Original upload date: July 27th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 1:15] (scissors snipping)
[1:15 - 1:17] What's up, everybody?
[1:17 - 1:26] Now, I know what you guys are thinking.
[1:28 - 1:32] Well, dude, you just said that you weren't leaving. What's going on?
[1:32 - 1:39] And/or, "Oh, you'll be back. You'll be back. You're not getting through with your agenda. You'll be back."
[1:39 - 1:45] Well, while I was eating dinner a few minutes ago,
[1:45 - 1:50] I really thought about it.
[1:50 - 1:55] And I mean, really and truly thought about it.
[1:55 - 2:06] (scissors snipping)
[2:06 - 2:14] And because of you fucking trolls, I have to leave.
[2:14 - 2:18] Do I want to? No.
[2:18 - 2:21] But you made it that way.
[2:21 - 2:25] You made me have to leave.
[2:25 - 2:30] You ruined my reputation. Ruined my name.
[2:30 - 2:35] Ruined everything I tried to fucking build.
[2:35 - 2:46] Everything I've tried to build over the years.
[2:48 - 2:51] To be able to try to provide for my family.
[2:51 - 2:54] You guys ruined.
[2:54 - 3:00] You fucking trolls coming in, pretending to be my friend,
[3:00 - 3:05] backstabbed me when you felt it was convenient for you.
[3:05 - 3:16] And actually, yes, I did. I had a very good reputation, motherfucker.
[3:17 - 3:26] Now, you motherfuckers ruined the good reputation that I fucking had, you little bitch-ass faggot.
[3:26 - 3:31] And Mary, shut your fucking mouth, you little bitch-ass troll.
[3:31 - 3:36] Matter of fact, why don't you faggots get out of here?
[3:43 - 3:46] Why don't you little faggots get out of here?
[3:46 - 3:50] Because this ain't for you. This is for the fucking fans.
[3:50 - 3:53] Those that truly supported me.
[3:53 - 4:04] But I will say this, all you trolls should be ashamed of yourselves.
[4:10 - 4:16] No, but I'm afraid not, man. This time, I'm done for good.
[4:16 - 4:21] This time, I truly am walking away.
[4:21 - 4:26] Because I'm tired of being bullied. I'm tired of being shamed.
[4:26 - 4:30] Shamed for the stuff that I try to build.
[4:30 - 4:37] Stuff that I try to do for myself. Being able to provide for my family.
[4:37 - 4:43] I'm fucking tired of it.
[4:43 - 4:52] I'm tired of waking up every fucking day, and all I see is negativity.
[4:52 - 5:00] Every time I wake up, all I see, another bullying message, another bullying comment.
[5:00 - 5:06] Now, I didn't sign up for that.
[5:07 - 5:10] I didn't sign up to be bullied or harassed.
[5:10 - 5:17] I didn't sign up to be targeted by you faggot-ass trolls.
[5:17 - 5:23] I didn't sign up to be a puppet, you bitch-ass cowards.
[5:23 - 5:29] I signed up to make a living off what I love.
[5:32 - 5:36] I didn't sign up to be attacked.
[5:42 - 6:08] I didn't sign up to be bullied or backstabbed or betrayed.
[6:09 - 6:15] I didn't sign up to be fucking bullied by you bitch-ass cowards.
[6:15 - 6:18] I didn't sign up for that.
[6:18 - 6:25] What I signed up for was to do what I love and make a living from it.
[6:25 - 6:33] That's what I signed up for. I signed up to make a difference in someone's life.
[6:34 - 6:39] People like me who have been bullied by people like you.
[6:39 - 6:52] People like me who are the underdogs. People like me who get bullied every day by people like you.
[6:52 - 7:01] Hey Rocco, suck my dick faggot.
[7:01 - 7:07] I ain't no goddamn coward, boy.
[7:07 - 7:12] So sit your faggot-ass the fuck down, you little bitch-ass nigga lover.
[7:12 - 7:16] Sit your fucking ignorant bitch-ass down, boy.
[7:16 - 7:27] Sit your ignorant fucking ass down.
[7:27 - 7:44] And no, I'm far from okay. I'm not okay.
[7:44 - 7:55] You want the goddamn truth? I'll tell you the truth.
[7:56 - 8:01] I'll tell you the goddamn truth.
[8:01 - 8:07] The truth is, I'm far from okay.
[8:07 - 8:12] For the last four months, I have not been okay.
