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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on February 10th, 2023
Original upload date: July 22nd, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:06] [Alarm goes off]
[0:06 - 0:09] What is up? What is up? What is up to you guys?
[0:09 - 0:12] [Alarm goes off]
[0:12 - 0:15] I do apologize for being right on the string.
[0:15 - 0:31] [Alarm goes off]
[0:31 - 0:44] And now, if you guys don't know, this weekend I had my very first, my very first, well, let me finish my first.
[0:44 - 0:50] First off, you guys know I'm a very big advocate for, you know, motor sports.
[0:50 - 0:54] You guys know I broke around there watching NASCAR as a kid.
[0:54 - 0:58] You guys know that I'm a very huge advocate for new sports.
[0:58 - 1:01] I absolutely love the direction that it's going.
[1:01 - 1:13] Well, this weekend, your boy has his very first event going out, which, hey Ollie, let me turn this controller off.
[1:13 - 1:15] Let's set that over there.
[1:15 - 1:25] Like, your boy actually has his very first NASCAR event on Forza Motorsports 7 coming up this weekend,
[1:25 - 1:28] which I was super stoked about, man.
[1:28 - 1:40] So, yes, your boy will be repping the number 23 Chevy Corvette on Daytona Circuit this Saturday.
[1:40 - 1:47] I mean, honestly, it feels good to be back.
[1:47 - 1:56] But just to kind of get a refill for Motorsports 7, because as you guys know, I got the brand new assembly wheel.
[1:56 - 1:59] So, we're about to get back into it.
[1:59 - 2:20] I forgot about that track.
[2:20 - 2:30] I can't forget how sharp the corners are on this track.
[2:30 - 2:33] Hold down. Hold it.
[2:33 - 2:41] Ah, man. You know, let's try an easier one. Let's start with an easier track.
[2:41 - 2:46] Let's start with one that's a little bit easier, because that one is easy, but it's not as easy.
[2:46 - 2:52] So, we're going to start off with a simpler track, because it's been a minute.
[2:52 - 3:11] Plus, I'm on a sim wheel now, so things are way different.
[3:11 - 3:16] Maybe a few outs of Bernie's outs would be some good.
[3:16 - 3:22] Getting a few outs of Bernie's outs.
[3:22 - 3:35] But we're not going to be driving this car. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[3:35 - 3:41] Instead, we are going to be driving.
[3:41 - 3:49] Definitely not any of my drag cars.
[3:49 - 4:08] I'm going to set up.
[4:08 - 4:27] Alright, give me. I'm going to set to any.
[4:27 - 4:33] Yo, where's my competition Ferrari out here?
[4:33 - 4:44] Let's do a circuit race. Car division, any.
[4:44 - 5:01] There we go. Now all the cars are popping up. That's what I like to see.
[5:01 - 5:13] Hell, no.
[5:13 - 5:16] Sorry, I'm trying to find a certain car. I'm just not finding it.
[5:16 - 5:19] Oh, here we go.
[5:19 - 5:22] Wait, is that it?
[5:22 - 5:51] You know, let's actually buy a car real quick. I want to buy a Ferrari right quick, but I can't.
[5:51 - 6:06] There's the GT Ferrari.
[6:06 - 6:11] Let's see, we got the AF or we got the.
[6:11 - 6:16] We got the Ramones.
[6:16 - 6:21] You know, let's go for this one just right back. It's lighter. It's simpler.
[6:21 - 6:25] We about to get it.
[6:25 - 6:51] Straight stock. Let's go.
[6:51 - 6:57] Way too.
[6:57 - 7:10] Holy shit, that thing is loose.
[7:10 - 7:15] I see what's going on now. I'm not turning hard enough.
[7:15 - 7:28] All right, now we need to tune this thing right quick.
[7:28 - 7:35] So let's head back to the pits real quick and tune this thing out.
[7:35 - 7:52] Let's see what tunes we got here.
[7:52 - 8:07] Ramones.
[8:07 - 8:13] Do specs always good. I always go for do spec cars.
[8:13 - 8:17] Just for the fact, they're better to run.
[8:17 - 8:46] Yeah, not as good as it could be, but it's still not bad.
[8:46 - 8:55] And then just spin out without wrecking.
[8:55 - 9:18] That's okay.
[9:18 - 9:27] That's it, that's it, that's it.
[9:28 - 9:56] Okay, so.
[9:56 - 10:11] I feel like once you get into this car, I'll be able to do some stuff.
[10:11 - 10:16] Why are the tires so fucking loose on this thing?
[10:16 - 10:21] Like literally these tires feel like fucking drift tires.
[10:21 - 10:27] Like literally they feel like goddamn drifting tires.
[10:27 - 10:48] No, I didn't want to start the race.
[10:48 - 10:51] I think I see why now.
[10:51 - 11:18] I think I was hitting the B button, I think. Yeah, I think I was hitting the B button by accident.
[11:18 - 11:38] Now this is a car I know very well.
[11:38 - 12:03] Now this thing's got some grip to it.
[12:03 - 12:23] This thing has some grip to it.
[12:23 - 12:30] That core I'll get you if you're not careful now.
[12:30 - 12:38] Yo, following what up.
[12:38 - 12:50] Not gonna lie, that is one corner that some drivers do have a hard time with.
[12:50 - 12:58] I can't see why I did wrong, I took the wrong fucking wrong.
[12:58 - 13:11] No, fuck man, I know I can get this, I did this earlier.
[13:11 - 13:27] I see what I'm doing wrong. It's here I got too much gas going down this hill.
[13:27 - 13:56] I know the problem is I got too much gas going down.
[13:56 - 14:25] Oh.
[14:25 - 14:54] Okay, that's a lot of balls.
[14:54 - 15:08] Yeah, I was definitely, you know what, let me try doing without gloves right quick.
[15:08 - 15:33] I feel like without gloves I have better grip.
[15:33 - 15:38] I asked it too hard to out of the corner.
[15:38 - 15:49] Why am I gassing is so much.
[15:49 - 16:08] Okay, we're really gassing the fuck out of this thing, it's on the block.
[16:08 - 16:14] Alright, now fuck it, let's do F4.
[16:14 - 16:18] Let's do my F1 right now.
[16:18 - 16:47] Fuck it.
[16:47 - 17:16] Now this I can do.
[17:16 - 17:45] Okay, let's do F1.
