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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on May 21st, 2024
Original upload date: May 20th, 2024 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:15] What's up everybody, so I'm here to clear something up really fast.
[0:15 - 0:24] To anybody out there that thinks that I support DNA who is guy that I've recently come across.
[0:24 - 0:29] To anybody out there that thinks that I support this guy and that I co-sign with this guy,
[0:29 - 0:33] I'm going to say this right now and one time only.
[0:33 - 0:43] I, Chance Wilkins, do not keyword, I do not support the pedophile known as DNA.
[0:43 - 0:51] This man is a literal pedophile, got caught talking to minors, and is currently dating
[0:51 - 0:56] a minor.
[0:56 - 1:10] This man is a literal piece of fucking shit
[1:10 - 1:12] and I do not support that.
[1:12 - 1:24] And I sure as hell do not support Gamerboy who is threatening to murder his girlfriend.
[1:24 - 1:27] I do not support Gamerboy.
[1:27 - 1:32] I do not support abusive pieces of shit like Gamerboy.
[1:32 - 1:37] And I sure as hell do not support DNA.
[1:37 - 1:41] I did not co-sign anything.
[1:41 - 1:44] I did not sign a goddamn thing.
[1:44 - 1:53] Therefore, Gamerboy, fuck you, you abusive fucking piece of shit.
[1:53 - 2:00] You want to abuse somebody, ma'am, you want to bully someone, push someone around, come
[2:00 - 2:10] after me piece of shit, mom, come on over here, come on over here, fuck boy.
[2:10 - 2:16] But I'm not.
[2:16 - 2:24] Not just to clear the air, I do not support DNA or any of his friends.
[2:24 - 2:25] They are all garbage.
[2:25 - 2:29] They are all pieces of fucking shit.
[2:29 - 2:36] I do not support anything that they do.
[2:36 - 2:40] And I will be coming after them and making sure that they get shut down and dealt with
[2:40 - 2:56] accordingly.
[2:56 - 3:01] So to Gamerboy, you better watch your ass because I'm coming after you motherfucker, legally
[3:01 - 3:02] and otherwise.
[3:02 - 3:08] I will make sure that your girlfriend turns on you and turns you into the place to make
[3:08 - 3:15] sure that you get dealt with accordingly.
[3:15 - 3:20] And as for DNA, you better hope and pray to God I don't catch you motherfucker because
[3:20 - 3:25] the minute that I catch you slipping, your ass is off of YouTube for good and you'll
[3:25 - 3:34] probably end up getting arrested for a pedo shit.
[3:34 - 4:02] I am the original author of that song, N-word Boyfucking Stole It.
[4:02 - 4:09] Bullshit, you call bullshit?
[4:09 - 4:12] Go back and listen to that song and tell me who's voice that you hear on there.
[4:12 - 4:17] As sure as fuck it is, it's actually my voice.
[4:17 - 4:20] That is actually my voice on that song.
[4:20 - 4:26] I'm the one that wrote and recorded street racing scene, which I am going to be taking
[4:26 - 4:28] back in due time.
[4:28 - 4:32] Yo, Gherkin, what up dude?
[4:32 - 4:53] How you doing man?
[4:53 - 4:58] Well like I said, I wanted to put this PSA out there to let everybody know that I do
[4:58 - 5:01] not support DNA.
[5:01 - 5:05] I do not support any of their friends.
[5:05 - 5:10] I don't support any of what they're doing because they are a bunch of pedophile bullies
[5:10 - 5:19] and I will be going after them in what the proper manner.
[5:19 - 5:25] I will be going through the proper channels and the proper authorities to take care of
[5:25 - 5:26] these people.
[5:27 - 5:32] Because like I said before, I know that I'm only one person.
[5:32 - 5:37] I get it, I'm only one YouTuber out of millions on YouTube every day, but if I can help make
[5:37 - 5:42] this platform a little bit better, I'll do whatever I can.
[5:42 - 5:48] Even if it means shutting someone down, reporting someone, doing whatever I have to do, calling
[5:48 - 5:52] someone out, I'll do what I need to do to help out.
[5:53 - 5:56] Oh, I know they are and I don't give a fuck.
[5:56 - 6:03] I already shut them down within two seconds a few minutes ago, so it's all good dude.
[6:03 - 6:14] But as I said, as an official PSA, I do not, and I mean I do not support what these guys
[6:14 - 6:15] are doing.
[6:23 - 6:30] I do not support what these people are doing and what they're about.
[6:39 - 6:45] Hey Kim Song, you want a pig squeal, go watch my last video.
[6:45 - 6:49] I literally did a fucking pig squeal during one of my songs bro, go back and watch that
[6:49 - 6:50] shit.
[6:50 - 6:51] I think you might actually like it.
[6:52 - 7:02] And for those of you that don't know, yes I am a metal vocalist on top of a hip-hop artist.
[7:02 - 7:10] But like I said, I just wanted to bounce on here and give that quick PSA announcement
[7:10 - 7:14] to say, fuck these motherfuckers man.
[7:15 - 7:27] And yeah, I do not support these people and I will be doing all I can and working with
[7:27 - 7:37] YouTube to shut them down as quickly and as swiftly as possible.
[7:37 - 7:44] So good luck to all y'all out there that think I'm not going to do anything, go look at that.
[7:44 - 7:48] Peace.
Transcribed by as id '326' on August 2nd, 2024