Original upload date: March 20th, 2023 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:05] Alright, so check this out. You're gonna think I'm batshit crazy. This Kenny Chesney CD from when I was in high school
[0:05 - 0:12] just blew my frickin mind and gave me a totally different outlook on the world and no, I'm not high right now
[0:12 - 0:16] So I'm out here on these back roads tonight just chilling cruising to myself right up
[0:19 - 0:24] Then it got me thinking and feeling old as fuck it put me in such a good mood and
[0:24 - 0:31] Now I started thinking about how shit was when I was in high school, which was only eight years ago
[0:31 - 0:34] So now at this point, I'm cruising and thinking and I just switched to the next song
[0:41 - 0:47] And then boom that's when it hit me the whole world's going to hell in the handbasket
[0:47 - 0:52] What do you mean the world's going to hell in a handbasket all you did was listen to a Kenny Chesney CD
[0:53 - 0:59] Exactly all it took was a Kenny Chesney CD and me riding around in my Silverado on these back roads
[0:59 - 1:02] I've been running my whole life to make me realize
[1:02 - 1:08] Holy fuck the world is getting fucking ruined. So check this out anybody in here over the age of 26
[1:08 - 1:14] Do you remember back in high school if you had your eye on some hot cute chick or whatever that you thought was, you know
[1:14 - 1:20] Good-looking you had to do certain shit to be able to get with that chick or actually get that chick to notice you
[1:20 - 1:25] You had to for one, you know appeal to her to you had to impress her three
[1:25 - 1:30] You had to actually take her on real fucking dates and last but not least at least where the place
[1:30 - 1:34] I'm from you actually had to be a boy not a punk-ass bitch
[1:34 - 1:36] Then after all that real life shit
[1:36 - 1:40] You could really ask that really pretty girl if she would really be your girlfriend
[1:40 - 1:47] And then even after that there was none of this Facebook official shit Facebook didn't even fucking exist yet
[1:47 - 1:51] So with that being said no, I wasn't around during the 80s or 70s
[1:51 - 1:56] But I can tell you this me my mom had this talk and none of the 70s 80s and 90s weren't the same
[1:57 - 2:01] But they you gotta admit they were pretty similar when it come to socializing
[2:01 - 2:06] But then guess what buddy come blue the 2000s start rolling around and then guess what died
[2:07 - 2:13] Socializing it fucking died. I mean, yeah, you've always been able to text somebody from your flip phone
[2:13 - 2:18] You've always been able to send some fucking emails at least in my lifetime anyway
[2:18 - 2:26] Then it started getting quote-unquote better, which I say fucking worse social media got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger
[2:26 - 2:31] The funny thing is they call it social media, but it makes you anti
[2:32 - 2:38] Social and fucking weird when I was in high school a very short eight years ago where where I live
[2:38 - 2:44] It was marijuana and whiskey and beer. That's it marijuana whiskey in there
[2:45 - 2:51] You buddies might have gotten drunk around off the road or got too fucking high and let their boot catch on fire at the campfire
[2:51 - 2:54] But that's about it. Well, not anymore. It's
[2:54 - 3:01] 2000 and fuckery now kids in high school are shooting up heroin and fucking crushing up pills and snort nub
[3:01 - 3:08] And their fucking teeth are falling out of their head by the time they're in 11th grade and all these popular songs
[3:08 - 3:13] That are fucking going viral on the internet are glorifying being a fucking dope head
[3:13 - 3:18] Well, if I had my way with people sailing dope, I'd take a big tall tree to show a piece of rope
[3:18 - 3:22] I'd hang them up high and let them spine till the sun goes down
[3:22 - 3:29] Kids making YouTube videos of them trying fucking drugs that could possibly kill them in five seconds. No, bro
[3:29 - 3:32] It's cool. We'll get like a million views for that
[3:33 - 3:35] You want to know what we did in high school for entertainment?
[3:35 - 3:41] We drove our happy asses up to Sonic with the last $20 we had in our Ford f-250
[3:41 - 3:49] They got 11 miles a gallon setting up in a park install for four hours getting the same refill of sweet tea 30 fucking times
[3:49 - 3:51] Just so we can save the rest of our money
[3:51 - 3:56] Just in case one of the hot chicks in school decided to come up there and chill for a minute
[3:56 - 4:01] So we could talk her into coming to some party and saving your other $20 to go get some random fucking
[4:01 - 4:03] Hobo down the street to go buy you some beer
[4:03 - 4:09] So you guys can go have a good time. It's someone's party. No, no, no, sir. Not anymore
[4:09 - 4:13] 2000 and fuckery you could be the biggest douchebag pussy in the world now
[4:13 - 4:21] But if you got a hundred thousand followers, you're getting any chicken the whole school brother. Oh, oh, you don't have a summertime job
[4:21 - 4:26] You're not working for your dad or someone else to get a vehicle to go right around in the summertime
[4:26 - 4:31] No, you're not. Oh, no, that's right. You got a hundred thousand followers
[4:31 - 4:37] All you got to do is give a bitch a shout out or some shit, right? My bad. I forgot. It's not 2000 in America. No more
[4:37 - 4:39] It's 2000 and fuckery
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '457' on August 4th, 2024