Original upload date: August 19th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:02 - 0:41] what is up you guys this is ready to see some bang outs man no I won't win and the
[0:41 - 0:44] guy I went against and now I'll be the wrong definitely a good dude man that
[0:44 - 1:19] was a good match that was definitely a good game for sure yo Clint what up man
[1:19 - 2:24] I'm doing good bro wait for this guy to ready up oh this guy he wants me to show
[2:24 - 3:14] about okay yeah I'll be right there give me a sec I'm not on this fight I'll be
[3:14 - 3:40] right there give me a few good night
[3:40 - 8:43] he's out like a wife I'm sorry with that that's a good way to start out the
[8:43 - 10:28] day I didn't take a win the way to start out the morning
[11:00 - 11:21] I don't know what that means
[13:58 - 21:05] I got this guy playing my game right now, hell yeah, I got this guy playing my game right
[21:05 - 22:19] now, hell yeah, let's go. I'm gonna cheat your ass around, kid. Oh, this guy wants to play
[22:19 - 22:53] the ground game, okay. This guy's trying to play the ground game moment. This guy's
[22:53 - 23:34] really trying to play the ground game. This guy's really trying hard to get me
[23:34 - 24:23] down, but I ain't giving up, boy. I know I'm ground game, bitch. Oh god, what
[24:23 - 24:30] land last uppercut shot, man. This guy's trying to play the ground game,
[24:30 - 26:24] oh god. I hope you know I'm gonna take this fight by decision, boy. Dude, he's
[26:24 - 26:27] throwing all these hits and not even hitting him. Dude, he's swinging that
[26:27 - 26:53] air, what the fuck. That was actually a decent flight. I can't lie, the dude did
[26:53 - 27:09] some good ground game, all right. That's the first time I've actually faced the
[27:09 - 27:31] way of doing the ground game with that. That was decent. Hey, it's true I did, man.
[27:31 - 27:43] Not gonna lie, I did get knocked out. Man, my ground game was holding up pretty
[27:43 - 29:17] good against SZA. Can't lie. Oh, it's so on. It is so on, dude. Bro, it is game
[29:17 - 29:49] on, man. My dude Kimbo sliced. Let's go. About to bang, dude. Let's go. And we
[29:49 - 31:36] all know how dangerous this guy is. Sadly, it's not out just yet, but it will be soon.
[31:36 - 31:46] I found out that he's dropping. I'm very soon. I thought it was out already. I
[31:46 - 31:53] honestly thought that it was out already, but I guess not. But the day that it
[31:53 - 32:41] drops today, I am gonna be doing what I was doing earlier. Oh, absolutely, dude. I
[32:41 - 33:33] know I will. That's all, son. Come on, Brett. Choose your fighter. Let's go. Also, I
[33:33 - 33:39] will be looking into competing in F1 again. So if anybody knows of any teams for
[33:39 - 33:46] F1 2020, let me know. I will be competing again very, very soon, which I'm
[33:46 - 34:44] excited about, honestly. I'm super hyped. Yo, this guy is a midget, bro. Okay, Dan.
[34:44 - 37:30] This little dude's quick. Alright, man. Bro, okay. I gotta give that dude
[37:30 - 37:35] props for using a short fighter, man. That was pretty decent. I've never seen anybody
[37:35 - 42:08] use an insanely short fighter like that. That was good. Oh my. Man, this one
[42:08 - 43:19] just might be mine. Not yet, dude. I've been kind of taking it easy on that and the
[43:19 - 43:27] things for a bit. I've been trying, dude. I've put it up on the
[43:27 - 43:32] Facebook marketplace. We got a couple hundred views and so on. It says
[43:32 - 46:37] sorry. Hey, give back. Well, I don't like that. Also, later on this morning, I will be
[46:37 - 46:57] doing some piano cover soup for you guys. Hey, okay. I'm slowly getting better,
[46:57 - 48:04] though, man. I'm slowly getting there, dude. Man, he's doing good, man. So far,
[48:04 - 48:10] he's doing good. He's hanging strong, man. He's got 24 more hours, man. He's
[48:10 - 50:01] hanging strong, though. He's definitely hanging strong, for sure. I know I'm
[50:01 - 50:20] gonna take a win eventually, man. I just gotta, I just gotta get it. I know I'll
[50:20 - 50:29] take a win eventually. Besides, I see these games knocked out things as lessons, man.
[50:29 - 50:47] I've seen that as a lesson to get better, you know? There are a few things I need to
[50:47 - 52:19] work on. I'm good. I'm getting there.
[52:34 - 55:20] Why do I feel like I'm fighting myself right now? Like, for real. I really feel
[55:20 - 56:00] like I'm fighting myself right now. Like, I would just feel like I'm fighting myself
[56:00 - 58:31] right now, bro. Now, that was actually a really good fight. Man, y'all rogue mod
[58:31 - 58:50] trolls are desperate, man. Sad. Y'all are desperate as fuck. Y'all thirsty as fuck,
[58:50 - 64:06] man. That's sad. Y'all some thirsty bitches. Oh, I wonder. I'm kinda starting
[64:06 - 65:32] to like this fight, man. He's good.
[66:35 - 66:47] I don't know, y'all. That's it. I'm gonna sit down and relax, chill, go
[66:47 - 66:52] grab some hot coffee, and set up for some piano work. And I'll catch you guys
[66:52 - 67:00] in a little bit, man. Fuckin' love, y'all, dude. Peace. Also, be sure to take
[67:00 - 67:02] every match on the way out, y'all. Peace.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1155' on August 9th, 2024