Original upload date: September 17th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:13 - 0:15] What up y'all, it's your boy
[0:17 - 0:22] Wanted to do something I ain't done in a long ass while right quick for you guys
[0:23 - 0:32] As yes, no, obviously a very big up church and I listen to his music and for quite a while now
[0:32 - 0:36] And I'll scroll through you to the scene that
[0:37 - 0:38] he
[0:38 - 0:40] Just dropped the music videos, so
[0:41 - 0:46] We're gonna check out our church is brand new music video midnight in Montgomery
[0:46 - 0:49] Yes, we'd like to check out the original video the link
[0:50 - 0:56] Will be in the description, so be sure to head over and give the original videos and a lot of shout out church man
[0:57 - 0:59] Shad the Krieger squad man
[0:59 - 1:02] Shad the redneck nation
[1:02 - 1:04] Shad the Hollywood records, and yeah
[1:06 - 1:11] Let's get this going man. Let's get this shit out and see what it's about
[1:11 - 3:08] Like the rock rock
[3:29 - 5:39] That was good that was that really good that was something different that was
[5:39 - 5:43] You know not like oh shit
[5:44 - 5:51] Yeah, that was not like anything I've ever heard out of him before man. That was so so good
[5:54 - 6:00] That was so good man shout out to our church on that man. That was so good. I
[6:00 - 6:02] love the vibe the
[6:03 - 6:05] the tone of the song
[6:05 - 6:09] It's definitely a step away from his regular stuff
[6:09 - 6:16] So shout out church man if you guys like to check out the original video the link will be in the description man
[6:16 - 6:18] Be sure to head over there man
[6:18 - 6:23] Show some more church and well man shots all my fellow redneck nation fans
[6:23 - 6:27] Shots all my fellow Krieg squad members. It's good guys
[6:27 - 6:36] But I'm fucking love y'all man. I'll be in your boy. You know what is I ain't gotta say it
[6:36 - 6:39] And you guys would like to see more reactions man
[6:40 - 6:42] I didn't come I just want to know what you guys want to see me react
[6:43 - 6:47] I'm too next and you never know. I just might do it
[6:48 - 6:52] Well, that means it y'all look love you guys. I don't know y'all. Peace
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '990' on August 7th, 2024