Original upload date: March 14th, 2023 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:29] You stupid little sheep just don't get it, do you?
[0:29 - 0:35] You don't get it. You dumbass trolls are nothing.
[0:35 - 0:43] You're nothing more than a bunch of sad, overweight, pathetic men.
[0:43 - 0:48] I'm sorry, you're not a man. You're man-children.
[0:48 - 1:01] You're just a bunch of overgrown, stuck-up, snobby, whiny bitchy assholes that thinks that they can control what I do.
[1:01 - 1:06] You think you can micromanage me because I'm not giving you what you want.
[1:06 - 1:12] You think you can dance on me? You can't.
[1:13 - 1:21] Because the brand is me. I am my own brand. I am my own person.
[1:21 - 1:31] You can say whatever you want about it, but the truth is that none of what you say is ever true.
[1:31 - 1:39] Sure, you can sit there and chop up audio and make you look how you want. Who gives a fuck?
[1:39 - 1:47] The real world ain't gonna buy your bullshit. The real world sees what's going on.
[1:47 - 1:54] But yet, you don't want to admit that you're wrong. See, it's funny.
[1:54 - 2:05] You guys try to get me to get a regular job, but why don't I do that when you're just gonna get me fired?
[2:05 - 2:15] Why don't I get a regular job just so you can set me up to get me fired again? No. Not gonna happen.
[2:15 - 2:26] I mean, it's funny. You guys tell me to get a job, but what do you do? You don't work. None of you motherfucking trolls work.
[2:26 - 2:40] All you trolls do is sit on your ass and jerk off the kitty porn all day while real ass motherfuckers like me that have a work ethic work our asses off.
[2:40 - 2:48] And it's funny. The minute that I start getting somewhere on Twitch, you guys, you ripped that away from me.
[2:48 - 2:53] Why? Because you don't want to see me make any money.
[2:54 - 3:05] See, I was making real money on Twitch. I was doing good. And then the minute y'all found out I was doing good, nope, can't have that.
[3:05 - 3:15] Can't have all the chance making money. Otherwise, they'll be able to fight back. That's why y'all do it. You can't hide the truth.
[3:15 - 3:25] The truth is, you guys hate that I make money. So you try to cancel me. You try to shut me down by any means necessary.
[3:25 - 3:35] Making out lies about me doing this, doing that. But the truth is, all your lies are just that. They're lies.
[3:36 - 3:46] And the second truth, you can't cancel me. I'm unstoppable, bitch. Shut down my Twitch. I'll just make another one.
[3:46 - 3:56] Shut down my kick. Cut fucking luck. That's hard to get banned on. Try to ban me off Facebook. Guess what? I'll make another one.
[3:57 - 4:09] Then I kicked off YouTube. I'll just make another one. You can't fucking stop the inevitable. The reason why you guys want to stop me is because you know damn well, I speak the truth.
[4:09 - 4:20] When it comes to people like me, I speak the truth. I stand up for those that you attacked. I stand up for those that you bullied.
[4:21 - 4:32] And y'all don't like that. You are one of the victims that fights back. You are one of the victims that you can control and walk all over.
[4:32 - 4:37] Just like you did to Chris Chan and just like you did to Tony.
[4:38 - 4:58] Yes, Chris Chan and Tony may have done some fucked up shit, not maybe true. But that does not exclude the fact that you guys bullied them, harassed them, maimed them, made them look like shit.
[4:59 - 5:09] Made them do shit that was so degrading that anybody in the right mind would have knocked the living fuck out of you guys in real life if they saw you.
[5:10 - 5:25] See the problem is, you little turd fucking assholes are so stuck in your ways and so glued to your goddamn computer screens that you don't know what real life is anymore.
[5:25 - 5:32] You can't differentiate reality from non-reality and that's that.
[5:32 - 5:51] But yet, you have people out here like me that are working on music, doing gameplay videos, doing real life shit, trying to make a living from my family, trying to give my shit back up off the ground where it should have been.
[5:52 - 6:00] And yet, you don't want that because y'all want to sit there and point and laugh and attack.
