Original upload date: May 7th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:27] Good evening everyone. So I see that you're back to doing what you do Kate.
[0:27 - 0:47] So I'm going to be manipulating people like a coward.
[0:47 - 1:12] I've been studying your videos over the last few days. I decided to see who else you've done like you did with me.
[1:12 - 1:35] And all I got to say is this. That list of people that you've done like you did with me is pretty extensive.
[1:35 - 1:53] So let's take a look at history here, shall we?
[1:53 - 2:00] Let's take a look at history since you're all about people's history.
[2:00 - 2:25] Since you're all about the history on people.
[2:25 - 2:34] Yes, I do have a father and that went to prison when I was born.
[2:34 - 2:51] But there's something you fail to realize Masshole is that I'm no second generation or third generation pedophile.
[2:51 - 3:03] See, you talk about being mentally sane. Hmm, that's interesting. I find that very interesting.
[3:03 - 3:17] I really do because you act like you're mentally sane, but we all know that you're not.
[3:17 - 3:27] Let me elaborate on this. Take the incident where you are on Marty's live stream.
[3:27 - 3:41] And you spoke about how you belong to the streets of Costco and how you are on the roof ready to end your own life.
[3:41 - 3:50] Are you telling that doesn't sound like somebody who is mentally insane?
[3:50 - 4:14] Because to me, that sounds like someone that needs help.
[4:14 - 4:22] As if you're trying to justify something.
[4:22 - 4:38] As if you're trying to justify what you do to me, or what you did to Turtle Boy, or the many other people that you have done this to.
[4:38 - 4:45] Always straight up honest. You need more than a therapist.
[4:45 - 4:54] Honestly, you need to be locked away in a mental hospital. You really do.
[4:54 - 5:02] Because you are clearly not mentally well.
[5:02 - 5:31] Hell, to be honest, if I saw any of your videos and I was your therapist.
[5:31 - 5:42] And I just had somebody tell me a bit of information here.
[5:42 - 5:52] So, even though I did not send him, shout out to Furry Potatoes for showing off the Kate's work.
[5:52 - 6:01] And always straight up honest to you, Kate. If I was your therapist, I'd have you committed.
[6:01 - 6:08] Because always straight up honest, you are not a mentally fit mother.
[6:08 - 6:15] And you say you don't have a past, Kate. But we all know you do.
[6:15 - 6:28] You hooked up your history. Didn't find much. Just a few drinking charges here and there. A few road violations.
[6:28 - 6:35] You know, nothing major. But then there was one that struck me. When I did a little bit more dating.
[6:35 - 6:49] A couple years ago, you lost your children to CPS.
[6:49 - 7:04] And the same thing that you do to me is the same thing you got arrested for.
[7:04 - 7:10] You're wondering where I'm going with this. And that's simple. That's very, very simple.
[7:10 - 7:27] See, when you had your two kids with you. Well, two of your kids. See, you did the same thing to that person that you're doing to me.
[7:27 - 7:46] They fired back. Got you arrested. You went to prison. And due to the fact that the child or the children had no place to stay with family.
[7:46 - 7:57] They found you mentally unfit when they lived in your history. And instead of giving them to your family like they should have.
[7:57 - 8:06] What happened? They went to the state and now they're in foster care.
[8:06 - 8:18] So, yes, you do have a history. You do very much have a history of this.
[8:18 - 8:29] And you doing all this proves nothing more than the fact you are mentally unstable. You are mentally ill.
[8:29 - 8:41] You are the one that needs to be locked away. You are the one that needs help. Not me.
[8:41 - 8:55] I'm on a stove. I'm perfectly fine. But it's you who needs help, Kenny. See, I'm not your average pushover.
[8:55 - 9:06] I'm really not. See, unlike your other victims, I can actually fight back. And I have been through these videos and these live streams.
[9:06 - 9:32] I have been fighting back. That is true. I am perfectly well. I am perfectly normal. Now, as for me being close to the edge.
[9:32 - 9:41] Let's talk about that. See, Kate, people like you have believed me my whole life.
[9:41 - 9:56] My whole life I've been bullied by people like you since day one. And I do still get that a lot.
[9:56 - 10:06] But then you need to realize and that is this.
[10:06 - 10:15] There came a time when I was in high school and somebody bigger than and tougher than me was bullying me around.
[10:15 - 10:24] And you know what I did? I finally said fuck being a pushover. I'm not going to let this man do this to me.
[10:24 - 10:39] So you know what I did. I kicked his ass because I finally got pushed to that breaking point of not giving a fuck.
[10:39 - 10:49] And see, here's where you fail in all of this. You're bullying me isn't doing anything to me.
[10:49 - 10:56] Yes, it's pushed me to the edge a few times. But that was before I realized how you truly are.
[10:56 - 11:07] And see, something you fail to realize is this, Kate. All your talk about me. All your empty threats.
[11:07 - 11:18] All your talk about how I'm a pedophile and this and that. You know what that does? That doesn't insult me anymore.
