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2021-10-3 the running joke part 2

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on February 28th, 2023
Original upload date: October 3rd, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:03 - 0:34] Good morning all Mundobees of YouTube, now don't mind the glows I was actually doing,
[0:34 - 0:43] some practicing earlier on DuralyTube when I was back home with Sam, as well as just
[0:43 - 0:51] a few minutes ago, but it appears to me that certain idiots haven't learned their
[0:51 - 0:54] lesson yet.
[0:54 - 1:08] People like Eric Scrublow, Scrub, why are you lying through your teeth, bro?
[1:08 - 1:25] Seriously, why are you lying through your teeth, Scrub, like what's your deal?
[1:25 - 1:35] Like you claim that you're an artist, but really you ain't shit.
[1:35 - 1:44] Nobody can understand your music to begin with, your music, your voice, your career,
[1:44 - 1:48] all three done.
[1:48 - 1:58] Like why don't you like to be in a father to your kids, bro, and why don't you tell Marty
[1:58 - 2:10] how you lied about him paying you or wanting to pay you to talk shit on me, and see your
[2:10 - 2:22] deal is this, you saw an opportunity to take me away from one of my closest friends and
[2:22 - 2:29] take me for your own, like you were trying to capitalize on an opportunity that is not
[2:29 - 2:31] yours.
[2:31 - 2:52] So nice try there, and as for you trolls, I saw what y'all said in my last few lives, and
[2:52 - 3:04] honestly, I laugh at you, I laugh at every one of you trolls, you want to know why
[3:04 - 3:16] I laugh at every one of you trolls, because you don't have a real perception on reality.
[3:16 - 3:25] See, you say that money rules the world, money makes the world go round, but let me ask you
[3:25 - 3:34] this, when you die, can you take the money with you?
[3:34 - 3:41] When you die, are you able to take that money with you to the other side?
[3:41 - 4:12] Think about it, to some people like myself, money is of no importance, while yes, it's
[4:12 - 4:18] good to have money to live off of, that is true, it's very good to have money to live
[4:18 - 4:54] off of, but with people like me, it's not important, see what is important though, is being ourselves,
[4:54 - 5:26] what is important is helping people, people like me do what we can to help people, but yet,
[5:26 - 5:38] you judge us, and you want to sit there and say that I'm insecure, that I'm projecting,
[5:38 - 5:56] what way am I projecting, that's what I can't figure out, not necessarily true dude, I am
[5:56 - 6:18] for the most part you are right, but me personally man, I want to understand these guys' mindset,
[6:18 - 6:23] like I want to truly understand their mindset, and in order to understand their mindset,
[6:23 - 6:35] I have to get inside their heads, like what I want to know is, what do you trolls think
[6:35 - 6:46] that you're gaining, when you try to take credit for shit that someone else does, like
[6:46 - 6:54] y'all try to take claim for my Twitch getting shut down, when that was all on Marty, that
[6:54 - 7:01] wasn't on y'all, that was on Marty, y'all didn't get my fucking Twitch shut down,
[7:01 - 7:30] that was him, and he emailed Twitch too, he didn't email them, so what I want to know is
[7:30 - 7:42] why waste your breath being a little bitch, like why not take up a hobby, like fuck, why
[7:42 - 7:52] not take up knitting, why not take up sim racing, I mean hell it doesn't cost that much
[7:52 - 8:01] to get started, hell you can start off on the wheel that I started off on, which
[8:01 - 8:20] is my PXN3100, like literally my PXN3100 only cost me like 80 bucks, and this right
[8:20 - 8:25] here, I actually looked it up, and this wheel set up ain't fucking cheap, this is
[8:25 - 8:32] like 400 and something online, like this was not a cheap shit, this is not a
