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2020-9-19 I aint Gonna Be Stopped

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on December 19th, 2022
Original upload date: September 19th, 2020 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:25] [unintelligible]
[0:25 - 0:32] What is up, amigos? What's good, what's good, what's good?
[0:32 - 0:48] Hey yo, to the little dick thing Jay Brown, you wouldn't stop me, you don't own me, alright?
[0:49 - 1:17] You might think you do, but you don't. So honestly, if I were you, I'd quit now while I was ahead because honestly Jay, you're a joke. You're a fucking loser.
[1:18 - 1:31] You're a hard ass, bad ass, gangster up on YouTube, but really you're just a hilarious badass old man sitting on a computer screen with nothing better to do with his time than to run his mouth about people.
[1:31 - 1:44] Now to the real profit groups, the real one, dude, you need to get a horse guy and put a cork in this guy's fucking mouth.
[1:46 - 1:50] Because this guy ain't nothing but a fucking loser.
[1:50 - 2:03] And yo, Jay Brown, you really think that you're stopping me? You're not doing shit, punk.
[2:04 - 2:19] Yo, black cat, this is the guy right here. Hey Jay, you got your army, like you got your little gang or whatever, bitch, I got an entire army behind me.
[2:19 - 2:31] You think you're winning? You're fucking with the wrong people, son. Very much so too.
[2:31 - 2:42] And quite honestly, Jay, I've had about enough of you and your little friend John Haines going after me for no reason.
[2:42 - 2:49] You don't have a reason. I never called the cops off profit groups.
[2:49 - 2:54] I don't know, pop, but there's nothing about me and Chris Kay talk to profit groups.
[2:54 - 3:11] Alright, hold on, y'all. Alright, how's that?
[3:21 - 3:25] Yeah, he works dangerous, but how does he hacks people?
[3:25 - 3:43] Alright, here, hold on.
[3:45 - 3:53] I got an idea.
[3:53 - 3:55] I got an idea, y'all. Hold on one minute.
[3:55 - 3:59] Can I take my external camera off?
[3:59 - 4:07] I think I know the issue.
[4:07 - 4:23] Alright, how's this?
[4:23 - 4:34] Alright, how's this, guys?
[4:34 - 4:45] Yo, John, you think you stopped me, homie, but you ain't stopping shit.
[4:45 - 4:56] Like, frill, dude. You think that you can touch me, but you can't, which is pretty fucking funny.
[4:57 - 5:05] See, every time everyone is trying to fuck with me, guess what happened? They got stopped. They got beat.
[5:05 - 5:09] Because I actually have supporters, dude.
[5:09 - 5:18] So, John, you and your little friends can fuck the fuck off. Because I ain't gonna be beat. At all.
[5:22 - 5:27] I don't give a fuck about bare knuckle boxing.
[5:27 - 5:33] See, that's the thing. That's what gives me an edge over that John guy.
[5:33 - 5:41] See, John may have done bare knuckle boxing, but I grew up fighting.
[5:41 - 5:48] Alright, I grew up fighting in the streets, getting into fights in the school. I was that kid that was always fighting.
[5:49 - 5:54] So, bare knuckle boxing ain't shit compared to what I can fucking do to the guy.
[5:54 - 6:04] I have no problem knocking that dude's teeth down his fucking throat. At all.
[6:04 - 6:12] So, John, instead of hiding like a punk-ass coward, like you and your little friends are doing,
[6:13 - 6:19] why not roll up to my fucking address and I'll show you what a real ass woman looks like, boy.
[6:19 - 6:24] I have no problem knocking your damn teeth down your throat, kid.
[6:24 - 6:29] You think you're a badass? You don't know what badass is, kid.
[6:29 - 6:40] Have you ever been jumped by five, six guys at a time and had to fight? Every last one of them?
[6:41 - 6:49] And go home with a fucked up face, bloody nose, bloody knuckles, all that shit? No, I have.
[6:49 - 6:53] Have you ever stared death in the face like I have? No.
[6:53 - 6:59] Have you ever had a gun pointed to your head? Probably not.
[6:59 - 7:05] But I've had all that shit and guess what? I don't fear death.
[7:05 - 7:10] I don't fear fighting a little punk bitch like you.
[7:11 - 7:15] You say you're a hard ass motherfucker, you don't know what hard ass is.
[7:15 - 7:25] Okay, I've had guns pointed to my head.
[7:25 - 7:33] I've been in fights my entire fucking life. I've stared death in the face and won.
[7:33 - 7:39] So you think you're a badass? You don't know what badass is, motherfucker.
[7:40 - 7:48] Same goes with you, Jay. You want to fight me so goddamn bad, motherfucker. You got my address? Pull the fuck up.
[7:48 - 7:56] Stop being a punk ass bitch. Stop being a little lame ass wannabe coward.
[7:56 - 8:04] Because all you are is a lame ass little punk bitch running his fucking faucet mouth.
[8:05 - 8:09] That's all you're doing. You're running your mouth like a bitch.
[8:09 - 8:18] And I'm supposed to be afraid of you because you took down my channel and you know our lame lady's name?
[8:18 - 8:24] You think that shit's supposed to be scary? No. You're not the first one to do dumb ass.
[8:24 - 8:27] You're really not.
[8:29 - 8:38] But I can tell you this for sure. I will never bow down to you or your little friends.
