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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on November 28th, 2022
Original upload date: June 1st, 2022 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:29] [Silence]
[0:29 - 0:33] Okay, what's going on guys?
[0:33 - 0:39] Now normally I know today I was supposed to be streaming on Twitch,
[0:39 - 0:50] but I found out some news that I want to give to the original OG Cyrax Nation,
[0:50 - 0:55] all my original fans, all the people that knew about this amazing kid
[0:55 - 0:58] that I had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with.
[0:58 - 1:08] That was one of my biggest inspirations and biggest influences in everything that I do.
[1:08 - 1:13] You see, back in 2016 I met this amazing kid by the name of Nick
[1:13 - 1:19] who was wheelchair bound with a terminal illness whose music,
[1:19 - 1:24] like this kid used to rock my music every fucking day.
[1:24 - 1:29] This kid was the coolest fucking kid you could ever meet.
[1:29 - 1:35] Even though this kid couldn't speak or really say anything,
[1:35 - 1:42] this kid was one of the most badass motherfuckers that I've ever met in my life.
[1:42 - 1:50] I knew his whole family, his mom, his dad, his whole family was very close to me.
[1:50 - 1:55] And I just found out today that he passed away in 2018.
[1:55 - 1:58] I just found out a few minutes ago.
[1:58 - 2:02] And let me tell you, this kid had more heart and more courage
[2:02 - 2:06] than anyone I've ever met in my whole fucking life.
[2:06 - 2:11] This kid had more balls, more heart than anybody.
[2:11 - 2:15] This kid really was a real life Superman.
[2:15 - 2:21] This kid really was a real life super hero to me and a lot of others.
[2:21 - 2:26] This kid taught me more about myself and more about life
[2:26 - 2:32] than I think anybody in the whole world ever has.
[2:32 - 2:38] When I wanted to quit and throw everything away,
[2:38 - 2:46] one of the things that he wrote down and told me that I still hold very dear to this very day
[2:46 - 2:53] is no matter what anybody says about you, you don't ever give up.
[2:53 - 2:57] You don't ever back down. You don't ever take life for granted.
[2:57 - 3:01] Every day is a gift.
[3:01 - 3:08] Every day is a chance to be someone better than you were the day before.
[3:08 - 3:18] This kid had more courage and more heart than anybody I have ever met in my whole fucking life.
[3:18 - 3:26] And to Nick's family, I would like to say that I am truly, truly sorry for your loss.
[3:26 - 3:40] I am truly sorry that you guys had to deal with that.
[3:40 - 3:50] This kid was one of the most inspirational people that I have ever met in my whole fucking life.
[3:50 - 3:56] And like I said, I know that normally I would be on Twitch streaming right now,
[3:56 - 4:03] but as soon as I found out about his passing, I knew I had to do something.
[4:03 - 4:09] So this whole fucking show is dedicated to Nick and dedicated to his family,
[4:09 - 4:16] who helped me in the toughest of times when I was at my lowest.
[4:16 - 4:29] OG fans from back in the day, like Track Hero, who did a lot to help out Nick and his family just as much.
[4:29 - 4:33] Like I said, I know I've dealt with a lot of death over the last few days,
[4:33 - 4:44] but this one hit me so fucking hard because this kid was one of the most inspirational people that I've ever met in my whole life.
[4:44 - 4:50] And one of the reasons why I'm not giving up on my music and why to this day I'm still going.
[4:50 - 4:56] This kid was one of the biggest inspirations in my whole life.
[4:56 - 5:07] And if not, one of the if not the biggest inspiration behind me still going and not giving in and not giving up.
[5:07 - 5:26] So when I start this song, I want to see our IP Nick with those candles going in the comments. Is that clear?
[5:26 - 5:28] Let's go.
[5:28 - 5:35] Me again, as we fade into the night.
[5:35 - 5:49] Who will tell a story of your life?
[5:49 - 6:02] Let me in, let my soul sing the rest of what's left of my body, or am I just a shell?
[6:02 - 6:11] Hey, I have fought in the flesh and blood I command in an army, through it all.
[6:11 - 6:18] I can feel the power of moment and glory.
