Original upload date: August 31st, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:08 - 0:10] Good morning, good afternoon
[0:12 - 0:14] Good, do whatever do you guys?
[0:16 - 0:18] Good day
[0:18 - 0:19] um
[0:19 - 0:26] I'm making this video to reach out to everyone
[0:30 - 0:44] Now if you guys don't know my story, I am the victim of a cat fishing ring
[0:45 - 0:49] I've been cat fished many times over the years on and off
[0:49 - 0:55] One of those being that Danica bloodhaven chick that's just recently popped
[0:56 - 0:59] back up
[0:59 - 1:04] but more importantly, I've been cat fished and lied to and attacked and
[1:05 - 1:08] victimized for the last five months by
[1:10 - 1:20] Kate Peters aka Masshole reports and it's done quite a lot to my life like
[1:21 - 1:22] because of things
[1:22 - 1:25] From that and she's done to me and my life ain't
[1:26 - 1:28] The same way that I was
[1:29 - 1:31] My life is not
[1:32 - 1:35] Normal anymore
[1:35 - 1:42] like I can't go out to the store anymore of my family
[1:43 - 1:47] You know, I can't walk down to the store and get stuff anymore without getting stared at
[1:47 - 2:01] I can't go out to eat with my family whenever I want to anymore. I can't work a regular job
[2:01 - 2:03] like I'd like to
[2:04 - 2:13] I'm actually lost my job before I didn't have a job like the job I had I was actually
[2:13 - 2:17] an audio engineer for my good friend's gaming company and
[2:19 - 2:24] Due to Kate and what she's done. I've lost my job doing that
[2:24 - 2:34] Haven't been able to put out an album
[2:35 - 2:39] Even though I've wanted to have been able to put out an album if you guys don't know
[2:39 - 2:42] I actually am a musician. I'm a music artist
[2:44 - 2:46] Independent and looking for a label
[2:49 - 2:51] But I haven't been able to put out
[2:52 - 2:58] The music that I'd like to put out. I haven't been able to work on any music videos
[3:00 - 3:05] My album living dead house
[3:06 - 3:13] Was supposed to release a week ago, and I haven't been able to get I haven't even been able to record all the songs for that yet
[3:14 - 3:20] Because I've been dealing with this girl named nice old reports. Also more commonly known as Kate Peters. Oh
[3:22 - 3:24] If you don't know her she
[3:26 - 3:28] Claims to go out of catfish
[3:29 - 3:35] Like she claims to go out to people that are supposedly pedophiles and this not in the other
[3:38 - 3:45] She has catfishing made me look like a pedophile. She has
[3:47 - 3:52] Recruited the help of my former friend Chuck Stegel who is
[3:54 - 3:56] Honestly, not a very good person to begin with
[3:57 - 4:02] He's very delusional
[4:03 - 4:09] He does not have a good grip on reality
[4:10 - 4:13] he thinks that he's a vampire and
[4:14 - 4:19] He thinks that he's the over and the overlord of
[4:20 - 4:21] You know
[4:21 - 4:24] the vampires and this none the other like he's
[4:25 - 4:29] He's definitely not right in the head and he cannot differentiate
[4:31 - 4:33] fiction from reality and
[4:34 - 4:40] He honestly doesn't realize that Kate and them are using him to attack me
[4:40 - 4:44] And I'm not the only one that
[4:45 - 4:47] Kate has attacked
[4:47 - 4:50] Kate has attacked many many other people before me
[4:51 - 4:57] She claims to be doing good things, but really she's not
[5:01 - 5:03] She is using
[5:04 - 5:06] That's her
[5:06 - 5:08] To catch she's basically using
[5:10 - 5:16] The same stuff that many I'm sure many of you have watched to catch predator
[5:20 - 5:22] She's basically doing that same thing
[5:23 - 5:38] To unsuspecting victims and making them look like pedophiles when they're really not and this
[5:38 - 5:43] for me has been going on for about five months now and I
[5:43 - 5:48] Want to try to help put a stop to it because honestly
[5:49 - 5:54] No one deserves to get put through what I got put through and and if I can help
[5:55 - 5:59] Someone like me to not be a victim of hers then I'll do it
[6:02 - 6:07] Because I really want this to be put to a stop. I want this whole
[6:07 - 6:14] cat fishing trolling ring to come to a stop because
[6:16 - 6:17] Before
[6:17 - 6:22] Kate also more commonly known as Masshole reports and came along
[6:25 - 6:38] Yeah, because of Kate Peters. I'm not an easy life
[6:40 - 6:42] Before her I had a great life
[6:44 - 6:47] Before Masshole reports showed up. I had a great
[6:47 - 6:54] great life a very good life. In fact, I had a
[6:54 - 6:56] dream job
[6:56 - 7:02] And then I'd always wanted with my best friend doing audio engineering work make the 150 a week
[7:03 - 7:05] Well, not even a week, but in like an hour
[7:06 - 7:08] Like I was making 150 an hour
[7:09 - 7:12] Doing audio engineering work for his gaming company
[7:13 - 7:16] I had a wonderful wonderful girlfriend
[7:17 - 7:19] Who actually was
[7:21 - 7:23] Actually my fiancee
[7:23 - 7:36] Me and her had gotten engaged about four months before all this shit started. I had friends that were able to mean I
[7:38 - 7:40] Didn't have to worry about anything
[7:43 - 7:46] Like I was actually able to go outside and do shit
