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Cyrax on MBM Stream 2023-5-22

Music Biz Marty

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on May 23rd, 2023
Original upload date: May 22nd, 2023 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:09] Oh, look at this. I know what your ass is saying, me fat ass, but you need to cut the crap trying to auction off my family's shit.
[0:09 - 0:22] I'm not auctioning. Oh, but you are. You're a piece of fucking shit loser that's mad that I'm not going on your fucking panels anymore. You hate that. You're a piece of fucking shit, dude.
[0:22 - 0:34] Whatever, honestly. Shut the fuck up. You need to grow the fuck up because if you don't stop this, I will come after you and whoever takes my shit will get arrested for theft.
[0:34 - 0:44] And guess what, Marty? That includes you. You will go down and not shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. I knew your boy. Shut up, you piece of pathetic shit.
[0:44 - 1:07] Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut your sandwich eating ass up, boy. See, you might think, "I'm mad. I'm not mad. I'm sick and tired of the facts."
[1:07 - 1:27] Shut your non-fucking town and have an ass up, you bet. Hey suck my rainbows, Ben Dejo. Hey, sandwich eater. Go out and suck in your mom's dick. You cocksuck in no line. Hey, lazy ass.
[1:27 - 1:41] Why don't you get out your fucking pussy and get a real job, you pussy? You ain't no man. You're a pussy. Look at you. Look at you, blood bitch. You got blood money, nigga. You got blood money.
[1:41 - 1:46] Your blood. Your blood. What? Your blood when I crack you in the fucking face like a bitch.
[1:46 - 2:05] I don't know. I don't know. Hey, Marty, you carry a child again because next time you ain't going to get so lucky, fuck face. What do you mean? Oh, trust me. Fuck around and find out, fat ass. Fuck around and find out. I will not compete down your throat.
[2:05 - 2:25] Why do you not realize, man? Shut your bitch shit with your ass up. Hey, faggot. Shut your pal ass up, bitch. You're just mad, bro. You mad, can I call someone else?
[2:25 - 2:39] Hey, pedophile bitch face. Go out there and not stand on your very ass. Your fucking nearest school is about ten corners away. Why don't you go out there and touch your little kids while you're always doing your fucking fucking shit?
[2:39 - 3:05] That's you, that's you, that's you. You got your kid's wild hand. Nigga, shut your fucking ass up. You're so mad. You're just like a kid. You're just like a kid. Your mom's a kid. Your dad's a fucking no. Your mom's your mother. Your dad's a man whore. Your dad's a fucking man whore. Your mom's your sister and your dad's your uncle.
[3:05 - 3:24] I'm with my sister. I'm with my sister. You're an inbred little bitch. You're an inbred. You're my mother because I'm more successful than you. How so? How so? Because people respect what the fuck I do. They don't respect you, brother. They don't respect you, nigga.
[3:24 - 3:37] Yo, man. So, yo, where's the space, dude? You're a fucking pathetic loser. Look at you, man. Look at you. You do nothing but know, all you do is sign your ass and do all this. All the fucking you do.
[3:37 - 3:38] That's what you do.
[3:38 - 3:53] That's what you do, nigga. That's what you do. You're a pathetic drunk. You can't get a drunk guy and get fucking robbed. A drunk ass. Hey, drunk ass. Throw the hay out of the bunker. Throw the hay out of the pathetic drunk piece of shit.
[3:53 - 4:21] You're a fucking piece of shit. You're a fucking piece of shit loser. Your whole career is done, Nick. I want you lost, bitch. How so? Because I'm not tied down to your faggot ass no more. You pathetic fucking bitch. Shut your faggot bitch ass up. Shut your faggot, fat ass.
[4:21 - 4:34] You're projecting. Oh my gosh. Little projector fat ass. Little projector said, "Hey, fat ass Jew boy, do I have to eat no sandwiches, you fucking fat ass little bitch?"
[4:34 - 4:45] Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Why don't you stop rubbing on those goddamn pizza hearts, bitch? Maybe if you did a lot more working out. Maybe if you ran your ass off.
[4:45 - 4:52] I wish I didn't have raccoons still on my phone, nigga. That's you.
[4:52 - 4:57] Maybe a raccoon stole your patio furniture, Cyrax. Did you ever consider that?
[4:57 - 5:03] No. I know it was you, bitchface. I've seen your Discord, nigga. I'm in your Discord.
[5:03 - 5:15] If I'm not in your Discord, then how would I know about you fucking trying to get a few again? How would I know about you giving away my fucking shit? How do I know about you giving away my family shit if I'm not?
[5:15 - 5:20] Can you prove that I'm giving away your family stuff?
[5:20 - 5:31] I saw the photo that you posted up, dumb fuck. I saw the photo of your Discord talking about giving away my shit.
[5:31 - 5:42] And what I'm saying right now, I'm not up here because I'm mad. I'm up here in defense of my fucking family, and we're tired of you fucking trying to steal our fucking shit, you fucking human ass.
[5:42 - 5:57] It does not work, nigga. Shut the fuck up. Yes, it does. Stop taking what don't belong, nigga. Otherwise, the next person that shows up here, you're getting arrested for fucking stuff, plain and fucking simple.
[5:57 - 6:01] And that includes you, fat fucker. Have done it. Maybe if you were--
[6:01 - 6:08] Cyrax, you're too weak to defend your property, so people are probably going to keep taking it. I'm not them, but it's probably going to keep happening.
[6:08 - 6:14] Oh, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks for the money, because now I can use that against you, you dumb fuck retard.
[6:14 - 6:20] You just openly admitted that you're having people do it. You just openly admitted--
[6:20 - 6:21] No.
[6:21 - 6:25] Oh, but you did. But you did. But you did.
[6:25 - 6:32] Hey, Marty, maybe if you ran your ass off as much as you run your fucking mouth, you might be in good shape.
[6:32 - 6:40] The reason why you're out of shape is because you're lazy as fuck. You're lazy. You're lazy as hell.
[6:40 - 6:47] Cyrax, what makes you not lazy? What have you done that demonstrates work ethic recently? Please fill me in. I'd like to hear about it.
[6:47 - 6:52] Marty, you want to know what I do for a fucking living? I do music.
[6:52 - 6:56] Nobody buys your albums, though. Nobody buys your fucking albums, so you make nothing.
[6:56 - 7:03] Yeah, because yes, that's that, yeah. So you're not successful, then. So you're just a deadbeat failure, right?
[7:03 - 7:06] You can blame me all you want, but your music sucks.
[7:06 - 7:15] No, the only deadbeat I see here is your blood money chasing ass, bro. You're not-- I caught you on your pedo shit, and you're not just--
[7:15 - 7:20] Okay, how am I a pedophile? I've never been caught sending a penis picture to a child, Cyrax. That's you.
[7:20 - 7:22] Oh, what's the matter, Marty?
[7:22 - 7:29] Why don't you pull out the fucking livestream while I called your ass out and showed you the footage? You were over there, back.
[7:29 - 7:31] Send me the footage. Send me the footage.
[7:31 - 7:35] Send me the footage, if you have. I'd like to see it again.
[7:35 - 7:38] You can go back and watch the livestream, you dumb--
[7:38 - 7:41] You're too lazy to go and get it. This is proof that you're lazy.
[7:41 - 7:44] Lazy? What I see here is your fucking saggy ass.
[7:44 - 7:45] That's you. That's you.
[7:45 - 7:51] You're not you, bitch, mate. You're bitch, man. Just like your mom and dad, you're a fucking waste of space on this earth.
[7:51 - 7:53] Just like your mom and dad.
[7:53 - 7:57] Honestly, your mom and dad should be ashamed of your fucking ass.
[7:57 - 8:04] I mean, look at you. You're fat, you're overweight, you don't fucking work, you're living in a shitty fucking apartment.
[8:04 - 8:06] You don't even have your--
[8:06 - 8:10] I live in a luxury apartment. I think in March alone, I made what Ed makes in a year.