[6:18 - 6:33] In the end of the fight into the night, who will tell a story of your life?
[6:33 - 6:49] Your last goodbye, 'cause it's the end, and I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die, not afraid.
[6:49 - 7:02] I'm not afraid to die, born the saint of every sin, I still want to behold that I will live again.
[7:02 - 7:12] Who we are isn't how we live, we are more than our bodies.
[7:12 - 7:19] If I thought I would rise back up, it would have my glory.
[7:19 - 7:27] In the end of the fight into the night,
[7:27 - 7:39] have a story of your life, and who will remember your last goodbye?
[7:39 - 8:01] Your last goodbye, 'cause it's the end, and I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[8:01 - 8:13] In the end of the fight into the night, who will tell a story of your life?
[8:13 - 8:20] And who will remember your last goodbye?
[8:20 - 8:42] And then I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[8:42 - 8:56] You'll remember this last goodbye, 'cause it's the end, and I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.
[8:56 - 9:13] I'm not afraid to die, I'm not afraid to die.
[9:13 - 9:17] Let me tell you right now, to any fucking trolls that are in the comments,
[9:17 - 9:24] if you're gonna be fucking disrespectful, then you can fucking leave.
[9:24 - 9:29] 'Cause I'm gonna tell you, this show is for somebody very fucking close to me,
[9:29 - 9:37] to have more balls, and more heart, and more courage than any of you dumb fuck trolls put together.
[9:37 - 9:49] This kid was way ten times cooler than any of you fucking trolls think you are.
[9:49 - 9:54] So either be respectful, or get the fuck out.
[9:55 - 10:36] [music]
[10:36 - 10:45] I rule the world, with these hands that I shoot the heavens to the ground,
[10:45 - 10:53] and the gods to rest.
[10:53 - 11:02] I held the king to the kingdom's eye, and God in castle walls,
[11:02 - 11:16] held the king of guilt, and I lost it all,
[11:16 - 11:20] didn't broken my mind.
[11:20 - 11:30] Back to the kids to all, couldn't even understand a thing, and then I figured it out,
[11:30 - 11:37] 'cause as I felt these walls, I watched you crumble, then I saved.
[11:37 - 11:47] Then I lost it all, you can save me now.
[11:48 - 11:53] [music]
[11:53 - 12:11] I shoot above, not the wall, another jewel upon the ground, that was the fear of men.
[12:11 - 12:22] But I was blind, couldn't see the world right in front of me, but now,
[12:22 - 12:25] [music]
[12:25 - 12:38] Yeah, 'cause I lost it all, didn't broken my mind.
[12:38 - 12:48] Back to the kids to all, let it open up, just tryin' to break, just tryin' to figure it out,
[12:48 - 12:55] 'cause as I felt these walls, I watched you crumble, then I saved.
[12:55 - 13:05] Then I lost it all, you can save me now.
[13:05 - 13:32] [music]
[13:32 - 13:42] I believe that we all fall down sometimes.
[13:42 - 13:47] [music]
[13:47 - 13:53] Yeah, yeah, we all fall down sometimes.
[13:53 - 14:02] [music]
[14:02 - 14:07] We all fall down sometimes.
[14:07 - 14:13] [music]
[14:13 - 14:21] Yeah, I believe that we all fall down sometimes.
[14:21 - 14:27] [music]
[14:27 - 14:31] Yeah, yeah.
[14:31 - 14:57] [music]
[14:57 - 15:06] I believe that we all fall down sometimes.
[15:06 - 15:32] [music]
[15:32 - 15:42] Now, I want to see those candles with R.I.P. Nick going in the fucking comments.
[15:42 - 15:45] Are you guys ready?
[15:45 - 16:02] Hold.
[16:02 - 17:15] [music]
[17:15 - 17:32] Oh, I've already made out my mind, no matter what I can't be but a soul.
[17:32 - 17:39] Come away, come alive, now I know what I believe inside.
[17:39 - 17:48] No, it's my time, I'll do what I want to live my life here, right now.
[17:48 - 18:05] [music]
[18:05 - 18:19] Wake up, wake up, in the dark, I can feel you in my sleep, in your arms out here you breathe, into me.