[8:32 - 8:43] cheap setup, plus it was sent to me by itself, which was not cheap, so if you
[8:43 - 8:48] want to do that, like do, to look up leagues, there are plenty of fucking leagues to
[8:48 - 9:01] join all over the internet, hit up Facebook, especially has race leagues, but for
[9:01 - 9:06] y'all to go and run your mouths like you do, do you know how stupid you fucking
[9:06 - 9:16] sound, like oh would you projecting of a lot, really, let me ask you this, how am I
[9:16 - 9:30] projecting, how am I projecting, when I'm merely speaking the truth, like seriously
[9:30 - 9:37] I speak the truth about you motherfuckers, but yet you don't want to hear the
[9:37 - 9:52] truth, you don't ever want to hear the truth, because you fear the truth, which
[9:52 - 9:59] is okay, I understand if you're afraid to face it, I help, I was in your position,
[9:59 - 10:06] I'd be afraid to, I really would, but let me tell you, I'd rather face the truth,
[10:06 - 10:18] than to sit there running high like a bitch like you guys do, and especially you
[10:18 - 10:27] Eric, especially you Eric Scruggler, like you're the worst of them bro, like you
[10:27 - 10:31] fucking find out that I'm working with some friends of mine on some band work,
[10:31 - 10:36] now all of a sudden you want to try to start a band with me, all because you're
[10:36 - 10:42] a clown chasing a little bitch, that's all it is, you're a clown chasing fuckbag
[10:42 - 10:58] with no talent anymore bro, your career is done, your music is trash, so my question
[10:58 - 11:01] to you is why are you continuing something that you have no business
[11:01 - 11:06] doing anymore, your voice is gone bro, I'm not saying that's your fault with
[11:06 - 11:12] the accident, how you watch your voice and why you won, and why you watch your voice
[11:12 - 11:18] that you used to have, I'm not saying that's your fault, oh come on dude you
[11:18 - 11:26] got into a car accident, that's not your fault, but when you try to do music and
[11:26 - 11:31] your voice sounds like shit, that's a pretty clear sign that you don't need to
[11:31 - 11:43] be doing it anymore, like dude I don't know what kind of bullshit, crackhead
[11:43 - 12:07] crap you're on, but dude you just need to stop, and like I told y'all trolls this
[12:07 - 12:20] morning, y'all judge what you don't understand, y'all fear what you don't
[12:20 - 12:52] understand, so what do you do about it, you attack people, and my question is for
[12:52 - 13:05] what reason, and obviously you have no reason to attack me, and I know why you
[13:05 - 13:13] guys are so projective, because you guys are so fucking full of yourselves, you're
[13:13 - 13:18] so fixated on this nice whole reports bullshit that you can't even see the
[13:18 - 13:25] reality of what's really going on, like I said a few times already, I put myself
[13:25 - 13:31] on the chopping block, and if I really was a pedophile, if I really was a
[13:31 - 13:35] pedophile, don't you think the police would have arrested me when I showed
[13:35 - 13:39] them everything, when I showed them the screenshots, when I showed them the
[13:39 - 13:44] messages, when I showed them our channel, don't you think they would have
[13:44 - 13:52] arrested me when I showed them everything, I mean if I was really a
[13:52 - 13:57] pedophile, they would have arrested me, straight up they would have arrested me
[13:57 - 14:04] right then and there, but they didn't, they gave me a warning, and told me
[14:04 - 14:35] that I'm not a pedophile, they straight out told me that I am not a pedophile, so
[14:35 - 14:52] y'all can leave that pedophile bullshit the fuck alone, but as we all said
[14:52 - 15:07] they're saying that I'm projecting, how am I projecting anything, how am I
[15:07 - 15:16] projecting anything, and the last time I checked, I'm over here minding my own