[8:10 - 8:12] So, process that, Cyrax.
[8:12 - 8:18] Hey, Marty, how does it feel to know that the whole world sees you as a fucking pedophile, Jack called your bitch ass out?
[8:18 - 8:21] That's you, though. That's you, though. That's you.
[8:21 - 8:23] You know that you're a nobody.
[8:23 - 8:29] Yeah, yeah, everybody's turning against you, and everyone but you can fucking see it.
[8:29 - 8:34] What's the matter, Marty? You can't see it right on the walls? You're done.
[8:34 - 8:39] I'm not part of your bullshit no more, bro. I'm not down on your level.
[8:39 - 8:43] I'm up here, nigga. You're way the fuck down here below me.
[8:43 - 8:46] I ain't got time for pussy, motherfucker.
[8:46 - 8:51] So, I got a question. Do you have a serial number for your puppy pen and your chairs, Andy?
[8:51 - 8:53] Do you?
[8:53 - 8:55] How about this?
[8:55 - 8:58] Fuck you, nigga, boy. You little fucker pussy.
[8:58 - 9:00] When you get free, man.
[9:00 - 9:04] Hey, don't ask. Why don't you do yourself a favor? Get the fuck off YouTube.
[9:04 - 9:07] You got a real job, you lazy fucking phone.
[9:07 - 9:11] Like, hey, at least I'm fucking worse, nigga.
[9:11 - 9:17] But you don't make any money. You make terrible music that nobody buys. Nobody buys it because it sucks.
[9:17 - 9:19] And you suck.
[9:19 - 9:22] No. No, that shit. No, that shit.
[9:22 - 9:26] Nobody buys your music. Nobody buys your music. That's just the fucking facts, Sirex.
[9:26 - 9:29] Marty, you want the facts? The facts are this.
[9:29 - 9:34] Everything you're saying about me is how you feel about yourself.
[9:34 - 9:37] And I say I feel bad for you about that.
[9:37 - 9:42] Everything I say is what I feel about myself. So, I got my nose broken.
[9:42 - 9:47] I got fucking annihilated. I made a death rattle. No, that's you, Sirex, because you're a little bitch.
[9:47 - 9:51] Hey, Marty. Here's the thing, bro. You failed to break my nose, first off.
[9:51 - 9:55] I don't know, Sirex. It looks pretty busted. It looks pretty fucking busted.
[9:55 - 10:00] Yeah, busted up. That doesn't mean it's fucking broken. Don't fuck retard.
[10:00 - 10:02] I don't know. I don't know.
[10:02 - 10:05] You don't know? Well, let's go with it.
[10:05 - 10:08] Sirex, what did you think was going to happen when you approached me?
[10:08 - 10:10] Honest question.
[10:10 - 10:14] Honestly, you're lucky I didn't show with a bat the fucking knock your goddamn teeth down your throat.
[10:14 - 10:16] Shake up your ass.
[10:16 - 10:20] No, you wouldn't, though, because you know damn well if it came down to you, Marty.
[10:20 - 10:24] And a fair fucking fight. You know damn well I could run circles around your ass
[10:24 - 10:26] and beat you any time of the week.
[10:26 - 10:30] Well, let's set up another bout, Sirex. What do you say to that?
[10:30 - 10:35] How about we do this? How about-- Well, why not? So let's have-- I'll give you a rematch.
[10:35 - 10:40] I'll be a gracious competitor. I'll give you a rematch. What do you say?
[10:40 - 10:45] How about we do this? How about you get out of your fucking lazy goddamn ass
[10:45 - 10:47] and get a real fucking job like everyone else?
[10:47 - 10:52] What do you mean? Why do you think no one watches your shit?
[10:52 - 10:55] Because you're-- Sirex, there's 1,200 people watching this.
[10:55 - 10:58] And as far as the job thing, this pays more, so I'll just keep doing it.
[10:58 - 11:01] And you want to know-- yeah, you want to know why people are watching it?
[11:01 - 11:04] Because of me, nigga. They don't come here to watch you.
[11:04 - 11:09] They come here to watch me and embarrass you. Because that's all you are.
[11:09 - 11:14] How many people do you get watching your Facebook livestreams? I'm just curious.
[11:14 - 11:16] That's none of your goddamn business. Now, what is it?
[11:16 - 11:19] Is it three?
[11:19 - 11:22] No, that's none of your business.
[11:22 - 11:24] One person.
[11:24 - 11:28] One person. You're garbage, man. One person you're watching.
[11:28 - 11:32] One person you don't realize is literally one person watching watch me.
[11:32 - 11:36] You're a loser, man. You're a poser. You're one of the YouTubers.
[11:36 - 11:38] Literally one person, Sirex.
[11:38 - 11:43] Nigga, please. I got over 1,000 subs in one fucking day, bro.
[11:43 - 11:47] That took you, what, three weeks? I did that shit in a day, man.
[11:47 - 11:48] Oh, hey, man.
[11:48 - 11:53] I guarantee you, I can make a brand new YouTube channel right the fuck now.
[11:53 - 11:56] You're too afraid.
[11:56 - 11:59] You're too afraid and your grandma won't let you because you're a little baby bitch.
[11:59 - 12:02] You're not allowed. You're not allowed to.
[12:02 - 12:05] No, that's not it at all. That's not it.
[12:05 - 12:10] I don't want to be around toxic little fucking losers like you.
[12:10 - 12:15] They do nothing but sit on their ass and run their mouths all day like a fucking pussy.
[12:15 - 12:21] Sirex, you sit around making music all day, busting your ass on your job, which makes zero dollars.
[12:21 - 12:23] You've been talking about these back-to-back albums.
[12:23 - 12:25] Where are they? It sounds like you don't do shit.
[12:25 - 12:26] Yeah.
[12:26 - 12:30] Says the one that's never fucking dropped a successful album, bro.
[12:30 - 12:34] Sirex, honestly, and I sold them at a dollar a pop, so it's kind of skewed.
[12:34 - 12:41] I think I sold 450 albums in a single day on the opening debut day.
[12:41 - 12:44] So that's a fact. That's an absolute fact. I can prove it.
[12:44 - 12:46] No, you can't, Marty. Let's be honest.
[12:46 - 12:47] You can't.
[12:47 - 12:49] No, you can't, dude. And you know it.
[12:49 - 12:51] I can't.
[12:51 - 12:54] Let's be honest, Marty. You know damn good and wild.
[12:54 - 12:58] I got more albums out than you will ever fucking have out, dumbass.
[12:58 - 13:03] You might have more out, but you don't have more sold.
[13:03 - 13:07] You sold four albums to Courtney once.
[13:07 - 13:10] Sold four albums to Courtney once.
[13:10 - 13:13] See, what you don't realize, Marty, is this.
[13:13 - 13:16] It ain't about how much money you make.
[13:16 - 13:17] It's about those--
[13:17 - 13:18] Yeah, it is.
[13:18 - 13:19] It is.
[13:19 - 13:23] Sure, I would say that that's the ultimate metric of success in a field, right?
[13:23 - 13:27] Especially considering that you do it for your family despite making nothing
[13:27 - 13:30] and just being a burden to them and putting your grandmother in the hospital
[13:30 - 13:33] with your fucking bullshit. That's what happened. Let's be honest.
[13:33 - 13:35] No, that was you that put her there.
[13:35 - 13:37] Oh, let's be honest.
[13:37 - 13:39] That was fun, smarty.
[13:39 - 13:42] That right there shows how fucking delusional you are.
[13:42 - 13:43] What do you mean?
[13:43 - 13:46] Success ain't about fucking money.
[13:46 - 13:50] Sometimes being successful ain't about money.
[13:50 - 13:52] How do you measure success?
[13:52 - 13:58] By working your fucking ass off, which you don't do that.
[13:58 - 14:01] Shut up, dude. You don't do that.