[18:19 - 18:41] Forever of this heart that I will give to you, forever I will live for you.
[18:41 - 18:48] I'm awake, I'm alive, now I know what I believe inside.
[18:48 - 19:00] Now, it's my time, I know what I want to live my life here, right now.
[19:00 - 19:19] I know what I believe inside, I'm awake and I'm alive.
[19:19 - 19:48] [music]
[19:48 - 19:59] This song right here was one of Nick's personal favorite songs.
[19:59 - 20:07] A lot of you guys might know this but this is one of Nick's favorite songs right here so I figured it only right to do this for him.
[20:07 - 20:17] Summer has come in past, the innocent can never last.
[20:17 - 20:27] Wake me up, when September ends.
[20:27 - 20:44] Summer has come in past, seven years has gone so fast, wake me up, when September ends.
[20:44 - 20:53] Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars.
[20:53 - 21:03] Rain again, becoming who we are.
[21:03 - 21:11] My memory arrests, but never forget what I lost.
[21:11 - 21:18] Wake me up, when September ends.
[21:18 - 21:35] [music]
[21:35 - 21:43] Summer has come in past, the innocent can never last.
[21:43 - 21:53] Wake me up, when September ends.
[21:53 - 22:01] Bring out the bells again, like we did when spring began.
[22:01 - 22:11] Wake me up, when September ends.
[22:11 - 22:19] Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars.
[22:19 - 22:30] Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are.
[22:30 - 22:38] My memory arrests, but never forget what I lost.
[22:38 - 22:45] Wake me up, when September ends.
[22:45 - 23:14] [music]
[23:14 - 23:31] Summer has come in past, the innocent can never last.
[23:31 - 23:43] Wake me up, when September ends.
[23:43 - 23:50] Summer has come in past, twenty years has gone so fast.
[23:50 - 24:14] Wake me up, when September ends.
[24:14 - 24:20] [music]
[24:20 - 24:25] Rest in peace, Nick, and thank you for everything, man.
[24:26 - 24:54] [music]
[24:54 - 25:01] Expectations come with the territory, but raising expectations...
[25:01 - 25:15] I'm gonna say right now, man, Nick, he was one of the coolest kids I've ever fucking met.
[25:15 - 25:20] This kid taught me so fucking much about myself more than I ever do.
[25:20 - 25:28] So this one's for him, and for all of you that keep me going.
[25:28 - 25:32] His family as well.
[25:32 - 25:39] Never stop going and keep fucking pushing, let's get it.
[25:39 - 25:44] Who says?
[25:44 - 25:50] Shout out to my boy Manifest on this one, bro.
[25:50 - 25:55] Last time I cried all about us all night, can't sleep, I hear the floor screech.
[25:55 - 26:00] My favorite shadows in my room, my friends finding all the proves, I'ma end up on the news.
[26:00 - 26:04] I just don't know what to do, got them calling you, sending angels sent to.
[26:04 - 26:07] I wanna move, but I'm trapped in the outer room.
[26:07 - 26:13] I know you hear me, clearly I'm weary, come and fill me with your power, heal me.
[26:13 - 26:22] Oh, for me to let this go, feel like an animal.
[26:22 - 26:28] Don't need to lose control, take everything you need.
[26:28 - 26:34] Take every part of me, give me some room to breathe.
[26:34 - 26:40] Before I lose control, I've gotta get away, gotta break away.
[26:40 - 26:43] I've gotta find a way, gotta break the chains.
[26:43 - 26:49] Before I lose control, before I lose control, it seems impossible, it's not impossible.
[26:49 - 26:55] I'm tired, so tired, of walking through this fire.
[26:55 - 27:01] If you wanna find me, I'll be here in my room.
[27:01 - 27:07] I'm thinking, you're drinking, get out there before you start swinging.
[27:07 - 27:13] This I can show you all the pain inside me.
[27:13 - 27:22] Oh, for me to let this go, feel like an animal.
[27:22 - 27:28] Don't need to lose control, take everything you need.
[27:28 - 27:34] Take every part of me, give me some room to breathe.