[15:16 - 15:24] business, and you want to call me a joke, but yet y'all are the ones looking
[15:24 - 15:40] like a joke, making shit up, y'all are the ones sitting there saying that y'all
[15:40 - 15:46] did this and y'all did that, when really you didn't do jack shit, I mean
[15:46 - 16:05] seriously, you guys say you have jobs right, well let me ask you this, if you
[16:05 - 16:11] really had jobs, would you really have time to be sitting there on your ass
[16:12 - 16:21] talking shit all day, I don't think so, because if you really had a job, you
[16:21 - 16:27] wouldn't have time to sit there and talk shit like you do, I'm willing to bet
[16:27 - 16:33] that at least, at least 50 to 60% of you still live at your mom's house in the
[16:33 - 16:40] basement, or at your grandmothers, or at family members, which not to say
[16:40 - 16:45] anything wrong with that, because I live with my family, there's nothing wrong
[16:45 - 17:13] with that, but to be quite honest with y'all man, what you guys do is so stupid,
[17:14 - 17:20] it really is like you really think that trolling me, attacking me, going after
[17:20 - 17:26] my family, going after my friends, like you really think that's like you
[17:26 - 17:31] really think that you're accomplishing something, but what are you
[17:31 - 17:48] accomplishing by talking shit, like what are you really accomplishing by
[17:48 - 18:02] talking shit, what are you really accomplishing by parroting off of someone,
[18:02 - 18:08] and you don't know what parroting off of someone is, it's basically copying
[18:08 - 18:23] and mimicking what someone else does, like for example, one person
[18:23 - 18:28] trolling me and trolling me, everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon
[18:28 - 18:43] and troll with me, like it's stupid, it's dumb, it's retarded, like I
[18:43 - 18:56] said earlier this morning, y'all want to troll me, but yet you fail, y'all want
[18:56 - 19:00] to judge me, but yet the only person you should be judging is yourself,
[19:03 - 19:08] like what's the point in what you do, it's ridiculous, it's childish
[19:08 - 19:14] and it's dumb, and to be honest, you and mature little fucks need to get
[19:14 - 19:21] a life, straight up, you need to get a life, because nobody wants to
[19:21 - 19:27] hear your bullshit lies, no one wants to hear it, because all you do
[19:27 - 19:31] is piggyback off of motherfuckers that have done the same shit as you
[19:32 - 19:47] before, like all you do is talk shit, and it's ridiculous, like dude,
[19:48 - 19:55] get a fucking hobby, bro, like take a meeting, take a fucking
[19:55 - 20:00] skateboarding, crocheting, cross bitch, learn to play an
[20:00 - 20:06] instrument, go fucking skateboarding, take surfing lessons,
[20:06 - 20:14] I don't give a fuck, but dude, stop wasting your fucking time,
[20:15 - 20:23] it's dumb, and it's retarded, like you don't see me going after
[20:23 - 20:36] you guys, you don't see me going into your chat, you don't see me
[20:36 - 20:46] showing up on your YouTube page, and attacking you, and if I have
[20:46 - 21:00] where's the proof, I've never once showed up to any of your
[21:00 - 21:10] pages, and attacked you, ever, ask anyone, I've never once
[21:10 - 21:15] showed up to any of your shitty little YouTube channels, and
[21:15 - 21:19] attacked you, so what makes you think you have the right to
[21:19 - 21:34] attack me? What makes you think you have that right? All right,
[21:34 - 21:41] Rick, where's the proof? Show the proof. What video and where?
[21:41 - 21:55] When? Show the proof. I want to see it. Where's the proof at,
[21:55 - 22:11] douchebag? Like I said, where's the proof? Where's the proof?
[22:11 - 22:19] And here's the thing, don't fuck. When I went after Kate, I
[22:19 - 22:25] had a reason to, but I did not go out of my way to attack her.