[17:45 - 17:53] Okay.
[17:53 - 18:03] Whoa.
[18:03 - 18:32] That was a rookie mistake on my part, I never fucked up on that corner.
[18:32 - 19:28] Okay, let's do F1.
[19:28 - 19:57] Oh, that's strong.
[19:57 - 20:26] Oh, that was close man.
[20:26 - 21:53] Okay.
[21:53 - 22:10] That thing definitely feels good.
[22:10 - 22:15] That rattle actually feels very good.
[22:15 - 22:29] So let's do a race setup here of three laps.
[22:29 - 22:33] Using the rhino.
[22:33 - 22:37] And now we're going to try to hop online for some multiplayer mode.
[22:37 - 22:44] Maybe get into a little bit of a drag race.
[22:44 - 22:57] Who knows, we may even hit up a track there.
[22:57 - 23:19] Wait, this doesn't look like Bernie's.
[23:19 - 23:47] It depends on how Bernie's out, dude.
[23:48 - 24:16] Okay, let's do F1.
[24:16 - 24:45] I don't want on Brad's hatch, I want on Bernie's ox, dude.
[24:45 - 25:14] There we go.
[25:14 - 26:40] Okay, let's do F1.
[26:40 - 26:57] Ooh, sick my own ass on that one.
[26:57 - 27:26] That was actually a nice save, not even gonna lie.
[27:26 - 28:47] Okay, let's do F1.
[28:47 - 29:04] Not bad, one on nine.
[29:04 - 29:08] And join the four eyes.
[29:08 - 29:13] Who's his motherf*ckle?
[29:13 - 29:36] Let's check the leaderboard.
[29:36 - 29:41] Hey, sweet, I'm in the top seven percent, let's go, dude.
[29:41 - 30:01] Top seven percent, baby, that's not bad, that's not even a woman, that's not bad, either.
[30:01 - 30:21] Top seven percent is not bad, actually.
[30:21 - 30:29] Okay, tricks don't want to run, and that actually was not a bad run with that thing.
[30:29 - 30:45] That was not bad at all.
[30:45 - 31:14] Like I said, it may not be a number one in the world, but hey, top seven percent, I'll take it.
[31:14 - 31:29] All right, let's hit on multiplayer mode here.
[31:29 - 31:42] Let's go, drag.
[31:42 - 31:50] Let's go on a little bit.
[31:50 - 32:05] Let's see if we can get into a drag race.
[32:05 - 32:21] Oh, can I be the dancer? Let's go.
[32:21 - 32:46] Are you serious? This can happen to the server? Why?
[32:46 - 33:00] Come on, man, let me do a drag race.
[33:00 - 33:27] Are you serious? My Internet's on.
[33:27 - 33:55] Thank you. Let's go.
[33:55 - 34:09] Let's see if I can find my best drag car here.
[34:09 - 34:21] You know what? We've got to do it, man. The '79 Datsun was my own personal customer.
[34:21 - 34:36] Shout out to my boy Ethan for the dope ass Shout out to these raps.
[34:36 - 34:48] Actually, you know what? No, let's go with the Renault. Since this dude's running a Renault, we've got to run a Renault as well.
[34:48 - 34:56] We're chatting straight out of black.
[34:56 - 35:02] You know what? Let's embarrass him with Herbie. We've got to embarrass the guy with the...
[35:02 - 35:15] Yeah, we've got to embarrass him with Herbie, man. You can't go wrong with Herbie, bro.
[35:15 - 35:24] Yo, imagine that Renault just getting blasted by my fucking bog, dude. That'd be dope.
[35:24 - 35:39] Let's go, man.
[35:39 - 36:02] Shit's about to be fun.
[36:02 - 36:11] Yo, JDMS hash. Yo. I ain't seen this dude on in a minute, bro.
[36:11 - 36:17] I wonder what the hell he's doing over here on drag. Usually, he's over on the drift servers.
[36:17 - 36:30] Huh. Cool.
[36:30 - 36:35] Yo, this is about to be fun.
[36:35 - 36:44] Tell me I'm not going up against him. Tell me I'm not.
[36:44 - 37:02] Oh, damn. Yeah, that just went straight.
[37:02 - 37:24] Okay, so I did a 360 wheelie again. Second how?
[37:24 - 37:31] Yeah, fingers ain't going up against him.
[37:31 - 37:41] Oh, great. This dude's back.
[37:41 - 37:48] Yo, this dude literally got a DNF. What the fuck?
[37:48 - 37:55] You know what, Christ? Since you ran your mouth about me, you've got to go.
[37:55 - 38:03] Since you sat there and you ran your fucking mouth about me like a bitch.
[38:03 - 38:31] Oh, damn.
[38:31 - 39:00] Literally, it's just me and him in the server. What the fuck?
[39:00 - 39:17] Oh, no, I did use the freaking Volkswagen bug.
[39:17 - 39:36] All right. That dude used the fucking Forza Edition bug. Okay.
[39:36 - 39:47] Yo, I'm not going to lie, dude. That bug looks nice, bro.
[39:47 - 39:52] Got that classic midnight purple look. Hell yeah, I dig it. I dig it.
[39:52 - 39:57] Ah, fucks with that.
[39:57 - 40:02] Really can just give me the rest and give me the 50K.
[40:02 - 40:08] Come on, now.
[40:08 - 40:24] All right, select a car.
[40:24 - 40:28] All right, dude, so this shit really just freaked out.
[40:28 - 40:34] I like to say that this shit really just fucking frees on me, but no, it didn't.
[40:34 - 40:48] Fuck it. We're busting out the big guns on this.
[40:48 - 41:17] We're busting out my dots. Didn't want to have to do this, but yeah, it's going to be a bad day for them.
[41:18 - 41:30] What I need is to get this thing in the sequential.
[41:31 - 41:48] Yeah.
[41:48 - 42:06] All right, I was off by just a second. That's not bad.
[42:06 - 42:34] Oh, really?
[42:34 - 42:54] Nice try with the kid cruncher, at least, my dude.
[42:54 - 43:23] All right, dude.
[43:23 - 43:28] Who the hell just snagged my ass their shit?
[43:28 - 43:52] I just don't.
[43:52 - 44:00] I see you, JDM. I got you, brother.
[44:00 - 44:09] Turns out this dude's just as quick and drag as he is with a drift car.