[14:01 - 14:04] Yeah, I'm like Andrew Tate.
[14:04 - 14:06] You're like Nicole Arbor.
[14:06 - 14:10] You're this fucking big compared to me.
[14:10 - 14:11] What does that mean?
[14:11 - 14:12] Explain that.
[14:12 - 14:15] That means that you're a fucking piece of shit.
[14:15 - 14:18] Compared to me, dude.
[14:18 - 14:21] I both know that you're a fucking loser.
[14:21 - 14:23] That's going nowhere.
[14:23 - 14:25] And you know that without me.
[14:25 - 14:28] We're honest, smarty.
[14:28 - 14:30] Let's be honest here, Marty.
[14:30 - 14:33] Without me, you've got nothing and you know it.
[14:33 - 14:34] That's why you're over here.
[14:34 - 14:35] All right.
[14:35 - 14:36] Let me tell you something.
[14:36 - 14:38] And in the beginning of the upcoming month,
[14:38 - 14:42] I'm going to be moving into a bathroom with heated floors
[14:42 - 14:44] and a TV in the mirror.
[14:44 - 14:46] What do you think about that, Cyrax?
[14:46 - 14:53] You've never even bought a meal for yourself.
[14:53 - 14:54] No, no.
[14:54 - 14:56] You've done all I've done.
[14:56 - 14:58] I'm sorry.
[14:58 - 15:01] You know, since you asked, I'm not done.
[15:01 - 15:03] Let's talk about a rematch, Cyrax,
[15:03 - 15:06] where you can run circles around me and beat me up.
[15:06 - 15:08] What do you say to that?
[15:08 - 15:11] Let me think about that rematch for a second here.
[15:11 - 15:12] Give me just a minute here.
[15:12 - 15:13] Let me think about that.
[15:13 - 15:14] I just didn't know.
[15:14 - 15:16] How about this?
[15:16 - 15:18] How about now?
[15:18 - 15:20] I don't fight proceeds like this.
[15:20 - 15:21] Yeah.
[15:21 - 15:24] I don't fight proceeds.
[15:24 - 15:27] You know I would fucking kill you.
[15:27 - 15:29] Cyrax, I forgot to lump you up.
[15:29 - 15:30] I thought you might have learned something,
[15:30 - 15:31] but I realized you didn't.
[15:31 - 15:35] So, I mean, I think you deserve a little bit more.
[15:35 - 15:36] You're a coward.
[15:36 - 15:37] You're afraid.
[15:37 - 15:38] Just a minute.
[15:38 - 15:39] You're afraid.
[15:39 - 15:40] No.
[15:40 - 15:41] Yeah, you are.
[15:41 - 15:43] No, I didn't learn something, Marty.
[15:43 - 15:45] I don't know that you can't fight this anymore.
[15:45 - 15:47] Marty, face it.
[15:47 - 15:50] And we don't fight against anybody you fucking lose,
[15:50 - 15:51] and you know it.
[15:51 - 15:52] Oh, you?
[15:52 - 15:55] Mm-hmm.
[15:55 - 15:57] You think you'd win?
[15:57 - 15:58] You really do.
[15:58 - 15:59] You think you'd win?
[15:59 - 16:00] I already did, Cyrax.
[16:00 - 16:01] I already did.
[16:01 - 16:02] What do you mean?
[16:02 - 16:03] Marty, let's face it.
[16:03 - 16:04] You're a manipulator.
[16:04 - 16:06] You're a manipulator of that piece of fucking shit.
[16:06 - 16:09] You manipulate people to try to buy into your bullshit
[16:09 - 16:11] because you're lazy as fuck.
[16:11 - 16:13] You won't.
[16:13 - 16:14] You're saying that you won't.
[16:14 - 16:15] Let's be honest, Marty.
[16:15 - 16:18] You're a manipulative little bitch that's a lazy fuck.
[16:18 - 16:22] You're a psychopath with narcissistic tendencies, bro.
[16:22 - 16:25] When you're a narcissistic psychopath,
[16:25 - 16:27] you don't do shit for a living.
[16:27 - 16:31] All you do is sit on your ass and fucking sit there
[16:31 - 16:35] and run your mouth and project on other people
[16:35 - 16:38] because you're failing at everything you try to do.
[16:38 - 16:40] You're a failure, Marty, and me.
[16:40 - 16:44] Your dad makes triple in a day
[16:44 - 16:46] what you can make in a whole year, motherfucker,
[16:46 - 16:47] and you know her.
[16:47 - 16:51] And how do you think your dad sits there
[16:51 - 16:55] and how do you think his coworkers view you, man?
[16:55 - 16:57] They see you as a piece of shit.
[16:57 - 16:58] Well, hang on.
[16:58 - 17:00] His coworkers, I can't really say,
[17:00 - 17:03] but after he saw what I'm making,
[17:03 - 17:05] he's actually fine with it, you know?
[17:05 - 17:06] That's the truth.
[17:06 - 17:09] And my mom laughs at you.
[17:09 - 17:11] My mom loves to laugh at you.
[17:11 - 17:13] She thinks you're the biggest joke.
[17:13 - 17:15] It's so funny hearing her talk about you.
[17:15 - 17:17] She thinks you're a fucking retard.
[17:17 - 17:19] Marty, you know what's funny about that, Marty?
[17:19 - 17:20] Yeah.
[17:20 - 17:23] I could see right through your fucking bullshit, dude.
[17:23 - 17:25] My mom thinks you're hilarious.
[17:25 - 17:27] You're doing all this for views and money, dude.
[17:27 - 17:30] That's all it is for you, views, clicks, and money.
[17:30 - 17:33] You manipulate people to turn on me,
[17:33 - 17:36] to run their mouths so that I'll get out there
[17:36 - 17:37] so that you'll make money,
[17:37 - 17:40] because more clicks for views equals more views,
[17:40 - 17:42] which equals more money,
[17:42 - 17:45] which tells me you're a manipulative lazy ass.
[17:45 - 17:47] Hey, Sarge, what happened with your aunt the other day?
[17:47 - 17:50] I was looking at some messages that she's been sending
[17:50 - 17:51] talking about you,
[17:51 - 17:54] how you called her a slut in a dirty whore.
[17:54 - 18:01] Like I said, dude, that's between me and my family.
[18:01 - 18:04] That's actually max. I can show you the message.
[18:04 - 18:06] Hey, Marty, why don't you do yourself?
[18:06 - 18:08] Is that how you shoot your family?
[18:08 - 18:10] I stand with you here.
[18:10 - 18:12] Here's how you shoot your family.
[18:12 - 18:14] You strangle your grandmother, right?
[18:14 - 18:17] You basically take all of Ed's expendable income
[18:17 - 18:20] on toys and little girls' costume jewelry.
[18:20 - 18:22] You call your aunt a fucking whore.
[18:22 - 18:24] Yeah, everything you do is for your family.
[18:24 - 18:25] You're the real piece of shit, Cyrax.
[18:25 - 18:26] You're the ultimate piece of shit.
[18:26 - 18:28] You don't contribute anything to your household.
[18:28 - 18:31] You're a scum. You're a fucking worm.
[18:31 - 18:34] That's you.
[18:34 - 18:36] Like everything I'm saying is true.
[18:36 - 18:39] And, Marty, I help you know that every time you fucking talk,
[18:39 - 18:42] I'm using my shit because I don't have time for pathetic losers
[18:42 - 18:44] that are going nowhere in life.
[18:44 - 18:49] And, Marty, why don't you just do yourself a favor
[18:49 - 18:52] and stop the fucking charades, man?
[18:52 - 18:53] What do you mean?
[18:53 - 18:54] Cut the fucking crap, Marty.
[18:54 - 18:56] Let's get down the brass fence.
[18:56 - 18:59] Let's get down the brass tacks here, shall we, Marty?
[18:59 - 19:00] Sure.
[19:00 - 19:02] Let's get down the brass tacks here.
