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Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on January 9th, 2023
Original upload date: March 20th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:29] What's up you guys. You know, I find you real amusing Marty. I really do. And do you want
[0:29 - 0:48] to know why I find you so amusing? Because you think that you can control me and what
[0:48 - 1:04] I do. You think that you're the greatest thing since Swiss fucking cheese. Well here's some
[1:04 - 1:11] truth to your eyes bro. You ain't the best thing since Swiss cheese bro. You ain't no
[1:11 - 1:22] hard ass either. Just cause you can hack and shut down internet don't need a damn thing.
[1:22 - 1:44] Sorry I'll have to send my vpn up quick. We'll give you a video. But Marty you're going
[1:44 - 1:53] to listen and you're going to listen good. You're going to stop right now. You're going
[1:53 - 2:19] to stop what you're doing. I know you're alive and probably watching this dude. Marty
[2:19 - 2:26] you know that because of you Marty. Because of you Marty. Last night I almost took my
[2:26 - 2:37] own life. I attempted to take my own life because of you last night. Last night I almost
[2:37 - 2:46] fucking killed myself. Because of you and what you're fucking doing to me. And you
[2:46 - 2:54] wonder why I get pissed off and rage out at you. It's because of what you fucking do
[2:54 - 3:08] to me. You've been bullying me for years man. And it needs to stop. Enough's enough
[3:08 - 3:24] Marty. You think what you do is okay by making videos of me attacking me. And then you got
[3:24 - 3:30] your little bitch fucking latin dog schmeklkat and Tyler and why both your little fucking
[3:30 - 3:40] slack jog and lackeys to fucking do your dirty work. Like bro you need to fucking
[3:40 - 3:51] quit. Like I said Marty because of you I almost took my life last night. If it wasn't
[3:51 - 4:00] for my family. If it wasn't for my family and my girlfriend. Stepping in and saving
[4:00 - 4:11] my ass. I might not be here. Last night was my breaking point because of your little
[4:11 - 4:19] fucking ass dude. I almost ended my life because of you Marty. Because of you and
[4:19 - 4:34] what you do to me. You think what you do to me is fair and it's not. And I can promise
[4:34 - 4:38] you Marty you are going to end up in court and I'm going to be the one to fucking drag
[4:38 - 4:44] you there. I promise you that dude. Cause Monday me and my family are going down to
[4:44 - 4:49] the legal aid to get a lawyer to have your ass put behind bars where you fucking belong
[4:49 - 4:59] dude. Cause what you did is not right. And what you do is not right. See these mother
[4:59 - 5:09] fucking bullies like you that I can't stand. Little punk ass fucking egotistical bitches
[5:09 - 5:16] self centered little punk ass one of these like you that think they're hot shit. That
[5:16 - 5:24] think everybody owes them something. Like they fucking rule the goddamn world. Bitch
[5:24 - 5:37] you don't rule shit. And you sure as fuck don't rule my life. If anyone's anyone's
[5:37 - 5:48] bitch you're my bitch. I ain't your bitch. I own you Marty. I fucking own your ass. All
[5:48 - 5:54] your videos are on me. All your videos are about me. And they contain my face which
[5:54 - 6:07] by all technical terms means your channel belongs to me. Straight the fuck up. So Marty
[6:07 - 6:16] why'd you stop being a lit dick little fucking bitch ass coward and bring your fucking faggot
[6:16 - 6:24] ass up here if you want to be my ass so bad. For real if you want to be my ass that goddamn
[6:24 - 6:31] bad Marty. If you want to see me fucking dead so bad why would you bring your punk
[6:31 - 6:39] ass up here and do something. Bring your punk ass up here and do something man. Stop
[6:39 - 6:46] sitting on your fat fucking lazy ass like a bitch. You're a coward. Same with you Shmekoket.
[6:46 - 6:52] You're a punk ass coward too. Honestly I don't blame your girlfriend for fucking waving
[6:52 - 7:00] you bro. Anyone in the right mind wouldn't be with either of you two fucking idiots.