[7:48 - 7:54] Like let me be honest the last time I've ever gone down to the lake to do any kind of photography was literally
[7:55 - 8:01] About eight months ago. That was the last time I've been down there
[8:01 - 8:05] I'm not been down to the lake really all this year except for one time
[8:06 - 8:11] One time this year I've been down to the lake and I was just recently
[8:11 - 8:17] To a film for a short film. They actually got put on hold due to a lot of this
[8:18 - 8:27] like I want this shit to stop like so bad and
[8:29 - 8:31] That's where I need your guys's help
[8:31 - 8:40] I need you guys this and the subscribers my fan base is help because I got told y'all last night
[8:40 - 8:46] When it comes to this platform man and in life in general like you guys aren't just my subs
[8:46 - 8:49] You guys aren't just my fans. You guys are part of me
[8:50 - 8:55] You guys are some of you are my friends in real life
[8:55 - 9:00] Some of you are friends of mine on this court. Some of you guys are friends of mine on here and
[9:01 - 9:04] Honestly, I want to do the right thing and I want to help bring Kate down
[9:05 - 9:08] But I can't do it alone. I need your guys's help
[9:08 - 9:17] Because no one deserves to get victimized the way that I got victimized and how all those other poor people before me got victimized
[9:21 - 9:24] Like I want to do what's right and I want to fight back
[9:24 - 9:30] But honestly, I don't know how I can and I can use some suggestions man
[9:31 - 9:37] I've even looked into doing a non-proper organization. I've looked into
[9:37 - 9:41] Doing a go fund me. I've looked into all kinds of stuff and
[9:42 - 9:47] Every time I come up at the hand it and I need your guys's help
[9:47 - 9:51] I need everyone's help man
[9:55 - 9:59] Like I can't keep fighting this battle on my own anymore
[9:59 - 10:08] My best friend of ten years walked out on me
[10:08 - 10:19] Just the other day. I lost my job. I lost quite a bit actually I lost quite a lot
[10:21 - 10:27] Like I haven't been able to do things that I'd like to do and I want to get back to doing those things
[10:27 - 10:29] I want to give back to
[10:30 - 10:35] You know shooting music videos. I want to give back to creating music. I want to get back to
[10:36 - 10:39] You know releasing stuff and doing stuff
[10:40 - 10:43] But I can't do that until this gets taken care of
[10:44 - 11:12] And it's little trolls like this Rick guy right here that I know me like
[11:12 - 11:16] You saved me killing myself is the answer and for a while. I thought it was
[11:18 - 11:22] For the longest time. I thought that killing myself was the answer, but it's not
[11:31 - 11:34] Killing myself is not the answer and no one
[11:35 - 11:37] Deserves to kill themselves
[11:40 - 11:48] Nobody deserves that
[11:48 - 11:50] Nobody deserves to kill themselves
[11:51 - 11:58] Over someone like Kate Peters who has been doing this essentially from my understanding for years
[11:59 - 12:07] No one deserves to be a victim and I want to help those like myself
[12:07 - 12:18] I want to help those who have been victims. I want to help those that have been
[12:18 - 12:21] victims of Kate to those that have been victims of
[12:22 - 12:26] The whole trolling ring here on YouTube
[12:32 - 12:34] Well, yes, I got lucky and escaped it
[12:36 - 12:39] That doesn't mean that I got out unscathed
[12:43 - 12:49] Because I have lost a lot. You know, I've lost quite a bit in my life
[12:49 - 12:53] I lost my best friend of 10 years. I
[12:55 - 12:59] Lost a good job where I was making a hundred fifty an hour doing
[13:00 - 13:04] Musical work for my friend's gaming company. I've lost a lot and
[13:06 - 13:19] Like I just want to help those that have been put through what I've been put through. I
[13:20 - 13:23] Want to help those victims. I want to help bring her down
[13:24 - 13:26] Like I want to essentially
[13:27 - 13:31] Put a stop to her doing what she's doing like I
[13:32 - 13:34] Want to put her to a stop
[13:35 - 13:42] So badly that she'll never go on YouTube or any kind of social media again or be made not to do this anymore
[13:44 - 13:49] Like I want this put to a stop so bad because like me
[13:49 - 13:51] These people that she's victimized
[13:52 - 13:56] Didn't deserve what they got. I didn't deserve what I got
[13:57 - 14:02] Too many people have suffered at the hands of Kate and it needs to stop man
[14:02 - 14:11] I for one am sick and tired of seeing people like Masshole reports get away with such awful things
[14:12 - 14:15] And I do mean awful things
[14:19 - 14:20] like
[14:20 - 14:22] Here's an example of something that she has done
[14:23 - 14:25] she started this this
[14:27 - 14:29] Facebook group chat on
[14:30 - 14:32] Facebook
[14:32 - 14:36] Called the Thunderdome and what she did was
[14:36 - 14:40] It was all about me and how I was a supposed pedophile
[14:40 - 14:53] What she did was wrong. She would sit there and bash on me and torment me and then
[14:54 - 14:59] Whenever somebody stuck up for me whenever someone took up for me and they stood up for me
[15:00 - 15:02] Do you know what she did?