[19:02 - 19:04] Now, here's how this is going to go.
[19:04 - 19:07] You're going to shut the fuck up, and you're going to listen.
[19:07 - 19:09] Because I know what I'm about to say to you.
[19:09 - 19:11] You're not going to fucking like.
[19:11 - 19:12] Well, I'm all yours.
[19:12 - 19:14] Ask me if I don't fuck.
[19:14 - 19:16] If you like it or don't like it.
[19:16 - 19:18] No, I'm all yours.
[19:18 - 19:21] The way that it is is like this.
[19:21 - 19:24] You and I both know that I run your fucking ass.
[19:24 - 19:26] And you might not like that.
[19:26 - 19:29] You might not like the fact that I run your ass.
[19:29 - 19:31] And here's how I know that I run your ass.
[19:31 - 19:35] Because you're constantly rehashing old videos of me.
[19:35 - 19:37] Because you're desperate for views.
[19:37 - 19:40] You're desperate for views because you know damn well
[19:40 - 19:42] that I have real talent.
[19:42 - 19:44] I have the skill to bring in views.
[19:44 - 19:46] I have the skill to bring in money.
[19:46 - 19:49] I gave you an opportunity to be a business partner in mine.
[19:49 - 19:51] I gave you that opportunity.
[19:51 - 19:52] What is that?
[19:52 - 19:54] Shut up.
[19:54 - 19:55] I'm not done yet.
[19:55 - 19:57] I'm over here exposing your ass.
[19:57 - 20:00] Well, I always tell you what the fact of how.
[20:00 - 20:01] I did how.
[20:01 - 20:03] When I did what you asked.
[20:03 - 20:05] You never once fucking paid me at all.
[20:05 - 20:07] I gave you my word.
[20:07 - 20:09] I would hold up my end of the fucking deal.
[20:09 - 20:10] Which I did.
[20:10 - 20:12] I held up my end of the fucking deal.
[20:12 - 20:15] But your ass fucking bounced down and ran.
[20:15 - 20:16] Because you're a great man.
[20:16 - 20:19] Shut the fuck up.
[20:19 - 20:23] The reason why you fucking bounced on that fucking deal.
[20:23 - 20:25] Is because one, you have no honor.
[20:25 - 20:28] You have no respect.
[20:28 - 20:30] Let's be honest fat ass.
[20:30 - 20:32] Shut the fuck up.
[20:32 - 20:34] Shut your little bitch ass up dude.
[20:34 - 20:36] Marty you don't realize.
[20:36 - 20:39] I've been on this platform a lot longer than you have.
[20:39 - 20:41] Everybody wants to know.
[20:41 - 20:43] Shut up.
[20:43 - 20:44] I'm not done.
[20:44 - 20:45] Shut your ass up.
[20:45 - 20:47] I'm not done fat ass.
[20:47 - 20:49] You got time.
[20:49 - 20:51] So as far as this platform.
[20:51 - 20:54] You got chased off and your grandma won't allow you to be on it.
[20:54 - 20:55] So that's just the truth.
[20:55 - 20:58] So I'll disagree with you on that one there.
[20:58 - 21:00] Yeah you know what's funny about that Marty.
[21:00 - 21:02] I didn't get chased off this platform.
[21:02 - 21:04] Like you've seen the tape.
[21:04 - 21:05] No I didn't do it.
[21:05 - 21:06] No I didn't.
[21:06 - 21:08] I left my own fucking record.
[21:08 - 21:09] And you want to know why I left?
[21:09 - 21:11] No you want to know why I left?
[21:11 - 21:12] Because I didn't.
[21:12 - 21:13] I knew doing well.
[21:13 - 21:16] If I hung around toxic little bitches like you.
[21:16 - 21:19] I was gonna end up in a worse position than what I was in.
[21:19 - 21:22] I'm actually in a real good fucking position right now.
[21:22 - 21:25] Tell me how you're in a good position making zero dollars.
[21:25 - 21:28] In your Gemma's attic being treated like a little child.
[21:28 - 21:29] Explain that one to me Sirex.
[21:29 - 21:32] How are you in a good position by any metric?
[21:32 - 21:33] Let's put it this way Marty.
[21:33 - 21:37] Any position of not being around you.
[21:37 - 21:40] Is a pretty damn good fucking position.
[21:40 - 21:42] Let's be honest here Marty.
[21:42 - 21:46] Just every the whole web sees what the fuck you're really about.
[21:46 - 21:48] You're fooling yourself.
[21:48 - 21:50] You're fooling yourself here Marty.
[21:50 - 21:52] So what do you, okay.
[21:52 - 21:56] What do you think my interpretation of what I do is?
[21:56 - 21:58] Like what do you think I think I'm doing?
[21:58 - 22:00] Honestly Marty.
[22:00 - 22:02] Do you want the real answer dude?
[22:02 - 22:03] Sure.
[22:03 - 22:04] I don't get it.
[22:04 - 22:06] My honest answer is this.
[22:06 - 22:08] I don't give a fuck what you think.
[22:08 - 22:09] Okay well alright.
[22:09 - 22:11] I don't give a fuck.
[22:11 - 22:13] You want to know why I don't give a fuck?
[22:13 - 22:19] Because never once have you ever gone out on a limb the same way I did.
[22:19 - 22:22] To fucking try to help someone out.
[22:22 - 22:26] Dude I've helped out more people in a fucking way.
[22:26 - 22:28] Name one.
[22:28 - 22:30] Your mom and dad.
[22:30 - 22:33] Okay well you know you have helped my mom.
[22:33 - 22:35] You've given her laughter.
[22:35 - 22:37] She thinks you're a tremendous joke.
[22:37 - 22:38] Finds you hilarious.
[22:38 - 22:39] So yeah that's true.
[22:39 - 22:40] Can you name another one?
[22:40 - 22:43] Unless you're honest here Marty.
[22:43 - 22:44] Name one person.
[22:44 - 22:46] There's nothing more than a poor family.
[22:46 - 22:47] Name one.
[22:47 - 22:48] Workless.
[22:48 - 22:49] Talentless.
[22:49 - 22:51] Piece of shit loser.
[22:51 - 22:53] That's not going anywhere Marty.
[22:53 - 22:54] You're mad.
[22:54 - 22:56] Name one person you've helped.
[22:56 - 22:58] I've helped more people in your town than you have.
[22:58 - 23:02] And that's pretty disgusting considering you think you're like some kind of philanthropist.
[23:02 - 23:05] Name one person you've helped Syrax please.
[23:05 - 23:07] Let's be honest here Marty.
[23:07 - 23:15] You passed another.
[23:15 - 23:16] Badass.
[23:16 - 23:20] You passed another fucking Gatorade don't count nigga.
[23:20 - 23:24] You passed another Gatorade don't count nigga boy.
[23:24 - 23:28] Because you did that for your own self gain you don't fuck.
[23:28 - 23:29] No I didn't.
[23:29 - 23:31] Let's say let's face it Marty.
[23:31 - 23:34] You didn't do that shit to be a good person.
[23:34 - 23:38] You did that shit for your own fucking selfish greed.
[23:38 - 23:39] And you know it.
[23:39 - 23:42] So look intent is subjective.
[23:42 - 23:48] I can't prove my intent but the fact is I've helped out more people in your town than you have or will.
[23:48 - 23:52] Yeah here's the thing Marty I can prove all your intent and I have.
[23:52 - 23:54] Take a look at your channel.
[23:54 - 23:57] Look let's disregard intent then.
[23:57 - 24:00] I still helped out way more people in your town than you ever have.
[24:00 - 24:01] You've helped nobody.
[24:01 - 24:03] You can't even help yourself.
[24:03 - 24:06] Now how about we don't disregard your intent.
[24:06 - 24:11] Because your intent is to try to ruin me so you can make money.
[24:11 - 24:13] That's your whole intent Marty.
