This is too good.
[10:31 - 10:37] Now shut the fuck up and don't meet me because I'm about to lay out all the facts, boy.
[10:37 - 10:40] Y'all want to know the real fucking truth?
[10:40 - 10:44] Let me fucking explain it to you, and I want y'all to think about this.
[10:44 - 10:51] Isn't it pretty strange how Marty says there are claims that he doesn't know what I'm talking about,
[10:51 - 10:59] but yet, as you all know, I've shown in the past the screenshots that he sent his ex,
[10:59 - 11:05] or the messages that he sent his ex, Violet, by the way, shout out Violet,
[11:05 - 11:11] who then sent me the screenshots of you saying that you were gay for me, and that--
[11:11 - 11:14] So, have you ever considered that was bait, Cyrax?
[11:14 - 11:18] Marty, what's the matter, Nick?
[11:18 - 11:20] You don't want to hear the fucking truth.
[11:20 - 11:22] The truth hurts that fuck.
[11:22 - 11:24] The truth hurts--
[11:24 - 11:26] Have you considered that was bait at any point?
[11:26 - 11:28] Oh, what's the matter, Marty?
[11:28 - 11:30] You afraid of the fucking goddamn truth?
[11:30 - 11:32] You piece of shit.
[11:32 - 11:35] You terrorist cult leader with your motherfucker.
[11:35 - 11:38] You tell a damn fucking looking asshole.
[11:38 - 11:41] Well, damn looking motherfucker.
[11:41 - 11:43] You Osama bin Laden looking a little one of these bitch.
[11:43 - 11:46] I don't know, what are you, the next one of the Osama bin Laden?
[11:46 - 11:49] Is that what you're trying to be, the next one of the Osama?
[11:49 - 11:50] Sure.
[11:50 - 11:51] All right, come on, bro.
[11:51 - 11:52] You ain't no terrorist.
[11:52 - 11:55] You're a fat fucking cranky old man.
[11:55 - 11:57] You just said I wasn't terrorist.
[11:57 - 11:59] Make up your mind here, Cyrax.
[11:59 - 12:02] Oh, what's the matter, Nicholas Bichler?
[12:02 - 12:04] I'm sorry, that's not Nicholas Bichler.
[12:04 - 12:08] That's Nicholas the kiddie diddler, Nicholas the fag,
[12:08 - 12:13] Nicholas the bitch, Nicholas the fat ass, Nicholas the slob.
[12:13 - 12:17] I trust you, I know about how you fucking hire mates to do your fucking work.
[12:17 - 12:22] Mark that you can do your fucking self, but you're too fucking lazy to do.
[12:22 - 12:27] Do you remember that time that your grandma screamed at you for not doing the laundry
[12:27 - 12:32] and you said that your job in the house was keeping the trolls off her family's back?
[12:32 - 12:33] Do you remember that?
[12:33 - 12:34] A fucking truth.
[12:34 - 12:35] You guys want the truth?
[12:35 - 12:38] Marty, stop fucking meeting me right now,
[12:38 - 12:40] because I'm getting tired of your fucking crap.
[12:40 - 12:41] These people want--
[12:41 - 12:50] What's the matter, Nick?
[12:50 - 12:56] How long you flew up to this pepperoni dick, I would've gone.
[12:56 - 12:57] Hey, Nick.
[12:57 - 13:01] Why don't you go make sure I got you that king porn you got on your computer, bitch?
[13:01 - 13:02] Oh, that was you, dude.
[13:02 - 13:03] That was you.
[13:03 - 13:04] No, that was you.
[13:04 - 13:06] I always be honest here, Marty.
[13:06 - 13:08] You're the one that can't handle the truth.
[13:08 - 13:10] That's why you're muting me.
[13:10 - 13:12] These people want the truth.
[13:12 - 13:15] Allow me to give them the truth.
[13:15 - 13:16] Okay.
[13:16 - 13:17] By the way, I forgot.
