Original upload date: January 30th, 2022 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:30 - 0:41] >> Morning.
[0:46 - 0:56] I don't understand why you felt you had to target me all those years ago.
[1:02 - 1:07] I don't understand why you felt like you had to make me a target all those years ago.
[1:13 - 1:19] Every time I try to ignore you, you attack and you find ways to go after me.
[1:22 - 1:27] I try to be nice to you, but you just sit there and bully me.
[1:32 - 1:37] And because of you, Marty, I've become this person that I don't want to be.
[1:42 - 1:48] Because of you, Marty, I've become somebody that I never wanted to become again.
[1:53 - 1:55] Because of you, Marty.
[1:58 - 2:00] My life is ruined.
[2:02 - 2:04] You've ruined my life.
[2:14 - 2:17] I had a great life, Marty.
[2:21 - 2:23] I had a real good life.
[2:28 - 2:31] Until you came in and fucked it all up.
[2:35 - 2:37] I had a great life.
[2:39 - 2:41] I was doing good for myself.
[2:42 - 2:46] I was signed to an amazing label that treated me like family.
[2:47 - 2:50] I was making money doing what I love.
[2:55 - 3:00] I was being a successful productive member of society.
[3:03 - 3:08] But because of your selfish greed and your wants,
[3:11 - 3:13] All that is gone.
[3:19 - 3:21] And I don't understand, Marty.
[3:21 - 3:25] Why target me?
[3:25 - 3:27] I don't understand.
[3:29 - 3:33] Look at what your hatred and greed has done to my family.
[3:39 - 3:41] Look at what it's done to me.
[3:44 - 3:46] Look at what it's done to my family.
[3:56 - 4:04] You know, I had a lot going for him before you came along, Marty.
[4:04 - 4:05] I truly did.
[4:05 - 4:09] Whether you want to believe it or not, that's on you.
[4:09 - 4:12] But I'm telling you the truth.
[4:12 - 4:16] I actually had a lot going for me, a lot.
[4:18 - 4:22] And now because of what your actions turned me into,
[4:24 - 4:31] my stepdad now wants me to move out because of you and what you've done to me.
[4:33 - 4:36] You turned me into a person that I never wanted to be.
[4:40 - 4:45] You turned me into something I never ever ever wanted to become.
[4:49 - 4:56] You and your little friends think that this is all just a ha ha game, but it's not.
[4:56 - 4:59] It's real life, man.
[4:59 - 5:04] It's real fucking life and I don't think you understand that.
[5:04 - 5:09] To be honest, I don't think you have a grasp on reality at all whatsoever.
[5:11 - 5:12] I really don't.
[5:15 - 5:20] Just because you're rich and you have money,
[5:20 - 5:25] that doesn't give you the right to look down and bash on people like me.
[5:28 - 5:31] That doesn't give you the right to be little people like me, Marty.
[5:33 - 5:36] Yes, you have money, so what, no one cares.
[5:43 - 5:47] You're a silver spoon fed rich kid, so what?
[5:47 - 5:51] That doesn't make me any less human than you.
[5:51 - 5:55] I'm human just like you, Marty.
[5:55 - 5:57] You bleed red, I bleed red.
[5:57 - 6:00] We are all human, man.
[6:00 - 6:03] We are all fucking human.
[6:10 - 6:13] We are all human at the end of the day.
[6:16 - 6:18] And what I don't understand, Marty, is this.
[6:20 - 6:23] Why do you feel so obsessed with me?
[6:25 - 6:29] Is it because I turned you down that day that you made a path to me
[6:29 - 6:31] when Heather was living here?
[6:31 - 6:34] Is that what it is?
[6:35 - 6:39] Is it because I turned you down when you tried to make a path to me, bro?
[6:41 - 6:48] Well, I'm sorry if you feel like that, but that's no right to ruin my life.
[6:51 - 6:56] You've made me into a monster, and I don't want to be a monster.
[6:56 - 6:59] I don't want to be that way.
[7:00 - 7:04] Because of you, I've disrespected my family.
[7:05 - 7:11] Something I never would have dreamed of before you came along.