[44:09 - 44:37] Give it a hundred and eighteen K, bitch. Thank you. I'll take it. Let's go. And I will take my guys.
[44:37 - 45:01] Let's try just doing regular manual.
[45:01 - 45:08] Who got my car just in time?
[45:08 - 45:26] Fuck the Christ collective, bitch. And you got double head.
[45:26 - 45:34] You got double head, bitch.
[45:34 - 45:46] Don't fuck.
[45:46 - 45:56] I'm taking the dog.
[45:56 - 46:05] Let's go.
[46:05 - 46:34] Oh, beat him by one second, bro. Closest race ever.
[46:34 - 46:45] I actually see that now, JDM.
[46:45 - 47:14] I'll beat this man by holy shit, quite a bit.
[47:14 - 47:32] Fuck the area in brotherhood.
[47:32 - 47:46] Let's go.
[47:46 - 48:15] Took the first win of the night with the round.
[48:15 - 48:35] Oh, bro, you ain't hate me, JDM. You ain't get me again, kid.
[48:35 - 49:03] Hang on to this game while I'm at it.
[49:03 - 49:07] Guys, these dudes are both running Porsche 906. OK.
[49:07 - 49:15] Now we got ourselves a challenge of Porsche 906. Those teams are quick.
[49:15 - 49:22] I've ripped up the track with them and I've been beaten by them, so I know all too well how dangerous those things are.
[49:22 - 49:43] I'm going to have to watch my ass.
[49:43 - 50:04] So what are you saying? You're the king of the meth heads? We already knew that.
[50:04 - 50:08] We already knew you were the king of the meth heads, swag.
[50:08 - 50:24] We already knew that, man. You ain't got to tell us that. We already know you're the king of the meth heads.
[50:24 - 50:53] Whatever.
[50:53 - 51:22] And this is Gillian. Why don't you do this and go fuck yourself, bitch? Do that and fuck off.
[51:22 - 51:47] You're the king of the meth heads.
[51:47 - 52:08] Ellie Combs is good, dude, for real. They do lay down on a frickin' 11.40 second run. That's actually shit.
[52:08 - 52:12] Are you serious? This man really got a DNF.
[52:12 - 52:17] Oh, I know you got a Forzathon done. Thank you.
[52:17 - 52:41] Let's go. Two Forzathons, okay.
[52:41 - 53:01] You know, I went back out here and collected my stuff right quick.
[53:01 - 53:27] I'm going to collect my Forzathon and my stuff right quick.
[53:27 - 53:56] Got to go with the 50K.
[53:56 - 54:04] I'm not getting a while. I like that Spotted Driver here. That's dope.
[54:04 - 54:33] We're going to race in an exotic GT division car. Hold on. That one will be easy.
[54:33 - 55:02] Dude, what a race in an exotic GT. Stupid simple.
[55:02 - 55:29] Whatever, hard boy.
[55:29 - 55:37] God, y'all are so stupid, man. Y'all are comical.
[55:37 - 55:44] Like, for real, you guys are funny.
[55:44 - 56:08] You guys act so fucking stupid. Swear to God.
[56:08 - 56:18] Oh yeah, I forgot about that car. I forgot about the Forza championship car.
[56:18 - 56:38] You know, I was going to win my Audi R8 championship car.
[56:38 - 57:04] Let's see how many other drivers we can throw in here.
[57:04 - 57:09] And it's got the Fire Natasha wrapped down by a good buddy of mine.
[57:09 - 57:14] Fucking love this thing, dude.
[57:14 - 57:28] It's been a minute since I've driven this.
[57:28 - 57:57] Let's go here, assist, sound, manual of clutch.
[57:57 - 58:26] Oh, I don't keep looking.
[58:26 - 58:55] It's only going to be about three more last time, boy.
[58:55 - 59:24] Oh yeah, we're moving up, boy.
[59:24 - 59:37] Beautiful cars.
[59:37 - 59:53] Whoa. That's fun out there.
[59:53 - 60:22] Yo, that was a nasty spin-out.
[60:22 - 60:32] Oh shit, I'm falling back.
[60:32 - 60:42] I don't think there's any way I'm going to get this run.
[60:42 - 60:51] Yeah, I'm not going to get this one this round. I can already tell you that right now.
[60:51 - 60:55] What the fuck is bone, bro?
[60:55 - 60:59] What is that, like soup broth made of bone?
[60:59 - 61:21] God, y'all are so stupid and childish, man.
[61:21 - 61:29] Get a light, three-tards. God damn.
[61:29 - 61:51] Wait a second. Let's go, man.
[61:51 - 62:12] Fuck, fuck, fuck.
[62:12 - 62:39] Go down the middle.
[62:39 - 63:08] Fuck.
[63:08 - 63:16] Go down.
[63:16 - 63:35] Send it, send it, send it.
[63:35 - 63:46] Yo, that was tough. Dude, what difficult thing do I have to fucking drive-thars on?
[63:46 - 63:53] Oh shit, no fucking wonder.
[63:53 - 63:56] Let's do a high skill.
[63:56 - 64:25] God damn. No wonder I was getting my ass beat.
[64:25 - 64:37] No wonder I was getting my ass beat.
[64:37 - 64:49] Go on, then.
[64:49 - 65:08] Fuck, I'm sticking the paddle chipped in for now.
[65:08 - 65:11] Out of the way, asshole.
[65:11 - 65:40] Bro, you're gonna try to frickin break check me and scream, buddy.
[65:40 - 65:48] Oh, that son of a bitch.
[65:48 - 66:17] I got you, H.F.D. See ya. You ain't getting me that easily, bud.
[66:17 - 67:09] Fuck.
[67:09 - 67:15] Nice try, swag.
[67:15 - 67:41] Let's restart, then, man. I feel like I can get him.
[67:41 - 67:52] I just really feel like I can get these guys.
[67:52 - 68:05] And since the Audi has only shifting, it doesn't have a manual. We're gonna go straight up, you know.
[68:05 - 68:12] Since the Audi doesn't have a clutch,
[68:12 - 68:20] we gonna take it.
[68:20 - 68:37] Let's go.
[68:37 - 68:54] Make my way up to the middle of the pack here. I feel like I'm part of the Red Sea here.
[68:54 - 69:02] Yeah, I feel like I was part of the Red Sea back there.
[69:02 - 69:13] Nice force, bruh.