[11:18 - 11:32] I just blow that shit off. You know what that does? That drives people to my channel.
[11:32 - 11:45] And Marty knows very well where I'm going with this. In fact, a lot of the fans know I'm going with this.
[11:45 - 12:02] Take the video of how to not give a shit or to stop caring what people think by Jake Monroe. Even though he's a complete asshole, I do still follow by this video.
[12:02 - 12:16] See, Jake said something in that video that has stuck the entire time it has stuck with me.
[12:16 - 12:27] And that is this. See, when you mention my name, when you attack me, it drives views to my channel.
[12:27 - 12:37] And you know what the haters and people like you do? You give me free views. And this is how. Let me explain it to you.
[12:37 - 12:55] You click on my videos. You probably dislike the videos. You probably leave shitty comments in the videos.
[12:55 - 13:10] And you probably comment on my live streams or in my live streams. And that means when you do all of that, you're only going to see more of me.
[13:10 - 13:22] That's five levels of engagement. Five levels of engagement. And here's the funny part.
[13:22 - 13:36] That doesn't do anything but bring in views for me. So ultimately, you're not offending me. It's giving me free views.
[13:36 - 13:46] And that's what this is all about to you, isn't it? The views. Looking like the tough guy, looking like the better person.
[13:46 - 13:56] Sorry to say, Kate, but right now, with the way I'm going and the track that I'm on, you're not looking so good.
[13:56 - 14:17] You're really not. You're not looking so good. Because see, while people like you waste their time attacking and judging and belittling and bullying and harassing.
[14:17 - 14:21] Hold on, guys.
[14:21 - 14:42] Let's see, while people like you continue to do those things, such as trolling, harassing and ultimately wasting your time.
[14:42 - 14:46] What do people like me do?
[14:46 - 14:52] We create good content.
[14:52 - 15:00] We try to help those that need it.
[15:00 - 15:21] We try to be there for those that need someone to talk to. But this is where you clearly need help because your content is shitty.
[15:21 - 15:28] And no offense to Marty on this, but I am about to speak on something. So no offense to Marty.
[15:28 - 15:38] See, you're becoming how Marty used to be, being obsessed with me.
[15:38 - 15:48] And you know where his obsession got me at one point? Do you know where Marty's obsession with me got me at one point?
[15:48 - 16:00] He got me to a thousand subs. And trust me, I am very much on my way back to that place.
[16:00 - 16:07] I'm a little under halfway there.
[16:07 - 16:24] So, if I were you, I would stop pissing off people around me and leave people like me alone and try to create good content.
[16:24 - 16:46] And I told Marty this and Marty does follow by my advice. Marty does genuinely follow by my advice because I took the time to talk to him, to help him.
[16:46 - 16:59] Now, is Marty's content about me a little bit here and there? Yes, but he does genuinely try to make interesting content.
[16:59 - 17:12] And no offense, Cade, but your content is garbage.
[17:12 - 17:20] Your whole channel consists of you doing worse than Marty. No offense, Marty.
[17:20 - 17:29] But your content is way worse than what Marty's is.
[17:29 - 17:41] See, Marty made his channel the troll name, okay? And he took it to a certain extent that I want to go to, but just him.
[17:41 - 18:02] But here's the thing, your content, Cade, your content is nothing but you going after people, humiliating people, attacking people, bullying people.
[18:02 - 18:15] Now, yes, here and there, you may have gotten a few pedophiles locked away here and there, and I'll give you that.
[18:15 - 18:21] I'm not going to deny that you got a couple real pedophiles. I'm not going to deny that.
[18:21 - 18:31] There are a couple of pedophiles in there that I've got throughout your videos, and they were legitimate pedophiles, and they got locked away for it.
[18:31 - 18:41] That I can respect, but what I can't respect is what you did to me.
[18:41 - 19:09] How you basically entrapped me, lied about your age, and then you turn around and call me a pedophile when you're the one that did all this.
[19:09 - 19:19] And you want to sit there and say that I did it two other times besides you? That, my friend, is where you're wrong.
[19:19 - 19:34] Because, see, aside from yourself, there was one other time that it could have happened, but it didn't.
[19:34 - 19:49] See, the girl that I was speaking to you tried to pull the same thing, but she made the mistake that you didn't make.
[19:49 - 19:55] I will give you credit. There was one spot where you were a little bit more creative.
[19:55 - 20:06] See, her mistake was her failure. See, she had me thinking she was of age.
[20:06 - 20:25] She was of age the whole time, after the pictures got sent, the day after I sent the photos, is when she told me she was underage.
[20:25 - 20:34] And instead of continuing that on, you know what I did? I blocked her.
[20:34 - 20:50] Now you, you got creative. You saw her failure, and you got smart with it. I will give you that.
[20:50 - 21:01] See, you got smart in this respect. As I was sending the photos and videos, you were typing out, knowing,
[21:01 - 21:09] knowing that I wouldn't be able to get the photos and videos in time.