[7:00 - 7:08] No one likes you guys because of what you do. You sit up on the internet and you fucking
[7:08 - 7:16] bully people for no goddamn reason. It's time to grow up Marty and stop being a little
[7:16 - 7:31] fucking bitch. You need to stop being a little punk ass bitch hiding me on a fucking camera.
[7:31 - 7:41] You stupid ass piece of shit waste of space. You're a port. You're literally the worst.
[7:41 - 7:53] You're a shitty ass excuse of a human being you know that. You really are a fucking monster.
[7:53 - 8:03] You're a fucking little bitch ass fucking loser. And you're trying to make me look
[8:03 - 8:08] like the bad guy when I'm just simply defending myself against your fucking bullshit. Really
[8:08 - 8:17] nigga. Really bro. You're a punk ass bitch. And then you have the balls to sit there and
[8:17 - 8:24] attack me. And then when I fire back after you fucking threaten my life and I fire back
[8:24 - 8:34] at you. You get pissed off. You get offended. Nigga you don't have that right to get pissed
[8:34 - 8:42] off or offended bro. You're the one that starts the attacks. You're the one that does
[8:42 - 8:52] this shit. I'm not gonna sit here and be some fucking pushover like you Marty. Unlike you
[8:52 - 8:59] I'm a fucking god in this underground music scene. Unlike you I bust my ass on everything
[8:59 - 9:06] I fucking do. Unlike you I have a sense of reality. Unlike you I'm not delusional self-centered
[9:06 - 9:12] little bitch who runs his mouth on the internet thinking he's a hard ass. Thinking he can
[9:12 - 9:20] walk all over people. Guess what motherfucker you can't walk all over people. Nobody gives
[9:20 - 9:26] a fuck if you got money. Money don't mean a goddamn thing when it comes to what you're
[9:26 - 9:36] doing to me. Money don't mean jack shit. So Marty you could take that money, shut up
[9:36 - 9:44] your fucking ass and go fuck yourself. Cause I'm tired of it bro. I'm tired of being pushed
[9:44 - 9:51] around by you. You think you're the God of a human being nigga wake up. You have nothing
[9:51 - 9:57] more than a low life fucking piece of shit that needs this fucking ass to do within
[9:57 - 10:04] an inch of his life. You're a fucking classic definition of a narcissistic little fucking
[10:04 - 10:13] bitch. You need to put your fucking ego in check nigga. You need to check your fucking
[10:13 - 10:22] ego and bring it down a notch. You think you're this bad ass macho motherfucker just cause
[10:22 - 10:29] you hide behind the internet and you do shit in the shadows. Nigga if I were you I'd be
[10:29 - 10:35] hiding in the shadows too bro because you're ugly as fuck. Like what happened did your
[10:35 - 10:40] mom and daddy not like you so they gave you to the fucking ugly force and let you hit
[10:40 - 10:45] every branch on the way down bro? Is that why you look so fucked up? Cause you hit every
[10:45 - 10:54] branch in the ugly tree on the way down? Is that why or did your mommy and daddy or did
[10:54 - 11:05] your mom have incest with your uncle or your like her family and come out with you. Like
[11:05 - 11:12] which is it did you fall from the ugly tree or did your mom have incest with your grandfather
[11:12 - 11:22] and pop out with your ass? Like for real bro like you look ugly as fuck and you kinda
[11:22 - 11:29] need the I would say go to the Halloween shop and get a mask for Halloween for half
[11:29 - 11:40] off sale you know at like party city or over at fucking Walmart or Dollar Tree or wherever
[11:40 - 11:44] but I forgot it's always Halloween for you because you're always wearing that ugly ass
[11:44 - 11:49] fucking mask. I forgot it's always Halloween for you because you always got that ugly
[11:49 - 11:54] ass fucking mask on. That's why you hide your face cause you're so damn ugly.