[69:13 - 69:41] Well, sick chimpinario, bruh. I like that chimpinario. That's nice. But it ain't no Audi R8, bruh.
[69:41 - 69:47] Oh, great, a red victory.
[69:47 - 69:55] Boom, got around that guy pretty much like.
[69:55 - 70:00] Another chinta.
[70:00 - 70:16] I don't know, that's a, I don't want to say purple monster. I'm not sure what kind of man look that was.
[70:16 - 70:45] Boom.
[70:45 - 70:56] Boom, got it.
[70:56 - 71:19] Bam.
[71:19 - 71:35] Dude, that thing will work your shoulders.
[71:35 - 71:46] That wheel will work your shoulders and your arms, man, and shit.
[71:46 - 71:52] What the hell is dude over here in a fucking clown outfit? What the? Wow.
[71:52 - 72:04] Okay, creepy clown outfit coming through.
[72:04 - 72:21] creepy clown outfit coming through.
[72:21 - 72:39] Not gonna lie, man, that was definitely tough.
[72:39 - 73:08] I kind of want to practice in drifting.
[73:08 - 73:21] Let's get some slides in here.
[73:21 - 73:44] Using, that's just another yes, I did.
[73:44 - 73:46] There we go.
[73:46 - 74:01] No, there we go. You already know what it is, Adam LZs S15, man.
[74:01 - 74:15] You know we gotta do some shit with Adam Lzs S15, bro. You gotta do it.
[74:15 - 74:43] Let's see how this thing runs on. Let's see how this thing runs on cinema.
[74:43 - 74:55] I definitely do need to turn the wheel a bit.
[74:55 - 75:12] Yeah, only turn the wheel a bit real quick.
[75:12 - 75:41] Alright, so let's go here. Let's turn the force feedback way down to about, say, 14 on torque.
[75:41 - 75:56] Let's do a full 900 on this.
[75:56 - 76:02] Oh, way louder.
[76:02 - 76:25] No, this thing is much lighter now.
[76:25 - 76:47] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[76:47 - 77:44] No.
[77:44 - 77:56] Okay, I think it's that button.
[77:56 - 78:02] See, now I see why.
[78:02 - 78:14] See, now I see why Adam has some trouble with that thing. That car is definitely a tough one.
[78:14 - 78:32] But I know one car that ain't hard as hell to handle at all.
[78:32 - 81:02] Okay.
[81:02 - 81:14] Ah, man.
[81:14 - 81:43] It's all right.
[81:43 - 82:12] Turn it up.
[82:12 - 82:36] Okay.
[82:36 - 83:01] It actually has it on. It's actually helped me out quite a bit.
[83:02 - 87:49] Okay.
[87:49 - 88:18] Okay, thank you.
[88:18 - 88:40] Okay, that thing's fun.
[88:40 - 88:54] Okay, that's gonna get focused as a freaking blast.
[88:54 - 89:09] No, I didn't want that.
[89:09 - 90:03] Okay.
[90:03 - 90:12] Oh, my city of cocaine and Sarah.
[90:12 - 90:29] Shit, let's go.
[90:29 - 90:58] Okay, I'm listening to glass.
[90:58 - 91:26] Okay.
[91:26 - 92:47] Okay, I'm not.
[92:47 - 93:16] All right, that was actually close.
[93:16 - 93:33] Oh, beautiful man.
[93:33 - 93:38] That was beautiful.
[93:38 - 93:42] That wasn't though.
[93:42 - 93:46] They were coming through that little old thing, and I was.
[93:46 - 93:53] That was nice.
[93:53 - 94:03] Wrong button.
[94:03 - 94:08] Where are you?
[94:08 - 94:26] Oh, man.
[94:26 - 97:10] Okay.
[97:10 - 97:38] All right, so now that I got the feeling for it.
[97:38 - 97:54] Reset everything in default here.
[97:54 - 98:23] 900 degrees, wheel damn rolling sensitivity.
[98:23 - 98:29] Now, let's see if I can get used to this thing.
[98:29 - 98:58] All right, for attention.
[98:58 - 99:20] Roger.
[99:20 - 99:37] All right.
[99:37 - 99:52] Yeah, this is our focus.
[99:52 - 100:21] You can really hear the same rat.
[100:21 - 100:50] Okay.
[100:50 - 101:04] Dude.
[101:04 - 101:14] Holy shit.
[101:14 - 101:20] All you hear that's freaking nuts, dude.
[101:20 - 101:24] Holy shit.
[101:24 - 101:29] Like literally all you hear is in the fucking rattling, dude.
[101:29 - 101:32] Holy shit.
[101:32 - 102:35] Oh my God, that's crazy.
[102:35 - 103:04] Dude, this thing is crazy.
[103:04 - 103:22] God, dang rattles more than my freaking rally car.
[103:22 - 103:51] That rally is like, oh man, holy shit.
[103:51 - 104:20] God, dang it.
[104:20 - 104:45] Dude, holy shit.
[104:45 - 105:00] Ooh, that thing is, bro, I like it, but it's crazy.
[105:00 - 105:26] Let's do a little bit of testing at this one.
[105:26 - 105:30] I don't know, I remember using the Skyline V-Spec.
[105:30 - 105:33] Huh, sweet.
[105:33 - 105:46] Don't remember, I have one, but apparently I got one.
[105:46 - 105:55] Yo, Cactus, what up, buddy?
[105:55 - 106:05] Oh my God.
[106:05 - 106:06] Let's go, man.
[106:06 - 106:33] First round with the 370, man.
[106:33 - 106:40] Nope, not good, not good.
[106:40 - 106:42] You know, let's tend to sing for a race, man.
[106:42 - 106:48] I want to tend to sing for an actual salad race.
[106:48 - 106:52] Holy shit.
[106:52 - 107:10] Tune in upgrades, get tuned.
[107:10 - 107:16] Let's go, tracks.
[107:16 - 107:45] Let's hatch, let's go, ass.
[107:45 - 108:43] Let's go, let's go, let's go.
[108:43 - 108:51] Whoa, way off.
[108:51 - 109:20] Way wrong.
[109:20 - 109:37] All right, this thing feels good.
[109:37 - 109:41] This thing definitely feels really good.
[109:41 - 110:07] After this round, think about throwing on that little zebra, so y'all can catch the ball easily.
[110:07 - 110:29] No, no, no, no. Thank you.
