Original upload date: March 28th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:07] Oh man. First, uh, good morning everybody. So, I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going
[0:07 - 0:34] to go to the bathroom. Oh man. First, uh, good morning everybody. So Marty, I'm supposedly
[0:34 - 0:47] cured supposedly of pushover, right? And I'm supposedly admitting to the feet. I'm not
[0:47 - 0:55] admitting to the feet. And I'm sure as hell not backing down. Nor am I bowing down the
[0:55 - 1:06] little bitch like you Marty. See, over the last few days of me playing UFC4, I've caught
[1:06 - 1:25] the attention of a fairly well-known on think coming UFC4 gaming team called the CFC Championships.
[1:25 - 1:36] Yeah they hold competitions just like you do in regular UFC. And your boys on the team,
[1:36 - 1:43] they got me in training camp right now. I've been practicing day and night. I got my first
[1:43 - 1:48] fight on there coming up in a few weeks because they got me in training camp right now. They're
[1:48 - 1:58] getting me ready, getting my character, you know, out to where it needs to be. Shot to
[1:58 - 2:07] the guys of the CFC. Fucking love you guys. I'm a bunch of great fighters, a bunch of
[2:07 - 2:20] great guys. But Marty, you think I'm bowing down to you, but I'm not. See, the only pushover
[2:20 - 2:37] here I see is you. Yo toxic angel, what's good? How you doing man? Marty, the only pushover
[2:37 - 2:54] I see here is you. Yeah, I may have made that video last night. But here's the thing. I'm
[2:54 - 3:04] not really backing down. And like I told you last night Marty, read the hat. It says fuck
[3:04 - 3:16] you music biz Marty. And I'm leaving it on that until your ass gets brought down. I'll
[3:16 - 3:30] even let it scroll across for you. So I do like the hat says, good fuck off dude, for
[3:30 - 3:37] real. Because you and I both know you can never beat my ass in a fucking fight. You're
[3:37 - 3:50] a punk ass coward. Oh and you didn't defeat shit bitch. All you're doing is playing kiss
[3:50 - 3:56] ass with Marty. That's all you're doing. You're being a suck out to Marty because
[3:56 - 4:09] you want to be as well slack jawed wacky bitch. Truth is Sarah, you ain't shit. You're a fucking
[4:09 - 4:19] hell. You sit there and date me. Leave me. Well I drop you because I find out your fake
[4:19 - 4:32] a spot. And you say I'm the bad guy? Really? Last time I checked, I'm not the one that's
[4:32 - 4:47] sitting here running around like a bitch. Just saying. Yeah, no, I'm not 24 eyes. I'm
[4:47 - 4:52] not adding shit to it bro. I'm just stating facts. That's all I'm doing. I'm not adding
[4:52 - 5:02] no fuel to nothing. I'm just stating straight up hard told facts man. Just saying bro. I'm
[5:02 - 5:07] just telling Marty and Tang and all their little fucking dumbass friends how it really
[5:07 - 5:13] is because obviously they ain't got a grip on reality. They obviously think that they're
[5:13 - 5:19] above me, that they can push me around and do this and that and the other, but really
[5:19 - 5:27] they can't. They're a bunch of low life pussies and Marty does exactly what you are. You're
[5:27 - 5:34] a low life scumbag pussy who thinks that he can just run around and do whatever he
[5:34 - 5:41] wants. Sorry dude. That's not how shit works around here man. See, you want to sit there
[5:41 - 5:52] and bully me then when I respond, you get mad. Dude, you got no right being mad because
[5:52 - 5:58] you're the one that started this shit. Plain and simple. You're the dumb fuck that started
[5:58 - 6:09] this whole thing bro. And yet when I fire back and do so rightfully, you get angry.
[6:09 - 6:16] You get mad and you make these rant videos on me for no fucking reason. Why? It doesn't
[6:16 - 6:25] make sense dude. Like you attack me and then expect me to not respond. And then when I
[6:25 - 6:32] do respond out of defense of myself and my family and everyone you drug into it, you
[6:32 - 6:39] get angry for no reason, which you have no right doing. You have no right getting mad.
[6:39 - 6:44] You have no right dragging my family into this shit first off. I'll tell you that right
[6:44 - 6:48] off the bat. You've got no reason dragging my family into your bullshit high school
[6:48 - 6:56] drama. You have no right doing that dude at all. And the only reason why I drug your
[6:56 - 7:01] family into it like I did Marty was because you drug my family into it and sat there
[7:01 - 7:09] and attacked my entire family with my biological father on live strength. You tell me where
[7:09 - 7:16] that's fair. You tell me where that shit's fair bro. You sit there and you attack my
[7:16 - 7:24] family and you expect me to not respond when you literally have my family up on your panel
[7:24 - 7:33] and are bashing on them and me as well as my dead mother. Are you fucking kidding me?