[7:13 - 7:18] Something I never would have dreamed of doing in a million years I've done.
[7:19 - 7:21] And I'm not proud of it.
[7:21 - 7:23] I'm ashamed of it.
[7:26 - 7:28] I'm embarrassed by it.
[7:33 - 7:37] You don't seem to understand what your actions do to people, Marty.
[7:37 - 7:42] You clearly don't understand, and if you do, you obviously don't care.
[7:47 - 7:52] And you think this is all a big fucking ha ha game, but it's not, man.
[7:53 - 7:57] Lives are being ruined because of your actions.
[8:04 - 8:08] Lives are being ruined because of your actions, Marty.
[8:11 - 8:14] For years, you have belittled me.
[8:14 - 8:17] For years, you have put me down.
[8:17 - 8:21] For years, you have made fun of me.
[8:21 - 8:25] For years, you have taken advantage of me, extorted me,
[8:25 - 8:28] done all kinds of fucked up shit to me.
[8:33 - 8:36] Stunt that is so unspeakable and embarrassing.
[8:38 - 8:42] And I dare say you are almost as bad as my abusive ex.
[8:47 - 8:49] If not worse in some ways.
[8:59 - 9:04] You know, Marty, all I've ever wanted to do was to live a normal life.
[9:06 - 9:10] And to be able to be happy and to provide for my family.
[9:11 - 9:13] And I was doing that.
[9:14 - 9:18] I was on that path to doing that until you came along.
[9:24 - 9:29] The minute you came along and ruined everything is when it all went downhill.
[9:30 - 9:33] Because you felt like you had to target me.
[9:46 - 9:49] Now because of you, I've lost everything.
[9:51 - 9:54] I have lost everything because of you.
[10:04 - 10:07] And you don't seem to understand Marty is this.
[10:08 - 10:12] I am not delusional like you think I am.
[10:14 - 10:18] I'm not delusional at all whatsoever.
[10:19 - 10:21] I have a good grasp on reality.
[10:21 - 10:24] I have a good grasp on money.
[10:27 - 10:30] I'm not stupid like you seem to think.
[10:33 - 10:37] I'm a lot smarter than you seem to think I am Marty.
[10:37 - 10:38] I really am.
[10:48 - 10:51] I was on my way to being successful.
[10:52 - 11:01] I was on my way to that point until you decided to step in and take everything away from me because of your selfish greed and your selfish needs.
[11:02 - 11:05] All because your mom and dad touch you off.
[11:07 - 11:15] Well, I'm sorry that they cut you off from all that money, but that gives you no excuse to go after people lesser than you.
[11:16 - 11:20] That gives you no excuse to take advantage of people like me for no reason.
[11:24 - 11:31] I never once in my whole life, in my whole existence ever gave you a reason to go after me.
[11:34 - 11:40] Hell, to be honest with you, I don't even know why you began targeting me in the very beginning anyways.
[11:40 - 11:42] I don't understand.
[11:43 - 11:45] How did you even find me?
[11:50 - 11:53] Whose channel was it that you found me through?
[11:55 - 11:59] And more to the point, why do you feel like you have to victimize me?
[12:01 - 12:06] And try to make yourself look like the good guy when really you're the one that causes all this.
[12:09 - 12:13] You tell me to take responsibility for my actions and I have.
[12:14 - 12:18] I have indeed taken responsibility for my actions.
[12:20 - 12:24] But it's you who is not taking responsibility, Marty.
[12:26 - 12:34] It's you who refuses to man up and apologize to my family for everything that you've done wrong.
[12:46 - 12:48] I'm trying to be nice to you.
[12:48 - 12:57] I tried to talk things out with you but all you ever do is bitch and go at me regardless of what I say or do.
[12:57 - 13:02] Because in your mind, you own me but you don't.
[13:02 - 13:05] You need help, Marty.
[13:05 - 13:08] You need fucking help, bro.
[13:08 - 13:11] Go get help.
[13:15 - 13:18] Because you are sickly obsessed with me.
[13:22 - 13:26] You are so obsessed with me that you can't even understand it.
[13:28 - 13:30] You need fucking help.
[13:36 - 13:39] You need to go get help, Marty.