[27:34 - 27:40] Before I lose control, gotta get away, gotta break away.
[27:40 - 27:43] I've gotta find a way, gotta break the chains.
[27:43 - 27:49] Before I lose control, before I lose control, it seems impossible, it's not impossible.
[27:49 - 28:00] Oh, for me to lose control,
[28:00 - 28:07] this is impossible.
[28:07 - 28:28] This is impossible, for me to let this go, feel like an animal.
[28:28 - 28:34] Don't need to lose control, take everything you need.
[28:34 - 28:40] Take every part of me, give me some room to breathe.
[28:40 - 28:49] Before I lose control, gotta get impossible.
[28:49 - 29:01] I'm like an animal, this is not impossible, this is impossible.
[29:01 - 29:07] For me to lose control, impossible.
[29:08 - 29:16] I'm like an animal, this is impossible.
[29:17 - 29:25] This is impossible, this is impossible.
[29:26 - 31:13] I'm like an animal, this is impossible.
[31:13 - 31:18] And we just say come through, you and them and them, then the odds against you.
[31:18 - 31:24] I'm no rookie, I was trying to step up, I wouldn't fall down the ground so many get up.
[31:24 - 31:31] And then, there's nowhere to take you, but you're not that wise.
[31:31 - 31:35] There's there's there's there's there's there's there's there's there's there's there's a hard drive.
[31:35 - 32:03] [Music]
[32:03 - 32:07] Hold that dog, guys.
[32:07 - 33:55] [Music]
[33:55 - 34:01] I hope you guys are ready for this.
[34:01 - 34:09] That will be happening, that is another one I will be doing.
[34:09 - 34:16] Right now, this is a song that his family introduced me to.
[34:16 - 34:23] That he dedicated to me, which I thought was one of the coolest things ever.
[34:23 - 34:30] This song taught me to wear every single fucking scar that I have on my fucking sleeve.
[34:30 - 34:34] Wear that shit like a badge of honor.
[34:34 - 34:43] And the reason for that is because it shows what I've been through and how I'm still here to this very fucking day.
[34:43 - 34:49] So if any of you have any scars, whether they're physical or whether they're mental,
[34:49 - 34:54] wear that shit with fucking pride because you guys are still here despite everything.
[34:54 - 35:00] You guys are still here.
[35:00 - 35:06] You guys are still alive. You guys are still breathing. You guys are still rocking.
[35:06 - 35:11] So no matter what kind of scars you got, whether they're mental, whether they're physical,
[35:11 - 35:18] whatever kind of scars you got, I want you guys to rock that shit and wear that shit fucking proudly.
[35:18 - 35:22] Because you guys are still here despite everything you've been through.
[35:22 - 35:30] You guys are still here to this very day. You guys are still here.
[35:30 - 35:39] Oh, he encapsulates that very, very fucking well.
[35:39 - 35:56] Can there a compartment? Know that we'll wear our scars?
[35:56 - 36:00] This is the wrong that I have.
[36:00 - 36:04] Oh, I can see when I look in the mirror.
[36:04 - 36:09] I can't escape all these thoughts in my mind. They're waiting too long.
[36:09 - 36:14] The time has ended. I feel it in my bones. It's everything I know.
[36:14 - 36:17] It's underneath my skin and it won't let go.
[36:17 - 36:21] And I'll wait all the while, but all the time will tell.
[36:21 - 36:25] Who are you?
[36:25 - 36:37] You're crashing and burning when that sounds so nice.
[36:37 - 36:41] Don't fall in love with who you are.
[36:41 - 36:46] Take it if I won't wear our scars at the end of the moment.
[36:46 - 36:51] It'll be like you're frozen. You're crashing and burning when that sounds so nice.
[36:51 - 36:55] Don't fall in love with who you are.
[36:55 - 37:03] Take it if there is a compartment. Know that we'll wear our scars.
[37:03 - 37:11] Know that we'll wear our scars.
[37:11 - 37:16] It was all that I know. Holding me in stage I'll never know.
[37:16 - 37:24] Fighting for air. I'm fine to survive. My soul's not for sale. I won't pay the price.
[37:24 - 37:31] It's underneath my skin and it won't let go.