[11:54 - 12:14] Well yes well yes I may not have any hair on my fucking head really at all. Dude you're
[12:14 - 12:22] overweight you're a fucking bully you do nothing but attack people so who's the ugly
[12:22 - 12:41] one? It sure as fuck ain't me. That's your ass. See your looks you might be good looking
[12:41 - 12:48] on the outside to some people but it's your attitude it's your personality that makes
[12:48 - 12:56] you ugly as fuck your personality is what makes you ugly. How you treat people is what
[12:56 - 13:04] makes you a fucking monster. See unlike you bro I try to treat people with dignity with
[13:04 - 13:12] fucking respect cause I was grown up being a respectful person I was taught to respect
[13:12 - 13:40] people I was taught to never do what you do with people man. Bye CIA ho you stupid little
[13:40 - 13:56] bitch. He's talking about my biological piece of shit sperm donor. But I'll be getting
[13:56 - 14:09] into that in another video but right now I wanna take this negativity and turn it into
[14:09 - 14:35] something dope for you guys. Let's see.
[14:35 - 15:36] You're a fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch.
[15:36 - 16:02] I could be angry. You know I could be just like you. I could be fake. I could be just
[16:02 - 16:18] like you. You thought you were standing beside me. You were only in my way. You were only
[16:18 - 16:40] in my way. You were only in my way. You were only in my way. You were only in my way.
[16:40 - 16:52] You were only thinking of just like you. I could be cold. I could be ruthless. You know
[16:52 - 17:04] I could be just like you. I could be weak. I could be senseless. You know I could be
[17:04 - 17:23] just like you. Like you. You thought you were standing beside me. You were only in my way.
[17:23 - 17:32] You were only thinking of just like you. You thought you were standing beside me. You were
[17:32 - 17:46] only in my way. You were only thinking of just like you. On my own. 'Cause I'm continuing
[17:46 - 18:02] with you. I'm alone. So I will turn down like you want me to. You thought you were standing
[18:02 - 18:12] beside me. You were only in my way. You were only thinking of just like you. You thought
[18:12 - 18:20] you were standing beside me. You were only in my way. You were only thinking of just
[18:20 - 18:31] like you. You thought you were standing beside me. You were only in my way. You were only
[18:31 - 18:47] in my way. I could be weak. I could be angry. You know I could be just like you. But the
[18:47 - 18:57] truth is Marty, I'm nothing like you. And whoever keeps on unblocking CIA Hill, knock
[18:57 - 19:03] it the fuck off. 'Cause if I find out who's unblocking him, I'm banning your asses and
[19:03 - 19:18] ripping your fucking wrench. Hey Simeon why don't you all fuck yourself you spineless
[19:18 - 19:38] pig. I'd say it's time to show you what you turned me into Marty. Yeah I'm coming. I wake
[19:38 - 19:42] up every morning with my head up in a daze. I'm not sure if I should say this fuck or
[19:42 - 19:47] say it anyway. Everybody try to tell me that I'm going through a phase. I don't know if
[19:47 - 19:51] it's a phase. I just want to get okay. Yeah I'm dang it with depression but the question
[19:51 - 19:55] still remains. 'Cause it's bullshit man it's stressing more. I'm not suppressing rape.
[19:55 - 19:59] My doctor tried to tell me that I'm going through a phase. Yeah it's not a fucking phase.
[19:59 - 20:04] I just want to get okay. Okay. Yeah I struggle with this bullshit every day. It's probably
[20:04 - 20:11] just my demons. I don't think he has a rape. He'll play and don't rape me. Nah he'll let
[20:11 - 20:21] me. 'Bout to break down. Searching for a way out. Not in the world but she was unbelievable.
[20:21 - 20:29] Oh fuck it up. Fuck it up. Monster. Break down. Falling into love. Now we're falling
[20:29 - 20:44] into love. Young popular, popular, monster. I'm going nowhere like a rat churning a maze
[20:44 - 20:49] every wall and I'm not gonna just walk in our place. I'm gonna race against myself by
[20:49 - 20:54] trying to keep a steady pace. I'm a localized state if I never close my case. Oh my god
[20:54 - 20:58] I keep on stressing every second then I win. There's another second sooner to a blessing
[20:58 - 21:02] I will test. Another therapist won't tell me that I'm going through a stage. Yeah it's
[21:02 - 21:08] not a fucking stage. I just want to feel okay. Oh came motherfucker now you got my attention.
[21:08 - 21:12] You need to change your code with these cuz something is missing. What if I don't want
[21:12 - 21:29] to die till you win with these. Everything will fucking die. Gotta try not to look great.