[24:13 - 24:18] Your whole intent is because I don't bow down to you like you're a little sheep over here.
[24:18 - 24:19] Did you show up?
[24:19 - 24:24] Oh no I shouldn't because I'm like your little father.
[24:24 - 24:26] You're superior.
[24:26 - 24:28] All right tell me you're superior.
[24:28 - 24:30] I'm your boss I'm better than you in every way.
[24:30 - 24:32] Did you forget I hold the crown.
[24:32 - 24:35] Yeah that's $25 on Amazon.
[24:35 - 24:37] I've seen that.
[24:37 - 24:41] Amazon also sold your women's costume and jewelry.
[24:41 - 24:43] It's all a little bullshit.
[24:43 - 24:46] Actually no it's not Marty this 18 karat gold bitch.
[24:46 - 24:47] What's not?
[24:47 - 24:49] Oh my goodness.
[24:49 - 24:53] You used to want to bring your Marty in place.
[24:53 - 24:56] So you want your $100 for Skull Scratch Academy.
[24:56 - 25:00] Put that in the microwave for 10 minutes and live stream it.
[25:00 - 25:02] And I'll give you a hundred bucks.
[25:02 - 25:03] Absolutely.
[25:03 - 25:05] I'd be more than happy to do it.
[25:05 - 25:06] It'll melt.
[25:06 - 25:08] No you all know it's funny Marty.
[25:08 - 25:09] Yeah.
[25:09 - 25:11] Because money comes down to me and you.
[25:11 - 25:14] I'm better than you in every way.
[25:14 - 25:15] Why do you think?
[25:15 - 25:17] I hold the crown.
[25:17 - 25:20] The winner holds the crown.
[25:20 - 25:22] But I'm the king.
[25:22 - 25:24] You said it yourself.
[25:24 - 25:26] Yeah I'll be honest here Marty.
[25:26 - 25:28] That was a fucking lie.
[25:28 - 25:30] I don't know.
[25:30 - 25:34] I think you said it so it stopped pummeling you.
[25:34 - 25:36] Oh wow look at this.
[25:36 - 25:37] This is this is not.
[25:37 - 25:39] Oh it doesn't fit your head.
[25:39 - 25:41] Let's be honest here Marty.
[25:41 - 25:44] I always said that to get away from your fucking stage cause bro.
[25:44 - 25:46] You're nasty as fuck and you know it.
[25:46 - 25:47] Yeah.
[25:47 - 25:49] Let's be honest here Marty.
[25:49 - 25:51] Have you when you came down here bro.
[25:51 - 25:53] Did you fucking showered on?
[25:53 - 25:58] Sorry Rax. Well I think I did the night before honestly.
[25:58 - 26:01] But you've had your penis get infected.
[26:01 - 26:03] You're covered in bites and scabs.
[26:03 - 26:07] Like your leg from your disgusting lack of hygiene.
[26:07 - 26:09] Like okay sorry Rax.
[26:09 - 26:12] Like that's a very interesting argument to make.
[26:12 - 26:13] I'll just say that.
[26:13 - 26:15] Marty you all lack your hygiene to look at you.
[26:15 - 26:18] When you showed up here and you found my ass.
[26:18 - 26:23] Hey I can smell your ass. I almost fucked up puke from my ass.
[26:23 - 26:28] You sound like a fucking garbage dump dude for real.
[26:28 - 26:35] Man maybe you need to stop fucking drinking and popping all those pills like a fucking druggie.
[26:35 - 26:38] Never.
[26:38 - 26:40] I refused.
[26:40 - 26:46] Why? Because you're a fucking loser and you got nothing better to do with your time than to pick on other people like a bitch.
[26:46 - 26:49] That's all you do. That's all you do. That's all you do.
[26:49 - 26:52] You sit here on the internet like a fucking coward.
[26:52 - 26:56] Only pussies and cowards bully other people the same way you do.
[26:56 - 26:59] Only pussies and cowards run their mouths.
[26:59 - 27:03] Only pussies and cowards that ain't got nothing going for them.
[27:03 - 27:06] Try to manipulate other people to make.
[27:06 - 27:11] Well if I smelled so bad why did you have a boner when you came by Rax?
[27:11 - 27:13] Actually I didn't.
[27:13 - 27:16] You did. You did.
[27:16 - 27:20] No you're right I did. I had a boner to beat your fucking ass.
[27:20 - 27:22] Yeah well you had a boner.
[27:22 - 27:24] You fucking deserve it.
[27:24 - 27:27] You don't realize this.
[27:27 - 27:29] Marty.
[27:29 - 27:32] You don't realize this.
[27:32 - 27:35] It's a figure of speech.
[27:35 - 27:38] It's a figure of speech dumbass.
[27:38 - 27:41] It's a fucking matter for you retard.
[27:41 - 27:43] You're the owner to fight me.
[27:43 - 27:45] To be honest here.
[27:45 - 27:49] When it comes down to it I'm better than you in every fucking way.
[27:49 - 27:51] In what? In what?
[27:51 - 27:53] Everything. You're just salty.
[27:53 - 27:55] Marty let's be honest.
[27:55 - 27:58] You're still salty at the fact that I fucking beat your ass in that race and won.
[27:58 - 28:01] That's why I'm doing all this because you're salty.
[28:01 - 28:05] So you always say the cam time is better than you and he's your superior.
[28:05 - 28:07] The last two times we raced I beat him.
[28:07 - 28:10] And I'll race you again anytime when I know you're not cheating.
[28:10 - 28:12] And I know how you cheated too.
[28:12 - 28:15] So anytime you want to do that I'd be more than happy to do Cyrax.
[28:15 - 28:19] Actually I talked to him recently and he never raced you.
[28:19 - 28:20] Yeah he did.
[28:20 - 28:21] No he didn't.
[28:21 - 28:22] I'll call him right now.
[28:22 - 28:23] Call him right now.
[28:23 - 28:26] Yeah that's a lot of shit and you know him Marty.
[28:26 - 28:27] Okay.
[28:27 - 28:32] Marty you know Dan well I know you're gonna use a fucking sound board.
[28:32 - 28:38] Just like I call you trying to fucking use a sound board of my voice to fuck with other people.
[28:38 - 28:39] I'm calling him right now.
[28:39 - 28:40] Sorry.
[28:40 - 28:42] No no no.
[28:42 - 28:44] Save your breath loser boy.
[28:44 - 28:45] I know.
[28:45 - 28:48] Save your breath you pathetic piece of shit.
[28:48 - 28:51] Marty let's be honest.
[28:51 - 28:57] You're mad because I'm not bowing down to you and I'm calling you on your bullshit.
[28:57 - 28:58] That's fine.
[28:58 - 28:59] I really don't think so.
[28:59 - 29:02] No let's be honest Marty you're not fine.
[29:02 - 29:03] What do you mean?
[29:03 - 29:07] That's why you're over here rehashing old videos of me right?
[29:07 - 29:09] That's why you're over here.
[29:09 - 29:12] That's why you're over here because you're desperate for views.
[29:12 - 29:16] All you're doing is rehashing the same shit over and over and over.
[29:16 - 29:22] And like I said me coming out here was not out of emotion.
[29:22 - 29:28] It was out of me coming out here out of fucking principle because you don't need to be still
[29:28 - 29:31] with shit that don't belong to you motherfucker.
[29:31 - 29:33] I'm not I'm not I'm not high right now.
[29:33 - 29:34] I'm not skilled.
[29:34 - 29:36] That's a simple fact.
[29:36 - 29:39] But you are the one behind it.
[29:39 - 29:47] Therefore you can get arrested for being an accomplice.
[29:47 - 29:50] Can you prove it?
[29:50 - 29:51] Easily.
[29:51 - 29:55] So let me ask you this then.
[29:55 - 29:57] Do you think the police aren't going to ignore you?
[29:57 - 30:00] Like every phone call you make to them?
[30:00 - 30:03] Even when I fucking lumped you up they wouldn't even drive down the street to investigate.