[13:17 - 13:22] You don't want that, because it'll make you look like the piece of shit that you are.
[13:22 - 13:24] What's the matter, Nick?
[13:24 - 13:26] You're afraid of getting fucking exposed?
[13:26 - 13:27] Go on, please.
[13:27 - 13:28] You're afraid of me, motherfucker?
[13:28 - 13:29] Do it.
[13:29 - 13:31] You should be afraid.
[13:31 - 13:38] Because like I said, me and my team at Sneaky Gym, we're coming after that ass, boy.
[13:38 - 13:43] You know Sneaky Gym is not a real person, right?
[13:43 - 13:47] You know what's funny, Nicholas Fagler?
[13:47 - 13:49] The fact that you have no honor.
[13:49 - 13:51] You have no respect.
[13:51 - 13:52] What do you mean?
[13:52 - 13:53] You have no honor.
[13:53 - 13:54] You have no code.
[13:54 - 13:57] You have no respect for anything or anyone.
[13:59 - 14:05] Why would I respect a guy who makes no money, who jerks off a pepperoni, who raped a blind kid,
[14:05 - 14:08] who strangled his grandmother, who's going to jail?
[14:08 - 14:10] What's the respect about that?
[14:10 - 14:12] How could anyone respect you?
[14:12 - 14:13] You know what's funny, Marty?
[14:13 - 14:21] Unlike you, I don't have to sit there and resort to bullying and extorting people.
[14:21 - 14:22] You're bullying me right now.
[14:22 - 14:24] I'm sorry.
[14:24 - 14:25] Actually.
[14:25 - 14:31] Unlike you, I don't have to resort to extorting people for sexual images to get money.
[14:31 - 14:33] That's you, motherfucker.
[14:33 - 14:34] That's you.
[14:34 - 14:36] Let's be honest here, Nick.
[14:36 - 14:39] You're a fucking petal little bitch.
[14:39 - 14:41] Let's be honest here, Marty.
[14:41 - 14:45] You murdered three women, one of them who was a good friend of mine.
[14:45 - 14:47] Let's be honest here, Nick.
[14:47 - 14:48] You're a druggie.
[14:48 - 14:50] You're a fucking drunk.
[14:50 - 14:51] You're a laziest fuck.
[14:51 - 14:53] You're a fucking songman, bro.
[14:53 - 14:56] At least when I dress up, I look good.
[14:56 - 15:00] When you dress up, you look like I want to be fucking Oompa Loompa, man.
[15:00 - 15:01] Look at you.
[15:01 - 15:02] Sorry, Ax.
[15:02 - 15:04] Yeah, I mean, I don't think you're a very handsome guy.
[15:04 - 15:07] That's a given.
[15:07 - 15:09] I'll give you that.
[15:09 - 15:11] Let's be honest here, Marty.
[15:11 - 15:15] You held your ex-girlfriend hostage in your own home.
[15:15 - 15:16] What sneaked you?
[15:16 - 15:21] What she then had to make an excuse to get away from your ass.
[15:21 - 15:22] Why?
[15:22 - 15:24] Because you're a fucking murderer.
[15:24 - 15:30] You sent all of the ante to my house to kidnap me so that you could then try to kill me
[15:30 - 15:35] because you knew damn well that I would expose you if I didn't.
[15:35 - 15:36] Let's be honest here, man.
[15:36 - 15:37] You said--
[15:37 - 15:38] Thanks.
[15:38 - 15:42] I often wonder if you actually got sent away to a mental institute,
[15:42 - 15:44] which I think is going to be the ultimate court case,
[15:44 - 15:48] if you'd be able to snap out of all this managing man stuff
[15:48 - 15:53] and realize there's this sad little man who has no talent,
[15:53 - 15:54] who makes no money,
[15:54 - 15:56] and it's just something that everybody laughs at.
[15:56 - 16:00] Like, I wonder if you could actually snap out of this mind frame that you're in.
