Original upload date: January 27th, 2021 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:15] What's up you guys, it's ya boi the one, the only, Skarvers!
[0:15 - 0:21] What is going on you guys, lemme grab something real quick, something I've been meaning to
[0:21 - 0:27] put on for a while now, cause I love wearing these things and it's pulled out anyway, so,
[0:27 - 0:45] I'm gonna, in case ya'll didn't catch it, little MusicBitchBoyMarty has been sitting
[0:45 - 0:58] there talking his shit on live, saying how I stole this, I stole that, how I'm gonna
[0:58 - 1:02] fake how I miss how I'm mad, right?
[1:02 - 1:17] Well, we're about to prove that theory wrong, right now.
[1:17 - 1:23] So what, that's free promo for me bro, that is legit free promo, so Marty, thanks for
[1:23 - 1:32] the free promo for the album, for real, that's a legit free promo for me bro.
[1:32 - 1:51] Now let us go over here to Wix, now, as you can see Wix.com is, ya know, that's, as a
[1:51 - 1:55] lot of people know, that's the site that I go through to post online stuff, I've been
[1:55 - 2:03] going through Wix for years now, they're very good, I've made several sites for different
[2:03 - 2:09] styles of music that I've done, different stuff.
[2:09 - 2:21] Now let me prove a point here.
[2:21 - 2:28] Now as you can see right here, I'm not signed in, now I do have a few accounts with Wix
[2:28 - 2:31] pertaining to different things.
[2:31 - 2:35] Now let's go to sign in.
[2:35 - 2:58] Let's go to google, here's an old power book, there we go, alright now, let's go to my retro
[2:58 - 3:05] gamer account, which I know a lot of you were asking about that, am I going to be picking
[3:05 - 3:12] back up on that gaming account, I don't know.
[3:12 - 3:22] Now Marty, you say that I stole all my music that's old right?
[3:22 - 3:30] And I've seen you play some of my stuff on my alchemist beats, um, soundcloud, well
[3:30 - 3:51] allow me to show you something.
[3:51 - 3:58] I don't care if you like to see all of them or not, that's free promo for me bro, that's
[3:58 - 4:04] literally free promo for me, so Marty thanks for the free promotion you douchebag, oh by
[4:04 - 4:17] the way Marty, the album's still getting released, and you can't do dick about it you fuckbag.
[4:17 - 4:28] Now let's go here to site actions, first off let's get rid of this, let's go site actions,
[4:28 - 4:38] and let's go to view live site, shall we?
[4:38 - 4:49] Now as you can see, my personal website, alchemist beats, where I have literally made god knows
[4:49 - 5:19] how many free beats, as a matter of fact let me play one of these beats for y'all.
[5:19 - 5:35] You know you like that, y'all know you vibe with this shit, y'all know you vibing with
[5:35 - 5:45] this right now man.
[5:45 - 5:52] Now keep in mind these are all instrumentals that I made in FL studios around this time
[5:52 - 6:18] last year.
[6:18 - 6:48] So, let's get started.
[6:48 - 7:06] Whoa, one of my friends out there, exactly that, I love this one, he's got a little bit
[7:06 - 7:25] of a country rap beat.
[7:25 - 7:32] Now just to prove another point, let's go over here to my more notable site that everybody
[7:32 - 7:38] knows me for, which is my driftworks beats.
[7:38 - 7:42] Which I do still plan on doing something with that, I'm just not sure of what exactly
[7:42 - 7:55] I plan on doing with that yet, but let's go over here to the site itself, let's save
[7:55 - 7:58] ourselves a little bit of time here without anything.
[7:58 - 8:06] Now as you can see, all my stuff is linked up, my twitter, my facebook, my instagram.
[8:06 - 8:25] Now let's head on over to my beat shop, nothing, oh yeah there is something there, okay.
[8:25 - 8:44] Now I know you guys remember these.
[8:44 - 9:10] Even if he does, that's just free promo, so why don't you bro.
[9:10 - 9:29] Alright, let's get started.
[9:29 - 9:52] Now I know y'all remember this one right here man, I know a lot of y'all remember this
[9:52 - 10:00] one man, how many of y'all remember this shit?
[10:00 - 10:12] How many of you guys remember this track from last year?
[10:12 - 10:15] How many of y'all remember this instrumental from last year?
[10:15 - 10:29] Hell, I may just bring back this spit over it, I don't know.
[10:29 - 10:44] It's a hollow scream, one of my most notable ones.
[10:44 - 10:59] Somewhere, how about we go over here to the Driftworks beats, beat that.
[10:59 - 11:12] Got that hosking style going, got a little bit of a hosking style beat.
[11:12 - 11:36] And this one of the ones is there, wow this one.
[11:36 - 11:51] Yo, let's ride this one out bro.
[11:51 - 12:16] Let's ride this beat out of there man.
[12:16 - 12:31] Let me show you guys my Driftworks beats page.
[12:31 - 12:47] That was so uninspired by Resident Evil.
[12:47 - 13:02] Some Japanese sweetie corn.
[13:02 - 13:26] Let's see, oh one of my favorite, hopefully this one works man, this is the one I think
[13:26 - 13:31] it is man, I fucking love this one.
