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2018-9-21 Dark Star Films - 5 Star Prime Mobile Camera Lenses review

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on December 13th, 2022
Original upload date: September 21st, 2018 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:25] What's up guys, it's your boy Chance here on Darkstar Films and today I wanted to do a review on something, something I have not really talked about that I do do all the time which is photography.
[0:25 - 0:47] Now if you guys have seen any of my work on Facebook or any social media which if you guys do want to check out my work, the link to my portfolio on Facebook will be in the description below in case you guys want to check it out along with my Instagram where I post a lot of stuff.
[0:47 - 1:07] But today I wanted to do a review on something Nick, you know not many people realize it's actually really good especially if you're just getting into photography and you want that really good crisp clean shot that a lot of people have a hard time getting.
[1:07 - 1:29] This is actually something I just got for my birthday yesterday, I swear by these, now I did play around with them a little bit last night but this morning I really got the chance to use them which are actually some lenses for the phone.
[1:29 - 1:38] The lenses I use are 5 star prime, they're very good, I highly recommend them.
[1:38 - 2:04] When you first get them it comes with this, they come in like a little box, and then it comes with like a little clip that you can attach your side which you can then attach your like your purse, your pants, your belt whatever you want to attach to like you can do that, so that's pretty cool but when you first get it and you open the box you are going to get this.
[2:04 - 2:32] And inside you also get a little user like a two sided user manual which is very helpful it kind of shows you like what to do, how to use them, and like what lenses work with what, so that's super cool.
[2:32 - 2:41] And then you also get this little certificate thingy I guess you can call it, like a little thank you note.
[2:41 - 3:04] And by the way if you guys have any issues with 5 star prime you can email them right there at the bottom, we care at
[3:04 - 3:18] They're definitely a very good brand of camera lenses, but let's open this up and I'm going to show you guys exactly what comes in it.
[3:18 - 3:47] As you can see when you first open it up, like I don't have to count this because I actually think I already lost it, but when you first open it up you get, this is all the way you get inside, you get a cleaning cloth, which as you guys will know I do like this one because it's almost like a gun metal grey black, like it's super cool, I love this color of gun metal grey, so that's very nice.
[3:47 - 4:16] And then you'll get this clip for like your iPhone, your Android, which I use an Android myself so, but here's what, like these are the lenses that comes with a 0.36 wide, super wide lens and 20x macro lens.
[4:16 - 4:36] Right there and the neat thing is you can actually detach these two so that's super cool, you just kind of unscrew the wide from the macro lens and then you get like that super close up shot with the macro lens which is very nice.
[4:36 - 5:05] And then you can screw that back on and then you just detach the whole thing, set the clip right there and then you just stick the lens.
[5:05 - 5:13] What I like to do is I like to stick the lens,
[5:13 - 5:38] station out like that, it's a good lens, it's a very good lens, but then the rest of them do come capped.
[5:38 - 6:03] Next you get a 198 degree fisheye lens which is very good because I like using fisheye lenses for a lot of stuff, like if I want to get creative with some picture art or I want to do an album cover or even a bunch of music video or whatever I'll use.
[6:03 - 6:18] I like using a 198 degree fisheye lens, very good fisheye lens, absolutely love it.
[6:18 - 6:30] And that just slides back into its original slot.
[6:30 - 6:47] Next we have a CPO mobile phone lens which does work very well actually, it's very good, it's super thin but it's very good.
[6:47 - 7:03] As you can see right there, CPO mobile lens, very good.
[7:03 - 7:24] Next up on the list, and this is one of my personal favorites for doing scenery shots, photos of people, life, that kind of thing.
[7:24 - 7:36] Which is the 2x telephoto lens, it's very good.
[7:36 - 7:52] I don't know if you can read that, but we're losing stuff. As you can see, 2x telephoto lens.
[7:52 - 8:00] And also I am going to show you guys some of the pictures that I took recently this morning when I got a chance to get out right when someone's coming up.
[8:00 - 8:10] So that was very cool, we have some really cool pictures with that.
[8:10 - 8:25] Next on the list is, now these are actually 2 in 1 which you can detach, so it's going to be kind of like a double review.
[8:25 - 8:52] Which if you guys remember, I got that first wide lens, and then I got both of these, it's basically the smaller version of this one.
[8:52 - 9:12] Which is the 0.36 super wide lens, and the 20x macro lens, it's basically the smaller version of that, but very good.
[9:12 - 9:32] And the ones that I got, which are the smaller ones, which is the 15x macro lens, a very good lens, absolutely love macro lenses, especially for your close up shots, very good.