[16:00 - 16:02] To be honest, I think you're too far gone.
[16:02 - 16:04] You know what's funny, Marty?
[16:04 - 16:05] You're a habitual liar.
[16:05 - 16:06] Really?
[16:06 - 16:07] You really are.
[16:07 - 16:11] You're a pathological, habitual liar, and you know it.
[16:11 - 16:12] What am I lying about?
[16:12 - 16:13] Everything.
[16:13 - 16:16] You never tell the truth about anything.
[16:16 - 16:17] What am I lying about?
[16:17 - 16:18] Let's face it, Marty.
[16:18 - 16:23] I mean, it's pretty odd to me that how the minute I start exposing you,
[16:23 - 16:26] you send RV Andy after me, you send--
[16:26 - 16:27] I don't deal with those guys.
[16:27 - 16:30] So, Mr. Truth Teller, and I've been wondering about this.
[16:30 - 16:31] I saw this video the other day.
[16:31 - 16:33] Where's your Apple Watch at?
[16:33 - 16:34] Well, let's discuss it.
[16:34 - 16:37] Where's your real $400 smart watch at?
[16:37 - 16:38] I'm just curious.
[16:38 - 16:39] Can you answer that one?
[16:39 - 16:40] I know you won't.
[16:40 - 16:43] I know you won't, but people have been asking or curious.
[16:43 - 16:45] You know what's funny?
[16:45 - 16:47] Your version of a conversation--
[16:47 - 16:49] No, you're shut the fuck up.
[16:49 - 16:52] No, shut your bitch ass up, boy.
[16:52 - 16:56] Shut your faggot, Taoist, non-rapid habit ass up, bro.
[16:56 - 16:57] Okay.
[16:57 - 16:59] All right, let's be honest here, Marty.
[16:59 - 17:04] Your version of a conversation is you victimizing a person,
[17:04 - 17:06] and you getting them to do what you want.
[17:06 - 17:08] That's your version of a conversation.
[17:08 - 17:13] My version of a conversation is the real version of--
[17:13 - 17:16] Your version of a conversation is screaming over people,
[17:16 - 17:17] not answering any questions,
[17:17 - 17:19] because you're too retarded to answer any questions.
[17:19 - 17:21] You can't handle the truth.
[17:21 - 17:22] That's your version of a conversation.
[17:22 - 17:24] Now, what I'm going to do is this.
[17:24 - 17:26] You're the first off, you're going to sit the fuck down,
[17:26 - 17:28] you're going to shut the fuck up,
[17:28 - 17:30] and you're not going to mute me because--
[17:30 - 17:36] Yes.
[17:36 - 17:37] On my way out.
[17:41 - 17:44] Why you mean me, bitch? You scared me?
[17:44 - 17:46] You pussy motherfucker, you scared?
[17:46 - 17:47] It's true to you.
[17:47 - 17:48] Oh, what's the matter?
[17:48 - 17:51] You don't want your people knowing the truth, Marty.
[17:51 - 17:55] Yeah, well, everyone knows the truth about you, Cyrax.
[17:55 - 17:57] I love that your initial argument is,
[17:57 - 18:00] to expose me to sexual deviant,
[18:00 - 18:03] you show me a link to a video of you jerking off a pepperoni.
[18:03 - 18:04] How does that make sense?
[18:04 - 18:08] That's why you got caught swinging on a black dude, right?
[18:08 - 18:10] That's why you got caught swinging on a motherfucker.
[18:10 - 18:12] We all saw the video.
[18:12 - 18:15] That dude wasn't doing shit and you swung on the poor guy.
[18:15 - 18:16] Who?
[18:16 - 18:19] Which honestly, I'm surprised that motherfucker didn't beat your ass.
[18:19 - 18:21] Oh, what's the matter, Nick?
[18:21 - 18:23] Marty, let's be honest.
[18:23 - 18:26] You and I both know that if it comes down to a real fight,
[18:26 - 18:28] you can't do shit to beat me.