[13:31 - 13:36] And now another one will work, that's fine, I can't have some shadows.
[13:36 - 14:00] Alright, you were just about to work bro, there we go.
[14:00 - 14:10] How was it?
[14:10 - 14:35] I love it man.
[14:35 - 14:55] Now this one right here was actually new, this beat in particular that you guys are
[14:55 - 15:02] always on you right now, this is actually made with nothing but Naruto sounds.
[15:02 - 15:23] So literally everything here is from Naruto's soundtrack right now.
[15:23 - 15:42] One on another personal favorite, this one is an older one though, it's got kind of
[15:42 - 16:07] a GTA kind of vibe to it.
[16:07 - 16:21] And then just cycles back through it, literally everything I do is of my own design, I literally
[16:21 - 16:41] designed the Alchemist Beats website and this one, as well as all my other shit.
[16:41 - 17:00] So for real, Marty how are you going to deny proof bro?
[17:00 - 17:10] How are you going to deny that, like dude, I just proved everything you do is false,
[17:10 - 17:16] I just proved you wrong, in two seconds flat motherfucker, two fucking seconds I proved
[17:16 - 17:26] your ass wrong, sorry can you please call the guys in, yeah, C.I.A. what are you getting
[17:26 - 17:27] at bro?
[17:27 - 17:42] Cause like I'm legit lost, like you got me lost bro, like I'm confused by that, like
[17:42 - 18:02] what do you mean by that?
[18:02 - 18:10] Facts dude, that is true, they would actually bro, they would actually man.
[18:10 - 18:18] So Marty what do you got to say for yourself now you fucking poser, what do you got to
[18:18 - 18:21] say for yourself?
[18:21 - 18:32] I just shut you down and proved you wrong in two seconds flat, like straight up bro,
[18:32 - 18:43] I went to my Wix site, pulled up all my music, showed you both in two of my beat shops actually
[18:43 - 18:57] my Driftworks Beats beat shop and my Alchemist Beats beat shop and proved you wrong, like
[18:57 - 19:21] come on bro, like you, ah man, what band dude, there is no fucking band, there really isn't,
[19:21 - 19:31] like nobody stole from anybody, the instrumentals that I used to create those rock songs were
[19:31 - 19:40] free for profit on YouTube, they were free for profit which means I am allowed to use
[19:40 - 19:53] them and make money from them, so yeah.
[19:53 - 20:06] Hey AAA here's the thing bro, I want them to leak it, you know why, you know why I want
[20:06 - 20:08] them to leak it?
[20:08 - 20:22] Think about this, that's ultimately free promotion for my album, like and that's true man, they
[20:22 - 20:27] really are bro, like they're busting off these shots but every single shot they fire
[20:27 - 20:35] off they're missing, every single shot they fire, every bullet they fire off ain't freaking
[20:35 - 20:41] hitting me, it's just going around me, like bro, y'all couldn't even hit the broadside
[20:41 - 20:47] of a barn if it were right in front of you painting with a red X on it dude, like put
[20:47 - 20:56] your shit away, put your gun down because obviously you can't handle fire power, obviously,
[20:56 - 21:05] but yet I took one shot and I capped every single one of your boys Marty including you,
[21:05 - 21:34] so who's got the better aim now bro, it ain't you, it's obviously me, nah that's not all
[21:34 - 21:46] I talk about Bella, no no no, Kale was not Marty, what it was is, let me explain this,
[21:46 - 21:55] Marty wanted Kale to not sell the CDs because he didn't want me making money and Kale told
[21:55 - 22:09] him he wasn't gonna do that just to get Marty off his back, like he only told Marty that
[22:09 - 22:14] to get him off his back because Marty was giving him shit, so he was like alright let
[22:14 - 22:24] me tell Marty this to get him off my back, so Marty I had to say bro but you're fucked,
[22:24 - 22:29] that album is still dropping next month, I'm still getting paid and I'm still getting
[22:29 - 22:48] past your fucking ass, what the fuck, so like I said Marty thanks for the free promo homie,
[22:48 - 22:57] for real thanks for the free promo dude, but yeah I do have to balance because Kale actually
[22:57 - 23:09] just tried calling in so I will catch y'all man, but Marty facts don't lie man, I just
[23:09 - 23:18] proved you and every one of ya boys dead ass wrong, but to the fans don't worry I will
[23:18 - 23:26] be dropping new music for my brand new album, not the one dropping next month, not my debut
[23:26 - 23:38] rock album, but the one after that, so be ready for that shit, be ready for my brand
[23:38 - 23:52] new album, I'm not saying the name of it because you know certain ears might be listening,
[23:52 - 23:58] so yeah I'll catch y'all later man, shoutout to the scarred ones, fucking love you guys,
[23:58 - 24:05] stay up, stay positive and don't let anybody motherfucking tear you down, you can do anything
[24:05 - 24:10] you want to do, if you put your mind to it you can do it and I'm fucking living proof
[24:10 - 24:18] of that shit, I am living proof that you can do anything you fucking want to do, don't
[24:18 - 24:26] let no motherfucker hold your ass back, peace.
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '1984' on August 15th, 2024