[15:02 - 15:04] She attacked
[15:04 - 15:09] She attacked their family and them as a person
[15:10 - 15:14] She went through and she attacked their friends their families
[15:15 - 15:19] And essentially tried to scare them and
[15:22 - 15:31] Attempt to get away with doing what she's doing and if you ask me that's inexcusable behavior
[15:33 - 15:41] That right there is not okay, and I don't want to see anybody go through what I went through. I
[15:43 - 15:45] Really don't
[15:45 - 15:57] Like I want people to be able to do what they want without being in fear
[16:01 - 16:05] That's why I haven't done anything is because I've been so learned here
[16:05 - 16:07] That's why I haven't really released anything
[16:09 - 16:15] Like if you take a look at my music, I haven't really released anything but a couple songs was in the last couple weeks
[16:16 - 16:19] That's why I haven't released the
[16:20 - 16:22] My 3d car photography book
[16:22 - 16:26] that's why I haven't really done anything because I've been
[16:26 - 16:31] living in so much fear and always look it over my shoulder and
[16:31 - 16:33] I don't want to live like that anymore
[16:36 - 16:45] No one deserves to live like that and I want to do everything I can to help put a stop to it all I've done
[16:45 - 16:49] I've been living in fear for the last five months and I
[16:50 - 16:57] Don't want to see anybody get victimized or catfished or trolled the same way that I got
[16:58 - 17:00] Because they don't will send in my life
[17:02 - 17:05] Going through all this almost put me in the grave
[17:07 - 17:09] going through all this and
[17:10 - 17:17] Almost quite literally killed me. I almost took my own life because of this
[17:18 - 17:25] And I don't want to see anybody go through that. I don't want to see anybody go through what I went through and
[17:38 - 17:41] You're right man, and I have I have dough with
[17:42 - 17:46] Saying I have dough with very real demons and warrant
[17:47 - 17:49] But this is something entirely different
[17:53 - 17:57] This what Kate is doing affects my everyday life
[17:58 - 18:05] It is it affects those around me. It affected my family my parents my friends
[18:06 - 18:19] It affected everything around me and honestly, I want to do what's right now want to put this to a stop
[18:20 - 18:32] But I need your guys's help like we already got one person on board based Shaman who actually
[18:33 - 18:35] Told my entire story
[18:37 - 18:43] Like based Shaman who's a major youtuber actually told my story and actually defended me and
[18:45 - 18:52] I'm beyond grateful for that. I'm beyond grateful to base Shaman for doing what he did
[18:52 - 18:55] I truly truly truly appreciate that
[18:56 - 19:05] But honestly, we need more people like him
[19:05 - 19:07] We need to get more
[19:07 - 19:09] major youtubers together
[19:10 - 19:12] more people like him
[19:13 - 19:14] That
[19:14 - 19:17] Can expose Kate for the fake that she is
[19:18 - 19:24] I'm I want to get more people like him to expose
[19:24 - 19:31] This cat fishing and trolling ring that's going on because I know for a fact
[19:31 - 19:39] It's not just Chuck. It's not just Kate. It's not just the people that she has on. This is a whole community
[19:42 - 19:44] This is a whole community
[19:45 - 19:53] Of trolls that needs to be stopped because like I said, no one deserves to get put through what I got put through
[19:53 - 19:56] Because when I got put through
[19:56 - 19:59] Devastated me things have not been the same
[20:02 - 20:15] Things for me have not been the same at all like people. I know barely even talk to me anymore
[20:16 - 20:22] I've been shunned by a lot of my friends. I've lost
[20:23 - 20:28] I've lost a lot. I've lost record deals
[20:29 - 20:38] With small labels that wanted to take me home. I can't go out and get a job like I want like I would like to I
[20:40 - 20:42] Can't do a lot of things
[20:43 - 20:48] Because of what Kate did to me and I want to be able to do those things again
[20:49 - 20:51] Like, you know, I want to be able to go down
[20:53 - 21:00] You know, I want to be able to go down to the lake and do my photography like I used to do
[21:00 - 21:07] And if you guys have seen my Facebook, you guys will know that I do a lot of photography. I love doing it
[21:21 - 21:25] like I used to be able to do a lot of things like
[21:26 - 21:35] Back before this asshole reports scandal shit went down. I had a normal life. I really did. I had a normal life. I
[21:36 - 21:39] Had an amazing girlfriend. I had a
[21:40 - 21:42] dream job of mine essentially
[21:43 - 21:52] With another one of my dream jobs that was being in the works, which is my music. I was slowly
[21:53 - 21:55] gaining traction and
[21:55 - 22:00] I was doing good. I was making sales. Hell. I still got the plaque over there
[22:01 - 22:05] On my restaurant. Oh, y'all can see it with all the family. I was back down in the back
[22:05 - 22:16] And I don't know if y'all seen it or not, but if you haven't let me show you
[22:34 - 22:36] Plenty of body y'all have seen this
[22:38 - 22:44] I used to do shit like this. I used to put out music all the time
[22:44 - 22:48] This is something that I had earned that I had busted my ass for
[22:51 - 22:56] You know, I used to put out music all the time in this right here shows that I worked hard
[22:57 - 22:59] what I did I
[22:59 - 23:05] Worked very hard to get this album done and out there and a lot of you guys enjoyed it and
[23:06 - 23:10] You know, I want to be able to get back to winning awards like this, you know
[23:11 - 23:20] I want to give back to putting out albums that people enjoyed and this wasn't just giving to me by
[23:21 - 23:26] You know just anybody man, this is giving to me by a fucking fan
[23:26 - 23:31] Who felt I've busted my ass hard enough and that I deserved it
[23:32 - 23:35] so many that had watched me grow and
[23:35 - 23:37] Fight so hard for my music
[23:39 - 23:40] like I
[23:40 - 23:43] worked very hard for stuff like this and
[23:44 - 23:50] I want to be able to get back to that, you know, I want to be able to get back to
[23:50 - 23:52] You know putting out
[23:52 - 24:00] You know, I want to be able to get back to putting out music and putting out songs. I
[24:01 - 24:06] Want to be able to get back to doing stuff like that stuff that y'all enjoy seeing me do
[24:07 - 24:15] Like let me say man
[24:16 - 24:19] The last time I put out an album
[24:21 - 24:30] See the dates on this this right here
[24:34 - 24:37] This right here is the last album I put out
[24:41 - 24:46] This right here shadow born is the last album I ever put out