[21:29 - 21:54] So I'm searching for a way out. Come on. Real nothing. Fuck it up. Monster. Fuck it. Monster.
[21:54 - 22:08] All right Cindy be fucking honest for a minute. Are you the one that's actually unbanning
[22:08 - 22:20] this douchebag? Like be honest is that you that's actually unbanning him or is he just
[22:20 - 22:38] talking shit? Somehow I doubt. I doubt that it's either of you guys. I really do. I highly
[22:38 - 22:52] doubt that it's either of you guys.
[22:52 - 23:18] Ready? Alexa resume show. Resuming. What is that? That's the end you let you touch me.
[23:18 - 23:42] Can you make the next season? Imagine, you know, let's get dark.
[23:42 - 24:07] I cannot take this anymore. It's the only thing I said before. There'll be something
[24:07 - 24:17] I hear them as you say you'll find that I'm in your world. Every day you say I'm there.
[24:17 - 24:31] Put the one that's on the edge and I'm about to break. I put the answers on so clear. Wish
[24:31 - 24:39] I could find a way to do something. No, these songs make no sense. I find this thing need
[24:39 - 24:45] no rants. Nothing seems to go away. Over and over again.
[24:45 - 24:59] Take the one that's on the edge and I'm about to break. I put the one that's on the edge
[24:59 - 25:15] and I'm about to break. I put the one that's on the edge and I'm about to break. I know
[25:15 - 25:25] how y'all are fucking doing it. I know how you're doing it. And it ain't Tange or anybody
[25:25 - 25:31] unblocking you. I know you motherfuckers got my goddamn IP address. I know what you're
[25:31 - 25:38] doing. I know exactly what you're fucking doing. Y'all punk ass bitches that are unblocking
[25:38 - 25:45] yourselves. You're going in and use my IP address to sneak into my shit to unblock yourselves.
[25:45 - 25:56] Well guess what bitch? I'm going to be that nigga that keeps blocking your asses. Like
[25:56 - 26:18] that. Bye pussy. Oh, I'm a joke am I? In my head again. Pending war inside my own skin.
[26:18 - 26:48] You're the cow. I love myself, but the fever will make. I'm
[26:48 - 26:58] known to the pleasure, but still feel the pain. I told you that so to cover your eyes.
[26:58 - 27:26] My soul would cheat with the truth, wouldn't you dare me to lie. I keep an eye on my son.
[27:26 - 27:45] Still calling me on your voices. Voices. As I walk through this valley of shallows and
[27:45 - 27:55] tests. I curse not to wicked. I praise not the blessed, but so to my sons. To die in
[27:55 - 28:07] a change. If it will recur, you go the brain. Voices in my head again. Pending me the war
[28:07 - 28:16] I can win. I can hear them now. Treading a cane inside my own skin. It's I don't know
[28:16 - 28:30] myself anymore. They're calling me on their voices. Don't want to live up. So callous
[28:30 - 28:43] and broken. I'm being hopeless. I don't want to live forever. I just want to live right
[28:43 - 29:02] now. You can't save me from me. Voices in my head again. Pending me the war I can win.
[29:02 - 29:13] I can hear them now. Treading a cane inside my own skin. It's I don't know myself anymore.
[29:13 - 29:37] They're calling me on their voices. Voices. They're calling me on their voices.
[29:37 - 29:49] They're calling me on their voices. They're calling me on their voices. They're calling
[29:49 - 30:10] me on my voices. They're calling me on their voices. They're calling me on their voices.
[30:10 - 30:33] Why? Because I fucking do what I enjoy to try to help other people? Fuck that.
[30:33 - 30:59] Why? Because I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people? Because I fucking do what
[30:59 - 31:28] I enjoy to help other people? Because I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking
[31:28 - 31:54] do what I enjoy to help others. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking
[31:54 - 38:58] do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking
[38:58 - 39:04] do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do
[39:04 - 40:28] what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do
[40:28 - 40:34] what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I
[40:34 - 45:40] enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I
[45:40 - 45:46] want to do. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other
[45:46 - 46:52] people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other people. I fucking do what I enjoy to help other
[46:52 - 46:58] people. I fucking stop. I need to fuck the way out. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm always
[46:58 - 47:04] listening to motherfucking fear because I don't know what to do.