[6:00 - 6:02] Which is sad.
[6:05 - 6:16] My question to you is this, are you really going to waste your entire life fucking with someone, attacking someone, bullying someone?
[6:16 - 6:22] Is that really the fucking legacy that y'all want to leave behind? If so, I feel bad for you.
[6:24 - 6:32] If that's the legacy you want to leave behind for your kids and their futures, then I feel bad for you.
[6:35 - 6:37] I feel sorry for you.
[6:38 - 6:42] I'm sorry that your parents didn't teach you right from wrong.
[6:42 - 6:47] I'm sorry that your parents didn't teach you how to be a good person.
[6:50 - 6:58] Valerie, I tell you right now, that's not the legacy I want to leave behind for my kids and my future and their future.
[6:58 - 7:03] I want to leave a legacy of goodness behind.
[7:03 - 7:14] I want to be able to look back on my deathbed, instead of saying what if I want to be able to look back on my deathbed and be like, I did that.
[7:14 - 7:16] I made a difference.
[7:16 - 7:23] I didn't let some podcast bitch on the internet tell me who I can and can't be or what I can and can't do.
[7:29 - 7:37] I want my kids, when they grow up, and I'm long gone, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm gone.
[7:37 - 7:43] I want my kids to be able to look back and be like, yo, that guy right there, that was my dad.
[7:43 - 7:50] That guy right there, that made these changes, that helped all these people, that was my dad.
[7:50 - 7:57] I want my kids to be able to look back and say, hey, I knew your grandpa.
[7:57 - 8:00] I knew your great grandpa.
[8:00 - 8:02] He was a good man.
[8:02 - 8:05] He helped out people when they needed it.
[8:05 - 8:08] He did something to make a change.
[8:08 - 8:10] He didn't just sit around and do nothing.
[8:10 - 8:13] He stood for what was right.
[8:13 - 8:19] And he did everything he could to make things right.
[8:19 - 8:26] Despite my mistakes, I'm still here fighting.
[8:26 - 8:33] Despite my past transgressions, I'm still doing me and doing what I should have been doing the whole time.
[8:33 - 8:41] Instead of wasting my time on a bunch of punk ass trolls that think they know shit.
[8:41 - 8:47] Because truth is, y'all motherfuckers ain't shit in real life.
[8:47 - 8:54] You just walk around in groups thinking that you own shit, but really you don't own nothing.
[8:54 - 9:02] You're a bunch of pussy ass, pansy ass, talentless little fuck boys that think they run shit,
[9:02 - 9:05] but really you don't run nothing.
[9:05 - 9:10] You don't run anything.
[9:10 - 9:15] You only think you do, because you run in a pack.
[9:15 - 9:19] Truth is, by yourselves, you don't run nothing.
[9:19 - 9:25] By yourselves, you ain't anything at all.
[9:25 - 9:29] By yourselves individually, you ain't shit.
[9:29 - 9:32] That's why you gotta gang up all motherfuckers.
[9:32 - 9:42] Because you know damn well by yourselves, you get shut down real fast and real easy.
[9:42 - 9:45] Real fucking easy.
[9:45 - 9:54] The truth is, you guys are so mad at the fact that I'm doing good, that I'm trying to do good that you can't stand it.
[9:54 - 9:58] Y'all are jealous of what I'm able to fucking do.
[9:58 - 10:06] You're jealous that I was gifted with the gift of music, that I was gifted with the blessing to be able to do artwork.
[10:06 - 10:13] That I was blessed with the gift to be able to do all the shit that I fucking do.
[10:13 - 10:16] You don't like that though, do you?
[10:16 - 10:22] You don't like the fact that a weird looking motherfucker like me actually is able to do something.
[10:22 - 10:24] You hate that.
[10:24 - 10:31] You can't stand that a weird looking motherfucker like me is able to do something that y'all wish you could do.
[10:31 - 10:37] You want to do something, then get out your ass and study the art like I did.
[10:37 - 10:41] Whatever it is that you want to do, study that shit.
[10:41 - 10:45] You want to do music like I do, study it.
[10:45 - 10:47] You want to be a tattoo artist, study it.
