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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on February 22nd, 2023
Original upload date: September 20th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:54 - 1:13] You know, seven months ago, I had my whole life ripped away from me no matter a second.
[1:13 - 1:28] I had everything I had ever worked for, ripped away, in a matter of minutes.
[1:28 - 1:35] And ever since then, I've been catching the blame for shit.
[1:35 - 1:51] I've had people laughing at me, bitching at me, attacking me, harassing my family.
[1:51 - 2:01] My friends, my job that I had, which was one of my dream jobs,
[2:01 - 2:11] ripped away from me in a matter of minutes all because of you little trolls wanting to play your fucking little games with me.
[2:11 - 2:22] When I'm here and tell you to write the fuck now, that shit stops.
[2:22 - 2:27] And I do mean it stops now.
[2:27 - 2:48] Because you see, every morning since then, I've had to wake up to my mom being in tears from pain.
[2:48 - 2:52] My stepdad being in tears from pain.
[2:52 - 2:58] Just barely able to afford things that I need to have done.
[2:58 - 3:09] Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for any handouts.
[3:09 - 3:12] Because I don't do handouts.
[3:12 - 3:18] I'm not asking for that at all.
[3:18 - 3:28] Because like I said, I don't like nor do handouts.
[3:28 - 3:30] I want sympathy.
[3:30 - 3:47] What I want is understanding and a fair chance to make what I've always learned about a reality.
[3:47 - 3:58] Whether that be making money from my 3D car photography, doing my artwork, doing my music,
[3:58 - 4:06] or even doing things simply as making money from sponsors.
[4:06 - 4:13] That's all I have ever asked was for a fair chance to do what I love.
[4:13 - 4:20] To make money from my family so that they don't have to suffer anymore.
[4:20 - 4:23] But yet, what do I get?
[4:23 - 4:29] Yanked around, laughed at, bullied, bashed on.
[4:29 - 4:33] Friends made the turn on me.
[4:33 - 4:34] All for what?
[4:34 - 4:38] A few wisecrack.
[4:38 - 4:41] You think you're funny?
[4:41 - 4:48] Bullshit jokes?
[4:48 - 4:56] I did my ass for years to get to where I was 7 months ago.
[4:56 - 5:05] I had busted my ass for years to finally get one of my dream jobs that I had.
[5:05 - 5:09] Doing audio engineer work for one of my best friends.
[5:09 - 5:12] Something I had always dreamed about doing since I was a kid.
[5:12 - 5:18] But in a matter of seconds.
[5:18 - 5:21] You guys ripped that away from me and that's not right.
[5:21 - 5:31] That is not right nor is it fair to me.
[5:31 - 5:37] And it sure as hell isn't fair to my family.
[5:37 - 5:43] To see all I'm trying to do is share my pain.
[5:43 - 5:50] And what I've been through with the world and hopes that my pain is suffering.
[5:50 - 5:54] And everything I've worked so hard for.
[5:54 - 6:01] Not only could bring about a better place for people like myself.
[6:01 - 6:06] But in hopes that it could bring in a real life living.
[6:06 - 6:09] And I've already proven that it can.
[6:09 - 6:19] I've already proven time and time again that I got what it takes to do what I love for a living.
[6:19 - 6:23] I've already proven that.
[6:23 - 6:37] So my question to you trolls that love to attack me is this one thing.
[6:37 - 6:45] Why do you feel you have the right to rip everything away from me?
[6:45 - 6:50] National reports is especially it's true for you.
[6:50 - 7:01] What made you think for one second that you had the right to do like you did.
[7:01 - 7:04] And rip my whole life away from me.
[7:04 - 7:10] Was because I was actually doing something good with my life.
[7:10 - 7:19] And you couldn't understand the fact that I was doing something outside of what you saw me doing.
[7:19 - 7:31] Because I looked different just because I looked different from the norm.
[7:31 - 7:36] That does not give you the right to do what you did to me.
[7:36 - 7:40] That does not give you the right to do what you did to me at all.
[7:40 - 7:48] Just because I looked different doesn't mean you have the right to do what you did.
[7:48 - 7:50] That doesn't give you that right.
[7:50 - 7:57] That never gave you that right to take away my whole life from me.