[9:32 - 9:43] And then you got your 0.63 wide angle lens, which is super cool.
[9:43 - 9:57] And as you can see, they just take them.
[9:57 - 10:06] Do like that right there, same thing. And then these all do, you know, screw into this right here.
[10:06 - 10:18] I don't know if you can see them, but that little circle with the rivets in there, it screws into that.
[10:18 - 10:36] You're basically going to take and screw whatever lens you want into that, right like that.
[10:36 - 10:53] And I'm going to put the cap back on this, ignore that.
[10:53 - 11:00] Sorry about that.
[11:00 - 11:15] Another tip on the list is a starburst lens, which adds like your little sparkle type of effect, which I haven't really messed with this one yet, but I do plan to.
[11:15 - 11:35] The cool thing is when this is attached, like let me show you something real quick, like when this is attached to your phone or whatever you're using.
[11:35 - 11:43] Sorry, sometimes I have a little trouble.
[11:43 - 11:48] The cool thing is with the ones like this, I'm like the kaleidoscope lens.
[11:48 - 11:55] I don't know if you guys can see where there's that little thing right here on the side.
[11:55 - 11:59] It's like right up against this, like right up against this.
[11:59 - 12:08] You can actually move this and it gives you that effect of like different stuff.
[12:08 - 12:25] So that's super cool and that does work with like your kaleidoscope lens and stuff like that.
[12:25 - 12:37] And last but not least, one more, which I believe is another phone one if I'm not mistaken.
[12:37 - 12:45] I don't know, it's actually the one I was talking about, which is the kaleidoscope one and it does the same thing.
[12:45 - 12:58] Whenever you screw it into your phone, you can twist it, you can spin it around to get that really cool kaleidoscope effect.
[12:58 - 13:08] So if you guys are into doing a lot of photography style artwork or you just want to have fun with it, it's definitely very good.
[13:08 - 13:30] I'm going to stick it back in here.
[13:30 - 13:38] Now I will leave a link to Five Star Prime's website.
[13:38 - 13:54] These are actually not that expensive. You can actually get them on Amazon for like $20, which is very good. It's a very good price.
[13:54 - 14:09] So all in all, this is what you get whenever you go and you buy, you know, Five Star Prime.
[14:09 - 14:25] This is everything that comes with it. You get one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight different lenses.
[14:25 - 14:33] So I get super cool. But yeah, that's what you get right there.
[14:33 - 14:45] Every single one of those. Now I will be getting a tripod at the end of the month. It's going to be a full scale tripod so I can do a lot more stuff.
[14:45 - 14:59] But all in all, as far as Five Star Prime goes, I give these guys a full on Five Star.
[14:59 - 15:04] If I can give them ten, I'd give them ten. I'd definitely rate this a ten out of ten.
[15:04 - 15:16] They're very good no matter what your skill level is, no matter whether you're entry level, whether you do it for hobby, whether you do it professionally and you get paid for it.
[15:16 - 15:27] I definitely highly recommend this. And I do have a couple of apps that I am going to talk about very briefly, which I use with these all the time,
[15:27 - 15:32] which are CameraMX and Lumiocam. They're very good.
[15:32 - 15:40] I use them all the time. As a matter of fact, in the pictures that I took that I'm going to be showing you guys here in just a second,
[15:40 - 15:48] you know, that's what I used to take them was Lumiocam and CameraMX.
[15:48 - 15:54] My personal friends, I mostly use CameraMX, but I do like to switch between the two.
[15:54 - 16:03] If you guys do want to download them, they are both free, and the links will be in the description for both of those apps.
[16:03 - 16:08] You can get them for free for Android, and I believe iOS. Don't call me on the other, I'm pretty sure you can.
[16:08 - 16:20] But yeah, I hope you guys enjoy these pictures that I did take with CameraMX this morning.
[16:20 - 16:29] Like I said, they were taken right when they were, right when the sun was coming up, so I was able to get some really cool morning shots.
[16:29 - 16:39] But definitely give Five Star Prime a check out. Like, do you guys, you know, are in the photography or even in the filmmaking?
[16:39 - 16:47] Like, they're very good for filmmaking. So if you guys do like to do photography, filming, no matter what it is you're into,
[16:47 - 16:55] definitely check out Five Star Prime. I highly, highly recommend them.
[16:55 - 17:02] But with that being said, there's been any more chance, and I hope you guys enjoy these photos that you guys are about to check out from this morning.
[17:02 - 17:06] Love you guys. Peace.
[17:07 - 17:47] [Music]
Transcribed by as id '2494' on August 16th, 2024