[30:03 - 30:05] They hate you Cyrax.
[30:05 - 30:06] They know what you are.
[30:06 - 30:08] You're a pedophile freak.
[30:08 - 30:11] And they don't want to help you because you're a sick little fuck.
[30:11 - 30:12] And that's that.
[30:12 - 30:14] Why do you think this would be any different?
[30:14 - 30:17] See that right there is where you're projecting again.
[30:17 - 30:19] You're projecting again Marty.
[30:19 - 30:20] Stop projecting.
[30:20 - 30:22] What do you mean?
[30:22 - 30:23] Stop projecting.
[30:23 - 30:25] How am I projecting?
[30:25 - 30:27] Stop projecting Marty.
[30:27 - 30:29] How am I projecting?
[30:29 - 30:31] Stop projecting.
[30:31 - 30:33] The police are the ones who won't help you.
[30:33 - 30:35] Stop projecting.
[30:35 - 30:36] You didn't beat my ass.
[30:36 - 30:38] I beat your ass and they ignored you.
[30:38 - 30:39] Stop projecting.
[30:39 - 30:41] She didn't beat my ass.
[30:41 - 30:43] Stop being a projection.
[30:43 - 30:47] Stop being a projection Marty.
[30:47 - 30:51] Stop being a projection.
[30:51 - 30:53] Projection.
[30:53 - 30:55] As always, you're a projector.
[30:55 - 30:57] You're a projector.
[30:57 - 31:01] You're taking on your own loss.
[31:01 - 31:03] And Marty, you're not stating a fact.
[31:03 - 31:07] You're projecting your own flaws and insecurities onto others.
[31:07 - 31:13] How do you stop projecting your insecurities about how you're a failure?
[31:13 - 31:15] Because that's what you're doing.
[31:15 - 31:19] You're projecting your failure.
[31:19 - 31:20] No, no, no, no.
[31:20 - 31:22] You're projecting your failure.
[31:22 - 31:24] You literally make sure you're not.
[31:24 - 31:25] Stop projecting, dude.
[31:25 - 31:27] Stop projecting Marty.
[31:27 - 31:29] Literally makes you--
[31:29 - 31:32] Marty, do not realize that if I got--
[31:32 - 31:34] that if me and you got on Dr. Phil,
[31:34 - 31:37] he would embarrass the fuck out of you.
[31:37 - 31:38] Super.
[31:38 - 31:40] He's like, quick, probably quicker than I could.
[31:40 - 31:42] You don't think he wants to--
[31:42 - 31:43] Why?
[31:43 - 31:44] Eric, I'll say this.
[31:44 - 31:46] I think it would be embarrassing for the both of us.
[31:46 - 31:47] And that's the truth.
[31:47 - 31:48] That's the truth.
[31:48 - 31:50] But I don't think you'd be supportive of a pedophile,
[31:50 - 31:52] a gram of string where, like, you, though--
[31:52 - 31:53] Yeah.
[31:53 - 31:55] You must be talking about yourself then again there, Marty.
[31:55 - 31:57] No, I'm the rest of you shooting my grandmother.
[31:57 - 31:58] That's you.
[31:58 - 31:59] That's all you do.
[31:59 - 32:00] That's you.
[32:00 - 32:05] You're a pedophile that goes after little kids.
[32:05 - 32:07] Thank you.
[32:07 - 32:09] Name one.
[32:09 - 32:10] No, that's you.
[32:10 - 32:11] That's you.
[32:11 - 32:12] No, that's you, dude.
[32:12 - 32:13] Let's face it, Marty.
[32:13 - 32:14] You will never be me.
[32:14 - 32:15] You will never be on my level.
[32:15 - 32:16] Yeah, thank God.
[32:16 - 32:17] Thank God for that.
[32:17 - 32:18] Thank you.
[32:18 - 32:22] You will never be on my level of being a successful person.
[32:22 - 32:27] You live in your grandmother's attic.
[32:27 - 32:30] You make $0.
[32:30 - 32:32] Nobody buys your music.
[32:32 - 32:34] Everyone laughs at you.
[32:34 - 32:36] Everyone hates you.
[32:36 - 32:37] That's why you cry all the time.
[32:37 - 32:38] You don't see me crying.
[32:38 - 32:40] Oh, leave me alone.
[32:40 - 32:41] Leave me alone.
[32:41 - 32:45] What are you talking about?
[32:45 - 32:47] Sorry, I thought I heard the wind there for a minute.
[32:47 - 32:49] Marty, all sounds good.
[32:49 - 32:54] That's a good one.
[32:54 - 32:55] That was just you talking.
[32:55 - 32:56] Wait, I'm sorry.
[32:56 - 32:58] Was that the wind or was that you talking out of your ass again?
[32:58 - 33:01] I'm pretty sure that was you talking out of your ass.
[33:01 - 33:02] Oh, sorry.
[33:02 - 33:03] Oh, wow.
[33:03 - 33:04] Okay.
[33:04 - 33:05] Sorry.
[33:05 - 33:06] And that's all you did.
[33:06 - 33:07] You talk out of your ass.
[33:07 - 33:08] Because you're lying.
[33:08 - 33:09] You said it.
[33:09 - 33:10] You said shit.
[33:10 - 33:11] Huh?
[33:11 - 33:13] Marty, let's be honest.
[33:13 - 33:14] Sure.
[33:14 - 33:15] Let's be fun.
[33:15 - 33:17] Let's keep it a buck here, Marty.
[33:17 - 33:18] Okay.
[33:18 - 33:23] The only reason why you're on here is because you're desperate for
[33:23 - 33:25] views from me.
[33:25 - 33:28] And you're mad at the fact that I'm never going on your fucking panel
[33:28 - 33:29] again.
[33:29 - 33:32] And I am going to say this loud and clear for everyone to hear.
[33:32 - 33:34] I catch you coming over to my house.
[33:34 - 33:37] Anybody that shows up to take our shit, the cops are getting called.
[33:37 - 33:39] You are getting arrested.
[33:39 - 33:40] And Marty.
[33:40 - 33:41] Yeah.
[33:41 - 33:45] And Marty, if you even think for one minute that you're going to fucking
[33:45 - 33:48] continue this shit, you're wrong.
[33:48 - 33:52] You're very wrong, Marty, because your whole profile is filled with
[33:52 - 33:56] fucking shit that you've done against me.
[33:56 - 33:59] And you don't think that the cops ain't even looking into that shit.
[33:59 - 34:03] They never know.
[34:03 - 34:04] Actually, they are.
[34:04 - 34:06] You just don't fucking realize it.
[34:06 - 34:11] Because, Marty, you don't realize, Marty, not everything is going out in
[34:11 - 34:12] the open.
[34:12 - 34:13] What do you think?
[34:13 - 34:16] Sometimes things are going to be on the fucking scenes.
[34:16 - 34:17] Sorry, Alex.
[34:17 - 34:20] Here's proof they hate you.
[34:20 - 34:22] You're a little disabled retard.
[34:22 - 34:24] You got punched in the face.
[34:24 - 34:26] They could see that you just got your nose rocked.
[34:26 - 34:29] And they wouldn't even drive down the street to investigate.
[34:29 - 34:30] They don't care about you.
[34:30 - 34:31] They just don't care about you.
[34:31 - 34:32] So stop.
[34:32 - 34:34] You know what's funny about you, Marty?
[34:34 - 34:41] The fact that you really think I give a fuck about anything you fucking
[34:41 - 34:43] say.
[34:43 - 34:49] No, Marty, with me, whatever you say goes in one ear not the other
[34:49 - 34:53] because what you say don't mean a goddamn thing to me.
[34:53 - 34:55] No, it ain't.
[34:55 - 34:58] So I didn't rock you.
[34:58 - 35:01] I didn't crack you in the face and the police.
[35:01 - 35:03] And let's assume that I did do that.