[18:28 - 18:30] You and I both--
[18:30 - 18:33] Thankfully, I'm going to be there for your court date.
[18:33 - 18:35] So you'll have every opportunity.
[18:35 - 18:37] You'll have every opportunity, dude.
[18:37 - 18:38] No, you're not.
[18:38 - 18:40] I'm going to make damn sure that you're not there.
[18:40 - 18:41] Why?
[18:41 - 18:43] Because I am going to explain to them what you've done to me
[18:43 - 18:46] and how you harassed me and how you go after me,
[18:46 - 18:48] you faggot-ass motherfucker.
[18:48 - 18:50] And yes, I will have all the proof.
[18:50 - 18:51] Come on, Wakes.
[18:51 - 18:53] You're going to get fucking hurt again.
[18:53 - 18:57] Hey, Marty, do yourself a favor and fuck off and don't show up.
[18:57 - 19:01] Because if you do, your ass is going to jail, faggot.
[19:01 - 19:03] I promise you that.
[19:03 - 19:05] I promise you, you show up.
[19:05 - 19:08] It's a one-way ticket to prison time for your bitch ass.
[19:08 - 19:11] Big Bo is going to love damn tunes, Marty.
[19:11 - 19:13] Big Bo is going to love damn tunes.
[19:13 - 19:14] Dude, I'm not facing any charges.
[19:14 - 19:15] That's you.
[19:15 - 19:16] That's you, Cyrax.
[19:16 - 19:17] Not me.
[19:17 - 19:18] I know.
[19:18 - 19:19] You want to know what's funny, Marty?
[19:19 - 19:21] I know for a fact that I ain't going to jail.
[19:21 - 19:23] I know I ain't going to jail.
[19:23 - 19:24] Why?
[19:24 - 19:26] See?
[19:26 - 19:28] That ain't your goddamn business.
[19:28 - 19:32] Are you talking to a troll who is acting as your lawyer
[19:32 - 19:34] and you're so stupid that you actually fucking believe it?
[19:34 - 19:37] This is something I notice about you, Marty.
[19:37 - 19:40] Every time somebody exposes you,
[19:40 - 19:43] you either mute them or you're running high.
[19:43 - 19:46] Because you're scared of the truth.
[19:46 - 19:50] Because you know damn well if all your victims fought back,
[19:50 - 19:53] your ass would either be dead or in jail.
[19:53 - 19:54] Well, guess what?
[19:54 - 19:57] I'm going to be that motherfucker that will make sure
[19:57 - 20:01] you end up in prison for the rest of your natural fucking life.
[20:01 - 20:03] Why don't you just beat me to death?
[20:03 - 20:05] Like, why not do that?
[20:05 - 20:06] Yeah.
[20:06 - 20:07] Marty, face it.
[20:07 - 20:09] You and I both know.
[20:09 - 20:14] Because you're like four, 11, 85 pounds a week.
[20:14 - 20:16] Oh, what's the matter, Marty?
[20:16 - 20:18] You afraid of myself and the shadow collected?
[20:18 - 20:19] Yeah.
[20:19 - 20:22] I don't even know what that is.
[20:22 - 20:23] Oh, trust me.
[20:23 - 20:27] You'll find out soon enough.
[20:27 - 20:29] Because, Marty, I'm going to tell you this.
[20:29 - 20:31] You're a piece of shit.
[20:31 - 20:33] Well, what's his other little game called?
[20:33 - 20:36] Like, is when he put on, like, the night's mask.
[20:36 - 20:39] And, like, welcome to-- fuck.
[20:39 - 20:44] It's escaping me.
[20:44 - 20:46] Yeah, it's funny about you, Marty.
[20:46 - 20:48] You're so fucking money drunk that you
[20:48 - 20:51] can't tell reality from fiction.
[20:51 - 20:52] What do you mean?
[20:52 - 20:54] You're so fucking drunk for money.