[22:27 - 22:33] I did not blatantly go out of my way to attack her. I did not
[22:33 - 22:47] do that. Why would I waste my time going out of my way to
[22:47 - 22:55] attack somebody I don't even know? Well, yes, it's true, I've
[22:55 - 23:02] made a video defending myself many a times. That is true. I have
[23:02 - 23:10] made plenty of videos attacking her and defensive myself, but
[23:10 - 23:17] there's a difference between trolling and attacking. And
[23:17 - 23:21] that's what you dummies, that's what you morons failed to
[23:21 - 23:25] realize. There is a difference between trolling and attack and
[23:25 - 23:30] defending yourself. When you troll someone, you go out of your
[23:30 - 23:33] way to attack them. They only even have to do a damn thing to
[23:33 - 23:38] you. You blatantly go out of your way to attack them when
[23:38 - 23:44] they have done nothing to you. When you go after them out of
[23:44 - 23:47] defense, that's a whole different story because they had to have
[23:47 - 23:50] done something to you. And then you go back and you defend
[23:50 - 23:55] yourself, which is what I've done. I have done nothing but
[23:55 - 23:59] defend myself. I have not blatantly gone out of my way to
[23:59 - 24:07] troll some random person. I don't do that. I don't
[24:07 - 24:11] blatantly go out of my way to attack innocent people. Never
[24:11 - 24:23] have, never will. Because I guarantee you the proof that
[24:23 - 24:28] you have is garbage. It's probably fabricated just like your
[24:28 - 24:39] whole life. Your whole existence is a joke. Like seriously,
[24:39 - 24:46] you say I'm a joke. Look at yourself. Look at the one
[24:46 - 24:59] projecting. I mean, you say that I'm projecting, but
[24:59 - 25:06] yet you're the ones getting triggered. While I'm sitting
[25:06 - 25:12] here, calm as ever. Chillin' out. Y'all are getting mad
[25:12 - 25:18] because I'm not giving you what you want. If anything, I'm
[25:18 - 25:25] stating facts and proving you morons wrong. Because that's all
[25:25 - 25:30] you are. You're childish fucking bitches. You have no
[25:30 - 25:39] lives. You have no lives. All you do is sit behind your
[25:39 - 25:42] computer all day running your mouth like a little pussy.
[25:42 - 25:46] That's all you do. You run your mouth like a bunch of no
[25:46 - 25:53] life having little pussies. But yet you can go back in all my
[25:53 - 25:57] streams and you see what the fuck I do. I get paid by
[25:57 - 26:09] YouTube to do what I do. I get paid by YouTube to do what I
[26:09 - 26:16] do with my live streams. So y'all want to sit there and
[26:16 - 26:20] tell me I tell me to get a job, right? Well, guess what? I
[26:20 - 26:25] do have a job. It's called YouTube. You know, it's the
[26:25 - 26:29] platform that we're on where you post videos. You get a
[26:29 - 26:39] thousand subs and you get paid. So y'all tell me to get a
[26:39 - 26:44] job. I got one. Why don't you get one? Oh wait, that's
[26:44 - 26:47] right. I forgot you can't get one because you're too
[26:47 - 26:57] fucking lazy. Get too fucking lazy to get one. See, I
[26:57 - 27:09] get paid to do my job. But what do you do? What do you do?
[27:09 - 27:16] That's so great. Run your mouth, talk shit, put people
[27:16 - 27:25] down, bully people. That's garbage, bro. It's trash. You
[27:25 - 27:32] don't fuck trolls. You have no class. You have no
[27:32 - 27:41] respect. You have no dignity. If you had any of those
[27:41 - 27:47] things, you wouldn't be doing what you do. Because see, I'm
[27:47 - 27:54] up here in my career. I'm way up here. See, well, I'm up
[27:54 - 28:00] here on this level. Y'all are way down here on this
[28:00 - 28:04] level. I'm sorry, I'm not going to come down. I
[28:04 - 28:07] picked you up and dragged you up to my level. Not
[28:07 - 28:18] happening. I'm happy with my life, but obviously
[28:18 - 28:24] you're not happy with yours. Because if you were, you
[28:24 - 28:27] wouldn't be judging motherfuckers. You wouldn't be
[28:27 - 28:34] judging other people like you do. You wouldn't be
[28:34 - 28:41] judging other people like a bunch of insecure morons,
[28:41 - 28:45] which is sad because you guys have brains. But what
[28:45 - 28:49] gets me is why don't you use your brain?