[7:57 - 8:03] To take away my friends.
[8:03 - 8:07] To take away everything I've worked so fucking hard for.
[8:07 - 8:23] You know I've worked my ass off to get that job that I had.
[8:23 - 8:29] And does it suck that I got taken away? Absolutely.
[8:29 - 8:34] But as I said that's out of my control.
[8:34 - 8:37] I had a great job.
[8:37 - 8:40] Making 150 a week.
[8:40 - 8:44] Well not even in a week but in a day.
[8:44 - 8:49] Helping to develop an independent gaming company.
[8:49 - 8:54] I had everything I'd ever wanted.
[8:54 - 8:58] And I do mean I had everything I truly ever wanted.
[8:58 - 9:00] A good life.
[9:00 - 9:02] Good friends.
[9:02 - 9:05] And at that point in time.
[9:05 - 9:07] And at one point in time.
[9:07 - 9:10] Even a good woman to stand by me.
[9:10 - 9:13] I had all of that.
[9:13 - 9:17] I had everything I'd ever drunk of.
[9:17 - 9:19] A good job that I truly loved.
[9:19 - 9:22] A good woman to stand beside me.
[9:22 - 9:25] I had my family and my friends.
[9:25 - 9:30] I had my life made out.
[9:30 - 9:32] But then what did you do?
[9:32 - 9:34] My household reports.
[9:34 - 9:36] Because I look different and weird.
[9:36 - 9:39] And I look different from the norm.
[9:39 - 9:42] You decided to take that away from me.
[9:42 - 9:46] Do you even know what it's like.
[9:46 - 9:49] To wake up in the middle of the night.
[9:49 - 9:52] Listening to your own family.
[9:52 - 9:54] Crying in pain.
[9:54 - 10:00] Do you know what it's like.
[10:00 - 10:07] Wishing and hoping and praying every day that you could do something.
[10:07 - 10:12] You love to do and make a living from it.
[10:12 - 10:14] So you can help your family.
[10:14 - 10:19] Do you know how many times I've woken up.
[10:19 - 10:23] In the middle of the night.
[10:23 - 10:29] Following my eyes out.
[10:29 - 10:31] Because I felt so fucking helpless.
[10:31 - 10:33] Because of you.
[10:33 - 10:38] Do you know how many times I've wanted to help my family.
[10:38 - 10:40] How many times.
[10:40 - 10:45] I've wanted to give my family everything that they gave me.
[10:45 - 10:48] Do you know how many times.
[10:48 - 10:50] How many times.
[10:50 - 10:52] I have sat there.
[10:52 - 10:56] And busted my ass.
[10:56 - 10:59] Trying to get to where I wanted to be.
[10:59 - 11:01] But instead.
[11:01 - 11:03] Selfish.
[11:03 - 11:05] Overbearing little bitches like you.
[11:05 - 11:08] Think that you have the right to take from me.
[11:08 - 11:10] Just because someone like me.
[11:10 - 11:19] Looks a little different.
[11:19 - 11:21] And people wondering why.
[11:21 - 11:23] I lost trust in humans.
[11:23 - 11:25] A long time ago.
[11:25 - 11:29] People wonder why I lost trust in people.
[11:29 - 11:34] And why it's very hard for me to trust anyone.
[11:34 - 11:36] It's people like you, Masshole.
[11:36 - 11:38] Or the reason why.
[11:38 - 11:41] That it's very hard for me to trust anyone anymore.
[11:41 - 11:43] Because I don't know whether they're a friend.
[11:43 - 11:47] Or whether they're screwing me over.
[11:47 - 11:49] No offense Marty.
[11:49 - 11:51] I'm not aiming that at you.
[11:51 - 11:53] I'm just aiming that in general.
[11:53 - 11:58] It's very hard for me to trust people.
[11:58 - 12:02] Because all I have ever gotten.
[12:02 - 12:04] Is fucked over.
[12:04 - 12:07] And screwed over by people like you my whole life.
[12:07 - 12:10] And you sit there.
[12:10 - 12:15] And you wonder why it's hard for me to trust people.
[12:15 - 12:17] It's very hard for me to trust people.
