Original upload date: March 16th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:11] What's up you guys it's your boy, Cyrus and I'm back on the channel with some Crew 2.
[0:11 - 0:40] Now you guys don't know, alright just an update, oh we got a summit season race.
[0:40 - 0:56] What do you guys all know man, Crew 2 is definitely one of my personal favorite games, I do race
[0:56 - 1:02] on here against other players from time to time doing battles whenever they're on, but
[1:02 - 1:08] most of the time I'm on here, I'm trying to break records, I'm trying to you know trying
[1:08 - 1:37] to do my thing man, now we are on both controller and
[1:37 - 1:44] heal for the day, I use the controller to you know move my guy around and I'll use
[1:44 - 1:53] the stuff when I run the race man, but I'm about to show you guys my garage here, got
[1:53 - 2:01] a beautiful old school Mercedes right off the rip man looking super clean, super good
[2:01 - 2:17] right off the rip, I think you can see it, there we go, and then right behind me we got
[2:17 - 2:29] my beautiful Mustang which I did pick up, I did pick this up from the vanity shop which
[2:29 - 2:38] I love, I love that Mustang, and then over here we got my beautiful Ferrari FXXK which
[2:38 - 2:44] I do like using that as for hypercar races but not a whole lot.
[2:44 - 2:51] Now over here is some of my favorites right here, you got the beautiful, beautiful Aston
[2:51 - 3:04] Martin Vantage, love that Vantage dude, one of my favorites, got my Audi R8 Sport, can
[3:04 - 3:16] never remember what this one is, this is the C8 Alireon by Spiker, I've never remember
[3:16 - 3:22] that company, and then you got my drift Evo right here which I absolutely love, I use
[3:22 - 3:28] that for not a lot of drift events, I'm still building it, and then you got my street race
[3:28 - 3:32] Corvette right here which I fucking love this thing, it's one of my personal favorites
[3:32 - 3:48] to use, and this is just my main garage man, this isn't even counting my other one, let's
[3:48 - 3:55] head over to my main, my main main one which is all the way over here, I'm going to show
[3:55 - 3:59] you guys my main garage as you guys can see, I've still got a bunch of events I haven't
[3:59 - 4:07] done yet that I need to do, now this garage right here is my personal favorite one for
[4:07 - 4:18] a good reason too man, obviously, now this is my main drift car, for good drift events,
[4:18 - 4:26] this is my main one right here, my 370Z Nismo, fucking love that thing, it's one of my personal
[4:26 - 4:32] favorites, not even a lot, it's definitely my favorite of mine, got my military bomber
[4:32 - 4:42] jet right here for jet races and plane races, and this is the Spitfire MKIX, fucking love
[4:42 - 4:47] that car, you know I had to go a little bit old school man, had to do some World War II
[4:47 - 4:56] type street up in there, you can't go wrong with doing World War II stuff man, you gotta
[4:56 - 5:02] have some sort of history in your garage, here we go, let's start on this side right
[5:02 - 5:16] here, got my beautiful beautiful ass hot rod that I use for just cruising and chilling,
[5:16 - 5:24] this is my daily driver cruising and chill car meet car, hot rod, very nice, seems like
[5:24 - 5:33] all y'all that's right I forgot I had suicide doors, if you guys look it does have suicide
[5:33 - 5:43] doors, and then over here got my beautiful El Dorado bro home which is another cruising
[5:43 - 5:49] chill car that I use, this I use for just cruising around and shit, well if I'm ever
[5:49 - 5:56] with the guys and shit, and we just want to cruise, this is the car I do it in man,
[5:56 - 6:04] now this right here is my main hyper car racer, which is the McLaren P1, super fun
[6:04 - 6:15] car to drive, absolutely love it, and yes you guys are seeing that right, yes I have
[6:15 - 6:32] my Nismo here too, don't know why it's over there too, but yes
[6:32 - 6:41] I have the Red Bull Mustang, or the Red Bull Mazda, had to do it, and that's another drift
[6:41 - 6:48] car that I use, and then I've got the old school version of Ken Block Sunicorn, aha
[6:48 - 6:56] two of my favorites, I got Dom's Charger right here, I got Dominic Toretto's Charger,
[6:56 - 7:03] only I threw on a different blower, don't know why I did that, but I got Dom's Charger