[24:47 - 24:52] This is the last of them. I was ever able to put out and I still got copies of these two
[24:52 - 24:56] And they're all still signed with that black
[24:57 - 25:02] Sharpie on the back
[25:02 - 25:05] But that was the last album. I
[25:06 - 25:08] was ever able to put out and
[25:11 - 25:18] I would like to get back to that. I would like to get back to doing that
[25:19 - 25:23] But first and Mary, I get where you're coming from Mary
[25:23 - 25:27] I totally get where you're coming from and you're right. I should get back to doing that
[25:28 - 25:32] But in good conscience, I cannot sit down and
[25:33 - 25:35] Sit by and watch as Kate
[25:36 - 25:40] It came nice whole reports victimizes more people. I
[25:44 - 25:48] In good faith and in good conscience cannot sit by and watch as
[25:49 - 25:52] Mass over force does what she does. I
[26:00 - 26:03] didn't give faith cannot do that because
[26:06 - 26:09] there's and
[26:09 - 26:13] This might just be the army bride and me speaking on this
[26:13 - 26:17] But this is something that you can apply to everyday life, especially when you're in my position
[26:20 - 26:24] Some of you may not know this, but my dad was the 82nd Airborne Division
[26:26 - 26:28] United States Army Staff Sergeant
[26:28 - 26:41] He also went in the ranger school and became a parent trooper and there's a saying in the military that
[26:42 - 26:46] Sticks with me even today and that saying is
[26:47 - 26:49] No man
[26:49 - 26:57] left behind
[26:57 - 27:03] Like I don't believe in leaving anyone behind if I can help that person. I'm gonna do it
[27:04 - 27:06] because I don't believe in
[27:07 - 27:09] Leaving anyone behind a matter of fact
[27:10 - 27:20] That actually leads me to this and I have actually taken this pledge
[27:22 - 27:28] Myself like even though like I'm not actually in the military itself. I have taken this pledge
[27:29 - 27:39] With some of my friends. I'm gonna let you guys watch this video. There's actually about my good friends
[27:40 - 27:43] over at Redcon one music group and
[27:43 - 27:47] If you guys have never heard of Redcon one music group, they're essentially a
[27:48 - 27:50] military based
[27:50 - 27:53] record label they make music for the troops and
[27:54 - 27:57] All that good stuff. So I'm gonna let you guys
[27:58 - 28:01] Well, I'm actually gonna let you guys watch two videos
[28:02 - 28:05] I'm gonna actually let you guys watch the initial video
[28:06 - 28:08] By boom Cutler shot the boom Cutler
[28:09 - 28:15] It's actually the Spartan pledge and now I'm gonna let you guys hear the song that sold your heart
[28:15 - 28:20] From Rick down one music group himself actually how he turned it into a song
[28:21 - 28:25] So I'll let you guys watch right now
[28:46 - 28:51] I will not take my own life by my own hand until I talk to my battle buddy first
[28:51 - 28:58] My mission my mission my mission my mission is to find a mission to help my one fighter family
[28:59 - 29:04] I'm from Cutler, and I'm the author of the Spartan pledge
[29:04 - 29:11] So the Spartan pledge is a battle. It's a plan. It's what to do when you don't know what to do
[29:12 - 29:17] And it's a promise to say no matter how bad things get I'm gonna reach out. I'm gonna reach out
[29:17 - 29:19] I'm gonna contact you
[29:19 - 29:24] It's also a promise to do something on behalf of warfighter community and maintain a mission
[29:24 - 29:29] Because a warfighter without a mission is a dead warfighter, but a warfighter with a mission is a deadly warfighter
[29:29 - 29:33] When I told Karl Maunger, he's a good friend of mine. He runs an organization called Gallant View
[29:33 - 29:38] He's a mentor to me as an advisor to me when I told him what me and my buddies were doing he was like boom
[29:38 - 29:42] I think you got something. I think you really got something here. This is something we should promote
[29:42 - 29:45] From his networks guys started taking it one-on-one
[29:45 - 29:50] Guys and groups and then from there now soldier hard-picked it up. He's doing it at concerts
[29:50 - 29:54] What's going on about the Spartan pledge? I wanted to promote it and
[29:55 - 30:00] The best way that I know how you know what I do. How can I incorporate the Spartan pledge into music?
[30:00 - 30:05] How can I do that? I mean warfighter knows about taking oaths. We take oaths very seriously
[30:05 - 30:10] Well, why not invite warfighters in the audience to come up on stage and get the Spartan pledge?
[30:10 - 30:18] So every show that I did no matter where I went
[30:20 - 30:24] So far since this entire journey has started the
[30:24 - 30:29] The most humbling thing I've seen is for someone
[30:30 - 30:32] To say I want to contribute to this
[30:33 - 30:38] But when Danny Prince got into the picture an FDNY firefighter
[30:39 - 30:43] He had in his possession actual metal from the World Trade Center
[30:43 - 30:49] I don't know many trips going to Walter Reed. We met so many different people one of them was Steve Daniels and
[30:50 - 30:54] he had introduced me and told me about the Spartan pledge and
[30:54 - 31:01] They were telling about how there's 22 events a day that are committing suicide and how that's just totally unacceptable
[31:01 - 31:05] I mean immediately immediately the pledge resonated with me
[31:06 - 31:13] So talking with Danny we felt that you know, hey, you know, let's do something with the steel
[31:13 - 31:20] So we said why don't we make a sword out of the steel from 9-11 and just the reverence and
[31:20 - 31:25] The importance of that steel would mean so much more to these service men and women
[31:25 - 31:30] So that's what we did, you know in contact with a couple other guys and it's some research on the sword
[31:31 - 31:33] down in Texas and
[31:33 - 31:38] Wasn't very long at all. It was a couple months later. We had the final product
[31:39 - 31:47] We're talking about the same thing that every warfighter joined in this current era is there because of what happened at the World Trade Center on the Pentagon
[31:47 - 31:53] 9-11 and so we come full circle now by creating a sword out of that tragic event
[31:53 - 31:55] That inspires people to live
[31:56 - 32:01] That's not that's that's humbling. That's something that touches your heart when people touch that sword
[32:01 - 32:05] It's like connecting with all the souls we lost
[32:08 - 32:15] People ask me boom, what are you gonna do with the Spartan pledge next? I'm just the author. I'm not doing anything with the Spartan pledge next
[32:16 - 32:18] Because it belongs to the community
[32:18 - 32:21] So the question is what are you gonna do with this part?