[35:03 - 35:05] The police came by and investigated it.
[35:05 - 35:07] Never happened because they don't care about you.
[35:07 - 35:08] They don't listen to you.
[35:08 - 35:10] You're what they call a 43.
[35:10 - 35:12] And they don't take you seriously.
[35:12 - 35:13] Nobody else does.
[35:13 - 35:15] So why would they?
[35:15 - 35:19] Marty, that's why every time CP Lord or anybody gets on here,
[35:19 - 35:22] they embarrass the fuck out of you every fucking time.
[35:22 - 35:24] You've all sort of been on here.
[35:24 - 35:26] Oh, yes.
[35:26 - 35:27] I've seen it.
[35:27 - 35:29] I've watched the video, but it's hell.
[35:29 - 35:32] Hell, Marty, even on my old hard drive.
[35:32 - 35:36] On my old hard drive, the stock hard drive from this PC.
[35:36 - 35:38] I still have that footage sitting there, bro.
[35:38 - 35:43] I still have that shit where he embarrassed the fuck out of you.
[35:43 - 35:44] He got so mad.
[35:44 - 35:48] He pulled the gun out and acted like a spastic retard.
[35:48 - 35:50] But yes, Lord CP is welcome on here any time.
[35:50 - 35:51] I've begged him to.
[35:51 - 35:52] I love that money.
[35:52 - 35:54] It would be an honor.
[35:54 - 35:55] You won't do it.
[35:55 - 35:57] Marty, let's be honest.
[35:57 - 35:59] He wasn't pulling that shit out of being scared.
[35:59 - 36:02] You ran your fucking mouth to the wrong motherfucker.
[36:02 - 36:05] And he showed your ass up.
[36:05 - 36:06] He's a midget just like you.
[36:06 - 36:10] I even challenged him to fight him on Jimmy Day in early July.
[36:10 - 36:16] The dates are kind of in the works, but he declined just like you did.
[36:16 - 36:18] Just like you are right now.
[36:18 - 36:19] Yeah.
[36:19 - 36:20] You want to know why?
[36:20 - 36:24] Because nobody in the right fucking line is going to fight and overweight that
[36:24 - 36:25] piece of shit.
[36:25 - 36:28] That's just going to run and hide like a punk ass fucking.
[36:28 - 36:31] Run and hide, Cyrax.
[36:31 - 36:32] What do you mean run and hide?
[36:32 - 36:33] What are you talking about?
[36:33 - 36:35] Marty, let's be honest.
[36:35 - 36:41] When my stepdad can find your ass, you backed up and ran like a bitch.
[36:41 - 36:42] Your stepdad.
[36:42 - 36:43] What do you mean?
[36:43 - 36:45] Are you talking about Ed?
[36:45 - 36:47] I've never elaborate.
[36:47 - 36:49] How about you, man?
[36:49 - 36:50] How you doing?
[36:50 - 36:54] Oh, so you're talking about the second time that I went there.
[36:54 - 36:57] And he said, "Chance isn't here.
[36:57 - 36:58] Chance is in the lake.
[36:58 - 37:00] Chance didn't invite you over here.
[37:00 - 37:02] Chance didn't invite you over here to fight.
[37:02 - 37:06] I'm going to call the police because Chance is too afraid to come outside."
[37:06 - 37:09] No, that was the first time, Marty, and you know it.
[37:09 - 37:14] No, the first time, the first time, you started begging like a bitch and saying,
[37:14 - 37:16] "Come on my livestream.
[37:16 - 37:21] Talk to me on Discord and call me on the phone, but I'm not meeting you in person."
[37:21 - 37:25] Yeah, and what'd you do when Ed stepped up to the plate?
[37:25 - 37:28] You talked about being a good badass, bro.
[37:28 - 37:33] No, I told him that I feel bad for him that he has to deal with his little "delusional"
[37:33 - 37:36] steps on the bullshit all day.
[37:36 - 37:38] And I told him that you're a liar.
[37:38 - 37:41] And he said he's going to call the police and I'm like, "You know what?
[37:41 - 37:42] That's fine."
[37:42 - 37:45] I think I proved my point that Cyrax is afraid.
[37:45 - 37:47] Cyrax is a coward.
[37:47 - 37:48] And that's what happened.
[37:48 - 37:49] That's what happened.
[37:49 - 37:50] Let me ask this, Marty.
[37:50 - 37:55] Why do you feel like you have to fight the whole world?
[37:55 - 37:58] No, you do feel like you have to fight everybody.
[37:58 - 38:00] And that's sad, dude.
[38:00 - 38:03] You feel like you got to fight everybody to prove a point?
[38:03 - 38:05] Nigga, nobody owes you nothing, bro.
[38:05 - 38:07] I don't owe you nothing.
[38:07 - 38:12] The only thing that owes anyone anything, you owe the fucking world something.
[38:12 - 38:18] You owe the world the favor of getting off your fucking ass, getting a real fucking job,
[38:18 - 38:23] and stop being a pussy little bitch on the internet, sparking his fucking fat mouth.
[38:23 - 38:27] Oh, goddamn fucking day long, just for money, views, and clicks.
[38:27 - 38:29] Because that's all it is for you.
[38:29 - 38:34] Because you're a greedy, fat, sandwich-eating piece of shit that's going nowhere in life.
[38:34 - 38:39] And you're mad because you see where I'm actually going in life,
[38:39 - 38:42] which is a pretty good fucking place, mind you.
[38:42 - 38:44] What do you mean you're going somewhere in life?
[38:44 - 38:47] Like, you've been in your grandmother's attic for years.
[38:47 - 38:51] You've been a penniless, indigent buffoon for years.
[38:51 - 38:54] And there's no sign on the horizon that you're going to make any money.
[38:54 - 38:56] You never have, you never will.
[38:56 - 38:58] Most money made was 110 bucks a month.
[38:58 - 39:00] You can see that to be really good money.
[39:00 - 39:03] It was like 35 days and 100 bucks.
[39:03 - 39:06] Like, come on, dude. Come on, dude.
[39:06 - 39:08] Let's be honest here, Marty.
[39:08 - 39:11] What you need to realize is this.
[39:11 - 39:13] Not everything is what it seems, Marty.
[39:13 - 39:15] Yeah, it is.
[39:15 - 39:17] No, it ain't.
[39:17 - 39:20] Just because it looks like it right there.
[39:20 - 39:22] It looks like it right now.
[39:22 - 39:24] Don't we know what you say is true?
[39:24 - 39:25] It is.
[39:25 - 39:26] No, it's not.
[39:26 - 39:27] It is true.
[39:27 - 39:30] How do you make your money right now?
[39:30 - 39:32] That's not your fucking business.
[39:32 - 39:34] I'm kidding.
[39:34 - 39:35] No, I do.
[39:35 - 39:38] But that's not your business.
[39:38 - 39:42] No, that's between me and the good lord upstairs.
[39:42 - 39:44] That ain't between me and you.
[39:44 - 39:46] That's true, man.
[39:46 - 39:48] Okay.
[39:48 - 39:51] I don't know.
[39:51 - 39:56] Sometimes, Marty, what you need to realize is this.
[39:56 - 40:00] You're a drug addict that needs help.
[40:00 - 40:01] You really are.
[40:01 - 40:02] I'll agree.
[40:02 - 40:05] You really do need fucking help so hard.
[40:05 - 40:08] Marty, let's be honest.
[40:08 - 40:11] There's three things you're addicted to.
[40:11 - 40:15] Being a piece of shit on the internet and creating garbage content,
[40:15 - 40:18] you're addicted to the fucking alcohol, dude.
[40:18 - 40:19] Come on, Marty.
[40:19 - 40:23] We all saw you toss back that hat bottle of Jack on a fucking livestream,
[40:23 - 40:24] dude.
[40:24 - 40:25] I always be honest.
[40:25 - 40:27] You do fucking help.
[40:27 - 40:30] A suggestion to you, Marty, is this.