[110:29 - 110:58] All right, this is back while we're out here, it feels good.
[110:58 - 111:27] All right, let's go.
[111:27 - 111:55] Ow.
[111:55 - 112:12] Shit.
[112:12 - 112:22] All right, that thing actually feels really good, I just gotta get it dialed in.
[112:22 - 112:51] Now, let's see what the big man Adam LZ is up to today, man.
[112:51 - 113:06] Wait, what?
[113:06 - 113:10] All right, guys, welcome to today's video.
[113:10 - 113:14] I don't know if this is the title of the video or not, but what a car.
[113:14 - 113:20] It doesn't have power steering, and it's definitely a little bit loopy, but we recognize what we're in.
[113:20 - 113:25] It's a Turbo SR, baby.
[113:25 - 113:30] We got the S15 spec car, and it is rough, something.
[113:30 - 113:32] It's not the first time driving it.
[113:32 - 113:35] Yeah, I came to the vertex, but I didn't even notice that.
[113:35 - 113:36] Let's see if this Johny will do a burnout.
[113:36 - 113:41] It feels like it's about to fall apart, so my confidence in it is not the highest, but it's chilling.
[113:41 - 113:43] Burnout or donut?
[113:43 - 113:48] It's got like 12 inch wide wheels.
[113:48 - 113:50] Not bad.
[113:50 - 114:00] Little power steering.
[114:00 - 114:02] What?
[114:02 - 114:04] I might have just cracked a little pan.
[114:04 - 114:05] Oops.
[114:05 - 114:08] Oh my god.
[114:08 - 114:13] The good news is though, the good thing is the frame rails are already f***ed up this thing.
[114:13 - 114:15] I have no seat.
[114:15 - 114:19] We just bored sleep this thing.
[114:19 - 114:23] Man, I got carried away, this happened a lot.
[114:23 - 114:24] Wow.
[114:24 - 114:26] Well, now you get to see the outside.
[114:26 - 114:28] It works.
[114:28 - 114:30] Yeah, who put a compound there?
[114:30 - 114:32] It's the oil car.
[114:32 - 114:34] Of course it's on the lowest car, too.
[114:34 - 114:36] I don't know if it's leaking oil or not.
[114:36 - 114:39] Yeah, I mean, ta-da.
[114:39 - 114:42] I got this car for almost half the price I paid for that roller.
[114:42 - 114:44] It is rough.
[114:44 - 114:46] The car is already falling apart, so there's no damage.
[114:46 - 114:47] I swear I didn't do it.
[114:47 - 114:49] It's kind of cool because I have a wide-body kit.
[114:49 - 114:52] It's got a forged SR20 in it, so that's me.
[114:52 - 114:53] Supposedly.
[114:53 - 114:55] It's been through a lot of hands and a lot of stuff.
[114:55 - 114:58] I'm not sure about the car, but half the price is what I paid for a roller.
[114:58 - 115:03] The idea is to basically just take any spec car stuff off of this that I want on the yellow car,
[115:03 - 115:08] and then hopefully I'm left with enough parts to have sort of like a chaser style build
[115:08 - 115:11] in terms of like kind of like a feeder S15 that I can drive.
[115:11 - 115:13] Do you like how the Yashu factory cars drive?
[115:13 - 115:15] Yo, nice-ass Saksa in the back.
[115:15 - 115:19] Do you replicate that in a very simple, like, almost stock-like build?
[115:19 - 115:20] It'll be really cool.
[115:20 - 115:23] Dude, look at this.
[115:23 - 115:26] I almost want to roll it back just for a thumbnail.
[115:26 - 115:29] No.
[115:29 - 115:31] And let's talk a little bit more about this S15.
[115:31 - 115:33] I need to interrupt you with a quick break with a word from our sponsor.
[115:33 - 115:36] Today's video, guys, is sponsored by a long-term sponsor of the channel.
[115:36 - 115:38] You guys know ShitStitcher.
[115:38 - 115:42] We all have captions. A lot of us have turned them into online businesses,
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[116:13 - 116:14] I don't know why I get those two mixed up.
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[116:50 - 116:55] I want to give ShipStation a massive thank you for supporting the channel and for watching this video.
[116:55 - 116:58] We're going to need it because we've got these three new buddies.
[116:58 - 117:01] Oh, hold up, yo, that hoodie is sick.
[117:01 - 117:05] I think one of our biggest products, I think one of the best sellers of all time.
[117:05 - 117:09] Bro, I'm definitely counting on one of those hoodies.
[117:09 - 117:12] Yo, I am so confident, man.
[117:12 - 117:15] We've got the other one, we've got the fade going on, a simple little front graphic.
[117:15 - 117:19] They're also, it's turned on the same hoodie, so if you guys have heard of any of our hoodies in the past,
[117:19 - 117:21] I should say in the past year or so.
[117:21 - 117:25] Bro, I'm totally counting on hoodies, for sure, man.
[117:25 - 117:27] That is sick.
[117:27 - 117:30] Sometimes people in 10 minutes will be dropping this stuff.
[117:30 - 117:33] I cannot thank you guys enough, managing those orders can be tough.
[117:33 - 117:35] ShipStation, I appreciate you.
[117:35 - 117:37] This isn't even part of the plug anymore, but they are.
[117:37 - 117:41] Also, first ever E36 poster is going to drop.
[117:41 - 117:44] Small drop, just loaded a hoodie in this poster.
[117:44 - 117:46] Got 350 of these made.
[117:46 - 117:48] It's a cool photo, which our first name is on the screen.
[117:48 - 117:50] It looks like a bunch of stickers.
[117:50 - 117:51] Kind of looks pretty good.
[117:51 - 117:52] Do you want a cup?
[117:52 - 117:54] Yo, yes.
[117:54 - 117:57] 4pm on Friday, that's tomorrow, send a reminder.
[117:57 - 117:59] If you want me to sign anything, I'm happy to.
[117:59 - 118:02] Just understand, because our schedule is kind of all over the place,
[118:02 - 118:03] that it could go away your way.
[118:03 - 118:05] But just put it on our comments and we'll just have to do it.
[118:05 - 118:09] Also, since I have your next seven comments, we've been doing our best to communicate.
[118:09 - 118:11] Dude, I'm done.
[118:11 - 118:17] Bro, I'm definitely counting on a hoodie in a poster, man, for sure.
