Original upload date: January 8th, 2022 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:15] What's up you guys! Told ya I'd be here.
[0:15 - 0:41] Wait a minute, let me check it out real quick. How the fuck is everyone tonight?
[0:41 - 1:11] Like I said in my last video, last year was a crazy year wasn't it?
[1:11 - 1:20] Last year was a real crazy year last year. Whole lot of drama, whole lot of unnecessary
[1:20 - 1:28] bullshit, whole lot of shit that didn't need to fucking happen.
[1:28 - 1:44] Now let me tell you, this year started off with a hell of a fucking bang. You know, earlier
[1:44 - 1:48] today after I had a little chat with a good friend of mine, they gave me some very good
[1:48 - 1:54] insight on what I need to do. After I got that insight, I did kind of fuck up my leg
[1:54 - 2:06] a bit and then we did fuck up my leg pretty bad too. Like I'm not even supposed to be
[2:06 - 2:17] fucking standing on it but you know what? Do you know something? I'm so dedicated to
[2:17 - 2:29] my craft, that I say fuck that injury on my leg. Fuck my jacked up leg, because I care
[2:29 - 2:36] about y'all and I want y'all to have the best fucking show that you possibly can.
[2:36 - 2:40] When you leave my streams, I want you guys to leave stronger than when you came onto
[2:40 - 2:46] the stream. I want you guys to leave with a better fucking attitude. I want you guys
[2:46 - 2:52] to be able to leave with a good experience. I want you guys to be able to leave feeling
[2:52 - 3:04] inspired to do what you want to do with your life and not let motherfuckers hold you back.
[3:04 - 3:11] So this first song right here is representing not only the rise of the brand new, very
[3:11 - 3:20] firm and at me, but also the re-insurgence and the re-rise of the Cyrax Nation. This
[3:20 - 3:48] is how the nation is staying around.
[3:48 - 4:01] Are you guys ready to rise up? Let's go.
[4:01 - 4:19] Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,
[4:19 - 4:35] hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,
[4:35 - 7:13] hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,
[7:13 - 7:33] hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,
[7:33 - 7:50] hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,
[7:50 - 8:45] hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,
[8:45 - 9:01] hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hey,
[9:01 - 9:08] Welcome, empty price, all the junction will unfold.
[9:08 - 9:17] Mother and the show will dark inside, and then return.
[9:17 - 9:41] This just went on the way to die.
[9:41 - 9:48] There ain't gonna be no one, the reason why. You know we've been beating our main guns on Wednesday's weekend on the night.
[9:48 - 9:50] We're gonna be in the night.
[9:50 - 9:54] This is the moment we will lose the sky, as our angel never stays in drama.
[9:54 - 9:57] We don't need those all the way to die.
[9:57 - 10:02] During that night, the time bomb is sinking, but no one is missing.
[10:02 - 10:09] The future is fading. Is there any who will survive?
[10:09 - 10:15] So, we round this whole world, so we go.
[10:15 - 10:19] In the millions, right now, to be saved.
[10:19 - 10:24] The real is my nigh until now, that's right.
[10:24 - 10:28] Let them win another way to die.
[10:28 - 10:32] This is the nigh, the way to die.
[10:32 - 10:39] Oh, you're ending up beating on your hands, you on your mind, but then, forget about who he is, mother.
[10:39 - 10:42] Then, your gender's ruining his life.
[10:42 - 10:47] We're ending up chasing all the more hilarious, the world living under mine.
[10:47 - 10:50] This is when I know the word die.
[10:50 - 10:56] But we're dead inside, time bomb is sinking, and no one is missing.
[10:56 - 11:04] The future is fading. Is there any who will survive?
[11:04 - 11:08] We round this whole world, so we go.
[11:08 - 11:13] Let them win another way to die.
[11:13 - 11:17] The real is my nigh until now, that's right.
[11:17 - 11:22] Let them win another way to die.
[11:22 - 12:16] The real is my nigh until now, that's right.
[12:16 - 12:20] Let them win another way to die.