[12:17 - 12:19] And you're the reason why.
[12:19 - 12:22] People like me.
[12:22 - 12:31] Don't deserve.
[12:31 - 12:37] What people like you put me through.
[12:37 - 12:39] Because something you need to remember.
[12:39 - 12:41] Masshole reports.
[12:41 - 12:43] You brought this on to me.
[12:43 - 12:46] You're the one that did this.
[12:46 - 13:03] Because something you seem to fail to realize.
[13:03 - 13:05] Is that your little deal.
[13:05 - 13:08] Would never hold up in court.
[13:08 - 13:12] And you want to know why it wouldn't hold up in court bitch.
[13:12 - 13:14] You want to know why.
[13:14 - 13:17] Your little pedo.
[13:17 - 13:21] Exposure wouldn't hold up in court.
[13:21 - 13:23] For a very simple reason.
[13:23 - 13:25] One very simple reason.
[13:25 - 13:27] It would never hold up in court.
[13:27 - 13:29] Is because of the fact.
[13:29 - 13:32] That you seem to forget that you.
[13:32 - 13:34] Approached to me.
[13:34 - 13:36] First.
[13:36 - 13:38] I did not seek you out.
[13:38 - 13:40] You approached to me.
[13:40 - 13:42] First.
[13:42 - 13:46] And that right there says a lot.
[13:46 - 13:50] You approached to me.
[13:50 - 13:52] First out of nowhere.
[13:52 - 13:54] Eight months ago.
[13:54 - 13:57] I didn't even know who the fuck you were.
[13:57 - 14:03] I didn't even know who you were.
[14:03 - 14:06] Until you showed up on Marty's live stream.
[14:06 - 14:10] I had no idea who the fuck you were.
[14:10 - 14:16] And then what happened after that.
[14:16 - 14:18] After all that shit went down.
[14:18 - 14:20] And you did what you did.
[14:20 - 14:22] What did you do?
[14:22 - 14:25] You got pussy little bitches.
[14:25 - 14:27] Like William Glory Hole.
[14:27 - 14:29] And Christ the 30 year old boomer.
[14:29 - 14:31] To attack and attack.
[14:31 - 14:32] And attack.
[14:32 - 14:33] And attack.
[14:33 - 14:34] And attack.
[14:34 - 14:35] And attack.
[14:35 - 14:37] Acting like I deserve it.
[14:37 - 14:40] But truthfully.
[14:40 - 14:42] The one one that deserves to be attacked.
[14:42 - 14:44] Not so reports.
[14:44 - 14:47] Is you.
[14:47 - 14:48] You're the one.
[14:48 - 14:50] That deserves it.
[14:50 - 14:54] You're the one.
[14:54 - 14:57] That deserves to have everything ripped away from you.
[14:57 - 15:03] You're the one.
[15:03 - 15:05] That deserves to have your life.
[15:05 - 15:08] Ripped away from you the same way.
[15:08 - 15:11] The very same way.
[15:11 - 15:13] That you ripped mine away.
[15:13 - 15:21] The very same way that you ripped my life away from me.
[15:21 - 15:26] Is how you deserve to have yours ripped away from you.
[15:26 - 15:29] The very same way.
[15:29 - 15:32] You don't deserve those subs.
[15:32 - 15:37] You don't deserve to even be on this platform.
[15:37 - 15:40] You know what you deserve?
[15:40 - 15:42] You deserve nothing more.
[15:42 - 15:44] Than a fucking jail cell.
[15:44 - 15:48] That's what you fucking deserve.
[15:48 - 15:50] A goddamn jail cell.
[15:50 - 15:56] Where someone comes along and makes you their fucking bitch.
[15:56 - 16:02] That's all you deserve.
[16:02 - 16:04] And for all you out there that think.
[16:04 - 16:06] That I deserve all this.
[16:06 - 16:08] That I deserve.
[16:08 - 16:10] To have my life ripped away.
[16:10 - 16:13] All because I look different.
[16:13 - 16:15] You know what I say to you?
[16:15 - 16:19] I say piss off motherfucker.
[16:19 - 16:22] Because you're just as bad as she is.
[16:22 - 16:26] If you truly believe that I deserve what I've gotten put through.