[8:38 - 8:46] I refuse to bow down to a bully like you.
[8:46 - 8:54] Yeah, I'm maybe 30 going tomorrow. I'm maybe going on 30 starting tomorrow. I'm maybe going on 30 years old tomorrow.
[8:55 - 9:02] But you know what? That don't mean a damn thing. Dude, I'm 30 years old now. I'll be 30 years old tomorrow and I'll still be able to whoop your ass.
[9:02 - 9:07] Even when I'm 80, I'll be able to box your ass out, kid.
[9:07 - 9:20] You don't know me. So what gives you the right thinking that you own me, bitch? Because you don't.
[9:21 - 9:35] And I have that, y'all. For all the fans, give me just one moment. I'll be right back.
[9:35 - 9:40] Because I'm going to do something for you guys when I get back.
[9:40 - 9:41] I'm going to do something for you.
[9:41 - 9:44] You're going to do something for me.
[9:44 - 9:45] I'm going to do something for you.
[9:45 - 9:46] You're going to do something for me.
[9:46 - 13:26] And I'm going to do something for you.
[13:26 - 13:28] Y'all ready for a fun show.
[13:29 - 26:42] And I'm going to do something for you.
[26:42 - 26:43] Hold the fuck up.
[26:43 - 26:44] I got you.
[26:44 - 26:51] Hold on, guys.
[26:51 - 26:52] Hold it down.
[26:52 - 26:53] I'll be right back.
[26:54 - 28:16] Hold on.
[28:43 - 28:44] All right, whatever, guys.
[28:44 - 29:00] All right, so you guys really want to take another fire ass notch.
[29:00 - 29:01] I got you.
[29:01 - 29:06] Let's let this act right there.
[29:06 - 29:09] Try to feel these pumps wrong, man.
[29:12 - 29:15] Amen to that to anonymous, man.
[29:15 - 29:18] I love that color, man.
[29:18 - 29:30] R.I.P. the chest of me.
[29:30 - 29:32] Let's go.
[29:32 - 29:41] That speaks to the king of my generation.
[29:42 - 29:45] All right, and a little bit of oneness.
[29:45 - 29:46] A little bit of dead scar.
[29:46 - 29:50] Hey, folks, I can't help the fact that everyone can see the scars.
[29:50 - 29:53] I am what I want you to want, what I want you to feel.
[29:53 - 29:56] But it's not a matter of what I do, what I can't even do.
[29:56 - 29:57] The drug sweep is real.
[29:57 - 30:00] So I'm the girl watching you, turning back.
[30:00 - 30:04] Can't swear and pretend that I'm not, but I'll be here for y'all that I'm not.
[30:04 - 30:08] I can't bear the way I did before.
[30:08 - 30:10] Don't let no back on me.
[30:10 - 30:15] I won't be in the time of now.
[30:15 - 30:17] Don't let no back on me.
[30:17 - 30:21] I won't be in the time of now.
[30:21 - 30:22] Never insecure.
[30:22 - 30:23] Let alone confident.
[30:23 - 30:25] You don't understand through what I can.
[30:25 - 30:27] Sometimes it don't make sense.
[30:27 - 30:29] I am what you never want to say.
[30:29 - 30:30] But I never had a doubt.
[30:30 - 30:32] But as I know, man, I wasn't through.
[30:32 - 30:33] I can't give you the truth.
[30:33 - 30:34] Watch this.
[30:34 - 30:35] Hear me out.
[30:35 - 30:36] So I'm with you.
[30:36 - 30:37] Watch you.
[30:37 - 30:38] Go to back.
[30:38 - 30:39] You always do this way.
[30:39 - 30:40] Pretend that I'm not.
[30:40 - 30:43] But I'll be here if you're all that I got.
[30:43 - 30:47] I can't bear the way I did before.
[30:47 - 30:49] Don't let no back on me.
[30:49 - 30:54] I won't be in the time of now.
[30:54 - 30:56] Don't let no back on me.
[30:56 - 31:01] I won't be in the time of now.
[31:01 - 31:03] Hear me out now.
[31:03 - 31:08] You gotta live and do it like it or not right now.
[31:08 - 31:10] Hear me out now.
[31:10 - 31:16] You gotta live and do it like it or not right now.
[31:16 - 31:19] Don't let no back on me.
[31:19 - 31:26] I won't be in the time of now.
[31:26 - 31:28] Don't let no back on me.
[31:28 - 31:32] I won't be in the time of now.
[31:32 - 31:34] Don't let no back on me.
[31:34 - 31:41] I won't be in the time of now.
[31:41 - 31:43] Don't let no back on me.
[31:43 - 31:49] I won't be in the time of now.
[31:49 - 31:51] Don't let no back on me.
[31:51 - 31:55] I won't be.
[31:55 - 31:56] All right.
[31:56 - 31:57] Go ahead.
[31:57 - 32:02] All right.
[32:02 - 32:03] Go guys.
[32:03 - 32:05] I'm gonna have to hop off here.
[32:05 - 32:06] I got to take care of something.
[32:06 - 32:07] I love you guys.
[32:07 - 32:08] I'll catch you guys later.
[32:08 - 32:09] Thanks.
[32:09 - 32:10] All right.
[32:10 - 32:11] Just let me set everything back.
Transcribed by as id '2366' on August 18th, 2024