[10:47 - 10:50] You want to do artwork, study it.
[10:50 - 10:55] Don't just sit on your ass wasting your life away talking shit.
[10:55 - 11:03] Because the truth is, you never know what that next man that you're talking shit on, you never know what that person's been through.
[11:03 - 11:07] You don't know what that person's gone through.
[11:07 - 11:12] You don't know their life, you don't know what the fuck they've been through.
[11:12 - 11:17] And y'all think that you have the right to judge? No, you don't have the right to judge.
[11:17 - 11:20] You don't know my real story?
[11:20 - 11:24] All you know is what you've been told.
[11:24 - 11:32] That's all you know is what you've been told by some pussy motherfucker that thinks he fucking knows me.
[11:32 - 11:37] You know none of y'all motherfucking trolls know a damn thing about me.
[11:37 - 11:43] You only think you know about me.
[11:43 - 11:50] And yet when I speak the truth, you guys try to throw that shit in my face like you're some sort of hero.
[11:50 - 11:53] Like you're some sort of badass.
[11:53 - 12:00] But the truth, none of you motherfuckers are a badass.
[12:00 - 12:09] All you do is run your fucking mouths all day acting like a bunch of badasses when really all you guys are are a bunch of sheep
[12:09 - 12:14] following guys like Marty that ain't doing nothing with their lives.
[12:14 - 12:19] You don't think Marty and Glory Hope give a fuck about y'all or not?
[12:19 - 12:28] When people get tired of them and turn on them and they become irrelevant, you don't think they're gonna have your back?
[12:28 - 12:30] No.
[12:30 - 12:35] When the chips are down and shit gets hard, they ain't gonna have your back.
[12:35 - 12:39] They ain't gonna be there for you.
[12:39 - 12:43] Marty and Glory Hope are only out for themselves.
[12:43 - 12:48] Just like Michael Hacking, who's only out for himself.
[12:49 - 12:53] These motherfuckers don't give a good goddamn about anyone and y'all.
[12:53 - 12:54] At all.
[12:54 - 12:57] They don't give a fuck about you.
[12:57 - 12:59] They give a fuck about three things.
[12:59 - 13:03] Clicks, plays, and views.
[13:03 - 13:04] And money.
[13:04 - 13:06] That's the fourth thing they give a fuck about.
[13:06 - 13:11] Clicks, views, and money is really what it's all about.
[13:11 - 13:15] See, the clicks turn into plays.
[13:15 - 13:17] The plays turn into views.
[13:17 - 13:20] And the views turn into money for them.
[13:20 - 13:23] That's all they give a fuck about.
[13:23 - 13:26] They don't give a fuck about any of y'all.
[13:26 - 13:32] Just like Masshole reports, aka Masshole Mafia, they don't give a fuck.
[13:32 - 13:37] Masshole doesn't give a single goddamn one fuck about anybody but herself.
[13:37 - 13:39] Just like Marty and Glory Hope.
[13:39 - 13:42] They don't give a fuck about y'all.
[13:42 - 13:47] It's time for y'all to wake up and start thinking for yourselves.
[13:47 - 13:50] Start thinking for your damn self.
[13:50 - 13:55] Start following what they do and think for yourself.
[13:55 - 13:58] Start doing what they do.
[13:58 - 14:00] Do you want to be a good person?
[14:00 - 14:02] Be a good person.
[14:02 - 14:04] Don't follow in their footsteps.
[14:04 - 14:08] Because let me tell you, that shit ain't gonna lead you nowhere.
[14:08 - 14:11] At all.
[14:11 - 14:15] So stop being a fucking sheep to the slaughter.
[14:15 - 14:21] And start being a motherfucking leader.
[14:21 - 14:24] Stop attacking people and start helping people.
[14:24 - 14:26] Start being a good person.
[14:26 - 14:29] Start doing good shit.
[14:29 - 14:32] Stop being a fucking punk ass bully.
[14:32 - 14:36] Because being a bully gets you nowhere.
[14:36 - 14:38] Plain and simple.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '482' on August 4th, 2024