[16:26 - 16:29] Then you're just as bad as she is.
[16:29 - 16:44] And to involve my family and shit.
[16:44 - 16:47] To attack my friends.
[16:47 - 16:50] To drive my one best friend.
[16:50 - 17:00] My life.
[17:00 - 17:02] Do you know how fucked up that is?
[17:02 - 17:06] I mean imagine this.
[17:06 - 17:10] Think about this for a moment.
[17:10 - 17:15] Imagine busting your ass your whole life.
[17:15 - 17:18] To get your dream job.
[17:18 - 17:22] You bust your ass for years and years.
[17:22 - 17:28] Learning everything you can about what you want to do.
[17:28 - 17:30] You learn everything you can.
[17:30 - 17:33] Everything that you can possibly learn.
[17:33 - 17:37] About what you want to do with your life.
[17:37 - 17:40] You learn everything there is.
[17:40 - 17:43] You know everything there is to doing audio engineering.
[17:43 - 17:46] Or you know said vocation.
[17:46 - 17:50] You know insert dream job here.
[17:50 - 17:56] You know insert your dream job in the blank.
[17:56 - 18:02] But you work your whole life.
[18:02 - 18:06] Learning and honing your craft.
[18:06 - 18:13] You spent countless hours and days and months.
[18:13 - 18:18] Learning everything you possibly can.
[18:18 - 18:24] And when the day comes you finally get a job doing what you want to do.
[18:24 - 18:29] You finally get that shot to do what you want to do.
[18:29 - 18:33] And then someone comes along and screws with you.
[18:33 - 18:35] Because you look weird.
[18:35 - 18:38] Because you look there from the norm.
[18:38 - 18:46] And everything you work so hard for gets ripped away like that.
[18:46 - 18:56] All because some selfish fucking idiot wants to make you out to be a joke.
[18:56 - 18:59] Because you look different from everyone else.
[18:59 - 19:04] That's exactly what you did.
[19:04 - 19:08] That's exactly what you did to me.
[19:08 - 19:14] All because I look different from everyone else.
[19:14 - 19:17] You thought that it would be okay.
[19:17 - 19:23] To take everything I would bust in my ass for away from me.
[19:23 - 19:27] And for what reason?
[19:27 - 19:31] Because I look weird.
[19:31 - 19:33] Is that it?
[19:33 - 19:38] If that's not the reason there's got to be a reason for you.
[19:38 - 19:41] For you doing what you did.
[19:41 - 19:44] There has to be a reason.
[19:44 - 19:49] And I want that fucking answer as to why you took everything away from me.
[19:49 - 19:55] And why it is that you refuse to tell the fucking truth.
[19:55 - 20:05] Why is it that you refuse to tell the goddamn truth about what you actually did?
[20:05 - 20:12] Why is it that you refuse to tell the goddamn truth about me?
[20:12 - 20:14] About how you approached me.
[20:14 - 20:19] How you pretended to be of age on the phone call.
[20:19 - 20:25] And that turn around and pretended to be underage by text message.
[20:25 - 20:30] Why don't you come out and tell the fucking goddamn truth?
[20:30 - 20:33] Why don't you tell everybody the fucking truth, Mass?
[20:33 - 20:35] You lied to them.
[20:35 - 20:37] And you know you lied to them.
[20:37 - 20:46] So why don't you come out and tell the goddamn truth already?
[20:46 - 20:48] That you lied to them.
[20:48 - 20:52] And you screwed me over all because I looked different.
[20:52 - 20:55] And you felt like because I looked different.
[20:55 - 21:00] That you had that right to go at me.
[21:00 - 21:03] Why don't you tell the truth, Mass, all reports?
[21:03 - 21:07] Why don't you tell everybody the real fucking truth?
[21:07 - 21:15] Tell everyone the real fucking truth about why you screwed my life up.
[21:15 - 21:22] About why you drove my friends away.
[21:22 - 21:27] Why don't you tell them the real truth, Kate?
[21:27 - 21:28] I know the truth.
[21:28 - 21:34] The people that actually see through your lies know the truth.
[21:34 - 21:37] So why don't you say the fucking truth?
