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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on February 25th, 2023
Original upload date: September 26th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:18] What's your name? Alright, who's the motherfucking wise guy? Who's the wise guy? Who's the motherfucking
[0:18 - 0:29] wise guy? Which one of you punk ass cowards recorded my shit for something I didn't even
[0:29 - 0:39] do? Which one of you punk ass bitches was it? Which one of you dumb faggots was it that
[0:39 - 0:48] reported my shit? Who the fuck was it? Which one of you little bitches was it? Come on,
[0:48 - 1:00] tell me, who the fuck was it? Which one of you little punk ass motherfuckers was it?
[1:00 - 1:10] Yeah, I just made a brand new fucking twitch. Brand fucking new. Not even five fucking minutes
[1:10 - 1:17] into streaming and you little faggots gotta record it. For what you little bitches? So
[1:17 - 1:25] I want to know, which one of you punk motherfuckers reported me for dumb shit I didn't even do?
[1:25 - 1:31] Where the fuck you at, motherfucker? Show off in the goddamn chat right now. Where
[1:31 - 1:40] the fuck you at, you little punk ass bitch? You fucking coward? Where the fuck you at?
[1:40 - 1:46] Where the fuck you at, you piece of shit? Or are you two chicken shit to show up?
[1:46 - 2:16] Cause I was telling you right the fuck now, whenever you motherfuckers talk in running
[2:16 - 2:27] you do that shit that shows how much of a bitch you are. No, it wasn't an IP van. My
[2:27 - 2:56] account got suspended. So I don't want to answer this motherfucker. Which one of you
[2:56 - 3:21] punk motherfuckers got my shit suspended? Which one of you little faggots was it, huh?
[3:21 - 3:45] Why don't you check my phone?
[3:45 - 4:15] Let me check my Gmail real quick, see what I can find out for you guys.
[4:15 - 4:35] I know one of you punk motherfuckers got my shit suspended. I'm not dumb. Now I want
[4:35 - 4:41] to know which one of you little bitches is the one that did it? Which one of you punk
[4:41 - 5:04] ass cowards have a nerve to record my shit, huh? Which one of you little bitches was it?
[5:04 - 5:34] This shit ain't funny motherfuckers.
[5:34 - 5:47] Alright I got an email, let me see what it says. I just gotta wait for this shit to load
[5:47 - 6:13] up my shit slow as fuck when it comes to emails. Ah, Skeletor the bitch. Bye bye Skeletor
[6:13 - 6:42] the bitch. Oh wow. So y'all motherfuckers, y'all twitch
[6:42 - 6:54] motherfuckers are gonna get me on a count evasion? Fuck you twitch. If you're gonna
[6:54 - 7:01] sit there and do an account evasion, really bro? Really dude? You're really gonna do
[7:01 - 7:08] that to me? I'm not trying to do a count evasion motherfuckers. I got a wrong place
[7:08 - 7:21] suspended. And guess who's the one with that suspension? Marty. And Marty I hope you're
[7:21 - 7:30] happy you little fucking bitch. I hope your dumb faggot ass is happy. I hope your motherfucking
[7:30 - 7:38] punk ass is happy. You got me fucking suspended probably for an entire fucking month. I hope
[7:38 - 8:03] you're happy. Hey Marty, you dumb old bastard. I hope you're happy motherfucker. Can I tell
[8:03 - 8:10] you right now you little punk motherfucker. I didn't deserve what you did to me. I did
[8:10 - 8:15] not deserve what you fucking did to me the other day. And now because of you, I'm suspended
[8:15 - 8:20] indefinitely. Which means I'll have to go through a hole. I'll probably have to use
[8:20 - 8:35] my fucking studio computer or my fucking phone or some other device to sign up for Twitch.
[8:35 - 8:43] I'm probably going to have to use my fucking studio computer to sign up for Twitch. My
[8:43 - 8:53] question is why can't any of these motherfucking trolls get a life? My question is why can't
[8:53 - 9:17] any of these motherfucking trolls get a goddamn life? Why can't any of you punk ass trolls
[9:17 - 9:28] get a fucking life, huh?
[9:28 - 9:29] [silence]
[9:29 - 9:30] [sigh]
[9:30 - 9:40] [silence]
[9:40 - 10:08] That's all right. Since you motherfuckers want to do that. Oh, my.
[10:08 - 11:06] [silence]
[11:06 - 11:35] If you dumbfucks want to go that route, we can go that route.
[11:35 - 12:19] [silence]
[12:19 - 12:25] Since we dumbfucks want to go that route. Oh, we won't go that route.
[12:25 - 12:36] [silence]
[12:36 - 12:50] We shall go that route. Since y'all want to stick to my music so bad. Well, you fucking got it.
[12:50 - 13:06] [silence]
[13:06 - 13:20] We can lock the moment.
[13:20 - 14:06] [silence]
[14:06 - 14:11] You know, this is fucking bullshit.
[14:11 - 14:26] Not even allowed to fucking stream on Twitch under a new account because of these douchebags.
[14:26 - 14:37] But, the good side is at least I got this shit set back up.
[14:37 - 15:55] [silence]
[15:55 - 16:05] Well, you know what, for the next week looks like I'll be back on here.
[16:05 - 16:07] Watch out, I'm cool with that.
[16:07 - 24:03] [silence]
[24:03 - 24:05] Can you hear me now?
[24:05 - 24:09] [silence]
[24:09 - 24:27] What do you want to do?
[24:27 - 27:11] [silence]
[27:11 - 27:17] Let's take it up a notch.
[27:17 - 33:39] [silence]
[33:39 - 33:45] Not yet. It'll be about six months before we have our first demo out.