[20:54 - 20:57] That's why Sarah left your ass.
[20:57 - 20:59] That's why she left you.
[20:59 - 21:01] You're a drunk piece of shit.
[21:01 - 21:02] You're a slob.
[21:02 - 21:05] And you don't give a fuck about anything else
[21:05 - 21:08] or anywhere else except yourself
[21:08 - 21:10] and your shitty, bullying ass,
[21:10 - 21:13] terroristic cult leader content.
[21:13 - 21:15] That's all you give a fuck about.
[21:15 - 21:17] Oh, by the way, your current girlfriend,
[21:17 - 21:19] I know about that.
[21:19 - 21:22] She's a fucking troll, just like you.
[21:22 - 21:23] She's trolling you, motherfucker.
[21:23 - 21:25] And you don't even see it.
[21:25 - 21:29] But what's the angle? What's she getting out of it?
[21:29 - 21:33] I'm exposing the fuck out of you.
[21:33 - 21:34] Okay.
[21:34 - 21:36] All right, that makes a lot of sense.
[21:36 - 21:38] All right, let's be honest here, Marty.
[21:38 - 21:40] Hey, I mean, it's pretty odd, Marty.
[21:40 - 21:43] That how every time someone exposes you,
[21:43 - 21:46] you try to do away with them.
[21:46 - 21:48] So what's your end game here?
[21:48 - 21:49] Do you?
[21:49 - 21:50] What?
[21:50 - 21:53] Like, what's the end game here?
[21:53 - 21:55] Can you fill me in on that?
[21:55 - 21:57] You want to know my end game, Marty?
[21:57 - 21:58] I'll tell you my end game.
[21:58 - 21:59] You're a little retired.
[21:59 - 22:01] You're a little invalid.
[22:01 - 22:02] You're going to jail.
[22:02 - 22:03] Like, I don't care what your end game is
[22:03 - 22:04] because you fail at everything.
[22:04 - 22:06] You've talked about all these plans for years
[22:06 - 22:08] and it literally fails every single time.
[22:08 - 22:10] So I'm asking what Jamie's on the game is.
[22:10 - 22:13] You really want to know what my end game is?
[22:13 - 22:14] No, I don't care.
[22:14 - 22:16] I don't care what you think or what your plans are
[22:16 - 22:19] because you literally fail at everything.
[22:19 - 22:21] You can't even be quiet.
[22:21 - 22:23] You can't even have a conversation like a human being.
[22:23 - 22:25] You know, it's funny, Marty.
[22:25 - 22:26] You say you don't care for yet.
[22:26 - 22:30] All your video titles, all your edits have to do with me.
[22:30 - 22:34] That's really showing that, you know.
[22:34 - 22:36] I have not been talking about you.
[22:36 - 22:39] As a matter of fact, you had a risky beg
[22:39 - 22:41] for a steam air link and, like,
[22:41 - 22:43] I haven't been talking about you.
[22:43 - 22:44] You get jealous when you don't pay attention to me,
[22:44 - 22:45] but you're done.
[22:45 - 22:46] You're yesterday's news.
[22:46 - 22:47] They're going to jail.
[22:47 - 22:48] No one cares about you anymore.
[22:48 - 22:50] You can't say anything that you haven't said before.
[22:50 - 22:53] There's this sick little man child,
[22:53 - 22:55] Roddy Wayne, his addict,
[22:55 - 22:57] and everyone's tired of you, and that's the facts, man.
[22:57 - 22:59] No, everyone's tired of your ass.
[22:59 - 23:00] Okay.
[23:00 - 23:01] That's the truth, Marty.
[23:01 - 23:03] Everyone hates you.
[23:03 - 23:04] No one likes you, and honestly,
[23:04 - 23:06] there's a lot of people that wish that you were dead.
[23:06 - 23:08] And guess what?
[23:08 - 23:09] I'm sure that that's true.
[23:09 - 23:10] Like, sorry.
