Original upload date: July 7th, 2022 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:09] So what is up everybody. How I feel to get in here before I start talking.
[0:29 - 0:46] All right, let me say these last few days, they've been hard.
[0:47 - 0:50] This is very, very hard these last few days.
[0:58 - 1:10] Things have not been easy at all.
[1:16 - 1:23] Aside from being hot, there's been a lot that's gone on.
[1:23 - 1:31] Obviously the main one that we all know about that definitely hurts me.
[1:31 - 1:36] And a way of something being part of our childhood.
[1:42 - 1:50] As you guys know, the founder, creator, the father of.
[1:50 - 1:57] What was I'm sure a lot of your God's childhood just as much as it was of mine.
[1:57 - 2:06] The creator of Yu-Gi-Oh actually passed away yesterday.
[2:06 - 2:11] He was found floating face down in some snorkeling gear.
[2:11 - 2:18] And a river from what I gathered.
[2:18 - 2:22] Which definitely does suck.
[2:22 - 2:29] But last night was probably the worst night ever.
[2:29 - 2:37] Cuz I found out from, I found out from one of my clothes.
[2:37 - 2:43] I found out from watching the live stream of one of my very close friends.
[2:43 - 2:47] Someone that's been in my camp for a long time.
[2:47 - 2:54] Someone that has always pushed me to create the craziest music.
[2:56 - 2:59] Someone that has always pushed me and say,
[2:59 - 3:04] fuck what other people think about you, just do you.
[3:04 - 3:11] Fuck what people think, but I found out that that person,
[3:11 - 3:22] my good friend Curtis D Campbell actually has cancer of the blood.
[3:22 - 3:28] Now they don't know what kind of blood cancer it is yet, but
[3:28 - 3:30] all they know is that he has it.
[3:31 - 3:36] And for those of you that unsubscribed due to me
[3:36 - 3:39] not being live the last couple of days, I'm sorry.
[3:39 - 3:45] But on top of it being hot, and
[3:45 - 3:52] then me having to deal with a friend getting cancer, that shit hurts.
[3:52 - 3:56] Cuz I already lost my older brother to cancer.
[3:56 - 4:01] I lost my older brother to cancer back in 2016.
[4:01 - 4:09] And now having to deal with it again, it really sucks.
[4:09 - 4:16] So for those of you that did unsubscribe, I hope that I get why you may have.
[4:16 - 4:23] But I hope also that you understand why I took yesterday and
[4:23 - 4:26] the day before off, not just cuz it was hot, but
[4:26 - 4:31] also because of these things that are going on.
[4:31 - 4:43] So with that being said, I wanna dedicate this song or
[4:43 - 4:49] this whole show to not only to my friend Kurt, but
[4:49 - 4:55] I also wanna dedicate this to the creator by starting to show off with this.
[5:55 - 6:13] >> Ready to go for a run?
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '3050' on August 19th, 2024