[47:04 - 47:12] It's like nobody fucking understands what the fuck I go through.
[47:12 - 47:18] Yeah, people want to judge.
[47:18 - 47:32] I don't get it. I'm so fucking scared every night and day for my family's fucking lives.
[47:32 - 47:40] Every time they attack my family by sending them motherfucker rope, telling me to fucking kill
[47:40 - 47:47] myself like I fucking won't. Bitch, I done tried that. I am here on this earth to save lives, yeah.
[47:47 - 47:54] What the fuck you know about waking up every day wanting to end your own motherfucking life because
[47:54 - 48:01] of everything everybody always fucking put you through. Why do you a narcissistic little fucking
[48:01 - 48:10] bitch? I'm so fucking sick of you. You ain't got a fucking clue.
[48:11 - 48:22] Why is it that you can't just leave me the fuck out?
[48:22 - 50:01] [silence]
[50:01 - 50:11] I'm so fucking sick of penis demon dance. Everybody making me out of pain. Everybody
[50:11 - 50:24] want to fucking judge me. I don't fucking understand. Everybody want to make me fucking
[50:24 - 50:36] feel. I don't understand. What do I do to deserve this? Why is it that everybody can't
[50:36 - 50:44] just go the fuck away? Let me stay in my own name. Let me do what I need to do. So I'm
[50:44 - 50:53] not always waking up with this PTSD. Always taking a thought. Motherfucking suicide every
[50:53 - 51:01] day, every night. I'm always thinking maybe I'm better off dying. Maybe I'm better off
[51:01 - 51:12] taking my own life, not being in this fucking world. So dance. I don't feel like I'm a
[51:12 - 51:21] motherfucker burning on anyone. I don't understand how the fuck I even got this way.
[51:21 - 51:33] This is not who I wanted to become. I don't understand. How did I get here?
[51:33 - 51:41] [silence]
[51:41 - 51:44] This isn't me.
[51:44 - 51:55] Every day when I look in the fucking mirror I don't recognize myself anymore. All I see
[51:55 - 52:04] is this fucking ugly-ass demon that everybody turned me into. Now I just don't know what
[52:04 - 52:15] to do. I'm so fucking scared I turn around, try to find a little help, but nobody fucking
[52:15 - 52:28] cares. It's like nobody gives a fuck about what I'm going through. And nobody gives a
[52:28 - 52:35] fuck because I no matter where I turn to, no matter who I reach out to, nothing gets
[52:35 - 53:03] done. And I just don't know what to do.
[53:03 - 53:15] [silence]
[53:15 - 53:40] Everybody motherfucking at the light to fucking know me at the light to get into something
[53:40 - 53:45] positive. But the truth is, everybody always want to try to be something that the motherfucking
[53:45 - 53:51] they don't understand. This music shit is all I've motherfucking got. This is my release.
[53:51 - 53:58] This is my motherfucking therapy. I'm so sick of the motherfucking bullshit. Y'all act
[53:58 - 54:07] like you motherfucking know. Go ahead and say what you want about me every single night
[54:07 - 54:14] and day. I'm stepping up to the motherfucking mic so maybe I can put my motherfucking story
[54:14 - 54:19] out there. That way you can save a life in the motherfucking end. Yeah, I might have
[54:19 - 54:28] suicide on my motherfucking mind every fucking day, but it's the bullying. And naming this
[54:28 - 54:37] motherfucking way, what else can I say? All I know is that I want this motherfucking shit
[54:37 - 54:46] to end. I'm so motherfucking sick of this shit. Everybody at the light, they got the
[54:46 - 55:01] motherfucking right to attack me. They don't see what I see. Sorry bro, I'm independent
[55:01 - 55:10] bitch. I'm doing this shit on my own independently. Don't need no motherfucking label at all. I'm
[55:10 - 55:17] reaching for the fucking stars. I'm doing this on my motherfucking own if I don't do
[55:17 - 55:25] this on my own. I cannot stand on my own two feet. Yeah, I'm going to make a stand. I've
[55:25 - 55:33] got to take back my motherfucking throne. I don't give a fuck. I'm proud of you, man.