[118:17 - 118:19] Okay, with those of you guys in the morning, compound bundles.
[118:19 - 118:22] We've got everything here, we're waiting on the final piece of the puzzles we can start shipping.
[118:22 - 118:24] Sounds like it's going to be the end of this week or early next week.
[118:24 - 118:27] The guys have been busting ass, they already have all the boxes and everything all set up,
[118:27 - 118:30] so as soon as we get the last product in, we can toss them in the box, shipping that to you.
[118:30 - 118:33] We're excited you guys get that stuff, we spent a lot of time on those photo books,
[118:33 - 118:34] and they come out really cool.
[118:34 - 118:38] I will say too, also in the next week or two, we did have some people that wanted refunds
[118:38 - 118:41] because they didn't want to wait for them, so we'll have a few extras laying over,
[118:41 - 118:43] if you can get a chance to get yourself a compound bundle.
[118:43 - 118:45] Keep an eye out for that in the next couple weeks.
[118:45 - 118:46] Oh, fuck yeah.
[118:46 - 118:47] Next year.
[118:47 - 118:53] Dude, that is 15 times snarling.
[118:53 - 119:02] Dude, that is 15 times raw.
[119:02 - 119:05] Oh, that's crazy, buddy.
[119:05 - 119:12] Dude, that is 15, man.
[119:12 - 119:16] This is not going to be, again, it's another thing, but it's just kind of on the back burner
[119:16 - 119:19] and just going to be tabled off to the side, but there's a purpose for it.
[119:19 - 119:21] I really want to do drift when you get an S chassis.
[119:21 - 119:22] This would be the car for it.
[119:22 - 119:26] It's rough, there are damage underneath, there's damage everywhere.
[119:26 - 119:27] Yeah, yeah, same.
[119:27 - 119:34] I do have the trip for it and the mashed up from bumper, because I don't know why body inside.
[119:34 - 119:37] It's got a steering wheel, it's got one seat.
[119:37 - 119:42] It is a spec R, so it's got the goodies, you know, it's got the spec R diff and cluster,
[119:42 - 119:46] and it's got the turbo engine, missing the rear bumper.
[119:46 - 119:47] Yeah, yeah, same.
[119:47 - 119:51] The closest to this car was, I did, let's say, get out of there for a bit,
[119:51 - 119:54] and he wanted to get out of there with a better daily.
[119:54 - 119:58] And the price was right to the point where I knew, kind of like the chase here,
[119:58 - 120:01] these cars are getting so expensive that I would never have one as a drift car.
[120:01 - 120:06] But this is like, I don't know, the perfect opportunity to still get one at a decent price.
[120:06 - 120:07] It's rough.
[120:07 - 120:09] It's got a head gas, yeah, I can see that.
[120:09 - 120:12] Supposedly, this engine has four department, which would be cool,
[120:12 - 120:15] because I can just throw like my turbo kit from my S13, like a very similar setup on it,
[120:15 - 120:18] make like 400, 450, and it would rip.
[120:18 - 120:21] But, I do a beat, just a well-balanced street car.
[120:21 - 120:29] Right now, it has like some camber mods with big apple wheels and here and all that.
[120:29 - 120:31] There's actually some really good wheels.
[120:31 - 120:33] Yeah, are you going to buy?
[120:33 - 120:35] No, but I'm just letting you know.
[120:35 - 120:36] You're nice.
[120:36 - 120:38] Could I do a beat this higher?
[120:38 - 120:40] If that stands for you.
[120:40 - 120:42] You can try it on that?
[120:42 - 120:45] Don't act like you don't know.
[120:45 - 120:48] Yeah, but if something was loose in the front because it was drifting,
[120:48 - 120:49] I don't know if you could feel it.
[120:49 - 120:51] Yeah.
[120:51 - 120:53] What the?
[120:53 - 120:56] Click that, click that.
[120:56 - 120:57] Huh?
[120:57 - 120:58] Click.
[120:58 - 120:59] People know.
[120:59 - 121:00] Click what?
[121:00 - 121:02] Nothing.
[121:06 - 121:12] I was going to say, there is talk and there is a document that says this was a hero car from Fast and Furious.
[121:12 - 121:14] I'm not going to make that the title of this video.
[121:14 - 121:19] I take away a grain of salt because there's really nothing on the car that connects it to that,
[121:19 - 121:23] except for one document that does have the VIN from this car on it.
[121:23 - 121:30] Supposedly, this was a hero car, so this may have been one of the Mona Lisa's in Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift.
[121:30 - 121:31] Oh, no, sure.
[121:31 - 121:36] It does not reflect that, nor do I think anyone would ever want this car to be a hero car,
[121:36 - 121:38] because everything on this chain is original.
[121:38 - 121:40] But it's going to be a fun car.
[121:40 - 121:41] I love S chassis.
[121:41 - 121:44] I don't drive my cream car anymore because I'm always scared to fashion them up.
[121:44 - 121:46] This thing is perfect.
[121:46 - 121:47] I won't feel guilty crashing.
[121:47 - 121:48] That's what we're going for.
[121:48 - 121:50] Because I really, really love S15s,
[121:50 - 121:54] and I was lucky to get mine that we built into an FT car when I did.
[121:54 - 121:57] They were so affordable, but now they are just insane.
[121:57 - 121:59] I have a lot of parts laying around from my car,
[121:59 - 122:04] and from all these S15s now to where this will be like a fairly simple and inexpensive build.
[122:04 - 122:09] It's not going to lie, man.
[122:09 - 122:10] Paint that thing.
[122:10 - 122:12] Oh, man, that thing will look nice.
[122:12 - 122:23] And ironically enough, on the weekends,
[122:23 - 122:25] whenever they do the Japan circuit races on,
[122:25 - 122:30] you want to just work this out, and that's why you drive my Rastasaurus 15,
[122:30 - 122:33] which you guys saw earlier.
[122:33 - 122:34] Hey, guys.
[122:34 - 122:35] It's the next day.
[122:35 - 122:37] What's that?
[122:37 - 122:40] We were told to purchase the buyer's remorse.
[122:40 - 122:43] I found some stuff out about this car.
[122:43 - 122:47] A lot of people have been DMing me and saying stuff to me online.
[122:47 - 122:51] Apparently, this thing's been wrecked.
[122:51 - 122:52] You just put them up on the screen.
