Original upload date: February 8th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:02] (sigh)
[0:02 - 0:08] What is up? What is up? What is up? What is up?
[0:08 - 0:14] (silence)
[0:14 - 0:42] I'm just saying, yes, no, I'm not going to be on very long, but I wanted to make this
[0:42 - 0:44] quick message for you guys.
[0:44 - 0:49] To let you guys know the vocals that I just did a few minutes ago, I actually am going
[0:49 - 0:56] to be creating the world's longest dubstep song, which is going to be roughly around
[0:56 - 1:01] 23, 24 and a half minutes.
[1:01 - 1:03] So yeah.
[1:03 - 1:05] Be ready for that, guys.
[1:05 - 1:07] It's going to be dope.
[1:07 - 1:08] Peace.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1923' on August 15th, 2024