[8:12 - 8:24] For the last four months, I have been in a mental state of anguish.
[8:25 - 8:29] I've been depressed, on the edge of suicide.
[8:29 - 8:41] Every day for the last four months, I have struggled with mental health, struggled with trying to figure out how am I gonna fucking make a living from myself?
[8:41 - 8:49] How am I gonna get my reputation back that you fucking bullies took away and tarnished?
[8:50 - 9:06] Every day, I have fought and fought and fought to clear my goddamn name of the heinous bullshit that you trolls put me through.
[9:09 - 9:19] And you say that I'm a pussy? Look in the mirror. Who's the real pussy?
[9:19 - 9:30] Who's the one running around bullying people for no reason? It ain't me, motherfuckers.
[9:33 - 9:39] Who's the one running around pretending to be a badass?
[9:39 - 9:48] Who's the one running around stealing opportunities from people that have worked their whole goddamn careers to get?
[9:49 - 10:05] It ain't me, it's you, motherfuckers, the goddamn trolls that act like they're badasses on the internet, who hide behind a goddamn screen name and a fucking bunch of words in a goddamn keyboard and monitor.
[10:05 - 10:11] You guys are the real cowards, not me.
[10:13 - 10:23] See, you guys don't see the hard work that I put in to everything that I do to be able to provide for my family.
[10:24 - 10:41] You don't see the late nights that I stay up fighting, trying to come up with ways to make money off what I love, fighting for the next bit of content, fighting to put out that next video. Fuck being tired.
[10:42 - 10:50] Fuck being tired. I put out for every motherfucker. Even when I'm dead, be tired. I put out.
[10:50 - 11:00] You want another song? Here you go. You want another live stream? Here you go. You want more gameplay videos? Here you go.
[11:01 - 11:11] I put out, and I put out, and I put out. And what do I get in return? Hatred.
[11:11 - 11:27] What do I get in return from you bitch-ass bullies? Hatred being attacked, having opportunities ripped away? Is that what it's come to?
[11:30 - 11:34] Hey, COVID, go fuck yourself.
[11:56 - 12:09] And see, that right there is the goddamn problem. People like Kate that think they run shit. Well, let me tell you right now, you dike-ass bitch, you don't run shit.
[12:09 - 12:25] I'm tired of it. I'm tired of having opportunities ripped away from me. All because you feel like I don't deserve it.
[12:25 - 12:27] I'm tired of it.
[12:27 - 12:39] I'm tired of being attacked. I didn't sign up for this shit.
[12:43 - 12:54] Y'all niggas don't see the hard work that I put in day in and day out. Day in and day out. You don't see it.
[13:06 - 13:19] But let me tell you right now, people like Fallen, people like Saren, people like my best friend Chuck, they see the hard work that I put out.
[13:26 - 13:40] They see the struggle that I deal with every day. They've had their witness to all the struggles that I have gone through.
[13:43 - 13:55] Every day I fight and I fight and I fight just to give back what I'd never lost, something I deserve.
[13:56 - 14:17] What are the opportunities that you chose ripped away from me? Every record deal, every sponsorship, every fucking thing that I've worked my ass off for years to hurt long before you ever came along.
[14:20 - 14:27] Long before you ever came along, shit I have worked my whole life for.
[14:27 - 14:43] See, you say none of it's real, but motherfucker let me tell you, you ain't no real if it smacked you in the damn face, boy.
[14:44 - 14:51] You ain't no real if it smacked you in the face, bitch. So sit the fuck down and shut your faggot ass up.
[14:51 - 14:58] You ain't no real if it smacked you in the face like a ton of bricks, bitch.
[14:58 - 15:02] I'm tired of these attacks.
[15:02 - 15:10] I'm tired of being ripped off.
[15:13 - 15:20] I'm tired of having opportunities and dreams ripped away from me.
[15:20 - 15:33] You don't see the hard work that I put in every night and every day with everything that I do.
[15:33 - 15:42] You want a new album? Here you go. Let's write another song. Let's not get any sleep. Let's bust our asses.
[15:43 - 15:52] Let's fight for what we want. That's the kind of effort I put out every day for you guys.
[15:55 - 16:13] Every day I put out. Every day I give and I give and I give and I give non-stop. You guys want another concert? Let's give you one.
[16:13 - 16:23] You want another racing video? Let's give you one. You guys want another movie? Sure, I'll make another one.