[28:49 - 28:52] Why do you fail to use your brain and think for
[28:52 - 29:03] yourselves? Man, why do you gotta have a crowd
[29:03 - 29:07] mentality? Why do you have to have a robotic
[29:07 - 29:15] mentality? It's always Syrax to this. Syrax to this.
[29:15 - 29:19] Syrax to that. Oh, let's let's talk shit on Syrax.
[29:19 - 29:22] Oh, let's let's do this and let's do that too.
[29:22 - 29:25] Oh, let's let's go out through his family. Oh, let's go out
[29:25 - 29:28] through his friends. Let's talk shit on him for no
[29:28 - 29:33] fucking reason except to have something to do.
[29:37 - 29:39] I mean, that's why you do it right because you're that
[29:39 - 29:47] fucking bored. Well, let me tell you, if you get off
[29:47 - 29:54] your lazy fucking asses and get a job, if you would
[29:54 - 29:57] actually get off your lazy asses and actually get a
[29:57 - 30:05] job, you might not be so bored. For real. You tell
[30:05 - 30:08] me to get a job. Practice what you preach,
[30:08 - 30:12] motherfuckers. You tell me to get a job. Why don't
[30:12 - 30:17] you get one? You want me to get one so bad,
[30:17 - 30:21] but a reality check. I've got a job. It's called
[30:21 - 30:25] doing YouTube, motherfuckers. Don't believe me. Ask
[30:25 - 30:30] music biz, Marty. He'll tell you. Ask Saren. She'll
[30:30 - 30:43] tell you. Matter of fact, ask talent scout. They'll
[30:43 - 30:47] all three tell you the same thing. I got a job.
[30:47 - 30:56] My job is called doing YouTube. That is my job.
[30:56 - 31:01] Unlike you. That's just me on a computer being
[31:01 - 31:07] bored, being stupid, being ignorant, doing dumb
[31:07 - 31:10] shit, hiding behind your words like a bunch of
[31:10 - 31:20] pussies. No real lives, no real direction. Yo,
[31:20 - 31:33] enigmatic, what up? Here's the thing, WB.
[31:33 - 31:41] I'm not projecting at all. I'm just stating the facts as they are.
[31:41 - 31:48] That's all I'm doing. Stating facts is not projecting.
[31:48 - 31:57] I repeat, stating facts is not projecting. What you perceive as
[31:57 - 32:04] projection the rest of the world will perceive as facts.
[32:04 - 32:14] I don't know if maybe you may have missed the memo
[32:14 - 32:27] and you need somebody to email to you. The point is,
[32:27 - 32:32] all you trolls are just projecting your own insecurities
[32:32 - 32:39] on the me. That's all you're doing. You're projecting
[32:39 - 32:45] your insecurities because you're not happy with your life.
[32:45 - 32:52] So you feel like you have to project your insecurities on the others.
[32:52 - 32:58] You see other people attacking me so you feel like you have to do it.
[32:58 - 33:02] You see people trolling me so you feel like
[33:02 - 33:09] you have to do it, right? You have the mind of a sheep.
[33:09 - 33:15] You have the mind of a robot, which is pathetic.
[33:15 - 33:24] I mean, y'all feel like just because someone else attacks me, y'all gotta jump
[33:24 - 33:32] that same fucking bandwagon. Like, come on, stop being a fucking
[33:32 - 33:38] dumbass sheep. Think for yourself. Use your brain.
[33:38 - 33:42] I mean, you were obviously born with one. And if not, well,
[33:42 - 33:49] I don't know what to tell you. I can't help you there.