[37:31 - 37:37] Don't forget you're lying around. Don't have a lie to show.
[37:37 - 37:44] In the moment you feel like you're frozen. You're crashing and burning when that sounds so nice.
[37:44 - 37:58] Don't fall in love with who you are. It'll be like you're frozen. You're crashing and burning when that sounds so nice.
[37:58 - 38:08] Don't fall in love with who you are. Try to tear us apart, but know that we'll wear our scars.
[38:09 - 38:36] It's underneath my skin and it won't let go.
[38:36 - 38:38] You're crashing and burning when that sounds so nice.
[38:38 - 38:49] Don't fall in love with who you are. It'll be like you're frozen. You're crashing and burning when that sounds so nice.
[38:49 - 38:53] Don't fall in love with who you are. Try to tear us apart, but know that we'll wear our scars.
[38:53 - 38:58] Don't fall in love with who you are. It'll be like you're frozen. You're crashing and burning when that sounds so nice.
[38:58 - 39:07] Don't fall in love with who you are. Try to tear us apart, but know that we'll wear our scars.
[39:07 - 39:12] Feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it.
[39:12 - 39:21] In my heart, feel it, feel it. Try to tear us apart, but know that we'll wear our scars.
[39:22 - 39:53] [Silence]
[39:53 - 40:00] And this next one is one that Garnet recommended, which I do like.
[40:00 - 40:08] So, I'm not even going to do anything. I'm going to let this song speak for itself.
[40:08 - 40:14] [Silence]
[40:14 - 40:28] But when I play this song, guys, I want every single person in the comments to put candles with R.I.P. Nick or any of the hashtags that's in the title of this video.
[40:28 - 40:43] [Silence]
[40:43 - 40:46] Ready, go.
[40:47 - 40:49] [Silence]
[40:49 - 41:02] Spend all your time waiting for that second chance for a break that would make it okay.
[41:02 - 41:09] There's always some reason to feel not good enough.
[41:09 - 41:18] And it's hard at the end of the day, I need some distraction.
[41:18 - 41:27] All your fault is never a receipt from my weight.
[41:27 - 41:40] And it may be empty, but I'll wait a second later, find some peace tonight.
[41:40 - 41:52] In the arms of the angel, fly away from here.
[41:52 - 42:04] From this dark, cold hotel, and the endless nights that you feel.
[42:04 - 42:23] You are pulled from wreckage of your silent river in the arms of the angel.
[42:23 - 42:40] May you find some comfort here.
[42:40 - 42:53] So tired of my straight line, and I've been waiting for these vultures and the thieves at your back.
[42:53 - 43:05] Still keeps on twisting, keep on letting lies that you make up for all that you make.
[43:05 - 43:18] Don't make no difference, escape when it's time, it's easier to believe.
[43:18 - 43:31] In this sweet madness, all is glorious as it brings me to my knees.
[43:31 - 43:43] In the arms of the angel, fly away from here.
[43:43 - 43:55] From this dark, cold hotel, and the endless nights that you feel.
[43:55 - 44:13] You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent river in the arms of the angel.
[44:13 - 44:26] May you find some comfort here.
[44:26 - 44:43] In the arms of the angel, you fly away from here.
[44:43 - 44:52] You are pulled from here.
[44:52 - 45:29] In the arms of the angel, fly away from here.
[45:29 - 45:38] When you have auto glass damage.
[45:38 - 45:46] It's not a surprise.
[45:46 - 46:08] It's not just for me but for yourselves.
[46:08 - 46:15] I want you guys to keep chasing your dreams no matter what it is.
[46:15 - 46:19] No matter what your dream is, I want you to fucking chase that shit.
[46:19 - 46:21] No matter fucking what.
[46:21 - 46:24] Keep doing what you want to fucking do with your life.
[46:24 - 46:36] Chase your fucking dreams and don't ever, ever give in.
[46:36 - 46:57] You're down and out, take deep and pull that shit out of you and keep fucking going.
[46:57 - 47:03] You're just finding the sea of sunrise.
[47:03 - 47:13] Good example of that. So Garnet, this is for you and for everybody out there chasing their fucking dreams right now. Let's go.