[16:23 - 16:33] That's the kind of effort that I put out without question every single day.
[16:33 - 16:46] Every day I put out for you. The fans that enjoy it, I put out for you. But what do you trolls do?
[16:47 - 16:53] You steal from me and you steal from them.
[16:59 - 17:25] Something you trolls don't realize is this. When you shut me down, when you shut any of my shops down or anything that I try to do, you're not only stealing from me, you're not only stealing from my family, you're stealing from those who support me. You're stealing from my fans.
[17:28 - 17:41] And that's facts. When you steal from me, you're stealing from my fans. And trust in what I say, that's not fair to them.
[17:51 - 18:05] So if I were you, I'd really think about what the fuck I'm doing. You think I want to leave? You think I want to leave this platform? Hell no.
[18:15 - 18:26] And I'll be straight up honest with you, Saren. Yeah, Marty may have done a lot for me, but he's also been one of the ones to fuck me over. He's not entirely innocent either.
[18:29 - 18:44] Trust me, Marty's done his fair share of backstabbing too. He ain't innocent either. But yes, I will admit he has done a lot for me, but he's also one of the reasons why I haven't gotten anywhere.
[18:49 - 18:58] When I started to pull my artwork out, and I started to do my shit, what did he do? He shut me down.
[18:58 - 19:09] When I tried to self-publish all my artwork, what did he do? And embarrassed me and shut me down, had shots made on my face on it.
[19:09 - 19:16] Disgraceful, distasteful merchandise with my face on it.
[19:16 - 19:24] So he's not entirely innocent either.
[19:33 - 19:48] All I know is that I'm sick and tired of being disrespected. I'm tired of being bullied. I'm tired of having shit that I've worked my ass off for ripped away from me.
[19:48 - 19:56] And you think that it's fair?
[20:00 - 20:03] I'm tired of it.
[20:03 - 20:13] I'm tired of waking up every goddamn day just to see nothing but attacking and distasteful and bullying comments.
[20:13 - 20:20] I'm tired of every livestream I do that shit getting hijacked and raining to the ground.
[20:21 - 20:29] I'm tired of every time I open a shop or every time I try to build my own business doing what I'm good at.
[20:29 - 20:34] I'm tired of getting shut down for no goddamn reason.
[20:34 - 20:38] I'm sick of it.
[20:38 - 20:40] I'm tired of it.
[20:40 - 21:00] Every day it's, "Oh, let's get Starbucks to do a ride battle." Fine! I do a ride battle on Mercavitch.
[21:00 - 21:07] Y'all want a freestyle show? Here you go. Y'all want a new cover show? Here you go.
[21:07 - 21:14] You want a new film? Here you go. You want a racing video? Here you go. You want a dance video? Sure. Here you fucking go.
[21:14 - 21:20] Every fucking day that's what I've done with for the last ten years.
[21:20 - 21:26] But these last four months have been pure hell.
[21:26 - 21:34] These last four months have been pure fucking hell.
[21:35 - 21:37] I'm sick of it.
[21:37 - 21:42] I'm sick of people using me like a goddamn pawn.
[21:42 - 21:51] I'm sick of motherfuckers pretending that I'm their little dancing monkey. That I'm their little puppet. I'm sick of it.
[21:51 - 21:55] I'm sick of people using me like a goddamn pawn.
[21:55 - 22:03] I'm sick of motherfuckers pretending that I'm their little dancing monkey. That I'm their little puppet. I'm sick of it.
[22:04 - 22:11] I want to be treated like every other fucking YouTuber that y'all respect.
[22:11 - 22:21] I deserve the same respect that the YouTubers you watch every day that our major YouTubers get.
[22:21 - 22:28] That same respect that these major YouTubers get, I deserve that same respect.
[22:31 - 22:34] I deserve that same goddamn respect.
[22:34 - 22:39] I have done nothing to any of you.
[22:39 - 22:48] So what makes you think for a minute or a fraction of a second that you can do this to me?
[22:48 - 23:00] What makes you think that you have the right or the audacity to do this shit to me that I've never once done to any of you?
[23:01 - 23:06] If anything, I have shown all of you respect.
[23:06 - 23:12] I have shown every one of you nothing but respect.
[23:12 - 23:17] Even before, y'all motherfuckers were doing this.
[23:17 - 23:23] And I have shown every one of you nothing but respect.