[33:49 - 33:55] But if you got a brain, fucking use it. Stop saying, oh, but this, but you're that,
[33:55 - 34:00] you're this, you're that. Oh, you're projecting. Oh, you're doing this.
[34:00 - 34:05] Oh, you're doing that. Man, shut the fuck up. No one gives a shit.
[34:05 - 34:12] I know I sure don't give a fuck. I just sit here and I laugh at you pussies.
[34:12 - 34:21] I really do. I laugh at you. I truly do. I laugh at you morons.
[34:21 - 34:38] I laugh at you idiots that troll me, that think you're above me, but really,
[34:38 - 34:42] you're not. You're a bunch of self-centered pricks
[34:42 - 34:49] that have no lives. You're a bunch of pussy-ass cowards
[34:49 - 34:57] that can't be original. So you feel like you have to project your insecurities on
[34:57 - 35:04] someone else. Just feel about, just feel better about yourself.
[35:04 - 35:12] Basically, what I'm saying is this. Let me dumb it down for you.
[35:12 - 35:19] See, all because you feel like shit. You feel like you have to have someone
[35:19 - 35:25] else feel like shit. That's all it is. All because you
[35:25 - 35:27] feel like shit. You feel like you have to make
[35:27 - 35:33] someone else feel like shit. Because you feel like shit.
[35:33 - 35:47] That's all it is. Like, why make someone else feel like
[35:47 - 35:58] shit just because your life ain't going the way that you want it?
[35:58 - 36:02] If your life ain't going the way that you want it, it's called
[36:02 - 36:11] get off your ass and do something about it. If your life ain't going how you
[36:11 - 36:14] want it, it's called get off your lazy ass and do
[36:14 - 36:27] something. If your life ain't going how you want it,
[36:27 - 36:31] it's called do something about it to change it.
[36:31 - 36:35] Do something to make to make that change in your life.
[36:35 - 36:40] Don't sit there and attack other people all because you feel like shit.
[36:40 - 36:45] Don't sit there and troll someone else all because you feel like shit.
[36:45 - 36:54] Don't sit there and dick ride or wave ride some bullshit like you all do.
[36:54 - 37:00] Think for yourselves morons. Stop being a bunch of pussies.
[37:00 - 37:16] Stop being a bunch of brainless bitches. Because that's all you trolls are.
[37:16 - 37:20] You're a bunch of brainless, mindless robots
[37:20 - 37:26] that have no lives. You really don't have lives.
[37:26 - 37:30] I mean, you say you do but we all know you don't.
[37:30 - 37:34] You say that you're these great people in this now and that but we all know
[37:34 - 37:45] that you're full of shit. Prove me wrong. Prove any of these facts wrong.
[37:45 - 37:51] Please do so. I welcome it. Because I guarantee you not a single one of you
[37:51 - 37:57] can come up with a damn thing. Guarantee not one of you can prove any
[37:57 - 38:07] of my facts wrong. So I don't know what to tell you.
[38:07 - 38:11] All I know is that you morons need to get the fuck off YouTube and get a
[38:11 - 38:18] goddamn hobby. Take up knitting, take a roller waiting,
[38:18 - 38:25] take a fucking bike riding. Take up parkour, take up fucking
[38:25 - 38:30] filmmaking, take up knitting, take up stitching, do something.
[38:30 - 38:45] Take up sports, take up game development, take up coding, do something.
[38:45 - 38:52] Stop wasting your life on dumb bullshit like trolling.
[38:52 - 39:01] Just give it up. Seriously just give it the fuck up.
[39:01 - 39:12] It's dumb and it's retarded just like all you that fall for that troll shit.
[39:12 - 39:26] So yeah, have fun bitch ass trolls. Have fun having a fucking,
[39:26 - 39:33] have fun not having a life. Just while I'm over here living my life
[39:33 - 39:45] y'all over there just basic wasting your life. So have fun losers.
Transcribed by as id '825' on August 6th, 2024