[23:10 - 23:13] So, I'm getting less viewers now that you're on here.
[23:13 - 23:15] I'm getting less money now that you're on here.
[23:15 - 23:17] Is there anything you want to, like, wrap it up with?
[23:17 - 23:18] Like, do you have anything you want to say?
[23:18 - 23:20] Like, I'm losing interest in you.
[23:20 - 23:24] I'm having fun exposing your ass for the piece of shit you are.
[23:24 - 23:27] So, so far,
[23:27 - 23:31] I allegedly have gotten pepperoni jerk-off videos out of you.
[23:31 - 23:33] Like, that's not even true,
[23:33 - 23:37] but I would say you're exposing yourself more than anything in our SIRACs.
[23:37 - 23:38] Oh, it's funny, Marty.
[23:38 - 23:40] It's pretty odd that you sat there and said,
[23:40 - 23:44] and I'm going to let the chat figure this one out.
[23:44 - 23:47] I'm going to let the chat come to their own conclusion on this.
[23:47 - 23:49] But for all y'all in the chat,
[23:49 - 23:51] I want y'all to think about this for a moment.
[23:51 - 23:54] Don't you guys find it pretty weird?
[23:54 - 23:59] And how Marty says that he doesn't remember that.
[23:59 - 24:01] But yeah, during that time period...
[24:01 - 24:03] No, so look,
[24:03 - 24:06] I was trying to get you to go down the process
[24:06 - 24:11] of how you are compelled to jerk off with pepperoni,
[24:11 - 24:13] film it, and send it to a person on the internet,
[24:13 - 24:16] after you get caught shoving things up your ass,
[24:16 - 24:18] after you get caught shoving things down your pee hole.
[24:18 - 24:21] Like, once you question maybe this is a boy,
[24:21 - 24:24] maybe this is just the same old...
[24:24 - 24:26] As Jimmy says, "Okie doke,"
[24:26 - 24:29] like, how many times does that happen before you realize,
[24:29 - 24:32] you know what, maybe it's not a woman on the other end,
[24:32 - 24:35] or maybe they're just trying to expose me for being sick and degenerate,
[24:35 - 24:38] and maybe they're not actually turning on my pepperoni,
[24:38 - 24:41] they just want to make a fool out of me for the thousandth time.
[24:41 - 24:43] Like, how does that not run through your head, SIRACs?
[24:43 - 24:47] Hey Marty, you know what, man?
[24:47 - 24:48] You know what, man?
[24:48 - 24:49] You know what, dude?
[24:49 - 24:52] You should seriously be a stand-up comedian, man,
[24:52 - 24:54] because you're calling me, you're calling me,
[24:54 - 24:56] you're so fucking hilarious.
[24:56 - 24:58] You're so delusional that you're...
[24:58 - 25:04] Dude, like, you're so fucking delusional that it's actually funny.
[25:04 - 25:07] I mean, Marty, why don't you tell the truth, man?
[25:07 - 25:10] Why are you sitting there talking about me?
[25:10 - 25:12] How about we talk about you?
[25:12 - 25:17] And how you blackmailed me by phone call,
[25:17 - 25:21] select voice messages on my mom's phone blackmailing me.
[25:21 - 25:25] Tell them how, tell me and my mom how.
[25:25 - 25:30] If I don't do what you want, certain things are going to happen.
[25:30 - 25:32] Certain things are going to happen.
[25:32 - 25:35] Oh, you're making me do this.
[25:35 - 25:37] Oh, you're making me do that.
[25:37 - 25:40] Oh, if you don't do this, this is going to happen.
[25:40 - 25:43] I mean, it's pretty ironic, Marty.
[25:43 - 25:46] Was that how I got the pepperoni jerk-off video?
[25:46 - 25:48] Yeah, it is, actually.
[25:48 - 25:51] So you said that I pretend to be a girl.
[25:51 - 25:55] So a girl contacted you and said,
[25:55 - 25:58] "Hey, Cyrax, if you don't do this and that,
[25:58 - 26:01] I'm going to go after you and your family."