[21:09 - 21:24] So what did you do? You put in there and lied about your age, that you're underage, and had people looking at me differently.
[21:24 - 21:33] And that right there, ultimately, is your downfall, too. That right there is your downfall.
[21:33 - 21:42] You see, that right there, that incident right there in particular, something.
[21:42 - 21:52] Your biggest strength is your greatest weakness. And that is what you do to people.
[21:52 - 22:00] See, by doing what you did to me, and spreading all these rumors and lies, you're not affecting me.
[22:00 - 22:08] You're really not affecting me at all. You're just showing how much of an idiot you truly are.
[22:08 - 22:20] You're showing that you're willing to go to any length that you desire in order to get money.
[22:20 - 22:28] And that right there just shows how pitiful you really are.
[22:28 - 22:49] But my question is this. How many people have you done this to you, tricked, lied about your age, too?
[22:49 - 23:18] And you say that I'm the bad person, and that I'm the bad guy. But really, Kate, the one who needs to look in the mirror and take a long, very long, hard look is yourself.
[23:18 - 23:24] You're the one that needs to take a look in the mirror, Kate.
[23:24 - 23:31] Because, see, your channel leaves behind something that I don't think you thought about.
[23:31 - 23:36] Your channel leaves behind a wake of destruction.
[23:36 - 23:56] Your channel leaves behind a wake of garbage, of trash, of simple people that were minding their own business, who were not doing anything.
[23:56 - 24:25] You took advantage of whom you believed, whom you made out to be a bad guy.
[24:25 - 24:40] And the truth is, many of those people that you've attacked, not all of them, but some of them, were genuinely good people.
[24:40 - 24:55] Some of them were people that were just minding their own business. But then you come along, and you do to them like you did to me.
[24:55 - 25:05] And you ruin their lives, all for the fucking views, all for some fucking numbers.
[25:05 - 25:11] And that's what it's all about to you, right? It's about the numbers.
[25:11 - 25:24] So, let's talk numbers, Kate. Let's talk numbers.
[25:24 - 25:46] Matter of fact, matter of fact, Marty, my good man, how are you?
[25:46 - 25:53] Sorry I didn't see you in there earlier, Marty. How are you doing, buddy?
[25:53 - 26:10] Now, see, Kate, here's where yours and my content, this is where my content and your content differentiate from each other.
[26:10 - 26:30] See, while I try to post good, fun content for people, while I try to post content that people can relax and enjoy and watch and have a good time,
[26:30 - 26:37] you post disgusting and vile content.
[26:37 - 26:44] Kate, you don't focus on what the person is capable of doing.
[26:44 - 27:09] And here's what you fail to realize, Kate. You tell me to get a real job, but doing this and me being on my way to a thousand plus subs ultimately can be considered a real job.
[27:09 - 27:16] It's called being an entrepreneur, starting your own business.
[27:16 - 27:27] And yes, I've had to restart many times over, but that's okay because in those failed attempts, I've learned quite a lot.
[27:27 - 27:36] In my failed attempts to build my brand, I've learned how to create good content.
[27:36 - 27:41] I've learned how to make professional-looking thumbnails.
[27:41 - 27:50] I've learned how to cross-promote, like I do with my brother Sean all the time.
[27:50 - 28:02] Matter of fact, my brother Sean is a prime example, is very much a prime example of what a cross-promotion is.
[28:02 - 28:15] See, as I promote his channel on my channel, he does the same thing, vice versa.
[28:15 - 28:30] And see, while I post good content that people can gravitate towards, like take my Forza Horizon 4 content that I will be putting out later tonight.
[28:30 - 28:40] Take what people need, where they fail at explaining, and turn that into something.
[28:40 - 28:53] Matter of fact, take my brother Sean's latest Monster Hunter video that got over 13,000 views in one night.
[28:53 - 29:02] And he doesn't even have as many subs as I have, and he has over 13,000 views on his channel.
[29:02 - 29:13] Now, take what I do with the racing scene. What I'm doing is drifting the racing scene.
[29:13 - 29:26] I'm going to be showing people how to do a proper rally tune, how to properly drift, how to do a proper drift setup, how to do a proper drag tune.
[29:26 - 29:31] And that's things that people need.
[29:31 - 29:34] Oh, look, this isn't a number from before, guys.
[29:34 - 29:42] Um, this is a, I noticed that it's your name, Sirex. Asshole people.
[29:42 - 29:44] Yes, I am. Who is this?
[29:44 - 29:55] Um, okay, I'm just going to break it through. I was bullied by those guys, you know, I was saying, yeah, three years ago, I was going at it with them.
[29:55 - 30:01] Really? Who is this? Well, I gotta make sure you guys are there. What's going on, man?
[30:01 - 30:04] This is, uh, Justin.
[30:04 - 30:07] Justin.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1643' on August 14th, 2024