[21:37 - 21:44] You wanted to fuck me over because I looked that much different than you.
[21:44 - 21:54] Why don't you tell the truth?
[21:54 - 21:57] Why don't you tell the truth, Mass, all reports?
[21:57 - 22:04] This whole fucking time for the last seven months, I've been speaking nothing but the truth.
[22:04 - 22:08] I told the truth about you.
[22:08 - 22:12] I told me and Paul both told the truth about Kendall.
[22:12 - 22:24] Kendall herself even came forward in a phone call between her and Paul and spoke out and actually admitted.
[22:24 - 22:29] Actually admitted to Paul that she wanted to have me killed.
[22:29 - 22:33] She came out by her own free will and admitted that.
[22:33 - 22:37] Because Paul pressured her into finally saying something.
[22:37 - 22:48] So if they could tell the truth and if I could tell the truth, why can't you come clean about what you did?
[22:48 - 22:51] I came clean about what I did.
[22:51 - 22:53] I spoke about what I did.
[22:53 - 22:55] Was it right?
[22:55 - 22:56] No.
[22:56 - 22:58] Did I own it though?
[22:58 - 22:59] Yes.
[22:59 - 23:01] And I wrote that fucking wrong.
[23:01 - 23:05] I came clean about what the fuck I did wrong.
[23:06 - 23:08] But my question is this.
[23:08 - 23:13] Why can't you do the same thing and come out and speak the truth about what you did wrong?
[23:13 - 23:18] Why can't you own up to your mistakes?
[23:18 - 23:20] I owned up to mine.
[23:20 - 23:23] Why can't you ever own up to yours, bitch?
[23:23 - 23:28] Is it because you're too much of a pussy to face your goddamn demons?
[23:28 - 23:33] Is it because you're too fucking scared to face the fucking truth?
[23:33 - 23:41] I actually owned up to what the fuck I did.
[23:41 - 23:51] Many times over, I admitted and came clean about what I did wrong.
[23:51 - 23:52] Was it right?
[23:52 - 23:53] No.
[23:53 - 23:54] Did it happen though?
[23:54 - 23:56] Yes.
[23:56 - 23:59] But guess whose fucking fault that was though?
[23:59 - 24:05] Sure as fuck was it mine.
[24:05 - 24:07] I'll tell you that right the fuck now.
[24:07 - 24:15] Because you and I both know the real fucking truth, Kate.
[24:15 - 24:20] You approached me out of nowhere and you know it.
[24:20 - 24:29] Matter of fact, the first time I ever met you was through music biz Marty's live stream.
[24:29 - 24:39] That was the first time I ever seen you or ever met you in my fucking life.
[24:39 - 24:58] As Marty he'll tell you, before you came along seven months ago, Kate, I had a good life.
[24:58 - 25:02] I had a very good life seven months ago.
[25:02 - 25:05] But then what did you do?
[25:05 - 25:12] You came from that little bitch ass community that likes to fuck with people.
[25:12 - 25:22] You came from the troll community, the very same community that hired Steve Wilkos
[25:22 - 25:29] and his drunk piece of shit speech that he did to me and many others.
[25:29 - 25:35] And those many other people that he attacked just happened to be friends of mine.
[25:35 - 25:52] People that I actually know that are actually very good people.
[25:52 - 26:02] You come from that same fucking community that that bitch ass rumor research comes from.
[26:02 - 26:17] And speaking on rumor research, yo bitch, what's your fucking deal?
[26:17 - 26:22] What's your fucking deal rumor?
[26:22 - 26:25] What did I ever do to you?
[26:25 - 26:34] I know you got something against me, but what I want to know is what?
[26:34 - 26:37] What I want to know is what is it that you have against me?
[26:37 - 26:43] Because last time I checked rumor research, I've not done a damn thing to you.
[26:43 - 26:50] Sure, I made a talk shit on you when you guys were attacking my friend Jenny.
[26:50 - 26:57] But you got to understand I was defending a friend that has nothing to do with me.
[26:57 - 26:59] I was defending a friend of mine.
[26:59 - 27:11] I was doing what's right and defending a friend.
[27:11 - 27:23] So that being said, what in God's name made you think you had the right to attack me?