[13:39 - 13:42] You really do, you need to go get help.
[13:46 - 13:54] Because you have a sick obsession with me that's causing problems and it's becoming a very big issue.
[13:58 - 14:00] It's been a big issue.
[14:02 - 14:04] You need to seek help.
[14:11 - 14:16] I had a good life before you came along, Marty.
[14:16 - 14:17] I really did.
[14:17 - 14:22] I had a great life before you came along.
[14:22 - 14:25] I had a life that I could be proud of.
[14:25 - 14:27] I wasn't fighting with my family.
[14:27 - 14:30] I wasn't disrespecting my mom.
[14:30 - 14:34] I wasn't flipping out.
[14:34 - 14:41] I wasn't going off on people that I fucking care about.
[14:41 - 14:45] I wasn't doing any of that.
[14:45 - 14:48] You know what I was doing?
[14:48 - 14:52] Living my life.
[14:52 - 14:57] Being a good person, not flipping out.
[14:57 - 15:02] Living my fucking life.
[15:02 - 15:06] I wasn't doing anything to anyone.
[15:06 - 15:09] I was living my life.
[15:09 - 15:13] Having fun doing what I love to do.
[15:33 - 15:37] I just don't understand why.
[15:37 - 15:43] Why can't you just leave my family alone?
[15:43 - 15:49] Why can't you leave my family and friends in my career alone?
[15:49 - 15:54] Why can't you just leave my life?
[15:54 - 15:58] Why can't you just leave me alone?
[15:58 - 16:00] Leave my family and friends alone.
[16:00 - 16:03] I don't understand.
[16:03 - 16:06] I don't get it.
[16:06 - 16:08] I'm not a violent person.
[16:08 - 16:12] I'm not a fighter.
[16:12 - 16:15] I don't like to fight.
[16:21 - 16:27] But Marty, you need to realize that you caused all this.
[16:27 - 16:32] You're the one that started all this, Marty.
[16:32 - 16:35] You need help.
[16:35 - 16:38] Go get help.
[16:38 - 16:39] Please, man.
[16:39 - 16:41] I'm begging you.
[16:41 - 16:45] Go get fucking help because you fucking need it.
[16:45 - 16:48] You really do need it.
[16:48 - 16:51] And if you need help finding a counselor,
[16:51 - 16:52] let me know.
[16:52 - 16:54] I will help you find one.
[16:54 - 16:57] You need a therapist or something.
[16:57 - 16:59] If you need help finding one,
[16:59 - 17:03] tell me and I will fucking help you find one in your area.
[17:03 - 17:08] But Marty, you need to quit this obsession with me.
[17:08 - 17:10] It's not good for you.
[17:10 - 17:11] It's not good for me.
[17:11 - 17:14] It's not good for anyone involved.
[17:14 - 17:17] Go get help, Marty.
[17:17 - 17:25] Go get fucking help, man.
[17:25 - 17:32] Go seek help, man, because you need it.
[17:32 - 17:39] And bad.
[17:39 - 17:55] I've been trying to walk away for a long time now.
[17:55 - 17:58] I've been trying to walk away.
[17:58 - 18:02] But it's like every time I take two steps away
[18:02 - 18:05] and start living my life
[18:05 - 18:07] and just when I think I get my life back in order,
[18:07 - 18:10] you come in and fuck it all up for no reason
[18:10 - 18:19] or you have one of your little friends do it for you.
[18:19 - 18:36] And I don't understand why.
[18:36 - 18:40] I don't understand why me.
[18:40 - 18:45] What makes me so special that you had to target me?
[18:45 - 18:59] What makes me so different from everyone else that you had to target me?
[18:59 - 19:05] What makes me so different that you had to target me?
[19:05 - 19:13] What makes me different from everyone else?
[19:13 - 19:17] You need fucking help, Marty.
[19:17 - 19:24] And I'm telling you, quit right now
[19:24 - 19:30] and go get help because you need it.
[19:30 - 19:34] You're sickly obsessed with me
[19:34 - 19:38] and you need help and bad.
[19:38 - 19:44] So go get it. Go get the help that you need.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '2603' on August 16th, 2024