Original upload date: March 3rd, 2023 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:02] God, don't you ever want to see it?
[0:02 - 0:04] Come on.
[0:04 - 0:06] Come over here.
[0:10 - 0:12] Why?
[0:12 - 0:14] For the fucker.
[0:14 - 0:18] Why would you leave me alone? Why?
[0:18 - 0:20] Why would it be hard?
[0:20 - 0:22] I love you.
[0:24 - 0:26] You want me to help?
[0:27 - 0:29] Bitch!
[0:29 - 0:32] No! No!
[0:32 - 0:34] Get the fuck out of here. Who's the king?
[0:34 - 0:35] You are?
[0:35 - 0:37] Then run away now.
[0:37 - 0:38] Shut the fuck up.
[0:38 - 0:39] Fine.
[0:39 - 0:41] You win.
[0:41 - 0:42] You win.
[0:42 - 0:43] You win.
[0:43 - 0:45] Please let it go.
[0:45 - 0:46] I'm thanking you.
[0:46 - 0:48] Please!
[0:48 - 0:50] Get the fuck out of here.
[0:51 - 0:53] Get up.
[0:56 - 0:59] Bitch!
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '503' on August 4th, 2024