[32:21 - 32:27] I
[32:47 - 32:53] Shout the boom color for that. Now. This is the song that soldier hard was talking about
[32:55 - 32:59] When he talked about how Kenny integrated into music
[36:40 - 36:46] You guys see how I do you guys see how important now like that shit is
[36:48 - 36:52] Like do you guys see how important that stuff
[36:52 - 36:58] Really is and that's why I do what I do because I want to help people like myself
[36:58 - 37:00] I want to help people that have been
[37:01 - 37:07] Victimized that are on the edge because of people like it because no one deserves
[37:07 - 37:09] To get put through that
[37:10 - 37:11] Situation
[37:11 - 37:14] No one deserves to go through any of that
[37:15 - 37:22] And if I can help even just one person that I'm doing my job and that's why I need you guys
[37:23 - 37:26] That's why I need
[37:26 - 37:28] That's why I need
[37:28 - 37:31] the help of you guys my friends
[37:32 - 37:33] my
[37:33 - 37:38] Subscribers my family like that's why I need your guys's help
[37:39 - 37:43] That's why last time when I told y'all that I need y'all to be okay
[37:43 - 37:48] because y'all being okay helps me to be okay, and that's true because
[37:49 - 37:52] You guys being okay, and you guys reaching out to me when I need it and
[37:53 - 38:00] Reminding me that I have something worth fighting for that means the world to me. It really does like that means
[38:01 - 38:05] so much more to me than you guys actually realize and
[38:06 - 38:14] I want to help like I want to help people
[38:15 - 38:20] Like myself and people I turn a boy and all these other people that have been
[38:21 - 38:31] Victimized before me like I want to help those like myself and
[38:33 - 38:35] Make sure that nobody has to go through that ever again
[38:36 - 38:49] It's not exactly the victims of 9-11 my guy
[38:51 - 38:57] It's it's the Spartan pledge man
[39:04 - 39:07] Cuz just like those soldiers that
[39:08 - 39:10] Suffered through what they went through I
[39:12 - 39:14] Suffered through what I went through man. I
[39:17 - 39:25] Suffered just like they did they suffered through a different situation. Yeah, but all the same we all suffered
[39:25 - 39:29] We all suffered lost we all suffered a lot of things
[39:38 - 39:40] ever since
[39:40 - 39:45] Kate started doing what she did had been doing let me show you guys
[39:46 - 39:59] Exactly what let me show you guys exactly the kind of stuff that I've been dealing with
[40:01 - 40:04] Like this song right here actually describes very well
[40:09 - 40:11] what I've actually been
[40:12 - 40:14] Dealing with
[40:14 - 40:17] Mentally since then and yes, I have gotten better
[40:18 - 40:26] And I'm not really in that place anymore, but this song right here actually depicts
[40:27 - 40:31] Very well what people in general people like me
[40:32 - 40:37] Who are so broken down from being hurt and being destroyed
[40:38 - 40:40] This is what people like myself
[40:41 - 40:48] Deal with and if if this is any of you, I know you guys can relate to this song in one way or another
[40:49 - 40:53] But let me show you guys exactly what it is that I deal with every night
[40:55 - 40:58] Like minus the guns and the bombs going off
[40:59 - 41:01] You replace the bombs and the guns
[41:03 - 41:11] Replace all that with the voice of Kate and all the people that have ever attacked you just
[41:13 - 41:16] Talk into you and telling you that you're worthless
[41:16 - 41:20] So I'm playing this for you guys. I'm gonna let you guys watch it
[41:21 - 41:31] Because a lot of what they go through is what people I mean deal with
[42:10 - 42:12] Body weak from anxiety
[43:38 - 43:40] I
[44:29 - 44:31] Walk to this
[45:00 - 45:02] Maybe
[45:41 - 45:44] Now you guys see what people I mean deal with
[45:44 - 45:46] That's the kind of shit that we deal with
[45:48 - 45:55] And I know a lot of people are always telling me, you know, hey go see a counselor go do this go do that
[45:55 - 45:56] Well
[45:56 - 45:59] Honestly for me none of that helps and I have done that I
[46:00 - 46:05] Have gone to get help and honestly for me. My music is my hope
[46:06 - 46:11] that's why I do what I do because my music is my home my music is my therapy and
[46:13 - 46:26] Like I said if I can help someone besides myself, then I'm gonna do it because I would rather help somebody knowing that they're gonna be alright. I
[46:27 - 46:33] Would rather help another victim knowing that they're gonna be okay knowing that they're gonna be alright. I
[46:33 - 46:36] would rather
[46:36 - 46:40] Not be okay myself and know that that other person that I'm helping is gonna be alright
[46:40 - 46:42] I would rather help that other person
[46:43 - 46:46] Knowing that they're gonna be okay knowing that they're gonna
[46:47 - 46:52] You know make it through another night knowing that they're not a victim anymore, and that's what's important to me
[46:53 - 46:55] That's why a lot of people that you know
[46:56 - 47:01] Don't why you know they used to like even now they don't because I call these people. I'm sorry
[47:02 - 47:05] Like I would rather help someone
[47:05 - 47:09] Than to just stand by and watch this kind of crap happen
[47:14 - 47:16] because no one deserves
[47:17 - 47:23] To be a victim no one deserves to be bullied no one deserves to be bashed on no one deserves
[47:25 - 47:27] To be put in that position and
[47:29 - 47:32] That's why I want to help as many people as I can
[47:33 - 47:46] Like I want to help as many motherfucking people as I can that have been victimized by Kate as I can I
[47:47 - 47:56] Really do like I want to help people and that's why ultimately I want to see Kate brought down
[47:56 - 48:03] I really do like I want to see Kate brought down for all the wrong things that she's done
[48:07 - 48:10] Like you guys I want to see her brought to justice
[48:10 - 48:15] I want to see her brought down for everything that she's ever done to people like myself and
[48:19 - 48:23] I will not stop at anything. I will not rest. I will not
[48:24 - 48:27] back down
[48:27 - 48:34] Until I see that she is either off of YouTube for good or she's behind bars or
[48:34 - 48:42] These people know about her so bad that they don't want to fuck with her. I will do what I have to do to fight
[48:43 - 48:54] No matter what so to all her victims out there that don't know what she's planning and
[48:55 - 48:57] Are looking for a way out?
