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2021-9-23 Dirt rally 2.0 3

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on February 24th, 2023
Original upload date: September 23rd, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:09] I've been actually speaking with a very dear friend of mine, who has actually been very much helping me out in a lot of ways.
[0:09 - 0:24] And I wanted to bring a new, you know, a whole new attitude to what I've been doing with, you know, my guitar covers, my vocal covers.
[0:24 - 0:37] And I wanted to show you guys how I am, you know, changing for the better and hopefully, you know, I can inspire you guys to be better with me.
[0:37 - 0:48] Because like I've always said, you guys, you know, you guys that support me, you guys being okay helps me to be okay.
[0:48 - 1:02] You guys being as okay as you can be is what drives me. And I hope that, you know, I can inspire you guys to be better because I'm fighting a very hard battle right now.
[1:02 - 1:21] You guys are probably fighting a very hard battle and I wanted to share some guitar covers with you guys that, you know, hopefully will inspire you to, you know, get well and hopefully to do better with your lives no matter what you're going through.
[1:21 - 1:35] Hopefully, you know, these inspiring you to, you know, be a better version of yourself.
[1:35 - 1:48] But this is just, you know, a whole compilation of songs that, you know, have helped me along my good friend, you know who you are.
[1:48 - 2:16] So let's get it.
[2:17 - 4:39] Okay.
[4:39 - 5:08] There we go. Now it's up a little bit to where, you know, I can hear it a little better.
[5:08 - 5:12] So yeah.
[5:12 - 5:16] No, it's freaking ads.
[5:16 - 5:21] Oh, it looks like what's up next is one of my favorites.
[5:22 - 9:17] Okay.
[9:17 - 9:18] Oh, they did.
[9:18 - 9:41] That's all good.
[9:41 - 14:01] Okay.
[14:01 - 14:02] That's service.
[14:02 - 14:03] You can trust.
[14:04 - 18:29] Okay.
[18:29 - 18:31] What I want is to change things here.
[18:31 - 18:32] I'm supposed to listen to her.
[18:32 - 18:34] I have sweaters older than her.
[18:34 - 18:36] I'm not going to get any help.
[18:36 - 18:38] I'm going to compete with you buddy.
[18:38 - 19:07] Happy days are here again.
[19:07 - 22:36] Okay.
[22:36 - 22:50] No laundry.
[22:50 - 27:35] Okay.
[27:35 - 27:36] Hello.
[27:36 - 27:37] Hi.
[27:37 - 28:09] Hello.
[28:09 - 30:12] Okay.
[30:12 - 30:28] Yeah.
[30:28 - 30:31] All right, hey guys, I'll be right back.
[30:31 - 30:37] Sit tight.
[30:37 - 30:38] And switch.
[30:38 - 30:43] Please don't vanish stream.
[30:43 - 30:44] Do this.
[30:44 - 30:46] I've had this forever.
[30:46 - 30:50] This is fucking old, bro.
[30:50 - 30:53] And this is stupid old.
[30:53 - 30:59] I've had this since fricking like, I want to say like 2014.
[30:59 - 31:02] So I've had this for a while, man.
[31:02 - 31:05] This is actually my problem with creating a period.
[31:05 - 31:34] So, yeah.
[31:34 - 33:01] Okay.
[33:01 - 33:28] Hey, what's up guys.
[33:28 - 33:34] It's not going to sit down and chew.
[33:34 - 33:35] Yo scout.
[33:35 - 33:42] What up bro.
[33:42 - 33:45] But the first thing I was asking where did I get this hoodie?
[33:45 - 33:49] I actually got this for Christmas back in like 2014.
[33:49 - 33:51] Oh, he's not thinking of 2014.
[33:51 - 33:54] It was either 2014 or 2015.
[33:54 - 33:57] One of the two, but I got it for Christmas.
[33:57 - 33:59] It's actually a Colin McCrae.
[33:59 - 34:02] If you guys don't know who Colin McCrae is, he's a former.
[34:02 - 34:09] Well, he's not a former, but he's a rally cross driver that actually passed away in a helicopter crash.
[34:09 - 34:12] And he started in brand no fear.
[34:12 - 34:15] And that's what these skulls are on the hoodie.
[34:15 - 34:21] There's no fear, uh, skulls.
[34:21 - 34:36] So, yeah.
[34:36 - 35:05] More rocket.
[35:05 - 39:20] Okay.
[39:20 - 39:21] All right.
[39:21 - 39:25] Also, if you guys would like to donate, man, you guys are more than welcome to.
[39:25 - 39:27] I have everything set up now.
[39:27 - 39:45] Well, almost everything set up.
[39:45 - 40:13] All right.
[40:13 - 40:18] On a Sunday, just in case you guys know, I may or may not be going back to school very soon.
[40:18 - 40:23] I don't know yet, but I might be.
[40:23 - 40:24] Not sure yet.
[40:24 - 40:31] Hopefully I will be though.
[40:31 - 40:44] Maybe I'll find a few things out first, depending on whether I'm going to or not going to.
[40:45 - 60:41] Okay.
[60:41 - 60:46] Next one right here for you guys.
[60:46 - 60:50] And I hope that this did inspire you guys in some way, shape, or form.
[60:50 - 60:55] I hope that shows you guys that I am truly on, you know,
[60:55 - 60:58] back on the right track where I need to be.
[60:58 - 61:27] Well, on my way back to the right track, I should say.
[61:27 - 62:05] Okay.
[62:05 - 62:10] And even though I walk through the valley of the shadows.
[62:10 - 62:27] I feel a man with God.
[62:27 - 62:56] They are returned to the dust for which I came.
Transcribed by as id '951' on August 11th, 2024