[12:20 - 12:24] The real is my nigh until now, that's right.
[12:24 - 12:28] Let them win another way to die.
[12:28 - 13:24] The real is my nigh until now, that's right.
[13:24 - 13:34] Right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right.
[13:34 - 17:16] The real is my nigh until now, that's right.
[17:16 - 17:34] [music]
[17:34 - 17:38] We are the one, the better one!
[17:38 - 17:40] Don't do this, try to stay!
[17:40 - 17:43] And the battle ring is on!
[17:43 - 20:18] [unintelligible]
[20:18 - 20:28] You know what, starting at this stream tonight, I'm opening the floodgates.
[20:28 - 21:38] [unintelligible]
[21:38 - 21:52] Like I said, after this fucking stream, after this fucking show, I'm opening the floodgates for every motherfucking body.
[21:52 - 22:06] I don't care if you're a fan or if you're a hater. And if you're a hater, I'm ignoring your fucking ass. I'm not giving you the attention that you crave.
[22:06 - 22:14] 'Cause you guys don't exist. The only thing I see are my fans like Crip Kay and the people that fucking rock with me.
[22:14 - 22:38] [unintelligible]
[22:38 - 22:48] Yeah, I may look weird. That may be true. But trust me, I got a lot going for me.
[22:48 - 22:58] This one right here is for the fucking legend. R.I.P. Mitch. We miss you, bro.
[22:58 - 23:06] This next one is for the legendary Mitch Walker, man. Rest in peace, bro. We fucking miss you.
[23:06 - 26:24] [unintelligible]
[26:24 - 26:48] You know what? I'd say it's time. I don't know about you guys. But I'd say it's time we opened the floodgates and let the trolls in.
[26:48 - 27:12] And I mean every single troll, everyone from Music Bismarck, William Gloryhole, you fucking name it. Because to me, you trolls don't exist. You guys are non-existent. All you guys are, are my PR team.
[27:12 - 27:32] You can see, whether you talk negatively about me or positively about me, you're basically doing the job that thousands of, and I mean thousands of PR guys would pay millions of dollars to do. You guys are doing that shit for free. And I thank you for that.
[27:32 - 27:56] Whether it's negative or positive, point being, you're still talking about me. I love the hatred. I love the boobs. I love being that person that you trolls love to hate. I love being that guy because you hating on me shows me and tells me and my friends and my team that I'm doing something right.
[27:56 - 28:19] Because something that I learned very quickly today, from a guy who's actually been in the music industry himself, is that every single controversial artist, every single person that's ever been successful, has had thousands and thousands and thousands of haters.
[28:19 - 28:26] So, in my eyes, you guys can hate on me all you fucking want.
[28:26 - 28:35] Now you know what, fuck that. I'll do it right the fuck now.
[28:35 - 29:01] I'll go over here to my computer and I'll unban every single one of you trolls right the fuck now.
[29:01 - 29:05] But y'all on a side note, Crib K, how you doing, man?
[29:06 - 29:16] Okay, so, I'm going to go over here to my computer.
[29:17 - 29:42] Okay.
[29:42 - 30:00] Wait now, they can hate on me all they want? I don't care. I love the hatred. I feed off of it.
[30:06 - 30:16] See, I say about you guys, I feed off the hatred. I feed off of your hatred.
[30:16 - 30:19] I eat that shit for breakfast every fucking day, bro.
[30:19 - 30:26] So, I mean, it is what it is.
[30:33 - 30:37] Oh, trust me, it will, though. It will.
[30:37 - 30:43] Just give it time, my friend. It will.
[30:43 - 30:53] In due time, my boy, it will. Just wait.
[30:58 - 31:03] Head on over to YouTube.
[31:22 - 31:28] So, Crib, how you doing today, bro? What's good? What's your name?
[31:28 - 31:32] How's the family doing, dawg?
[31:33 - 33:30] How's the family doing today, bro?
[33:31 - 33:33] Ah, you silly little man.
[33:33 - 33:39] You silly little troll.
[33:39 - 33:46] That's cute.