[48:58 - 49:02] Let me tell you right now. I'll be your way out
[49:03 - 49:10] I'm gonna help you
[49:10 - 49:31] Because I want to help people like you. I want to help people like you guys
[49:31 - 49:34] I want to help you guys get away from this shit. I
[49:35 - 49:43] Want you guys to be able to have a normal life just like I had a normal life. I want to help you all the same way
[49:45 - 49:53] That people have helped me I want to hear your guys's stories
[49:53 - 49:55] I want to I want to hear what you've been put through
[49:56 - 50:02] Because you might not think that I hear you but trust me. I hear you I
[50:03 - 50:08] Hear every single one of you victims every day I hear you and
[50:08 - 50:14] I want to help you guys
[50:18 - 50:22] Because like you I want this platform to be a safe place for people like oneself
[50:22 - 50:29] I want this platform to be a good place where people can post what they want and not be attacked
[50:29 - 50:35] I want this place to be a platform where people can post whatever the hell they want and
[50:36 - 50:44] Not be victimized or alert and fear of people like Kate because like I said, I had a normal life
[50:45 - 50:48] Before Kate came along. I had a normal life
[50:49 - 50:55] Had a very normal life
[50:57 - 51:03] Hell, even classic games Canada could tell you that I had more of a normal life back then that I do now
[51:06 - 51:12] Classic games Canada could tell you for a fact that I had more of a normal life back then that I do now
[51:14 - 51:40] Very much so
[51:40 - 51:44] Like yeah, let me explain something guys
[51:44 - 51:49] Yes, I used to get trolled by people like Marty and all this and that and the other
[51:50 - 51:53] But a majority of that trolling a
[51:54 - 51:57] Majority of that trolling was in good fun
[51:58 - 52:00] it was something for him to do and
[52:01 - 52:06] Some of it I went along with some of it. I didn't some of it. I did it all depends
[52:06 - 52:08] It depends on what situation you're talking about
[52:09 - 52:14] Because there are a few that I did go along with that just didn't turn out the best and all
[52:15 - 52:17] That shit, but honestly
[52:18 - 52:21] Let me tell you right now. I'll take the trolling
[52:22 - 52:23] of Marty
[52:23 - 52:28] I'll take trolling from Marty that out more than I'll take the trolling from Kate any day of the week
[52:29 - 52:43] And let me tell you wacky jack. Yeah, they may have humiliated me to a certain extent
[52:43 - 52:45] But they didn't overdo it
[52:46 - 52:50] They didn't try to make me out to be something that I'm not
[52:51 - 52:53] they didn't try to sit there
[52:54 - 52:57] And Kat fished me and make me look like a pedophile or
[52:58 - 53:00] reach out to my exes and
[53:01 - 53:03] Do all this fucked up shit. They never did that
[53:05 - 53:09] Marty only did that one time and I got I got on his ass for that
[53:10 - 53:13] And since then he's apologized for that
[53:14 - 53:19] Matter of fact, it was just the other night when me and him were talking that he apologized to me for that shit
[53:21 - 53:24] Because he didn't he told me that he wasn't really thinking
[53:26 - 53:28] And which I can believe that
[53:29 - 53:36] You know, he doesn't always think before he acts a lot of the times. I don't either
[53:37 - 53:39] I mean, we both have done fucked up things
[53:41 - 53:45] But even he agrees that what Kate's doing is going way too far
[53:48 - 53:50] And what she is what she's doing is going
[53:51 - 53:53] Indeed way too far
[53:55 - 54:00] She's involving people's private lives their family their friends
[54:00 - 54:02] People that they care about
[54:06 - 54:11] And it's sickening dude
[54:12 - 54:14] My own stepdad
[54:14 - 54:19] Almost lost his job because of Kate my biological father
[54:20 - 54:23] Lost his job because of Kate. I lost my job because of Kate
[54:25 - 54:29] And that's not funny
[54:29 - 54:32] it's not funny
[54:32 - 54:37] Involving someone's personal life because even Marty knows not to push things too far in that regard
[54:41 - 54:43] Hell either class against Canada
[54:44 - 54:46] Either class against Canada
[54:46 - 54:49] Has trolled me from time to time. I'm not gonna lie
[54:49 - 54:52] Cgc has done some funny videos about me
[54:54 - 54:56] Some I laugh at some I don't and it all depends on one video
[54:57 - 55:02] No offense cgc, but you do know there's a few videos that I'm not too keen on but as for the rest of them
[55:02 - 55:04] I think a majority of them are actually pretty damn funny
[55:05 - 55:25] Just saying bro. Oh, he is Tripp. He really is like I said, you know
[55:25 - 55:30] Cgc has done some funny some fucked up videos, but he's also done some
[55:31 - 55:33] Really funny ones that I laugh at
[55:33 - 55:37] Not gonna lie. He's had his fair share of digs at me
[55:39 - 55:42] He has indeed had his fair share of digs at me and
[55:44 - 55:47] It is what it is. I don't hold nothing against him
[55:48 - 55:50] Because he didn't push things
[55:50 - 55:52] To the point that Kate pushed them to
[55:53 - 55:55] Kate seems no boundaries
[55:56 - 55:58] See and that's the problem with Kate
[55:59 - 56:03] That right there is the problem with Kate is that she does not
[56:04 - 56:06] When it comes to attacking somebody
[56:06 - 56:08] She doesn't see boundaries
[56:10 - 56:12] She only sees one thing
[56:12 - 56:18] Attack this person at any cost. I don't care about the get their family involved their friends whatever I have to do
[56:19 - 56:21] I'm going to go after them
[56:21 - 56:23] That's her mindset
[56:23 - 56:28] But even Marty knows his limits Marty won't do the shit that she's done
[56:35 - 56:37] Which is why I would do which is why here
[56:38 - 56:44] This actually probably today or tonight. I am going to sit down and I am going to work on design
[56:45 - 56:47] for a brand new t-shirt
[56:48 - 56:50] And hoodies and whatnot
[56:50 - 56:54] To go against this kind of thing because I for one would like to put a stop to it
[56:58 - 57:03] I for one would like to put a stop to all this and make this platform just a little bit safer