[7:33 - 7:40] Like are you retarded or just stupid? Because there's one thing you don't do Marty is drag
[7:40 - 7:47] somebody's family into it, especially someone's family who has passed away, which you and
[7:47 - 7:53] schmeck look at how done and you can't sit there and say that you haven't because you
[7:53 - 8:04] have. It's all right there on your live stream Marty. It's all right there. So Marty don't
[8:04 - 8:12] think that I'm not coming for you because I am and I'm not going to stop. You did the
[8:12 - 8:21] one thing I told you not to do, which is bring my family into it. Like I told you Marty,
[8:21 - 8:28] if you want to come after me, I'm right here, but for you to go out for my family the way
[8:28 - 8:37] that you do is bullshit. You had no right drag of my family into your fucking petty
[8:37 - 8:46] bullshit, bro. None. It don't matter whether my biological father did what he did and went
[8:46 - 8:53] to jail and got out. That don't mean shit, bro. You're just trying to twist words around.
[8:53 - 8:57] That's all you're trying to do. You're trying to twist his words around to make it seem
[8:57 - 9:04] like he admitted to something that he didn't do. That's all it is. You're trying to make
[9:04 - 9:10] it seem like he said something that he didn't say. Well guess what, dude? You're wrong.
[9:10 - 9:22] You've been wrong, bro. Whatever, Kerry. The fuck out of here, bro. You don't know
[9:22 - 9:32] my family like you think Kerry is so cute. And besides, whether he did or didn't admit
[9:32 - 9:42] to it, it don't matter. That's irrelevant. But what does matter is the fact that you
[9:42 - 9:48] need to leave my family out of your bullshit, Marty. My family don't want nothing to do
[9:48 - 9:53] with you. I sure as fuck don't want nothing to do with you. And you're best at keeping
[9:53 - 10:01] my family's names out your mouth. If you're going to put someone's name in your mouth,
[10:01 - 10:10] put mine in it, bitch. Put my name in your fucking mouth. Come after me. Leave my family
[10:10 - 10:18] alone and stop being a pussy. Stop being a punk ass bitch and going after my family.
[10:18 - 10:24] You're only talking about how you want to come after me, bitch. I'm right here. I already
[10:24 - 10:33] told you a million times. I ain't hiding. I'm right here. But yet when I challenge you,
[10:33 - 10:43] you punk out like a bitch. Like Marty, I told you already, bro. And you know this. You
[10:43 - 10:54] have my address. You have a car. Oh, pardon me. You have a car. So what's stopping you
[10:54 - 11:01] from coming up here, dude? You're always talking about how you can beat my ass. Get off your
[11:01 - 11:08] fat fucking lazy ass and do something, bro. I'm right here. You got my address, bro.
[11:08 - 11:16] Bring your fucking fat drunk ass up here. Seriously. Bring your ass up here. You got
[11:16 - 11:24] a car. You know you got a car. You got my fucking address. So instead of sitting on
[11:24 - 11:33] the computer talking shit about how you can beat my ass, why don't you actually get off
[11:33 - 11:45] your fucking ass, come up here and fucking do it. Seriously. Like I'll fight you anytime,
[11:45 - 11:54] any day, anywhere. Just bring your ass up here and we'll set something up. For real.
[11:54 - 11:59] We'll set up a fucking fight. Just bring your ass up here, bro. Get in your car and
[11:59 - 12:06] bring your fucking ass up here. No cop calling. None of that shit. Just me and you fucking
[12:06 - 12:15] knocking each other out. I have zero problem going round and round with you, man. Zero.