[27:23 - 27:30] Or matter of fact, what in the hell thinks you have the fucking right to attack anyone?
[27:30 - 27:34] Jenny's not done anything to you.
[27:34 - 27:36] I've not done anything to you.
[27:36 - 27:38] Nobody has done a damn thing to you.
[27:38 - 27:45] Except call you on your fucking bullshit.
[27:45 - 27:48] That's all people like me and Jenny have done.
[27:48 - 27:53] It's called you on your bullshit and wanted you to stop all this garbage.
[27:53 - 28:22] And I doubt that's the real him.
[28:22 - 28:32] But by the off chance that it is, by the 1% chance that it is, Steve, I do want to say this.
[28:32 - 28:36] You're a drunk piece of shit.
[28:36 - 28:51] You're a drunk fucking piece of shit that got paid to do a cameo against me.
[28:51 - 29:12] You got paid to do a cameo against me for no fucking reason except for the fact that you got paid to say what you said to me.
[29:12 - 29:25] And if you ask me, you owe myself and everyone that you attacked in that video, you owe all of us an apology, motherfucker.
[29:25 - 29:46] You owe all of us an apology because I've not done anything to you.
[29:46 - 29:48] I grew up respecting you.
[29:48 - 29:58] But now watching that video back, seeing how you're a drunk piece of shit, I have no respect for you.
[29:58 - 30:04] I have no respect for humans at all anymore.
[30:04 - 30:23] I have no respect for anyone who would go out of their way to ruin someone's life for no reason except for a cheap laugh.
[30:27 - 30:31] And you guys wonder why it's hard for me to trust people?
[30:31 - 30:37] Why it's hard for me to trust any fucking human beings anymore?
[30:37 - 30:40] You fucking trolls are the reason why.
[30:40 - 30:54] You guys, you're the guys that made me not have faith in humans.
[30:54 - 31:05] You know, just, just alike.
[31:05 - 31:08] And I do mean just alike.
[31:08 - 31:14] I showed you guys Darby Allen the other night just like Darby Allen.
[31:14 - 31:19] Me and him are one in the same.
[31:19 - 31:23] I can relate to Darby Allen on a very personal level.
[31:23 - 31:35] When I see Darby Allen, I see a professional wrestler that is literally, literally the mirror image of myself.
[31:35 - 31:39] Because like him, I've lost people.
[31:39 - 31:41] People I care about.
[31:41 - 31:46] I've come up being that outcast.
[31:46 - 31:54] Being that guy that everyone fucking destroys and hates on because he looks different.
[31:54 - 32:00] I've been that guy that's lost the loved ones for various fucking reasons.
[32:00 - 32:10] I've been that guy that has lost trust in humans because of what they do to people.
[32:10 - 32:12] People like me.
[32:12 - 32:20] So I'm here to tell all you haters right the fuck now.
[32:20 - 32:24] Every one of you needs to quit what you're doing.
[32:24 - 32:42] All this hatred, all this antagonizing, all this pushing buttons, all this seeing how far you can push somebody till they crash.
[32:42 - 32:58] All of this embarrassing, ridiculing, defiling, destroying people like myself is not funny.
[32:58 - 33:05] And it sure as fuck isn't a game.
[33:05 - 33:10] When you do that kind of shit that has real world effects.
[33:10 - 33:14] You might not think that it does, but it actually does.
[33:14 - 33:27] What you do now affects the real world.
[33:27 - 33:40] And you need to understand that because I don't think many of you really understand that what you do on here has an effect on people like me outside of this in the real world.
[33:40 - 33:43] It has real world effects.
[33:43 - 33:50] It has very real effects.
[33:50 - 34:11] But yet, while people like me suffer, people like you are made out to be the heroes.
[34:11 - 34:25] When the real heroes are people like me who stand up for the weak, who defend the weak, who defend those that are outcasted by those that you deem unworthy.
[34:25 - 34:34] Those that you deem unworthy are the motherfuckers that I stand up for.
[34:34 - 34:39] Those that you see as different are the ones that I stand up for.
[34:39 - 34:57] So what I'm trying to understand in my mind, what I'm trying to understand is what made you think you had that right to attack me.