[57:04 - 57:06] for people to post and
[57:07 - 57:10] To do whatever they want and not be attacked and not be judged
[57:13 - 57:16] Like I want this platform to be a platform where
[57:16 - 57:18] creators can do what they want and
[57:19 - 57:23] Not be harassed or catfished or bullied or any of that
[57:25 - 57:29] Because as I said before no one deserves to get put through what I got put through
[57:30 - 57:33] I got victimized to the worst extent that you can get
[57:37 - 57:39] I lost my best friend of 10 years
[57:40 - 57:43] I lost my job
[57:43 - 57:45] My biological father lost his job
[57:49 - 57:52] I've been shunned by a lot of people in my community
[57:54 - 57:56] And it hurts
[57:57 - 57:59] And I want to be able to get that back
[58:00 - 58:02] I want to be able to get my life back that I had
[58:04 - 58:08] I want to be able to give my life back that I had before all this crap
[58:17 - 58:20] Here's the thing though. Here's the thing. No laugh
[58:22 - 58:26] Well, let me explain that like everybody just stopped for a minute and let me explain something. Okay
[58:28 - 58:29] Yes
[58:29 - 58:31] He had her on his live stream
[58:34 - 58:38] That is true. He did have her on there. That is very true. He did
[58:39 - 58:42] But if you go back and rewatch the live stream
[58:44 - 58:46] Rewatch the live stream
[58:46 - 58:51] I pay attention to how he acts towards her. It's not very time
[58:52 - 58:54] He cannot stand her
[58:56 - 58:57] Okay
[58:57 - 59:01] Matter of fact just the other day when I was talking to him because I had talked to him on discord the other day
[59:02 - 59:05] And me and him were sitting down talking and I asked him
[59:06 - 59:08] Did you have any idea
[59:08 - 59:12] That Kate was gonna do what she did and honestly he had no clue
[59:14 - 59:17] He had no clue that she was gonna do what she did
[59:19 - 59:23] Because something that Kate doesn't seem to mention conveniently
[59:24 - 59:26] is this
[59:26 - 59:29] Something that Kate refuses to mention is this
[59:30 - 59:33] And marty and everybody that was there can vouch for this
[59:35 - 59:38] She acted crazy on his live stream
[59:39 - 59:41] She pretended to be with me
[59:42 - 59:46] And then literally that night on marty's live stream
[59:49 - 59:51] She went crazy
[59:51 - 59:54] Like psychotic breakdown
[59:54 - 59:56] Mentally unstable crazy
[59:58 - 60:00] talking about how
[60:00 - 60:04] She belonged to the streets of Costco and this and that and the other
[60:06 - 60:09] Like you can go back and watch from marty's stream. It's all right there
[60:11 - 60:13] Hell you can even ask him
[60:13 - 60:17] When you can even ask anybody that was there or even ask him yourself
[60:18 - 60:20] They will all tell you the same thing
[60:22 - 60:25] She acted crazy on his live stream
[60:26 - 60:29] And personally I feel like she is mentally ill
[60:29 - 60:32] I truthfully do feel like she's mentally ill
[60:34 - 60:37] And I would like to get help for her to where she's not doing this anymore
[60:38 - 60:40] I really would like to get her help
[60:40 - 60:42] But that's not in my control. That's not
[60:43 - 60:45] I can't be the one to do that
[60:46 - 60:49] Because I don't have that kind of pull. I don't have that kind of power
[60:50 - 60:54] To be able to get her the help that she obviously needs
[60:55 - 60:59] She clearly needs a lot of help that I can't provide
[61:00 - 61:05] And now honestly, I don't think anybody on this platform can provide for her
[61:06 - 61:08] She truthfully does need help
[61:12 - 61:17] Like if you look at how she acts, it's not normal. It's not right
[61:18 - 61:20] She's got this obsession with me. That's
[61:21 - 61:29] It's unnerving
[61:29 - 61:33] Like the way she is obsessed is very unnerving
[61:37 - 61:40] And quite honestly, it's very unsettling
[61:43 - 61:45] Like she has
[61:45 - 61:48] This disdained obsession with me and it's
[61:51 - 61:54] It's not okay
[61:54 - 61:57] Because of that obsession, I've lost my job
[61:59 - 62:04] Two of my closest friends, one of which was my boss for that job
[62:07 - 62:08] I've lost a lot man
[62:10 - 62:14] I've had family members stop talking to me now because of it
[62:17 - 62:19] I can't do the things that I used to do
[62:20 - 62:23] And I want to be able to do all that I want to be able to help people
[62:41 - 62:43] Here's the thing though insane
[62:44 - 62:47] When I did that that was genuine
[62:48 - 62:50] Because I had been pushed so far
[62:52 - 62:54] And that's something you need to realize insane
[62:56 - 62:59] I was pushed so far to where
[63:00 - 63:01] I couldn't do anything else
[63:04 - 63:08] Because I had already been through a lot over the past years
[63:09 - 63:11] With being in and out of abusive relationships
[63:12 - 63:14] I had already been enough through enough
[63:14 - 63:17] And I was just starting to get my life back
[63:18 - 63:20] I was just starting to get my life back on track
[63:21 - 63:22] When all this started
[63:24 - 63:26] I had worked so hard for years
[63:26 - 63:29] To get my life back on track into where I wanted it to be
[63:30 - 63:31] And I was doing good
[63:32 - 63:35] Until Kate showed up and ruined everything
[63:38 - 63:42] So I legitimately had a reason to break down like I did last night
[63:43 - 63:47] I had a legit reason because I had been through enough already
[63:49 - 63:53] I had been through more than my fair share of hardship
[63:55 - 63:59] I had been through my fair share of hardships and
[64:02 - 64:05] Not being okay and I was almost
[64:07 - 64:09] I was almost fully healed
[64:14 - 64:14] You know
[64:15 - 64:18] I had almost fully healed from everything that happened
[64:20 - 64:23] And then Kate came in and ruined all that
[64:25 - 64:28] And not that I expect you to understand because I don't think
[64:30 - 64:33] I don't think you've ever been in an abusive relationship
[64:35 - 64:39] I really don't like I don't think you really have been in that situation
[64:39 - 64:41] And if you haven't been in that situation
[64:42 - 64:45] What right do you have to speak upon that?