[122:52 - 122:55] It looked like a clean car, and I thought it was a good deal,
[122:55 - 122:57] but I realized the thing crashed.
[122:57 - 123:00] It's like people are really concerned, and I'm just--
[123:00 - 123:03] I feel like I made a bad decision.
[123:03 - 123:08] Even this guy was like, "Is there some good luck in saying I'm going to need it?
[123:08 - 123:11] What does that mean? What are we going to cover when we put a car on the left?"
[123:11 - 123:14] I'm like, "The car's crashed."
[123:14 - 123:17] There's been 5,000 people DMing me.
[123:17 - 123:20] I have never seen a car with so much clout surrounding it.
[123:20 - 123:21] It is honestly blowing my mind.
[123:21 - 123:25] There's probably a dozen people that seem to have owned this car in the past couple years.
[123:25 - 123:27] Everyone's like, "Bro, dude, that thing's a roach.
[123:27 - 123:30] There's posts all over the internet about me buying this car."
[123:30 - 123:32] I know that it's been crashed.
[123:32 - 123:33] That is the reason.
[123:33 - 123:36] I'm excited that it's been crashed so I can drift it with zero remorse.
[123:36 - 123:39] I do want to add that all the guys that I bought this car from,
[123:39 - 123:42] super nice guys, super honest, super transparent about the whole thing,
[123:42 - 123:45] even warned me about all these people, because every time he had tried listing the car,
[123:45 - 123:49] it's just like this wave of gatekeepers that come in and are like, "Don't buy that car.
[123:49 - 123:51] The car should never be sold."
[123:51 - 123:52] It's terrible.
[123:52 - 123:53] It's a drift car.
[123:53 - 123:54] It's not a *******.
[123:54 - 123:55] It's an S chassis.
[123:55 - 123:56] Yeah, exactly.
[123:56 - 123:59] Dude, this **** is so funny.
[123:59 - 124:02] I want to have Mike put the photos on the screen of the crash and everything.
[124:02 - 124:04] Well, yo, dude, homies is like, "Good luck.
[124:04 - 124:05] You're going to need it."
[124:05 - 124:06] Wait, that's that car?
[124:06 - 124:07] Yeah, dude, that's that car.
[124:07 - 124:08] Right.
[124:08 - 124:09] One of these stuff.
[124:09 - 124:11] Well, and then there's this whole argument.
[124:11 - 124:12] Was it a movie car?
[124:12 - 124:13] Was it not?
[124:13 - 124:14] There's multiple.
[124:14 - 124:17] Bro, dude, there's like 3,000 people that have owned this car.
[124:17 - 124:20] It's like the most owned S chassis in the USA ever.
[124:20 - 124:21] Damn.
[124:21 - 124:22] This is a lot.
[124:22 - 124:27] But anyway, there's also some cool photos of what the car looked like when it was nice,
[124:27 - 124:29] so I'll have Mike put those on the screen.
[124:29 - 124:31] Ooh, damn.
[124:31 - 124:34] I'm telling you, my hands get off and in the dirt.
[124:34 - 124:36] What the ****?
[124:36 - 124:37] I'm going to take it.
[124:37 - 124:42] **** you guys.
[124:42 - 124:43] It'll be long.
[124:43 - 124:46] So we actually have the plug if we need it to get the main line.
[124:46 - 124:51] What?
[124:51 - 124:54] It's baking.
[124:54 - 124:55] And I've been running.
[124:55 - 124:59] Freddy's little side project has been figuring this thing out, learning it, setting it all up.
[124:59 - 125:01] I haven't seen it in action yet, but I've heard it.
[125:01 - 125:03] Fill them in with more of that and things.
[125:03 - 125:06] The main difference for me is learning the software.
[125:06 - 125:08] I've only used much in downers and downer jets.
[125:08 - 125:11] This is a lot more in depth with everything.
[125:11 - 125:14] So the coolest thing about this is you can do steady state tuning.
[125:14 - 125:18] So you can have the downer hold you at any RPM you want.
[125:18 - 125:21] And then it spits out real-time horsepower into work.
[125:21 - 125:27] So I was able to -- I started playing with the BBTI just to dial in the cam.
[125:27 - 125:31] So I put it back to the wastegate spring, which is 15 pounds of boost.
[125:31 - 125:36] And I played with BBTI, which took, I don't know, probably an hour and a half.
[125:36 - 125:42] And I'll be able to pick up anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds of torque under 5,000 RPM.
[125:42 - 125:46] If I understand correctly, since you're able to hold at a certain RPM,
[125:46 - 125:51] you can vary the load at that RPM and like hit load cells that you may not be able to hit on a roller.
[125:51 - 125:55] Yeah, so let's say I wanted to hold me at 3,500.
[125:55 - 126:00] It'll hold me at 3,500, and I can go up from almost full vacuum, not full vacuum,
[126:00 - 126:05] but like light cruise to any amount of boost the motor will produce at that RPM range.
[126:05 - 126:08] So I already did some of that, and cleaned up the fuel table.
[126:08 - 126:09] It looks different already.
[126:09 - 126:10] Yeah.
[126:10 - 126:13] Not saying before it was bad, but this is just a different method of tuning,
[126:13 - 126:16] and it's more accurate, but it takes a lot more time.
[126:16 - 126:19] The best thing is because drift cars see such varying load,
[126:19 - 126:22] hitting those load cells we may not hit on a roller dyno is key.
[126:22 - 126:25] Because, you know, you're going to think we're constantly under load,
[126:25 - 126:28] and then like the tires might hit a slick spot or it'll be spinning,
[126:28 - 126:31] so you're not seeing full boost or like -- it's not like a drag car,
[126:31 - 126:35] where ideally in a perfect world you have full traction in your full throttle the whole time.
[126:35 - 126:39] We're just like on and off from partial throttle, half boost, full boost, no boost.
[126:39 - 126:41] I'm excited to feel the difference.
[126:41 - 126:45] I did not think there'd be 50 full pounds of torque left in this thing down low.
[126:45 - 126:50] Yeah, and that's, you can like use a bit of your different areas.
[126:50 - 126:52] You still need to set up everything.
[126:52 - 126:54] This is AFR, I don't want it hooked up.
[126:54 - 126:58] You can do fuel pressure, inject your duty cycle, whatever you want, really.