[26:01 - 26:04] That's exactly what you did, you know it.
[26:04 - 26:07] That's exactly what you did, Marty, and you know it.
[26:07 - 26:10] Marty, let's be honest.
[26:10 - 26:13] You're a fucking terrorist scumbag.
[26:13 - 26:17] Like I said, when myself and the Shadow Collective come after you
[26:17 - 26:22] and shut you and CBG and William Glory fag down
[26:22 - 26:26] and all your little cult friends.
[26:26 - 26:28] All right, so I'll wrap it up here.
[26:28 - 26:29] I'm getting tired of you.
[26:29 - 26:32] People are going weary of your mental illness,
[26:32 - 26:36] and you're rambling like, "Let's put a period on this
[26:36 - 26:38] and call it a night."
[26:38 - 26:39] Mm-mm.
[26:39 - 26:40] No.
[26:40 - 26:41] No, no, no.
[26:41 - 26:45] I'm not, I'm not, I'm not exposing your ass.
[26:45 - 26:49] How about we put you in the spotlight here, Marty?
[26:49 - 26:54] Why do you explain to these people how you sit there
[26:54 - 27:02] whenever your drunk is fucked and you sit there
[27:02 - 27:06] and you send threatening voicemails to my moms
[27:06 - 27:08] on her voicemail?
[27:08 - 27:11] Why don't you explain to them how you called her a cunt,
[27:11 - 27:13] left her a voicemail on her phone,
[27:13 - 27:15] being nasty as fuck.
[27:15 - 27:17] Why don't you take that back?
[27:17 - 27:20] Your mother is a burnt-up retard and your granny's a cunt.
[27:20 - 27:23] Let me correct myself on that one.
[27:23 - 27:27] Ah, that right there just shows that you're a piece of shit.
[27:27 - 27:30] And that you give no fuck about anybody but yourself.
[27:30 - 27:32] Let's be honest, burger boy.
[27:32 - 27:35] I mean, you murdered three people.
[27:35 - 27:39] You murdered two prostitutes, my good friend Jamie Nicole.
[27:39 - 27:41] So, I've never been charged for any of that, Cyrax,
[27:41 - 27:42] because it's not true.
[27:42 - 27:45] You would think that maybe I would have been arrested.
[27:45 - 27:48] Maybe there'd be some sort of investigation.
[27:48 - 27:49] But there wasn't.
[27:49 - 27:51] And you want to know what's funny?
[27:51 - 27:53] I know why you tried to have me killed
[27:53 - 27:56] because you knew damn well that I was exposing you.
[27:56 - 27:58] So, you paid someone else to try to kill me.
[27:58 - 28:02] And that person being the motherfucker that showed up here in that mass,
[28:02 - 28:06] he's the motherfucker that you paid to show up here to kill me
[28:06 - 28:08] because you knew damn well.
[28:08 - 28:10] You knew damn well.
[28:10 - 28:13] Do you like think at all before you say things?
[28:13 - 28:15] Or just like seeing thoughts come to your mind?
[28:15 - 28:17] You spit it out.
[28:17 - 28:20] Okay, Cyrax, seriously, let's put a rap on it here.
[28:20 - 28:22] It's getting old.
[28:22 - 28:24] You're never going to change.
[28:24 - 28:26] Oh, what's the matter, Marty?
[28:26 - 28:28] Are you mad because I'm exposing you?
[28:28 - 28:30] Is that why you're running because you're scared?
[28:30 - 28:32] You pussy motherfucker.
[28:32 - 28:34] I thought you were a tough guy.
[28:34 - 28:36] I thought you were a badass.
[28:36 - 28:37] Why are you running?
[28:37 - 28:39] Why are you being all caught bitch?
[28:39 - 28:41] Why are you running, scared boy?
[28:41 - 28:44] I've just heard this for years.
[28:44 - 28:46] I've heard this for years.