[7:03 - 7:12] for three races, now this right here is my personal daily driver bike, this is the Harley
[7:12 - 7:20] Davidson Street Glide, absolutely love this car man, one of my personal favorites honestly,
[7:20 - 7:29] definitely a personal favorite of mine for sure, absolutely love the Street Glide, but
[7:29 - 7:39] now that I've showed off my garage, man, let's get to some racing, let's get to some
[7:39 - 8:05] motherfucking racing, what up we gotta stop the third hour, let's throw down on a, let's
[8:05 - 8:21] say a rally raid, I'm not doing hovercraft man I suck at hovercraft, let's see what
[8:21 - 8:27] events I haven't done yet, oh I haven't done the Midwest Golden Trail or the Swallowing
[8:27 - 8:36] Woods, dude there's a few here I haven't done, what the heck, alright let's hit up
[8:36 - 9:06] Midwest Golden Trail, that sounds a bit pretty guys, let's see if I can switch out cars
[9:06 - 9:13] or am I stuck with this car, oh no okay okay we can use different cars, sweet, oh what
[9:13 - 9:23] one do I want to go with, this one has 90, that one has 84, that one has 78, 66, this
[9:23 - 9:30] one's another personal favorite, I do like that one a lot, let's get the heck with it
[9:30 - 9:41] man let's get the proto buggy, let's go with the buggy man, let's rip it up, go with the
[9:41 - 10:07] prototype doing buggy man, and yes we have knobs on this thing too which I like, oh
[10:07 - 10:36] shit, shit's about to get bumpy man, oh I like that, good thing we got nitrous,
[10:36 - 10:50] so only too far behind for long, hopefully we can break some records today that would
[10:50 - 11:02] be cool if we could actually break a world record, oh shit handbrake we're good, I love
[11:02 - 11:16] using that handbrake man, it comes in hand use for these kinds of races, oh shit that
[11:16 - 11:21] way I didn't hit any of them, you know what let's restart that right quick because that
[11:21 - 11:36] was actually a terrible start man, not pro yet but we'll be going pro hopefully soon,
[11:36 - 11:47] so I can't really say I'm a professional yet but hopefully soon I will be man, whoo
[11:47 - 12:02] whoo out here killing it, let's go, I'm going this way man, fuck going the other way I'm
[12:02 - 12:23] going this way, I'm not getting stuck by that tree again man, can I put this through
[12:23 - 12:31] you, yeah tight squeeze but we got it, oh shit that right there was sketchy, that was
[12:31 - 12:51] sketchy as fuck not even going to lie, I did not think I was going to make that, alright
[12:51 - 13:06] so so far we're ahead of the target time, which is good, go around this, thank you,
[13:06 - 13:26] oh god why don't I choose this route, oh god, oh shit we got a ramp, excuse me, damn they
[13:26 - 13:42] are not making this course easy, shit dude, thank god I got into that, I don't give a
[13:42 - 13:46] fuck if there's a ramp right there, I know I could have hit that but I don't care, I'm
[13:46 - 13:53] just trying to get this crazy ass race done, oh thank god, this shit is so sketchy right
[13:53 - 14:04] now man, holy shit dude, I'm like literally playing dodge the trees right now, some people
[14:04 - 14:24] play dodge the traffic, I play dodge the fucking trees in the woods man, shit, crap
[14:24 - 14:39] now I'm behind the target time, that's alright though I'm not too far behind, man you got
[14:39 - 14:57] to make this shit sketchy don't you, they are not making this easy man, it's like they
[14:57 - 15:17] want me to suffer, oh let's go, can we beat our objective, yes we pulled on it, stomp
[15:17 - 15:27] that e-brake, dude that was sketchy as fuck, not gonna lie that was wild, oh I only got
[15:27 - 15:37] some parts for the car, thank you, dude that was super sketchy, not even gonna lie that
[15:37 - 15:44] was holy shit, I hope I never had to do that again, I hope to god I don't have a race
[15:44 - 16:03] like that again, that was super sketchy, oh yo, someone would be able to actually do
[16:03 - 16:16] something with that, that would have been cool man, just fucking boater across the
[16:16 - 16:38] wall, hold on we actually got parts for this thing and I didn't even know it, how did I
[16:38 - 16:50] do that, yo I'm gonna have to use this thing, I'm gonna have to use that off-road by the
[16:50 - 17:15] time that's, actually looks fun, ooh you know what let's do some demolition derby man, let's