[12:15 - 12:21] I have zero problem going toe to toe with your ass, Marty. I'm not afraid of you. I'm
[12:21 - 12:31] not afraid to fight you. I'm really not. You might think I am, but I'm not. I've challenged
[12:31 - 12:40] you what? Three different times and all three times you pumped out like a bitch. And yet
[12:40 - 12:45] you sit there and talk about how you can beat my ass. Well, dude, you know what they
[12:45 - 12:55] say, Marty? Talk is fucking cheap, bro. Talk is cheap. So instead of talking about how
[12:55 - 13:02] you can beat my ass, why don't you actually bring your ass up here and actually show
[13:02 - 13:12] me that you can do it? Maybe then, maybe then I'll respect you. But until then, I cannot
[13:12 - 13:24] respect somebody who talks about beating someone's ass, but yet can never back it up. That's
[13:24 - 13:31] you. You can never back up anything you say when it comes to fighting because you and
[13:31 - 13:40] I both know I'll kick your fucking ass three ways from Sunday. You and I both know I'll
[13:40 - 13:50] knock your fucking ass out. We all know this. And yet you want to sit there and talk shit
[13:50 - 14:01] on me and how I can fight. Two, who's the one running like a bitch? Not me. As I said,
[14:01 - 14:10] I challenged you three different times. Yeah, what do you do? You run like a bitch. Every
[14:10 - 14:18] time you fucking run and you wonder why no one respects you. You wonder why no one likes
[14:18 - 14:27] you. Yeah, you may have more subs and views and shit, but guess who that's because of?
[14:27 - 14:34] Me. I'm the only reason you're getting views. I'm the only reason you're getting subs. People
[14:34 - 14:44] don't go there to watch your bullshit drama. They go there to watch me. Play this over.
[14:44 - 14:51] They go there to watch me and see how I destroy you and make you look like a fucking idiot
[14:51 - 14:58] in front of everyone every time. Like Marty, when are you going to get it through your
[14:58 - 15:03] head? You're never going to outsmart me. You're never going to be better than me. You're
[15:03 - 15:13] always going to be below me and you're always going to be a coward. Like you want to sit
[15:13 - 15:24] there and talk about how, oh, you got this, you've got that. Dude, nobody gives a fuck.
[15:24 - 15:31] Truly no one cares. Okay. No one gives a fuck how many subs you got, how many views
[15:31 - 15:39] you got. Nobody fucking cares. Okay. Nobody gives a fuck Marty. The only reason they come
[15:39 - 15:46] there is to watch me and see me embarrass you in front of you and your friend, in front
[15:46 - 15:54] of a snuggle cat and Tyler and all your little friends. That's the only reason why they watch
[15:54 - 16:01] because they love seeing me embarrassing the living shit out of you because you are literally
[16:01 - 16:09] the definition of not only a cyber bully, but you're also the definition of a classic
[16:09 - 16:17] narcissist. Every time I confront you, you try to bring up stuff that I've done. You're
[16:17 - 16:22] always like, well, but what about this? But what about that? Nah, dude, take a look in
[16:22 - 16:30] the fucking mirror, Marty. Like I told you last night, bro, take a look in the fucking
[16:30 - 16:39] mirror and judge yourself before judging someone else. Seriously, bro, judge yourself. And
[16:39 - 16:46] as I told you, mind your own business. Leave me to whatever the fuck I do. Leave my family
[16:46 - 16:53] the fuck alone and go about your business. And I told you this before, Marty, you got
[16:53 - 17:03] talent. You've got a talent for creating a buzz. Well, maybe if you would use that creativeness
[17:03 - 17:11] to create a buzz for good shit instead of attacking people, you might actually get
[17:11 - 17:18] somewhere. Wait, dude, if you're going to create music, first off, stop trying to copy
[17:18 - 17:22] my style because I ain't going to fucking work. Ain't nobody doing music like I do
[17:22 - 17:29] my music, bro. You ain't copying shit. You ain't mocking my shit. Ain't nobody doing
[17:29 - 17:36] my music the way that I do it. First off, second off, if you want to do music, find
[17:36 - 17:45] your own style. All right, find what style you're good with and use it, promote it,
[17:45 - 17:57] create a buzz around it like I know you can. All right, it's not that hard. Like seriously,
[17:57 - 18:03] it's not that fucking hard, bro. Why do you think I've worked with major up-and-coming
[18:03 - 18:10] artists like Bradley, who just happens to be one of my best friends? He's pretty much
[18:10 - 18:17] like my little brother. Why do you think I'm always getting people wanting me to feature
[18:17 - 18:25] with them? It's because one, I'm respectful towards them and towards the people they
[18:25 - 18:33] work with. And two, I don't sit there and steal other people's music like you do. I
[18:33 - 18:42] don't sit there and bully people like you do. And I don't sit there and act like something
[18:42 - 18:52] I'm not. That's all you, Marty. And you wonder why I have a job doing what I love with my
[18:52 - 19:01] music and my artwork. You wonder how I make money doing my artwork and my music. It's
[19:01 - 19:09] because the people I work with, I actually respect and I hold respect for and I hold
[19:09 - 19:19] high regards for. See, people love my art style because it's different. It's unlike
[19:19 - 19:25] anything anyone's ever seen before. It's groundbreaking. It's different. It's unique.