[28:46 - 28:50] Cyrax, there's a reason the police call you a mentally ill person, a 43.
[28:50 - 28:51] You know what I mean?
[28:51 - 28:53] There's a reason you're a 23 in high school.
[28:53 - 28:58] There's a reason that you're going to get put into a group home.
[28:58 - 29:00] And that's because you're insane.
[29:00 - 29:03] Now, it's because you pay them off.
[29:03 - 29:04] They're corrupt.
[29:04 - 29:05] You pay those motherfuckers.
[29:05 - 29:09] That's why you got to play with the salt in me.
[29:09 - 29:10] Why?
[29:10 - 29:11] Because you paid them off.
[29:11 - 29:12] Right.
[29:12 - 29:15] There are a couple of Akron PD officers that are corrupt.
[29:15 - 29:18] Because see, I have it all figured out.
[29:18 - 29:22] You and wouldn't work together with the Akron PD to make me look
[29:22 - 29:24] like a 43.
[29:24 - 29:25] You paid them off.
[29:25 - 29:27] Because you don't want to get in trouble.
[29:27 - 29:31] Because you ain't ever had anything go wrong for you.
[29:31 - 29:34] Because daddy was always there to bail your ass out.
[29:34 - 29:38] So now that daddy's not around, you have to resort to paying
[29:38 - 29:42] off the cops with your fucking bullshit ass fucking
[29:42 - 29:46] terroristic money that you get off your terrorist petal
[29:46 - 29:48] little fucking followers.
[29:48 - 29:52] What do I pay them off?
[29:52 - 29:54] You get paid by your followers.
[29:54 - 29:57] You get paid by your little cult followers to do what you
[29:57 - 29:58] do.
[29:58 - 29:59] That's how you rail.
[29:59 - 30:00] Shut the fuck up.
[30:00 - 30:02] That's how you were able to pay off the cops.
[30:02 - 30:03] Just keep that.
[30:03 - 30:05] That's how you're doing all this, Marty.
[30:05 - 30:08] I'm telling you right now, Marty.
[30:08 - 30:11] I'm telling you right now, fat fuck, myself and the shadow
[30:11 - 30:13] collective are coming for you.
[30:13 - 30:15] You and everyone.
[30:15 - 30:18] You and William, everyone, all of us.
[30:18 - 30:20] How long have you been telling me that you're going to get
[30:20 - 30:23] me locked up or that you're going to get me -- like,
[30:23 - 30:26] ever since I've known you and nothing's ever happened,
[30:26 - 30:29] like, when is this -- at some point, you've got to
[30:29 - 30:32] consider, is this ever going to happen?
[30:32 - 30:33] Right?
[30:33 - 30:34] You should.
[30:34 - 30:36] Oh, here's the thing.
[30:36 - 30:39] When this current case is over, trust me, we're going to
[30:39 - 30:41] have to say it, Marty.
[30:41 - 30:43] It's going to happen.
[30:43 - 30:46] The last hundred times have failed.
[30:46 - 30:48] What makes you think this time is going to be any different?
[30:48 - 30:50] A lot sooner than you think, Val.
[30:50 - 30:53] It's really going to be happening a lot sooner than you think.
[30:53 - 30:55] So I have to send you as this.
[30:55 - 30:56] All right.
[30:56 - 30:57] Goodbye, Sirex.
[30:57 - 30:58] See you later.
[30:58 - 30:59] Bye, pedophile.
[30:59 - 31:00] All right.
[31:00 - 31:01] Hey, little boy.
[31:01 - 31:02] Kitty did it a little bit.
[31:02 - 31:03] All right.
[31:03 - 31:05] Kitty did it with Marty.
[31:05 - 31:06] Have fun rotting away.
[31:06 - 31:09] Oh, my God.
[31:09 - 31:10] Exhausting.
[31:10 - 31:15] like he seems to be getting a little bit desperate.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '359' on August 9th, 2024