[23:28 - 23:36] I have done nothing but show every one of you the same respect that you never show me.
[23:36 - 23:41] I gave you the respect that you never show me.
[23:41 - 23:49] I have done nothing but be respectful to every one of you.
[23:49 - 24:17] I have done nothing but show respect for every one.
[24:18 - 24:21] And yet, what do I get in return?
[24:21 - 24:29] Disrespect, bash gone, bullied, attacked, my reputation ruined.
[24:29 - 24:33] All for what? Because I look weird?
[24:46 - 24:51] Hey, lobster, why don't you chop your dick off and show it off your own ass, bitch boy?
[24:51 - 24:57] Why don't you chop your goddamn dick off and show it off your ass and go fuck yourself?
[24:57 - 25:11] And no, I'm not gonna stop. I'm just getting started.
[25:13 - 25:17] I'm calling out every one of you fake ass nigger-loving little bitches.
[25:17 - 25:21] I'm calling out every one of you ignorant motherfuckers.
[25:21 - 25:26] You wanna take a shot at me? Here's your chance, bitch.
[25:26 - 25:31] Here's your chance. Take a shot.
[25:31 - 25:35] Take your shot.
[25:35 - 25:41] I'm right here. Take your shot, bitch.
[25:42 - 25:49] I'm right here. Take your shot, motherfucker. Say what you gotta say right now.
[25:49 - 25:53] Go ahead. Take your best shot at me, bitch.
[25:53 - 25:59] 'Cause none of you can ever bring me down any lower than you already have.
[26:08 - 26:12] Go ahead. Take your shot.
[26:12 - 26:20] Take your motherfucking shot.
[26:20 - 26:27] Go ahead. I'm waiting, bitches. What do you gotta say against me?
[26:27 - 26:32] What do you gotta say? Take your shot.
[26:37 - 26:41] Take your motherfucking best shot at me, bitches.
[26:41 - 26:48] Go ahead. 'Cause ain't none of you ever gonna be able to say a damn thing that I haven't heard before.
[26:48 - 26:54] So if I were you, I'd sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
[26:54 - 26:59] 'Cause none of you can say a damn thing that I haven't heard before.
[27:06 - 27:10] So go ahead. Take your best shot.
[27:10 - 27:16] All you motherfuckers can't say a goddamn thing that I haven't heard my entire life.
[27:16 - 27:26] My entire life I've dealt with motherfuckers like you.
[27:26 - 27:32] Call me the dude from wrong turn. He'll have eyes. This dude looks weird.
[27:33 - 27:36] I've heard it all before.
[27:36 - 27:48] I've heard it all before. So there ain't a goddamn thing that any of you motherfucking bitch-ass cowards can say that will fucking faze me.
[27:48 - 27:56] Ain't none of you able to say shit that could faze me. 'Cause I done heard it all growing up.
[27:56 - 28:01] I done heard it all growing up.
[28:02 - 28:05] So go ahead. Say something, bitch.
[28:05 - 28:10] So go ahead and say something, nigga.
[28:10 - 28:16] Ain't none of you bitches can say a damn thing to me that I haven't heard growing up my entire life.
[28:31 - 28:37] You want attention, motherfuckers? Well, guess what? You got it!
[28:38 - 29:13] [silence]
[29:13 - 29:17] And this one right here...
[29:17 - 29:21] [silence]
[29:21 - 29:35] This isn't just to grab your attention.
[29:36 - 29:42] This is to pay homage to one of the best motherfucking drummers in the industry.
[29:42 - 29:51] [silence]
[29:51 - 29:56] Let me see those candles from fucking Joey.
[29:56 - 30:01] Let me see those R.I.P. Joey Jordan sends in the fucking comments.
[30:01 - 30:04] Let's go.
[30:05 - 30:07] [silence]
[30:07 - 30:14] Oh, yeah!
[30:14 - 36:35] [silence]
[36:35 - 36:37] Let's get it, Joey.
[36:37 - 45:27] [silence]
[45:27 - 49:05] [music]
[49:08 - 49:16] Let's show these motherfucking trolls that we can't be stopped and that we will rise above the hatred.
[49:16 - 49:21] Let's go.
[49:21 - 55:51] [music]
[55:51 - 55:54] I'm going to do something for you guys.
[55:54 - 56:32] [music]
[56:32 - 56:35] I thought I was getting my fork.
[56:35 - 63:50] [music]
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1249' on August 13th, 2024