[17:15 - 17:33] hit up some demo derby, let's see if they're all the same, yeah they're pretty much all
[17:33 - 18:01] the same, doing some damage man, we're about to go recsest on this shit, okay, I'm gonna
[18:01 - 18:29] have to go recsest on this shit, excuse me, no sir, no sir thank you, I'm an asshole,
[18:29 - 18:56] where'd you guys go, oh I see you sir, aw damn, out the way sir, yeah sit down bitch,
[18:56 - 19:12] get rekt sir, see ya, dude we're straight tearing these guys up right now, oh sideswipe
[19:12 - 19:26] the man, aw dude got me caught right there, shit, that's alright though man we can get
[19:26 - 19:55] our spot back, aw dude got launched, aw I almost hit him, come on, see ya, see ya,
[19:55 - 20:16] oh really now sir, really you want to play bumper cars huh, we'll play bumper cars, we'll
[20:16 - 20:33] play bumper cars, going through and I lost and tired, and I got no fucking repairs,
[20:33 - 20:58] I literally have no fucking repairs left, damn that just put me in a good spot, damn
[20:58 - 21:28] we got a spot on Shawn, no no no, oh we're in second, ah shit ran right into the fucking
[21:28 - 21:48] wall, dude
[21:48 - 22:17] how did I not tap that man, alright I know I can do better than that, alright I know
[22:17 - 22:45] I can do better than that, oh double points, alright, I'm going to play bumper cars, I'm
[22:45 - 23:06] going to play bumper cars, dude I scraped this fucking door, how did I not hit him,
[23:06 - 23:27] and I'll take my spot back, damn delicious what the fuck, is that even a word, aw I
[23:27 - 23:55] got creams man, fuck, oh shit, shit, I got you, oh shit, I got you, oh shit, oh shit,
[23:55 - 25:15] fuck, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,
[25:15 - 25:42] alright now I'm doing so hot this round man, shit, why this time I was nailing this shit
[25:42 - 26:07] out of it, now it just fucking suck, I'm getting destroyed every which way, oh damn,
[26:07 - 26:37] fuck, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,
[26:37 - 26:42] fuck, I know I can nail first on this, I just gotta be smart about how I do it, let's
[26:42 - 27:07] try that one more time, let's see what I can do, fuck, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,
[27:07 - 27:27] fuck, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,
[27:27 - 27:49] I have no idea how the hell I survive that, but uh.
[27:49 - 28:15] Do a straight crush there right now.
[28:15 - 28:44] Oh, that's right we're still holding the dog, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh
[28:44 - 29:04] shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,
[29:04 - 30:09] fuck, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,
[30:09 - 30:38] oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, what, that should have counted as a hit.
[30:38 - 30:54] Oh, I love the demo of the rares, but at the same time I hate them.
[30:54 - 30:58] You know what, let's switch on to a different race man, cause obviously demo of the rares
[30:58 - 31:02] ain't my thing today.
[31:02 - 31:29] Oh, dude, my car is total.
[31:29 - 31:56] Let's do some boat racing, I haven't done any boat racing in a while.
[31:56 - 32:24] Alright, so I guess we're doing an air race.
[32:24 - 32:53] Oh god, this is going to be crazy.
[32:53 - 33:22] Yeah, nah, nevermind, I thought that was supposed to be a boat race, not a fucking air race.
[33:22 - 33:51] What the fuck?
[33:51 - 34:17] Alright, it's only because I haven't done yet, let's try it like me, like me, that's
[34:17 - 34:46] what I'm going to do.
[34:46 - 35:15] Alright, oh my god, I can't believe I just said that, that's funny.
[35:15 - 35:33] I'm going through.
[35:33 - 35:59] Oh, I won't be dead last for long lady, you can bet that.
[35:59 - 36:13] Oh boy.
[36:13 - 36:18] Oh, that, yo, that was some bullshit.
[36:18 - 36:34] Dude ran right into the fucking rocks.
[36:34 - 36:39] That's right, I'll get him.
[36:39 - 37:07] I'll get this one.
[37:07 - 37:29] Damn, man.
[37:29 - 37:42] Dude, that was shit.
[37:42 - 38:11] That was total trash.
[38:11 - 38:40] Yeah.
[38:40 - 39:04] Alright, so here we go guys.
[39:04 - 39:33] Going straight up F1 style with this shit.
[39:33 - 39:56] Oh, oh shit.
[39:56 - 40:06] Excuse me.
[40:06 - 40:11] Damn, this shit's sketchy.
[40:11 - 40:20] This is like the Isle of Man for F1 cars, man.