[126:58 - 126:59] It's a lot to be used to.
[126:59 - 127:02] How hard was it to put the car on the roller?
[127:02 - 127:04] I don't think we got roller hubs.
[127:04 - 127:07] We'll film like a more in-depth thing the next car we do,
[127:07 - 127:10] but like I said, this is kind of a pretty side project.
[127:10 - 127:13] We'll have a more in-depth video later, but it's pretty exciting,
[127:13 - 127:15] so I just wanted to not show you guys anything.
[127:15 - 127:16] It wasn't bad.
[127:16 - 127:18] He went on an actual day while setting up the computer and stuff,
[127:18 - 127:22] but I think his first time took him under 10 minutes.
[127:22 - 127:24] Oh, I forgot that.
[127:24 - 127:27] Yeah, and it's just like jack it up, take the wheels off.
[127:27 - 127:29] They moved pretty easy.
[127:29 - 127:31] They actually have two casters.
[127:31 - 127:33] Direct to center gravity point of the hub,
[127:33 - 127:36] so you just push down on it and you can kind of steer it.
[127:36 - 127:39] Steer it in, tighten it up.
[127:39 - 127:42] So right now, the only thing we're kind of waiting on,
[127:42 - 127:44] the electrician is going to come back on Friday
[127:44 - 127:47] and wire in a different breaker, because the fan that comes with it
[127:47 - 127:50] needs a lot more amps than the rest of everything else,
[127:50 - 127:52] and it will trip the breaker if you run it.
[127:52 - 127:54] So we've been running just a small little tiny fans.
[127:54 - 127:56] One thing that I'm not a huge fan of,
[127:56 - 127:58] is that I feel like the footage is less exciting,
[127:58 - 128:01] and people don't traditionally do a typical full sweep,
[128:01 - 128:03] and it kind of sounds weird, and that kind of hangs.
[128:03 - 128:05] When you do a full sweep, I don't know if you've done one.
[128:05 - 128:06] I guess you have done one.
[128:06 - 128:08] Does it sound like an old model?
[128:08 - 128:11] Yeah, you can play with the ramp range, what it's called.
[128:11 - 128:15] It's like how fast it accelerates per second, like RPM-wise.
[128:15 - 128:18] If you do it super fast, it'll sweep quick,
[128:18 - 128:21] or if you do a long sweep, it takes longer time.
[128:21 - 128:23] These are [bleep
[128:23 - 128:25] Yeah, Jesus Christ.
[128:25 - 128:26] He's an analyst.
[128:26 - 128:27] Yeah.
[128:27 - 128:30] Yes, he's on these.
[128:30 - 128:33] Yeah, that's funny.
[128:33 - 128:35] We're already in a little bougie [bleep]
[128:35 - 128:37] and we're like, "Let's close the door, run the AC,
[128:37 - 128:39] and get an exhaust vent for that car."
[128:39 - 128:42] Next thing you know, we'll just start dining the engines
[128:42 - 128:44] in an engine room, not in the car.
[128:44 - 128:46] Then we'll just stop doing that altogether.
[128:46 - 128:48] Playing that up together.
[128:48 - 128:51] Yeah, I know, right here.
[128:51 - 128:55] We're going to use pretty fast in here, let's go.
[128:55 - 129:02] You're not going to lie, man. That chase road's nice.
[129:02 - 129:15] Damn.
[129:16 - 129:19] Talk about putting out fucking power.
[129:19 - 129:39] If you notice, I'm going to sound clear by red line.
[129:39 - 129:41] He hasn't set up right now, so he doesn't get in the mirror
[129:41 - 129:43] and starts getting brave, so I don't want to get up there
[129:43 - 129:44] and slow down.
[129:44 - 129:46] It's like, "Eww."
[129:46 - 129:50] Dude, I think we could put out some fucking power.
[129:50 - 129:55] Oh my, what are you doing?
[129:55 - 130:12] This man did not just paintball the S15.
[130:13 - 130:17] What the fuck are you doing, Adam?
[130:17 - 130:33] Oh god, here we go.
[130:34 - 130:36] Come on.
[130:36 - 131:04] Let's see what other shit I missed.
[131:04 - 131:24] Yo, that's crazy.
[131:24 - 131:26] Nice S15 though, man.
[131:26 - 131:29] Not going to lie, that thing's nice.
[131:29 - 131:34] He gets that thing fixed up, man.
[131:34 - 131:37] That's going to be beautiful.
[131:55 - 131:59] Let's break out my rockstar S15, man.
[131:59 - 132:03] I haven't driven this thing in a minute, bro.
[132:04 - 132:08] Let's break out my rockstar S15, man.
[132:28 - 132:33] Dude, you can tell this thing just wants to go.
[132:33 - 132:36] Oh yeah, it definitely wants to go, alright.
[132:36 - 132:54] That thing definitely wants to go, for sure.
[132:54 - 132:59] Let's just do a manual for now, and yeah, you're safe.
[133:00 - 133:28] Guys, it's been a minute since I've driven this thing.
[133:29 - 133:32] It's been a minute since I've driven this thing.
[133:32 - 133:50] Man, I was trying to find secondary for you.
[133:51 - 133:54] It's been a minute since I've driven this thing.
[134:17 - 134:20] Maybe I should do better on SIM mode.
[134:20 - 134:28] I feel like on SIM mode, the SIM might be better.
[134:28 - 134:38] Hey, hell, that slide's up.
[134:38 - 134:51] Yo, why does this thing keep sliding?
[135:14 - 135:18] This thing was not meant to slide, it was meant to drive.
[135:18 - 135:32] Fuck that, we're going to burn it for more. Fuck it.
[135:32 - 135:36] What does that mean?
[135:37 - 135:50] [MUSIC]
[136:16 - 136:21] I already know how that thing feels, not much to end the spaniel.
[136:21 - 136:26] Dude, I forgot even how to do it.
[136:26 - 136:41] Let's try this to see how it handles.
[136:41 - 136:44] [MUSIC]
[136:44 - 137:07] Now, see, this feels balanced, man, this feels so good.
[137:08 - 137:17] [MUSIC]
[137:42 - 137:45] Yo, I guarantee you, wrong line right off the bat.
[137:45 - 138:05] Thanks, man, we scraped the inside of the ball.
[138:05 - 146:50] [MUSIC]
Transcribed by as id '1268' on August 17th, 2024