[19:25 - 19:33] It's its own style. And it's a style that I developed over time and people love what
[19:33 - 19:43] I do. So Marty, if you're going to do something, stop trying to copy someone else and find
[19:43 - 19:55] your own style, bro. Plain and simple, dog. Find your own fucking style. But most importantly,
[19:55 - 20:04] keep going after me and my family. Seriously, bro. Leave my family the fuck alone. Because
[20:04 - 20:10] if you don't leave them alone, shit's going to get ugly and I'm going to likely put your
[20:10 - 20:18] ass in the fucking hospital. Because you sit there and you attack my family and you
[20:18 - 20:24] expect me not to come after you when you've threatened their lives as well as mine. You
[20:24 - 20:31] don't think you don't deserve a fucking ass beating for that shit. You kind of do. You
[20:31 - 20:39] kind of do deserve an ass beating after everything you've fucking done. And believe me, I would
[20:39 - 20:48] gladly be the one to give it to you. I would gladly knock your fake ass out. Collaborately.
[20:48 - 20:54] But unfortunately, due to the fact that you're too much of a pussy to come face me, unfortunately,
[20:54 - 21:04] I can't. Which sucks, but hey, it is what it is because I know at the end of the day,
[21:04 - 21:11] you're nothing more than a dumb ass pussy coward talking shit up on the internet. That's
[21:11 - 21:21] all you are. You're a pussy ass coward running his fucking mouth like a bitch. See, Marty,
[21:21 - 21:27] the difference between me and you, the difference between me and you, I've actually been in
[21:27 - 21:36] several fights in my life. Okay? I've actually fought motherfuckers. Okay? I've actually
[21:36 - 21:44] been in real fights. But you, you haven't been in one single fucking fight. The only
[21:44 - 21:48] fight you've been in is the fight where you have to try to get about the chair because
[21:48 - 21:55] your fat fucking lower ass. That's the only fight you've been in. Well, that fight and
[21:55 - 22:01] having the fight not eating because you're overweight as fuck. Like, like I told you,
[22:01 - 22:07] Marty, if you need a membership to the gym, bro, I can get you a membership at Planet
[22:07 - 22:14] Fitness, bro. I can get you a membership down at Planet Fitness, bro. And I can, I
[22:14 - 22:21] can hook you up, man. You can hit the treadmill for as long as you want, dog. Just saying.
[22:21 - 22:28] I go down to Planet Fitness every weekend. I can hook you up. And that's no problem,
[22:28 - 22:33] man. Plus, I know one of the people that works here. So I mean, I can, I can get you
[22:33 - 22:42] a discount. Hell, I'll even work out with you, man. You hit the treadmill, I'll hit
[22:42 - 22:50] the fucking weights. You hit the treadmill, I'll hit the fucking bags, bro. Like, let's
[22:50 - 23:00] go. Like, because obviously you need to lose the weight. So like I said, man, the offers
[23:00 - 23:07] on the table, bro. Like, like I said, I'm in shape. I'm happy with my body. I'm happy
[23:07 - 23:14] with where I'm at. Because yeah, I may be a lightweight to you. But I'm actually in
[23:14 - 23:23] good shape. Unlike you who is overweight as fuck, can barely get off the fucking couch
[23:23 - 23:33] and make it to the fridge. You sit on your fat ass all day talking shit on people more
[23:33 - 23:42] specifically talking shit on me. And you wonder why you got obesity and weight problems.
[23:42 - 23:50] That's why. Because you literally refuse to get off the fucking couch. That's literally
[23:50 - 23:56] all you do. You sit on the internet and you wait for me to go live. Just so you can bash
[23:56 - 24:04] on me and attack me and my family and threaten our lives. Well, Marty, I hate to say, but
[24:04 - 24:26] your time's up. Your time for bullying me? Finito. Done. Over. KO. Knock the fuck out.
[24:26 - 24:47] Dead. Gone. Bye bye. Never coming back. Plain and simple, dude. Yo, I am paying that comment.