[64:47 - 64:50] What right do you have speaking upon a situation
[64:53 - 64:54] That you've not been in?
[64:58 - 65:02] Because see if you will think that abuse only happens to women
[65:03 - 65:03] It doesn't
[65:06 - 65:07] And that means to men as well
[65:13 - 65:14] For the past
[65:15 - 65:17] For the past eight to nine years before Kate
[65:18 - 65:23] I was in and out of mentally and verbally and emotionally abusive relationships
[65:25 - 65:27] For that entire time as fan
[65:28 - 65:30] And I had finally said
[65:31 - 65:36] After the final of these relationships, I had finally said enough is enough
[65:36 - 65:37] I want to get better
[65:38 - 65:41] I want to better myself. I want to get myself well
[65:42 - 65:46] I don't want to be like this anymore. I want to be able to
[65:48 - 65:50] Be myself and I was doing good
[65:51 - 65:53] I had taken time off of YouTube to
[65:54 - 65:57] You know work on myself. I had actually taken a few years off
[65:59 - 66:02] I had actually taken a few years off to actually work on myself
[66:03 - 66:04] And get better
[66:05 - 66:06] And I was doing good
[66:08 - 66:10] I was doing really good. I was almost there
[66:13 - 66:17] Until Kate stepped in and did what she did and throw that out the window
[66:18 - 66:20] And put me back in that state of worrying
[66:21 - 66:24] That state of wanting to kill myself that state of
[66:25 - 66:26] You know
[66:26 - 66:28] Not knowing what to do
[66:30 - 66:31] That state of
[66:32 - 66:34] Asking myself every day of why me
[66:35 - 66:38] Why do I have to be victimized? Why do I have to get put through this?
[66:39 - 66:41] What did I do to deserve this?
[66:45 - 66:48] And even to even today I asked myself
[66:48 - 66:52] What did I do to deserve to lose everything that I worked so hard for?
[66:54 - 66:56] What did I do to deserve
[66:57 - 66:59] All this shit that Kate did to me
[67:00 - 67:01] When I had been nothing
[67:02 - 67:03] But kind to her
[67:04 - 67:05] And helpful to her
[67:06 - 67:09] And actually cared about her as a person
[67:11 - 67:16] What did I do to deserve what she did to me when I had been nothing but kind to her?
[67:22 - 67:27] Now ask yourselves out. What did I ever do to Kate to make her want to do this?
[67:29 - 67:31] Because as far as I could tell nothing
[67:32 - 67:37] I was kind to her. I was helpful towards her. I stuck up for her
[67:38 - 67:39] And yet
[67:40 - 67:41] My thanks is repaid with
[67:42 - 67:45] Me being made out to be a pedophile and
[67:46 - 67:49] My friends being turned against me and me losing my job. That's
[67:50 - 67:52] And that's what came of that
[67:53 - 67:55] And that's sickening
[68:12 - 68:14] That's what's so sickening man
[68:21 - 68:31] Like I was doing very good for myself
[68:32 - 68:35] And all that got wiped away in a matter of moments
[68:36 - 68:38] And I want to get that back
[68:38 - 68:42] And I know you people are going to have your opinions about me and
[68:43 - 68:46] Say this and say that and basically try to contradict me
[68:47 - 68:50] Because that's what you guys do. You love to contradict
[68:52 - 68:53] You trolls love to
[68:54 - 68:55] Start a veil and
[68:56 - 68:57] basically
[68:57 - 68:59] Say
[68:59 - 69:00] Oh
[69:00 - 69:02] You're saying this but you did this
[69:04 - 69:06] And you did this but you're saying this happened
[69:07 - 69:10] You guys are trying to mix my words up and it's not gonna work
[69:23 - 69:26] And here's the thing though, dude. I'm not how am I warping reality?
[69:28 - 69:30] Like for real get out of here, bro
[69:42 - 69:45] And insane. I'm not saying that I know
[69:48 - 69:52] And saying listen to me for a minute, man that there you go jumping the gun
[69:53 - 69:57] I'm not saying that I know exactly what you went through
[69:58 - 69:59] I'm not saying that
[70:01 - 70:03] But what I am saying is this
[70:07 - 70:10] And if you've never walked in my shoes
[70:10 - 70:12] Or been through what I've been through
[70:14 - 70:17] What right do you have to speak on that when you've never been in my position?
[70:22 - 70:26] All I'm saying is that you've never been in my position specifically
[70:28 - 70:31] And you're trying to make judgment calls
[70:32 - 70:35] Based on what I'm saying when you don't have that right
[70:35 - 70:40] Because you've never been in my position you haven't gone through what I've gone through
[70:41 - 70:46] Not entirely and I'm not saying it to be mean. I'm just being honest
[70:47 - 70:55] But with that being said guys, I am going to get off here and relax for now
[70:56 - 70:59] If anybody would like to help out, please
[71:00 - 71:08] Please message me if anybody would like to help me out
[71:09 - 71:11] To bring Kate down
[71:11 - 71:13] I need you guys to reach out to
[71:13 - 71:16] I need you all to reach out to Kate's previous victims
[71:17 - 71:20] Go through her live streams and look at her live streams
[71:20 - 71:22] Reach out to her victims
[71:25 - 71:28] Talk to them
[71:28 - 71:30] Let's get their stories and let's put a stop to this
[71:33 - 71:39] Because like I said last night I want my life back and I'm not gonna stop until I get it back
[71:41 - 71:43] I fucking love you guys. I'll see y'all later, man
[71:44 - 71:49] I hope y'all have a good rest of your day rest your evening morning wherever you guys are at
[71:50 - 71:52] I love you guys and
[71:52 - 71:56] I will see you guys when I see you
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1101' on August 8th, 2024