Original upload date: April 16th, 2023 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:26] What's up everybody, I'm going to be making this very short and just very simple and quick
[0:26 - 0:40] because I'm not going to be on here very long, but due to the trolls and then going after directly
[0:40 - 0:48] after one of my best friends and putting my friendship with one of my best friends over
[0:48 - 1:03] many years on the line, I spoke with my family about it, I spoke with some very close friends of mine
[1:03 - 1:19] and we all feel the same way that until this shit gets dealt with, I'm going to have to step away for a while
[1:19 - 1:28] I'm going to have to step away for a long while until all this shit stops
[1:28 - 1:45] I know that you guys enjoy seeing me doing streams in the morning and in the afternoon and stuff, but I don't want to lose my friendship
[1:46 - 1:56] I know, because the person that they're attacking has been my best friend for almost 18 years
[1:56 - 2:10] and I don't want something like these assholes getting in the way ruining our friendship
[2:10 - 2:21] so sadly until these trolls get dealt with, I'm going to have to take a break for a very long time
[2:23 - 2:33] so probably indefinitely you guys can expect me to more than likely not be doing streams for a while
[2:33 - 2:41] because these people have attacked my family so much, these people have attacked my friends
[2:41 - 2:48] they've done so much shit that's not okay that I need to deal with this
[2:48 - 2:57] and it fucking kills me, I don't have to do this, but I have no choice
[3:03 - 3:10] but I just want you guys to know that I love you guys
[3:15 - 3:20] you guys are awesome, just know that I believe in you guys
[3:20 - 3:26] and that I care about you guys and that my Facebook's always open
[3:26 - 3:30] my emails are always open, you guys can hit me up anytime
[3:31 - 3:42] so until then, I love you guys and I hope you guys understand why I'm doing this
[3:44 - 3:52] but until then, I will catch you guys by email, Facebook and whatever else
[3:53 - 4:02] and I love you all and I promise you guys I will be back as soon as I pass weekend
[4:03 - 4:07] I love you guys, peace
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '420' on August 3rd, 2024