[24:47 - 24:59] That is facts. Marty is a motherfucking doughboy. What is he? The reject for the... Marty, speaking
[24:59 - 25:10] of which, how did you get that weight anyway? Did you try to audition for being the Pillsbury
[25:10 - 25:20] Doughboy and they rejected you? Did they reject you as the Pillsbury Doughboy? Is that why
[25:20 - 25:25] you're so overweight and miserable? Because they rejected you for being in the Pillsbury
[25:25 - 25:35] commercials? It sucks that that happened. But hey, I can't control that shit. That's
[25:35 - 25:41] on you, bro. That is on you. That ain't my fault that they rejected you, so you can't
[25:41 - 25:50] blame me for them not hiring you as the Pillsbury Doughboy. Just saying. Now, I'm pretty sure
[25:50 - 26:02] if you talk to the guys that made the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the Willy Wonka
[26:02 - 26:11] series, I'm pretty sure they'll give you a role in the sequel as an oompa loompa. And
[26:11 - 26:21] it is possible. Or how they may even give you a role in the next X-Men as blog. Like,
[26:21 - 26:27] come on, dude. Hell, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave you the role as the
[26:27 - 26:36] blog from X-Men because you look like the blog. Like, for real. Sorry, I'm just saying,
[26:36 - 26:41] bro. I mean, I can hook you up, dude. I know a few people. I can call some people and
[26:41 - 26:49] get you the role as either, like I said, the oompa loompa guy, one of the oompa loompas
[26:49 - 26:57] from the Willy Wonka movies, or I can hook you up as blog from X-Men, bro. You forget.
[26:57 - 27:06] I know people. You seem to forget this. You seem to forget that I actually have real
[27:06 - 27:15] connections to actors. Like, I can hook you up. Just saying, dude. If you want to be
[27:15 - 27:23] an actor that bad, I mean, I can hook you up. I mean, I can call Bo or Jeff or I can
[27:23 - 27:30] get ahold of JDF through his Facebook or whoever and be like, hey, I got somebody that wants
[27:30 - 27:36] to audition for a role. Can you hook him up? Like, can you hook him up with a heavyweight
[27:36 - 27:46] role like somebody that's been overweight? Like, let me know, dude. I'll hook you up.
[27:46 - 27:49] Just let me know, man. Let me know if you want to part. I'll hook you up. I'll hook
[27:49 - 27:58] you up fully, bro. We'll get you in as the oompa loompa or maybe as, like, a fat overweight
[27:58 - 28:07] dude that gets killed in a horror movie or, you know, whatever. Like, the pick is yours,
[28:07 - 28:16] dude. Like, just saying. I know people, bro. I can hook you up. Just let me know. Get
[28:16 - 28:35] that, man. Let me know, man. Now, I know what you're thinking, Marty. If I know all these
[28:35 - 28:46] people, if I know all these people, why is it that I'm not doing acting myself? Well,
[28:46 - 28:51] the answer to that is simple. I've just never really had an interest in doing acting on
[28:51 - 28:59] that level. I prefer to create my own films and do my own thing. Nothing wrong with that.
[28:59 - 29:07] A lot of people do it. It's called independent filmmaking. All right. Hell, everybody here
[29:07 - 29:13] remembers my film The Darkness and how well that did. And that turned out to be a fucking
[29:13 - 29:23] hit amongst everyone. That film turned out to be real good. Just saying. Plus, the talking
[29:23 - 29:38] wrench video is an iconic, funny video that everybody knows. Plus, I like my creative
[29:38 - 29:49] freedom. I like being able to create and have creative freedom to do whatever I want and
[29:49 - 30:12] free roam it. Oh, that was squishy. I got you. Wait, dude, you're not being timed out.
[30:12 - 30:35] That is 24 hours. Huh? That's weird. Like I said, Marty, if you really want the part
[30:35 - 30:46] that bad, like hell, I'll be honest, bro. I may even be able to get you into a movie
[30:46 - 30:57] as like a lightweight sumo wrestler. You know, you go to China, eat a little bit of food,
[30:57 - 31:02] get a little bit heavier than what you are now, become a lightweight sumo wrestler actor
[31:02 - 31:09] or hell. You can even become a sumo wrestler in general, dude. You can become a fucking
[31:09 - 31:21] an athlete, become a fucking sumo wrestler or hell, dude. I can probably try to talk
[31:21 - 31:27] to somebody and get you into wrestling school, make you maybe get you on a small time card
[31:27 - 31:37] as an amateur wrestler. Like, come on, dude. Like, I'm throwing you a bone after bone
[31:37 - 31:43] after bone here. Like, come on, bro. Like, take your pick. Like, what do you want? Do
[31:43 - 31:50] you want to be an overweight actor in a film becoming like a blob or an Oompa Loompa or
[31:50 - 31:58] whatever? Or do you want to be a sumo wrestler or do you want to be a regular heavyweight
[31:58 - 32:14] wrestler? Like, I'm giving you options here. Like, I'm giving you some serious options
[32:14 - 32:21] here that you can pick from, dude. For real. Like, I'm giving you options here, bro. Like,
[32:21 - 32:31] I'm trying to help you because you obviously can't help yourself. So, me being the nice
[32:31 - 32:39] guy I am, I'm trying to help you out and hook you up with the opportunities, bro. Just
[32:39 - 32:52] saying, man, I can hook you up. But, though, while I'm over here living my life, in order
[32:52 - 32:58] for you to be able to get those opportunities, like I said, I can help you get your foot
[32:58 - 33:04] in the door with those opportunities, but I can't guarantee that you'll get the part.