[55:33 - 55:41] No labels. I ain't going to let you throw me no fucking bone. Because I do this shit
[55:41 - 55:52] independent and it stays that way. I don't bow down to mainstream bitches, okay? Everything
[55:52 - 55:59] I've got, I've built from the fucking crown to my fan base. The people that I work with
[55:59 - 56:08] every fucking day, we got nothing but respect for each other. So all you mainstream fucking
[56:08 - 56:33] names, kid, get the fuck on and go away. If you've ever had a clean spaghetti off the
[56:33 - 56:40] ceiling, you've compromised enough. My sub has steak. My sub has bacon. Now by one sub,
[56:40 - 57:04] get 150% off in the app. Let's go.
[57:04 - 57:21] Don't maintain, I'm from motherfucking nothing. Everybody at the left, they're going to do
[57:21 - 57:27] something. Everybody always trying to attack me at the light. They want to fucking kick
[57:27 - 57:35] at me. Y'all don't motherfucking know anything, so get the fuck away from me. Every day you
[57:35 - 57:45] want to try to attack me, thinking that you know me. Take a look around, everybody screaming
[57:45 - 57:57] my name. Cause I built everything that I got from the crown top and I keep an independent
[57:57 - 58:02] bitch. What the fuck, song? I do this shit independently, been in my shit since I was
[58:02 - 58:08] fucking 16. Ain't nobody stopping me, I'm on the fucking rise. Yeah, that's motherfucking
[58:08 - 58:15] right, shadow day is back, and this fucking bitch scar plays his fucking back, and I'm
[58:15 - 58:21] on the attack. So don't you sit there and act like you're gonna fucking stop and yell
[58:21 - 58:26] back again. Yeah, that's right, the demon king is back, and ain't no way I'm looking
[58:26 - 58:33] back. Coming out with a brand new record, scar tissue to show everything that I fucking
[58:33 - 58:40] came through. Everybody always want to throw me a fucking bone from a fucking label. Ain't
[58:40 - 58:49] no way I'm bowing down to a mention fucking label. I will do this shit on my fucking own.
[58:49 - 58:56] Cause I'm my own person and I don't give a fuck about what their new body says. I'm
[58:56 - 59:07] gonna keep on building myself up and turn them dead. So don't sit there and act like
[59:07 - 59:14] I'm not anything you know. Y'all look out in your heads to this bad ass motherfucking
[59:14 - 59:21] music. Y'all know that every time I do nothing but step into the fucking booth, I'm always
[59:21 - 59:26] spitting everything including the motherfucking truth. Ain't no way I'm gonna spit down
[59:26 - 59:33] the lie every day. All y'all little faint ass wannabes just want to try to get me to
[59:33 - 59:39] motherfucking die. Ain't no way I'm never gonna bow down. Bitch I'm on the rise, this
[59:39 - 59:47] is my year, my time. Ain't no way I'm gonna go away. I'm on the fucking rise, ain't no
[59:47 - 59:54] way I'm not looking back. Fuck all y'all fucking haters y'all can't suck on my motherfucking
[59:54 - 60:01] dick. Cause I'm on the rise, ain't no way I'm ever gonna be shut down. This year is
[60:01 - 60:10] my time. So motherfucking shine ain't no way I'm ever running out of time. Yeah that's
[60:10 - 60:19] why everything I say I'm gonna do I'm always fucking through. All y'all wannabes play the
[60:19 - 60:27] back of me. Get the fuck up out of the way because I'm coming through. Don't act like
[60:27 - 60:36] y'all gonna do anything cause compared to you I'm a god and you're just nothing.
[60:36 - 61:04] The question is, which came first? It's who gets to take home that adorable little Reese's
[61:04 - 61:10] egg. Hey what's up, I'm going to the dog food, I'll catch y'all later man. Thanks for
[61:10 - 61:12] having me out there.
[61:12 - 61:15] [MUSIC]
Transcribed by as id '1802' on August 18th, 2024