[34:57 - 35:05] What made you fucking think you had that right when I've not done anything to anyone?
[35:05 - 35:14] All I've ever done was mind my own goddamn business and trying to make a living doing what I love to do.
[35:14 - 35:19] So why continue on something that's pointless?
[35:19 - 35:27] Why drag something on that's fucking pointless?
[35:27 - 35:48] You sit there and you attack my life like you fucking know who the hell I am.
[35:48 - 35:54] You attack me and you judge me and you act like you know who the fuck I am.
[35:54 - 36:03] But in all reality, you don't know me. You don't know my life. All you see is what I post up.
[36:03 - 36:09] You don't know what the fuck I do when I'm not streaming on YouTube.
[36:09 - 36:14] You don't know what the fuck I'm doing when I'm not creating a live stream.
[36:14 - 36:20] You don't know what I'm doing outside of this platform or outside of Facebook.
[36:20 - 36:23] You don't know what the fuck I do.
[36:23 - 36:36] All you're going by is what you see on the internet and that's a bunch of bullshit and you fucking know it.
[36:36 - 36:41] See, you guys have this narrow minded perception of me.
[36:41 - 36:51] You think how I am on the internet is how I am in real life, but that's not the case at all.
[36:51 - 36:56] How I am in real life is how I try to be on YouTube.
[36:56 - 37:06] But when you motherfuckers come in and you attack me over and over and you push me so far to the point where I snap.
[37:06 - 37:10] I said some shit. Yes.
[37:10 - 37:20] But you have to understand, you guys, the trolls and the haters are the ones that pushed me to those limits.
[37:20 - 37:34] You guys are the ones that pushed me to say that shit by backing me into a corner, attacking me, harassing me, day in and day out for months.
[37:34 - 37:42] I mean, you attack me for months on end and you act like you expect me not to fucking bite back.
[37:42 - 37:51] It's like poking a bear, dude. It's just like fucking poking a bear.
[37:51 - 38:01] You poke a bear long enough, eventually that bear's gonna turn around and you're gonna catch its cause or you're gonna be screwed.
[38:01 - 38:10] You keep on backing a dog into a corner, eventually that dog is gonna fucking bite you.
[38:10 - 38:29] Same with humans. You keep pushing a human so far, you keep attacking them over and over and over and over and eventually they're gonna snap.
[38:29 - 38:35] And they're gonna say shit that might not be right.
[38:35 - 38:48] But yet you push people like me so fucking far to where we snap and then you sit there and claim that it's our fault.
[38:49 - 38:57] That we said what we said when you're the ones that pushed us to that point.
[38:57 - 39:03] You're the ones that antagonized us. You're the ones that bullied us.
[39:03 - 39:12] You're the ones that attacked us over and over and over again and pushed us until we fucking snapped.
[39:12 - 39:21] And then when we snapped, you all of a sudden fucking regretted.
[39:21 - 39:32] Why don't you ever think about that? Why don't you guys ever fucking think about that shit, huh?
[39:32 - 39:45] Why don't you ever think about the consequences of your fucking actions instead of bullying someone like you guys do me?
[39:46 - 39:52] Instead of bullying and attacking me and saying that I'm this and saying that I'm that,
[39:52 - 39:59] why don't you actually show a little fucking respect and a little humility and a little bit of support?
[39:59 - 40:08] Because maybe if you start treating people right, maybe people like me wouldn't end their lives.
[40:08 - 40:14] Every day, people like me end their lives because of people like you.
[40:14 - 40:26] People like you trolls are the reason that people like me unfortunately end their lives every fucking day because of the bullying.
[40:26 - 40:39] And it's not right at all. It's not fucking right.
[40:39 - 40:57] And it needs to stop. You act like you have the right to pass judgment, but really you have no right to pass judgment.
[40:57 - 41:05] Instead of passing judgment on people like me, really you should be passing judgment on yourselves.
[41:05 - 41:11] Pass judgment on yourselves. Look at your own flaws.
[41:11 - 41:16] Look at your own issues and deal with those issues.
[41:16 - 41:24] Stop passing judgment on people like me that aren't doing anything wrong.
[41:24 - 41:52] Like I said, seven months ago I had my life together.