[33:45 - 33:51] But once we do, you guys will know for sure.
[33:51 - 41:37] [music]
[41:37 - 41:43] Dude, I have not heard that one in forever. I don't even know if I can do that one, bro.
[41:43 - 41:49] It's been so long since I've heard that one, dude. Shit.
[41:49 - 42:17] [silence]
[42:17 - 42:45] [music]
[42:45 - 43:13] [silence]
[43:13 - 43:41] [music]
[43:41 - 44:09] [silence]
[44:09 - 44:37] [music]
[44:37 - 46:29] [silence]
[46:29 - 46:57] [music]
[46:57 - 49:53] [silence]
[49:53 - 50:03] That's actually not a bad idea. I have thought about showing people how I do what I do, but really there's no guide to it, man.
[50:03 - 50:11] There's no real guide to what I do. Because, see, the way I play is very different from most.
[50:11 - 50:29] See, I don't play by chord progression. I play by what I hear vocally. So whenever I hear on vocals, that's what I play back.
[50:29 - 84:29] [silence]
[84:29 - 84:33] Let's see if you guys remember this name song.
[84:33 - 84:37] Let's see if you guys remember this name song, man.
[84:37 - 86:29] [music]
[86:29 - 86:33] Oh my gosh.
[86:33 - 88:15] [music]
[88:15 - 88:25] I know a lot of you guys might remember this one.
[88:25 - 88:53] If any of you guys love me, I know y'all remember this shit.
[88:53 - 90:03] [music]
[90:03 - 90:09] [silence]
[90:09 - 90:15] Let's hit it up with some old school shit for you guys.
[90:15 - 90:19] I don't know why I got this guy.
[90:19 - 90:27] [music]
[90:27 - 90:31] Here you go, guys. Here's one for you.
[90:31 - 91:37] [music]
[91:37 - 91:41] Let's see if you guys remember this shit.
[91:41 - 93:17] [music]
[93:17 - 93:29] Actually, I'll be going for this, as well.
[93:29 - 94:11] [music]
[94:11 - 94:25] Oh, okay.
[94:25 - 94:33] [music]
[94:33 - 94:39] I know you guys remember this. How many of y'all remember this shit?
[94:39 - 95:37] [music]
[95:37 - 95:45] Y'all are going on some old school shit now, man. Fuck.
[95:45 - 95:51] Let's see what else there's going to be. Let's see what's in this fucking playlist, bro.
[95:51 - 95:55] Oh, here we go.
[95:55 - 96:15] [music]
[96:15 - 96:21] Actually, hold on, hold on. Dude, how many fucking tracks are in this damn playlist, bro?
[96:21 - 96:25] It's like a crap ton in this playlist. Hold on.
[96:25 - 96:31] What I found is actually, I don't know. Oh my God, I remember that shit.
[96:31 - 96:43] [music]
[96:43 - 96:47] Here we go. Here's one for you.
[96:47 - 98:42] [music]
[98:42 - 98:48] Yeah. Hold on, guys. Get right back. Give me just a minute.
[98:48 - 98:52] Give me just one more, guys. Sit down, hang out, and try to relax. I'll be right back.
[98:52 - 99:19] [music]
[99:19 - 99:23] All right, guys. Give me just a moment here.
[99:23 - 99:25] Give it a constant sit on the door.
[99:25 - 99:40] [music]
[99:40 - 99:45] I know what a lot of you guys think, "Yo, what position am I going to be doing in the band?"
[99:45 - 99:50] For now, I'm guitarist until I get to find a new one.
[99:50 - 99:57] But I also will be the screamer in the band as well as some other kinds of vocals.
[99:57 - 100:04] And then the dude y'all got introduced to earlier, he's the second-link vocals, well, first-link vocals.
[100:04 - 100:10] He does the same thing that I'm doing, only he's going to do it on bass.
[100:10 - 100:16] I'm going to just be fucking killing it with my vocals. So, yeah.
[100:16 - 100:22] [music]
[100:22 - 100:30] And yes, in case anybody's wondering, yes, we are looking for a drummer.
[100:30 - 100:34] That's really all we need is a fucking drummer, and then we're good to go.
[100:34 - 100:40] If anybody out there is interested and is serious, then, yeah, hit us up.
[100:40 - 100:43] [music]
[100:43 - 100:48] Y'all got my freaking Facebook. Give me up, and I'll send you his way.
[100:48 - 101:00] [music]
[101:00 - 101:05] Oh, dude, me and him, we bounce ideas off each other.
[101:05 - 101:18] I don't know if you guys heard him back in the day, but how me and Eric Scruggel over with killer clown sounds,
[101:18 - 101:22] like how me and Eric were, or how me and that dude are.
[101:22 - 101:27] It's on a whole other fucking level from what me and Eric were.
[101:27 - 101:32] It's totally different.
[101:32 - 101:37] It is totally different.
[101:37 - 101:41] I'll just start riffing out or just start coming up with song lyrics,
[101:41 - 101:46] and all of a sudden, he'll just bounce shit off of me, and I'm just like, "Bro, that actually works."
[101:46 - 102:02] I didn't think about that.
[102:03 - 102:19] [music]
[102:19 - 102:30] Remember, there's actually a piece that came up, but this morning, it was actually pretty cool.
[102:30 - 102:35] I'm not going to reveal yet because I was saving for the song, so yeah.
[102:35 - 102:51] Yo, that is okay. Bro, I remember that shit.
[102:51 - 103:18] There's an old... Let's see if you guys remember this shit.
[103:18 - 103:22] Yo. Yo. Thank you.
[103:23 - 112:59] [music]
Transcribed by as id '920' on August 11th, 2024