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2023-7-14 calling out death by design

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on July 15th, 2023
Original upload date: July 14th, 2023 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:06] Alright y'all, so I'm making this quick video because I just saw the 3 part videos of Death
[0:06 - 0:07] by Design.
[0:07 - 0:10] At Death by Design, I'm calling you out, motherfucker.
[0:10 - 0:15] You want to sit there and talk about how I need to take accountability for my actions?
[0:15 - 0:20] How about you guys take accountability for what you fucking did?
[0:20 - 0:25] You say that, oh, anybody that goes against me is the, no, that's you, motherfucker.
[0:25 - 0:29] Anybody that don't agree with you, that's your narrative.
[0:30 - 0:33] That's your fucking narrative, dude.
[0:35 - 0:37] That is your narrative, man.
[0:37 - 0:39] Not mine.
[0:39 - 0:41] You want to talk about getting out the internet?
[0:41 - 0:43] How about you get out the internet, motherfucker?
[0:43 - 0:46] I have just as much right to be on here as you do, boy.
[0:46 - 0:49] Just as much right as you do.
[0:49 - 0:52] You want to talk about taking accountability?
[0:52 - 0:56] How about money and all these people taking accountability for targeting me?
[0:56 - 0:58] How about that?
[0:59 - 1:03] How about y'all taking accountability for what you guys did to me?
[1:05 - 1:08] Oh, by the way, those charges ain't getting raised.
[1:09 - 1:11] That's not going to happen.
[1:13 - 1:21] Because that son of a bitch that showed up here had no fucking right being here at all.
[1:21 - 1:27] He showed up here to harass my family and incite a riot.
[1:27 - 1:30] I had every reason to do what I fucking did, every reason.
[1:30 - 1:32] And am I sorry for that?
[1:32 - 1:35] No, I was defending my family.
[1:36 - 1:37] And you know what's sad?
[1:37 - 1:43] Y'all motherfuckers sit there and talk about how, oh, you need to take accountability for your actions.
[1:43 - 1:48] How about you shut the fuck up and take accountability for your actions, dude?
[1:48 - 1:55] How about all those fucking times that you guys sat there and fucking bullied me and pushed me and attacked me?
[1:55 - 1:57] How about that?
[1:58 - 2:04] How about all those times y'all sat there and harassed my family and went after my fucking family?
[2:04 - 2:11] Oh, and down for the record, I actually did own a business, but these motherfuckers gotta shut down
[2:11 - 2:13] because they don't want to see me making money.
[2:13 - 2:16] So you can shut the fuck up with that.
[2:17 - 2:24] But as for you, death by design, you're a fucking piece of shit, dude.
[2:24 - 2:25] You really are.
[2:25 - 2:27] You want to talk about this, not the other?
[2:27 - 2:29] You're a fucking dumbass, dude.
[2:29 - 2:32] You don't see what's really going on.
[2:33 - 2:37] And Marty, I'm calling you the fuck out to you, fat fuck.
[2:37 - 2:42] If you hadn't done all this shit to begin with, I wouldn't be in this position, man.
[2:43 - 2:49] If you wouldn't have left me to fuck alone when I told you to fuck up, I wouldn't be in this position, man.
[2:49 - 2:51] I don't deserve this.
[2:53 - 2:56] Oh, and down, you didn't put me in my place, bitch.
[2:56 - 2:58] I put you in your fucking place.
[2:58 - 3:00] Get it right.
[3:00 - 3:06] And the reason why I have this on you, because I'm tired of you treating me like a little fucking king
[3:06 - 3:11] instead of like a grown-ass fucking adult, like I fucking deserve.
[3:13 - 3:15] So yeah, I'm calling you out.
[3:16 - 3:23] You sit here and you treat me like a little fucking king when you should be treating me like a grown-ass adult.
[3:24 - 3:30] So yeah, I did do this on your ass, because I got tired of you sitting there treating me like a fucking child.
[3:30 - 3:32] So fuck you.
[3:33 - 3:42] But as for the rest of you darn assholes, you need to realize that you guys are the reason why I did what I did.
[3:42 - 3:52] You guys harassed me, attacked me, bullied me, went after my family, and you don't expect me to say something?
[3:52 - 3:55] You don't expect me to do something?
[3:56 - 4:00] Yeah, I admit some of the shit that I did, I'm not proud of.
[4:00 - 4:07] But you guys take into consideration what you guys did to push me to that point.
[4:08 - 4:13] You guys bullied me, threatened my life, threatened my family's lives.
[4:13 - 4:17] And yet you don't expect me to stand up and say something?
[4:17 - 4:19] Wrong answer, motherfucker.
[4:19 - 4:22] Wrong fucking answer.
[4:22 - 4:24] Wrong answer.
[4:25 - 4:28] You guys are pieces of shit.
[4:28 - 4:30] You're garbage.
[4:30 - 4:33] You're talking about me manipulating, not motherfucker.
[4:33 - 4:36] You guys do the manipulating.
[4:36 - 4:38] You guys do the bullying.
[4:38 - 4:41] You guys do the harassment.
[4:41 - 4:43] Not me.
[4:43 - 4:48] You don't see me going out of my fucking way to harass people.
[4:48 - 4:50] That's you sons of bitches.
[4:50 - 4:55] Oh, just for the record, I'm not a goddamn pedophile, okay?
[4:55 - 5:00] Natural mafia is the fucking pedo, not me.
[5:00 - 5:07] She unlawfully had me entrapped, which is a fucking crime.
[5:07 - 5:11] Which I came very well fucking through.
[5:11 - 5:13] I was never convicted of it.
[5:13 - 5:15] I've never been arrested for it.
[5:15 - 5:20] So shut the fuck up about it already and move the fuck on.
[5:20 - 5:26] I'm tired of you dumbass fucking trolls going around, sneaking around,
[5:26 - 5:29] talking to my family, doing this and that and the other.
[5:29 - 5:31] I ain't going to no group home, bitch.
[5:31 - 5:33] Fuck you.
[5:33 - 5:35] You want the real enemy?
[5:35 - 5:37] The real bad guy?
[5:37 - 5:40] Look in the goddamn fucking mirror, okay?
[5:40 - 5:43] Look in the fucking mirror.
[5:43 - 5:46] You guys are the bad guys.
[5:46 - 5:50] You guys are the ones that start all this.
[5:50 - 5:55] You guys are the reason why I could be facing jail time.
[5:55 - 5:57] I didn't do this.
[5:57 - 6:01] I didn't show up with a sign harassing someone's family.
[6:01 - 6:03] That was you.
[6:03 - 6:06] All you guys did that, not me.
[6:06 - 6:11] So all you dumbass trolls, look in the fucking mirror before you judge someone.
[6:11 - 6:14] You stupid little fucks.
[6:14 - 6:16] Grow up.
[6:16 - 6:20] Stop being like five of yours, you fucking dumb shit.
Transcribed by as id '361' on August 3rd, 2024