[40:20 - 40:36] Like for real, this is like the, you guys don't know what the Isle of Man is, look it up, it's basically a very dangerous race for bikes and this is kind of like the Isle of Man.
[40:36 - 40:48] For F1 cars, this shit's nuts.
[40:48 - 40:55] Holy shit.
[40:55 - 41:01] This is insane.
[41:01 - 41:17] Oh, shit. Excuse me, excuse me, coming through.
[41:17 - 41:32] Exactly. Why did it have to be on a road? Why can't this be on a fucking closed track?
[41:32 - 41:41] Whoa, boy.
[41:41 - 41:45] Sorry about your bikes.
[41:45 - 42:09] I'll pay for them someday.
[42:09 - 42:22] Dude, we're literally doing, oh shit, that was just, we just brought in O'Connor that shit.
[42:22 - 42:43] We are literally doing 200+ right now in an F1 car on a fucking street.
[42:43 - 42:53] And we're fucking drifting in, too.
[42:53 - 43:04] Man, only in the crew, too, will you freaking drive an F1 car on the fucking streets of L.A.
[43:04 - 43:30] Do you have any other game where you do that? Now I'm counting GTA.
[43:30 - 43:36] Dude, we are just hauling ass right now.
[43:36 - 43:51] Excuse me, coming through.
[43:51 - 43:55] Dude, this shit's sketchy as hell, not even gonna lie.
[43:55 - 43:59] I'm like nervous as fuck driving this thing on the streets right now.
[43:59 - 44:15] I'm like nervous driving this thing on a fucking mountain pass like I am on the streets.
[44:15 - 44:18] Oh, thankfully I didn't hit that guy back there.
[44:18 - 44:25] Sorry, hope you're okay.
[44:25 - 44:51] And you're not? Well, I'll pay for the hospital bill.
[44:51 - 44:59] Dude, we just fucking drifted an F1 car around our corner.
[44:59 - 45:05] That was nuts.
[45:05 - 45:23] I want some risky moves here.
[45:23 - 45:52] Okay.
[45:52 - 46:04] Let's see how fast we can run this.
[46:04 - 46:10] Oh shit, that was close.
[46:10 - 46:16] Oh shit, we got icon points, hold up.
[46:16 - 46:23] I'm gonna pull her to the side of the road here.
[46:23 - 46:29] Actually, I'm gonna get into a parking lot.
[46:29 - 46:38] Now if I'm correct, there should be...
[46:38 - 46:46] Sorry, sir. F1 car, got along.
[46:46 - 47:00] Sorry, sir.
[47:00 - 47:16] Ooh, let's go. Got a new Evo, hell yeah. I want that RX-7 turbo 10th anniversary man, that shit's fire.
[47:16 - 47:36] I'm getting insanely close, dude.
[47:36 - 48:03] Not gonna lie, that was pretty scary.
[48:03 - 48:15] Yeah, I want to use one of my other cars.
[48:15 - 48:30] 265, 250, that one's good.
[48:30 - 48:43] Z4 GT3.
[48:43 - 49:08] Let's go on my 370.
[49:08 - 49:15] Alright, here we go man, GT race.
[49:15 - 49:20] One of my personal favorite kind of races too.
[49:20 - 49:38] Excuse me, man, that pass was easy.
[49:38 - 49:47] Sorry, I had to do it because I almost feel bad for these guys.
[49:47 - 49:58] Loosed around that corner.
[49:58 - 50:09] Oh damn, straight slid the tires out of it.
[50:09 - 50:15] See, this is what I like about the crew too, it's like nice combination between sim racing and arcade.
[50:15 - 50:19] It's not too sim style, but it's also not too arcade.
[50:19 - 50:26] It's got just enough sim style to control it, and not too arcade.
[50:26 - 50:39] Oh, which makes it a nice blend of the two.
[50:39 - 50:45] Ouch.
[50:45 - 51:12] But it's not too arcade either where you can't control it.
[51:12 - 51:16] Oh damn, just wall tapped it, we're good though.
[51:16 - 51:45] We're fine.
[51:45 - 52:14] Shit, that hurt.
[52:14 - 52:25] Man, how is this not a fucking drift track, man?
[52:25 - 52:36] This is like a great F1, this is like a great FD track for real.
[52:36 - 52:50] I'm gonna have to bring my 370 over to this track and rip it.
[52:50 - 52:56] And also, I am going to show you guys how I got so good at doing F1.
[52:56 - 53:25] And a lot of you guys may not realize the crew too is the reason for that and I'll show you guys in a minute what I mean.