[47:13 - 47:28] I'm a dreamer.
[47:28 - 47:34] I'm a dreamer, but dreaming sounds dead and gone.
[47:34 - 47:40] Guess life is like a breath that fades upon an hour and less days, I'm a dreamer.
[47:40 - 47:45] I'm a dreamer, but joining in another song.
[47:45 - 47:50] You go under the dream sky, I stop until my gets justified.
[47:50 - 47:58] Wish I could count on killing in the hallways in my lifetime with the vines from the dirty snakes.
[47:58 - 48:01] It's not nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing to the fuck.
[48:01 - 48:05] If you get that now, I'm calling the sign.
[48:05 - 48:08] I'm calling the train knocking morning with the cake.
[48:08 - 48:15] As soon as I breathe the devil's corner, give me, but I'd rather die in the nim-nim-nim's life with this feeling.
[48:15 - 48:21] Hey, that's gone dry, dreamless zone time.
[48:21 - 48:26] We live a legacy to speak in our place, knowing after we go down to the grave.
[48:26 - 48:53] I'm a dreamer, I'm a dreamer.
[48:53 - 48:58] My name is joining in another song.
[48:58 - 49:03] You go under the dream sky, I stop until my gets justified.
[49:03 - 49:06] I fit the head of back in hell like what I'm planning for.
[49:06 - 49:09] I always stand in pain, still don't understand at all.
[49:09 - 49:15] I'm being persecuted, then I'll find an antidote who don't die for nothing, I'mma die for what I'm standing for.
[49:15 - 49:21] Walk through and see a suffering, but then I'll persevere.
[49:21 - 49:25] And two tears, I'm a dreamer for years, I'm the man in the mirror.
[49:25 - 49:28] If God is with me, hold me, tell me what I got to fear.
[49:28 - 49:31] Count the costs on the day I was my mother cross.
[49:31 - 49:34] I can die tomorrow and tomorrow and there's nothing off.
[49:34 - 49:37] So you can kill me with your weapons, words of prejudice.
[49:37 - 49:40] How you gonna say it when I've got already scheduled it?
[49:40 - 49:43] I dream, I dream, it's insane.
[49:43 - 49:49] Every day it's me against everything.
[49:49 - 49:52] Every day it's for me against everything.
[49:52 - 49:57] Dreaming, my same.
[49:57 - 50:00] Dreaming, sin and pain ain't gone.
[50:00 - 50:06] 'Cause as I compress the things I'm falling out on these days, I'm a dreamer.
[50:06 - 50:11] My same, I'm putting in another song.
[50:11 - 50:17] You go under the dream sky, I stop until my gets justified.
[50:17 - 50:21] I wait for a new day.
[50:21 - 50:28] Everything's okay.
[50:28 - 50:37] Save my dreams before my eyes.
[50:37 - 50:47] Before my eyes die, I'm a dream that I'm dead, it's gone, yeah.
[50:47 - 50:53] Going dreams that I'm dead, it's gone, yeah.
[50:53 - 51:10] Going dreams that I'm dead.
[51:10 - 51:16] Without being said, guys, I want to say thank you to everybody that fucking showed up.
[51:16 - 51:23] Every single person that stopped in and joined me on this, man.
[51:23 - 51:27] And to Nick, once again, I want to say rest in peace, bro.
[51:27 - 51:31] We all miss you, dog.
[51:31 - 51:33] We all miss you, man.
[51:33 - 51:38] And your legacy will forever live on through me, your family, and all my friends,
[51:38 - 51:40] and all my fucking fans.
[51:40 - 51:47] Your legacy will never be forgotten, ever.
[51:47 - 51:52] The lessons you taught us will forever live on.
[51:52 - 51:55] And with that being said, guys, I love you guys.
[51:55 - 52:00] Keep being awesome, keep being badass, keep being fucking amazing,
[52:00 - 52:03] and I'll catch you guys later, y'all. Peace.
[52:04 - 52:05] [ sub by sk cn2 ]
[52:06 - 52:11] [ sub by skc2 ]
Transcribed by as id '2915' on August 17th, 2024