[40:30 - 40:32] You really want to get better?
[40:32 - 40:34] Here's my advice to you.
[40:34 - 40:38] Get the fuck off the internet and go to AA counseling.
[40:38 - 40:41] They can fucking help you with that.
[40:41 - 40:42] That's okay.
[40:42 - 40:45] Well, why fuck that?
[40:45 - 40:47] Because you don't want to get better?
[40:47 - 40:50] You'd rather be a drunk piece of shit.
[40:50 - 40:53] It's not like you're talking that you need help.
[40:53 - 40:56] Every person that has ever said, "I'm fine."
[40:56 - 40:58] Are the words that need help?
[40:58 - 40:59] So clearly, we need help.
[40:59 - 41:00] Are you fine?
[41:00 - 41:01] Sorry, X.
[41:01 - 41:02] Let me ask you this.
[41:02 - 41:03] Are you fine?
[41:03 - 41:05] I'm better than fine, dude.
[41:05 - 41:08] Then you need help, too, just using your logic.
[41:08 - 41:10] You need to check into a fucking mental ward,
[41:10 - 41:13] a midget group home, just using your logic,
[41:13 - 41:14] and you need help, too.
[41:14 - 41:17] Everyone who says that they're fine needs help, right?
[41:17 - 41:18] So there you go.
[41:18 - 41:21] Why don't you go check yourself into a fucking midget group home?
[41:21 - 41:23] Hey, Marty, why don't you do yourself a favor
[41:23 - 41:26] and tell that fucking veteran that you fucking disgraced
[41:26 - 41:29] about how you fucking dashed him on a fucking livestream
[41:29 - 41:31] like a pathetic coward?
[41:31 - 41:32] Well, I'll tell you what, sorry.
[41:32 - 41:34] If you consider yourself a real racer, right?
[41:34 - 41:36] You're a real racer?
[41:36 - 41:41] I ain't got the fucking understatement of the year.
[41:41 - 41:43] Well, actually, you suck.
[41:43 - 41:45] I beat Cam Time, and I can prove it,
[41:45 - 41:48] and I'd be more than happy to, and I will.
[41:48 - 41:52] But just like you're a real race car driver playing video games,
[41:52 - 41:57] I'm a real active duty soldier by playing virtual combat.
[41:57 - 41:58] So we're the same.
[41:58 - 41:59] We're the same.
[41:59 - 42:02] I'm a real soldier, just like you're a real racer, you know?
[42:02 - 42:03] It's the same thing.
[42:03 - 42:05] Dude, that's why me and you are different.
[42:05 - 42:08] See, Marty, what you don't get,
[42:08 - 42:11] that soldier put his life on the line.
[42:11 - 42:14] You've never done anything, bro.
[42:14 - 42:17] You've never done anything, you piece of shit.
[42:17 - 42:22] My fucking dad, my adoptive dad served our country.
[42:22 - 42:25] He was a fucking fag just like you.
[42:25 - 42:27] No, that's you.
[42:27 - 42:28] Yeah, he's a fag.
[42:28 - 42:33] No, the only one here who's a disgrace is you.
[42:33 - 42:35] No, that's you, motherfucker.
[42:35 - 42:36] That's you.
[42:36 - 42:41] Shut the fuck up, you non-patriotic.
[42:41 - 42:43] Come down the fag line, okay?
[42:43 - 42:44] We got Rupal.
[42:44 - 42:46] We love soccer boys.
[42:46 - 42:47] You got Bill.
[42:47 - 42:48] Fag.
[42:48 - 42:49] You got Uncle Jack.
[42:49 - 42:50] Fag.
[42:50 - 42:51] You got you.
[42:51 - 42:52] You shove things up your ass.
[42:52 - 42:53] Fag.
[42:53 - 42:58] Let's go down the pathetic little worm line.
[42:58 - 43:00] Starting with you.
[43:00 - 43:03] Don't talk fast.
[43:03 - 43:06] No, that's you.
[43:06 - 43:08] That's the honest man.
[43:08 - 43:09] Sorry.
[43:09 - 43:11] We've seen you shove things up your ass.
[43:11 - 43:12] We've seen you eat your own cum.
[43:12 - 43:13] You're a fag.
[43:13 - 43:15] Yeah, you want to know what's funny about that?
[43:15 - 43:16] That actually wasn't it.
[43:16 - 43:19] That was actually a fucking whipped cream, dude.
[43:19 - 43:20] That wasn't actually it.
[43:20 - 43:22] That was actually it was.
[43:22 - 43:24] It actually was.
[43:24 - 43:27] That was not confirmed in there easily, and I have.
[43:27 - 43:28] No.
[43:28 - 43:32] No, because you don't want to be wrong.
[43:32 - 43:35] No, we don't want to be not with.
[43:35 - 43:38] Hey, I'm patriotic bitch.
[43:38 - 43:42] If you don't like our soldiers, pack your shit up and fucking leave.
[43:42 - 43:45] You know, I am a soldier.
[43:45 - 43:49] No, you ain't.
[43:49 - 43:52] I said, good, good boots on ground, bitch.
[43:52 - 43:57] I'll grab my boys and I'll grab my boys that are real fucking soldiers.
[43:57 - 43:59] And you grab your pathetic, nobody's.
[43:59 - 44:01] And let's see who wins motherfucker.
[44:01 - 44:03] Let's see who wins, bitch.
[44:03 - 44:07] I win because I'm patriotic, pathetic piece of shit.
[44:07 - 44:10] And I'm warning you right now, Marty.
[44:10 - 44:14] I catch you talking shit about our troops again or disrespecting them.
[44:14 - 44:16] I am the ultimate warrior.
[44:16 - 44:18] No, you're not.
[44:18 - 44:20] No, you're the ultimate.
[44:20 - 44:21] No, you're the ultimate pathetic.
[44:21 - 44:22] You're the ultimate warrior.
[44:22 - 44:23] You're the ultimate bitch.
[44:23 - 44:30] Why don't you face me in Call of Duty right now and we'll see who the real soldier is.
[44:30 - 44:37] You really think that playing Call of Duty is real life?
[44:37 - 44:41] You really think that playing Hot Wheels Racing is real life?
[44:41 - 44:49] I can prove you wrong in less than two seconds, bro.
[44:49 - 44:51] You want to know how?
[44:51 - 44:58] Call of Grand Trismo 7, Olympic Sports 2020.
[44:58 - 45:00] Call of Duty wasn't in there.
[45:00 - 45:02] Yeah, because you know you're wrong.
[45:02 - 45:09] Well, Cyrax, you'll find that soldiers use combat simulators to train.
[45:09 - 45:12] So therefore, it's one and the same.
[45:12 - 45:15] Therefore, I'm the ultimate warrior.
[45:15 - 45:18] And you're just a bitch made fuck face cut bag.
[45:18 - 45:22] Yeah, Call of Duty and combat simulators don't fuck.
[45:22 - 45:24] It's a video game.
[45:24 - 45:26] It's not.
[45:26 - 45:28] I know that.
[45:28 - 45:30] It is.
[45:30 - 45:31] How about this?
[45:31 - 45:37] How about you pack your bags and shoot you back to Auschwitz where you belong?
[45:37 - 45:43] How about you pack your bags and send you fucking packing
[45:43 - 45:46] since you want to sit there and disrespect our troops?
[45:46 - 45:51] How about you pack your bags, you piece of shit?
[45:51 - 45:53] I am a soldier, Cyrax.
[45:53 - 45:58] How about you ask any real fucking soldier what's sitting out of their ass off that shoot?
[45:58 - 46:01] No, no, no, that's not true.
[46:01 - 46:03] How about you, you fucking loser?
[46:03 - 46:04] That's not true at all.
[46:04 - 46:05] I'm the ultimate warrior.
[46:05 - 46:07] I guess Seld is yelling at him.
Transcribed by as id '398' on August 9th, 2024