Original upload date: June 9th, 2022 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:23] What is going on everybody welcome welcome welcome to Great Legends bro I am super super
[0:23 - 0:36] super stoked I'm gonna scroll through all this real quick before we get everything going
[0:36 - 0:43] here.
[0:43 - 1:12] Hey, CIO, welcome bro.
[1:12 - 1:32] Welcome, welcome, welcome.
[1:32 - 1:51] How you doing CIO, what's good buddy?
[1:51 - 2:05] Hey Fender, LoFi, what up?
[2:05 - 2:34] Hey Juno, what up brother?
[2:34 - 2:50] Alright hold on guys.
[2:50 - 3:03] So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have to cut off my mic on this one and then what I'll do is I'll cut my mic back on in between races.
[3:03 - 3:12] So I'm gonna have to do like that because this does not like to cooperate in that manner.
[3:12 - 3:41] So let's restart it and I'll catch you guys in just a minute.
[3:41 - 3:45] Okay 22, there's too much debris on track, we need you to come in.
[3:45 - 3:49] That's a negative, do not retire the car, I repeat, do not retire.
[3:49 - 3:56] Hado, I'm seeing significant damage to 22, and no response from you, me. Is she okay?
[3:56 - 4:00] Medics are almost seen, that's all I know. Just focus on the race.
[4:00 - 4:06] Keep me updated, can you confirm race strategy?
[4:06 - 4:10] Look half the flow can't finish if we do, we're in the points, we can't quit.
[4:10 - 4:14] Understood. 22, finish the race.
[4:14 - 4:31] Go, go.
[4:31 - 4:47] Okay 22, keep pushing. We can't see an email function, just get over the line.
[4:47 - 5:07] Come on, you're doing great 22, you can do this.
[5:07 - 5:36] Final few turns now, you got it, just keep it steady.
[5:36 - 5:47] Keep moving, keep moving, keep moving.
[5:47 - 6:12] Okay 22, finish the race.
[6:12 - 6:25] Oh that was interesting, and if you guys are wondering what game this is, this is called Great Legends.
[6:25 - 6:54] Yeah, I know dude, and trust me that will happen.
[6:54 - 7:23] You know, let's continue the story and see what happens.
[7:23 - 7:51] Alright man, you guys ready for a fun race? Oh and if you guys aren't new to the channel, welcome welcome welcome, I hope you guys enjoy yourselves.
[7:51 - 7:58] I hope you guys have a good time and have fun hanging out dude.
[7:58 - 8:03] I hope you guys have just as much fun hanging out as I do entertaining you guys.
[8:03 - 8:08] I absolutely love doing this man, this is fun.
[8:08 - 8:26] Alright so I will catch you guys here in just a minute after the next race.
[8:26 - 8:41] Please make your way to your seats for this driver showcase event, it's a great day for it and our races are ready to go and you get to impress.
[8:41 - 9:07] Hello?
[9:07 - 9:13] Okay, the time to place in front of Vega, he's been having some good races recently.
[9:14 - 9:42] Okay, let's go.
[9:42 - 10:11] Alright, let's go.
[10:11 - 10:24] Right, let's pick it up, try to push closer to Vega.
[10:24 - 10:40] Please make your way to your seats for this driver showcase event, it's a great day for it and our races are ready to go and you get to impress.
[10:40 - 11:09] Okay, the time to place in front of Vega, he's been having some good races recently.
[11:09 - 11:26] Please make your way to your seats for this driver showcase event, it's a great day for it and our races are ready to go and you get to impress.
[11:26 - 11:55] Okay, the time to place in front of Vega, he's been having some good races recently.
[11:55 - 12:24] Alright, let's go.
[12:24 - 12:53] Okay, you're looking good, let's stay in front of Vega.
[12:53 - 13:15] Please make your way to your seats for this driver showcase event, it's a great day for it and our races are ready to go and you get to impress.
[13:15 - 13:23] If it doesn't work this time guys, I'm going to switch over to Horizon 1.
[13:23 - 13:28] Okay, the time to place in front of Vega, he's been having some good races recently.
[13:28 - 13:41] Alright, yeah guys, I'm going to switch over to Horizon, I'm going to switch over to Horizon 5 real quick guys, because this thing is not wanting to cooperate and I don't understand why.
[13:41 - 13:47] So I'm going to switch over to Horizon 5 real quick and I'll be right back.
[13:47 - 14:16] Alright.
[14:16 - 14:43] Alright, there we go guys.
[14:43 - 14:58] Hey, Melon, what up?
[14:58 - 15:05] Well, I said like that's one game that I might or might not be able to stream, which is Great Legends.
[15:05 - 15:14] Because as you guys saw when I was driving with the mic on, the wheel was so loose that I couldn't turn.
[15:14 - 15:38] But without it on, I actually had a bite in the wheel, like the wheel was actually biting down and allowing me to engage.
[15:38 - 15:48] Not too much, I'm about to get it in on some Horizon 5, boy.
[15:48 - 15:53] I'm about to get it in on some Horizon 5, boy.
[15:53 - 16:11] Have a little fun with y'all.
[16:12 - 16:48] I'm about to get it in on some Horizon 5.
[16:48 - 16:52] Alright, you know what? Screw Horizon 5.
[16:52 - 17:01] I have one that you guys will really, really like, so give me just one moment and I will literally be like right back.
[17:01 - 17:04] I'm actually going to start out with Karak's Drift, so I'll be right back.
[17:04 - 17:05] Thanks for watching, and I'll see you guys next time.
[17:05 - 17:06] See you next time.
[17:07 - 17:09] [ sub by sk cn2 ]
[17:10 - 71:52] [ sub by skcn2 ]
[71:52 - 71:55] Oh crap, the lag is real, guys.
[71:55 - 80:37] [ sub by skcn2 ]
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '2935' on August 19th, 2024