[41:52 - 41:58] Seven months ago I had my whole fucking life in order.
[41:58 - 42:03] And now it's in so many pieces I don't know how to start picking it up again.
[42:03 - 42:10] I don't know what I can do to make a living for my family.
[42:10 - 42:20] All I want is a fair chance to do what I love to make a living for my family.
[42:20 - 42:24] Is that really too fucking much to ask for?
[42:24 - 42:32] Is that too really, is me wanting to make an honest living doing what I love?
[42:32 - 42:35] Is that really too much to fucking ask for?
[42:35 - 43:03] I don't think it is. I think a lot of motherfuckers will agree that I deserve to get my life back on track.
[43:03 - 43:11] And the only way I can do that is by you guys stopping what you're doing to me with these attacks
[43:11 - 43:19] and allowing me to do what I need to do to make a living for my family instead of coming in,
[43:19 - 43:28] shutting me down, stealing from me, bashing on me, attacking my Facebook, attacking my friends.
[43:28 - 43:34] It needs to stop guys. It seriously needs to fucking stop.
[43:34 - 43:45] That's all I ask is to be able to do what I love for a living.
[43:45 - 43:55] That's all I ask is that you guys give me that fucking chance that I fucking deserve to do what I love for a living.
[43:55 - 44:01] That's all I ask so that my family doesn't have to suffer anymore.
[44:01 - 44:28] That's all I ask. That's all I've ever asked is to have a fair chance to do what I love.
[44:28 - 44:39] That's all I've ever asked to get support and to do what I love for a living. That's all I've ever asked.
[44:39 - 44:47] Yo Alex, thank you brother. I appreciate that man.
[44:47 - 44:53] Yes, thank you. And no matter if that's everybody out there watching that has family birthday wishes,
[44:53 - 45:00] I want to say thank you guys. You guys are fucking awesome.
[45:00 - 45:07] But at the end of the day, man, all I've ever asked was to do what I love for a living.
[45:07 - 45:21] You know? All I've ever asked was to be allowed to do what I love and turn it into a career that I can be proud of.
[45:21 - 45:30] That's all I ask. So from today forward and today moving on,
[45:30 - 45:39] I'm hoping that we can move past all this shit that's gone on for the past seven months to the past year and a half.
[45:39 - 45:47] I'm hoping that we can all move past this and put this behind us because I don't know about you,
[45:47 - 45:55] but I don't want to put it behind me.
[45:55 - 46:08] I don't know about you guys, but I want to put all this shit behind me so that I can move forward.
[46:08 - 46:18] That's all I ask. Just take whatever happened in the past with me or any of this shit.
[46:18 - 46:28] Put it the fuck behind you. Let it the fuck go. It's been seven months and it's time to let it go.
[46:28 - 46:38] Let's move forward. Let's move forward to a better future for myself, for my family and for people like me
[46:38 - 46:46] because I want to be an example for people like me that you can do whatever you want to do with your life.
[46:46 - 46:53] I want to be that inspiration for people like me.
[46:53 - 47:02] I want to be able to do what people like Darby Allen get to do every night and inspire people.
[47:02 - 47:16] I want to be able to inspire people through my very real life story and through my struggles and my sufferings and my mistakes.
[47:16 - 47:25] But most importantly, I want to be able to give my family everything that they gave me.
[47:25 - 47:29] I want to give them everything just like they gave me everything they could.
[47:29 - 47:36] And I'm hoping that from today forward, you guys will allow me to do that.
[47:36 - 47:50] With that being said guys, I'm about to bounce off here. I'm about to relax, hang out with my team on Forza and I will see you guys soon.
[47:50 - 48:04] I love you guys. Let's move forward to a brighter future. Let's put the past behind us and let's move forward.
[48:05 - 48:22] If you guys can put everything that happened over these last seven months behind you and move forward, then I promise you I'll give you literally my best.
[48:22 - 48:26] I'll give you 110% of the best of me.
[48:26 - 48:40] But in order to do that, you guys have to put the past behind you and give me that chance to show you what I can really do.
[48:40 - 48:48] That's my deal with you guys. I love you guys. Peace.
Transcribed by as id '966' on August 7th, 2024