[33:04 - 33:10] Just saying. But, man, once you get your foot in the door, I can get you to the auditions
[33:10 - 33:20] or whatever. I can get you that shit. But, the rest, that's on you. I can get you there.
[33:20 - 33:25] I can contact the people that are getting you in contact with them and you can go from
[33:25 - 33:38] there, but the rest is on you. That's fine. Because, obviously, you ain't got a musically
[33:38 - 33:48] talented bone in your body unlike myself. You know, obviously, you ain't got a single
[33:48 - 33:58] fucking musically inclined bone in your fucking body. So, I figure next thing for you would
[33:58 - 34:05] be doing sumo wrestling or, you know, becoming that fat guy that gets killed first in a
[34:05 - 34:11] horror film. You know, that fat guy that usually gets murdered first is usually the
[34:11 - 34:16] fat guy trying to run from the serial killer and he winds up getting his head chopped
[34:16 - 34:23] off or whatever because he's starting to have fat that he sold shit down to you. Boy,
[34:23 - 34:40] I can hook you up with a role like that or whatever. But, Marty, you need to understand
[34:40 - 34:55] something. Fat guy murdered by them facts. But, like I said, Marty, the one thing you
[34:55 - 35:05] do need to do, though, in all seriousness, quit bringing my family into your bullshit
[35:05 - 35:13] and if you're going to fucking come after me, I'm right here. There's no need to involve
[35:13 - 35:24] people that don't need to be involved in it. You want me? I'm right here, bro. Just saying.
[35:24 - 35:42] So Marty, get a life. Look in the fucking mirror. Look at what you've done. Look at
[35:42 - 36:00] what you've freaking done. Like, you're nothing more than a fucking fat ass, overweight piece
[36:00 - 36:22] of shit, who runs his mouth on the internet thinking he's hard shit when he's not. Like,
[36:22 - 36:46] literally, quit the antics. Because nobody's into it. Planting someone, dude. Nobody's
[36:46 - 37:13] into it. Real Marty, get off YouTube and get a life. No, that's too brutal. I wouldn't
[37:13 - 37:20] do that to him. And hell, if anything, I don't even think the electric chair would
[37:20 - 37:36] do anything to him. Well, like I said, Marty, get your fat ass off of YouTube. Because bullies
[37:36 - 38:03] like you, legitimate bullies like you, Marty, have no place here. Now, you know what? Fuck
[38:03 - 38:23] that discord server. But Marty, I'm going to leave you with this. Okay? Get your fat
[38:23 - 38:37] lazy ass the fuck off of YouTube. Get a real fucking job and stop attacking me. Because
[38:37 - 38:48] if you don't, I can promise you if you don't stop attacking me and my family. Well, Marty,
[38:48 - 38:57] I can't guarantee your safety. Just saying. I can't guarantee your safety if you're going
[38:57 - 39:07] to continue to do this. I can't guarantee that you're not going to become Bubba's bitch
[39:07 - 39:18] by the end of it. Now, if you were to back off and leave me alone and leave my family
[39:18 - 39:29] alone, and then we might be able to talk. But you know how that song dance goes. So
[39:29 - 39:38] I got to say, Marty, I'm just going to take you, throw you to the wolves and just let
[39:38 - 39:44] him eat your ass alive because I got better shit to do. I actually got a training camp
[39:44 - 39:52] on UFC for to get back to for the CFC competition coming up. I need to get back to training
[39:52 - 40:07] and practicing. I got shit I need to do. So I will catch you whenever. See ya loser.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1772' on August 18th, 2024