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2020-5-5 Skxrface - A CALL TO ALL SERIOUS ARTISTS Cleaning up my Reputation

A lot of the older stuff was Archived by Classic Games Canada Cyrax Archive CGC6.2

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on December 13th, 2022
Original upload date: May 5th, 2020 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:05] what's up guys it's your boy Scarface by no means am I coming back to this
[0:05 - 0:14] channel at all but I wanted to make a really quick announcement that I am
[0:14 - 0:21] calling on any music artist who is very serious about their career and actually
[0:21 - 0:27] wants to make a living and from what they do I actually am starting out my
[0:27 - 0:33] own independent record label featuring myself and various artists I know that
[0:33 - 0:40] I'm very good friends with including Illucidus, Bradley, Eric Scrugglo, and various
[0:40 - 0:46] other artists that I know personally that are very very good and very gifted
[0:46 - 0:51] now the reason why I'm starting this label and the reason why I'm leaving
[0:51 - 0:56] this channel behind and starting fresh is because of the bad reputation that
[0:56 - 1:01] I've gotten over the years thanks to everybody like Crossface, MusicBizMarty,
[1:01 - 1:09] Melton John and various other people that have bullied and attacked me and
[1:09 - 1:14] quite honestly I'm trying to clean up my reputation and be the artist that I
[1:14 - 1:20] need to be because I want to prove all the haters wrong everybody that's ever
[1:20 - 1:25] put me down I want to prove you guys wrong and shut you guys up forget and
[1:25 - 1:29] show you guys that I can make it in music and that I am going to do it I
[1:29 - 1:34] don't care how long it takes I don't care what I have to do to get there I
[1:34 - 1:41] will do whatever I need to do to make this look and this label online take
[1:41 - 1:49] off and there's a damn thing that y'all can do to stop me this time I know I
[1:49 - 1:54] have a bad reputation amongst a lot of you people but you need to understand
[1:54 - 2:03] that a lot of you guys like Crossface like Melton John MusicBizMarty
[2:03 - 2:08] including people like YoungFox and TylerNY you guys are the reason that I
[2:08 - 2:19] have that bad reputation and I'm trying to clean it up and do what's right and
[2:19 - 2:24] I know it's like my boy Ellucidus said y'all need to stop the fucking hatred and
[2:24 - 2:35] back the fuck off there's no need for the hate I'm sick of the bad reputation
[2:35 - 2:39] because of you guys y'all want to sit there and hate and hate and hate but yet
[2:39 - 2:45] y'all don't want to sit there and support what I do instead of spreading
[2:45 - 2:52] hate spread love spread support instead of hating on somebody show them some
[2:52 - 2:56] sort of support and what they want to do with their lives
[2:56 - 3:05] so not only is this an announcement and a call to any artist who is legitimately
[3:05 - 3:10] serious about making music and about wanting to get somewhere with their
[3:10 - 3:18] music and helping me build an empire of music artists that are very very
[3:18 - 3:25] talented and they're very talented and deserve a shot so if you are a music
[3:25 - 3:31] artist out there looking to you know start a record label from the ground up
[3:31 - 3:36] with myself and various others let me know hit me up because I do have the
[3:36 - 3:42] means and I do have the funds to be able to start up a legitimate independent
[3:42 - 3:45] record label which is what I'm working on now I'm currently working on getting
[3:45 - 3:52] the LLC I got the site I purchased the stuff to be able to copyright everything
[3:52 - 3:58] and get the site up and going but here in the next few months or so once I
[3:58 - 4:04] start donating plasma I will be you know taking that money and actually
[4:04 - 4:09] putting a good chunk of it towards the LLC so that I can get this label up off
[4:09 - 4:14] the ground so that once we do start making money off the music not only can
[4:14 - 4:19] I start paying you guys but you guys be able to pay yourselves you guys will be
[4:19 - 4:23] able to keep your money keep your royalties keep your master tracks keep
[4:23 - 4:31] your master mixes and everybody will win in the long run
Transcribed by as id '2430' on August 16th, 2024