[53:25 - 53:43] Let's do a little victory lap here.
[53:43 - 53:52] Oh, okay yeah, I definitely do want to bring my FD car here.
[53:52 - 54:21] This is gonna be a fun track.
[54:21 - 54:50] Okay.
[54:50 - 55:16] Now let me show you all where I learned to rip it F1 style.
[55:16 - 55:20] Grab my F1 car.
[55:20 - 55:28] What track do I have anyway?
[55:28 - 55:34] Ah, 192, not bad.
[55:34 - 55:59] I'm gonna take you all to the mountains.
[56:00 - 56:28] Okay.
[56:28 - 56:51] Dude, where's the road?
[56:51 - 56:59] Alright, so I'm gonna have to go down to, ah, it's about this way, okay.
[56:59 - 57:18] Whoa.
[57:18 - 57:32] Alright, yeah, I'm gonna have to take it to the road.
[57:32 - 57:48] Here we go. Now passes on how to do is where I learned how to race.
[57:48 - 57:52] And it's also why I learned how to drift.
[57:52 - 58:08] I still figured the same numbers that I learned to drift on were the same ones that taught me how to race.
[58:08 - 58:37] Didn't teach me to do that.
[58:37 - 58:51] Whoa, not what I wanted.
[58:51 - 58:59] That is not what I was hoping for. God damn.
[58:59 - 59:26] Nope. There we go, damn.
[59:26 - 59:30] Excuse me, sir, damn.
[59:30 - 59:39] Alright, here we go, the mountain passes coming out, that was a boss.
[59:39 - 60:08] Here we go, here's the mountain pass.
[60:08 - 60:37] Here it comes, they're coming out quick.
[60:37 - 60:46] Oh, damn.
[60:46 - 61:15] Alright, mountain passes coming up.
[61:15 - 61:19] Whoa, damn.
[61:19 - 61:25] That one I couldn't really avoid.
[61:25 - 61:36] As you can see, man, these roads are definitely treacherous.
[61:36 - 61:48] And yeah, I think I'll do a 200 plus mile an hour down this shit.
[61:48 - 62:17] Whoa, boy.
[62:17 - 62:36] Ow.
[62:36 - 62:51] This thing is not like they were smoked right away sometimes.
[62:51 - 62:56] Now you can see how sketchy these roads are for an F1 car, man.
[62:56 - 63:04] But these mountains are the ones where I learned to race at.
[63:04 - 63:11] And you can tell because it's got that F1 vibe to the mountain.
[63:11 - 63:16] And trust me when I say they are nothing to toy with.
[63:16 - 63:21] Hey, deer. Oh, yeah.
[63:21 - 63:30] Ouch.
[63:30 - 63:44] Let me see why I got so good at doing F1 because this car taught me control.
[63:44 - 63:51] Oh, that was sketchy.
[63:51 - 64:07] Damn, sir. Freaking way, dude.
[64:07 - 64:13] I'm seriously thinking about bringing my F2 car up here, man.
[64:13 - 64:15] And just ripping some gears.
[64:15 - 64:21] Damn, man. All this freaking traffic, dude. I wish there was a way I could turn the traffic off.
[64:21 - 64:29] I really do.
[64:29 - 64:32] And we went on track a little bit. That's okay.
[64:32 - 64:39] Because there's an opening right up here.
[64:39 - 64:55] Yeah, we got to switch back here.
[64:55 - 65:02] Only on the crew, too, we finally fucking being a total maniac.
[65:02 - 65:05] Oh, we actually landed that.
[65:05 - 65:11] Okay.
[65:11 - 65:29] Doing a little bit of off roading.
[65:29 - 65:49] Oh, and thankfully we didn't hit head on.
[65:49 - 66:01] As you guys can see, man, this shit is, as you guys can see, man, that toga was definitely crazy.
[66:01 - 66:08] And you guys can see how I got the control that I got on F1 cars because of that.
[66:08 - 66:37] I'll sit there and I'll go on the mountain pass and I'll practice.
[66:37 - 67:06] See, we got 193.
[67:06 - 67:33] Okay.
[67:33 - 67:47] I don't like using a Ferrari FXK.
[67:47 - 68:09] First, I think I'm going to use the BMW M6.
[68:09 - 68:38] And I'll get better soon, man. Don't worry.
[68:38 - 69:07] Yeah, they're both not very good. This is the one I'm winning right now.
[69:07 - 69:25] Now, I feel like kicking the backhand down a bit.