[34:11 - 34:12] TD.
[34:12 - 34:15] Sorry, my name ain't Pete.
[34:15 - 34:18] Sorry, wrong dude.
[34:18 - 34:25] My name is Cyrax, not Pete.
[34:25 - 34:27] Wrong dude.
[34:27 - 34:38] Sorry, wrong guy.
[34:39 - 34:50] Alright, let's go over here to settings.
[34:50 - 35:38] Let's go out to community.
[36:03 - 36:06] Hey Chris, be ready for a flood, brother.
[36:06 - 36:15] Because this is going to be good.
[36:15 - 36:17] I get to piss off the trolls.
[36:18 - 36:36] Let's go out to community.
[36:36 - 37:05] Almost done.
[37:05 - 37:17] Yo, warlord, what up, man?
[37:17 - 37:32] You know what, I want you guys to troll me.
[37:33 - 37:36] I want you guys to fuck with me on this platform.
[37:36 - 37:46] Because like I said, you're just giving me free publicity and free clout.
[37:46 - 37:50] So, yeah, there's that.
[37:50 - 37:56] I want you guys to talk about me.
[37:57 - 37:59] Let's go out to community.
[37:59 - 38:18] Alright, now that that's out of the way.
[38:18 - 38:24] Let the trolls know that it's open season on Cyrax.
[38:25 - 38:27] All insults are welcome.
[38:27 - 38:32] All hatred is welcome.
[38:32 - 38:42] All talking about me is welcome.
[38:42 - 38:46] So, trolls, take your best shot.
[38:46 - 38:52] Because I am backing down for shit.
[38:52 - 38:54] [Silence]
[38:54 - 39:11] Let Glory Hall let Marty let everyone know.
[39:11 - 39:17] That everyone is on band.
[39:17 - 39:21] Let everyone know that it's game fucking on.
[39:21 - 39:23] [Silence]
[39:23 - 39:29] Because I ain't folding.
[39:29 - 39:32] I am backing down and I am breaking.
[39:32 - 39:34] [Silence]
[39:34 - 39:59] Welcome to...
[40:00 - 40:42] [Silence]
[40:42 - 40:58] Take your best shot.
[41:08 - 41:10] And no you're not.
[41:10 - 41:13] I can see your comments, you're not a band.
[41:13 - 42:14] [Silence]
[42:14 - 42:39] Hold on, hold on.
[42:39 - 42:42] We're all you little trolls out man, come on in.
[42:42 - 42:44] I welcome you trolls.
[42:44 - 42:46] Come on in.
[42:46 - 42:49] Join in, join in on the fun bro, come on in.
[42:49 - 42:53] None of you guys are banned, I unban everybody.
[42:53 - 42:55] So, come the fuck on in.
[42:55 - 42:57] Let's go.
[42:57 - 43:00] Bring your asses up in here man.
[43:00 - 43:03] Join the fun, join the party.
[43:03 - 43:06] Join the hatred fun, let's go.
[43:06 - 43:08] [Silence]
[43:08 - 43:14] And I'm not just talking about you guys, I'm talking about all the other haters.
[43:14 - 43:18] And Marty, Gloria, why don't you bring your asses up in here man?
[43:18 - 43:20] Join in on the fun bro.
[43:20 - 43:23] Let's go.
[43:23 - 44:11] [Silence]
[44:11 - 44:16] And there we go.
[44:16 - 44:22] [Silence]
[44:22 - 44:25] What up, Crip? How you doing, brother?
[44:25 - 44:27] Get out of the fire.
[44:27 - 45:07] [Silence]
[45:07 - 45:12] Come on in, trolls.
[45:12 - 45:15] You want to open season on my ass?
[45:15 - 45:17] Take your best shot.
[45:17 - 45:22] One second, guys.
[45:22 - 49:34] [Silence]
[50:49 - 50:59] Sorry about that, everybody had to take care of something right quick.
[51:24 - 51:33] How shall I continue this?
[52:19 - 52:29] Oh, I have more hate, awesome.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '2573' on August 18th, 2024