Original upload date: October 26th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:01] What up y'all, it's your boy
[0:01 - 0:06] First of all, I want to say thank you to everybody that did enjoy the song that I did for my girl
[0:06 - 0:10] I had a lot of fun recording that. No, it's not gonna be on my album
[0:10 - 0:12] Devolution it's gonna be on a different album
[0:13 - 0:19] That was kind of just a one-off thing, but I do have a little message for everybody trying to figure out who my girl is
[0:20 - 0:22] Y'all just need to stop man
[0:22 - 0:24] because
[0:24 - 0:26] my personal life ain't your business
[0:27 - 0:30] All right who I'm with ain't your business
[0:31 - 0:39] All you need to know is that me and my girl are super happy together and that's all that matters
[0:40 - 0:42] so
[0:42 - 0:45] Only y'all dumb fucks out there
[0:45 - 0:49] Thinking that you know, you're gonna figure out her name and do this and that, bruh
[0:50 - 0:54] Her family already knows about everything and needless to say they ain't happy
[0:55 - 0:58] With a lot of you guys doing the shit y'all done to me
[0:59 - 1:02] They've got my back and I've got theirs
[1:04 - 1:06] straight the fuck up
[1:06 - 1:08] So to my girl
[1:08 - 1:10] I love you, babe
[1:10 - 1:12] To my girl's mom, brothers
[1:13 - 1:17] Everybody man, fuck, I love y'all. You guys are awesome
[1:19 - 1:22] To my girl's dad, what up? I love you
[1:23 - 1:24] And yeah
[1:24 - 1:26] To all y'all haters
[1:26 - 1:28] Thank you
[1:28 - 1:30] You ain't figuring her out
[1:30 - 1:33] My personal life is my personal life. Let it be
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '683' on August 6th, 2024