[69:25 - 69:54] Apparently, the car is too groovy for that.
[69:54 - 70:22] Going back to the comments from earlier.
[70:22 - 70:29] And going back from the comment from earlier, whoever said I suck at this or that I'm not very good at it.
[70:29 - 70:48] Then if I'm not very good at racing, why am I taking four wins this season on F1 2020 against other drivers around the world?
[70:48 - 71:02] Go, go, go, go.
[71:02 - 71:09] And you're just saying that because you ain't got the fucking balls to risk in that F1 car on a mountain pass.
[71:09 - 71:38] Let's see you do that shit. See if you don't ram into shit, bro.
[71:38 - 71:50] Oh, sorry, dude.
[71:50 - 71:57] Should have been faster on that corner.
[71:57 - 72:26] And I just allowed homeboy up and all the other drivers. What's up?
[72:26 - 72:55] Okay.
[72:55 - 73:24] Oh, the meds have already kicked in, bro.
[73:24 - 74:22] Okay.
[74:22 - 74:37] Oh, so probably got some other lives that we can do. Okay.
[74:37 - 75:05] How the hell did I miss out on all these?
[75:05 - 75:25] Hope you guys are ready for some trippy ass racing.
[75:25 - 75:37] Oh, this shit's about to be crazy.
[75:37 - 75:41] This shit's about to be nuts.
[75:41 - 76:08] Okay, red.
[76:08 - 76:14] Oh, excuse me.
[76:14 - 76:43] Okay, don't throw.
[76:43 - 77:00] Oh, yeah, don't worry. I'll get on top.
[77:00 - 77:14] Ah, shit.
[77:14 - 77:21] I hate hypercar is I don't know why they throw hypercar races in here so much, dude.
[77:21 - 77:31] This shit sucks. I mean, I like driving hypercars, but this is not what I had in mind.
[77:31 - 77:48] I'm sitting here in fashion for every day and trying not to die.
[77:48 - 78:17] Yeah, you're saying.
[78:17 - 78:46] Okay.
[78:46 - 78:50] I'm holding third pretty well.
[78:50 - 78:59] Oh, shit. Here we go.
[78:59 - 79:24] Now this is where I shine, boy.
[79:24 - 79:44] See ya.
[79:44 - 79:52] This is crazy on the inside of these guys here.
[79:52 - 80:21] Son of a bitch.
[80:21 - 81:47] Okay.
[81:47 - 82:16] Man, this guy definitely does not want me to catch it up here.
[82:16 - 82:54] Okay.
[82:54 - 83:14] So imagine you tell this shit's definitely hard.
[83:14 - 83:24] So, as you guys can tell, man, that shit's tough as fuck.
[83:24 - 83:34] But that's just a look at what, you know, those kinds of races are like.
[83:34 - 83:37] And boy, when I say they're not easy.
[83:37 - 84:06] I do need to do some more jets friends though.
[84:06 - 84:35] Okay.
[84:35 - 84:43] I still got some shit that I can do. Okay.
[84:43 - 84:58] What's your in cars required for this.
[84:58 - 85:06] This time I can afford it.
[85:06 - 85:17] And I can't afford it.
[85:17 - 85:23] You know, let's do a drag race. Hold up.
[85:23 - 85:41] I have a bunch of drag races. I haven't done yet.
[85:41 - 86:09] Okay.
[86:09 - 86:16] This.
[86:16 - 86:26] Yes, it is. God damn it.
[86:26 - 86:28] Whoa.
[86:28 - 86:34] I'm sitting here wheeling all over the damn place because my dad and dragster.
[86:34 - 87:11] Oh, this is gonna be fucking hell.
[87:11 - 87:32] Dude, that was not good.
[87:32 - 88:01] See if I can beat out this one.
[88:01 - 88:09] Hey, there we go.
[88:09 - 88:37] There we go.
[88:37 - 89:06] Oh, now that.
[89:06 - 89:35] Okay.
[89:35 - 89:51] Dude, I'm getting stupid close to 400 more.
[89:51 - 90:20] And that's what you call fucking drag race man. Great that I had to let off the throttle a bit, but he still took it man.
[90:20 - 90:55] Oh shit.
[90:55 - 91:10] I went totally off track.
[91:10 - 91:36] Well, at least we're near the salt flats.
[91:36 - 91:41] Hey guys, I gotta get going man. Hope you guys enjoy this. I'll catch you guys later. Peace.
[91:41 - 91:44] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1815' on August 18th, 2024